ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 347 Personnel A P P O I N T M E N T S Kathleen Adams has accepted an appoint­ ment as reference assistant and assistant serials records librarian at Linda Hall library, Kansas City, Missouri. Andrew Armitage is now practicum man­ ager and instructional coordinator for the urban information specialist project at the University of Maryland, College Park. Barbara Baird has received appointment as head of the circulation department at the Uni­ versity of Rhode Island library, Kingston. Dennis W. Baird is now in the undergradu­ ate library at Southern Illinois University, Car­ bondale. Sarell Beal is now assistant social sciences librarian in the library of Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti. Jennifer Berger has assumed the position of serials librarian at the Eastern Michigan University library, Ypsilanti. Dorothea M. Berry has been appointed head of education services at the University of California library, Riverside. Mrs. Eula Mae Betts is now assistant pro­ fessor and cataloger at Mitchell Memorial li­ brary, Mississippi State University, State Col­ lege. Herbert Biblo has been appointed assistant librarian for reader services at The John Crerar library, Chicago. Mrs. E leanor Briggs has recently joined the cataloging department of West Chester State College, West Chester, Pennsylvania. Peter Briscoe is now in the reference de­ partment at the library of Sonoma State Col­ lege, Rohnert Park, California. Sharon Brown has been promoted to the position of acting supervising librarian, curricu­ lum reading room, Teachers College library, Columbia University, New York City. Mrs. Sally A. Bullard has accepted the position as an assistant reference librarian at the State University of New York College at Geneseo, library. Marion L. Buzzard is a new staff member in the Latin American research section of the monographs department, University of Califor­ nia, Riverside. Raymond L. Carpenter has become acting dean of the School of Library Science, Univer­ sity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Mbs, D iane J. Chez has received appoint­ m ent as catalog librarian, instructor in library administration, University of Oregon library, Eugene. Sun Jin Choi has accepted the position of assistant East Asian librarian of the University of Kansas libraries, Lawrence. Robert P. Coale has been appointed chair­ man of the library department at the new Olive-Harvey College, Chicago. Marilyn Coe is now reference assistant and bindery librarian at Linda Hall library, Kansas City, Missouri. Mrs. Frances Coleman has been promoted to the position of instructor and head of the circulation department at Mitchell Memorial library, Mississippi State University, State Col­ lege. Daniel Cordeiro has been newly appointed as Latin American bibliographer at the Univer­ sity of Kansas libraries, Lawrence. Martha Jane Di Cecco is on the staff of the University of Delaware library, Newark, as a cataloger. Martin Dillon has received a joint appoint­ ment as assistant professor of library science and of computer and information science at the School of Library Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. John H. D insmore has recently assumed the position of documents librarian at the Uni­ versity of Wisconsin, Green Bay. Mrs. Nelly Doll has joined the staff of the Eastern Michigan University library, Ypsi­ lanti, as assistant science and technology li­ brarian. Mrs. Sandra Dow is now assistant science and technology librarian at Eastern Michigan University library, Ypsilanti. Mrs. Mary F. Downey has joined the staff of Mitchell Memorial library, Mississippi State University, State College, as instructor and or­ der librarian. Janet Draper is now assistant reference li­ brarian at Bates College library, Lewiston, Maine. Harold E. Dunn is now a cataloger at James Branch Cabell library, Virginia Common­ wealth University, Richmond. Mrs. M. Katherine E aton has been named social science librarian, instructor in library ad­ ministration, University of Oregon library, E u­ gene. Michael S. F eider is the new science li­ brarian, instructor in library administration, at the University of Oregon library, Eugene. Edith F errell has joined the staff of the University of Arizona library, Tucson, as a reference librarian in the social science de­ partment. Walter F ishman has been appointed direc­ tor of the audiovisual center at the Eastern Michigan University