id	sid	tid	token	lemma	pos
crln-8506	1	1	feb11b.indd	feb11b.indd	PROPN
crln-8506	1	2	c&rl	c&rl	PROPN
crln-8506	1	3	news	news	PROPN
crln-8506	1	4	february	february	PROPN
crln-8506	1	5	2011	2011	NUM
crln-8506	1	6	78	78	NUM
crln-8506	1	7	the	the	DET
crln-8506	1	8	desire	desire	NOUN
crln-8506	1	9	to	to	PART
crln-8506	1	10	engage	engage	VERB
crln-8506	1	11	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	1	12	effectively	effectively	ADV
crln-8506	1	13	during	during	ADP
crln-8506	1	14	one	one	NUM
crln-8506	1	15	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	1	16	shot	shot	NOUN
crln-8506	1	17	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	1	18	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	1	19	sessions	session	NOUN
crln-8506	1	20	is	be	AUX
crln-8506	1	21	a	a	DET
crln-8506	1	22	feeling	feeling	NOUN
crln-8506	1	23	familiar	familiar	ADJ
crln-8506	1	24	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	1	25	most	most	ADJ
crln-8506	1	26	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crln-8506	1	27	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	2	1	the	the	DET
crln-8506	2	2	perennial	perennial	ADJ
crln-8506	2	3	question	question	NOUN
crln-8506	2	4	is	be	AUX
crln-8506	2	5	how	how	SCONJ
crln-8506	2	6	best	good	ADJ
crln-8506	2	7	to	to	PART
crln-8506	2	8	do	do	VERB
crln-8506	2	9	it	it	PRON
crln-8506	2	10	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	3	1	one	one	NUM
crln-8506	3	2	solution	solution	NOUN
crln-8506	3	3	involves	involve	VERB
crln-8506	3	4	adding	add	VERB
crln-8506	3	5	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	3	6	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	3	7	examples	example	NOUN
crln-8506	3	8	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	3	9	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	3	10	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	3	11	class	class	NOUN
crln-8506	3	12	assignments	assignment	NOUN
crln-8506	3	13	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	4	1	the	the	DET
crln-8506	4	2	use	use	NOUN
crln-8506	4	3	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	4	4	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	4	5	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	4	6	examples	example	NOUN
crln-8506	4	7	has	have	AUX
crln-8506	4	8	been	be	AUX
crln-8506	4	9	discussed	discuss	VERB
crln-8506	4	10	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	4	11	the	the	DET
crln-8506	4	12	literature	literature	NOUN
crln-8506	4	13	before,1	before,1	PROPN
crln-8506	4	14	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	4	15	it	it	PRON
crln-8506	4	16	continues	continue	VERB
crln-8506	4	17	to	to	PART
crln-8506	4	18	receive	receive	VERB
crln-8506	4	19	attention	attention	NOUN
crln-8506	4	20	because	because	SCONJ
crln-8506	4	21	it	it	PRON
crln-8506	4	22	taps	tap	VERB
crln-8506	4	23	into	into	ADP
crln-8506	4	24	the	the	DET
crln-8506	4	25	emotions	emotion	NOUN
crln-8506	4	26	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	4	27	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	4	28	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	5	1	using	use	VERB
crln-8506	5	2	the	the	DET
crln-8506	5	3	right	right	ADJ
crln-8506	5	4	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	5	5	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	5	6	references	reference	NOUN
crln-8506	5	7	will	will	AUX
crln-8506	5	8	evoke	evoke	VERB
crln-8506	5	9	strong	strong	ADJ
crln-8506	5	10	reactions	reaction	NOUN
crln-8506	5	11	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	5	12	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	5	13	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	5	14	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	5	15	these	these	DET
crln-8506	5	16	emotions	emotion	NOUN
crln-8506	5	17	allow	allow	VERB
crln-8506	5	18	deeper	deep	ADJ
crln-8506	5	19	learning	learning	NOUN
crln-8506	5	20	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	5	21	occur.2	occur.2	VERB
crln-8506	5	22	however	however	ADV
crln-8506	5	23	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	5	24	picking	pick	VERB
crln-8506	5	25	the	the	DET
crln-8506	5	26	right	right	ADJ
crln-8506	5	27	example	example	NOUN
crln-8506	5	28	does	do	AUX
crln-8506	5	29	n’t	not	PART
crln-8506	5	30	always	always	ADV
crln-8506	5	31	happen	happen	VERB
crln-8506	5	32	the	the	DET
crln-8506	5	33	first	first	ADJ
crln-8506	5	34	time	time	NOUN
crln-8506	5	35	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	6	1	this	this	DET
crln-8506	6	2	article	article	NOUN
crln-8506	6	3	demonstrates	demonstrate	VERB
crln-8506	6	4	the	the	DET
crln-8506	6	5	process	process	NOUN
crln-8506	6	6	two	two	NUM
crln-8506	6	7	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crln-8506	6	8	at	at	ADP
crln-8506	6	9	separate	separate	ADJ
crln-8506	6	10	institutions	institution	NOUN
crln-8506	6	11	used	use	VERB
crln-8506	6	12	to	to	PART
crln-8506	6	13	find	find	VERB
crln-8506	6	14	an	an	DET
crln-8506	6	15	example	example	NOUN
crln-8506	6	16	that	that	PRON
crln-8506	6	17	resonated	resonate	VERB
crln-8506	6	18	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	6	19	their	their	PRON
crln-8506	6	20	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	6	21	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8506	6	22	mtv	mtv	PROPN
crln-8506	6	23	’s	’s	PART
crln-8506	6	24	reality	reality	NOUN
crln-8506	6	25	show	show	NOUN
crln-8506	6	26	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	6	27	shore	shore	PROPN
crln-8506	6	28	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	7	1	seeking	seek	VERB
crln-8506	7	2	more	more	ADV
crln-8506	7	3	engaged	engaged	ADJ
crln-8506	7	4	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	7	5	attentive	attentive	ADJ
crln-8506	7	6	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	7	7	amy	amy	PROPN
crln-8506	7	8	springer	springer	PROPN
crln-8506	7	9	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	7	10	government	government	NOUN
crln-8506	7	11	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	7	12	business	business	NOUN
crln-8506	7	13	information	information	NOUN
crln-8506	7	14	librarian	librarian	NOUN
crln-8506	7	15	at	at	ADP
crln-8506	7	16	the	the	DET
crln-8506	7	17	college	college	NOUN
crln-8506	7	18	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	7	19	st	st	PROPN
crln-8506	7	20	.	.	PROPN
crln-8506	7	21	benedict	benedict	PROPN
crln-8506	7	22	/	/	SYM
crln-8506	7	23	st	st	PROPN
crln-8506	7	24	.	.	PROPN
crln-8506	7	25	john	john	PROPN
crln-8506	7	26	’s	’s	PROPN
crln-8506	7	27	university	university	PROPN
crln-8506	7	28	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	7	29	decided	decide	VERB
crln-8506	7	30	to	to	PART
crln-8506	7	31	compete	compete	VERB
crln-8506	7	32	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	7	33	the	the	DET
crln-8506	7	34	attention	attention	NOUN
crln-8506	7	35	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	7	36	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	7	37	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	8	1	she	she	PRON
crln-8506	8	2	wanted	want	VERB
crln-8506	8	3	to	to	PART
crln-8506	8	4	use	use	VERB
crln-8506	8	5	a	a	DET
crln-8506	8	6	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	8	7	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	8	8	topic	topic	NOUN
crln-8506	8	9	that	that	PRON
crln-8506	8	10	was	be	AUX
crln-8506	8	11	mainstream	mainstream	ADJ
crln-8506	8	12	enough	enough	ADV
crln-8506	8	13	to	to	PART
crln-8506	8	14	be	be	AUX
crln-8506	8	15	familiar	familiar	ADJ
crln-8506	8	16	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	8	17	most	most	ADJ
crln-8506	8	18	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	8	19	the	the	DET
crln-8506	8	20	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	8	21	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	8	22	the	the	DET
crln-8506	8	23	classroom	classroom	NOUN
crln-8506	8	24	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	9	1	previously	previously	ADV
crln-8506	9	2	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	9	3	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	9	4	used	use	VERB
crln-8506	9	5	common	common	ADJ
crln-8506	9	6	research	research	NOUN
crln-8506	9	7	topics	topic	NOUN
crln-8506	9	8	like	like	ADP
crln-8506	9	9	the	the	DET
crln-8506	9	10	death	death	NOUN
crln-8506	9	11	penalty	penalty	NOUN
crln-8506	9	12	to	to	PART
crln-8506	9	13	demonstrate	demonstrate	VERB
crln-8506	9	14	research	research	NOUN
crln-8506	9	15	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	9	16	evaluation	evaluation	NOUN
crln-8506	9	17	techniques	technique	NOUN
crln-8506	9	18	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	10	1	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	10	2	these	these	DET
crln-8506	10	3	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	10	4	sessions	session	NOUN
crln-8506	10	5	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	10	6	however	however	ADV
crln-8506	10	7	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	10	8	the	the	DET
crln-8506	10	9	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	10	10	were	be	AUX
crln-8506	10	11	mostly	mostly	ADV
crln-8506	10	12	unresponsive	unresponsive	ADJ
crln-8506	10	13	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	10	14	reluctant	reluctant	ADJ
crln-8506	10	15	to	to	PART
crln-8506	10	16	participate	participate	VERB
crln-8506	10	17	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	10	18	class	class	NOUN
crln-8506	10	19	discussion	discussion	NOUN
crln-8506	10	20	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	10	21	information	information	NOUN
crln-8506	10	22	literacy	literacy	NOUN
crln-8506	10	23	issues	issue	NOUN
crln-8506	10	24	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	11	1	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	11	2	often	often	ADV
crln-8506	11	3	lost	lose	VERB
crln-8506	11	4	interest	interest	NOUN
crln-8506	11	5	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	11	6	preferred	preferred	ADJ
crln-8506	11	7	to	to	PART
crln-8506	11	8	check	check	VERB
crln-8506	11	9	facebook	facebook	NOUN
crln-8506	11	10	or	or	CCONJ
crln-8506	11	11	send	send	VERB
crln-8506	11	12	text	text	NOUN
crln-8506	11	13	messages	message	NOUN
crln-8506	11	14	instead	instead	ADV
crln-8506	11	15	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	11	16	remaining	remain	VERB
crln-8506	11	17	engaged	engage	VERB
crln-8506	11	18	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	11	19	the	the	DET
crln-8506	11	20	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	11	21	session	session	NOUN
crln-8506	11	22	activities	activity	NOUN
crln-8506	11	23	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	11	24	objectives	objective	NOUN
crln-8506	11	25	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	12	1	as	as	SCONJ
crln-8506	12	2	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	12	3	began	begin	VERB
crln-8506	12	4	to	to	PART
crln-8506	12	5	think	think	VERB
crln-8506	12	6	about	about	ADP
crln-8506	12	7	ways	way	NOUN
crln-8506	12	8	to	to	PART
crln-8506	12	9	enhance	enhance	VERB
crln-8506	12	10	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	12	11	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	12	12	sessions	session	NOUN
crln-8506	12	13	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	12	14	she	she	PRON
crln-8506	12	15	turned	turn	VERB
crln-8506	12	16	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	12	17	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	12	18	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	12	19	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	13	1	she	she	PRON
crln-8506	13	2	used	use	VERB
crln-8506	13	3	an	an	DET
crln-8506	13	4	example	example	NOUN
crln-8506	13	5	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	13	6	news	news	NOUN
crln-8506	13	7	organizations	organization	NOUN
crln-8506	13	8	that	that	PRON
crln-8506	13	9	had	have	AUX
crln-8506	13	10	failed	fail	VERB
crln-8506	13	11	to	to	PART
crln-8506	13	12	properly	properly	ADV
crln-8506	13	13	fact	fact	VERB
crln-8506	13	14	check	check	VERB
crln-8506	13	15	information	information	NOUN
crln-8506	13	16	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	13	17	which	which	PRON
crln-8506	13	18	resulted	result	VERB
crln-8506	13	19	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	13	20	falsely	falsely	ADV
crln-8506	13	21	reporting	report	VERB
crln-8506	13	22	that	that	SCONJ
crln-8506	13	23	former	former	ADJ
crln-8506	13	24	minnesota	minnesota	PROPN
crln-8506	13	25	vikings	vikings	PROPN
crln-8506	13	26	player	player	PROPN
crln-8506	13	27	orlando	orlando	PROPN
crln-8506	13	28	thomas	thomas	PROPN
crln-8506	13	29	had	have	AUX
crln-8506	13	30	died	die	VERB
crln-8506	13	31	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	14	1	this	this	DET
crln-8506	14	2	example	example	NOUN
crln-8506	14	3	grabbed	grab	VERB
crln-8506	14	4	the	the	DET
crln-8506	14	5	attention	attention	NOUN
crln-8506	14	6	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	14	7	some	some	DET
crln-8506	14	8	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	14	9	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	14	10	but	but	CCONJ
crln-8506	14	11	it	it	PRON
crln-8506	14	12	failed	fail	VERB
crln-8506	14	13	to	to	PART
crln-8506	14	14	grab	grab	VERB
crln-8506	14	15	the	the	DET
crln-8506	14	16	interest	interest	NOUN
crln-8506	14	17	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	14	18	everyone	everyone	PRON
crln-8506	14	19	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	14	20	the	the	DET
crln-8506	14	21	class	class	NOUN
crln-8506	14	22	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	15	1	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	15	2	also	also	ADV
crln-8506	15	3	tried	try	VERB
crln-8506	15	4	incorporating	incorporate	VERB
crln-8506	15	5	media	medium	NOUN
crln-8506	15	6	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	15	7	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	15	8	films	film	NOUN
crln-8506	15	9	when	when	SCONJ
crln-8506	15	10	she	she	PRON
crln-8506	15	11	used	use	VERB
crln-8506	15	12	a	a	DET
crln-8506	15	13	video	video	NOUN
crln-8506	15	14	clip	clip	NOUN
crln-8506	15	15	from	from	ADP
crln-8506	15	16	good	good	ADJ
crln-8506	15	17	will	will	AUX
crln-8506	15	18	hunting	hunt	VERB
crln-8506	15	19	when	when	SCONJ
crln-8506	15	20	teaching	teach	VERB
crln-8506	15	21	about	about	ADP
crln-8506	15	22	plagiarism	plagiarism	NOUN
crln-8506	15	23	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	15	24	information	information	NOUN
crln-8506	15	25	ethics	ethic	NOUN
crln-8506	15	26	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	16	1	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	16	2	order	order	NOUN
crln-8506	16	3	to	to	PART
crln-8506	16	4	elicit	elicit	VERB
crln-8506	16	5	more	more	ADJ
crln-8506	16	6	engagement	engagement	NOUN
crln-8506	16	7	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	16	8	participation	participation	NOUN
crln-8506	16	9	from	from	ADP
crln-8506	16	10	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	16	11	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	16	12	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	16	13	started	start	VERB
crln-8506	16	14	investigating	investigate	VERB
crln-8506	16	15	which	which	PRON
crln-8506	16	16	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	16	17	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	16	18	topics	topic	NOUN
crln-8506	16	19	could	could	AUX
crln-8506	16	20	be	be	AUX
crln-8506	16	21	used	use	VERB
crln-8506	16	22	most	most	ADV
crln-8506	16	23	successfully	successfully	ADV
