id sid tid token lemma pos crln-8807 1 1 sept12_a.indd sept12_a.indd PROPN crln-8807 1 2 september september PROPN crln-8807 1 3 2012 2012 NUM crln-8807 1 4 453 453 NUM crln-8807 1 5 c&rl c&rl NOUN crln-8807 1 6 news news NOUN crln-8807 1 7 in in ADP crln-8807 1 8 thein thein ADJ crln-8807 1 9 the the DET crln-8807 1 10 welcome welcome NOUN crln-8807 1 11 to to ADP crln-8807 1 12 the the DET crln-8807 1 13 september september PROPN crln-8807 1 14 2012 2012 NUM crln-8807 1 15 issue issue NOUN crln-8807 1 16 of of ADP crln-8807 1 17 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-8807 1 18 news news NOUN crln-8807 1 19 . . PUNCT crln-8807 2 1 and and CCONJ crln-8807 2 2 to to ADP crln-8807 2 3 the the DET crln-8807 2 4 start start NOUN crln-8807 2 5 of of ADP crln-8807 2 6 another another DET crln-8807 2 7 new new ADJ crln-8807 2 8 academic academic ADJ crln-8807 2 9 year year NOUN crln-8807 2 10 . . PUNCT crln-8807 3 1 with with ADP crln-8807 3 2 the the DET crln-8807 3 3 new new ADJ crln-8807 3 4 year year NOUN crln-8807 3 5 comes come VERB crln-8807 3 6 new new ADJ crln-8807 3 7 roles role NOUN crln-8807 3 8 and and CCONJ crln-8807 3 9 opportunities opportunity NOUN crln-8807 3 10 for for ADP crln-8807 3 11 many many ADJ crln-8807 3 12 librarians librarian NOUN crln-8807 3 13 , , PUNCT crln-8807 3 14 both both PRON crln-8807 3 15 at at ADP crln-8807 3 16 their their PRON crln-8807 3 17 institutions institution NOUN crln-8807 3 18 and and CCONJ crln-8807 3 19 in in ADP crln-8807 3 20 their their PRON crln-8807 3 21 professional professional ADJ crln-8807 3 22 associations association NOUN crln-8807 3 23 . . PUNCT crln-8807 4 1 in in ADP crln-8807 4 2 the the DET crln-8807 4 3 fi fi NOUN crln-8807 4 4 rst rst PROPN crln-8807 4 5 edition edition NOUN crln-8807 4 6 of of ADP crln-8807 4 7 a a DET crln-8807 4 8 yearlong yearlong ADJ crln-8807 4 9 series series NOUN crln-8807 4 10 , , PUNCT crln-8807 4 11 acrl acrl ADJ crln-8807 4 12 president president PROPN crln-8807 4 13 steven steven PROPN crln-8807 4 14 j. j. PROPN crln-8807 4 15 bell bell PROPN crln-8807 4 16 encourages encourage VERB crln-8807 4 17 academic academic ADJ crln-8807 4 18 and and CCONJ crln-8807 4 19 research research NOUN crln-8807 4 20 librarians librarian NOUN crln-8807 4 21 to to PART crln-8807 4 22 launch launch VERB crln-8807 4 23 “ " PUNCT crln-8807 4 24 a a DET crln-8807 4 25 year year NOUN crln-8807 4 26 of of ADP crln-8807 4 27 learning learn VERB crln-8807 4 28 for for ADP crln-8807 4 29 your your PRON crln-8807 4 30 lifelong lifelong ADJ crln-8807 4 31 leadership leadership NOUN crln-8807 4 32 journey journey NOUN crln-8807 4 33 . . PUNCT crln-8807 4 34 ” " PUNCT crln-8807 5 1 the the DET crln-8807 5 2 start start NOUN crln-8807 5 3 of of ADP crln-8807 5 4 the the DET crln-8807 5 5 new new ADJ crln-8807 5 6 year year NOUN crln-8807 5 7 also also ADV crln-8807 5 8 means mean VERB crln-8807 5 9 a a DET crln-8807 5 10 return return NOUN crln-8807 5 11 to to ADP crln-8807 5 12 , , PUNCT crln-8807 5 13 or or CCONJ crln-8807 5 14 fi fi NOUN crln-8807 5 15 rst rst X crln-8807 5 16 foray foray NOUN crln-8807 5 17 into into ADP crln-8807 5 18 , , PUNCT crln-8807 5 19 the the DET crln-8807 5 20 library library NOUN crln-8807 5 21 classroom classroom NOUN crln-8807 5 22 . . PUNCT crln-8807 6 1 ellen ellen PROPN crln-8807 6 2 welty welty PROPN crln-8807 6 3 , , PUNCT crln-8807 6 4 sheila sheila PROPN crln-8807 6 5 