ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries October 1995/ 669 THE CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 forthe October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $7.95 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $9.95 for others. Late job notices are $19.25 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $22.95 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $355 to $675 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. G uidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms fac­ ulty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Internet through the gopher server at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Ads will be placed on the gopher approxi­ mately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. To reach C&RL NewsNet locate the University of Illinois at Chicago in the menu of all servers maintained on gopher at the University of Minnesota. Alternatively, connect your favorite gopher client directly to host " 70". Select "The Library" from the menu and then select "C&RL NewsNet" from the next menu. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL Mews Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 - 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employ­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN ASSISTANT TO THE DEAN AND HUMAN RESOURCES COORDI­ NATOR. Ohio University Libraries seek an energetic, creative profes­ sional to provide human resources services for all contract, classified, and student personnel within the library. Ohio University is a Carnegie Research II institution with 27,848 students, 1,594 faculty, and 2,500 staff on its main campus in Athens and five regional campuses in southeastern Ohio. The University Libraries contain more than two million volumes, employ 60 contract and 73 classified staff, and have annual expenditures in excess of $10 million. Responsibilities: Report­ ing to the Dean of University Libraries and to the Associate Dean for Administration (for personnel matters), the successful applicant will exercise broad responsibilities in the areas of employment, classifica­ tion and salary administration, staff development and training, team­ building employee communications, affirmative action and climate issues, and special projects. As Assistant to the Dean, the successful applicant will also manage the library's international internship program HEAD OF MONOGRAPH CATALOGING The library at the University o f California, Irvine seeks a Head of Monograph Cataloging to super­ vise the cataloging of all monographs except East Asian language materials. The incumbent also serves as Principal Monograph Cataloger. This position will supervise a staff of 10.5 FTE, including 1 Librarian, and perform cataloging as time permits. The salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience within a range of $36,108 - $55,476 (Associate Librarian I - Librarian III). The library collection, supported by a materials budget of approximately $4,200,000 consists of 1.6 million volumes and 17,000 current serials. The Catalog D epartm ent utilizes 0 C L C and Innovative Interface to catalog approximately 30,000 volumes annually for the Main, Science and Medical Center Libraries. The University of California, Irvine is nestled in 1,489 acres of coastal foothills, five miles from the Pacific Ocean between San Diego and Los Angeles. To request a copy of the full position description, e-m ail y o ur nam e and m ailing instructions to jlkau fm a @ uci.e d u or leave a message at (714) 824-4716. Applications received by November 1 5 ,1 9 9 5 will receive first consideration. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE IS AN EQUAL O PPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE THROUGH DIVERSITY. UCI and provide support in report preparation and proposal writing. Qualifi­ cations: MLS or MLIS required, with courses in personnel work and/or counselling strongly preferred. Five years of increasing responsibility in librarianship, with at least two years experience in personnel manage­ ment and/or staff training. Excellent interpersonal skills are a must; ability to work effectively with staff at all levels in the organization to develop training programs that will equip staff to function effectively in a changing library environment; excellent oral and written communications skills. Annual salary: From $31,200, depending on qualifications. Excellent benefits, including 22 days vacation, health care plan, and state pension system. To apply, submit a letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Human Resources Coordinator Search, do Gary A. Hunt, Associate Dean for Administration, O hio U n iversity Libraries, Athens, OH 45701. A complete jo b description is available on request from or by calling (614) 593-2709. Appli­ cation deadline: November 1, 1995. EEO/AA. COORDINATOR, ACCESS TO ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SER­ VICES. The University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) Library invites applications for the position of Coordinator, Access to Electronic Information Services. The UAMS Library supports colleges of medicine, nursing, pharmacy, health-related professions, and a graduate program. The library provides a CLSI System and an Ovid network with six databases and Internet/ethernet/dialup remote ac- 670/C&RL News INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN Health Sciences Library (two positions, second posting) I N F O R M A T IO N S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N : (Two positions) T he U niversity o f M issouri- Columbia is seeking qualified applicants for two Inform ation Services L ibrarian positions within the Health Sciences Library. Principal duties for both positions include responsibility for providing general reference services, perform ing online searches o f O V ID , N L M , D ialog, DataStar and S T N se a rc h system s and Internet resources; providing library tours and u ser education; and, reference collection developm ent at the H ealth Sciences Library. Specific duties f o r one position include preparing the Inform ation D esk schedule; training and supervising one half-tim e Graduate Library Assistant; and, coordinating practicum and reference d esk assistant program s. Specific duties fo r the second position include coordinating all library instructional activities through the design, teaching, and evaluation o f course-related instruction, end u se r training, and to u rs; developing, organizing, scheduling and delegating instruction sessions; serving as the library contact person for educational outreach services to all health related program s and services, including those aspects of the School o f M edicine problem based curriculum dealing with training and instruction in the use of library resources; and, developing instructional m aterials in both print and electronic form ats. R equirem ents: Both positions require a m inim um o f a M aster's degree from an A LA accredited program including courses in online searching. C oursew ork in health sciences librarianship and/or ex p e rie n c e in a health sciences library required. Strongly preferred is teaching o r supervisory experience and/or experience with online searching and Internet usage. Strong communication and interpersonal skills w ith a marked ability to com m unicate with many diverse groups o f people is highly desirable. A bility to w ork in a team environm ent is highly desirable. M in im u m S a la ry : $ 2 4 ,0 0 0 + for 12 m onths com m ensurate w ith education and experience. Benefits include 30 vacation days p er year, vested retirem ent after 5 y ears, University medical benefits package, and o th er norm al fringe benefits including 75% tuition waiver. T H E U N IV E R S IT Y O F M ISSOURI (MU) was established in Columbia in 1839. It is one o f the five most comprehensive universities in the nation, with over 250 degree programs. Th e University o f M issouri-Colum bia Libraries belong to A R L , serve a student body o f 22.0 0 0+ and a faculty o f 1,800 w ith a collection o f o v e r 2.6 m illion volumes and o v er 5.3 m illion microforms. Th e Libraries on all campuses are replacing a local system with III. Colum bia is in the m iddle o f the state on I-70, only 2 hours from St. Louis and Kansas City, and 1.5 hours from the Lake o f the Ozarks major recreational area. The University and tw o other colleges provide superb cultural events. According to the American Chamber o f Com m erce Researchers Association (A C C R A ) composite index, the cost o f livin g in Columbia is very reasonable when compared with other university communities. Columbia has been named in the top twenty cities in the United States by Money m agazine in recent years. Available: Ja n u a ry 1, 1996. Send letter o f application, names and addresses o f three references and resume to Julie Deters, Senior Secretary, 104 Ellis Library, University o f Missouri-Columbia, Columbia M O 65201-5149. Screening o f applications will begin October 9 , 1995. Th e University o f Missouri-Columbia is an equal opportunity and a ffirm ative action em ployer and complies with the guidelines set forth in the Americans with Disabilities A ct o f 1990. I f you have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and need assistance with this or any portion o f the application, notify us at the address above as soon as possible. Reasonable efforts w ill be made to accommodate your special needs. October 1995/671 LIBRARY DIRECTOR Mesa State College Mesa State College, Grand Junction, Colorado, invites qualified candidates to apply for the posi tion of Director of the John U. Tomlinson Library. Successful candidate must be a visionary, cre­ ative, energetic, service-oriented individual ca­ pable of taking a growing college’s library into the twenty-first century. Mesa State is a state-sup ported baccalaureate institution with 4,700 stu­ dents and is the fastest-growing college in Colo­ rado, with newly granted authority to offer a limited number of master’s degrees. Qualifications include an MLS from an ALA-ac- credited library school, a minimum of seven years of progressively responsible management and supervisory experience in an academic library, evidence of the ability to plan, strong interper­ sonal and leadership