id sid tid token lemma pos crln-8741 1 1 april12b.indd april12b.indd PROPN crln-8741 1 2 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-8741 1 3 news news PROPN crln-8741 1 4 april april PROPN crln-8741 1 5 2012 2012 NUM crln-8741 1 6 200 200 NUM crln-8741 1 7 promoting promote VERB crln-8741 1 8 information information NOUN crln-8741 1 9 literacy literacy NOUN crln-8741 1 10 to to ADP crln-8741 1 11 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8741 1 12 is be AUX crln-8741 1 13 an an DET crln-8741 1 14 important important ADJ crln-8741 1 15 part part NOUN crln-8741 1 16 of of ADP crln-8741 1 17 the the DET crln-8741 1 18 job job NOUN crln-8741 1 19 for for ADP crln-8741 1 20 any any DET crln-8741 1 21 academic academic ADJ crln-8741 1 22 librarian librarian NOUN crln-8741 1 23 with with ADP crln-8741 1 24 an an DET crln-8741 1 25 instructional instructional ADJ crln-8741 1 26 role.1 role.1 NOUN crln-8741 1 27 we we PRON crln-8741 1 28 all all PRON crln-8741 1 29 know know VERB crln-8741 1 30 we we PRON crln-8741 1 31 need need VERB crln-8741 1 32 to to PART crln-8741 1 33 do do VERB crln-8741 1 34 it it PRON crln-8741 1 35 , , PUNCT crln-8741 1 36 but but CCONJ crln-8741 1 37 how how SCONJ crln-8741 1 38 to to PART crln-8741 1 39 do do AUX crln-8741 1 40 it it PRON crln-8741 1 41 proves prove VERB crln-8741 1 42 to to PART crln-8741 1 43 be be AUX crln-8741 1 44 the the DET crln-8741 1 45 greatest great ADJ crln-8741 1 46 challenge challenge NOUN crln-8741 1 47 . . PUNCT crln-8741 2 1 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8741 2 2 are be AUX crln-8741 2 3 busy busy ADJ crln-8741 2 4 and and CCONJ crln-8741 2 5 often often ADV crln-8741 2 6 focused focus VERB crln-8741 2 7 on on ADP crln-8741 2 8 their their PRON crln-8741 2 9 primary primary ADJ crln-8741 2 10 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-8741 2 11 — — PUNCT crln-8741 2 12 teaching teaching NOUN crln-8741 2 13 and and CCONJ crln-8741 2 14 research research NOUN crln-8741 2 15 . . PUNCT crln-8741 3 1 we we PRON crln-8741 3 2 feel feel VERB crln-8741 3 3 fortunate fortunate ADJ crln-8741 3 4 to to PART crln-8741 3 5 have have VERB crln-8741 3 6 the the DET crln-8741 3 7 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-8741 3 8 to to PART crln-8741 3 9 provide provide VERB crln-8741 3 10 a a DET crln-8741 3 11 one one NUM crln-8741 3 12 - - PUNCT crln-8741 3 13 shot shot NOUN crln-8741 3 14 session session NOUN crln-8741 3 15 about about ADP crln-8741 3 16 the the DET crln-8741 3 17 library library NOUN crln-8741 3 18 and and CCONJ crln-8741 3 19 its its PRON crln-8741 3 20 resources resource NOUN crln-8741 3 21 , , PUNCT crln-8741 3 22 so so CCONJ crln-8741 3 23 asking ask VERB crln-8741 3 24 for for ADP crln-8741 3 25 much much ADV crln-8741 3 26 more more ADJ crln-8741 3 27 seems seem VERB crln-8741 3 28 like like ADP crln-8741 3 29 an an DET crln-8741 3 30 imposition imposition NOUN crln-8741 3 31 . . PUNCT crln-8741 4 1 yet yet ADV crln-8741 4 2 , , PUNCT crln-8741 4 3 the the DET crln-8741 4 4 services service NOUN crln-8741 4 5 we we PRON crln-8741 4 6 bring bring VERB crln-8741 4 7 to to ADP crln-8741 4 8 the the DET crln-8741 4 9 table table NOUN crln-8741 4 10 are be AUX crln-8741 4 11 critically critically ADV crln-8741 4 12 important important ADJ crln-8741 4 13 to to ADP crln-8741 4 14 the the DET crln-8741 4 15 students student NOUN crln-8741 4 16 ’ ’ PART crln-8741 4 17 academic academic ADJ crln-8741 4 18 success success NOUN crln-8741 4 19 , , PUNCT crln-8741 4 20 and and CCONJ crln-8741 4 21 ultimately ultimately ADV crln-8741 4 22 , , PUNCT crln-8741 4 23 the the DET crln-8741 4 24 instructor instructor NOUN crln-8741 4 25 ’s ’s PART crln-8741 4 26 success success NOUN crln-8741 4 27 . . PUNCT crln-8741 5 1 the the DET crln-8741 5 2 trick trick NOUN crln-8741 5 3 is be AUX crln-8741 5 4 to to PART crln-8741 5 5 figure figure VERB crln-8741 5 6 out out ADP crln-8741 5 7 how how SCONJ crln-8741 5 8 to to PART crln-8741 5 9 sell sell VERB crln-8741 5 10 what what PRON crln-8741 5 11 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8741 5 12 will will AUX crln-8741 5 13 buy buy VERB crln-8741 5 14 . . PUNCT crln-8741 6 1 while while SCONJ crln-8741 6 2 the the DET crln-8741 6 3 library library NOUN crln-8741 6 4 is be AUX crln-8741 6 5 not not PART crln-8741 6 6 truly truly ADV crln-8741 6 7 a a DET crln-8741 6 8 business business NOUN crln-8741 6 9 , , PUNCT crln-8741 6 10 by by ADP crln-8741 6 11 using use VERB crln-8741 6 12 business business NOUN crln-8741 6 13 marketing marketing NOUN crln-8741 6 14 strategies strategy NOUN crln-8741 6 15 we we PRON crln-8741 6 16 can can AUX crln-8741 6 17 meet meet VERB crln-8741 6 18 the the DET crln-8741 6 19 institution institution NOUN crln-8741 6 20 ’s ’s PART crln-8741 6 21 learning learn VERB crln-8741 6 22 objectives objective NOUN crln-8741 6 23 and and CCONJ crln-8741 6 24 our our PRON crln-8741 6 25 own own ADJ crln-8741 6 26 goals goal NOUN crln-8741 6 27 . . PUNCT crln-8741 7 1 the the DET crln-8741 7 2 american american PROPN crln-8741 7 3 marketing marketing PROPN crln-8741 7 4 association association NOUN crln-8741 7 5 defines define VERB crln-8741 7 6 