hofstetter hofstetter NOUN crln-8807 6 6 , , PUNCT crln-8807 6 7 and and CCONJ crln-8807 6 8 stephanie stephanie PROPN crln-8807 6 9 j. j. PROPN crln-8807 6 10 schulte schulte PROPN crln-8807 6 11 argue argue VERB crln-8807 6 12 that that SCONJ crln-8807 6 13 it it PRON crln-8807 6 14 is be AUX crln-8807 6 15 “ " PUNCT crln-8807 6 16 time time NOUN crln-8807 6 17 to to PART crln-8807 6 18 re re VERB crln-8807 6 19 - - VERB crln-8807 6 20 evaluate evaluate VERB crln-8807 6 21 how how SCONJ crln-8807 6 22 we we PRON crln-8807 6 23 teach teach VERB crln-8807 6 24 information information NOUN crln-8807 6 25 literacy literacy NOUN crln-8807 6 26 ” " PUNCT crln-8807 6 27 and and CCONJ crln-8807 6 28 propose propose VERB crln-8807 6 29 applying apply VERB crln-8807 6 30 the the DET crln-8807 6 31 pico pico NOUN crln-8807 6 32 model model NOUN crln-8807 6 33 from from ADP crln-8807 6 34 evidence evidence NOUN crln-8807 6 35 - - PUNCT crln-8807 6 36 based base VERB crln-8807 6 37 medicine medicine NOUN crln-8807 6 38 to to ADP crln-8807 6 39 library library NOUN crln-8807 6 40 instruction instruction NOUN crln-8807 6 41 . . PUNCT crln-8807 7 1 larry larry PROPN crln-8807 7 2 duerr duerr PROPN crln-8807 7 3 and and CCONJ crln-8807 7 4 jodi jodi PROPN crln-8807 7 5 eastberg eastberg PROPN crln-8807 7 6 discuss discuss VERB crln-8807 7 7 how how SCONJ crln-8807 7 8 alverno alverno PROPN crln-8807 7 9 college college NOUN crln-8807 7 10 took take VERB crln-8807 7 11 history history NOUN crln-8807 7 12 students student NOUN crln-8807 7 13 “ " PUNCT crln-8807 7 14 beyond beyond ADP crln-8807 7 15 the the DET crln-8807 7 16 annotated annotated ADJ crln-8807 7 17 bibliography bibliography NOUN crln-8807 7 18 ” " PUNCT crln-8807 7 19 and and CCONJ crln-8807 7 20 used use VERB crln-8807 7 21 their their PRON crln-8807 7 22 input input NOUN crln-8807 7 23 to to PART crln-8807 7 24 build build VERB crln-8807 7 25 collections collection NOUN crln-8807 7 26 . . PUNCT crln-8807 8 1 looking look VERB crln-8807 8 2 to to PART crln-8807 8 3 develop develop VERB crln-8807 8 4 your your PRON crln-8807 8 5 skills skill NOUN crln-8807 8 6 as as ADP crln-8807 8 7 a a DET crln-8807 8 8 library library NOUN crln-8807 8 9 teacher teacher NOUN crln-8807 8 10 this this DET crln-8807 8 11 year year NOUN crln-8807 8 12 ? ? PUNCT crln-8807 9 1 pamela pamela PROPN crln-8807 9 2 n. n. PROPN crln-8807 9 3 martin martin PROPN crln-8807 9 4 and and CCONJ crln-8807 9 5 erin erin PROPN crln-8807 9 6 davis davis PROPN crln-8807 9 7 discuss discuss VERB crln-8807 9 8 their their PRON crln-8807 9 9 experiences experience NOUN crln-8807 9 10 at at ADP crln-8807 9 11 acrl acrl ADJ crln-8807 9 12 ’s ’s PART crln-8807 9 13 information information NOUN crln-8807 9 14 literacy literacy NOUN crln-8807 9 15 immersion immersion NOUN crln-8807 9 16 program program NOUN crln-8807 9 17 in in ADP crln-8807 9 18 their their PRON crln-8807 9 19 article article NOUN crln-8807 9 20 “ " PUNCT crln-8807 9 21 renew renew NOUN crln-8807 9 22 , , PUNCT crln-8807 9 23 refl refl ADJ crln-8807 9 24 ect ect NOUN crln-8807 9 25 , , PUNCT crln-8807 9 26 rejoice rejoice NOUN crln-8807 9 27 . . PUNCT crln-8807 9 28 ” " PUNCT crln-8807 9 29 applications application NOUN crln-8807 9 30 for for ADP crln-8807 9 31 the the DET crln-8807 9 32 next next ADJ crln-8807 9 33 round round NOUN crln-8807 9 34 of of ADP crln-8807 9 35 immersion immersion NOUN crln-8807 9 36 are be AUX