ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Jane 1996 3 8 9 THE CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $7.95 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $9.95 for others. Late job notices are $19.25 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $22.95 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $355 to $675 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms fac­ ulty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on ACRL's homepage on the World Wide Web at http:// Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL Wewsis published. To reach C&RL NewsNet access the ACRL homepage (, select C&RL News, and then choose the menu item Job Postings by Job Title. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 - 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employ­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. BOOKS FOR SALE IN TE R N E T D IS C O U N T P R O F E S S IO N A L B O O K C E N TE R . 40 per­ cent off list price. 1000's of new/current books. All subjects. No second hand/remainders, W ORKSHOPS R E -E N G IN E E R IN G L IB R A R IE S FOR C H A N G E . July 5, 1996, NYC (Prior to ALA). A a ro n C o h e n A s s o c ia te s LTD, 159 Teatown Rd., Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520; phone: (914) 271 -8170; fax: (914) 271 - 2434; email: C O N D U C T IN G USER S U R V E Y S IN A C A D E M IC L IB R A R IE S . July 5,1996. Location: New York, New York, Hotel Millenium, rooms 4.04­ 4.05. Fee: $175. Contact: Allyn Fitzgerald, A s s o c ia tio n o f R e s e a rc h L ib ra rie s , 21 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC 20036; phone: (202) 296-2296; fax: (202) 872-0884; e-mail:; homepage: CATALOG LIBRARIAN (SLAVIC/GERMANIC LANGUAGES) BROW N U N IV E R S ITY LIBRARY As a Catalog Librarian, reporting to the Head, Catalog Librarian, you will be respon­ sible for cataloging and classifying o f Slavic and Germanic language materials in all for­ mats and all subject areas, using AACR2r, USMARC formats, LC classification and subject headings. Perform full authority work and contribute name headings to NACO. You may also have the opportunity to assume collection development responsi­ bilities. Requirements are: ALA-accredited MLS degree; reading knowledge o f Russian and German languages; a minimum o f two years o f cataloging experience in an acade­ mic setting; familiarity with automated cata­ loging systems, MARC formats, AACR2r, LCRIs, LCSH; experience with national bibli­ ographic utilities and authority control; abil­ ity to communicate clearly both orally and in writing; good analytical and problem solv­ ing skills. Desired qualifications include a background in philosophy and religious studies and a reading knowledge o f other Slavic and Germanic languages. Minimum salary $27,650, negotiable depending on experience. To be assured o f consideration, please send letter o f application, resume and names o f three references by June 30,1996, to: Brown University, Human Resources, Box 1879/B223, Providence, Rl 02912. Brown University is an EEO/AA Employer. f f t B R O W N U NIV E R SITY S T A T IS T IC S FOR L IB R A R IA N S . September26-27,1996 . Location: Conference Room, ARL, 21 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC. Fee: $350. Contact: Allyn Fitzgerald, A s s o c ia tio n o f R e s e a rc h L ib ra rie s , 21 Dupont Circle. Washington, DC 20036; phone: (202) 296-2296; fax: (202) 872-0884; e-mail: allyn@; homepage: http:// E LE C T R O N IC P U B L IS H IN G O F D A T A S ETS ON TH E W O R L D W IDE W E B . Oct. 28-30, 1996. Location: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Fee: $350. Contact: Allyn Fitzgerald, A s s o c ia ­ t io n o f R e s e a rc h L ib ra rie s , 21 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC 20036; phone: (202) 296-2296; fax: (202) 872-0884; e-mail:; home page: POSITIONS OPEN A R C H IV E S A N D M A N U S C R IP T S L IB R A R IA N (P R O C E S S IN G ). Faculty rank, tenure-track position (Assistant Professor). Responsi­ bilities: Access, arrange, and describe manuscript collections and archives; prepare finding aids for inclusion in automated and manual systems; determine appropriate preservation/conservation measures and assist with holdings maintenance; assist with provision of refer- 390/C&RL News TENURE-TRACK LIBRARIAN POSITIONS AVAILABLE Long Island University Brooklyn Campus Head of Public Services To direct and coordinate smooth operations of public service units: circulation, reference peri­ odicals including access and media services, Bl ‚ ILL. Responsible for planning, budgets, staff de­ velopment, information technologies, patron ser­ vices. ALA-MLS, minimum five years professional library experience with increasing administration and supervisory responsibility including three years as departm ent head, preferably in an auto­ mated academic library. Broad knowledge of online and remote-access services, including Internet, preferred. Head of Technical Services To direct and evaluate operations of technical services divisions, including acquisitions, cata­ loging, serials, automated systems. Responsible for planning‚ budget, current, and future technolo­ gies, personnel, quality control. O versee rapidly growing materials budget. Qualifications: ALA- MLS, minimum five years professional library experience with increasing administration and supervisory responsibility, preferably in an auto­ mated academ ic library. Required: M anaging in­ tegrated automated system, experience with origi­ nal cataloging, cataloging of nonprint and serials, and solid knowledge of MARC, DDC, AACR2r, OCLC, LCSH, authority control. Technology-Media Librarian Provide leadership fo r planning, designing, imple­ menting current and future technologies including distance-learning, remote-access networks, online services, educational multimedia. Act as liaison to vendors, campus computing, university. adminis­ tration on budgets, contracts, equipment, soft­ ware. Train users, staff, faculty in future instruc­ tional models. Qualifications: ALA-MLS, three years experience with som e supervisory. Pre­ ferred: Five years academ ic library experience in autom ation/m ulti-m edia position. Received: Ex­ tensive knowledge of networked environments, emerging technologies, hardware, software, ap­ propriate technical standards. ALL THREE POSITIONS: Excellent w ritten and oral comm unication skills required. Salary com ­ m ensurate with qualifications. Send resume and three references (with phone numbers and addresses) to: Terri Campo Personnel Department Long Island University 1 University Plaza Brooklyn, NY 11201 ence and user services; train and supervise student and volunteer processing assistants; participate in the management and develop­ ment of unit programs; participate in other library activities as appro­ priate; meet faculty requirements for librarianship, professional devel­ opment, research, and service. Qualifications required: A master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school; course work or training in archives theory and practice; two years experience, in the process­ ing and preservation of unpublished materials; ability to communicate and work effectively with researchers, administrators, university and library faculty, and the public; knowledge of trends and issues in the communication of scholarly information; and must be able to lift cartons weighing 30 to 40 pounds. Preferred: Graduate degree in history, literature, or other relevant discipline, with a focus on the American Southwest and the Borderlands; familiarity with MARC formats; familiarity with appropriate microcomputer applications; competence in the Spanish language. Compensation: Twelve-month contract with competitive salary and benefits package ($30,500 minimum). New Mexico State University is a landgrant institution that enrolls more than 15,000 students in 75 major undergraduate areas, 45 master’s degree programs, and 19 doctoral degree programs. The library contains approximately 950,000 volumes in two facilities and has a budget of approximately $5 million. The Rio Grande Historical Collections and the University Archives consist of approximately 12,000 cubic feet of unpublished documentary materials related to the southwestern experience and the university’s past. The holdings comprise all formats, including oral and video recordings and approxi­ mately half a million still photographs. Many of these photographs are being digitized to increase access and permit the originals to be placed in long-term cold storage. The program is engaged in an active cooperative microfilming program which has produced more than 500 rolls of microfilm of the records of the Archdiocese of Durango, Mexico. To apply: Send letter of application, current resume, and the names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three recent references to: Austin Hoover, Chair, Archives and Manuscripts Search Committee, New Mexico State University Library, P.O. Box 30006, Las Cruces, NM 88003. Review of applications will begin July 15, 1996, and will continue until the position is filled. New Mexico State University is an AA/EEO employer. Offer of employment is contingent upon verification of individual’s eligibility for employment in the United States. ARCHIVES AND MANUSCRIPTS LIBRARIAN (REFORMATTING/ REPROGRAPHIC). Faculty rank, tenure-track position (Instructor). Responsibilities: Manage m icrofilm ing, copy photography, and digital reformatting projects; train and supervise microfilmers, copy photography and darkroom assistants, and digital scanning station operators; monitor production and quality control; coordinate pres­ ervation of photographic images; assist with the provision of refer­ ence and user services; participate in the management and devel­ opment of unit programs; participate in other library activities as appropriate; m onitor and explore new developments in the field; meet faculty requirements for librarianship, professional develop­ ment, research, and service. Q ualifications required: M aster’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school; course work or training in archives theory and practice; experience with archival audiovisual materials; training in the conservation of photographic images and in optical technologies; knowledge of the history of photography and photographic processes; experience in m icrofilm ­ ing, photographic copying, and digital reformatting; speaking and writing competence in Spanish; extensive experience on PC and Mac com puter platforms and knowledge of suitable software and Internet applications; ability to communicate and work effectively with researchers, administrators, university and library faculty and the public; and must be able to lift cartons weighing 30 to 40 pounds. Preferred: Graduate degree in history, literature, or other relevant discipline with a focus on the American Southwest and the Border­ lands; fam iliarity with MARC formats. Compensation: Tw elve­ month contract with com petitive salary and benefits package ($28,000 minimum). New Mexico State University is a landgrant institution that enrolls more than 15,000 students in 75 major undergraduate areas, 45 master’s degree programs, and 19 doc­ toral degree programs. The library contains approximately 950,000 volumes in two facilities and has a budget of approximately $5 million. The Rio Grande Historical Collections and the University Archives consist of approximately 12,000 cubic feet of unpublished documentary materials related to the southwestern experience and the university’s past. The holdings comprise of all formats, includ­ ing oral and video recordings and approximately half a million still photographs. Many of these photographs are being digitized to increase access and permit the originals to be placed in long-term cold storage. The program is engaged in an active cooperative microfilm ing program that has produced more than 500 rolls of June 1996/391 Systems Librarian The M oore Library at Rider University seeks an individual with training and skills in library technologies for a tenure-track facul­ ty position. Responsibilities: 1) provides Library faculty leadership and training for library technologies and, in partnership with library administrative staff and the Office o f Information Technologies technical staff, is the Library faculty liaison on hardware, maintenance and troubleshooting issues; 2) operates the Library’s CD-ROM network, OCLC workstations, and provides technical expertise for networked information resources; 3) participates in reference and one other aspect o f public services. The Moore Library has 10 librarian positions, 18 staff, a client/server integrated system, 380.000 volumes, and 1,400 subscriptions for 4,000 students and 250 plus faculty. Qualifi­ cations: A.L.A. accredited master’s degree, at least tw o years o f experience with Novell, CD-ROM databases, Windows operating sys­ tem, and know ledge o f current trends in library technologies are required. Experi­ ence in an academic library and with UNIX, TCP/IP and W W W client/server technolo­ gies is preferred. Rank is dependent upon qualifications. Promotion and tenure require a second graduate degree and scholarly activity. Competitive salary and benefits. Review o f applications will begin June 3, 1996 and w ill continue until the position is filled, with a targeted starting date o f August 15, 1996. Send letter o f application, resume and names, addresses and phone numbers o f three references to Kathryn Holden, A ctin g D irecto r o f Library Services, R ider U n iversity Libraries, 2083 Lawrenceville Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648. Visit Rider University on the Internet at Rider University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action em ployer and does not discriminate on the basis o f age, race, sex, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, religion, or any other non-job related criteria. microfilm of the records of the Archdiocese of Durango, Mexico. To apply: Send letter of application, current resume, and names, titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three recent refer­ ences to: Austin Hoover, Chair, Archives and Manuscripts Search Committee, New Mexico State University Library, PO Box 30006, Las Cruces, NM 88003. Review of applications will begin July f 5, 1996 and will continue until the position is filled. New Mexico State University is an AA/EEO Employer. O ffer of employment is contin­ gent upon verification of individual’s eligibility for employment in the United States. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR ACCESS SERVICES Duties: Super­ vise installation process during initial stages of Horizon implementa­ tion; supervise ongoing installation of Horizon and companion soft­ ware on client workstations; manage operations of access services, including cataloging, material preparation, interlibrary loan, circula­ tion services, stacks management, and document delivery; organize and participate in original on-site Horizon training; supervise mainte­ nance agreements for Horizon System; participate in Horizon users group; supervise paraprofessionals and student workers. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; expert knowledge of AACR2, LCSH; cataloging experience with a bibliographic utility, preferably in an academic setting. Position available July 1, 1996. Send letter of application, resume, transcripts, and the names and addresses of three refer­ ences postmarked by June 15,1996, to: Lewis & Clark Community College, Personnel Department, Room 107, 5800 Godfrey Rd., Godfrey, IL 62035. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. Assistant Librarian for a small, rural col­ lege library with 50,000 volumes and a small staff. Requirements: MLS, minimum one to two years experience, and generalist-type skills. OCLC, technical, system experience highly desirable. Salary: Mid- to upper- twenties, depending on qualifications. Send letter, resume, and the names of three references to: Sally Andrews, Librarian, Marlboro College, Marlboro, VT 05344. Application review starts May 27,1996 , and continues until position is filled. EOE. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN, REFERENCE. State University of New York, College of Old Westbury. Twelve-month, tenure track faculty Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini- mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $30,128 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $23,700* Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $26,000 Vermont $23,846 W est Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 *Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a form ula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state associa­ tion for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. 