marketing marketing NOUN crln-8741 7 7 as as ADP crln-8741 7 8 “ " PUNCT crln-8741 7 9 the the DET crln-8741 7 10 activity activity NOUN crln-8741 7 11 , , PUNCT crln-8741 7 12 set set VERB crln-8741 7 13 of of ADP crln-8741 7 14 institutions institution NOUN crln-8741 7 15 , , PUNCT crln-8741 7 16 and and CCONJ crln-8741 7 17 processes process NOUN crln-8741 7 18 for for ADP crln-8741 7 19 creating create VERB crln-8741 7 20 , , PUNCT crln-8741 7 21 communicating communicating NOUN crln-8741 7 22 , , PUNCT crln-8741 7 23 delivering deliver VERB crln-8741 7 24 and and CCONJ crln-8741 7 25 exchanging exchange VERB crln-8741 7 26 offerings offering NOUN crln-8741 7 27 that that PRON crln-8741 7 28 have have VERB crln-8741 7 29 value value NOUN crln-8741 7 30 for for ADP crln-8741 7 31 customers customer NOUN crln-8741 7 32 , , PUNCT crln-8741 7 33 clients client NOUN crln-8741 7 34 , , PUNCT crln-8741 7 35 partners partner NOUN crln-8741 7 36 and and CCONJ crln-8741 7 37 society society NOUN crln-8741 7 38 at at ADP crln-8741 7 39 large large ADJ crln-8741 7 40 . . PUNCT crln-8741 8 1 ”2 ”2 PROPN crln-8741 9 1 information information NOUN crln-8741 9 2 literacy literacy NOUN crln-8741 9 3 instruction instruction NOUN crln-8741 9 4 has have VERB crln-8741 9 5 the the DET crln-8741 9 6 potential potential NOUN crln-8741 9 7 to to PART crln-8741 9 8 be be AUX crln-8741 9 9 of of ADP crln-8741 9 10 considerable considerable ADJ crln-8741 9 11 value value NOUN crln-8741 9 12 for for ADP crln-8741 9 13 our our PRON crln-8741 9 14 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8741 9 15 , , PUNCT crln-8741 9 16 and and CCONJ crln-8741 9 17 it it PRON crln-8741 9 18 is be AUX crln-8741 9 19 our our PRON crln-8741 9 20 job job NOUN crln-8741 9 21 to to PART crln-8741 9 22 find find VERB crln-8741 9 23 a a DET crln-8741 9 24 way way NOUN crln-8741 9 25 to to PART crln-8741 9 26 create create VERB crln-8741 9 27 , , PUNCT crln-8741 9 28 communicate communicate VERB crln-8741 9 29 , , PUNCT crln-8741 9 30 deliver deliver VERB crln-8741 9 31 , , PUNCT crln-8741 9 32 and and CCONJ crln-8741 9 33 exchange exchange VERB crln-8741 9 34 it it PRON crln-8741 9 35 in in ADP crln-8741 9 36 a a DET crln-8741 9 37 way way NOUN crln-8741 9 38 that that PRON crln-8741 9 39 is be AUX crln-8741 9 40 meaningful meaningful ADJ crln-8741 9 41 to to ADP crln-8741 9 42 them they PRON crln-8741 9 43 . . PUNCT crln-8741 10 1 to to PART crln-8741 10 2 be be AUX crln-8741 10 3 effective effective ADJ crln-8741 10 4 we we PRON crln-8741 10 5 must must AUX crln-8741 10 6 understand understand VERB crln-8741 10 7 the the DET crln-8741 10 8 desires desire NOUN crln-8741 10 9 and and CCONJ crln-8741 10 10 needs need NOUN crln-8741 10 11 of of ADP crln-8741 10 12 our our PRON crln-8741 10 13 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8741 10 14 , , PUNCT crln-8741 10 15 develop develop VERB crln-8741 10 16 services service NOUN crln-8741 10 17 that that PRON crln-8741 10 18 they they PRON crln-8741 10 19 will will AUX crln-8741 10 20 find find VERB crln-8741 10 21 valuable valuable ADJ crln-8741 10 22 , , PUNCT crln-8741 10 23 and and CCONJ crln-8741 10 24 then then ADV crln-8741 10 25 promote promote VERB crln-8741 10 26 them they PRON crln-8741 10 27 effectively effectively ADV crln-8741 10 28 . . PUNCT crln-8741 11 1 professional professional ADJ crln-8741 11 2 marketers marketer NOUN crln-8741 11 3 often often ADV crln-8741 11 4 ask ask VERB crln-8741 11 5 , , PUNCT crln-8741 11 6 what what DET crln-8741 11 7 services service NOUN crln-8741 11 8 and and CCONJ crln-8741 11 9 products product NOUN crln-8741 11 10 do do AUX crln-8741 11 11 people people NOUN crln-8741 11 12 spend spend VERB crln-8741 11 13 money money NOUN crln-8741 11 14 on on ADP crln-8741 11 15 , , PUNCT crln-8741 11 16 and and CCONJ crln-8741 11 17 what what PRON crln-8741 11 18 is be AUX crln-8741 11 19 a a DET crln-8741 11 20 problem problem NOUN crln-8741 11 21 for for ADP crln-8741 11 22 which which PRON crln-8741 11 23 i i PRON crln-8741 11 24 can can AUX crln-8741 11 25 provide provide VERB crln-8741 11 26 a a DET crln-8741 11 27 solution?3 solution?3 NOUN crln-8741 11 28 the the DET crln-8741 11 29 question question NOUN crln-8741 11 30 is be AUX crln-8741 11 31 not not PART crln-8741 11 32 whether whether SCONJ crln-8741 11 33 information information NOUN crln-8741 11 34 literacy literacy NOUN crln-8741 11 35 instruction instruction NOUN crln-8741 11 36 is be AUX crln-8741 11 37 needed need VERB crln-8741 11 38 , , PUNCT crln-8741 11 39 rather rather ADV crln-8741 11 40 how how SCONJ crln-8741 11 41 do do AUX crln-8741 11 42 we we PRON crln-8741 11 43 connect connect VERB crln-8741 11 44 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8741 11 45 with with ADP crln-8741 11 46 the the DET crln-8741 11 47 goods good NOUN crln-8741 11 48 and and CCONJ crln-8741 11 49 services service NOUN crln-8741 11 50 we we PRON crln-8741 11 51 have have VERB crln-8741 11 52 and and CCONJ crln-8741 11 53 help help VERB crln-8741 11 54 them they PRON crln-8741 11 55 see see VERB crln-8741 11 56 the the DET crln-8741 11 57 benefits benefit NOUN crln-8741 11 58 ? ? PUNCT crln-8741 12 1 in in ADP