skills, intimate working knowledge of new information technologies and automated library systems, excellent oral and written communication skills, demonstrated suc­ cess in fiscal management, and a strong service orientation. A second master’s degree or Ph.D. preferred. Contract year begins July 1 , 1996. Applicants should send a letter of intent, a re­ sume, an official copy of their graduate tran­ scripts, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: John U. Tom linson Library S earch C om m ittee M esa S tate C ollege 1200 C o llege Place Grand Ju n ction , CO 81501 Applications received before November 3 0 , 1995, will be given priority consideration. Mesa State College is a drug-free workplace. All employees o f the college must agree to abide by our drug-free policy as a condition of employment. Mesa State College is an AA/EOE employer. cess. Full-text databases are planned for the near future. Two dedicated Internet stations are provided, and a Web server is under construction. Responsibilities of the position include: (1) coordination of user access to many of the Library’s electronic services, (2) signification participa­ tion in an expanding library instruction program, (3) coordination of maintenance of the reference collection, (4) participation in reference collection development, and (5) participation in general information access services duties. Requires: (1) ALA-accredited MLS, (2) two years experience at the professional level in information access services in a health sciences library, (3) significant experience in library instruction, (4) strong written and oral communications skills, (5) experience with online searching, (6) microcomputer skills, (7) strong commitment to service, (8) initiative, (9) interpersonal and teamwork skills, (10) flexibility, and (11) organizational skills. Pre­ ferred: Internet skills. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Salary: $30,000. This is a full­ time, tenure-track faculty position. Benefits include 22.5 vacation days, 11 holidays, a health plan, choice of retirement plans (including TIAA/ CREF), and tuition reduction. Applications: Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: Sally G. Kasalko, Chair, Information Access Services, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Library, Slot586,4301 W. Markham, Little Rock, AR 72205-7186; e-mail: KASALKO @ LIBLAN.UAMS.EDU. COORDINATOR, INTERLIBRARY LOAN. University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida. A rapidly growing state university; enrollment 26,000; fully automated library. General qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree; ability to work effectively with faculty and students; ability to work independently and cooperatively in a team setting; excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills. Reports to: Head of Access Sen/ices. Responsible for: Interlibrary borrowing, lending, and document supply activities (over 40,000 annual transac­ tions). Plans, directs, trains, and evaluates the work of .50 FTE librarian and five FTE support staff. Establishes policies and proce­ dures, sets priorities, performs bibliographic verification, monitors costs, maintains and evaluates statistics, and prepares reports. Collaborates with librarians at local, state, and national levels. Serves on the library’s Collection Development Advisory Committee. Re­ quired: Three years post-MLS academic library experience in an automated library environment; two years experience in interlibrary loan using OCLC; supervisory experience. Desired: Demonstrated organizational skills; expertise with online and/or CD-ROM database systems; familiarity with Internet, Ariel, and other alterative modes of information access and delivery; working knowledge of SAVEIT; and evidence of active ongoing participation in the profession. Postmarked deadline: November 3, 1995. Position available: April 5, 1996. Rank and salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Mini­ mum salary: Assistant Librarian, $27,000; Associate Librarian, $29,500; University Librarian, $33,000. Submit a cover letter addressing above qualifications; resume; and names, addresses, and telephone num- Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15, 1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual AfìL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $30,128 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $23,700* Rhode Island $28,000 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $20,000 Texas $25,000 Vermont $23,846 W est Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 *Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. 672/C&RL News bers for five professional references, postmarked by deadline, to: Victor F. Owen, Library Personnel Officer, University of Central Florida Library, P.O. Box 162666, Orlando, FL 32816-2666. Florida applica­ tion and selection procedures are subject to public review. AA/EEO. DIALOG, ORBIT, STN INFORMATION PROFESSIONALS. Garcia Consulting, Inc., is a high-technology professional firm providing information and engineering sen/ices to the federal government. GCI has immediate opportunities in the Washington metropolitan area for qualified online search experts to provide training and online search assistance for commercial databases (CDBs) and automated tools. All candidates must have extensive online database search experi­ ence using Dialog, Orbit, and/or STN. Experience with word process­ ing, spreadsheet, and communication software is highly desired. Experience with patent- and trademark-related searching a plus. Baccalaureate and experience in the following scientific fields re­ quired: organic chemistry or related field; mechanical engineering, metallurgy, or related field; biomedical/biomechanical engineer, bio­ technology, physiology, or related field. Garcia Consulting, Inc., a federal government contractor headquartered in Crystal City, Virginia, offers professional career growth, technical challenge, and competi­ tive compensation and benefits programs. For immediate consider­ ation, please send or fax your resume and cover letter, including salary requirements, to: Garcia Consulting, Inc., Attn: HR/(TRW/PTO), Arlington, VA 22202; fax: (703) 412-6368. We are an equal opportunity employer. Note: No e-mail responses will be accepted! DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES. Delaware Valley College, Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Energetic, experienced academic library manager, with an understanding of the instructional and scholarly needs of students and faculty, who will be responsible for the facilities, personnel, and programs of the library, and the archives. Reporting to the Assistant Dean for Academic Administration, the Director will oversee the operation of the College Library, participate in reference and bibliographic instruction, prepare and administer the library budget, and provide overall supervision of the support staff. As a member of the faculty, the Director will be expected to maintain a level of professional development as well as serve the college in a variety of capacities. Minimum qualifications include a master’s degree in library and information science from an ALA-accredited institution; three to five years successful management experience in an academic library; teaching experience within the library setting; excellent communication, problem-solving, and organizational skills. Submit vita with five references to: Personnel Office, Delaware Valley College, 700 E. Butler Ave., Doylestown, PA 18901. EOE/AA. HEAD CATALOGER. Eastern Connecticut State University is dedi­ cated to providing a high-quality undergraduate academic program and small-college experience that is unique and first-rate. As a public institution, Eastern is committed to the idea of accessible education. Head Cataloger, Assistant or Associate Librarian depending on qualifications and experience, is a 12-month, tenure-track position. The successful candidate will report to the Head of Technical Services, and in conjunction with the library faculty and staff, will develop and propose policies and procedures in cataloging. The Head Cataloger will provide leadership in technological develop­ m ents in cataloging and training to support staff. In addition, the individual will provide quality control of all cataloging activities of conventional and m ultim edia form ats, including all com puter- based resources. S/he should be capable of perform ing original cataloging and assist in a Dewey decim al reclassification project. Also expected is participation in the library’s service program, based on individual skills and library needs, including night and weekend work. The university library is a member of NELINET, and its in tegrated system is III. A new library building design has been completed with groundbreaking scheduled for September 1995. Q ualifications: Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree or its equivalent, demonstrated competence in cataloging and original cataloging, including multim edia and computer-based formats. Pre­ ferred: Supervisory experience; public service experience; advanced degree in a subject area. Screening will begin on September 10, 1995, and will continue until the position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and names with addresses of three references to: Tina Fu, Library Director, Eastern Connecticut State University Library, Willimantic, CT 06226-2295. Eastern Connecticut State University is an AA/EEO em ployer and is aggressively recruiting woman and minority applications in an effort to bring greater diversity to its workplace and community. October 1995 / 673 TWO POSITIONS WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY LIBRARY SYSTEM The Wayne State University seeks dynamic and highly motivated people to fill two high-level positions within its Library System and is committed to finding excellence, energy, and diversity among its employees. W ayne State University is among the nation’s top research universities. It is one of just 59 public universities to hold the prestigious designation of Carnegie Research University I. The university is located in an attractive urban setting, surrounded by museums, theaters, and corporate offices, easily accessible from several interstate freeways and Canada. The