crln-8506	16	24	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	16	25	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	16	26	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	16	27	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	17	1	eventual	eventual	ADJ
crln-8506	17	2	success	success	NOUN
crln-8506	17	3	occurred	occur	VERB
crln-8506	17	4	by	by	ADP
crln-8506	17	5	using	use	VERB
crln-8506	17	6	topics	topic	NOUN
crln-8506	17	7	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	17	8	video	video	NOUN
crln-8506	17	9	clips	clip	NOUN
crln-8506	17	10	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	17	11	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	17	12	images	image	NOUN
crln-8506	17	13	from	from	ADP
crln-8506	17	14	mtv	mtv	PROPN
crln-8506	17	15	’s	’s	PART
crln-8506	17	16	hit	hit	VERB
crln-8506	17	17	reality	reality	NOUN
crln-8506	17	18	television	television	NOUN
crln-8506	17	19	show	show	PROPN
crln-8506	17	20	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	17	21	shore	shore	PROPN
crln-8506	17	22	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	17	23	which	which	PRON
crln-8506	17	24	follows	follow	VERB
crln-8506	17	25	housemates	housemate	NOUN
crln-8506	17	26	during	during	ADP
crln-8506	17	27	summers	summer	NOUN
crln-8506	17	28	at	at	ADP
crln-8506	17	29	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	17	30	shore	shore	PROPN
crln-8506	17	31	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	17	32	miami	miami	PROPN
crln-8506	17	33	beach	beach	PROPN
crln-8506	17	34	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	18	1	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	18	2	was	be	AUX
crln-8506	18	3	confident	confident	ADJ
crln-8506	18	4	that	that	SCONJ
crln-8506	18	5	even	even	ADV
crln-8506	18	6	if	if	SCONJ
crln-8506	18	7	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	18	8	had	have	AUX
crln-8506	18	9	not	not	PART
crln-8506	18	10	viewed	view	VERB
crln-8506	18	11	an	an	DET
crln-8506	18	12	entire	entire	ADJ
crln-8506	18	13	episode	episode	NOUN
crln-8506	18	14	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	18	15	they	they	PRON
crln-8506	18	16	were	be	AUX
crln-8506	18	17	familiar	familiar	ADJ
crln-8506	18	18	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	18	19	the	the	DET
crln-8506	18	20	cast	cast	VERB
crln-8506	18	21	members	member	NOUN
crln-8506	18	22	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	18	23	the	the	DET
crln-8506	18	24	show	show	NOUN
crln-8506	18	25	’s	’s	PART
crln-8506	18	26	amy	amy	NOUN
crln-8506	18	27	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	18	28	is	be	AUX
crln-8506	18	29	government	government	NOUN
crln-8506	18	30	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	18	31	business	business	NOUN
crln-8506	18	32	information	information	NOUN
crln-8506	18	33	librarian	librarian	NOUN
crln-8506	18	34	at	at	ADP
crln-8506	18	35	the	the	DET
crln-8506	18	36	college	college	NOUN
crln-8506	18	37	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	18	38	st	st	PROPN
crln-8506	18	39	.	.	PROPN
crln-8506	18	40	benedict	benedict	PROPN
crln-8506	18	41	/	/	SYM
crln-8506	18	42	st	st	PROPN
crln-8506	18	43	.	.	PROPN
crln-8506	18	44	john	john	PROPN
crln-8506	18	45	’s	’s	PROPN
crln-8506	18	46	university	university	PROPN
crln-8506	18	47	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	18	48	e	e	NOUN
crln-8506	18	49	-	-	NOUN
crln-8506	18	50	mail	mail	NOUN
crln-8506	18	51	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8506	18	52	PROPN
crln-8506	18	53	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	18	54	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	18	55	kathryn	kathryn	PROPN
crln-8506	18	56	yelinek	yelinek	PROPN
crln-8506	18	57	is	be	AUX
crln-8506	18	58	reference	reference	NOUN
crln-8506	18	59	librarian	librarian	NOUN
crln-8506	18	60	/	/	SYM
crln-8506	18	61	coordinator	coordinator	NOUN
crln-8506	18	62	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	18	63	government	government	NOUN
crln-8506	18	64	documents	document	NOUN
crln-8506	18	65	at	at	ADP
crln-8506	18	66	bloomsburg	bloomsburg	PROPN
crln-8506	18	67	university	university	PROPN
crln-8506	18	68	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	18	69	pennsylvania	pennsylvania	PROPN
crln-8506	18	70	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	18	71	e	e	NOUN
crln-8506	18	72	-	-	NOUN
crln-8506	18	73	mail	mail	NOUN
crln-8506	18	74	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8506	18	75	X
crln-8506	19	1	©	©	PROPN
crln-8506	19	2	2011	2011	NUM
crln-8506	19	3	amy	amy	PROPN
crln-8506	19	4	springer	springer	PROPN
crln-8506	19	5	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	19	6	kathryn	kathryn	PROPN
crln-8506	19	7	yelinek	yelinek	PROPN
crln-8506	19	8	amy	amy	PROPN
crln-8506	19	9	springer	springer	PROPN
crln-8506	19	10	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	19	11	kathryn	kathryn	PROPN
crln-8506	19	12	yelinek	yelinek	PROPN
crln-8506	19	13	teaching	teach	VERB
crln-8506	19	14	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	19	15	the	the	DET
crln-8506	19	16	situation	situation	NOUN
crln-8506	19	17	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	19	18	shore	shore	PROPN
crln-8506	19	19	as	as	ADP
crln-8506	19	20	a	a	DET
crln-8506	19	21	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	19	22	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	19	23	example	example	NOUN
crln-8506	19	24	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	19	25	information	information	NOUN
crln-8506	19	26	literacy	literacy	NOUN
crln-8506	19	27	classes	class	NOUN
crln-8506	19	28	february	february	PROPN
crln-8506	19	29	2011	2011	NUM
crln-8506	19	30	79	79	NUM
crln-8506	19	31	c&rl	c&rl	PROPN
crln-8506	19	32	news	news	NOUN
crln-8506	19	33	premise	premise	NOUN
crln-8506	19	34	through	through	ADP
crln-8506	19	35	magazine	magazine	NOUN
crln-8506	19	36	articles	article	NOUN
crln-8506	19	37	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	19	38	other	other	ADJ
crln-8506	19	39	entertainment	entertainment	NOUN
crln-8506	19	40	media	medium	NOUN
crln-8506	19	41	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	19	42	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	19	43	word	word	NOUN
crln-8506	19	44	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	19	45	mouth	mouth	NOUN
crln-8506	19	46	from	from	ADP
crln-8506	19	47	their	their	PRON
crln-8506	19	48	peers	peer	NOUN
crln-8506	19	49	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	20	1	the	the	DET
crln-8506	20	2	first	first	ADJ
crln-8506	20	3	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	20	4	session	session	NOUN
crln-8506	20	5	that	that	PRON
crln-8506	20	6	incorporated	incorporate	VERB
crln-8506	20	7	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	20	8	shore	shore	NOUN
crln-8506	20	9	references	reference	NOUN
crln-8506	20	10	was	be	AUX
crln-8506	20	11	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	20	12	a	a	DET
crln-8506	20	13	70	70	NUM
crln-8506	20	14	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	20	15	minute	minute	NOUN
crln-8506	20	16	management	management	NOUN
crln-8506	20	17	course	course	NOUN
crln-8506	20	18	called	call	VERB
crln-8506	20	19	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8506	20	20	work	work	NOUN
crln-8506	20	21	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	20	22	values	value	NOUN
crln-8506	20	23	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	20	24	a	a	DET
crln-8506	20	25	diverse	diverse	ADJ
crln-8506	20	26	society	society	NOUN
crln-8506	20	27	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	20	28	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8506	21	1	the	the	DET
crln-8506	21	2	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	21	3	were	be	AUX
crln-8506	21	4	required	require	VERB
crln-8506	21	5	to	to	PART
crln-8506	21	6	write	write	VERB
crln-8506	21	7	a	a	DET
crln-8506	21	8	research	research	NOUN
crln-8506	21	9	paper	paper	NOUN
crln-8506	21	10	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	21	11	gender	gender	NOUN
crln-8506	21	12	issues	issue	NOUN
crln-8506	21	13	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	21	14	management	management	NOUN
crln-8506	21	15	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	21	16	this	this	DET
crln-8506	21	17	300	300	NUM
crln-8506	21	18	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	21	19	level	level	NOUN
crln-8506	21	20	class	class	NOUN
crln-8506	21	21	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	22	1	prior	prior	ADV
crln-8506	22	2	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	22	3	the	the	DET
crln-8506	22	4	presentation	presentation	NOUN
crln-8506	22	5	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	22	6	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	22	7	received	receive	VERB
crln-8506	22	8	permission	permission	NOUN
crln-8506	22	9	from	from	ADP
crln-8506	22	10	the	the	DET
crln-8506	22	11	course	course	NOUN
crln-8506	22	12	’s	’s	PART
crln-8506	22	13	instructor	instructor	NOUN
crln-8506	22	14	to	to	PART
crln-8506	22	15	use	use	VERB
crln-8506	22	16	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	22	17	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	22	18	within	within	ADP
crln-8506	22	19	the	the	DET
crln-8506	22	20	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	22	21	session	session	NOUN
crln-8506	22	22	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	23	1	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	23	2	started	start	VERB
crln-8506	23	3	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	23	4	a	a	DET
crln-8506	23	5	slide	slide	NOUN
crln-8506	23	6	that	that	PRON
crln-8506	23	7	said	say	VERB
crln-8506	23	8	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8506	23	9	gtl	gtl	NOUN
crln-8506	23	10	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	23	11	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8506	23	12	a	a	DET
crln-8506	23	13	commonly	commonly	ADV
crln-8506	23	14	used	use	VERB
crln-8506	23	15	acronym	acronym	NOUN
crln-8506	23	16	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	23	17	the	the	DET
crln-8506	23	18	show	show	NOUN
crln-8506	23	19	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	23	20	gym	gym	NOUN
crln-8506	23	21	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	23	22	tan	tan	PROPN
crln-8506	23	23	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	23	24	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	23	25	laundry	laundry	ADJ
crln-8506	23	26	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	23	27	the	the	DET
crln-8506	23	28	daily	daily	ADJ
crln-8506	23	29	routine	routine	NOUN
crln-8506	23	30	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	23	31	the	the	DET
crln-8506	23	32	male	male	ADJ
crln-8506	23	33	housemates	housemate	NOUN
crln-8506	23	34	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	23	35	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	23	36	shore	shore	PROPN
crln-8506	23	37	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	24	1	the	the	DET
crln-8506	24	2	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	24	3	immediately	immediately	ADV
crln-8506	24	4	sensed	sense	VERB
crln-8506	24	5	that	that	SCONJ
crln-8506	24	6	this	this	PRON
crln-8506	24	7	was	be	AUX
crln-8506	24	8	not	not	PART
crln-8506	24	9	a	a	DET
crln-8506	24	10	normal	normal	ADJ
crln-8506	24	11	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	24	12	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	24	13	session	session	NOUN
crln-8506	24	14	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	25	1	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	25	2	demonstrated	demonstrate	VERB
crln-8506	25	3	how	how	SCONJ
crln-8506	25	4	to	to	PART
crln-8506	25	5	search	search	VERB
crln-8506	25	6	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	25	7	several	several	ADJ
crln-8506	25	8	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	25	9	databases	database	NOUN
crln-8506	25	10	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	25	11	topics	topic	NOUN
crln-8506	25	12	related	relate	VERB
crln-8506	25	13	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	25	14	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	25	15	shore	shore	PROPN
crln-8506	25	16	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	26	1	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	26	2	example	example	NOUN
crln-8506	26	3	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	26	4	one	one	NUM
crln-8506	26	5	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	26	6	the	the	DET
crln-8506	26	7	cast	cast	VERB
crln-8506	26	8	members	member	NOUN
crln-8506	26	9	is	be	AUX
crln-8506	26	10	an	an	DET
crln-8506	26	11	aspiring	aspire	VERB
crln-8506	26	12	dj	dj	NOUN
crln-8506	26	13	;	;	PUNCT
crln-8506	26	14	mentioning	mention	VERB
crln-8506	26	15	pauly	pauly	NOUN
crln-8506	26	16	d	d	PROPN
crln-8506	26	17	’s	’s	PART
crln-8506	26	18	musical	musical	ADJ
crln-8506	26	19	aspirations	aspiration	NOUN
crln-8506	26	20	prompted	prompt	VERB
crln-8506	26	21	a	a	DET
crln-8506	26	22	demonstration	demonstration	NOUN
crln-8506	26	23	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	26	24	searching	search	VERB
crln-8506	26	25	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	26	26	articles	article	NOUN
crln-8506	26	27	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	26	28	books	book	NOUN
crln-8506	26	29	about	about	ADP
crln-8506	26	30	gender	gender	NOUN
crln-8506	26	31	discrimination	discrimination	NOUN
crln-8506	26	32	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	26	33	the	the	DET
crln-8506	26	34	music	music	NOUN
crln-8506	26	35	industry	industry	NOUN
crln-8506	26	36	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	27	1	given	give	VERB
crln-8506	27	2	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	27	3	’	’	PART
crln-8506	27	4	positive	positive	ADJ
crln-8506	27	5	response	response	NOUN
crln-8506	27	6	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	27	7	this	this	DET
crln-8506	27	8	first	first	ADJ
crln-8506	27	9	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	27	10	session	session	NOUN
crln-8506	27	11	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	27	12	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	27	13	tried	try	VERB
crln-8506	27	14	other	other	ADJ
crln-8506	27	15	ways	way	NOUN
crln-8506	27	16	to	to	PART
crln-8506	27	17	incorporate	incorporate	VERB
crln-8506	27	18	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	27	19	shore	shore	PROPN
crln-8506	27	20	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	27	21	additional	additional	ADJ
crln-8506	27	22	information	information	NOUN
crln-8506	27	23	literacy	literacy	NOUN
crln-8506	27	24	sessions	session	NOUN
crln-8506	27	25	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	28	1	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	28	2	an	an	DET
crln-8506	28	3	introduction	introduction	NOUN
crln-8506	28	4	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	28	5	management	management	NOUN
crln-8506	28	6	class	class	NOUN
crln-8506	28	7	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	28	8	where	where	SCONJ
crln-8506	28	9	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	28	10	was	be	AUX
crln-8506	28	11	requested	request	VERB
crln-8506	28	12	to	to	PART
crln-8506	28	13	show	show	VERB
crln-8506	28	14	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	28	15	how	how	SCONJ
crln-8506	28	16	to	to	PART
crln-8506	28	17	locate	locate	VERB
crln-8506	28	18	articles	article	NOUN
crln-8506	28	19	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	28	20	management	management	NOUN
