id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-10715 Tauber, Maurice F. Library Literature 1949-1951 (Book Review) 1952-10-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1370 82 56 Cooperation from library schools is essential for Library Litera- ture to be complete in this respect, and one is somewhat disturbed to find such Columb:a omtsswns as the essays by Budington, Bump, Martignoni, Schein, Stickle, Stripling, and 400 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Thurlow (see Graduate Theses Accepted by Library Schools in the United States, 1950- 195 !-Supplement, Library Quart erly 22:36- 37, January, 1952) , and the essay by Malcolm (George Peabody) listed in the Library Quarterly 20:296, October, 1950. Librarians have come to know that if they want to find bibliographical citations to litera- ture relating to problems in their field they consult Library Literature. cache/crl-10715.pdf txt/crl-10715.txt