ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries A pril 1986 / 283 and In fo rm a tio n Studies, M adison, has been two of the universities’ librarians. Gail Oltmanns, assistant head in the undergraduate library at Indi­ ana U niversity, B loom ington, and E lizab eth M argutti, a librarian at V irginia’s Clemons Li­ brary, exchanged jobs January 1 and will remain at one another’s post until June 15. Their assignments have been made based upon the needs of the li­ braries in which they are working and taking into consideration their particular interests and abili­ ties. Each librarian is paid by her home institution but enjoys official staff membership in the library which she is visiting. ■ ■ awarded a $148,000 grant from the U.S. D epart­ ment of Education to study the role of secondary school, com m unity college, academ ic, public, state, and state institutional libraries in literacy ed­ ucation. A nation-wide survey and nine case stud­ ies form the basis of the study. News Notes • Indiana University and the University of Vir- ginia have arranged a librarian exchange between P E O P L E Profile Leslie A. Manning has been named director of the library at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. M anning retu rn s to the university following four years as associate dean for technical ser­ vices and automation at Kansas State University. P rio r to h er w ork at Kansas State, she served for five years as head of te c h n ic a l services at Colorado. Her profes­ sional c a re e r also in ­ cludes service at the Uni­ versity of N eb rask a, Leslie A. ManningLincoln, as head of the serials records section and as reference librarian. Manning received an MLS from the University of Denver, and holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Colorado, Boulder. She has also com­ pleted coursework in computer science at the Uni­ versity of Nebraska, Lincoln. Her professional activities include membership on the board of trustees of the Bibliographic Center for Research, Inc. (BCR) (1983-87). She is cur­ rently president of that board (1984-86). In addi­ tion, Manning is currently a member of the ACRL S ta n d a rd s an d A c c re d ita tio n C o m m itte e (1983-86), and is vice-chair/chair-elect of the RTSD T ec h n ical Services A d m in istra to rs of M edium -Sized Research L ib raries Discussion Group (1985-86). Her previous professional activi­ ties have included membership on the ACRL Con­ ference Planning Committee (1984-85), the RTSD Technical Services Cost C om m itttee (1981-85), the LITA National Conference Technology Sub­ committee (1982-83), and many committees of the OCLC, Inc., Users Council. She is the author of “Technical Services Admin­ istration” and “C irculation” , both for Library Technical Services Operations and Management, Academic Press, 1984. People in the News Robert H. Patterson, director of libraries at the University of Tulsa, O klahom a, has been named to assume the additional responsibilities of directing the university’s central planning opera­ tions. Patterson will manage a newly established planning office, where he will work with the cen­ tral university administration to expand and im­ plement planning operations for the school. Prior to his service at Tulsa, Patterson was director of li­ braries at the University of Wyoming, and before that assistant director at the Tulane University Li­ braries. He is the founder and editor of Conserva­ tion Administration News. Patterson is the imme­ diate past president of the Oklahoma Chapter of ACRL. His other professional activities have in­ cluded membership on the ACRL Chapters Coun­ cil (1985), the RBMS/ACRL Ad Hoc Ethics Com­ mittee (1983-84), and the Board of Directors of the Oklahoma Chapter of ACRL (1982-83). He was vice-president/president-eleet of the Oklahoma 284 / C& RL News Chapter of ACRL (1984-85). Rolf Erikson, circulation services librarian at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, has been decorated with the Medal of St. Olaf by King Olaf V of Norway. The medal was presented to Erikson by Rjarne Solheim, the Norwegian consul general. Erikson was honored for his work to bene­ fit Norwegian-American relations and for his con­ tribution to the understanding of Norwegian his­ tory and culture in the United States. The medal was established by the late King Haakon VII, the father of the present king. Appointments (Appointment notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appointment appears, write to the Editor, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) Judith A. Adams has been appointed head of the Humanities Division at the Oklahoma State Uni­ versity, Stillwater. Yoko Akiba is the new catalog librarian at Duke University, Durham , North Carolina. Gwendolynne Arthur is now reference/social services librarian at Temple University, Philadel­ phia, Pennsylvania. Edith Balbach has been promoted to assistant university librarian for administrative services at the University of Illinois, Chicago. Steven M. Barkan has been appointed associate librarian at the Tarlton Law Library at the Uni­ versity of Texas, Austin. Marcia Bass is the new reader services librarian at Harcum Junior College, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylva­ nia. Jack Becker has been appointed serials/acquisi­ tions librarian at Rosary College, River Forest, Illi­ nois. Lonnie Beene is now technical services librarian at the law library at Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. Tjalda Belastock has been promoted to associ- Notice to serials librarians Louise Diodato at Governors State Univer­ sity is collecting opinions from current and past users of the OCLC Serials Control Subsystem, especially reactions to OCLC’s decision to take the subsystem off the market and how it affects planning. Her goal is to convince OCLC that there are many librarians who would like the online system to continue for at least another year, if not indefinitely. If you are interested in helping with this project, contact: Louise W. Diodato, Head of the Serials Departm ent, Uni­ versity Library, Governors State University, University Park, IL 60466. ate library director for information services, al Bentley College, W altham, Massachusetts. Paulette M. Bochntg has been appointed out­ ach services librarian at the University of Nevada chool of Medicine, Reno. Charles Ten Brink is now reference librarian at e University of Chicago Law Library. Virginia M. Bryant has been appointed cata- ger at the Washington University Law Library, . Louis, Missouri. Sue A. Burkholder has been appointed library ire c to r at S o u th ern O regon S tate C ollege, shland. Hans Burndorfer is the new head of Fine Arts the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. Nelda Burroughs is now reference librarian at e University of Tennessee Center for the Health iences, Memphis. David A. Burrows is the new public services li­ arian at the University of Denver College of aw, Colorado. Mitchell Aaron Cahan has been appointed li­ arian at the Occupational Therapy Library at e American Occupational Therapy Association d Foundation, Rockville, Maryland. Victor Cardell has joined the staff as a popu­ r American music archivist at the Music Library the University of California, Los Angeles. Richard Churchill has been appointed assis­ nt reference/government publications librarian York College of Pennsylvania, York. Catherine Clawson is now technical services li­ arian at Immaculata College, Pennsylvania. Jeanne M. Cody has been appointed informa­ n services librarian at the Health Sciences Li­ ary at the University of North Carolina, Chapel ll. Bobbie L. Collins is the new education special­ and bibliographic instruction librarian at East rolina University, Greenville, North Carolina. Janice Contini has been appointed information rvices coordinator of the Pacific Southwest Re­ onal Medical Library Service at the Biomedical brary at the University of California, Los An­ les. David J. Cooper is now humanities bibliogra­ er at Johns Hopkins University, Baltim ore, aryland. Seila Corman has been appointed acquisitions rarian at the Archibald Church Medical Library Northwestern University, Chicago. Gregory A. Crawford is the new reference and blic services lib rarian at M oravian College, thlehem, Pennsylvania. Julie Czisny is now reserve room supervisor at llanova University, Pennsylvania. Lisa K. Dalton has joined the staff of the Docu­ nts Department at East Carolina University, eenville. Stephen Paul Davis is now head of the Acquisi- ns/Serials Department at the Columbia Univer­ Health Sciences Library, New York. re S th lo St d A at th Sc br L br th an la at ta at br tio br Hi ist Ca se gi Li ge ph M lib at pu Be Vi me Gr tio sity 286 / C & RL N ews Adrienne deVergie is the new head of technical services at the University of Denver School of Law. JoAnn DeVries has been appointed reference/ bibliographer at the University of Minnesota, St. Paul. Carol Ditzler is the new head of the Lending Branch at the National Agricultural Library, Belts­ ville, Maryland. Janet Dreher has been appointed head of tech­ nical services at the Villanova University Law Li­ brary, Pennsylvania. Kathleen Dunn has been appointed head of the Reference D ep artm en t at the C alifornia State Polytechnic University Library, Pomona. Margaret Edmondson is now information spe­ cialist at the University of Maryland Health Sci­ ences Library, Baltimore. Sharon G. Egan has joined the staff as assistant documents librarian/serials cataloger at Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. Mark Ellis is now an assistant reference librar­ ian at the University of Illinois, Chicago. Margaret Donelian Ericson is the new assis­ tant music/audio librarian at Ithaca College, New York. Doina G. Farkas has been appointed acquisi­ tions librarian at the University of North Carolina Law Library. Raymond Fisher is now bibliographic searcher in the Collection Development Departm ent at the Harvard University Law School Library, Cam ­ bridge, Massachusetts. Erin E. Foley has been named special collec­ tions librarian at Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia. Tina-Karen Forman has been appointed head of the copy cataloging section in the Technical Ser­ vices Departm ent at the University of California, Los Angeles. Rick Forsman is now associate director for tech­ nical services at the U niversity of C o lo rad o ’s Health Sciences Center, Denver. Aline Garretson is the new