ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 4 4 / C&RL News THELCS DA DEIFISSA Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisem ents must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., S epte m be r2 for the O ctober issue). Should this date fall on a w eekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: C lassified advertisem ents are $8.45 per line for institutions that are AC R L m embers, $10.45 for others. Late job notices are $20.25 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $24.25 for others. O rganizations subm itting ads will be charged according to their m em bership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $375 to $710 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. G uidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no soonerthan the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., O ctober 20 fo r the O ctober issue). All job announcem ents should include a salary range per policy of the Am erican Library Association (ALA). Job announcem ents will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. Applicants should be aware that the term s faculty rank and status vary in meaning am ong institutions. Internet: C&RL N ew s classified ads are accessible on A C R L's hom epage on the W orld W ide W eb at http:// w w w l. Ads will be placed approxim ately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL N ew s is published. To reach C&RL N ew sN et access the AC R L hom epage (http://w w w l), select C&RL News, and then chose the menu item Job Postings by Job Title. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL A/ewsClassified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 6 0 6 11­ 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: jhelbig @ Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placem ent services com ply with ALA anti-discrim ination policies. Policy 54.3 states tha t “ALA is com m itted to equality of opportunity for all library em ploy­ ees or applicants for em ployment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin." By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. BOOKS FOR SALE INTERNET DISCOUNT PROFESSIONAL BOOK CENTER. 40 per­ cent off list price. 1000's of new/current books. Ail subjects. No second hand/remainders, G R A P H IC A R T S . Perhaps the finest, most complete history of modern graphic arts is found in the pages of the extraordinary Swiss magazine GRAPHIS. From the first issue, Volume #1/2, 1944, to the current issue, Volume #304, 1996, every award- winning designer, artist, photographer, and art director is repre­ sented. The very best in advertising, posters, industrial design, book illustration, publishing, etc, can be found in the pages of GRAPHIS. The complete set (minus ju st one issue) is for sale. C opies in pristine condition, most in slipcovers by year, offered to the highest bid over $5,000, plus shipping, A most valuable addition to any graphic arts library. Write: Joseph Paulsen, 49 Upper Lakeshore, Katonah, NY, 10536. Libraries and Librarianship: Past, Present, and Future at the University of Oxford, England May 18-31,1997 ' Experts will guide you in a comprehensive survey of librarianship in England, as you study firsthand one of the great library centers of the world. Presented by University of Oxford, Librarians of the Bodleian Library, and Department for Continu­ ing Education and UNC-Chapel Hill, School of Information and Library Science and Division of Continuing Education. Helen Tibbo, associate professor in UNC’s School of Information and Library Science, is academic director of the program. For information, contact: The Division of Continuing Education UNC-Chapel Hill CB# 1020 The Friday Center Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1020. phone: ( 800) 845-8640 or (919) 962-0336 fax: (919) 962-2061 POSITIONS OPEN A S S IS T A N T L IB R A R IA N /F IN E A R T S B IB L IO G R A P H E R . Arizona State University Libraries. General summary: This is a full-time ontinuing-appointment-track (Academic Professional) position re­ quiring professional development and service in addition to excellent ob performance. Serves as Reference Librarian/Fine Arts Bibliogra­ pher. As a member of the Reference Services Team, reports to the Reference Services Team Leader. Essential functions: Specific areas of subject responsibility will be art history, art education, studio art, dance and film studies; areas of focus include European art, art f the Americas, pre-Columbian art, photography, computer art and isualization, and modern dance. Participates in the following activi­ ies: Reference service, collection development, faculty liaison, spe­ ialized public services (database searching, orientation and instruc­ ion, specialized reference), and Reference Services Team manage­ ent. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited master of library/ nformation sciences degree. Art-historical or art-related background erived from completion of a degree in a relevant field and/or from a minimum of two years professional experience in a relevant art- elated field, Strong interpersonal and communication skills. Experi­ nce and/or demonstrated interest in public service. Experience and/ r training in the use of electronic reference resources and other library technologies. Ability and willingness to work in a collaborative, eam-oriented environment. Preferred: Graduate degree in a relevant ine arts discipline. Reading knowledge of two of the following languages: German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese. Reference xperience in an academic or research library. Experience in using ine arts reference sources. Knowledge of the bibliography of the relevant fine arts. Training or experience in collection development nd/or library instruction. Minimum salary: $26,000. Application dead­ ine: First consideration will be given to applications received by riday, February 14,1997, and the first of each month, thereafter, until he position is filled. Application procedure: Send letter, resume, and ames, addresses, and phone numbers of four recent professional eferences to: Kurt R. Murphy, Assistant Dean for Personnel, Univer­ ity Libraries, A riz o n a S ta te U n iv e rs ity , Box 871006, Tempe, AZ c j o v t c t m i d r e o t f e f a l F t n r s J a n u a r y 1 9 9 7 / 4 5 85287-1006; phone: (602) 965-4914; fax: (602) 965-9169; e-mail: Full position description is available upon request. ASU is an EO/AA employer and actively seeks diver­ sity among applicants and promotes a diverse work force. ASSOCIATE DEAN, LIBRARY OPERATIONS. California State Uni­ versity, Northridge. CSU Northridge invites applications for the posi­ tion of Associate Dean, Library Operations. Under the direction of the Dean of the University Library, the appointee serves as deputy to the Dean, assuming responsibility for management of the library in the Dean’s absence; represents the Dean at campus and systemwide meetings; is primarily responsible for the library’s physical plant and operations of the following service areas: Circulation, reserve, inter library loan, periodicals, microforms, fine arts, and instructional materials; manages the use of technology and other resources; is proactive in fund-raising and development. Successful candidates will possess the following qualifications: Excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to work independently and as a team member; demonstrated ability to work with ethnically and culturally diverse populations; an innovative, creative approach to quality service; experience with management of human resources, including training and mentoring of staff in a participatory, decision-making environment; successful experience in exercising progressively more demanding leadership and management responsibilities; demon­ strated ability to manage and develop programs in a fast-moving service and technology environment; demonstrated ability to lead core operating programs; knowledge of technology in a library envi­ ronment; successful management of human and fiscal resources; DEAN OF LIBRARIES Mississippi State University invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of Libraries. Mississippi State University, located in Starkville, Mississippi, is a land-grant institution with the State’s largest enrollment of over 14,000 students. Its nine schools and colleges have a strong commitment to teaching, research, and service. The University is among the top 100 research-funded institutions in the United States as defined by the National Science Foundation. The recently completed 15 million dollar expansion of the library brings its total square footage to 200,000. The library has two branch libraries, one in the School of Architecture and one in the College of Veterinary Medicine. The University Library System contains a collection approximating 922,000 volumes and 1,326,000 processed items. The University Library staff consists of 55 full-time equivalent faculty/staff members and 100 part-time student assistants. The Dean reports directly to the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, works closely with the university’s nine colleges and schools and its 800 faculty members, is a member of the Dean’s Council and meets with other appropriate academic and administrative councils. The Dean has administrative responsibility for library-wide planning and policy direction; for centralized library services such as acquisitions, budget, personnel, systems development and information services, and for fund-raising initiatives. The Dean of Libraries plays a university-wide leadership role in the development and implementation of information services in support of academic programs throughout the University. The successful candidate will have a demonstrated record of leadership and management in advancing innovative programs that respond to a changing technological and information environment, and an understanding of the instructional and scholarly needs of students and faculty in a research university setting. Candidates must have excellent communication skills and be able to establish and maintain effective relationships with University administration, faculty, staff, students and the extended community. Qualifications include an ALA-accredited MSLS degree and eight years of professional experience in an academic library of which five years are in upper-level management. Other qualifications that might be considered are a second master’s degree, a doctorate and evidence of ongoing professional development. For priority consideration, applications and nominations should be submitted by March 1, 1997. The position will remain open until filled, with an expected appointment effective by July 1, 1997. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applicants should submit a letter of application, a current resume, and the names, addresses and telephone numbeis of at least three professional references to: Robert Leiter, Chair, Search Committee for Dean of Libraries, Mississippi State University, P.O. Box 5247, Mississippi State, MS 39762-5247; or contact Robert Leiter at http// for further information. Mississippi State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. Mississ U ip N pi I S VE t R a S t IT e Y demonstrated ability to make sound decisions in a complex, changing environment; qualifications for appointment to advanced rank within one of the departments of the Library through a record of professional participation, publications, and scholarship. Minimum of a graduate degree in library science from an ALA-accredited library school or a school of equivalent quality. Minimum of five years professional library administrative experience, preferably in an academic setting, with responsibility comparable to that of the librarian in charge of a major activity of a large and dynamic library. Salary dependent on qualifications. Incumbent will serve a 12-month year. Send letter of application, resume, the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional references, and five-year salary history to: Chair, Associate Dean Search and Screen Committee, c/o Office of the Dean, Oviatt Library, California State University, Northridge, 18111 Nordhoff St., Northridge, CA 91330-8326. Open until filled; review of applicantions will begin by February 14, 1997. AA/EEO employer. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR PUBLIC SERVICES. University of Maryland at College Park Libraries. The University of Maryland at College Park (UMCP) seeks a service-oriented, creative leader to fill the position of Associate Director for Public Services, UMCP Librar­ ies, and invites applications and nominations of individuals with administrative experience in academic libraries. The Associate Di­ rector for Public Services serves as a key partner with other university libraries’ Associate Directors to ensure effective integration and coordination of reference, research support, and instructional ser­ vices for the UMCP Libraries. The incumbent reports to the Dean of the Libraries. Responsibilities: Responsible for the management of 4 6 / C&RL News leadership qualities, with strong interpersonal and communication skills, and ability to work effectively with the university community. Salary: Commensurate with experience. Benefits available. Applica­ tions: For full consideration, submit resume and names/addresses of three references by February 14, 1997. Applications accepted until the position is filled. Send resume to: Ray Foster, Library Personnel Services, McKeldin Library, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-7011; fax: (301) 314-9960. The University of Maryland is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Minorities are encouraged to apply. BUSINESS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (INSTRUCTOR OR ASSIS- TANT PROFESSOR). Responsibilities: To provide business refer­ ence service, under the supervision of the Head of the Business Library, to a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and faculty users (including some night and possibly weekend hours); participate in a bibliographic instruction program in the Business Library; participate in collection development activities, including faculty liaison; perform online searching; perform other duties as assigned, including contrib­ uting to the progress of the broader university libraries. The dynamic environment of the Angelo Bruno Business Library provides opportu­ nities for developing and expanding professional skills. Qualifica­ tions: Required: MLS from a program accredited by ALA; knowledge of business sources in both print and electronic formats; ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and library personnel at all levels; excellent oral and written communication skills; commitment to client- centered services; evidence of potential to meet university require­ ments for promotion and tenure. Desired: Business reference expe- Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini- mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 1 5, 1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $30,128 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $26,400 Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $26,000 Vermont $26,464 W est Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 *Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state associa­ tion for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. LIBRARY DIRECTOR Princeton Theological Seminary Princeton, New Jersey Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey, an institution with an enrollm ent of 850 students from over 25 countries in M.Div., MA, Th.M ., D.Min., and Ph.D. programs, seeks a Library Director, beginning June 1997, who is com m itted to the advancem ent of theological scholarship in the Reform ed tradition. The Director will supervise an academ ic re­ search library of over 500,000 volum es, pam ­ phlets, and microforms, housed in two buildings of 110,000 square feet, w ith a staff of 22 includ­ ing nine p ro fe ssio n a ls. S pe cia l c o lle ctio n strengths in biblical studies, ecclesiastical his­ tory, patristic and Reform ed theology. NOTIS library m anagem ent system; contem plating ini­ tiatives in digitizing of texts. M em berships in ALA, ATLA, OCLC, PALINET, CRL, and re­ gional library associations. The Director reports, to the President, and will have faculty status for the duration of the appointm ent. Preferred qualifications include MLS from an accredited library school and advanced study in one of the disciplines of theological scholarship. Send applications, requests for inform ation, or suggestions of candidates to: Director Search Group Princeton Theological Sem inary P.O. Box 552 Princeton, NJ 08542 e-mail: search@ ptsm ail.ptscm .edu DEADLINE: February 20 ,199 7. AA/EOE. the public services functions in the main research library and six branch libraries. Participates with Dean’s staff in decision making relative to overall management of the UMCP Libraries Plans and establishes goals for the Public Services Division to accomplish the mission of the UMCP Libraries. Develops, implements, monitors, and evaluates policies and procedures, and promotes innovative pro­ grams. Ensures the consistency and effectiveness of reader services within the division in consultation with the Public Services Commit­ tee. Provides overall leadership for the library’s instructional activi­ ties. Is readily available to students, faculty, and university adminis­ trators to interpret services and resolve problems. Supervises 11 department and unit heads, and two service managers in a division of approximately 35 librarians and 100 classified and contract employ­ ees. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree in library science. Excellent written and oral communication skills and ability to lead through teamwork. Preferred: Experience with technol­ ogy-enhanced user services; ability to work as a mentor; initiative; creativity and flexibility; ability to introduce and manage organiza­ tional change; record of scholarly activity and national service to the profession; an advanced degree in addition to the MLS. Experience: At least seven years of progressively responsible experience in an academic or research library, at least three of which must be at the managerial level. Comprehensive knowledge and experience in public services and in library automation applications. Demonstrated Ja n u a r y 1 9 9 7 / 4 7 TECHNICAL REFERENCE LIBRARIANS FOR ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCES The Caltech Library System seeks two self-motivated, enthusiastic, service-oriented librarians to provide information and subject expertise in engineering and applied sciences. One position is responsible for chemical, civil and environmental engineering and materials science. The second position is responsible for mechanical engineering, aeronautics, applied mathematics, applied mechanics and applied physics. The librarians maintain a strong working relationship with the faculty in the Engineering and Applied Sciences Division, the Library System administration, and the faculty o f related departments and are responsible for collection development, in-person, telephone, and/or electronic mail information/reference service using print and online resources, and research reference encompassing in-depth consulting with graduate students and faculty. The Librarians will participate in system-wide initiatives and will work in a multidisciplinary team environment to explore and promote applications o f new information technologies including needs assessment, user education, evaluation o f information in all formats, and special research projects. They are responsible and accountable for problem solving and are empowered with the authority to make decisions at appropriate levels. Both librarians report to the Director o f Sherman Fairchild Library o f Engineering and Applied Sciences. Required qualifications: ALA accredited M L S; undergraduate degree in relevant technical fields; excellent verbal and written communication skills; excellent interpersonal skills, including the ability to work with students, coworkers, faculty, and administrators. Clear and demonstrated knowledge o f new technologies and their applications to enhancing user services; expertise in computer-based systems. The chemical-civil engineering position requires a strong chemistry background. Experience in civil engineering or environmental sciences is highly desirable. The mechanical-aeronautics engineering position requires a strong background in the physical sciences and related areas o f engineering. Experience with technical report collections is highly desirable. Preferred Qualifications: 3-5 years technical and/or research library experience using the literature and electronic resources in engineering and applied sciences. Demonstrated ability to devise new or improved products and services for a demanding, technologically sophisticated research- oriented clientele. Demonstrated commitment to continuous learning and professional development for oneself and for the team and active participation in the library profession. Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications, with a minimum o f $ 3 6 ,0 0 0 annually. Competitive benefits, including TIAA/CREF. For consideration, please send a letter o f application with resume and the names and addresses o f three references to Chair, Search Committee, Technical Reference Librarian for Engineering and Applied Sciences, Millikan 1-32, California Institute o f Technology, Pasadena, CA 9 1 1 2 5 . The position will remain open until filled. Caltech is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women, minorities, veterans, and disabled persons are encouraged to apply. First consideration will be given to applications received before February 15, 1997. Caltech 4 8 / C&RL News rience in an academic library; experience in either bibliographic instruction or online searching; experience in using a variety of networked resources to provide reference assistance; degree in business-related field, prefer master’s degree; some knowledge of government documents. Salary/Benefits: 12-month, tenure-earning, strong benefits. Appointment will be at either the Instructor level, with a minimum salary of $23,100, or the Assistant Professor level, with a minimum salary of $26,600. Salary will be determined on the basis of qualifications. Substantial moving allowance may be available. Envi­ ronment: The Angelo Bruno Business Library maintains a close working relationship with the College of Commerce and Business Administration, one of the preeminent leaders in business education in the Southeast. The state-of-the-art facility housing the Bruno Business Library and the Bashinsky Computer Center opened in January 1994. The Bruno Business Library offers a public-access network of CDROM and online databases for end-users, and features a technologically advanced bibliographic instruction classroom. Other specialized electronic services offered include Dow Jones News/ Retrieval, Bloomberg Financial Markets, and LEXIS/NEXIS. The Bruno Business Library’s home page can be viewed at http:// w w w The University of Alabam a Libraries hold membership in ARL, CRL, SOLINET, CNI, and the Network of Alabam a Academ ic Libraries. To apply: Send letter of applica­ tion, resume, and names, addresses, and phone num bers of three references to: Voni B. Wyatt, Personnel Officer, University of Alabama, P.O. Box 870266, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0266. A pplications received by January 3 1,1 99 7 , are assured of receiv­ ing consideration. The University of Alabam a is an equal oppor­ tunity, affirm ative action employer. CAMPUS LIBRARIAN. University of the West Indies, Mona. The University of the West Indies invites applications for the position of Campus Librarian, Mona, Jamaica, effective October 1, 1997. The Campus Librarian is responsible for the adm inistration of all aspects of library services and will ensure the effective and e fficient delivery of traditional services, integration of advanced inform ation technologies, and long-range planning and budget­ ing according to well-defined priorities. The Campus Librarian reports to the Principal, Mona Campus, and serves as an advo­ cate for the library’s educational mission. Candidates must possess a terminal degree or, at minimum, an ALA-accredited MLS or equiva­ lent, at least seven years of progressively responsible administrative experience in a medium to large academic library, and a strong record of professional participation and scholarship. Candidates must also demonstrate an understanding of, and commitment to, the role of resource sharing, library automation, and the new information tech­ nologies. Candidates must have good communication skills and be able to establish and maintain effective relationships with university administrators, faculty, staff, and students. Please send detailed applications (three copies) as soon as possible to: The Assistant R egistrar (Staff), Office of Adm inistration, University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston 7, JAM AICA W .I.; phone: (809) 977- 2407; Fax: (809) 977-1422; from whom application form s and fu rther particulars of the post, including salary, are available. Closing date for receipt of applications: January 24, 1997. CATALOG LIBRARIAN, ORIGINAL CATALOGING. University of Michigan. This entry-level professional position will be responsible for producing both original and copy metadata for assigned materials. This includes the application of the basic principles of knowledge organization to an assortment of new initiatives and traditional mate­ rials. This position will have primary responsibility for the performance of M edical Subject Heading (MeSH) cataloging in support of the Health Sciences Libraries. Under the direction of the Unit Head, this position will have primary w ork coordination and training responsibilities for the unit’s clerical and student w orkers. Be­ cause of the level and variety of responsibilities, the incum bent will work closely with the Unit Head, with other Original C atalog­ ing staff, and with staff in all of the Health Sciences Libraries. Duties: In accordance with national standards and local prac­ tices, provide m achine-readable records fo r currently received m aterials and special projects as assigned by the Unit Head. Do o riginal cataloging for items w ithout copy, and upgrade, as needed, partial records found in the national utilities. Under the direction of the Unit Head, design techniques and procedures for special inform ation control projects. Support unit activities, such as workflow analysis, training, and revision of the work of others. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Knowledge of at least J a n u a r y 1 9 9 7 / 4 9 University Librarian The University of British Columbia The University of British Columbia invites applications and nominations for the position of University Librarian. The University of British Columbia Library is the third largest university library in Canada. The UBC Library has a collection of over 3 million catalogued volumes, 14 branch libraries, and a staff of 328, including 85 professional librarians. The annual budget is approximately 24 million dollars. The Library is a member of the Association of Research Libraries, the Canadian Association of Research Libraries, the Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries, and the Center for Research Libraries. (The Library’s Web site m ay be found at The University Librarian is the chief executive officer of the University Library. The incumbent is responsible for development of the Library’s collections, provision and planning of library services, developm ent of the technological infrastructure, management of the budget and allocation of resources, direction and development of staff resources, and the Library’s relationships within the University and externally. The University Librarian reports directly to the Vice President, Student & Academic Services, and is an ex-officio member of the University Senate. The successful candidate will have a demonstrated record of creative and effective leadership. S/he w ill be knowledgeable about the library’s role in a research university, articulate about the challenges facing academic libraries, an advocate for libraries, and able to ensure the development of the library’s traditional collections, while joining campus leaders in promoting use of new technologies to support scholarly communications and learning. The successful candidate will have thorough familiarity with the operation of an academic research library in today’s rapidly changing environment, and an understanding of the broader academic community o f which the library is a part. This position requires demonstrated decision-making and m anagement skills, including strategic and fiscal planning at a senior administrative level in a large organization; and a proven ability to represent the library, including fundraising, and inter-institutional cooperation. The demonstrated capacity to develop and sustain strong cooperative relationships with university administrators, faculty, staff, and students, a strong commitment to staff development and renew al, and the ability to achieve an expansion of the library’s physical facilities are also essential. Knowledge of em erging technologies and their potential for libraries and scholarly communication is critical, as is the capacity to act cooperatively to enhance campus information technology capabilities. Being able to forge a close and productive relationship with the Associate Vice President, Information Technology, is essential in this position. Applicants m ust have a professional qualification in librarian­ ship. Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications. The University Librarian is appointed for a renewable term of six years and w ill have a continuing appointment as a librarian. In accordance w ith Canadian immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada. The University of British Columbia welcomes all qualified applicants, especially women, aboriginal people, visible minorities and persons with disabilities. The desirable date of appointment is July 1,1997. Applications should include a letter of interest, c.v., names of three referees, and should be sent by January 3 1 ,1 9 9 7 to: Dr. Maria Klawe, Vice-President, Student and Academic Services, U niversity of British Columbia, 6328 Memorial Road, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z2 (e- mail: Further information on The University of British Columbia is available on our home page at http:/ / 5 0 / C&RL News San Juan College DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES SAN JUAN COLLEGE is one o f the fastest-growing com m unity colleges in N ew M exico and has an annual student cou nt o f 11,000 in both credit & non-credit coursework. The college is fully accredited by the N orth Central Association o f Colleges. The library holdings include 52,000 volumes, 421 journal subscriptions, a CD-ROM database network, and online access to 15 databases through FirstSearch. The library is fully automated w ith DRA and utilizes OCLC for Cataloging and Interlibrary Loan functions. SAN JUAN COLLEGE is accepting applications fo r the DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES. A Master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited program and a m inim um o f 5 years o f experience m anaging/directing library operations is required w ith experience in a college environm ent highly desirable. W o rk experience an d/or training should involve managing an integrated, automated library system (DRA preferred) and electronic resources, including online and CD-ROM databases. The successful candidate should be dynamic and demonstrate leadership qualities. A detailed position description and required qualifications should be obtained by contacting San Juan College Personnel Office, 4601 College Blvd., Farmington, N M 87402; (505) 599-0215, Fax (505) 599-0521. Position is open until filled. San Juan College is com m itted to policies o f Equal Employment O pportunity. two non-English Western European languages. Strong communica­ tion and problem-solving skills; demonstrated ability to make deci­ sions, to work effectively with a culturally diverse staff, and to exercise good judgment. Desired: Previous cataloging experience, particularly with the follow ing: LCRI, LCSH, OCLC, NOTIS, MeSH, and NACO. A medical science background (undergraduate degree in the biological sciences, experience with medical databases, science library or related m edical experience). Rank, salary, and leave: Rank of A ssistant Librarian. Minimum salary of $29,500; 24 working days of vacation a year; 15 days of sick leave a year with provisions for extended benefits. Apply to: Karen Downing, Library Human Resources, 413 H atcher Graduate Library North, University of M ichigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205. Application Deadline: A pplications received by January 31, 1997, w ill be given first consideration. For a complete position desciptions see: h ttp ://w w w .lib .u m ic h .e d u /lib h om e /sta ffd e v/p o sitio n s.h tm l. The University of M ichigan is a nondiscrim inatory, affirm ative action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN, SENIOR ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. Tenure track; $44,688-$51,396 for 12 months; salary commensurate with qualifications and experience; 10-month option available with propor­ tionate salary reduction. Under general direction of AUL, successful candidate expected to perform original cataloging of serials and monographs; train and guide staff in cataloging operations; assess and make recommendations to AUL regarding relevant technological developments; serve as resource person to cataloging units and teams; perform approximately eight hours reference desk service per week. MLS and four years recent experience as technical ser­ vices librarian in academ ic library. Full position description avail­ a b le on In te r n e t a t h ttp ://w w w .c s u p o m o n a .e d u /lib r a r y / bibaccesslib2.htm l. Official application form and position de­ scription that lists required/preferred qualifications sent upon request. Position open until filled, with early attention given to applications postm arked by February 2 1 , 1997. Send inquiries to: Chair, Catalog Librarian Search Com mittee, c/o University Li­ brary Office, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, 3801 W. Temple Ave., Pomona, CA 91768; phone: (909) 869- 3090; fax: (909)869-6922; e-mail: jbsw artzendr@ csupom COORDINATOR FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT/INSTRUC­ TIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. The University of Illinois at Spring­ field seeks a Coordinator for Collection Development/Instructional Services Librarian in a 508,000 volume library serving an upper division university of approximately 4500 students. Participates in teaching, scholarship and service activities. Performs general refer­ ence work, including evening and weekend hours. Acts as liaison to selected academic programs, selecting materials and delivering instructional presentations. Special Responsibilities: Coordinates collection development for print and electronic media, oversees $700,000 materials budget and approves all orders except those for Media Services. Consults with library faculty responsible for refer­ ence materials and for government documents. Works with library faculty and major vendors to develop collections, including the use of approval plans. Maintains non-supervisory working contacts with Technical Services staff for order placement and processing. Over­ sees weeding of general collection. Participates in the development of materials budgets in consultation with the University Librarian and administrative staff. Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree. Minimum of three years professional academic library experience, two years of which must involve reference work and some biblio­ graphic instruction. Demonstrated experience in collection develop­ ment, management of materials budgets, and vendor contacts. Desirable: experience with approval plans, collection assessment techniques, selection of electronic media, and relevant technical services functions. Appointment: Twelve month tenure-track position at rank of Assistant Professor. Position available May 16, 1997. Review of applications begins January 1997. Salary: $33,000-$35,000. To Apply: Send letter of application, resume, and names and ad­ dresses of three references to: Search Committee, Brookens Library 204, University of Illinois at Springfield, P.O. Box 19243, Spring­ field, IL 62794-9243; phone: (217) 786-6597. The University of Illinois is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Persons with disabilities, women, and minorities are encouraged to apply. DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION SERVICES AND TECHNOLOGY. Begin July 1 , 1997. Report directly to the Vice President and Dean of Faculty. Provide strategic leadership and overall management for the library. Oversee campus computer and media services. Duties in- Ja n u a r y 1 9 9 7 / 51 DIRECTOR AND DEAN OF THE LIBRARY California State University, Sacramento California State University, Sacramento, invites applications and nominations forthe position of Director and Dean of the Library. PRIMARY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The Director and Dean reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Director and Dean should have a vision for a service-oriented, forward-looking Library that supports the University’s mission of teaching, scholarship, and public service; works to strengthen the role of the library in the academic life of the university, and oversees library planning and policy development; obtains and integrates appropriate new and emerging informa­ tion technologies in support of the university’s mission; has primary responsibility for external funds development within the library, including the 50th Anniversary Campaign, gifts, grants, and contracts; oversees development of annual budget requests and administers the library’s budget of around $6 million; is responsible for personnel matters, including coordinating and supervising the administrative duties of the departments and units, and for making independent recommendations on all library appointments, retention, tenure, and promotion requests. The Director and Dean will also serve as Special Assistant to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs on Information Technology, providing leadership and advice to the Provost and school deans on the effective use of information technologies in discipline-specific teaching and learning activities. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Possession of an ALA-accredited master’s in library science and eligibility for a senior faculty appointment; substantial and demonstrated administrative experience, including budget and personnel matters, preferably within an academic library in a public university; strong interpersonal skills, with demonstrated ability to interact and work effectively with librarians, staff, faculty, and students in a diverse university community; substantial evidence of ability to provide leadership and make decisions while working successfully with others in a collegial administrative style; evidence of effective written and oral communication skills; evidence of ability to generate external funds; understand­ ing of the evolving role of electronic library technology in the academic library. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Letters of nomination will be accepted. Candidates are asked to submit the following materials: Cover letter, current vitae/resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references who can speak to professional qualifications. Review of applications will begin on February 1 0 , 1997, and will continue until the position is filled. Finalists will be asked to furnish transcripts of highest earned degree. Send to: Office of Academic Affairs, Box Library California State University, Sacramento 6000 J St. Sacramento, CA 95819-6016 phone: (916) 278-6331 AA/EOE elude formulating and implementing policy for selecting and integrat­ ing effective information technologies and services for the college; coordinating the library with computer services and media services; directing the strategic planning and work of personnel in these areas; overall budget development and supervision in these areas; fostering the collaboration of personnel in these areas with students, faculty and staff in order to facilitate effective use of these services. Eligible for tenure as a member of the professional library staff; twelve month contract. Applicants should have an understanding of and be commit­ ted to liberal arts education; experience in library and information management; demonstrated leadership in strategic planning and organizational, personnel and fiscal management; ability to envision the future and lead members of the college community in the development of a learning environment enhanced by educational technology; demonstrated effectiveness in working with administra­ tion, faculty, staff, and students; an advanced degree from an ALA accredited program and/or a graduate degree in computer science/ information systems or equivalent professional attainments. Send cover letter and complete resume along with the names, addresses, telephone numbers and/or e-mail addresses of three current refer­ ences by January 2 0 , 1997, to: Lloyd W. Chapin, Vice President and Dean of Faculty, Eckerd College, 4200 54th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711. Eckerd encourages the applications of women and minority candidates. EOE. DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY. The Graduate Theological Union announces that the position of Director of the Flora Lamson Hewlett Library will be open as of July 1, 1997. The GTU Common Library serves the graduate programs of five Protestant Seminaries, three Roman Catholic schools of theology, a Unitarian/Universalist school, a Center for Jewish Studies, Institute for Buddhist Studies, and programs in Orthodox Studies, Women and Religion, Pacific and Asian Theology, Ethics and Social Policy, Theology and the Natural Sciences, and Theology and the Arts. The library provides resources for professional programs such as the M.Div. and the D. Min., various M.A. degrees, and doctoral programs, namely, the Th.D and Ph.D, the latter involving participation of the University of California at Berkeley, a cooperation which includes two joint Ph.D. programs. The library collection consists of 650,000 items, of which over half are books and bound periodicals, and the remainder consisting of other media. The GTU seeks a Director who will provide energetic, creative leadership in developing educational resources, serve as the public spokesper- 5 2 / C&RL News ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN California State University, Los Angeles Applications and nominations are invited fo r this position, with an anticipated starting date of April 1 , 1997. California State University, Los Angeles, is one of 23 campuses of the California State University system. The university is located near the cosmopolitan cen ter of Los Angeles. The university has an urban student body of 18,000 which has the distinction of being the most diverse in the nation and approxim ately 600 faculty. The Associate University Librarian oversees the activates of the library faculty, coordinates internal operations in a team-based environment, has close involvement in all aspects of the library’s administration, strategic planning, developm ent and program evaluation. REQUIREMENTS: • ALA-accredited MLS degree • significant senior adm inistrative library administrative experience in a university or research library • sound working knowledge of new technologies and their applications to libraries • strong commitment to excellence in library services • excellent interpersonal, oral, and written com m unication skills • the ability to work cooperativelywith others and to foster team work • the ability to interact effectively with diverse cultural and ethnic groups. Salary fo r this Adm inistrator III position is commensurate with experience and qualifications. A com pre­ hensive benefit program is provided. The university has an active affirmative action program and encourages qualified minorities, women and disabled persons to apply. The position provides opportunities for strong and imaginative leadership. Applications accepted until position is filled; for full consideration, submit letter of interest, current curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference by February 3 , 1997 to: Douglas A. Davis, University Librarian John F. Kennedy Memorial Library, #R96-134 California State University, Los Angeles 5151 State University Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90032-8534 http://w w w Reasonable accommodation may be requested. EO/AA/Title IX employer. son for the library, work effectively with diverse constituencies, and participate in the decision making structures of the Union. Specifi­ cally, the Director will build on and extend patterns of cooperation in collection development with the University of California, Berkeley, as well as with other institutions in the Bay Area; assess, develop and administer educational resources which include print (books, journals, documents) and non print materials (audio-visual materi­ als, fiche, CD Rom, etc.); be responsible for determining staffing needs and for overall management of the library; prepare and manage the library budget; oversee the use of library space; and work with the Office of Institutional Advancement for special library funding and for public relations purposes. The ideal candidate will have a degree from an ALA-accredited program or its equivalent, academic experience ortraining (preferably an advanced degree) in an area of theology/religion, familiarity with educational technolo­ gies, and at least five years of administrative experience. The Director reports to the Dean/VP for Academic Affairs. The salary is open and includes excellent benefits. The GTU encourages applica­ tions which reflect its commitment to diversity. Applicants should provide 1) a curriculum vitae, 2) a brief statement of reasons for interest in the position, 3) specific qualifications, and 4) three names of reference. All materials must be received by February 1, 1977. Nominations and Applications should be sent to: Margaret R. Miles, c/o John Dillenberger, Executive Secretary, Librarian Search Com­ mittee, Graduate Theological Union, 2400 Ridge Road, Berkeley, CA 94709; phone: (510) 649 2440; fax: (510) 649 1417; e-mail: The GTU is an Equal Opportunity Employer. ELECTRONIC RESOURCES COORDINATOR. Assistant Professor, 9-month, tenure-track faculty position. Begins September 16, 1997. Responsibilities: Work with the Network Librarian to provide overall coordination and oversight of the library’s electronic resources (CD- ROMs, multimedia, remote databases, electronic journals, and full- text databases); oversee the library’s Web pages; coordinate Internet instruction; collection development and liaison duties for Education and Psychology Departments; library instruction; general refer­ ence. Required: ALA MLS; additional advanced subject degree; experience or significant training using electronic information re­ sources; reference experience or training; degree in education, psychology, or educational media; multicultural experience or back­ ground. Desired: Teaching experience ortraining in library instruc­ tion; graduate degree in education, psychology, or educational media. Salary: $33,435 for nine months. Applications received by 2/15/97 given preference; position open until filled. Send resume and names, addresses and phone numbers of three references to: Mary Jane Cedar Face, Chair, Library Personnel Committee, South­ ern Oregon State College, 1250 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, OR 97520; phone: (541) 552-6836; e-mail: The fu ll p o s itio n d e s c rip tio n can be vie w e d a t: h ttp :// SOSC is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer committed to development of an inclusive, multicultural community. FACULTY LIBRARIAN/COORDINATOR FOR PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARY. An exciting opportunity exists for a Faculty Librarian/ Coordinator for Public Services beginning September, 1997 at Cen­ tral Oregon Community College. COCC is the site of the University Center which offers B.A.’s and master degree programs from other or colleges/universities. In a project called the “Cascadia Concept,” the College is pursuing plans to begin offering its own baccalaureate programs in the near future. A new library is under construction with expected completion for Fall Term, 1997. Help bring our rapidly J a n u a r y 1 9 9 7 / 53 DEAN OF LIBRARIES (Search Continued) Auburn University Auburn U niversity invites applications and nom inations fo r the position of Dean of Libraries. Reporting to the U niversity Provost, the Dean of Libraries is responsible for the adm inistration of the main library and two branch libraries. Auburn University is seeking an individual with creative problem -solving abilities who can utilize available resources to m axim ize the potential of Auburn U niversity Libra riesa s a state-of-the-art, user-centered library ready for the 21st century. Established in 1856 and later becom ing A labam a’s 1872 land grant institution, Auburn is the states largest university (22,000 students) and is a Carnegie II com prehensive university. The university is located in Auburn, Alabam a, which is situated between Atlanta, Georgia, and M ontgom ery, Alabama, where residents (80,000 area population) enjoy a variety of cultural, entertainm ent, and outdoor activities in a superb clim ate and natural environm ent. Auburn U niversity Libraries, a m em ber of the Association of Research Libraries, consists of the Ralph Brown Draughon Library, the C ary Veterinary M edical Library, and the Architecture Library. RBD Library, a 377,000 square-foot, recently expanded structure, houses m ost of the 2.4 m illion volumes, 1.5 m illion governm ent docum ents, and 19,000 C urrent serials. The libraries serve as a selective depository fo r U.S. governm ent publications and a depository for U.S. patents and tradem arks. The libraries utilize considerable electronic resources, including a libraryw ide CD netw ork and the NOTIS system fo r local and state catalogs as well as num erous online databases. The libraries are staffed by 46 tenure-track faculty and 89 support staff, with a total annual budget of $8.5 million. R ESPO NS IBILITIES: The Dean provides creative leadership and vision, places a priority on the user interface, prom otes new methods of information retrieval and dispersal, is a strong internal and external advocate for the libraries, develops and im plem ents a strategy fo r private giving, and encourages professional growth fo r the library faculty and staff. QUALIFIC ATIO N S: Required: Candidates m ust have an advanced degree in library science from an ALA -accredited program, substantial adm inistrative experience in an academ ic environm ent, and a significant record of research and professional achievem ent to qualify fo r academ ic rank. Candidates should also offer evidence of (1) strong and creative leadership, (2) com m itm ent to quality service, (3) a fam iliarity with expectations and needs of students, staff, and faculty in a large research university, (4) a clear understanding of the evolving role of the academ ic research library, electronic library technology, and scholarly com m unication, (5) the ability to work collegially and com m unicate effectively with internal and external constituencies, and (6) an ability to secure sponsored funds. Desired: Ph.D. Send letters of nom ination or application explaining interest in and qualifications fo r the position with a curriculum vitae a vision statem ent fo r the A uburn Libraries based on the inform ation above, and the names, addresses, and telephone num bers of five professional references to: Stew art Schneller Chair, Dean of Libraries Search Com m ittee Office of the Dean College of Sciences and M athem atics Extension Cottage Auburn University, AL 36849-5319 Nom inations and applications from underrepresented groups are encouraged. A com petitive salary will be offered and review of the candidates will begin March 1 , 1997, and continue until the position is filled. An online version of this position announcem ent with links to additional inform ation can be found on the W orld W ide W eb at URL http://w w w l. Auburn is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. 