C&RL News September 2015 418 ALA’s 134th Annual Conference was held June 25–30, 2015, in San Francisco. Approximately 22,696 librarians, library support staff, exhibitors, writers, educators, publishers, and special guests attended the conference. Ed. note: Thanks to the ACRL members who summarized programs to make this report possible. The power of mindset San Francisco is a city of the future, and the ACRL President’s Program focused on looking ahead to the future of libraries and how to successfully n a v i g a t e a r a p i d l y c h a n g i n g landscape. A C R L P r e s i d e n t Karen Wil- liams high- lighted the ACRL schol- arship pro- gram, which helps future generations of librarians to become professionally involved early in their careers. She and past ACRL President Pam Snelson sealed a time capsule in order to both celebrate the present and envision the future. It will be opened in 2040 when ACRL turns 100 and includes items such as plans of the current ACRL board, hopes for the future from members, and memorabilia from the ACRL 2015 conference. As an introduction to the speakers, a “Libraries in Transition” video was shown of librarians and library staff from around the country talking about the changing roles of libraries. They discussed embracing new challenges, celebrating mistakes, continu- ous learning, and the need to take risks. OCLC Research Scientist Constance Mal- pas discussed changes in higher education and how they impact academic libraries. She discussed increasing fragmentation, fiscal con- s t r a i n t s , stronger fo- cus on stu- d e n t s u c - cess, learn- i n g a n d r e s e a r c h t r a n s - formed by t e c h n o l - o g y , a n d increasing m a n a g e - m e n t o f p e r f o r - mance and reputation. Thomas Hoerr, noted author and head of the New City School, advised on how to best embrace those changes through foster- ing grit, an acquirable skill. He emphasized that “who you are is more important than what you know” and the need to embrace ACRL in San Francisco ACRL programs at the ALA Annual Conference conference circuit Thomas Hoerr speaks at the ACRL President’s Program. September 2015 419 C&RL News failure. Hoerr also pointed to Carol Dweck’s idea of fostering a growth mindset instead of a fixed mindset, a necessity for librarians adapting to a changing environment. One strategy is to focus on balancing excellence and perfection, and knowing when to be okay with good enough. Understanding our current and upcom- ing challenges, and how to face them with grit are essential for moving into our new roles.—Amy Elizabeth Neeser, University of Minnesota, nees0017@umn.edu We live in a visual culture The Arts Section and Instruction Section collaborative- ly sponsored “Framing and E n h a n c i n g V i s u a l L i t - eracy: Using the New ACRL Framework to Develop Ef- f e c t i v e A r t Instruction.” Led by a pan- el of experts representing varying visual b a s e d c u r - riculum, the p a r t i c i p a n t s were invited to learn about the hot topics of visual literacy and ACRL’s newly released Frame- work for Information Literacy for Higher Education. Lesley Farmer (University of California- Long Beach) opened the program by discussing the foundational element of threshold concepts in the Framework for Information Literacy. Following Farmer’s introduction Denise Hattwig (University of Washington-Bothell) added a brief contextual presentation about the visual literacy standards as they relate to and complement the threshold concepts. Hattwig drew on her expertise as a practitioner and coauthor of the ACRL Visual Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. Attendees were given a handout with the visual literacy standards that had room for taking notes on each panelist’s presentation on the reverse side. The panelists were Nicole Beatty (Weber State University), Nicole E. Brown (New York University), Kaila Bussert (Califor- nia Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo), and Ann Medaille (University of Nevada-Reno). The next section of the program gave attendees a look at implementation of the framework and visual literacy standards in current and ongoing col- l a b o r a t i o n s and assign- ments in each panelist’s dis- cipline. W i t h a n enthusiastic and inquisi- tive group of 45 to 50 li- brarians, an i n t e r a c t i v e c o n v e r s a - tion was es- tablished via Twitter using # a r t s f r a m e - work. Program attendees tweeted their takeaways from the session. Though the program was brief to have covered such a broad, impactful topic, the Arts Section’s incoming chair Greg Hatch (University of Utah) took some time to engage the audience in participating in an ongoing discussion of this topic through participation in the section and the upcom- ing revision of the visual literacy standards. ALA and ACRL members are encouraged to stay tuned for future events and invitations to participate in committee activities.