july11b.indd July/August 2011 437 C&RL News Librarian Award (1991), and the Council of Planning Librarians’ Holway R. Jones Distinguished Service Award (1997). Martin Gallas has retired from Illinois College, in Jacksonville, as library direc- tor after 25 years. He served previously as library director at Springfi eld College in Illinois and Oakland City University in Indiana. Virginia (Ginny) Moreland has retired as director of library services at Lenoir-Rhyne University, completing 36 years of service to libraries in higher education. Prior to her fi ve years at Lenoir-Rhyne, Moreland was library director for 12 years at Agnes Scott College, where she helped guide a major library expansion and renovation project. She held earlier professional positions at Georgia State University and the University of Nebraska, and before that, paraprofes- sional positions at Harvard University and Boston College. Sara Penhale, head of Wildman Science Library at Earlham College, has retired as science librarian and associate professor of biology after 31 years of service to the institution. A p p o i n t m e n t s Brad Eden has been appointed dean of li- brary services and professor of library science at Valparaiso University. Peggy Hoon has been named scholarly communications librarian at University of North Carolina-Charlotte’s J. Murrey Atkins Library. Thomas Johnson is now digital applica- tions librarian/associate professor at Oregon State University Libraries. Tom Peters has been appointed assistant dean for Strategic Technology Initiatives at Illinois State University’s Milner Library. Ellen Wilson has accepted the posi- tion of head, original print cataloging in the University of Michigan Library’s Technical Services Unit. R e t i r e m e n t s Elizabeth Byrne has retired after 27 years as the head of the University of California (UC)-Berkeley’s Environmental Design Library. Her 42 years of service to the profession included librarian positions at the University of Cincinnati, San Diego Public Library, Detroit Public Library, and the University of Louisville. Byrne has edited a number of books, including San Francisco Architecture and, most recently, Design on the Edge: a Century of Teaching Architecture at the University of California, Berkeley, 1903-2003. She has received UC-Berkeley’s Chancellor’s Distinguished Service Award (2011) and Distinguished P e o p l e i n t h e N e w sAnn-Christe Galloway Ed. note: To ensure that your personnel news is considered for publication, write to Ann-Christe Galloway, production editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e -mail: agalloway@ ala.org; fax: (312) 280-2520. Advertisers Annual Reviews cover 4 Association of Research Libraries 381 Berghahn Books 382 Choice 403 Daughters of the American 402 Revolution Georgia Southern University cover 3 Rittenhouse Book Distributors 385 The Roper Center 427 Routledge cover 2 WT Cox Subscriptions 397