5 4 / C&RL News DIRECTOR, UNIVERSITY LIBRARY AND LEARNING RESOURCES California State University, Long Beach CSULB, a vibrant, com prehensive, urban university with an enrollm ent approaching 30,000 students, is one of the largest cam puses in the 22-m em ber C alifornia State U niversity system . Located three miles from the ocean in Long Beach, the fifth-largest city in California, the 320-acre cam pus offers a beautifully landscaped, gardenlike setting, an excellent physical plant, and outstanding instructional facilities enhanced by attractive, aesthetically pleasing architecture and design in 80 perm anent buildings. CSU L is aggressively recruiting bright, high-achieving students w ho seek a traditional college experience, while m aintaining its m ission of providing access and opportunity for nontraditional students, including first- generation, reentering, part-tim e, and historically underrepresented groups. CSU LB, a young, proud institution striving to becom e one of the prem iere urban universities in the country, is strongly com m itted to high-quality undergraduate and graduate program s, and seeks qualified, innovative, and diverse faculty m em bers interested in exciting and rewarding opportunities. The University Library and Learning R esources has over one million titles in its collections, 16 faculty and 65 staff m em bers, is housed in a six story structure plus a sin gle-story rem ote electronic learning center, and supports the information needs of students, faculty, and com m unity program s through its collections and inform ation program s. Q UALIFIC ATIO N S: C andidates m ust possess a professional degree from a program accredited by the Am erican Library Association, or equivalent graduate-level library education; at least fo u r years of library adm inistrative experience; a record of professional participation or scholarship; and, the ability to com m unicate effectively with an ethnically and culturally diverse cam pus com m unity. O ther desired qualifications include: • A record of adm inistrative leadership in a medium or large urban academic library, including fiscal and personnel resources. Additional experience as a librarian in a nonadministrative role is desirable. • Dem onstrated com m itm ent to faculty governance, consultative process, and consensus building. Experience within a collective bargaining environm ent is preferred. • Dem onstrated capacity for developing and sustaining effective relationships with adm inistrators, faculty, staff, students, and external con stituencies and consortia. • Successful experience in fund-raising and grant development.! • Dem onstrated experience in m anaging and im plem enting inform ation technologies. • A strong record of professional participation and scholarship appropriate to faculty rank. • Eligibility fo r tenure at the librarian rank. • An additional advanced degree is preferred. DUTIES: The Director is the chief academ ic and adm inistrative officer of the University Library and Learning Resources, and serves at the pleasure of the President. He or she reports to the Provost and coordinates closely with the A ssociate Vice President fo r Inform ation T echnology on m atters related to inform ation technology and technology services. The D irector’s responsibilities include: • M anagem ent of the fiscal and personnel resources of the University Library. • Leadership in the im plem entation of inform ation technologies for library programs. (Continued on next page) expanding institution into the 21st century by teaching regularly scheduled library classes, supervise reference services, circulation and interlibrary loan. Requires MLS degree from an ALA accredited program and two years library reference and bibliographic instruction experience. Must have broad knowledge of/experience with elec­ tronic info technologies, i.e., Internet, integrated library systems, database searching. Prefer Ph.D. or recent ABD. Salary: $28,200- $34,200 (9-month, academic year) plus fringe benefits. Deadline: February 28, 1997. For required application and further information, contact the Human Resources Office, Central Oregon Community College, Metolius Hall, Room 101, 2600 NW College Way, Bend OR 97701; phone: (541) 383-7216 (Voice). If you are hearing/speech impaired, call TDD: (541) 383-7708. EEO/AA HEAD, CATALOG DEPARTMENT. University of Texas at San Antonio Library seeks applicants responsible for the organization, management, and leadership of the Catalog Department including the management and maintenance of the Library’s Online Catalog. The Department is also responsible for bindery operations, book repair, and end processing for all materials. The Department consists of 2 librarians, including the Head, and 7 classified staff. The Head reports to the Assistant Director of Technical Services and Library Computer Systems. Qualifications: Required-ALA accredited MLS; minimum 5 years professional experience in cataloging or related activities; successful management or supervisory experience; expe­ rience in applying national standards to bibliographic, authority, and holdings records; experience with computerized library systems, especially the cataloging modules; ability to work cooperatively and effectively with colleagues, faculty, and staff; must be a team player with ability to work independently; adept at problem solving; Pre ferred-experience with NOTIS; microcomputer applications; OCLC or RLIN experience; academic library experience. Salary: $34,000 minimum with full benefits package. Send resume to: Sue Tyner, Assistant Director for Technical Services and Library Computer Systems, The University of Texas at San Antonio Library, 6900 N. Loop 1604 West, San Antonio, TX, 78249-0671. Closing date is February 2 1 , 1997. UTSA is an EEOA employer. Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities encouraged to apply. HEAD, CATALOGING UNIT AND DATABASE PROJECTS COOR­ DINATOR. Humboldt State University Library. Reporting to Chair of Access Services, duties include oversight of all Cataloging Unit operations, personnel management, hands-on original cataloging, and policy development and implementation. Incumbent will work with faculty members and staff to design and coordinate develop­ ment of auxiliary local information databases using Library systems Ja n u a r y 1 9 9 7 / 5 5 (Continued from previous page) • I n collaboration with faculty and staff, development of a shared vision for the University Library, including leadership in strategic planning to implement this vision. • Represents the Library in its relations with the university, the community, and the profession, • Leadership in promoting fund-raising, grant, and development efforts in support of University Library programs through active contact with the community, government agencies, industry, and individu­ als. • Development of effective student programs that serve the needs of a diverse student clientele as well as attract potential scholars to CSULB. • Providing an environment that supports faculty and student research, • Recruiting, evaluating and retaining a well-qualified faculty and staff reflective of campus diversity. APPLICATION: Position will remain open until filled unless the recruitment is canceled. Review of applications is expected to begin on February 1 1 , 1997. The preferred starting date is July 1, 1997. All applications must include a curriculum vitae, a letter of interest that addresses all qualifications, and a list of three professional references including names, addresses, and telephone numbers. Nomina­ tions are also invited. Submit applications and nominations to: Chair Library Director Search Committee Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs California State University, Long Beach 1250 Bellflower Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90840 fax: (310) 985-1680 e-mail: California State University, Long Beach, is an equal opportunity/affirmative action title IX employer. California State University, Long Beach, is in compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI and Title VII), Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and does not discriminate on the basis o f race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, sex, handicap, or age in any o f its policies, procedures, or practices; nor does CSULB discriminate on the basis of marital status or sexual orientation. This nondiscrimination policy covers all CSULB programs and activities, including employment. In addition to meeting fully its obligations of nondiscrimination under federal and state law, CSULB is committed to creating a community in which a diverse population can live, and work, in an atmosphere of tolerance, civility, and respect for the rights and sensibilities of each individual, without regard to economic status, ethnic background, political views, sexual orientation, or other personal characteristics or beliefs. resources. Minimum qualifications include: ALA-accredited MLS; three years related professional experience; supervisory/managerial experience; original cataloging experience; working knowledge of OCLC, etc. This is a full-time tenure track position with appointment at Senior Asst. Librarian ($38,892-$55,164), with a start date of October 1 , 1997. Benefits include optional 10-mo. yr., 24 days annual vacation, 10-14 legal holidays, sick leave, & competitive retirement & health plans. Application deadline: March 1, 1997. For full position description and application procedure, consult the HSU Library home page at, or call (707) 826-3441. HSU is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Title IX Employer. HEAD, REFERENCE/DOCUMENTS’ SERVICES. University of Ar­ kansas at Little Rock, Ottenheimer Library. UALR invites applications for the position of Head, Reference/Documents’ Services, a faculty appointment with rank, leading to tenure, The successful candidate must demonstrate skill in both reference services and bibliographic instruction. Also necessary will be a knowledge of print as well as electronic resources, plus a strong commitment to patron services for undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and administrators. Heavy emphasis is placed upon experience with user education programs. This position will provide dynamic leadership for a newly developing Library Information Skills Training Program. ALA-accredited MLS degree plus minimum of five years general reference experience in academic libraries or large public libraries. Second graduate degree desirable. Night and weekend work in rotation. Must communicate well, relate easily to patrons, and exhibit energy and enthusiasm for the role. Supervisory experience highly desirable. Reports to the Assistant Director for Instructional and Public Services; supervises a reference team of four professionals, plus a small staff of student assistants. Must be very familiar with electronic systems, such as the Internet, CD-ROM networks, dial-up services, microcomputer operat­ ing systems, OCLC, and FirstSearch. Also helpful to know a variety of instruction models and assessment techniques. Minimum salary: $35,000, for 12-month appointment with TIAA/CREF, standard life and dental insurance. Position available immediately. Review of applications will begin February 17, 1997, and will continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, including summary of experience and career goals, a detailed resume, transcripts, and the names of three references to: Kathy Sanders, Chair, Search Commit­ tee, Ottenheimer Library, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2801 S. University Ave., Little Rock, AR 72204. UALR services a student population of over 10,000 with a faculty of 400. The institution offers degrees at the associate level through the Ph.D. The library’s budget is over $2.2 million, with holdings of 360,000 volumes and subscriptions to 2,700 serials titles. The DRA integrated library system became operable here in October 1994. The Fred Menz 5 6 / C&RL News HEAD OF REFERENCE (Search Extended) University of Utah The M arriott Library has launched a service excellence initiative, and is seeking an innovative and dynam ic leader to m anage the activities of the Reference Department. POSITION DESCRIPTION: Reporting to the Assistant Director for Public Services, the Head of Reference will take an active leadership role in the planning, developm ent, and provision of services for users. Areas of responsibility include the library’s main reference desk, with an em phasis on humanities, social sciences and business, plus the periodicals/m icroform s desk and new inform ation/directional se rvices currently underdevelopm ent. Supervises eight FTE librarians and seven FTE staff, full- and part time. The successful candidate will have an opportunity to help shape a new era of reference and information services in a dynam ic and exciting library and cam pus environm ent. Em phasis will be on creative leadership and responsive and innovative user-centered service. QUALIFIC ATIO NS: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school, m inimum of five years reference experience in an academ ic setting, proven supervisory and leadership excellence, dem on­ strated com m itm ent to prom oting and providing outstanding service, superior interpersonal, oral, and written com m unication skills, ability to w ork and lead in a dynamic, changing library environm ent, ability to meet university’s requirem ents fo r prom otion and tenure. PREFERRED: Solid knowledge of n e w technologies and the ir applications in library settings, knowledge of current trends in library and reference services in academ ic libraries, knowledge of and experience in user education and instruction, evidence of and com m itm ent t o continuing participation in professional and scholarly activities, advanced degree in a relevant field. SALARY RANGE: $40,000-$50,000 plus excellent benefits. Salary and rank dependent on qualifications and experience. Marriott Library and U niversity of Utah: The Marriott Library has nearly doubled in size w ith the recent opening of a 210,000 square-foot addition. H oldings include o v e r two million volum es, 14,000 periodical subscriptions, and considerable networked electronic resources. The university is situated on a 1,500- acre cam pus in Salt Lake City, a grow ing urban area with a strong economy. A cosm opolitan com m unity of approxim ately one million residents, Salt Lake City offers a variety of cultural, entertainm ent, and outdoor recreational activities. APPLIC ATIO N PRO CEDURES: Send detailed letter of application stating how applicants meets qualifications along with resume and names, addresses, and phone num bers of three references to: Kristeen Arnold Personnel Officer Marriott Library University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT 84112 The University o f Utah is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Instruction Room is a modern facility with classroom space for 25, terminals, a large-screen TV, and closed- circuit television connec­ tions. Total staff includes 43 full-time employees. Little Rock, the capital city and cultural center, with a metropolitan area population of over 500,000, is centrally located in the foothills of the Ozark Moun­ tains. The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is an equal opportu­ nity, affirmative action employer and actively seeks the candidacy of minorities, women, Vietnam-era veterans, and persons with disabili­ ties. Under Arkansas law, all applications are subject to disclosure. INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. SUNY Plattsburgh’s Division of Library and Information Services seeks applicants to fill librarian position. Feinberg Library is in every sense a teaching library. Since 1979, SUNY Plattsburgh has required a one-credit course in library research which is the cornerstone of the division’s highly regarded instructional program. This program includes the required course, course-related instruction, and an increasing array of network and applications- based instruction for faculty, staff, and students; the components of the program are taught by library faculty and other divisional faculty. The library is organized in clustered groups focused on major opera­ tions, with shared responsibilities and decision making among all staff. The librarian in this position will teach in each component of the division’s instruction program and participate productively in the core responsibilities shared by all Feinberg librarians. These are: Library instruction, service at the Reference Desk, acting as liaison to at least two academic departments, and serving on two library programmatic groups. Qualified racial minorities encouraged to apply. The success­ ful applicant must demonstrate a commitment to and enthusiasm for information literacy and an ability to work with a diverse and multicultural community. Good judgment and interpersonal skills are essential for success in this organization that emphasizes individual initiative, responsibility, and a high degree of cross-group relationships. This is a faculty position with attendant expectations for professional compe­ tence, service, and scholarship. The library is user-centered and Ja n u a ry 199 7 / 5 7 HEAD CATALOGER Portland State University Library Portland State University Library seeks nominations and applications for the position of Head Cataloger. Reporting to the Assistant D irectorfor Technical Services, this position administers the Cataloging Section comprised of four professional librarians and 12.5 support staff. The PSU Library has holdings of approximately one million volumes and 10,000 serials subscriptions and standing orders. The library uses the Sirsi integrated library system and is a member of WLN. RESPONSIBILITIES: Overseeing the daily operation of the section ensuring the establishment of monographic and serials bibliographic records, and the integration of records into the library’s OPAC; overseeing the materials preparation, repair, and binding operations; planning, preparing, and analyzing statistical and financial reports; training, coordinating, and evaluating staff-planning and developing procedures for the improvement of work processes; maintaining communication and encouraging the exchange of ideas. EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited m aster of library science degree. QUALIFICATIONS: A minimum of three years experience cataloging materials of various types and formats, and at least two years experience administering a cataloging department or database management unit in a medium to large academic library. Mastery of MARC, AACR2, LC subject cataloging and classification, and automated name and subject authority control. Demonstrated experience with oneof the national bibliographic utilities and with a local integrated system. Ability to provide leadership in a networked computer-intensive environment. Strong supervisory, analytical, and organizational skills. Progressively responsible experience with personnel management and planning. Demonstrated ability to engage staff in the process of planning and change. Ability to work with public services staff and to incorporate end-user needs as the major component in establishing cataloging policies. Excellent interpersonal, written, and oral communication skills. Ability to meet academic tenure and promotion requirements. LOCATION: With nearly two million people in the metropolitan area, Portland is the largest city in Oregon. Located near the confluence of the Columbia and W illamette Rivers, Portland is an hour from all-season skiing on Mt. Hood and an ho u r and a half from beautiful Pacific Ocean beaches on the Oregon coast. Year- round mild climate provides opportunities for a wide variety of activities, including hiking, camping, etc. Portland offers a thriving downtown, excellent public transportation, an extensive park system, and an active art and music community. THE CAMPUS: Portland State University is an urban campus located in a parklike setting in downtown Portland. Part of the Oregon State System of Higher Education, PSU enrolls over 14,000 students peryear. PSU offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in the humanities, sciences, social sciences, and professions, as well as doctoral degrees in areas such as education, engineering, public administration, social work, systems science, and urban studies and planning. SALARY/BENEFITS: Commensurate with experience. Minimum $45,000. Librarians have academic status with tenure. Primary benefits include a choice of medical plans (Blue Cross/Blue Shield or HMO options), several retirement plans, 22 days vacation, and staff tuition rates. TO APPLY: Send cover letter, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of four references to: Mary Ellen Kenreich, Chair Search Committee Portland State University Library P.O. Box 1151 Portland, OR 97207 phone: (503) 725-5780 fax: (503) 725-5799 Applications received by 5:00 p.m., February 1 4 , 1997 will receive priority consideration. Portland State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and is committed to diversifying its work force. Minorities, women, and members of other protected groups are encouraged to apply. 5 8 / C&RL News THREE POSITIONS OPEN Emory University General Libraries Emory University seeks applications from individuals who are eager to accom plish the goals of the library strategic plan and work within the context of a changing environm ent. A new facility, now under construction, will enhance the opportunity for innovative approaches to the use of information technology and the developm ent of services fo r the scholarly com m unity in the electronic environment. CO LLECTION M ANAG EM ENT C O O RDINA TOR FOR THE HUM ANITIES W ork in a team setting with other Collection M anagem ent Coordinators, selector/liaisons, and information technology specialists to develop resources in the hum anities and to facilitate their use. Coordinate collection developm ent and m anagement, facilitate access to electronic information resources, and outreach activities relating to the humanities. Coordinate selection and outreach activities in philosophy, religion, history, art history, Judaic studies, classical studies, G erman studies, and Russian and East European studies; serve as primary selector/liaison for philosophy, religion, and German Studies. Serve as one of a team of four Collection M anagem ent Coordinators charged with the overall adm inistration of the library’s collection m anagem ent and developm ent program, including formulating collection development policies and procedures, evaluation of the collections, and manage­ ment of information resources funds. May serve a tw o-year term as Chief Collection M anagem ent Coordinator, an adm inistrative function which rotates among the coordinators. W ork closely with other library units, such as the library’s full-text center with a prim ary focus in the humanities, and with information technology specialists who provide desktop and network support to faculty in the hum ani­ ties. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited m aster’s degree in library/information science. Advanced degree in philosophy or religion and three years experience in a large academic or research library, or equivalent com bination of education and experience. Knowledge of one W estern European language in addition to English, German preferred. Demonstrated knowledge of information needs of scholars in the humanities; understanding of current trends and issues in scholarly publishing and com m unication in the humanities, including issues relating to electronic resources. Good skills in planning, analysis, and evaluation; ability to interact successfully and com m unicate in a clear, knowledgeable, and personable m anner in both a team environm ent and on an individual basis. Dem onstrated interest in professional developm ent activities. Minimum salary: Rank II, $32,000; Rank III, $36,500. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN— HUMANITIES Provide reference assistance and library instruction services to faculty and students in a broad range of subject areas; assist users in searching print and electronic reference resources, including numerous CD-ROMs, W W W databases, and the Emory Libraries integrated online catalog. Serve as library selector in the romance languages for m aterials in all form ats and serve as liaison to the French and Italian Department: providing individual training on electronic resources fo r faculty either in th e ir offices or in the library, giving library instruction to specific classes or to students on an appointm ent basis, providing research consultations fo rfa cu lty and students in French and Italian, and developing library (Continued on next page) highly respected for its automation initiatives and patron services. Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program; demon­ strated interest and/or relevant experience in instruction and refer­ ence; excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to work with others in a team-based organization. $32,500, minimum; full­ time 12-month tenure-track appointment; rank and salary commensu­ rate with qualifications and experience; excellent benefits package. SUNY Plattsburgh is a comprehensive institution of 270 faculty and nearly 6,000 students. Located on the shore of Lake Champlain, the college is the intellectual and educational center for the Lake Champlain/Adirondack region of New York state. The campus is an hour’s drive from the multicultural city of Montreal, Canada. Easy access to New York City and Boston via air, train, bus, or car. Please send cover letter, vita, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three current references to: Chair, Search Committee (PJ#2041- CRLN), c/o Personnel, SUNY Plattsburgh, 101 Broad St., Plattsburgh, NY 12901-2681. Review of applications begins January 31, 1997, and continues until position is filled. EEO/AA. LIBRARIAN. Bluffton College announces a full-time, chief librarian position beginning August 1997. Responsibilities include leadership and coordination of planning, budgeting, managing the collections, and staffing of Musselman Library, including the Mennonite Historical Library and the college archives, as well as other collections on campus. The position involves directing ongoing efforts to advance and integrate the use of technology, representing library matters to administration, serving as liaison with library publics, and interacting effectively with faculty and others in promoting the mission of the library. Graduate degree from an ALA-accredited program required; Ph.D. preferred. Administrative and supervisory experience in an academic setting expected. Position has all the rights and privileges of other faculty members except tenure. Consideration of applications begins March 1, 1997, and continues until an appointment is made. Additional inform ation is available at http://w ww acadaffairs/facvac. Submit letter of application, resume or vita, three letters of reference, and unofficial transcripts to: Amy M. Tabler, Assistant to the Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs, Bluffton College, 280 W. College Ave., Bluffton, OH 45817-1196. EOE. LIBRARIAN. Librarian needed at Skagit Valley College in Mount Vernon, Washington. Duties include supervision of technical ser­ vices, including cataloging, acquisitions; ILL and collection develop­ ment. Nine months per year, tenure-track position to begin September Ja n u a r y 1 9 9 7 / 5 9 (Continued from previous page) instructional aids and bibliographies in support of departmental needs. Position reports to the Head, Reference Information, Consulting, and Instruction. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited master’s degree in library/information science; a degree in the humanities or recent experience providing library services in the humanities required, preferably in the areas of French and Italian; experience in public services in a research library setting; experience working with an academic department or outreach activities desirable; experience providing service using electronic information resources in a broad range of subject areas required and in romance languages preferred; experience in developing and delivering group instruction and individual instruc­ tion; demonstrated strong communications and interpersonal skills; and demonstrated interest in professional activities. Minimum salary: Rank I, $28,000; Rank II, $32,000. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN— SOCIAL SCIENCES Provide reference assistance and library instruction services to faculty and students in a broad range of subject areas;, assist users in searching print and electronic reference resources, including numerous CD-Roms, WWW databases, and the Emory Libraries integrated online catalog. Serve as library selector in psychology for materials in all formats and serve as liaison to the Psychology Department: providing individual training on electronic resources fo r faculty either in their offices or in the library, giving library instruction to specific classes o r to students on an appointment basis, providing research consultations for faculty and students in psychology, and developing library instructional aids and bibliographies in support of departmental needs. Position reports to Head, Reference Information, Consultation, and Instruction. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited master’s degree in library/information science; a degree in the social sciences or recent experience providing library services in the social sciences required, preferably in psychology; experience in public services in a research library setting; experience working with an academic department or outreach activities desirable; experience providing service using electronic information resources in a broad range of subject areas required and in psychology preferred; experience in developing and delivering group instruction and individual instruction; demonstrated strong communications and interpersonal skills; and demonstrated interest in professional activities. Minimum salary: Rank I: $28,000; Rank II: $32,000. To apply, please specify the position title and send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Dianne M. Smith Library Human Resources Officer Robert W. Woodruff Library Emory University Atlanta, GA 30322-2870 The application review begins February 2 1 , 1997. The positions will be filled as soon as possible. Emory University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. 1997. Information/applications available: Skagit Valley College Personnel Office, 2405 College Way, Mount Vernon, WA 98273, or phone (360) 416-7794. SVC is an EOE. REFERENCE AND INSTRUCTION TEAMS COORDINATOR/LI­ BRARY FACULTY MEMBER. Appalachian State University’s Li­ brary, a dynamic, team-based organization, seeks a creative leader to provide vision and guidance for the Reference and Instruction Teams. These teams, comprised of about 10 FTE librarians and paraprofessionals, provide tiered reference assistance, introductory and subject-specific bibliographic instruction, government documents reference, and other services. Participation in, as well as evaluation and improvement of, direct reference service and instruction is included in the job responsibilities. Library faculty are expected to take leadership roles within the library and university and to partici­ pate in professional service and scholarship. Required: At least five years progressively responsible experience in reference and/or in­ struction in an academic library. Leadership and innovation in areas such as (1) coordination of reference or instruction initiatives, or (2) staff training, promotion, or evaluation in reference or instruction. Demonstrated ability to deliver quality reference and instruction services. Demonstrated commitment to service and scholarship. Broad familiarity with electronic products. Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited school. Second advanced degree strongly preferred. Ability to manage change and provide leadership in a team environ­ ment. Effective written and oral communication skills. Experience or training in working in a multicultural environment. Rated one of the 100 best small towns in America, Boone is located in northwestern North Carolina in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Appalachian State University has 11,900 students and offers undergraduate degrees in more than 190 majors. It is a member of the University of North Carolina System. Library holdings include 651,672 books and bound periodicals, 4,036 subscriptions, and 1,039,391 microforms. Appala­ chian is part of the Western North Carolina Library Network, a consortium of three universities sharing an Innovative Interfaces, Inc., system, document delivery by van, and an UnCover gateway. The position is tenure-track with a 12-month contract and is available July 1, 1997. For appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor or higher, a second advanced degree is required. Salary and rank are commensurate with qualifications. Send letter of application, curricu­ lum vitae, and three letters of reference to: Mary Reichel, University Librarian, Belk Library, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 28608. Completed applications must be received by February 14, 1997. Appalachian is an affirmative action, equal opportunity em­ ployer and is committed to hiring women and minorities. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Belk Library is seeking an academic librarian to perform reference and bibliographic instruction duties in a 60 / C&RL News THREE POSITIONS AVAILABLE PURDUE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES Purdue University, located in West Lafayette, Indiana, is the land grant university fo r the state of Indiana. The libraries system, which consists of the Undergraduate Library and 14 school/departmental libraries, has holdings of over two million volumes. Staff totals more than 200, including 60 faculty and professionals. Applications are invited for the following positions: ASSISTANT ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited MLS. Bachelor’s or advanced degree in engineering or related field, or demonstrated knowledge of the engineering literature through a combination of educational back­ ground and experience. Desired qualifications: Experience with collection management, reference, or instruction in an academic o r special library. Familiarity with the use of electronic resources in engineering and technology. Demonstrated interest in current and emerging technologies as they contribute to meeting the needs of library users. Some supervisory experience. Effective oral, written, and interper­ sonal communication and presentation skills. Strong services orientation. RESPONSIBILITIES: Shares in management and operational responsibilities of Siegesmund Engineer­ ing Library with tw o other librarians. Contributes to the implementation of new services and procedures, including application of new technologies to the delivery of services; collection development liaison with faculty; and developm ent of supportstaff. Provides reference services on a regularly scheduled basis. Instructs faculty and students in the effective use of local and remote printed and electronic resources individually and in the classroom. Participates in planning activities of the Engineering Library and of the libraries. Participates in collaborative activities within the Engineering and Physical Sciences Cluster (Chemistry, Earth & Atm ospheric Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, and Physics Libraries). Faculty responsibility and status. Rank of Assistant Professor. Reports to the Engineering Librarian. Members of the libraries faculty must meet Purdue requirements for promotion and tenure. Salary: $30,000 and up depending upon qualifications. ASSISTANT M ANAGEMENT & ECONOMICS LIBRARIAN REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited MLS. Bachelor’s or advanced degree in management or related field, or demonstrated knowledge of the m anagement literature through a combination of educational background and experience. Desired qualifications: Two years recent reference experience in manage­ ment field providing individual assistance and instruction in accessing and interpreting print and electronic sources. The vision and leadership to develop and expand reference and information management consultation services. Familiarity with the literature of economics; some knowledge of government information resources. Effective oral, written, and interpersonal communication and presentation skills. Strong service orientation. RESPONSIBILITIES: Develops and coordinates reference services provided by three librarians and two reference assistants to offer excellent individual assistance with the goal of fostering patron self sufficiency; supervises 1.5 FTE support staff. Expands reference service by integrating new technolo­ gies (electronic databases, Internet) into the service and by applying new technologies to the delivery of services. Assists in developm ent of an information management consultation program. Contributes to a growing information literacy program for management areas and for campuswide users of business (Continued on next page) dynamic, team-based organization, as well as to fulfill other public or technical service responsibilities that will be assigned based upon the individual’s qualifications and the library’s needs. Some weekend and evening hours may be required. The librarian will be expected to help advance the library’s appreciation and understanding of diversity among employees and students, and to serve as mentor to and career model for minority students. Library faculty are expected to take leadership roles within the library and university and to participate in professional service and scholarship. Required: Master’s degree from ALA-accredited school. Strong library service orientation. Com­ mitment to professional service and scholarship. Life experiences similar to those of many minority students at Appalachian. African Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Asian Americans are included among the university’s ethnic and racial groups; Appalachian’s largest minority population is African American. Knowledge of refer­ ence service and sources and/or demonstrated instructional ability. Experience or training in working in a multicultural environment. Effective written and oral communications skills. Rated one of the 100 best small towns in America, Boone is located in northwestern North Carolina in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Appalachian State University has 11,900 students and offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in more than 190 majors. It is a member of the University of North Carolina System. Library holdings include 651,672 books and bound periodicals, 4,036 subscriptions, and 1,039,391 microforms. Appala­ chian is part of the Western North Carolina Library Network, a consortium of three universities sharing an Innovative Interfaces, Inc., system, document delivery by van, and an UnCover gateway. The position is tenure-track with a 12-month contract and is available September 1,1997. For appointment at the rank of Assistant Profes­ sor or higher, a second advanced degree is required. Salary and rank are commensurate with qualifications. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference to: Mary Reichel, University Librarian, Belk Library, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 28608. Completed applications must be received by February 14, 1997. Appalachian is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and is committed to hiring women and minorities. SCIENCE REFERENCE/BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION LIBRAR­ IAN. Faculty rank, tenure-track, I. D. Weeks Library, University of South Dakota. USD is seeking an individual who will serve as the Ja n u a r y 1 9 9 7 / 61 (Continued from previous page) sources, including development of interactive W eb-based tutorials. Participates in collection develop­ ment and faculty liaison, with responsibilities in strategic management, operations management, marketing, quantitative methods, and MIS areas of the curriculum. Participates in the planning activities of the Management & Economics Library and the libraries. Participates in collaborative activities within the Humanities & Social Sciences Cluster (Humanities, Social Science, and Education Library; Management & Economics Library; Psychological Sciences Library; Consumer & Family Sciences Library and Special Collections). Faculty responsibility and status. Rank of Assistant Professor. Reports to the Management & Economics Librarian. Members of the libraries faculty must meet Purdue requirements for promotion and tenure. Salary: $29,000 and up, depending upon qualifications. CATALOG LIBRARIAN REQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited MLS. Two years of professional cataloging experience in an academic or research library, including original and copy cataloging and catalog maintenance; reading knowledge of one or more modern foreign languages. DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Ability to work effectively in a changing organization and to provide leadership in the transition to a networked environment. Familiarity with the role of the cataloger’s workstation in technical services operations. Good communications, interpersonal, analytical, and organizational skills. Strong service orientation. Experience in training staff. Working knowledge of AACR cataloging rules, LC rule interpretations, LC subject headings, authority practices, MARC formats, and CONSER standards. Demonstrated experience with one of the national bibliographic utilities (OCLC preferred) and a local integrated system. Familiarity with Dewey decimal classification. Familiarity with ANSI/NISO serials holdings standards and UNSP newspaper cataloging standards. Reading knowledge of Western European languages and/or Russian. RESPONSIBILITIES: Contributes to planning and process improvement for the department and functions in a leadership role during the planning and implementation of the libraries’ new integrated online system. Serves as resource person for clerical copy catalogers and database maintenance staff in matters relating to cataloging and authorities. Responsible for original and com plex copy cataloging of monographs and serials in all subject areas and formats, including electronic resources; bibliographic problem resolution; and authority control. Serves as resource person to all library faculty, administrative/ professional and clerical staff in matters relating to cataloging and database maintenance policies and procedures. Participates in the development of cataloging policies and procedures. Participates in library committees, teams, and task forces as required. Exempt professional appointment. Reports to the Head of Technical Services. Salary: $25,000 and up, depending upon qualifications. BENEFITS: Fiscal year appointments with annual vacation of 22 working days. Flexible benefit programs with open enrollments annually. Group life, medical, and disability insurance programs are in effect, as are TIAA/CREF retirement and Social Security coverage. APPLICATION PROCESS: Send statement of interest, resume, and a list of references to: Thomas L. Haworth Personnel Administrator Purdue University Libraries 1530 Stewart Center West Lafayette, IN 47907-1530 Review of applications will commence February 2 4 , 1997, and continue until positions are filled. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. library’s science specialist, working in a team-based centralized reference unit providing comprehensive reference assistance. Plans, recommends, and implements programs of instruction in library use and research methodologies with the aim of progressively developing research skills for undergraduate and graduate students. Position requires close cooperation with the library’s research instruction and acquisitions departments. Additional responsibilities include working regularly scheduled hours at the reference desk (including evenings and weekends) and providing online reference assistance. Individu­ als applying should have an interest in working with the faculty and have a strong commitment to public service. Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; (1) knowledge and interest in educating library users; (2) ability to work effectively with colleagues and diverse clientele; (3) effective written and oral skills; (4) experience with online searching; (5) experience with WWW applications. Additional desir­ able qualifications: (1) reference experience in either an academic or public library; (2) familiarity with science reference resources; (3) library teaching experience; (4) second master’s degree will be required for tenure and promotion. Salary: Commensurate with rank and qualifications, 12-month appointment. Submit letter of applica­ tion, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Imre Meszaros, Director of Libraries, I. D. Weeks Library, University of South Dakota, 414 E. Clark St., Vermillion, SD 57069-2390. Review of applications will begin March 3, 1997, and continue until suitable candidate is hired. AA/ EOE. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. State University of New York College at Oneonta. Senior Assistant or Associate Librarian (12-month, tenure track). Salary commensurate with experience (minimum, $30,000). Excellent benefits, including TIAA/CREF. Responsibilities: Report­ ing to the Director of Library Services, will manage and enhance Milne Library’s technology, including the integrated online system (MultiLIS), 6 2 / C&RL News TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN Dakota State University Technical Services Librarian (12-month position). Dakota State University is seeking an energetic, service-oriented individual to join a team of forward-looking, dedicated librarians and associates. The university’s mission emphasizes the use and integration of com puter technology in all aspects of its curriculum. This unique approach has been recognized nationally and provides an exciting and innovative atmosphere fo r students, faculty, and staff. The Karl E. Mundt Library is a m em ber of the South Dakota Library Network (SDLN), a statewide, multitype, integrated, online library system. Responsibilities include adm inistration and coordination of technical services in accordance with the goals of the library. Technical services includes: collection development, serials, acquisitions, catalog­ ing, processing, m aintenance, access, and storage of library materials. Responsible for local technical upgrades and maintenance of automated system. The position assists the Director by tracking the budget. The position reports to the Director of the Library and supervises 1 FTE Library Associate and student support staff. Qualifications include ALA-accredited MLS; relevant experience in technical services preferred; interest in innovation and adoption of library technology; ability to work independently and collegially; excellent written and oral com m unication skills; knowledge of OCLC and a variety of m icrocom puter software packages like W ord and Excel expected; knowledge of PALS helpful; interpersonal skills necessary to work collegially and cooperatively with other library staff, faculty, and campus community; experience with library automation; and a com m itm ent to the service role of the library in an academic setting. Position is full-time, permanent, and tenure leading, with faculty status at the rank of Instructor or Assistant Professor depending upon qualifications. Librarians are expected to meet tenure and promotion requirements of the library faculty. Salary range lower to m id-$20s annually plus benefits package. DSU is located in eastern South Dakota in a region of lakes approximately 45 miles north of Sioux Falls. The university enrolls approxim ately 1,300 students and is an exciting undergraduate institution. The Karl E. Mundt Library provides an attractive and well-used environm ent fo r study and teaching. A new 16-station teaching lab was recently installed in the library. Visit the library’s web page at http:// ww ents/library/index.htm l. The library and campus adm inistration encourage par­ ticipatory management, open communication, and staff developm ent at all levels of the organization. The position will be open January 10,1997 and will be filled as quickly as possible. Review of applications will begin January 3 0 , 1997 and continue until the position is filled. Send letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of at least three references to: Ethelle S. Bean Director of the Library Karl E. Mundt Library Dakota State University Madison, SD 57042-1799 fax: (605) 256-5208 Internet Address: beane@ colum Disabled applicants are invited to identify any necessary accommodations required in the application process. TDD#1-800-877-1113. EOE networked CD-ROMs, library’s Web site, and remote and locally mounted indexes and full-text services. Provides technical expertise, support, and training required for library automation planning, devel­ opment, and implementation. Maintains and upgrades hardware and software throughout the library. Participates in night/weekend refer­ ence desk schedule. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and two years experience working with computer applications and operating systems, including installation and troubleshooting, in a networked environment. Demonstrated teaching/training skills and strong com­ mitment to responsive and innovative service, with the ability to work effectively in a demanding and rapidly changing environment. Strong interpersonal, written, and oral communication abilities. Knowledge of DOS/Windows and VAXA/MS operating systems. Preferred: Ex­ pertise in programming, LAN networking, and evaluating computer hardware and software. Familiarity with a variety of word processing, spreadsheet, and database applications. The college and the library: The State University College at Oneonta is one of the 13 colleges of arts and science in the State University of New York. It is a networked campus connected to SUNYNET. The college has a student body of approximately 5,000 and offers a broad range of undergraduate programs in liberal arts, business, and teacher education. The library has a collection of over 500,000 volumes and serves as a federal and state depository. College web site: SUNY is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. The community: Oneonta, population of 15,000, is located in the Catskill Mountains. It is equidistant from Albany and Binghamton and is 20 miles south of Cooperstown. Send resume with cover letter and names of three references to: Sally Goodwin, Milne Library, State University Col­ lege, Oneonta, NY 13820-4015. Immediate opening. Review of applications will begin on January 20, 1997. Ja n u a r y 1 997 / 63 HEAD COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT (Search Extended) The University of Nevada, Las Vegas The University of Nevada, Las Vegas, is seeking an experienced librarian to direct collection development and management activities for the libraries. The Head of Collection Development and Management reports to the Dean of the Libraries and serves as a member of the Dean’s Cabinet. RESPONSIBILITIES: Manages a materials acquisition budget in excess of $3.5 million and a collection of approximately 800,000 volumes 7,250 serial titles, and over one million microforms; supervises bibliographers and coordinates collection development and m anagem entactivities in o th er divisions; evaluates collections and directs acquisition activities to enhance research collections; maintains effective communication with academic departments and the wider university community; under­ stands the interaction of traditional and electronic resources and implements a collection policy which supports both. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS. Minimum of 7 years of increasing professional responsibil­ ity and leadership with collection-related activities in an academic or research library. Broad knowledge of and experience with academic/research collection development and management issues, informa­ tion technology, and automation. Knowledge of trends in publishing and research. Working knowledge of standard selection and evaluation methods and tools and automated acquisition systems. Super­ visory and budget management experience. Strong leadership, communication, and decision-making skills. Evidence of professional and scholarly activity. Commitment to fostering a collaborative work environment. PREFERRED: A second m aster’s degree or an earned doctorate, and working knowledge of at least one non-English language. 12-month, tenure-track position, faculty status, 24 days annual leave, retirement options, health insurance. Salary negotiable and commensurate with experience. Send letter of application, curricula vitae, a brief (250-word) statement of your philosophy of collection development and management, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Peter Michel Search Committee Chair James R. Dickinson Library University of Nevada, Las Vegas 4505 Maryland Pkwy., Box 457001 Las Vegas, NV 89154-7001 For more information, see the James R. Dickinson Library World Wide Web site at: library. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. AA/EOE Late Job Listings ELECTRONIC SERVICE LIBRARIAN. Xavier University Libraries seeks a for- ward-looking colleague to assist in the evolution of a dynamic service-oriented library. In a m atrix model all librarians share responsibility for reference assistance, collection development, departmental liaison, and instruction. Each librarian leads at least one major service or program area. This position oversees and promotes the applications of electronic resources and services, including multimedia, Internet-based resources, and the libraries’ home page This position is primary liaison with the university computing center and supervisor of in-house technical support staff. The successful applicant will have an ALA-accredited MLS; at least three years professional library experience in reference, instruction, and use of electronic resources with at least one year of formal training in or responsibility for CD-ROMs, LANs, and library systems; a demonstrated facility with hardware and software, including multimedia, Internet, 64 / C&RL News EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION The American Library Association, the oldest and largest national library associa­ tion in the world, seeks applications, nominations, and expressions of interest fo r the position of Executive Director. The association is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. Please send nominations, applications, and expressions of interest in confidence to: P.O. Box 805509 Chicago, IL 60680-4116 Review of applications will begin January 1 5 , 1997. Competitive salary and compensation package. Minimum of $150,000. The American Library Association is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Applications are invited from women, minorities, and disabled individuals. and Web applications; the ability and style of clear communications, demonstration of systematic project planning, and the willingness to work in a collaborative environ­ ment. Interested/qualified applicants must submit current resume with names and telephones numbers for three references, postmarked no later than February 2 8 ,1 9 9 7 , to: Kathy Riga, Xavier University, Personnel Services, 3800 Victory Pkwy., Cincin­ nati, OH 45207-2721. EO/AAE. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. Northern Arizona University. Academic professional position. Applications are invited for the position of Special Collections Librarian a t the Cline Library, Northern Arizona University; salary range beginning at $27,500. Minimum qualifications include: ALA-accredited M LS; demonstrable knowledge of reference services and management of monographic and print collections in a university special collections and/or archives; demonstrated ability to interact productively with members of a team in problem solving; strong commitment to library service and the principles of diversity and pluralism; enthusiasm for instruction; interest in emerging technologies; excellent communication and organizational skills. Desired: Knowledge of the history and development of the Colorado Plateau; demon­ strated skill in designing and conducting workshops and training exercises; experience with reference, collection development, and distance education. Send application letter, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Karen Underhill, Head of Special Collections and Archives, Cline Library, Northern Ari­ zona University, Box 6022, Flagstaff, AZ 86011-6022. The closing date for receipt of applications is February 7 , 1997. Northern Arizona University has a growing minority student population and is committed to equal opportunity/affirmative action. We welcome minorities, women, persons with disabilities, and veterans willing to make a commitment to NAU’s mission of cultural diversity. Structure Bookmarks 44 / C&RL News Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $8.45 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $10.45 for others. Late job notices a Libraries and Librarianship: Past, Present, and Future at the University of Oxford, England May 18-31,1997 'Experts will guide you in a comprehensive survey of librarianship in England, as you study firsthand one of the great library centers of the world.Presented by University of Oxford, Librarians of the Bodleian Library, and Department for Continu­ing Education and UNC-Chapel Hill, School of Information and Library Science and Division of Continuing Education.Helen Tibbo, associate professor in UNC’s Sch January 1997 / 45 85287-1006; phone: (602) 965-4914; fax: (602) 965-9169; e-mail: Full position description is available upon request. ASU is an EO/AA employer and actively seeks diver­sity among applicants and promotes a diverse work force.ASSOCIATE DEAN, LIBRARY OPERATIONS. California State Uni­versity, Northridge. CSU Northridge invites applications for the posi­tion of Associate Dean, Library Operations. Under the direction of the Dean of the University Library, the appointee serves as deputy t DEAN OF LIBRARIESMississippi State University invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of Libraries.Mississippi State University, located in Starkville, Mississippi, is a land-grant institution with the State’s largest enrollment of over14,000 students. Its nine schools and colleges have a strong commitment to teaching, research, and service. The University is among the top 100 research-funded institutions in the United States as defined by the National Science Foundation.The recently c demonstrated ability to make sound decisions in a complex, changing environment; qualifications for appointment to advanced rank within one of the departments of the Library through a record of professional participation, publications, and scholarship. Minimum of a graduate degree in library science from an ALA-accredited library school or a school of equivalent quality. Minimum of five years professional library administrative experience, preferably in an academic setting, with responsibility comparable to 46 / C&RL News leadership qualities, with strong interpersonal and communication skills, and ability to work effectively with the university community. Salary: Commensurate with experience. Benefits available. Applica­tions: For full consideration, submit resume and names/addresses of three references by February 14, 1997. Applications accepted until the position is filled. Send resume to: Ray Foster, Library Personnel Services, McKeldin Library, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-7011; fax: (301) 314-9960. Th LIBRARY DIRECTORPrinceton Theological Seminary Princeton, New JerseyPrinceton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey, an institution with an enrollment of 850 students from over 25 countries in M.Div., MA, Th.M., D.Min., and Ph.D. programs, seeks a Library Director, beginning June 1997, who is committed to the advancement of theological scholarship in the Reformed tradition.The Director will supervise an academic re­search library of over 500,000 volumes, pam­phlets, and microforms, housed in two build January 1997 / 47 TECHNICAL REFERENCE LIBRARIANS FOR ENGINEERING AND APPLIED SCIENCESThe Caltech Library System seeks two self-motivated, enthusiastic, service-oriented librarians to provide information and subject expertise in engineering and applied sciences. One position is responsible for chemical, civil and environmental engineering and materials science. The second position is responsible for mechanical engineering, aeronautics, applied mathematics, applied mechanics and applied physics. The librarians maintain a stron 48 / C&RL News rience in an academic library; experience in either bibliographic instruction or online searching; experience in using a variety of networked resources to provide reference assistance; degree in business-related field, prefer master’s degree; some knowledge of government documents. Salary/Benefits: 12-month, tenure-earning, strong benefits. Appointment will be at either the Instructor level, with a minimum salary of $23,100, or the Assistant Professor level, with a minimum salary of $26,600. Salary will be cate for the library’s educational mission. Candidates must possess a terminal degree or, at minimum, an ALA-accredited MLS or equiva­lent, at least seven years of progressively responsible administrative experience in a medium to large academic library, and a strong record of professional participation and scholarship. Candidates must also demonstrate an understanding of, and commitment to, the role of resource sharing, library automation, and the new information tech­nologies. Candidates must have good co January 1997 / 49 University LibrarianThe University of British ColumbiaThe University of British Columbia invites applications and nominations for the position of University Librarian.The University of British Columbia Library is the third largest university library in Canada. The UBC Library has a collection of over 3 million catalogued volumes, 14 branch libraries, and a staff of 328, including 85 professional librarians. The annual budget is approximately 24 million dollars. The Library is a member of the Association of 50 / C&RL News San Juan CollegeDIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICESSAN JUAN COLLEGE is one of the fastest-growing community colleges in New Mexico and has an annual student count of 11,000 in both credit & non-credit coursework. The college is fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges. The library holdings include 52,000 volumes, 421 journal subscriptions, a CD-ROM database network, and online access to 15 databases through FirstSearch. The library is fully automated with DRA and utilizes OCLC for Cataloging a two non-English Western European languages. Strong communica­tion and problem-solving skills; demonstrated ability to make deci­sions, to work effectively with a culturally diverse staff, and to exercise good judgment. Desired: Previous cataloging experience, particularly with the following: LCRI, LCSH, OCLC, NOTIS, MeSH, and NACO. A medical science background (undergraduate degree in the biological sciences, experience with medical databases, science library or related medical experience). Rank, salary, an COORDINATOR FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT/INSTRUC­TIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. The University of Illinois at Spring­field seeks a Coordinator for Collection Development/Instructional Services Librarian in a 508,000 volume library serving an upperdivision university of approximately 4500 students. Participates in teaching, scholarship and service activities. Performs general refer­ence work, including evening and weekend hours. Acts as liaison to selected academic programs, selecting materials and delivering inst January 1997 / 51 DIRECTOR AND DEAN OF THE LIBRARYCalifornia State University, SacramentoCalifornia State University, Sacramento, invites applications and nominations forthe position of Director and Dean of the Library.PRIMARY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The Director and Dean reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Director and Dean should have a vision for a service-oriented, forward-looking Library that supports the University’s mission of teaching, scholarship, and public service; works to str elude formulating and implementing policy for selecting and integrat­ing effective information technologies and services for the college; coordinating the library with computer services and media services; directing the strategic planning and work of personnel in these areas; overall budget development and supervision in these areas; fostering the collaboration of personnel in these areas with students, faculty and staff in order to facilitate effective use of these services. Eligible for tenure as a member Dean of Faculty, Eckerd College, 4200 54th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711. Eckerd encourages the applications of women and minority candidates. EOE.DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY. The Graduate Theological Union announces that the position of