ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 212 universities and their libraries, all library schools, all library organizations, all high­ er education organizations, and all agen­ cies which accredit academic institutions. 3. Investigate all violations of these stan­ dards which are reported by members of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Such investigations will be co­ ordinated and supervised by the Com­ mittee on Academic Status of the Asso­ ciation of College and Research Libraries. 4. Invoke the following sanctions against institutions of higher education which are found, after such investigation, to be in violation of any or all of these standards: a. Publicize the violation and the institu­ tion concerned in CRL News and other appropriate publications. b. Refuse to accept advertisements in any ALA publication for positions at th at institution. c. Discourage its members from accept­ ing employment at that institution, through notices in its publications and other means. A reasonable amount of time—three to five years—should be provided college and uni­ versity libraries which do not currently con­ form to any or all of these standards, to en­ able them to do so. However, no such grace period should be provided to libraries which currently do conform, either wholly or in part, and which seek to deny or withdraw any such rights and privileges. ■ ■ N orm an Tanis E lected Vice President Norman E. Tanis, director of University Li­ braries at California State University, North­ ridge, is the newly elected vice-president of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Tanis received a total of 1,849 votes in the elections held late this spring. Richard Ducote, director for Instructural Resources at the Col­ lege of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, Illinois, polled 1,081 votes. Both Tanis and Ducote have long been interested in and associated with two- year colleges and their nominations recognized the increasing importance of junior and com­ munity college librarians in ACRL. After obtaining a Master of Arts in Library Science and an M.A. in history from the Uni­ versity of Michigan, Tanis became reference librarian and later head librarian at Henry Ford Community College, Dearborn, Michigan. From 1966 through 1969 he held the position of director of libraries and professor of Li­ brary Science at Kansas State College, Pitts­ burgh, Kansas. He has been at California State University, Northridge, formerly known as San Fernando Valley State College, since 1969. Tanis received his undergraduate training at Calvin College. In addition to his other de­ grees from the University of Michigan he was awarded an M.A. in education from that institution in 1961. Tanis has been a member of the ACRL Board of Directors since 1967. He also served in this capacity from 1962 to 1965. He has been chairman of the Junior College Libraries Section, chairman of the Committee on Standards and Accreditation, a member of the Editorial Board of College & Research L i­ braries, and a member of the ACRL–Asso- ciation of Research Libraries Joint Committee on University Libraries Standards. He has also held positions on various ALA committees and has been an ALA representative to other edu­ cational and professional organizations. As vice-president Tanis will serve as a mem­ ber of the New York Conference Planning Committee, a member of the ALA Budget Assembly, and chairman of the ACRL Plan­ ning Committee. He will become ACRL’s thirty-fifth president at the close of the Las Vegas Conference in June of 1973. The results of the section and subsection elections are as follows: ( Elected officers are shown in italics.) COLLEGE LIBRARIES SECTION Vice Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Father Jo­ vian Lang, librarian, University of South Flor­ ida, Tampa, Florida (385); Richard C. Quick, director of libraries, State University of New York, College of Arts and Science, Geneseo, New York (514). Secretary; Carol C. Hender­ son, reference and circulation librarian, George Mason College of the University of Virginia, Fairfax, Virginia (3 8 8 ); Beverly M. Johnson, chairman, Catalog Department, San Diego State University, San Diego, California (487). JUNIOR COLLEGE LIBRARIES SECTION Vice Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Louise Giles, dean of Learning Resources, Macomb County Community College, Warren, Michi­ gan (279); W. Christian Sizemore, acting aca­ demic dean, South Georgia College, Douglas, 213 Georgia (107). Secretary: Jo Ellen Flagg, li­ brarian, Forest Park Community College, St. Louis, Missouri (1 8 0 ); Rosemary Henderson, director of Library Services, Coffeyville Com­ m unity Junior College, Coffeyville, Kansas (190). RARE BOOKS SECTION Vice Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Ruth Salis­ bury, rare book librarian, George Arents R e­ search Library, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York (285); Evert Volkersz, special col­ lections librarian, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York (1 48). Member-at-large: D. W. Krummel, professor of Library Science, University of Il­ linois, Graduate School of Library Science, Ur­ bana, Illinois (2 1 4 ); Richard S. Wormser, rare books dealer, Bethel, Connecticut (223). SUBJECT SPECIALISTS SECTION* Vice Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Wayne Gos- sage, director of Library Services, Bank Street College of Education Library, New York, New York (3 3 0 ); Louis A. Jacob, head, Southern Asia Section, Orientalin Division, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (495). Agriculture and Biological Sciences Subsection* Vice Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Richard A. Farley, director of libraries, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas (116); Sharon Wells, assistant librarian, Bibliographic Services Section, Archive Library Department, American Medical Association, Chicago, Illinois (8 7 ). Secretary: Epsy Y. Hendricks, head librarian, Alcorn A&M College, Lorman, Mississippi (5 9 ); Ann Kerker, professor of Library Sci­ ence and Veterinary Medical librarian, Pur­ due University, Lafayette, Indiana (139). Art Subsection* Vice Chairman/Chairman-Elect: William R. Johnson, chief, Art and Music, Brooklyn Public Library, Brooklyn, New York (9 9 ); Barbara Sevy, librarian, Philadelphia Museum of Art Library, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (127). Asian and North African Subsection* Vice Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Juanita S. Doares, chief of Acquisition Division, New York Public Library, New York, New York (5 3 ); Om. P. Sharma, head, South Asia Division, University of Michigan Library, A nn Arbor, Michigan (92). Member-at-large: Edward A. Jajko, Near East bibliographer–cataloger, Vale University Library, N ew Haven, Connecticut (76); Alice N. Loranth, head, John G. White Department of Orientalia, Folklore, and Chess, Cleveland Public Library, Cleveland, Ohio (6 4 ). E ducation and Behavioral Sciences Subsection* Vice Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Priscilla Lin- sley, librarian, Educational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey (1 3 0 ); Lorraine Mathies, head, Educational and Psychology Library, special consultant, ERIC Clearinghouse for Junior Colleges, University of California, Los Angeles, California (205). Law and Political Science Subsection* Vice Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Nancy Rod­ gers, Hempstead, New York (147); Michael O. Shannon, assistant professor and documents li­ brarian, Herbert Lehman College, Bronx, New York (1 03). Member-at-large: Jennie Cross, documents librarian, Oakland University, Roch­ ester, Michigan (1 17); Nancy K. Smith, librar­ ian, Fels Center of Government, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (128). Slavic and East E uropean Subsection* Vice Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Vasyl Luch- kiw, director of Library Services, Rockland Community College Library, Suffern, New York (5 5 ); Ray R. Suput, director of the Uni­ versity Library, Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana (70). Secretary: Sian Humenuk, head catalog librarian, W estern Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois (106). Member-at-large: W il­ liam Putnam, research associate, Association of Research Libraries, Slavic Bibliographic and Documentation Center, Washington, D.C. (75); Wasyl Sirskyj, Slavic cataloger, Waterloo, On­ tario, Canada (5 1 ). UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES SECTION Vice Chairman/Chairman-Elect: J. Richard Blanchard, University Librarian, University of California, Davis, California (817); Richard W. Boss, director of libraries, University of Ten­ nessee, Knoxville, Tennessee (6 88). * By action of the Board of Directors on June 29, 1972 the Subject Specialist Section of ACRL was eliminated and the subsections were given sectional status. Louis A. Jacob, recently elected vice chairman of th e SSS, will there­ fore not take office. ■ ■ ACRL Membership June 30, 1972 ..................... ............... 11,666 June 30, 1971 ..................... ............... 11,383 June 30, 1970 ..................... ............... 11,304