—Jen- nifer Cox, The Art Institute of Portland, jacox@aii.edu Panelists from the ACRL Arts and Instruction sections program (left to right): Kaila Bussert, Denise Hattwig, Nicole Beatty, and Nicole Brown. C&RL News September 2015 420 Intentional teaching online Instructional design was the main topic of conversation for “Intentional Teaching On- line: Using Instructional Design to Enhance Distance Library Instruction,” featuring librarians Amanda Clossen (Pennsylvania State University), Joelle Pitts (Kansas State U n i v e r - sity), and Kimberly M u l l i n s ( L o n g I s l a n d Universi- ty-Post). The pan- e l w a s m o d e r - a t e d b y Kathleen P i c k e n s ( C i n c i n - nati State U n i v e r - sity) and sponsored by ACRL and the Dis- tance Learning Section. With more than 200 in physical atten- dance, plus two viewing remotely, Clossen kicked off the panel discussion with an informative presentation on using universal design in regards to accessibility in libraries for people with disabilities. Her presenta- tion defined accessibility and how the con- cept of universal design helped her library meet the legal requirements of accessibility. Some startling statistics in regards to how libraries were not meeting the most basic requirements were shared, as well as use- ful links and resources to use as solutions. Pitts continued the conversation with a presentation that introduced the idea of using a rapid prototype instructional design model to build better learning materials. She gave a brief overview of the basics of instructional design, as well as her argu- ment for why rapid prototyping is more useful in regards to learning resource best practices. Mullin’s presentation was the perfect conclusion on how instructional design can be applicable to integrating information lit- eracy into an online course. She introduced the concept of IDEA (Interview, Design, Embedded, Assess) as a framework to work with faculty within their online courses. Special emphasis was placed on building a p p l i c a - ble goals, o b j e c - t i v e s , a n d t h e p r o p e r i n s t r u c - t i o n a l materials t o s u c - cessfully integrate r e l e v a n t c o n t e n t i n t o t h e c o u r s e s . M u l l i n s also shared many useful forms to be used as templates and examples for librarians to use. Copies of the presentations and forms are located on the conference website at http://alaac15.ala.org/node/28735.—Kelly C. McCallister, Appalachian State University Boots on the ground Veterans face many challenges trying to integrate back into civilian life. They face a higher unemployment rate, are more likely first-generation students, are less academi- cally prepared, and are less likely to seek assistance. In the EBSS program titled “Boots on the Ground,” presenters Eduardo Tinoco and Jared Hoppenfeld shared ideas to help support the veteran population’s information needs and explained how to replicate these ideas in other libraries. Eduardo Tinoco, business librarian at the University of Southern California and veteran, related personal challenges and provided research-based data on the ex- pansion and types of veterans programs Panel group for “Intentional Teaching Online” (left to right): Joelle Pitts, Kimberly Mullins, Amanda Clossen, and Kathleen Pickens. September 2015 421 C&RL News offered across the country. As an example of the kinds of challenges faced, Tinoco related completing classes without realizing that they did not satisfy his major’s require- ments. Getting help from a friend who had more experience with how higher educa- tion functioned helped him to succeed. Jared Hoppenfeld, business librarian at Texas A&M, participates in a nationwide program offered at a few universities to which veterans competitively apply. Titled “Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans” (EBV), the program teaches veterans entre- preneurial research skills with the goal of starting a business. Supported by corporate donations, EBV graduates have generated $188 million in revenue. Of the businesses started by EBV graduates, 93% are still in operation. For libraries thinking of starting veteran focused programs, the speakers gave the following advice. First, use the veterans support network already available at your institution. Be open-minded. Be patient, as these veterans may have disabilities. For additional resources, please see www. Acenet.edu/higher-education/topics/Pages /Supporting-Student-Veterans.aspx and w w w . E B V f o u n d a t i o n . o rg . — E l e n a M . Soltau, Nova Southeaster n University, soltau@nsu.nova.edu Academic integrity Reducing student cheating and plagiarism has long been a goal of universities. An approach to this problem was introduced in the ACRL session “Academic Integrity: An Opportunity for Faculty Development.” Two proponents of academic integrity at the University of California-Berkeley—Corliss Lee, reference and instruction librarian, and Richard Freishtat, director, Center for Teaching and Learning—described Berke- ley’s newest program for academic integrity (AI). The collaboration between the library and the Center for Teaching and Learning gave energy to initiatives of other academic support units on the campus, including the Student Learning Center, Education Technology Services, the Athletic Study Center, and the Graduate Student Instructor Center (see http://teaching.berkeley.edu/ academic-integrity). Lee and Freishtat’s goals are to change the emphasis from penalizing