june06c.indd Ann-Christe Galloway P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s Thea Burns, Harvard College Library’s (HCL) Helen H. Glaser conservator, and Janet Katz, senior reference librarian and coordinator of faculty services in the Harvard Law School, are the 2006 recipients of the Extended Professional Development Oppor­ tunity Program (EPDOP). EPDOP provides professional development leaves of one to three months (with full pay and benefi ts) for independent projects that increase profes­ sional competencies, while providing direct benefit to Harvard’s libraries. Burns will use her support with a three­month Craig Hugh Smith Visiting Fellowship at Harvard’s Villa I Tatti in Florence. Her work will focus on the invention of the Italian Renaissance metal­ point drawing. Katz will use hers to sup­ port her work in contributing a chapter to a book commemorating the opening of the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice, for which Katz also curated an exhibition. The Historically Black Colleges and Univer­ sity’s Library Alliance and the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL) have selected five associate­level librarians from the Library Alliance Leadership Pro­ gram to participate in a pilot exchange pro­ gram with five member libraries of ASERL during this summer. Evelyn Council, asso­ ciate director for collection development at Fayetteville State University (NC) will work with University of Tennessee­Knoxville; Sharlene Harris, librarian at St. Thomas Campus, University of the Virgin Islands, will work with College of William and Mary Iyanna Sims, interim electronic resources librarian, North Carolina A&T University, will work with Wake Forest University; Ed. note: To ensure that your personnel news is considered for publication, write to Ann-Christe Galloway, production editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e -mail: agalloway@ ala.org; fax: (312) 280-2520. Janet Walsh, assistant librarian for access Services at Fisk University, will work with University of Kentucky; and Brenda Wright, assistant director for collection management at Florida A&M University, will work with University of Louisville. Nancy Davenport will step down as presi­ dent of the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) at the end of her term, June 30, 2006. Before her appointment as CLIR pres­ ident, Davenport served more than 25 years at the Library of Congress, ultimately as director of acquisitions. While at CLIR, she was a mem­ ber of the ALA Council and Executive Board, and she currently serves on the Board of the National Information Standards Organization. Rebecca Hankins, Africana librarian and cu­ rator for the Texas A&M University Libraries, has been elected to a three­year term on the Council of the Society of American Archivists. Bill Sudduth, head of Thomas Cooper Li­ brary’s Department of Government Informa­ tion, Microforms, Newspapers, and Maps, has been selected to serve a three­year term as chair of the Govern­ ment Printing Offi ce’s Federal Depository Li­ brary Council. The De­ pository Library Council, composed of 15 mem­ bers (each of whom serve three­year terms), advises the Public Print­ er on policy matters relating to the Federal De­ pository Library Program. Bill Sudduth A p p o i n t m e n t s Mollie M. Dinwiddie has been appointed dean of library services at Central Missouri State University. June 2006 389 C&RL News Jeff Trzeciak, associate dean of the Wayne Leslie Lewis is now a reference librarian State University Library System, announced at Duquesne University. that he is leaving the university to accept a Iris Liu is now Chinese materials librar­ position as university librarian at McMaster ian at the University of Michigan’s Asia University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Library. Trzeciak became associate dean in Decem­ Heath Martin was appointed collection ber 2004 after serving first as the library sys­ development librarian at Western Carolina tem’s assistant director of systems and then University. as director of the library computing and Jeffrey P. Martin has been appointed media services department. During his time South Asia bibliographer and head of the at Wayne State, Trzeciak has spearheaded South Asia Division at the University of several successful grant proposals, includ­ Michigan. ing three Institute of Museum and Library Bonnie Postlethwaite has been ap­ Services grants at more than $1 million and pointed associate dean of libraries at the was named one of the 2004 “Movers and University of Missouri­Kansas City. Shakers” by Library Journal. Sarah Tudesco has joined the Harvard College Library (HCL) in a new position as Annie Jo Cain is now Web specialist/ref­ manager for HCL collection logistics. erence librarian at Harvard University’s John Matthew Turi has been appointed man­ F. Kennedy School of Government Library. uscripts reference librarian at the University Jackie Dean has been appointed manu­ of North Carolina­Chapel Hill. scripts reference librarian at the University Liza Vick is now music reference and of North Carolina­Chapel Hill. research librarian at Harvard’s Loeb Music Timothy Driscoll has been appointed Library. senior reference archivist in the univer­ Bart Voskuil is now environmental and sity archives at the Harvard University geosciences librarian at Western Carolina Library. University. Katherine Fox is now public services Rachel Wise has been named special lead in the historical collections of Harvard collections processor in Baker Library’s University’s Baker Library. historical collections at Harvard Business Ann Frenkel is now assistant univer­ School. sity librarian for research and instructional services at the University of California­Riv­ erside. Eric Frierson has joined the University Advertisers of Michigan’s Graduate Library Reference Department as instructional technology AARP 378 ACM cover 2 librarian. ALCTS 347 Gretchen Gould has been named ref­ American Economic Association 366 erence librarian and bibliographer at the Annual Reviews 344 University of Northern Iowa. ARL cover 3, 351, 371 Elizabeth A. Hassemer is now refer­ Choice 381 ence/instruction librarian for science and EBSCO cover 4 engineering at the University of Vermont Idea Group 343 Libraries. International City/County 386 Todd D. Kelley has been appointed Na­ Management Association tional Institute for Technology and Liberal Library Technology Alliance 364 Education’s director of strategy and planning Modern Language Association 359 and deputy executive director. 390C&RL News June 2006