id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-10957 American Library Association, Notes from the ACRL Office; Brief of Minutes - ACRL General Session: ACRL Board of Directors; AV Clearing House; News from the Field; Personnel 1955-10-01 27 .pdf application/pdf 35053 3377 93 Shipman, A C R L t r e a s u r e r , a brief financial report w a s given by L e o M . 400.00 Annuities f o r Executive Secretary 420.00 T r a v e l 1,400.00 Conference 100.00 Postage 400.00 Stationery and supplies 400.00 Telephone and telegraph 125.00 Equipment 150.00 Elections 250.00 A C R L Membership in other organizations 70.00 Officers' Expense 775-00 President—miscellaneous 25.00 — t r a v e l 700.00 T r e a s u r e r — m i s c e l l a n e o u s 50.00 Committee Allocations 600.00 Section Allocations 800.00 College 75-00 Junior C o l l e g e 150.00 P u r e and Applied Science 100.00 Reference 300.00 T e a c h e r T r a cache/crl-10957.pdf txt/crl-10957.txt