id sid tid token lemma pos crln-9439 1 1 february february PROPN crln-9439 1 2 2016 2016 NUM crln-9439 1 3 57 57 NUM crln-9439 1 4 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-9439 1 5 news news NOUN crln-9439 1 6 welcome welcome NOUN crln-9439 1 7 to to ADP crln-9439 1 8 the the DET crln-9439 1 9 february february PROPN crln-9439 1 10 2016 2016 NUM crln-9439 1 11 issue issue NOUN crln-9439 1 12 of of ADP crln-9439 1 13 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-9439 1 14 news news NOUN crln-9439 1 15 . . PUNCT crln-9439 2 1 collaborations collaboration NOUN crln-9439 2 2 , , PUNCT crln-9439 2 3 both both CCONJ crln-9439 2 4 within within ADP crln-9439 2 5 and and CCONJ crln-9439 2 6 across across ADP crln-9439 2 7 institutional institutional ADJ crln-9439 2 8 lines line NOUN crln-9439 2 9 , , PUNCT crln-9439 2 10 provide provide VERB crln-9439 2 11 a a DET crln-9439 2 12 way way NOUN crln-9439 2 13 to to PART crln-9439 2 14 extend extend VERB crln-9439 2 15 library library NOUN crln-9439 2 16 services service NOUN crln-9439 2 17 and and CCONJ crln-9439 2 18 demonstrate demonstrate VERB crln-9439 2 19 the the DET crln-9439 2 20 value value NOUN crln-9439 2 21 of of ADP crln-9439 2 22 libraries library NOUN crln-9439 2 23 to to ADP crln-9439 2 24 the the DET crln-9439 2 25 higher high ADJ crln-9439 2 26 education education NOUN crln-9439 2 27 community community NOUN crln-9439 2 28 . . PUNCT crln-9439 3 1 gauging gauge VERB crln-9439 3 2 the the DET crln-9439 3 3 success success NOUN crln-9439 3 4 of of ADP crln-9439 3 5 collaborative collaborative ADJ crln-9439 3 6 efforts effort NOUN crln-9439 3 7 can can AUX crln-9439 3 8 sometimes sometimes ADV crln-9439 3 9 be be AUX crln-9439 3 10 tricky tricky ADJ crln-9439 3 11 , , PUNCT crln-9439 3 12 however however ADV crln-9439 3 13 . . PUNCT crln-9439 4 1 librarians librarian NOUN crln-9439 4 2 from from ADP crln-9439 4 3 the the DET crln-9439 4 4 cornell cornell PROPN crln-9439 4 5 university university PROPN crln-9439 4 6 library library NOUN crln-9439 4 7 provide provide VERB crln-9439 4 8 tested test VERB crln-9439 4 9 tips tip NOUN crln-9439 4 10 and and CCONJ crln-9439 4 11 tools tool NOUN crln-9439 4 12 for for ADP crln-9439 4 13 assessing assess VERB crln-9439 4 14 both both CCONJ crln-9439 4 15 internal internal ADJ crln-9439 4 16 and and CCONJ crln-9439 4 17 external external ADJ crln-9439 4 18 collaborations collaboration NOUN crln-9439 4 19 in in ADP crln-9439 4 20 their their PRON crln-9439 4 21 article article NOUN crln-9439 4 22 “ " PUNCT crln-9439 4 23 partnerships partnership NOUN crln-9439 4 24 . . PUNCT crln-9439 4 25 ” " PUNCT crln-9439 5 1 assessment assessment NOUN crln-9439 5 2 and and CCONJ crln-9439 5 3 evaluation evaluation NOUN crln-9439 5 4 are be AUX crln-9439 5 5 also also ADV crln-9439 5 6 essential essential ADJ crln-9439 5 7 to to ADP crln-9439 5 8 developing develop VERB crln-9439 5 9 courses course NOUN crln-9439 5 10 and and CCONJ crln-9439 5 11 other other ADJ crln-9439 5 12 learning learning NOUN crln-9439 5 13 activities activity NOUN crln-9439 5 14 . . PUNCT crln-9439 6 1 