Director of the Flora Lamson Hewlett Library will be open as of July 1, 1997. The GTU Common Library serves the graduate programs of five Protestant Seminaries, three Roman Catholic schools of theology, a Unitarian/Universalist school, a Center for Jewish Studies, Inst 52 / C&RL News ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIANCalifornia State University, Los AngelesApplications and nominations are invited for this position, with an anticipated starting date of April 1, 1997. California State University, Los Angeles, is one of 23 campuses of the California State University system. The university is located near the cosmopolitan center of Los Angeles. The university has an urban student body of 18,000 which has the distinction of being the most diverse in the nation and approximately 600 faculty. The son for the library, work effectively with diverse constituencies, and participate in the decision making structures of the Union. Specifi­cally, the Director will build on and extend patterns of cooperation in collection development with the University of California, Berkeley, as well as with other institutions in the Bay Area; assess, develop and administer educational resources which include print (books, journals, documents) and non print materials (audio-visual materi­als, fiche, CD Rom, etc.); be resp coordination and oversight of the library’s electronic resources (CD-ROMs, multimedia, remote databases, electronic journals, and full-text databases); oversee the library’s Web pages; coordinate Internet instruction; collection development and liaison duties for Education and Psychology Departments; library instruction; general refer­ence. Required: ALA MLS; additional advanced subject degree; experience or significant training using electronic information re­sources; reference experience or training; degr January 1997 / 53 DEAN OF LIBRARIES(Search Continued) Auburn UniversityAuburn University invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of Libraries. Reporting to the University Provost, the Dean of Libraries is responsible for the administration of the main library and two branch libraries. Auburn University is seeking an individual with creative problem-solving abilities who can utilize available resources to maximize the potential of Auburn University Librariesas a state-of-the-art, user-centered library re 54 / C&RL News DIRECTOR, UNIVERSITY LIBRARY AND LEARNING RESOURCESCalifornia State University, Long BeachCSULB, a vibrant, comprehensive, urban university with an enrollment approaching 30,000 students, is one of the largest campuses in the 22-member California State University system. Located three miles from the ocean in Long Beach, the fifth-largest city in California, the 320-acre campus offers a beautifully landscaped, gardenlike setting, an excellent physical plant, and outstanding instructional facilities enhanced expanding institution into the 21st century by teaching regularly scheduled library classes, supervise reference services, circulation and interlibrary loan. Requires MLS degree from an ALA accredited program and two years library reference and bibliographic instruction experience. Must have broad knowledge of/experience with elec­tronic info technologies, i.e., Internet, integrated library systems, database searching. Prefer Ph.D. or recent ABD. Salary: $28,200-$34,200 (9-month, academic year) plus fringe minimum 5 years professional experience in cataloging or related activities; successful management or supervisory experience; expe­rience in applying national standards to bibliographic, authority, and holdings records; experience with computerized library systems, especially the cataloging modules; ability to work cooperatively and effectively with colleagues, faculty, and staff; must be a team player with ability to work independently; adept at problem solving; Preferred-experience with NOTIS; microcomput January 1997 / 55 (Continued from previous page)• In collaboration with faculty and staff, development of a shared vision for the University Library, including leadership in strategic planning to implement this vision.• Represents the Library in its relations with the university, the community, and the profession,• Leadership in promoting fund-raising, grant, and development efforts in support of University Library programs through active contact with the community, government agencies, industry, and individu­als.• Developme resources. Minimum qualifications include: ALA-accredited MLS; three years related professional experience; supervisory/managerial experience; original cataloging experience; working knowledge of OCLC, etc. This is a full-time tenure track position with appointment at Senior Asst. Librarian ($38,892-$55,164), with a start date of October 1, 1997. Benefits include optional 10-mo. yr., 24 days annual vacation, 10-14 legal holidays, sick leave, & competitive retirement & health plans. Application deadline: Mar degree plus minimum of five years general reference experience in academic libraries or large public libraries. Second graduate degree desirable. Night and weekend work in rotation. Must communicate well, relate easily to patrons, and exhibit energy and enthusiasm for the role. Supervisory experience highly desirable. Reports to the Assistant Director for Instructional and Public Services; supervises a reference team of four professionals, plus a small staff of student assistants. Must be very familiar with 56 / C&RL News HEAD OF REFERENCE(Search Extended) University of UtahThe Marriott Library has launched a service excellence initiative, and is seeking an innovative and dynamic leader to manage the activities of the Reference Department.POSITION DESCRIPTION: Reporting to the Assistant Director for Public Services, the Head of Reference will take an active leadership role in the planning, development, and provision of services for users. Areas of responsibility include the library’s main reference desk, with an emphasis on Instruction Room is a modern facility with classroom space for 25, terminals, a large-screen TV, and closed- circuit television connec­tions. Total staff includes 43 full-time employees. Little Rock, the capital city and cultural center, with a metropolitan area population of over 500,000, is centrally located in the foothills of the Ozark Moun­tains. The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is an equal opportu­nity, affirmative action employer and actively seeks the candidacy of minorities, women, Vietnam based instruction for faculty, staff, and students; the components of the program are taught by library faculty and other divisional faculty. The library is organized in clustered groups focused on major opera­tions, with shared responsibilities and decision making among all staff. The librarian in this position will teach in each component of the division’s instruction program and participate productively in the core responsibilities shared by all Feinberg librarians. These are: Library instruction, servic January 1997 / 57 HEAD CATALOGERPortland State University LibraryPortland State University Library seeks nominations and applications for the position of Head Cataloger. Reporting to the Assistant Directorfor Technical Services, this position administers the Cataloging Section comprised of four professional librarians and 12.5 support staff. The PSU Library has holdings of approximately one million volumes and 10,000 serials subscriptions and standing orders. The library uses the Sirsi integrated library system and is a memb 58 / C&RL News THREE POSITIONS OPENEmory University General LibrariesEmory University seeks applications from individuals who are eager to accomplish the goals of the library strategic plan and work within the context of a changing environment. A new facility, now under construction, will enhance the opportunity for innovative approaches to the use of information technology and the development of services for the scholarly community in the electronic environment.COLLECTION MANAGEMENT COORDINATOR FOR THE HUMANITIESWork in highly respected for its automation initiatives and patron services. Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program; demon­strated interest and/or relevant experience in instruction and refer­ence; excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to work with others in a team-based organization. $32,500, minimum; full­time 12-month tenure-track appointment; rank and salary commensu­rate with qualifications and experience; excellent benefits package. SUNY Plattsburgh is a comprehensive ins and staffing of Musselman Library, including the Mennonite Historical Library and the college archives, as well as other collections on campus. The position involves directing ongoing efforts to advance and integrate the use of technology, representing library matters to administration, serving as liaison with library publics, and interacting effectively with faculty and others in promoting the mission of the library. Graduate degree from an ALA-accredited program required; Ph.D. preferred. Administrative a January 1997 / 59 (Continued from previous page)instructional aids and bibliographies in support of departmental needs. Position reports to the Head, Reference Information, Consulting, and Instruction.QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited master’s degree in library/information science; a degree in the humanities or recent experience providing library services in the humanities required, preferably in the areas of French and Italian; experience in public services in a research library setting; experience working with an academic dep 1997. Information/applications available: Skagit Valley College Personnel Office, 2405 College Way, Mount Vernon, WA 98273, or phone (360) 416-7794. SVC is an EOE.REFERENCE AND INSTRUCTION TEAMS COORDINATOR/LI­BRARY FACULTY MEMBER. Appalachian State University’s Li­brary, a dynamic, team-based organization, seeks a creative leader to provide vision and guidance for the Reference and Instruction Teams. These teams, comprised of about 10 FTE librarians and paraprofessionals, provide tiered reference assistanc Ability to manage change and provide leadership in a team environ­ment. Effective written and oral communication skills. Experience or training in working in a multicultural environment. Rated one of the 100 best small towns in America, Boone is located in northwestern North Carolina in the Blue Ridge Mountains. Appalachian State University has 11,900 students and offers undergraduate degrees in more than 190 majors. It is a member of the University of North Carolina System. Library holdings include 651,672 60 / C&RL News THREE POSITIONS AVAILABLEPURDUE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIESPurdue University, located in West Lafayette, Indiana, is the land grant university for the state of Indiana. The libraries system, which consists of the Undergraduate Library and 14 school/departmental libraries, has holdings of over two million volumes. Staff totals more than 200, including 60 faculty and professionals. Applications are invited for the following positions:ASSISTANT ENGINEERING LIBRARIANREQUIREMENTS: ALA-accredited MLS. Bachelor’s or adva dynamic, team-based organization, as well as to fulfill other public or technical service responsibilities that will be assigned based upon the individual’s qualifications and the library’s needs. Some weekend and evening hours may be required. The librarian will be expected to help advance the library’s appreciation and understanding of diversity among employees and students, and to serve as mentor to and career model for minority students. Library faculty are expected to take leadership roles within the l has 11,900 students and offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in more than 190 majors. It is a member of the University of North Carolina System. Library holdings include 651,672 books and bound periodicals, 4,036 subscriptions, and 1,039,391 microforms. Appala­chian is part of the Western North Carolina Library Network, a consortium of three universities sharing an Innovative Interfaces, Inc., system, document delivery by van, and an UnCover gateway. The position is tenure-track with a 12-month contrac January 1997 / 61 (Continued from previous page)sources, including development of interactive Web-based tutorials. Participates in collection develop­ment and faculty liaison, with responsibilities in strategic management, operations management, marketing, quantitative methods, and MIS areas of the curriculum. Participates in the planning activities of the Management & Economics Library and the libraries. Participates in collaborative activities within the Humanities & Social Sciences Cluster (Humanities, Social Science, and library’s science specialist, working in a team-based centralized reference unit providing comprehensive reference assistance. Plans, recommends, and implements programs of instruction in library use and research methodologies with the aim of progressively developing research skills for undergraduate and graduate students. Position requires close cooperation with the library’s research instruction and acquisitions departments. Additional responsibilities include working regularly scheduled hours at the refe public library; (2) familiarity with science reference resources; (3) library teaching experience; (4) second master’s degree will be required for tenure and promotion. Salary: Commensurate with rank and qualifications, 12-month appointment. Submit letter of applica­tion, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Imre Meszaros, Director of Libraries, I. D. Weeks Library, University of South Dakota, 414 E. Clark St., Vermillion, SD 57069-2390. Review of applications will 62 / C&RL News TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIANDakota State UniversityTechnical Services Librarian (12-month position). Dakota State University is seeking an energetic, service-oriented individual to join a team of forward-looking, dedicated librarians and associates. The university’s mission emphasizes the use and integration of computer technology in all aspects of its curriculum. This unique approach has been recognized nationally and provides an exciting and innovative atmosphere for students, faculty, and staff. The Karl networked CD-ROMs, library’s Web site, and remote and locally mounted indexes and full-text services. Provides technical expertise, support, and training required for library automation planning, devel­opment, and implementation. Maintains and upgrades hardware and software throughout the library. Participates in night/weekend refer­ence desk schedule. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and two years experience working with computer applications and operating systems, including installation and troubleshoot spreadsheet, and database applications. The college and the library: The State University College at Oneonta is one of the 13 colleges of arts and science in the State University of New York. It is a networked campus connected to SUNYNET. The college has a student body of approximately 5,000 and offers a broad range of undergraduate programs in liberal arts, business, and teacher education. The library has a collection of over 500,000 volumes and serves as a federal and state depository. College web site: h January 1997 / 63 HEAD COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT(Search Extended) The University of Nevada, Las VegasThe University of Nevada, Las Vegas, is seeking an experienced librarian to direct collection development and management activities for the libraries. The Head of Collection Development and Management reports to the Dean of the Libraries and serves as a member of the Dean’s Cabinet.RESPONSIBILITIES: Manages a materials acquisition budget in excess of $3.5 million and a collection of approximately 800,000 volumes 7 Late Job ListingsELECTRONIC SERVICE LIBRARIAN. Xavier University Libraries seeks a for-ward-looking colleague to assist in the evolution of a dynamic service-oriented library. In a matrix model all librarians share responsibility for reference assistance, collection development, departmental liaison, and instruction. Each librarian leads at least one major service or program area. This position oversees and promotes the applications of electronic resources and services, including multimedia, Internet-based 64 / C&RL News EXECUTIVE DIRECTORAMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATIONThe American Library Association, the oldest and largest national library associa­tion in the world, seeks applications, nominations, and expressions of interest for the position of Executive Director. The association is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois.Please send nominations, applications, and expressions of interest in confidence to:P.O. Box 805509Chicago, IL 60680-4116Review of applications will begin January 15, 1997.Competitive salary and compensation pa