students to educating them about the importance of academic honesty and giving them the tools to succeed in research and other assign- ments. An effective strategy is to show the connection between academic honesty for students and for professionals in the real world. Two major challenges for a large and decentralized campus are to get the professoriate to see the educational value of teaching academic integrity throughout the curriculum (squelching the “it’s-not- my-job-to-teach-that” attitude) and to help faculty develop pedagogical strategies to incorporate academic integrity discussions into their regular lectures and assignments, so that it is not extra work for them (the “I just don’t have time for that” excuse). The use of Turnitin.com as an educational tool, rather than just a way to catch plagiarism, was discussed. A lively Q&A period that extended 30 minutes past the formal end of the pro- gram covered topics like the implementa- tion of AI in the K–12 curriculum and in professional colleges, and AI resources, including the International Center for Aca- demic Integrity (www.academicintegrity. org).—Lynn Jones, Doe & Moffitt Libraries, University of California-Berkeley, ljones@ library.berkeley.edu All the data Andrew Asher and Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe detailed the privacy challenges inherent in the current era of accountability, digital data collection, and online information resources in “All the Data: Privacy, Service Quality, and Analytics.” ACRL’s Value of Academic Libraries report raised awareness of the need for libraries to systematically collect user data in planning and decision-making activities. Many libraries are increasingly seeking C&RL News September 2015 422 ways to use data as part of institutional efforts to better understand and measure library impact. These activities have raised questions around user privacy, anonymity, policy, library values, and service devel- opment, particularly as users leave a trail of identifiable data as they make use of library resources and services. In addition, campuses are increasingly implementing learning analytics programs and expecting the library to contribute to campus datasets. Considered through the lens of the ALA Code of Ethics, libraries are faced with the necessity of managing and protecting user data as well as using it in service develop- ment. Asher and Hinchliffe proposed a set of data practices assertions and principles that could be the basis for policy and pro- cedure development in individual libraries, discussion for consortia and policy-makers, and questions for vendors during contract negotiations. Though cooperatively pre- senting, Asher and Hinchliffe also shared that they do not agree on all aspects of the principles but hope to demonstrate that librarians can develop consensus, even while disagreeing, in order to move the conversation forward. Attendees engaged in a nuanced ex- ploration of the privacy, policy, manage- ment, and technological issues raised in the assertions and principles, which was complemented by Twitter-based commen- tary (tagged with the hashtag #allthedata- privacy). While no specific solutions emerged from the debate, there is consensus that libraries have an obligation to develop poli- cies related to user data tracking, purpose, and security and to disseminate information about those policies and practices to library users.—Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, ljanicke@ illinois.edu Critical librarianship challenging the status quo The panel “But We’re Neutral! And Other Librarian Fictions Confronted by #critlib” challenged the myths of librarianship. Emily Drabinski (Long Island University- Brooklyn) introduced the Twitter hashtag #critlib as an umbrella for critical discus- sions of libraries and social justice. The ideology of librarianship is often invisible because it remains unnamed, but, she said, “I don’t think we’re neutral, and neither are you, even if you think you are.” F o b a z i E t t a rh ( H a w t h o r n e P u b l i c Schools) argued against the assumption that librarianship is inclusive. Despite claims that racism is a thing of the past, librarian- ship remains a very white profession. Even when people of color are recruited into the profession, they encounter countless micro- aggressions that make it more difficult for them to stay, and create burnout in those who do stay. Annie Pho (University of Illinois-Chica- go) pointed out the second myth, that we share the same politics and the same values. Reference classes teach that we should be neutral. However, neutrality isn’t real because we all come to librarianship with different perspectives and experiences that affect our practice. Nicole Pagowsky (Univeristy of Arizona) tackled the myth that theory isn’t necessary for action or practice. She used cats float- ing on pizza as a metaphor to show how theory and practice aren’t mutually exclu- sive. We can talk about pizza while we eat it, creating a praxis that makes us all better “pizzacatbrarians!” If we don’t theorize and question, we yield to predominant ways of being. Finally, Kelly McElroy (Oregon State University) questioned the myth that if you speak up, you’ll be on your own. Many lurk in #critlib for fear of repercussions. Citing Audre Lorde, McElroy argued that discussions allow us to build relation- ships. We have a responsibility to listen to those whose voices are often silenced. The hashtag is a gathering place, not a shared ideology. Both the slides from this session and a Storify of the Twitter conversation are avail- September 2015 423 C&RL News able online.