id sid tid token lemma pos crln-9215 1 1 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-9215 1 2 news news PROPN crln-9215 1 3 november november PROPN crln-9215 1 4 2014 2014 NUM crln-9215 1 5 570 570 NUM crln-9215 1 6 the the DET crln-9215 1 7 problem problem NOUN crln-9215 1 8 in in ADP crln-9215 1 9 the the DET crln-9215 1 10 summer summer NOUN crln-9215 1 11 of of ADP crln-9215 1 12 2012 2012 NUM crln-9215 1 13 , , PUNCT crln-9215 1 14 faculty faculty NOUN crln-9215 1 15 librarians librarian NOUN crln-9215 1 16 at at ADP crln-9215 1 17 the the DET crln-9215 1 18 university university PROPN crln-9215 1 19 of of ADP crln-9215 1 20 west west PROPN crln-9215 1 21 georgia georgia PROPN crln-9215 1 22 were be AUX crln-9215 1 23 tasked task VERB crln-9215 1 24 to to PART crln-9215 1 25 come come VERB crln-9215 1 26 up up ADP crln-9215 1 27 with with ADP crln-9215 1 28 a a DET crln-9215 1 29 solution solution NOUN crln-9215 1 30 to to ADP crln-9215 1 31 the the DET crln-9215 1 32 continuing continue VERB crln-9215 1 33 problem problem NOUN crln-9215 1 34 of of ADP crln-9215 1 35 high high ADJ crln-9215 1 36 withdrawal withdrawal NOUN crln-9215 1 37 rates rate NOUN crln-9215 1 38 in in ADP crln-9215 1 39 online online ADJ crln-9215 1 40 sections section NOUN crln-9215 1 41 of of ADP crln-9215 1 42 our our PRON crln-9215 1 43 semester semester ADJ crln-9215 1 44 - - PUNCT crln-9215 1 45 long long ADJ crln-9215 1 46 information information NOUN crln-9215 1 47 literacy literacy NOUN crln-9215 1 48 course course NOUN crln-9215 1 49 , , PUNCT crln-9215 1 50 libr libr PROPN crln-9215 1 51 1101 1101 NUM crln-9215 1 52 : : PUNCT crln-9215 1 53 academic academic ADJ crln-9215 1 54 research research NOUN crln-9215 1 55 and and CCONJ crln-9215 1 56 the the DET crln-9215 1 57 library library NOUN crln-9215 1 58 . . PUNCT crln-9215 2 1 this this DET crln-9215 2 2 course course NOUN crln-9215 2 3 fulfills fulfill VERB crln-9215 2 4 a a DET crln-9215 2 5 general general ADJ crln-9215 2 6 education education NOUN crln-9215 2 7 requirement requirement NOUN crln-9215 2 8 , , PUNCT crln-9215 2 9 and and CCONJ crln-9215 2 10 is be AUX crln-9215 2 11 often often ADV crln-9215 2 12 taken take VERB crln-9215 2 13 by by ADP crln-9215 2 14 students student NOUN crln-9215 2 15 at at ADP crln-9215 2 16 all all PRON crln-9215 2 17 educational educational ADJ crln-9215 2 18 l l X crln-9215 2 19 e e NOUN crln-9215 2 20 v v X crln-9215 2 21 e e PROPN crln-9215 2 22 l l PROPN crln-9215 2 23 s s PROPN crln-9215 2 24 . . PUNCT crln-9215 3 1 l l PROPN crln-9215 3 2 i i PROPN crln-9215 3 3 b b X crln-9215 3 4 r r NOUN crln-9215 3 5 1101 1101 NUM crln-9215 3 6 instructors instructor NOUN crln-9215 3 7 often often ADV crln-9215 3 8 found find VERB crln-9215 3 9 it it PRON crln-9215 3 10 difficult difficult ADJ crln-9215 3 11 to to PART crln-9215 3 12 eng eng VERB crln-9215 3 13 a a DET crln-9215 3 14 g g NOUN crln-9215 3 15 e e PROPN crln-9215 3 16 o o PROPN crln-9215 4 1 n n X crln-9215 5 1 l l PROPN crln-9215 6 1 i i PROPN crln-9215 6 2 n n VERB crln-9215 6 3 e e NOUN crln-9215 6 4 students student NOUN crln-9215 6 5 with with ADP crln-9215 6 6 the the DET crln-9215 6 7 course course NOUN crln-9215 6 8 material material NOUN crln-9215 6 9 due due ADJ crln-9215 6 10 in in ADP crln-9215 6 11 no no DET crln-9215 6 12 small small ADJ crln-9215 6 13 part part NOUN crln-9215 6 14 to to ADP crln-9215 6 15 the the DET crln-9215 6 16 course course NOUN crln-9215 6 17 ’s ’s PART crln-9215 6 18 fundamental fundamental ADJ crln-9215 6 19 interdisciplinarity interdisciplinarity NOUN crln-9215 6 20 . . PUNCT crln-9215 7 1 also also ADV crln-9215 7 2 , , PUNCT crln-9215 7 3 it it PRON crln-9215 7 4 was be AUX crln-9215 7 5 a a DET crln-9215 7 6 challenge challenge NOUN crln-9215 7 7 to to PART crln-9215 7 8 assess assess VERB crln-9215 7 9 student student NOUN crln-9215 7 10 mastery mastery NOUN crln-9215 7 11 of of ADP crln-9215 7 12 certain certain ADJ crln-9215 7 13 concepts concept NOUN crln-9215 7 14 in in ADP crln-9215 7 15 an an DET crln-9215 7 16 online online ADJ crln-9215 7 17 environment environment NOUN crln-9215 7 18 , , PUNCT crln-9215 7 19 so so SCONJ crln-9215 7 20 instructors instructor NOUN crln-9215 7 21 became become VERB crln-9215 7 22 frustrated frustrated ADJ crln-9215 7 23 that that SCONJ crln-9215 7 24 students student NOUN crln-9215 7 25 were be AUX crln-9215 7 26 able able ADJ crln-9215 7 27 to to PART crln-9215 7 28 advance advance VERB crln-9215 7 29 to to ADP crln-9215 7 30 new new ADJ crln-9215 7 31 material material NOUN crln-9215 7 32 ( ( PUNCT crln-9215 7 33 which which PRON crln-9215 7 34 was be AUX crln-9215 7 35 often often ADV crln-9215 7 36 scaffolded scaffold VERB crln-9215 7 37 on on ADP crln-9215 7 38 material material NOUN crln-9215 7 39 that that PRON crln-9215 7 40 preceded precede VERB crln-9215 7 41 it it PRON crln-9215 7 42 ) ) PUNCT crln-9215 7 43 without without ADP crln-9215 7 44 demonstrating demonstrate VERB crln-9215 7 45 that that SCONJ crln-9215 7 46 they they PRON crln-9215 7 47 had have AUX crln-9215 7 48 learned learn VERB crln-9215 7 49 what what PRON crln-9215 7 50 they they PRON crln-9215 7 51 were be AUX crln-9215 7 52 meant mean VERB crln-9215 7 53 to to PART crln-9215 7 54 . . PUNCT crln-9215 8 1 we we PRON crln-9215 8 2 suspected suspect VERB crln-9215 8 3 that that SCONJ crln-9215 8 4 one one NUM crln-9215 8 5 of of ADP crln-9215 8 6 the the DET crln-9215 8 7 reasons reason NOUN crln-9215 8 8 students student NOUN crln-9215 8 9 did do VERB crln-9215 8 10 poorly poorly ADV crln-9215 8 11 in in ADP crln-9215 8 12 online online ADJ crln-9215 8 13 sections section NOUN crln-9215 8 14 of of ADP crln-9215 8 15 libr libr PROPN crln-9215 8 16 1101 1101 NUM crln-9215 8 17 ( ( PUNCT crln-9215 8 18 or or CCONJ crln-9215 8 19 dropped drop VERB crln-9215 8 20 the the DET crln-9215 8 21 class class NOUN crln-9215 8 22 altogether altogether ADV crln-9215 8 23 ) ) PUNCT crln-9215 8 24 was be AUX crln-9215 8 25 because because SCONJ crln-9215 8 26 online online ADJ crln-9215 8 27 environments environment NOUN crln-9215 8 28 often often ADV crln-9215 8 29 lacked lack VERB crln-9215 8 30 a a DET crln-9215 8 31 substantial substantial ADJ crln-9215 8 32 context context NOUN crln-9215 8 33 that that PRON crln-9215 8 34 made make VERB crln-9215 8 35 the the DET crln-9215 8 36 content content NOUN crln-9215 8 37 of of ADP crln-9215 8 38 the the DET crln-9215 8 39 course course NOUN crln-9215 8 40 personally personally ADV crln-9215 8 41 meaningful meaningful ADJ crln-9215 8 42 . . PUNCT crln-9215 9 1 we we PRON crln-9215 9 2 wanted want VERB crln-9215 9 3 to to PART crln-9215 9 4 create create VERB crln-9215 9 5 something something PRON crln-9215 9 6 , , PUNCT crln-9215 9 7 then then ADV crln-9215 9 8 , , PUNCT crln-9215 9 9 that that PRON crln-9215 9 10 would would AUX crln-9215 9 11 engage engage VERB crln-9215 9 12 students student NOUN crln-9215 9 13 by by ADP crln-9215 9 14 contextualizing contextualize VERB crln-9215 9 15 the the DET crln-9215 9 16 process process NOUN crln-9215 9 17 and and CCONJ crln-9215 9 18 importance importance NOUN crln-9215 9 19 of of ADP crln-9215 9 20 research research NOUN crln-9215 9 21 . . PUNCT crln-9215 10 1 in in ADP crln-9215 10 2 other other ADJ crln-9215 10 3 words word NOUN crln-9215 10 4 , , PUNCT crln-9215 10 5 students student NOUN crln-9215 10 6 would would AUX crln-9215 10 7 respond respond VERB crln-9215 10 8 to to ADP crln-9215 10 9 the the DET crln-9215 10 10 content content NOUN crln-9215 10 11 because because SCONJ crln-9215 10 12 they they PRON crln-9215 10 13 could could AUX crln-9215 10 14 see see VERB crln-9215 10 15 its its PRON crln-9215 10 16 relevancy relevancy NOUN crln-9215 10 17 , , PUNCT crln-9215 11 1 a a DET crln-9215 11 2 n n NOUN crln-9215 11 3 d d NOUN crln-9215 11 4 h h NOUN crln-9215 11 5 o o X crln-9215 11 6 w w ADP crln-9215 12 1 i i PROPN crln-9215 13 1 t t PROPN crln-9215 13 2 m m VERB crln-9215 14 1 i i PRON crln-9215 14 2 g g NOUN crln-9215 15 1 h h PROPN crln-9215 15 2 t t NOUN crln-9215 15 3 l l NOUN crln-9215 16 1 o o NOUN crln-9215 16 2 o o X crln-9215 16 3 k k X crln-9215 16 4 out out ADV crln-9215 16 5 in in ADP crln-9215 16 6 the the DET crln-9215 16 7 real real ADJ crln-9215 16 8 world world NOUN crln-9215 16 9 . . PUNCT crln-9215 17 1 because because SCONJ crln-9215 17 2 we we PRON crln-9215 17 3 were be AUX crln-9215 17 4 not not PART crln-9215 17 5 working work VERB crln-9215 17 6 within within ADP crln-9215 17 7 a a DET crln-9215 17 8 “ " PUNCT crln-9215 17 9 traditional traditional ADJ crln-9215 17 10 ” " PUNCT crln-9215 17 11 discipline discipline NOUN crln-9215 17 12 , , PUNCT crln-9215 17 13 we we PRON crln-9215 17 14 also also ADV crln-9215 17 15 knew know VERB crln-9215 17 16 we we PRON crln-9215 17 17 would would AUX crln-9215 17 18 have have VERB crln-9215 17 19 to to PART crln-9215 17 20 create create VERB crln-9215 17 21 somet somet NOUN crln-9215 18 1 h h NOUN crln-9215 19 1 i i PRON crln-9215 19 2 n n X crln-9215 19 3 g g PROPN crln-9215 19 4 t t PROPN crln-9215 19 5 h h NOUN crln-9215 19 6 a a DET crln-9215 19 7 t t NOUN crln-9215 19 8 would would AUX crln-9215 19 9 capture capture VERB crln-9215 19 10 student student NOUN crln-9215 19 11 attention attention NOUN crln-9215 19 12 by by ADP crln-9215 19 13 being be AUX crln-9215 19 14 entertaining entertaining ADJ crln-9215 19 15 . . PUNCT crln-9215 20 1 this this DET crln-9215 20 2 criteria criterion NOUN crln-9215 20 3 brought bring VERB crln-9215 20 4 into into ADP