ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 226 Classified A dvertising NOTICE Respondents to advertisers offering faculty "rank" and "status" are advised that these terms are ambiguous and should inquire as to benefits involved. All advertisements submitted by institutions offering positions must include a salary range. The range should provide the applicant with an indication of the salary the institution is willing to provide for the position offered. All advertisements for the Positions Wanted and the Positions Open classifications will be ed­ ited to exclude direct or indirect references to race, creed, color, age, and sex as conditions of employment. Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Advertising Department, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the second of the month preceding publi­ cation of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Telephone orders for classified advertising, while not encouraged because of the increased risk of copy error, will be accepted. Calls should be directed to Leona Swiech at (312) 944-6780. A confirming order should be mailed to the Advertising Department as soon as pos­ sible following the call, along with typewritten copy to be used in proofreading the ad. Rate for classified advertising is $1.30 per printed line. FOR SALE UNION LIST OF SERIALS in the Libraries in the Miami Valley. New Fifth Edition now available $50.00. Fourth Edition (1973) only $10.00. Send order to Sue Campbell, Wright State University Library, Dayton, OH 45431. Pre­ paid orders are post paid. POSITIONS WANTED REFERENCE/ADMIN LIBRARIAN seeks work in Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts or NYS. MLS + 4 years experience administrative business or fin. library. Strong ref., govt, docs., media background French & some German. Pat Ber†ozzi, 26 E 13 St., NYC, NY 10003. POSITIONS OPEN Acquisitions ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. The Eleutherian Mills His­ torical Library, a research library in the field of American economic, business and technological history, seeks a person to develop retrospective book, periodical, pamph­ let, trade catalog and ephemeral collections. . Ex­ perience with out-of-print acquisitions is required. Preference will be given to candidates with demonstrated interest, academic background, and/or research compe­ tence in some of the subject specialties of the Library. Necessary qualifications include MLS, advanced work in history or economics, and supervisory experience. Mini­ mum salary is $9,500; actual depends on experience and training. Applications must be submitted by October 1 for position opening on or about November 1, 1976. Mail to Director, Eleutherian Mills Historical Library, Wilmington, DE 19807. Administration DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. Description: Liberal arts col­ lege of the Reformed Church in America with over 2,200 students, over 140 faculty, library staff of 10 (plus student assistants) and holdings of 166,000 volumes; main library and several specialized collections housed else­ where on campus; linked to OCLC; located in city of 30,000 on Lake Michigan, 130 miles from Chicago. Quali­ fications: MLS or Ph.D from an accredited library school required, second Master's or Ph.D in subject area de­ sired; minimum of five years' varied library experience, with increasing administrative responsibilities; knowledge of trends in library science; clear understanding of service function of library; appreciation for basic philosophy and goals of college. Terms: 12 month contract; Salary: $10,000 minimum dependent on qualifications and ex­ perience. Starting date: February 1, 1977; adjustable to July 1, 1977. Submit curriculum vitae and references by October 20, 1976, to Search Committee Chairman, Jacob E. Nyenhuis, Dean for the Humanities, Hope College, Holland, Ml 49423. An equal opportunity employer. PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICER. Administers public re­ lations program; ability to write and speak effectively essential. Requires college degree and minimum three years experience in journalist ic/public relations work. MLS desirable. Salary $ 11,472-$ 15,675. Immediate open­ ing. Write Personnel Manager, Virginia State Library, Richmond, VA 23219. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT TRAINING COORDINATOR, Southeastern Li­ brary Network. MLS; one year's experience with OCLC system; some travel required. Prefer technical processing experience in an area other than monographic book cataloging; writing and editing ability. Salary: $10,000— $12,000. Write to: Kenneth Thomas, SOLI NET, Suite 820, 615 Peachtree St., N.E., Atlanta, GA 30308. DIRECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. San Jose State University, 50 miles South of San Francisco, has 26,000 students, 1,500 faculty, and graduate programs in over 40 fields. Resources of the library include 700,000 books, extensive microform holding, a highly developed instructional resources center, and a staff of 165 FTE positions. Minimum educational requirements: graduate degree from accredited library school; doctorate and/or advanced degree in subjects field preferred. Minimum professional experience: 8 years as a librarian, including at least 5 years in upper level administrative positions, preferably in an academic library. Demon­ strated ability and knowledge of library and media faculty planning, automation, business management and personnel administration. Salary range: $27,492—$33,420. Liberal fringe benefits. 