—Nancy M. Foasberg, Queens College-CUNY, nfoasberg@qc.cuny.edu Putting your patrons in the driver’s seat “Putting Your Patrons in the Driver’s Seat,” a program sponsored by ACRL and presented by Jennifer Ferguson and Annie Erdmann (Simmons College) and Scott Stangroom (University of Massachusetts-Amherst) discussed the results of a collaborative research project that gathered ROI data for DVD collections, purchased streaming media packages, and patron-driven acqui- sitions of streaming media. This data in- cluded: 1) cost per checkout for DVDs over a ten-year period, 2) cost per playback for purchased streaming media packages over a four-year period, and 3) cost per play for the Kanopy PDA model over an 18-month period. Also discussed was the planning and execution of a multimodal marketing plan that used Google Analytics to track the effectiveness of a variety of outreach methods, including subject librarian emails to faculty, social media promotions, post- ers in the library, and LibGuides links. The researchers also tracked referring URL data in order to determine where and how users access these films. As early adopters, the researchers wanted to discover whether the PDA model for streaming media functioned similarly at institutions of widely different size and scope. At the same time, they were also curious to see if they could determine how best to promote new resources, since librar- ies often acquire expensive materials that librarians think users want but that get very little use. This presentation answered both of these questions, with the ROI, outreach, and referring URL data remarkably consis- tent across institutions and demonstrating that PDA for streaming video has been far more cost effective than either DVDs or purchased packages. The researchers were also able to greatly impact awareness and engage faculty who drive usage through assigned coursework. The presentation slides can be found at http://bit.ly/1D8yLd6.—Jennifer Ferguson, Simmons College, jennifer.ferguson@sim- mons.edu Providing outreach to underserved groups by demographic In “Embeddedness-Plus: Combining Em- bedded Librarianship with Direct Market- ing to Underserved Groups,” sponsored by ACRL, Lorelei Rutledge (University of Utah), and Sarah LeMire (now at Texas A&M University) discussed their efforts at the University of Utah’s J. Willard Marriott Library to engage four campus groups: LG- BTQ students, veterans, students with dis- abilities, and students with young children. Following a brief overview in which a distinction was made between marketing and outreach, traditional reasons for and models of library outreach were mentioned together with communities often viewed as underserved by libraries, the challenges and constraints libraries can face when contemplating such efforts, and effective strategies for planning them. The speakers then discussed their four target groups indi- vidually, mentioning the demographics, the nonlibrary services available on campus, their outreach efforts, and the assessment they did to gauge the success of each. Drawing from their experiences and research, the speakers produced a flow chart (“Designing Outreach to Underserved Groups”) to help guide other librarians through the process and a schematic to characterize the outreach efforts (formal or informal, programmatic, or ad hoc) depending on the time and resources avail- able. These can be found at https://goo.gl /mflDDn.—Robert Behra, University of Utah, robert.behra@utah.edu Aligning learning spaces with pedagogy The Instruction Section (IS) and the Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) cosponsored the ALA IS program “Align- ing Learning Spaces with Pedagogy: The C&RL News September 2015 424 Instruction Librarian’s Role in Classroom Re/Design.” The first panelist was Elliot Felix (bright- spot strategy). Felix outlined top trends influencing learning space and service design, including: • mobility and blended learning, • problem-based learning, • digital and physical making, and • r e - mote col- laboration. F e l i x o f f e r e d r e c o m - m e n d a - tions and t o o l s f o r l i b r a r y i n n o v a - tion, like the online L e a r n - ing Space T o o l k i t and use of personas. T h e - resa Stan- ley (Pima Community College) was the next panelist to speak. Stanley described the college’s new learning studio, featuring writeable walls, smartboards, and flexible furniture. The space was designed for student- centered instruction, requiring librarians to redesign their sessions to promote active learning. Stanley reported that students love the space and library instruction sessions are up 15%. Stanley recommended that li- braries under renovation collaborate across units and advocate for library user needs. The next panelist was Greg Carr (Uni- versity of