April07a.indd In the Last year, ACRL’s Research Committee, at the request of the ACRL Board, devoted itself to determining ten assumptions about the future that would have a significant impact on academic libraries and librarians. The committee mined for data by conducting a literature review and surveying other ACRL committees and sections. The article “Top ten assumptions for the future of academic libraries and librarians” (p. 240) provides a ranked listing of assumptions as determined by the committee. The Research Committee seeks feedback and invites you to provide it at https://marvin.foresightint.com/surveys /Tier1Survey/ACRL/156. We’re hearing more and more about librar­ ies putting new technologies to use to im­ prove the way their staffs communicate with each other and with their users. The library at East Tennessee State University has begun using a wiki as a knowledge sharing tool to support its information literacy program. The project, described in “Using a wiki to manage a library instruction program” (p. 242), can be adapted for many uses and reduce the silo effect throughout the library. “On being a new librarian” (245) provides some useful tips to keep in mind that will make the transition to a professional library career a positive and rewarding one. A must­ read for the early­career librarian. If you’re interested in becoming more involved with ACRL, running for a section office might be just what you’re looking for. Information on the nomination process is on page 252. Congratulations to Betsy Wilson (Univer­ sity of Washington), ACRL’s 2007 Academic/ Research Librarian of the Year, and all of the ACRL award winners. A profile of Wilson, as well as information on other award winners, can be found on page 230. —Stephanie Orphan, Editor­in Chief sorphan@ala.org ExpandExpand YYour Librarour Librar yy Rittenhouse Book Distributors presents The R2 Library offers a unique model for health science digital content enabling you to select and purchase only the resources you need through a topic-based, navigable, highly searchable database. Call Rittenhouse 1-800-345-6425 or visit our website, www.rittenhouse.com to learn more. For more information and to start your free 30-day trial today, visit www.rittenhouse.com and click on the “R2 Library” link. Rittenhouse is offering their annual Rites of Spring Promotion NOWNOW. April 2007 225 C&RL News mailto:sorphan@ala.org https://marvin.foresightint.com/surveys