crln-8741 12 2 order order NOUN crln-8741 12 3 to to PART crln-8741 12 4 sell sell VERB crln-8741 12 5 information information NOUN crln-8741 12 6 literacy literacy NOUN crln-8741 12 7 instruction instruction NOUN crln-8741 12 8 , , PUNCT crln-8741 12 9 you you PRON crln-8741 12 10 have have VERB crln-8741 12 11 to to PART crln-8741 12 12 develop develop VERB crln-8741 12 13 a a DET crln-8741 12 14 plan plan NOUN crln-8741 12 15 to to PART crln-8741 12 16 market market VERB crln-8741 12 17 it it PRON crln-8741 12 18 . . PUNCT crln-8741 13 1 this this PRON crln-8741 13 2 is be AUX crln-8741 13 3 where where SCONJ crln-8741 13 4 a a DET crln-8741 13 5 little little ADJ crln-8741 13 6 market market NOUN crln-8741 13 7 research research NOUN crln-8741 13 8 comes come VERB crln-8741 13 9 in in ADP crln-8741 13 10 . . PUNCT crln-8741 14 1 find find VERB crln-8741 14 2 out out ADP crln-8741 14 3 everything everything PRON crln-8741 14 4 you you PRON crln-8741 14 5 can can AUX crln-8741 14 6 about about ADP crln-8741 14 7 the the DET crln-8741 14 8 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8741 14 9 you you PRON crln-8741 14 10 serve serve VERB crln-8741 14 11 , , PUNCT crln-8741 14 12 as as ADV crln-8741 14 13 well well ADV crln-8741 14 14 as as ADP crln-8741 14 15 what what PRON crln-8741 14 16 they they PRON crln-8741 14 17 think think VERB crln-8741 14 18 about about ADP crln-8741 14 19 the the DET crln-8741 14 20 services service NOUN crln-8741 14 21 you you PRON crln-8741 14 22 offer.4 offer.4 NOUN crln-8741 14 23 this this PRON crln-8741 14 24 involves involve VERB crln-8741 14 25 starting start VERB crln-8741 14 26 a a DET crln-8741 14 27 conversation conversation NOUN crln-8741 14 28 with with ADP crln-8741 14 29 the the DET crln-8741 14 30 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8741 14 31 you you PRON crln-8741 14 32 serve serve VERB crln-8741 14 33 and and CCONJ crln-8741 14 34 listening listen VERB crln-8741 14 35 to to PART crln-8741 14 36 find find VERB crln-8741 14 37 out out ADP crln-8741 14 38 what what PRON crln-8741 14 39 they they PRON crln-8741 14 40 do do VERB crln-8741 14 41 , , PUNCT crln-8741 14 42 what what PRON crln-8741 14 43 they they PRON crln-8741 14 44 teach teach VERB crln-8741 14 45 , , PUNCT crln-8741 14 46 and and CCONJ crln-8741 14 47 what what PRON crln-8741 14 48 is be AUX crln-8741 14 49 important important ADJ crln-8741 14 50 to to ADP crln-8741 14 51 them they PRON crln-8741 14 52 . . PUNCT crln-8741 15 1 no no DET crln-8741 15 2 marketing marketing NOUN crln-8741 15 3 plan plan NOUN crln-8741 15 4 can can AUX crln-8741 15 5 work work VERB crln-8741 15 6 without without ADP crln-8741 15 7 visibility visibility NOUN crln-8741 15 8 , , PUNCT crln-8741 15 9 so so SCONJ crln-8741 15 10 you you PRON crln-8741 15 11 must must AUX crln-8741 15 12 know know VERB crln-8741 15 13 where where SCONJ crln-8741 15 14 your your PRON crln-8741 15 15 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8741 15 16 are be AUX crln-8741 15 17 and and CCONJ crln-8741 15 18 take take VERB crln-8741 15 19 your your PRON crln-8741 15 20 message message NOUN crln-8741 15 21 to to ADP crln-8741 15 22 them they PRON crln-8741 15 23 effectively effectively ADV crln-8741 15 24 . . PUNCT crln-8741 16 1 to to PART crln-8741 16 2 illustrate illustrate VERB crln-8741 16 3 my my PRON crln-8741 16 4 points point NOUN crln-8741 16 5 , , PUNCT crln-8741 16 6 let let VERB crln-8741 16 7 me i PRON crln-8741 16 8 share share VERB crln-8741 16 9 a a DET crln-8741 16 10 story story NOUN crln-8741 16 11 about about ADP crln-8741 16 12 a a DET crln-8741 16 13 colleague colleague NOUN crln-8741 16 14 , , PUNCT crln-8741 16 15 whom whom PRON crln-8741 16 16 i i PRON crln-8741 16 17 will will AUX crln-8741 16 18 call call VERB crln-8741 16 19 sara sara PROPN crln-8741 16 20 . . PUNCT crln-8741 17 1 sara sara PROPN crln-8741 17 2 came come VERB crln-8741 17 3 to to ADP crln-8741 17 4 her her PRON crln-8741 17 5 library library NOUN crln-8741 17 6 to to PART crln-8741 17 7 be be AUX crln-8741 17 8 the the DET crln-8741 17 9 college college NOUN crln-8741 17 10 librarian librarian NOUN crln-8741 17 11 for for ADP crln-8741 17 12 one one NUM crln-8741 17 13 of of ADP crln-8741 17 14 the the DET crln-8741 17 15 university university NOUN crln-8741 17 16 ’s ’s PART crln-8741 17 17 largest large ADJ crln-8741 17 18 and and CCONJ crln-8741 17 19 most most ADV crln-8741 17 20 competitive competitive ADJ crln-8741 17 21 colleges college NOUN crln-8741 17 22 . . PUNCT crln-8741 18 1 not not PART crln-8741 18 2 long long ADV crln-8741 18 3 after after SCONJ crln-8741 18 4 she she PRON crln-8741 18 5 arrived arrive VERB crln-8741 18 6 and and CCONJ crln-8741 18 7 became became AUX crln-8741 18 8 embedded embed VERB crln-8741 18 9 in in ADP crln-8741 18 10 the the DET crln-8741 18 11 college college NOUN crln-8741 18 12 , , PUNCT crln-8741 18 13 the the DET crln-8741 18 14 college college NOUN crln-8741 18 15 moved move VERB crln-8741 18 16 to to ADP crln-8741 18 17 a a DET crln-8741 18 18 different different ADJ crln-8741 18 19 campus campus NOUN crln-8741 18 20 within within ADP crln-8741 18 21 the the DET crln-8741 18 22 university