12-month appointment. Closing date: October 1, 1976. Send resume to: Dr. Margaret Jacobson, Chairperson, Selection Committee c /o Office of the Academic Vice President, San Jose State Uni­ versity, San Jose, CA 95192. An equal opportunity/af­ firmative action employer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. Ohio University, a state- assisted university of 11,500 undergraduates and 1900 graduate students; small town setting, easy access to large cities. Library holdings of 890,000; annual budget $1,500,000; staff of 21 professionals and 44 classified em­ ployees. Member of OCLC. The Director is responsible for all library activities and policies; functions with the counsel of the University Library Committee and the library staff; reports directly to Provost. Qualifications: MLS from an accredited library school required; an ad- ditional advanced degree preferred. Administrative ex­ perience in an academic or research library necessary, as well as experience with budget management, direction of personnel; and collection development. Experience in computerized operations desirable. Must possess a strong commitment to faculty and students and have an under­ standing of the academic mission of the university. Salary range: $29,000—$35,000. Send resume and three letters of recommendation by October 31, 1976. Nominations solic­ ited. Send applications and nominations to: Duane Schneider, Chairman, Director of Libraries Search Com­ mittee, Alden Library Room 512, Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701. An equal opportunity/affirmative action em­ ployer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. For academic library of 530,000 volumes, $1 million budget serving 10,500 students. Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and ad­ ditional subject master's degree, with Doctorate pre­ ferred. Five years of diversified library experience in­ cluding significant administrative responsibilities in an academic library required. Experience and training in computer applications, networking, fiscal responsibilities, and personnel management highly desirable. Twelve month appointment with full faculty rank. Salary: $24,000— $29,000. Position open September I, 1976. Send letter of application with resume and letters of recommendation to: Library Search Committee, Office of Academic Vice- President, Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX 77340. An equal opportunity/affirmative action em­ ployer. TEACHERS OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE. Jundi Shapur University in Ahvaz, Iran w ill begin a M.L.S. program and is looking for instructors with the experience and ability to successfully implement the program, as well as to continue working towards the development of the existing library collection. The basic requirements are a MLS degree with at least two years experience or a MLS degree and a Ph.D (preferably in Library Science or a related field) with teaching ex­ perience. We are especially interested in applicants with specializations in information science. The monthly salary for holders of the MLS is 92,000 Rials (about $1,300) and 125,525 Rials (about $1,700) for holders of the Ph.D. Send resume, official University transcripts and three letters of recommendations to: The College of Literature and Humanities, Jundi Shapur University, P.O. Box 257, Ahvaz, Iran. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY, New England liberal arts college of 1,600 students; 325,000 volumes in main library, special collections and departmental libraries; professional staff of seven. Starting date: summer or fall of 1977. The library is expanding use of media programs and data processing systems (including OCLC). Its director should be familiar with current trends in library developments and with grant programs; able to coordinate resources and to work well with students, faculty, and staff. MLS from ALA-accredited library school; advanced subject degree or Ph.D in library science; substantial experience, including administrative responsibilities, in college or university libraries. Salary $19,500+, dependent on quali­ fications and experience; 12 month contract, faculty status; comprehensive fringe benefits including TIAA/CREF. Send resumes, including names and addresses of references, before November I, 1976, to Dean Paul Jenson, Colby College, Waterville, ME 04901. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer. HEAD LIBRARIAN, Union College. Candidates should possess an accredited professional degree in librarianship or its equivalent and successful administrative and practi­ cal experience in an academic or research library. Ad­ ditional qualifications include familiarity with library automation processes and informa†ioh retrieval services. Evidence of a strong commitment to scholarship is es­ sential. Faculty status and rank; twelve-month contract with one month of vacation. Salary: $ 18,000—$25,000. Liberal fringe benefits. Letters of inquiry and resumes, including the names of three references should be sent by October I, 1976 to Professor David Potts, Chairman, Librarian Search Committee, Social Sciences Building, Union College, Schenectady, N.Y. 12308. Union College is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. LIBRARY, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR of Learning Resources for starting 10/1/76 or after. MLS plus additional gradu­ ate A /V courses. Plan, administer, evaluate, program for 90,000 volume at comprehensive community college w/enrollment of 5,000 FTE. Twelve months salary, $17,000 minimum, based on experience. Reply immediately in writing only to Director of Employee Relations, Hudson Valley Community College, Troy, NY 12180. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer M/F. Cataloging CHIEF, CATALOG DEPARTMENT. This person defines goals, sets policies and makes plans for the Catalog Department (total staff of 52 FTE, including 23 pro­ fessionals) in areas of personnel, budget and physical resources; contributes to library-wide planning and man­ agement and coordinates activities with other senior managers. The position requires MLS from ALA-accredited graduate library program or equivalent; requires demon­ strated ability to manage large groups (5 years experience managing technical services operations in a major re­ search library will be evidence of this ability); requires experience in applying automation techniques to library technical processing operations; requires demonstrated initiative and leadership excellence; requires knowledge of bibliographic organization and access principles and understanding of the role of national library services; requires ability to communicate well orally and in written form; requires knowledge of and commitment to programs of Affirmative Action. Initial salary between $20,000-$24,000. For information apply to Tina Kass, Library Personnel Office, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305, by October 15, 1976. An equal oppor­ tunity/affirmative action employer. CATALOGER. Responsible for oriqinal cataloging of monographs and serials in the Hebrew language. May be asked to catalog in other languages as needed. Re­ quires: a graduate degree from an accredited library school; two or more years of cataloging experience in a university library; a thorough knowledge of Hebrew and a working knowledge of another foreign language. Minimum salary: $11,500. Available: August I, 1976. Send resume to: Miss Jane Titus ̂ Personnel Librarian, Paley Library, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122. An equal opportunity employer. LIBRARIAN—CATALOGER. To do original cataloging. De­ sired qualifications in order of importance: ALA ac­ credited master's degree in library science. A t least two years experience in cataloging. Background in science and technology. Knowledge of MARC format. Familiarity with OCLC cataloging. Foreign language facility. Salary $10,000 or more depending on qualifications. Position presently available. Request appropriate forms from John Thomas, Personnel Officer, Libraries and Audio Visual Center, Stewart Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Only complete credentials will be reviewed. Credentials include: completed application, resume, transcripts, letters of recommendation, and place­ ment papers from library school. Deadline for applications September 30, 1976. An equal opportunity employer. CATALOGER: $890-$l200/mon†h monograph cataloging position available immediately. The incumbent prepares original cataloging copy and assists with difficult partial copy cataloging for OCLC computer terminal input; uses LC classification and LC subject headings. Master's degree from an ALA-accredited school meets basic qualification sought; additional master's degree in a subject field and reading knowledge of German and Slavic languages desired; two or more years of ex­ perience preferred; ability to work effectively with others. Appointment made with faculty rank; academic fringe benefits provided. Expected to meet research and publi­ cation requirements of the University. Send resume to Ronald P. Naylor, Acting Director of Libraries, University of Houston, 4800 Calhoun Rd., Houston, TX 77004. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Academic library serving approxi­ mately 21,000 graduate and undergraduate students. A p­ pointment at the rank of instructor or assistant professor. Twelve month contract at $12,000-$13,400. Twenty-four days annual leave. REQUIREMENTS: Accredited MLS; minimum of two years cataloging experience. OCLC and A-V cataloging experience desirable. Send application and resume to Bob Sun, Head, Catalog Department, Memphis State University, Memphis, TN 38152, no later than Sep­ tember 15, 1976. Equal opportunity employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN/Head of Central Catalog Depart­ ment serves Health Sciences and general Academic Library. Initial responsibility for original health sciences cataloging and departmental administration. Minimum of 5 years experience. Combined health sciences and general academic cataloging background preferred. SOLINET/ 228 OCLC Member. Faculty status, paid BC/BS. Salary negotiable from $12,000 up. An equal oppor†unity/affirma- tive action employer. Send resume to: Mr. Connor D. Tjarks, Assistant Director, Central Processing Division, Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries, 901 Park Ave­ nue, Richmond, VA 23284. M ultiple THREE POSITIONS: I. ASSISTANT SCIENCE LIBRARIAN, Science Division. Reference position including interlibrary loan. Supervision of the Map Room. Assist with develop­ ment of the resources of the Division for instruction and research. University reference experience preferred. Some evening work. Bachelor's and/or master's degree in scien­ tific area. Language—German. 2. SCIENCE CATALOGER, Catalog Department. Subject descriptive cataloging of books, microforms, and tape cassettes in science, tech­ nology and share education. Dewey classification. Uni­ versity cataloging and/or OCLC experience preferred. Language—German, Temporary one year appointment. 3. MUSIC CATALOGER, Catalog Department. Subject and descriptive cataloging of music, books, and recordings, Dewey classification except for recordings. University cataloging and/or OCLC experience preferred. Bachelor's and/or master's degree in music. Language—working knowledge of German, French and Italian. All positions require MLS from ALA-accredited library school. Faculty rank and salary commensurate with qualifications but minimum $10,500. Participation in University Retirement System of Illinois, state paid life, hospital and surgical insurance. 37-hour work week; 25 vacation days; 60 calendar days sick leave per contract year; 12-month appointment. Available I September 1976. Send letter of application to Sidney E. Matthews, Assistant Director, Morris Library, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901. An equal opport unity/affirmative action em­ ployer. Reference REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Provide reference service, in­ cluding computerized literature searching in humanities and social sciences. Primary responsibility for develop­ ment of comprehensive orientation and instruction pro­ gram for the General Library. Coordinate instruction activities of other reference staff, advise and train colleagues in instructional techniques including use of audio-visual equipment. Required: MLS. Reference ex­ perience in academic library. Experience with instruction programs in academic environment essential. Training experience in computerized literature searching desirable. Benefits: Libraries are academic appointees. 24 days annual vacation. Usual benefits. Rank: Assistant Librarian ($12,312—$15,804) or Associate Librarian ($15,096-$21,708). Position open: October I, 1976. Write to: Margaret Schott, University of California, P.O. Box 5900, River­ side, CA 92507. An equal opportunity/affirma†ive action employer. Subject Specialists SCIENCE/TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIAN. Directs a branch Science/Technology Library of 120,000 volumes. Typical duties include: coordination and supervision of public services, including a circulation system; maintenance of serials, records and a public catalog; selection and ap­ pointment of staff; development of policies for services, facilities and resources for the branch; service as liaison for the Midcontinental Regional Medical Library Pro­ gram (MCRML). This branch might also expand within two years to serve a new medical program. Experience desired includes: several years of successful management with increasingly responsible duties in a medium to large science collection/branch; experience with or knowledge of computer-based information retrieval systems; demon­ strated ability to work effectively with faculty, students and staff. Master's in library science from an ALA accredited school; second master's in science preferred, but substantive middle management experience may be substituted. Position carries full faculty status and re­ sponsibilities. Salary $15,000 minimum, depending on qualifications. Deadline for applications: October I, 1976. Apply to: Robert H. Patterson, Director of Libraries, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 82071. An equal opportunity/affirma†ive action employer. ETHNIC STUDIES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. MLS from an accredited Library School; demonstrated sensitivity to and a high degree of familiarity with the culture of the Southwest; a knowledge of Reference materials. Assists students, faculty and çommuni†y, especially those mi­ norities of ethnic background in general library usage; possesses the ability to identify all type of material and information, and to compile bibliographies of ethnic studies resources, including Spanish language materials; supervisory experience desirable. Faculty status with 12 month contract. Salary: $10,500-$ 12,500 depending on qualifications and experience. Available July I, 1976; application deadline September 15, 1976. Send resume to Beatrice Hight, Chairperson, Search Committee, Zimmer­ man Library, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131. An equal opportunity/affirmative action em­ ployer. BIBLIOGRAPHER to assist in collection development (psychology/sociology/anthropology). Also, some original cataloging (10-15 hours wk.). Accredited MLS, appropriate social science background. Some cataloging experience. Minimum I year professional academic library experience. Salary $11,000+. Faculty rank. Apply by Oct. I, 1976 to: F. Edwin Johns, University Library Office, Rm. 126, W right State University, Dayton, OH 45431. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. BIBLIOGRAPHER to assist in collection development in biological sciences and nursing. Also responsible for all general out-of-print material; o.p. experience essential. Accredited MLS; second master's in biological sciences preferred. Minimum 2 years professional academic li­ brary experience. Salary $11,500+. Faculty rank. Apply by Oct. I, 1976 to: F. Edwin Johns, University Library Office, Rm. 126, Wright State University, Dayton, OH 45431. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN II. Stanford University Libraries, J. Henry Meyer Memorial Library. Salary $12,600-$15,000. Responsibilities: Responsible for providing undergraduate reference assistance, selecting library materials, primarily in Science and Technology, and coordinating all Meyer Library collection activities. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA accredited library school or equivalent required; academic background and/or library experience in natural or physicial sciences required; 3-5 years public service experience in an academic or special library required; knowledge of and concern for undergraduate education required. Candidates should supply with their first letter a complete statement of their qualifications; a full resume of their education and relevant experience as well as 3 names of references who are knowledgable of their qualifications for this position. Closing date for application November I, 1976. Letters and documents should be addressed to Tina Kass, Library Personnel Officer, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN: Responsible for the development, organiza­ tion, administration and promotion of the library's special collections, including archives; provide liaison with Friends of the Library and potential donors. Qualifi­ cations: MLS from ALA-accredited Library School, 3 or more years of relevant experience, knowledge of archival organization, Master's desirable. Salary: $12,000-$14,000. Application deadline 9/15/76. Position starts October I, 1976. Send resume and three letters of recommendation to Dr. Donald E. Vincent, Professor, University Librarian, Diamond Library, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824. An equal opportunity/affirma†ive action em­ ployer. Technical Services LIBRARIAN for TECHNICAL SERVICES. To coordinate, organize and administer the Technical Services Division of the Milton S. Eisenhower Library including the Acquisitions, Search, Catalog and Serials sections. The division has a staff of 9 professionals and 22 paraprofes­ sionals—clerical, to develop and formulate effective policies and procedures for the division and to coordi­ nate with other divisions of the library. Must have MLS from an accredited library school; at least 5 years' ex­ perience in positions of increasing of responsibility in technical services in academic libraries; experience with OCLC cataloging system. A master's degree in a subject field would be an added advantage. Salary $18,000 minimum but negotiable based on qualifications. Excellent benefits. Send resume including salary history to the Johns Hopkins University, Office of Personnel Services, Room 146, Garland Hall, 34th and Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218. An equal opportunity/affirma­ †ive action employer.