crln-9215 20 5 relief relief NOUN crln-9215 20 6 that that SCONJ crln-9215 20 7 the the DET crln-9215 20 8 traditional traditional ADJ crln-9215 20 9 library library NOUN crln-9215 20 10 video video NOUN crln-9215 20 11 tutorial tutorial NOUN crln-9215 20 12 would would AUX crln-9215 20 13 not not PART crln-9215 20 14 be be AUX crln-9215 20 15 enough enough ADJ crln-9215 20 16 . . PUNCT crln-9215 21 1 the the DET crln-9215 21 2 solution solution NOUN crln-9215 21 3 it it PRON crln-9215 21 4 was be AUX crln-9215 21 5 decided decide VERB crln-9215 21 6 that that SCONJ crln-9215 21 7 a a DET crln-9215 21 8 video video NOUN crln-9215 21 9 game game NOUN crln-9215 21 10 might might AUX crln-9215 21 11 be be AUX crln-9215 21 12 the the DET crln-9215 21 13 best good ADJ crln-9215 21 14 option option NOUN crln-9215 21 15 . . PUNCT crln-9215 22 1 through through ADP crln-9215 22 2 playing play VERB crln-9215 22 3 a a DET crln-9215 22 4 game game NOUN crln-9215 22 5 dean dean PROPN crln-9215 22 6 sullivan sullivan PROPN crln-9215 22 7 and and CCONJ crln-9215 22 8 jessica jessica PROPN crln-9215 22 9 critten critten VERB crln-9215 22 10 adventures adventure NOUN crln-9215 22 11 in in ADP crln-9215 22 12 research research NOUN crln-9215 22 13 creating create VERB crln-9215 22 14 a a DET crln-9215 22 15 video video NOUN crln-9215 22 16 game game NOUN crln-9215 22 17 textbook textbook NOUN crln-9215 22 18 for for ADP crln-9215 22 19 an an DET crln-9215 22 20 information information NOUN crln-9215 22 21 literacy literacy NOUN crln-9215 22 22 course course NOUN crln-9215 22 23 dean dean PROPN crln-9215 22 24 sullivan sullivan PROPN crln-9215 22 25 is be AUX crln-9215 22 26 instruction instruction NOUN crln-9215 22 27 librarian librarian NOUN crln-9215 22 28 , , PUNCT crln-9215 22 29 email email NOUN crln-9215 22 30 : : PUNCT crln-9215 22 31 dsulliva@ dsulliva@ X crln-9215 22 32 NOUN crln-9215 22 33 , , PUNCT crln-9215 22 34 and and CCONJ crln-9215 22 35 jessica jessica PROPN crln-9215 22 36 critten critten VERB crln-9215 22 37 is be AUX crln-9215 22 38 first first ADJ crln-9215 22 39 year year NOUN crln-9215 22 40 programs program NOUN crln-9215 22 41 librarian librarian PROPN crln-9215 22 42 , , PUNCT crln-9215 22 43 at at ADP crln-9215 22 44 the the DET crln-9215 22 45 university university PROPN crln-9215 22 46 of of ADP crln-9215 22 47 west west PROPN crln-9215 22 48 georgia georgia PROPN crln-9215 22 49 , , PUNCT crln-9215 22 50 email email NOUN crln-9215 22 51 : : PUNCT crln-9215 22 52 PROPN crln-9215 23 1 © © PROPN crln-9215 23 2 2014 2014 NUM crln-9215 23 3 dean dean PROPN crln-9215 23 4 sullivan sullivan PROPN crln-9215 23 5 and and CCONJ crln-9215 23 6 jessica jessica PROPN crln-9215 23 7 critten critten VERB crln-9215 23 8 acrl acrl ADV crln-9215 23 9 techconnect techconnect VERB crln-9215 23 10 title title NOUN crln-9215 23 11 screen screen NOUN crln-9215 23 12 from from ADP crln-9215 23 13 adventures adventure NOUN crln-9215 23 14 in in ADP crln-9215 23 15 research research NOUN crln-9215 23 16 , , PUNCT crln-9215 23 17 NOUN crln-9215 23 18 . . PUNCT crln-9215 24 1 artwork artwork NOUN crln-9215 24 2 by by ADP crln-9215 24 3 heidi heidi PROPN crln-9215 24 4 black black PROPN crln-9215 24 5 . . PUNCT crln-9215 25 1 view view VERB crln-9215 25 2 this this DET crln-9215 25 3 article article NOUN crln-9215 25 4 online online ADV crln-9215 25 5 for for ADP crln-9215 25 6 more more ADV crln-9215 25 7 detailed detailed ADJ crln-9215 25 8 images image NOUN crln-9215 25 9 . . PUNCT crln-9215 26 1 november november PROPN crln-9215 26 2 2014 2014 NUM crln-9215 26 3 571 571 NUM crln-9215 26 4 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-9215 26 5 news news NOUN crln-9215 26 6 that that PRON crln-9215 26 7 would would AUX crln-9215 26 8 walk walk VERB crln-9215 26 9 them they PRON crln-9215 26 10 through through ADP crln-9215 26 11 the the DET crln-9215 26 12 whole whole ADJ crln-9215 26 13 research research NOUN crln-9215 26 14 process process NOUN crln-9215 26 15 , , PUNCT crln-9215 26 16 students student NOUN crln-9215 26 17 had have VERB crln-9215 26 18 an an DET crln-9215 26 19 example example NOUN crln-9215 26 20 of of ADP crln-9215 26 21 what what PRON crln-9215 26 22 a a DET crln-9215 26 23 successful successful ADJ crln-9215 26 24 research research NOUN crln-9215 26 25 project project NOUN crln-9215 26 26 might might AUX crln-9215 26 27 look look VERB crln-9215 26 28 like like ADP crln-9215 26 29 and and CCONJ crln-9215 26 30 insight insight VERB crln-9215 26 31 into into ADP crln-9215 26 32 the the DET crln-9215 26 33 thought thought NOUN crln-9215 26 34 that that PRON crln-9215 26 35 went go VERB crln-9215 26 36 into into ADP crln-9215 26 37 each each DET crln-9215 26 38 iterative iterative ADJ crln-9215 26 39 step step NOUN crln-9215 26 40 . . PUNCT crln-9215 27 1 our our PRON crln-9215 27 2 hope hope NOUN crln-9215 27 3 was be AUX crln-9215 27 4 that that SCONJ crln-9215 27 5 students student NOUN crln-9215 27 6 would would AUX crln-9215 27 7 stick stick VERB crln-9215 27 8 with with ADP crln-9215 27 9 the the DET crln-9215 27 10 game game NOUN crln-9215 27 11 because because SCONJ crln-9215 27 12 they they PRON crln-9215 27 13 wanted want VERB crln-9215 27 14 to to PART crln-9215 27 15 see see VERB crln-9215 27 16 how how SCONJ crln-9215 27 17 the the DET crln-9215 27 18 game game NOUN crln-9215 27 19 ( ( PUNCT crln-9215 27 20 which which PRON crln-9215 27 21 was be AUX crln-9215 27 22 constructed construct VERB crln-9215 27 23 as as ADP crln-9215 27 24 a a DET crln-9215 27 25 narrative narrative NOUN crln-9215 27 26 ) ) PUNCT crln-9215 27 27 would would AUX crln-9215 27 28 resolve resolve VERB crln-9215 27 29 itself itself PRON crln-9215 27 30 . . PUNCT crln-9215 28 1 students student NOUN crln-9215 28 2 would would AUX crln-9215 28 3 also also ADV crln-9215 28 4 be be AUX crln-9215 28 5 entertained entertain VERB crln-9215 28 6 with with ADP crln-9215 28 7 unique unique ADJ crln-9215 28 8 and and CCONJ crln-9215 28 9 complex complex ADJ crln-9215 28 10 characters character NOUN crln-9215 28 11 , , PUNCT crln-9215 28 12 road road NOUN crln-9215 28 13 bumps bump NOUN crln-9215 28 14 , , PUNCT crln-9215 28 15 achievements achievement NOUN crln-9215 28 16 , , PUNCT crln-9215 28 17 and and CCONJ crln-9215 28 18 the the DET crln-9215 28 19 agency agency NOUN crln-9215 28 20 to to PART crln-9215 28 21 make make VERB crln-9215 28 22 decisions decision NOUN crln-9215 28 23 in in ADP crln-9215 28 24 the the DET crln-9215 28 25 game game NOUN crln-9215 28 26 that that PRON crln-9215 28 27 affected affect VERB crln-9215 28 28 how how SCONJ crln-9215 28 29 ( ( PUNCT crln-9215 28 30 and and CCONJ crln-9215 28 31 if if SCONJ crln-9215 28 32 ) ) PUNCT crln-9215 28 33 they they PRON crln-9215 28 34 could could AUX crln-9215 28 35 proceed proceed VERB crln-9215 28 36 . . PUNCT crln-9215 29 1 designing design VERB crln-9215 29 2 the the DET crln-9215 29 3 game game NOUN crln-9215 29 4 we we PRON crln-9215 30 1 q q VERB crln-9215 30 2 u u NOUN crln-9215 31 1 i i PRON crln-9215 31 2 c c VERB crln-9215 31 3 k k PROPN crln-9215 31 4 l l PROPN crln-9215 31 5 y y PROPN crln-9215 31 6 found find VERB crln-9215 31 7 that that SCONJ crln-9215 31 8 creating create VERB crln-9215 31 9 a a DET crln-9215 31 10 video video NOUN crln-9215 31 11 game game NOUN crln-9215 31 12 required require VERB crln-9215 31 13 a a DET crln-9215 31 14 sound sound ADJ crln-9215 31 15 plan plan NOUN crln-9215 31 16 with with ADP crln-9215 31 17 a a DET crln-9215 31 18 realistic realistic ADJ crln-9215 31 19 timeline timeline NOUN crln-9215 31 20 . . PUNCT crln-9215 32 1 it it PRON crln-9215 32 2 took take VERB crln-9215 32 3 us we PRON crln-9215 32 4 about about ADV crln-9215 32 5 nine nine NUM crln-9215 32 6 months month NOUN crln-9215 32 7 to to PART crln-9215 32 8 create create VERB crln-9215 32 9 what what PRON crln-9215 32 10 would would AUX crln-9215 32 11 become become VERB crln-9215 32 12 our our PRON crln-9215 32 13 information information NOUN crln-9215 33 1 l l NOUN crln-9215 33 2 i i PROPN crln-9215 33 3 t t PROPN crln-9215 33 4 eracy eracy NOUN crln-9215 33 5 game game NOUN crln-9215 33 6 , , PUNCT crln-9215 33 7 advent advent PROPN crln-9215 33 8 u u PROPN crln-9215 33 9 r r NOUN crln-9215 33 10 e e PROPN crln-9215 33 11 s s X crln-9215 33 12 i i PRON crln-9215 33 13 n n NOUN crln-9215 33 14 r r NOUN crln-9215 33 15 e e NOUN crln-9215 33 16 search search NOUN crln-9215 33 17 . . PUNCT crln-9215 34 1 we we PRON crln-9215 34 2 settled settle VERB crln-9215 34 3 on on ADP crln-9215 34 4 a a DET crln-9215 34 5 “ " PUNCT crln-9215 34 6 choose choose VERB crln-9215 34 7 - - PUNCT crln-9215 34 8 your your PRON crln-9215 34 9 - - PUNCT crln-9215 34 10 own own ADJ crln-9215 34 11 adventure”-style adventure”-style NOUN crln-9215 34 12 game game NOUN crln-9215 34 13 , , PUNCT crln-9215 34 14 which which PRON crln-9215 34 15 is be AUX crln-9215 34 16 designed design VERB crln-9215 34 17 to to PART crln-9215 34 18 allow allow VERB crln-9215 34 19 the the DET crln-9215 34 20 player player NOUN crln-9215 34 21 to to PART crln-9215 34 22 make make VERB crln-9215 34 23 choices choice NOUN crln-9215 34 24 that that PRON crln-9215 34 25 affect affect VERB crln-9215 34 26 the the DET crln-9215 34 27 storyline storyline NOUN crln-9215 34 28 and and CCONJ crln-9215 34 29 progression progression NOUN crln-9215 34 30 of of ADP crln-9215 34 31 the the DET crln-9215 34 32 game game NOUN crln-9215 34 33 . . PUNCT crln-9215 35 1 we we PRON crln-9215 35 2 thought think