crln-8807 9 37 available available ADJ crln-8807 9 38 this this DET crln-8807 9 39 month month NOUN crln-8807 9 40 . . PUNCT crln-8807 10 1 in in ADP crln-8807 10 2 this this DET crln-8807 10 3 month month NOUN crln-8807 10 4 ’s ’s PART crln-8807 10 5 acrl acrl ADJ crln-8807 10 6 techconnect techconnect NOUN crln-8807 10 7 article article NOUN crln-8807 10 8 , , PUNCT crln-8807 10 9 “ " PUNCT crln-8807 10 10 harnessing harness VERB crln-8807 10 11 the the DET crln-8807 10 12 power power NOUN crln-8807 10 13 of of ADP crln-8807 10 14 game game NOUN crln-8807 10 15 dynamics dynamic NOUN crln-8807 10 16 , , PUNCT crln-8807 10 17 ” " PUNCT crln-8807 10 18 bohyun bohyun PROPN crln-8807 10 19 kim kim PROPN crln-8807 10 20 explores explore VERB crln-8807 10 21 the the DET crln-8807 10 22 phenomenon phenomenon NOUN crln-8807 10 23 of of ADP crln-8807 10 24 gamifi gamifi NOUN crln-8807 10 25 cation cation NOUN crln-8807 10 26 and and CCONJ crln-8807 10 27 provides provide VERB crln-8807 10 28 tips tip NOUN crln-8807 10 29 on on ADP crln-8807 10 30 how how SCONJ crln-8807 10 31 it it PRON crln-8807 10 32 can can AUX crln-8807 10 33 be be AUX crln-8807 10 34 applied apply VERB crln-8807 10 35 in in ADP crln-8807 10 36 the the DET crln-8807 10 37 library library NOUN crln-8807 10 38 setting setting NOUN crln-8807 10 39 . . PUNCT crln-8807 11 1 visit visit VERB crln-8807 11 2 the the DET crln-8807 11 3 acrl acrl ADJ crln-8807 11 4 techconnect techconnect NOUN crln-8807 11 5 blog blog NOUN crln-8807 11 6 each each DET crln-8807 11 7 week week NOUN crln-8807 11 8 for for ADP crln-8807 11 9 more more ADJ crln-8807 11 10 technology technology NOUN crln-8807 11 11 ideas idea NOUN crln-8807 11 12 and and CCONJ crln-8807 11 13 essays essay NOUN crln-8807 11 14 . . PUNCT crln-8807 12 1 make make VERB crln-8807 12 2 sure sure ADJ crln-8807 12 3 to to PART crln-8807 12 4 check check VERB crln-8807 12 5 out out ADP crln-8807 12 6 all all PRON crln-8807 12 7 of of ADP crln-8807 12 8 the the DET crln-8807 12 9 other other ADJ crln-8807 12 10 features feature NOUN crln-8807 12 11 and and CCONJ crln-8807 12 12 departments department NOUN crln-8807 12 13 in in ADP crln-8807 12 14 this this DET crln-8807 12 15 month month NOUN crln-8807 12 16 ’s ’s PART crln-8807 12 17 issue issue NOUN crln-8807 12 18 , , PUNCT crln-8807 12 19 including include VERB crln-8807 12 20 a a DET crln-8807 12 21 look look NOUN crln-8807 12 22 at at ADP crln-8807 12 23 the the DET crln-8807 12 24 development development NOUN crln-8807 12 25 of of ADP crln-8807 12 26 the the DET crln-8807 12 27 grateful grateful ADJ crln-8807 12 28 dead dead ADJ crln-8807 12 29 archive archive NOUN crln-8807 12 30 at at ADP crln-8807 12 31 uc uc ADJ crln-8807 12 32 - - ADJ crln-8807 12 33 santa santa ADJ crln-8807 12 34 cruz cruz NOUN crln-8807 12 35 by by ADP crln-8807 12 36 archivist archivist PROPN crln-8807 12 37 nicholas nicholas PROPN crln-8807 12 38 g. g. PROPN crln-8807 12 39 meriwether meriwether PROPN crln-8807 12 40 , , PUNCT crln-8807 12 41 internet internet NOUN crln-8807 12 42 resources resource NOUN crln-8807 12 43 on on ADP crln-8807 12 44 services service NOUN crln-8807 12 45 for for ADP crln-8807 12 46 veterans veteran NOUN crln-8807 12 47 , , PUNCT crln-8807 12 48 a a DET crln-8807 12 49 review review NOUN crln-8807 12 50 of of ADP crln-8807 12 51 acrl acrl ADJ crln-8807 12 52 ’s ’s PART crln-8807 12 53 programs program NOUN crln-8807 12 54 