Library System consists of the university libraries’ four, soon-to-be five, libraries, the Graduate Program of Library and Information Science, and the University Press. The libraries are ranked among the top 50 research libraries in the United States, with more than 2.7 million volumes and more than 23,000 current subscriptions. ASSOCIATE DEAN Acts as chief administrator of the Library System in the absence of the Dean; represents the Dean as needed in the Library System, on the university campus, and in the community. Serves on university, national, statewide, and local organizations, boards, committees, councils, policy-making groups, task forces, and review panels. Provides leadership for Library System-wide total quality management initiatives. For the university libraries, the Associate Dean provides leadership in planning, policy development, and assessment. Provides leadership in interfacing the libraries’ information resources and technology into the university’s curriculum. Is responsible for librarywide coordination of collection development, public services, statistics collection, and special projects.Other executive duties as delegated by the Dean.QUALIFICATIONS: Master’s degree in library and information science from an ALA- accredited library school and a doctoral degree is required. Must possess academic credentials for appointment to faculty rank in the Library and Information Science Program. At least 10 years of increasingly responsible experience in an academic library environment, including at least three years in a major administrative capacity. Demonstrated leadership skills; track record of problem solving and teamwork. Broad knowledge of university-level organizations, operations, and practices. PROJECT MANAGEMENT LIBRARIAN ll/lll This newly created position will be an exciting challenge for a person who likes problem solving and being involved in effecting change for better service. Reports to the Associate Dean for the University Library System. Provides leadership for the University Library System ’s Service Improvement Teams, whose membership changes based upon the focus of each project. Serves as an expert in the Library System for process im provement and statistical process control. Provides advice and instruction to team members regarding project m anagement methodologies. Responsible for using process improvement and project management methods to develop goals, time tables, plans, team composition, and resource requirements. Performs other duties as assigned.QUALIFICATIONS: Master’s degree in library and information science from an ALA-accredited institution. A second master’s or doctorate in an appropriate field is an asset. Broad- based service experience in an academic or research library and supervisory experience are required. Strong analytic and problem-solving skills; evidence of problem-solving or project management experience required. Rank is determined in accordance with experience and education. SALARY AND BENEFITS: In both cases, salary is commensurate with experience and education. Wayne State offers dental and health plan options, TIAA/CREF, tuition assistance for employees and family members, relocation assistance, and liberal vacation. APPLICATIONS: Send application letter along with a curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references, to: Patricia Senn Breivik, Dean W ayn e S tate U niversity 134 Purdy Library Detroit, Ml 48202 A full description of the position's job duties, responsibilities, and qualifications will be forwarded to each applicant. All buildings, structures, and vehicles at WSU are smoke-free. Wayne State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Wayne State University—people working together to provide quality service. 674/C&RL News LIBRARY INSTRUCTION COORDINATOR Florida International University Florida International University is a multicampus, doctoral-granting institution serving a diverse community of approximately 26,000 students. The Reference Department, at the University Park Library, includes eight librarians and five library assistants. Reference services are conducted in a highly automated environment. The FIU Libraries and the Reference Department are committed to an expanding program of instruction covering library skills and information technologies. The Library Instruction Coordinator reports to the Head of the Reference Department and leads in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of all components of the instruction program. This position also serves as a liaison between the library and faculty, and coordinates the individual and collective efforts of Reference staff who design, promote, and teach a wide variety of classes. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree; two years minimum professional experience in a Reference or User Education Department of an academic or research library; experience in teaching and designing library instruction programs; evidence of strong oral, written, and interpersonal skills; knowledge of and experience with print and electronic resources; basic computer skills. Preferred: Knowledge of and experience with instructional technologies such as CAI and multimedia; experience in grant writing; knowledge of Internet tools including Gopher and WWW; experience in business or legal reference. RANK AND SALARY: Assistant University Librarian, $29,000–$40,000, depending on rank and experience. BENEFITS: Florida International University, a m em ber of the State University System of Florida, offers competitive health and insurance options, retirement plans including TIAA/CREF, 22 vacation days, and 13 days of sick leave. Send resume, cover letter, and the names, addresses, and phone, and fax numbers of three references, by October 20, 1995, to: S h erry M osley C hair, S earch and S cree n C o m m itte e G ov e rn m e n t D o cu m e nts D e pa rtm e n t F lorida In te rn ation al U niversity U n iversity P ark L ibrary M iam i, FL 33 19 9 This search and selection process will be conducted under the provisions o f the “Government in Sunshine” laws of the State of Florida. Florida International University in an equal opportunity, equal access, affirmative action employer. HEAD, COLLECTIONS AND TECHNICAL SERVICES. The Health Sciences Library of Columbia University seeks an experienced and creative librarian to administer its technical services and collection development operations. This position has primary responsibility for directing the library’s collection development activities; formulating and monitoring the resources budget; planning and implementing policies and procedures for bibliographic control of library materials in all formats, including electronic materials; overseeing preservation activities; and acting as liaison to coordinate the Health Sciences Library's activities with overall technical services operations of the Columbia University Librar­ ies. The position supervises a staff of nine FTE support staff and one professional librarian. The position reports to the Director of the Health Sciences Library and participates in library management. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements are: Minimum of five years of experience in technical sen/ices; evidence of strong supervisory and managerial skills; demonstrated ability to plan and implement change; excellent oral and written communications skills; and extensive knowledge of the prin­ ciples and practices of bibliographic control in an automated environ­ ment. The Health Sciences Library is the primary library for the Columbia- Presbyterian Medical Center, serving the schools of medicine, nursing, dentistry, and public health, as well as Presbyterian Hospital and other affiliated health care, instructional, and research programs. The library has a collection of over 480,000 volumes and 4,400 journal subscrip­ tions, a large media collection, and an extensive collection of rare book and archival materials. Salary ranges are: Librarian II: $38,000–$51,300; Librarian II: $41,000– $61,500. Excellent benefits include assistance with yniversity housing and tuition exemption for self and family. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Susan Jacobson, Director, Health Sciences Library, Columbia University, 701 W. 168th St., New York, NY 10032. Applications received by October 3 0 , 1995, will receive priority consideration. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD, HARDIN LIBRARY FOR THE HEALTH SCIENCES INFORMA­ TION ARCADE. University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, Iowa. Position description: Responsible for planning, managing, and evaluating the activities of the Hardin Library Information Arcade, a facility now under development that will provide a multimedia environment for the univer­ sity health science community in support of instruction, software devel­ opment, and information services. The Arcade will include a fully networked multimedia classroom and multiple information and project development stations. The Head of the Arcade will report to the Head of the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences and will hire, train, and supervise Arcade staff, develop and monitor the Arcade budget, formal­ ize policies and procedures, analyze use of the Arcade, and provide periodic reports. The Ul Libraries: The University of Iowa library system consists of the Main Library and 11 departmental libraries, the largest of which is Hardin Library for the Health Sciences. With some three million volumes, the collections of the Ul Libraries rank 29 out of 107 in the Association of Research Libraries. Ul Libraries makes use of a NOTIS- based automated system and an OVID Technologies system for health sciences databases. The Hardin Library serves the colleges of dentistry, medicine, nursing, and pharmacy, and a large teaching hospital. Re­ quired qualifications: A graduate degree from an ALA-accredited library and information science program, instructional technology program, or the equivalent; general knowledge of information and instructional technology, the Internet, and the WWW; demonstrated supervisory and leadership abilities, including ability to work with academic faculty; excellent oral and written communication skills; and demonstrated commitment to professional involvement. Preferred: Familiarity with traditional and nontraditional information resources in the health sci­ ences; knowledge of medical school curricular trends and issues; knowledge of and experience using a wide variety of information resources; prior experience in a computer laboratory or electronic classroom environment; working knowledge of multimedia authoring tools, networking hardware and software. Salary and appointment: Appointment rank and salary will be based on relevant experience and educational background. Appointment will be made at the Librarian II or III level. Salary range: $38,000–$42,000, depending upon qualifications and experience. The university offers an attractive package of benefits, October 1995/675 including 25 days of paid vacation/year, TIAA/CREF retirement, and a flexible selection of medical, life insurance, dental, vision, childcare credit, and additional benefits. Application procedures: Applications received by November 30,1995, will receive first consideration. Minori­ ties and women are particularly encouraged to apply. Qualified individu­ als should submit a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Janice Simmons-Welburn, Coordinator, Personnel and Diversity Programs, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, IA 52242; (319) 335-5871. The University of Iowa is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD OF CATALOGING DEPARTMENT. Kennedy Library. Senior Assistant/Associate Librarian; 12-month tenure-track position in a technologically innovative library; position available January 1‚ 1996. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience ($37,560 minimum). Incumbent is responsible for directing personnel activities of team-oriented department of six FTE support staff; for planning and implementing policies and procedures for the creation, maintenance, and quality control of the library’s bibliographic records, including catalog database input and maintenance, authority work, and retro­ spective conversion; for supervision of monographic and serials subsections, including post-cataloging book processing; for coordi­ nation of cataloging activities with other library departments. Reports directly to the Dean of Library Services, and represents department on Library Advisory Council. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree and five years progressive cataloging experience in an academic library, including management experience. Knowledge of and experience with an online public access catalog and other automated systems, including OCLC and Innopac. Master’s degree in subject field (or equivalency) required for tenure and promotion. Submit letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: lleneRockman, Interim Dean of Library Services, Robert E. Kennedy Library, Califor­ nia Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407; phone: (805) 756-2345. Refer to recruitment code #63011. Expanded job description available from Application deadline November 1, 1995. Cal Poly is strongly committed to achieving excellence through cultural diversity. The university ac­ tively encourages applications and nominations of women, persons of color, applicants with disabilities, and m embers of other underrepresented groups. AA/EEO. HEAD OF GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Duties: Administer the regional depository for the state of Mississippi and oversee the collections and services offered there. These include: U.S. federal publications, state of Mississippi publications, maps, and the micro­ forms service area. Supervise, train, and evaluate the work of one professional librarian, five FTE staff, and student assistants. Respon­ sible for all functions related to extensive government document, map, and microform collections, including collection development in col­ laboration with subject bibliographers; organizing, processing, circu­ lating, and preserving materials; providing reference assistance and bibliographic instruction; and publicly promoting the use of these collections while adhering to all depository rules and regulations. Serve as a member of the Library Administrative Council, an advisory body to the Dean of Libraries, and the Collection Development Committee. The successful candidate will oversee, in the spring of LIBRARY INFORMATION REPRESENTATIVE/ MIDWEST TERRITORY JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. John W iley & Sons, Inc., is an independent global publisher and leader in the professional and educa­ tional markets. Due to growth, we have an excellent opportunity for a dynamic individual to join our Library Information Department. You will be re­ sponsible for expanding two-w ay communication between the publisher and the library community within the Midwest by visiting college/university, corporate, public, government, medical, and law libraries. Up to 50% overnight travel and library conventions is involved. To be considered‚ candidates must possess three to five years experience in a library setting, be detail oriented, and have excellent communication, orga­ nizational, and planning skills. An MLA/MLIS is also required. Chicago-based applicants are preferred. We offer a competitive salary and bonus, com pre­ hensive benefits package including a company- matched savings plan, all company travel expenses, and car allowance. Please send resume with cover letter and salary history to: L. G riffiths Jo h n W iley & Sons, Inc. 605 Third Ave. New York, NY 10158 Fax: (212) 850-6049 EOE, M/F/DNV GERMANIC LANGUAGES CATALOGER Harvard Law School Library Harvard Law School Li­ brary seeks a Germanic Languages Cataloger to perform original and member copy cataloging of monographs in Germanic languages, including German, Dutch, the Scandinavian languages using AACR2, Library of Congress subject headings and Library of Congress local classifi­ cation systems. Cataloging is done either di­ rectly in RUN or in HOLLIS, Harvard’s online bibliographic catalog. The Germanic Languages Cataloger will perform local authority work for names and series for inclusion in the Harvard authority file and LC Name authority file via NACO. The cataloger is responsible for English- language cataloging as required. Position requires an MLS, fluency in German, and working knowledge of other Germanic lan g u ages. M inim um of two years catalog ing expe­ rience, preferably in an academic library. Priority will be given to candidates with proven ability to manage multiple responsibilities in a complex and changing environment. Hiring range is $37,000– $45,000, commensurate with experi­ ence. Please send resume and names of three references to: Harry S. M artin Harvard Law S chool Library 1545 M ass. Ave. Langdell Hall C a m b ridg e, MA 02138 Harvard University is an equal employment, affirmative action employer. 676/C&RL News FOUR POSITIONS University of South Florida Tampa Campus Library Applications and nominations are invited for four positions in Interlibrary Loan, Governm ent Documents and Reference at the Tam pa Campus Library. The university and library. The University of South Florida is the second-largest of nine universities in th State University System of Florida (SUS). The central Tampa Campus and regional campuses at St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Fort Myers, and Lakeland have a combined enrollment of more than 36,000 students. Tampa Campus Library has 34 librarians and 67 support staff, with holdings of more than 900,00 volumes, 4,500 periodicals, a federal and state documents depository, patent library, and special collections and archives. The library is a Florida leader in offering extensive print and electronic resources to campus, community, and remote-site users. Library clients can access two information technology labs, Lexis/Nexis, more than 200 CD-ROM databases, as well as LUIS, the online catalog, which presents the holdings of all SUS libraries and more than 50 periodical and full-text databases, including those o FirstSearch, CARL/UnCover, and Eureka. For more information, visit the Tampa Campus Library WWW home page at INTERLIBRARY LOAN LIBRARIAN RESPONSIBILITIES: The library seeks a dynamic and entrepreneurial Interlibrary Loan Librarian to manage an active Interlibrary Loan Unit. The ILL Librarian reports to the Head of Access Services and supervises 6.5 FTE staff and five student assistants. The position is responsible for the borrowing and lending activities with regional campus libraries as well as with local, state, and national networks. Other duties include coordinating electronic document delivery, including Ariel and fax, and administering deposit accounts with various lending institutions and comm ercial vendors.QUALIFICATIONS: required: ALA- MLS; minimum of five years professional library experience; effective communication skills; additional academic course work and/or participation in institutes, workshops, or conferences. Desired: Interlibrary loan and successful supervisory experience in a medium to large academ ic o r research library; demonstrated experiences with thefollow ing:O C LC and ILL subsystem; copyright issues/laws; document delivery systems and networks; electronic reference sources; integrated library com puter systems. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN RESPONSIBILITIES: The Government Documents Librarian is a unit head who coordinates all activities related to U.S. and Florida documents, include processing and cataloging of the documents and map collections. The library is a selective federal depository with a U.S. patent library and at full Florida documents depository. The position reports to the Head of the Reference Department and supervises 3.5 FTE staff and six student assistants. Responsibilities include developing, managing, and promoting the collections in an expanding and fast-paced electronic environment; providing a high level of reference service; participating in document instructional programs for patrons and staff and in general Reference Departm ent activities. Some weekend and evening hours are required.QUALIFICATIONS: required: ALA- MLS; minimum of five years professional library experience in a medium to large academ ic or research library; experience with U.S. documents; effective communication skills and a strong commitment to public service. Desired: Successful supervision experience; demonstrated experiences with the following: managing governm ent documents in an automated environment; developing and supporting electronic resources; collection development; teaching; federal resources on the Internet. (continued next page) , e 0 f 1996, a move of the collection and staff from their current, temporary location to a new, expanded facility. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, federal documents experience in an academic library setting, three to five years supervisory experience, and strong communication skills (both written and verbal). Preferred qualifications: Regional depository experience, record of national participation in ALA/GODORT and other appropriate professional associations, awareness of current issues and trends in government publications policy, dissemination, and access. Academic background in the social sciences, flexibility, high tolerance for ambiguity, track record in cooperative, team-based management setting, and evidence of a collegial management style. Ability to manage multiple tasks at one time, and demonstrated ability to work effectively in an automated environment. Salary: Negotiable from $37,000. Deadline: October 1 3 , 1995, or until filled. Starting date: Negotiable from January 1, 1996. Application process: Applications should include a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references. Nominations and applications should be sent to: John M. Meador, Jr., Dean of Libraries, J. D. Williams Library, University of Mississippi, Univer­ sity, MS 38677. The University of Mississippi is an AA/ADA/EOE. HEAD, SERIALS AND ACQUISITIONS SERVICES DEPARTMENT. Northwestern University Library. Manages and leads the Serials and Acquisitions Services Department, which is responsible for preorder searching; ordering and receiving; gifts and exchanges; and serials cataloging. The department is responsible for the expenditure of a $4.5 million materials budget and for processing over 15,000 current serial titles. The responsibilities of the Head include direct or indirect supervision of three librarians and 13 nonexempt staff; policy and budget formulation; procedural review; and goal setting. The Head is responsible for coordinating the work of the department with that of other library units, and serves on the Technical Sen/ices management team. Also serves as a member of the Management Council, an advisory body to the University Librarian. Required qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; extensive (at least five years preferred) post-MLS technical services experience; substantial (at least two years preferred) acquisitions and/or serials control experience in an academic or research library using an automated library information management system; thorough understanding of publishing and library acquisitions issues; successful supervisory and management experience; ability to communicate effectively, both October 1995/677 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN RESPONSIBILITIES: The library seeks a dynamic, public service-m inded reference librarian who will be an active participant in all Reference Department services. These services include reference desk service at three service points (Reference, Periodicals, and Documents); an active instruction program, with over seven credit courses taught each semester; and support for a growing electronic collection of over 50 CD- ROM products in Reference, over 250 electronic titles in Documents, and a NOTIS-based online catalog with over 50 commercial databases. Some weekend and evening hours are required.QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-MLS; minimum of two years professional library experience in an academic or research library; experience providing reference services utilizing electronic resources; effective communication skills. Desired: Demonstrated experiences with the following: instruction in an electronic environment; electronic resources, such as CD-ROM technology, Lexis/Nexis, the Internet, NOTIS-based OPACs with commercial databases; collection development; proficiency in a second language. .50 FTE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN RESPONSIBILITIES: Include reference desk service in an electronic environment; interlibrary loan verification; instruction in a department that teaches three formal credit courses and presents over 100 class lectures per sem esterto students, staff, and faculty. Some weekend and evening hours are required. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-MLS; academic record that indicates a potential for success; effective communication skills. Desired: Reference or teaching experience; experience with electronic resources; proficiency in a second language. RANK, SALARY, AND BENEFITS FOR ALL POSITIONS: The Interlibrary Loan and Government Documents positions are offered at the rank of Associate University Librarian, with a minimum salary of $27,500. The Reference Librarian is at the Assistant University Librarian rank, with a minimum salary of $22,000. The .50 Reference Librarian is at the Instructor rank, with a minimum salary of $11,000. All salaries are negotiable based upon experience and other qualifications. Librarians are 12 month, non-tenure earning faculty with 22 days vacation and 13 days sick leave annually, TIAA/CREF or other retirement options, and usual insurance benefits. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Please send letter of application, recent resume, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three professional references by November 6, 1995, to: Florence Jandreau U niversity of South Florida Library, LIB 122 42 02 E. Fow ler Ave. T am pa, FL 33620-5400 Phone: (813) 974-1642 e-m ail: fjan drea @ lib .u sf.e du USF is an equal opportunity, equal access affirmative action institution. For disability accommodations, contact Florence Jandreau, (813) 974-1642, TDD: (813) 974-9874, a minimum o f five working days in advance. orally and in writing; record of professional development and continu­ ing education. Preferred qualifications: Serials cataloging experi­ ence; experience supervising both librarians and support staff; record of innovation and successful implementation of change; record of professional service and/or research. Salary: $40,000 minimum. Send letter of application and resume to: Peter Devlin, Personnel Librarian, Northwestern University Library, 1935 Sheridan Rd., Evanston, IL 60208-2300. Applications submitted by November 10, 1995, will receive first consideration. Northwestern University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States. INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN/COORDINATOR FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT. The University of Illinois at Spring­ field (formerly Sangamon State University) seeks applicants for the position of Instructional Services Librarian with special responsibility for collection development in a 508,000-volume library serving an upper-division university of approximately 4,500 students. Partici­ pates in teaching, scholarship, and service activities in common with the responsibilities of all faculty. Performs general reference work at the main information desk, including evening and weekend hours. Acts as liaison to selected academic programs, delivering instruc­ tional presentations on the use of library resources and selecting materials. Special responsibilities: Coordinates collection develop­ ment for print materials and some electronic media, including day-to- day oversight of materials budget and final approval of all orders except those for Media Services. Consults with library faculty respon­ sible for reference materials and for government documents in this regard. Works with both library faculty and major vendors to effectively develop monographic and periodical collections, including the use of approval plans. Maintains nonsupervisory working contracts with staff in the Acquisitions and the Cataloging departments in regard to order placement, unique processing requirements, and special arrange­ ments with vendors. Oversees weeding of general collection. Partici­ pates in planning activities associated with the development of materials budgets, in consultation with the University Librarian and administrative staff. Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree. A minimum of three years of relevant professional experience in an academic library, at least two years of which must involve reference work and some bibliographic instruction. Demonstrable experience with collection development activities, including the management of materials budgets, vendor contacts, and some knowledge of relevant technical services functions. Desirable: Experience with approval plans and techniques for collection assessment; experience in the selection of electronic media. Appointment: 12-month tenure-track position with initial appointment as Assistant Professor. Position available February 1996. Review of applications commences in Novem­ ber 1995. Salary: $34,000. The University of Illinois is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Persons with disabilities, women, and minorities are encouraged to apply. Contact: ISL Search Commit­ tee, Room 204, Brookens Library, University of Illinois at Spring­ field, Springfield, IL 62794-9243; phone: (217) 786-6597. 