VERB crln-9215 35 3 this this DET crln-9215 35 4 format format NOUN crln-9215 35 5 would would AUX crln-9215 35 6 provide provide VERB crln-9215 35 7 a a DET crln-9215 35 8 reasonable reasonable ADJ crln-9215 35 9 level level NOUN crln-9215 35 10 of of ADP crln-9215 35 11 interactivity interactivity NOUN crln-9215 35 12 and and CCONJ crln-9215 35 13 integration integration NOUN crln-9215 35 14 with with ADP crln-9215 35 15 concepts concept NOUN crln-9215 35 16 from from ADP crln-9215 35 17 the the DET crln-9215 35 18 course course NOUN crln-9215 35 19 . . PUNCT crln-9215 36 1 we we PRON crln-9215 36 2 then then ADV crln-9215 36 3 had have VERB crln-9215 36 4 a a DET crln-9215 36 5 few few ADJ crln-9215 36 6 meetings meeting NOUN crln-9215 36 7 during during ADP crln-9215 36 8 which which PRON crln-9215 36 9 we we PRON crln-9215 36 10 created create VERB crln-9215 36 11 a a DET crln-9215 36 12 storyline storyline NOUN crln-9215 36 13 , , PUNCT crln-9215 36 14 a a DET crln-9215 36 15 cast cast NOUN crln-9215 36 16 of of ADP crln-9215 36 17 characters character NOUN crln-9215 36 18 , , PUNCT crln-9215 36 19 and and CCONJ crln-9215 36 20 matched match VERB crln-9215 36 21 course course NOUN crln-9215 36 22 content content NOUN crln-9215 36 23 to to ADP crln-9215 36 24 key key ADJ crln-9215 36 25 points point NOUN crln-9215 36 26 in in ADP crln-9215 36 27 the the DET crln-9215 36 28 story story NOUN crln-9215 36 29 . . PUNCT crln-9215 37 1 we we PRON crln-9215 37 2 designed design VERB crln-9215 37 3 the the DET crln-9215 37 4 game game NOUN crln-9215 37 5 around around ADP crln-9215 37 6 six six NUM crln-9215 37 7 acts act NOUN crln-9215 37 8 : : PUNCT crln-9215 37 9 act act VERB crln-9215 37 10 1 1 NUM crln-9215 37 11 : : PUNCT crln-9215 37 12 developing develop VERB crln-9215 37 13 a a DET crln-9215 37 14 topic topic NOUN crln-9215 37 15 act act NOUN crln-9215 37 16 2 2 NUM crln-9215 37 17 : : PUNCT crln-9215 37 18 evaluation evaluation NOUN crln-9215 37 19 and and CCONJ crln-9215 37 20 types type NOUN crln-9215 37 21 of of ADP crln-9215 37 22 information information NOUN crln-9215 37 23 sources source NOUN crln-9215 37 24 act act VERB crln-9215 37 25 3 3 NUM crln-9215 37 26 : : PUNCT crln-9215 37 27 searching search VERB crln-9215 37 28 for for ADP crln-9215 37 29 resources resource NOUN crln-9215 37 30 act act NOUN crln-9215 37 31 4 4 NUM crln-9215 37 32 : : PUNCT crln-9215 37 33 plagiarism plagiarism NOUN crln-9215 37 34 and and CCONJ crln-9215 37 35 academic academic ADJ crln-9215 37 36 honesty honesty NOUN crln-9215 37 37 act act NOUN crln-9215 37 38 5 5 NUM crln-9215 37 39 : : PUNCT crln-9215 37 40 using use VERB crln-9215 37 41 information information NOUN crln-9215 37 42 act act NOUN crln-9215 37 43 6 6 NUM crln-9215 37 44 : : PUNCT crln-9215 37 45 presenting present VERB crln-9215 37 46 information information NOUN crln-9215 37 47 with with ADP crln-9215 37 48 this this DET crln-9215 37 49 structure structure NOUN crln-9215 37 50 in in ADP crln-9215 37 51 mind mind NOUN crln-9215 37 52 , , PUNCT crln-9215 37 53 we we PRON crln-9215 37 54 then then ADV crln-9215 37 55 developed develop VERB crln-9215 37 56 a a DET crln-9215 37 57 detailed detailed ADJ crln-9215 37 58 breakdown breakdown NOUN crln-9215 37 59 of of ADP crln-9215 37 60 how how SCONJ crln-9215 37 61 the the DET crln-9215 37 62 story story NOUN crln-9215 37 63 would would AUX crln-9215 37 64 progress progress VERB crln-9215 37 65 , , PUNCT crln-9215 37 66 and and CCONJ crln-9215 37 67 where where SCONJ crln-9215 37 68 the the DET crln-9215 37 69 player player NOUN crln-9215 37 70 might might AUX crln-9215 37 71 make make VERB crln-9215 37 72 decisions decision NOUN crln-9215 37 73 . . PUNCT crln-9215 38 1 we we PRON crln-9215 38 2 felt feel VERB crln-9215 38 3 that that SCONJ crln-9215 38 4 , , PUNCT crln-9215 38 5 because because SCONJ crln-9215 38 6 the the DET crln-9215 38 7 game game NOUN crln-9215 38 8 is be AUX crln-9215 38 9 a a DET crln-9215 38 10 required require VERB crln-9215 38 11 component component NOUN crln-9215 38 12 of of ADP crln-9215 38 13 a a DET crln-9215 38 14 course course NOUN crln-9215 38 15 , , PUNCT crln-9215 38 16 it it PRON crln-9215 38 17 would would AUX crln-9215 38 18 perhaps perhaps ADV crln-9215 38 19 be be AUX crln-9215 38 20 too too ADV crln-9215 38 21 frustrating frustrating ADJ crln-9215 38 22 if if SCONJ crln-9215 38 23 students student NOUN crln-9215 38 24 could could AUX crln-9215 38 25 make make VERB crln-9215 38 26 choices choice NOUN crln-9215 38 27 that that PRON crln-9215 38 28 resulted result VERB crln-9215 38 29 in in ADP crln-9215 38 30 game game NOUN crln-9215 38 31 overs over NOUN crln-9215 38 32 . . PUNCT crln-9215 39 1 ( ( PUNCT crln-9215 39 2 how how SCONJ crln-9215 39 3 many many ADJ crln-9215 39 4 times time NOUN crln-9215 39 5 would would AUX crln-9215 39 6 you you PRON crln-9215 39 7 want want VERB crln-9215 39 8 to to PART crln-9215 39 9 restart restart VERB crln-9215 39 10 a a DET crln-9215 39 11 game game NOUN crln-9215 39 12 if if SCONJ crln-9215 39 13 you you PRON crln-9215 39 14 had have VERB crln-9215 39 15 to to PART crln-9215 39 16 play play VERB crln-9215 39 17 it it PRON crln-9215 39 18 ? ? PUNCT crln-9215 39 19 ) ) PUNCT crln-9215 40 1 however however ADV crln-9215 40 2 , , PUNCT crln-9215 40 3 we we PRON crln-9215 40 4 did do AUX crln-9215 40 5 find find VERB crln-9215 40 6 a a DET crln-9215 40 7 way way NOUN crln-9215 40 8 to to PART crln-9215 40 9 integrate integrate VERB crln-9215 40 10 “ " PUNCT crln-9215 40 11 bad bad ADJ crln-9215 40 12 endings ending NOUN crln-9215 40 13 ” " PUNCT crln-9215 40 14 into into ADP crln-9215 40 15 the the DET crln-9215 40 16 gameplay gameplay NOUN crln-9215 40 17 in in ADP crln-9215 40 18 a a DET crln-9215 40 19 way way NOUN crln-9215 40 20 that that PRON crln-9215 40 21 would would AUX crln-9215 40 22 n’t not PART crln-9215 40 23 be be AUX crln-9215 40 24 an an DET crln-9215 40 25 insurmountable insurmountable ADJ crln-9215 40 26 roadblock roadblock NOUN crln-9215 40 27 to to ADP crln-9215 40 28 players player NOUN crln-9215 40 29 : : PUNCT crln-9215 40 30 after after ADP crln-9215 40 31 the the DET crln-9215 40 32 “ " PUNCT crln-9215 40 33 bad bad ADJ crln-9215 40 34 ending ending NOUN crln-9215 40 35 ” " PUNCT crln-9215 40 36 screen screen NOUN crln-9215 40 37 , , PUNCT crln-9215 40 38 the the DET crln-9215 40 39 game game NOUN crln-9215 40 40 just just ADV crln-9215 40 41 picks pick VERB crln-9215 40 42 up up ADP crln-9215 40 43 again again ADV crln-9215 40 44 from from ADP crln-9215 40 45 the the DET crln-9215 40 46 last last ADJ crln-9215 40 47 choice choice NOUN crln-9215 40 48 . . PUNCT crln-9215 41 1 once once SCONJ crln-9215 41 2 we we PRON crln-9215 41 3 completed complete VERB crln-9215 41 4 the the DET crln-9215 41 5 scene scene NOUN crln-9215 41 6 breakdown breakdown NOUN crln-9215 41 7 within within ADP crln-9215 41 8 the the DET crln-9215 41 9 acts act NOUN crln-9215 41 10 , , PUNCT crln-9215 41 11 we we PRON crln-9215 41 12 knew know VERB crln-9215 41 13 what what PRON crln-9215 41 14 c c AUX crln-9215 41 15 h h VERB crln-9215 41 16 a a DET crln-9215 41 17 r r NOUN crln-9215 41 18 a a DET crln-9215 41 19 c c NOUN crln-9215 41 20 t t NOUN crln-9215 41 21 e e X crln-9215 41 22 r r NOUN crln-9215 41 23 s s X crln-9215 41 24 a a DET crln-9215 41 25 n n NOUN crln-9215 41 26 d d NOUN crln-9215 41 27 b b PROPN crln-9215 41 28 a a X crln-9215 41 29 c c PROPN crln-9215 41 30 k k PROPN crln-9215 41 31 ground ground NOUN crln-9215 41 32 art art NOUN crln-9215 42 1 w w PROPN crln-9215 42 2 e e PROPN crln-9215 42 3 w w PROPN crln-9215 42 4 o o PROPN crln-9215 42 5 u u PROPN crln-9215 42 6 l l X crln-9215 42 7 d d PROPN crln-9215 42 8 need need NOUN crln-9215 42 9 . . PUNCT crln-9215 43 1 with with SCONJ crln-9215 43 2 this this PRON crln-9215 43 3 decided decide VERB crln-9215 43 4 , , PUNCT crln-9215 43 5 w w PROPN crln-9215 43 6 e e NOUN crln-9215 43 7 c c X crln-9215 43 8 o o PROPN crln-9215 44 1 u u PROPN crln-9215 44 2 l l X crln-9215 44 3 d d PROPN crln-9215 44 4 s s NOUN crln-9215 44 5 t t NOUN crln-9215 44 6 a a DET crln-9215 44 7 r r NOUN crln-9215 44 8 t t NOUN crln-9215 44 9 t t NOUN crln-9215 44 10 h h NOUN crln-9215 44 11 e e NOUN crln-9215 44 12 process process NOUN crln-9215 44 13 of of ADP crln-9215 44 14 looking look VERB crln-9215 44 15 for for ADP crln-9215 44 16 an an DET crln-9215 44 17 artist artist NOUN crln-9215 44 18 . . PUNCT crln-9215 45 1 f f PROPN crln-9215 46 1 i i PROPN crln-9215 46 2 n n PROPN crln-9215 46 3 d d PROPN crln-9215 46 4 ing e VERB crln-9215 46 5 an an DET crln-9215 46 6 artist artist NOUN crln-9215 46 7 turned turn VERB crln-9215 46 8 out out ADP crln-9215 46 9 to to PART crln-9215 46 10 be be AUX crln-9215 46 11 the the DET crln-9215 46 12 most most ADV crln-9215 46 13 difficult difficult ADJ crln-9215 46 14 part part NOUN crln-9215 46 15 of of ADP crln-9215 46 16 the the DET crln-9215 46 17 game game NOUN crln-9215 46 18 development development NOUN crln-9215 46 19 process process NOUN crln-9215 46 20 . . PUNCT crln-9215 47 1 we we PRON crln-9215 47 2 had have VERB crln-9215 47 3 a a DET crln-9215 47 4 clear clear ADJ crln-9215 47 5 vision vision NOUN crln-9215 47 6 of of ADP crln-9215 47 7 how how SCONJ crln-9215 47 8 we we PRON crln-9215 47 9 wanted want VERB crln-9215 47 10 the the DET crln-9215 47 11 game game NOUN crln-9215 47 12 to to PART crln-9215 47 13 look look VERB crln-9215 47 14 , , PUNCT crln-9215 47 15 and and CCONJ crln-9215 47 16 finding find VERB crln-9215 47 17 someone