university NOUN crln-8741 18 23 . . PUNCT crln-8741 19 1 sara sara PROPN crln-8741 19 2 was be AUX crln-8741 19 3 not not PART crln-8741 19 4 in in ADP crln-8741 19 5 a a DET crln-8741 19 6 position position NOUN crln-8741 19 7 to to PART crln-8741 19 8 move move VERB crln-8741 19 9 , , PUNCT crln-8741 19 10 so so SCONJ crln-8741 19 11 she she PRON crln-8741 19 12 suddenly suddenly ADV crln-8741 19 13 found find VERB crln-8741 19 14 herself herself PRON crln-8741 19 15 in in ADP crln-8741 19 16 an an DET crln-8741 19 17 entirely entirely ADV crln-8741 19 18 new new ADJ crln-8741 19 19 situation situation NOUN crln-8741 19 20 . . PUNCT crln-8741 20 1 she she PRON crln-8741 20 2 had have VERB crln-8741 20 3 a a DET crln-8741 20 4 new new ADJ crln-8741 20 5 assignment assignment NOUN crln-8741 20 6 with with ADP crln-8741 20 7 two two NUM crln-8741 20 8 smaller small ADJ crln-8741 20 9 departments department NOUN crln-8741 20 10 that that PRON crln-8741 20 11 were be AUX crln-8741 20 12 not not PART crln-8741 20 13 using use VERB crln-8741 20 14 the the DET crln-8741 20 15 library library PROPN crln-8741 20 16 ’s ’s PART crln-8741 20 17 instructional instructional ADJ crln-8741 20 18 services service NOUN crln-8741 20 19 as as ADV crln-8741 20 20 much much ADV crln-8741 20 21 as as SCONJ crln-8741 20 22 her her PRON crln-8741 20 23 college college NOUN crln-8741 20 24 had have VERB crln-8741 20 25 . . PUNCT crln-8741 21 1 knowing know VERB crln-8741 21 2 that that SCONJ crln-8741 21 3 she she PRON crln-8741 21 4 had have VERB crln-8741 21 5 to to PART crln-8741 21 6 make make VERB crln-8741 21 7 inroads inroad NOUN crln-8741 21 8 with with ADP crln-8741 21 9 these these DET crln-8741 21 10 departments department NOUN crln-8741 21 11 , , PUNCT crln-8741 21 12 she she PRON crln-8741 21 13 did do AUX crln-8741 21 14 n’t not PART crln-8741 21 15 sit sit VERB crln-8741 21 16 back back ADV crln-8741 21 17 and and CCONJ crln-8741 21 18 wait wait VERB crln-8741 21 19 for for SCONJ crln-8741 21 20 them they PRON crln-8741 21 21 to to PART crln-8741 21 22 come come VERB crln-8741 21 23 to to ADP crln-8741 21 24 her she PRON crln-8741 21 25 . . PUNCT crln-8741 22 1 rather rather ADV crln-8741 22 2 , , PUNCT crln-8741 22 3 she she PRON crln-8741 22 4 did do VERB crln-8741 22 5 some some DET crln-8741 22 6 research research NOUN crln-8741 22 7 and and CCONJ crln-8741 22 8 katherine katherine PROPN crln-8741 22 9 o’clair o’clair PROPN crln-8741 22 10 sell sell VERB crln-8741 22 11 what what PRON crln-8741 22 12 they they PRON crln-8741 22 13 ’re ’re AUX crln-8741 22 14 buying buy VERB crln-8741 22 15 marketing marketing NOUN crln-8741 22 16 information information NOUN crln-8741 22 17 literacy literacy NOUN crln-8741 22 18 the the DET crln-8741 22 19 way way NOUN crln-8741 22 20 i i PRON crln-8741 22 21 see see VERB crln-8741 22 22 it it PRON crln-8741 22 23 katherine katherine PROPN crln-8741 22 24 o’clair o’clair PROPN crln-8741 22 25 is be AUX crln-8741 22 26 agriculture agriculture NOUN crln-8741 22 27 and and CCONJ crln-8741 22 28 environmental environmental ADJ crln-8741 22 29 sciences science NOUN crln-8741 22 30 librarian librarian NOUN crln-8741 22 31 at at ADP crln-8741 22 32 california california PROPN crln-8741 22 33 polytechnic polytechnic PROPN crln-8741 22 34 state state PROPN crln-8741 22 35 university university PROPN crln-8741 22 36 , , PUNCT crln-8741 22 37 e e NOUN crln-8741 22 38 - - NOUN crln-8741 22 39 mail mail NOUN crln-8741 22 40 : : PUNCT crln-8741 22 41 PROPN crln-8741 23 1 © © ADJ crln-8741 23 2 2012 2012 NUM crln-8741 23 3 katherine katherine PROPN crln-8741 23 4 o’clair o’clair PROPN crln-8741 23 5 april april PROPN crln-8741 23 6 2012 2012 NUM crln-8741 23 7 201 201 NUM crln-8741 23 8 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-8741 23 9 news news NOUN crln-8741 23 10 then then ADV crln-8741 23 11 went go VERB crln-8741 23 12 to to PART crln-8741 23 13 meet meet VERB crln-8741 23 14 with with ADP crln-8741 23 15 the the DET crln-8741 23 16 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8741 23 17 in in ADP crln-8741 23 18 these these DET crln-8741 23 19 departments department NOUN crln-8741 23 20 to to PART crln-8741 23 21 understand understand VERB crln-8741 23 22 their their PRON crln-8741 23 23 needs need NOUN crln-8741 23 24 . . PUNCT crln-8741 24 1 she she PRON crln-8741 24 2 determined determine VERB crln-8741 24 3 what what PRON crln-8741 24 4 they they PRON crln-8741 24 5 would would AUX crln-8741 24 6 buy buy VERB crln-8741 24 7 ( ( PUNCT crln-8741 24 8 i.e. i.e. X crln-8741 24 9 , , PUNCT crln-8741 24 10 what what PRON crln-8741 24 11 was be AUX crln-8741 24 12 of of ADP crln-8741 24 13 value value NOUN crln-8741 24 14 to to ADP crln-8741 24 15 them they PRON crln-8741 24 16 ) ) PUNCT crln-8741 24 17 and and CCONJ crln-8741 24 18 then then ADV crln-8741 24 19 packaged package VERB crln-8741 24 20 her her PRON crln-8741 24 21 information information NOUN crln-8741 24 22 literacy literacy NOUN crln-8741 24 23 instructional instructional ADJ crln-8741 24 24 services service NOUN crln-8741 24 25 in in ADP crln-8741 24 26 a a DET crln-8741 24 27 way way NOUN crln-8741 24 28 that that PRON crln-8741 24 