C&RL News November 2014 538 N e w s f r o m t h e F i e l dDavid Free The NUMC Health Sciences Library’s second floor features a large opening in the floor, which creates the library’s atrium. Photo by Tom Sibley/Wilk Marketing Com- munications. Nassau University Medical Center completes new healthcare library The Peter W. Addiego Health Sciences Li- brary at the Nassau University Medical Center (NUMC) in East Meadow, New York, recently underwent a renovation and upgrade. Located within a low-rise section of NUMC’s Dynamic Care Building, the Health Sciences Library is one of the largest on Long Island. It sup- ports the patient care, biomedical research, and graduate medical education information needs of the medical staff, faculty, and affili- ated students. It also serves the larger Long Island community as an information resource for professionals in all aspects of health care delivery. The second floor of the updated facility features a large opening in the floor, which cre- ates the library’s atrium. The library’s new study group and conference rooms are enclosed with modular Steelcase glass wall systems to eliminate a noise impact while providing the feeling of an open space and inclusion. Con- ference rooms are equipped with interactive white boards as well as video conferencing and remote learning capabilities. Work on the renovated library was performed by Stalco Construction and Ehasz Giacalone Architects. CSU libraries launch collaborative money-saving initiatives The 22 libraries in the California State Uni- versity (CSU) system recently launched a new website that features updates on ini- tiatives that include shared services, equi- table access, and improving learning spaces. This year, the CSU Chancellor’s Office is investing $1 million in initia- tives that will create a next-generation technology platform that integrates many library functions in ways that will enhance user discovery and ac- cess. CSU is preparing a request for proposals to explore platform options that will organize, share, monitor, and mine information resources across all 23 campus libraries, giving students and faculty access to more information and resources. This work is done through System- wide Digital Library Services, which implements new technologies in the areas of information discovery, user-driven content acquisition, integration with learning man- agement systems, and digital preservation. The CSU libraries will share their progress through a newly launched website at librar- ies.calstate.edu. Mark Shelton named C&RL book review editor Mark Shelton of Harvard University has been appointed to the post of book review editor of College & Research Libraries (C&RL), the scholarly research journal of ACRL. Shelton will serve a three-year term as book review editor beginning immediately. “After many years of writing reviews and benefiting from them professionally, I look forward to serving C&RL and the readers of the journal,” Shelton said. “I am also looking forward to connecting with current and new reviewers as we together provide this valu- November 2014 539 C&RL News ACRL 2015 preconferences Registration is now available for preconfer- ences to be held prior to the ACRL 2015 Conference, “Creating Sustainable Commu- nity,” in Portland, Oregon. ACRL is offering six preconferences on Wednesday, March 25, 2015; separate registration is required. Full-day preconferences: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 (8:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.) • Developing Research Questions, Methods, and Habits of Mind: A Workshop for Innovative and Sustainable Research. Both experienced and new librarian researchers will gain new perspectives on their research as they practice devel- oping and refining research questions, explore options for choosing research methods, and discuss ways to develop the habits of mind of cre- ative, productive researchers. • Getting Down to Brass Tacks: Practi- cal Approaches for Developing Data Man- agement Services. Through a sequence of modules, attendees will leave this session with knowledge of the diverse data manage- ment landscape, strategies to engage their campus communities, and a plan for starting or enhancing data management services. Half-day preconferences: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 (9:00 a.m.–noon) • Creating a Culture of Assessment: Norming Rubrics to Nurture IL Instruc- tional Practice. Facilitators will lead participants through norming a sample IL rubric, rating student work, and critiquing sample rubrics. Examine the rubric creation process through the lens of our shared norming experience in order to provide essential hands-on practice for continued implementation. • If You Build It, They Will Come… and Succeed: Developing a Co-Curricular Workshop Series to Add Value to the Student Employee Experience. This preconference will provide participants with the frame- work and tools necessary to develop and implement a workshop program designed to supplement student employees’ learning experiences at their own institutions in order to contribute to student academic success. • New Leadership for New Times: Diver- sity, Inclusion, and Cultural Competency as Required Skills. This interactive preconfer- ence focuses on assisting leaders, managers, prospective leaders in becoming more pro- active with diversity, culturally competency, and the art of inclusion within their work environment and leadership situations. • Tutorials Toolkit: Creating Sustainable Library Instruction. Through a variety of interactive activities, attendees will develop the concepts, framework, and skills needed to create a cohesive and sustainable suite of online video tutorials. Attendees will leave the workshop with a toolkit to craft their own collection of information literacy tutorials. Complete details on ACRL 2015 precon- ferences, including learning outcomes and registration materials, are available on the conference website at http://conference. acrl.org/preconferences-pages-267.php. C&RL News November 2014 540 2015 ACRL Immersion Programs ACRL is accepting applications for its In- formation Literacy Immersion ’15 Program. The ACRL Immersion Programs provide instruction librarians the opportunity to work intensively on all aspect of informa- tion literacy. Registration materials are now avail- able for the Immersion Management Track: Practical Management for the Instruction Coordinator, to be held in conjunction with the ACRL 2015 Conference March 