someone PRON crln-9215 47 18 with with ADP crln-9215 47 19 a a DET crln-9215 47 20 similar similar ADJ crln-9215 47 21 style style NOUN crln-9215 47 22 who who PRON crln-9215 47 23 could could AUX crln-9215 47 24 work work VERB crln-9215 47 25 within within ADP crln-9215 47 26 our our PRON crln-9215 47 27 budget budget NOUN crln-9215 47 28 was be AUX crln-9215 47 29 surprisingly surprisingly ADV crln-9215 47 30 exhaustive exhaustive ADJ crln-9215 47 31 . . PUNCT crln-9215 48 1 we we PRON crln-9215 48 2 met meet VERB crln-9215 48 3 with with ADP crln-9215 48 4 representatives representative NOUN crln-9215 48 5 from from ADP crln-9215 48 6 our our PRON crln-9215 48 7 university university NOUN crln-9215 48 8 ’s ’s PART crln-9215 48 9 finance finance NOUN crln-9215 48 10 division division NOUN crln-9215 48 11 to to PART crln-9215 48 12 learn learn VERB crln-9215 48 13 about about ADP crln-9215 48 14 what what PRON crln-9215 48 15 was be AUX crln-9215 48 16 involved involve VERB crln-9215 48 17 with with ADP crln-9215 48 18 hiring hire VERB crln-9215 48 19 and and CCONJ crln-9215 48 20 paying pay VERB crln-9215 48 21 a a DET crln-9215 48 22 freelance freelance NOUN crln-9215 48 23 artist artist NOUN crln-9215 48 24 . . PUNCT crln-9215 49 1 we we PRON crln-9215 49 2 then then ADV crln-9215 49 3 wrote write VERB crln-9215 49 4 an an DET crln-9215 49 5 advertisement advertisement NOUN crln-9215 49 6 that that PRON crln-9215 49 7 we we PRON crln-9215 49 8 posted post VERB crln-9215 49 9 to to ADP crln-9215 49 10 art art NOUN crln-9215 49 11 school school NOUN crln-9215 49 12 job job NOUN crln-9215 49 13 boards board NOUN crln-9215 49 14 and and CCONJ crln-9215 49 15 craigslist craigslist NOUN crln-9215 49 16 , , PUNCT crln-9215 49 17 and and CCONJ crln-9215 49 18 waited wait VERB crln-9215 49 19 for for SCONJ crln-9215 49 20 the the DET crln-9215 49 21 artist artist NOUN crln-9215 49 22 portfolios portfolio NOUN crln-9215 49 23 to to PART crln-9215 49 24 arrive arrive VERB crln-9215 49 25 in in ADP crln-9215 49 26 our our PRON crln-9215 49 27 inboxes inboxe NOUN crln-9215 49 28 . . PUNCT crln-9215 50 1 once once ADV crln-9215 50 2 the the DET crln-9215 50 3 artist artist NOUN crln-9215 50 4 was be AUX crln-9215 50 5 on on ADP crln-9215 50 6 board board NOUN crln-9215 50 7 , , PUNCT crln-9215 50 8 we we PRON crln-9215 50 9 instituted institute VERB crln-9215 50 10 a a DET crln-9215 50 11 process process NOUN crln-9215 50 12 and and CCONJ crln-9215 50 13 a a DET crln-9215 50 14 timeline timeline NOUN crln-9215 50 15 to to PART crln-9215 50 16 monitor monitor VERB crln-9215 50 17 how how SCONJ crln-9215 50 18 and and CCONJ crln-9215 50 19 when when SCONJ crln-9215 50 20 the the DET crln-9215 50 21 artwork artwork NOUN crln-9215 50 22 would would AUX crln-9215 50 23 be be AUX crln-9215 50 24 produced produce VERB crln-9215 50 25 . . PUNCT crln-9215 51 1 we we PRON crln-9215 51 2 provided provide VERB crln-9215 51 3 photos photo NOUN crln-9215 51 4 of of ADP crln-9215 51 5 real real ADJ crln-9215 51 6 university university NOUN crln-9215 51 7 locations location NOUN crln-9215 51 8 , , PUNCT crln-9215 51 9 written write VERB crln-9215 51 10 descriptions description NOUN crln-9215 51 11 for for ADP crln-9215 51 12 locations location NOUN crln-9215 51 13 , , PUNCT crln-9215 51 14 and and CCONJ crln-9215 51 15 detailed detailed ADJ crln-9215 51 16 character character NOUN crln-9215 51 17 descriptions description NOUN crln-9215 51 18 to to ADP crln-9215 51 19 the the DET crln-9215 51 20 artist artist NOUN crln-9215 51 21 to to PART crln-9215 51 22 use use VERB crln-9215 51 23 as as ADP crln-9215 51 24 references reference NOUN crln-9215 51 25 . . PUNCT crln-9215 52 1 from from ADP crln-9215 52 2 this this DET crln-9215 52 3 material material NOUN crln-9215 52 4 , , PUNCT crln-9215 52 5 the the DET crln-9215 52 6 artadventures artadventure NOUN crln-9215 52 7 in in ADP crln-9215 52 8 research research NOUN crln-9215 52 9 classroom classroom NOUN crln-9215 52 10 scene scene NOUN crln-9215 52 11 , , PUNCT crln-9215 52 12 PROPN crln-9215 52 13 . . PUNCT crln-9215 53 1 artwork artwork NOUN crln-9215 53 2 by by ADP crln-9215 53 3 heidi heidi PROPN crln-9215 53 4 black black PROPN crln-9215 53 5 . . PUNCT crln-9215 54 1 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-9215 54 2 news news PROPN crln-9215 54 3 november november PROPN crln-9215 54 4 2014 2014 NUM crln-9215 54 5 572 572 NUM crln-9215 54 6 ist ist NOUN crln-9215 54 7 provided provide VERB crln-9215 54 8 sketches sketch NOUN crln-9215 54 9 that that PRON crln-9215 54 10 we we PRON crln-9215 54 11 could could AUX crln-9215 54 12 provide provide VERB crln-9215 54 13 feedback feedback NOUN crln-9215 54 14 on on ADP crln-9215 54 15 . . PUNCT crln-9215 55 1 once once SCONJ crln-9215 55 2 we we PRON crln-9215 55 3 approved approve VERB crln-9215 55 4 sketches sketch NOUN crln-9215 55 5 and and CCONJ crln-9215 55 6 color color NOUN crln-9215 55 7 tests test NOUN crln-9215 55 8 ( ( PUNCT crln-9215 55 9 the the DET crln-9215 55 10 sketch sketch NOUN crln-9215 55 11 with with ADP crln-9215 55 12 colors color NOUN crln-9215 55 13 added add VERB crln-9215 55 14 ) ) PUNCT crln-9215 55 15 , , PUNCT crln-9215 55 16 the the DET crln-9215 55 17 artist artist NOUN crln-9215 55 18 provided provide VERB crln-9215 55 19 final final ADJ crln-9215 55 20 artwork artwork NOUN crln-9215 55 21 . . PUNCT crln-9215 56 1 we we PRON crln-9215 56 2 made make VERB crln-9215 56 3 sure sure ADJ crln-9215 56 4 to to PART crln-9215 56 5 approve approve VERB crln-9215 56 6 early early ADJ crln-9215 56 7 artwork artwork NOUN crln-9215 56 8 so so SCONJ crln-9215 56 9 that that SCONJ crln-9215 56 10 we we PRON crln-9215 56 11 were be AUX crln-9215 56 12 able able ADJ crln-9215 56 13 to to PART crln-9215 56 14 adjust adjust VERB crln-9215 56 15 final final ADJ crln-9215 56 16 artwork artwork NOUN crln-9215 56 17 that that PRON crln-9215 56 18 did do AUX crln-9215 56 19 not not PART crln-9215 56 20 meet meet VERB crln-9215 56 21 our our PRON crln-9215 56 22 expectations expectation NOUN crln-9215 56 23 or or CCONJ crln-9215 56 24 requirements requirement NOUN crln-9215 56 25 . . PUNCT crln-9215 57 1 we we PRON crln-9215 57 2 also also ADV crln-9215 57 3 required require VERB crln-9215 57 4 all all DET crln-9215 57 5 character character NOUN crln-9215 57 6 artwork artwork NOUN crln-9215 57 7 to to PART crln-9215 57 8 be be AUX crln-9215 57 9 certain certain ADJ crln-9215 57 10 pixel pixel ADJ crln-9215 57 11 dimensions dimension NOUN crln-9215 57 12 and and CCONJ crln-9215 57 13 be be AUX crln-9215 57 14 on on ADP crln-9215 57 15 a a DET crln-9215 57 16 transparent transparent ADJ crln-9215 57 17 background background NOUN crln-9215 57 18 , , PUNCT crln-9215 57 19 and and CCONJ crln-9215 57 20 backgrounds background NOUN crln-9215 57 21 also also ADV crln-9215 57 22 had have VERB crln-9215 57 23 pixel pixel VERB crln-9215 57 24 dimension dimension NOUN crln-9215 57 25 requirements requirement NOUN crln-9215 57 26 . . PUNCT crln-9215 58 1 all all DET crln-9215 58 2 artwork artwork NOUN crln-9215 58 3 was be AUX crln-9215 58 4 submitted submit VERB crln-9215 58 5 in in ADP crln-9215 58 6 png png NOUN crln-9215 58 7 format format NOUN crln-9215 58 8 . . PUNCT crln-9215 59 1 the the DET crln-9215 59 2 entire entire ADJ crln-9215 59 3 process process NOUN crln-9215 59 4 from from ADP crln-9215 59 5 hiring hire VERB crln-9215 59 6 the the DET crln-9215 59 7 artist artist NOUN crln-9215 59 8 to to ADP crln-9215 59 9 submitting submit VERB crln-9215 59 10 the the DET crln-9215 59 11 final final ADJ crln-9215 59 12 artwork artwork NOUN crln-9215 59 13 took take VERB crln-9215 59 14 about about ADV crln-9215 59 15 three three NUM crln-9215 59 16 months month NOUN crln-9215 59 17 . . PUNCT crln-9215 60 1 the the DET crln-9215 60 2 technical technical ADJ crln-9215 60 3 requirements requirement NOUN crln-9215 60 4 for for ADP crln-9215 60 5 our our PRON crln-9215 60 6 artwork artwork NOUN crln-9215 60 7 were be AUX crln-9215 60 8 l l PROPN crln-9215 60 9 a a DET crln-9215 60 10 r r NOUN crln-9215 60 11 g g NOUN crln-9215 61 1 e e PROPN crln-9215 61 2 l l PROPN crln-9215 61 3 y y PROPN crln-9215 61 4 d d PROPN crln-9215 61 5 e e NOUN crln-9215 61 6 termined termine VERB crln-9215 61 7 by by ADP crln-9215 61 8 t t NOUN crln-9215 61 9 h h NOUN crln-9215 61 10 e e NOUN crln-9215 61 11 o o NOUN crln-9215 61 12 v v X crln-9215 61 13 e e PROPN crln-9215 61 14 r r NOUN crln-9215 61 15 a a DET crln-9215 61 16 l l X crln-9215 61 17 l l NOUN crln-9215 61 18 technical technical ADJ crln-9215 61 19 requirements requirement NOUN crln-9215 61 20 of of ADP crln-9215 61 21 our our PRON crln-9215 61 22 software software NOUN crln-9215 61 23 development development NOUN crln-9215 61 24 kit kit PROPN crln-9215 61 25 ( ( PUNCT crln-9215 61 26 sdk sdk PROPN crln-9215 61 27 ) ) PUNCT crln-9215 61 28 . . PUNCT crln-9215 62 1 an an DET crln-9215 62 2 sdk sdk NOUN crln-9215 62 3 is be AUX crln-9215 62 4 a a DET crln-9215 62 5 tool tool NOUN crln-9215 62 6 ( ( PUNCT crln-9215 62 7 or or CCONJ crln-9215 62 8 collection collection NOUN crln-9215 62 9 of of ADP crln-9215 62 10 tools tool NOUN crln-9215 62 11 ) ) PUNCT crln-9215 62 12 that that PRON crln-9215 62 13 are be AUX crln-9215 62 14 used use VERB crln-9215 62 15 to to PART crln-9215 62 16 create create VERB crln-9215 62 17 the the DET crln-9215 62 18 software software NOUN crln-9215 62 19 programming programming NOUN crln-9215 62 20 for for ADP crln-9215 62 21 a a DET crln-9215 62 22 game game NOUN