id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-10115 American Library Association, In Furtherance of a Common Cultural Interest; Appointments to College and University Library Positions; Robert James Usher: 1880-1944; Gerald Gardner Wilder: 1879-1944; Douglas Crawford McMurtrie: 1888-1944;News from the Field; A.C.R.L. Activities, 1943-44 1944-11-30 14 .pdf application/pdf 6497 322 57 TheY ale University Library has received the Stuart W. Jackson collection of Lin- colniana, containing approximately two thousand pieces. Both were born, as it seemed, for library work; and they were friends, so that each always had a good word for the other. cache/crl-10115.pdf txt/crl-10115.txt