crln-8506	28	21	topics	topic	NOUN
crln-8506	28	22	as	as	ADV
crln-8506	28	23	well	well	ADV
crln-8506	28	24	as	as	ADP
crln-8506	28	25	company	company	NOUN
crln-8506	28	26	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	28	27	industry	industry	NOUN
crln-8506	28	28	profiles	profile	NOUN
crln-8506	28	29	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	28	30	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	28	31	started	start	VERB
crln-8506	28	32	by	by	ADP
crln-8506	28	33	showing	show	VERB
crln-8506	28	34	a	a	DET
crln-8506	28	35	video	video	NOUN
crln-8506	28	36	clip	clip	NOUN
crln-8506	28	37	from	from	ADP
crln-8506	28	38	a	a	DET
crln-8506	28	39	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	28	40	shore	shore	PROPN
crln-8506	28	41	episode	episode	NOUN
crln-8506	28	42	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	29	1	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	29	2	the	the	DET
crln-8506	29	3	video	video	NOUN
crln-8506	29	4	clip	clip	NOUN
crln-8506	29	5	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	29	6	one	one	NUM
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crln-8506	29	8	the	the	DET
crln-8506	29	9	cast	cast	VERB
crln-8506	29	10	members	member	NOUN
crln-8506	29	11	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	29	12	snooki	snooki	PROPN
crln-8506	29	13	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	29	14	was	be	AUX
crln-8506	29	15	complaining	complain	VERB
crln-8506	29	16	about	about	ADP
crln-8506	29	17	the	the	DET
crln-8506	29	18	tax	tax	NOUN
crln-8506	29	19	increase	increase	NOUN
crln-8506	29	20	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	29	21	tanning	tanning	NOUN
crln-8506	29	22	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	30	1	the	the	DET
crln-8506	30	2	video	video	NOUN
crln-8506	30	3	clip	clip	NOUN
crln-8506	30	4	caused	cause	VERB
crln-8506	30	5	many	many	ADJ
crln-8506	30	6	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	30	7	the	the	DET
crln-8506	30	8	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	30	9	to	to	PART
crln-8506	30	10	audibly	audibly	ADV
crln-8506	30	11	laugh	laugh	VERB
crln-8506	30	12	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	30	13	comment	comment	VERB
crln-8506	30	14	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	31	1	this	this	DET
crln-8506	31	2	video	video	NOUN
crln-8506	31	3	was	be	AUX
crln-8506	31	4	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	31	5	’s	’s	PART
crln-8506	31	6	prompt	prompt	NOUN
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crln-8506	31	9	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	31	10	articles	article	NOUN
crln-8506	31	11	about	about	ADP
crln-8506	31	12	the	the	DET
crln-8506	31	13	tax	tax	NOUN
crln-8506	31	14	increase	increase	NOUN
crln-8506	31	15	as	as	ADV
crln-8506	31	16	well	well	ADV
crln-8506	31	17	as	as	ADP
crln-8506	31	18	information	information	NOUN
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crln-8506	31	20	the	the	DET
crln-8506	31	21	tanning	tanning	NOUN
crln-8506	31	22	industry	industry	NOUN
crln-8506	31	23	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	31	24	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	31	25	databases	database	NOUN
crln-8506	31	26	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	31	27	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	31	28	the	the	DET
crln-8506	31	29	u.s	u.s	PROPN
crln-8506	31	30	.	.	PROPN
crln-8506	31	31	economic	economic	ADJ
crln-8506	31	32	census	census	NOUN
crln-8506	31	33	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	32	1	after	after	SCONJ
crln-8506	32	2	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	32	3	demonstrated	demonstrate	VERB
crln-8506	32	4	how	how	SCONJ
crln-8506	32	5	to	to	PART
crln-8506	32	6	find	find	VERB
crln-8506	32	7	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8506	32	8	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	32	9	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	32	10	databases	database	NOUN
crln-8506	32	11	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	32	12	within	within	ADP
crln-8506	32	13	the	the	DET
crln-8506	32	14	u.s	u.s	PROPN
crln-8506	32	15	.	.	PROPN
crln-8506	32	16	economic	economic	ADJ
crln-8506	32	17	census	census	NOUN
crln-8506	32	18	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	32	19	the	the	DET
crln-8506	32	20	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	32	21	were	be	AUX
crln-8506	32	22	required	require	VERB
crln-8506	32	23	to	to	PART
crln-8506	32	24	participate	participate	VERB
crln-8506	32	25	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	32	26	an	an	DET
crln-8506	32	27	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	32	28	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	32	29	class	class	NOUN
crln-8506	32	30	activity	activity	NOUN
crln-8506	32	31	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	33	1	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	33	2	created	create	VERB
crln-8506	33	3	three	three	NUM
crln-8506	33	4	different	different	ADJ
crln-8506	33	5	hand	hand	NOUN
crln-8506	33	6	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	33	7	outs	out	NOUN
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crln-8506	33	9	questions	question	NOUN
crln-8506	33	10	that	that	PRON
crln-8506	33	11	would	would	AUX
crln-8506	33	12	have	have	VERB
crln-8506	33	13	the	the	DET
crln-8506	33	14	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	33	15	use	use	VERB
crln-8506	33	16	various	various	ADJ
crln-8506	33	17	databases	database	NOUN
crln-8506	33	18	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	33	19	the	the	DET
crln-8506	33	20	u.s	u.s	PROPN
crln-8506	33	21	.	.	PROPN
crln-8506	33	22	economic	economic	ADJ
crln-8506	33	23	census	census	NOUN
crln-8506	33	24	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	34	1	next	next	ADV
crln-8506	34	2	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	34	3	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	34	4	got	get	VERB
crln-8506	34	5	into	into	ADP
crln-8506	34	6	groups	group	NOUN
crln-8506	34	7	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	34	8	four	four	NUM
crln-8506	34	9	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	34	10	decided	decide	VERB
crln-8506	34	11	if	if	SCONJ
crln-8506	34	12	they	they	PRON
crln-8506	34	13	wanted	want	VERB
crln-8506	34	14	to	to	PART
crln-8506	34	15	be	be	AUX
crln-8506	34	16	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	34	17	team	team	NOUN
crln-8506	34	18	situation	situation	NOUN
crln-8506	34	19	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	34	20	team	team	NOUN
crln-8506	34	21	vinny	vinny	PROPN
crln-8506	34	22	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	34	23	or	or	CCONJ
crln-8506	34	24	team	team	NOUN
crln-8506	34	25	pauly	pauly	NOUN
crln-8506	34	26	d	d	X
crln-8506	34	27	;	;	PUNCT
crln-8506	34	28	each	each	DET
crln-8506	34	29	team	team	NOUN
crln-8506	34	30	represented	represent	VERB
crln-8506	34	31	a	a	DET
crln-8506	34	32	different	different	ADJ
crln-8506	34	33	industry	industry	NOUN
crln-8506	34	34	based	base	VERB
crln-8506	34	35	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	34	36	the	the	DET
crln-8506	34	37	characteristics	characteristic	NOUN
crln-8506	34	38	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	34	39	interests	interest	NOUN
crln-8506	34	40	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	34	41	the	the	DET
crln-8506	34	42	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	34	43	shore	shore	PROPN
crln-8506	34	44	cast	cast	NOUN
crln-8506	34	45	member	member	NOUN
crln-8506	34	46	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	35	1	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	35	2	example	example	NOUN
crln-8506	35	3	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	35	4	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	35	5	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	35	6	team	team	NOUN
crln-8506	35	7	situation	situation	NOUN
crln-8506	35	8	had	have	VERB
crln-8506	35	9	to	to	PART
crln-8506	35	10	make	make	VERB
crln-8506	35	11	research	research	NOUN
crln-8506	35	12	inquiries	inquiry	NOUN
crln-8506	35	13	about	about	ADP
crln-8506	35	14	the	the	DET
crln-8506	35	15	fitness	fitness	NOUN
crln-8506	35	16	industry	industry	NOUN
crln-8506	35	17	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	35	18	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	35	19	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	35	20	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	35	21	team	team	NOUN
crln-8506	35	22	vinny	vinny	PROPN
crln-8506	35	23	were	be	AUX
crln-8506	35	24	given	give	VERB
crln-8506	35	25	guidelines	guideline	NOUN
crln-8506	35	26	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	35	27	searching	search	VERB
crln-8506	35	28	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	35	29	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8506	35	30	about	about	ADP
crln-8506	35	31	the	the	DET
crln-8506	35	32	bar	bar	NOUN
crln-8506	35	33	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	35	34	nightclub	nightclub	NOUN
crln-8506	35	35	industry	industry	NOUN
crln-8506	35	36	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	36	1	the	the	DET
crln-8506	36	2	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	36	3	appeared	appear	VERB
crln-8506	36	4	engaged	engaged	ADJ
crln-8506	36	5	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	36	6	interested	interested	ADJ
crln-8506	36	7	throughout	throughout	ADP
crln-8506	36	8	the	the	DET
crln-8506	36	9	demonstration	demonstration	NOUN
crln-8506	36	10	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	36	11	during	during	ADP
crln-8506	36	12	the	the	DET
crln-8506	36	13	hands	hand	NOUN
crln-8506	36	14	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	36	15	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	36	16	exercises	exercise	NOUN
crln-8506	36	17	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	37	1	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	37	2	won	win	VERB
crln-8506	37	3	a	a	DET
crln-8506	37	4	victory	victory	NOUN
crln-8506	37	5	over	over	ADP
crln-8506	37	6	distractions	distraction	NOUN
crln-8506	37	7	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	37	8	such	such	ADJ
crln-8506	37	9	as	as	ADP
crln-8506	37	10	facebook	facebook	NOUN
crln-8506	37	11	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	37	12	text	text	NOUN
crln-8506	37	13	messaging	messaging	NOUN
crln-8506	37	14	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	38	1	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	38	2	were	be	AUX
crln-8506	38	3	ready	ready	ADJ
crln-8506	38	4	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	38	5	willing	willing	ADJ
crln-8506	38	6	to	to	PART
crln-8506	38	7	comment	comment	VERB
crln-8506	38	8	about	about	ADP
crln-8506	38	9	the	the	DET
crln-8506	38	10	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	38	11	shore	shore	PROPN
crln-8506	38	12	topics	topic	NOUN
crln-8506	38	13	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	39	1	this	this	DET
crln-8506	39	2	comfort	comfort	NOUN
crln-8506	39	3	level	level	NOUN
crln-8506	39	4	appeared	appear	VERB
crln-8506	39	5	to	to	PART
crln-8506	39	6	be	be	AUX
crln-8506	39	7	so	so	ADV
crln-8506	39	8	infectious	infectious	ADJ
crln-8506	39	9	so	so	SCONJ
crln-8506	39	10	that	that	SCONJ
crln-8506	39	11	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	39	12	had	have	AUX
crln-8506	39	13	begun	begin	VERB
crln-8506	39	14	openly	openly	ADV
crln-8506	39	15	discussing	discuss	VERB
crln-8506	39	16	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	39	17	showing	show	VERB
crln-8506	39	18	interest	interest	NOUN
crln-8506	39	19	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	39	20	the	the	DET
crln-8506	39	21	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	39	22	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8506	39	23	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	40	1	wanting	want	VERB
crln-8506	40	2	to	to	PART
crln-8506	40	3	spice	spice	VERB
crln-8506	40	4	up	up	ADP
crln-8506	40	5	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	40	6	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	40	7	kathryn	kathryn	PROPN
crln-8506	40	8	yelinek	yelinek	PROPN
crln-8506	40	9	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	40	10	reference	reference	NOUN
crln-8506	40	11	librarian	librarian	NOUN
crln-8506	40	12	/	/	SYM
crln-8506	40	13	coordinator	coordinator	NOUN
crln-8506	40	14	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	40	15	government	government	NOUN
crln-8506	40	16	documents	document	NOUN
crln-8506	40	17	at	at	ADP
crln-8506	40	18	bloomsburg	bloomsburg	PROPN
crln-8506	40	19	university	university	PROPN
crln-8506	40	20	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	40	21	pennsylvania	pennsylvania	PROPN
crln-8506	40	22	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	40	23	discovered	discover	VERB
crln-8506	40	24	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	40	25	’s	’s	PART
crln-8506	40	26	use	use	NOUN
crln-8506	40	27	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	40	28	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	40	29	shore	shore	PROPN
crln-8506	40	30	one	one	NUM
crln-8506	40	31	night	night	NOUN
crln-8506	40	32	during	during	ADP
crln-8506	40	33	a	a	DET
crln-8506	40	34	lull	lull	NOUN
crln-8506	40	35	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	40	36	reference	reference	NOUN
crln-8506	40	37	desk	desk	NOUN
crln-8506	40	38	activity	activity	NOUN
crln-8506	40	39	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	41	1	she	she	PRON
crln-8506	41	2	had	have	AUX
crln-8506	41	3	been	be	AUX
crln-8506	41	4	searching	search	VERB
crln-8506	41	5	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	41	6	an	an	DET
crln-8506	41	7	innovative	innovative	ADJ
crln-8506	41	8	way	way	NOUN
crln-8506	41	9	to	to	PART
crln-8506	41	10	combine	combine	VERB
crln-8506	41	11	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	41	12	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	41	13	references	reference	NOUN
crln-8506	41	14	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	41	15	active	active	ADJ
crln-8506	41	16	student	student	NOUN
crln-8506	41	17	participation	participation	NOUN
crln-8506	41	18	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	41	19	her	her	PRON
crln-8506	41	20	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	41	21	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	41	22	classes	class	NOUN
crln-8506	41	23	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	41	24	came	come	VERB
crln-8506	41	25	across	across	ADP
crln-8506	41	26	blog	blog	NOUN
crln-8506	41	27	postings	posting	NOUN
crln-8506	41	28	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	41	29	which	which	PRON
crln-8506	41	30	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	41	31	described	describe	VERB
crln-8506	41	32	her	her	PRON
crln-8506	41	33	initial	initial	ADJ
crln-8506	41	34	success	success	NOUN
crln-8506	41	35	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	41	36	the	the	DET
crln-8506	41	37	show.3	show.3	PROPN
crln-8506	41	38	yelinek	yelinek	ADJ
crln-8506	41	39	’s	’s	PART
crln-8506	41	40	standard	standard	ADJ
crln-8506	41	41	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	41	42	session	session	NOUN
crln-8506	41	43	included	include	VERB
crln-8506	41	44	only	only	ADV
crln-8506	41	45	a	a	DET
crln-8506	41	46	few	few	ADJ
crln-8506	41	47	questions	question	NOUN
crln-8506	41	48	that	that	PRON
crln-8506	41	49	required	require	VERB