Nevada-Las Vegas). Carr detailed his experience teaching in a renovated in- struction space, which included “pods” with shared monitors, connections for devices, and writable surfaces. Carr collaborated with an engineering professor to teach information literacy sessions in the space. The sessions were successful: librarians experimented with team-based learning and the professor liked integrating challenging research assignments into the course. Amy Kelly (Westminster College) was the last panelist to speak. Kelly outlined how a mobile computing initiative helped trans- form library instruction. The library’s new i n s t r u c - tion space i n c l u d e d moveable t a b l e s , projection s c r e e n s , a n d l a p - t o p s f o r checkout. Pedagogi- cal chang- e s w e r e m a d e a s a r e s u l t , u s i n g a “ c o m m u - n i t y o f i n q u i r y ” f r a m e - w o r k . Kelly and colleagues worked with an Environmental Psychology class to study student learning and found that the space enhanced student learning. A virtual poster session was created to showcase additional innovative spaces: http://tinyurl.com/learningspaces2015.— Amanda Hornby, University of Washington, hornbya@uw.edu How others view us The ACRL Liaison Assembly sponsored the program “How Others View Us: Insights from Librarian Engagement in Higher Education Associations” with Elizabeth McClenney (Atlanta University Center, Inc.) as moderator. The four panelist included Danuta Nitecki (Drexel University), Lisabeth Chabot (Ithaca College), Juliann Couture Panelists from the ACRL Instruction Section and the Library Instruc- tion Round Table cosponsored program (left to right): Amy Kelly, Greg Carr, Theresa Stanley, Elliot Felix, and Meghan Sitar. Photo by Melissa Bowles-Terry. September 2015 425 C&RL News (University of Colorado-Boulder), and Mari- lyn Ochoa (SUNY-Oswego). McClenney began by noting, “This panel is part of the conversation of the Value of Aca- demic Libraries and how we are communicat- ing our value, in this case, to our professional associations, as well as, to our administrations and faculty who are not librarians.” The panel addressed several questions in a round-robin format, with a brief summary from each of the liaisons about their organization. Couture, liaison to American Anthropolog- ical Association, addressed how her organiza- tion is different from most. Making an excel- lent point about the ACRL liai- son pro- gram, she noted that there are n u m e r - ous types o f o r g a - nizations, some fo- cusing on g e n e r a l h i g h e r education initiatives and some more dis- cipline specific. Chabot stated that her primary activities as a liaison to Council of Independent Colleges have been attending two events where she is the only librarian. Speaking on behalf of li- braries, she always has handouts, highlighting our values and challenges, while pointing out all the things libraries can do and want to do. Nitecki, as the liaison to the Society for College and University Planning, identifies overlapping interests as planning: bringing together all the disparate groups on campus together. This shared notion of looking at things in a holistic view. Ochoa states that as a liaison to the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Educa- tion, one of the interesting challenges she has had when attending conferences is explaining the scope and breadth of what librarians are able to provide.—Cynthia L. Henry, Texas Tech University, cynthia.henry@ttu.edu Collaborative efforts between LIS programs and practitioners A four person panel of library educators and practitoners held a panel discussed entitled “Collaborative Influences of LIS Educators and Practitioners Regarding Hiring the Profes- sion,” sponsored by the ACRL LIS Education Interest Group. The major focus of this panel d i s c u s - sion was t h e i m - portance o f c o l - laborative efforts be- tween LIS programs and prac- titioners. I n a discussion of his new b o o k , Strategic H u m a n Resour ce Planning for Academic Libraries: Information, tech- nology and Organizations (Chandos 2015), that focuses on change, Michael Crumpton (University of North Carolina-Greensboro), stressed how changes in the profession im- pact LIS teaching, citing examples of trends within the profession. Further discussion included the relationship between theory and practice and the need for field experiences outside the classroom. Susan E. Searing (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)discussed the importance of collaborations for learning and research be- tween university librarians and GSLIS faculty. The many connections that can exist for LIS faculty and librarians were discussed by Panelists from the ACRL Liaison Assembly program (left to right): Elizabeth McClenney, Danuta Nitecki, Lisabeth Chabot, Juliann Couture, and Marilyn Ochoa. C&RL News September 2015 426 panelist Rachel A. Fleming-May (University of Tennessee). Fleming-May highlighted re- search, informal consulting, guest lectures, co-teaching, and committee work as some of ways these groups can work together. Rebecca B. Vargha (University of North Carolina) discussed how LIS practitioners and educators can create the future together by being intentional and focusing on the future. Clear communication regarding changing expectations in libraries and mutual respect and trust between LIS educators and prac- titioners are key to creating programs that teach LIS graduates to adapt to the changing information landscape and staying relevant by becoming lifelong learners.