and and CCONJ crln-8807 12 55 board board NOUN crln-8807 12 56 of of ADP crln-8807 12 57 directors director NOUN crln-8807 12 58 actions action NOUN crln-8807 12 59 at at ADP crln-8807 12 60 the the DET crln-8807 12 61 2012 2012 NUM crln-8807 12 62 ala ala NOUN crln-8807 12 63 annual annual ADJ crln-8807 12 64 conference conference NOUN crln-8807 12 65 , , PUNCT crln-8807 12 66 and and CCONJ crln-8807 12 67 information information NOUN crln-8807 12 68 on on ADP crln-8807 12 69 the the DET crln-8807 12 70 2013 2013 NUM crln-8807 12 71 acrl acrl ADJ crln-8807 12 72 awards award NOUN crln-8807 12 73 program program NOUN crln-8807 12 74 . . PUNCT crln-8807 13 1 thanks thank NOUN crln-8807 13 2 as as ADP crln-8807 13 3 always always ADV crln-8807 13 4 for for ADP crln-8807 13 5 reading read VERB crln-8807 13 6 the the DET crln-8807 13 7 news news NOUN crln-8807 13 8 . . PUNCT crln-8807 14 1 — — PUNCT crln-8807 14 2 david david PROPN crln-8807 14 3 free free PROPN crln-8807 14 4 , , PUNCT crln-8807 14 5 editor editor NOUN crln-8807 14 6 - - PUNCT crln-8807 14 7 in in ADP crln-8807 14 8 - - PUNCT crln-8807 14 9 chief chief NOUN crln-8807 14 10 , , PUNCT crln-8807 14 11 VERB crln-8807 14 12 the the DET crln-8807 14 13 content content NOUN crln-8807 14 14 you you PRON crln-8807 14 15 need need VERB crln-8807 14 16 . . PUNCT crln-8807 15 1 the the DET crln-8807 15 2 format format NOUN crln-8807 15 3 you you PRON crln-8807 15 4 want want VERB crln-8807 15 5 . . PUNCT crln-8807 16 1 just just ADV crln-8807 16 2 in in ADP crln-8807 16 3 time time NOUN crln-8807 16 4 . . PUNCT crln-8807 17 1 l l NOUN crln-8807 17 2 free free ADJ crln-8807 17 3 freight freight NOUN crln-8807 17 4 and and CCONJ crln-8807 17 5 competitive competitive ADJ crln-8807 17 6 discounts discount NOUN crln-8807 17 7 l l PROPN crln-8807 17 8 one one NUM crln-8807 17 9 - - PUNCT crln-8807 17 10 stop stop NOUN crln-8807 17 11 shop shop NOUN crln-8807 17 12 for for ADP crln-8807 17 13 print print NOUN crln-8807 17 14 and and CCONJ crln-8807 17 15 econtent econtent ADJ crln-8807 17 16 from from ADP crln-8807 17 17 leading lead VERB crln-8807 17 18 health health NOUN crln-8807 17 19 - - PUNCT crln-8807 17 20 sciences science NOUN crln-8807 17 21 publishers publisher NOUN crln-8807 17 22 l l PROPN crln-8807 17 23 online online NOUN crln-8807 17 24 approval approval NOUN crln-8807 17 25 plans plan NOUN crln-8807 17 26 , , PUNCT crln-8807 17 27 core core NOUN crln-8807 17 28 collection collection NOUN crln-8807 17 29 update update NOUN crln-8807 17 30 program program NOUN crln-8807 17 31 and and CCONJ crln-8807 17 32 doody doody NOUN crln-8807 17 33 ’s ’s PART crln-8807 17 34 core core NOUN crln-8807 17 35 titles title NOUN crln-8807 17 36 subscription subscription NOUN crln-8807 17 37 access access NOUN crln-8807 17 38 save save VERB crln-8807 17 39 money money NOUN crln-8807 17 40 save save VERB crln-8807 17 41 time time NOUN crln-8807 17 42 manage manage VERB crln-8807 17 43 smartly smartly ADV crln-8807 17 44 511 511 NUM crln-8807 17 45 feheley feheley NOUN crln-8807 17 46 drive drive NOUN crln-8807 17 47 king king NOUN crln-8807 17 48 of of ADP crln-8807 17 49 prussia prussia PROPN crln-8807 17 50 , , PUNCT crln-8807 17 51 pa pa PROPN crln-8807 17 52 19406 19406 NUM crln-8807 17 53 800 800 NUM crln-8807 17 54 - - NUM crln-8807 17 55 345 345 NUM crln-8807 17 56 - - SYM crln-8807 17 57 6425 6425 NUM crln-8807 17 58 X crln-8807 17 59 PROPN