id sid tid token lemma pos crln-9092 1 1 mar14_b.indd mar14_b.indd PROPN crln-9092 1 2 march march PROPN crln-9092 1 3 2014 2014 NUM crln-9092 1 4 151 151 NUM crln-9092 1 5 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-9092 1 6 news news NOUN crln-9092 1 7 during during ADP crln-9092 1 8 the the DET crln-9092 1 9 2014 2014 NUM crln-9092 1 10 ala ala PROPN crln-9092 1 11 midwinter midwinter NOUN crln-9092 1 12 meeting meeting NOUN crln-9092 1 13 in in ADP crln-9092 1 14 philadelphia philadelphia PROPN crln-9092 1 15 , , PUNCT crln-9092 1 16 pennsylvania pennsylvania PROPN crln-9092 1 17 , , PUNCT crln-9092 1 18 the the DET crln-9092 1 19 acrl acrl PROPN crln-9092 1 20 board board PROPN crln-9092 1 21 of of ADP crln-9092 1 22 directors director NOUN crln-9092 1 23 met meet VERB crln-9092 1 24 on on ADP crln-9092 1 25 january january PROPN crln-9092 1 26 25 25 NUM crln-9092 1 27 and and CCONJ crln-9092 1 28 january january PROPN crln-9092 1 29 27 27 NUM crln-9092 1 30 . . PUNCT crln-9092 2 1 the the DET crln-9092 2 2 board board NOUN crln-9092 2 3 set set VERB crln-9092 2 4 aside aside ADV crln-9092 2 5 time time NOUN crln-9092 2 6 to to PART crln-9092 2 7 engage engage VERB crln-9092 2 8 with with ADP crln-9092 2 9 the the DET crln-9092 2 10 three three NUM crln-9092 2 11 goal goal NOUN crln-9092 2 12 area area NOUN crln-9092 2 13 committees committee NOUN crln-9092 2 14 ( ( PUNCT crln-9092 2 15 value value NOUN crln-9092 2 16 of of ADP crln-9092 2 17 academic academic ADJ crln-9092 2 18 libraries library NOUN crln-9092 2 19 , , PUNCT crln-9092 2 20 student student NOUN crln-9092 2 21 learning learning NOUN crln-9092 2 22 and and CCONJ crln-9092 2 23 information information NOUN crln-9092 2 24 literacy literacy NOUN crln-9092 2 25 , , PUNCT crln-9092 2 26 and and CCONJ crln-9092 2 27 research research NOUN crln-9092 2 28 and and CCONJ crln-9092 2 29 scholarly scholarly ADJ crln-9092 2 30 environment environment NOUN crln-9092 2 31 ) ) PUNCT crln-9092 2 32 to to PART crln-9092 2 33 assess assess VERB crln-9092 2 34 progress progress NOUN crln-9092 2 35 on on ADP crln-9092 2 36 the the DET crln-9092 2 37 plan plan NOUN crln-9092 2 38 for for ADP crln-9092 2 39 excellence excellence NOUN crln-9092 2 40 , , PUNCT crln-9092 2 41 heard hear VERB crln-9092 2 42 a a DET crln-9092 2 43 brief brief ADJ crln-9092 2 44 update update NOUN crln-9092 2 45 on on ADP crln-9092 2 46 the the DET crln-9092 2 47 invitational invitational ADJ crln-9092 2 48 acrl acrl PROPN crln-9092 2 49 board board PROPN crln-9092 2 50 of of ADP crln-9092 2 51 directors director NOUN crln-9092 2 52 ’ ’ PART crln-9092 2 53 actions action NOUN crln-9092 2 54 , , PUNCT crln-9092 2 55 january january PROPN crln-9092 2 56 2014 2014 NUM crln-9092 2 57 highlights highlight NOUN crln-9092 2 58 of of ADP crln-9092 2 59 the the DET crln-9092 2 60 board board NOUN crln-9092 2 61 ’s ’s PART crln-9092 2 62 midwinter midwinter NOUN crln-9092 2 63 meetings meeting NOUN crln-9092 2 64 data datum NOUN crln-9092 2 65 management management NOUN crln-9092 2 66 forum forum NOUN crln-9092 2 67 that that PRON crln-9092 2 68 acrl acrl ADJ crln-9092 2 69 co co VERB crln-9092 2 70 - - VERB crln-9092 2 71 hosted host VERB crln-9092 2 72 with with ADP crln-9092 2 73 drexel drexel PROPN crln-9092 2 74 university university PROPN crln-9092 2 75 library library NOUN crln-9092 2 76 just just ADV crln-9092 2 77 prior prior ADV crln-9092 2 78 to to ADP crln-9092 2 79 midwinter midwinter NOUN crln-9092 2 80 , , PUNCT crln-9092 2 81 heard hear VERB crln-9092 2 82 reports report NOUN crln-9092 2 83 from from ADP crln-9092 2 84 two two NUM crln-9092 2 85 task task NOUN crln-9092 2 86 forces force NOUN crln-9092 2 87 ( ( PUNCT crln-9092 2 88 one one NOUN crln-9092 2 89 that that PRON crln-9092 2 90 is be AUX crln-9092 2 91 revising revise VERB crln-9092 2 92 the the DET crln-9092 2 93 information information NOUN crln-9092 2 94 literacy literacy NOUN crln-9092 2 95 competency competency NOUN crln-9092 2 96 standards standard NOUN crln-9092 2 97 for for ADP crln-9092 2 98 higher high ADJ crln-9092 2 99 education education NOUN crln-9092 2 100 and and CCONJ crln-9092 2 101 the the DET crln-9092 2 102 one one NOUN crln-9092 2 103 that that PRON crln-9092 2 104 is be AUX crln-9092 2 105 planning plan VERB crln-9092 2 106 the the DET crln-9092 2 107 acrl acrl ADJ crln-9092 2 108 75th 75th ADJ crln-9092 2 109 anniversary anniversary NOUN crln-9092 2 110 celebration celebration NOUN crln-9092 2 111 ) ) PUNCT crln-9092 2 112 , , PUNCT crln-9092 2 113 reviewed review VERB crln-9092 2 114 acrl acrl ADJ crln-9092 2 115 ’s ’s NUM crln-9092 2 116 financial financial ADJ crln-9092 2 117 performance performance NOUN crln-9092 2 118 against against ADP crln-9092 2 119 budget budget NOUN crln-9092 2 120 , , PUNCT crln-9092 2 121 and and CCONJ crln-9092 2 122 took take VERB crln-9092 2 123 the the DET crln-9092 2 124 following following ADJ crln-9092 2 125 actions action NOUN crln-9092 2 126 : : PUNCT crln-9092 2 127 student student NOUN crln-9092 2 128 learning learning NOUN crln-9092 2 129 goal goal NOUN crln-9092 2 130 : : PUNCT crln-9092 2 131 librarians librarian NOUN crln-9092 2 132 transform transform VERB crln-9092 2 133 student student NOUN crln-9092 2 134 learning learning NOUN crln-9092 2 135 , , PUNCT crln-9092 2 136 pedagogy pedagogy NOUN crln-9092 2 137 , , PUNCT crln-9092 2 138 and and CCONJ crln-9092 2 139 instructional instructional ADJ crln-9092 2 140 practices practice NOUN crln-9092 2 141 through through ADP crln-9092 2 142 creative creative ADJ crln-9092 2 143 and and CCONJ crln-9092 2 144 innovative innovative ADJ crln-9092 2 145 collaborations collaboration NOUN crln-9092 2 146 . . PUNCT crln-9092 3 1 • • PROPN crln-9092 3 2 agreed agree VERB crln-9092 3 3 to to PART crln-9092 3 4 disband disband VERB crln-9092 3 5 the the DET crln-9092 3 6 information information NOUN crln-9092 3 7 literacy literacy NOUN crln-9092 3 8 professional professional PROPN crln-9092 3 9 development development NOUN crln-9092 3 10 committee committee NOUN crln-9092 3 11 and and CCONJ crln-9092 3 12 information information NOUN crln-9092 3 13 literacy literacy NOUN crln-9092 3 14 web web NOUN crln-9092 3 15 site site NOUN crln-9092 3 16 committee committee NOUN crln-9092 3 17 after after ADP crln-9092 3 18 annual annual ADJ crln-9092 3 19 conference conference NOUN crln-9092 3 20 2014 2014 NUM crln-9092 3 21 , , PUNCT crln-9092 3 22 and and CCONJ crln-9092 3 23 transition transition VERB crln-9092 3 24 the the DET crln-9092 3 25 oversight oversight NOUN crln-9092 3 26 of of ADP crln-9092 3 27 the the DET crln-9092 3 28 peer peer NOUN crln-9092 3 29 consultant consultant NOUN crln-9092 3 30 database database NOUN crln-9092 3 31 to to ADP crln-9092 3 32 the the DET crln-9092 3 33 student student NOUN crln-9092 3 34 learning learning NOUN crln-9092 3 35 and and CCONJ crln-9092 3 36 information information NOUN crln-9092 3 37 literacy literacy NOUN crln-9092 3 38 committee