—Linda L. Lil- lard, Clarion University, llillard@clarion.edu Libraries behind bars The Literatures in English, Anthropology and Sociology, and Law and Political Sci- ence sections cosponsored, with ASCLA as a sponsor in name only, the panel “Libraries Behind Bars: Education and Outreach to Prisoners.” Panelists Amy Lerman, (University of California-Berkeley), Leah Jacobs (Univer- sity of California-Berkeley), and Tobi Jacobi (Colorado State University), spoke about the importance of education and creative expression in reducing prisoner recidivism. Elizabeth Marshak (California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation) moderated the panel. Lerman provided background information on the rise of mass incarceration, overwhelm- ingly impacting young, poor, and uneducated black men for nonviolent drug offences. She stressed that the costs of incarceration outweigh those of prison education. Most prisoners have very poor access to educa- tional opportunities. The average prisoner waits two-to-six days to have access to library materials. Jacobs spoke about The Prison University Project. Located at San Quentin, it is the only degree-granting program in the California prison system and frames education as a human right. A recent evaluation found that the program succeeds in reducing recidivism. By encouraging prisoners to create and run self-help groups, it encourages prisoners to envision a life outside of the recurrent cycle of recidivism. Jacobi discussed how creative writing courses, taught by volunteers, offer incarcer- ated women opportunities to express their authentic voices. She also shared poems and songs written by the women she taught, arguing that while television shows like Orange Is the New Black have raised aware- ness of incarcerated women’s experiences, true understanding can only come if women prisoners themselves have a chance to speak —and if we listen. Jacobi stressed that while celebrating individual voices is important, we must still work towards transforming the structural problems that the American prison system presents.—Laura R. Braunstein, Dartmouth College, lrb@dartmouth.edu, and Sarah Hogan, University of Chicago, hogans@ uchicago.edu Should I tweet that? Self-expression via social media platforms and the evolving landscape of public em- ployee rights were discussed at the ACRL Professional Values Committee’s program “Should I tweet that? Academic Freedom and Social Media.” The session focused on recent high-profile cases involving academic faculty using social media, which led to issues with their employers. The session moderators introduced the topic as it relates to librarians and academic freedom. The audience worked in small groups to discuss several topical questions related to social media usage. The audience then shared perspectives regarding personal approaches to balancing social media usage and their work life. Panelist Mary Minow (The Califa Group) reviewed the major legal cases that pro- tect employee speech rights and provided explanations of the relevant details about how these rights have shifted recently. She informed the audience that depending on the employer, certain types of public speech may not be allowed at all. September 2015 427 C&RL News Henry Reichman (professor emeritus, Cali- fornia State University-East Bay) addressed key issues with the Steven Salaita case, which he characterized as “the most important case related to academic freedom of the decade.” He reviewed the events of that case and the American Association of University Profes- sors response. Reichman urged faculty, especially those with the protection of tenure or rank, to speak up and work diligently to ensure your institu- tional policy protects and upholds academic freedom rights. The key takeaways from this session included understanding that a line between public and private speech doesn’t exist in our connected social media world. The au- dience was reminded about the importance of understanding and advocating for strong rights-driven policies governing speech and academic freedom in our workplaces. Many emerging issues were discussed in this pro- gram that left the audience wanting more time to share experiences and to learn about trends related to academic freedom.