id	sid	tid	token	lemma	pos
crln-8862	1	1	dec12_b.indd	dec12_b.indd	PROPN
crln-8862	1	2	c&rl	c&rl	PROPN
crln-8862	1	3	news	news	NOUN
crln-8862	1	4	december	december	PROPN
crln-8862	1	5	2012	2012	NUM
crln-8862	1	6	646	646	NUM
crln-8862	1	7	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crln-8862	1	8	use	use	VERB
crln-8862	1	9	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	1	10	analyses	analysis	NOUN
crln-8862	1	11	regularly	regularly	ADV
crln-8862	1	12	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	1	13	typically	typically	ADV
crln-8862	1	14	with	with	ADP
crln-8862	1	15	the	the	DET
crln-8862	1	16	goal	goal	NOUN
crln-8862	1	17	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	1	18	informing	inform	VERB
crln-8862	1	19	collection	collection	NOUN
crln-8862	1	20	development	development	NOUN
crln-8862	1	21	decisions	decision	NOUN
crln-8862	1	22	or	or	CCONJ
crln-8862	1	23	evaluating	evaluate	VERB
crln-8862	1	24	existing	exist	VERB
crln-8862	1	25	collections	collection	NOUN
crln-8862	1	26	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	2	1	having	having	AUX
crln-8862	2	2	completed	complete	VERB
crln-8862	2	3	a	a	DET
crln-8862	2	4	thorough	thorough	ADJ
crln-8862	2	5	local	local	ADJ
crln-8862	2	6	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	2	7	study	study	NOUN
crln-8862	2	8	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	2	9	water	water	NOUN
crln-8862	2	10	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	2	11	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	2	12	graduate	graduate	NOUN
crln-8862	2	13	student	student	NOUN
crln-8862	2	14	theses	thesis	NOUN
crln-8862	2	15	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	2	16	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	2	17	dissertations	dissertation	NOUN
crln-8862	2	18	at	at	ADP
crln-8862	2	19	oregon	oregon	PROPN
crln-8862	2	20	state	state	PROPN
crln-8862	2	21	university	university	PROPN
crln-8862	2	22	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8862	2	23	osu	osu	PROPN
crln-8862	2	24	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8862	2	25	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	2	26	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	2	27	were	be	AUX
crln-8862	2	28	left	leave	VERB
crln-8862	2	29	with	with	ADP
crln-8862	2	30	the	the	DET
crln-8862	2	31	thought	thought	NOUN
crln-8862	2	32	that	that	SCONJ
crln-8862	2	33	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	2	34	could	could	AUX
crln-8862	2	35	use	use	VERB
crln-8862	2	36	this	this	DET
crln-8862	2	37	data	datum	NOUN
crln-8862	2	38	beyond	beyond	ADP
crln-8862	2	39	the	the	DET
crln-8862	2	40	original	original	ADJ
crln-8862	2	41	collections	collection	NOUN
crln-8862	2	42	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8862	2	43	centered	center	VERB
crln-8862	2	44	purpose	purpose	NOUN
crln-8862	2	45	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	3	1	specifically	specifically	ADV
crln-8862	3	2	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	3	3	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	3	4	felt	feel	VERB
crln-8862	3	5	that	that	SCONJ
crln-8862	3	6	further	further	ADJ
crln-8862	3	7	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crln-8862	3	8	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	3	9	the	the	DET
crln-8862	3	10	nearly	nearly	ADV
crln-8862	3	11	1,800	1,800	NUM
crln-8862	3	12	citations	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	3	13	could	could	AUX
crln-8862	3	14	help	help	VERB
crln-8862	3	15	us	we	PRON
crln-8862	3	16	create	create	VERB
crln-8862	3	17	a	a	DET
crln-8862	3	18	subject	subject	ADJ
crln-8862	3	19	guide	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	3	20	for	for	ADP
crln-8862	3	21	water	water	NOUN
crln-8862	3	22	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	3	23	students	student	NOUN
crln-8862	3	24	—	—	PUNCT
crln-8862	3	25	one	one	NUM
crln-8862	3	26	that	that	PRON
crln-8862	3	27	did	do	VERB
crln-8862	3	28	a	a	DET
crln-8862	3	29	good	good	ADJ
crln-8862	3	30	job	job	NOUN
crln-8862	3	31	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	3	32	embracing	embrace	VERB
crln-8862	3	33	the	the	DET
crln-8862	3	34	varied	varied	ADJ
crln-8862	3	35	array	array	NOUN
crln-8862	3	36	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	3	37	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	3	38	available	available	ADJ
crln-8862	3	39	with	with	ADP
crln-8862	3	40	the	the	DET
crln-8862	3	41	target	target	NOUN
crln-8862	3	42	community	community	NOUN
crln-8862	3	43	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	3	44	mind	mind	NOUN
crln-8862	3	45	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	4	1	the	the	DET
crln-8862	4	2	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	4	3	study	study	NOUN
crln-8862	4	4	library	library	NOUN
crln-8862	4	5	evaluations	evaluation	NOUN
crln-8862	4	6	are	be	AUX
crln-8862	4	7	part	part	NOUN
crln-8862	4	8	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	4	9	the	the	DET
crln-8862	4	10	information	information	NOUN
crln-8862	4	11	gathered	gather	VERB
crln-8862	4	12	when	when	SCONJ
crln-8862	4	13	new	new	ADJ
crln-8862	4	14	academic	academic	ADJ
crln-8862	4	15	programs	program	NOUN
crln-8862	4	16	are	be	AUX
crln-8862	4	17	proposed	propose	VERB
crln-8862	4	18	at	at	ADP
crln-8862	4	19	osu	osu	PROPN
crln-8862	4	20	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	5	1	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	5	2	2003	2003	NUM
crln-8862	5	3	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	5	4	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crln-8862	5	5	evaluated	evaluate	VERB
crln-8862	5	6	the	the	DET
crln-8862	5	7	osu	osu	PROPN
crln-8862	5	8	libraries	librarie	VERB
crln-8862	5	9	collection	collection	NOUN
crln-8862	5	10	to	to	PART
crln-8862	5	11	determine	determine	VERB
crln-8862	5	12	whether	whether	SCONJ
crln-8862	5	13	it	it	PRON
crln-8862	5	14	was	be	AUX
crln-8862	5	15	adequate	adequate	ADJ
crln-8862	5	16	to	to	PART
crln-8862	5	17	support	support	VERB
crln-8862	5	18	a	a	DET
crln-8862	5	19	water	water	NOUN
crln-8862	5	20	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	5	21	graduate	graduate	NOUN
crln-8862	5	22	program	program	NOUN
crln-8862	5	23	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8862	5	24	wrgp	wrgp	NOUN
crln-8862	5	25	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8862	5	26	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	5	27	where	where	SCONJ
crln-8862	5	28	gaps	gap	NOUN
crln-8862	5	29	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	5	30	coverage	coverage	NOUN
crln-8862	5	31	existed	exist	VERB
crln-8862	5	32	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	6	1	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	6	2	conducted	conduct	VERB
crln-8862	6	3	a	a	DET
crln-8862	6	4	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	6	5	study	study	NOUN
crln-8862	6	6	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	6	7	2009–20101	2009–20101	NUM
crln-8862	6	8	to	to	PART
crln-8862	6	9	see	see	VERB
crln-8862	6	10	if	if	SCONJ
crln-8862	6	11	the	the	DET
crln-8862	6	12	2003	2003	NUM
crln-8862	6	13	library	library	NOUN
crln-8862	6	14	evaluation	evaluation	NOUN
crln-8862	6	15	predicted	predict	VERB
crln-8862	6	16	which	which	PRON
crln-8862	6	17	journals	journal	NOUN
crln-8862	6	18	students	student	NOUN
crln-8862	6	19	used	use	VERB
crln-8862	6	20	most	most	ADV
crln-8862	6	21	frequently	frequently	ADV
crln-8862	6	22	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	6	23	the	the	DET
crln-8862	6	24	five	five	NUM
crln-8862	6	25	years	year	NOUN
crln-8862	6	26	after	after	SCONJ
crln-8862	6	27	the	the	DET
crln-8862	6	28	program	program	NOUN
crln-8862	6	29	began	begin	VERB
crln-8862	6	30	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	7	1	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	7	2	used	use	VERB
crln-8862	7	3	a	a	DET
crln-8862	7	4	core	core	NOUN
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crln-8862	7	7	water	water	NOUN
crln-8862	7	8	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	7	9	journal	journal	NOUN
crln-8862	7	10	titles	title	NOUN
crln-8862	7	11	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8862	7	12	compiled	compile	VERB
crln-8862	7	13	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	7	14	2003	2003	NUM
crln-8862	7	15	from	from	ADP
crln-8862	7	16	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crln-8862	7	17	publications	publication	NOUN
crln-8862	7	18	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8862	7	19	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	7	20	the	the	DET
crln-8862	7	21	journal	journal	NOUN
crln-8862	7	22	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	7	23	reports	report	NOUN
crln-8862	7	24	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8862	7	25	jcr	jcr	NOUN