29 was be AUX crln-8741 24 30 meaningful meaningful ADJ crln-8741 24 31 to to ADP crln-8741 24 32 them they PRON crln-8741 24 33 ( ( PUNCT crln-8741 24 34 i.e. i.e. X crln-8741 24 35 , , PUNCT crln-8741 24 36 the the DET crln-8741 24 37 less less ADJ crln-8741 24 38 time time NOUN crln-8741 24 39 they they PRON crln-8741 24 40 spent spend VERB crln-8741 24 41 correcting correct VERB crln-8741 24 42 citations citation NOUN crln-8741 24 43 , , PUNCT crln-8741 24 44 the the DET crln-8741 24 45 more more ADJ crln-8741 24 46 time time NOUN crln-8741 24 47 they they PRON crln-8741 24 48 could could AUX crln-8741 24 49 spend spend VERB crln-8741 24 50 on on ADP crln-8741 24 51 their their PRON crln-8741 24 52 own own ADJ crln-8741 24 53 research research NOUN crln-8741 24 54 ) ) PUNCT crln-8741 24 55 . . PUNCT crln-8741 25 1 she she PRON crln-8741 25 2 shifted shift VERB crln-8741 25 3 her her PRON crln-8741 25 4 thinking thinking NOUN crln-8741 25 5 from from ADP crln-8741 25 6 “ " PUNCT crln-8741 25 7 this this PRON crln-8741 25 8 is be AUX crln-8741 25 9 what what PRON crln-8741 25 10 i i PRON crln-8741 25 11 have have VERB crln-8741 25 12 to to PART crln-8741 25 13 sell sell VERB crln-8741 25 14 ” " PUNCT crln-8741 25 15 to to ADP crln-8741 25 16 “ " PUNCT crln-8741 25 17 this this PRON crln-8741 25 18 is be AUX crln-8741 25 19 what what PRON crln-8741 25 20 they they PRON crln-8741 25 21 will will AUX crln-8741 25 22 buy buy VERB crln-8741 25 23 . . PUNCT crln-8741 25 24 ” " PUNCT crln-8741 26 1 this this DET crln-8741 26 2 concept concept NOUN crln-8741 26 3 is be AUX crln-8741 26 4 at at ADP crln-8741 26 5 the the DET crln-8741 26 6 heart heart NOUN crln-8741 26 7 of of ADP crln-8741 26 8 what what PRON crln-8741 26 9 consumers consumer NOUN crln-8741 26 10 demand demand VERB crln-8741 26 11 in in ADP crln-8741 26 12 the the DET crln-8741 26 13 information information NOUN crln-8741 26 14 age.5 age.5 NOUN crln-8741 26 15 it it PRON crln-8741 26 16 is be AUX crln-8741 26 17 important important ADJ crln-8741 26 18 to to PART crln-8741 26 19 be be AUX crln-8741 26 20 strategic strategic ADJ crln-8741 26 21 about about ADP crln-8741 26 22 what what PRON crln-8741 26 23 you you PRON crln-8741 26 24 can can AUX crln-8741 26 25 do do AUX crln-8741 26 26 , , PUNCT crln-8741 26 27 as as ADV crln-8741 26 28 well well ADV crln-8741 26 29 . . PUNCT crln-8741 27 1 if if SCONJ crln-8741 27 2 you you PRON crln-8741 27 3 are be AUX crln-8741 27 4 fortunate fortunate ADJ crln-8741 27 5 enough enough ADV crln-8741 27 6 to to PART crln-8741 27 7 work work VERB crln-8741 27 8 at at ADP crln-8741 27 9 a a DET crln-8741 27 10 small small ADJ crln-8741 27 11 institution institution NOUN crln-8741 27 12 with with ADP crln-8741 27 13 a a DET crln-8741 27 14 well well ADV crln-8741 27 15 staffed staffed ADJ crln-8741 27 16 library library NOUN crln-8741 27 17 , , PUNCT crln-8741 27 18 it it PRON crln-8741 27 19 might might AUX crln-8741 27 20 be be AUX crln-8741 27 21 possible possible ADJ crln-8741 27 22 for for SCONJ crln-8741 27 23 you you PRON crln-8741 27 24 to to PART crln-8741 27 25 provide provide VERB crln-8741 27 26 information information NOUN crln-8741 27 27 literacy literacy NOUN crln-8741 27 28 instruction instruction NOUN crln-8741 27 29 for for ADP crln-8741 27 30 every every DET crln-8741 27 31 class class NOUN crln-8741 27 32 in in ADP crln-8741 27 33 your your PRON crln-8741 27 34 area area NOUN crln-8741 27 35 of of ADP crln-8741 27 36 assignment assignment NOUN crln-8741 27 37 . . PUNCT crln-8741 28 1 more more ADV crln-8741 28 2 likely likely ADJ crln-8741 28 3 , , PUNCT crln-8741 28 4 you you PRON crln-8741 28 5 are be AUX crln-8741 28 6 not not PART crln-8741 28 7 in in ADP crln-8741 28 8 such such DET crln-8741 28 9 a a DET crln-8741 28 10 position position NOUN crln-8741 28 11 , , PUNCT crln-8741 28 12 so so SCONJ crln-8741 28 13 it it PRON crln-8741 28 14 is be AUX crln-8741 28 15 important important ADJ crln-8741 28 16 to to PART crln-8741 28 17 think think VERB crln-8741 28 18 about about ADP crln-8741 28 19 scalability scalability NOUN crln-8741 28 20 . . PUNCT crln-8741 29 1 this this PRON crln-8741 29 2 is be AUX crln-8741 29 3 where where SCONJ crln-8741 29 4 technology technology NOUN crln-8741 29 5 can can AUX crln-8741 29 6 be be AUX crln-8741 29 7 very very ADV crln-8741 29 8 useful useful ADJ crln-8741 29 9 . . PUNCT crln-8741 30 1 we we PRON crln-8741 30 2 use use VERB crln-8741 30 3 springshare springshare NOUN crln-8741 30 4 ’s ’s PART crln-8741 30 5 libguides libguide VERB crln-8741 30 6 at at ADP crln-8741 30 7 my my PRON crln-8741 30 8 library library NOUN crln-8741 30 9 , , PUNCT crln-8741 30 10 and and CCONJ crln-8741 30 11 , , PUNCT crln-8741 30 12 quite quite ADV crln-8741 30 13 often often ADV crln-8741 30 14 , , PUNCT crln-8741 30 15 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8741 30 16 are be AUX crln-8741 30 17 impressed impressed ADJ crln-8741 30 18 with with ADP crln-8741 30 19 the the DET crln-8741 30 20 way way NOUN crln-8741 30 21 these these DET crln-8741 30 22 guides guide NOUN crln-8741 30 23 help help AUX crln-8741 30 24 connect connect VERB crln-8741 30 25 their their PRON crln-8741 30 26 