392/C&RL News TWO CATALOGING LIBRARIAN POSITIONS WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES HEALTH SCIENCES CATALO G ING LIBRARIAN Catalogs original and m em ber copy fo r titles in all form ats for the Health Sciences Library using LCSH and MeSH, acts as cataloging liaison to the Health Sciences Library; assists other cataloging staff with cataloging for other libraries; assists with database cleanup projects. Reports to Head of the Cataloging Department. O ther responsibilities may include supervision, collection development, and p ublic service duties. MINIMUM Q U ALIFICATIO NS: M aster’s degree from ALA-accredited program; three years of catalog­ ing experience in a university, college, or large public library cataloging departm ent; experience with using a national bibliographic utility such as OCLC or RLIN. PREFERRED: Experience in cataloging m edical titles, experience using NOTIS. SALARY AND RANK: $28,000 minimum, appointm ent at Assistant U niversity Librarian or higher, depending on experience and qualifications. Librarian appointm ents at WVU libraries are 12-month, non-tenure-track faculty. Benefits include TIAA-CREF, variety of m edical plans, 24 days vacation and 18 days sick leave. DATABASE M A IN TENANCE/CA TALO GING LIBRARIAN Catalogs original and m em ber copy fo r titles in all form ats for all WVU libraries; directs database clean­ up projects. Reports to Head of the C ataloging Department. O ther responsibilities may include supervision, collection developm ent, and public service duties. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIO NS: M aster’s degree from an ALA-accredited program; experience with using a national bibliographic utility such as OCLC or RLIN. HIG HLY DESIRED: Previous cataloging experience; experience with NOTIS; experience with the com plete Dewey Decimal classification. SALARY AND RANK: $27,000 minimum, appointm ent at Assistant University Librarian or higher, depending upon experience and qualifications. Librarian appointm ents are 12-month, non-tenure-track faculty. Benefits include TIAA-CREF, variety of medical plans, 24 days vacation and 18 days sick leave. Cataloging Librarians are expected to have good working knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, LCRI, Library of Congress schedules, a reading knowledge of o n e foreign language, the ability to w ork independently and excellent oral and written com m unication skills. The Cataloging Departm ent underthe direction of the Head of the Departm ent has a staff of 10.5 FTE including binding, and is responsible for the integrity of the NOTIS online catalog. STARTING DATE: Septem ber 1,1996. APPLICATIO N: W est Virginia University is strongly com m itted to diversity and w elcom es nominations and applications from all qualified individuals. Forward letter of application; resume; and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: Donna Capelle Cook, Chairperson Search Com mittee for Cataloging Positions W ise Library P.O. Box 6069 West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 26506-6069 Review of applications will begin June 30 ,19 9 6 , and continue until the position is filled. West Virginia University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer, women and minorities are encouraged to apply. The university attempts to be responsive to dual career couples. appointment beginning September 1996. Responsibilities: General reference duties in a liberal arts college library, to include: work with reference databases and automated library systems, responsibility for interlibrary loans, and involvement in library instruction. Some evening and weekend work is required. Qualifications: Accredited MLS or equivalent, with academic library and interlibrary loan experi­ ence preferred. The College at Old Westbury is located on a 600-acre campus in Long Island’s Nassau County, and maintains a rich racially and culturally diverse student body. Send letter of interest, resume, and three letters of reference by July 22,1996, to: Director of Personnel and Affirmative Action, Screening Committee: RL-AL, SUNY College at Old Westbury, Box 210, Old Westbury, NY 11568. (Regretfully, travel funds for interviewing are unavailable.) Salary: $25,614 mini­ mum. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. AA/EOE. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Cornette Library, West Texas A&M Univer­ sity. Reports to Associate University Librarian. Responsible for the daily operation of the cataloging department. Duties: Supervise and participate in the bibliographic control of library materials in all formats; train and evaluate subordinates; supervise check-in and claiming of serials; propose goals and objectives in accordance with the library's mission; develop and interprets policies, practices, and June 1996/393 HEAD, CATALOGING DEPARTMENT UCLA Library U n d e r the general direction of the Associate University Librarian for C ollections and Technical Services, manages the operations of the Cataloging Departm ent including ongoing review and revision of policies and procedures in a highly automated and changing environment. Sets goals and establishes priorities and work flow, coordinating practices among sections and providing specific decisions and interpretations as required. Adm inisters the D epartm ent’s personnel program, providing leadership and guidance in staff training and development. Has personal responsibility fo r the selection, supervision, and evaluation of the professional m em bers of the M onographic Cataloging Teams, and of the heads of the Authority, Continuations Cataloging, Rapid Cataloging, and Records M anagem ent and Physical Processing Sec­ tions. Assesses resource needs and monitors fund expenditures. Leads the departm ent in making efficient and innovative use of available tools, equipment, and technologies; and strives to create an environm ent that encourages and recognizes high performance, facilitates effective com m unication at all levels, and fosters teamwork. Participates actively in the form ulation of cataloging and technical services policies as a m em ber of the Advisory Com mittee on Cataloging and the Technical Services Council. Advises the library adm inistration on overall library initiatives as a m em ber of the Adm inistrative C onference- Is expected to participate in cataloging programs and standard setting on a national level. Q U ALIFICATIO NS: Demonstrated excellent m anagerial, planning, leadership, comm unication, and interpersonal skills and experience in an academ ic or research library and in a com plex library network environment. Substantial and progressively responsible experience with planning, budgeting, and person­ nel m anagem ent. Direct knowledge of, and experience with, the MARC form ats, the Anglo-Am erican Cataloguing Rules, and the application and interpretation of Library of C ongress subject headings and classification. Direct knowledge of, and experience with, one of the national bibliographic utilities, preferably OCLC. Experience with a local integrated library system. Knowledge of cataloging and automated systems sufficient to take an active role in planning for and implementing a new integrated library system and associated work flow changes. Knowledge of national cataloging standards and issues, and trends in technical services and autom ation, including the Program for C ooperative Cataloging. SALARY RANGE: $36,648– $60,004. Anyone w ishing to be considered for the position should write to: Rita A. Scherrei A ssociate University Librarian for Personnel and Adm inistrative Services University Research Library UCLA 11334 URL, Box 951575 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1575 The application letter should include a complete statem ent of qualifications, a full resume of education and relevant experience, and the names of at least three persons who are knowledgeable about the applicant’s qualifications for this position. Candidates applying by July 31 ‚ 1996, will be given first consideration. standards; prepare written reports and statistics; serves as liaison from the cataloging department to other departments in the library and to the university. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; three years of professional cataloging experience in an academic library, including two consecutive years with one organization; expe­ rience in cataloging a wide variety of formats, especially serials; familiarity with serial check-in systems; knowledge of and experience with AACR2r, LCSH, LC classification, OCLC, and an integrated library system; proven supervisory experience. Experience with the DRA library automation system is highly desirable. Benefits: $26,500/ 12 months. Employer contribution to health insurance and benefits package. Choice of retirement program. Cornette Library: Ample work space and aesthetically pleasing interiors distinguish this 150,000- square-foot building which houses 270,000 volumes, 1,850 current periodicals, and 650,000 government documents. Founding member of multitype regional consortium, which provides fully integrated automation services to more than 30 academic, public, school, and special libraries in a 25-county service area. General information: WTAMU is located 15 miles south of Amarillo in Canyon, Texas; and offers a choice of small town or city living, both inexpensive. The university has approximately 6,500 students, and offers 60 under­ graduate and 32 graduate degree programs. Renowned Panhandle Plains Historical Museum located on campus. Minutes away from spectacular Palo Duro Canyon. Only a few hours’ drive to Santa Fe and the mountains of northern New Mexico. Pleasant climate. No state income tax. Application deadline: Applications will be accepted until June 24,1996. Mail resume and the names of three references and their phone numbers to: JoAnn Lowrance, Director, Personnel Services, West Texas A&M University, WTAMU Box 999, Canyon, TX 79016-0001. WTAMU is an AA/EO employer. CATALOGER, HUMANITIES/GERMAN. Notre Dame libraries seek a humanities cataloger to catalog monographs in all formats, with an emphasis on philosophy and German language materials, for an expanding research collection. In addition to performing original cataloging using OCLC and NOTIS and contributing to NACO, partici­ pates in formulation of policy and assists in quality control and problem solving in the Cataloging Department. Cooperates with subject librarians in relevant fields in providing outstanding biblio­ graphic access and may assume some collection development duties. Graduate degree from an ALA-accredited library school and an undergraduate or graduate degree in a humanities discipline, preferably philosophy, required, as is an excellent reading knowledge of German and a working knowledge of at least one other European 394/C&RL News RESOURCE SERVICES LIBRARIAN FOR ENGLISH, AMERICAN AND COMPARATIVE LITERATURES AND FILM STUDIES MILTON S. EISENHOWER LIBRARY THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY The mission of the Resource Service Department is to deliver the full range of reference, instructional, and collection developm ent s e rvices to the Hopkins community. Resource Services Librarians are subject specialists, each of whom is responsible fo r building strong, client-centered relationships with the faculty and students in the handful of disciplines he or she serves. The Eisenhower Library’s com m itm ent to working a s a valued p artner in th e academ ic enterprise is being felt in four key ways: a concentration on designing services which respond to user feedback; a com m itm ent t o enable fa c u ity , students, a n d s ta ff t o m aster th e n e w inform ation environm ent; a focused effort toward creating the digital library of the future; and a m ajor rem odeling and programm atic re­ orientation of the library’s public service spaces. The Eisenhower Library prizes initiative, creativity, professionalism, and teamwork. RESPONSIBILITIES Understand and facilitate the work of the English department, the Film and Media Studies Program, the Humanities Center, and the W riting Seminars Program, and cultivate and maintain close working relationships with the m embers of those departments. Select traditional and electronic resources fo r the collection in assigned subject areas and manage related budgets. Develop W eb-based resources in assigned subject areas. Provide a variety of general reference, research consultation and instructional services to the academ ic community. QUALIFICATIONS MLS from an ALA-accredited library school required, and an advanced degree in English Literature or equivalent experience strongly desired. C om m itm ent to quality, client-centered services. Ability to conduct seminars and instructional programs in the use of the library and its resources. Knowledge of the Internet and the World W ide W eb. Two or more years’ experience in collection developm ent and/or reference in a research library required. Reading knowledge of two European languages, particularly French and German, highly desirable. W illingness to w ork a flexible schedule (including some evenings and weekends) as part of a team. The hiring range for this position is $35,619– $44,667, depending on education and experience. Benefits include 22 days vacation; free life insurance; tuition benefits; TIAA/CREF retirement program; and group health plan cost shared by individual and university. To apply, send letter o f application indicating Job #596-266, resume, and three letters of reference, by July 1 5 , 1996, to: The Johns Hopkins University Office of Human Resources 119 Garland Hall Baltimore, MD 21218 AA/EOE. Smoke-free and drug-free. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. language. Knowledge of AACR2, MARC, and LC classification and subject headings; previous cataloging experience with OCLC and with an automated library system required. Experience in an aca­ demic library highly desirable. Individual must be committed to continued professional development and active participation in the organizational life of the libraries. Faculty status: Nontenure track. Minimum salary: $30,000, with a competitive benefits package. Search to continue until position is filled, with consideration assured to applications received by June 30, 1996. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and the names and addresses of three refer­ ences to: Sharon A. Veith, Human Resource Representative, 221 Hesburgh Library, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556; te le p h o n e : (219) 6 3 1 -5 6 7 9 ; fa x: (2 1 9 ) 6 3 1 -6 7 7 2 ; e -m a il: Sharon.A.Veith.1 Notre Dame is an equal opportunity, affir­ mative action employer. Women, minorities, and disabled individuals are strongly encouraged to apply. CHEMISTRY-MATHEMATICS LIBRARIAN. Library Faculty Vacancy. University of Oklahoma. Duties: Under the direction of the Head of Branch Libraries, the Chemistry-Mathematics Librarian supervises the Chemistry-Mathematics Branch Library and the Physics Branch Library. This includes the review, development, and implementation of programs and services; the hiring, training, supervision, and evaluation of staff; the provision of reference service, including database searching; the maintenance and circulation of library mate­ rials; the selection, weeding, and evaluation of the collection; the provision of orientation and library instruction. The Chemistry-Math­ ematics Librarian serves as liaison between the university libraries June 1996/395 SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN Library, Trinity University Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, invites applications from reference librarians for the position of Social Sciences Librarian, a faculty appointm ent which may be entry-level. Trinity, with 2,400 undergraduates and 200 graduate students, is strongly committed to excellence in support of the liberal arts and sciences tradition. Selective admissions, highly qualified faculty, outstanding teaching programs, support for library development, and com m itm ent to undergraduate research place Trinity among the excellent liberal arts and sciences institutions in the nation. Presently, the Maddux Library collection holds nearly 800,000 volumes, plus sizable holdings of governm ent documents, microforms, and media. A building expansion project is in the planning stage. General reference duties, including scheduled evening and weekend hours, are a significant part of this position. Prim ary responsibilities also include liaison work with selected social sciences departments and programs, possibly including history, political science, sociology, anthropology, and economics; collection developm ent and managem ent activities; and user education. The Reference Department consists of five librarians and two assistants who report to the Assistant D irector for Public Services and Collections. Scholarship, including publication, and professional service are expected activities in this tenure-track position. QUALIFICATIONS: Demonstrated skill in reference service and user education, knowledge of print and electronic resources, microcomputer experience, and an ALA-accredited MLS degree. Baccalaureate or graduate degree in a social science discipline is preferred. Trinity seeks librarians who wish to function in a campus community both as librarians and as academics, who demonstrate an appreciation for and com m itm ent to undergraduate liberal arts and sciences education, who possess initiative, energy, creativity, and good interpersonal skills, and who have the ability to function effectively in a complex organization with strong professional commitment. Assistant Professor rank with tenure track. Salary minimum $28,000, or higher depending on experience or other qualifications. This is a twelve month appointment with TIAA/CREF and other fringe benefits. Position available August 1, 1996, or as soon thereafter as possible. Send a letter of application including description of experience and interests, a detailed resume, a placement file if available, and the names of three references to: Richard Meyer Library Director Trinity University 715 Stadium Drive San Antonio, TX 78212-7200 Trinity University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer; we especially encourage applications from minorities. and the Department of Chemistry, the Department of Mathematics, and the Department of Physics and Astronomy. This position is governed by the University’s policies for research or creative achieve­ ment and professional service as outlined by the faculty handbook. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; library or related experience working with the subject literature of a science discipline or an undergraduate degree in the sciences; knowledge of database searching and electronic resources; teaching or bibliographic instruction experience. Desirable: Advance degree in the sciences; supervisory experience; experience in library collection development; familiarity with NOTIS or some other automated library system; experience with a major bibliographic utility; evidence of research and publication; strong interpersonal and communication skills. Deadline for applications: July 15,1996. Available: September 1, 1996. Salary: $27,000 minimum. Benefits: TIAA/CREF; State Retirement System; 33 days of paid leave; short-term disability leave; University holidays; comprehensive medical protection; and group life Insurance. University libraries: A member of the Research Librar­ ies Group, AMIGOS, and ARL, the University Libraries consists of a main library and six branches. The collection contains more than 2.4 million volumes, 16,000 periodical subscriptions, and three outstand­ ing special collections in the history of science, western history, and business history. The libraries operate a computerized library system (NOTIS), including local holdings, subject databases, and network connections to other libraries. Norman, Oklahoma, is an attractive community close to a major metropolitan city. Employment: Librar­ ians have faculty status, privileges, responsibilities, and the rank of assistant professor or above; and are eligible for tenure. Application: Send letter of application with resume, a list of publications, and the names of three references, including current supervisor, to: Donald C. Hudson, Assistant to the Dean for Administrative Services, University Libraries, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019; phone: (405) 325-2611. The University of Oklahoma is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. We encourage women and minority appli­ cants, and we are responsive to the needs of dual-career couples. COLLECTION AND INFORMATION RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN. Academic staff position as Collection and Information Resource Development Librarian at UW-Stout, a special-mission university in Northwestern Wisconsin with an enrollment of 7,000. Qualifications: ALA-accredited Master's degree in Library/Informa­ tion Studies required. Three years of experience. Works with faculty, staff and students to identify collection and information, research needs of the University community. Actively promotes and coordi­ nates formal Information Resource Development liaison contacts with academic departments in conjunction with the Information De­ velopment Resource work group. Trains and supervises ordering/ receiving clerk. Reference and library instruction tasks are also 396/C&RL News HEAD OF MULTIMEDIA CATALOGING SECTION The University of California, Irvine The libraries at the University of California seek a Head of the Multimedia Cataloging Section. The incumbent is responsible for the cataloging of nonbook form ats including, but not restricted to sound recordings, la s e r discs, videocassettes, 16mm film, microforms, and electronic resources (CD-ROM, co m p u te r files, Internet)— m ongraphic and serial. This position will supervise one Library Assistant IV. The salary will be comm ensurate with qualifications and experience within a range of $34,188– $48,540 (Assistant Librarian IV– Librarian I). The library collection, supported by a materials budget of approxim ately $4,200,000, consists of 1.6 million volumes and 17,000 current serials. The Catalog Departm ent utilizes OCLC and Innovative Interface to catalog approxim ately 30,000 volumes annually for the Main, Science and Medical Center Libraries. The University of California, Irvine, is nestled in 1,489 acres of coastal foothills, five miles from the Pacific Ocean between San Diego and Los Angeles. To request a copy of th e full position description, send your name and mailing instructions by e-mail to: jlkaufm a@ or by fax to (714) 824-1288 or leave a message at (714) 824-4716 Applications received by July 30,1996, will receive first consideration, but applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. The University of California, Irvine, is an equal opportunity employer (educator) committed to excellence through diversity. assigned. Candidates must demonstrate critical thinking, solid teach­ ing, effective communication skills, and positive performance as a team member in a rapidly changing electronic environment. Salary: $33,000 annually. Closing date for applications: June 30, 1996. Expected begin date: August 1, 1996. Interested candidates should send letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: John J. Jax, Director, Library Learning Center, UW-Stout, Menomonie, Wl 54751. UW-Stout is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer committed to diversity in its people and its programs. UW-Stout especially encourages applications from women, persons of color, and persons with disabilities. The University is open to considering qualified spouses for available positions. Nominees and applicants who have not requested in writing that their identity not be revealed and all finalists’ names will be released upon request. COORDINATOR OF INFORMATION INSTRUCTION. The New Mexico State University Library seeks an energetic team player to lead a dynamic information instruction program. The successful candidate will coordinate and teach both course-related instruction and for- credit courses; will provide leadership in developing the information instruction program and in developing librarians as instructors fo r that program; will work with faculty in the library and campuswide to promote library instruction and information literacy; and will evaluate the effectiveness and outcomes of information instruction at NMSU. Other duties include reference service with some night and weekend hours; collection management; and other duties, committee assign­ ments, and projects, as assigned. Rank: Assistant professor or higher (tenure-track, faculty status). Required: ALA-accredited MLS or equiva­ lent; two years of library experience or related teaching experience; thorough knowledge of print and electronic information sources, including the Internet; excellent written and oral communication skills; demonstrated ability to meet the requirements for faculty promotion and tenure. Preferred: Experience in planning, designing, and leading a library user-education program; experience in teaching for-credit courses; knowledge of established and emerging instructional tech­ nologies; ability to develop computer-assisted instruction programs; experience working in electronic classrooms; a second master’s degree. A reading and speaking knowledge of Spanish is desirable. NMSU, New Mexico’s landgrant university, enrolls over 15,000 stu­ dents in 71 undergraduate, 45 master’s, and 19 doctoral degree programs. NMSU is classified as a Carnegie I research institution, and is a member of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. The university library has an annual budget exceeding $5 million and contains approximately one million volumes in two buildings. A new building houses humanities and social sciences collections, as well as an electronic classroom to be completed by September 1996. A recently renovated building houses agriculture, engineering, science, and business collections and is scheduled to house an electronic classroom. Library computer resources include VTLS, INNOVACQ, a campuswide CD-ROM LAN, access to the Internet, and multiple microcomputer applications. Located along the Rio Grande in south­ ern New Mexico, NMSU is 40 miles north of the El Paso, TX-Juarez, Mexico metropolitan area, at the southern end of the Rocky Moun­ tains. This desert area enjoys abundant sunshine and is within easy driving distance to alpine areas that include excellent hiking, skiing, and water sports. Salary: minimum 30,500 for a 12-month appoint­ ment. Benefits include 22 vacation days per year. Send letter of application, resume, and the names and telephone numbers of three references to: Karen Stabler, Chair, Coordinator of Information In­ struction Search Committee. Review of applications will begin July 15, 1996 and will continue until August 15, 1996. New Mexico State University Library, Box 30006, Dept. 3475, Las Cruces, NM 88003- 0006. New Mexico State University is an EEO, AA employer. Offers of employment contingent upon verification of the individual’s eligibility for employment in the United States. DIGITAL RESOURCES CATALOG LIBRARIAN, ORIGINAL AND SPECIAL MATERIALS CATALOGING. Columbia University Librar­ ies. Columbia University seeks an experienced cataloger familiar with a variety of electronic formats and Internet resources to assist in developing our program for bibliographic control of electronic and digital materials. Reporting to the Head, Original and Special Materials Cataloging Department, the incumbent will work with staff from the Bibliographic Control Division, the Electronic Text Service, the Library Systems Office, and Academic Information Services to develop plans and methods to provide appropriate access to electronic resources; provide original cataloging for electronic and digital resources added to the libraries’ collections or available through the campus network (including electronic texts, computer files, Internet resources, digi­ tized materials, and interactive media); provide advice and assistance June 1996/397 EMMANUEL COLLEGE LIBRARY DIRECTOR Emmanuel College, located in the center of Boston’s cultural, medical, and educational com­ munities, is a Catholic liberal arts college for women, enrolling 1,500 students and admitting men and women to graduate and professional programs. The college seeks a Library Director with strong leadership and team-building abili­ ties. The successful candidate must be able to motivate and guide the staff, establish priorities and responsibilities, participate in budget plan­ ning for library services, establish effective com­ munications with the college community, par­ ticipate in collegewide committees, and serve on the boards of Fenway Library Consortium and the Fenway Libraries Online and have strong m anagem ent skills for the development and support of all library initiatives. QUALIFICATIONS: Master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA accredited institution. Second m aster’s degree in a subject field is highly desired. Minimum 5–7 years successful adm inistrative experience in an academic li­ brary. Experience with library planning and de­ sign. Strong com m itm ent to service and infor­ mation literacy. Knowledge of implementing tech­ nological applications for information access and delivery. Demonstrated organizational and leadership qualities. Effective interpersonal and comm unication skills. Interested candidates should send a cover let­ ter and resume to: Mary Ferreira Emmanuel College 400 The Fenway Boston, MA 02115 CATALOGER (Anticipated Vacancy) State University of New York College at Oneonta SUNY College at Oneonta invites applications for an anticipated position of Cataloger, Senior As­ sistant or Associate Librarian (12 month, tenure track). QUALIFICATIONS: Accredited MLS, minimum five years cataloging experience, working knowl­ edge of AACR2R, LC and Dewey classification/ LCSH, OCLC, fam iliarity with integrated library systems (MultiLIS preferred) and microcomputer applications. DUTIES: Serials cataloging, original and com ­ plex copy cataloging in all subject areas and formats, bibliographic problem resolution, and authority control. Participates in night/weekend public service rotation. Salary is competitive. SUNY offers a comprehensive benefits package. Review of applications will begin on July 10, 1996. Send resume with cover letter and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Vice President for Multicultural Affairs Box L, 309 Netzer Administration Building SUNY College at Oneonta Oneonta, NY 13820. SUNY Oneonta is an EEO/AA employer. in mapping metadata from external sources to accepted standards and formats; and keep abreast of methods and guidelines for control of electronic information and advise staff on new developments. The libraries are currently engaged in an expanding program to digitize, network, and catalog a wide variety of textual materials and images. The Original and Special Materials Cataloging Department (15.5 professional and 14 support staff) provides cataloging for all nonbook formats, serials, and specialized materials such as rare books, Middle East languages, and art and architecture, as well as original catalog­ ing for all subjects and formats. Requirements: Accredited MLS; previous cataloging experience with an excellent working knowledge of cataloging principles and procedures, including AACR2r, LC sub­ ject headings and classification, USMARC formats, and guidelines under development for electronic resources; experience with biblio­ graphic utilities and computer applications in libraries; reading knowl­ edge of two European languages; working knowledge of SGML, HTML, and TEI; sound judgment; strong communications and orga­ nizational skills; an aptitude for complex, analytical and detailed work. Experience with computer applications in humanities research and supervisory skills are desirable. Current salary ranges (which will increase July 1, 1996): Librarian I: $32,500– $42,250; Librarian II: $34,500–$46,575; Librarian III: $37,500– $56,250. Excellent benefits include assistance with university housing and tuition exemption for self and family. Send resume and the names, addresses and phone numbers of three references, to: Kathleen Mechanic, Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 114th St., New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is August 1 ‚ 1996. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. ELECTRONIC RESOURCES MANAGER/ASSISTANT HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT. James Madison Univer­ sity, located in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley, is a state-supported institution. JMU offers outstanding undergraduate instruction and supports high-quality programs at the graduate level. Carrier Library seeks applications for a professional position in a consolidated Technical Services Department which includes cataloging, serials, acquisitions, preservation/binding, and interlibrary loan. We are seeking an experienced professional who can provide leadership in adapting technical services operations for an increasingly electronic environ­ ment. The successful candidate needs the demonstrated ability to work in a changing environment where responsibilities will evolve in response to developing opportunities within a newly consolidated department. Initial Responsibilities: Coordinates the creation of new policies and procedures for providing access points to electronic information resources within the OPAC. Collaborates in the organiza­ tion of information for effective access via the Library’s Web page and Web interface to OPAC. Collaborates in the formation of new policies for collection development of electronic information resources. Pro­ vides oversight of database maintenance. Assists in the coordination 398/C&RL News NETWORK LIBRARIAN WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES The W est Virginia University libraries announce the availability of a new systems position: Network Librarian. The successful candidate should be a library professional with a strong background in library automation systems or extensive experience in a complex data-processing environm ent This is a 1.3- year appointment supported by a large federal grant to develop a state-wide network to support seamless connectivity between academic, public, and school libraries. Opportunities may exist for permanent employm ent at the end of the grant. RESPONSIBILITIES: Working in a team environment, help to plan for and im plement a networked infrastructure fo r the W est Virginia University Libraries. Interface with the Systems staff of the University Libraries, WVNET, the W V Library Commission, and telecomm unications specialists to develop solutions for hardware, software, and operational problems encountered by network development. Implement and monitor the progress of corrective actions developed to address problems reported by project participants by coordinating the efforts of library personnel, the WVU Libraries Systems staff, and the statewide network support group. Assist with the management, testing, and installation of all new NOTTS releases and enhancements in a tim ely and efficient manner. Implement new network functions identified by the im plementation team and the academ ic libraries participating in the network. Report all unresolved problems, issues, and potential enhancements to the operations of the network. Help to plan, schedule, and im plement initial NOTTS database loads and interconnectivity requirements for each academ ic library added to the network. Develop documentation/training seminars to instruct local and remote libraries in the use of the network’s services. Develop and conduct co-presentations of the libraries’ projects to library personnel locally, statewide, and at national meetings. Serve as liaison between the WVU libraries and other academ ic libraries, computer analysts, telecommunication analysts, data control operators, NOTTS personnel, and database providers participating in the network. Establish and maintain an effective working rapport with the library personnel. Perform other duties as assigned by the project coordinator or departm ent management. REQUIRED: MLS from ALA-accredited program or a related field. At least three years experience in implementing and utilizing a library automation system in a cooperative setting; working knowledge of file transfer protocols, WWW, gopher use, Internet, and client servers as required. Outstanding interpersonal skills and excellent communication skills also required. DESIRED: Project managem ent experience, knowledge of USMARC and other library formats. NOTIS Library Management System installation experience, experience interfacing with database vendors and producers, and exposure to UNM CICS, VM, ISO, and networked environments. Knowledge of personal computers and an aptitude for learning new technologies also are desirable. SALARY: $30,000 annually. Excellent benefits. WVU is a comprehensive research university located in close proximity to W ashington, DC, and Pittsburgh. Review of applications will begin June 1 5 , 1996, and will continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Chair Network Librarian Search Wise Library P.O. Box 6069 West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 26506 WVU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. and performance of operations and projects in cataloging and acqui­ sitions as a member of the Technical Services Department. Supervi­ sion of at least one FTE. Reports to the Head of Technical Services. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program: minimum 5 years’ progressively responsible experience in technical services area; relevant experience with integrated library systems, preferably Innovative Interfaces; ability to work cooperatively with faculty, stu­ dents, and colleagues in a rapidly changing environment; excellent verbal and written communication skills; human relations skills and personal qualities that promote communication, enhance teamwork and initiative, and build consensus; demonstrated project manage­ ment skills; working knowledge of Internet and WWW. Preferred: Cataloging experience, particularly with electronic resources in an academic library, a second master’s dgree, supervisory experience. Benefits: Twelve-month, tenure-track faculty appointment; 20 days of paid vacation; Trigon (BC/BS) group health insurance; several retire­ ment options, including TIAA/CREF and Virginia retirement system; minimum salary of $34,000. Application review will begin July 12, 1996; applications should be received by that date to ensure consid­ eration. Send letter indicating qualifications, current resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of at least three references to: Alma Hale-Cooper, Integrated Learning Resources, Carrier Li­ brary, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA 22807. James Madison University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, equal access employer, and especially encourages applications from mi­ norities, women, and persons with disabilities. June 1996/399 BIBLIOGRAPHER FOR EAST ASIAN LAW (Search Re-Opened) Harvard Law School Library The Harvard Law School Library is undergoing a a new search for a Bibliographer for East Asian Law to develop, select, and evaluate the library’s collections in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean law. This position is also responsible for ordering and processing East Asian materials, as well as cataloging monographs and serials using AACR-II, Library of Congress subject headings, LC and local classification systems, and the RLIN bibliographic utility. The person selected will serve as the primary liaison to the HLS East Asian Legal Studies Program, the Harvard- Yenching Library, and other organizations and institutions with East Asian interests, and will collaborate closely with professional colleagues on matters related to collection development. An MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; fluent reading knowledge of Japanese strongly preferred and a working knowledge of Chinese and Korean also preferred. Knowledge of East Asian law and at least three years professional experience in an academic, research, or law library are highly desirable. Candidates must have superior oral and written communication skills as well as proven administrative abilities. Hiring range is$37,000–$50,000 commensurate with experience. Please send cover letter and resume to: Harry S. Martin III Harvard Law School Library 1525 Massachusetts Ave. Griswold Hall Cambridge, MA 02138 ELECTRONIC SERVICES. Information and Instruction Services position at Southern Methodist University. (Details at http:// Plans, implements, and manages electronic informa­ tion services in humanities/social sciences. Information/reference desk, user-education responsibilities. Requirements: ALA-accred­ ited NJLS. Undergraduate degree in humanities or social sci­ ences. Experience in academic reference and electronic ser­ vices. P referred: Su pervisory experience. Salary: $24,000– $28,000. Position available: August 15,1996. Application deadline: July 5, 1996. See extended posting at before inquiring or applying. EEO/AA. FOREIGN LITERATURES AND LANGUAGES BIBLIOGRAPHER/ INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY FACILITATOR. Serves as the library’s principal subject bibliographer/liaison to the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures (MLC) and expands that traditional role by incorporating a wide array of technology-enhanced informa­ tion services. Provides collection development, subject-specialized electronic access, information assistance and instruction services for MLC and for other foreign language/literature-related concerns. Works with the Electronic Resources Librarian and Multimedia Center staff in outreach to MLC faculty and others in integrating electronic technology into teaching, learning, and research; serves as facilitator in the above with other Reference Department staff. Serves as Reference Department Web Coordinator. Participates in Refer­ ence Departm ent’s general information services, including rotat­ ing evening and weekend hours. Reports to the Head, Reference Department, and works in close collaboration with the Head of Collection Development, Public Services’ Electronic Resources Librarian, and the Head, Multim edia Center. Q ualifications: ALA- accredited MLS; undergraduate/graduate work in foreign litera­ tures/languages, preferably Spanish; knowledge of Russian desir­ able. Academic public service experience. Knowledge of public service aspects of automated systems, microcomputers, and Internet access and resources. Experience in instructional technologies and the design of Web pages. Evidence of strong communication, presen­ tation, and collaboration skills. University of Rochester is a private institution with membership in OCLC, RLG, ARL, and CRL. The library has a rapidly changing automated environment in its commitment to offer campuswide information leadership. Upgrading to Endeavor's clientserver integrated library information system has begun, with implementation expected in December 1996. Salary dependent upon experience and qualifications - minimum $30,000, plus benefits. Send letter of application, resume, and the names and addresses of three references to: Search Committee MLC Bibliographer, Director’s Office, Rush Rhees Library, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627; telephone: (716) 275-4461; fax: (716) 244-1358, Internet: Review of applications begins July 15, 1996. EOE/MF. GOVERNMENT INFORMATION/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. This position is responsible for providing information and reference service including nights and weekends. The Information Specialist will man­ age federal and state documents, and participate in library instruction, cooperate in collection development in the humanities and share in various department projects, programs, and committees. Reports to the Head of Reference Services and is a member of the library faculty. This is a dynamic service-oriented division in an outstanding, fully automated OhioLINK library with over 1.6 million volumes. The University of Toledo is a state university in Ohio with 22,000 students, offering associate, bachelor, professional, and doctoral degrees in seven colleges. The attractive main campus’s location in one of Toledo’s finest residential sections provides a suburban atmosphere, yet is an integral part of the civic, cultural, and commercial life of the community. The city offers a renowned Museum of Art, a zoo, and an outstanding metropolitan park system. Its location provides residents with excellent recreational opportunities on Lake Erie and easy access to cities throughout the Midwest, particularly Detroit, Cleve­ land, and Chicago. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution; experience or training in government documents; demon­ strated knowledge of, or experience with, a subject discipline within the humanities; knowledge of reference sources, electronic informa­ tion delivery systems, and methods of scholarly research in academic libraries. Vital are: Ability to work and communicate effectively with library staff, the university community, and other library users; com­ mitment to service, professional growth, and development. Preferred are: Academic library experience; ability to teach; experience in searching electronic reference sources. Faculty status, 12-month 400/C&RL News HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES The Geisel Library of Saint Anselm College is seeking qualified applicants fo r the position of Head of Technical Services. Responsibilities include coordinating all cataloging activities and managem ent of preservation unit. Will serve as the coordinator of the online system and will be responsible for working with the Assistant to the Librarian and department heads to ensure maxi­ mum utilization of the system. The Head of Technical Services is the primary contact per­ son for the vendors of automated services including Innovative Interfaces, Library Tech­ nologies, and OCLC. The position supervises two paraprofessionals and student assistants. An ALA-accredited MLS with at least five years of experience in technical services operations at a college or university library required. Expe­ rience working with library on-line systems is essential and e xperience with Innovative Interfaces highly desirable. Good oral and w rit­ ten com m unication skills are also essential, as is a w illingness to work in a collegial m anner with professional and paraprofessional col­ leagues at the library and college. This is a 12-month, professional position with benefits. Salary in the low to mid-thirties. Qualified candidates should send resumes and the names of three references to: Director of Human Resources Saint Anselm College 100 Saint Anselm Dr. Manchester, NH 03102-1310 contract, tenure-track position with liberal fringe benefits. Salary: $27,500 ($31,778 in FY 97). This position will remain open and applications will be reviewed on the 15th of each month (or as appropriate), until an appointment is made. Send resume and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of at least three references to: Karen Sendi, Search Committee Chair, Carlson Library, The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606-3390. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer (M/F/D/V). HEAD OF AUTOMATION AND BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL. GS-11 ( starting salary $36,426). U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London, CT. Responsible for the management and daily operations of the following areas: automation, cataloging of all library materials (books, serials, microfilm, manuscripts, government documents), database maintenance, serials control, and management of the government documents section. The library has been automated since 1993 using the DYNIX system. Act as team leader for one librarian, one techni­ cian, and college students. Requires MLS degree and one year of professional experience in automation and bibliographic control. For a complete vacancy announcement contact: the Civilian Personnel Office at (860) 444-8204. Deadline for application is July 10, 1996. The United States Coast Guard Academy is an equal employment/ affirmative action employer. LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS DIRECTOR California State University, Sacramento CASUS Library seeks an individual with a mini­ mum of three years in successful fund raising for a large academ ic institution who will work closely with the Dean and University Librarian and the University D evelopment Office. Ac­ credited bachelor’s degree required. Effective communication and interpersonal skills essen­ tial, The Director will b e a m em ber of a campus- wide team during the current $50 million cam ­ paign. Preferred Skills: Demonstrated ability to de­ velop effective promotional materials, to con­ duct successful fund-raising events, to use a computer efficiently, and to assist library faculty with preparing grants. Salary: $45,000+ (depending on credentials and experience). Subm it letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Charles Martell Dean and University Librarian California State University, Sacramento The Library 2000 Jed Smith Drive Sacramento, CA 95819-6039 HEAD OF CATALOGING DEPARTMENT. Kennedy Library. Senior Assistant/Associate Librarian; 12-month, tenure-track position in a technologically innovative library. Position available: January 1, 1997. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience ($41,676 minimum). Incumbent is responsible for directing personnel activities of team-oriented department of six FTE support staff; planning and implementing policies and procedures for the creation, maintenance, and quality control of the library’s bibliographic records, including catalog database input and maintenance, authority work, and retrospective conversion; supervising monographic and serials subsections, including postcataloging book processing; coordinating of cataloging activities with other library departments. Reports di­ rectly to Dean of Library Services, and represents the department on the Library Advisory Council. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and five years of progressive cataloging experience in an academic library, including management experience. Knowledge of and expe­ rience with an online public access catalog and other automated systems, Including OCLC and Innopac. Master’s degree in subject field (or equivalent) required for tenure/promotion. Submit letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references to: O ffice of the Dean of Library Services, Robert E. Kennedy Library, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407; telephone: (805) 756-2345 (refer to recruitment code #63099). Expanded job descrip­ tion available from http:/ Application deadline: September 1, 1996. Cal Poly is strongly committed to achieving excellence through cultural diversity. The university actively encour­ ages applications and nominations of women, persons of color, applicants with disabilities, and members of other underrepresented groups. AA/EEO. June 1996/401 HEAD, LIBRARY INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT The University of Texas at El Paso The University of Texas at El Paso library seeks a Head, Library Information Systems Department, to provide creative leadership in planning and implementing a broad spectrum of technologies and systems in support of the university’s mission and goals. The library is poised to: implement a second generation library system; continue the developm ent and expansion of its users’ access to the World- Wide Web and Internet information resources; begin the digitization of portions of the library’s collections; and explore multimedia applications within the library. The successful candidate will plan, manage, and coordinate the Library’s automation and networking activities so as to enhance services to library users and increase productivity and effectiveness of staff; organize and deliver responsive services rapidly and effectively to meet the needs of library users and staff; coordinate development of the Library’s technical infrastructure with the University’s Information Systems and Telecommunications department; anticipate training needs associated with the introduc­ tion of n e w technologies; and work with appropriate groups and individuals to develop and implement training programs. The departm ent maintains all library systems, including the integrated online system and a Novell local area network, which supports administrative computing and provides access to 56 CD-ROM drives and multiple remote databases. The department is also responsible fo r the continued development of the library’s W W W homepage and supports the local GPO access node. The library anticipates moving its integrated system from the university’s mainframe computer to a distributed, open system during 1996/1997; the selection process is well un d er way. QUALIFICATIONS: Candidate must possess either an MLS from an ALA-accredited institution or an advanced degree in computing; three years or more of managing computing resources and information technology, preferably in an academic library; working knowledge of integrated library systems, local area networks, and the Internet; demonstrated leadership capabilities, m anagement and supervisory skills; evidence of strong comm itm ent to responsive service; demonstrated ability to work with library staff and a variety of groups to set priorities and achieve mutual goals; demonstrated ability to communicate technical information to a broad range of audiences; and technical knowledge of networking, client/server computing, and desktop computing. Knowledge of the UNIX operating system and Novell networks is highly desirable. The University of Texas at El Paso is a comm uter campus, with over 16,000 students and 700 faculty. The modern, six-floor Library building houses a centralized collection of over 800,000 volumes. Staff consists of 23 professionals, 46 support staff, and 90 student assistants. El Paso, located on the U.S.- Mexican border, offers a unique bicultural environment, year-round sunshine, mild winter climate, beautiful mountain sunrises and sunsets, and provides easy access to Mexico, New Mexico, and Arizona. More information about the library and the university may be found at the library’s Web homepage: SALARY AND BENEFITS: $35,000 minimum. Comprehensive benefits package, choice of retirement plans and health care options. Texas has no state income tax. APPLICATIONS: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Lydia Limas Administrative Assistant Library University of Texas at El Paso El Paso, TX 79968-0582 Phone: (915) 747-5683 Fax: (915) 747-5345. Review of applications will begin June 1 5 , 1996, and will continue until position is filled. The University of Texas at El Paso does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in employment or provision o f services. 402 /C&RL News SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN University of Texas at El Paso The library of the University of Texas at El Paso seeks a knowledgeable, enthusiastic Systems Librarian to provide responsive support for the implementation and maintenance of the library’s information systems and staff computing operations. Responsibilities will include maintaining network stability and integrity of library’s LAN applications and CD servers; coordinating interaction between the university computer center and the library for network-related matters; coordinating the purchase of computer equipment and supplies and ensuring that appropriate maintenance contracts are maintained; analyzing software and hardware problems; participating in policy and procedure developm ent for the use of networked microcomputers within the library; providing users with a stable, reliable, up-to-date platform for microcom puter use; providing an effective operating environm ent for communications access; supporting library staff in the installation and upkeep of microcomputers; and serving as liaison between the library and appropriate vendors. QUALIFICATIONS: The candidate must possess an ALA-accredited MLS or an advanced degree in computing; a thorough knowledge of various microcom puter operating systems and microcomputer applications; a strong public service orientation; effective written and oral communication skills; sound organizational skills; and a commitment to responsive and innovative services. Highly desirable: networking experience (preferably Novell) and experience managing CD-ROM file servers and software. The University of Texas at El Paso is a comm uter campus with over 16,000 students and 700faculty. The modern, six-floor library building houses a centralized collection of over 800,000 volumes. Staff consists of 23 professionals, 46 su p p ort staff, and 90 student assistants. El Paso, located on the U.S.-Mexican border, offers a unique bicultural environment, year-round sunshine, mild winter climate, beautiful mountain sunrises and sunsets, and provides easy access to Mexico, New Mexico, and Arizona. More information about the library and the university may be found in the library’s Web homepage: SALARY AND BENEFITS: $28,000 minimum; comprehensive benefits package, choice of retirement plans and health care options. Texas has no state income tax. APPLICATIONS: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Lydia Limas Administrative Assistant, Library University of Texas at El Paso El Paso, TX 79968-0582 Phone: (915) 747-5683 Fax: (915) 747-5345 Review of applications will begin June 1 5 , 1996, and will continue until position is filled. The University of Texas at El Paso does not discriminate on the basis o f race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in employment o r provision o f services. HEAD OF INTERLIBRARY LOAN/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Denison University a selective private liberal arts college located in the village of Granville, Ohio, is seeking a dynamic, energetic person to join a team of dedicated public service librarians. This position provides a unique opportunity to develop skills in multiple areas of public service. The successful candidate will provide supervision and leadership of Denison’s very active, service-oriented Interlibrary Loan Department. In addition, this person will be heavily involved in teaching and eventually designing many of Denison’s 100-plus annual library instruction sessions. Reference desk duty will be shared with the team and will include one evening/week and rotating weekend shifts. Salary: $27,000 plus, depending on experience. Excellent benefits. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; interest in work­ ing closely and cooperatively as a member of a small team; public speaking ability. Preferred: Two years of academic library expe­ rience; foreign language expertise; experience with OCLC search­ ing and library instruction. Denison is a member of the Five Colleges of Ohio, a consortium of private institutions that share an Innovative Interfaces online system. The consortium is active in developing collection-sharing strategies and will be joining OhioLINK in the fall. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Diana Accurso, Chair of the Search Committee, Library, Denison University, Granville, OH 43023. Review of applications will begin June 1, 1996, and will continue until the position is filled. Denison University is an affirm ative action/equal opportunity employer. Women and people of color are encouraged to apply. HEAD OF REFERENCE AND INFORMATION SERVICES. The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is seeking a creative, innovative, service-oriented librarian capable of providing both vision and direction to its Reference and Information Services Department. This person will provide leadership in the evaluation of existing services and will establish, champion, and maintain a strong cus­ tomer service orientation in the department. Responsibilities include: Supervision and professional development of four librarians and one June 1996/403 ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT FOR INFORMATION SERVICES AND DEAN OF LIBRARY SERVICES The Associate Vice President and Dean reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academ ic Affairs and provides leadership, strategic planning, and overall m anagement for Information Services, which encompasses university libraries, academic computing, institutional computing and telecommunications. The successful candidate will possess a vision for the role of the library in supporting instruction and research in the changing environment of scholarly communication; and for integrating information technologies, resources, and services in support of the teaching, learning, and research mission, and day- to-day operations of the university. The successful candidate will also provide leadership in the develop­ ment of library services in the delivery of information and information technology to students, faculty and staff; and the development of an organizational structure and work environm ent that encourages creativity and meets changing needs. Other responsibilities include strategic planning, personnel management, fiscal management, formulation of policy, and program development. All of these endeavors involve extensive interaction with a variety of individuals and organizations on and off campus, and require an open and consultative style of leadership. REQUIREMENTS: An ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science and at least five years of progressive administrative experience in academic library or computing administration; Doctorate pre­ ferred. Demonstrated knowledge and understanding of academ ic libraries and com puter and network infrastructure. Demonstrated leadership in organizational and fiscal m anagement including planning, developing, and evaluating programs and personnel. Demonstrated effectiveness in relating to, and comm unicating with, various internal and external constituencies. Record of scholarly accomplishment. Compensation: Twelve-month, faculty tank and tenure-track appointment. Salary commensurate with qualifications. Excellent fringe benefits including TIAA-CREF. ENVIRO NM ENT: Founded in 1865, Indiana State University is a comprehensive state university with its own board of Trustees and an annual operating budget of more than $120 million. The University has 650 full-time faculty, a student body of 1,200 undergraduate and graduate students, and offers associate through Ph.D. programs. ISU is located in Terre Haute, a city of 60,000 which, in addition to being a hub fo r transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture in the region, serves as the fine arts, cultural an athletic center of west-central Indiana and east-central Illinois. In fall 1993, Indiana State University organized the libraries, academic computing, institutional computing, and telecom m unications to form an Information Services unit under the direction of the Associate Vice President for Information Services and Dean of Library Services. An Information Services strategic plan has been developed. The university has committed funding and plans to continue enhancing its budgetary support for the developm ent of information technology, resources, and staffing at the institution. Information services is composed of the following units: Library Services, staffed by 29 faculty and 42.5 support staff, has collections of more than 2,000,000 items, an extensive CD-ROM network, and a NOTIS library management system. Academic Computing Services, staffed by 35.5 administrative professionals and six support staff, provides an academic computing environm ent which includes IBM/VM-VSE, DEC / VMS, PRIME, various UNIX multi-user platforms, Netware and Sun; IBM-compatible and Macintosh workstations; a fully routed ethernet fib e r backbone with an Internet connection supporting 2000+ethernet- connected workstations in offices and labs. Institutional Computer Services, staffed by seven administra­ tive professionals, supports the administrative computing functions and a current conversion from IA to BANNER. Telecommunications Services, staffed by three administrative professionals and seven support staff, provides and maintains the copper/fiber-optic cable infrastructure and all telephone and voice mail services to the campus. NOMINATIONS AND APPLICATIONS: Nominations are welcome. Preferred starting date is January 1 ‚ 1997. Screening will begin July 15,1996. Applicants are requested to submit a cover letter and a complete resume along with the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and/or e-mail addresses of five current references to: Chairperson Search Committee for Associate Vice President for Information Services and Dean of Library Services Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Indiana State University Terre Haute, IN 47809 ISU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 404/C&RL News DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, AMHERST The University of Massachusetts at Am herst invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of Libraries. Located in the historic Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts and established in 1863 under the Morrill Land Grant Act, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst is a Carnegie Research I institution and the flagship campus of the state system. Offering a full range of undergraduate and graduate degrees, the 1,200-acre campus serves 18,000 undergraduate students and 6,000 graduate students in a rich cultural environment and rural setting. The Director of Libraries reports to the Provost and is expected to provide leadership and vision for the university library system, which consists of the W.E.B. Du Bois Library and three branch libraries. The libraries, with an annual budget of approximately $10 million, employ 143 permanent staff and house a collection of 5 million books, periodicals, and government documents; 15,500 current serial subscriptions and significant special collections, the most notable of which is the W.E.B. Du Bois papers. The successful candidate will be able to plan and develop the library of the future in orderto provide the information services necessary to support the teaching and research missions of the university. He or she will oversee the further development of integrated computer systems and determine the proper balance of electronic information sources and print material, and exploit the university’s leading position in the development of digital library technology. The director will serve as an advocate and spokesperson fo r the library, both on and off campus, articulating the library’s goals and requirements and seeking financial support through University allocations and external fund-raising efforts. Additional information is available online at the following website: http// The director serves on the university’s Council of Deans and Academ ic Officers and chairs the Library’s Executive Committee and Administrative Council. The university library is a member of the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, OCLC, the Boston Library Consortium, and the Five College Library Consortium (the university, Amherst, Hampshire, Mt. Holyoke, and Smith Colleges). Applicants should present an appropriate advanced degree(s) and a record of significant managerial responsibility, preferably within a research or academ ic library. In addition, strong, creative leadership, effective communication, a commitment to service, and an understanding of user expectations in a large academic library are essential. The university is committed to affirmative action and equal opportunity and encourages applications from women and minority candidates. Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications. Review of applications will begin July 15, 1996, and will continue until the position is filled, Candidates should submit a letter of interest, acurriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five references to: Norman D. Aitken Co-Chair, Director of Libraries Search Committee Office of the Provost Whitmore Administrative Building, Box 38360 University of Massachusetts, Amherst Amherst, MA 01003-8360 support staff; indirect supervision of Archives and Special Collections activities, collaborating with library faculty and staff to establish and implement policies and procedures for the department; training new faculty and staff, assessment and development of the Reference Collection; liaison with academic departments; giving general and course-related library instruction; participation in all aspects of refer­ ence service, including some evening and weekend assignments. The nature and scope of responsibilities for this and other library positions are expected to change as the organization of the library evolves. Required: ALA-MLS; minimum of five years’ experience in an automated academic library reference department; strong, user- centered service philosophy; experience with traditional and elec­ tronic resources such as CD-ROM, LAN, the Internet, and online formats; demonstrated, successful supervisory experience and abil­ ity to foster teamwork; ability to communicate effectively; demon­ strated, successful classroom teaching experience with both print and electronic resources; evidence of initiating and carrying out creative, comprehensive solutions to problems; demonstrated ability to work positively and productively in a changing environment; commitment to active participation in the library profession. Salary and benefits: Twelve-month, tenure-track position with faculty rank, status, privileges, and responsibilities; $30,000 minimum salary. 