crln-8862	7	26	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8862	7	27	water	water	NOUN
crln-8862	7	28	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	7	29	category	category	NOUN
crln-8862	7	30	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	7	31	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	7	32	interlibrary	interlibrary	ADJ
crln-8862	7	33	loans	loan	NOUN
crln-8862	7	34	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8862	7	35	ill	ill	ADV
crln-8862	7	36	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8862	7	37	on	on	ADP
crln-8862	7	38	water	water	NOUN
crln-8862	7	39	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8862	7	40	related	relate	VERB
crln-8862	7	41	titles	title	NOUN
crln-8862	7	42	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	8	1	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	8	2	then	then	ADV
crln-8862	8	3	captured	capture	VERB
crln-8862	8	4	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	8	5	a	a	DET
crln-8862	8	6	spreadsheet	spreadsheet	NOUN
crln-8862	8	7	every	every	DET
crln-8862	8	8	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	8	9	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8862	8	10	1,794	1,794	NUM
crln-8862	8	11	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8862	8	12	from	from	ADP
crln-8862	8	13	each	each	DET
crln-8862	8	14	water	water	NOUN
crln-8862	8	15	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	8	16	thesis	thesis	NOUN
crln-8862	8	17	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	8	18	dissertation	dissertation	NOUN
crln-8862	8	19	written	write	VERB
crln-8862	8	20	between	between	ADP
crln-8862	8	21	august	august	PROPN
crln-8862	8	22	2004	2004	NUM
crln-8862	8	23	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	8	24	july	july	PROPN
crln-8862	8	25	2009	2009	NUM
crln-8862	8	26	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	9	1	each	each	DET
crln-8862	9	2	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	9	3	was	be	AUX
crln-8862	9	4	initially	initially	ADV
crln-8862	9	5	assigned	assign	VERB
crln-8862	9	6	to	to	ADP
crln-8862	9	7	one	one	NUM
crln-8862	9	8	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	9	9	four	four	NUM
crln-8862	9	10	very	very	ADV
crln-8862	9	11	broad	broad	ADJ
crln-8862	9	12	categories	category	NOUN
crln-8862	9	13	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8862	9	14	book	book	NOUN
crln-8862	9	15	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	9	16	web	web	NOUN
crln-8862	9	17	site	site	NOUN
crln-8862	9	18	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	9	19	other	other	ADJ
crln-8862	9	20	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	9	21	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	9	22	journal	journal	NOUN
crln-8862	9	23	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	10	1	after	after	ADP
crln-8862	10	2	much	much	ADJ
crln-8862	10	3	data	datum	NOUN
crln-8862	10	4	cleanup	cleanup	NOUN
crln-8862	10	5	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	10	6	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	10	7	next	next	ADV
crln-8862	10	8	compared	compare	VERB
crln-8862	10	9	the	the	DET
crln-8862	10	10	journal	journal	NOUN
crln-8862	10	11	citations	citation	VERB
crln-8862	10	12	to	to	ADP
crln-8862	10	13	the	the	DET
crln-8862	10	14	core	core	NOUN
crln-8862	10	15	list	list	NOUN
crln-8862	10	16	that	that	PRON
crln-8862	10	17	was	be	AUX
crln-8862	10	18	developed	develop	VERB
crln-8862	10	19	as	as	ADP
crln-8862	10	20	a	a	DET
crln-8862	10	21	result	result	NOUN
crln-8862	10	22	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	10	23	the	the	DET
crln-8862	10	24	2003	2003	NUM
crln-8862	10	25	library	library	NOUN
crln-8862	10	26	evaluation	evaluation	NOUN
crln-8862	10	27	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	11	1	our	our	PRON
crln-8862	11	2	retrospective	retrospective	ADJ
crln-8862	11	3	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crln-8862	11	4	found	find	VERB
crln-8862	11	5	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	11	6	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	11	7	brief	brief	NOUN
crln-8862	11	8	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	11	9	that	that	SCONJ
crln-8862	11	10	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crln-8862	11	11	publications	publication	NOUN
crln-8862	11	12	predicted	predict	VERB
crln-8862	11	13	future	future	ADJ
crln-8862	11	14	student	student	NOUN
crln-8862	11	15	use	use	NOUN
crln-8862	11	16	better	well	ADJ
crln-8862	11	17	than	than	ADP
crln-8862	11	18	jcr	jcr	PROPN
crln-8862	11	19	or	or	CCONJ
crln-8862	11	20	ill	ill	ADJ
crln-8862	11	21	data	datum	NOUN
crln-8862	11	22	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	12	1	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	12	2	also	also	ADV
crln-8862	12	3	found	find	VERB
crln-8862	12	4	that	that	SCONJ
crln-8862	12	5	journals	journal	NOUN
crln-8862	12	6	appearing	appear	VERB
crln-8862	12	7	on	on	ADP
crln-8862	12	8	more	more	ADJ
crln-8862	12	9	than	than	ADP
crln-8862	12	10	one	one	NUM
crln-8862	12	11	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	12	12	the	the	DET
crln-8862	12	13	2003	2003	NUM
crln-8862	12	14	data	datum	NOUN
crln-8862	12	15	source	source	NOUN
crln-8862	12	16	lists	list	NOUN
crln-8862	12	17	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8862	12	18	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crln-8862	12	19	publishing	publishing	NOUN
crln-8862	12	20	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	12	21	jcr	jcr	PROPN
crln-8862	12	22	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	12	23	ill	ill	PROPN
crln-8862	12	24	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8862	12	25	were	be	AUX
crln-8862	12	26	more	more	ADV
crln-8862	12	27	likely	likely	ADJ
crln-8862	12	28	to	to	PART
crln-8862	12	29	be	be	AUX
crln-8862	12	30	used	use	VERB
crln-8862	12	31	by	by	ADP
crln-8862	12	32	the	the	DET
crln-8862	12	33	students	student	NOUN
crln-8862	12	34	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	13	1	finally	finally	ADV
crln-8862	13	2	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	13	3	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	13	4	identified	identify	VERB
crln-8862	13	5	journals	journal	NOUN
crln-8862	13	6	that	that	PRON
crln-8862	13	7	students	student	NOUN
crln-8862	13	8	cited	cite	VERB
crln-8862	13	9	heavily	heavily	ADV
crln-8862	13	10	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	13	11	but	but	CCONJ
crln-8862	13	12	were	be	AUX
crln-8862	13	13	not	not	PART
crln-8862	13	14	included	include	VERB
crln-8862	13	15	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	13	16	the	the	DET
crln-8862	13	17	2003	2003	NUM
crln-8862	13	18	core	core	NOUN
crln-8862	13	19	list	list	NOUN
crln-8862	13	20	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	14	1	these	these	DET
crln-8862	14	2	additional	additional	ADJ
crln-8862	14	3	titles	title	NOUN
crln-8862	14	4	clearly	clearly	ADV
crln-8862	14	5	demonstrated	demonstrate	VERB
crln-8862	14	6	the	the	DET
crln-8862	14	7	highly	highly	ADV
crln-8862	14	8	interdisciplinary	interdisciplinary	ADJ
crln-8862	14	9	nature	nature	NOUN
crln-8862	14	10	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	14	11	the	the	DET
crln-8862	14	12	wrgp	wrgp	NOUN
crln-8862	14	13	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	14	14	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	14	15	the	the	DET
crln-8862	14	16	value	value	NOUN
crln-8862	14	17	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	14	18	conducting	conduct	VERB
crln-8862	14	19	a	a	DET
crln-8862	14	20	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	14	21	analysis	analysis	NOUN
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crln-8862	14	23	the	the	DET
crln-8862	14	24	early	early	ADJ
crln-8862	14	25	years	year	NOUN
crln-8862	14	26	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	14	27	a	a	DET
crln-8862	14	28	new	new	ADJ
crln-8862	14	29	program	program	NOUN
crln-8862	14	30	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	15	1	supporting	support	VERB
crln-8862	15	2	the	the	DET
crln-8862	15	3	wrgp	wrgp	NOUN
crln-8862	15	4	today	today	NOUN
crln-8862	15	5	osu	osu	PROPN
crln-8862	15	6	’s	’s	PROPN
crln-8862	15	7	wrgp	wrgp	NOUN
crln-8862	15	8	is	be	AUX
crln-8862	15	9	a	a	DET
crln-8862	15	10	collaboration	collaboration	NOUN
crln-8862	15	11	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	15	12	several	several	ADJ
crln-8862	15	13	departments	department	NOUN
crln-8862	15	14	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	15	15	comprises	comprise	VERB
crln-8862	15	16	three	three	NUM
crln-8862	15	17	tracks	track	NOUN
crln-8862	15	18	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8862	15	19	engineering	engineering	NOUN
crln-8862	15	20	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	15	21	science	science	NOUN