amanda amanda PROPN crln-9439 6 2 nichols nichols PROPN crln-9439 6 3 hess hess PROPN crln-9439 6 4 and and CCONJ crln-9439 6 5 james james PROPN crln-9439 6 6 l. l. PROPN crln-9439 6 7 moseley moseley PROPN crln-9439 6 8 discuss discuss VERB crln-9439 6 9 their their PRON crln-9439 6 10 experiences experience NOUN crln-9439 6 11 “ " PUNCT crln-9439 6 12 conducting conduct VERB crln-9439 6 13 formative formative ADJ crln-9439 6 14 evaluation evaluation NOUN crln-9439 6 15 online online NOUN crln-9439 6 16 , , PUNCT crln-9439 6 17 ” " PUNCT crln-9439 6 18 while while SCONJ crln-9439 6 19 developing develop VERB crln-9439 6 20 and and CCONJ crln-9439 6 21 presenting present VERB crln-9439 6 22 an an DET crln-9439 6 23 online online ADJ crln-9439 6 24 learning learning NOUN crln-9439 6 25 module module NOUN crln-9439 6 26 at at ADP crln-9439 6 27 oakland oakland PROPN crln-9439 6 28 university university PROPN crln-9439 6 29 . . PUNCT crln-9439 7 1 cynthia cynthia PROPN crln-9439 7 2 hudson hudson PROPN crln-9439 7 3 - - PUNCT crln-9439 7 4 vitale vitale NOUN crln-9439 7 5 and and CCONJ crln-9439 7 6 jennifer jennifer PROPN crln-9439 7 7 moore moore PROPN crln-9439 7 8 add add VERB crln-9439 7 9 to to ADP crln-9439 7 10 the the DET crln-9439 7 11 discussion discussion NOUN crln-9439 7 12 of of ADP crln-9439 7 13 assessment assessment NOUN crln-9439 7 14 techniques technique NOUN crln-9439 7 15 with with ADP crln-9439 7 16 their their PRON crln-9439 7 17 experiment experiment NOUN crln-9439 7 18 using use VERB crln-9439 7 19 “ " PUNCT crln-9439 7 20 digital digital ADJ crln-9439 7 21 badges badge NOUN crln-9439 7 22 ” " PUNCT crln-9439 7 23 in in ADP crln-9439 7 24 helping help VERB crln-9439 7 25 librarians librarian NOUN crln-9439 7 26 at at ADP crln-9439 7 27 washington washington PROPN crln-9439 7 28 university university PROPN crln-9439 7 29 in in ADP crln-9439 7 30 st st PROPN crln-9439 7 31 . . PROPN crln-9439 7 32 louis louis PROPN crln-9439 7 33 develop develop VERB crln-9439 7 34 data datum NOUN crln-9439 7 35 management management NOUN crln-9439 7 36 and and CCONJ crln-9439 7 37 gis gis NOUN crln-9439 7 38 skills skill NOUN crln-9439 7 39 . . PUNCT crln-9439 8 1 diversity diversity NOUN crln-9439 8 2 and and CCONJ crln-9439 8 3 inclusion inclusion NOUN crln-9439 8 4 efforts effort NOUN crln-9439 8 5 continue continue VERB crln-9439 8 6 to to PART crln-9439 8 7 be be AUX crln-9439 8 8 a a DET crln-9439 8 9 needed need VERB crln-9439 8 10 point point NOUN crln-9439 8 11 of of ADP crln-9439 8 12 focus focus NOUN crln-9439 8 13 in in ADP crln-9439 8 14 academic academic ADJ crln-9439 8 15 and and CCONJ crln-9439 8 16 research research NOUN crln-9439 8 17 libraries library NOUN crln-9439 8 18 . . PUNCT crln-9439 9 1 in in ADP crln-9439 9 2 this this DET crln-9439 9 3 issue issue NOUN crln-9439 9 4 ’s ’s PART crln-9439 9 5 scholarly scholarly ADJ crln-9439 9 6 communication communication NOUN crln-9439 9 7 column column NOUN crln-9439 9 8 , , PUNCT crln-9439 9 9 charlotte charlotte NOUN crln-9439 9 10 roh roh NOUN crln-9439 9 11 of of ADP crln-9439 9 12 the the DET crln-9439 