ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 3 1 0 /C & R L N ew s • March 2001 C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s News Meet the candidates for ALA President Vote in the election this spring by M aurice J. (Mitch) Freedm an, Ken Haycock, and W illiam Sannw ald T he ACRL Board of Direc­tors p o sed the following questions to the candidates for ALA President, and C&RL News is p leased to publish their responses. Each candi­ date w as given 1,200 w ords in w hich he could choose to offer a brief o p ening state­ m ent and to respond to the questions; the responses are identified under each o f the five questions. Maurice J. Freedman Ken Haycock W illiam Sannw ald O pe n ing state m en t Freed m an : Academic libraries are facing pressures in the 21st century that d id n ’t exist for most of the 20th. The Internet and elec­ tronic publishing, coupled w ith the UCITA- like appetites of the inform ation industry, threaten the nation's academ ic libraries in several interrelated ways. There are the administrators and funding bodies that love the idea o f virtual, as o p ­ posed to physical, libraries. We must make the case for the continuing n eed for bricks and books, while acknowledging the extraor­ dinary and com plem entary value of the elec­ tronic information The Internet is not a panacea. It is rife w ith self- and other-published “inform ation” that is inaccurate, outdated, or otherwise of little or questionable worth. We must make the case to those w hose belief in the Internet is quasi-religious that the academic librarian is the m ediator w ho will organize and evalu­ ate that inchoate mess and render it coher­ ent to the academ y’s com m unity o f users through such vehicles as bibliographic instruc­ tion, froi›tline day-in-day-out reference ser­ vice, and a host of other means. The information industry, commercial data ow ners, an d n o w o u r fo r m e r friend, the American Association of Publishers (AAP)— according to Pat Schroeder, AAP’s president, librarians are “the enem y”—w ant to eradi- A b o ut th e authors| Maurice J. Freedman is director o f the Westchester Library System, e-mail: freedman@w!s. lib. ny. us; Ken Haycock is director o f the University o f British Columbia School o f Library, Archival, and Information Studies, e-mail:; William Sannwald is assistant to the city manager at San Diego Public Library, e-mail: C& RL N ew s ■ M arch 2001 / 311 cate the whole notion of fair use as well as other aspects of copyright law through UCITA legislation, shrink-wrap licensing, and exces­ sively restrictive contracts for database us­ age. These attempts to unreasonably restrict access to electronic information are a threat to the future of libraries. Interlibrary loan, fair use photocopying, etc. could all become prohibited activities. All of these challenges must be faced proactively and be vigorously opposed. As your ALA President, I will work closely with ACRL and others to fight for the continued fair use of databases and software and fight against excessive limitations on use in licens­ ing agreements. No to UCITA! Q u e stio n s f o r A L A ca n d id a te s 1. W hat are the fundamental values tha you would emphasize as ALA President and w hat would be y o u r top priorities? Freed m an : I will use the power of the ALA presidency to fight for these values and priorities: • free access to libraries and information for all, no matter what their economic condi­ tion, physical challenges, ethnicity, national origin, sexual preference, or age; • fair use of databases and software (No to UCITA! No to excessive limitations on use in licensing agreements); • unfettered and unfiltered access to in­ formation in all formats; • increased funding for libraries and gov­ ernment publication programs; • better pay for all library workers— this will be a special priority. Pay equity is a cru­ cial issue that I will address. Too many people are leaving or not entering academic library work because of inadequate salaries. I will use the power of the ALA presidency to pro­ mote the worth of librarians and provide tools for local libraries in their effort to obtain eq­ uitable salaries; • programs and funding to ensure the re­ cruitment, education, and retention of a di­ verse library work force; • continued recognition that libraries are physical, as well as virtual places; and • keep the “l” in library education by re­ quiring ALA accredited schools to teach li­ brary administration, services, and principles. H aycock: As President of ALA, I would work diligently to: t W e m u s t m a k e th e ca se f o r th e c o n t in u in g n ee d f o r b ric k s a n d b o o k s, w h ile a c k n o w le d g in g th e e x t ra o rd in a r y a n d c o m p le m e n ta ry v a lu e o f th e e le c tro n ic in fo rm a tio n . — M a u rice F re e d m a n • (re)position libraries and librarians as critical educational, economic, and social forces— my experience as a senior education official and as a participant in ALA legislative days convinces me that library advocates need not only training and support but also need solid evidence to present to decision-makers that we do indeed make a difference to learn­ ing, to research, and to the quality of life in our academic communities; • guarantee equitable access to informa­ tion— as a public library trustee, an elected municipal councilor, and a former school board president the need to guarantee ac­ cess to information is fundamental to my beliefs about democracy; but this right is only as good as one’s ability to discern