678/C&RL News SCHOLARLY COMMUNICATION Association of Research Libraries ARL seeks to fill a professional position to advance the association’s agenda in relation to electronic publishing, digital libraries, and the transformation of scholarly communication in collaboration with partners such as higher-education institutions, scholarly societies, and presses. A position description for a Senior Program O fficer to direct AR L’s Office of Scientific & Academic Publishing is posted to the ARL web server ( and to the AR L gopher ( under Scholarly Communication. The successful candidate will be instrumental in creatively defining the portfolio for this critical program. ARL is an association of North American research libraries shaping and influencing the future of scholarly communication. QUALIFICATIONS: • A master's degree and three years work experience in libraries, academia, publishing, or other settings that contribute to the system of scholarly communication. • Recent demonstrated experience, at both a practical and conceptual/strategic level, in one or more of the following areas: academic or research library collections, services, and systems; Academic information technology; building digital libraries; scholarly publishing. • Demonstrated leadership or leadership potential in one or more of the areas above with a strong vision of what communication and information technologies can do to fulfill the m issions of research libraries and of the association. • Ability to communicate and work effectively with senior leadership in higher education, scholarly societies, and presses • Proven public speaking, writing, and interpersonal skills. • Knowledge of and experience in network applications, including the Internet. RECRUITMENT: • Minimum salary is $42,000 and is negotiable based on experience and qualifications. • ARL offers standard benefits, including sick leave, 22 days vacation, TIAA/CREF. • Screening will begin October 2 , 1995, and will continue until the position is filled. • Please address the letter of application, along with vita, writing sample, and names and addresses of three references to: M a r y J a n e B r o o k s O ffic e M anager A sso ciatio n of R esearch Libraries 21 D upont C ircle, NW, 8th Floor W a s h ing to n, DC 20036 ARL is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity in the professional workplace. LIBRARIAN, COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT/SPECIAL COLLEC TIONS. The Feinberg Library at the State University of New York a Plattsburgh seeks a creative and energetic librarian with expertise i collection development and special collections. This is a 12-month, tenure-track appointment with academic rank. We are a user-cen tered, teaching library, with librarians sharing equally in instruction, reference, and programmatic group assignments. The organizational structure is group based and provides opportunity for participation i a wide range of programs. We are committed to developing ou collection to reflect the diversity of our curriculum and to enhancing ou multicultural holdings. Our core collection of monographs (300,000) and serials (1,400+) is extensively supplemented by electronic re sources; our Special Collections is a preeminent books and manu scripts collection on the northern counties of New York. Responsibili ties: With dual responsibilities for collection development and special collections, work in concert with the Collection Development Group to develop and maintain a balanced collection consistent with curricula needs and collection policies and goals, evaluate vendor relation ships, monitor acquisitions budgets, oversee gift program, and repre sent library in cooperative collection development and archival pro grams. This position will be responsible for oversight of all Special Collections activities, including direct patron service, conservation and preservation, archival management, and grant seeking. Addi tional responsibilities include teaching a one-credit course, serving as departmental liaison, service on an additional programmatic group, and supervising an experienced acquisitions support staff of four. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree; a minimum o ­ t n n r r ­ ­ ­ r ­ ­ ­ ­ f two years collection development/acquisitions experience (including serials) in an academic library; knowledge of current issues of collection development and acquisitions practice; training in archival practices; successful supervisory experience; experience in manag­ ing budgets; effective interpersonal skills; strong communication skills. Desired qualifications: Commitment to working cooperatively with students, faculty, and staff, experience in applying new technolo­ gies to effective collection management, familiarity with building local history collections, strong service orientation, teaching experience, experience ments in grant writing, familiarity with issues of preserva­ tion and conservation. Salary and benefits: $33,500 minimum; TIAA/ CREF, excellent health and life insurance, and a variety of optional pretax programs. The college is located in a beautiful corner of upstate New York on the shore of Lake Champlain and at the edge of the Adirondack Mountains. Accessible by air, rail, and car, Plattsburgh is one hour’s drive from Burlington, Vermont, and Montreal, an interna­ tional Canadian city. Applications from racial minorities are strongly encouraged. Send letter of application, vita, and names, addresses and phone numbers of three references by October 31‚ 1995, to: Chair, Librarian Search Committee, c/o O ffice of Personnel, SUNY Plattsburgh, Search #1940, Plattsburgh, NY 12901. SUNY Plattsburgh is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio, a graduate theological school of the United Methodist Church, with 700+ students and 27 full-time faculty, is seeking nominations and applications for chief administrator of its library with holdings of October 1995/ 679 GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Indiana University Kokomo DUTIES: Primary job responsibilities are to: (1) supervise the development and maintenance of the federal depository collection, including but not limited to collection development, cataloging, weeding, policies and procedures, training and supervision of staff; and (2) provide reference services to students, faculty, and the public. Secondary job responsibilities include: (1) campus archives/special collections and (2) bibliographic instruction. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS, or equivalent. Must have experience working with government documents and the Federal Depository Program. Familiarity with basic reference sources, bibliographic and research techniques, and computer-based library services. Excellent verbal and written communication skills, including ability to relate to traditional and nontraditional students. Ability to work well independently and in a team situation. Ability to meet the responsibilities and requirements of a 12-month tenure-track position. Prefer the candidate have experience with OCLC or NOTIS cataloging, online searching or microcomputers in a LAN environment, and teaching/bibliographic instruction. SALARY: $28,000. Excellent benefits package. Position subject to budge availability. APPLICATIONS: To ensure consideration, application must be received by November 1 , 1995. Applica­ tions will be accepted until position is filled. Send (1) letter of application, (2) resume, and (3) names, address, and telephone numbers for three professional references to: D iane J. Bever H ead of Public Services Indiana U niversity K okom o Library P.O. B ox 9003 K okom o, IN 46904-9003 Fax: (317) 45 5-9 276 Em ail: dbe ve r@ iuk fs1 .iu d ia na .ed u Indiana University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 137,000 units plus archives. The position requires an ALA-accredited MLS, graduate degree in theology, Ph.D. desirable, and substantial experience in a theological or academic library, including a commit­ ment to enhance library services through the use of technology. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience; excellent benefits. Starting date: July 1996. Closing of applications: November 10, 1995. Send nominations or application, including cv and at least three references, to: Maxine Clarke Beach, United Theological Seminary, 1810 Harvard Blvd., Dayton, OH 45406-4599. EOE. NETWORK SERVICES LIBRARIAN. The University at Albany is seeking a librarian to provide leadership and training for library staff, university faculty, and students in access to and use of electronic resources and databases available within the university libraries and remotely through networks. The Network Services Librarian works closely with reference librarians and bibliographers throughout the University Libraries, with staff in the Interactive Media Center and Library Systems Office, and with colleagues in the Computer Center in planning for and implementing library resources on and available through the libraries’ GEAC ADVANCE system and the campuswide information system. The librarian will also serve as a reference librarian at the university library, including evening and weekend sen/ice hours, providing instruction and assistance in the use of print and electronic information sources and participating in the user education program. Reports to the Assistant Director for User Ser­ vices. Research, publication, and service to the libraries and univer­ sity are expected to satisfy criteria for continuing appointment and promotion. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS or equiva­ lent degree. Advanced work in computing and information science. Experience with online integrated library systems, campus networks, the Internet, and electronic information resources. Demonstrated instruction and training skills. Strong and effective oral and written communication skills. Ability to work within a diverse academic community. Desirable: Experience in reference service. Working knowledge of UNIX, DOS, Windows, and Macintosh computer soft­ ware and hardware, including telecommunications and networking. Working knowledge of WWW, SGML, HTML, and LANs. Salary: Com­ mensurate with education and experience. Minimum: $30,000. Apply to: Christine M. Travis, Library Personnel Officer, University Libraries - UL 112, University at Albany, State University of New York, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12222. Deadline: Review of letters of application and resumes will begin October 20,1995. Please include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references that may be contacted. The University at Albany, State University of New York, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications from women, minority persons, handicapped persons, special disabled and Vietnam-era veterans are especially welcome. ORIGINAL CATALOGER. The University of Wisconsin-Parkside invites applications for the position of original cataloger. The success­ ful candidate will sen/e as the library’s only original cataloger, working with materials in a variety of formats, including emerging electronic formats; provide authority control; act as liaison to faculty for collection development; provide some reference service. Required: Graduate degree from an ALA-accredited library school; effective interpersonal, communications, and problem-solving skills; knowledge of AACR, MARC, LC classification and subject headings; previous cataloging experience with OCLC and with an automated library system, prefer­ ably NOTIS. Salary: $26,345– $29,000, depending on experience and qualifications. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, graduate transcripts, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Barbara Baruth, Chair, Search and Screen Committee, Library/Learning Center, UW -Parkside, Box 2000, Kenosha Wl 53141-2000; fax: (414) 595-2545. The deadline for receipt of applica­ tions is November 15,1995. The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply. Upon request, the university is required to release an undifferentiated list of applicants and nominees. REFERENCE/GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. Univer­ sity of Arkansas at Little Rock, Ottenheimer Library. Position avail­ able: January 2 , 1996. Responsibilities: Provide reference services as part of a five-person team, as well as manage and promote the use of a selective depository library that includes U.S., Arkansas, and European Union documents. Duties include bibliographic instruction, online searching, using electronic tools and resources, and selecting reference tools as well as government publications for addition to the collections. Evening and weekend work in rotation. Minimum qualifi- 680/C&RL News LAW CATALOGER The Connecticut State Library The Connecticut State Library is now accepting applications for a full-time cataloger for legal materials. DUTIES: Performs original descriptive cataloging, subject analysis, classification, and MARC encoding for monographic and serial legal publications, serials in other subjects, municipal and/or federal govern­ ment publications, and other materials as needs dictate. Participates in special projects as assigned by the Unit Head. Assists in planning and implementation of new workflows, technological applications, and work strategies. Supervises general workers (students/senior citizens) as assigned. Performs related duties as required. QUALIFICATIONS: A m aster’s degree in library science or information science from a library school accredited by the American Library Association and one year of post-graduate-degree professional employment in cataloging, preferably with a concentration in legal materials. Experience must include work with Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules 2 revised, Library of Congress classification and subject headings, MARC tagging, and OCLC. Experience with integrated library automation systems such as Innovative Interfaces, and with Windows-based bibliographic and other office system applications preferred. Experience in maintaining cooperative working relationship desired. SALARY: $37,290— $45,443 plus fringe benefit package. APPLICATIONS: Full position description available upon request. Please submit letter of application with resume no later than October 3 1 , 1995, to: David Peck P ers o n n e l/A ffirm a tiv e A ction P ro g ram M an ag er C o n n e c tic u t S ta te L ibrary 231 C apitol Ave. H artford, C T 06106 Qualified women, minorities, individuals with disabilities, and older persons are encouraged to apply. cations: ALA-accredited MLS plus two years professional experience in reference sen/ices required; experience or familiarity with govern­ ment depository collections is highly preferred; academic library background also preferred. Must possess strong communication skills, leadership ability, and a commitment to outreach and service. Salary and benefits: Minimum $25,000, dependent on qualifications and experience. 12-month, faculty appointment on tenure track at the Assistant Professor level. TIAA/CREF; health and dental insurance; regular benefits package plus 22 days annual leave. Send letter of application and resume, with the names of three references, to: Nancy Gray, Chair, Search Committee, Ottenheimer Library, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2801 S. University, Little Rock, AR 72204. Application deadline is October 1 5 , 1995. The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and actively seeks the candidacy of minorities, women, Vietnam-era veterans, and persons with disabilities. Under Arkansas law, all applications are subject to disclosure. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. DePaul University Library. The Richardson Library at DePaul University’s Lincoln Park Campus is seeking a full­ tim e reference/instruction librarian whose responsibilities include reference service in an automated environment, online searching, library instruction, and collection development. Minimum qualifica­ tions include an ALA-accredited MLS degree, excellent communica­ tion and presentation skills, strong service orientation, initiative, and commitment to professional development. We are looking for a candidate with a strong academic background or advanced degree in the social sciences. Strongly preferred qualifications include two or more years previous reference experience in an academic setting, as well as demonstrated knowledge of microcomputers and electronic inform ation sources, including the Internet. Experience with nonbibliographic textual and numeric data files desirable. DePaul University is a private, comprehensive urban institution of over 16,500 students, with five Chicago-area campuses. The John T. Richardson Library, a new, fully automated facility, serves the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the schools of music, education, and theater. Excellent benefits include free tuition, medical/dental package, four weeks vacation, and TIAA/CREF pension plan. Salary range: $26,561- $39,908. Position available now; applications will be accepted until position is filled. Send letter of application with resume and the names of three references to: Doris Brown, Director of Libraries, John T. Richardson Library, DePaul University, 2350 N. Kenmore, Chicago, IL 60614. DePaul University, the employer of choice, is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, SCIENCE. Research and Information Services Department, University of Connecticut Library (Anticipated Position). Responsibilities include: Assisting library reference pa trons; electronic information resources, including CD-ROMs, Internet, and online searching; instructional and orientation activities; produc­ ing printed or computer-based guides and bibliographies; assisting in the development and implementation of departmental policies; serv­ ing as liaison to university departments or programs in the sciences, including the selection of materials for general and reference collec­ tions in assigned subject areas. Evening and weekend hours re­ quired. Required qualifications: An ALA-accredited MLS; strong motivation and enthusiasm for academic library reference work; demonstrated knowledge of computer applications in libraries; ability to work effectively with diverse users and staff; excellent written and verbal communication skills. Desirable qualifications: Science back­ ground (life sciences preferred), developed through undergraduate or graduate study, or through relevant work experiences; technological expertise in client/server Internet applications, multimedia applica­ tions, or database management; academic or research library work experience. The University of Connecticut is a Carnegie Research I university located in Storrs, approximately 30 minutes east of Hart­ ford, and midway between Boston and New York City. The main campus is situated on 3,100 acres in a rural area of woodlands and rolling hills. There are approximately 16,000 students at the Storrs campus. Appointment level and salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications (e.g., Librarian II or III, $34,167 to $54,722). Screening of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. To apply, send letter of application, resume, and three professional references to: Brinley Franklin, As­ sociate Director for Administrative Services, University of Connecticut Libraries, Box U-5A, Storrs, CT06269-1005. The University of Connecti­ cut encourages applications from underrepresented groups, including minorities, women, and people with disabilities. (Search #96A36.) SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. Washington and Lee University seeks ser vice-oriented librarian to plan, develop, and manage the new Science Library opening summer 1996. Manages day-to-day operations; October 1995/ 681 DEAN OF THE LIBRARY AND MEDIA SERVICES Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania POSITION: Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania invites applications and nominations fo r the position of Dean of the Ezra Lehman Library and Media Services. The successful candidate should possess the vision, leadership and administrative qualities to guide the university library and media services into the 21 st century and should demonstrate a commitment to serving the information needs of students, faculty, and other customers. RESPONSIBILITIES: The Dean is the chief administrative officer of the Library, reports directly to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and is a member of the President’s Cabinet. The Dean is responsible for strategic planning, budgeting, coordination of programs, staffing and staff development, supervision of program implementation, facilities planning and management, and evaluation of program effectiveness fo r the Lehman Library, its branch library in Rowland Laboratory School for Young Children, and for Media Services. QUALIFICATIONS: The Dean must have at least five years of successful and progressive responsibility in library leadership and administration. A masters or higher ALA-accredited degree in library/information science and/or an additional advanced degree in a related academic discipline are required; an earned doctorate is preferred. Other requirements are experience in strategic, fiscal, and program planning; experience in facilities management; comprehensive knowledge of library automation in a multi-site environment, advanced information technologies, and all library operations; strong communication and interpersonal skills; commitment to collegial work environment; professional involvement in organizations or committees at national or statewide levels; willingness to work in a unionized public university environment; understanding of the grant-writing process; and ability to serve effectively both as an advocate and spokesperson for the library and as a member of the President’s and Provost’s adminis­ trative teams. SALARY: The position is a twelve-month appointment. Salary ($55,726 to $83,588) is commensurate with qualifications and experience. APPLICATION: The position is available after January 1‚ 1996; the University will fill the position by no later than June 3 0 , 1996. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Each applicant should submit a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of five professional references. Official transcripts will be requested of all finalists. Applications must be sent via regular mail to: C h ajr Search C om m ittee Ezra Lehm an M em orial Library Ship p en sb urg U niversity 1871 O ld Main Drive S hip p en sb urg, PA 17257 Shippensburg University is an equal opportunity educational employer. provides reference service and library instruction; develops collection in all formats in biology, chemistry, computer science, geology, mathematics, physics/engineering, and psychology; oversees circu­ lation, reserve, and interlibrary loan; supervises support staff and student assistants. Provides scheduled reference service in Leyburn Library. Participates in development of librarywide policies. Reports to University Librarian. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree required; bachelor’s and/or advanced degree in relevant science discipline highly desirable; at least three years of academic library experience, preferably reference experience serving science depart­ ments; knowledge of microcomputing, library automation, and elec­ tronic information sources in science and technology; teaching expe­ rience; excellent oral and written communication skills. Send letter of application and resume with three references to: Barbara Brown, University Librarian, Leyburn Library, Washington and Lee Univer­ sity, Lexington, VA 24450. Tenure-track faculty appointment; salary commensurate with qualifications and experience; position available March 1, 1996. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Washington and Lee University is an equal opportunity employer. SOCIAL SCIENCES BIBLIOGRAPHER. Evaluates and develops subject collections in the social sciences, monitoring allocated funds, continuing commitments, and approval plans. Serves as library liaison to the Diversity in the Curriculum program in the College of Arts and Sciences. Serves as liaison to faculty and students in depart­ ments of Africana studies, communications, psychology, counseling psychology, educational psychology and statistics, and women’s stud­ ies, providing in-depth bibliographic instruction, assistance in use of electronic sources, and specialized reference sen/ices during assigned hours, including some evenings and weekends. Reports to the Assistant Director for Collection Development. Research, publication, and service to the libraries and university are expected to satisfy criteria for continuing appointment and promotion. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Master's degree in a social science or a minimum of three years experience as a social sciences librarian at an academic/research library required. Preference will be given to candidates with demonstrated experience in use of electronic re­ sources. Salary: Commensurate with education and experience. Mini­ mum: $28,000. Apply to: Christine M. Travis, Library Personnel Officer, University Libraries - UL 112, University at Albany, State University of New York, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, NY 12222. Deadline: Review of letters of application and resumes will begin October 20,1995. Please include the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references that may be contacted. The University at Albany, State University of New York, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications from women, minority persons, handicapped persons, special disabled, and Vietnam-era veterans are especially welcome. SOCIAL SCIENCES/ELECTRONIC REFERENCE SERVICES LI­ BRARIAN. LSU Libraries. Position with rank of Assistant Librarian. Reports to the Head, Middleton Reference Services, and in collabo­ ration with the Electronic Reference Services Work Group, assists 682/C&RL News with im plementation, operation, and technical support of the department’s electronic applications and databases, especially GIS applications and population databases. Assists with the evaluation and selection of hardware and software, prepares instructional mate­ rials, and provides instruction and reference assistance for materials in electronic format, including government documents. Serves as the selector and facility liaison for one or more areas of the social sciences. Services will include bibliographic instruction, faculty liai­ son, student outreach, specialized research assistance, and selec­ tion responsibilities for the reference and general collections in assigned subject areas. Responsible for providing research support relevant to subject expertise in both traditional and electronic formats, including online searching, Internet, and World Wide Web. Other duties include sharing the staffing of the reference desk (including evening and weekend rotations), and participating in librarywide activities, including administrative committees. Required qualifica­ tions: Graduate degree from an ALA-accredited school; relevant aca­ demic background for specialization in one or more areas of the social sciences; demonstrated written and oral communication skills; familiar­ ity with computer applications, including microcomputer applications, and Internet resources. Must demonstrate potential for meeting tenure and promotion requirements. Preferred qualifications: Reference expe­ rience in an academic library, second master's degree in the social sciences, familiarity with government documents, knowledge of GIS and HTML applications. Salary: Negotiable based upon qualifications and experience; $25,500 FY minimum. Tenure-track position. To apply: Submit a letter of application and complete resume with names, addresses, and phone and fax numbers of three to five references to: Social Sciences/Electronic Reference Services Librarian Search Committee, 295 Middleton Library, Louisiana State U niversity, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-3300. Applications received by November 1 ‚ 1995, will receive preference. LSU is an AA/EEO institution. Late Job Listings REFERENCE LIBRARIAN I. Frostburg State University seeks full-time, 12-month, tenure-track Reference Librarian 1, pending budget approval. Responsibilities: Provide information and reference services to students, faculty and community; participate in collection development for reference and general collection; educate groups of users in the use of the Library and research methods through formal class meetings and through publication series; participate in faculty and professional activities; responsible for special projects; participate in Libraiy and University governance. Salary: $26,000–$30,000, Position offers University of Maryland System benefits package. Requirements: Master’s Degree in A LA accredited program. Preferred qualifications: Experience providing reference services, bibliographic instruction or public service and experience with CD-ROM databases, OPACS, the CARL network, DIALOG, the Internet and W W W browsers. Direct position inquiries to: Pamela Williams, (301) 687-4887 and employment inquiries to: Human Resources, (301) 687-4105 (Voice/TDD). Send letter ofinterest; resume; and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Frostburg State University, Office ofHuman Resources, ATTN: Reference Librarian I (Position #96-484-ACRLN), Frostburg, MD 21532. Application review to begin October 15, 1995. Applications received until position filled. FSU is an AA/EOE. Appropriate auxiliary aids and services for qualified individuals with disability w ill be provided upon request. Please notify in advance. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Wayne State College. ALA-accredited MLS and second master’s or Ph.D. preferred. Five years library experience with increasing responsibil­ ity in administration, management, or supervisory capacity (academic library experi­ ence preferred); strong commitment to service and willingness to advocate for library’s role in promoting undergraduate teaching and learning; effective interpersonal skills in sustaining cooperative, productive working relationship with colleagues, faculty, students, and staff; expertise in automated system; interest in and support for computer labs and using technologies to deliver library services and library’s role in developing multimedia for teaching. Responsible for day-to-day operation of library as well as for planning, coordinating, and administration of all library programs, operations, services, and budget; some reference and weekend/night duties; supervise 5.5 FTE professional librarians and 8 support staff. Collection contains 252,514 titles; $1.9 million system-wide library automation project recently completed; Internet connection; campus network provides access to internal/external information technologies; stand-alone and network access to CD-ROM databases, external online databases; strong outreach program to northeast Nebraska public schools and libraries. Rank and Salary: Commensurate with qualifications and experience, attractive benefits package. In recent years, FTE enrollment has increased by five percent, bringing the student population to 4,000. The college is a focal point and catalyst in northeast Nebraska, not only for education but also for community and economic development, the arts, and cultural activity. Library automation and a campus-wide computer network link faculty to each other and to colleagues across the nation. Application: Send letter of application, official transcripts, and three current letters of reference to: Library Director Search, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Wayne State College, 1111 Main St., Wayne, NE 68787-1172. Review of applications will begin October 16, 1995, and continue until position is filled. Wayne College is an EEO/AA employer.