committee NOUN crln-9092 3 39 . . PUNCT crln-9092 4 1 • • PROPN crln-9092 4 2 approved approve VERB crln-9092 4 3 an an DET crln-9092 4 4 extension extension NOUN crln-9092 4 5 to to ADP crln-9092 4 6 the the DET crln-9092 4 7 timeline timeline NOUN crln-9092 4 8 for for ADP crln-9092 4 9 the the DET crln-9092 4 10 task task NOUN crln-9092 4 11 force force NOUN crln-9092 4 12 developing develop VERB crln-9092 4 13 an an DET crln-9092 4 14 information information NOUN crln-9092 4 15 literacy literacy NOUN crln-9092 4 16 competency competency NOUN crln-9092 4 17 framework framework NOUN crln-9092 4 18 that that PRON crln-9092 4 19 will will AUX crln-9092 4 20 incorporate incorporate VERB crln-9092 4 21 a a DET crln-9092 4 22 board board NOUN crln-9092 4 23 review review NOUN crln-9092 4 24 at at ADP crln-9092 4 25 the the DET crln-9092 4 26 strategic strategic ADJ crln-9092 4 27 planning planning NOUN crln-9092 4 28 and and CCONJ crln-9092 4 29 information information NOUN crln-9092 4 30 session session NOUN crln-9092 4 31 in in ADP crln-9092 4 32 chicago chicago PROPN crln-9092 4 33 , , PUNCT crln-9092 4 34 september september PROPN crln-9092 4 35 17–19 17–19 NUM crln-9092 4 36 , , PUNCT crln-9092 4 37 2014 2014 NUM crln-9092 4 38 , , PUNCT crln-9092 4 39 and and CCONJ crln-9092 4 40 conclude conclude VERB crln-9092 4 41 in in ADP crln-9092 4 42 a a DET crln-9092 4 43 final final ADJ crln-9092 4 44 review review NOUN crln-9092 4 45 at at ADP crln-9092 4 46 the the DET crln-9092 4 47 fall fall NOUN crln-9092 4 48 executive executive NOUN crln-9092 4 49 meeting meeting NOUN crln-9092 4 50 in in ADP crln-9092 4 51 chicago chicago PROPN crln-9092 4 52 , , PUNCT crln-9092 4 53 october october PROPN crln-9092 4 54 24–25 24–25 NUM crln-9092 4 55 , , PUNCT crln-9092 4 56 2014 2014 NUM crln-9092 4 57 . . PUNCT crln-9092 5 1 research research NOUN crln-9092 5 2 and and CCONJ crln-9092 5 3 scholarly scholarly ADJ crln-9092 5 4 environment environment NOUN crln-9092 5 5 goal goal NOUN crln-9092 5 6 : : PUNCT crln-9092 5 7 librarians librarian NOUN crln-9092 5 8 accelerate accelerate VERB crln-9092 5 9 the the DET crln-9092 5 10 transition transition NOUN crln-9092 5 11 to to ADP crln-9092 5 12 a a DET crln-9092 5 13 more more ADV crln-9092 5 14 open open ADJ crln-9092 5 15 system system NOUN crln-9092 5 16 of of ADP crln-9092 5 17 scholarship scholarship NOUN crln-9092 5 18 . . PUNCT crln-9092 6 1 • • PROPN crln-9092 6 2 approved approve VERB crln-9092 6 3 the the DET crln-9092 6 4 proposal proposal NOUN crln-9092 6 5 to to PART crln-9092 6 6 establish establish VERB crln-9092 6 7 a a DET crln-9092 6 8 digital digital ADJ crln-9092 6 9 humanities humanity NOUN crln-9092 6 10 interest interest NOUN crln-9092 6 11 group group NOUN crln-9092 6 12 and and CCONJ crln-9092 6 13 its its PRON crln-9092 6 14 purpose purpose NOUN crln-9092 6 15 , , PUNCT crln-9092 6 16 which which PRON crln-9092 6 17 is be AUX crln-9092 6 18 to to PART crln-9092 6 19 provide provide VERB crln-9092 6 20 a a DET crln-9092 6 21 forum forum NOUN crln-9092 6 22 for for ADP crln-9092 6 23 the the DET crln-9092 6 24 discussion discussion NOUN crln-9092 6 25 and and CCONJ crln-9092 6 26 exchange exchange NOUN crln-9092 6 27 of of ADP crln-9092 6 28 ideas idea NOUN crln-9092 6 29 regarding regard VERB crln-9092 6 30 current current ADJ crln-9092 6 31 and and CCONJ crln-9092 6 32 developing develop VERB crln-9092 6 33 approaches approach NOUN crln-9092 6 34 to to ADP crln-9092 6 35 digital digital