id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-10014 Williams, Edwin E. The Administrative Organization of the Harvard Unviersity Library 1943-05-31 10 .pdf application/pdf 7542 597 81 T h e r e is n o w only unified supervision of the freshman library in the H The director of the university library shall be ex officio chairman of the council of the college library; shall visit and inspect the law, medical, business, and other departmental libraries, and be ex officio a member of their administrative committees, and their librarians shall an- nually make a report to him.1 A f u r t h e r step t o w a r d coordination w a s taken in 1 9 3 7 , w h e n the same man w a s appointed both director of the university cache/crl-10014.pdf txt/crl-10014.txt