crln-9215 62 23 . . PUNCT crln-9215 63 1 one one NUM crln-9215 63 2 of of ADP crln-9215 63 3 the the DET crln-9215 63 4 two two NUM crln-9215 63 5 game game NOUN crln-9215 63 6 developers developer NOUN crln-9215 63 7 had have VERB crln-9215 63 8 some some DET crln-9215 63 9 programming programming NOUN crln-9215 63 10 experience experience NOUN crln-9215 63 11 , , PUNCT crln-9215 63 12 so so ADV crln-9215 63 13 he he PRON crln-9215 63 14 chose choose VERB crln-9215 63 15 the the DET crln-9215 63 16 sdk sdk NOUN crln-9215 63 17 appropriate appropriate ADJ crln-9215 63 18 for for ADP crln-9215 63 19 the the DET crln-9215 63 20 project project NOUN crln-9215 63 21 . . PUNCT crln-9215 64 1 we we PRON crln-9215 64 2 ended end VERB crln-9215 64 3 up up ADP crln-9215 64 4 using use VERB crln-9215 64 5 ren’py ren’py NOUN crln-9215 64 6 , , PUNCT crln-9215 64 7 which which PRON crln-9215 64 8 is be AUX crln-9215 64 9 a a DET crln-9215 64 10 readymade readymade ADJ crln-9215 64 11 scripting scripting NOUN crln-9215 64 12 engine engine NOUN crln-9215 64 13 ( ( PUNCT crln-9215 64 14 based base VERB crln-9215 64 15 on on ADP crln-9215 64 16 the the DET crln-9215 64 17 python python NOUN crln-9215 64 18 programming programming NOUN crln-9215 64 19 language language NOUN crln-9215 64 20 ) ) PUNCT crln-9215 64 21 for for ADP crln-9215 64 22 interactive interactive ADJ crln-9215 64 23 , , PUNCT crln-9215 64 24 storydriven storydriven NOUN crln-9215 64 25 games game NOUN crln-9215 64 26 . . PUNCT crln-9215 65 1 not not PART crln-9215 65 2 having have VERB crln-9215 65 3 to to PART crln-9215 65 4 create create VERB crln-9215 65 5 our our PRON crln-9215 65 6 own own ADJ crln-9215 65 7 game game NOUN crln-9215 65 8 engine engine NOUN crln-9215 65 9 from from ADP crln-9215 65 10 scratch scratch NOUN crln-9215 65 11 saved save VERB crln-9215 65 12 us we PRON crln-9215 65 13 at at ADV crln-9215 65 14 least least ADJ crln-9215 65 15 six six NUM crln-9215 65 16 months month NOUN crln-9215 65 17 of of ADP crln-9215 65 18 development development NOUN crln-9215 65 19 time time NOUN crln-9215 65 20 . . PUNCT crln-9215 66 1 another another DET crln-9215 66 2 good good ADJ crln-9215 66 3 aspect aspect NOUN crln-9215 66 4 of of ADP crln-9215 66 5 choosing choose VERB crln-9215 66 6 ren’py ren’py NOUN crln-9215 66 7 was be AUX crln-9215 66 8 that that SCONJ crln-9215 66 9 it it PRON crln-9215 66 10 is be AUX crln-9215 66 11 free free ADJ crln-9215 66 12 , , PUNCT crln-9215 66 13 so so SCONJ crln-9215 66 14 that that PRON crln-9215 66 15 meant meant AUX crln-9215 66 16 not not PART crln-9215 66 17 having have VERB crln-9215 66 18 to to PART crln-9215 66 19 devote devote VERB crln-9215 66 20 a a DET crln-9215 66 21 portion portion NOUN crln-9215 66 22 of of ADP crln-9215 66 23 our our PRON crln-9215 66 24 very very ADV crln-9215 66 25 small small ADJ crln-9215 66 26 budget budget NOUN crln-9215 66 27 to to ADP crln-9215 66 28 tools tool NOUN crln-9215 66 29 . . PUNCT crln-9215 67 1 a a DET crln-9215 67 2 lot lot NOUN crln-9215 67 3 of of ADP crln-9215 67 4 the the DET crln-9215 67 5 stock stock NOUN crln-9215 67 6 game game NOUN crln-9215 67 7 components component NOUN crln-9215 67 8 that that PRON crln-9215 67 9 ren’py ren’py ADV crln-9215 67 10 provided provide VERB crln-9215 67 11 needed need VERB crln-9215 67 12 adjusting adjusting NOUN crln-9215 67 13 , , PUNCT crln-9215 67 14 such such ADJ crln-9215 67 15 as as ADP crln-9215 67 16 saving save VERB crln-9215 67 17 and and CCONJ crln-9215 67 18 loading loading NOUN crln-9215 67 19 games game NOUN crln-9215 67 20 and and CCONJ crln-9215 67 21 user user NOUN crln-9215 67 22 interface interface NOUN crln-9215 67 23 elements element NOUN crln-9215 67 24 ( ( PUNCT crln-9215 67 25 such such ADJ crln-9215 67 26 as as ADP crln-9215 67 27 the the DET crln-9215 67 28 settings setting NOUN crln-9215 67 29 screen screen NOUN crln-9215 67 30 ) ) PUNCT crln-9215 67 31 . . PUNCT crln-9215 68 1 we we PRON crln-9215 68 2 implemented implement VERB crln-9215 68 3 a a DET crln-9215 68 4 password password NOUN crln-9215 68 5 system system NOUN crln-9215 68 6 to to PART crln-9215 68 7 control control VERB crln-9215 68 8 access access NOUN crln-9215 68 9 to to ADP crln-9215 68 10 other other ADJ crln-9215 68 11 parts part NOUN crln-9215 68 12 of of ADP crln-9215 68 13 the the DET crln-9215 68 14 game game NOUN crln-9215 68 15 to to PART crln-9215 68 16 prevent prevent VERB crln-9215 68 17 students student NOUN crln-9215 68 18 from from ADP crln-9215 68 19 getting get VERB crln-9215 68 20 too too ADV crln-9215 68 21 far far ADV crln-9215 68 22 ahead ahead ADV crln-9215 68 23 in in ADP crln-9215 68 24 the the DET crln-9215 68 25 game game NOUN crln-9215 68 26 . . PUNCT crln-9215 69 1 lastly lastly ADV crln-9215 69 2 , , PUNCT crln-9215 69 3 no no DET crln-9215 69 4 game game NOUN crln-9215 69 5 is be AUX crln-9215 69 6 complete complete ADJ crln-9215 69 7 without without ADP crln-9215 69 8 music music NOUN crln-9215 69 9 and and CCONJ crln-9215 69 10 sound sound NOUN crln-9215 69 11 effects effect NOUN crln-9215 69 12 . . PUNCT crln-9215 70 1 luckily luckily ADV crln-9215 70 2 our our PRON crln-9215 70 3 systems system NOUN crln-9215 70 4 librarian librarian NOUN crln-9215 70 5 is be AUX crln-9215 70 6 a a DET crln-9215 70 7 musician musician NOUN crln-9215 70 8 and and CCONJ crln-9215 70 9 kindly kindly ADV crln-9215 70 10 agreed agree VERB crln-9215 70 11 to to PART crln-9215 70 12 compose compose VERB crln-9215 70 13 the the DET crln-9215 70 14 music music NOUN crln-9215 70 15 . . PUNCT crln-9215 71 1 roughly roughly ADV crln-9215 71 2 a a DET crln-9215 71 3 month month NOUN crln-9215 71 4 before before SCONJ crln-9215 71 5 the the DET crln-9215 71 6 game game NOUN crln-9215 71 7 needed need VERB crln-9215 71 8 to to PART crln-9215 71 9 be be AUX crln-9215 71 10 complete complete ADJ crln-9215 71 11 , , PUNCT crln-9215 71 12 we we PRON crln-9215 71 13 asked ask VERB crln-9215 71 14 for for ADP crln-9215 71 15 volunteers volunteer NOUN crln-9215 71 16 ( ( PUNCT crln-9215 71 17 a a DET crln-9215 71 18 mix mix NOUN crln-9215 71 19 of of ADP crln-9215 71 20 library library NOUN crln-9215 71 21 staff staff NOUN crln-9215 71 22 , , PUNCT crln-9215 71 23 faculty faculty NOUN crln-9215 71 24 , , PUNCT crln-9215 71 25 and and CCONJ crln-9215 71 26 students student NOUN crln-9215 71 27 ) ) PUNCT crln-9215 71 28 to to PART crln-9215 71 29 test test VERB crln-9215 71 30 the the DET crln-9215 71 31 game game NOUN crln-9215 71 32 . . PUNCT crln-9215 72 1 we we PRON crln-9215 72 2 got get VERB crln-9215 72 3 some some DET crln-9215 72 4 great great ADJ crln-9215 72 5 feedback feedback NOUN crln-9215 72 6 from from ADP crln-9215 72 7 this this PRON crln-9215 72 8 , , PUNCT crln-9215 72 9 but but CCONJ crln-9215 72 10 one one NUM crln-9215 72 11 lesson lesson NOUN crln-9215 72 12 we we PRON crln-9215 72 13 learned learn VERB crln-9215 72 14 was be AUX crln-9215 72 15 that that SCONJ crln-9215 72 16 we we PRON crln-9215 72 17 did do AUX crln-9215 72 18 not not PART crln-9215 72 19 get get VERB crln-9215 72 20 a a DET crln-9215 72 21 lot lot NOUN crln-9215 72 22 of of ADP crln-9215 72 23 needed need VERB crln-9215 72 24 technical technical ADJ crln-9215 72 25 feedback feedback NOUN crln-9215 72 26 from from ADP crln-9215 72 27 people people NOUN crln-9215 72 28 without without ADP crln-9215 72 29 a a DET crln-9215 72 30 technical technical ADJ crln-9215 72 31 quality quality NOUN crln-9215 72 32 assurance assurance NOUN crln-9215 72 33 background background NOUN crln-9215 72 34 . . PUNCT crln-9215 73 1 we we PRON crln-9215 73 2 would would AUX crln-9215 73 3 have have VERB crln-9215 73 4 b b X crln-9215 73 5 e e PROPN crln-9215 73 6 n n X crln-9215 73 7 e e PROPN crln-9215 74 1 f f PROPN crln-9215 75 1 i i PROPN crln-9215 75 2 t t NOUN crln-9215 75 3 e e NOUN crln-9215 75 4 d d NOUN crln-9215 75 5 from from ADP crln-9215 75 6 testers tester NOUN crln-9215 75 7 who who PRON crln-9215 75 8 could could AUX crln-9215 75 9 try try VERB crln-9215 75 10 to to PART crln-9215 75 11 break break VERB crln-9215 75 12 the the DET crln-9215 75 13 game game NOUN crln-9215 75 14 , , PUNCT crln-9215 75 15 so so SCONJ crln-9215 75 16 that that SCONJ crln-9215 75 17 bugs bug NOUN crln-9215 75 18 could could AUX crln-9215 75 19 be be AUX crln-9215 75 20 squashed squash VERB crln-9215 75 21 before before ADP crln-9215 75 22 release release NOUN crln-9215 75 23 . . PUNCT crln-9215 76 1 adventures adventure NOUN crln-9215 76 2 in in ADP crln-9215 76 3 research research NOUN crln-9215 76 4 in in ADP crln-9215 76 5 action action NOUN crln-9215 76 6 the the DET crln-9215 76 7 game game NOUN crln-9215 76 8 was be AUX crln-9215 76 9 first first ADV crln-9215 76 10 used use VERB crln-9215 76 11 in in ADP crln-9215 76 12 a a DET crln-9215 76 13 n n NOUN crln-9215 76 14 e e NOUN crln-9215 76 15 i i PRON crln-9215 76 16 g g PROPN crln-9215 76 17 h h PROPN crln-9215 76 18 t t PROPN crln-9215 76 19 week week NOUN crln-9215 76 20 online online ADJ crln-9215 76 21 class class NOUN crln-9215 76 22 during during ADP crln-9215 76 23 the the DET crln-9215 76 24 2013 2013 NUM crln-9215 76 25 summer summer NOUN crln-9215 76 26 semester semester NOUN crln-9215 76 27 . . PUNCT crln-9215 77 1 this this DET crln-9215 77 2 course course NOUN crln-9215 77 3 was be AUX crln-9215 77 4 team team NOUN crln-9215 77 5 - - PUNCT crln-9215 77 6 taught teach VERB crln-9215 77 7 by by ADP crln-9215 77 8 two two NUM crln-9215 77 9 librarians librarian NOUN crln-9215 77 10 , , PUNCT crln-9215 