id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-10988 Robb, Seymour Carol M. Newman Library Of Virginia Polytechnic Institute 1956-04-30 3 .pdf application/pdf 1838 88 67 Adjacent to the receiving r o o m is the periodical checking r o o m and the gifts and exchange office. In addition, such facili- ties as 97 individual study carrells, six seminar rooms, a listening r o o m for all types of recordings, a film viewing r o o m for the showing of educational or recrea- tional films and slides, and a photodupli- MAY, 1956 217 cation laboratory of commercial quality will enable us to enter upon a new era of service and usefulness never before possible at V.P.I. Allocation of space throughout the building has placed emphasis of efficien- cy of operation and use above everything else. cache/crl-10988.pdf txt/crl-10988.txt