—Beth Anderson Schuck, College of Southern Ne- vada, beth.schuck@csn.edu Reducing the fog around publishing The Publications Coordinating Committee sponsored a program on the book publishing process—“Reducing the Fog around Publish- ing: Practical Strategies for Book Develop- ment, from Research to Writing”—moderated by John Budd (University of Missouri) and featuring panelists who shared advice based on their experiences. Cass Kvenild (University of Wyoming) recommended addressing key questions in a book prospectus: the audience, what has already been written on the topic, and what makes your contribution distinctive. It’s critical to outline the scope of the project, including a table of contents or proposed call for chapters, and she noted that developing a timeline is the most challenging element. Brad Eden (Valparaiso University) built on this theme and spoke about the criticality of good project management. Eden suggests an overall timeline of 9 to 12 months, with a deadline for author proposals (three weeks maximum), for submissions and for delivery to the publisher. Most importantly, build in “places of repose” to account for late authors and editorial time. Eden recommended ac- cepting most author proposals, as you will lose 10 to 20% of authors before the submis- sion deadline. Peggy Seiden (Swarthmore College) spoke about the editing process through two case studies. In the first example, author submis- sions provided the ultimate shape for the book, and the editors divided sections and editorial responsibilities. In the second, Se- iden recruited authors based on a concept and necessary expertise. To fit this holistic ap- proach, the coeditors worked on each chapter together through weekly conference calls. Kathryn Deiss (ACRL) recommended remaining in regular contact with one’s pub- lisher and acting as part of a book’s marketing team. Deiss stressed the importance of un- derstanding a publisher’s process (publication time ranging from one to three years), giving your book a “punchy” title, and drawing on citation managers and personal reviewers to deliver a clean manuscript.—Jennie M. Bur- roughs, University of Minnesota, jburroug@ umn.edu Curating activism in LGBT history The day following the Supreme Court deci- sion in Obergefell v. Hodge determining the constitutionality of marriage equality, a group gathered for “Curating Activism in LGBT His- tory.” Cosponsored by the Rare Books and Manuscript Section and ALA’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) Round- table, this panel delved into the issues sur- rounding collecting in the LGBT community. Anne Moore (University of Massachusetts- Amherst) moderated and rooted the discus- sion in the librarian’s viewpoint, focusing on LGBT materials in teaching and instruction. Paul Boneberg (AIDS activist and former executive director, GLBT Historical Society, San Francisco) spoke about the role of ar- chives in collecting LGBT materials—and the C&RL News September 2015 428 importance of focusing on social as well as political activism in the LGBT community. He spoke about many communities’ inability to preserve their own content. Boneberg em- phasized that now is the time to collect from and create oral histories with older activists. Amy Sueyoshi (San Francisco State Uni- versity) spoke of diversity and inequity across LGBT communities, and how this relates to the perceived mainstreaming of LGBT com- munities. Sueyoshi also discussed the archive as a force bestowing social significance to cultural groups through the acts of curation and preservation. She also emphasized the importance of hiring transgender people and otherwise diversifying archival and library practice. In the following discussion, issues of eq- uity were particularly poignant. Participants echoed the sentiment of privilege of Lesbian and Gay Male materials in archives and the relative scarcity of transgender materials. The present as a moment of importance reigned large in the discussion, particularly in refer- ence to activists’ materials of the 1960s to 1980s disappearing and to ensure that con- temporary communities believe their materi- als to be historically valuable.—Jason Kovari, Cornell University, jak473@cornell.edu Unlocking the sciences The Science and Technology Section’s program, titled “Unlocking the Sciences: Collaborative Research with Community Engagement through Citizen Science,” was cosponsored by the Health Science Interest Group and the Instruction Section. Citizen science (CS) is the practice of nonexperts participating in science, and this session introduced CS and discussed how librar- ies can participate in these crowdsourced research projects. Debbie Currie (North Carolina State Uni- versity) introduced the major participants in CS as college and universities, public and pri- vate research, museums, K–12 schools, and community groups. There isn’t a natural fit between academic libraries and CS because the public isn’t a traditional focus. However, libraries should start by inventorying CS projects on campus and identifying ways to support those initiatives. Possible roles include providing space, helping to make connections, and documenting the process and results of the project. Eileen Harrington (Universities at Shady Grove), listed benefits of CS for participants that included gaining firsthand experience with the scientific process, increased sci- entific literacy, and a sense of accomplish- ment. Avenues for libraries include hosting makerspaces, allowing exhibit spaces for CS, and providing classroom space for training and other activities. CS can also provide op- portunities for librarians to assist with data management and educate about open access and scholarly publications. The program’s final speaker, Andrew Westphal, is the lead scientist for Stardust@ Home, a CS project to analyze interstellar dust captured by the Stardust probe. He explained that the Stardust mission re- turned such a large amount of data that it would have taken years to analyze without incorporating volunteers. Humans are very sensitive at detecting patterns and proved to be highly accurate at identifying particles. Project Stardust recently was featured in a Science article with two of the coauthors being citizen “Dusters.” A resource guide containing a database of CS projects and speaker slides is located at http://guides.uflib.ufl.edu/stscitizen- science.