crln-8862	15	22	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	15	23	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	15	24	policy	policy	NOUN
crln-8862	15	25	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	15	26	management	management	NOUN
crln-8862	15	27	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8862	15	28	pm).2	pm).2	X
crln-8862	15	29	organizationally	organizationally	ADV
crln-8862	15	30	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	15	31	it	it	PRON
crln-8862	15	32	is	be	AUX
crln-8862	15	33	located	locate	VERB
crln-8862	15	34	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	15	35	the	the	DET
crln-8862	15	36	graduate	graduate	NOUN
crln-8862	15	37	school	school	NOUN
crln-8862	15	38	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	16	1	because	because	SCONJ
crln-8862	16	2	students	student	NOUN
crln-8862	16	3	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	16	4	the	the	DET
crln-8862	16	5	program	program	NOUN
crln-8862	16	6	take	take	VERB
crln-8862	16	7	courses	course	NOUN
crln-8862	16	8	from	from	ADP
crln-8862	16	9	multiple	multiple	ADJ
crln-8862	16	10	departments	department	NOUN
crln-8862	16	11	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	16	12	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	16	13	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	16	14	as	as	SCONJ
crln-8862	16	15	the	the	DET
crln-8862	16	16	water	water	NOUN
crln-8862	16	17	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	16	18	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crln-8862	16	19	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	16	20	lack	lack	VERB
crln-8862	16	21	consistent	consistent	ADJ
crln-8862	16	22	opportunities	opportunity	NOUN
crln-8862	16	23	to	to	PART
crln-8862	16	24	work	work	VERB
crln-8862	16	25	with	with	ADP
crln-8862	16	26	water	water	NOUN
crln-8862	16	27	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	16	28	students	student	NOUN
crln-8862	16	29	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	16	30	class	class	NOUN
crln-8862	16	31	settings	setting	NOUN
crln-8862	16	32	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	17	1	andrea	andrea	PROPN
crln-8862	17	2	a.	a.	PROPN
crln-8862	17	3	wirth	wirth	PROPN
crln-8862	17	4	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	17	5	margaret	margaret	PROPN
crln-8862	17	6	mellinger	mellinger	NOUN
crln-8862	17	7	improving	improve	VERB
crln-8862	17	8	subject	subject	ADJ
crln-8862	17	9	guides	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	17	10	with	with	ADP
crln-8862	17	11	existing	exist	VERB
crln-8862	17	12	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	17	13	analyses	analyse	VERB
crln-8862	17	14	data	data	NOUN
crln-8862	17	15	water	water	NOUN
crln-8862	17	16	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	17	17	at	at	ADP
crln-8862	17	18	oregon	oregon	PROPN
crln-8862	17	19	state	state	PROPN
crln-8862	17	20	university	university	PROPN
crln-8862	17	21	andrea	andrea	PROPN
crln-8862	17	22	a.	a.	PROPN
crln-8862	17	23	wirth	wirth	PROPN
crln-8862	17	24	is	be	AUX
crln-8862	17	25	collection	collection	NOUN
crln-8862	17	26	development	development	NOUN
crln-8862	17	27	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	17	28	science	science	NOUN
crln-8862	17	29	librarian	librarian	PROPN
crln-8862	17	30	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	17	31	e	e	NOUN
crln-8862	17	32	-	-	NOUN
crln-8862	17	33	mail	mail	NOUN
crln-8862	17	34	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8862	17	35	NOUN
crln-8862	17	36	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	17	37	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	17	38	margaret	margaret	PROPN
crln-8862	17	39	mellinger	mellinger	NOUN
crln-8862	17	40	is	be	AUX
crln-8862	17	41	engineering	engineer	VERB
crln-8862	17	42	librarian	librarian	NOUN
crln-8862	17	43	at	at	ADP
crln-8862	17	44	oregon	oregon	PROPN
crln-8862	17	45	state	state	PROPN
crln-8862	17	46	university	university	PROPN
crln-8862	17	47	libraries	library	NOUN
crln-8862	17	48	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	17	49	e	e	NOUN
crln-8862	17	50	-	-	NOUN
crln-8862	17	51	mail	mail	NOUN
crln-8862	17	52	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8862	17	53	margaret.mellinger@	margaret.mellinger@	VERB
crln-8862	17	54	NOUN
crln-8862	17	55	©	©	ADJ
crln-8862	17	56	2012	2012	NUM
crln-8862	17	57	andrea	andrea	PROPN
crln-8862	17	58	a.	a.	PROPN
crln-8862	17	59	wirth	wirth	PROPN
crln-8862	17	60	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	17	61	margaret	margaret	PROPN
crln-8862	17	62	mellinger	mellinger	NOUN
crln-8862	17	63	december	december	PROPN
crln-8862	17	64	2012	2012	NUM
crln-8862	18	1	647	647	NUM
crln-8862	18	2	c&rl	c&rl	PROPN
crln-8862	18	3	news	news	NOUN
crln-8862	18	4	a	a	DET
crln-8862	18	5	primary	primary	ADJ
crln-8862	18	6	vehicle	vehicle	NOUN
crln-8862	18	7	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	18	8	have	have	VERB
crln-8862	18	9	for	for	ADP
crln-8862	18	10	delivering	deliver	VERB
crln-8862	18	11	water	water	NOUN
crln-8862	18	12	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8862	18	13	focused	focus	VERB
crln-8862	18	14	reference	reference	NOUN
crln-8862	18	15	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	18	16	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8862	18	17	to	to	ADP
crln-8862	18	18	graduate	graduate	ADJ
crln-8862	18	19	level	level	NOUN
crln-8862	18	20	water	water	NOUN
crln-8862	18	21	researchers	researcher	NOUN
crln-8862	18	22	is	be	AUX
crln-8862	18	23	a	a	DET
crln-8862	18	24	robust	robust	ADJ
crln-8862	18	25	library	library	NOUN
crln-8862	18	26	guide	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	18	27	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	18	28	which	which	PRON
crln-8862	18	29	also	also	ADV
crln-8862	18	30	serves	serve	VERB
crln-8862	18	31	to	to	PART
crln-8862	18	32	direct	direct	VERB
crln-8862	18	33	students	student	NOUN
crln-8862	18	34	to	to	ADP
crln-8862	18	35	us	we	PRON
crln-8862	18	36	for	for	ADP
crln-8862	18	37	further	further	ADJ
crln-8862	18	38	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	18	39	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8862	18	40	depth	depth	NOUN
crln-8862	18	41	help	help	NOUN
crln-8862	18	42	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	19	1	with	with	ADP
crln-8862	19	2	comprehensive	comprehensive	ADJ
crln-8862	19	3	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	19	4	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crln-8862	19	5	data	datum	NOUN
crln-8862	19	6	on	on	ADP
crln-8862	19	7	hand	hand	NOUN
crln-8862	19	8	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	19	9	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	19	10	built	build	VERB
crln-8862	19	11	a	a	DET
crln-8862	19	12	subject	subject	ADJ
crln-8862	19	13	guide	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	19	14	that	that	PRON
crln-8862	19	15	provides	provide	VERB
crln-8862	19	16	a	a	DET
crln-8862	19	17	clear	clear	ADJ
crln-8862	19	18	local	local	ADJ
crln-8862	19	19	connection	connection	NOUN
crln-8862	19	20	to	to	ADP
crln-8862	19	21	the	the	DET
crln-8862	19	22	featured	feature	VERB
crln-8862	19	23	content	content	NOUN
crln-8862	19	24	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	20	1	the	the	DET
crln-8862	20	2	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	20	3	data	datum	NOUN
crln-8862	20	4	also	also	ADV
crln-8862	20	5	helped	help	VERB
crln-8862	20	6	us	we	PRON
crln-8862	20	7	work	work	VERB
crln-8862	20	8	through	through	ADP
crln-8862	20	9	the	the	DET
crln-8862	20	10	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8862	20	11	information	information	NOUN
crln-8862	20	12	scatter”3	scatter”3	NOUN
crln-8862	20	13	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	20	14	this	this	DET
crln-8862	20	15	interdisciplinary	interdisciplinary	ADJ
crln-8862	20	16	program	program	NOUN
crln-8862	20	17	as	as	SCONJ
crln-8862	20	18	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	20	19	created	create	VERB
crln-8862	20	20	the	the	DET
crln-8862	20	21	guide	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	20	22	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	21	1	developing	develop	VERB
crln-8862	21	2	the	the	DET
crln-8862	21	3	subject	subject	ADJ
crln-8862	21	4	guide	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	21	5	for	for	ADP
crln-8862	21	6	this	this	DET
crln-8862	21	7	secondary	secondary	ADJ
crln-8862	21	8	use	use	NOUN
crln-8862	21	9	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	21	10	our	our	PRON
crln-8862	21	11	data	datum	NOUN
crln-8862	21	12	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	21	13	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	21	14	were	be	AUX
crln-8862	21	15	interested	interested	ADJ