crln-8506	41	50	answers	answer	NOUN
crln-8506	41	51	from	from	ADP
crln-8506	41	52	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	41	53	—	—	PUNCT
crln-8506	41	54	often	often	ADV
crln-8506	41	55	no	no	DET
crln-8506	41	56	one	one	NOUN
crln-8506	41	57	volunteered	volunteer	VERB
crln-8506	41	58	—	—	PUNCT
crln-8506	41	59	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	41	60	no	no	DET
crln-8506	41	61	references	reference	NOUN
crln-8506	41	62	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	41	63	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	41	64	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	41	65	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	42	1	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	42	2	the	the	DET
crln-8506	42	3	fall	fall	NOUN
crln-8506	42	4	2010	2010	NUM
crln-8506	42	5	semester	semester	NOUN
crln-8506	42	6	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	42	7	she	she	PRON
crln-8506	42	8	was	be	AUX
crln-8506	42	9	determined	determined	ADJ
crln-8506	42	10	to	to	PART
crln-8506	42	11	change	change	VERB
crln-8506	42	12	this	this	PRON
crln-8506	42	13	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	43	1	as	as	ADP
crln-8506	43	2	a	a	DET
crln-8506	43	3	result	result	NOUN
crln-8506	43	4	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	43	5	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	43	6	september	september	PROPN
crln-8506	43	7	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	43	8	she	she	PRON
crln-8506	43	9	experimented	experiment	VERB
crln-8506	43	10	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	43	11	a	a	DET
crln-8506	43	12	few	few	ADJ
crln-8506	43	13	classes	class	NOUN
crln-8506	43	14	where	where	SCONJ
crln-8506	43	15	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	43	16	first	first	ADV
crln-8506	43	17	gathered	gather	VERB
crln-8506	43	18	into	into	ADP
crln-8506	43	19	small	small	ADJ
crln-8506	43	20	groups	group	NOUN
crln-8506	43	21	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	43	22	brainstormed	brainstorm	VERB
crln-8506	43	23	how	how	SCONJ
crln-8506	43	24	they	they	PRON
crln-8506	43	25	would	would	AUX
crln-8506	43	26	tackle	tackle	VERB
crln-8506	43	27	their	their	PRON
crln-8506	43	28	assignment	assignment	NOUN
crln-8506	43	29	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	44	1	each	each	DET
crln-8506	44	2	group	group	NOUN
crln-8506	44	3	reported	report	VERB
crln-8506	44	4	back	back	ADV
crln-8506	44	5	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	44	6	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	44	7	she	she	PRON
crln-8506	44	8	attempted	attempt	VERB
crln-8506	44	9	to	to	PART
crln-8506	44	10	use	use	VERB
crln-8506	44	11	their	their	PRON
crln-8506	44	12	answers	answer	NOUN
crln-8506	44	13	to	to	PART
crln-8506	44	14	demonstrate	demonstrate	VERB
crln-8506	44	15	a	a	DET
crln-8506	44	16	search	search	NOUN
crln-8506	44	17	strategy	strategy	NOUN
crln-8506	44	18	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	45	1	c&rl	c&rl	PROPN
crln-8506	45	2	news	news	PROPN
crln-8506	45	3	february	february	PROPN
crln-8506	45	4	2011	2011	NUM
crln-8506	45	5	80	80	NUM
crln-8506	45	6	while	while	SCONJ
crln-8506	45	7	this	this	DET
crln-8506	45	8	structure	structure	NOUN
crln-8506	45	9	resulted	result	VERB
crln-8506	45	10	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	45	11	early	early	ADJ
crln-8506	45	12	student	student	NOUN
crln-8506	45	13	participation	participation	NOUN
crln-8506	45	14	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	45	15	the	the	DET
crln-8506	45	16	classes	class	NOUN
crln-8506	45	17	often	often	ADV
crln-8506	45	18	devolved	devolve	VERB
crln-8506	45	19	into	into	ADP
crln-8506	45	20	lecture	lecture	NOUN
crln-8506	45	21	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	45	22	glassy	glassy	NOUN
crln-8506	45	23	stares	stare	NOUN
crln-8506	45	24	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	46	1	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	46	2	october	october	PROPN
crln-8506	46	3	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	46	4	owing	owe	VERB
crln-8506	46	5	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	46	6	the	the	DET
crln-8506	46	7	proximity	proximity	NOUN
crln-8506	46	8	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	46	9	halloween	halloween	PROPN
crln-8506	46	10	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	46	11	she	she	PRON
crln-8506	46	12	switched	switch	VERB
crln-8506	46	13	tactics	tactic	NOUN
crln-8506	46	14	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	47	1	doing	do	VERB
crln-8506	47	2	away	away	ADV
crln-8506	47	3	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	47	4	small	small	ADJ
crln-8506	47	5	groups	group	NOUN
crln-8506	47	6	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	47	7	she	she	PRON
crln-8506	47	8	designed	design	VERB
crln-8506	47	9	two	two	NUM
crln-8506	47	10	lecture	lecture	NOUN
crln-8506	47	11	classes	class	NOUN
crln-8506	47	12	that	that	PRON
crln-8506	47	13	incorporated	incorporate	VERB
crln-8506	47	14	vampire	vampire	NOUN
crln-8506	47	15	motifs	motif	NOUN
crln-8506	47	16	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	48	1	both	both	PRON
crln-8506	48	2	were	be	AUX
crln-8506	48	3	endorsed	endorse	VERB
crln-8506	48	4	by	by	ADP
crln-8506	48	5	the	the	DET
crln-8506	48	6	classroom	classroom	NOUN
crln-8506	48	7	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crln-8506	48	8	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	49	1	the	the	DET
crln-8506	49	2	first	first	ADJ
crln-8506	49	3	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	49	4	a	a	DET
crln-8506	49	5	psychology	psychology	NOUN
crln-8506	49	6	class	class	NOUN
crln-8506	49	7	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	49	8	used	use	VERB
crln-8506	49	9	examples	example	NOUN
crln-8506	49	10	from	from	ADP
crln-8506	49	11	the	the	DET
crln-8506	49	12	hbo	hbo	NOUN
crln-8506	49	13	hit	hit	NOUN
crln-8506	49	14	show	show	VERB
crln-8506	49	15	true	true	ADJ
crln-8506	49	16	blood	blood	NOUN
crln-8506	49	17	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	50	1	however	however	ADV
crln-8506	50	2	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	50	3	only	only	ADV
crln-8506	50	4	one	one	NUM
crln-8506	50	5	student	student	NOUN
crln-8506	50	6	showed	show	VERB
crln-8506	50	7	recognition	recognition	NOUN
crln-8506	50	8	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	50	9	the	the	DET
crln-8506	50	10	characters	character	NOUN
crln-8506	50	11	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	50	12	situations	situation	NOUN
crln-8506	50	13	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	50	14	the	the	DET
crln-8506	50	15	show	show	NOUN
crln-8506	50	16	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	51	1	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	51	2	hindsight	hindsight	NOUN
crln-8506	51	3	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-8506	51	5	a	a	DET
crln-8506	51	6	premium	premium	NOUN
crln-8506	51	7	cable	cable	NOUN
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crln-8506	51	9	show	show	NOUN
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crln-8506	51	12	not	not	PART
crln-8506	51	13	the	the	DET
crln-8506	51	14	best	good	ADJ
crln-8506	51	15	example	example	NOUN
crln-8506	51	16	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	51	17	cash	cash	NOUN
crln-8506	51	18	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	51	19	strapped	strap	VERB
crln-8506	51	20	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	51	21	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	52	1	a	a	DET
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crln-8506	52	3	i	i	PRON
crln-8506	52	4	session	session	VERB
crln-8506	52	5	using	use	VERB
crln-8506	52	6	examples	example	NOUN
crln-8506	52	7	from	from	ADP
crln-8506	52	8	the	the	DET
crln-8506	52	9	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	52	10	twilight	twilight	NOUN
crln-8506	52	11	movies	movie	NOUN
crln-8506	52	12	generated	generate	VERB
crln-8506	52	13	considerable	considerable	ADJ
crln-8506	52	14	buzz	buzz	NOUN
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crln-8506	52	16	the	the	DET
crln-8506	52	17	beginning	beginning	NOUN
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crln-8506	52	19	class	class	NOUN
crln-8506	52	20	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	52	21	but	but	CCONJ
crln-8506	52	22	that	that	PRON
crln-8506	52	23	wore	wear	VERB
crln-8506	52	24	off	off	ADP
crln-8506	52	25	as	as	SCONJ
crln-8506	52	26	the	the	DET
crln-8506	52	27	class	class	NOUN
crln-8506	52	28	progressed	progress	VERB
crln-8506	52	29	into	into	ADP
crln-8506	52	30	lecture	lecture	NOUN
crln-8506	52	31	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	52	32	wanting	want	VERB
crln-8506	52	33	to	to	PART
crln-8506	52	34	find	find	VERB
crln-8506	52	35	a	a	DET
crln-8506	52	36	happy	happy	ADJ
crln-8506	52	37	mixture	mixture	NOUN
crln-8506	52	38	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	52	39	participation	participation	NOUN
crln-8506	52	40	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	52	41	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	52	42	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	52	43	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	52	44	yelinek	yelinek	PROPN
crln-8506	52	45	searched	search	VERB
crln-8506	52	46	the	the	DET
crln-8506	52	47	literature	literature	NOUN
crln-8506	52	48	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	52	49	examples	example	NOUN
crln-8506	52	50	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	52	51	what	what	PRON
crln-8506	52	52	other	other	ADJ
crln-8506	52	53	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crln-8506	52	54	were	be	AUX
crln-8506	52	55	doing	do	VERB
crln-8506	52	56	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	53	1	while	while	SCONJ
crln-8506	53	2	she	she	PRON
crln-8506	53	3	found	find	VERB
crln-8506	53	4	articles	article	NOUN
crln-8506	53	5	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	53	6	either	either	DET
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crln-8506	53	9	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	53	10	she	she	PRON
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crln-8506	53	12	an	an	DET
crln-8506	53	13	example	example	NOUN
crln-8506	53	14	that	that	PRON
crln-8506	53	15	incorporated	incorporate	VERB
crln-8506	53	16	both	both	PRON
crln-8506	53	17	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	54	1	assuming	assume	VERB
crln-8506	54	2	that	that	SCONJ
crln-8506	54	3	anyone	anyone	PRON
crln-8506	54	4	who	who	PRON
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crln-8506	54	6	the	the	DET
crln-8506	54	7	phrase	phrase	NOUN
crln-8506	54	8	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8506	54	9	spice	spice	VERB
crln-8506	54	10	up	up	ADP
crln-8506	54	11	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	54	12	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	54	13	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8506	54	14	was	be	AUX
crln-8506	54	15	probably	probably	ADV
crln-8506	54	16	thinking	think	VERB
crln-8506	54	17	outside	outside	ADP
crln-8506	54	18	the	the	DET
crln-8506	54	19	box	box	NOUN
crln-8506	54	20	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	54	21	she	she	PRON
crln-8506	54	22	searched	search	VERB
crln-8506	54	23	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	54	24	that	that	DET
crln-8506	54	25	phrase	phrase	NOUN
crln-8506	54	26	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	54	27	google	google	PROPN
crln-8506	54	28	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	54	29	found	find	VERB
crln-8506	54	30	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	54	31	’s	’s	PART
crln-8506	54	32	blog	blog	NOUN
crln-8506	54	33	entry	entry	NOUN
crln-8506	54	34	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	54	35	teaching	teach	VERB
crln-8506	54	36	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	54	37	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	54	38	shore.4	shore.4	NOUN
crln-8506	54	39	after	after	ADP
crln-8506	54	40	receiving	receive	VERB
crln-8506	54	41	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	54	42	’s	’s	NOUN
crln-8506	54	43	permission	permission	NOUN
crln-8506	54	44	to	to	PART
crln-8506	54	45	adapt	adapt	VERB
crln-8506	54	46	the	the	DET
crln-8506	54	47	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	54	48	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	54	49	as	as	ADV
crln-8506	54	50	well	well	ADV
crln-8506	54	51	as	as	ADP
crln-8506	54	52	permission	permission	NOUN
crln-8506	54	53	from	from	ADP
crln-8506	54	54	the	the	DET
crln-8506	54	55	classroom	classroom	NOUN
crln-8506	54	56	professor	professor	NOUN
crln-8506	54	57	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	54	58	she	she	PRON
crln-8506	54	59	incorporated	incorporate	VERB
crln-8506	54	60	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	54	61	shore	shore	NOUN
crln-8506	54	62	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	54	63	themed	theme	VERB
crln-8506	54	64	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	54	65	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	54	66	activities	activity	NOUN
crln-8506	54	67	into	into	ADP
crln-8506	54	68	two	two	NUM
crln-8506	54	69	sections	section	NOUN
crln-8506	54	70	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	54	71	a	a	DET
crln-8506	54	72	u.s	u.s	PROPN
crln-8506	54	73	.	.	PROPN
crln-8506	54	74	government	government	NOUN
crln-8506	54	75	class	class	NOUN
crln-8506	54	76	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	54	77	early	early	ADJ
crln-8506	54	78	november	november	PROPN
crln-8506	54	79	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	55	1	the	the	DET
crln-8506	55	2	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	55	3	needed	need	VERB
crln-8506	55	4	to	to	PART
crln-8506	55	5	write	write	VERB
crln-8506	55	6	a	a	DET
crln-8506	55	7	paper	paper	NOUN
crln-8506	55	8	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	55	9	an	an	DET
crln-8506	55	10	executive	executive	ADJ
crln-8506	55	11	branch	branch	NOUN
crln-8506	55	12	regulatory	regulatory	ADJ
crln-8506	55	13	agency	agency	NOUN
crln-8506	55	14	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	55	15	their	their	PRON
crln-8506	55	16	choice	choice	NOUN
crln-8506	55	17	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	56	1	past	past	ADJ
crln-8506	56	2	experience	experience	NOUN
crln-8506	56	3	indicated	indicate	VERB
crln-8506	56	4	that	that	SCONJ
crln-8506	56	5	the	the	DET
crln-8506	56	6	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	56	7	would	would	AUX
crln-8506	56	8	ask	ask	VERB
crln-8506	56	9	few	few	ADJ
crln-8506	56	10	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	56	11	if	if	SCONJ
crln-8506	56	12	any	any	PRON
crln-8506	56	13	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	56	14	questions	question	NOUN
crln-8506	56	15	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	56	16	would	would	AUX
crln-8506	56	17	have	have	VERB
crln-8506	56	18	no	no	DET
crln-8506	56	19	experience	experience	NOUN
crln-8506	56	20	researching	research	VERB
crln-8506	56	21	government	government	NOUN
crln-8506	56	22	agencies	agency	NOUN
crln-8506	56	23	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	57	1	using	use	VERB
crln-8506	57	2	a	a	DET
crln-8506	57	3	familiar	familiar	ADJ
crln-8506	57	4	topic	topic	NOUN
crln-8506	57	5	such	such	ADJ
crln-8506	57	6	as	as	ADP
crln-8506	57	7	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	57	8	shore	shore	PROPN