students student NOUN crln-8741 30 27 with with ADP crln-8741 30 28 appropriate appropriate ADJ crln-8741 30 29 sources source NOUN crln-8741 30 30 of of ADP crln-8741 30 31 information information NOUN crln-8741 30 32 . . PUNCT crln-8741 31 1 creating create VERB crln-8741 31 2 a a DET crln-8741 31 3 course course NOUN crln-8741 31 4 - - PUNCT crln-8741 31 5 specific specific ADJ crln-8741 31 6 research research NOUN crln-8741 31 7 guide guide NOUN crln-8741 31 8 can can AUX crln-8741 31 9 be be AUX crln-8741 31 10 a a DET crln-8741 31 11 simple simple ADJ crln-8741 31 12 and and CCONJ crln-8741 31 13 effective effective ADJ crln-8741 31 14 way way NOUN crln-8741 31 15 to to PART crln-8741 31 16 integrate integrate VERB crln-8741 31 17 information information NOUN crln-8741 31 18 literacy literacy NOUN crln-8741 31 19 into into ADP crln-8741 31 20 a a DET crln-8741 31 21 course course NOUN crln-8741 31 22 , , PUNCT crln-8741 31 23 and and CCONJ crln-8741 31 24 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8741 31 25 are be AUX crln-8741 31 26 often often ADV crln-8741 31 27 willing willing ADJ crln-8741 31 28 to to PART crln-8741 31 29 include include VERB crln-8741 31 30 a a DET crln-8741 31 31 link link NOUN crln-8741 31 32 to to ADP crln-8741 31 33 those those DET crln-8741 31 34 guides guide NOUN crln-8741 31 35 in in ADP crln-8741 31 36 their their PRON crln-8741 31 37 syllabi syllabi NOUN crln-8741 31 38 or or CCONJ crln-8741 31 39 course course NOUN crln-8741 31 40 management management NOUN crln-8741 31 41 system system NOUN crln-8741 31 42 . . PUNCT crln-8741 32 1 timing timing NOUN crln-8741 32 2 is be AUX crln-8741 32 3 equally equally ADV crln-8741 32 4 important important ADJ crln-8741 32 5 . . PUNCT crln-8741 33 1 one one NUM crln-8741 33 2 of of ADP crln-8741 33 3 my my PRON crln-8741 33 4 most most ADV crln-8741 33 5 successful successful ADJ crln-8741 33 6 classroom classroom NOUN crln-8741 33 7 collaborations collaboration NOUN crln-8741 33 8 was be AUX crln-8741 33 9 the the DET crln-8741 33 10 result result NOUN crln-8741 33 11 of of ADP crln-8741 33 12 knowing know VERB crln-8741 33 13 exactly exactly ADV crln-8741 33 14 when when SCONJ crln-8741 33 15 to to PART crln-8741 33 16 deliver deliver VERB crln-8741 33 17 the the DET crln-8741 33 18 message message NOUN crln-8741 33 19 . . PUNCT crln-8741 34 1 i i PRON crln-8741 34 2 had have AUX crln-8741 34 3 not not PART crln-8741 34 4 previously previously ADV crln-8741 34 5 worked work VERB crln-8741 34 6 with with ADP crln-8741 34 7 this this DET crln-8741 34 8 professor professor NOUN crln-8741 34 9 , , PUNCT crln-8741 34 10 but but CCONJ crln-8741 34 11 we we PRON crln-8741 34 12 knew know VERB crln-8741 34 13 each each DET crln-8741 34 14 other other ADJ crln-8741 34 15 well well ADV crln-8741 34 16 through through ADP crln-8741 34 17 other other ADJ crln-8741 34 18 activities activity NOUN crln-8741 34 19 . . PUNCT crln-8741 35 1 when when SCONJ crln-8741 35 2 , , PUNCT crln-8741 35 3 in in ADP crln-8741 35 4 a a DET crln-8741 35 5 casual casual ADJ crln-8741 35 6 conversation conversation NOUN crln-8741 35 7 , , PUNCT crln-8741 35 8 she she PRON crln-8741 35 9 expressed express VERB crln-8741 35 10 her her PRON crln-8741 35 11 frustration frustration NOUN crln-8741 35 12 about about ADP crln-8741 35 13 her her PRON crln-8741 35 14 students student NOUN crln-8741 35 15 using use VERB crln-8741 35 16 inappropriate inappropriate ADJ crln-8741 35 17 sources source NOUN crln-8741 35 18 in in ADP crln-8741 35 19 their their PRON crln-8741 35 20 term term NOUN crln-8741 35 21 papers paper NOUN crln-8741 35 22 , , PUNCT crln-8741 35 23 i i PRON crln-8741 35 24 took take VERB crln-8741 35 25 that that DET crln-8741 35 26 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-8741 35 27 to to PART crln-8741 35 28 explain explain VERB crln-8741 35 29 how how SCONJ crln-8741 35 30 i i PRON crln-8741 35 31 could could AUX crln-8741 35 32 offer offer VERB crln-8741 35 33 a a DET crln-8741 35 34 solution solution NOUN crln-8741 35 35 to to ADP crln-8741 35 36 her her PRON crln-8741 35 37 problem problem NOUN crln-8741 35 38 . . PUNCT crln-8741 36 1 i i PRON crln-8741 36 2 listened listen VERB crln-8741 36 3 and and CCONJ crln-8741 36 4 matched match VERB crln-8741 36 5 her her PRON crln-8741 36 6 need need NOUN crln-8741 36 7 with with ADP crln-8741 36 8 a a DET crln-8741 36 9 solution solution NOUN crln-8741 36 10 at at ADP crln-8741 36 11 just just ADV crln-8741 36 12 the the DET crln-8741 36 13 right right ADJ crln-8741 36 14 moment moment NOUN crln-8741 36 15 . . PUNCT crln-8741 37 1 we we PRON crln-8741 37 2 have have AUX crln-8741 37 3 been be AUX crln-8741 37 4 working work VERB crln-8741 37 5 together together ADV crln-8741 37 6 for for ADP crln-8741 37 7 almost almost ADV crln-8741 37 8 two two NUM crln-8741 37 9 years year NOUN crln-8741 37 10 now now ADV crln-8741 37 11 ; ; PUNCT crln-8741 37 12 the the DET crln-8741 37 13 students student NOUN crln-8741 37 14 are be AUX crln-8741 37 15 using use VERB crln-8741 37 16 better well ADJ crln-8741 37 17 resources resource NOUN crln-8741 37 18 , , PUNCT crln-8741 37 19 and and CCONJ crln-8741 37 20 she she PRON