crln-8862	21	16	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	21	17	all	all	DET
crln-8862	21	18	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	21	19	types	type	NOUN
crln-8862	21	20	equally	equally	ADV
crln-8862	21	21	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	22	1	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	22	2	further	far	ADV
crln-8862	22	3	evaluated	evaluate	VERB
crln-8862	22	4	the	the	DET
crln-8862	22	5	citations	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	22	6	previously	previously	ADV
crln-8862	22	7	labeled	label	VERB
crln-8862	22	8	simply	simply	ADV
crln-8862	22	9	as	as	ADP
crln-8862	22	10	web	web	NOUN
crln-8862	22	11	site	site	NOUN
crln-8862	22	12	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	22	13	other	other	ADJ
crln-8862	22	14	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	22	15	with	with	ADP
crln-8862	22	16	an	an	DET
crln-8862	22	17	eye	eye	NOUN
crln-8862	22	18	to	to	ADP
crln-8862	22	19	the	the	DET
crln-8862	22	20	origin	origin	NOUN
crln-8862	22	21	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	22	22	the	the	DET
crln-8862	22	23	resource	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	22	24	rather	rather	ADV
crln-8862	22	25	than	than	ADP
crln-8862	22	26	the	the	DET
crln-8862	22	27	format	format	NOUN
crln-8862	22	28	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	23	1	the	the	DET
crln-8862	23	2	categories	category	NOUN
crln-8862	23	3	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	23	4	used	use	VERB
crln-8862	23	5	for	for	ADP
crln-8862	23	6	analyzing	analyze	VERB
crln-8862	23	7	the	the	DET
crln-8862	23	8	data	datum	NOUN
crln-8862	23	9	for	for	ADP
crln-8862	23	10	our	our	PRON
crln-8862	23	11	subject	subject	ADJ
crln-8862	23	12	guide	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	23	13	were	be	AUX
crln-8862	23	14	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8862	23	15	journal	journal	PROPN
crln-8862	23	16	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	23	17	book	book	NOUN
crln-8862	23	18	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	23	19	government	government	NOUN
crln-8862	23	20	document	document	NOUN
crln-8862	23	21	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	23	22	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8862	23	23	non	non	ADJ
crln-8862	23	24	-	-	ADJ
crln-8862	23	25	governmental	governmental	ADJ
crln-8862	23	26	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8862	23	27	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	23	28	that	that	PRON
crln-8862	23	29	did	do	AUX
crln-8862	23	30	not	not	PART
crln-8862	23	31	fit	fit	VERB
crln-8862	23	32	the	the	DET
crln-8862	23	33	book	book	NOUN
crln-8862	23	34	or	or	CCONJ
crln-8862	23	35	journal	journal	NOUN
crln-8862	23	36	category	category	NOUN
crln-8862	23	37	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	23	38	which	which	PRON
crln-8862	23	39	included	include	VERB
crln-8862	23	40	a	a	DET
crln-8862	23	41	large	large	ADJ
crln-8862	23	42	number	number	NOUN
crln-8862	23	43	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	23	44	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	23	45	from	from	ADP
crln-8862	23	46	nongovernmental	nongovernmental	ADJ
crln-8862	23	47	organizations	organization	NOUN
crln-8862	23	48	as	as	ADV
crln-8862	23	49	well	well	ADV
crln-8862	23	50	as	as	ADP
crln-8862	23	51	documents	document	NOUN
crln-8862	23	52	from	from	ADP
crln-8862	23	53	corporations	corporation	NOUN
crln-8862	23	54	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	23	55	educational	educational	ADJ
crln-8862	23	56	institutions	institution	NOUN
crln-8862	23	57	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	24	1	these	these	DET
crln-8862	24	2	categories	category	NOUN
crln-8862	24	3	were	be	AUX
crln-8862	24	4	also	also	ADV
crln-8862	24	5	examined	examine	VERB
crln-8862	24	6	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	24	7	the	the	DET
crln-8862	24	8	context	context	NOUN
crln-8862	24	9	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	24	10	the	the	DET
crln-8862	24	11	three	three	NUM
crln-8862	24	12	water	water	NOUN
crln-8862	24	13	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	24	14	program	program	NOUN
crln-8862	24	15	tracks	track	NOUN
crln-8862	24	16	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	25	1	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	25	2	posed	pose	VERB
crln-8862	25	3	several	several	ADJ
crln-8862	25	4	questions	question	NOUN
crln-8862	25	5	to	to	PART
crln-8862	25	6	determine	determine	VERB
crln-8862	25	7	how	how	SCONJ
crln-8862	25	8	to	to	PART
crln-8862	25	9	use	use	VERB
crln-8862	25	10	the	the	DET
crln-8862	25	11	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	25	12	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crln-8862	25	13	data	datum	NOUN
crln-8862	25	14	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	25	15	building	build	VERB
crln-8862	25	16	a	a	DET
crln-8862	25	17	subject	subject	ADJ
crln-8862	25	18	guide	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	25	19	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8862	25	20	•	•	X
crln-8862	25	21	are	be	AUX
crln-8862	25	22	the	the	DET
crln-8862	25	23	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	25	24	patterns	pattern	NOUN
crln-8862	25	25	between	between	ADP
crln-8862	25	26	tracks	track	NOUN
crln-8862	25	27	different	different	ADJ
crln-8862	25	28	enough	enough	ADV
crln-8862	25	29	to	to	PART
crln-8862	25	30	warrant	warrant	VERB
crln-8862	25	31	multiple	multiple	ADJ
crln-8862	25	32	guides	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	25	33	?	?	PUNCT
crln-8862	26	1	•	•	INTJ
crln-8862	26	2	if	if	SCONJ
crln-8862	26	3	there	there	PRON
crln-8862	26	4	is	be	VERB
crln-8862	26	5	one	one	NUM
crln-8862	26	6	water	water	NOUN
crln-8862	26	7	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	26	8	guide	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	26	9	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	26	10	should	should	AUX
crln-8862	26	11	it	it	PRON
crln-8862	26	12	be	be	AUX
crln-8862	26	13	organized	organize	VERB
crln-8862	26	14	by	by	ADP
crln-8862	26	15	format	format	NOUN
crln-8862	26	16	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	26	17	material	material	NOUN
crln-8862	26	18	or	or	CCONJ
crln-8862	26	19	theme	theme	NOUN
crln-8862	26	20	based	base	VERB
crln-8862	26	21	on	on	ADP
crln-8862	26	22	track	track	NOUN
crln-8862	26	23	?	?	PUNCT
crln-8862	27	1	•	•	VERB
crln-8862	27	2	which	which	DET
crln-8862	27	3	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	27	4	should	should	AUX
crln-8862	27	5	be	be	AUX
crln-8862	27	6	highlighted	highlight	VERB
crln-8862	27	7	from	from	ADP
crln-8862	27	8	each	each	DET
crln-8862	27	9	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	27	10	category	category	NOUN
crln-8862	27	11	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	27	12	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	27	13	how	how	SCONJ
crln-8862	27	14	should	should	AUX
crln-8862	27	15	they	they	PRON
crln-8862	27	16	be	be	AUX
crln-8862	27	17	emphasized	emphasize	VERB
crln-8862	27	18	?	?	PUNCT
crln-8862	28	1	•	•	INTJ
crln-8862	28	2	did	do	AUX
crln-8862	28	3	the	the	DET
crln-8862	28	4	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	28	5	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crln-8862	28	6	add	add	VERB
crln-8862	28	7	value	value	NOUN
crln-8862	28	8	to	to	ADP
crln-8862	28	9	the	the	DET
crln-8862	28	10	end	end	NOUN
crln-8862	28	11	product	product	NOUN
crln-8862	28	12	?	?	PUNCT
crln-8862	29	1	•	•	INTJ
crln-8862	29	2	is	be	AUX
crln-8862	29	3	improved	improve	VERB
crln-8862	29	4	subject	subject	ADJ
crln-8862	29	5	guide	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	29	6	development	development	NOUN
crln-8862	29	7	a	a	DET
crln-8862	29	8	practical	practical	ADJ
crln-8862	29	9	use	use	NOUN
crln-8862	29	10	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	29	11	existing	exist	VERB
crln-8862	29	12	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	29	13	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	29	14	data	datum	NOUN
crln-8862	29	15	?	?	PUNCT
crln-8862	30	1	structure	structure	NOUN
crln-8862	30	2	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	30	3	the	the	DET
crln-8862	30	4	guide	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	30	5	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	30	6	use	use	VERB
crln-8862	30	7	library	library	NOUN
crln-8862	30	8	à	à	PROPN
crln-8862	30	9	la	la	PROPN
crln-8862	30	10	carte	carte	PROPN
crln-8862	30	11	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	30	12	an	an	DET
crln-8862	30	13	open	open	ADJ
crln-8862	30	14	source	source	NOUN
crln-8862	30	15	content	content	NOUN
crln-8862	30	16	management	management	NOUN
crln-8862	30	17	system	system	NOUN