crln-8506	57	9	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	57	10	providing	provide	VERB
crln-8506	57	11	an	an	DET
crln-8506	57	12	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	57	13	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	57	14	class	class	NOUN
crln-8506	57	15	assignment	assignment	NOUN
crln-8506	57	16	to	to	PART
crln-8506	57	17	practice	practice	VERB
crln-8506	57	18	new	new	ADJ
crln-8506	57	19	search	search	NOUN
crln-8506	57	20	skills	skill	NOUN
crln-8506	57	21	seemed	seem	VERB
crln-8506	57	22	a	a	DET
crln-8506	57	23	good	good	ADJ
crln-8506	57	24	way	way	NOUN
crln-8506	57	25	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	57	26	keeping	keep	VERB
crln-8506	57	27	the	the	DET
crln-8506	57	28	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	57	29	engaged	engage	VERB
crln-8506	57	30	during	during	ADP
crln-8506	57	31	the	the	DET
crln-8506	57	32	75	75	NUM
crln-8506	57	33	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	57	34	minute	minute	NOUN
crln-8506	57	35	sessions	session	NOUN
crln-8506	57	36	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	58	1	starting	start	VERB
crln-8506	58	2	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	58	3	the	the	DET
crln-8506	58	4	same	same	ADJ
crln-8506	58	5	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8506	58	6	gtl	gtl	ADJ
crln-8506	58	7	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8506	58	8	powerpoint	powerpoint	NOUN
crln-8506	58	9	slide	slide	NOUN
crln-8506	58	10	that	that	SCONJ
crln-8506	58	11	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	58	12	used	use	VERB
crln-8506	58	13	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	58	14	yelinek	yelinek	PROPN
crln-8506	58	15	went	go	VERB
crln-8506	58	16	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	58	17	to	to	PART
crln-8506	58	18	introduce	introduce	VERB
crln-8506	58	19	the	the	DET
crln-8506	58	20	fact	fact	NOUN
crln-8506	58	21	that	that	SCONJ
crln-8506	58	22	snooki	snooki	ADJ
crln-8506	58	23	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	58	24	well	well	ADV
crln-8506	58	25	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	58	26	known	know	VERB
crln-8506	58	27	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	58	28	her	her	PRON
crln-8506	58	29	interesting	interesting	ADJ
crln-8506	58	30	choices	choice	NOUN
crln-8506	58	31	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	58	32	footwear	footwear	NOUN
crln-8506	58	33	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	58	34	had	have	AUX
crln-8506	58	35	recently	recently	ADV
crln-8506	58	36	launched	launch	VERB
crln-8506	58	37	her	her	PRON
crln-8506	58	38	own	own	ADJ
crln-8506	58	39	line	line	NOUN
crln-8506	58	40	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	58	41	designer	designer	NOUN
crln-8506	58	42	slippers.5	slippers.5	NOUN
crln-8506	58	43	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	58	44	order	order	NOUN
crln-8506	58	45	to	to	PART
crln-8506	58	46	help	help	VERB
crln-8506	58	47	snooki	snooki	ADJ
crln-8506	58	48	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	58	49	the	the	DET
crln-8506	58	50	class	class	NOUN
crln-8506	58	51	would	would	AUX
crln-8506	58	52	research	research	VERB
crln-8506	58	53	the	the	DET
crln-8506	58	54	consumer	consumer	NOUN
crln-8506	58	55	product	product	NOUN
crln-8506	58	56	safety	safety	NOUN
crln-8506	58	57	commission	commission	PROPN
crln-8506	58	58	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	59	1	there	there	PRON
crln-8506	59	2	was	be	VERB
crln-8506	59	3	a	a	DET
crln-8506	59	4	noticeable	noticeable	ADJ
crln-8506	59	5	uptick	uptick	NOUN
crln-8506	59	6	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	59	7	class	class	NOUN
crln-8506	59	8	enthusiasm	enthusiasm	NOUN
crln-8506	59	9	at	at	ADP
crln-8506	59	10	the	the	DET
crln-8506	59	11	mention	mention	NOUN
crln-8506	59	12	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	59	13	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	59	14	shore	shore	PROPN
crln-8506	59	15	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	59	16	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	59	17	several	several	ADJ
crln-8506	59	18	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	59	19	the	the	DET
crln-8506	59	20	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	59	21	laughed	laugh	VERB
crln-8506	59	22	at	at	ADP
crln-8506	59	23	the	the	DET
crln-8506	59	24	slides	slide	NOUN
crln-8506	59	25	depicting	depict	VERB
crln-8506	59	26	snooki	snooki	ADJ
crln-8506	59	27	’s	’s	NUM
crln-8506	59	28	footwear	footwear	NOUN
crln-8506	59	29	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	60	1	yelinek	yelinek	PROPN
crln-8506	60	2	then	then	ADV
crln-8506	60	3	demonstrated	demonstrate	VERB
crln-8506	60	4	how	how	SCONJ
crln-8506	60	5	to	to	PART
crln-8506	60	6	mine	mine	VERB
crln-8506	60	7	the	the	DET
crln-8506	60	8	consumer	consumer	NOUN
crln-8506	60	9	product	product	NOUN
crln-8506	60	10	safety	safety	PROPN
crln-8506	60	11	commission	commission	PROPN
crln-8506	60	12	’s	’s	PART
crln-8506	60	13	web	web	NOUN
crln-8506	60	14	site	site	NOUN
crln-8506	60	15	as	as	ADV
crln-8506	60	16	well	well	ADV
crln-8506	60	17	as	as	ADP
crln-8506	60	18	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	60	19	databases	database	VERB
crln-8506	60	20	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	60	21	such	such	ADJ
crln-8506	60	22	information	information	NOUN
crln-8506	60	23	as	as	ADP
crln-8506	60	24	the	the	DET
crln-8506	60	25	agency	agency	NOUN
crln-8506	60	26	’s	’s	PART
crln-8506	60	27	budget	budget	NOUN
crln-8506	60	28	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	60	29	current	current	ADJ
crln-8506	60	30	issues	issue	NOUN
crln-8506	60	31	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	61	1	while	while	SCONJ
crln-8506	61	2	the	the	DET
crln-8506	61	3	energy	energy	NOUN
crln-8506	61	4	level	level	NOUN
crln-8506	61	5	dipped	dip	VERB
crln-8506	61	6	during	during	ADP
crln-8506	61	7	this	this	DET
crln-8506	61	8	section	section	NOUN
crln-8506	61	9	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	61	10	the	the	DET
crln-8506	61	11	class	class	NOUN
crln-8506	61	12	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	61	13	it	it	PRON
crln-8506	61	14	rose	rise	VERB
crln-8506	61	15	again	again	ADV
crln-8506	61	16	when	when	SCONJ
crln-8506	61	17	the	the	DET
crln-8506	61	18	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	61	19	were	be	AUX
crln-8506	61	20	given	give	VERB
crln-8506	61	21	20	20	NUM
crln-8506	61	22	minutes	minute	NOUN
crln-8506	61	23	to	to	PART
crln-8506	61	24	complete	complete	VERB
crln-8506	61	25	an	an	DET
crln-8506	61	26	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	61	27	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	61	28	class	class	NOUN
crln-8506	61	29	assignment	assignment	NOUN
crln-8506	61	30	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	61	31	one	one	NUM
crln-8506	61	32	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	61	33	three	three	NUM
crln-8506	61	34	preselected	preselecte	VERB
crln-8506	61	35	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	61	36	shore	shore	NOUN
crln-8506	61	37	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	61	38	themed	theme	VERB
crln-8506	61	39	regulatory	regulatory	ADJ
crln-8506	61	40	agencies	agency	NOUN
crln-8506	61	41	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8506	61	42	the	the	DET
crln-8506	61	43	food	food	NOUN
crln-8506	61	44	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	61	45	drug	drug	PROPN
crln-8506	61	46	administration	administration	NOUN
crln-8506	61	47	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	61	48	which	which	PRON
crln-8506	61	49	regulates	regulate	VERB
crln-8506	61	50	tanning	tanning	NOUN
crln-8506	61	51	beds	bed	NOUN
crln-8506	61	52	;	;	PUNCT
crln-8506	61	53	the	the	DET
crln-8506	61	54	bureau	bureau	NOUN
crln-8506	61	55	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	61	56	alcohol	alcohol	PROPN
crln-8506	61	57	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	61	58	tobacco	tobacco	NOUN
crln-8506	61	59	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	61	60	firearms	firearm	NOUN
crln-8506	61	61	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	61	62	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	61	63	explosives	explosive	NOUN
crln-8506	61	64	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	61	65	which	which	PRON
crln-8506	61	66	regulates	regulate	VERB
crln-8506	61	67	alcohol	alcohol	NOUN
crln-8506	61	68	;	;	PUNCT
crln-8506	61	69	or	or	CCONJ
crln-8506	61	70	the	the	DET
crln-8506	61	71	federal	federal	ADJ
crln-8506	61	72	trade	trade	PROPN
crln-8506	61	73	commission	commission	PROPN
crln-8506	61	74	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	61	75	which	which	PRON
crln-8506	61	76	regulates	regulate	VERB
crln-8506	61	77	advertising	advertising	NOUN
crln-8506	61	78	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8506	61	79	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	62	1	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	62	2	the	the	DET
crln-8506	62	3	final	final	ADJ
crln-8506	62	4	15	15	NUM
crln-8506	62	5	minutes	minute	NOUN
crln-8506	62	6	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	62	7	class	class	NOUN
crln-8506	62	8	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	62	9	three	three	NUM
crln-8506	62	10	student	student	NOUN
crln-8506	62	11	volunteers	volunteer	NOUN
crln-8506	62	12	demonstrated	demonstrate	VERB
crln-8506	62	13	how	how	SCONJ
crln-8506	62	14	they	they	PRON
crln-8506	62	15	had	have	AUX
crln-8506	62	16	found	find	VERB
crln-8506	62	17	the	the	DET
crln-8506	62	18	needed	need	VERB
crln-8506	62	19	information	information	NOUN
crln-8506	62	20	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	62	21	one	one	NUM
crln-8506	62	22	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	62	23	the	the	DET
crln-8506	62	24	agencies	agency	NOUN
crln-8506	62	25	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	63	1	conclusion	conclusion	NOUN
crln-8506	63	2	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	63	3	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	63	4	yelinek	yelinek	PROPN
crln-8506	63	5	both	both	PRON
crln-8506	63	6	witnessed	witness	VERB
crln-8506	63	7	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	63	8	engaging	engage	VERB
crln-8506	63	9	enthusiastically	enthusiastically	ADV
crln-8506	63	10	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	63	11	the	the	DET
crln-8506	63	12	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	63	13	shore	shore	PROPN
crln-8506	63	14	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	63	15	themed	theme	VERB
crln-8506	63	16	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	63	17	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	63	18	sessions	session	NOUN
crln-8506	63	19	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	64	1	the	the	DET
crln-8506	64	2	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	64	3	arrived	arrive	VERB
crln-8506	64	4	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	64	5	an	an	DET
crln-8506	64	6	interest	interest	NOUN
crln-8506	64	7	or	or	CCONJ
crln-8506	64	8	comfort	comfort	NOUN
crln-8506	64	9	level	level	NOUN
crln-8506	64	10	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	64	11	the	the	DET
crln-8506	64	12	show	show	NOUN
crln-8506	64	13	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	65	1	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	65	2	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	65	3	yelinek	yelinek	PROPN
crln-8506	65	4	were	be	AUX
crln-8506	65	5	then	then	ADV
crln-8506	65	6	able	able	ADJ
crln-8506	65	7	to	to	PART
crln-8506	65	8	highlight	highlight	VERB
crln-8506	65	9	what	what	PRON
crln-8506	65	10	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	65	11	already	already	ADV
crln-8506	65	12	knew	know	VERB
crln-8506	65	13	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	65	14	layer	layer	NOUN
crln-8506	65	15	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	65	16	more	more	ADV
crln-8506	65	17	complicated	complicated	ADJ
crln-8506	65	18	information	information	NOUN
crln-8506	65	19	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	66	1	chip	chip	NOUN
crln-8506	66	2	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	66	3	dan	dan	PROPN
crln-8506	66	4	heath	heath	PROPN
crln-8506	66	5	explain	explain	VERB
crln-8506	66	6	this	this	DET
crln-8506	66	7	approach	approach	NOUN
crln-8506	66	8	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	66	9	their	their	PRON
crln-8506	66	10	book	book	NOUN
crln-8506	66	11	made	make	VERB
crln-8506	66	12	to	to	PART
crln-8506	66	13	stick	stick	VERB
crln-8506	66	14	as	as	ADP
crln-8506	66	15	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8506	66	16	advanced	advanced	ADJ
crln-8506	66	17	organizers	organizer	NOUN
crln-8506	66	18	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	66	19	”6	”6	SPACE
crln-8506	67	1	based	base	VERB
crln-8506	67	2	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	67	3	their	their	PRON
crln-8506	67	4	own	own	ADJ
crln-8506	67	5	observations	observation	NOUN
crln-8506	67	6	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	67	7	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	67	8	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	67	9	yelinek	yelinek	PROPN
crln-8506	67	10	gained	gain	VERB
crln-8506	67	11	the	the	DET
crln-8506	67	12	attention	attention	NOUN
crln-8506	67	13	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	67	14	the	the	DET
crln-8506	67	15	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	67	16	who	who	PRON
crln-8506	67	17	were	be	AUX
crln-8506	67	18	focused	focus	VERB
crln-8506	67	19	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	67	20	what	what	PRON
crln-8506	67	21	could	could	AUX
crln-8506	67	22	possibly	possibly	ADV
crln-8506	67	23	come	come	VERB
crln-8506	67	24	next	next	ADV
crln-8506	67	25	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	68	1	after	after	ADP
crln-8506	68	2	teaching	teach	VERB
crln-8506	68	3	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	68	4	two	two	NUM
crln-8506	68	5	sections	section	NOUN
crln-8506	68	6	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	68	7	an	an	DET
crln-8506	68	8	introduction	introduction	NOUN
crln-8506	68	9	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	68	10	management	management	NOUN
crln-8506	68	11	class	class	NOUN
crln-8506	68	12	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	68	13	the	the	DET
crln-8506	68	14	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	68	15	shore	shore	NOUN
crln-8506	68	16	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	68	17	enhanced	enhance	VERB
crln-8506	68	18	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	68	19	style	style	NOUN
crln-8506	68	20	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	68	21	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	68	22	had	have	VERB
crln-8506	68	23	the	the	DET
crln-8506	68	24	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	68	25	complete	complete	VERB
crln-8506	68	26	a	a	DET
crln-8506	68	27	survey	survey	NOUN
crln-8506	68	28	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	69	1	thirtyeight	thirtyeight	PROPN
crln-8506	69	2	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	69	3	completed	complete	VERB
crln-8506	69	4	the	the	DET
crln-8506	69	5	survey	survey	NOUN
crln-8506	69	6	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	69	7	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	69	8	the	the	DET
crln-8506	69	9	results	result	NOUN
crln-8506	69	10	supported	support	VERB