25, 2015, in Portland, Oregon. The registration deadline is February 6, 2015. The Practical Management Track will address how to lead from within—develop- ing the powers of persuasion to infl uence in multiple directions. Other topics include creating the right environment for a suc- cessful instruction program, understanding a broader campus environment, providing constructive feedback, and coaching for success. Applications are also being accepted for Immersion ’15 Teacher and Program tracks to be held August 2-7, 2015, at Seattle University. Acceptance to Immersion ’15 is competitive to ensure an environment that fosters group interaction and active participation. Applications are due Decem- ber 5, 2014. The Teacher Track focuses on individual development for those who are interested in refreshing, enhancing, or extending their individual instruction skills. Curriculum includes classroom techniques, learning theory, leadership, and assessment framed in the context of information literacy. The Program Track focuses on develop- ing, integrating, and managing institutional and programmatic information literacy programs. Change dynamics, systems think- ing, institutional outcomes assessment, scalability and the integration of teaching, learning, and technology will be brought to bear on analyzing the various program- matic challenges presented in case studies developed prior to the program. Complete details on all Immersion Pro- gram tracks are available at www.ala.org /acrl/immersionprogram. able resource to our professional colleagues.” Currently head of collection development at Harvard’s Gutman Library, Shelton brings more than 17 years of academic library lead- ership experience to the position, including extensive knowledge of collection develop- ment, acquisitions, and licensing. Shelton has written numerous book reviews for C&RL and Collection Building, in addition to serving as a library advisory board member for a variety of publishers. Public Knowledge Project, CrossRef collaborate to improve services for OJS publishers CrossRef and the Public Knowledge Proj- ect (PKP) are collaborating to help publishers and journals using the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform take better advantage of Cross- Ref services. The collaboration involves an institutional arrangement between CrossRef and PKP, and new software features. Features include an improved CrossRef plugin for OJS that will automate Digital Object Identifi er deposits, as well as plans to create new tools for extracting references from submissions. To facilitate CrossRef membership, PKP has also become a CrossRef Sponsoring Entity, which will allow OJS-based publishers to join CrossRef through PKP. OCLC introduces WorldCat Discovery API beta OCLC has introducing beta availability of the new WorldCat Discovery API, which pro- vides access for libraries to search and fi nd resources in both WorldCat and a central index of article and e-book metadata that represent the wide range of resources librar- ies provide to their users. The WorldCat Dis- November 2014 541 C&RL News Tech Bits . . . Brought to you by the ACRL ULS Technol- ogy in University Libraries Committee Need a fresh way to get ideas and information out of your head and into a visual representa- tion? Coggle is a free online service that allows you to create any number of networked dia- grams (“Coggles”) linking concepts and data. Coggle can be used to brainstorm (alone or with others), plan a project, outline a paper or presentation, take notes from a meeting, or summarize and organize existing information. Turn a Coggle into a to-do list by using checkboxes. Enhance a Coggle with images or color-coding. Export a Coggle as a PDF or PNG file, publish it on Facebook or Twit- ter, or share a unique URL for others to see. Groups can collaborate to view and edit the same Coggle. —Drew Smith University of South Florida-Tampa . . . Coggle coggle.it covery API exposes library collection data for items in WorldCat, including materials held by individual mem- ber libraries, consortia, and libraries worldwide. The WorldCat Discovery API gives libraries the flexibility to use an OCLC-developed interface, create their own application, or use the two in combination. Library systems and development staff are then free to invest their time in other discovery projects, such as the creation of mo- bile apps, widgets, and enhancement of current user experiences to suit their unique needs. The WorldCat Discovery API is now available as a beta to a select number of libraries that subscribe to FirstSearch, WorldCat Local, or World- Cat Discovery Services. Full availabil- ity to all eligible libraries and partners is expected in early 2015. Developers will find documentation and sample code libraries on the OCLC Developer Network site, as well as instructions for how to request access to the API. EBSCO launches free American Doctoral Dissertations 1933–1955 database The print index Doctoral Dissertations Ac- cepted by American Universities (DDAAU), is now available digitally as American Doc- toral Dissertations 1933–1955. EBSCO Infor- mation Services (EBSCO) and the Congrega- tional Library & Archives in Boston worked to digitize the content and build the free database from the volumes originally pub- lished by the H. W. Wilson Company. This effort was made possible through a dona- tion from the H. W. Wilson Foundation. American Doctoral Dissertations 1933– 1955 includes approximately 100,000 disserta- tions from 1933 through 1955. The content in American Doctoral Dissertations 1933–1955 represents the only comprehensive record of dissertations accepted by U.S. universi- ties during that period of time. EBSCO has made the database freely available at www. OpenDissertations.com. Updated ACRL Scholarly Communication Toolkit now available ACRL has released a new version of its Schol- arly Communication Toolkit with updated content. The toolkit, developed and main- tained by the ACRL Research and Scholarly Environment Committee, continues to pro- vide content and context on a broad range of scholarly communication topics, including expanded information on data management. It provides links to examples of specific tools, including handouts, presentations, and vid- eos for libraries to use on their own cam- puses, and for library school students seeking to incorporate these issues into their course work. The ACRL Scholarly Communication Toolkit is freely available at http://acrl.ala. org/scholcomm/.