crln-8862	30	18	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	30	19	to	to	PART
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crln-8862	30	21	subject	subject	ADJ
crln-8862	30	22	guides	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	30	23	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-8862	30	25	assignment	assignment	NOUN
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crln-8862	30	27	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	30	28	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	30	29	tutorials	tutorial	NOUN
crln-8862	30	30	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8862	31	2	guides	guide	NOUN
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crln-8862	31	14	resource	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	31	15	types	type	NOUN
crln-8862	31	16	(	(	PUNCT
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crln-8862	31	18	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	31	19	journals	journal	NOUN
crln-8862	31	20	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	31	21	etc	etc	X
crln-8862	31	22	.	.	X
crln-8862	31	23	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8862	31	24	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	32	1	modules	module	NOUN
crln-8862	32	2	within	within	ADP
crln-8862	32	3	each	each	DET
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crln-8862	32	8	as	as	ADP
crln-8862	32	9	library	library	NOUN
crln-8862	32	10	databases	database	NOUN
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crln-8862	32	13	online	online	ADJ
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crln-8862	32	15	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	32	16	web	web	NOUN
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crln-8862	32	19	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	32	20	images	image	NOUN
crln-8862	32	21	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	33	1	subject	subject	ADJ
crln-8862	33	2	guides	guide	NOUN
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crln-8862	33	4	be	be	AUX
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crln-8862	33	7	and	and	CCONJ
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crln-8862	33	9	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-8862	33	11	we	we	PRON
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crln-8862	33	24	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8862	34	17	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8862	35	10	engineering	engineer	VERB
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crln-8862	35	15	wrgp	wrgp	NOUN
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crln-8862	35	17	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8862	36	2	is	be	AUX
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crln-8862	36	4	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-8862	36	9	-	-	PUNCT
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crln-8862	36	12	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8862	36	13	e.g.	e.g.	ADV
crln-8862	36	14	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	36	15	maps	map	NOUN
crln-8862	36	16	)	)	PUNCT
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crln-8862	36	32	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8862	37	9	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-8862	37	24	varying	vary	VERB
crln-8862	37	25	degrees	degree	NOUN
crln-8862	37	26	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	37	27	but	but	CCONJ
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crln-8862	37	30	the	the	DET
crln-8862	37	31	three	three	NUM
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crln-8862	37	36	varied	varied	ADJ
crln-8862	37	37	that	that	SCONJ
crln-8862	37	38	the	the	DET
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crln-8862	37	43	different	different	ADJ
crln-8862	37	44	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	38	1	rather	rather	ADV
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crln-8862	38	4	concerned	concerned	ADJ
crln-8862	38	5	that	that	SCONJ
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crln-8862	38	8	guides	guide	NOUN
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crln-8862	38	10	be	be	AUX
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crln-8862	38	12	for	for	ADP
crln-8862	38	13	students	student	NOUN
crln-8862	38	14	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	38	15	decrease	decrease	VERB
crln-8862	38	16	our	our	PRON
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crln-8862	38	22	efficiently	efficiently	ADV
crln-8862	38	23	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	39	1	not	not	PART
crln-8862	39	2	surprisingly	surprisingly	ADV
crln-8862	39	3	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	39	4	students	student	NOUN
crln-8862	39	5	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	39	6	all	all	DET
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crln-8862	39	11	more	more	ADV
crln-8862	39	12	frequently	frequently	ADV
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crln-8862	39	14	any	any	DET
crln-8862	39	15	other	other	ADJ
crln-8862	39	16	type	type	NOUN
crln-8862	39	17	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	39	18	resource	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	39	19	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	40	1	however	however	ADV
crln-8862	40	2	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	40	3	articles	article	NOUN
crln-8862	40	4	were	be	AUX
crln-8862	40	5	cited	cite	VERB
crln-8862	40	6	about	about	ADP
crln-8862	40	7	a	a	DET
crln-8862	40	8	third	third	ADV
crln-8862	40	9	less	less	ADV
crln-8862	40	10	often	often	ADV
crln-8862	40	11	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	40	12	pm	pm	NOUN
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crln-8862	40	14	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	40	15	engineering	engineering	NOUN
crln-8862	40	16	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	40	17	science	science	NOUN
crln-8862	40	18	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8862	41	2	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	41	3	government	government	NOUN
crln-8862	41	4	documents	document	NOUN
crln-8862	41	5	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	41	6	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	41	7	nongovernmental	nongovernmental	ADJ
crln-8862	41	8	publications	publication	NOUN
crln-8862	41	9	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	41	10	web	web	NOUN
crln-8862	41	11	sites	site	NOUN
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crln-8862	41	14	more	more	ADV
crln-8862	41	15	often	often	ADV
crln-8862	41	16	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	41	17	pm	pm	NOUN
crln-8862	41	18	theses	thesis	NOUN
crln-8862	41	19	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8862	42	2	united	united	PROPN
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crln-8862	42	4	geological	geological	ADJ
crln-8862	42	5	survey	survey	NOUN
crln-8862	42	6	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8862	42	7	usgs	usgs	PROPN
crln-8862	42	8	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8862	42	9	was	be	AUX
crln-8862	42	10	the	the	DET
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crln-8862	42	12	cited	cite	VERB
crln-8862	42	13	government	government	NOUN
crln-8862	42	14	agency	agency	NOUN
crln-8862	42	15	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	42	16	but	but	CCONJ
crln-8862	42	17	usgs	usgs	PROPN
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crln-8862	42	24	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	42	25	science	science	NOUN
crln-8862	42	26	students	student	NOUN
crln-8862	42	27	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8862	42	28	see	see	VERB
crln-8862	42	29	table	table	NOUN
crln-8862	42	30	1	1	NUM
crln-8862	42	31	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8862	42	32	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8862	43	2	selected	select	VERB
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crln-8862	43	4	the	the	DET
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crln-8862	43	15	guides	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	43	16	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	43	17	particularly	particularly	ADV
crln-8862	43	18	in	in	ADP
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crln-8862	43	21	the	the	DET
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crln-8862	43	23	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	43	24	content	content	NOUN
crln-8862	43	25	management	management	NOUN
crln-8862	43	26	tools	tool	NOUN
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crln-8862	43	28	as	as	ADP
crln-8862	43	29	library	library	PROPN
crln-8862	43	30	à	à	PROPN
crln-8862	43	31	la	la	PROPN
