id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-10698 Sypher, Wylie; Metcalf, Keyes D.; White, Carl M.; Wilson, Louis R. Fees for Research Library Use by "Outsiders": A Symposium - Views on the Fee Policy; The Situation at Harvard; The Situation at Columbia; Should Research Libraries Impose Fees Upon Visiting Scholars? 1952-10-01 8 .pdf application/pdf 5992 237 61 Consequently its librarian is glad to have this opportunity to describe exactly what action Harvard has taken and to con- sider as objectively as possible the general problem of fees that are charged for the use of university libraries. May not this sort of library fee be a form of economic censorship, based on one's ability to pay? cache/crl-10698.pdf txt/crl-10698.txt