and make effective use of accurate, relevant, and cur­ rent information, best developed through col­ laborative partnerships between librarians and faculty for programs of information literacy;- • recruit, educate, and support a diverse workforce reflective of the communities we serve—as an academic administrator, it is clear to me that we need to enhance and comple­ ment our scholarship initiatives through ac­ tive recruitment strategies with young people making their first career decisions; • educate professionals based on our core values and core competencies— as chair of the steering committee for the Congress on Professional Education, the concerns of the profession are well-known to me, as is the need to protect librarianship as a discrete academic discipline critical to effective pub­ lic service and supported by access to con­ tinuous lifelong learning opportunities for all members. These priorities reflect the needs and pri­ orities discussed with me by members. Sannwald: The main task of being ALA President and my main priority is to be the 3 1 2 /C & RL News ■ March 2001 spokesperson for libraries and librarians. The message I have is tied into my belief that libraries are a positive good, vital to civic and academic life, and that the information age has increased rather than diminished the im­ portance of libraries and librarians. This is important because the growth of technology has caused academic administrators and elected officials to question the traditional li­ brary. We need to retain our values of free ac­ cess to information and emphasize that li­ braries are a public good; that the best librar­ ies are those that understand the needs of their users and collect and/or make avail­ able the resources users need. We need to embrace new values of partnerships and co­ operation if we are going to thrive, and li­ braries need to partner with private and public organizations to attain mutual benefits. We need cooperative efforts on a regional, state, national, and international level to share fi­ nite resources and services. Our governing bodies demand that we look for innovative ways to accomplish our mission, and part­ nerships and cooperative efforts create a fa­ vorable public image and often lead to syn­ ergy and efficiencies. 2. As President of ALA you will be calle upon to speak for librarians on a variety of issues. How do you propose to seek in­ put from the various ALA. divisions and to weigh that input to represent effectively and accurately the views o f librarians to the general public, the press, and local, state, or national governmental entities? Freedman: I will create an advisory coun­ cil that will include a representative from each division to counsel me on policy matters. I will work closely with ACRL and others to provide presidential support and leadership on those issues especially important to them. The ALA President has the opportunity to speak for the association and to help each of the divisions with their respective missions. I will be visible and outspoken on behalf of libraries with the general public, all of the media, and government entities at all levels. The ALA President has to be out front but with the support of the membership and the divisions. Haycock: The committee structure of ALA should be examined to ensure representa­ d tion from all affected bodies in the organiza­ tion. Then, ideally, the appropriate ALA groups would be consulted prior to any rep­ resentation of views to their particular con­ stituency or decision-makers. However, in the “real” world, the president also needs broad experience across the association in order to respond quickly and intelligently to questions raised and opportunities presented when they occur: it is not always possible to consult be­ fore responding. My experience in academic, public, school, and special libraries, and as director of an ALA-accredited program, has enabled me to become aware of the many issues fac­ ing different groups in ALA and become fa­ miliar with the nature of inquiries. My media training as an elected school board president and city councilor also has proven useful when addressing the issues that we face as librarians. Also, the special knowledge of ACRL leaders, like Patricia Breivik, Jim Neal, Hannelore Rader, Maureen Sullivan, and many others who have endorsed my candi­ dacy, should be incorporated into any repre­ sentation of ALA and librarianship in their area of expertise. Sannwald: I have been a committee mem­ ber for six ALA divisions (including ACRL), and my activities have been centered on those divisions and organizations that represent all types of libraries like LAMA and OCLC. The diversity of libraries represented by ALA and its divisions is a strong point that I appreci­ ate. As a division president, I felt that com­ munication in my “divisional presidential class” was good, but that the tie to ALA as an organization needed to be stronger. This is a delicate balance because the divisions need to be strong and semi-independent under the ALA banner, but still deliver a common voice for libraries. During the three-year commit­ ment as ALA President, I would visit each division executive board at least once a year to share ideas and get input. If I had to speak to a group interested in a particular library, I would call one of the people I respect in that type of library to get his or her thinking. I have been an effective spokesperson for libraries at all levels of local, state, and na­ tional government, and, as a marketing pro­ fessor, I believe I know