id sid tid token lemma pos crln-9070 1 1 feb14_b.indd feb14_b.indd PROPN crln-9070 1 2 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-9070 1 3 news news PROPN crln-9070 1 4 february february PROPN crln-9070 1 5 2014 2014 NUM crln-9070 1 6 76 76 NUM crln-9070 1 7 kate kate ADJ crln-9070 1 8 pittsley pittsley NOUN crln-9070 1 9 where where SCONJ crln-9070 1 10 to to PART crln-9070 1 11 advertise advertise VERB crln-9070 1 12 media medium NOUN crln-9070 1 13 planning planning NOUN crln-9070 1 14 resources resource NOUN crln-9070 1 15 on on ADP crln-9070 1 16 the the DET crln-9070 1 17 web web NOUN crln-9070 1 18 kate kate NOUN crln-9070 1 19 pittsley pittsley NOUN crln-9070 1 20 is be AUX crln-9070 1 21 business business NOUN crln-9070 1 22 librarian librarian NOUN crln-9070 1 23 at at ADP crln-9070 1 24 eastern eastern PROPN crln-9070 1 25 michigan michigan PROPN crln-9070 1 26 university university PROPN crln-9070 1 27 library library PROPN crln-9070 1 28 , , PUNCT crln-9070 1 29 e e NOUN crln-9070 1 30 - - NOUN crln-9070 1 31 mail mail NOUN crln-9070 1 32 : : PUNCT crln-9070 1 33 PROPN crln-9070 1 34 © © PROPN crln-9070 1 35 2014 2014 NUM crln-9070 1 36 kate kate ADJ crln-9070 1 37 pittsley pittsley NOUN crln-9070 1 38 internet internet NOUN crln-9070 1 39 resources resource NOUN crln-9070 1 40 when when SCONJ crln-9070 1 41 an an DET crln-9070 1 42 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 1 43 or or CCONJ crln-9070 1 44 communications communication NOUN crln-9070 1 45 student student NOUN crln-9070 1 46 creates create VERB crln-9070 1 47 a a DET crln-9070 1 48 media medium NOUN crln-9070 1 49 plan plan NOUN crln-9070 1 50 for for ADP crln-9070 1 51 an an DET crln-9070 1 52 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 1 53 campaign campaign NOUN crln-9070 1 54 , , PUNCT crln-9070 1 55 the the DET crln-9070 1 56 student student NOUN crln-9070 1 57 must must AUX crln-9070 1 58 make make VERB crln-9070 1 59 multiple multiple ADJ crln-9070 1 60 decisions decision NOUN crln-9070 1 61 , , PUNCT crln-9070 1 62 including include VERB crln-9070 1 63 : : PUNCT crln-9070 1 64 • • INTJ crln-9070 1 65 how how SCONJ crln-9070 1 66 should should AUX crln-9070 1 67 i i PRON crln-9070 1 68 allocate allocate VERB crln-9070 1 69 my my PRON crln-9070 1 70 budget budget NOUN crln-9070 1 71 across across ADP crln-9070 1 72 various various ADJ crln-9070 1 73 media medium NOUN crln-9070 1 74 types type NOUN crln-9070 1 75 to to AUX crln-9070 1 76 most most ADV crln-9070 1 77 effectively effectively ADV crln-9070 1 78 reach reach VERB crln-9070 1 79 target target NOUN crln-9070 1 80 markets market NOUN crln-9070 1 81 ? ? PUNCT crln-9070 2 1 • • VERB crln-9070 2 2 which which DET crln-9070 2 3 specific specific ADJ crln-9070 2 4 media medium NOUN crln-9070 2 5 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 2 6 e.g. e.g. ADV crln-9070 2 7 , , PUNCT crln-9070 2 8 magazine magazine NOUN crln-9070 2 9 titles title NOUN crln-9070 2 10 , , PUNCT crln-9070 2 11 television television NOUN crln-9070 2 12 programs program NOUN crln-9070 2 13 , , PUNCT crln-9070 2 14 websites website NOUN crln-9070 2 15 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 2 16 might might AUX crln-9070 2 17 be be AUX crln-9070 2 18 used use VERB crln-9070 2 19 to to PART crln-9070 2 20 reach reach VERB crln-9070 2 21 target target NOUN crln-9070 2 22 markets market NOUN crln-9070 2 23 ? ? PUNCT crln-9070 3 1 students student NOUN crln-9070 3 2 face face VERB crln-9070 3 3 a a DET crln-9070 3 4 daunting daunting ADJ crln-9070 3 5 challenge challenge NOUN crln-9070 3 6 , , PUNCT crln-9070 3 7 as as SCONJ crln-9070 3 8 most most ADJ crln-9070 3 9 university university NOUN crln-9070 3 10 libraries library NOUN crln-9070 3 11 have have VERB crln-9070 3 12 few few ADJ crln-9070 3 13 subscription subscription NOUN crln-9070 3 14 services service NOUN crln-9070 3 15 for for ADP crln-9070 3 16 researching research VERB crln-9070 3 17 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 3 18 media medium NOUN crln-9070 3 19 vehicles vehicle NOUN crln-9070 3 20 . . PUNCT crln-9070 4 1 many many ADJ crln-9070 4 2 services service NOUN crln-9070 4 3 used use VERB crln-9070 4 4 by by ADP crln-9070 4 5 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 4 6 firms firm NOUN crln-9070 4 7 are be AUX crln-9070 4 8 not not PART crln-9070 4 9 available available ADJ crln-9070 4 10 to to ADP crln-9070 4 11 academics academic NOUN crln-9070 4 12 and and CCONJ crln-9070 4 13 not not PART crln-9070 4 14 all all DET crln-9070 4 15 college college NOUN crln-9070 4 16 libraries library NOUN crln-9070 4 17 subscribe subscribe VERB crln-9070 4 18 to to ADP crln-9070 4 19 those those PRON crln-9070 4 20 that that PRON crln-9070 4 21 are be AUX crln-9070 4 22 available.1 available.1 ADV crln-9070 4 23 historically historically ADV crln-9070 4 24 , , PUNCT crln-9070 4 25 many many ADJ crln-9070 4 26 college college NOUN crln-9070 4 27 libraries library NOUN crln-9070 4 28 found find VERB crln-9070 4 29 an an DET crln-9070 4 30 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 4 31 agency agency NOUN crln-9070 4 32 willing willing ADJ crln-9070 4 33 to to PART crln-9070 4 34 donate donate VERB crln-9070 4 35 old old ADJ crln-9070 4 36 paper paper NOUN crln-9070 4 37 copies copy NOUN crln-9070 4 38 of of ADP crln-9070 4 39 print print NOUN crln-9070 4 40 reference reference NOUN crln-9070 4 41 books book NOUN crln-9070 4 42 from from ADP crln-9070 4 43 standard standard ADJ crln-9070 4 44 rate rate NOUN crln-9070 4 45 and and CCONJ crln-9070 4 46 data datum NOUN crln-9070 4 47 service service NOUN crln-9070 4 48 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 4 49 srds srd NOUN crln-9070 4 50 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 4 51 . . PUNCT crln-9070 5 1 now now ADV crln-9070 5 2 that that SCONJ crln-9070 5 3 most most ADJ crln-9070 5 4 ad ad NOUN crln-9070 5 5 agencies agency NOUN crln-9070 5 6 use use VERB crln-9070 5 7 electronic electronic ADJ crln-9070 5 8 subscriptions subscription NOUN crln-9070 5 9 , , PUNCT crln-9070 5 10 hand hand NOUN crln-9070 5 11 - - PUNCT crln-9070 5 12 me i PRON crln-9070 5 13 - - PUNCT crln-9070 5 14 down down ADP crln-9070 5 15 print print NOUN crln-9070 5 16 copies copy NOUN crln-9070 5 17 may may AUX crln-9070 5 18 be be AUX crln-9070 5 19 hard hard ADJ crln-9070 5 20 to to PART crln-9070 5 21 find find VERB crln-9070 5 22 . . PUNCT crln-9070 6 1 the the DET crln-9070 6 2 following follow VERB crln-9070 6 3 websites website NOUN crln-9070 6 4 can can AUX crln-9070 6 5 be be AUX crln-9070 6 6 used use VERB crln-9070 6 7 to to PART crln-9070 6 8 compare compare VERB crln-9070 6 9 media medium NOUN crln-9070 6 10 channels channel NOUN crln-9070 6 11 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 6 12 e.g. e.g. ADV crln-9070 6 13 , , PUNCT crln-9070 6 14 television television NOUN crln-9070 6 15 versus versus ADP crln-9070 6 16 magazine magazine NOUN crln-9070 6 17 versus versus ADP crln-9070 6 18 internet internet NOUN crln-9070 6 19 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 6 20 and and CCONJ crln-9070 6 21 to to PART crln-9070 6 22 choose choose VERB crln-9070 6 23 specific specific ADJ crln-9070 6 24 media medium NOUN crln-9070 6 25 vehicles vehicle NOUN crln-9070 6 26 , , PUNCT crln-9070 6 27 such such ADJ crln-9070 6 28 as as ADP crln-9070 6 29 specific specific ADJ crln-9070 6 30 magazine magazine NOUN crln-9070 6 31 titles title NOUN crln-9070 6 32 , , PUNCT crln-9070 6 33 cable cable NOUN crln-9070 6 34 channels channel NOUN crln-9070 6 35 , , PUNCT crln-9070 6 36 local local ADJ crln-9070 6 37 radio radio NOUN crln-9070 6 38 stations station NOUN crln-9070 6 39 , , PUNCT crln-9070 6 40 or or CCONJ crln-9070 6 41 websites website NOUN crln-9070 6 42 . . PUNCT crln-9070 7 1 the the DET crln-9070 7 2 recommended recommend VERB crln-9070 7 3 media media NOUN crln-9070 7 4 sites site NOUN crln-9070 7 5 are be AUX crln-9070 7 6 often often ADV crln-9070 7 7 complex complex ADJ crln-9070 7 8 , , PUNCT crln-9070 7 9 mirroring mirror VERB crln-9070 7 10 a a DET crln-9070 7 11 rapidly rapidly ADV crln-9070 7 12 changing change VERB crln-9070 7 13 media medium NOUN crln-9070 7 14 landscape landscape NOUN crln-9070 7 15 that that PRON crln-9070 7 16 blurs blur VERB crln-9070 7 17 lines line NOUN crln-9070 7 18 between between ADP crln-9070 7 19 media medium NOUN crln-9070 7 20 types type NOUN crln-9070 7 21 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 7 22 for for ADP crln-9070 7 23 example example NOUN crln-9070 7 24 , , PUNCT crln-9070 7 25 print print VERB crln-9070 7 26 newspapers newspaper NOUN crln-9070 7 27 with with ADP crln-9070 7 28 websites website NOUN crln-9070 7 29 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 7 30 . . PUNCT crln-9070 8 1 also also ADV crln-9070 8 2 , , PUNCT crln-9070 8 3 many many ADJ crln-9070 8 4 details detail NOUN crln-9070 8 5 planners planner NOUN crln-9070 8 6 must must AUX crln-9070 8 7 consider consider VERB crln-9070 8 8 — — PUNCT crln-9070 8 9 such such ADJ crln-9070 8 10 as as ADP crln-9070 8 11 the the DET crln-9070 8 12 timing timing NOUN crln-9070 8 13 , , PUNCT crln-9070 8 14 frequency frequency NOUN crln-9070 8 15 , , PUNCT crln-9070 8 16 and and CCONJ crln-9070 8 17 placement placement NOUN crln-9070 8 18 of of ADP crln-9070 8 19 ads ad NOUN crln-9070 8 20 — — PUNCT crln-9070 8 21 vary vary VERB crln-9070 8 22 greatly greatly ADV crln-9070 8 23 for for ADP crln-9070 8 24 different different ADJ crln-9070 8 25 types type NOUN crln-9070 8 26 of of ADP crln-9070 8 27 media medium NOUN crln-9070 8 28 : : PUNCT crln-9070 8 29 prime prime ADJ crln-9070 8 30 time time NOUN crln-9070 8 31 versus versus ADP crln-9070 8 32 daytime daytime ADJ crln-9070 8 33 television television NOUN crln-9070 8 34 , , PUNCT crln-9070 8 35 ad ad NOUN crln-9070 8 36 placement placement NOUN crln-9070 8 37 at at ADP crln-9070 8 38 front front NOUN crln-9070 8 39 or or CCONJ crln-9070 8 40 middle middle NOUN crln-9070 8 41 of of ADP crln-9070 8 42 magazine magazine NOUN crln-9070 8 43 , , PUNCT crln-9070 8 44 size size NOUN crln-9070 8 45 of of ADP crln-9070 8 46 newspaper newspaper NOUN crln-9070 8 47 ads ad NOUN crln-9070 8 48 , , PUNCT crln-9070 8 49 etc etc X crln-9070 8 50 . . X crln-9070 9 1 the the DET crln-9070 9 2 availability availability NOUN crln-9070 9 3 of of ADP crln-9070 9 4 price price NOUN crln-9070 9 5 information information NOUN crln-9070 9 6 also also ADV crln-9070 9 7 varies vary VERB crln-9070 9 8 by by ADP crln-9070 9 9 media medium NOUN crln-9070 9 10 type type NOUN crln-9070 9 11 : : PUNCT crln-9070 9 12 print print NOUN crln-9070 9 13 media medium NOUN crln-9070 9 14 may may AUX crln-9070 9 15 have have AUX crln-9070 9 16 published publish VERB crln-9070 9 17 rate rate NOUN crln-9070 9 18 cards card NOUN crln-9070 9 19 , , PUNCT crln-9070 9 20 but but CCONJ crln-9070 9 21 broadcast broadcast NOUN crln-9070 9 22 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 9 23 is be AUX crln-9070 9 24 often often ADV crln-9070 9 25 based base VERB crln-9070 9 26 on on ADP crln-9070 9 27 negotiated negotiate VERB crln-9070 9 28 deals deal NOUN crln-9070 9 29 that that PRON crln-9070 9 30 involve involve VERB crln-9070 9 31 promises promise NOUN crln-9070 9 32 of of ADP crln-9070 9 33 a a DET crln-9070 9 34 certain certain ADJ crln-9070 9 35 level level NOUN crln-9070 9 36 of of ADP crln-9070 9 37 audience audience NOUN crln-9070 9 38 exposure exposure NOUN crln-9070 9 39 over over ADP crln-9070 9 40 a a DET crln-9070 9 41 specified specify VERB crln-9070 9 42 time time NOUN crln-9070 9 43 period period NOUN crln-9070 9 44 . . PUNCT crln-9070 10 1 internet internet NOUN crln-9070 10 2 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 10 3 is be AUX crln-9070 10 4 especially especially ADV crln-9070 10 5 complex complex ADJ crln-9070 10 6 as as SCONJ crln-9070 10 7 it it PRON crln-9070 10 8 involves involve VERB crln-9070 10 9 many many ADJ crln-9070 10 10 new new ADJ crln-9070 10 11 forms form NOUN crln-9070 10 12 of of ADP crln-9070 10 13 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 10 14 , , PUNCT crln-9070 10 15 such such ADJ crln-9070 10 16 as as ADP crln-9070 10 17 search search NOUN crln-9070 10 18 engine engine NOUN crln-9070 10 19 keyword keyword PROPN crln-9070 10 20 advertising advertising PROPN crln-9070 10 21 , , PUNCT crln-9070 10 22 online online ADJ crln-9070 10 23 video video NOUN crln-9070 10 24 