9 13 university university PROPN crln-9439 9 14 of of ADP crln-9439 9 15 massachusetts massachusetts PROPN crln-9439 9 16 - - PUNCT crln-9439 9 17 amherst amherst NOUN crln-9439 9 18 examines examine VERB crln-9439 9 19 these these DET crln-9439 9 20 issues issue NOUN crln-9439 9 21 through through ADP crln-9439 9 22 the the DET crln-9439 9 23 lens lens NOUN crln-9439 9 24 of of ADP crln-9439 9 25 scholarly scholarly ADJ crln-9439 9 26 publishing publishing NOUN crln-9439 9 27 in in ADP crln-9439 9 28 her her PRON crln-9439 9 29 article article NOUN crln-9439 9 30 “ " PUNCT crln-9439 9 31 library library NOUN crln-9439 9 32 publishing publishing NOUN crln-9439 9 33 and and CCONJ crln-9439 9 34 diversity diversity NOUN crln-9439 9 35 values value NOUN crln-9439 9 36 . . PUNCT crln-9439 9 37 ” " PUNCT crln-9439 10 1 with with ADP crln-9439 10 2 spring spring NOUN crln-9439 10 3 conference conference NOUN crln-9439 10 4 season season NOUN crln-9439 10 5 close close ADV crln-9439 10 6 at at ADP crln-9439 10 7 hand hand NOUN crln-9439 10 8 , , PUNCT crln-9439 10 9 tina tina PROPN crln-9439 10 10 p. p. PROPN crln-9439 10 11 franks frank NOUN crln-9439 10 12 of of ADP crln-9439 10 13 the the DET crln-9439 10 14 ohio ohio PROPN crln-9439 10 15 state state PROPN crln-9439 10 16 university university PROPN crln-9439 10 17 provides provide VERB crln-9439 10 18 a a DET crln-9439 10 19 travelogue travelogue NOUN crln-9439 10 20 of of ADP crln-9439 10 21 her her PRON crln-9439 10 22 recent recent ADJ crln-9439 10 23 adventures adventure NOUN crln-9439 10 24 as as ADP crln-9439 10 25 a a DET crln-9439 10 26 fi fi NOUN crln-9439 10 27 rst rst ADJ crln-9439 10 28 - - PUNCT crln-9439 10 29 time time NOUN crln-9439 10 30 poster poster NOUN crln-9439 10 31 presenter presenter NOUN crln-9439 10 32 in in ADP crln-9439 10 33 her she PRON crln-9439 10 34 the the DET crln-9439 10 35 way way NOUN crln-9439 10 36 i i PRON crln-9439 10 37 see see VERB crln-9439 10 38 it it PRON crln-9439 10 39 essay essay VERB crln-9439 10 40 “ " PUNCT crln-9439 10 41 travel travel NOUN crln-9439 10 42 companion companion NOUN crln-9439 10 43 . . PUNCT crln-9439 10 44 ” " PUNCT crln-9439 11 1 also also ADV crln-9439 11 2 this this DET crln-9439 11 3 month month NOUN crln-9439 11 4 we we PRON crln-9439 11 5 continue continue VERB crln-9439 11 6 our our PRON crln-9439 11 7 look look NOUN crln-9439 11 8 at at ADP crln-9439 11 9 the the DET crln-9439 11 10 upcoming upcoming ADJ crln-9439 11 11 ala ala NOUN crln-9439 11 12 / / SYM crln-9439 11 13 acrl acrl ADJ crln-9439 11 14 elections election NOUN crln-9439 11 15 with with ADP crln-9439 11 16 statements statement NOUN crln-9439 11 17 from from ADP crln-9439 11 18 the the DET crln-9439 11 19 candidates candidate NOUN crln-9439 11 20 for for ADP crln-9439 11 21 acrl acrl ADJ crln-9439 11 22 vice vice NOUN crln-9439 11 23 - - NOUN crln-9439 11 24 president/ president/ NUM crln-9439 11 25 president president NOUN crln-9439 11 26 - - PUNCT crln-9439 11 27 elect elect PROPN crln-9439 11 28 . . PUNCT crln-9439 12 1 vote vote VERB crln-9439 12 2 for for ADP crln-9439 12 3 the the