ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries October 1996/595 Congress understand ALA’s long-standing op­ position to any measure that would jeopardize the continued growth and comprehensiveness o f the library’s collection. Copyright Clarifications Act (H.R. 1861). This “technical corrections” package contains proposed statutory language that will have the unintended effect of precluding a necessary national debate about whether “ephemeral” reproductions of digital works in the tempo­ rary memory of computers are “copies” within the meaning of the Copyright Act. This issue is critical to libraries, educational institutions in every state, and those who build and provide access to the NII. ALA and other major library organizations are recommending that text o f the proposed statute and accompanying report be amended to refer to temporary “reproductions,” rather than “copies.” In addition, the proposed legis­ lation should be amended to include a non- controversial provision endorsed by the regis­ ter o f copyrights to allow libraries to more effectively use digital technology to preserve crumbling works of vital interest to scholars, students, and national heritage. “Multimedia Guideline.” The Consortium o f College and University Media Centers (CCUMC), in conjunction with many major copyright “proprietor” industry organizations and others, may circulate an agreement for the “fair use” o f copyrighted works in multimedia projects prepared by educators and students. This document has not been endorsed by major educational and library organizations and some have specifically rejected it, such as the Association of Research Libraries. Many others are conducting a careful review of the draft at this time. Accordingly, it is premature to refer to or endorse CCUMC’s “multimedia guideline” or any similar document in the legislative his­ tory of any measure adopted by the current Congress. Full text o f the draft “Fair Use Guide­ lines for Educational Multimedia” is available at right/fairuse.html. Again, we emphasize that this has not been endorsed by the library and re­ lated education communities. ■ C& RL N e w s 30th an n iversary quiz What do you recall read­ ing in C&RL News the past 30 years? To celebrate the News’ 30th anniversary, the Editorial Board and editors of C&RL News have written a series of questions based on news and articles pub­ lished since its inception in 1966. Five ques­ tions (and answers) will be published each month to help you wend your way through the past 30 years of academic librarianship as reported by C&RL News. We hope you have as much fun answer­ ing these questions as we did writing them. If you have a question you’d like considered for the quiz please send your suggestion to Mary Ellen Davis at 1. What was the median salary paid to a public services librarian at a public aca­ demic institution in 1987? 2. In 1993, C&RL News published its first article reviewing Internet sources. What field did these resources cover? 3. What college is featured in an article promoting library orientation for college secretarial staff? 4. What is BAMBAM? 5. Why was a cataloging project at Kent State University being watched closely by librarians across the country in the early 1970s? . 72) 19 lir p A( abase dat CLCO eht d na ing og tal ca der ahs enil no eht fo inning beg eht dekr a m er, nt Ce yrar bi L egell o C oi h O eht fo ces auspi e ht r unde performed , ct je o pr si hT . 5 . ) 1 98 1 r e b met pe (S ts ip cr us an M dna skoo B gnissi M :tr el A e lin k oo B . 4 . ) 0991 ya M( ” ff at S l ria ta e cr Se egell o C rof entation Ori yrar bi L“ ticle, ar s ’ zat e G naoJ n i e, eg ll o C yt nuo C ne d ma C . 3 . ) 3991 t s ugu A/ yl uJ( s ie d tu S nac ri e mA nitaL . 2 . ) 7891 r e b mece (D yevr uS n oti sa n pe mo C evit artsi ­ ni md A 7 8 86– 19 on) ti ia soc s A l e nnosr e P tyi sr e iv n U dna egell o C( APUC eht no desab dna hcnyL o J yra M yb red prepa se ri la as nair ar bli academic no el citra n a o t g din cor ac yral as nai de m eht sa w 400, 53$ .1