science and m athe­ matics librarian at Mansfield University, Pennsyl­ vania. Elizabeth Goldberg is now head of the F arm ­ ing and Forestry Reference Branch of the National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, Maryland. Rebecca J. Gomez has been appointed head of the Interlibrary Loan Departm ent at Duke Univer­ sity, D urham , North Carolina. Elaine Graham has been promoted to associate director of the Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library Service at the Biomedical Library at the University of California, Los Angeles. Patricia L. Green has been appointed coordi­ nator of the AKC Genetics Information Project at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veteri­ nary Medicine, Philadelphia. Gary H. Hartman has been promoted to head of research and information services at the University of Texas Tarlton Law Library. Kevin R. Harwell has joined the staff as assis­ tant documents librarian at Oklahoma State Uni­ A pril 1986 / 287 versity, Stillwater. Lynn C. Hattendorf has been appointed assis­ tant reference librarian at the University of Illinois, Chicago. Pauline V. Hollmann has been appointed sci­ ence and technology specialist in the Reference De­ partm ent at East Carolina University, Greenville. Joan Howland has been appointed assistant di­ rector of the Law Library at the University of Cali­ fornia, Berkeley. Donald A. Hughes has been named director of the Law Library at Capital University, Columbus, Ohio. Edrice G. Ivory is now head of personnel at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Judith Johnson is the new assistant aquisitions librarian at the Library of Health Sciences at the University of Illinois, Chicago. William Joyce has been appointed assistant university librarian for rare books and special col­ lections at Princeton University, New Jersey. Vija Karklins is the new deputy director of the Smithsonian Institution Libraries, W ashington, D.C. Carol M. Kelley has been appointed head of acquistions at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. Michele S. King is now monographs/retrospec­ tive conversion cataloger at Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos. Dennis K. Lamrert has joined the staff as bibli­ ographer for history and social sciences at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Kristin Lindlan has been appointed assistant head of the Serials Cataloging Section at the Uni­ versity of California, Santa Barbara. Irene M. Lovas is now resource development coordinator at the Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library Service at the University of Cali­ fornia, Los Angeles. Marion G. McGuinn has been appointed rare book lib ra ria n at th e W ashington U niversity School of Medicine Library, St. Louis. David Metzger is the new cataloger of Spanish language materials at Tulane University, New O r­ leans, Louisiana. Sheila Milam has been a p p o in te d Ib ero - American catalog librarian at Arizona State Uni­ versity, Tempe. Stephen F. Mitchell is now science reference librarian at the University of California, Riverside. Douglas Moring has been appointed reference librarian at the University of Oklahoma Law Li­ brary. Thomas D. Moritz has been appointed librar­ ian at the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. Cheryl Napsha is the new assistant to the uni­ versity librarian at the University of Illinois, Chi­ cago. Frances New is the new science reference libra- rian/engineering subject specialist at Arizona State University, Tempe. James E. O’Donnell is the new head of the Ge­ ology and Planetary Sciences Library at the Cali­ fornia Institute of Technology, Pasadena. Maria Otero-Boisvert has been appointed Basque studies librarian at the University of Ne­ vada, Reno. Barbara Paulson is now head of special collec­ tions at the Health Sciences Library at Columbia University Libraries, New York. Gerald Perry has been appointed assistant ref­ erence librarian at the University of Illinois, Chi­ cago. Julie A. Pittman is now associate law librarian at the Capitol University Law School, Columbus, Ohio. Ruth Pralle has been appointed assistant li­ brarian and head of technical services at Ripon College, Wisconsin. Alena Ptak-Danchak has been appointed head of bibliographic searching at Columbia University Libraries, New York. Agnes W. Raeder has been appointed associate librarian of the Engineering and Math Sciences Li­ brary at the University of California, Los Angeles. Barbara C. Rainwater has joined the staff as public services librarian at the University of Den­ ver College of Law. Shirley Ricker is now reference librarian/bib- liographer for English, Linguistics, and Classics at the University of Rochester, New York. Camille M. Riley has been promoted to head of public services at the University of Chicago Law Library. Julio A. Rosario has been appointed reference and library instruction librarian at Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, New York. Mary Rosenbloom is the new assistant to the deputy director of libraries at Stanford University, California. Sandra Salazar has been appointed member services librarian at the Bibliographic Center for Research, Denver, Colorado. Barbara Sargen has been appointed reference