77 11 neither neither PRON crln-9215 77 12 of of ADP crln-9215 77 13 whom whom PRON crln-9215 77 14 were be AUX crln-9215 77 15 involved involve VERB crln-9215 77 16 in in ADP crln-9215 77 17 the the DET crln-9215 77 18 creation creation NOUN crln-9215 77 19 of of ADP crln-9215 77 20 the the DET crln-9215 77 21 game game NOUN crln-9215 77 22 ( ( PUNCT crln-9215 77 23 but but CCONJ crln-9215 77 24 who who PRON crln-9215 77 25 were be AUX crln-9215 77 26 involved involve VERB crln-9215 77 27 with with ADP crln-9215 77 28 its its PRON crln-9215 77 29 beta beta NOUN crln-9215 77 30 testing testing NOUN crln-9215 77 31 . . PUNCT crln-9215 77 32 ) ) PUNCT crln-9215 78 1 this this PRON crln-9215 78 2 was be AUX crln-9215 78 3 done do VERB crln-9215 78 4 purposefully purposefully ADV crln-9215 78 5 , , PUNCT crln-9215 78 6 to to PART crln-9215 78 7 get get VERB crln-9215 78 8 some some DET crln-9215 78 9 outside outside ADJ crln-9215 78 10 perspective perspective NOUN crln-9215 78 11 on on ADP crln-9215 78 12 the the DET crln-9215 78 13 game game NOUN crln-9215 78 14 and and CCONJ crln-9215 78 15 its its PRON crln-9215 78 16 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crln-9215 78 17 and and CCONJ crln-9215 78 18 shortcomings shortcoming NOUN crln-9215 78 19 as as ADP crln-9215 78 20 a a DET crln-9215 78 21 teaching teaching NOUN crln-9215 78 22 object object NOUN crln-9215 78 23 . . PUNCT crln-9215 79 1 one one NUM crln-9215 79 2 of of ADP crln-9215 79 3 the the DET crln-9215 79 4 game game NOUN crln-9215 79 5 developers developer NOUN crln-9215 79 6 did do AUX crln-9215 79 7 help help VERB crln-9215 79 8 create create VERB crln-9215 79 9 the the DET crln-9215 79 10 curriculum curriculum NOUN crln-9215 79 11 for for ADP crln-9215 79 12 the the DET crln-9215 79 13 course course NOUN crln-9215 79 14 , , PUNCT crln-9215 79 15 as as SCONJ crln-9215 79 16 she she PRON crln-9215 79 17 had have VERB crln-9215 79 18 a a DET crln-9215 79 19 better well ADJ crln-9215 79 20 recall recall NOUN crln-9215 79 21 of of ADP crln-9215 79 22 the the DET crln-9215 79 23 content content NOUN crln-9215 79 24 and and CCONJ crln-9215 79 25 structure structure NOUN crln-9215 79 26 of of ADP crln-9215 79 27 the the DET crln-9215 79 28 game game NOUN crln-9215 79 29 . . PUNCT crln-9215 80 1 she she PRON crln-9215 80 2 was be AUX crln-9215 80 3 also also ADV crln-9215 80 4 responsible responsible ADJ crln-9215 80 5 for for ADP crln-9215 80 6 creating create VERB crln-9215 80 7 the the DET crln-9215 80 8 supplemental supplemental ADJ crln-9215 80 9 assessments assessment NOUN crln-9215 80 10 that that PRON crln-9215 80 11 tested test VERB crln-9215 80 12 the the DET crln-9215 80 13 students student NOUN crln-9215 80 14 ’ ’ PART crln-9215 80 15 understanding understanding NOUN crln-9215 80 16 and and CCONJ crln-9215 80 17 application application NOUN crln-9215 80 18 of of ADP crln-9215 80 19 the the DET crln-9215 80 20 game game NOUN crln-9215 80 21 content content NOUN crln-9215 80 22 . . PUNCT crln-9215 81 1 the the DET crln-9215 81 2 game game NOUN crln-9215 81 3 was be AUX crln-9215 81 4 designed design VERB crln-9215 81 5 with with ADP crln-9215 81 6 the the DET crln-9215 81 7 idea idea NOUN crln-9215 81 8 that that SCONJ crln-9215 81 9 as as ADP crln-9215 81 10 a a DET crln-9215 81 11 “ " PUNCT crln-9215 81 12 visual visual ADJ crln-9215 81 13 novel novel NOUN crln-9215 81 14 ” " PUNCT crln-9215 81 15 or or CCONJ crln-9215 81 16 interactive interactive ADJ crln-9215 81 17 textbook textbook NOUN crln-9215 81 18 , , PUNCT crln-9215 81 19 it it PRON crln-9215 81 20 would would AUX crln-9215 81 21 introduce introduce VERB crln-9215 81 22 the the DET crln-9215 81 23 concepts concept NOUN crln-9215 81 24 and and CCONJ crln-9215 81 25 then then ADV crln-9215 81 26 be be AUX crln-9215 81 27 followed follow VERB crln-9215 81 28 up up ADP crln-9215 81 29 in in ADP crln-9215 81 30 class class NOUN crln-9215 81 31 with with ADP crln-9215 81 32 supplemental supplemental ADJ crln-9215 81 33 instruction instruction NOUN crln-9215 81 34 , , PUNCT crln-9215 81 35 assessment assessment NOUN crln-9215 81 36 , , PUNCT crln-9215 81 37 and and CCONJ crln-9215 81 38 exercises exercise NOUN crln-9215 81 39 to to PART crln-9215 81 40 give give VERB crln-9215 81 41 the the DET crln-9215 81 42 student student NOUN crln-9215 81 43 an an DET crln-9215 81 44 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-9215 81 45 to to PART crln-9215 81 46 analyze analyze VERB crln-9215 81 47 students student NOUN crln-9215 81 48 learning learn VERB crln-9215 81 49 about about ADP crln-9215 81 50 library library NOUN crln-9215 81 51 resources resource NOUN crln-9215 81 52 , , PUNCT crln-9215 81 53 SPACE crln-9215 81 54 . . PUNCT crln-9215 82 1 artwork artwork NOUN crln-9215 82 2 by by ADP crln-9215 82 3 heidi heidi PROPN crln-9215 82 4 black black PROPN crln-9215 82 5 . . PUNCT crln-9215 83 1 november november PROPN crln-9215 83 2 2014 2014 NUM crln-9215 83 3 573 573 NUM crln-9215 83 4 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-9215 83 5 news news NOUN crln-9215 83 6 information information NOUN crln-9215 83 7 literacy literacy NOUN crln-9215 83 8 concepts concept NOUN crln-9215 83 9 in in ADP crln-9215 83 10 the the DET crln-9215 83 11 context context NOUN crln-9215 83 12 of of ADP crln-9215 83 13 their their PRON crln-9215 83 14 own own ADJ crln-9215 83 15 student student NOUN crln-9215 83 16 work work NOUN crln-9215 83 17 . . PUNCT crln-9215 84 1 unfortunately unfortunately ADV crln-9215 84 2 , , PUNCT crln-9215 84 3 class class NOUN crln-9215 84 4 enrollment enrollment NOUN crln-9215 84 5 was be AUX crln-9215 84 6 too too ADV crln-9215 84 7 low low ADJ crln-9215 84 8 to to PART crln-9215 84 9 measure measure VERB crln-9215 84 10 its its PRON crln-9215 84 11 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crln-9215 84 12 . . PUNCT crln-9215 85 1 it it PRON crln-9215 85 2 was be AUX crln-9215 85 3 tremendously tremendously ADV crln-9215 85 4 useful useful ADJ crln-9215 85 5 , , PUNCT crln-9215 85 6 however however ADV crln-9215 85 7 , , PUNCT crln-9215 85 8 as as ADP crln-9215 85 9 an an DET crln-9215 85 10 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-9215 85 11 to to PART crln-9215 85 12 create create VERB crln-9215 85 13 materials material NOUN crln-9215 85 14 that that PRON crln-9215 85 15 could could AUX crln-9215 85 16 be be AUX crln-9215 85 17 paired pair VERB crln-9215 85 18 with with ADP crln-9215 85 19 the the DET crln-9215 85 20 game game NOUN crln-9215 85 21 and and CCONJ crln-9215 85 22 presented present VERB crln-9215 85 23 to to ADP crln-9215 85 24 potential potential ADJ crln-9215 85 25 instructors instructor NOUN crln-9215 85 26 of of ADP crln-9215 85 27 libr libr PROPN crln-9215 85 28 1101 1101 NUM crln-9215 85 29 as as ADP crln-9215 85 30 a a DET crln-9215 85 31 “ " PUNCT crln-9215 85 32 packaged package VERB crln-9215 85 33 ” " PUNCT crln-9215 85 34 course course NOUN crln-9215 85 35 . . PUNCT crln-9215 86 1 the the DET crln-9215 86 2 game game NOUN crln-9215 86 3 was be AUX crln-9215 86 4 used use VERB crln-9215 86 5 again again ADV crln-9215 86 6 in in ADP crln-9215 86 7 fall fall NOUN crln-9215 86 8 2013 2013 NUM crln-9215 86 9 , , PUNCT crln-9215 86 10 in in ADP crln-9215 86 11 an an DET crln-9215 86 12 online online ADJ crln-9215 86 13 course course NOUN crln-9215 86 14 taught teach VERB crln-9215 86 15 by by ADP crln-9215 86 16 one one NUM crln-9215 86 17 of of ADP crln-9215 86 18 the the DET crln-9215 86 19 same same ADJ crln-9215 86 20 instructors instructor NOUN crln-9215 86 21 of of ADP crln-9215 86 22 the the DET crln-9215 86 23 summer summer NOUN crln-9215 86 24 course course NOUN crln-9215 86 25 and and CCONJ crln-9215 86 26 also also ADV crln-9215 86 27 in in ADP crln-9215 86 28 a a DET crln-9215 86 29 face face NOUN crln-9215 86 30 - - PUNCT crln-9215 86 31 to to ADP crln-9215 86 32 - - PUNCT crln-9215 86 33 face face NOUN crln-9215 86 34 setting setting NOUN crln-9215 86 35 taught teach VERB crln-9215 86 36 by by ADP crln-9215 86 37 one one NUM crln-9215 86 38 of of ADP crln-9215 86 39 the the DET crln-9215 86 40 game game NOUN crln-9215 86 41 developers developer NOUN crln-9215 86 42 . . PUNCT crln-9215 87 1 initially initially ADV crln-9215 87 2 the the DET crln-9215 87 3 biggest big ADJ crln-9215 87 4 problem problem NOUN crln-9215 87 5 that that PRON crln-9215 87 6 presented present VERB crln-9215 87 7 itself itself PRON crln-9215 87 8 was be AUX crln-9215 87 9 the the DET crln-9215 87 10 difficulty difficulty NOUN crln-9215 87 11 in in ADP crln-9215 87 12 actually actually ADV crln-9215 87 13 playing play VERB crln-9215 87 14 the the DET crln-9215 87 15 game game NOUN crln-9215 87 16 , , PUNCT crln-9215 87 17 as as SCONJ crln-9215 87 18 several several ADJ crln-9215 87 19 students student NOUN crln-9215 87 20 lacked lack VERB crln-9215 87 21 experience experience NOUN crln-9215 87 22 in in ADP crln-9215 87 23 downloading download VERB crln-9215 87 24 files file NOUN crln-9215 87 25 and and CCONJ crln-9215 87 26 running running NOUN crln-9215 87 27 applications application NOUN crln-9215 87 28 . . PUNCT crln-9215 88 1 later later ADV crln-9215 88 2 in in ADP crln-9215 88 3 the the DET crln-9215 88 4 semester semester NOUN crln-9215 88 5 , , PUNCT crln-9215 88 6 some some DET crln-9215 88 7 students student NOUN crln-9215 88 8 experienced experience VERB crln-9215 88 9 problems problem NOUN crln-9215 88 10 with with ADP crln-9215 88 11 saved save VERB crln-9215 88 12 games game NOUN crln-9215 88 13 , , PUNCT