crln-8862	43	32	carte	carte	NOUN
crln-8862	43	33	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	43	34	libguides	libguide	NOUN
crln-8862	43	35	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	43	36	than	than	SCONJ
crln-8862	43	37	there	there	PRON
crln-8862	43	38	is	be	VERB
crln-8862	43	39	practical	practical	ADJ
crln-8862	43	40	guidance	guidance	NOUN
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crln-8862	43	43	selection	selection	NOUN
crln-8862	43	44	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8862	44	5	c&rl	c&rl	PROPN
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crln-8862	44	8	2012	2012	NUM
crln-8862	44	9	648	648	NUM
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crln-8862	44	15	quality	quality	NOUN
crln-8862	44	16	or	or	CCONJ
crln-8862	44	17	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8862	44	18	usually	usually	ADV
crln-8862	44	19	poor	poor	ADJ
crln-8862	44	20	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8862	44	21	maintenance	maintenance	NOUN
crln-8862	44	22	of	of	ADP
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crln-8862	44	24	to	to	ADP
crln-8862	44	25	resources.4	resources.4	PRON
crln-8862	44	26	addressing	address	VERB
crln-8862	44	27	the	the	DET
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crln-8862	44	35	guides	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	44	36	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-8862	44	38	gilmour	gilmour	PROPN
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crln-8862	44	54	a	a	DET
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crln-8862	44	61	adding	add	VERB
crln-8862	44	62	to	to	AUX
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crln-8862	44	64	librarian	librarian	ADJ
crln-8862	44	65	knowledge	knowledge	NOUN
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crln-8862	44	67	local	local	ADJ
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crln-8862	44	81	guides.6	guides.6	PRON
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crln-8862	44	83	the	the	DET
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crln-8862	46	1	r	r	NOUN
crln-8862	46	2	e	e	NOUN
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crln-8862	47	2	i	i	PRON
crln-8862	47	3	s	s	VERB
crln-8862	47	4	t	t	X
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crln-8862	48	2	n	n	X
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crln-8862	48	13	t	t	NOUN
crln-8862	48	14	h	h	NOUN
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crln-8862	48	17	i	i	PRON
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crln-8862	48	20	t	t	NOUN
crln-8862	49	1	i	i	NOUN
crln-8862	49	2	o	o	NOUN
crln-8862	49	3	n	n	NOUN
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crln-8862	49	5	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8862	50	9	resource	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	50	10	format	format	NOUN
crln-8862	50	11	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8862	51	22	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8862	52	31	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8862	52	32	see	see	VERB
crln-8862	52	33	figure	figure	NOUN
crln-8862	52	34	1	1	NUM
crln-8862	52	35	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8862	52	36	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	53	1	although	although	SCONJ
crln-8862	53	2	our	our	PRON
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crln-8862	53	13	type	type	NOUN
crln-8862	53	14	(	(	PUNCT
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crln-8862	53	16	and	and	CCONJ
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crln-8862	53	18	)	)	PUNCT
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crln-8862	53	36	creating	create	VERB
crln-8862	53	37	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8862	53	38	avenues	avenue	NOUN
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crln-8862	53	42	the	the	DET
crln-8862	53	43	students	student	NOUN
crln-8862	53	44	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8862	54	4	including	include	VERB
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crln-8862	54	12	students	student	NOUN
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crln-8862	54	19	to	to	ADP
crln-8862	54	20	them	they	PRON
crln-8862	54	21	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	55	1	additionally	additionally	ADV
crln-8862	55	2	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	55	3	we	we	PRON
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crln-8862	55	5	a	a	DET
crln-8862	55	6	tab	tab	NOUN
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crln-8862	55	22	the	the	DET
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crln-8862	55	24	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8862	56	8	citation	citation	NOUN
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crln-8862	56	24	?	?	PUNCT
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crln-8862	57	24	subject	subject	ADJ
crln-8862	57	25	guide	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	57	26	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8862	58	12	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8862	58	13	•	•	VERB
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crln-8862	58	30	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	58	31	•	•	PROPN
crln-8862	58	32	o	o	NOUN
crln-8862	58	33	rg	rg	INTJ
crln-8862	59	1	a	a	DET
crln-8862	59	2	n	n	NOUN
crln-8862	59	3	i	i	PRON
crln-8862	59	4	z	z	NOUN
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crln-8862	59	6	t	t	NOUN
crln-8862	60	1	i	i	PRON
crln-8862	60	2	o	o	NOUN
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crln-8862	60	4	s	s	PROPN
crln-8862	60	5	t	t	NOUN
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crln-8862	60	8	t	t	NOUN
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crln-8862	60	20	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	60	21	•	•	PROPN
crln-8862	60	22	c	c	AUX
crln-8862	60	23	o	o	NOUN
crln-8862	61	1	n	n	ADP
crln-8862	61	2	f	f	PROPN
crln-8862	62	1	i	i	PROPN
crln-8862	63	1	d	d	PROPN
crln-8862	63	2	e	e	PROPN
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crln-8862	64	2	e	e	X
crln-8862	65	1	i	i	PRON
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crln-8862	65	3	e	e	PROPN
crln-8862	65	4	m	m	VERB
crln-8862	65	5	p	p	NOUN
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crln-8862	66	3	i	i	PRON
crln-8862	67	1	z	z	INTJ
crln-8862	68	1	i	i	PRON
crln-8862	68	2	n	n	NOUN
crln-8862	68	3	g	g	X
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crln-8862	68	19	•	•	VERB
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crln-8862	68	38	content	content	NOUN
crln-8862	68	39	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8862	69	3	instances	instance	NOUN
crln-8862	69	4	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-8862	69	14	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-8862	69	18	some	some	DET
crln-8862	69	19	exceptions	exception	NOUN
crln-8862	69	20	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8862	70	15	to	to	ADP
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crln-8862	70	17	(	(	PUNCT
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crln-8862	70	19	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-8862	70	26	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8862	70	27	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8862	71	30	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8862	72	14	theses	thesis	NOUN
crln-8862	72	15	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	73	1	for	for	ADP
crln-8862	73	2	example	example	NOUN
crln-8862	73	3	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	73	4	categories	category	NOUN
crln-8862	73	5	engineering	engineering	NOUN
crln-8862	73	6	policy	policy	NOUN
crln-8862	73	7	&	&	CCONJ
crln-8862	73	8	management	management	PROPN
crln-8862	73	9	science	science	PROPN
crln-8862	73	10	journal	journal	PROPN
crln-8862	73	11	articles	article	VERB
crln-8862	73	12	67	67	NUM
crln-8862	73	13	39	39	NUM
crln-8862	73	14	64	64	NUM
crln-8862	73	15	books	book	NOUN
crln-8862	73	16	15	15	NUM
crln-8862	73	17	21	21	NUM
crln-8862	73	18	8	8	NUM
crln-8862	73	19	nongovernment	nongovernment	NOUN
crln-8862	73	20	sources	source	NOUN
crln-8862	73	21	12	12	NUM
crln-8862	73	22	23	23	NUM
crln-8862	73	23	17	17	NUM
crln-8862	73	24	government	government	NOUN
crln-8862	73	25	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	73	26	not	not	PART
crln-8862	73	27	usgs	usgs	NOUN
crln-8862	73	28	4	4	NUM
crln-8862	73	29	17	17	NUM
crln-8862	73	30	5	5	NUM
crln-8862	73	31	government	government	NOUN
crln-8862	73	32	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	73	33	usgs	usgs	PROPN
crln-8862	73	34	only	only	ADV
crln-8862	73	35	4	4	NUM
crln-8862	73	36	<	<	SYM
crln-8862	73	37	1	1	NUM
crln-8862	73	38	3	3	NUM
