october06a.indd In the Registration is now open for the ACRL 13th National Conference, “Sailing into the Fu­ ture: Charting our Destiny,” which will be held in Baltimore March 20 to April 1, 2007. The conference offers a forum for an exchange of ideas on research, practices, developments, and visions in the field of aca­ demic and research librarianship. ACRL will once again be offering a virtual component to the conference, which will take place in a dedicated online conference community, hosted by LearningTimes, Inc. All Baltimore conference registrants receive access to the online conference community as part of their conference registration. Those unable to at­ tend the face­to­face conference will have the opportunity to register for the virtual conference only. Registration information is available online at www.acrl.org/baltimore. Take advantage of the early bird discount by registering by February 7, 2007. The article on page 559, “What’ll it be, Hon? Things to do in Baltimore,” provides extensive information on many of “Charm City’s” offerings, from shopping to eating to cultural activities. Inner Harbor, one of Balti­ more’s most popular destinations, is walking distance from the convention center, so there will be plenty of opportunity to explore while attending the ACRL conference. For those of you on the lookout for region­ al activities, a list of ACRL chapter conferences and events can be found on page 556. If you’d like to become more active in ACRL, the article on page 551 outlines the volunteering and selection process for ACRL committee membership, as well as contact information for section committee appoint­ ments. Serving on one of ACRL’s many divi­ sion­ or section­level committees is a good way to expand your skills and contribute to the profession. —Stephanie Orphan, Editor­in­chief sorphan@ala.org October 2006 539 C&RL News mailto:sorphan@ala.org www.acrl.org/baltimore