ads ad NOUN crln-9070 10 25 , , PUNCT crln-9070 10 26 social social ADJ crln-9070 10 27 media medium NOUN crln-9070 10 28 , , PUNCT crln-9070 10 29 and and CCONJ crln-9070 10 30 individually individually ADV crln-9070 10 31 targeted target VERB crln-9070 10 32 ads ad NOUN crln-9070 10 33 based base VERB crln-9070 10 34 on on ADP crln-9070 10 35 online online ADJ crln-9070 10 36 behaviors behavior NOUN crln-9070 10 37 . . PUNCT crln-9070 11 1 technology technology NOUN crln-9070 11 2 makes make VERB crln-9070 11 3 media medium NOUN crln-9070 11 4 planning plan VERB crln-9070 11 5 a a DET crln-9070 11 6 moving move VERB crln-9070 11 7 target target NOUN crln-9070 11 8 not not PART crln-9070 11 9 only only ADV crln-9070 11 10 because because SCONJ crln-9070 11 11 of of ADP crln-9070 11 12 new new ADJ crln-9070 11 13 ways way NOUN crln-9070 11 14 to to PART crln-9070 11 15 advertise advertise VERB crln-9070 11 16 , , PUNCT crln-9070 11 17 but but CCONJ crln-9070 11 18 also also ADV crln-9070 11 19 due due ADP crln-9070 11 20 to to ADP crln-9070 11 21 the the DET crln-9070 11 22 increasing increase VERB crln-9070 11 23 use use NOUN crln-9070 11 24 of of ADP crln-9070 11 25 programmatic programmatic ADJ crln-9070 11 26 buying buying NOUN crln-9070 11 27 to to PART crln-9070 11 28 automate automate VERB crln-9070 11 29 ad ad NOUN crln-9070 11 30 purchases purchase NOUN crln-9070 11 31 . . PUNCT crln-9070 12 1 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 12 2 and and CCONJ crln-9070 12 3 marketing marketing NOUN crln-9070 12 4 vocabulary vocabulary NOUN crln-9070 12 5 the the DET crln-9070 12 6 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 12 7 world world NOUN crln-9070 12 8 abounds abound VERB crln-9070 12 9 with with ADP crln-9070 12 10 specialized specialized ADJ crln-9070 12 11 vocabulary vocabulary NOUN crln-9070 12 12 and and CCONJ crln-9070 12 13 acronyms acronym NOUN crln-9070 12 14 . . PUNCT crln-9070 13 1 students student NOUN crln-9070 13 2 learn learn VERB crln-9070 13 3 the the DET crln-9070 13 4 lingo lingo NOUN crln-9070 13 5 in in ADP crln-9070 13 6 classes class NOUN crln-9070 13 7 ; ; PUNCT crln-9070 13 8 however however ADV crln-9070 13 9 , , PUNCT crln-9070 13 10 a a DET crln-9070 13 11 few few ADJ crln-9070 13 12 free free ADJ crln-9070 13 13 sites site NOUN crln-9070 13 14 that that PRON crln-9070 13 15 define define VERB crln-9070 13 16 marketing marketing NOUN crln-9070 13 17 terms term NOUN crln-9070 13 18 come come VERB crln-9070 13 19 in in ADP crln-9070 13 20 handy handy ADJ crln-9070 13 21 . . PUNCT crln-9070 14 1 • • PROPN crln-9070 14 2 american american PROPN crln-9070 14 3 marketing marketing PROPN crln-9070 14 4 association association PROPN crln-9070 14 5 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 14 6 ama ama PROPN crln-9070 14 7 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 14 8 dictionary dictionary PROPN crln-9070 14 9 . . PUNCT crln-9070 15 1 the the DET crln-9070 15 2 entire entire ADJ crln-9070 15 3 ama ama PROPN crln-9070 15 4 dictionary dictionary NOUN crln-9070 15 5 is be AUX crln-9070 15 6 available available ADJ crln-9070 15 7 on on ADP crln-9070 15 8 the the DET crln-9070 15 9 ama ama PROPN crln-9070 15 10 website website NOUN crln-9070 15 11 . . PUNCT crln-9070 16 1 it it PRON crln-9070 16 2 contains contain VERB crln-9070 16 3 more more ADJ crln-9070 16 4 than than ADP crln-9070 16 5 4,000 4,000 NUM crln-9070 16 6 terms term NOUN crln-9070 16 7 and and CCONJ crln-9070 16 8 is be AUX crln-9070 16 9 regularly regularly ADV crln-9070 16 10 updated update VERB crln-9070 16 11 . . PUNCT crln-9070 17 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 17 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 18 1 X crln-9070 18 2 . . PUNCT crln-9070 19 1 • • PROPN crln-9070 19 2 iab iab X crln-9070 19 3 interactive interactive ADJ crln-9070 19 4 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 19 5 wiki wiki NOUN crln-9070 19 6 . . PUNCT crln-9070 20 1 the the DET crln-9070 20 2 interactive interactive ADJ crln-9070 20 3 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 20 4 bureau bureau NOUN crln-9070 20 5 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 20 6 iab iab NOUN crln-9070 20 7 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 20 8 hosts host VERB crln-9070 20 9 a a DET crln-9070 20 10 collaborative collaborative ADJ crln-9070 20 11 glossary glossary NOUN crln-9070 20 12 to to PART crln-9070 20 13 keep keep VERB crln-9070 20 14 up up ADP crln-9070 20 15 with with ADP crln-9070 20 16 terms term NOUN crln-9070 20 17 for for ADP crln-9070 20 18 new new ADJ crln-9070 20 19 forms form NOUN crln-9070 20 20 of of ADP crln-9070 20 21 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 20 22 and and CCONJ crln-9070 20 23 new new ADJ crln-9070 20 24 ways way NOUN crln-9070 20 25 february february PROPN crln-9070 20 26 2014 2014 NUM crln-9070 20 27 77 77 NUM crln-9070 20 28 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-9070 20 29 news news NOUN crln-9070 20 30 to to PART crln-9070 20 31 automate automate VERB crln-9070 20 32 ad ad NOUN crln-9070 20 33 purchasing purchasing NOUN crln-9070 20 34 . . PUNCT crln-9070 21 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 21 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 21 3 http:// http:// NOUN crln-9070 21 4 PROPN crln-9070 21 5 trade trade NOUN crln-9070 21 6 associations association NOUN crln-9070 21 7 that that PRON crln-9070 21 8 promote promote VERB crln-9070 21 9 media media NOUN crln-9070 21 10 categories category NOUN crln-9070 21 11 since since SCONJ crln-9070 21 12 media medium NOUN crln-9070 21 13 categories category NOUN crln-9070 21 14 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 21 15 e.g. e.g. ADV crln-9070 21 16 , , PUNCT crln-9070 21 17 magazines magazine NOUN crln-9070 21 18 , , PUNCT crln-9070 21 19 newspapers newspaper NOUN crln-9070 21 20 , , PUNCT crln-9070 21 21 cable cable NOUN crln-9070 21 22 television television NOUN crln-9070 21 23 , , PUNCT crln-9070 21 24 local local ADJ crln-9070 21 25 television television NOUN crln-9070 21 26 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 21 27 are be AUX crln-9070 21 28 competing compete VERB crln-9070 21 29 with with ADP crln-9070 21 30 each each DET crln-9070 21 31 other other ADJ crln-9070 21 32 for for ADP crln-9070 21 33 advertiser advertiser NOUN crln-9070 21 34 dollars dollar NOUN crln-9070 21 35 , , PUNCT crln-9070 21 36 their their PRON crln-9070 21 37 trade trade NOUN crln-9070 21 38 association association NOUN crln-9070 21 39 sites site NOUN crln-9070 21 40 offer offer VERB crln-9070 21 41 much much ADJ crln-9070 21 42 information information NOUN crln-9070 21 43 on on ADP crln-9070 21 44 the the DET crln-9070 21 45 advantages advantage NOUN crln-9070 21 46 of of ADP crln-9070 21 47 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 21 48 in in ADP crln-9070 21 49 their their PRON crln-9070 21 50 medium medium NOUN crln-9070 21 51 . . PUNCT crln-9070 22 1 these these DET crln-9070 22 2 “ " PUNCT crln-9070 22 3 pitches pitch NOUN crln-9070 22 4 ” " PUNCT crln-9070 22 5 can can AUX crln-9070 22 6 be be AUX crln-9070 22 7 quite quite ADV crln-9070 22 8 useful useful ADJ crln-9070 22 9 for for ADP crln-9070 22 10 deciding decide VERB crln-9070 22 11 how how SCONJ crln-9070 22 12 to to PART crln-9070 22 13 allocate allocate VERB crln-9070 22 14 an an DET crln-9070 22 15 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 22 16 budget budget NOUN crln-9070 22 17 across across ADP crln-9070 22 18 media medium NOUN crln-9070 22 19 categories category NOUN crln-9070 22 20 . . PUNCT crln-9070 23 1 because because SCONJ crln-9070 23 2 these these DET crln-9070 23 3 associations association NOUN crln-9070 23 4 are be AUX crln-9070 23 5 pitching pitch VERB crln-9070 23 6 to to ADP crln-9070 23 7 a a DET crln-9070 23 8 sophisticated sophisticated ADJ crln-9070 23 9 audience audience NOUN crln-9070 23 10 , , PUNCT crln-9070 23 11 the the DET crln-9070 23 12 sites site NOUN crln-9070 23 13 often often ADV crln-9070 23 14 attempt attempt VERB crln-9070 23 15 to to PART crln-9070 23 16 persuade persuade VERB crln-9070 23 17 using use VERB crln-9070 23 18 statistics statistic NOUN crln-9070 23 19 from from ADP crln-9070 23 20 independent independent ADJ crln-9070 23 21 third third ADJ crln-9070 23 22 - - PUNCT crln-9070 23 23 parties party NOUN crln-9070 23 24 such such ADJ crln-9070 23 25 as as ADP crln-9070 23 26 nielsen nielsen PROPN crln-9070 23 27 — — PUNCT crln-9070 23 28 nonetheless nonetheless ADV crln-9070 23 29 students student NOUN crln-9070 23 30 will will AUX crln-9070 23 31 want want VERB crln-9070 23 32 to to PART crln-9070 23 33 take take VERB crln-9070 23 34 bias bias NOUN crln-9070 23 35 into into ADP crln-9070 23 36 account account NOUN crln-9070 23 37 . . PUNCT crln-9070 24 1 in in ADP crln-9070 24 2 addition addition NOUN crln-9070 24 3 , , PUNCT crln-9070 24 4 some some DET crln-9070 24 5 sites site NOUN crln-9070 24 6 offer offer VERB crln-9070 24 7 rich rich ADJ crln-9070 24 8 databases database NOUN crln-9070 24 9 with with ADP crln-9070 24 10 details detail NOUN crln-9070 24 11 on on ADP crln-9070 24 12 specific specific ADJ crln-9070 24 13 media medium NOUN crln-9070 24 14 vehicles vehicle NOUN crln-9070 24 15 . . PUNCT crln-9070 25 1 as as ADP crln-9070 25 2 with with ADP crln-9070 25 3 many many ADJ crln-9070 25 4 association association NOUN crln-9070 25 5 sites site NOUN crln-9070 25 6 , , PUNCT crln-9070 25 7 often often ADV crln-9070 25 8 some some DET crln-9070 25 9 parts part NOUN crln-9070 25 10 of of ADP crln-9070 25 11 the the DET crln-9070 25 12 sites site NOUN crln-9070 25 13 are be AUX crln-9070 25 14 member member NOUN crln-9070 25 15 only only ADV crln-9070 25 16 . . PUNCT crln-9070 26 1 • • PROPN crln-9070 26 2 american american PROPN crln-9070 26 3 business business NOUN crln-9070 26 4 media medium NOUN crln-9070 26 5 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 26 6 abm abm PROPN crln-9070 26 7 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 26 8 . . PUNCT crln-9070 27 1 students student NOUN crln-9070 27 2 planning plan VERB crln-9070 27 3 a a DET crln-9070 27 4 business business NOUN crln-9070 27 5 - - PUNCT crln-9070 27 6 to to ADP crln-9070 27 7 - - PUNCT crln-9070 27 8 business business NOUN crln-9070 27 9 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 27 10 b2b b2b PROPN crln-9070 27 11 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 27 12 campaign campaign NOUN crln-9070 27 13 might might AUX crln-9070 27 14 use use VERB crln-9070 27 15 the the DET crln-9070 27 16 news news NOUN crln-9070 27 17 / / SYM crln-9070 27 18 reports report NOUN crln-9070 27 19 section section NOUN crln-9070 27 20 of of ADP crln-9070 27 21 the the DET crln-9070 27 22 abm abm PROPN crln-9070 27 23 site site NOUN crln-9070 27 24 to to PART crln-9070 27 25 find find VERB crln-9070 27 26 case case NOUN crln-9070 27 27 studies study NOUN crln-9070 27 28 of of ADP crln-9070 27 29 various various ADJ crln-9070 27 30 ways way NOUN crln-9070 27 31 to to PART crln-9070 27 32 reach reach VERB crln-9070 27 33 b2b b2b PROPN crln-9070 27 34 customers customer NOUN crln-9070 27 35 . . PUNCT crln-9070 28 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 28 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 28 3 X crln-9070 28 4 . . PUNCT crln-9070 29 1 • • PROPN crln-9070 29 2 cabletelevision cabletelevision NOUN crln-9070 29 3 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 29 4 bureau bureau NOUN crln-9070 29 5 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 29 6 cab cab PROPN crln-9070 29 7 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 29 8 . . PUNCT crln-9070 30 1 cab cab PROPN crln-9070 30 2 ’s ’s PART crln-9070 30 3 database database NOUN crln-9070 30 4 of of ADP crln-9070 30 5 cable cable NOUN crln-9070 30 6 network network NOUN crln-9070 30 7 profiles profile NOUN crln-9070 30 8 is be AUX crln-9070 30 9 a a DET crln-9070 30 10 gold gold NOUN crln-9070 30 11 mine mine NOUN crln-9070 30 12 for for ADP crln-9070 30 13 media medium NOUN crln-9070 30 14 planners planner NOUN crln-9070 30 15 . . PUNCT crln-9070 31 1 profiles profile NOUN crln-9070 31 2 include include VERB crln-9070 31 3 estimates estimate NOUN crln-9070 31 4 of of ADP crln-9070 31 5 network network NOUN crln-9070 31 6 viewers viewer NOUN crln-9070 31 7 , , PUNCT crln-9070 31 8 base base ADJ crln-9070 31 9 demographics demographic NOUN crln-9070 