crln-9215 88 14 although although SCONJ crln-9215 88 15 many many ADJ crln-9215 88 16 of of ADP crln-9215 88 17 these these DET crln-9215 88 18 cases case NOUN crln-9215 88 19 seemed seem VERB crln-9215 88 20 to to PART crln-9215 88 21 be be AUX crln-9215 88 22 variants variant NOUN crln-9215 88 23 of of ADP crln-9215 88 24 the the DET crln-9215 88 25 age age NOUN crln-9215 88 26 - - PUNCT crln-9215 88 27 old old ADJ crln-9215 88 28 “ " PUNCT crln-9215 88 29 i i PRON crln-9215 88 30 forgot forget VERB crln-9215 88 31 to to PART crln-9215 88 32 save save VERB crln-9215 88 33 my my PRON crln-9215 88 34 game game NOUN crln-9215 88 35 ” " PUNCT crln-9215 88 36 problem problem NOUN crln-9215 88 37 . . PUNCT crln-9215 89 1 in in ADP crln-9215 89 2 a a DET crln-9215 89 3 qualitative qualitative ADJ crln-9215 89 4 survey survey NOUN crln-9215 89 5 given give VERB crln-9215 89 6 to to ADP crln-9215 89 7 each each DET crln-9215 89 8 class class NOUN crln-9215 89 9 at at ADP crln-9215 89 10 the the DET crln-9215 89 11 end end NOUN crln-9215 89 12 of of ADP crln-9215 89 13 the the DET crln-9215 89 14 semester semester NOUN crln-9215 89 15 , , PUNCT crln-9215 89 16 students student NOUN crln-9215 89 17 almost almost ADV crln-9215 89 18 universally universally ADV crln-9215 89 19 reported report VERB crln-9215 89 20 that that SCONJ crln-9215 89 21 they they PRON crln-9215 89 22 preferred prefer VERB crln-9215 89 23 the the DET crln-9215 89 24 video video NOUN crln-9215 89 25 game game NOUN crln-9215 89 26 to to ADP crln-9215 89 27 a a DET crln-9215 89 28 traditional traditional ADJ crln-9215 89 29 textbook textbook NOUN crln-9215 89 30 . . PUNCT crln-9215 90 1 the the DET crln-9215 90 2 online online ADJ crln-9215 90 3 course course NOUN crln-9215 90 4 in in ADP crln-9215 90 5 particular particular ADJ crln-9215 90 6 seemed seem VERB crln-9215 90 7 to to PART crln-9215 90 8 respond respond VERB crln-9215 90 9 to to ADP crln-9215 90 10 it it PRON crln-9215 90 11 ; ; PUNCT crln-9215 90 12 the the DET crln-9215 90 13 concepts concept NOUN crln-9215 90 14 covered cover VERB crln-9215 90 15 in in ADP crln-9215 90 16 the the DET crln-9215 90 17 game game NOUN crln-9215 90 18 were be AUX crln-9215 90 19 not not PART crln-9215 90 20 covered cover VERB crln-9215 90 21 elsewhere elsewhere ADV crln-9215 90 22 in in ADP crln-9215 90 23 the the DET crln-9215 90 24 course course NOUN crln-9215 90 25 , , PUNCT crln-9215 90 26 but but CCONJ crln-9215 90 27 student student NOUN crln-9215 90 28 work work NOUN crln-9215 90 29 largely largely ADV crln-9215 90 30 bore bear VERB crln-9215 90 31 out out ADP crln-9215 90 32 an an DET crln-9215 90 33 understanding understanding NOUN crln-9215 90 34 of of ADP crln-9215 90 35 those those DET crln-9215 90 36 concepts concept NOUN crln-9215 90 37 . . PUNCT crln-9215 91 1 during during ADP crln-9215 91 2 the the DET crln-9215 91 3 spring spring NOUN crln-9215 91 4 2014 2014 NUM crln-9215 91 5 semester semester NOUN crln-9215 91 6 , , PUNCT crln-9215 91 7 the the DET crln-9215 91 8 game game NOUN crln-9215 91 9 was be AUX crln-9215 91 10 again again ADV crln-9215 91 11 used use VERB crln-9215 91 12 in in ADP crln-9215 91 13 both both CCONJ crln-9215 91 14 online online ADJ crln-9215 91 15 and and CCONJ crln-9215 91 16 faceto faceto NOUN crln-9215 91 17 - - PUNCT crln-9215 91 18 face face NOUN crln-9215 91 19 environments environment NOUN crln-9215 91 20 of of ADP crln-9215 91 21 libr libr PROPN crln-9215 91 22 1101 1101 NUM crln-9215 91 23 . . PUNCT crln-9215 92 1 using use VERB crln-9215 92 2 the the DET crln-9215 92 3 lessons lesson NOUN crln-9215 92 4 learned learn VERB crln-9215 92 5 from from ADP crln-9215 92 6 the the DET crln-9215 92 7 fall fall NOUN crln-9215 92 8 2013 2013 NUM crln-9215 92 9 courses course NOUN crln-9215 92 10 , , PUNCT crln-9215 92 11 libr libr PROPN crln-9215 92 12 1101 1101 NUM crln-9215 92 13 instructors instructor NOUN crln-9215 92 14 paid pay VERB crln-9215 92 15 special special ADJ crln-9215 92 16 attention attention NOUN crln-9215 92 17 to to ADP crln-9215 92 18 giving give VERB crln-9215 92 19 students student NOUN crln-9215 92 20 extra extra ADJ crln-9215 92 21 time time NOUN crln-9215 92 22 and and CCONJ crln-9215 92 23 support support NOUN crln-9215 92 24 to to PART crln-9215 92 25 work work VERB crln-9215 92 26 out out ADP crln-9215 92 27 technical technical ADJ crln-9215 92 28 issues issue NOUN crln-9215 92 29 early early ADV crln-9215 92 30 on on ADV crln-9215 92 31 in in ADP crln-9215 92 32 the the DET crln-9215 92 33 semester semester NOUN crln-9215 92 34 . . PUNCT crln-9215 93 1 the the DET crln-9215 93 2 online online ADJ crln-9215 93 3 section section NOUN crln-9215 93 4 did do AUX crln-9215 93 5 not not PART crln-9215 93 6 start start VERB crln-9215 93 7 using use VERB crln-9215 93 8 the the DET crln-9215 93 9 game game NOUN crln-9215 93 10 in in ADP crln-9215 93 11 earnest earnest NOUN crln-9215 93 12 until until ADP crln-9215 93 13 the the DET crln-9215 93 14 third third ADJ crln-9215 93 15 week week NOUN crln-9215 93 16 , , PUNCT crln-9215 93 17 and and CCONJ crln-9215 93 18 one one NUM crln-9215 93 19 of of ADP crln-9215 93 20 the the DET crln-9215 93 21 face face NOUN crln-9215 93 22 - - PUNCT crln-9215 93 23 to to ADP crln-9215 93 24 - - PUNCT crln-9215 93 25 face face NOUN crln-9215 93 26 sections section NOUN crln-9215 93 27 dedicated dedicate VERB crln-9215 93 28 a a DET crln-9215 93 29 class class NOUN crln-9215 93 30 period period NOUN crln-9215 93 31 to to ADP crln-9215 93 32 downloading download VERB crln-9215 93 33 the the DET crln-9215 93 34 game game NOUN crln-9215 93 35 as as ADP crln-9215 93 36 a a DET crln-9215 93 37 class class NOUN crln-9215 93 38 , , PUNCT crln-9215 93 39 and and CCONJ crln-9215 93 40 solving solve VERB crln-9215 93 41 any any DET crln-9215 93 42 technical technical ADJ crln-9215 93 43 issues issue NOUN crln-9215 93 44 that that PRON crln-9215 93 45 arose arise VERB crln-9215 93 46 . . PUNCT crln-9215 94 1 dedicating dedicate VERB crln-9215 94 2 class class NOUN crln-9215 94 3 time time NOUN crln-9215 94 4 to to ADP crln-9215 94 5 downloading download VERB crln-9215 94 6 the the DET crln-9215 94 7 game game NOUN crln-9215 94 8 did do AUX crln-9215 94 9 reduce reduce VERB crln-9215 94 10 the the DET crln-9215 94 11 number number NOUN crln-9215 94 12 of of ADP crln-9215 94 13 technical technical ADJ crln-9215 94 14 issues issue NOUN crln-9215 94 15 experienced experience VERB crln-9215 94 16 by by ADP crln-9215 94 17 students student NOUN crln-9215 94 18 throughout throughout ADP crln-9215 94 19 the the DET crln-9215 94 20 semester semester NOUN crln-9215 94 21 . . PUNCT crln-9215 95 1 student student NOUN crln-9215 95 2 feedback feedback NOUN crln-9215 95 3 received receive VERB crln-9215 95 4 at at ADP crln-9215 95 5 the the DET crln-9215 95 6 end end NOUN crln-9215 95 7 of of ADP crln-9215 95 8 the the DET crln-9215 95 9 semester semester NOUN crln-9215 95 10 indicated indicate VERB crln-9215 95 11 that that SCONJ crln-9215 95 12 while while SCONJ crln-9215 95 13 students student NOUN crln-9215 95 14 greatly greatly ADV crln-9215 95 15 preferred prefer VERB crln-9215 95 16 the the DET crln-9215 95 17 game game NOUN crln-9215 95 18 to to ADP crln-9215 95 19 a a DET crln-9215 95 20 traditional traditional ADJ crln-9215 95 21 textbook textbook NOUN crln-9215 95 22 , , PUNCT crln-9215 95 23 they they PRON crln-9215 95 24 wanted want VERB crln-9215 95 25 to to PART crln-9215 95 26 be be AUX crln-9215 95 27 able able ADJ crln-9215 95 28 to to PART crln-9215 95 29 easily easily ADV crln-9215 95 30 access access VERB crln-9215 95 31 any any PRON crln-9215 95 32 of of ADP crln-9215 95 33 the the DET crln-9215 95 34 game game NOUN crln-9215 95 35 ’s ’s PART crln-9215 95 36 acts act VERB crln-9215 95 37 after after ADP crln-9215 95 38 completion completion NOUN crln-9215 95 39 . . PUNCT crln-9215 96 1 there there PRON crln-9215 96 2 was be VERB crln-9215 96 3 also also ADV crln-9215 96 4 a a DET crln-9215 96 5 request request NOUN crln-9215 96 6 for for ADP crln-9215 96 7 more more ADJ crln-9215 96 8 player player NOUN crln-9215 96 9 interactivity interactivity NOUN crln-9215 96 10 in in ADP crln-9215 96 11 some some DET crln-9215 96 12 sections section NOUN crln-9215 96 13 of of ADP crln-9215 96 14 the the DET crln-9215 96 15 game game NOUN crln-9215 96 16 . . PUNCT crln-9215 97 1 conclusions conclusion NOUN crln-9215 97 2 and and CCONJ crln-9215 97 3 future future ADJ crln-9215 97 4 applications application NOUN crln-9215 97 5 the the DET crln-9215 97 6 game game NOUN crln-9215 97 7 was be AUX crln-9215 97 8 created create VERB crln-9215 97 9 with with ADP crln-9215 97 10 the the DET crln-9215 97 11 intention intention NOUN crln-9215 97 12 that that SCONJ crln-9215 97 13 it it PRON crln-9215 97 14 could could AUX crln-9215 97 15 improve improve VERB crln-9215 97 16 and and CCONJ crln-9215 97 17 evolve evolve VERB crln-9215 97 18 based base VERB crln-9215 97 19 on on ADP crln-9215 97 20 feedback feedback NOUN crln-9215 97 21 and and CCONJ crln-9215 97 22 assessment assessment NOUN crln-9215 97 23 . . PUNCT crln-9215 98 1 in in ADP crln-9215 98 2 fact fact NOUN crln-9215 98 3 , , PUNCT crln-9215 98 4 that that SCONJ crln-9215 98 5 it it PRON crln-9215 98 6 was be AUX crln-9215 98 7 a a DET crln-9215 98 8 “ " PUNCT crln-9215 98 9 living live VERB crln-9215 98 10 ” " PUNCT crln-9215 98 11 teaching teaching NOUN crln-9215 98 12 object object NOUN crln-9215 98 13 was be AUX crln-9215 98 14 one one NUM crln-9215 98 15 of of ADP crln-9215 