crln-8506	69	11	her	her	PRON
crln-8506	69	12	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	69	13	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	69	14	class	class	NOUN
crln-8506	69	15	observations	observation	NOUN
crln-8506	69	16	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8506	69	17	continued	continue	VERB
crln-8506	69	18	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	69	19	page	page	NOUN
crln-8506	69	20	85	85	NUM
crln-8506	69	21	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8506	69	22	february	february	PROPN
crln-8506	69	23	2011	2011	NUM
crln-8506	69	24	85	85	NUM
crln-8506	69	25	c&rl	c&rl	NOUN
crln-8506	69	26	news	news	NOUN
crln-8506	69	27	the	the	DET
crln-8506	69	28	disaster	disaster	NOUN
crln-8506	69	29	was	be	AUX
crln-8506	69	30	worse	bad	ADJ
crln-8506	69	31	than	than	SCONJ
crln-8506	69	32	they	they	PRON
crln-8506	69	33	anticipated	anticipate	VERB
crln-8506	69	34	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	70	1	this	this	PRON
crln-8506	70	2	caused	cause	VERB
crln-8506	70	3	some	some	DET
crln-8506	70	4	individuals	individual	NOUN
crln-8506	70	5	to	to	PART
crln-8506	70	6	panic	panic	VERB
crln-8506	70	7	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	70	8	which	which	PRON
crln-8506	70	9	can	can	AUX
crln-8506	70	10	lead	lead	VERB
crln-8506	70	11	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	70	12	poor	poor	ADJ
crln-8506	70	13	decision	decision	NOUN
crln-8506	70	14	making	making	NOUN
crln-8506	70	15	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	71	1	imagine	imagine	VERB
crln-8506	71	2	the	the	DET
crln-8506	71	3	worst	bad	ADJ
crln-8506	71	4	possible	possible	ADJ
crln-8506	71	5	scenario	scenario	NOUN
crln-8506	71	6	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	71	7	prepare	prepare	VERB
crln-8506	71	8	mentally	mentally	ADV
crln-8506	71	9	before	before	SCONJ
crln-8506	71	10	you	you	PRON
crln-8506	71	11	arrive	arrive	VERB
crln-8506	71	12	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	71	13	the	the	DET
crln-8506	71	14	scene	scene	NOUN
crln-8506	71	15	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	72	1	this	this	PRON
crln-8506	72	2	will	will	AUX
crln-8506	72	3	help	help	VERB
crln-8506	72	4	to	to	PART
crln-8506	72	5	create	create	VERB
crln-8506	72	6	a	a	DET
crln-8506	72	7	calm	calm	ADJ
crln-8506	72	8	demeanor	demeanor	NOUN
crln-8506	72	9	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	72	10	which	which	PRON
crln-8506	72	11	will	will	AUX
crln-8506	72	12	facilitate	facilitate	VERB
crln-8506	72	13	better	well	ADJ
crln-8506	72	14	decision	decision	NOUN
crln-8506	72	15	making	making	NOUN
crln-8506	72	16	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	73	1	during	during	ADP
crln-8506	73	2	the	the	DET
crln-8506	73	3	planning	planning	NOUN
crln-8506	73	4	process	process	NOUN
crln-8506	73	5	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	73	6	no	no	DET
crln-8506	73	7	one	one	NOUN
crln-8506	73	8	anticipated	anticipate	VERB
crln-8506	73	9	a	a	DET
crln-8506	73	10	disaster	disaster	NOUN
crln-8506	73	11	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	73	12	this	this	DET
crln-8506	73	13	magnitude	magnitude	NOUN
crln-8506	73	14	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	74	1	as	as	ADP
crln-8506	74	2	a	a	DET
crln-8506	74	3	result	result	NOUN
crln-8506	74	4	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	74	5	there	there	PRON
crln-8506	74	6	was	be	VERB
crln-8506	74	7	an	an	DET
crln-8506	74	8	inadequate	inadequate	ADJ
crln-8506	74	9	amount	amount	NOUN
crln-8506	74	10	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	74	11	plastic	plastic	NOUN
crln-8506	74	12	sheeting	sheeting	NOUN
crln-8506	74	13	to	to	PART
crln-8506	74	14	cover	cover	VERB
crln-8506	74	15	the	the	DET
crln-8506	74	16	bookshelves	bookshelf	NOUN
crln-8506	74	17	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	75	1	a	a	DET
crln-8506	75	2	trip	trip	NOUN
crln-8506	75	3	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	75	4	the	the	DET
crln-8506	75	5	hardware	hardware	NOUN
crln-8506	75	6	store	store	NOUN
crln-8506	75	7	remedied	remedie	VERB
crln-8506	75	8	the	the	DET
crln-8506	75	9	situation	situation	NOUN
crln-8506	75	10	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	75	11	but	but	CCONJ
crln-8506	75	12	valuable	valuable	ADJ
crln-8506	75	13	time	time	NOUN
crln-8506	75	14	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	75	15	energy	energy	NOUN
crln-8506	75	16	were	be	AUX
crln-8506	75	17	lost	lose	VERB
crln-8506	75	18	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	75	19	books	book	NOUN
crln-8506	75	20	were	be	AUX
crln-8506	75	21	damaged	damage	VERB
crln-8506	75	22	unnecessarily	unnecessarily	ADV
crln-8506	75	23	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	76	1	10	10	NUM
crln-8506	76	2	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	76	3	do	do	AUX
crln-8506	76	4	not	not	PART
crln-8506	76	5	store	store	VERB
crln-8506	76	6	valuable	valuable	ADJ
crln-8506	76	7	items	item	NOUN
crln-8506	76	8	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	76	9	the	the	DET
crln-8506	76	10	floor	floor	NOUN
crln-8506	76	11	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	77	1	this	this	PRON
crln-8506	77	2	is	be	AUX
crln-8506	77	3	one	one	NUM
crln-8506	77	4	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	77	5	the	the	DET
crln-8506	77	6	biggest	big	ADJ
crln-8506	77	7	lessons	lesson	NOUN
crln-8506	77	8	learned	learn	VERB
crln-8506	77	9	from	from	ADP
crln-8506	77	10	this	this	DET
crln-8506	77	11	experience	experience	NOUN
crln-8506	77	12	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	77	13	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	77	14	it	it	PRON
crln-8506	77	15	was	be	AUX
crln-8506	77	16	learned	learn	VERB
crln-8506	77	17	the	the	DET
crln-8506	77	18	hard	hard	ADJ
crln-8506	77	19	way	way	NOUN
crln-8506	77	20	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	78	1	since	since	SCONJ
crln-8506	78	2	there	there	PRON
crln-8506	78	3	was	be	VERB
crln-8506	78	4	up	up	ADP
crln-8506	78	5	to	to	PART
crln-8506	78	6	four	four	NUM
crln-8506	78	7	inches	inch	NOUN
crln-8506	78	8	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	78	9	standing	stand	VERB
crln-8506	78	10	water	water	NOUN
crln-8506	78	11	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	78	12	many	many	ADJ
crln-8506	78	13	areas	area	NOUN
crln-8506	78	14	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	78	15	the	the	DET
crln-8506	78	16	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	78	17	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	78	18	everything	everything	PRON
crln-8506	78	19	stored	store	VERB
crln-8506	78	20	or	or	CCONJ
crln-8506	78	21	left	leave	VERB
crln-8506	78	22	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	78	23	the	the	DET
crln-8506	78	24	floor	floor	NOUN
crln-8506	78	25	was	be	AUX
crln-8506	78	26	damaged	damage	VERB
crln-8506	78	27	beyond	beyond	ADP
crln-8506	78	28	repair	repair	NOUN
crln-8506	78	29	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	79	1	this	this	PRON
crln-8506	79	2	included	include	VERB
crln-8506	79	3	several	several	ADJ
crln-8506	79	4	important	important	ADJ
crln-8506	79	5	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	79	6	valuable	valuable	ADJ
crln-8506	79	7	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	79	8	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-8506	79	9	that	that	PRON
crln-8506	79	10	were	be	AUX
crln-8506	79	11	left	leave	VERB
crln-8506	79	12	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	79	13	the	the	DET
crln-8506	79	14	floor	floor	NOUN
crln-8506	79	15	by	by	ADP
crln-8506	79	16	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	79	17	personnel	personnel	NOUN
crln-8506	79	18	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	80	1	these	these	DET
crln-8506	80	2	materials	material	NOUN
crln-8506	80	3	can	can	AUX
crln-8506	80	4	be	be	AUX
crln-8506	80	5	replaced	replace	VERB
crln-8506	80	6	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	80	7	but	but	CCONJ
crln-8506	80	8	at	at	ADP
crln-8506	80	9	a	a	DET
crln-8506	80	10	great	great	ADJ
crln-8506	80	11	cost	cost	NOUN
crln-8506	80	12	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	80	13	the	the	DET
crln-8506	80	14	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	80	15	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	81	1	conclusion	conclusion	VERB
crln-8506	81	2	the	the	DET
crln-8506	81	3	flood	flood	NOUN
crln-8506	81	4	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	81	5	the	the	DET
crln-8506	81	6	s&t	s&t	PROPN
crln-8506	81	7	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	81	8	at	at	ADP
crln-8506	81	9	ua	ua	PROPN
crln-8506	81	10	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	81	11	january	january	PROPN
crln-8506	81	12	31	31	NUM
crln-8506	81	13	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	81	14	2010	2010	NUM
crln-8506	81	15	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	81	16	was	be	AUX
crln-8506	81	17	a	a	DET
crln-8506	81	18	real	real	ADJ
crln-8506	81	19	disaster	disaster	NOUN
crln-8506	81	20	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	82	1	the	the	DET
crln-8506	82	2	entire	entire	ADJ
crln-8506	82	3	facility	facility	NOUN
crln-8506	82	4	was	be	AUX
crln-8506	82	5	flooded	flood	VERB
crln-8506	82	6	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	82	7	thousands	thousand	NOUN
crln-8506	82	8	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	82	9	materials	material	NOUN
crln-8506	82	10	were	be	AUX
crln-8506	82	11	affected	affect	VERB
crln-8506	82	12	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	83	1	the	the	DET
crln-8506	83	2	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	83	3	was	be	AUX
crln-8506	83	4	closed	close	VERB
crln-8506	83	5	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	83	6	two	two	NUM
crln-8506	83	7	days	day	NOUN
crln-8506	83	8	temporarily	temporarily	ADV
crln-8506	83	9	suspending	suspend	VERB
crln-8506	83	10	important	important	ADJ
crln-8506	83	11	services	service	NOUN
crln-8506	83	12	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	83	13	the	the	DET
crln-8506	83	14	campus	campus	NOUN
crln-8506	83	15	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	83	16	the	the	DET
crln-8506	83	17	community	community	NOUN
crln-8506	83	18	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	84	1	while	while	SCONJ
crln-8506	84	2	a	a	DET
crln-8506	84	3	disaster	disaster	NOUN
crln-8506	84	4	plan	plan	NOUN
crln-8506	84	5	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	84	6	supplies	supply	NOUN
crln-8506	84	7	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-8506	84	9	a	a	DET
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crln-8506	84	28	place	place	NOUN
crln-8506	84	29	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	85	1	despite	despite	SCONJ
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crln-8506	85	31	efficiently	efficiently	ADV
crln-8506	85	32	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8506	86	20	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8506	87	4	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8506	88	13	place	place	NOUN
crln-8506	88	14	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	89	1	three	three	NUM
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crln-8506	89	13	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	89	14	inadequate	inadequate	ADJ
crln-8506	89	15	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8506	90	23	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-8506	91	9	real	real	ADJ
crln-8506	91	10	world	world	NOUN
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crln-8506	91	20	you	you	PRON
crln-8506	91	21	should	should	AUX
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crln-8506	91	24	on	on	ADP
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crln-8506	91	27	can	can	AUX
crln-8506	91	28	never	never	ADV
crln-8506	91	29	be	be	AUX
crln-8506	91	30	too	too	ADV
crln-8506	91	31	prepared	prepared	ADJ
crln-8506	91	32	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	92	1	about	about	ADP
crln-8506	92	2	the	the	DET
crln-8506	92	3	effectiveness	effectiveness	NOUN
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crln-8506	92	5	incorporating	incorporate	VERB
crln-8506	92	6	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	92	7	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	92	8	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	92	9	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	92	10	sessions	session	NOUN
crln-8506	92	11	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8506	92	12	•	•	VERB
crln-8506	92	13	94.7	94.7	NUM
crln-8506	92	14	percent	percent	NOUN
crln-8506	92	15	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	92	16	the	the	DET
crln-8506	92	17	students	student	NOUN
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crln-8506	92	21	during	during	ADP
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crln-8506	92	23	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	92	24	session	session	NOUN
crln-8506	92	25	•	•	VERB
crln-8506	92	26	73.7	73.7	NUM
crln-8506	92	27	percent	percent	NOUN
crln-8506	92	28	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	92	29	the	the	DET
crln-8506	92	30	students	student	NOUN
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crln-8506	92	32	that	that	SCONJ
crln-8506	92	33	they	they	PRON
crln-8506	92	34	were	be	AUX
crln-8506	92	35	now	now	ADV
crln-8506	92	36	better	well	ADV
crln-8506	92	37	able	able	ADJ
crln-8506	92	38	to	to	PART
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crln-8506	92	40	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	92	41	retain	retain	VERB
crln-8506	92	42	the	the	DET
crln-8506	92	43	information	information	NOUN
crln-8506	92	44	because	because	SCONJ
crln-8506	92	45	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	92	46	the	the	DET
crln-8506	92	47	integration	integration	NOUN
crln-8506	92	48	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	92	49	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	92	50	culture	culture	NOUN
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crln-8506	92	52	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	92	53	the	the	DET
crln-8506	92	54	ability	ability	NOUN
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crln-8506	92	57	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	92	58	retain	retain	VERB
crln-8506	92	59	information	information	NOUN
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crln-8506	92	64	assess	assess	VERB
crln-8506	92	65	without	without	ADP
crln-8506	92	66	a	a	DET
crln-8506	92	67	pre	pre	NOUN
crln-8506	92	68	-	-	NOUN
crln-8506	92	69	test	test	NOUN
crln-8506	92	70	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	92	71	post	post	NOUN
crln-8506	92	72	-	-	NOUN
crln-8506	92	73	test	test	NOUN
crln-8506	92	74	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	92	75	but	but	CCONJ
crln-8506	92	76	the	the	DET
crln-8506	92	77	majority	majority	NOUN
crln-8506	92	78	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	92	79	the	the	DET
crln-8506	92	80	respondents	respondent	NOUN
crln-8506	92	81	felt	feel	VERB
crln-8506	92	82	that	that	SCONJ
crln-8506	92	83	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	92	84	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	92	85	helped	help	VERB
crln-8506	92	86	them	they	PRON
crln-8506	92	87	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	92	88	this	this	DET
crln-8506	92	89	process	process	NOUN
crln-8506	92	90	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	93	1	due	due	ADP