library, Ypsilanti. Betty Brooks F lowers has been promoted to the position of acquisitions librarian of the New York University Medical Center library, New York City. 348 David N. F orsythe has been appointed ac­ quisitions librarian at the State University of New York College at Purchase. Mrs. Marta Franco has been appointed in­ structor and serials librarian at York College, City University of New York. Mrs. Jackie Mcclain Franklin has been appointed instructor and assistant reference li­ brarian at Mitchell Memorial library, Mississippi State University, State College. E lsie Freivogel has joined the staff of Mc- Keldin library, University of Maryland, College Park, as associate librarian in collections. Norma J. F ultz has been appointed to the Education-Psychology Library of Morris library at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Robert F. Gillespie has joined the Ameri­ can Library Association, Chicago, as director, administrative services. Sanford Goin, Jr. is now supervising li­ brarian, circulation desk, at Teachers College library, Columbia University, New York City. Mrs. Mary Green has assumed the post of science cataloger at the University of Kansas libraries, Lawrence. Lillian Haist has been appointed to the serials department of Morris library, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Michael Halperin is the newly appointed senior reference assistant in the reference de­ partment at Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia. Larry E. Harrelson has been named infor­ mation services librarian and assistant profes­ sor at the Bizzell Memorial library, University of Oklahoma, Norman. Catherine D. H ayes has been named as­ sistant director of libraries, University of Roch­ ester, Rochester, New York. Atha Louise Henley assumed the duties of veterinary medical librarian and assistant professor at Auburn University, Auburn, Ala­ bama, on August 1, 1970. Charles Hickox has become assistant di­ rector of library services at the Tarrant County Junior College District Northeast Campus, Fort Worth, Texas. Margaret Hildreth has been named to the staff of the order department of Morris library, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Mrs. Mary R. H inkebein has joined Mitchell Memorial library, Mississippi State University, State College, as instructor and assistant order librarian. Mrs. E laine H offman has joined the staff of Teachers College library, Columbia Univer­ sity, New York City, as assistant librarian in the reference department. Gloria H olland received appointment to the position of circulation librarian at the James Branch Cabell library, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond. Mrs. L ouise M. Hurdle is now assistant professor and reference librarian at Mitchell Memorial library, Mississippi State University, State College. Mrs. Patricia Iredell has joined the Tar­ rant County Junior College District South Cam­ pus staff, Fort Worth, Texas, as assistant di­ rector of libraries. Dr. William V. Jackson is now professor of library science at Peabody College, and also professor of Spanish and Portuguese at Vander­ bilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. Jack Jaffe is now library systems analyst at San Fernando Valley State College, Northridge, California. F. Edwin Johns has been named bibliogra­ pher at James Branch Cabell library, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond. Mrs. Soon Young Juhng has been promoted to the position of assistant supervising librarian, cataloging department, at Teachers College li­ brary, Columbia University, New York City. H arry H. Kamens has been promoted to the position of head of acquisitions at the Uni­ versity of Delaware library, Newark. Jenny T seng Kao is a new catalog librarian at the University of Arizona library, Tucson. Marjorie Karlson has been appointed ref­ erence librarian at the University of Kansas Watson library, Lawrence. E lizabeth Kelley is now in the catalog department of Morris library at Southern Illi­ nois University, Carbondale. Robert Kempner is a new reference librar­ ian at the University of Arizona library, Tucson. He will be working in the social science de­ partment. Ray Anne Kibbey has been appointed as­ sistant librarian in reference at the University of South Florida, Tampa. James Marion Kimbrough has assumed the position of assistant professor and assistant to the director at Peabody Library School, George Peabody College, Nashville, Tennessee. Mrs. Janice