98 16 the the DET crln-9215 98 17 ways way NOUN crln-9215 98 18 in in ADP crln-9215 98 19 which which PRON crln-9215 98 20 the the DET crln-9215 98 21 game game NOUN crln-9215 98 22 developers developer NOUN crln-9215 98 23 privileged privilege VERB crln-9215 98 24 it it PRON crln-9215 98 25 over over ADP crln-9215 98 26 a a DET crln-9215 98 27 static static ADJ crln-9215 98 28 textbook textbook NOUN crln-9215 98 29 beholden beholden ADJ crln-9215 98 30 to to ADP crln-9215 98 31 publication publication NOUN crln-9215 98 32 cycles cycle NOUN crln-9215 98 33 . . PUNCT crln-9215 99 1 in in ADP crln-9215 99 2 this this DET crln-9215 99 3 spirit spirit NOUN crln-9215 99 4 , , PUNCT crln-9215 99 5 it it PRON crln-9215 99 6 will will AUX crln-9215 99 7 continue continue VERB crln-9215 99 8 to to PART crln-9215 99 9 be be AUX crln-9215 99 10 re re VERB crln-9215 99 11 - - VERB crln-9215 99 12 evaluated evaluate VERB crln-9215 99 13 each each DET crln-9215 99 14 semester semester NOUN crln-9215 99 15 it it PRON crln-9215 99 16 is be AUX crln-9215 99 17 used use VERB crln-9215 99 18 based base VERB crln-9215 99 19 on on ADP crln-9215 99 20 student student NOUN crln-9215 99 21 feedback feedback NOUN crln-9215 99 22 received receive VERB crln-9215 99 23 in in ADP crln-9215 99 24 the the DET crln-9215 99 25 end end NOUN crln-9215 99 26 - - PUNCT crln-9215 99 27 of of ADP crln-9215 99 28 - - PUNCT crln-9215 99 29 semester semester NOUN crln-9215 99 30 qualitative qualitative ADJ crln-9215 99 31 survey survey NOUN crln-9215 99 32 . . PUNCT crln-9215 100 1 student student NOUN crln-9215 100 2 suggestions suggestion NOUN crln-9215 100 3 about about ADP crln-9215 100 4 improved improve VERB crln-9215 100 5 logistics logistic NOUN crln-9215 100 6 of of ADP crln-9215 100 7 the the DET crln-9215 100 8 game game NOUN crln-9215 100 9 ( ( PUNCT crln-9215 100 10 more more ADV crln-9215 100 11 easily easily ADV crln-9215 100 12 accessing access VERB crln-9215 100 13 each each DET crln-9215 100 14 act act NOUN crln-9215 100 15 , , PUNCT crln-9215 100 16 more more ADV crln-9215 100 17 save save ADJ crln-9215 100 18 slots slot NOUN crln-9215 100 19 , , PUNCT crln-9215 100 20 etc etc X crln-9215 100 21 . . X crln-9215 100 22 ) ) PUNCT crln-9215 100 23 were be AUX crln-9215 100 24 implemented implement VERB crln-9215 100 25 for for ADP crln-9215 100 26 the the DET crln-9215 100 27 fall fall NOUN crln-9215 100 28 2014 2014 NUM crln-9215 100 29 iteration iteration NOUN crln-9215 100 30 . . PUNCT crln-9215 101 1 we we PRON crln-9215 101 2 are be AUX crln-9215 101 3 also also ADV crln-9215 101 4 exploring explore VERB crln-9215 101 5 making make VERB crln-9215 101 6 the the DET crln-9215 101 7 game game NOUN crln-9215 101 8 openly openly ADV crln-9215 101 9 available available ADJ crln-9215 101 10 to to PART crln-9215 101 11 be be AUX crln-9215 101 12 embedded embed VERB crln-9215 101 13 in in ADP crln-9215 101 14 nonlibrary nonlibrary ADJ crln-9215 101 15 classes class NOUN crln-9215 101 16 based base VERB crln-9215 101 17 on on ADP crln-9215 101 18 requests request NOUN crln-9215 101 19 from from ADP crln-9215 101 20 faculty faculty NOUN crln-9215 101 21 across across ADP crln-9215 101 22 campus campus NOUN crln-9215 101 23 . . PUNCT crln-9215 102 1 this this PRON crln-9215 102 2 would would AUX crln-9215 102 3 primarily primarily ADV crln-9215 102 4 involve involve VERB crln-9215 102 5 creating create VERB crln-9215 102 6 different different ADJ crln-9215 102 7 versions version NOUN crln-9215 102 8 that that PRON crln-9215 102 9 de de VERB crln-9215 102 10 - - ADJ crln-9215 102 11 emphasize emphasize VERB crln-9215 102 12 libr libr PROPN crln-9215 102 13 1101 1101 NUM crln-9215 102 14 as as ADP crln-9215 102 15 a a DET crln-9215 102 16 story story NOUN crln-9215 102 17 element element NOUN crln-9215 102 18 . . PUNCT crln-9215 103 1 there there PRON crln-9215 103 2 has have AUX crln-9215 103 3 also also ADV crln-9215 103 4 been be AUX crln-9215 103 5 a a DET crln-9215 103 6 request request NOUN crln-9215 103 7 for for ADP crln-9215 103 8 pieces piece NOUN crln-9215 103 9 of of ADP crln-9215 103 10 the the DET crln-9215 103 11 game game NOUN crln-9215 103 12 that that PRON crln-9215 103 13 highlight highlight VERB crln-9215 103 14 certain certain ADJ crln-9215 103 15 concepts concept NOUN crln-9215 103 16 ( ( PUNCT crln-9215 103 17 boolean boolean ADJ crln-9215 103 18 operators operator NOUN crln-9215 103 19 ; ; PUNCT crln-9215 103 20 how how SCONJ crln-9215 103 21 to to PART crln-9215 103 22 formulate formulate VERB crln-9215 103 23 a a DET crln-9215 103 24 research research NOUN crln-9215 103 25 question question NOUN crln-9215 103 26 ) ) PUNCT crln-9215 103 27 , , PUNCT crln-9215 103 28 and and CCONJ crln-9215 103 29 we we PRON crln-9215 103 30 might might AUX crln-9215 103 31 also also ADV crln-9215 103 32 consider consider VERB crln-9215 103 33 how how SCONJ crln-9215 103 34 to to PART crln-9215 103 35 do do VERB crln-9215 103 36 this this PRON crln-9215 103 37 in in ADP crln-9215 103 38 the the DET crln-9215 103 39 future future NOUN crln-9215 103 40 , , PUNCT crln-9215 103 41 being be AUX crln-9215 103 42 mindful mindful ADJ crln-9215 103 43 that that SCONJ crln-9215 103 44 this this PRON crln-9215 103 45 might might AUX crln-9215 103 46 compromise compromise VERB crln-9215 103 47 a a DET crln-9215 103 48 central central ADJ crln-9215 103 49 goal goal NOUN crln-9215 103 50 of of ADP crln-9215 103 51 the the DET crln-9215 103 52 game game NOUN crln-9215 103 53 , , PUNCT crln-9215 103 54 which which PRON crln-9215 103 55 is be AUX crln-9215 103 56 to to PART crln-9215 103 57 engage engage VERB crln-9215 103 58 students student NOUN crln-9215 103 59 in in ADP crln-9215 103 60 a a DET crln-9215 103 61 narrative narrative NOUN crln-9215 103 62 . . PUNCT crln-9215 104 1 we we PRON crln-9215 104 2 also also ADV crln-9215 104 3 plan plan VERB crln-9215 104 4 to to PART crln-9215 104 5 investigate investigate VERB crln-9215 104 6 situating situate VERB crln-9215 104 7 this this DET crln-9215 104 8 game game NOUN crln-9215 104 9 into into ADP crln-9215 104 10 the the DET crln-9215 104 11 cloud cloud NOUN crln-9215 104 12 , , PUNCT crln-9215 104 13 instead instead ADV crln-9215 104 14 of of ADP crln-9215 104 15 it it PRON crln-9215 104 16 being be AUX crln-9215 104 17 something something PRON crln-9215 104 18 that that PRON crln-9215 104 19 students student NOUN crln-9215 104 20 have have VERB crln-9215 104 21 to to PART crln-9215 104 22 download download VERB crln-9215 104 23 to to ADP crln-9215 104 24 their their PRON crln-9215 104 25 flash flash NOUN crln-9215 104 26 drives drive NOUN crln-9215 104 27 or or CCONJ crln-9215 104 28 hard hard ADJ crln-9215 104 29 drives drive NOUN crln-9215 104 30 . . PUNCT crln-9215 105 1 this this PRON crln-9215 105 2 would would AUX crln-9215 105 3 involve involve VERB crln-9215 105 4 getting get VERB crln-9215 105 5 server server NOUN crln-9215 105 6 space space NOUN crln-9215 105 7 to to PART crln-9215 105 8 host host VERB crln-9215 105 9 the the DET crln-9215 105 10 game game NOUN crln-9215 105 11 , , PUNCT crln-9215 105 12 and and CCONJ crln-9215 105 13 might might AUX crln-9215 105 14 also also ADV crln-9215 105 15 cause cause VERB crln-9215 105 16 issues issue NOUN crln-9215 105 17 with with ADP crln-9215 105 18 individual individual ADJ crln-9215 105 19 log log NOUN crln-9215 105 20 - - PUNCT crln-9215 105 21 ins in NOUN crln-9215 105 22 and and CCONJ crln-9215 105 23 saves save NOUN crln-9215 105 24 . . PUNCT crln-9215 106 1 overall overall INTJ crln-9215 106 2 , , PUNCT crln-9215 106 3 we we PRON crln-9215 106 4 are be AUX crln-9215 106 5 very very ADV crln-9215 106 6 happy happy ADJ crln-9215 106 7 with with ADP crln-9215 106 8 how how SCONJ crln-9215 106 9 this this DET crln-9215 106 10 game game NOUN crln-9215 106 11 turned turn VERB crln-9215 106 12 out out ADP crln-9215 106 13 , , PUNCT crln-9215 106 14 especially especially ADV crln-9215 106 15 given give VERB crln-9215 106 16 our our PRON crln-9215 106 17 limited limited ADJ crln-9215 106 18 time time NOUN crln-9215 106 19 , , PUNCT crln-9215 106 20 staffing staffing NOUN crln-9215 106 21 , , PUNCT crln-9215 106 22 and and CCONJ crln-9215 106 23 budget budget NOUN crln-9215 106 24 . . PUNCT crln-9215 107 1 we we PRON crln-9215 107 2 anticipate anticipate VERB crln-9215 107 3 that that SCONJ crln-9215 107 4 the the DET crln-9215 107 5 game game NOUN crln-9215 107 6 will will AUX crln-9215 107 7 continue continue VERB crln-9215 107 8 to to PART crln-9215 107 9 be be AUX crln-9215 107 10 used use VERB crln-9215 107 11 in in ADP crln-9215 107 12 both both CCONJ crln-9215 107 13 online online NOUN crln-9215 107 14 and and CCONJ crln-9215 107 15 face face NOUN crln-9215 107 16 - - PUNCT crln-9215 107 17 to to ADP crln-9215 107 18 - - PUNCT crln-9215 107 19 face face NOUN crln-9215 107 20 sections section NOUN crln-9215 107 21 of of ADP crln-9215 107 22 libr libr PROPN crln-9215 107 23 1101 1101 NUM crln-9215 107 24 for for ADP crln-9215 107 25 the the DET crln-9215 107 26 foreseeable foreseeable ADJ crln-9215 107 27 future future NOUN crln-9215 107 28 , , PUNCT crln-9215 107 29 and and CCONJ crln-9215 107 30 we we PRON crln-9215 107 31 look look VERB crln-9215 107 32 forward forward ADV crln-9215 107 33 to to ADP crln-9215 107 34 exploring explore VERB crln-9215 107 35 its its PRON crln-9215 107 36 utility utility NOUN crln-9215 107 37 in in ADP crln-9215 107 38 other other ADJ crln-9215 107 39 environments environment NOUN crln-9215 107 40 . . PUNCT