ADJ crln-9092 6 36 humanities humanity NOUN crln-9092 6 37 scholarship scholarship NOUN crln-9092 6 38 in in ADP crln-9092 6 39 the the DET crln-9092 6 40 library library NOUN crln-9092 6 41 . . PUNCT crln-9092 7 1 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-9092 7 2 news news PROPN crln-9092 7 3 march march PROPN crln-9092 7 4 2014 2014 NUM crln-9092 7 5 152 152 NUM crln-9092 7 6 • • PROPN crln-9092 7 7 approved approve VERB crln-9092 7 8 a a DET crln-9092 7 9 motion motion NOUN crln-9092 7 10 stating state VERB crln-9092 7 11 that that SCONJ crln-9092 7 12 section section NOUN crln-9092 7 13 membership membership NOUN crln-9092 7 14 levels level NOUN crln-9092 7 15 attained attain VERB crln-9092 7 16 at at ADP crln-9092 7 17 the the DET crln-9092 7 18 close close NOUN crln-9092 7 19 of of ADP crln-9092 7 20 fy14 fy14 PROPN crln-9092 7 21 , , PUNCT crln-9092 7 22 i.e. i.e. X crln-9092 7 23 , , PUNCT crln-9092 7 24 august august PROPN crln-9092 7 25 2014 2014 NUM crln-9092 7 26 , , PUNCT crln-9092 7 27 be be AUX crln-9092 7 28 used use VERB crln-9092 7 29 to to PART crln-9092 7 30 budget budget VERB crln-9092 7 31 and and CCONJ crln-9092 7 32 allocate allocate ADJ crln-9092 7 33 section section NOUN crln-9092 7 34 funding funding NOUN crln-9092 7 35 for for ADP crln-9092 7 36 fy15 fy15 PROPN crln-9092 7 37 – – PUNCT crln-9092 7 38 fy17 fy17 NOUN crln-9092 7 39 . . PUNCT crln-9092 8 1 this this DET crln-9092 8 2 action action NOUN crln-9092 8 3 was be AUX crln-9092 8 4 taken take VERB crln-9092 8 5 in in ADP crln-9092 8 6 anticipation anticipation NOUN crln-9092 8 7 of of ADP crln-9092 8 8 the the DET crln-9092 8 9 fiscal fiscal ADJ crln-9092 8 10 impact impact NOUN crln-9092 8 11 of of ADP crln-9092 8 12 removing remove VERB crln-9092 8 13 additional additional ADJ crln-9092 8 14 dues due NOUN crln-9092 8 15 charges charge NOUN crln-9092 8 16 for for ADP crln-9092 8 17 more more ADJ crln-9092 8 18 than than ADP crln-9092 8 19 three three NUM crln-9092 8 20 sections section NOUN crln-9092 8 21 or or CCONJ crln-9092 8 22 interest interest NOUN crln-9092 8 23 group group NOUN crln-9092 8 24 affiliations affiliation NOUN crln-9092 8 25 . . PUNCT crln-9092 9 1 ( ( PUNCT crln-9092 9 2 note note NOUN crln-9092 9 3 : : PUNCT crln-9092 9 4 beginning begin VERB crln-9092 9 5 in in ADP crln-9092 9 6 september september PROPN crln-9092 9 7 2014 2014 NUM crln-9092 9 8 , , PUNCT crln-9092 9 9 ala ala PROPN crln-9092 9 10 ’s ’s PART crln-9092 9 11 e e PROPN crln-9092 9 12 - - NOUN crln-9092 9 13 commerce commerce NOUN crln-9092 9 14 system system NOUN crln-9092 9 15 will will AUX crln-9092 9 16 no no ADV crln-9092 9 17 longer long ADV crln-9092 9 18 support support VERB crln-9092 9 19 the the DET crln-9092 9 20 collection collection NOUN crln-9092 9 21 of of ADP crln-9092 9 22 additional additional ADJ crln-9092 9 23 fees fee NOUN crln-9092 9 24 for for ADP crln-9092 9 25 sections section NOUN crln-9092 9 26 so so ADV crln-9092 9 27 acrl acrl ADJ crln-9092 9 28 members member NOUN crln-9092 9 29 may may AUX crln-9092 9 30 select select VERB crln-9092 9 31 an an DET crln-9092 9 32 unlimited unlimited ADJ crln-9092 9 33 number number NOUN crln-9092 9 34 of of ADP crln-9092 9 35 sections section NOUN crln-9092 9 36 and and CCONJ crln-9092 9 37 interest interest NOUN crln-9092 9 38 groups group NOUN crln-9092 9 39 . . PUNCT crln-9092 9 40 ) ) PUNCT crln-9092 10 1 enabling enable VERB crln-9092 10 2 programs program NOUN crln-9092 10 3 and and CCONJ crln-9092 10 4 services service NOUN crln-9092 10 5 goal goal NOUN crln-9092 10 6 : : PUNCT crln-9092 10 7 strategic strategic ADJ crln-9092 10 8 goal goal NOUN crln-9092 10 9 areas area NOUN crln-9092 10 10 will will AUX crln-9092 10 11 be be AUX crln-9092 10 12 supported support VERB crln-9092 10 13 by by ADP crln-9092 10 14 financial financial ADJ crln-9092 10 15 and and CCONJ crln-9092 10 16 operational operational ADJ crln-9092 10 17 planning planning NOUN crln-9092 10 18 , , PUNCT crln-9092 10 19 and and CCONJ crln-9092 10 20 will will AUX crln-9092 10 21 guide guide VERB crln-9092 10 22 the the DET crln-9092 10 23 development development NOUN crln-9092 10 24 and and CCONJ crln-9092 10 25 implementation implementation NOUN crln-9092 10 26 of of ADP crln-9092 10 27 programs program NOUN crln-9092 10 28 and and CCONJ crln-9092 10 29 services service NOUN crln-9092 10 30 that that PRON crln-9092 10 31 target target VERB crln-9092 10 32 education education NOUN crln-9092 10 33 , , PUNCT crln-9092 10 34 advocacy advocacy NOUN crln-9092 10 35 , , PUNCT crln-9092 10 36 and and CCONJ crln-9092 10 37 member member NOUN crln-9092 10 38 engagement engagement NOUN crln-9092 10 39 . . PUNCT crln-9092 11 1 • • PROPN crln-9092 11 2 confirmed confirm VERB crln-9092 11 3 the the DET crln-9092 11 4 previous previous ADJ crln-9092 11 5 virtual virtual ADJ crln-9092 11 6 votes vote NOUN crln-9092 11 7 to to PART crln-9092 11 8 : : PUNCT crln-9092 11 9 approve approve VERB crln-9092 11 10 the the DET crln-9092 11 11 minutes minute NOUN crln-9092 11 12 from from ADP crln-9092 11 13 the the DET crln-9092 11 14 annual annual ADJ crln-9092 11 15 conference conference NOUN crln-9092 11 16 2013 2013 NUM crln-9092 11 17 ; ; PUNCT crln-9092 11 18 approve approve VERB crln-9092 11 19 a a DET crln-9092 11 20 fundraising fundraising NOUN crln-9092 11 21 goal goal NOUN crln-9092 11 22 of of ADP crln-9092 11 23 $ $ SYM crln-9092 11 24 50,000 50,000 NUM crln-9092 11 25 for for ADP crln-9092 11 26 the the DET crln-9092 11 27 75th 75th ADJ crln-9092 11 28 anniversary anniversary NOUN crln-9092 11 29 campaign campaign NOUN crln-9092 11 30 ; ; PUNCT crln-9092 11 31 revise revise VERB crln-9092 11 32 the the DET crln-9092 11 33 acrl acrl ADJ crln-9092 11 34 plan plan NOUN crln-9092 11 35 for for ADP crln-9092 11 36 excellence excellence NOUN crln-9092 11 37 ; ; PUNCT crln-9092 11 38 withdraw withdraw VERB crln-9092 11 39 the the DET crln-9092 11 40 2017 2017 NUM crln-9092 11 41 conference conference NOUN crln-9092 11 42 from from ADP crln-9092 11 43 nashville nashville PROPN crln-9092 11 44 ; ; PUNCT crln-9092 11 45 approve approve VERB crln-9092 11 46 either either CCONJ crln-9092 11 47 baltimore baltimore NOUN crln-9092 11 48 or or CCONJ crln-9092 11 49 charlotte charlotte NOUN crln-9092 11 50 as as ADP crln-9092 11 51 the the DET crln-9092 11 52 acrl acrl ADJ crln-9092 11 53 2017 2017 NUM crln-9092 11 54 conference conference NOUN crln-9092 11 55 site site NOUN crln-9092 11 56 ; ; PUNCT crln-9092 11 57 affirm affirm ADJ crln-9092 11 58 the the DET crln-9092 11 59 guideline guideline NOUN crln-9092 11 60 for for ADP crln-9092 11 61 collective collective ADJ crln-9092 11 62 bargaining bargaining NOUN crln-9092 11 63 , , PUNCT crln-9092 11 64 X crln-9092 11 65 /standards /standards ADP crln-9092 11 66 / / SYM crln-9092 11 67 guidelinecollective guidelinecollective ADJ crln-9092 11 68 ; ; PUNCT crln-9092 11 69 establish establish VERB crln-9092 11 70 a a DET crln-9092 11 71 task task