crln-8506	93	2	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	93	3	the	the	DET
crln-8506	93	4	survey	survey	NOUN
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crln-8506	93	6	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	93	7	first	first	ADJ
crln-8506	93	8	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	93	9	hand	hand	NOUN
crln-8506	93	10	observations	observation	NOUN
crln-8506	93	11	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	93	12	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	93	13	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	93	14	yelinek	yelinek	PROPN
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crln-8506	93	16	to	to	PART
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crln-8506	93	18	integrating	integrate	VERB
crln-8506	93	19	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	93	20	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	93	21	themes	theme	NOUN
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crln-8506	93	23	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	93	24	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	93	25	sessions	session	NOUN
crln-8506	93	26	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	94	1	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	94	2	television	television	NOUN
crln-8506	94	3	shows	show	VERB
crln-8506	94	4	like	like	SCONJ
crln-8506	94	5	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	94	6	shore	shore	PROPN
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crln-8506	94	9	relevance	relevance	NOUN
crln-8506	94	10	or	or	CCONJ
crln-8506	94	11	popularity	popularity	NOUN
crln-8506	94	12	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	94	13	eventually	eventually	ADV
crln-8506	94	14	face	face	VERB
crln-8506	94	15	network	network	NOUN
crln-8506	94	16	cancellation	cancellation	NOUN
crln-8506	94	17	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	94	18	but	but	CCONJ
crln-8506	94	19	new	new	ADJ
crln-8506	94	20	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	94	21	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	94	22	references	reference	NOUN
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crln-8506	94	24	always	always	ADV
crln-8506	94	25	be	be	AUX
crln-8506	94	26	available	available	ADJ
crln-8506	94	27	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	95	1	regardless	regardless	ADV
crln-8506	95	2	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	95	3	the	the	DET
crln-8506	95	4	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	95	5	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	95	6	topic	topic	NOUN
crln-8506	95	7	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	95	8	being	be	AUX
crln-8506	95	9	willing	willing	ADJ
crln-8506	95	10	to	to	PART
crln-8506	95	11	try	try	VERB
crln-8506	95	12	different	different	ADJ
crln-8506	95	13	teaching	teaching	NOUN
crln-8506	95	14	methods	method	NOUN
crln-8506	95	15	is	be	AUX
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crln-8506	95	17	for	for	ADP
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crln-8506	95	19	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	95	20	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	95	21	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	95	22	information	information	NOUN
crln-8506	95	23	literacy	literacy	NOUN
crln-8506	95	24	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	95	25	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	96	1	when	when	SCONJ
crln-8506	96	2	trying	try	VERB
crln-8506	96	3	unusual	unusual	ADJ
crln-8506	96	4	ideas	idea	NOUN
crln-8506	96	5	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	96	6	there	there	PRON
crln-8506	96	7	is	be	VERB
crln-8506	96	8	an	an	DET
crln-8506	96	9	even	even	ADV
crln-8506	96	10	greater	great	ADJ
crln-8506	96	11	need	need	NOUN
crln-8506	96	12	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	96	13	hands	hand	NOUN
crln-8506	96	14	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	96	15	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	96	16	exercises	exercise	NOUN
crln-8506	96	17	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	96	18	which	which	PRON
crln-8506	96	19	the	the	DET
crln-8506	96	20	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	96	21	can	can	AUX
crln-8506	96	22	apply	apply	VERB
crln-8506	96	23	information	information	NOUN
crln-8506	96	24	literacy	literacy	NOUN
crln-8506	96	25	skills	skill	NOUN
crln-8506	96	26	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	97	1	application	application	NOUN
crln-8506	97	2	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	97	3	these	these	DET
crln-8506	97	4	skills	skill	NOUN
crln-8506	97	5	is	be	AUX
crln-8506	97	6	also	also	ADV
crln-8506	97	7	important	important	ADJ
crln-8506	97	8	when	when	SCONJ
crln-8506	97	9	proving	prove	VERB
crln-8506	97	10	effectiveness	effectiveness	NOUN
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crln-8506	97	12	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crln-8506	97	13	members	member	NOUN
crln-8506	97	14	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	97	15	who	who	PRON
crln-8506	97	16	may	may	AUX
crln-8506	97	17	have	have	VERB
crln-8506	97	18	reservations	reservation	NOUN
crln-8506	97	19	about	about	ADP
crln-8506	97	20	incorporating	incorporate	VERB
crln-8506	97	21	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	97	22	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	97	23	references	reference	NOUN
crln-8506	97	24	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	98	1	springer	springer	NOUN
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crln-8506	98	3	yelinek	yelinek	PROPN
crln-8506	98	4	were	be	AUX
crln-8506	98	5	both	both	PRON
crln-8506	98	6	grateful	grateful	ADJ
crln-8506	98	7	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	98	8	the	the	DET
crln-8506	98	9	support	support	NOUN
crln-8506	98	10	they	they	PRON
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crln-8506	98	12	from	from	ADP
crln-8506	98	13	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crln-8506	98	14	members	member	NOUN
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crln-8506	98	16	their	their	PRON
crln-8506	98	17	institutions	institution	NOUN
crln-8506	98	18	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	99	1	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8506	99	2	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8506	99	3	teaching	teach	VERB
crln-8506	99	4	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	99	5	the	the	DET
crln-8506	99	6	situtation	situtation	NOUN
crln-8506	99	7	...	...	PUNCT
crln-8506	99	8	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8506	99	9	cont	cont	NOUN
crln-8506	99	10	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	100	1	from	from	ADP
crln-8506	100	2	page	page	NOUN
crln-8506	100	3	80	80	NUM
crln-8506	100	4	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8506	100	5	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8506	100	6	continued	continue	VERB
crln-8506	100	7	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	100	8	page	page	NOUN
crln-8506	100	9	118	118	NUM
crln-8506	100	10	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8506	100	11	c&rl	c&rl	PROPN
crln-8506	100	12	news	news	NOUN
crln-8506	100	13	february	february	PROPN
crln-8506	100	14	2011	2011	NUM
crln-8506	100	15	118	118	NUM
crln-8506	100	16	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crln-8506	100	17	have	have	VERB
crln-8506	100	18	multiple	multiple	ADJ
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crln-8506	100	21	staying	stay	VERB
crln-8506	100	22	current	current	ADJ
crln-8506	100	23	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	100	24	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	100	25	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	100	26	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	101	1	one	one	NUM
crln-8506	101	2	valuable	valuable	ADJ
crln-8506	101	3	resource	resource	NOUN
crln-8506	101	4	is	be	AUX
crln-8506	101	5	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	101	6	student	student	NOUN
crln-8506	101	7	employees	employee	NOUN
crln-8506	101	8	;	;	PUNCT
crln-8506	101	9	springer	springer	NOUN
crln-8506	101	10	initially	initially	ADV
crln-8506	101	11	sensed	sense	VERB
crln-8506	101	12	that	that	SCONJ
crln-8506	101	13	most	most	ADJ
crln-8506	101	14	students	student	NOUN
crln-8506	101	15	would	would	AUX
crln-8506	101	16	have	have	VERB
crln-8506	101	17	some	some	DET
crln-8506	101	18	awareness	awareness	NOUN
crln-8506	101	19	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	101	20	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	101	21	shore	shore	PROPN
crln-8506	101	22	after	after	ADP
crln-8506	101	23	conversing	converse	VERB
crln-8506	101	24	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	101	25	student	student	NOUN
crln-8506	101	26	employees	employee	NOUN
crln-8506	101	27	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	102	1	many	many	ADJ
crln-8506	102	2	libraries	library	NOUN
crln-8506	102	3	also	also	ADV
crln-8506	102	4	have	have	VERB
crln-8506	102	5	subscriptions	subscription	NOUN
crln-8506	102	6	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	102	7	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	102	8	magazines	magazine	NOUN
crln-8506	102	9	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	103	1	entertainment	entertainment	NOUN
crln-8506	103	2	weekly	weekly	NOUN
crln-8506	103	3	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	103	4	people	people	NOUN
crln-8506	103	5	magazine	magazine	NOUN
crln-8506	103	6	both	both	PRON
crln-8506	103	7	provide	provide	VERB
crln-8506	103	8	a	a	DET
crln-8506	103	9	plethora	plethora	NOUN
crln-8506	103	10	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	103	11	information	information	NOUN
crln-8506	103	12	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	103	13	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	103	14	television	television	NOUN
crln-8506	103	15	shows	show	NOUN
crln-8506	103	16	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	103	17	celebrity	celebrity	NOUN
crln-8506	103	18	gossip	gossip	NOUN
crln-8506	103	19	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	104	1	browsing	browse	VERB
crln-8506	104	2	twitter	twitter	NOUN
crln-8506	104	3	trending	trend	VERB
crln-8506	104	4	topics	topic	NOUN
crln-8506	104	5	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	104	6	popular	popular	ADJ
crln-8506	104	7	culture	culture	NOUN
crln-8506	104	8	blogs	blog	NOUN
crln-8506	104	9	could	could	AUX
crln-8506	104	10	also	also	ADV
crln-8506	104	11	provide	provide	VERB
crln-8506	104	12	inspiration	inspiration	NOUN
crln-8506	104	13	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	104	14	enhancing	enhance	VERB
crln-8506	104	15	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	104	16	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	104	17	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	105	1	notes	note	NOUN
crln-8506	105	2	1	1	NUM
crln-8506	105	3	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	106	1	see	see	VERB
crln-8506	106	2	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	106	3	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	106	4	example	example	NOUN
crln-8506	106	5	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	106	6	nedra	nedra	PROPN
crln-8506	106	7	peterson	peterson	PROPN
crln-8506	106	8	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	106	9	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8506	106	10	it	it	PRON
crln-8506	106	11	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8506	106	12	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8506	106	13	teaching	teach	VERB
crln-8506	106	14	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	106	15	the	the	DET
crln-8506	106	16	situation	situation	NOUN
crln-8506	106	17	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	106	18	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	106	19	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	106	20	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8506	107	1	cont	cont	NOUN
crln-8506	107	2	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	108	1	from	from	ADP
crln-8506	108	2	page	page	NOUN
crln-8506	108	3	85	85	NUM
crln-8506	108	4	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8506	108	5	came	come	VERB
crln-8506	108	6	from	from	ADP
crln-8506	108	7	hollywood	hollywood	NOUN
crln-8506	108	8	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	108	9	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8506	108	10	c&rl	c&rl	PROPN
crln-8506	108	11	news	news	PROPN
crln-8506	108	12	71	71	NUM
crln-8506	108	13	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	108	14	no	no	NOUN
crln-8506	108	15	.	.	NOUN
crln-8506	108	16	2	2	NUM
crln-8506	108	17	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8506	108	18	2010	2010	NUM
crln-8506	108	19	):	):	PUNCT
crln-8506	108	20	66–74	66–74	NUM
crln-8506	108	21	.	.	NOUN
crln-8506	109	1	2	2	X
crln-8506	109	2	.	.	X
crln-8506	109	3	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	109	4	more	more	ADJ
crln-8506	109	5	information	information	NOUN
crln-8506	109	6	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	109	7	this	this	DET
crln-8506	109	8	topic	topic	NOUN
crln-8506	109	9	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	10	see	see	VERB
crln-8506	109	11	chip	chip	NOUN
crln-8506	109	12	heath	heath	NOUN
crln-8506	109	13	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	109	14	dan	dan	PROPN
crln-8506	109	15	heath	heath	PROPN
crln-8506	109	16	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	17	made	make	VERB
crln-8506	109	18	to	to	PART
crln-8506	109	19	stick	stick	VERB
crln-8506	109	20	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	21	new	new	PROPN
crln-8506	109	22	york	york	PROPN
crln-8506	109	23	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	24	random	random	ADJ
crln-8506	109	25	house	house	NOUN
crln-8506	109	26	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	27	2007	2007	NUM
crln-8506	109	28	):	):	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	29	165–203	165–203	NUM
crln-8506	109	30	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	31	;	;	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	32	eric	eric	PROPN
crln-8506	109	33	jensen	jensen	PROPN
crln-8506	109	34	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	35	teaching	teach	VERB
crln-8506	109	36	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	109	37	the	the	DET
crln-8506	109	38	brain	brain	NOUN
crln-8506	109	39	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	109	40	mind	mind	NOUN
crln-8506	109	41	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	42	alexandria	alexandria	PROPN
crln-8506	109	43	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	44	va	va	PROPN
crln-8506	109	45	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	46	association	association	NOUN
crln-8506	109	47	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	109	48	supervision	supervision	NOUN
crln-8506	109	49	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	109	50	curriculum	curriculum	NOUN
crln-8506	109	51	development	development	NOUN
crln-8506	109	52	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	53	1998	1998	NUM
crln-8506	109	54	):	):	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	55	71–81	71–81	NUM
crln-8506	109	56	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	57	3	3	X
crln-8506	109	58	.	.	PROPN
crln-8506	109	59	amy	amy	PROPN
