id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-10246 Jesse, William H. Report of a Survey of the University of South Carolina Library for the University of South Carolina, February-May 1946 (Book Review) 1946-09-30 2 .pdf application/pdf 1417 55 49 And to quarrel with either the instruments of measurement or the basis of recommended correctives is to refute library economy, not library sur- veys; for the good survey will employ as much as is pertinent of library economy per se, and in its judicious choice and expert application of proper selections from total library science to a particular library situation a survey may be best evaluated. The criticism has been advanced that the literature of library surveys, relatively new as it is, has already fallen into a r u t ; that each new survey merely repeats the same old patterns; and that if you have read one, you have read all. cache/crl-10246.pdf txt/crl-10246.txt