31 10 , , PUNCT crln-9070 31 11 and and CCONJ crln-9070 31 12 programming programming NOUN crln-9070 31 13 genres genre NOUN crln-9070 31 14 . . PUNCT crln-9070 32 1 look look VERB crln-9070 32 2 closely closely ADV crln-9070 32 3 to to PART crln-9070 32 4 find find VERB crln-9070 32 5 pdf pdf NOUN crln-9070 32 6 files file NOUN crln-9070 32 7 with with ADP crln-9070 32 8 complete complete ADJ crln-9070 32 9 profiles profile NOUN crln-9070 32 10 that that PRON crln-9070 32 11 offer offer VERB crln-9070 32 12 more more ADJ crln-9070 32 13 details detail NOUN crln-9070 32 14 on on ADP crln-9070 32 15 audience audience NOUN crln-9070 32 16 demographics demographic NOUN crln-9070 32 17 and and CCONJ crln-9070 32 18 lifestyles lifestyle NOUN crln-9070 32 19 , , PUNCT crln-9070 32 20 as as ADV crln-9070 32 21 well well ADV crln-9070 32 22 as as ADP crln-9070 32 23 information information NOUN crln-9070 32 24 on on ADP crln-9070 32 25 specific specific ADJ crln-9070 32 26 televsion televsion NOUN crln-9070 32 27 programs program NOUN crln-9070 32 28 . . PUNCT crln-9070 33 1 profiles profile NOUN crln-9070 33 2 can can AUX crln-9070 33 3 be be AUX crln-9070 33 4 browsed browse VERB crln-9070 33 5 by by ADP crln-9070 33 6 multicultural multicultural ADJ crln-9070 33 7 group group NOUN crln-9070 33 8 , , PUNCT crln-9070 33 9 programming programming NOUN crln-9070 33 10 genre genre NOUN crln-9070 33 11 , , PUNCT crln-9070 33 12 demographic demographic ADJ crln-9070 33 13 segment segment NOUN crln-9070 33 14 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 33 15 age age NOUN crln-9070 33 16 and and CCONJ crln-9070 33 17 gender gender NOUN crln-9070 33 18 breakouts breakout NOUN crln-9070 33 19 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 33 20 , , PUNCT crln-9070 33 21 sports sport NOUN crln-9070 33 22 category category NOUN crln-9070 33 23 , , PUNCT crln-9070 33 24 or or CCONJ crln-9070 33 25 family family NOUN crln-9070 33 26 / / SYM crln-9070 33 27 gender gender NOUN crln-9070 33 28 type type NOUN crln-9070 33 29 . . PUNCT crln-9070 34 1 a a DET crln-9070 34 2 cable cable NOUN crln-9070 34 3 systems system NOUN crln-9070 34 4 directory directory NOUN crln-9070 34 5 can can AUX crln-9070 34 6 be be AUX crln-9070 34 7 searched search VERB crln-9070 34 8 by by ADP crln-9070 34 9 state state NOUN crln-9070 34 10 or or CCONJ crln-9070 34 11 dma dma PROPN crln-9070 34 12 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 34 13 designated designate VERB crln-9070 34 14 marketing marketing NOUN crln-9070 34 15 areas area NOUN crln-9070 34 16 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 34 17 . . PUNCT crln-9070 35 1 find find VERB crln-9070 35 2 more more ADJ crln-9070 35 3 tools tool NOUN crln-9070 35 4 in in ADP crln-9070 35 5 the the DET crln-9070 35 6 cable cable NOUN crln-9070 35 7 planner planner NOUN crln-9070 35 8 section section NOUN crln-9070 35 9 . . PUNCT crln-9070 36 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 36 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 36 3 X crln-9070 36 4 . . PROPN crln-9070 36 5 • • PROPN crln-9070 36 6 interactive interactive ADJ crln-9070 36 7 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 36 8 bureau bureau NOUN crln-9070 36 9 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 36 10 iab iab PROPN crln-9070 36 11 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 36 12 . . PUNCT crln-9070 37 1 iab iab PROPN crln-9070 37 2 is be AUX crln-9070 37 3 a a DET crln-9070 37 4 trade trade NOUN crln-9070 37 5 association association NOUN crln-9070 37 6 for for ADP crln-9070 37 7 many many ADJ crln-9070 37 8 types type NOUN crln-9070 37 9 of of ADP crln-9070 37 10 digital digital ADJ crln-9070 37 11 media medium NOUN crln-9070 37 12 , , PUNCT crln-9070 37 13 including include VERB crln-9070 37 14 online online ADJ crln-9070 37 15 , , PUNCT crln-9070 37 16 wireless wireless ADJ crln-9070 37 17 , , PUNCT crln-9070 37 18 social social ADJ crln-9070 37 19 media medium NOUN crln-9070 37 20 , , PUNCT crln-9070 37 21 interactive interactive ADJ crln-9070 37 22 television television NOUN crln-9070 37 23 , , PUNCT crln-9070 37 24 and and CCONJ crln-9070 37 25 gaming gaming NOUN crln-9070 37 26 . . PUNCT crln-9070 38 1 the the DET crln-9070 38 2 iab iab NOUN crln-9070 38 3 site site NOUN crln-9070 38 4 has have VERB crln-9070 38 5 educational educational ADJ crln-9070 38 6 materials material NOUN crln-9070 38 7 on on ADP crln-9070 38 8 interactive interactive ADJ crln-9070 38 9 marketing marketing NOUN crln-9070 38 10 , , PUNCT crln-9070 38 11 including include VERB crln-9070 38 12 case case NOUN crln-9070 38 13 studies study NOUN crln-9070 38 14 , , PUNCT crln-9070 38 15 research research NOUN crln-9070 38 16 summaries summary NOUN crln-9070 38 17 , , PUNCT crln-9070 38 18 industry industry NOUN crln-9070 38 19 statistics statistic NOUN crln-9070 38 20 , , PUNCT crln-9070 38 21 and and CCONJ crln-9070 38 22 industry industry NOUN crln-9070 38 23 guidelines guideline NOUN crln-9070 38 24 . . PUNCT crln-9070 39 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 39 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 39 3 NOUN crln-9070 39 4 . . PUNCT crln-9070 40 1 • • VERB crln-9070 40 2 local local ADJ crln-9070 40 3 search search NOUN crln-9070 40 4 association association NOUN crln-9070 40 5 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 40 6 formerly formerly ADV crln-9070 40 7 the the DET crln-9070 40 8 yellow yellow ADJ crln-9070 40 9 pages page NOUN crln-9070 40 10 association association NOUN crln-9070 40 11 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 40 12 . . PUNCT crln-9070 41 1 directory directory NOUN crln-9070 41 2 services service NOUN crln-9070 41 3 have have AUX crln-9070 41 4 expanded expand VERB crln-9070 41 5 to to PART crln-9070 41 6 print print NOUN crln-9070 41 7 , , PUNCT crln-9070 41 8 digital digital ADJ crln-9070 41 9 , , PUNCT crln-9070 41 10 social social ADJ crln-9070 41 11 media medium NOUN crln-9070 41 12 , , PUNCT crln-9070 41 13 and and CCONJ crln-9070 41 14 mobile mobile NOUN crln-9070 41 15 formats format NOUN crln-9070 41 16 . . PUNCT crln-9070 42 1 the the DET crln-9070 42 2 resources resource NOUN crln-9070 42 3 section section NOUN crln-9070 42 4 of of ADP crln-9070 42 5 the the DET crln-9070 42 6 site site NOUN crln-9070 42 7 offers offer VERB crln-9070 42 8 a a DET crln-9070 42 9 vendor vendor NOUN crln-9070 42 10 directory directory NOUN crln-9070 42 11 , , PUNCT crln-9070 42 12 free free ADJ crln-9070 42 13 research research NOUN crln-9070 42 14 reports report NOUN crln-9070 42 15 on on ADP crln-9070 42 16 usage usage NOUN crln-9070 42 17 of of ADP crln-9070 42 18 specific specific ADJ crln-9070 42 19 yellow yellow ADJ crln-9070 42 20 pages page NOUN crln-9070 42 21 headings heading NOUN crln-9070 42 22 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 42 23 print print NOUN crln-9070 42 24 and and CCONJ crln-9070 42 25 online online NOUN crln-9070 42 26 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 42 27 , , PUNCT crln-9070 42 28 and and CCONJ crln-9070 42 29 archived archive VERB crln-9070 42 30 webinars webinar NOUN crln-9070 42 31 . . PUNCT crln-9070 43 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 43 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 43 3 http://www http://www PROPN crln-9070 43 4 . . NOUN crln-9070 44 1 X crln-9070 44 2 . . PUNCT crln-9070 45 1 • • PROPN crln-9070 45 2 mobile mobile PROPN crln-9070 45 3 marketing marketing NOUN crln-9070 45 4 association association NOUN crln-9070 45 5 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 45 6 mma mma PROPN crln-9070 45 7 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 45 8 . . PUNCT crln-9070 46 1 the the DET crln-9070 46 2 mma mma PROPN crln-9070 46 3 site site NOUN crln-9070 46 4 offers offer VERB crln-9070 46 5 numerous numerous ADJ crln-9070 46 6 free free ADJ crln-9070 46 7 resources resource NOUN crln-9070 46 8 related relate VERB crln-9070 46 9 to to ADP crln-9070 46 10 wireless wireless ADJ crln-9070 46 11 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 46 12 , , PUNCT crln-9070 46 13 including include VERB crln-9070 46 14 best good ADJ crln-9070 46 15 practices practice NOUN crln-9070 46 16 , , PUNCT crln-9070 46 17 case case NOUN crln-9070 46 18 studies study NOUN crln-9070 46 19 , , PUNCT crln-9070 46 20 an an DET crln-9070 46 21 industry industry NOUN crln-9070 46 22 directory directory NOUN crln-9070 46 23 , , PUNCT crln-9070 46 24 and and CCONJ crln-9070 46 25 educational educational ADJ crln-9070 46 26 materials material NOUN crln-9070 46 27 . . PUNCT crln-9070 47 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 47 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 47 3 X crln-9070 47 4 . . PUNCT crln-9070 48 1 • • PROPN crln-9070 48 2 mpa mpa PROPN crln-9070 48 3 — — PUNCT crln-9070 48 4 the the DET crln-9070 48 5 association association NOUN crln-9070 48 6 of of ADP crln-9070 48 7 magazine magazine NOUN crln-9070 48 8 media medium NOUN crln-9070 48 9 . . PUNCT crln-9070 49 1 mpa mpa PROPN crln-9070 49 2 ’s ’s PART crln-9070 49 3 magazine magazine NOUN crln-9070 49 4 media medium NOUN crln-9070 49 5 factbook factbook NOUN crln-9070 49 6 provides provide VERB crln-9070 49 7 overall overall ADJ crln-9070 49 8 statistics statistic NOUN crln-9070 49 9 on on ADP crln-9070 49 10 magazine magazine NOUN crln-9070 49 11 readership readership NOUN crln-9070 49 12 and and CCONJ crln-9070 49 13 engagement engagement NOUN crln-9070 49 14 , , PUNCT crln-9070 49 15 including include VERB crln-9070 49 16 figures figure NOUN crln-9070 49 17 for for ADP crln-9070 49 18 consumers consumer NOUN crln-9070 49 19 of of ADP crln-9070 49 20 specific specific ADJ crln-9070 49 21 product product NOUN crln-9070 49 22 types type NOUN crln-9070 49 23 . . PUNCT crln-9070 50 1 elsewhere elsewhere ADV crln-9070 50 2 on on ADP crln-9070 50 3 the the DET crln-9070 50 4 site site NOUN crln-9070 50 5 , , PUNCT crln-9070 50 6 find find VERB crln-9070 50 7 magazine magazine NOUN crln-9070 50 8 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 50 9 case case NOUN crln-9070 50 10 studies study NOUN crln-9070 50 11 by by ADP crln-9070 50 12 industry industry NOUN crln-9070 50 13 or or CCONJ crln-9070 50 14 advertiser advertiser NOUN crln-9070 50 15 . . PUNCT crln-9070 51 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 51 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 51 3 NOUN crln-9070 51 4 . . PUNCT crln-9070 52 1 • • PROPN crln-9070 52 2 national national PROPN crln-9070 52 3 association association PROPN crln-9070 52 4 of of ADP crln-9070 52 5 broadcasters broadcaster NOUN crln-9070 52 6 online online ADJ crln-9070 52 7 resource resource NOUN crln-9070 52 8 guide guide NOUN crln-9070 52 9 . . PUNCT crln-9070 53 1 the the DET crln-9070 53 2 online online ADJ crln-9070 53 3 member member NOUN crln-9070 53 4 directory directory NOUN crln-9070 53 5 of of ADP crln-9070 53 6 the the DET crln-9070 53 7 national national PROPN crln-9070 53 8 association association PROPN crln-9070 53 9 of of ADP crln-9070 53 10 broadcasters broadcaster NOUN crln-9070 53 11 can can AUX crln-9070 53 12 be be AUX crln-9070 53 13 used use VERB crln-9070 53 14 to to PART crln-9070 53 15 identify identify VERB crln-9070 53 16 radio radio NOUN crln-9070 53 17 and and CCONJ crln-9070 53 18 television television NOUN crln-9070 53 19 stations station NOUN crln-9070 53 20 by by ADP crln-9070 53 21 state state NOUN crln-9070 53 22 , , PUNCT crln-9070 53 23 city city NOUN crln-9070 53 24 , , PUNCT crln-9070 53 25 or or CCONJ crln-9070 53 26 designated designate VERB crln-9070 53 27 market market NOUN crln-9070 53 28 area area NOUN crln-9070 53 29 . . PUNCT crln-9070 54 1 unfortunately unfortunately ADV crln-9070 54 2 , , PUNCT crln-9070 54 3 only only ADV crln-9070 54 4 members member NOUN crln-9070 54 5 are be AUX crln-9070 54 6 listed list VERB crln-9070 54 7 and and CCONJ crln-9070 54 8 stations station NOUN crln-9070 54 9 are be AUX crln-9070 54 10 not not PART crln-9070 54 11 linked link VERB crln-9070 54 12 , , PUNCT crln-9070 54 13 so so ADV crln-9070 54 14 you you PRON crln-9070 54 15 must must AUX crln-9070 54 16 google google VERB crln-9070 54 17 station station NOUN crln-9070 54 18 names name NOUN crln-9070 54 19 for for ADP crln-9070 54 20 details detail NOUN crln-9070 54 21 . . PUNCT crln-9070 55 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 55 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 