instruction librarian at Temple University, Phila­ delphia. Anne Sargent is now head of cataloging at the University of Detroit, Michigan. Richard Schulz has been appointed catalog li­ brarian at Princeton University, New Jersey. Clifford Scott has joined the staff as media li­ brarian at the Archibald Church Medical Library at Northwestern University, Chicago. Arlene Sievers is the new serials librarian at In­ diana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne. Jean Skipp has been appointed rare book biblio- grapher/cataloger at Temple University, Philadel­ phia. Janet Smith is now reference librarian at the University of Tennessee Center for the Health Sci­ ences, Memphis. Dianne Stalker has been appointed m ono­ graph recon project supervisor at Columbia Uni- A p ril 1986 / 289 versity, New York. Ruth Ann Stewart is the new assistant librarian for national programs at the Library of Congress, Washington. Nancy Szofran is now cataloger at the Logan College of Chiropractic, Chesterfield, Missouri. Mark Thiel has joined the staff of the Special Collection and University Archives at M arquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Sandra Thompson has been appointed assistant librarian at Temple University, Ambler, Pennsyl vania. Susan Thompson has joined the staff as an assis tant reference librarian at the University of Illinois, Chicago. Ryoko Toyama has been appointed head of ac cess services in the Humanities and Historical Divi sion at Columbia University Libraries, New York. Allan Urbanic is now librarian for Slavic Col lections at the University of California, Berkeley. Stephen Van Houten is the new head of cata loging at the Library of Health Sciences at the Uni versity of Illinois, Chicago. Margaret A. Vaverek has been appointed re- ference/documents librarian at Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos. Marsha Wagner has been appointed East Asian librarian at Columbia University Libraries, New York, effective May 1. John M. Weeks is the new social sciences bibli ographer at the University of Minnesota, M inneap olis. Susan D. Weiland is now fine arts and hum ani ties cataloger at W ichita State Univeristy, Kansas. David Weinberg has joined the staff as assistant curator of Urban Archives at Temple University, Philadelphia. Ann Weller has been appointed serials lib rar ian at the Library of the Health Sciences at the Uni versity of Illinois, Chicago. Hollace Westfeldt is the new acquistions li brarian at the University of Denver School of Law. E. Paige Weston is now an assistant referenc librarian at the University of Illinois, Cham paign. Elizabeth H. Wood has joined the staff as a ref erence librarian at the Norris Medical Library a the Universitv of Southern C alifornia, Los An- geles. Darlene Ziolkowski has been appointed per sonnel librarian at the University of Illinois, C hi cago. Retirements Erika S. Chadbourn, curator of m anuscripts and archives in the H arvard University Law School Library, retired in September after 19 years of ser vice. C hadbourn joined the law school library staf in 1966. Marion Howey, documents librarian at the Uni versity of Kansas, will retire April 30 after 19 year of service. Howey began her career at KU in 196 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ e ­ t ­ ­ ­ f ­ s 7 as an assistant reference librarian. She earned an MLS from Colum bia University and worked as a reference librarian in Colum bia’s G raduate School of Business Library. D uring her service at KU, Ho­ wey oversaw the relocation of the Documents De­ partm ent to the University’s Spencer Library. LOUIS C. Moloney, u n iv ersity lib ra ria n at Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, has retired after 21 years of service. Cecelia Polan, an associate lib rarian at the University of California, Los Angeles, retired De­ cember 31. Polan’s service at UCLA included work as a student assistant in the Rare Book Room, clerk, and acting art librarian. Deaths Martha C. Chambers, retired head librarian of the Special Collections Center at the State Univer­ sity of New York College at O neonta, died F ebru­ ary 6. Chambers had been a librarian at the college since 1968. In 1981, she was honored w ith the col­ lege’s Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Librar- ianship. Linda Kavulich, director of library services at Georgian Court College, Lakewood, New Jersey, died February 7 after a brief illness. Kavulich had served as director of library services since 1982. Prior to th at, she served the college as periodicals librarian. Kavulich was a 1976 graduate of the col­ lege, and recieved an MLS from the Catholic Uni­ versity of America. Elvis Price, a librarian in the M anagement Li­ brary at the University of California, Los Angeles, died December 30 after a long illness. Price had been on the staff at UCLA since 1968, when he was appointed assistant head of the Circulation De­ partm ent. His service at UCLA included work as assistant library personnel officer, associated per­ sonnel officer, and acting assistant university li­ brarian for personnel. He assumed duties in the M anagement Library in 1982. William Borodacz, retired curator of the Polish Room Collection at the State University of New York at Buffalo, died suddenly January 20 follow­ ing a traffic accident. Borodacz retired as curator Do you have historical textbooks? In order to prepare a directory of historical collections of K-12 textbooks and curriculum materials, ACRL’s Education and Behavioral Sciences Section is seeking persons willing to fill out a questionnaire about their historical col­ lection. The directory will be prepared by the EBSS Historical Curriculum Collection Com ­ mittee. To obtain a copy of the questionnaire, co n tact Lois L eh m an , CBN L ib ra ry , CBN Center, Virginia Beach, VA 23463; (804) 424- 7000. 