april11b.indd C&RL News April 2011 234 ACRL Board of Directors’ actions, January 2011 Highlights of the Board’s Midwinter meetings During the 2011 ALA Midwinter Meeting in San Diego, California, the ACRL Board of Directors met on January 8 and 11 and took the following actions: Strategic Area: Higher Education and Research Goal Area: Learning—ACRL and its members are recognized internationally as collab- orative leaders and partners in ensuring that students leave with lifelong learning skills, improving techniques for assessing learning outcomes, and in creating environments for discovery. Approved submission by February 1, 2011, of a $100,000 collaborative planning grant to IMLS to further the ACRL Value of Academic Libraries Initiative, and autho- rized staff to complete and submit the grant proposal. Goal Area: Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity—ACRL and its members are recognized internationally as authorities on the integration of content, tools, and services into the evolving workflows of scholars and creators at all stages from initial discovery, to indi- viduals organizing their own resources, to the creation, sharing, publication, aggregation, and preservation processes, including associated intellectual property issues. Passed the following resolution: Whereas ACRL supports open scholar- ship and access to scholarly work, Whereas ACRL publishes C&RL, the premier scholarly journal for academic li- brarians, Whereas ACRL has made successive changes to increase access to the research found in C&RL, Whereas ACRL member groups support making C&RL an open access journal, Be it resolved, that ACRL provide open access to the electronic version of College & Research Libraries journal as of April 2011; and, Be it further resolved, that ACRL, through this action, continues to play a leading role in advocating for new models of scholarly communication in all of the disciplines. Approved the proposal to hold the 2012 Rare Books and Manuscripts Precon- ference in San Diego at the University of California-San Diego. The ACRL Board of Directors approved the creation of the Digital Curation Inter- est Group. April 2011 235 C&RL News Goal Area: Advocacy—ACRL has greater influence on the higher education and research environment. Confirmed its virtual vote held 7/30/10– 8/6/09, which approved Mara Degnan- Rojeskias as the ACRL liaison to the Amer- ican Political Science Association (APSA) for a two-year appointment. Confirmed its virtual vote held 9/15/10– 9/22/10, which approved Cindy Ingold as the ACRL liaison to the National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) for a two-year appointment. Confirmed its virtual vote held on 11/18/10–12/2/10, which approved Johanna Tuñón, Ed.D., Director of Distance and In- structional Library Services of Alvin Sherman Library at Nova Southeastern University as ACRL’s recommendation for ALA Represen- tative to the NCATE Board of Examiners. Strategic Area: The Profession Goal Area: Continuous Learning—ACRL provides continuous learning opportunities enabling members to strengthen their effectiveness and achieve recognition as valued contributors to their academic and research communities. Strategic Area: The Association Goal Area: Organizational Vitality and Effectiveness—ACRL will have the fiscal re- sources, staff expertise, and organizational structure to advance the association’s strategic plan by deploying data-driven decision making to drive entrepreneurial activities. Confirmed its virtual vote held 9/27/10– 10/4/10 that approved the application to the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation for $3,000 in funding to make Vols. 1-12 of Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship available through the HighWire Press platform. Note: The foundation approved this application and funded the project. Confirmed its virtual vote held 10/12/10– 10/19/10, which approved putting the fol- lowing revisions to the ACRL Bylaws on the 2011 ballot. This was the first of two votes required to place a bylaws revision on the ballot. Approved putting the revisions detailed below on the ACRL Bylaws on the 2011 ballot. This was the second of two votes required to place a bylaws revision on the ballot. Proposed Revision Section 3. Dues. The amount of personal member dues shall be determined by the ACRL Board of Directors. Annually, the Board of Directors will review and may authorize a dues adjustment not to exceed the percentage change in the most current Higher Education Price Index (HEPI) round- ed to the nearest dollar. Adjustments in ex- cess of the percentage change in the most current HEPI are subject to the approval of the membership in a mail or electronic vote. Organizational and corporate member dues shall be determined by the ACRL Board of Directors. Current Bylaws Statement Section 3. Dues. The amount of personal member dues shall be determined by the ACRL Board of Directors with the approval of the membership in a mail or electronic vote. Organizational dues shall be deter- mined by the ACRL Board of Directors. Note: An FAQ on the proposed Bylaws revi- sion is available at www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/ C&RL News April 2011 236 divs/acrl/about/membership/duesfaqs/FAQ _Proposed_Bylaws_.pdf. Approved the suggested revisions to the special instructions for appointments for the Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship Com- mittee, Excellence in Academic Libraries (Nominations) Committee, Marketing Aca- demic and Research Libraries Committee, Membership Recruitment Committee, Mem- bership Retention Committee, Membership Promotion Committee, and (Dr. E. J.) Josey Spectrum Scholars Committees to align them with ACRL’s policies. Based on the effectiveness and success of the ACRL Leadership and Recruitment and Nominations Committee (LRNC), moved it from pilot status to permanent committee status. Approved changing the name of the Women’s Studies Section to the Women & Gender Studies Section, effective January 9, 2011. Approved the Annual Conference 2010 Board meeting minutes. provide the service they require when they require them. Notes 1. Reg Carr, “What users want: An aca- demic ‘hybrid’ library perspective,” Ariandne 46 (2006). 2. Satish Nambisan, S. “Designing virtual customer environments for new product development: towards a theory,” The Acad- emy of Management Review 27 (33, 2002): 392–413. 3. Jean Skyes, “Improving the student ex- perience—How can the library help? New Re- view of Information Networking 13 (1, 2007). 4. Eric R. Blume, “Customer service: giving companies the competitive edge,” Training Development Journal 42 (9, 1988): 24–27. 5. Judith Broady-Preston and Joanna Felice, “Customer relationships and librar- ies: University of Malta, A case study,” Aslib Proceedings 58 (6, 2006): 525–36. 6. Judith Broady-Preston, Joanna Felice, and Susan Marshall, “Building better cus- tomer relationships: Case studies from Malta and the UK,” Library Management 27 (6/7, 2006): 430–45. 7. Barbara Sen, “Market orientation: A con- cept for health libraries,” Health Information and Libraries Journal 23 (1, 2006): 23–31. 8. John Christiansen, “The Official Home of the Fish! Philosophy,” www.charthouse. com/productdetail.aspx?nodeid=11037 (June 18, 2010). 9. Elisa F. Topper, “Fish or pickle? Cus- tomer services in libraries,” New Library World 110 (1/2, 2009): 92–94. 10. Chris Lawer, Are you becoming cus- tomer-centric? OMC Consulting Ltd. (2004). 11. Chenicheri Sid Nair, Phillip Adams, and Patrice Mertova, “Student engagement: The key to improving survey response rates,” Quality in Higher Education 14 (3, 2008): 225–32. 8 . W o l f r a m A l p h a M o b i l e , m.wolframalpha.com/ and WorldCat Mo- bile Beta, www.worldcatmobile.org/. 9. “iOS 4.2 Software Update,” www. apple.com/ipad/software-update/ (ac- cessed March 9, 2011). 10. The Unofficial Apple Weblog— App Reviews, www.tuaw.com/hub/app- reviews. 11. MacWorld App Guide, www.mac- world.com/appguide/index.html. 12. AppShopper, itunes.apple.com/us /app/appshopper/id387037496?mt=8. 13. iTunes RSS Generator, itunes.apple. com/rss/generator/. (“Setting up a library iPad program” contin- ued from page 216) (“The ‘just do it’...” cont. from page 231)