NOUN crln-9092 11 72 force force NOUN crln-9092 11 73 to to PART crln-9092 11 74 review review VERB crln-9092 11 75 the the DET crln-9092 11 76 guidelines guideline NOUN crln-9092 11 77 for for ADP crln-9092 11 78 the the DET crln-9092 11 79 screening screening NOUN crln-9092 11 80 and and CCONJ crln-9092 11 81 appointment appointment NOUN crln-9092 11 82 of of ADP crln-9092 11 83 academic academic ADJ crln-9092 11 84 librarians librarian NOUN crln-9092 11 85 using use VERB crln-9092 11 86 a a DET crln-9092 11 87 search search NOUN crln-9092 11 88 committee committee NOUN crln-9092 11 89 . . PUNCT crln-9092 12 1 topic topic NOUN crln-9092 12 2 of of ADP crln-9092 12 3 the the DET crln-9092 12 4 u.s u.s PROPN crln-9092 12 5 . . PROPN crln-9092 12 6 social social ADJ crln-9092 12 7 security security NOUN crln-9092 12 8 programs program NOUN crln-9092 12 9 . . PUNCT crln-9092 13 1 if if SCONJ crln-9092 13 2 you you PRON crln-9092 13 3 are be AUX crln-9092 13 4 looking look VERB crln-9092 13 5 for for ADP crln-9092 13 6 information information NOUN crln-9092 13 7 about about ADP crln-9092 13 8 social social ADJ crln-9092 13 9 security security NOUN crln-9092 13 10 , , PUNCT crln-9092 13 11 ores ore NOUN crln-9092 13 12 should should AUX crln-9092 13 13 be be AUX crln-9092 13 14 your your PRON crln-9092 13 15 first first ADJ crln-9092 13 16 destination destination NOUN crln-9092 13 17 . . PUNCT crln-9092 14 1 access access NOUN crln-9092 14 2 : : PUNCT crln-9092 14 3 NOUN crln-9092 14 4 /policy /policy NOUN crln-9092 14 5 / / SYM crln-9092 14 6 about about ADP crln-9092 14 7 / / SYM crln-9092 14 8 ores.html ores.html NUM crln-9092 14 9 . . PUNCT crln-9092 15 1 • • VERB crln-9092 15 2 statistical statistical ADJ crln-9092 15 3 programs program NOUN crln-9092 15 4 of of ADP crln-9092 15 5 the the DET crln-9092 15 6 united united PROPN crln-9092 15 7 states states PROPN crln-9092 15 8 of of ADP crln-9092 15 9 america america PROPN crln-9092 15 10 . . PUNCT crln-9092 16 1 published publish VERB crln-9092 16 2 by by ADP crln-9092 16 3 the the DET crln-9092 16 4 office office NOUN crln-9092 16 5 of of ADP crln-9092 16 6 management management NOUN crln-9092 16 7 and and CCONJ crln-9092 16 8 budget budget NOUN crln-9092 16 9 , , PUNCT crln-9092 16 10 statistical statistical ADJ crln-9092 16 11 programs program NOUN crln-9092 16 12 of of ADP crln-9092 16 13 the the DET crln-9092 16 14 united united PROPN crln-9092 16 15 states states PROPN crln-9092 16 16 government government NOUN crln-9092 16 17 is be AUX crln-9092 16 18 an an DET crln-9092 16 19 annual annual ADJ crln-9092 16 20 publication publication NOUN crln-9092 16 21 listing list VERB crln-9092 16 22 the the DET crln-9092 16 23 13 13 NUM crln-9092 16 24 principal principal ADJ crln-9092 16 25 statistical statistical ADJ crln-9092 16 26 agency agency NOUN crln-9092 16 27 programs program NOUN crln-9092 16 28 of of ADP crln-9092 16 29 the the DET crln-9092 16 30 united united PROPN crln-9092 16 31 states states PROPN crln-9092 16 32 and and CCONJ crln-9092 16 33 the the DET crln-9092 16 34 nearly nearly ADV crln-9092 16 35 100 100 NUM crln-9092 16 36 smaller small ADJ crln-9092 16 37 programs program NOUN crln-9092 16 38 run run VERB crln-9092 16 39 as as ADP crln-9092 16 40 part part NOUN crln-9092 16 41 of of ADP crln-9092 16 42 various various ADJ crln-9092 16 43 federal federal ADJ crln-9092 16 44 agencies agency NOUN crln-9092 16 45 . . PUNCT crln-9092 17 1 statistical statistical ADJ crln-9092 