crln-8741 37 21 seems seem VERB crln-8741 37 22 pleased pleased ADJ crln-8741 37 23 with with ADP crln-8741 37 24 the the DET crln-8741 37 25 results result NOUN crln-8741 37 26 of of ADP crln-8741 37 27 our our PRON crln-8741 37 28 collaboration collaboration NOUN crln-8741 37 29 . . PUNCT crln-8741 38 1 she she PRON crln-8741 38 2 also also ADV crln-8741 38 3 did do VERB crln-8741 38 4 a a DET crln-8741 38 5 little little ADJ crln-8741 38 6 word word NOUN crln-8741 38 7 - - PUNCT crln-8741 38 8 of of ADP crln-8741 38 9 - - PUNCT crln-8741 38 10 mouth mouth NOUN crln-8741 38 11 marketing marketing NOUN crln-8741 38 12 for for ADP crln-8741 38 13 me i PRON crln-8741 38 14 by by ADP crln-8741 38 15 telling tell VERB crln-8741 38 16 several several ADJ crln-8741 38 17 other other ADJ crln-8741 38 18 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8741 38 19 in in ADP crln-8741 38 20 her her PRON crln-8741 38 21 department department NOUN crln-8741 38 22 about about ADP crln-8741 38 23 how how SCONJ crln-8741 38 24 i i PRON crln-8741 38 25 helped help VERB crln-8741 38 26 her she PRON crln-8741 38 27 and and CCONJ crln-8741 38 28 her her PRON crln-8741 38 29 students student NOUN crln-8741 38 30 , , PUNCT crln-8741 38 31 and and CCONJ crln-8741 38 32 this this PRON crln-8741 38 33 led lead VERB crln-8741 38 34 to to ADP crln-8741 38 35 additional additional ADJ crln-8741 38 36 opportunities opportunity NOUN crln-8741 38 37 to to PART crln-8741 38 38 integrate integrate VERB crln-8741 38 39 information information NOUN crln-8741 38 40 literacy literacy NOUN crln-8741 38 41 into into ADP crln-8741 38 42 the the DET crln-8741 38 43 department department NOUN crln-8741 38 44 ’s ’s PART crln-8741 38 45 curriculum curriculum NOUN crln-8741 38 46 . . PUNCT crln-8741 39 1 a a DET crln-8741 39 2 wise wise ADJ crln-8741 39 3 colleague colleague NOUN crln-8741 39 4 once once ADV crln-8741 39 5 warned warn VERB crln-8741 39 6 me i PRON crln-8741 39 7 that that SCONJ crln-8741 39 8 the the DET crln-8741 39 9 reward reward NOUN crln-8741 39 10 for for ADP crln-8741 39 11 good good ADJ crln-8741 39 12 work work NOUN crln-8741 39 13 is be AUX crln-8741 39 14 more more ADJ crln-8741 39 15 work work NOUN crln-8741 39 16 . . PUNCT crln-8741 40 1 when when SCONJ crln-8741 40 2 word word NOUN crln-8741 40 3 gets get VERB crln-8741 40 4 around around ADV crln-8741 40 5 that that SCONJ crln-8741 40 6 you you PRON crln-8741 40 7 are be AUX crln-8741 40 8 a a DET crln-8741 40 9 valuable valuable ADJ crln-8741 40 10 resource resource NOUN crln-8741 40 11 and and CCONJ crln-8741 40 12 can can AUX crln-8741 40 13 really really ADV crln-8741 40 14 benefit benefit VERB crln-8741 40 15 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8741 40 16 , , PUNCT crln-8741 40 17 you you PRON crln-8741 40 18 ’ll ’ll AUX crln-8741 40 19 be be AUX crln-8741 40 20 very very ADV crln-8741 40 21 popular popular ADJ crln-8741 40 22 . . PUNCT crln-8741 41 1 marketing market VERB crln-8741 41 2 our our PRON crln-8741 41 3 services service NOUN crln-8741 41 4 and and CCONJ crln-8741 41 5 ourselves ourselves PRON crln-8741 41 6 is be AUX crln-8741 41 7 critical critical ADJ crln-8741 41 8 to to ADP crln-8741 41 9 keeping keep VERB crln-8741 41 10 librarians librarian NOUN crln-8741 41 11 relevant relevant ADJ crln-8741 41 12 in in ADP crln-8741 41 13 today today NOUN crln-8741 41 14 ’s ’s PART crln-8741 41 15 ever ever ADV crln-8741 41 16 - - PUNCT crln-8741 41 17 changing change VERB crln-8741 41 18 , , PUNCT crln-8741 41 19 self self NOUN crln-8741 41 20 - - PUNCT crln-8741 41 21 serve serve VERB crln-8741 41 22 information information NOUN crln-8741 41 23 environment environment NOUN crln-8741 41 24 . . PUNCT crln-8741 42 1 developing develop VERB crln-8741 42 2 your your PRON crln-8741 42 3 plan plan NOUN crln-8741 42 4 takes take VERB crln-8741 42 5 an an DET crln-8741 42 6 investment investment NOUN crln-8741 42 7 of of ADP crln-8741 42 8 time time NOUN crln-8741 42 9 and and CCONJ crln-8741 42 10 hard hard ADJ crln-8741 42 11 work work NOUN crln-8741 42 12 , , PUNCT crln-8741 42 13 but but CCONJ crln-8741 42 14 it it PRON crln-8741 42 15 can can AUX crln-8741 42 16 open open VERB crln-8741 42 17 doors door NOUN crln-8741 42 18 that that PRON crln-8741 42 19 will will AUX crln-8741 42 20 lead lead VERB crln-8741 42 21 to to ADP crln-8741 42 22 new new ADJ crln-8741 42 23 and and CCONJ crln-8741 42 24 exciting exciting ADJ crln-8741 42 25 opportunities opportunity NOUN crln-8741 42 26 to to PART crln-8741 42 27 engage engage VERB crln-8741 42 28 with with ADP crln-8741 42 29 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8741 42 30 and and CCONJ crln-8741 42 31 students student NOUN crln-8741 42 32 . . PUNCT crln-8741 43 1 the the DET crln-8741 43 2 payoff payoff NOUN crln-8741 43 3 for for ADP crln-8741 43 4 all all DET crln-8741 43 5 those those PRON crln-8741 43 6 involved involve VERB crln-8741 43 7 — — PUNCT crln-8741 43 8 students student NOUN crln-8741 43 9 , , PUNCT crln-8741 43 10 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8741 43 11 , , PUNCT crln-8741 43 12 and and CCONJ crln-8741 43 13 you you PRON crln-8741 43 14 — — PUNCT crln-8741 43 15 is be