how to craft commu­ nication strategies. One of my city council members said I was more like a game show C& RL N ew s ■ M arch 2001 / 313 host than librarian, and I think that is not a bad trait for a spokesperson to have. 3. In ou r environm ent o f rapid chang w h at a re y o u r view s o n th e fu tu re o f librarianship and future ro les libraries will play in society? W hat should ALA be doing differently th at would have an im ­ p act o n th e p ercep tio n o f th e role o f li­ brarians in society? How would you as ALA President lead th e association in co n ­ tinuing to attract highly capable individu­ als to th e profession? F reed m an : Librarians will continue to have a very proactive role, especially as soci­ ety becomes increasingly reliant on techno­ logically driven forms of information access. We will continue to have the same vital role in the selection, organization, evaluation, and delivery of high-quality information; in the design of access systems; and in the de­ sign of instructional and information literacy services— the latter is especially important. Libraries and librarians will have a crucial role in bridging the digital divide; this will be as true for community college learning re­ source centers as it is for the major research institutions and the libraries in-between. They will be critically important in devel­ oping new forms of partnerships and col­ laboration across types of libraries, types of campus units (e.g., IT, faculty, museums), and community/corporate organizations. As higher education changes with distance and online instruction, librarians will play criti­ cal roles as partners in developing custom­ ized resources and services for this new envi­ ronment; we will be consulting directly with faculty and students, and beyond the traditional walls. Librarians will continue to play a vital role in the preservation of cultural heritage (e.g., preservation, special collections, etc.). The new challenge will be the preservation of the elec­ tronically based information that has been shaping policy and culture. H aycock: It is my belief that librarianship can become the 21st-century profession and that ALA must focus its resources to ensure that this happens. I am optimistic about the future of our profession. Even in the past 18 months, we have noticed that our graduates are being recruited by corporations for posi­ tions as professional librarians at starting sala- e C o rp o ra te A m e ric a is r e c o g n iz in g o u r v a lu e an d re w a rd in g us , a c c o rd in g ly ; o u r o w n in s titu tio n s w ill be e n c o u ra g e d to d o lik e w is e as a re su lt. — K en H ay co ck ries 50 percent higher than comparable po­ sitions in public sector positions in academic and public libraries. Corporate America is rec­ ognizing our value and rewarding us accord­ ingly; our own institutions will be encour­ aged to do likewise as a result. We need to seize opportunities to work with the new administration in Washington, D.C., with its ambitious program for education, to ensure that the contributions of libraries and librar­ ians are recognized and valued. Recruitment is of considerable concern to me as an academic administrator. Research indicates that young people tend to make their first career choice in high school and that “first career librarians” tend to partici­ pate more actively in associations and in management positions. I would thus couple our scholarship efforts with active recruitment at the high school level— an investment in the future. I would also ensure that college and university librarians had the necessary recruitment materials at hand to encourage interested students. Sannwald: Libraries will play an even more significant role in society because people need the information available in li­ braries and the information services provided by librarians. Libraries and librarianship will be different because of technology and stake­ holder expectations, but we won’t go away. My decision to become a librarian was shaped by the librarian in my hometown who talked with me about librarianship as a ca­ reer and introduced me to Arthur Curley, who was the librarian in the adjoining town. People select career paths because of per­ sonal experiences and influences, and I have tried to be an evangelist for library careers. Every year we invite undergraduates from University of California, San Diego, to visit the library, and this has resulted in three new staff members going on to library school. ALA members can do the same thing, especially 3 1 4 /C & R L News ■ March 2001 with the student workers employed in librar­ ies. I believe the @your library campaign will increase the visibility of libraries, and help in recruitment, as well as positively enhance the image of libraries and librarians. 