id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-10588 American Library Association, Brief of Minutes of General Interest, Association of Research Libraries, July 19, 1950, Cleveland; Notes from the A.C.R.L. Office; Personnel; News from the Field 1951-01-01 17 .pdf application/pdf 13564 798 68 F o r r e s t e r ; Microcards, A N e w Form of Publication, by Fremont Rider; M i c r o - cards and Microfilm for a Central Reference File, by J . W . Checks f r o m contributing and sus- taining members should be made payable to A.C.R.L. and sent to T r e a s u r e r T h o m a s Shaw at the L cache/crl-10588.pdf txt/crl-10588.txt