crln-8862	73	39	table	table	NOUN
crln-8862	73	40	1	1	NUM
crln-8862	73	41	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8862	73	42	average	average	ADJ
crln-8862	73	43	number	number	NOUN
crln-8862	73	44	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	73	45	citations	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	73	46	per	per	ADP
crln-8862	73	47	thesis	thesis	NOUN
crln-8862	73	48	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	73	49	by	by	ADP
crln-8862	73	50	category	category	NOUN
crln-8862	73	51	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	73	52	wrgp	wrgp	ADJ
crln-8862	73	53	track	track	NOUN
crln-8862	73	54	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	74	1	december	december	PROPN
crln-8862	74	2	2012	2012	NUM
crln-8862	74	3	649	649	NUM
crln-8862	74	4	c&rl	c&rl	PROPN
crln-8862	74	5	news	news	NOUN
crln-8862	74	6	research	research	NOUN
crln-8862	74	7	databases	database	NOUN
crln-8862	74	8	are	be	AUX
crln-8862	74	9	standard	standard	ADJ
crln-8862	74	10	component	component	NOUN
crln-8862	74	11	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	74	12	subject	subject	ADJ
crln-8862	74	13	guides	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	74	14	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	74	15	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	74	16	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crln-8862	74	17	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	74	18	the	the	DET
crln-8862	74	19	citations	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	74	20	does	do	AUX
crln-8862	74	21	not	not	PART
crln-8862	74	22	directly	directly	ADV
crln-8862	74	23	address	address	VERB
crln-8862	74	24	database	database	NOUN
crln-8862	74	25	use	use	NOUN
crln-8862	74	26	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	75	1	however	however	ADV
crln-8862	75	2	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	75	3	building	build	VERB
crln-8862	75	4	on	on	ADP
crln-8862	75	5	the	the	DET
crln-8862	75	6	knowledge	knowledge	NOUN
crln-8862	75	7	gained	gain	VERB
crln-8862	75	8	about	about	ADP
crln-8862	75	9	journal	journal	NOUN
crln-8862	75	10	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	75	11	government	government	NOUN
crln-8862	75	12	publication	publication	NOUN
crln-8862	75	13	citations	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	75	14	helped	helped	AUX
crln-8862	75	15	identify	identify	VERB
crln-8862	75	16	the	the	DET
crln-8862	75	17	most	most	ADV
crln-8862	75	18	logical	logical	ADJ
crln-8862	75	19	databases	database	NOUN
crln-8862	75	20	to	to	PART
crln-8862	75	21	incorporate	incorporate	VERB
crln-8862	75	22	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	76	1	while	while	SCONJ
crln-8862	76	2	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	76	3	do	do	AUX
crln-8862	76	4	not	not	PART
crln-8862	76	5	recommend	recommend	VERB
crln-8862	76	6	conducting	conduct	VERB
crln-8862	76	7	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	76	8	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crln-8862	76	9	for	for	ADP
crln-8862	76	10	the	the	DET
crln-8862	76	11	sole	sole	ADJ
crln-8862	76	12	purpose	purpose	NOUN
crln-8862	76	13	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	76	14	enhancing	enhance	VERB
crln-8862	76	15	subject	subject	NOUN
crln-8862	76	16	guides	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	76	17	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	76	18	we	we	PRON
crln-8862	76	19	did	do	AUX
crln-8862	76	20	find	find	VERB
crln-8862	76	21	it	it	PRON
crln-8862	76	22	a	a	DET
crln-8862	76	23	fruitful	fruitful	ADJ
crln-8862	76	24	way	way	NOUN
crln-8862	76	25	to	to	PART
crln-8862	76	26	re	re	VERB
crln-8862	76	27	-	-	VERB
crln-8862	76	28	use	use	VERB
crln-8862	76	29	existing	exist	VERB
crln-8862	76	30	data	datum	NOUN
crln-8862	76	31	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	77	1	others	other	NOUN
crln-8862	77	2	who	who	PRON
crln-8862	77	3	have	have	AUX
crln-8862	77	4	conducted	conduct	VERB
crln-8862	77	5	a	a	DET
crln-8862	77	6	local	local	ADJ
crln-8862	77	7	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	77	8	study	study	NOUN
crln-8862	77	9	for	for	ADP
crln-8862	77	10	collection	collection	NOUN
crln-8862	77	11	assessment	assessment	NOUN
crln-8862	77	12	could	could	AUX
crln-8862	77	13	profitably	profitably	ADV
crln-8862	77	14	re	re	VERB
crln-8862	77	15	-	-	VERB
crln-8862	77	16	purpose	purpose	VERB
crln-8862	77	17	the	the	DET
crln-8862	77	18	data	datum	NOUN
crln-8862	77	19	to	to	PART
crln-8862	77	20	create	create	VERB
crln-8862	77	21	more	more	ADV
crln-8862	77	22	robust	robust	ADJ
crln-8862	77	23	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	77	24	relevant	relevant	ADJ
crln-8862	77	25	subject	subject	NOUN
crln-8862	77	26	guides	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	77	27	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	78	1	notes	note	NOUN
crln-8862	78	2	1	1	NUM
crln-8862	78	3	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	78	4	andrea	andrea	PROPN
crln-8862	78	5	a.	a.	PROPN
crln-8862	78	6	wirth	wirth	PROPN
crln-8862	78	7	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	78	8	margaret	margaret	PROPN
crln-8862	78	9	mellinger	mellinger	NOUN
crln-8862	78	10	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	78	11	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8862	78	12	five	five	NUM
crln-8862	78	13	years	year	NOUN
crln-8862	78	14	later	later	ADV
crln-8862	78	15	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8862	78	16	predicting	predict	VERB
crln-8862	78	17	student	student	NOUN
crln-8862	78	18	use	use	NOUN
crln-8862	78	19	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	78	20	journals	journal	NOUN
crln-8862	78	21	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	78	22	a	a	DET
crln-8862	78	23	new	new	ADJ
crln-8862	78	24	water	water	NOUN
crln-8862	78	25	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	78	26	graduate	graduate	NOUN
crln-8862	78	27	program	program	NOUN
crln-8862	78	28	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	78	29	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8862	78	30	issues	issue	NOUN
crln-8862	78	31	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	78	32	science	science	NOUN
crln-8862	78	33	&	&	CCONJ
crln-8862	78	34	technology	technology	PROPN
crln-8862	78	35	librarianship	librarianship	NOUN
crln-8862	78	36	64	64	NUM
crln-8862	78	37	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	78	38	winter	winter	NOUN
crln-8862	78	39	2011	2011	NUM
crln-8862	78	40	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	78	41	www.istl	www.istl	NOUN
crln-8862	78	42	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	79	1	org/11	org/11	NOUN
crln-8862	79	2	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8862	79	3	winter	winter	NOUN
crln-8862	79	4	/	/	SYM
crln-8862	79	5	refereed1.html	refereed1.html	PROPN
crln-8862	79	6	.	.	PROPN
crln-8862	80	1	2	2	X
crln-8862	80	2	.	.	X
crln-8862	80	3	osu	osu	PROPN
crln-8862	80	4	’s	’s	NOUN
crln-8862	80	5	water	water	NOUN
crln-8862	80	6	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	80	7	graduate	graduate	NOUN
crln-8862	80	8	program	program	NOUN
crln-8862	80	9	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	80	10	PROPN
crln-8862	80	11	3	3	NUM
crln-8862	80	12	.	.	X
crln-8862	80	13	juris	juris	PROPN
crln-8862	80	14	dilevko	dilevko	PROPN
crln-8862	80	15	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	80	16	keren	keren	PROPN
crln-8862	80	17	dali	dali	PROPN
crln-8862	80	18	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	80	19	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8862	80	20	improving	improve	VERB
crln-8862	80	21	collection	collection	NOUN
crln-8862	80	22	development	development	NOUN
crln-8862	80	23	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	80	24	reference	reference	NOUN
crln-8862	80	25	services	service	NOUN
crln-8862	80	26	for	for	ADP
crln-8862	80	27	interdisciplinary	interdisciplinary	ADJ
crln-8862	80	28	fields	field	NOUN
crln-8862	80	29	through	through	ADP
crln-8862	80	30	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crln-8862	80	31	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	80	32	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	80	33	patterns	pattern	NOUN
crln-8862	80	34	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8862	80	35	an	an	DET
crln-8862	80	36	example	example	NOUN
crln-8862	80	37	using	use	VERB
crln-8862	80	38	tourism	tourism	NOUN
crln-8862	80	39	studies	study	NOUN
crln-8862	80	40	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	80	41	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8862	80	42	college	college	PROPN
crln-8862	80	43	&	&	CCONJ
crln-8862	80	44	research	research	PROPN
crln-8862	80	45	libraries	librarie	VERB
crln-8862	80	46	65	65	NUM