24 days annual and 12 days sick leave/year. No state or local income taxes. Retirement options paid by state: TCRS, VALIC, AETNA, TIAA-CREF. The Lupton Library has 13 librarians and 16 support staff. Its library system is VTLS. The library’s homepage may be browsed at: To apply: Send letter of introduction, current vita, college transcripts, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: William Prince, Chair, Search Committee, Lupton Library, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, 615 McCallie Ave., Chattanooga, TN 37403-2598. Review of applications will begin on July 15, 1996, and will continue until the position is filled. The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title VI and IX, Section 504/ADA employer. HEAD OF REFERENCE AND INFORMATION SERVICES, UNDER­ GRADUATE LIBRARY SERVICES DIVISION. The Head of Refer­ ence and Information Services will manage reference and information services in the undergraduate library and develop related policies, procedures, and service initiatives for undergraduate clientele using June 1996/405 traditional and digital resources. The librarian will manage the Elec­ tronic Information Center containing more than 30 networked Macintosh, Pentium, and CD-ROM workstations; oversee hardware and software selection, maintenance, and installation; and work closely with library and university staff in developing information center management software and systems. Working collaboratively, the Head of Reference and Information Services coordinates the development of publications in support of undergraduate information services, and participates in instructional and training programs and in WWW publishing activities. Responsibilities include supervising permanent and temporary support staff, coordinating information desk coverage for 10 professional and classified staff, and coordinat­ ing reference collection development for print and electronic refer­ ence sources. Occasional night and weekend work will be required. Required qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited graduate pro­ gram; three years information services experience; one year public service supervisory experience in a library or information center; experience with reference assistance and electronic resources and services, and in training library users and staff; experience managing information systems with multiple hardware platforms and operating systems; experience with networked information resources, search engines, and client software. Preferred qualifications: Three years information services experience as a professional librarian; experi­ ence managing a computer lab or information center; in-depth knowl­ edge of Macintosh, Windows, and NT operating systems; WWW publishing expertise; experience with library instruction and develop­ ment of instructional materials; three years of increasingly respon­ sible supervisory experience in a college or university reference or information services environment; demonstrated leadership ability, public speaking, interpersonal, and writing skills; demonstrated abil­ ity to work well with diverse populations to provide service, solve problems, and work collegially in a technical and changing environ­ ment. The salary range is $31,000–$35,000 or more, depending upon qualifications. This professional librarian position is available July 15, 1996, and is a security-sensitive position. No state or local income tax. Competitive benefits package; retirement plan options. To ensure consideration, applications should be received by June 7, 1996, but will be accepted until the position is filled. Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. Send letter of interest, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references, and a statement of salary requirements to: Peggy Mueller, The U n ive rsity of Texas at Austin, The General Libraries, P.O. Box P, Austin, TX 78713-8916. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. PROJECT COORDINATOR MODERN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL HISTORY PROJECT PHASE 2. (Temporary position, 19 months.) Columbia University Libraries. Reporting to the Director for Preserva­ tion, this position has primary responsibility for managing a multiyear microfilming preservation project, including supervising and training project staff who perform bibliographic searching, circulation proce­ dures, and physical preparation of volumes, determine appropriate treatments, prospectively catalog titles on OCLC, and perform quality control inspection; monitoring and coordinating work flow of all participating units; monitoring and coordinating workflow of external vendors to maintain productivity and ensure that proper standards and procedures are followed; maintaining statistics and preparing progress and statistical reports; problem solving; and related respon­ sibilities. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements are: At least one year professional experience in preservation at a large research library or sim ilar in stitution; aptitude for analytical work and strong organizational skills as dem onstrated through previous relevant experience; form al training or equivalent experience in preservation; ability to w ork with staff at all le vels in a fluid, complex organization and to com municate effectively verbally and in writing; know ledge of preservation m icrofilm ing policies and procedures; knowledge of OCLC; working knowledge of French or Germ an. Preferred qualifications: Experience with technical processing in a large library environment; previous supervisory experience; experience with electronic spreadsheets, cost m odeling, m anagem ent statistics, and/or budgeting. Current salary ranges (which w ill increase July 9, 1996): Librarian I: $34,000– $44,200; Librarian II: $36,000–$48,600. Excellent ben­ efits include assistance with university housing and tuition ex­ emption for self and family. Send resume and the names, ad­ dresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Kathleen Me­ chanic, Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, Box 35, Butler Library, C o lum bia U niversity, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Applications received by June 30, 1996 will receive priority consideration; applications accepted until position is filled. State title of Project Coordinator in cover letter. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE/GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. Birming­ ham-Southern College, a nationally ranked liberal arts institution, seeks a creative, energetic, service-oriented professional to provide reference service and bibliographic instruction and to manage the government documents collection. Responsibilities: General refer­ ence service to students and faculty using print, online, CD-ROM, and Internet resources; conducting library orientation tours and biblio­ graphic instruction sessions; maintaining and developing reference collection; managing all aspects of the documents collection. Re­ quirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution; two to four years of professional experience in academic reference/documents setting; familiarity with technology-assisted reference services and govern­ ment documents; teaching experience; strong interpersonal and communication skills. Preferred: Familiarity with SIRSI software and web publishing. The BSC library serves 1,450 students and 100 faculty, and has a collection of 200,000 volumes and 900 periodical subscriptions. Temporary, one-year appointment with possibility of reappointment, to begin August 1, 1996, or ASAP. Faculty status. Salary competitive based on experience and qualifications. Applica­ tions received by June 20, 1996, will be given first consideration. Potential applicants may visit BSC homepage at Send resume, transcripts, and letter of application with three profes­ sional references to: Irvin Penfield, Academic Dean, B irm ingham - S outhern College, Box 549001 ‚ Birmingham, AL 35254. EOE. REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Cornette Library, West Texas A&M University, seeks to fill the position of Reference/Instruc­ tion Librarian. Duties: provides general reference service and guid­ ance with electronic resources in a networked environment, with emphasis on managing library instruction program. Also troubleshoot operations of LAN workstations in Reference/ILL Unit and Periodicals Unit. Reports to Assistant University Librarian. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS; two years reference experience in an academic library, with at least one year participating in library instruction. Broad educational background. Good verbal and written communication skills. Considerable experience working with microcomputers and the DOS, Windows, and Macintosh operating systems. Proven knowl­ edge of a wide range of print, CD-ROM, and Internet-based reference tools. Experience with an automated library system and a LAN. Supervisory experience preferred. Salary and benefits: $23,500/12 months; employer contribution to health insurance and benefits package. Choice of retirement program. Cornette Library: Ample work space and aesthetically pleasing interiors distinguish this 150,000 square-foot building, which houses 270,000 volumes, 1,850 current periodicals, and 650,000 government documents. Founding member of multitype regional consortium, which provides fully integrated automation services to more than 30 academic, public, school, and special libraries in a 25-county service area. General information: WTAMU is located 15 miles south of Amarillo in Canyon, Texas; and offers a choice of small town or city living, both inexpensive. The university has approximately 6,500 students and offers 60 under­ graduate and 32 graduate degree programs. Renowned Panhandle- Plains Historical Museum on campus. Minutes away from spectacu­ lar Palo Duro Canyon. Only a few hours’ drive to Santa Fe and the mountains of northern Now Mexico. Pleasant climate. No state income tax. Application deadline: Applications will be accepted until June 24, 1996. Mail resume and the names and phone numbers of three references to: JoAnn Lowrance, Director, Personnel Services, W est Texas A&M U n iversity, WTAMU Box 999, Canyon, TX 79016- 0001. WTAMU is an AA/EO Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Episcopal D ivin ity School and Weston J e su it School o f T he olog y invites applications for the position of Reference Librarian. The librarian will provide reference service and bibliographic instruction for students, faculty, and staff. Teach re­ search methods for all formats, including CD-ROM, Internet, and various bibliographic utilities. Prepare library informational materials and bibliographies. Plan, develop, and coordinate information ser­ vices. The library is installing an online catalogue and circulation system this summer. The reference librarian will develop training for users. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited school; at least five years experience in an academic library. Experience searching CD-ROMs, library online catalogs, and the Internet. Preference will be given to a master's of divinity or equivalent, and familiarity with Roman Catholic bibliography and resources. Salary in the low thirties, good benefits package. Review of resumes begins July 1, 1996. Applications should include a letter, resume, and names of three references. Send to: Library Director, EDS/WJST Library, 99 Brattle St., Cambridge, MA 02138. Appointment will begin September 1, 1996. EDS/WJST is a community of 225 students, 34 faculty, and a member of the Boston Theological Institute Consortium. The library has a collection of 272,000 volumes, with special emphasis on 4 06 /C&RL News Anglican, Catholic, New Testament, feminist, and social-justice- related resources; four professionals, and six support staff. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN AND REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LI­ BRARIAN. Cornette Library, West Texas A&M University seeks to fill theposition of Reference Librarian. Duties: provides general refer­ ence service and guidance with electronic resources in a networked environment, assistance with Interlibrary Loan processing, and par­ ticipates in library instruction. Reports to Assistant University Librar­ ian. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Broad educational back­ ground, Good verbal and written communication skills. Experience with microcomputers demonstrating familiarity with DOS, Windows, and Macintosh operating systems. Proven knowledge of a wide range of print, CD-ROM, and Internet-based reference tools. Experience with an automated library system. Some reference, teaching, and supervisory experience preferred. Salary and benefits: $22,500/12 months; employer contribution to health insurance and benefits package. Choice of retirement program. Cornette Library: Ample work space and aesthetically pleasing interiors distinguish this 150,000-square-foot building, which houses 270,000 volumes, 1,850 current periodicals, and 650,000 government documents. Founding member of multitype regional consortium, which provides fully inte­ grated automation services to more than 30 academic, public, school, and special libraries in a 25-county service area. General information: WTAMU is located 15 miles south of Amarillo in Canyon, Texas; and offers a choice of small town or city living, both inexpensive. The university has approximately 6,500 students and offers 60 under­ graduate and 32 graduate degree programs. Renowned Panhandle- Plains Historical Museum on campus. Minutes away from spectacu­ lar Palo Duro Canyon. Only a few hours’ drive to Santa Fe and the mountains of northern Now Mexico. Pleasant climate. No state income tax. Application deadline: Applications will be accepted until June 24, 1996. Mail resume and the names and phone numbers of three references to: JoAnn Lowrance, Director, Personnel Services, West Texas A&M University, WTAMU Box 999, Canyon, TX 79016- 0001. WTAMU is an AA/EO Employer. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. Tenure-track position. Uni­ versity of Scranton, Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Memorial Library. The University of Scranton seeks a tenure-track Special Collections Librarian to provide and participate in all Library Special Collections and University Archives activities, including reference, Library In­ struction, Collection Development, Preservation, and Archives Main­ tenance. Additional responsibilities will include serving as the Library’s liaison to the University’s Information Resources Help Desk and other duties as specified by the Library Director. Qualifications: Requires an ALA-accredited MLS with library experience; second subject master's and archival experience preferred. Required knowledge and understanding of: Research methods and current research trends; archival and special collections techniques and management; famil­ iarity with computerized applications as they relate to library func­ tions; strong supervisory, interpersonal, and oral/written skills. Evi­ dence of research abilities through publications or presentations preferred. Twelve-month, faculty appointment as Instructor, tenure- track. Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Some evening and/or weekend hours may be required. Salary., $28,000. Position reports to the University Archivist. The University of Scranton, located in northeastern Pennsylvania near the Pocono Mountains, is a highly selective Catholic and Jesuit institution of 5,100 students. The university is committed to liberal arts education and offers strong professional and preprofessional programs. It has a highly talented faculty and places strong emphasis on student input in addressing the needs of its community. The University of Scranton is a regional university of national prominence. The Weinberg Memorial Library is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and is connected to the campus network. Application: Interested candidates should submit letter of application, current vita, and the names and phone numbers of three references to: Charles E. Kratz, Library Director, Weinberg Memorial Library, University of Scranton, Scranton, PA, 18510- 4700. Review of applications will begin June 24, 1996 and continue until the position is filled. The University of Scranton is an AA/EEO employer/educator. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. Manage Horizon Library online catalog sys­ tem, library LAN, CD reference system, computer lab, and staff computer systems. Develop integrated library network services. Pro­ vide tech support for library PC hardware/software. Work with com­ puter system vendors and Department of Instructional Network Ser­ vices. Conduct online/CD-ROM searches. Perform system training and librarian routines. Supervise computer department staff. Qualifi­ cations: Master of Library & Information Science and 6 month experi­ ence in full-time administration of Horizon or another online catalog system and PCs, knowledge & skills in Netware, Unix, SQL (Struc­ tured Query Language), DOS/Windows, OS/2 (Operating System 2), TCP/IP(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), Ethernet & CD-ROM drives. Knowledge & skills to be tested by department. Work schedule: 40 hrs./wk. rotating schedule including some evenings and Sundays. Salary: $28,188. overtime: $22/hr. Apply at the Texas Employment Commission, Waco, Texas, or send resume to the Texas Employment Commission, TEC Building, Austin, Texas 78778, J.O.