DET crln-9439 12 4 candidates candidate NOUN crln-9439 12 5 of of ADP crln-9439 12 6 your your PRON crln-9439 12 7 choice choice NOUN crln-9439 12 8 in in ADP crln-9439 12 9 the the DET crln-9439 12 10 election election NOUN crln-9439 12 11 beginning begin VERB crln-9439 12 12 march march PROPN crln-9439 12 13 15 15 NUM crln-9439 12 14 . . PUNCT crln-9439 13 1 make make VERB crln-9439 13 2 sure sure ADJ crln-9439 13 3 to to PART crln-9439 13 4 check check VERB crln-9439 13 5 out out ADP crln-9439 13 6 the the DET crln-9439 13 7 other other ADJ crln-9439 13 8 features feature NOUN crln-9439 13 9 and and CCONJ crln-9439 13 10 departments department NOUN crln-9439 13 11 this this DET crln-9439 13 12 month month NOUN crln-9439 13 13 , , PUNCT crln-9439 13 14 including include VERB crln-9439 13 15 an an DET crln-9439 13 16 acrl acrl ADJ crln-9439 13 17 techconnect techconnect NOUN crln-9439 13 18 article article NOUN crln-9439 13 19 by by ADP crln-9439 13 20 tammy tammy ADJ crln-9439 13 21 ivins ivin NOUN crln-9439 13 22 on on ADP crln-9439 13 23 creating create VERB crln-9439 13 24 automated automate VERB crln-9439 13 25 reports report NOUN crln-9439 13 26 from from ADP crln-9439 13 27 google google PROPN crln-9439 13 28 forms form NOUN crln-9439 13 29 and and CCONJ crln-9439 13 30 internet internet NOUN crln-9439 13 31 resources resource NOUN crln-9439 13 32 on on ADP crln-9439 13 33 intellectual intellectual ADJ crln-9439 13 34 freedom freedom NOUN crln-9439 13 35 associations association NOUN crln-9439 13 36 by by ADP crln-9439 13 37 steven steven PROPN crln-9439 13 38 greechie greechie PROPN crln-9439 13 39 . . PUNCT crln-9439 14 1 — — PUNCT crln-9439 14 2 david david PROPN crln-9439 14 3 free free PROPN crln-9439 14 4 , , PUNCT crln-9439 14 5 editor editor NOUN crln-9439 14 6 - - PUNCT crln-9439 14 7 in in ADP crln-9439 14 8 - - PUNCT crln-9439 14 9 chief chief NOUN crln-9439 14 10 , , PUNCT crln-9439 14 11 ADJ crln-9439 14 12 in in ADP crln-9439 14 13 thein thein ADJ crln-9439 14 14 the the DET crln-9439 14 15 NOUN crln-9439 14 16 we we PRON crln-9439 14 17 ’ll ’ll AUX crln-9439 14 18 do do VERB crln-9439 14 19 the the DET crln-9439 14 20 heavy heavy ADJ crln-9439 14 21 lifting lifting NOUN crln-9439 14 22 ! ! PUNCT crln-9439 15 1 we we PRON crln-9439 15 2 provide provide VERB crln-9439 15 3 the the DET crln-9439 15 4 leading lead VERB crln-9439 15 5 health health NOUN crln-9439 15 6 science science NOUN crln-9439 15 7 publishers publisher NOUN crln-9439 15 8 on on ADP crln-9439 15 9 a a DET crln-9439 15 10 platform platform NOUN crln-9439 15 11 designed design VERB crln-9439 15 12 for for ADP crln-9439 15 13 you you PRON crln-9439 15 14 . . PUNCT crln-9439 16 1 r2 r2 NOUN crln-9439 16 2 resources resource NOUN crln-9439 16 3 that that PRON crln-9439 16 4 work work VERB crln-9439 16 5 for for ADP crln-9439 16 6 you you PRON crln-9439 16 7 : : PUNCT crln-9439 16 8 • • VERB crln-9439 16 9 thousands thousand NOUN crln-9439 16 10 of of ADP crln-9439 16 11 health health NOUN crln-9439 16 12 sciences science NOUN crln-9439 16 13 ebooks ebook NOUN crln-9439 16 14 from from ADP