55 3 X crln-9070 55 4 . . PUNCT crln-9070 56 1 • • PROPN crln-9070 56 2 newspaper newspaper PROPN crln-9070 56 3 association association PROPN crln-9070 56 4 of of ADP crln-9070 56 5 america america PROPN crln-9070 56 6 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 56 7 naa naa PROPN crln-9070 56 8 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 56 9 . . PUNCT crln-9070 57 1 the the DET crln-9070 57 2 trends trend NOUN crln-9070 57 3 and and CCONJ crln-9070 57 4 numbers number NOUN crln-9070 57 5 section section NOUN crln-9070 57 6 of of ADP crln-9070 57 7 the the DET crln-9070 57 8 naa naa PROPN crln-9070 57 9 site site NOUN crln-9070 57 10 reports report VERB crln-9070 57 11 statistics statistic NOUN crln-9070 57 12 on on ADP crln-9070 57 13 readership readership NOUN crln-9070 57 14 , , PUNCT crln-9070 57 15 newspaper newspaper NOUN crln-9070 57 16 web web NOUN crln-9070 57 17 audience audience NOUN crln-9070 57 18 , , PUNCT crln-9070 57 19 and and CCONJ crln-9070 57 20 average average ADJ crln-9070 57 21 issue issue NOUN crln-9070 57 22 demographic demographic ADJ crln-9070 57 23 composition composition NOUN crln-9070 57 24 — — PUNCT crln-9070 57 25 often often ADV crln-9070 57 26 based base VERB crln-9070 57 27 on on ADP crln-9070 57 28 independent independent ADJ crln-9070 57 29 numbers number NOUN crln-9070 57 30 from from ADP crln-9070 57 31 scarborough scarborough ADJ crln-9070 57 32 research research NOUN crln-9070 57 33 . . PUNCT crln-9070 58 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 58 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 58 3 http:// http:// PROPN crln-9070 58 4 PROPN crln-9070 58 5 . . PUNCT crln-9070 59 1 • • VERB crln-9070 59 2 online online PROPN crln-9070 59 3 publishers publisher NOUN crln-9070 59 4 association association NOUN crln-9070 59 5 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 59 6 opa opa NOUN crln-9070 59 7 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 59 8 . . PUNCT crln-9070 60 1 opa opa NOUN crln-9070 60 2 represents represent VERB crln-9070 60 3 established establish VERB crln-9070 60 4 news news NOUN crln-9070 60 5 , , PUNCT crln-9070 60 6 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-9070 60 7 news news PROPN crln-9070 60 8 february february PROPN crln-9070 60 9 2014 2014 NUM crln-9070 60 10 78 78 NUM crln-9070 60 11 information information NOUN crln-9070 60 12 , , PUNCT crln-9070 60 13 and and CCONJ crln-9070 60 14 entertainment entertainment NOUN crln-9070 60 15 web web NOUN crln-9070 60 16 publishers publisher NOUN crln-9070 60 17 , , PUNCT crln-9070 60 18 such such ADJ crln-9070 60 19 as as ADP crln-9070 60 20 NOUN crln-9070 60 21 and and CCONJ crln-9070 60 22 webmd webmd ADJ crln-9070 60 23 , , PUNCT crln-9070 60 24 and and CCONJ crln-9070 60 25 media medium NOUN crln-9070 60 26 companies company NOUN crln-9070 60 27 like like ADP crln-9070 60 28 pbs pbs PROPN crln-9070 60 29 , , PUNCT crln-9070 60 30 disney disney NOUN crln-9070 60 31 , , PUNCT crln-9070 60 32 or or CCONJ crln-9070 60 33 the the DET crln-9070 60 34 new new PROPN crln-9070 60 35 york york PROPN crln-9070 60 36 times times PROPN crln-9070 60 37 . . PUNCT crln-9070 61 1 opa opa NOUN crln-9070 61 2 research research NOUN crln-9070 61 3 reports report NOUN crln-9070 61 4 include include VERB crln-9070 61 5 studies study NOUN crln-9070 61 6 of of ADP crln-9070 61 7 media medium NOUN crln-9070 61 8 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crln-9070 61 9 that that PRON crln-9070 61 10 often often ADV crln-9070 61 11 rely rely VERB crln-9070 61 12 on on ADP crln-9070 61 13 third third ADJ crln-9070 61 14 - - PUNCT crln-9070 61 15 party party NOUN crln-9070 61 16 analysis analysis NOUN crln-9070 61 17 . . PUNCT crln-9070 62 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 62 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 62 3 http://www http://www PROPN crln-9070 62 4 . . PROPN crln-9070 62 5 PROPN crln-9070 62 6 . . PUNCT crln-9070 63 1 • • PROPN crln-9070 63 2 outdoor outdoor ADJ crln-9070 63 3 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 63 4 association association NOUN crln-9070 63 5 of of ADP crln-9070 63 6 america america PROPN crln-9070 63 7 . . PUNCT crln-9070 64 1 this this DET crln-9070 64 2 content content NOUN crln-9070 64 3 - - PUNCT crln-9070 64 4 rich rich ADJ crln-9070 64 5 site site NOUN crln-9070 64 6 offers offer VERB crln-9070 64 7 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crln-9070 64 8 studies study NOUN crln-9070 64 9 , , PUNCT crln-9070 64 10 statistics statistic NOUN crln-9070 64 11 , , PUNCT crln-9070 64 12 creative creative ADJ crln-9070 64 13 examples example NOUN crln-9070 64 14 , , PUNCT crln-9070 64 15 and and CCONJ crln-9070 64 16 educational educational ADJ crln-9070 64 17 materials material NOUN crln-9070 64 18 on on ADP crln-9070 64 19 numerous numerous ADJ crln-9070 64 20 types type NOUN crln-9070 64 21 of of ADP crln-9070 64 22 out out ADP crln-9070 64 23 - - PUNCT crln-9070 64 24 of of ADP crln-9070 64 25 - - PUNCT crln-9070 64 26 home home NOUN crln-9070 64 27 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 64 28 , , PUNCT crln-9070 64 29 such such ADJ crln-9070 64 30 as as ADP crln-9070 64 31 billboards billboard NOUN crln-9070 64 32 , , PUNCT crln-9070 64 33 transit transit NOUN crln-9070 64 34 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 64 35 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 64 36 subways subway NOUN crln-9070 64 37 , , PUNCT crln-9070 64 38 buses bus NOUN crln-9070 64 39 , , PUNCT crln-9070 64 40 airports airport NOUN crln-9070 64 41 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 64 42 , , PUNCT crln-9070 64 43 place place NOUN crln-9070 64 44 - - PUNCT crln-9070 64 45 based base VERB crln-9070 64 46 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 64 47 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 64 48 malls mall NOUN crln-9070 64 49 , , PUNCT crln-9070 64 50 stadiums stadium NOUN crln-9070 64 51 , , PUNCT crln-9070 64 52 cinemas cinemas PROPN crln-9070 64 53 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 64 54 , , PUNCT crln-9070 64 55 and and CCONJ crln-9070 64 56 more more ADJ crln-9070 64 57 . . PUNCT crln-9070 65 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 65 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 65 3 http:// http:// NOUN crln-9070 65 4 NOUN crln-9070 65 5 . . PUNCT crln-9070 66 1 • • PROPN crln-9070 66 2 radio radio NOUN crln-9070 66 3 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 66 4 bureau bureau NOUN crln-9070 66 5 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 66 6 rab rab NOUN crln-9070 66 7 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 66 8 . . PUNCT crln-9070 67 1 rab rab PROPN crln-9070 67 2 offers offer VERB crln-9070 67 3 detailed detailed ADJ crln-9070 67 4 audience audience NOUN crln-9070 67 5 statistics statistic NOUN crln-9070 67 6 , , PUNCT crln-9070 67 7 consumer consumer NOUN crln-9070 67 8 studies study NOUN crln-9070 67 9 , , PUNCT crln-9070 67 10 and and CCONJ crln-9070 67 11 educational educational ADJ crln-9070 67 12 material material NOUN crln-9070 67 13 on on ADP crln-9070 67 14 radio radio NOUN crln-9070 67 15 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 67 16 . . PUNCT crln-9070 68 1 the the DET crln-9070 68 2 large large ADJ crln-9070 68 3 database database NOUN crln-9070 68 4 of of ADP crln-9070 68 5 mp3 mp3 NOUN crln-9070 68 6 radio radio NOUN crln-9070 68 7 ads ad NOUN crln-9070 68 8 in in ADP crln-9070 68 9 the the DET crln-9070 68 10 creative creative ADJ crln-9070 68 11 section section NOUN crln-9070 68 12 can can AUX crln-9070 68 13 be be AUX crln-9070 68 14 searched search VERB crln-9070 68 15 by by ADP crln-9070 68 16 industry industry NOUN crln-9070 68 17 and and CCONJ crln-9070 68 18 product product NOUN crln-9070 68 19 type type NOUN crln-9070 68 20 . . PUNCT crln-9070 69 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 69 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 69 3 http:// http:// PROPN crln-9070 69 4 X crln-9070 69 5 . . PUNCT crln-9070 70 1 • • PROPN crln-9070 70 2 syndicated syndicate VERB crln-9070 70 3 network network NOUN crln-9070 70 4 television television NOUN crln-9070 70 5 association association NOUN crln-9070 70 6 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 70 7 snta snta NOUN crln-9070 70 8 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 70 9 . . PUNCT crln-9070 71 1 syndicated syndicate VERB crln-9070 71 2 television television NOUN crln-9070 71 3 sells sell VERB crln-9070 71 4 program program NOUN crln-9070 71 5 packages package NOUN crln-9070 71 6 to to ADP crln-9070 71 7 local local ADJ crln-9070 71 8 television television NOUN crln-9070 71 9 stations station NOUN crln-9070 71 10 , , PUNCT crln-9070 71 11 including include VERB crln-9070 71 12 re re NOUN crln-9070 71 13 - - NOUN crln-9070 71 14 runs run NOUN crln-9070 71 15 , , PUNCT crln-9070 71 16 movies movie NOUN crln-9070 71 17 , , PUNCT crln-9070 71 18 daytime daytime ADJ crln-9070 71 19 series series NOUN crln-9070 71 20 , , PUNCT crln-9070 71 21 and and CCONJ crln-9070 71 22 other other ADJ crln-9070 71 23 original original ADJ crln-9070 71 24 programming programming NOUN crln-9070 71 25 . . PUNCT crln-9070 72 1 in in ADP crln-9070 72 2 addition addition NOUN crln-9070 72 3 to to ADP crln-9070 72 4 educational educational ADJ crln-9070 72 5 materials material NOUN crln-9070 72 6 and and CCONJ crln-9070 72 7 reports report NOUN crln-9070 72 8 on on ADP crln-9070 72 9 the the DET crln-9070 72 10 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crln-9070 72 11 of of ADP crln-9070 72 12 syndicated syndicate VERB crln-9070 72 13 television television NOUN crln-9070 72 14 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 72 15 , , PUNCT crln-9070 72 16 the the DET crln-9070 72 17 snta snta NOUN crln-9070 72 18 site site NOUN crln-9070 72 19 offers offer VERB crln-9070 72 20 a a DET crln-9070 72 21 database database NOUN crln-9070 72 22 of of ADP crln-9070 72 23 syndicated syndicate VERB crln-9070 72 24 programming programming NOUN crln-9070 72 25 that that PRON crln-9070 72 26 can can AUX crln-9070 72 27 be be AUX crln-9070 72 28 sorted sort VERB crln-9070 72 29 multiple multiple ADJ crln-9070 72 30 ways way NOUN crln-9070 72 31 , , PUNCT crln-9070 72 32 including include VERB crln-9070 72 33 by by ADP crln-9070 72 34 genre genre NOUN crln-9070 72 35 or or CCONJ crln-9070 72 36 target target NOUN crln-9070 72 37 audience audience NOUN crln-9070 72 38 . . PUNCT crln-9070 73 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 73 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 73 3 X crln-9070 73 4 . . PUNCT crln-9070 74 1 • • PROPN crln-9070 74 2 television television NOUN crln-9070 74 3 advertising advertising PROPN crln-9070 74 4 bureau bureau NOUN crln-9070 74 5 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 74 6 tvb tvb ADV crln-9070 74 7 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 74 8 . . PUNCT crln-9070 75 1 tvb tvb PROPN crln-9070 75 2 promotes promote VERB crln-9070 75 3 the the DET crln-9070 75 4 advantages advantage NOUN crln-9070 75 5 of of ADP crln-9070 75 6 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 75 7 on on ADP crln-9070 75 8 local local ADJ crln-9070 75 9 stations station NOUN crln-9070 75 10 and and CCONJ crln-9070 75 11 offers offer VERB crln-9070 75 12 more more ADV crln-9070 75 13 useful useful ADJ crln-9070 75 14 information information NOUN crln-9070 75 15 for for ADP crln-9070 75 16 media medium NOUN crln-9070 75 17 planners planner NOUN crln-9070 75 18 than than SCONJ crln-9070 75 19 can can AUX crln-9070 75 20 be be AUX crln-9070 75 21 detailed detail VERB crln-9070 75 22 here here ADV crln-9070 75 23 . . PUNCT crln-9070 76 1 designated designate VERB crln-9070 76 2 marketing marketing NOUN crln-9070 76 3 area area NOUN crln-9070 76 4 profiles profile NOUN crln-9070 76 5 offer offer VERB crln-9070 76 6 statistics statistic NOUN crln-9070 76 7 on on ADP crln-9070 76 8 television television NOUN crln-9070 76 9 households household NOUN crln-9070 76 10 and and CCONJ crln-9070 76 11 links link NOUN crln-9070 76 12 to to ADP crln-9070 76 13 local local ADJ crln-9070 76 14 stations station NOUN crln-9070 76 15 . . PUNCT crln-9070 77 1 elsewhere elsewhere ADV crln-9070 77 2 on on ADP crln-9070 77 3 the the DET crln-9070 77 4 site site NOUN crln-9070 77 5 you you PRON crln-9070 77 6 ’ll ’ll AUX crln-9070 77 7 find find VERB