—Sara Russell Gonzalez, University of Florida, saragonz@ufl.edu Look into the crystal ball Sponsored by University Libraries Section, “Look into the Crystal Ball: Future Directions for Higher Education and Academic Librar- ies” explored broad transformations in higher education and how libraries can respond. Mitchell Stevens (Stanford University) described higher education’s future as “ever more digital,” due to ubiquity of technology, unabated price escalation of conventional delivery, and peoples’ desire for “more and more” higher education. He believes li- September 2015 429 C&RL News braries can especially assist with curation (“information ubiquity doesn’t translate to quality”), identity (“libraries can contribute very clearly to online environments and ex- periences independent of physical spaces”), and instructional scaffolding (“an ever wider diversity of people will be coming to higher education with highly varied research skills”). Deanna Marcum (Ithaka S+R), drawing from Ithaka data, spoke to challenges facing public flagship universities, as well as inde- pendent liberal arts colleges, noting, “Where you sit in the world of higher education is likely to determine your sense of its future.” She sees expanded opportunities for librar- ies in multiple areas, including evaluation of technology and identification of high-quality course materials—both library-subscribed, and open access. Janice Jaguszewski (University of Minne- sota) asked: “What do your users need that the library is uniquely positioned to provide?” Jaguszewski noted successes at Minnesota, such as the libraries’ work in providing data management resources and partnering with faculty around high-quality and cost-effective course materials. She stressed the importance of radical collaboration and of educational priorities driving technology use. Such col- laboration, she stated, “will itself create further opportunities.” Chris Bourg (MIT) described the opportu- nities libraries have to “create change we be- lieve in,” and to further social justice. These include preservation, and helping students understand historical contexts of modern is- sues; scholarly communication, emphasizing open access; curation, especially providing tools that empower users to themselves curate content; and working with faculty to teach critical thinking and data literacy skills. Bourg encouraged academic librarians to “claim a seat at the table and proclaim our expertise,” and to be proactive in helping shape the future.—Michelle M. Maloney, Uni- versity of the Pacific, mmaloney@pacific.edu Beyond Tintin The WESS-SEES “Beyond Tintin: Collecting European Comics in the U.S.” panel focused on issues related to comics’ and graphic novels’ relatively recent inclusion in the scholarly purview of a variety of disciplines, and the particular challenges associated with collecting graphic narrative works from Europe. As comics and graphic novels have achieved legitimacy as foci of scholarly inquiry, their limited representation in re- search collections has come to be regarded by some as a serious lacuna. The fact that this has been addressed by only a handful of institutions has relegated these materials to the special collections category, which has meant that preservation tends to be privileged over accessibility where they are concerned. Were they more widely held, the preservation/access balance could skew to favor the latter and promote broader use of these texts in teaching and scholarship. With European comics and graphic nov- els the problem is all the more acute, as these are drastically under-represented not only in North American research collections, but in the North American popular market as well. The American graphic narrative tradi- tion has been well assimilated by European authors and readers, but the inverse is not true. This makes it imperative for research institutions to collect the output of European graphic narrative authors and artists all the more urgent, particularly as the dominant graphic narrative tradition in Europe is one of an autobiographical and documentary nature. So these works represent artifacts of interest for a broad range of scholarly projects—not only art-historical, literary- theoretical, and culturological, but also sociological and more traditionally historical. As strategies for keeping abreast of European graphic narrative publishing the panelists recommended attendance at fes- tivals and monitoring relevant awards and anthological serials. Among the authors and artists mentioned were J. P. Stassen, Cyril Pedrosa, Jaromír99, Nikoali Maslov, and Vik- toria Lomasko.—Thomas Keenan, Princeton University, tkeenan@princeton.edu