crln-9439 16 15 the the DET crln-9439 16 16 leading lead VERB crln-9439 16 17 publishers publisher NOUN crln-9439 16 18 • • VERB crln-9439 16 19 one one NUM crln-9439 16 20 of of ADP crln-9439 16 21 the the DET crln-9439 16 22 largest large ADJ crln-9439 16 23 collections collection NOUN crln-9439 16 24 of of ADP crln-9439 16 25 doody doody NOUN crln-9439 16 26 ’s ’s PART crln-9439 16 27 core core NOUN crln-9439 16 28 titles title NOUN crln-9439 16 29 available available ADJ crln-9439 16 30 to to ADP crln-9439 16 31 institutions institution NOUN crln-9439 16 32 • • VERB crln-9439 16 33 a a DET crln-9439 16 34 robust robust ADJ crln-9439 16 35 selection selection NOUN crln-9439 16 36 of of ADP crln-9439 16 37 american american ADJ crln-9439 16 38 journal journal PROPN crln-9439 16 39 of of ADP crln-9439 16 40 nursing nursing NOUN crln-9439 16 41 books book NOUN crln-9439 16 42 of of ADP crln-9439 16 43 the the DET crln-9439 16 44 year year NOUN crln-9439 16 45 • • VERB crln-9439 16 46 extensive extensive ADJ crln-9439 16 47 offerings offering NOUN crln-9439 16 48 from from ADP crln-9439 16 49 academies academy NOUN crln-9439 16 50 , , PUNCT crln-9439 16 51 associations association NOUN crln-9439 16 52 , , PUNCT crln-9439 16 53 and and CCONJ crln-9439 16 54 societies society NOUN crln-9439 16 55 , , PUNCT crln-9439 16 56 including include VERB crln-9439 16 57 the the DET crln-9439 16 58 ama ama NOUN crln-9439 16 59 , , PUNCT crln-9439 16 60 aap aap NOUN crln-9439 16 61 , , PUNCT crln-9439 16 62 ana ana PROPN crln-9439 16 63 , , PUNCT crln-9439 16 64 appi appi PROPN crln-9439 16 65 , , PUNCT crln-9439 16 66 aaos aaos PROPN crln-9439 16 67 , , PUNCT crln-9439 16 68 stti stti PROPN crln-9439 16 69 , , PUNCT crln-9439 16 70 and and CCONJ crln-9439 16 71 more more ADV crln-9439 16 72 • • ADJ crln-9439 16 73 extensive extensive ADJ crln-9439 16 74 image image NOUN crln-9439 16 75 library library NOUN crln-9439 16 76 and and CCONJ crln-9439 16 77 expanding expand VERB crln-9439 16 78 video video NOUN crln-9439 16 79 content content NOUN crln-9439 16 80 expand expand VERB crln-9439 16 81 your your PRON crln-9439 16 82 database database NOUN crln-9439 16 83 with with ADP crln-9439 16 84 patron patron NOUN crln-9439 16 85 driven drive VERB crln-9439 16 86 acquisition acquisition NOUN crln-9439 16 87 ! ! PUNCT crln-9439 17 1 call call VERB crln-9439 17 2 800.345.6425 800.345.6425 PRON crln-9439 17 3 x600 x600 PROPN crln-9439 17 4 or or CCONJ crln-9439 17 5 visit visit VERB crln-9439 17 6 PROPN crln-9439 17 7 to to PART crln-9439 17 8 learn learn VERB crln-9439 17 9 more more ADJ crln-9439 17 10 . . PUNCT crln-9439 18 1 174 174 NUM crln-9439 18 2 5x4 5x4 NUM crln-9439 19 1 b b X crln-9439 19 2 - - PUNCT crln-9439 19 3 w w X crln-9439 19 4 ant ant PROPN crln-9439 19 5 ad:174 ad:174 PROPN crln-9439 19 6 5x4 5x4 NUM crln-9439 19 7 b b PROPN crln-9439 19 8 - - PUNCT crln-9439 19 9 w w NOUN crln-9439 19 10 butfly butfly NOUN crln-9439 19 11 ad ad NOUN crln-9439 19 12 10/16/15 10/16/15 NUM crln-9439 19 13 9:55 9:55 NUM crln-9439 19 14 am am NOUN crln-9439 19 15 page page NOUN crln-9439 19 16 1 1 NUM