crln-9070 77 8 nielsen nielsen PROPN crln-9070 77 9 ratings rating NOUN crln-9070 77 10 and and CCONJ crln-9070 77 11 rankings ranking NOUN crln-9070 77 12 of of ADP crln-9070 77 13 various various ADJ crln-9070 77 14 types type NOUN crln-9070 77 15 of of ADP crln-9070 77 16 programming programming NOUN crln-9070 77 17 , , PUNCT crln-9070 77 18 as as ADV crln-9070 77 19 well well ADV crln-9070 77 20 as as ADP crln-9070 77 21 numerous numerous ADJ crln-9070 77 22 relevant relevant ADJ crln-9070 77 23 television television NOUN crln-9070 77 24 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 77 25 statistics statistic NOUN crln-9070 77 26 and and CCONJ crln-9070 77 27 educational educational ADJ crln-9070 77 28 materials material NOUN crln-9070 77 29 . . PUNCT crln-9070 78 1 the the DET crln-9070 78 2 cost cost NOUN crln-9070 78 3 trend trend NOUN crln-9070 78 4 statistics statistic NOUN crln-9070 78 5 can can AUX crln-9070 78 6 be be AUX crln-9070 78 7 used use VERB crln-9070 78 8 for for ADP crln-9070 78 9 estimating estimate VERB crln-9070 78 10 media medium NOUN crln-9070 78 11 budgets budget NOUN crln-9070 78 12 . . PUNCT crln-9070 79 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 79 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 79 3 PROPN crln-9070 79 4 . . PUNCT crln-9070 80 1 sources source NOUN crln-9070 80 2 of of ADP crln-9070 80 3 independent independent ADJ crln-9070 80 4 audience audience NOUN crln-9070 80 5 measurement measurement NOUN crln-9070 80 6 / / SYM crln-9070 80 7 analysis analysis NOUN crln-9070 80 8 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 80 9 media medium NOUN crln-9070 80 10 planners planner NOUN crln-9070 80 11 need need VERB crln-9070 80 12 reliable reliable ADJ crln-9070 80 13 numbers number NOUN crln-9070 80 14 on on ADP crln-9070 80 15 how how SCONJ crln-9070 80 16 many many ADJ crln-9070 80 17 people people NOUN crln-9070 80 18 are be AUX crln-9070 80 19 reached reach VERB crln-9070 80 20 by by ADP crln-9070 80 21 media medium NOUN crln-9070 80 22 vehicles vehicle NOUN crln-9070 80 23 , , PUNCT crln-9070 80 24 as as ADV crln-9070 80 25 well well ADV crln-9070 80 26 as as ADP crln-9070 80 27 demographic demographic ADJ crln-9070 80 28 detail detail NOUN crln-9070 80 29 on on ADP crln-9070 80 30 audiences audience NOUN crln-9070 80 31 , , PUNCT crln-9070 80 32 since since SCONJ crln-9070 80 33 the the DET crln-9070 80 34 ultimate ultimate ADJ crln-9070 80 35 goal goal NOUN crln-9070 80 36 is be AUX crln-9070 80 37 to to PART crln-9070 80 38 maximize maximize VERB crln-9070 80 39 exposure exposure NOUN crln-9070 80 40 to to ADP crln-9070 80 41 specific specific ADJ crln-9070 80 42 target target NOUN crln-9070 80 43 groups group NOUN crln-9070 80 44 that that PRON crln-9070 80 45 are be AUX crln-9070 80 46 most most ADV crln-9070 80 47 likely likely ADJ crln-9070 80 48 to to PART crln-9070 80 49 purchase purchase VERB crln-9070 80 50 the the DET crln-9070 80 51 product product NOUN crln-9070 80 52 or or CCONJ crln-9070 80 53 service service NOUN crln-9070 80 54 . . PUNCT crln-9070 81 1 these these DET crln-9070 81 2 audience audience NOUN crln-9070 81 3 measurement measurement NOUN crln-9070 81 4 needs need NOUN crln-9070 81 5 are be AUX crln-9070 81 6 met meet VERB crln-9070 81 7 by by ADP crln-9070 81 8 independent independent ADJ crln-9070 81 9 organizations organization NOUN crln-9070 81 10 that that PRON crln-9070 81 11 provide provide VERB crln-9070 81 12 audited audited ADJ crln-9070 81 13 metrics metric NOUN crln-9070 81 14 or or CCONJ crln-9070 81 15 by by ADP crln-9070 81 16 marketing market VERB crln-9070 81 17 research research NOUN crln-9070 81 18 firms firm NOUN crln-9070 81 19 that that PRON crln-9070 81 20 collect collect VERB crln-9070 81 21 syndicated syndicate VERB crln-9070 81 22 data datum NOUN crln-9070 81 23 . . PUNCT crln-9070 82 1 syndicated syndicate VERB crln-9070 82 2 data data NOUN crln-9070 82 3 services service NOUN crln-9070 82 4 may may AUX crln-9070 82 5 combine combine VERB crln-9070 82 6 data datum NOUN crln-9070 82 7 on on ADP crln-9070 82 8 media medium NOUN crln-9070 82 9 exposure exposure NOUN crln-9070 82 10 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 82 11 e.g. e.g. ADV crln-9070 82 12 , , PUNCT crln-9070 82 13 web web NOUN crln-9070 82 14 analytics analytic NOUN crln-9070 82 15 , , PUNCT crln-9070 82 16 television television NOUN crln-9070 82 17 set set VERB crln-9070 82 18 top top ADJ crln-9070 82 19 data datum NOUN crln-9070 82 20 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 82 21 with with ADP crln-9070 82 22 anonymized anonymize VERB crln-9070 82 23 data datum NOUN crln-9070 82 24 on on ADP crln-9070 82 25 customer customer NOUN crln-9070 82 26 demographics demographic NOUN crln-9070 82 27 and and CCONJ crln-9070 82 28 purchasing purchase VERB crln-9070 82 29 behavior behavior NOUN crln-9070 82 30 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 82 31 from from ADP crln-9070 82 32 frequent frequent ADJ crln-9070 82 33 shopper shopper NOUN crln-9070 82 34 cards card NOUN crln-9070 82 35 , , PUNCT crln-9070 82 36 car car NOUN crln-9070 82 37 registrations registration NOUN crln-9070 82 38 , , PUNCT crln-9070 82 39 and and CCONJ crln-9070 82 40 other other ADJ crln-9070 82 41 sources source NOUN crln-9070 82 42 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 82 43 . . PUNCT crln-9070 83 1 usually usually ADV crln-9070 83 2 students student NOUN crln-9070 83 3 wo will AUX crln-9070 83 4 n’t not PART crln-9070 83 5 be be AUX crln-9070 83 6 able able ADJ crln-9070 83 7 to to PART crln-9070 83 8 access access VERB crln-9070 83 9 the the DET crln-9070 83 10 full full ADJ crln-9070 83 11 data datum NOUN crln-9070 83 12 provided provide VERB crln-9070 83 13 to to ADP crln-9070 83 14 clients client NOUN crln-9070 83 15 , , PUNCT crln-9070 83 16 but but CCONJ crln-9070 83 17 they they PRON crln-9070 83 18 can can AUX crln-9070 83 19 often often ADV crln-9070 83 20 glean glean VERB crln-9070 83 21 free free ADJ crln-9070 83 22 information information NOUN crln-9070 83 23 . . PUNCT crln-9070 84 1 on on ADP crln-9070 84 2 some some DET crln-9070 84 3 sites site NOUN crln-9070 84 4 , , PUNCT crln-9070 84 5 the the DET crln-9070 84 6 student student NOUN crln-9070 84 7 must must AUX crln-9070 84 8 register register VERB crln-9070 84 9 to to PART crln-9070 84 10 access access VERB crln-9070 84 11 free free ADJ crln-9070 84 12 content content NOUN crln-9070 84 13 . . PUNCT crln-9070 85 1 for for ADP crln-9070 85 2 syndicated syndicate VERB crln-9070 85 3 data data NOUN crln-9070 85 4 services service NOUN crln-9070 85 5 , , PUNCT crln-9070 85 6 often often ADV crln-9070 85 7 you you PRON crln-9070 85 8 ’ll ’ll AUX crln-9070 85 9 find find VERB crln-9070 85 10 additional additional ADJ crln-9070 85 11 information information NOUN crln-9070 85 12 from from ADP crln-9070 85 13 that that DET crln-9070 85 14 firm firm NOUN crln-9070 85 15 quoted quote VERB crln-9070 85 16 in in ADP crln-9070 85 17 the the DET crln-9070 85 18 trade trade NOUN crln-9070 85 19 press press NOUN crln-9070 85 20 or or CCONJ crln-9070 85 21 on on ADP crln-9070 85 22 client client NOUN crln-9070 85 23 websites website NOUN crln-9070 85 24 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 85 25 like like ADP crln-9070 85 26 many many ADJ crln-9070 85 27 trade trade NOUN crln-9070 85 28 association association NOUN crln-9070 85 29 sites site NOUN crln-9070 85 30 above above ADV crln-9070 85 31 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 85 32 . . PUNCT crln-9070 86 1 • • VERB crln-9070 86 2 alexa alexa ADV crln-9070 86 3 . . PUNCT crln-9070 87 1 alexa alexa ADJ crln-9070 87 2 is be AUX crln-9070 87 3 great great ADJ crln-9070 87 4 for for ADP crln-9070 87 5 finding find VERB crln-9070 87 6 metrics metric NOUN crln-9070 87 7 on on ADP crln-9070 87 8 specific specific ADJ crln-9070 87 9 web web NOUN crln-9070 87 10 domains domain NOUN crln-9070 87 11 . . PUNCT crln-9070 88 1 enter enter VERB crln-9070 88 2 a a DET crln-9070 88 3 web web NOUN crln-9070 88 4 address address NOUN crln-9070 88 5 to to PART crln-9070 88 6 find find VERB crln-9070 88 7 traffic traffic NOUN crln-9070 88 8 rankings ranking NOUN crln-9070 88 9 , , PUNCT crln-9070 88 10 engagement engagement NOUN crln-9070 88 11 metrics metric NOUN crln-9070 88 12 , , PUNCT crln-9070 88 13 audience audience NOUN crln-9070 88 14 demographics demographic NOUN crln-9070 88 15 , , PUNCT crln-9070 88 16 search search NOUN crln-9070 88 17 engine engine NOUN crln-9070 88 18 traffic traffic NOUN crln-9070 88 19 , , PUNCT crln-9070 88 20 etc etc X crln-9070 88 21 . . X crln-9070 89 1 there there PRON crln-9070 89 2 is be VERB crln-9070 89 3 also also ADV crln-9070 89 4 a a DET crln-9070 89 5 ranked rank VERB crln-9070 89 6 list list NOUN crln-9070 89 7 of of ADP crln-9070 89 8 the the DET crln-9070 89 9 top top ADJ crln-9070 89 10 500 500 NUM crln-9070 89 11 sites site NOUN crln-9070 89 12 globally globally ADV crln-9070 89 13 , , PUNCT crln-9070 89 14 by by ADP crln-9070 89 15 country country NOUN crln-9070 89 16 , , PUNCT crln-9070 89 17 or or CCONJ crln-9070 89 18 by by ADP crln-9070 89 19 category category NOUN crln-9070 89 20 february february PROPN crln-9070 89 21 2014 2014 NUM crln-9070 90 1 79 79 NUM crln-9070 90 2 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-9070 90 3 news news NOUN crln-9070 90 4 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 90 5 including include VERB crln-9070 90 6 shopping shop VERB crln-9070 90 7 s s PART crln-9070 90 8 u u NOUN crln-9070 90 9 b b NOUN crln-9070 90 10 c c NOUN crln-9070 90 11 a a DET crln-9070 90 12 t t NOUN crln-9070 90 13 egories egorie NOUN crln-9070 90 14 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 90 15 . . PUNCT crln-9070 91 1 you you PRON crln-9070 91 2 can can AUX crln-9070 91 3 also also ADV crln-9070 91 4 do do VERB crln-9070 91 5 keyword keyword PROPN crln-9070 91 6 searches search NOUN crln-9070 91 7 for for ADP crln-9070 91 8 sites site NOUN crln-9070 91 9 . . PUNCT crln-9070 92 1 a a DET crln-9070 92 2 subscription subscription NOUN crln-9070 92 3 offers offer VERB crln-9070 92 4 more more ADJ crln-9070 92 5 details detail NOUN crln-9070 92 6 , , PUNCT crln-9070 92 7 but but CCONJ crln-9070 92 8 there there PRON crln-9070 92 9 is be VERB crln-9070 92 10 much much ADV crln-9070 92 11 useful useful ADJ crln-9070 92 12 free free ADJ crln-9070 92 13 information information NOUN crln-9070 92 14 . . PUNCT crln-9070 93 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 93 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 93 3 X crln-9070 93 4 . . PUNCT crln-9070 94 1 • • PROPN crln-9070 94 2 alliance alliance NOUN crln-9070 94 3 for for ADP crln-9070 94 4 audited audited ADJ crln-9070 94 5 media medium NOUN crln-9070 94 6 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 94 7 aam aam PROPN crln-9070 94 8 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 94 9 , , PUNCT crln-9070 94 10 formerly formerly ADV crln-9070 94 11 audit audit NOUN crln-9070 94 12 bureau bureau PROPN crln-9070 94 13 of of ADP crln-9070 94 14 circulation circulation NOUN crln-9070 94 15 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 94 16 abc abc PROPN crln-9070 94 17 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 94 18 . . PUNCT crln-9070 95 1 this this DET crln-9070 95 2 organization organization NOUN crln-9070 95 3 — — PUNCT crln-9070 95 4 well well ADV crln-9070 95 5 - - PUNCT crln-9070 95 6 known know VERB crln-9070 95 7 for for ADP crln-9070 95 8 providing provide VERB crln-9070 95 9 audited audit VERB crln-9070 95 10 circulation circulation NOUN crln-9070 95 11 figures figure NOUN crln-9070 95 12 for for ADP crln-9070 95 13 newspapers newspaper NOUN crln-9070 95 14 , , PUNCT crln-9070 95 15 consumer consumer NOUN crln-9070 95 16 magazines magazine NOUN crln-9070 95 17 , , PUNCT crln-9070 95 18 and and CCONJ crln-9070 95 19 other other ADJ crln-9070 95 20 print print NOUN crln-9070 95 21 periodicals periodical NOUN crln-9070 95 22 — — PUNCT crln-9070 95 23 now now ADV crln-9070 95 24 also also ADV crln-9070 95 25 measures measure VERB crln-9070 95 26 digital digital ADJ crln-9070 95 27 media medium NOUN crln-9070 95 28 audiences audience NOUN crln-9070 95 29 . . PUNCT crln-9070 96 1 without without ADP crln-9070 96 2 a a DET crln-9070 96 3 membership,2 membership,2 NOUN crln-9070 96 4 the the DET crln-9070 96 5 site site NOUN crln-9070 96 6 offers offer VERB crln-9070 96 7 some