ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 387 ERIC Abstracts to Supplement CRL Reviews In its January issue College & Research L i­ braries will inaugurate a new service which should be of considerable use to its readers. In each issue thereafter its “Book Review” columns will be supplemented b y abstracts of recent documents of special interest to academic and research libraries. The abstracts which CRL will print will be selected from those prepared for Research in Education by th e ERIC Clearinghouse for Li­ brary and Information Sciences at the Uni­ versity of Minnesota. Unless otherwise noted, documents abstracted in CRL are available by purchase in microfiche or hard copy from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (N a­ tional Cash Register Company, 4936 Fairmont Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland 20014). Orders must be placed by “E D ” or “L I” number. ■ ■ Librarians’ Association Asks Recognition The members of the Librarians’ Association at the University of California have submitted a request to University officials for formal rec­ ognition of their association. In a letter to Uni­ versity President Charles J. Hitch, the members requested: 1. T hat th e Librarians’ Association be recog­ nized by the University of California as the official organization w ithin the University structure which represents librarians as aca­ demic personnel. 2. That th e University of California grant the Librarians’ Association th e power to investi­ gate, discuss, and make recommendations to any and all officers and agencies of the Uni­ versity regarding matters of concern to Uni­ versity of California librarians as academic personnel. 3. T hat th e Librarians’ Association be granted permission to incorporate the name of the University of California w ithin its own, so that it may become th e Librarians’ Associa­ tion of the University of California. 4. That the University of California provide financial support for th e activities of the Librarians’ Association, including University time for its officers and members to con­ duct Association business, travel expenses, office space, secretarial assistance, equip­ ment, supplies, etc. 5. T hat th e Librarians’ Association be the means by which librarians are represented in an organization including all University of California academic personnel, should such an organization be created; however, that such an organization would not take the place of the Librarians’ Association. ■ ■ NACL REPORT The report of the National Advisory Com­ mission on Libraries entitled “Library Services for the Nation’s Needs—tow ard Fulfillment of a National Policy” was submitted to the Presi­ dent on October 3 by W ilbur Cohen, Secretary of th e D epartm ent of Health, Education, and Welfare, as Chairman of the President’s Com­ m ittee on Libraries. A formal presentation to th e President was made by representatives of the Commission at the W hite House on Octo­ ber 15. The Commission’s report appears on pages E9355-9368 of th e Congressional Rec­ ord (Extensions of Remarks), October 21, 1968, vol. 114, no. 173. Copies of the Congres­ sional Record for this date are available from th e Superintendent of Documents, GPO, for 20 cents. The report is also available through the ERIC Document Information Service, NCR Company, 4936 Fairmont Avenue, Be­ thesda, Md. 20014, a t $3.04 for a hard copy or 50 cents for microfiche (Ed-020-446). A han­ dling charge of 50 cents is added for orders totaling less than $3.00, and paym ent m ust ac­ company any order totaling less than $5.00. A 25% service charge is added to orders from outside the United States. ■ ■ CLS/JCLS MEETING TOPIC “Library Instruction Beyond the Orientation Level” will be th e topic of the joint College Libraries Section/Junior College Libraries Sec­ tion meeting at the Atlantic City conference. T he presentation will be by a panel of li­ brarians, each giving the description and ra­ tionale of his program. The three people planning the joint meeting —Ruthe Erickson and Betty Duvall of the St. Louis Junior College District, and Evan Farber of Earlham College—feel th a t in addition to those committed to such instruction, the panel might include someone who takes a negative or skeptical view about the value of such library instruction. They are, however, unable to think of a specific individual. If anyone is interested in fulfilling this role, or knows of someone else who might be, would he please get in touch with Evan Farber, Li­ brarian, Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana 47374. ■ ■