id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-10710 Logsdon, Richard H. Social Work Education in the United States,ยท the Report of a Study Made for the National Council on Social Work Education (Book Review) 1952-10-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 2262 85 47 This study of social work education was OCTOBER, 1952 done with the assistance of Alice L. Taylor, training consultant, Bureau of Public Assist- ance, Federal Security Agency, and in consul- tation with many others in the field of higher education in general and social work educa- tion in particular. Working backwards with respect to the above list of topics, six different organizations are now engaged in some form of accredita- tion of social work education or have ex- pressed such intentions: (I) American Association of Medical Social Workers; (2) American Association of Psychiatric Social Workers; ( 3) American Association of Group Workers; (4) National Association of School Social Workers; (5) American Association of Schools of Social Work (54 schools accredited up to I950) ; and ( 6) National Association of Schools of Social Work Administration (list- ing 39 members in I950). cache/crl-10710.pdf txt/crl-10710.txt