some DET crln-9070 96 8 sample sample NOUN crln-9070 96 9 reports report NOUN crln-9070 96 10 , , PUNCT crln-9070 96 11 but but CCONJ crln-9070 96 12 more more ADJ crln-9070 96 13 aam/ aam/ PROPN crln-9070 96 14 abc abc PROPN crln-9070 96 15 data datum NOUN crln-9070 96 16 can can AUX crln-9070 96 17 be be AUX crln-9070 96 18 found find VERB crln-9070 96 19 elsewhere elsewhere ADV crln-9070 96 20 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 96 21 see see VERB crln-9070 96 22 mri+ mri+ PROPN crln-9070 96 23 below below ADV crln-9070 96 24 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 96 25 . . PUNCT crln-9070 97 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 97 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 97 3 http://www.auditedmedia http://www.auditedmedia PROPN crln-9070 97 4 . . PUNCT crln-9070 97 5 com com NOUN crln-9070 97 6 / / SYM crln-9070 97 7 free free ADJ crln-9070 97 8 - - PUNCT crln-9070 97 9 reports.aspx reports.aspx NUM crln-9070 97 10 . . PUNCT crln-9070 98 1 • • VERB crln-9070 98 2 comscore comscore ADV crln-9070 98 3 . . PUNCT crln-9070 99 1 comscore comscore NOUN crln-9070 99 2 provides provide VERB crln-9070 99 3 audience audience NOUN crln-9070 99 4 ratings rating NOUN crln-9070 99 5 and and CCONJ crln-9070 99 6 measurement measurement NOUN crln-9070 99 7 services service NOUN crln-9070 99 8 for for ADP crln-9070 99 9 e e NOUN crln-9070 99 10 - - NOUN crln-9070 99 11 commerce commerce NOUN crln-9070 99 12 . . PUNCT crln-9070 100 1 search search VERB crln-9070 100 2 the the DET crln-9070 100 3 comscore comscore ADJ crln-9070 100 4 datamine datamine NOUN crln-9070 100 5 for for ADP crln-9070 100 6 statistical statistical ADJ crln-9070 100 7 charts chart NOUN crln-9070 100 8 on on ADP crln-9070 100 9 media medium NOUN crln-9070 100 10 usage usage NOUN crln-9070 100 11 or or CCONJ crln-9070 100 12 look look VERB crln-9070 100 13 for for ADP crln-9070 100 14 information information NOUN crln-9070 100 15 in in ADP crln-9070 100 16 press press NOUN crln-9070 100 17 releases release NOUN crln-9070 100 18 . . PUNCT crln-9070 101 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 101 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 101 3 X crln-9070 101 4 . . PUNCT crln-9070 102 1 • • PROPN crln-9070 102 2 experian experian ADJ crln-9070 102 3 marketing marketing NOUN crln-9070 102 4 services service NOUN crln-9070 102 5 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 102 6 simmons simmon NOUN crln-9070 102 7 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 102 8 . . PUNCT crln-9070 103 1 experian experian ADJ crln-9070 103 2 marketing marketing NOUN crln-9070 103 3 is be AUX crln-9070 103 4 a a DET crln-9070 103 5 syndicated syndicated ADJ crln-9070 103 6 data data NOUN crln-9070 103 7 service service NOUN crln-9070 103 8 that that PRON crln-9070 103 9 offers offer VERB crln-9070 103 10 detailed detailed ADJ crln-9070 103 11 insights insight NOUN crln-9070 103 12 on on ADP crln-9070 103 13 consumer consumer NOUN crln-9070 103 14 media medium NOUN crln-9070 103 15 behavior behavior NOUN crln-9070 103 16 . . PUNCT crln-9070 104 1 you you PRON crln-9070 104 2 ’ll ’ll AUX crln-9070 104 3 often often ADV crln-9070 104 4 see see VERB crln-9070 104 5 experian experian ADJ crln-9070 104 6 / / SYM crln-9070 104 7 simmons simmon NOUN crln-9070 104 8 quoted quote VERB crln-9070 104 9 in in ADP crln-9070 104 10 the the DET crln-9070 104 11 press press NOUN crln-9070 104 12 . . PUNCT crln-9070 105 1 you you PRON crln-9070 105 2 can can AUX crln-9070 105 3 find find VERB crln-9070 105 4 some some DET crln-9070 105 5 free free ADJ crln-9070 105 6 trend trend NOUN crln-9070 105 7 reports report NOUN crln-9070 105 8 on on ADP crln-9070 105 9 the the DET crln-9070 105 10 experian experian ADJ crln-9070 105 11 site site NOUN crln-9070 105 12 . . PUNCT crln-9070 106 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 106 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 106 3 http://www.experian http://www.experian PROPN crln-9070 106 4 . . PUNCT crln-9070 106 5 com com NOUN crln-9070 106 6 / / SYM crln-9070 106 7 marketing marketing NOUN crln-9070 106 8 - - PUNCT crln-9070 106 9 services/. services/. NOUN crln-9070 106 10 • • PROPN crln-9070 106 11 gfk gfk PROPN crln-9070 106 12 mri mri NOUN crln-9070 106 13 . . PUNCT crln-9070 107 1 gfk gfk PROPN crln-9070 107 2 mri mri NOUN crln-9070 107 3 gains gain NOUN crln-9070 107 4 insight insight NOUN crln-9070 107 5 into into ADP crln-9070 107 6 consumer consumer NOUN crln-9070 107 7 media medium NOUN crln-9070 107 8 behavior behavior NOUN crln-9070 107 9 via via ADP crln-9070 107 10 their their PRON crln-9070 107 11 extensive extensive ADJ crln-9070 107 12 survey survey NOUN crln-9070 107 13 of of ADP crln-9070 107 14 the the DET crln-9070 107 15 american american ADJ crln-9070 107 16 consumer consumer NOUN crln-9070 107 17 . . PUNCT crln-9070 108 1 you you PRON crln-9070 108 2 wo will AUX crln-9070 108 3 n’t not PART crln-9070 108 4 find find VERB crln-9070 108 5 extensive extensive ADJ crln-9070 108 6 reports report NOUN crln-9070 108 7 for for ADP crln-9070 108 8 free free ADJ crln-9070 108 9 ; ; PUNCT crln-9070 108 10 but but CCONJ crln-9070 108 11 a a DET crln-9070 108 12 keyword keyword NOUN crln-9070 108 13 search search NOUN crln-9070 108 14 of of ADP crln-9070 108 15 the the DET crln-9070 108 16 site site NOUN crln-9070 108 17 might might AUX crln-9070 108 18 find find VERB crln-9070 108 19 a a DET crln-9070 108 20 key key ADJ crln-9070 108 21 fact fact NOUN crln-9070 108 22 in in ADP crln-9070 108 23 a a DET crln-9070 108 24 press press NOUN crln-9070 108 25 release release NOUN crln-9070 108 26 or or CCONJ crln-9070 108 27 sample sample NOUN crln-9070 108 28 table table NOUN crln-9070 108 29 . . PUNCT crln-9070 109 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 109 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 109 3 http:// http:// NOUN crln-9070 109 4 X crln-9070 109 5 . . PUNCT crln-9070 110 1 • • PROPN crln-9070 110 2 ipsos ipsos PROPN crln-9070 110 3 . . PUNCT crln-9070 111 1 a a DET crln-9070 111 2 free free ADJ crln-9070 111 3 registration registration NOUN crln-9070 111 4 gains gain NOUN crln-9070 111 5 access access NOUN crln-9070 111 6 to to ADP crln-9070 111 7 a a DET crln-9070 111 8 rich rich ADJ crln-9070 111 9 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-9070 111 10 & & CCONJ crln-9070 111 11 ideas idea NOUN crln-9070 111 12 library library PROPN crln-9070 111 13 of of ADP crln-9070 111 14 articles article NOUN crln-9070 111 15 and and CCONJ crln-9070 111 16 online online ADJ crln-9070 111 17 videos video NOUN crln-9070 111 18 on on ADP crln-9070 111 19 topics topic NOUN crln-9070 111 20 related relate VERB crln-9070 111 21 to to ADP crln-9070 111 22 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 111 23 , , PUNCT crln-9070 111 24 customer customer NOUN crln-9070 111 25 loyalty loyalty NOUN crln-9070 111 26 , , PUNCT crln-9070 111 27 marketing marketing NOUN crln-9070 111 28 , , PUNCT crln-9070 111 29 and and CCONJ crln-9070 111 30 media medium NOUN crln-9070 111 31 strategy strategy NOUN crln-9070 111 32 . . PUNCT crln-9070 112 1 ipsos ipsos PROPN crln-9070 112 2 content content NOUN crln-9070 112 3 is be AUX crln-9070 112 4 especially especially ADV crln-9070 112 5 strong strong ADJ crln-9070 112 6 for for ADP crln-9070 112 7 topics topic NOUN crln-9070 112 8 related relate VERB crln-9070 112 9 to to ADP crln-9070 112 10 digital digital ADJ crln-9070 112 11 marketing marketing NOUN crln-9070 112 12 and and CCONJ crln-9070 112 13 to to ADP crln-9070 112 14 the the DET crln-9070 112 15 affluent affluent ADJ crln-9070 112 16 market market NOUN crln-9070 112 17 . . PUNCT crln-9070 113 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 113 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 113 3 X crln-9070 113 4 /knowledge /knowledge NOUN crln-9070 113 5 - - PUNCT crln-9070 113 6 ideas/. ideas/. ADJ crln-9070 113 7 • • NUM crln-9070 113 8 mri+ mri+ PROPN crln-9070 113 9 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 113 10 mediamark mediamark NOUN crln-9070 113 11 research research NOUN crln-9070 113 12 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 113 13 . . PUNCT crln-9070 114 1 mri+ mri+ PROPN crln-9070 114 2 is be AUX crln-9070 114 3 likely likely ADV crln-9070 114 4 the the DET crln-9070 114 5 most most ADV crln-9070 114 6 useful useful ADJ crln-9070 114 7 free free ADJ crln-9070 114 8 site site NOUN crln-9070 114 9 for for ADP crln-9070 114 10 students student NOUN crln-9070 114 11 planning plan VERB crln-9070 114 12 ads ad NOUN crln-9070 114 13 in in ADP crln-9070 114 14 magazine magazine NOUN crln-9070 114 15 media medium NOUN crln-9070 114 16 . . PUNCT crln-9070 115 1 this this DET crln-9070 115 2 database database NOUN crln-9070 115 3 of of ADP crln-9070 115 4 specific specific ADJ crln-9070 115 5 magazine magazine NOUN crln-9070 115 6 titles title NOUN crln-9070 115 7 provides provide VERB crln-9070 115 8 audited audited ADJ crln-9070 115 9 circulation circulation NOUN crln-9070 115 10 figures figure NOUN crln-9070 115 11 , , PUNCT crln-9070 115 12 magazine magazine NOUN crln-9070 115 13 descriptions description NOUN crln-9070 115 14 , , PUNCT crln-9070 115 15 audience audience NOUN crln-9070 115 16 demographics demographic NOUN crln-9070 115 17 , , PUNCT crln-9070 115 18 and and CCONJ crln-9070 115 19 more more ADJ crln-9070 115 20 . . PUNCT crln-9070 116 1 interactive interactive ADJ crln-9070 116 2 features feature NOUN crln-9070 116 3 allow allow VERB crln-9070 116 4 students student NOUN crln-9070 116 5 to to PART crln-9070 116 6 specify specify VERB crln-9070 116 7 criteria criterion NOUN crln-9070 116 8 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 116 9 such such ADJ crln-9070 116 10 as as ADP crln-9070 116 11 ad ad NOUN crln-9070 116 12 size size NOUN crln-9070 116 13 and and CCONJ crln-9070 116 14 dates date NOUN crln-9070 116 15 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 116 16 to to PART crln-9070 116 17 compute compute VERB crln-9070 116 18 ad ad NOUN crln-9070 116 19 costs cost NOUN crln-9070 116 20 . . PUNCT crln-9070 117 1 consumer consumer NOUN crln-9070 117 2 and and CCONJ crln-9070 117 3 trade trade NOUN crln-9070 117 4 magazines magazine NOUN crln-9070 117 5 can can AUX crln-9070 117 6 be be AUX crln-9070 117 7 searched search VERB crln-9070 117 8 by by ADP crln-9070 117 9 title title NOUN crln-9070 117 10 , , PUNCT crln-9070 117 11 subject subject NOUN crln-9070 117 12 area area NOUN crln-9070 117 13 , , PUNCT crln-9070 117 14 circulation circulation NOUN crln-9070 117 15 or or CCONJ crln-9070 117 16 audience audience NOUN crln-9070 117 17 , , PUNCT crln-9070 117 18 etc etc X crln-9070 117 19 . . X crln-9070 117 20 students student NOUN crln-9070 117 21 must must AUX crln-9070 117 22 register register VERB crln-9070 117 23 for for ADP crln-9070 117 24 free free ADJ crln-9070 117 25 access access NOUN crln-9070 117 26 to to ADP crln-9070 117 27 mri+ mri+ PROPN crln-9070 117 28 . . PUNCT crln-9070 118 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 118 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 118 3 X crln-9070 118 4 . . PUNCT crln-9070 119 1 • • INTJ crln-9070 119 2 nielsen nielsen PROPN crln-9070 119 3 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 119 4 now now ADV crln-9070 119 5 also also ADV crln-9070 119 6 owns own VERB crln-9070 119 7 arbitron arbitron NOUN crln-9070 119 8 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 119 9 . . PUNCT crln-9070 120 1 famous famous ADJ crln-9070 120 2 for for ADP crln-9070 120 3 collecting collect VERB crln-9070 120 4 data datum NOUN crln-9070 120 5 on on ADP crln-9070 120 6 television television NOUN crln-9070 120 7 audiences audience NOUN crln-9070 120 8 , , PUNCT crln-9070 120 9 nielsen nielsen PROPN crln-9070 120 10 actually actually ADV crln-9070 120 11 provides provide VERB crln-9070 120 12 clients client NOUN crln-9070 120 13 with with ADP crln-9070 120 14 a a DET crln-9070 120 15 wide wide ADJ crln-9070 120 16 range range NOUN crln-9070 120 17 of of ADP crln-9070 120 18 data datum NOUN crln-9070 120 19 on on ADP crln-9070 120 20 consumer consumer NOUN crln-9070 120 21 media medium NOUN crln-9070 120 22 and and CCONJ crln-9070 120 23 marketing marketing NOUN crln-9070 120 24 behavior behavior NOUN crln-9070 120 25 . . PUNCT crln-9070 121 1 at at ADP crln-9070 121 2 the the DET crln-9070 121 3 site site NOUN crln-9070 121 4 , , PUNCT crln-9070 121 5 you you PRON crln-9070 121 6 ’ll ’ll AUX crln-9070 121 7 find find VERB crln-9070 121 8 top top ADJ crln-9070 121 9 ten ten NUM crln-9070 121 10 lists list NOUN crln-9070 121 11 for for ADP crln-9070 121 12 television television NOUN crln-9070 121 13 , , PUNCT crln-9070 121 14 books book NOUN crln-9070 121 15 , , PUNCT crln-9070 121 16 movies movie NOUN crln-9070 121 17 , , PUNCT crln-9070 121 18 music music NOUN crln-9070 121 19 , , PUNCT crln-9070 121 20 video video NOUN crln-9070 121 21 games game NOUN crln-9070 121 22 , , PUNCT crln-9070 121 23 and and CCONJ crln-9070 121 24 websites website NOUN crln-9070 121 25 . . PUNCT crln-9070 122 1 you you PRON crln-9070 122 2 can can AUX crln-9070 122 3 also also ADV crln-9070 122 4 find find VERB crln-9070 122 5 key key ADJ crln-9070 122 6 statistics statistic NOUN crln-9070 122 7 in in ADP crln-9070 122 8 newswires newswire NOUN crln-9070 122 9 and and CCONJ crln-9070 122 10 reports report NOUN crln-9070 122 11 on on ADP crln-9070 122 12 the the DET crln-9070 122 13 site site NOUN crln-9070 122 14 . . PUNCT crln-9070 123 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 123 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 123 3 X crln-9070 123 4 . . PUNCT crln-9070 124 1 other other ADJ crln-9070 124 2 useful useful ADJ crln-9070 124 3 media medium NOUN crln-9070 124 4 sites site NOUN crln-9070 124 5 • • VERB crln-9070 124 6 network network NOUN crln-9070 124 7 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 124 8 initiative initiative NOUN crln-9070 124 9 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 124 10 nai nai PROPN crln-9070 124 11 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 124 12 . . PUNCT crln-9070 125 1 nai nai PROPN crln-9070 125 2 members member NOUN crln-9070 125 3 agree agree VERB crln-9070 125 4 to to ADP crln-9070 125 5 a a DET crln-9070 125 6 code code NOUN crln-9070 125 7 of of ADP crln-9070 125 8 conduct conduct NOUN crln-9070 125 9 for for ADP crln-9070 125 10 online online ADJ crln-9070 125 11 interest interest NOUN crln-9070 125 12 - - PUNCT crln-9070 125 13 based base VERB crln-9070 125 14 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 125 15 — — PUNCT crln-9070 125 16 a a DET crln-9070 125 17 form form NOUN crln-9070 125 18 of of ADP crln-9070 125 19 industry industry NOUN crln-9070 125 20 self self NOUN crln-9070 125 21 - - PUNCT crln-9070 125 22 regulation regulation NOUN crln-9070 125 23 that that PRON crln-9070 125 24 deals deal VERB crln-9070 125 25 with with ADP crln-9070 125 26 issues issue NOUN crln-9070 125 27 of of ADP crln-9070 125 28 consumer consumer NOUN crln-9070 125 29 privacy privacy NOUN crln-9070 125 30 and and CCONJ crln-9070 125 31 data datum NOUN crln-9070 125 32 collection collection NOUN crln-9070 125 33 . . PUNCT crln-9070 126 1 students student NOUN crln-9070 126 2 may may AUX crln-9070 126 3 benefit benefit VERB crln-9070 126 4 from from ADP crln-9070 126 5 the the DET crln-9070 126 6 site site NOUN crln-9070 126 7 ’s ’s PART crln-9070 126 8 explanations explanation NOUN crln-9070 126 9 of of ADP crln-9070 126 10 how how SCONJ crln-9070 126 11 online online ADJ crln-9070 126 12 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 126 13 works work VERB crln-9070 126 14 . . PUNCT crln-9070 127 1 consumers consumer NOUN crln-9070 127 2 can can AUX crln-9070 127 3 use use VERB crln-9070 127 4 an an DET crln-9070 127 5 online online ADJ crln-9070 127 6 form form NOUN crln-9070 127 7 at at ADP crln-9070 127 8 the the DET crln-9070 127 9 site site NOUN crln-9070 127 10 to to ADP crln-9070 127 11 opt opt NOUN crln-9070 127 12 - - PUNCT crln-9070 127 13 out out NOUN crln-9070 127 14 of of ADP crln-9070 127 15 interest interest NOUN crln-9070 127 16 - - PUNCT crln-9070 127 17 based base VERB crln-9070 127 18 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 127 19 from from ADP crln-9070 127 20 member member NOUN crln-9070 127 21 firms firm NOUN crln-9070 127 22 . . PUNCT crln-9070 128 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 128 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 128 3 NUM crln-9070 128 4 . . PUNCT crln-9070 129 1 • • VERB crln-9070 129 2 new new ADJ crln-9070 129 3 marketing marketing NOUN crln-9070 129 4 institute institute NOUN crln-9070 129 5 — — PUNCT crln-9070 129 6 mediamath mediamath NOUN crln-9070 129 7 . . PUNCT crln-9070 130 1 this this DET crln-9070 130 2 site site NOUN crln-9070 130 3 provides provide VERB crln-9070 130 4 educational educational ADJ crln-9070 130 5 materials material NOUN crln-9070 130 6 related relate VERB crln-9070 130 7 to to ADP crln-9070 130 8 online online ADJ crln-9070 130 9 advertising advertising NOUN crln-9070 130 10 and and CCONJ crln-9070 130 11 the the DET crln-9070 130 12 use use NOUN crln-9070 130 13 of of ADP crln-9070 130 14 technology technology NOUN crln-9070 130 15 platforms platform NOUN crln-9070 130 16 to to PART crln-9070 130 17 automate automate VERB crln-9070 130 18 ad ad NOUN crln-9070 130 19 purchases purchase NOUN crln-9070 130 20 . . PUNCT crln-9070 131 1 although although SCONJ crln-9070 131 2 there there PRON crln-9070 131 3 is be VERB crln-9070 131 4 a a DET crln-9070 131 5 fee fee NOUN crln-9070 131 6 for for ADP crln-9070 131 7 courses course NOUN crln-9070 131 8 , , PUNCT crln-9070 131 9 the the DET crln-9070 131 10 site site NOUN crln-9070 131 11 offers offer VERB crln-9070 131 12 free free ADJ crln-9070 131 13 videos video NOUN crln-9070 131 14 and and CCONJ crln-9070 131 15 articles article NOUN crln-9070 131 16 . . PUNCT crln-9070 132 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 132 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 132 3 X crln-9070 132 4 . . PUNCT crln-9070 133 1 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 133 2 continues continue VERB crln-9070 133 3 on on ADP crln-9070 133 4 page page NOUN crln-9070 133 5 100 100 NUM crln-9070 133 6 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 133 7 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-9070 133 8 news news NOUN crln-9070 133 9 february february PROPN crln-9070 133 10 2014 2014 NUM crln-9070 133 11 100 100 NUM crln-9070 133 12 study study NOUN crln-9070 133 13 , , PUNCT crln-9070 133 14 research research NOUN crln-9070 133 15 , , PUNCT crln-9070 133 16 and and CCONJ crln-9070 133 17 use use NOUN crln-9070 133 18 of of ADP crln-9070 133 19 information information NOUN crln-9070 133 20 technologies technology NOUN crln-9070 133 21 ? ? PUNCT crln-9070 134 1 9 9 X crln-9070 134 2 . . X crln-9070 134 3 are be AUX crln-9070 134 4 facilities facility NOUN crln-9070 134 5 accessible accessible ADJ crln-9070 134 6 to to ADP crln-9070 134 7 all all DET crln-9070 134 8 users user NOUN crln-9070 134 9 ? ? PUNCT crln-9070 135 1 10 10 NUM crln-9070 135 2 . . PUNCT crln-9070 135 3 does do AUX crln-9070 135 4 space space NOUN crln-9070 135 5 allow allow VERB crln-9070 135 6 for for ADP crln-9070 135 7 cooperative cooperative ADJ crln-9070 135 8 programs program NOUN crln-9070 135 9 with with ADP crln-9070 135 10 other other ADJ crln-9070 135 11 library library NOUN crln-9070 135 12 and and CCONJ crln-9070 135 13 campus campus NOUN crln-9070 135 14 units unit NOUN crln-9070 135 15 ? ? PUNCT crln-9070 136 1 administration administration PROPN crln-9070 136 2 administration administration PROPN crln-9070 136 3 responsible responsible ADJ crln-9070 136 4 for for ADP crln-9070 136 5 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crln-9070 136 6 services service NOUN crln-9070 136 7 must must AUX crln-9070 136 8 ensure ensure VERB crln-9070 136 9 the the DET crln-9070 136 10 continued continue VERB crln-9070 136 11 relevance relevance NOUN crln-9070 136 12 of of ADP crln-9070 136 13 the the DET crln-9070 136 14 services service NOUN crln-9070 136 15 . . PUNCT crln-9070 137 1 administration administration NOUN crln-9070 137 2 represents represent VERB crln-9070 137 3 undergraduates undergraduate NOUN crln-9070 137 4 and and CCONJ crln-9070 137 5 their their PRON crln-9070 137 6 needs need NOUN crln-9070 137 7 in in ADP crln-9070 137 8 the the DET crln-9070 137 9 greater great ADJ crln-9070 137 10 library library NOUN crln-9070 137 11 system system NOUN crln-9070 137 12 context context NOUN crln-9070 137 13 , , PUNCT crln-9070 137 14 and and CCONJ crln-9070 137 15 promotes promote VERB crln-9070 137 16 the the DET crln-9070 137 17 value value NOUN crln-9070 137 18 of of ADP crln-9070 137 19 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crln-9070 137 20 library library NOUN crln-9070 137 21 services service NOUN crln-9070 137 22 in in ADP crln-9070 137 23 that that DET crln-9070 137 24 context context NOUN crln-9070 137 25 . . PUNCT crln-9070 138 1 undergraduate undergraduate PROPN crln-9070 138 2 library library PROPN crln-9070 138 3 administrators administrator NOUN crln-9070 138 4 serve serve VERB crln-9070 138 5 as as ADP crln-9070 138 6 liaisons liaison NOUN crln-9070 138 7 between between ADP crln-9070 138 8 the the DET crln-9070 138 9 university university PROPN crln-9070 138 10 and and CCONJ crln-9070 138 11 library library NOUN crln-9070 138 12 administrations administration NOUN crln-9070 138 13 and and CCONJ crln-9070 138 14 the the DET crln-9070 138 15 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crln-9070 138 16 library library PROPN crln-9070 138 17 unit unit NOUN crln-9070 138 18 and and CCONJ crln-9070 138 19 students student NOUN crln-9070 138 20 . . PUNCT crln-9070 139 1 in in ADP crln-9070 139 2 order order NOUN crln-9070 139 3 to to PART crln-9070 139 4 understand understand VERB crln-9070 139 5 and and CCONJ crln-9070 139 6 accurately accurately ADV crln-9070 139 7 represent represent VERB crln-9070 139 8 the the DET crln-9070 139 9 needs need NOUN crln-9070 139 10 of of ADP crln-9070 139 11 the the DET crln-9070 139 12 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crln-9070 139 13 population population NOUN crln-9070 139 14 , , PUNCT crln-9070 139 15 the the DET crln-9070 139 16 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crln-9070 139 17 administration administration NOUN crln-9070 139 18 needs need VERB crln-9070 139 19 regular regular ADJ crln-9070 139 20 , , PUNCT crln-9070 139 21 direct direct ADJ crln-9070 139 22 contact contact NOUN crln-9070 139 23 with with ADP crln-9070 139 24 patrons patron NOUN crln-9070 139 25 as as ADV crln-9070 139 26 well well ADV crln-9070 139 27 as as ADP crln-9070 139 28 with with ADP crln-9070 139 29 staff staff NOUN crln-9070 139 30 . . PUNCT crln-9070 140 1 questions question NOUN crln-9070 140 2 1 1 NUM crln-9070 140 3 . . PUNCT crln-9070 141 1 how how SCONJ crln-9070 141 2 does do AUX crln-9070 141 3 undergraduate undergraduate NOUN crln-9070 141 4 services service NOUN crln-9070 141 5 administration administration NOUN crln-9070 141 6 communicate communicate VERB crln-9070 141 7 the the DET crln-9070 141 8 values value NOUN crln-9070 141 9 and and CCONJ crln-9070 141 10 needs need NOUN crln-9070 141 11 of of ADP crln-9070 141 12 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crln-9070 141 13 services service NOUN crln-9070 141 14 to to ADP crln-9070 141 15 the the DET crln-9070 141 16 greater great ADJ crln-9070 141 17 library library NOUN crln-9070 141 18 system system NOUN crln-9070 141 19 and and CCONJ crln-9070 141 20 the the DET crln-9070 141 21 university university NOUN crln-9070 141 22 administration administration NOUN crln-9070 141 23 ? ? PUNCT crln-9070 142 1 2 2 X crln-9070 142 2 . . X crln-9070 142 3 do do AUX crln-9070 142 4 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crln-9070 142 5 services service NOUN crln-9070 142 6 have have VERB crln-9070 142 7 a a DET crln-9070 142 8 sufficient sufficient ADJ crln-9070 142 9 voice voice NOUN crln-9070 142 10 in in ADP crln-9070 142 11 the the DET crln-9070 142 12 greater great ADJ crln-9070 142 13 library library NOUN crln-9070 142 14 system system NOUN crln-9070 142 15 ? ? PUNCT crln-9070 143 1 3 3 X crln-9070 143 2 . . X crln-9070 143 3 how how SCONJ crln-9070 143 4 does do AUX crln-9070 143 5 the the DET crln-9070 143 6 administration administration NOUN crln-9070 143 7 gather gather VERB crln-9070 143 8 information information NOUN crln-9070 143 9 regarding regard VERB crln-9070 143 10 library library NOUN crln-9070 143 11 performance performance NOUN crln-9070 143 12 from from ADP crln-9070 143 13 staff staff NOUN crln-9070 143 14 and and CCONJ crln-9070 143 15 patrons patron NOUN crln-9070 143 16 ? ? PUNCT