Kirkland is now a cataloger at the California State College library, Bakers­ field. Justin Kniemeyer has been appointed dis­ trict director of automation services for the Tarrant County Junior College District, Fort Worth, Texas. D avid Koch is now employed in the rare book room of Morris library at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Donald H. Kraft has been appointed as­ sistant professor of library systems analysis at the University of Maryland, College Park. Amar Lahiri is now catalog librarian at the University’ of Rhode Island library, Kingston. Burton E. Lamkin has been named asso­ ciate commissioner for libraries and educational technology in HEW ’s Office of Education, Washington, D.C. Constance F. Larimore is in the order de­ 349 partment of Morris library, at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Stewart E. Lawrence has accepted the po­ sition of director of libraries, Kirtland Commu­ nity College, Roscommon, Michigan. Sul Lee has assumed the position of asso­ ciate librarian in charge of public services at Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti. Darrell H. Lemke has been appointed co­ ordinator of library programs, Consortium of Universities, Washington, D.C. Mrs. Margaret Linden is the new social science librarian, with assistant professor equiv­ alent rank, at the Idaho State University li­ brary, Pocatello. Janet Lowrance has assumed a position in the humanities library of Morris library, South­ ern Illinois University, Carbondale. Mrs. Alberta McAfee has assumed the po­ sition of head of the curriculum laboratory and the reference department at West Chester State College, West Chester, Pennsylvania. Verna Lou McAteer has joined the staff of Morris library, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, in the order department. Gerald B. McCabe has assumed the position of director of university libraries, Virginia Com­ monwealth University, Richmond. Janet S. McCloud is a new assistant refer­ ence librarian at the University of Delaware library, Newark. Mrs. Vicki W. McCormick has assumed the position of instructor and cataloger at Mitchell Memorial library, Mississippi State University, State College. Mrs. Hilary McCullagh is now an as­ sistant science librarian at the University of Kansas libraries, Lawrence. Dana McDonald is now in the science li­ brary at Southern Illinois University, Carbon­ dale. Joseph McDonald has been promoted to the position of head librarian and assistant profes­ sor of library science in Northampton County Area Community College, Bethlehem, Pennsyl­ vania. Fred McGraw has joined the staff of the University of Kansas libraries, Lawrence, as cataloging librarian. John C. McKay has been appointed inter- library loans librarian at the University of Ari­ zona library, Tucson. Mrs. Lucienne Maillet has been appoint­ ed instructor, serving as audiovisual and cur­ riculum materials librarian at York College, City University of New York. Bob Malinowsky is now assistant director of the University of Kansas library, Lawrence. Ann Lurye Massie has been appointed as­ sistant editor of the Bibliographic Index, The H. W. Wilson Company, Bronx, New York. Patricia Matheny has been named associ­ ate librarian, media processing unit, for Ever­ green State College in Olympia, Washington. Mrs. Patricia H. Matthes is instructor and acquisitions librarian in the Mitchell Memorial library, Mississippi State University, State Col­ lege. Kent Miller has assumed the position of exchange and gifts librarian at University of Kansas library, Lawrence. Tae H. Minn has been appointed assistant librarian for public services at the University of Hawaii Hilo Campus library. Mrs. Ruth K. Mitchell is the new research and systems librarian for the Oregon State Sys­ tem of Higher Education. Mrs. Carolyn Myers has accepted the ap­ pointment of serials librarian at James Branch Cabell library, Virginia Commonwealth Uni­ versity, Richmond. Mrs. Glenda Neely is now assistant refer­ ence librarian at James Branch Cabell library, Virginia Commonwealth University, Rich­ mond. Mrs. Kirsti Nilsen has been named docu­ ments librarian at the University of Rhode Is­ land library, Kingston. Audrey North has joined the staff of Caz­ enovia College, Cazenovia, New York, as di­ rector of library services. Lorrine Novak is now assistant librarian of Defiance College, Defiance, Ohio. John Nugent is now acting university ar­ chivist at the University of Kansas library, Law­ rence. Taras A. Ortynsky is now a cataloger at the University of Delaware library, Newark. David L. Perkins has been appointed head bibliography librarian at San Fernando Valley State College, Northridge, California. Roland Person has joined the staff of the undergraduate library of Morris library, South­ ern Illinois University, Carbondale. Richard A. Ploch is now chief of special collections at the University of Arizona library, Tucson. Dr. Frances M. Pollard has accepted the position of professor and head of the depart­ ment of library science at Eastern Illinois Uni­ versity, Charleston. Susan D. Poteet has joined the catalog department staff of Morris library, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Nathaniel H. Puffer has assumed the po­ sition of assistant director of libraries, Univer­ sity of Delaware, Newark. P. Gregory Ramsey has joined the acquisi­ tions department of the Pennsylvania State University libraries, University Park, as assistant librarian. Mrs. Bette M. Rice has been named as­ sistant professor and assistant serials librarian at Mitchell Memorial library, Mississippi State University, State College. J. Michael Rothacker has joined the staff 350 of Peabody Library School, George Peabody College, Nashville, Tennessee, as assistant pro­ fessor. Alan Samuels received appointment as cat­ alog librarian of Hofstra University library, Hempstead, Long Island, New York. Judith Sanborn accepted a position as as­ sistant librarian in the acquisition department of the University of South Florida library, Tampa. Melvin J. Sappington has accepted ap­ pointment as a reference librarian in the social science department at the University of Ari­ zona library, Tucson. Marie Sladky has been promoted to the po­ sition of head of the catalog department at the University of Minnesota, Duluth Campus li­ brary, Duluth. Byron Smith is now a catalog librarian at the University of Arizona library, Tucson. E ldred Smith has become associate univer­ sity librarian at Berkeley General library, Berke­ ley, California. Mrs. Robin Smith is assistant librarian, cat­ aloging department, at Columbia University Teachers College library, New York City. Dr. Dagobert Soergel of Bad Godesberg, Germany, is a visiting lecturer in the school of library and information services at the Univer­ sity of Maryland, College Park. W illiam A. Streamer has joined the staff of Jenkins library, Loyola College, Baltimore. He is a member of the administrative staff, serving as Public Services Librarian. E lvin E. Strowd has been promoted to the position of assistant librarian at Perkins library, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Mary Susan Stone has accepted the posi­ tion of instructor and cataloger of Mitchell Me­ morial library at Mississippi State University, State College. John W. Tanno received appointment to the music section of the monographs depart­ ment, University of California, Riverside. Leonard Thorp has accepted the position of head of acquisitions at the California State College library, Bakersfield. Andrew Turyn has joined the staff of the University of Rhode Island library, Kingston, as YOUR SOURCE FOR ROOKS IN AMERICAN HISTORY AND AMERICAN LITERATURE I f you do not already receive our catalogs, write AUSTIN BOOK SHOP 82 60A Austin Street Kew Gardens, N.Y. 11415 bibliographer in the business and economics de­ partment. Mrs. Sandra D. Varney has been appointed assistant librarian, library information system (PENNTAP), at the Pennsylvania State Uni­ versity libraries, University Park. James Vastine has assumed the position of assistant librarian in the catalog department in the library of the University of South Florida, Tampa. Mrs. Sandra D. W alton has been appoint­ ed a librarian II in the catalog department at the Sonoma State College library, Rohnert Park, California. Tsun–Tung Wang is the new acting East Asian librarian at the University of Kansas li­ brary, Lawrence. Dr. Thomas D. W arren assumed his duties as library science librarian of the Joint Uni­ versity libraries, Nashville, Tennessee, on Sep­ tember 1. Lois Weinstein has been named general reference librarian, Drexel Institute of Tech­ nology libraries, Philadelphia. Mrs. Constance W entzel has been named a catalog librarian at the University of Rhode Island library, Kingston. Mrs. Linda W hitacre is the new instructor and interlibrary loan librarian at Mitchell Me­ morial library, Mississippi State University, State College. Tom D. Wilson