4. What is your position on members par ticipating virtually as committee members or in other roles in ALA and its divisions? Freedman: Librarians must take advan­ tage of all of the media available to them. Con­ ference calls, e-mail, chatrooms—these vari­ ous means of communication are essential. It is grand that members can participate virtually as either observers or participants in the vari­ ous ALA electronic lists. Committee work is enhanced by e-mail and chatrooms. E-mail and chatrooms also are marvelous ways to give new librarians access to what is going on in the association and an opportunity to partici­ pate in areas of interest to them. My only concern and reservation is that mechanisms be in place to ensure that the spirit of the open meeting policy of ALA is not violated. Haycock: Every opportunity for intellec­ tual participation and considered discourse should be taken if we are serious about mem­ ber involvement and incorporation of diverse viewpoints. The logistics and implications can be handled effectively once identified. In­ deed, the council committee examining this issue is making fine progress. Sannwald: I think it is a great idea that has had mixed success due to a number of factors. Success seems to be based on three factors: attitude, task, and technology. Physi­ cal and virtual committee members must have an attitude that the arrangement will work if it is to succeed, and both types of members must be treated equally. Some committees require a lot of “stuff’ and interaction to work. If com­ mittee members are constantly referring to objects or reports in a meeting, it is not a good committee choice for virtual membership. Technology in the long run will improve vir­ tual member participation through video conferencing and other techniques that allow fuller participation than e- and snail mail. Last year I conducted ten LAMA Institutes around the United States, and I talked with many ALA members who don’t usually at­ tend conferences, but who have a lot to con­ tribute to the profession. I believe that ALA has a responsibility to have full participation from its membership, and the number of vir­ tual members in ALA activities should be in­ creased. 5. Do you believe that ALA is effectively ­ organized to meet its goals and the aspi­ rations of its members? If not, how do you think it should be organized? Freedman: ALA probably could be orga­ nized better . . . what couldn’t? But the sub­ stantial diversity of interests militates against centrality, and probably efficiency, too. The divisions and roundtables have wonderful and important roles to play in promoting the areas of librarianship of concern to them. The president must speak for the association, but ALA’s units shouldn’t be unduly constrained from pursuing their respective interests. I will spend my time as ALA President fighting for those issues and priorities I have identified. I will tend not to devote precious advocacy time and energy on “fixing” or bet­ ter organizing the ALA structure. Haycock: ALA is organized effectively to meet the needs of its members for involve­ ment and participation. It is effectively orga­ nized to enable a broad representation of is­ sues and activities with staff and support. It is not efficient, however, and it is difficult to bring the best of the “silos” together and to focus resources for results. However, while every reorganization study recognizes a need for change, no study has garnered broad sup­ port for change. My conclusion is that you recognize the strengths of the current orga­ nization and deal with those realities of mov­ ing the agenda forward. Navel gazing is not productive in the short term and not how I would choose to spend my one year as presi­ dent. Sannwald: First, I think that the ALA staff is tops from the executive director on down, and they are the people who really make the organization run. They are so good that they make it easy for the member volunteers to organize ALA almost any way and still have it be successful. Trying to get a quorum for a general members meeting has been difficult, and this may indicate a problem with how members relate to certain aspects of ALA, but most membership meetings are boring. The real strength of ALA is in the extraordinary participation by members in its committees C& RL N e w s ■ M arch 2001 / 3 15 and divisions. Divisions like ACRL, PLA, and others are doing quite well, however smaller divisions have had difficulty in meeting the revenue targets required to undertake cer­ tain activities. This is an issue that will need to be addressed and resolved to the satisfac­ tion of all members. Organizations are organic things and need to change to meet the needs of members, and divisions and committees are constantly evolving to reflect new member interests and issues in the profession. This will continue. As I indicated in an earlier question, I think it is important to tap the entire membership, allowing full participation by any member who wants it. 6. One o f the m ost cru cial roles fo r AL is to p ro m o te th e im p ortan ce o f libraries and to in crease th e aw areness th at th ere are m an y types o f libraries serving differ­ en t audiences and needs. How would you as th e ALA Presid en t use th e “@ your li­ b rary cam paign” and o th e r opportunities to p ro m o te libraries? Freedm an: I would use all of ALA’s com­ munication facilities and intensively pursue all of the opportunities available to promote the nation’s libraries. The strength of America’s information resources is in the sum and diver­ sity of its libraries and their collections. Ap­ pearances on television and radio on behalf of the @your library campaign will be critical. Print coverage will be essential, too. I have been the host of a TV information talk show for more than a decade. Through the success of the show and the attendant recognition in the community, I know first­ hand how important television coverage is in promoting libraries. The message must be simple and repeated consistently and clearly. Libraries are a pub­ lic good. They benefit everyone, not just the people who use them. I will advocate for libraries and persuade each audience of exactly what it is about li­ braries that will benefit the community, en­ rich their lives, help them with