# TX7213910. Ad paid by an Equal Opportunity Employer. USER EDUCATION. Information and Instruction Services position at Southern Methodist University, (details at ) Provides leadership for cooperative instruction program among sev­ eral libraries, primary instruction librarian for humanities and social sciences library. Information/Reference desk responsibilities. Re­ quirements: ALA-accredited MLS. Undergraduate degree in humani­ ties or social sciences, Substantial experience in academic reference and user education. Preferred: Experience in designing and imple­ menting an academic library instruction program; supervisory expe­ rience. Salary: $27,000–$32,000. Position available August 15,1996. Application deadline: July 5, 1996, See extended posting at http:// before inquiring or applying. EEO/AA. Late Job L istin gs LIBRARY. August 1, 1996. Tenure-Track Instructor or Assistant Professor. ALA- accredited master’s degree required. Reference, instruction and extension service experience in an academic library preferred. Working knowledge of library service to off-campus sites, knowledge of electronic library systems, searching techniques and instruction on electronic tools. Send letter, resume, 250—500-word statement of philoso­ phy and practice of library service to off-campus sites, transcripts, and three letters of reference to: Donald Joyce, Dean, Woodward Library, Austin Peay State University, Box 4595, Clarksville, T N 37044. Review of applications begins June 15, 1996, and continues until position is filled. To view APSU ’s homepage: Austin Peay State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. RESEARCH/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Provides research and instruction ser­ vices in a highly networked environment that supports professional development, individual initiative, and innovative approaches to user services. Member of a new teaching technology team supporting the faculty’s interest in developing resources for the WWW. Advances the library’s teaching mission through extensive participation in an ambitious instruction program with emphasis on the use of networks and networked resources. For more information about the library, see Required: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; excellent oral and written communica­ June 1996/407 tion skills; knowledge of Internet; familiarity with teaching technologies; demon­ strated capacity to relate constructively to faculty and students and to work collegially to achieve program objectives; minimum of one year of academic library reference experience. Preferred: Knowledge of HTM L, SGML, and the digitization of images; knowledge of desktop publishing and presentation software. Salary: $30,000 mini­ mum, depending on qualifications. Excellent benefits. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Qualifi ed individuals should send letter o f application, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers o f three references to: Chair, Library Search Committee, c/o Library Director’s Office, David Bishop Skillman Library, Lafayette College, Easton, P A 18042. Lafayette College is an equal opportunity employer. Review of applications will begin June 15, 1996, and will continue until the position is filled. C ATA LO G L IB R A R IA N . Tenure-track position available beginning September 1996 at the instructor rank. Responsibilities: The Catalog Librarian reports to the Director of Library Services and is responsible for the classification, cataloging, and processing of all forms o f materials using OCLC and NOTIS. The applicant will also be expected to participate in efforts to streamline workflow, catalog all formats (including elec­ tronic), participate in an evening and weekend reference rotation schedule and in collection development activities. The person selected for this position w ill be expected to define, plan, and complete assignments; to use analytical and constructive problem­ solving methodologies to meet changing library goals and needs; to work in concert with and through others; to maintain high standards of quality and quantity o f work produced; and to provide evaluation of staff performance. Master’s in Library Science from an ALA-accredited institution required. One year of cataloging experience using NOTIS and previous supervisory responsibilities preferred. Other requirements in­ clude: Knowledge of copy and original cataloging, authority work, subject analysis, and effective bibliographic control of library’s collections; knowledge of principles o f biblio­ graphic organization through cataloging and classification; knowledge of current trends in technical service operations; demonstrated knowledge o f AACR2, LC, and Dewey classification, LCSH, MARC formats, and OCLC. Slippery Rock University is building a diverse academic community and encourages minorities, women, veterans, and persons with disabilities to apply. Preference will be given to candidates demon­ strating familiarity with a broad range of continuous assessment techniques, the use of instructional technology in the teaching/learning process and the role of faculty in student success and retention. Send letter of application, resume, transcripts, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers o f three (3) references to: Chairperson, Catalog Librarian Search Committee, Bailey Library, Slippery Rock University, Slippery Rock, P A 16057. To ensure consideration, all application materials must be received by July 15, 1996. Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania is a member o f the Pennsylvania State System o f Higher Education and an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. IN T E R L IB R A R Y LOAN/SHARED R ESO U R CE S L IB R A R IA N . Northern A ri­ zona State University. Academic professional position. The Cline Library at Northern Arizona University invites applications for: Interlibrary Loan/Shared Resources librarian. Under the direction of the Head of Reference, the Interlibrary Loan/Shared Resources Librarian serves as the primary contact for resource sharing; works with Arizona community colleges and other state universities to improve delivery of materials in all formats among the partner institutions. Represents N A U at profes­ sional meetings, and provides an effective interface between the Library and outside organizations for resource sharing; is responsible for the coordination of electronic and manual systems of interlibrary loan and document delivery for university students, faculty, and staff statewide. Supervises the Library’s interlibrary loan and document delivery team (eight FTE and 18 students), and works closely with library staff in planning services and resolving issues in an environment supportive o f change. Additional duties may include reference desk service and collection development. Minimum Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; two years experience with 4 08 /C&RL News document delivery and interlibrary loan activities; knowledge of document services such as UNCOVER and UMI; one to two years experience as a supervisor in an academic library; evidence of excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to represent the Library in supporting distance education initiatives involving occa­ sional statewide travel; effective interpersonal skills. Desired: An understanding of trends in academic libraries’ resource sharing efforts and the electronic delivery of information; experience in building cooperative relationships among academic librar­ ies. Send resume, letter of application addressing each minimum qualification above, and the names and addresses of three references to: Cynthia Childrey, Head of Reference, Cline Library, Northern Arizona University, Box 6022, Flagstaff, AZ 86011. Minimum salary is $28,000. The closing date for receipt of applications is June 28, 1996. Northern Arizona University is located in Flagstaff, a city of 52,000 people at the base of the San Francisco Peaks and surrounded by the Coconino National Forest. While we are the academic center for all northern Arizona and the Colorado Plateau, we also serve 4,000 students at 7 distance learning locations in southern and central Arizona. N AU has a growing minority student population and is committed to Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action; we welcome minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and veterans willing to make a commitment to N AU ’s mission of cultural diversity. SCIENCE LIB R A R IA N II/III The University of Pennsylvania Library is seeking a Science Librarian who is responsible for building the print and electronic collections in the areas of mathematics, physics and astronomy and managing the departmental library serving these disciplines. Duties: Share in the design of operating policies for the Math/Physics/Astronomy Library; oversee the daily operation of this facility; provide reference and bibliographic assistance; provide orientation and instruction in use of electronic resources; work with the engineering and chemistry librarians to coordinate collections and services in engineering and science libraries; develop web pages; supervise one full-time employee; participate in library-wide task forces and committees. Qualifications: BA/BS. An MLS from an ALA-approved program or equivalent in knowledge, training and experience. Minimum of one to three years working in an academic library, preferably in a science library. Academic background in the sciences or engineering strongly preferred. Familiarity with desktop computing, knowledge of electronic resources in the sciences essential. Effective written and oral communication skills. Demonstrated ability to work effectively, independently and cooperatively with faculty and students and with staff throughout the library system. Appointment as a Librarian II ($28,800–$37,600) requires at least one to three years of previous professional experience. Appointment as a Librarian III ($31,900–$40,600) requires three to five years experience. To apply: Submit a cover letter, resume and three references to: R. I. Fisher, Library Human Resources Administrator, Univer­ sity of Pennsylvania Library, 3420 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206. Applications received by mid-June will receive first consideration. AA/EOE. Structure Bookmarks Jane 1996 389 Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $7.95 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $9.95 for others. Late job notices a CATALOG LIBRARIAN (SLAVIC/GERMANIC LANGUAGES)BROWN UNIVERSITY LIBRARYAs a Catalog Librarian, reporting to the Head, Catalog Librarian, you will be respon­sible for cataloging and classifying of Slavic and Germanic language materials in all for­mats and all subject areas, using AACR2r, USMARC formats, LC classification and subject headings. Perform full authority work and contribute name headings to NACO. You may also have the opportunity to assume collection development responsi­bilities. Requirements are: STATISTICS FOR LIBRARIANS. September26-27,1996. Location: Conference Room, ARL, 21 Dupont Circle, Washington, DC. Fee: $350. Contact: Allyn Fitzgerald, Association of Research Libraries, 21 Dupont Circle. Washington, DC 20036; phone: (202) 296-2296; fax: (202) 872-0884; e-mail:; homepage: http:// PUBLISHING OF DATA SETS ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB. Oct. 28-30, 1996. Location: University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Fee: $350. Contact: Allyn Fitzgerald, Associa­tion of Res 390/C&RL News TENURE-TRACK LIBRARIAN POSITIONS AVAILABLELong Island University Brooklyn CampusHead of Public ServicesTo direct and coordinate smooth operations of public service units: circulation, reference peri­odicals including access and media services, Bl ‚ ILL. Responsible for planning, budgets, staff de­velopment, information technologies, patron ser­vices. ALA-MLS, minimum five years professional library experience with increasing administration and supervisory responsibility including three years as department h ence and user services; train and supervise student and volunteer processing assistants; participate in the management and develop­ment of unit programs; participate in other library activities as appro­priate; meet faculty requirements for librarianship, professional devel­opment, research, and service. Qualifications required: A master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school; course work or training in archives theory and practice; two years experience, in the process­ing and preservation of unpubl June 1996/391 Systems LibrarianThe Moore Library at Rider University seeks an individual with training and skills in library technologies for a tenure-track facul­ty position. Responsibilities: 1) provides Library faculty leadership and training for library technologies and, in partnership with library administrative staff and the Office of Information Technologies technical staff, is the Library faculty liaison on hardware, maintenance and troubleshooting issues; 2) operates the Library’s CD-ROM network, OCLC workstatio gent upon verification of individual’s eligibility for employment in the United States.ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR ACCESS SERVICES Duties: Super­vise installation process during initial stages of Horizon implementa­tion; supervise ongoing installation of Horizon and companion soft­ware on client workstations; manage operations of access services, including cataloging, material preparation, interlibrary loan, circula­tion services, stacks management, and document delivery; organize and participate in original on- 392/C&RL News TWO CATALOGING LIBRARIAN POSITIONS WEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY LIBRARIESHEALTH SCIENCES CATALOGING LIBRARIANCatalogs original and member copy for titles in all formats for the Health Sciences Library using LCSH and MeSH, acts as cataloging liaison to the Health Sciences Library; assists other cataloging staff with cataloging for other libraries; assists with database cleanup projects. Reports to Head of the Cataloging Department. Other responsibilities may include supervision, collection development, and publi appointment beginning September 1996. Responsibilities: General reference duties in a liberal arts college library, to include: work with reference databases and automated library systems, responsibility for interlibrary loans, and involvement in library instruction. Some evening and weekend work is required. Qualifications: Accredited MLS or equivalent, with academic library and interlibrary loan experi­ence preferred. The College at Old Westbury is located on a 600-acre campus in Long Island’s Nassau Coun at Old Westbury, Box 210, Old Westbury, NY 11568. (Regretfully, travel funds for interviewing are unavailable.) Salary: $25,614 mini­mum. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. AA/EOE.CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Cornette Library, West Texas A&M Univer­sity. Reports to Associate University Librarian. Responsible for the daily operation of the cataloging department. Duties: Supervise and participate in the bibliographic control of library materials in all formats; train and evaluate subordinates; supervise chec June 1996/393 HEAD, CATALOGING DEPARTMENTUCLA LibraryUnder the general direction of the Associate University Librarian for Collections and Technical Services, manages the operations of the Cataloging Department including ongoing review and revision of policies and procedures in a highly automated and changing environment. Sets goals and establishes priorities and work flow, coordinating practices among sections and providing specific decisions and interpretations as required. Administers the Department’s personnel progra standards; prepare written reports and statistics; serves as liaison from the cataloging department to other departments in the library and to the university. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; three years of professional cataloging experience in an academic library, including two consecutive years with one organization; expe­rience in cataloging a wide variety of formats, especially serials; familiarity with serial check-in systems; knowledge of and experience with AACR2r, LCSH, LC classific Plains Historical Museum located on campus. Minutes away from spectacular Palo Duro Canyon. Only a few hours’ drive to Santa Fe and the mountains of northern New Mexico. Pleasant climate. No state income tax. Application deadline: Applications will be accepted until June 24,1996. Mail resume and the names of three references and their phone numbers to: JoAnn Lowrance, Director, Personnel Services, West Texas A&M University, WTAMU Box 999, Canyon, TX 79016-0001. WTAMU is an AA/EO employer.CATALOGER, HUMANITI 394/C&RL News RESOURCE SERVICES LIBRARIAN FOR ENGLISH, AMERICAN AND COMPARATIVE LITERATURES AND FILM STUDIESMILTON S. EISENHOWER LIBRARY THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITYThe mission of the Resource Service Department is to deliver the full range of reference, instructional, and collection development services to the Hopkins community. Resource Services Librarians are subject specialists, each of whom is responsible for building strong, client-centered relationships with the faculty and students in the handful of disciplines h language. Knowledge of AACR2, MARC, and LC classification and subject headings; previous cataloging experience with OCLC and with an automated library system required. Experience in an aca­demic library highly desirable. Individual must be committed to continued professional development and active participation in the organizational life of the libraries. Faculty status: Nontenure track. Minimum salary: $30,000, with a competitive benefits package. Search to continue until position is filled, with considera mative action employer. Women, minorities, and disabled individuals are strongly encouraged to apply.CHEMISTRY-MATHEMATICS LIBRARIAN. Library Faculty Vacancy. University of Oklahoma. Duties: Under the direction of the Head of Branch Libraries, the Chemistry-Mathematics Librarian supervises the Chemistry-Mathematics Branch Library and the Physics Branch Library. This includes the review, development, and implementation of programs and services; the hiring, training, supervision, and evaluation of staff; the June 1996/395 SOCIAL SCIENCES LIBRARIANLibrary, Trinity UniversityTrinity University, San Antonio, Texas, invites applications from reference librarians for the position of Social Sciences Librarian, a faculty appointment which may be entry-level. Trinity, with 2,400 undergraduates and 200 graduate students, is strongly committed to excellence in support of the liberal arts and sciences tradition. Selective admissions, highly qualified faculty, outstanding teaching programs, support for library development, and commitmen and the Department of Chemistry, the Department of Mathematics, and the Department of Physics and Astronomy. This position is governed by the University’s policies for research or creative achieve­ment and professional service as outlined by the faculty handbook. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; library or related experience working with the subject literature of a science discipline or an undergraduate degree in the sciences; knowledge of database searching and electroni connections to other libraries. Norman, Oklahoma, is an attractive community close to a major metropolitan city. Employment: Librar­ians have faculty status, privileges, responsibilities, and the rank of assistant professor or above; and are eligible for tenure. Application: Send letter of application with resume, a list of publications, and the names of three references, including current supervisor, to: Donald C. Hudson, Assistant to the Dean for Administrative Services, University Libraries, University o 396/C&RL News HEAD OF MULTIMEDIA CATALOGING SECTIONThe University of California, IrvineThe libraries at the University of California seek a Head of the Multimedia Cataloging Section. The incumbent is responsible for the cataloging of nonbook formats including, but not restricted to sound recordings, laser discs, videocassettes, 16mm film, microforms, and electronic resources (CD-ROM, computer files, Internet)—mongraphic and serial. This position will supervise one Library Assistant IV. The salary will be commensurate wit assigned. Candidates must demonstrate critical thinking, solid teach­ing, effective communication skills, and positive performance as a team member in a rapidly changing electronic environment. Salary: $33,000 annually. Closing date for applications: June 30, 1996. Expected begin date: August 1, 1996. Interested candidates should send letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: John J. Jax, Director, Library Learning Center, UW-Stout, Menomonie, Wl 54751. UW-Stout is an equal opport programs. NMSU is classified as a Carnegie I research institution, and is a member of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. The university library has an annual budget exceeding $5 million and contains approximately one million volumes in two buildings. A new building houses humanities and social sciences collections, as well as an electronic classroom to be completed by September 1996. A recently renovated building houses agriculture, engineering, science, and business collections and is s June 1996/397 EMMANUEL COLLEGELIBRARY DIRECTOREmmanuel College, located in the center of Boston’s cultural, medical, and educational com­munities, is a Catholic liberal arts college for women, enrolling 1,500 students and admitting men and women to graduate and professional programs. The college seeks a Library Director with strong leadership and team-building abili­ties. The successful candidate must be able to motivate and guide the staff, establish priorities and responsibilities, participate in budget plan­ning for l CATALOGER(Anticipated Vacancy)State University of New York College at OneontaSUNY College at Oneonta invites applications for an anticipated position of Cataloger, Senior As­sistant or Associate Librarian (12 month, tenure track).QUALIFICATIONS: Accredited MLS, minimum five years cataloging experience, working knowl­edge of AACR2R, LC and Dewey classification/ LCSH, OCLC, familiarity with integrated library systems (MultiLIS preferred) and microcomputer applications.DUTIES: Serials cataloging, original and in mapping metadata from external sources to accepted standards and formats; and keep abreast of methods and guidelines for control of electronic information and advise staff on new developments. The libraries are currently engaged in an expanding program to digitize, network, and catalog a wide variety of textual materials and images. The Original and Special Materials Cataloging Department (15.5 professional and 14 support staff) provides cataloging for all nonbook formats, serials, and specialized materi President for Human Resources, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 114th St., New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is August 1 ‚ 1996. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.ELECTRONIC RESOURCES MANAGER/ASSISTANT HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT. James Madison Univer­sity, located in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley, is a state-supported institution. JMU offers outstanding undergraduate instruction and supports high-quality programs at the graduate level. Carrier Librar 398/C&RL News NETWORK LIBRARIANWEST VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY LIBRARIESThe West Virginia University libraries announce the availability of a new systems position: Network Librarian. The successful candidate should be a library professional with a strong background in library automation systems or extensive experience in a complex data-processing environment This is a 1.3- year appointment supported by a large federal grant to develop a state-wide network to support seamless connectivity between academic, public, and school lib and performance of operations and projects in cataloging and acqui­sitions as a member of the Technical Services Department. Supervi­sion of at least one FTE. Reports to the Head of Technical Services. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program: minimum 5 years’ progressively responsible experience in technical services area; relevant experience with integrated library systems, preferably Innovative Interfaces; ability to work cooperatively with faculty, stu­dents, and colleagues in a rapidly changi academic library, a second master’s dgree, supervisory experience. Benefits: Twelve-month, tenure-track faculty appointment; 20 days of paid vacation; Trigon (BC/BS) group health insurance; several retire­ment options, including TIAA/CREF and Virginia retirement system; minimum salary of $34,000. Application review will begin July 12, 1996; applications should be received by that date to ensure consid­eration. Send letter indicating qualifications, current resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers June 1996/399 BIBLIOGRAPHER FOR EAST ASIAN LAW(Search Re-Opened)Harvard Law School LibraryThe Harvard Law School Library is undergoing a a new search for a Bibliographer for East Asian Law to develop, select, and evaluate the library’s collections in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean law. This position is also responsible for ordering and processing East Asian materials, as well as cataloging monographs and serials using AACR-II, Library of Congress subject headings, LC and local classification systems, and the RLIN bibliogr ELECTRONIC SERVICES. Information and Instruction Services position at Southern Methodist University. (Details at http:// Plans, implements, and manages electronic informa­tion services in humanities/social sciences. Information/reference desk, user-education responsibilities. Requirements: ALA-accred­ited NJLS. Undergraduate degree in humanities or social sci­ences. Experience in academic reference and electronic ser­vices. Preferred: Supervisory experience. Salary: $24,000– $28,000. Position offer campuswide information leadership. Upgrading to Endeavor's clientserver integrated library information system has begun, with implementation expected in December 1996. Salary dependent upon experience and qualifications - minimum $30,000, plus benefits. Send letter of application, resume, and the names and addresses of three references to: Search Committee MLC Bibliographer, Director’s Office, Rush Rhees Library, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627; telephone: (716) 275-4461; fax: (716) 244-1 400/C&RL News HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICESThe Geisel Library of Saint Anselm College is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Head of Technical Services. Responsibilities include coordinating all cataloging activities and management of preservation unit. Will serve as the coordinator of the online system and will be responsible for working with the Assistant to the Librarian and department heads to ensure maxi­mum utilization of the system. The Head of Technical Services is the primary contact per­son for the ve LIBRARY DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS DIRECTORCalifornia State University, SacramentoCASUS Library seeks an individual with a mini­mum of three years in successful fund raising for a large academic institution who will work closely with the Dean and University Librarian and the University Development Office. Ac­credited bachelor’s degree required. Effective communication and interpersonal skills essen­tial, The Director will be a member of a campus- wide team during the current $50 million cam­paign.P June 1996/401 HEAD, LIBRARY INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEPARTMENTThe University of Texas at El PasoThe University of Texas at El Paso library seeks a Head, Library Information Systems Department, to provide creative leadership in planning and implementing a broad spectrum of technologies and systems in support of the university’s mission and goals. The library is poised to: implement a second generation library system; continue the development and expansion of its users’ access to the World- Wide Web and Internet information re 402/C&RL News SYSTEMS LIBRARIANUniversity of Texas at El PasoThe library of the University of Texas at El Paso seeks a knowledgeable, enthusiastic Systems Librarian to provide responsive support for the implementation and maintenance of the library’s information systems and staff computing operations. Responsibilities will include maintaining network stability and integrity of library’s LAN applications and CD servers; coordinating interaction between the university computer center and the library for network-related mat HEAD OF INTERLIBRARY LOAN/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN.Denison University a selective private liberal arts college located in the village of Granville, Ohio, is seeking a dynamic, energetic person to join a team of dedicated public service librarians. This position provides a unique opportunity to develop skills in multiple areas of public service. The successful candidate will provide supervision and leadership of Denison’s very active, service-oriented Interlibrary Loan Department. In addition, this person will Interfaces online system. The consortium is active in developing collection-sharing strategies and will be joining OhioLINK in the fall. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Diana Accurso, Chair of the Search Committee, Library, Denison University, Granville, OH 43023. Review of applications will begin June 1, 1996, and will continue until the position is filled. Denison University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Women a June 1996/403 ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT FOR INFORMATION SERVICES AND DEAN OF LIBRARY SERVICESThe Associate Vice President and Dean reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and provides leadership, strategic planning, and overall management for Information Services, which encompasses university libraries, academic computing, institutional computing and telecommunications. The successful candidate will possess a vision for the role of the library in supporting instruction and research in the changing e 404/C&RL News DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIESUNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, AMHERSTThe University of Massachusetts at Amherst invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of Libraries.Located in the historic Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts and established in 1863 under the Morrill Land Grant Act, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst is a Carnegie Research I institution and the flagship campus of the state system. Offering a full range of undergraduate and graduate degrees, the 1,200-acre campus ser support staff; indirect supervision of Archives and Special Collections activities, collaborating with library faculty and staff to establish and implement policies and procedures for the department; training new faculty and staff, assessment and development of the Reference Collection; liaison with academic departments; giving general and course-related library instruction; participation in all aspects of refer­ence service, including some evening and weekend assignments. The nature and scope of responsibi benefits: Twelve-month, tenure-track position with faculty rank, status, privileges, and responsibilities; $30,000 minimum salary. 24 days annual and 12 days sick leave/year. No state or local income taxes. Retirement options paid by state: TCRS, VALIC, AETNA, TIAA-CREF. The Lupton Library has 13 librarians and 16 support staff. Its library system is VTLS. The library’s homepage may be browsed at: To apply: Send letter of introduction, current vita, college transcripts, and the names, addre June 1996/405 traditional and digital resources. The librarian will manage the Elec­tronic Information Center containing more than 30 networked Macintosh, Pentium, and CD-ROM workstations; oversee hardware and software selection, maintenance, and installation; and work closely with library and university staff in developing information center management software and systems. Working collaboratively, the Head of Reference and Information Services coordinates the development of publications in support of undergraduate info REFERENCE/GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. Birming­ham-Southern College, a nationally ranked liberal arts institution, seeks a creative, energetic, service-oriented professional to provide reference service and bibliographic instruction and to manage the government documents collection. Responsibilities: General refer­ence service to students and faculty using print, online, CD-ROM, and Internet resources; conducting library orientation tours and biblio­graphic instruction sessions; maintaining and developin 406/C&RL News Anglican, Catholic, New Testament, feminist, and social-justice-related resources; four professionals, and six support staff.REFERENCE LIBRARIAN AND REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LI­BRARIAN. Cornette Library, West Texas A&M University seeks to fill theposition of Reference Librarian. Duties: provides general refer­ence service and guidance with electronic resources in a networked environment, assistance with Interlibrary Loan processing, and par­ticipates in library instruction. Reports to Assistant University Libr dence of research abilities through publications or presentations preferred. Twelve-month, faculty appointment as Instructor, tenure- track. Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Some evening and/or weekend hours may be required. Salary., $28,000. Position reports to the University Archivist. The University of Scranton, located in northeastern Pennsylvania near the Pocono Mountains, is a highly selective Catholic and Jesuit institution of 5,100 students. The university is committed to liberal Late Job ListingsLIBRARY. August 1, 1996. Tenure-Track Instructor or Assistant Professor. ALA- accredited master’s degree required. Reference, instruction and extension service experience in an academic library preferred. Working knowledge of library service to off-campus sites, knowledge of electronic library systems, searching techniques and instruction on electronic tools. Send letter, resume, 250—500-word statement of philoso­phy and practice of library service to off-campus sites, transcripts, and thre June 1996/407 tion skills; knowledge of Internet; familiarity with teaching technologies; demon­strated capacity to relate constructively to faculty and students and to work collegially to achieve program objectives; minimum of one year of academic library reference experience. Preferred: Knowledge of HTML, SGML, and the digitization of images; knowledge of desktop publishing and presentation software. Salary: $30,000 mini­mum, depending on qualifications. Excellent benefits. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. 408/C&RL News document delivery and interlibrary loan activities; knowledge of document services such as UNCOVER and UMI; one to two years experience as a supervisor in an academic library; evidence of excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to represent the Library in supporting distance education initiatives involving occa­sional statewide travel; effective interpersonal skills. Desired: An understanding of trends in academic libraries’ resource sharing efforts and the electronic delivery of informatio