AUX crln-8741 43 16 well well ADV crln-8741 43 17 worth worth ADJ crln-8741 43 18 the the DET crln-8741 43 19 effort effort NOUN crln-8741 43 20 . . PUNCT crln-8741 44 1 notes note NOUN crln-8741 44 2 1 1 NUM crln-8741 44 3 . . PUNCT crln-8741 44 4 acrl acrl ADJ crln-8741 44 5 , , PUNCT crln-8741 44 6 “ " PUNCT crln-8741 44 7 association association NOUN crln-8741 44 8 of of ADP crln-8741 44 9 college college NOUN crln-8741 44 10 and and CCONJ crln-8741 44 11 libraries librarie VERB crln-8741 44 12 standards standard NOUN crln-8741 44 13 for for ADP crln-8741 44 14 proficiencies proficiency NOUN crln-8741 44 15 for for ADP crln-8741 44 16 instruction instruction NOUN crln-8741 44 17 librarians librarian NOUN crln-8741 44 18 and and CCONJ crln-8741 44 19 coordinators coordinator NOUN crln-8741 44 20 , , PUNCT crln-8741 44 21 ” " PUNCT crln-8741 44 22 accessed access VERB crln-8741 44 23 april april PROPN crln-8741 44 24 29 29 NUM crln-8741 44 25 , , PUNCT crln-8741 44 26 2012 2012 NUM crln-8741 44 27 , , PUNCT crln-8741 44 28 PROPN crln-8741 44 29 /acrl /acrl PROPN crln-8741 44 30 / / SYM crln-8741 44 31 standards standard NOUN crln-8741 44 32 / / SYM crln-8741 44 33 profstandards.cfm profstandards.cfm X crln-8741 44 34 . . PUNCT crln-8741 45 1 2 2 X crln-8741 45 2 . . PROPN crln-8741 45 3 american american PROPN crln-8741 45 4 marketing marketing PROPN crln-8741 45 5 association association PROPN crln-8741 45 6 , , PUNCT crln-8741 45 7 “ " PUNCT crln-8741 45 8 definition definition NOUN crln-8741 45 9 of of ADP crln-8741 45 10 marketing marketing NOUN crln-8741 45 11 , , PUNCT crln-8741 45 12 ” " PUNCT crln-8741 45 13 accessed access VERB crln-8741 45 14 april april PROPN crln-8741 45 15 29 29 NUM crln-8741 45 16 , , PUNCT crln-8741 45 17 2012, 2012, NUM crln-8741 45 18 aboutama aboutama NOUN crln-8741 45 19 / / SYM crln-8741 45 20 pages page NOUN crln-8741 45 21 / / SYM crln-8741 45 22 definitionofmarketing definitionofmarkete VERB crln-8741 45 23 . . PUNCT crln-8741 46 1 aspx aspx NOUN crln-8741 46 2 . . PUNCT crln-8741 47 1 3 3 X crln-8741 47 2 . . X crln-8741 47 3 robert robert PROPN crln-8741 47 4 bly bly PROPN crln-8741 47 5 , , PUNCT crln-8741 47 6 marketing marketing NOUN crln-8741 47 7 plan plan NOUN crln-8741 47 8 handbook handbook NOUN crln-8741 47 9 ( ( PUNCT crln-8741 47 10 irvine irvine PROPN crln-8741 47 11 , , PUNCT crln-8741 47 12 ca ca PROPN crln-8741 47 13 : : PUNCT crln-8741 47 14 entrepreneur entrepreneur PROPN crln-8741 47 15 press press PROPN crln-8741 47 16 , , PUNCT crln-8741 47 17 2009 2009 NUM crln-8741 47 18 ) ) PUNCT crln-8741 47 19 , , PUNCT crln-8741 47 20 38 38 NUM crln-8741 47 21 . . NUM crln-8741 48 1 4 4 X crln-8741 48 2 . . PUNCT crln-8741 48 3 see see VERB crln-8741 48 4 barry barry PROPN crln-8741 48 5 callen callen PROPN crln-8741 48 6 , , PUNCT crln-8741 48 7 manager manager NOUN crln-8741 48 8 ’s ’s PART crln-8741 48 9 guide guide NOUN crln-8741 48 10 to to ADP crln-8741 48 11 marketing marketing NOUN crln-8741 48 12 , , PUNCT crln-8741 48 13 advertising advertising NOUN crln-8741 48 14 , , PUNCT crln-8741 48 15 and and CCONJ crln-8741 48 16 publicity publicity NOUN crln-8741 48 17 ( ( PUNCT crln-8741 48 18 new new PROPN crln-8741 48 19 york york PROPN crln-8741 48 20 : : PUNCT crln-8741 48 21 mcgraw mcgraw NOUN crln-8741 48 22 - - PUNCT crln-8741 48 23 hill hill NOUN crln-8741 48 24 , , PUNCT crln-8741 48 25 2010 2010 NUM crln-8741 48 26 ) ) PUNCT crln-8741 48 27 , , PUNCT crln-8741 48 28 221 221 NUM crln-8741 48 29 . . NUM crln-8741 48 30 5 5 NUM crln-8741 48 31 . . X crln-8741 48 32 lester lester PROPN crln-8741 48 33 wunderman wunderman NOUN crln-8741 48 34 , , PUNCT crln-8741 48 35 being be AUX crln-8741 48 36 direct direct ADJ crln-8741 48 37 : : PUNCT crln-8741 48 38 making make VERB crln-8741 48 39 advertising advertising NOUN crln-8741 48 40 pay pay NOUN crln-8741 48 41 ( ( PUNCT crln-8741 48 42 new new PROPN crln-8741 48 43 york york PROPN crln-8741 48 44 : : PUNCT crln-8741 48 45 random random ADJ crln-8741 48 46 house house NOUN crln-8741 48 47 , , PUNCT crln-8741 48 48 1996 1996 NUM crln-8741 48 49 ) ) PUNCT crln-8741 48 50 , , PUNCT crln-8741 48 51 xiii xiii PROPN crln-8741 48 52 . . PUNCT crln-8741 49 1 the the DET crln-8741 49 2 question question NOUN crln-8741 49 3 is be AUX crln-8741 49 4 not not PART crln-8741 49 5 whether whether SCONJ crln-8741 49 6 information information NOUN crln-8741 49 7 literacy literacy NOUN crln-8741 49 8 instruction instruction NOUN crln-8741 49 9 is be AUX crln-8741 49 10 needed need VERB crln-8741 49 11 , , PUNCT crln-8741 49 12 rather rather ADV crln-8741 49 13 how how SCONJ crln-8741 49 14 do do AUX crln-8741 49 15 we we PRON crln-8741 49 16 connect connect VERB crln-8741 49 17 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8741 49 18 with with ADP crln-8741 49 19 the the DET crln-8741 49 20 goods good NOUN crln-8741 49 21 and and CCONJ crln-8741 49 22 services service NOUN crln-8741 49 23 we we PRON crln-8741 49 24 have have VERB crln-8741 49 25 and and CCONJ crln-8741 49 26 help help VERB crln-8741 49 27 them they PRON crln-8741 49 28 see see VERB crln-8741 49 29 the the DET crln-8741 49 30 benefits benefit NOUN crln-8741 49 31 ? ? PUNCT