crln-8862	80	47	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	80	48	no	no	NOUN
crln-8862	80	49	.	.	NOUN
crln-8862	80	50	3	3	NUM
crln-8862	80	51	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8862	80	52	2004	2004	NUM
crln-8862	80	53	):	):	PUNCT
crln-8862	80	54	216–41	216–41	NUM
crln-8862	80	55	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	81	1	4	4	X
crln-8862	81	2	.	.	X
crln-8862	81	3	charles	charles	PROPN
crln-8862	81	4	lyons	lyon	NOUN
crln-8862	81	5	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	81	6	hal	hal	ADJ
crln-8862	81	7	kirkwood	kirkwood	NOUN
crln-8862	81	8	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	81	9	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8862	81	10	business	business	NOUN
crln-8862	81	11	library	library	NOUN
crln-8862	81	12	web	web	NOUN
crln-8862	81	13	sites	site	NOUN
crln-8862	81	14	revisited	revisit	VERB
crln-8862	81	15	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8862	81	16	an	an	DET
crln-8862	81	17	updated	update	VERB
crln-8862	81	18	review	review	NOUN
crln-8862	81	19	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	81	20	the	the	DET
crln-8862	81	21	organization	organization	NOUN
crln-8862	81	22	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	81	23	content	content	NOUN
crln-8862	81	24	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	81	25	academic	academic	ADJ
crln-8862	81	26	business	business	NOUN
crln-8862	81	27	library	library	NOUN
crln-8862	81	28	web	web	NOUN
crln-8862	81	29	sites	site	NOUN
crln-8862	81	30	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	81	31	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8862	81	32	journal	journal	NOUN
crln-8862	81	33	of	of	ADP
crln-8862	81	34	business	business	PROPN
crln-8862	81	35	&	&	CCONJ
crln-8862	81	36	finance	finance	PROPN
crln-8862	81	37	librarianship	librarianship	NOUN
crln-8862	81	38	14	14	NUM
crln-8862	81	39	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	81	40	no	no	NOUN
crln-8862	81	41	.	.	NOUN
crln-8862	81	42	4	4	NUM
crln-8862	81	43	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8862	81	44	2009	2009	NUM
crln-8862	81	45	):	):	PUNCT
crln-8862	81	46	333–47	333–47	NOUN
crln-8862	81	47	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	82	1	rebecca	rebecca	PROPN
crln-8862	82	2	jackson	jackson	PROPN
crln-8862	82	3	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	82	4	lorraine	lorraine	PROPN
crln-8862	82	5	j.	j.	PROPN
crln-8862	82	6	pellack	pellack	PROPN
crln-8862	82	7	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	82	8	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8862	82	9	internet	internet	NOUN
crln-8862	82	10	subject	subject	NOUN
crln-8862	82	11	guides	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	82	12	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	82	13	academic	academic	ADJ
crln-8862	82	14	libraries	library	NOUN
crln-8862	82	15	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	82	16	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8862	82	17	reference	reference	NOUN
crln-8862	82	18	&	&	CCONJ
crln-8862	82	19	user	user	NOUN
crln-8862	82	20	services	service	NOUN
crln-8862	82	21	quarterly	quarterly	PROPN
crln-8862	82	22	43	43	NUM
crln-8862	82	23	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	82	24	no	no	NOUN
crln-8862	82	25	.	.	NOUN
crln-8862	82	26	4	4	NUM
crln-8862	82	27	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8862	82	28	2004	2004	NUM
crln-8862	82	29	):	):	PUNCT
crln-8862	82	30	319–27	319–27	PROPN
crln-8862	82	31	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	83	1	5	5	X
crln-8862	83	2	.	.	X
crln-8862	83	3	ron	ron	PROPN
crln-8862	83	4	gilmour	gilmour	PROPN
crln-8862	83	5	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	83	6	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8862	83	7	old	old	ADJ
crln-8862	83	8	wine	wine	NOUN
crln-8862	83	9	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	83	10	new	new	ADJ
crln-8862	83	11	skins	skin	NOUN
crln-8862	83	12	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8862	83	13	thoughts	thought	NOUN
crln-8862	83	14	on	on	ADP
crln-8862	83	15	academic	academic	ADJ
crln-8862	83	16	library	library	NOUN
crln-8862	83	17	web	web	NOUN
crln-8862	83	18	guides	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	83	19	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	83	20	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8862	83	21	college	college	PROPN
crln-8862	83	22	&	&	CCONJ
crln-8862	83	23	research	research	PROPN
crln-8862	83	24	libraries	librarie	VERB
crln-8862	83	25	news	news	NOUN
crln-8862	83	26	71	71	NUM
crln-8862	83	27	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	83	28	no	no	NOUN
crln-8862	83	29	.	.	NOUN
crln-8862	83	30	7	7	NUM
crln-8862	83	31	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8862	83	32	2010	2010	NUM
crln-8862	83	33	):	):	PUNCT
crln-8862	83	34	350–73	350–73	PROPN
crln-8862	83	35	.	.	PROPN
crln-8862	83	36	6	6	NUM
crln-8862	83	37	.	.	X
crln-8862	83	38	pali	pali	PROPN
crln-8862	83	39	u.	u.	PROPN
crln-8862	83	40	kuruppu	kuruppu	PROPN
crln-8862	83	41	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	83	42	debra	debra	PROPN
crln-8862	83	43	c.	c.	PROPN
crln-8862	83	44	moore	moore	PROPN
crln-8862	83	45	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	83	46	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8862	83	47	information	information	NOUN
crln-8862	83	48	use	use	NOUN
crln-8862	83	49	by	by	ADP
crln-8862	83	50	phd	phd	NOUN
crln-8862	83	51	students	student	NOUN
crln-8862	83	52	in	in	ADP
crln-8862	83	53	agriculture	agriculture	NOUN
crln-8862	83	54	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8862	83	55	biology	biology	NOUN
crln-8862	83	56	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8862	83	57	a	a	DET
crln-8862	83	58	dissertation	dissertation	NOUN
crln-8862	83	59	citation	citation	NOUN
crln-8862	83	60	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crln-8862	83	61	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	83	62	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8862	83	63	portal	portal	ADJ
crln-8862	83	64	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8862	83	65	libraries	library	NOUN
crln-8862	83	66	&	&	CCONJ
crln-8862	83	67	the	the	DET
crln-8862	83	68	academy	academy	NOUN
crln-8862	83	69	8	8	NUM
crln-8862	83	70	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	83	71	no	no	NOUN
crln-8862	83	72	.	.	NOUN
crln-8862	83	73	4	4	NUM
crln-8862	83	74	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8862	83	75	2008	2008	NUM
crln-8862	83	76	):	):	PUNCT
crln-8862	83	77	387–405	387–405	NUM
crln-8862	83	78	.	.	NUM
crln-8862	84	1	7	7	NUM
crln-8862	84	2	.	.	PROPN
crln-8862	84	3	jim	jim	PROPN
crln-8862	84	4	kapoun	kapoun	PROPN
crln-8862	84	5	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	84	6	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8862	84	7	re	re	VERB
crln-8862	84	8	-	-	VERB
crln-8862	84	9	thinking	think	VERB
crln-8862	84	10	the	the	DET
crln-8862	84	11	library	library	NOUN
crln-8862	84	12	pathfinder	pathfinder	NOUN
crln-8862	84	13	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	84	14	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8862	84	15	college	college	NOUN
crln-8862	84	16	&	&	CCONJ
crln-8862	84	17	undergraduate	undergraduate	PROPN
crln-8862	84	18	libraries	library	NOUN
crln-8862	84	19	2	2	NUM
crln-8862	84	20	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	84	21	no	no	NOUN
crln-8862	84	22	.	.	NOUN
crln-8862	84	23	1	1	NUM
crln-8862	84	24	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8862	84	25	1995	1995	NUM
crln-8862	84	26	):	):	PUNCT
crln-8862	84	27	93–105	93–105	PROPN
crln-8862	84	28	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	84	29	8	8	X
crln-8862	84	30	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	85	1	osu	osu	NOUN
crln-8862	85	2	water	water	NOUN
crln-8862	85	3	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	85	4	guide	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	85	5	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8862	85	6	http://ica	http://ica	PROPN
crln-8862	85	7	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	86	1	PROPN
crln-8862	86	2	-water	-water	NOUN
crln-8862	86	3	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8862	86	4	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8862	86	5	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	87	1	figure	figure	VERB
crln-8862	87	2	1	1	NUM
crln-8862	87	3	.	.	PROPN
crln-8862	87	4	subject	subject	NOUN
crln-8862	87	5	guide	guide	NOUN
crln-8862	87	6	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8862	88	1	visit	visit	VERB
crln-8862	88	2	this	this	DET
crln-8862	88	3	article	article	NOUN
crln-8862	88	4	online	online	ADV
crln-8862	88	5	for	for	ADP
crln-8862	88	6	detailed	detailed	ADJ
crln-8862	88	7	image	image	NOUN
crln-8862	88	8	.	.	PUNCT