crln-9070 144 1 4 4 X crln-9070 144 2 . . X crln-9070 144 3 how how SCONJ crln-9070 144 4 often often ADV crln-9070 144 5 does do AUX crln-9070 144 6 the the DET crln-9070 144 7 administration administration NOUN crln-9070 144 8 have have VERB crln-9070 144 9 direct direct ADJ crln-9070 144 10 contact contact NOUN crln-9070 144 11 with with ADP crln-9070 144 12 the the DET crln-9070 144 13 primary primary ADJ crln-9070 144 14 patron patron NOUN crln-9070 144 15 base base NOUN crln-9070 144 16 ? ? PUNCT crln-9070 145 1 budget budget NOUN crln-9070 145 2 effective effective ADJ crln-9070 145 3 undergraduate undergraduate NOUN crln-9070 145 4 services service NOUN crln-9070 145 5 require require VERB crln-9070 145 6 adequate adequate ADJ crln-9070 145 7 resources resource NOUN crln-9070 145 8 to to PART crln-9070 145 9 accomplish accomplish VERB crln-9070 145 10 their their PRON crln-9070 145 11 missions mission NOUN crln-9070 145 12 . . PUNCT crln-9070 146 1 implicit implicit ADJ crln-9070 146 2 in in ADP crln-9070 146 3 the the DET crln-9070 146 4 creation creation NOUN crln-9070 146 5 of of ADP crln-9070 146 6 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crln-9070 146 7 services service NOUN crln-9070 146 8 is be AUX crln-9070 146 9 an an DET crln-9070 146 10 institutional institutional ADJ crln-9070 146 11 commitment commitment NOUN crln-9070 146 12 to to ADP crln-9070 146 13 funding fund VERB crln-9070 146 14 their their PRON crln-9070 146 15 development development NOUN crln-9070 146 16 , , PUNCT crln-9070 146 17 ongoing ongoing ADJ crln-9070 146 18 services service NOUN crln-9070 146 19 , , PUNCT crln-9070 146 20 and and CCONJ crln-9070 146 21 growth growth NOUN crln-9070 146 22 as as ADP crln-9070 146 23 an an DET crln-9070 146 24 integral integral ADJ crln-9070 146 25 part part NOUN crln-9070 146 26 of of ADP crln-9070 146 27 maintaining maintain VERB crln-9070 146 28 library library NOUN crln-9070 146 29 services service NOUN crln-9070 146 30 for for ADP crln-9070 146 31 the the DET crln-9070 146 32 entire entire ADJ crln-9070 146 33 academic academic ADJ crln-9070 146 34 community community NOUN crln-9070 146 35 . . PUNCT crln-9070 147 1 questions question NOUN crln-9070 147 2 1 1 NUM crln-9070 147 3 . . PUNCT crln-9070 147 4 are be AUX crln-9070 147 5 the the DET crln-9070 147 6 resources resource NOUN crln-9070 147 7 available available ADJ crln-9070 147 8 comparable comparable ADJ crln-9070 147 9 to to ADP crln-9070 147 10 those those PRON crln-9070 147 11 for for ADP crln-9070 147 12 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crln-9070 147 13 services service NOUN crln-9070 147 14 at at ADP crln-9070 147 15 comparable comparable ADJ crln-9070 147 16 institutions institution NOUN crln-9070 147 17 ? ? PUNCT crln-9070 148 1 2 2 X crln-9070 148 2 . . X crln-9070 148 3 does do AUX crln-9070 148 4 the the DET crln-9070 148 5 budget budget NOUN crln-9070 148 6 support support VERB crln-9070 148 7 appropriate appropriate ADJ crln-9070 148 8 levels level NOUN crln-9070 148 9 of of ADP crln-9070 148 10 staffing staffing NOUN crln-9070 148 11 ? ? PUNCT crln-9070 149 1 3 3 X crln-9070 149 2 . . X crln-9070 149 3 does do AUX crln-9070 149 4 the the DET crln-9070 149 5 budget budget NOUN crln-9070 149 6 provide provide VERB crln-9070 149 7 adequate adequate ADJ crln-9070 149 8 support support NOUN crln-9070 149 9 for for ADP crln-9070 149 10 baseline baseline NOUN crln-9070 149 11 services service NOUN crln-9070 149 12 ? ? PUNCT crln-9070 150 1 4 4 X crln-9070 150 2 . . X crln-9070 150 3 does do AUX crln-9070 150 4 the the DET crln-9070 150 5 budget budget NOUN crln-9070 150 6 adequately adequately ADV crln-9070 150 7 support support VERB crln-9070 150 8 the the DET crln-9070 150 9 collection collection NOUN crln-9070 150 10 policy policy NOUN crln-9070 150 11 to to PART crln-9070 150 12 provide provide VERB crln-9070 150 13 materials material NOUN crln-9070 150 14 or or CCONJ crln-9070 150 15 access access NOUN crln-9070 150 16 to to ADP crln-9070 150 17 materials material NOUN crln-9070 150 18 in in ADP crln-9070 150 19 support support NOUN crln-9070 150 20 of of ADP crln-9070 150 21 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crln-9070 150 22 students student NOUN crln-9070 150 23 ’ ’ PART crln-9070 150 24 library library NOUN crln-9070 150 25 needs need VERB crln-9070 150 26 ? ? PUNCT crln-9070 151 1 5 5 X crln-9070 151 2 . . X crln-9070 151 3 is be AUX crln-9070 151 4 the the DET crln-9070 151 5 budget budget NOUN crln-9070 151 6 flexible flexible ADJ crln-9070 151 7 enough enough ADV crln-9070 151 8 to to PART crln-9070 151 9 support support VERB crln-9070 151 10 necessary necessary ADJ crln-9070 151 11 new new ADJ crln-9070 151 12 programs program NOUN crln-9070 151 13 and and CCONJ crln-9070 151 14 innovations innovation NOUN crln-9070 151 15 , , PUNCT crln-9070 151 16 including include VERB crln-9070 151 17 integration integration NOUN crln-9070 151 18 of of ADP crln-9070 151 19 new new ADJ crln-9070 151 20 technologies technology NOUN crln-9070 151 21 and and CCONJ crln-9070 151 22 instruction instruction NOUN crln-9070 151 23 programs program NOUN crln-9070 151 24 ? ? PUNCT crln-9070 152 1 6 6 X crln-9070 152 2 . . PUNCT crln-9070 152 3 are be AUX crln-9070 152 4 the the DET crln-9070 152 5 library library NOUN crln-9070 152 6 and and CCONJ crln-9070 152 7 information information NOUN crln-9070 152 8 needs need NOUN crln-9070 152 9 of of ADP crln-9070 152 10 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crln-9070 152 11 students student NOUN crln-9070 152 12 represented represent VERB crln-9070 152 13 adequately adequately ADV crln-9070 152 14 in in ADP crln-9070 152 15 the the DET crln-9070 152 16 budget budget NOUN crln-9070 152 17 process process NOUN crln-9070 152 18 ? ? PUNCT crln-9070 153 1 7 7 X crln-9070 153 2 . . X crln-9070 153 3 does do AUX crln-9070 153 4 the the DET crln-9070 153 5 undergraduate undergraduate NOUN crln-9070 153 6 services service NOUN crln-9070 153 7 personnel personnel NOUN crln-9070 153 8 have have VERB crln-9070 153 9 discretion discretion NOUN crln-9070 153 10 and and CCONJ crln-9070 153 11 control control NOUN crln-9070 153 12 of of ADP crln-9070 153 13 its its PRON crln-9070 153 14 budget budget NOUN crln-9070 153 15 ? ? PUNCT crln-9070 154 1 8 8 X crln-9070 154 2 . . PUNCT crln-9070 154 3 do do AUX crln-9070 154 4 staffing staffing NOUN crln-9070 154 5 and and CCONJ crln-9070 154 6 budget budget NOUN crln-9070 154 7 allocations allocation NOUN crln-9070 154 8 allow allow VERB crln-9070 154 9 for for ADP crln-9070 154 10 long long ADJ crln-9070 154 11 - - PUNCT crln-9070 154 12 term term NOUN crln-9070 154 13 planning planning NOUN crln-9070 154 14 initiatives initiative NOUN crln-9070 154 15 ? ? PUNCT crln-9070 155 1 9 9 X crln-9070 155 2 . . X crln-9070 155 3 does do AUX crln-9070 155 4 the the DET crln-9070 155 5 undergraduate undergraduate NOUN crln-9070 155 6 services service NOUN crln-9070 155 7 administration administration NOUN crln-9070 155 8 seek seek VERB crln-9070 155 9 external external ADJ crln-9070 155 10 funding funding NOUN crln-9070 155 11 through through ADP crln-9070 155 12 grants grant NOUN crln-9070 155 13 , , PUNCT crln-9070 155 14 endowments endowment NOUN crln-9070 155 15 , , PUNCT crln-9070 155 16 or or CCONJ crln-9070 155 17 other other ADJ crln-9070 155 18 sources source NOUN crln-9070 155 19 ? ? PUNCT crln-9070 156 1 • • PROPN crln-9070 156 2 print print NOUN crln-9070 156 3 in in ADP crln-9070 156 4 the the DET crln-9070 156 5 mix mix NOUN crln-9070 156 6 — — PUNCT crln-9070 156 7 rochester rochester PROPN crln-9070 156 8 institute institute PROPN crln-9070 156 9 of of ADP crln-9070 156 10 technology technology NOUN crln-9070 156 11 . . PUNCT crln-9070 157 1 this this DET crln-9070 157 2 clearinghouse clearinghouse NOUN crln-9070 157 3 provides provide VERB crln-9070 157 4 summaries summary NOUN crln-9070 157 5 of of ADP crln-9070 157 6 media medium NOUN crln-9070 157 7 research research NOUN crln-9070 157 8 and and CCONJ crln-9070 157 9 has have AUX crln-9070 157 10 expanded expand VERB crln-9070 157 11 to to PART crln-9070 157 12 include include VERB crln-9070 157 13 digital digital ADJ crln-9070 157 14 media medium NOUN crln-9070 157 15 . . PUNCT crln-9070 158 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 158 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 158 3 X crln-9070 158 4 . . PUNCT crln-9070 159 1 • • INTJ crln-9070 159 2 state state NOUN crln-9070 159 3 of of ADP crln-9070 159 4 the the DET crln-9070 159 5 news news NOUN crln-9070 159 6 media medium NOUN crln-9070 159 7 — — PUNCT crln-9070 159 8 pew pew NOUN crln-9070 159 9 research research NOUN crln-9070 159 10 center center NOUN crln-9070 159 11 . . PUNCT crln-9070 160 1 this this DET crln-9070 160 2 annual annual ADJ crln-9070 160 3 report report NOUN crln-9070 160 4 covers cover VERB crln-9070 160 5 trends trend NOUN crln-9070 160 6 in in ADP crln-9070 160 7 news news NOUN crln-9070 160 8 media medium NOUN crln-9070 160 9 , , PUNCT crln-9070 160 10 including include VERB crln-9070 160 11 digital digital ADJ crln-9070 160 12 news news NOUN crln-9070 160 13 media medium NOUN crln-9070 160 14 , , PUNCT crln-9070 160 15 newspapers newspaper NOUN crln-9070 160 16 , , PUNCT crln-9070 160 17 news news NOUN crln-9070 160 18 magazines magazine NOUN crln-9070 160 19 , , PUNCT crln-9070 160 20 television television NOUN crln-9070 160 21 news news NOUN crln-9070 160 22 , , PUNCT crln-9070 160 23 and and CCONJ crln-9070 160 24 radio radio NOUN crln-9070 160 25 news news NOUN crln-9070 160 26 , , PUNCT crln-9070 160 27 as as ADV crln-9070 160 28 well well ADV crln-9070 160 29 as as ADP crln-9070 160 30 ethnic ethnic ADJ crln-9070 160 31 and and CCONJ crln-9070 160 32 alternative alternative ADJ crln-9070 160 33 media medium NOUN crln-9070 160 34 . . PUNCT crln-9070 161 1 it it PRON crln-9070 161 2 provides provide VERB crln-9070 161 3 audience audience NOUN crln-9070 161 4 statistics statistic NOUN crln-9070 161 5 / / PUNCT crln-9070 161 6 rankings ranking NOUN crln-9070 161 7 for for ADP crln-9070 161 8 top top ADJ crln-9070 161 9 news news NOUN crln-9070 161 10 outlets outlet NOUN crln-9070 161 11 . . PUNCT crln-9070 162 1 access access NOUN crln-9070 162 2 : : PUNCT crln-9070 162 3 X crln-9070 162 4 . . X crln-9070 162 5 notes note NOUN crln-9070 162 6 1 1 NUM crln-9070 162 7 . . PUNCT crln-9070 162 8 academic academic ADJ crln-9070 162 9 subscriptions subscription NOUN crln-9070 162 10 are be AUX crln-9070 162 11 available available ADJ crln-9070 162 12 from from ADP crln-9070 162 13 srds srd NOUN crln-9070 162 14 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 162 15 X crln-9070 162 16 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 162 17 and and CCONJ crln-9070 162 18 experian experian ADJ crln-9070 162 19 / / SYM crln-9070 162 20 simmons simmon NOUN crln-9070 162 21 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 162 22 PUNCT crln-9070 162 23 /simmons /simmon NOUN crln-9070 162 24 - - PUNCT crln-9070 162 25 research research NOUN crln-9070 162 26 / / SYM crln-9070 162 27 college college NOUN crln-9070 162 28 - - PUNCT crln-9070 162 29 program.html program.html NUM crln-9070 162 30 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 162 31 . . PUNCT crln-9070 163 1 2 2 X crln-9070 163 2 . . X crln-9070 163 3 college college NOUN crln-9070 163 4 libraries library NOUN crln-9070 163 5 can can AUX crln-9070 163 6 join join VERB crln-9070 163 7 the the DET crln-9070 163 8 alliance alliance NOUN crln-9070 163 9 for for ADP crln-9070 163 10 audited audited ADJ crln-9070 163 11 media medium NOUN crln-9070 163 12 as as ADP crln-9070 163 13 an an DET crln-9070 163 14 academic academic ADJ crln-9070 163 15 associate associate NOUN crln-9070 163 16 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 163 17 NOUN crln-9070 163 18 /academic /academic ADJ crln-9070 163 19 - - PUNCT crln-9070 163 20 associate associate NOUN crln-9070 163 21 - - PUNCT crln-9070 163 22 membership.aspx membership.aspx NUM crln-9070 163 23 ) ) PUNCT crln-9070 163 24 . . PUNCT crln-9070 164 1 ( ( PUNCT crln-9070 164 2 “ " PUNCT crln-9070 164 3 where where SCONJ crln-9070 164 4 to to PART crln-9070 164 5 advertise advertise VERB crln-9070 164 6 , , PUNCT crln-9070 164 7 ” " PUNCT crln-9070 164 8 cont cont NOUN crln-9070 164 9 . . PUNCT crln-9070 165 1 from from ADP crln-9070 165 2 page page NOUN crln-9070 165 3 79 79 NUM crln-9070 165 4 ) ) PUNCT