has joined the staff of the University of Maryland, College Park, as a visiting lecturer in the School of Library and Information Services. Mrs. Patricia Wollter has joined the ref­ erence department of the Sonoma State library, Rohnert Park, California. Patricia W ong has transferred to the cata­ log department as a librarian II at Sonoma State College library, Rohnert Park, Califor­ nia. Don E. Wood is the new serials librarian of Morris library at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Mrs. Katharine M. Wood has joined the staff of the University of Delaware library, Newark, as science librarian in charge of the agriculture library. Mrs. Naomi Wright is now documents li­ brarian at West Chester State College, West Chester, Pennsylvania. Robert L. Wright has accepted a position at the University of Maryland, College Park, as director of recruitment and special programs and lecturer in the School of Library and In­ formation Services. Mrs. Marna Jo Young has accepted a po­ sition as an assistant science librarian at the University of Kansas libraries, Lawrence. ■ ■ LARGE SCREEN … 24" x 24" v ie w in g area can IMAGE ROTATION A N D SCAN … Rotate or p ro je c t a fu ll new spaper page in actual size. scan the image at the to u ch o f a finger. FILM IS PROTECTED … Film gate lifts a u to ­EASY TO OPERATE … Loading and all controls m a tically w hen the film is m oved— prevents are up fro n t at the user's fingertips. No instruc­ scratching.tio n needed. MODERATELY PRICED … The least expensive ACCEPTS REELS A ND CARTRIDGES … Use large screen reel o r cartridge reader on the y o u r film in reels o r co n ve rt part o r all o f yo u r m arket. A va ila b le w ith m anual o r m o to rize d holdings to I.D.'s a u to m a tic th re a d in g car­ drive. tridges … fo r 16mm and 35m m m ic ro film . 19:1 M A G N IFIC A TIO N … and a b rig h t clear MANUFACTURED BY image even in a w e ll lighted room . INFORMATION DESIGN, INC. 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Researchers from the junior high school to the university level consult CA first for concise, orderly details on writers whose works are being published, read, and discussed currently. More than 75% of the listings in CA are not to be found in any other commonly used bio-bibliographical reference. Thus, CA is essential for up-to-date facts on thousands of minor, unrated, and first-time writers as well as major authors. Even authors listed in other biographical dictionaries are usually covered more thoroughly in CA. CA tries to include as many legitimate authors as possible, rather than excluding all but the most famous. Living writers of fiction, general nonfiction, juvenile books, poetry, drama, biography, history, non-technical textbooks—in fact, all authors with commercially published works in English, except technical writers—are within the scope of CA. To insure maximum accuracy and interest, sketches are based on material secured directly from the authors themselves through questionnaires and personal correspondence. Each sketch in CA includes complete personal and career data (covering pseudonyms, family background, present address, jobs and positions, memberships, awards and honors, etc.) plus these distinctive features: U nabridged B ib lio g ra p h y : L ists a ll books written, edited, and compiled by an author, as w e ll as those to which he has contributed, regardless o f the number o f titles S id e lig h ts : Comprised o f the author's personal comments plus a cross-section o f critical opinion: intormation in this section gives insights into the author's achievement, personality, writing habits, and interests C r it ic a l an d B io g r a p h ic a l S o u r c e s : Includes books and articles which contain further details on an author's work and life Work in P ro g re s s : With probable titles, publishers, and completion dates Because the sketches are coherent, lively, and free o f annoying abbreviations, they Stimulate young readers' interest in authors and encourage the use o f reference books. The volumes are bound to stand up w e ll under constant use Volumes 1–8 (originally published 1963-64) have been thoroughly revised, updated, and expanded, checked by the authors and bound in two volumes (1–4 , 5 –8), each in one straight alphabet. A L L T H E V0LUMES IN PR IN T AND a v a il a b l e im m e d ia t e ly BOOKS A R E S E N T ON GALE'S 30–D A Y FREE EXAMINATION PLAN GALE RESEARCH COMPANY • BOOK TOWER . DETROIT, MICH. 48226