17 2 programs program NOUN crln-9092 17 3 of of ADP crln-9092 17 4 the the DET crln-9092 17 5 united united PROPN crln-9092 17 6 states states PROPN crln-9092 17 7 provides provide VERB crln-9092 17 8 a a DET crln-9092 17 9 topical topical ADJ crln-9092 17 10 listing listing NOUN crln-9092 17 11 of of ADP crln-9092 17 12 programs program NOUN crln-9092 17 13 as as ADV crln-9092 17 14 well well ADV crln-9092 17 15 as as ADP crln-9092 17 16 a a DET crln-9092 17 17 breakdown breakdown NOUN crln-9092 17 18 of of ADP crln-9092 17 19 programs program NOUN crln-9092 17 20 by by ADP crln-9092 17 21 top top ADJ crln-9092 17 22 level level NOUN crln-9092 17 23 federal federal ADJ crln-9092 17 24 agencies agency NOUN crln-9092 17 25 . . PUNCT crln-9092 18 1 with with ADP crln-9092 18 2 more more ADJ crln-9092 18 3 than than ADP crln-9092 18 4 100 100 NUM crln-9092 18 5 programs program NOUN crln-9092 18 6 listed list VERB crln-9092 18 7 , , PUNCT crln-9092 18 8 if if SCONJ crln-9092 18 9 a a DET crln-9092 18 10 principal principal ADJ crln-9092 18 11 statistical statistical ADJ crln-9092 18 12 agency agency NOUN crln-9092 18 13 does do AUX crln-9092 18 14 not not PART crln-9092 18 15 have have VERB crln-9092 18 16 the the DET crln-9092 18 17 information information NOUN crln-9092 18 18 you you PRON crln-9092 18 19 are be AUX crln-9092 18 20 looking look VERB crln-9092 18 21 for for ADP crln-9092 18 22 , , PUNCT crln-9092 18 23 chances chance NOUN crln-9092 18 24 are be AUX crln-9092 18 25 one one NUM crln-9092 18 26 of of ADP crln-9092 18 27 the the DET crln-9092 18 28 more more ADV crln-9092 18 29 specialized specialized ADJ crln-9092 18 30 programs program NOUN crln-9092 18 31 listed list VERB crln-9092 18 32 here here ADV crln-9092 18 33 will will AUX crln-9092 18 34 . . PUNCT crln-9092 19 1 while while SCONJ crln-9092 19 2 not not PART crln-9092 19 3 every every DET crln-9092 19 4 federal federal ADJ crln-9092 19 5 agency agency NOUN crln-9092 19 6 is be AUX crln-9092 19 7 responsible responsible ADJ crln-9092 19 8 for for ADP crln-9092 19 9 a a DET crln-9092 19 10 principal principal ADJ crln-9092 19 11 statistical statistical ADJ crln-9092 19 12 agency agency NOUN crln-9092 19 13 , , PUNCT crln-9092 19 14 just just ADV crln-9092 19 15 about about ADV crln-9092 19 16 every every DET crln-9092 19 17 federal federal ADJ crln-9092 19 18 agency agency NOUN crln-9092 19 19 runs run VERB crln-9092 19 20 some some DET crln-9092 19 21 manner manner NOUN crln-9092 19 22 of of ADP crln-9092 19 23 statistical statistical ADJ crln-9092 19 24 program program NOUN crln-9092 19 25 , , PUNCT crln-9092 19 26 and and CCONJ crln-9092 19 27 generally generally ADV crln-9092 19 28 more more ADV crln-9092 19 29 than than ADP crln-9092 19 30 just just ADV crln-9092 19 31 one one NUM crln-9092 19 32 . . PUNCT crln-9092 20 1 these these PRON crln-9092 20 2 bureaus bureau NOUN crln-9092 20 3 , , PUNCT crln-9092 20 4 programs program NOUN crln-9092 20 5 , , PUNCT crln-9092 20 6 departments department NOUN crln-9092 20 7 , , PUNCT crln-9092 20 8 and and CCONJ crln-9092 20 9 agencies agency NOUN crln-9092 20 10 generally generally ADV crln-9092 20 11 focus focus VERB crln-9092 20 12 on on ADP crln-9092 20 13 narrow narrow ADJ crln-9092 20 14 topics topic NOUN crln-9092 20 15 related relate VERB crln-9092 20 16 in in ADP crln-9092 20 17 some some DET crln-9092 20 18 way way NOUN crln-9092 20 19 to to ADP crln-9092 20 20 the the DET crln-9092 20 21 agencies agency NOUN crln-9092 