290 / C&RL News of the collection in 1984, after holding the position for 12 years. His career at SUNY-Buffalo began in 1967 as a cataloger. A native of Poland, Borodacz has published numerous works in the field of Polo­ nia. His contributions to the American Polish com­ munity have been recognized by the president of the Polish Republic (London), the Am-Pol Eagle, and by the Polish Arts Club of Buffalo. Prior to his tenure at SUNY-Buffalo, Borodacz held positions at the National Defense Library in Ottawa, On­ tario; the Toronto University Library; Brandeis University; and Michigan State University. Herbert E. Kleist, retired cataloger at the H ar­ vard College Library, died January 9 in Cam ­ ridge, Massachusetts. Kleist retired as senior cata­ oger in 1968 after 33 years of service. His service at arvard began in 1945 with his appointment as ataloger. Kleist attended the University of Den­ er, studied in Germany in 1935-36 as a Carl churz Fellow, and attended library school at the niversity of Illinois. His library service prior to arvard included positions at the John Crerar Li­ rary, Chicago, and the Yale University Library. leist was also a noted collector of books, book ackets, and bindings. ■ ■ b l H c v S U H b K j PUBLICATION • Asian/Pacific American Librarians: A Cross- Cultural Perspective, edited by Lourdes Y. Col- lantes (30 pages, 1985), has been published by the Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association as the proceedings of their 1984 program in Dallas. Papers by Henry C. Chang, Jane Katayama, Minja Lee, and Bernard Kreissman are included. Copies may be ordered for $6 (payable to APALA) from Lourdes Y. Collantes, SUNY College at Old West­ bury Library, Box 229, Old Westbury, NY 11568. • A Bibliography of Latin American and Carib- bean Bibliographies 1984-1985, by Lionel V. Lo- roña (128 pages, 1986), lists 613 monographic and serial sources arranged by topic. Most items were published in 1984-1985, but there are also sources of earlier vintage that were not included in pre­ vious editions of this bibliography. Copies are $8 (plus $2 postage and handling) from the SALALM Secretariat, Memorial Library, University of Wis­ consin, Madison, W I 53706. Checks should be pay­ able to the SALALM Secretariat. ISBN 0-917617- 07-X. • Collectors and Collections of Slavica at Stan- ford University, by Wojciech Zalewski (114 pages, 1985), is a history of the development of Slavic col­ lections and academic programs at Stanford and in the United States. The volume describes the early relationships between the Stanford libraries and the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, tracing the collection policy from the early 1920s through the 1980s. Appendix B is a compre­ hensive bibliography of Stanford Faculty Publica­ tions and Student Theses in the Russian and East European field. Copies may be ordered for $16.50 from the Publication Sales Office, Room 323B Green Library, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 5. ISBN 0-911221-02-6. Directory of Vendors of Latin American Li- y Materials, by David Block and Howard L. no (46 pages, 2d ed., February 1986), includes rmation on 137 vendors. New in this edition is ndex of Geographic Coverages which high­ ts the best sources for books from particular tries. The book costs $10 (plus $2 postage and ling) and may be ordered from the SALALM etariat, Memorial Library, University of Wis­ in, Madison, WI 53706. ISBN 0-917617-09-6. Energies for Transition: Proceedings of the rth National Conference of the Association of ege and Research Libraries, edited by Danuta itecki (266 pages, April 1986), contains 60 con­ ted papers from the Baltimore ACRL Confer­ in April 1986 covering such areas as automa­ and bibliographic control, bibliographic uction, collection management, networking, lic services, and research. Abstracts of the con­ ted papers will be found in the January 1986 of C&RL News. The proceedings are being for $22 to ACRL m em bers, $30 to non­ bers, and may be ordered from ALA Publish­ Services, Order Department, 50 East Huron Chicago, IL 60611. ISBN 0-8389-6976-3. Exhibits in ARE Libraries, SPEC Kit #120 (110 s, January 1986), contains the results of a sur­ conducted to analyze procedures and policies loped specifically for research libraries, and to er information on the staffing, administration, local issues of mounting library exhibits. The ontains 20 examples of exhibit policies, job de­ tions from six institutions, six proposals to ex- 9430 • brar Kar info an I ligh coun hand Secr cons • Fou Coll A. N tribu ence tion instr pub tribu issue sold mem ing St., • page vey deve gath and kit c scrip