ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries December 1988 / 785 WASHINGTON HOTLINE Carol C. Henderson (202) 547-4440; (ALA0025) Deputy Director, ALA Washington Office HEA II-D Grants. January 13, 1989, is the deadline for applications for the second round of grants under the Higher Education Act title II-D College Library Technology and Cooperation grants. Application packages are being mailed to all first round applicants, or can be obtained by request to Frank Stevens or Linda Loeb, Library Development Staff, Depart­ ment of Education, 555 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Rm. 402M, Washington, DC 20208-5571; (202/357-6315). The initial awards under fiscal year 1988 funding for this new program were announced at the end of September; 46 grants were made to encourage exemplary uses of tech­ nology to support library services within higher education. The four categories of awards were for networking equipment (20 grants averaging $52,339), joint-use or consortium (14 grants averaging $104,387), services to institutions (3 grants averaging $23,914), and research and demonstration (9 grants averaging $112,229). Federal funding. Congress provided funding for all programs by the beginning of fis­ cal year 1989 on October 1—the first time since FY 1977 that all appropriations bills were passed on time. Most library and related programs were up slightly from last year, with some exceptions such as the HEA II-B training and research and II-C research library programs. These two examples also show the effects of across-the-board cuts imposed on programs under their jurisdiction by the House and Senate Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations Sub­ committees. To keep funding within the subcommittees’ allocated totals, House-Senate con­ ferees both this year and last year imposed small cuts on the totals otherwise agreed to, thus shaving any intended increases and eroding programs intended to be level funded. For in­ stance, two years ago, HEA II-B was at $1 million and II-C was $6 million. (amounts in FY 1988 FY 1989 FY 1989 FY 1989 thousands) FUNDING HOUSE SENATE FUNDING HEA II-A college libs. -0- -0- -0- -0- II-B training, res. $ 718 $ 718 $ 718 $ 718 II-C research libs. 5,744 5,744 5,744 5,744 II-D tech & coop. 3,590 3,800 3,590 3,651 HI developing instit. 152,370 180,000 169,978 174,577 IV-C college work study 588,249 635,000 600,014 610,097 VI international educ. 25,419 25,419 25,419 25,114 LSCA III interlibrary coop. 18,669 20,000 18,669 19,102 GPO SuDocs 24,662 25,155 25,155 25,155 Library of Congress 247,971 256,883 257,278 257,278 Medical Lib. Asst. Act 9,414 defer 9,790 9,673 Natl. Lib. of Medicine 58,496 64,836 60,836 64,058 Natl. Agricultural Lib. 12,194 13,446 14,682 14,268 NCLIS 718 750 750 741 NEH 140,435 153,700 144,235 153,000 NHPRC 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 Postal revenue forgone 517,001 436,417 436,417 436,417 FIPSE 11,645 13,645 11,645 11,856 Natl. Center for Ed. Stats. 20,953 33,169 29,500 31,122