20 22 they they PRON crln-9092 20 23 are be AUX crln-9092 20 24 a a DET crln-9092 20 25 part part NOUN crln-9092 20 26 of of ADP crln-9092 20 27 . . PUNCT crln-9092 21 1 access access NOUN crln-9092 21 2 : : PUNCT crln-9092 21 3 VERB crln-9092 21 4 _ _ PRON crln-9092 21 5 statpolicy statpolicy NOUN crln-9092 21 6 . . PUNCT crln-9092 22 1 • • ADJ crln-9092 22 2 statistics statistic NOUN crln-9092 22 3 of of ADP crln-9092 22 4 income income NOUN crln-9092 22 5 ( ( PUNCT crln-9092 22 6 soi soi NOUN crln-9092 22 7 ) ) PUNCT crln-9092 22 8 . . PUNCT crln-9092 23 1 the the DET crln-9092 23 2 internal internal ADJ crln-9092 23 3 revenue revenue NOUN crln-9092 23 4 service service NOUN crln-9092 23 5 provides provide VERB crln-9092 23 6 soi soi NOUN crln-9092 23 7 related relate VERB crln-9092 23 8 to to ADP crln-9092 23 9 all all DET crln-9092 23 10 aspects aspect NOUN crln-9092 23 11 of of ADP crln-9092 23 12 federal federal ADJ crln-9092 23 13 taxation taxation NOUN crln-9092 23 14 in in ADP crln-9092 23 15 the the DET crln-9092 23 16 united united PROPN crln-9092 23 17 states states PROPN crln-9092 23 18 . . PUNCT crln-9092 24 1 while while SCONJ crln-9092 24 2 the the DET crln-9092 24 3 soi soi NOUN crln-9092 24 4 is be AUX crln-9092 24 5 another another DET crln-9092 24 6 agency agency NOUN crln-9092 24 7 that that PRON crln-9092 24 8 is be AUX crln-9092 24 9 fairly fairly ADV crln-9092 24 10 focused focused ADJ crln-9092 24 11 in in ADP crln-9092 24 12 the the DET crln-9092 24 13 topic topic NOUN crln-9092 24 14 it it PRON crln-9092 24 15 covers cover VERB crln-9092 24 16 , , PUNCT crln-9092 24 17 it it PRON crln-9092 24 18 does do AUX crln-9092 24 19 manage manage VERB crln-9092 24 20 to to PART crln-9092 24 21 provide provide VERB crln-9092 24 22 information information NOUN crln-9092 24 23 on on ADP crln-9092 24 24 just just ADV crln-9092 24 25 about about ADV crln-9092 24 26 every every PRON crln-9092 24 27 aspect aspect NOUN crln-9092 24 28 of of ADP crln-9092 24 29 taxation taxation NOUN crln-9092 24 30 . . PUNCT crln-9092 25 1 statistics statistic NOUN crln-9092 25 2 cover cover VERB crln-9092 25 3 individual individual ADJ crln-9092 25 4 and and CCONJ crln-9092 25 5 business business NOUN crln-9092 25 6 taxes taxis NOUN crln-9092 25 7 by by ADP crln-9092 25 8 type type NOUN crln-9092 25 9 and and CCONJ crln-9092 25 10 topic topic NOUN crln-9092 25 11 , , PUNCT crln-9092 25 12 statistics statistic NOUN crln-9092 25 13 by by ADP crln-9092 25 14 tax tax NOUN crln-9092 25 15 form form NOUN crln-9092 25 16 , , PUNCT crln-9092 25 17 information information NOUN crln-9092 25 18 on on ADP crln-9092 25 19 income income NOUN crln-9092 25 20 , , PUNCT crln-9092 25 21 irs irs PROPN crln-9092 25 22 operations operation NOUN crln-9092 25 23 , , PUNCT crln-9092 25 24 and and CCONJ crln-9092 25 25 tax tax NOUN crln-9092 25 26 exemptions exemption NOUN crln-9092 25 27 . . PUNCT crln-9092 26 1 access access NOUN crln-9092 26 2 : : PUNCT crln-9092 26 3 PROPN crln-9092 26 4 /uac /uac SYM crln-9092 26 5 / / SYM crln-9092 26 6 tax tax NOUN crln-9092 26 7 - - PUNCT crln-9092 26 8 stats-2 stats-2 SPACE crln-9092 26 9 . . PUNCT crln-9092 27 1 ( ( PUNCT crln-9092 27 2 “ " PUNCT crln-9092 27 3 internet internet NOUN crln-9092 27 4 resources resource NOUN crln-9092 27 5 , , PUNCT crln-9092 27 6 ” " PUNCT crln-9092 27 7 cont cont NOUN crln-9092 27 8 . . PUNCT crln-9092 28 1 from from ADP crln-9092 28 2 page page NOUN crln-9092 28 3 150 150 NUM crln-9092 28 4 ) ) PUNCT