their jobs, and enhance their pursuit of happiness. The library is a great institution. I believe in it. I will promote America’s libraries and America’s librarians. For more information about my views; the full-text o f many of the dozens of papers I A J u s t as F o rd h as a n u m b e r o f d if fe r e n t a u to s t h a t a re s o ld w ith v e r y d is t in c t p e rs o n a litie s u n d e r th e Ford b ran d , lib ra r ie s can p ro m o te d if fe r e n t ty p e s o f lib ra rie s an d lib ra r y se rv ic e s u s in g th e " lib r a r y b ran d ." — W illia m S a n n w a ld have written; my years with the Library of Congress, the world’s largest research library; as assistant head of the African-Asian Ex­ change Section and as part of the manage­ ment of the processing department and its 1,500-person staff, complex operations, and offices all over the world, see my Web site at http: // H aycock: As a member of the ALA Ex­ ecutive Board that commissioned the stud­ ies leading to the @yourlibrary campaign I am eager to use not only the “brand” but also the research results that led to the brand: the public values the wide range o f resources we offer, that we are “fre e ,” and that we provide expert personal as­ sistance— these resonated with all audi­ ences using different types of libraries. The @yourlibrary p ro ject also has a second com ponent focusing on that expert assis­ tance, the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the professional librarian, and this should not be overlooked. It is important to ensure that the brand is used widely, that associations, institutions, and editors are encouraged to use it creatively, and that the president stays on message if we are to enter the conscious­ ness of critical decision-makers. Please visit my Web site at for further information. Sannwald: From a marketing point of view, the @your library symbol is a great concept. As the pictogram indicating librar­ ies has become universally recognized, this campaign will create a “brand mark” for li­ braries, and branding is the most valuable commodity to have. In marketing terms, ALA is creating brand recognition and it will be big if done correctly. 316 /C & R L N ew s ■ March 2001 Just as Ford has a number of different autos that are sold with very distinct person­ alities under the Ford brand, libraries can pro­ mote different types of libraries and library services using the “library brand.” For ex­ ample, a public library could announce an author program or a university library could declare the opening of a computer lab @your library. By having all types of libraries use the same promotional campaign, the strength and visibility of all types of libraries is in­ creased by each individual campaign. There is some controversy over the use of the campaign by library vendors, and this issue will need to be resolved. We must pro­ tect our new brand just as Coke and Ford protect their brands. I would use the @your library campaign as part of my promotional strategy to let the pub­ lic know the wonderful things that are hap­ pening at all types of libraries, and what a great job librarians are doing. The brand mark should be part of every promotional piece that ALA uses over the five-year campaign. ■ A CRL members running fo r A LA Council T he following ACRL members are either nominated or petition candidates for ALA councilor in the spring 2001 elections. ACRL members are encouraged to vote for these candidates to increase ACRL’s voice in ALA’s affairs. Gladys Smiley Bell, assistant director for Public Services Harvey Library, Hampton University. Stan ton F. Biddle, Baruch College, CUNY. Wanda V. Dole, university librarian, Washburn University of Topeka. Tami Echavarria, coordinator of instruc­ tional services, Washburn University of To­ peka. Patricia Fisher, associate director for collection services, University of Denver. M a u rice J . F r e e d m a n , d irecto r, Westchester Library System. Linda Marie Golian, university librar­ ian, Florida Gulf Coast University. Andrea Morris Gruhl, supervisory li­ brarian, U.S. Government Printing Office, Library Programs Service. Ken Haycock, director, University of British Columbia School of Library, Archi­ val, and Information Studies. Ju lie G. H uiskam p, coordinator of Learning Resources, Wilder Library, North­ east Iowa Community College. Thomas J . Kemp, library director, Heri­ tage Quest Library. Jeff Kempe, electronic resources librar­ ian, Williamsburg Regional Library. Robert Klassen, Arlington, Virginia. Les Kong, head of public services, Cali­ fornia State University, San Bernadino. Rosemary Allen Little, politics and law librarian, Princeton University. B ernard A. Margolis, president, Bos­ ton Public Library. Stephen L. Matthews, librarian/media coordinator, Foxcroft School. Patricia G. Oyler, professor, Simmons College Graduate School of Library and In­ formation Science. Veronda J . Pitchford, member services and special project librarian, Chicago Libraiy System. William Sannwald, assistant to the city manager, San Diego Public Library. Sharon A. Saulmon, trustee, Rose State College, Frederick W. Stoss, associate librarian, University of Buffalo, SUNY. Theresa A. Tobin, Humanities Library head, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Tom Wilding, director of libraries, Uni­ versity of Texas at Arlington. Myoung Chung Wilson, reference li­ brarian, Rutgers University. Marie Turner Wright, associate librar­ ian, Indiana University-Purdue University­ Indianapolis Library. C& RL N ew s ■ M arch 2 0 0 1 / 317