crln-8506	109	60	springer	springer	PROPN
crln-8506	109	61	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	62	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	63	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-8506	109	64	shore	shore	PROPN
crln-8506	109	65	themed	theme	VERB
crln-8506	109	66	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	109	67	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-8506	109	68	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	69	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	70	ch	ch	NOUN
crln-8506	109	71	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	72	ch	ch	NOUN
crln-8506	109	73	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	74	ch	ch	NOUN
crln-8506	109	75	changing	change	VERB
crln-8506	109	76	librarian	librarian	ADJ
crln-8506	109	77	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	78	ch	ch	NOUN
crln-8506	109	79	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	80	ch	ch	NOUN
crln-8506	109	81	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	109	82	chchanginglibrarian	chchanginglibrarian	NOUN
crln-8506	109	83	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	110	1	b	b	X
crln-8506	110	2	l	l	X
crln-8506	110	3	o	o	NOUN
crln-8506	110	4	g	g	PROPN
crln-8506	110	5	s	s	VERB
crln-8506	110	6	p	p	NOUN
crln-8506	110	7	o	o	NOUN
crln-8506	110	8	t	t	NOUN
crln-8506	110	9	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	111	1	c	c	PROPN
crln-8506	111	2	o	o	NOUN
crln-8506	111	3	m	m	VERB
crln-8506	111	4	/	/	SYM
crln-8506	111	5	2	2	NUM
crln-8506	111	6	0	0	NUM
crln-8506	111	7	1	1	NUM
crln-8506	111	8	0	0	NUM
crln-8506	111	9	/	/	SYM
crln-8506	111	10	0	0	NUM
crln-8506	112	1	3	3	NUM
crln-8506	112	2	/	/	SYM
crln-8506	112	3	j	j	NOUN
crln-8506	112	4	e	e	NOUN
crln-8506	112	5	r	r	NOUN
crln-8506	112	6	s	s	X
crln-8506	112	7	e	e	X
crln-8506	112	8	y	y	PROPN
crln-8506	112	9	s	s	PART
crln-8506	113	1	h	h	NOUN
crln-8506	113	2	o	o	NOUN
crln-8506	113	3	r	r	NOUN
crln-8506	113	4	e	e	NOUN
crln-8506	113	5	-themed	-theme	VERB
crln-8506	113	6	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	113	7	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	113	8	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	113	9	instruction.html	instruction.html	NOUN
crln-8506	113	10	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	114	1	4	4	X
crln-8506	114	2	.	.	X
crln-8506	114	3	ibid	ibid	VERB
crln-8506	114	4	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	115	1	5	5	X
crln-8506	115	2	.	.	X
crln-8506	115	3	X
crln-8506	115	4	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	116	1	6	6	X
crln-8506	116	2	.	.	X
crln-8506	116	3	heath	heath	NOUN
crln-8506	116	4	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	116	5	heath	heath	PROPN
crln-8506	116	6	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	116	7	91–93	91–93	PROPN
crln-8506	116	8	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	116	9	ation	ation	PROPN
crln-8506	116	10	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	116	11	southeastern	southeastern	PROPN
crln-8506	116	12	library	library	PROPN
crln-8506	116	13	association	association	PROPN
crln-8506	116	14	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	116	15	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	116	16	the	the	DET
crln-8506	116	17	georgia	georgia	PROPN
crln-8506	116	18	library	library	PROPN
crln-8506	116	19	association	association	PROPN
crln-8506	116	20	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	116	21	where	where	SCONJ
crln-8506	116	22	she	she	PRON
crln-8506	116	23	served	serve	VERB
crln-8506	116	24	as	as	ADP
crln-8506	116	25	president	president	NOUN
crln-8506	116	26	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	116	27	2008	2008	NUM
crln-8506	116	28	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	117	1	d	d	NOUN
crln-8506	117	2	e	e	NOUN
crln-8506	117	3	a	a	DET
crln-8506	117	4	t	t	NOUN
crln-8506	117	5	h	h	NOUN
crln-8506	117	6	s	s	PART
crln-8506	117	7	edward	edward	PROPN
crln-8506	117	8	swanson	swanson	NOUN
crln-8506	117	9	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	117	10	who	who	PRON
crln-8506	117	11	managed	manage	VERB
crln-8506	117	12	contract	contract	NOUN
crln-8506	117	13	cataloging	catalog	VERB
crln-8506	117	14	services	service	NOUN
crln-8506	117	15	at	at	ADP
crln-8506	117	16	minitex	minitex	NOUN
crln-8506	117	17	at	at	ADP
crln-8506	117	18	the	the	DET
crln-8506	117	19	university	university	PROPN
crln-8506	117	20	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	117	21	minnesota	minnesota	PROPN
crln-8506	117	22	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	117	23	has	have	AUX
crln-8506	117	24	died	die	VERB
crln-8506	117	25	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	118	1	swanson	swanson	PROPN
crln-8506	118	2	’s	’s	PART
crln-8506	118	3	career	career	NOUN
crln-8506	118	4	began	begin	VERB
crln-8506	118	5	at	at	ADP
crln-8506	118	6	macalester	macalester	PROPN
crln-8506	118	7	college	college	PROPN
crln-8506	118	8	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	118	9	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	118	10	duties	duty	NOUN
crln-8506	118	11	including	include	VERB
crln-8506	118	12	cataloging	catalog	VERB
crln-8506	118	13	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	118	14	organizing	organize	VERB
crln-8506	118	15	the	the	DET
crln-8506	118	16	college	college	NOUN
crln-8506	118	17	archives	archive	NOUN
crln-8506	118	18	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	119	1	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	119	2	1968	1968	NUM
crln-8506	119	3	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	119	4	he	he	PRON
crln-8506	119	5	moved	move	VERB
crln-8506	119	6	to	to	ADP
crln-8506	119	7	the	the	DET
crln-8506	119	8	minnesota	minnesota	PROPN
crln-8506	119	9	historical	historical	ADJ
crln-8506	119	10	society	society	NOUN
crln-8506	119	11	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	119	12	where	where	SCONJ
crln-8506	119	13	he	he	PRON
crln-8506	119	14	led	lead	VERB
crln-8506	119	15	the	the	DET
crln-8506	119	16	newspaper	newspaper	NOUN
crln-8506	119	17	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	119	18	processing	processing	NOUN
crln-8506	119	19	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	119	20	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	119	21	technical	technical	ADJ
crln-8506	119	22	services	service	NOUN
crln-8506	119	23	departments	department	NOUN
crln-8506	119	24	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	119	25	culminating	culminate	VERB
crln-8506	119	26	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	119	27	the	the	DET
crln-8506	119	28	position	position	NOUN
crln-8506	119	29	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	119	30	coordinator	coordinator	NOUN
crln-8506	119	31	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	119	32	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	119	33	cataloging	catalog	VERB
crln-8506	119	34	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	119	35	principal	principal	ADJ
crln-8506	119	36	cataloger	cataloger	NOUN
crln-8506	119	37	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	120	1	during	during	ADP
crln-8506	120	2	this	this	DET
crln-8506	120	3	time	time	NOUN
crln-8506	120	4	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	120	5	he	he	PRON
crln-8506	120	6	played	play	VERB
crln-8506	120	7	a	a	DET
crln-8506	120	8	vital	vital	ADJ
crln-8506	120	9	role	role	NOUN
crln-8506	120	10	as	as	ADP
crln-8506	120	11	a	a	DET
crln-8506	120	12	minnesota	minnesota	NOUN
crln-8506	120	13	aacr2	aacr2	NOUN
crln-8506	120	14	trainer	trainer	NOUN
crln-8506	120	15	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	120	16	helping	help	VERB
crln-8506	120	17	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crln-8506	120	18	throughout	throughout	ADP
crln-8506	120	19	the	the	DET
crln-8506	120	20	state	state	NOUN
crln-8506	120	21	learn	learn	VERB
crln-8506	120	22	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	120	23	understand	understand	VERB
crln-8506	120	24	the	the	DET
crln-8506	120	25	new	new	ADJ
crln-8506	120	26	cataloging	cataloging	NOUN
crln-8506	120	27	rules	rule	NOUN
crln-8506	120	28	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	121	1	he	he	PRON
crln-8506	121	2	not	not	PART
crln-8506	121	3	only	only	ADV
crln-8506	121	4	provided	provide	VERB
crln-8506	121	5	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	121	6	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	121	7	person	person	NOUN
crln-8506	121	8	training	training	NOUN
crln-8506	121	9	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	121	10	but	but	CCONJ
crln-8506	121	11	authored	author	VERB
crln-8506	121	12	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	121	13	edited	edit	VERB
crln-8506	121	14	numerous	numerous	ADJ
crln-8506	121	15	manuals	manual	NOUN
crln-8506	121	16	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	121	17	other	other	ADJ
crln-8506	121	18	documentation	documentation	NOUN
crln-8506	121	19	to	to	PART
crln-8506	121	20	support	support	VERB
crln-8506	121	21	cataloging	cataloging	NOUN
crln-8506	121	22	including	include	VERB
crln-8506	121	23	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8506	121	24	with	with	ADP
crln-8506	121	25	nancy	nancy	PROPN
crln-8506	121	26	olson	olson	PROPN
crln-8506	121	27	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8506	121	28	the	the	DET
crln-8506	121	29	complete	complete	ADJ
crln-8506	121	30	cataloging	cataloging	NOUN
crln-8506	121	31	reference	reference	NOUN
crln-8506	121	32	set	set	NOUN
crln-8506	121	33	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8506	121	34	collected	collect	VERB
crln-8506	121	35	manuals	manual	NOUN
crln-8506	121	36	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	121	37	the	the	DET
crln-8506	121	38	minnesota	minnesota	ADJ
crln-8506	121	39	aacr2	aacr2	NOUN
crln-8506	121	40	trainers	trainer	NOUN
crln-8506	121	41	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	122	1	swanson	swanson	PROPN
crln-8506	122	2	prepared	prepared	PROPN
crln-8506	122	3	curriculum	curriculum	NOUN
crln-8506	122	4	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	122	5	conducting	conduct	VERB
crln-8506	122	6	training	training	NOUN
crln-8506	122	7	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	122	8	the	the	DET
crln-8506	122	9	mn	mn	PROPN
crln-8506	122	10	opportunities	opportunity	NOUN
crln-8506	122	11	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	122	12	technical	technical	ADJ
crln-8506	122	13	services	service	NOUN
crln-8506	122	14	excellence	excellence	NOUN
crln-8506	122	15	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8506	122	16	motse	motse	PROPN
crln-8506	122	17	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8506	122	18	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	122	19	strengthening	strengthen	VERB
crln-8506	122	20	the	the	DET
crln-8506	122	21	cataloging	catalog	VERB
crln-8506	122	22	knowledge	knowledge	NOUN
crln-8506	122	23	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	122	24	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crln-8506	122	25	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	122	26	paraprofessionals	paraprofessional	NOUN
crln-8506	122	27	throughout	throughout	ADP
crln-8506	122	28	the	the	DET
crln-8506	122	29	state	state	NOUN
crln-8506	122	30	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	123	1	he	he	PRON
crln-8506	123	2	has	have	AUX
crln-8506	123	3	also	also	ADV
crln-8506	123	4	served	serve	VERB
crln-8506	123	5	as	as	ADP
crln-8506	123	6	a	a	DET
crln-8506	123	7	long	long	ADJ
crln-8506	123	8	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	123	9	time	time	NOUN
crln-8506	123	10	name	name	NOUN
crln-8506	123	11	authority	authority	NOUN
crln-8506	123	12	cooperative	cooperative	ADJ
crln-8506	123	13	program	program	NOUN
crln-8506	123	14	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8506	123	15	naco	naco	PROPN
crln-8506	123	16	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8506	123	17	trainer	trainer	NOUN
crln-8506	123	18	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	123	19	the	the	DET
crln-8506	123	20	region	region	NOUN
crln-8506	123	21	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	123	22	as	as	ADP
crln-8506	123	23	the	the	DET
crln-8506	123	24	minnesota	minnesota	PROPN
crln-8506	123	25	naco	naco	PROPN
crln-8506	123	26	funnel	funnel	NOUN
crln-8506	123	27	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	124	1	he	he	PRON
crln-8506	124	2	retired	retire	VERB
crln-8506	124	3	from	from	ADP
crln-8506	124	4	the	the	DET
crln-8506	124	5	minnesota	minnesota	PROPN
crln-8506	124	6	historical	historical	ADJ
crln-8506	124	7	society	society	NOUN
crln-8506	124	8	after	after	ADP
crln-8506	124	9	32	32	NUM
crln-8506	124	10	years	year	NOUN
crln-8506	124	11	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	124	12	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	124	13	then	then	ADV
crln-8506	124	14	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	124	15	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	124	16	2001	2001	NUM
crln-8506	124	17	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	124	18	he	he	PRON
crln-8506	124	19	joined	join	VERB
crln-8506	124	20	the	the	DET
crln-8506	124	21	staff	staff	NOUN
crln-8506	124	22	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	124	23	minitex	minitex	NOUN
crln-8506	124	24	at	at	ADP
crln-8506	124	25	the	the	DET
crln-8506	124	26	university	university	PROPN
crln-8506	124	27	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	124	28	minnesota	minnesota	PROPN
crln-8506	124	29	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	124	30	nine	nine	NUM
crln-8506	124	31	years	year	NOUN
crln-8506	124	32	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	125	1	he	he	PRON
crln-8506	125	2	received	receive	VERB
crln-8506	125	3	the	the	DET
crln-8506	125	4	mla	mla	NOUN
crln-8506	125	5	president	president	NOUN
crln-8506	125	6	’s	’s	PART
crln-8506	125	7	award	award	NOUN
crln-8506	125	8	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	125	9	1981	1981	NUM
crln-8506	125	10	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	125	11	also	also	ADV
crln-8506	125	12	received	receive	VERB
crln-8506	125	13	an	an	DET
crln-8506	125	14	mla	mla	NOUN
crln-8506	125	15	centennial	centennial	NOUN
crln-8506	125	16	medal	medal	PROPN
crln-8506	125	17	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	126	1	swanson	swanson	PROPN
crln-8506	126	2	played	play	VERB
crln-8506	126	3	a	a	DET
crln-8506	126	4	leadership	leadership	NOUN
crln-8506	126	5	role	role	NOUN
crln-8506	126	6	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	126	7	the	the	DET
crln-8506	126	8	state	state	NOUN
crln-8506	126	9	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8506	126	10	wide	wide	ADJ
crln-8506	126	11	shared	share	VERB
crln-8506	126	12	integrated	integrate	VERB
crln-8506	126	13	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	126	14	system	system	NOUN
crln-8506	126	15	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8506	126	16	mnscu	mnscu	PROPN
crln-8506	126	17	/	/	SYM
crln-8506	126	18	pals	pal	NOUN
crln-8506	126	19	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	126	20	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	126	21	mnlink	mnlink	VERB
crln-8506	126	22	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8506	126	23	cataloging	catalog	VERB
crln-8506	126	24	user	user	NOUN
crln-8506	126	25	groups	group	NOUN
crln-8506	126	26	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	126	27	database	database	VERB
crln-8506	126	28	quality	quality	NOUN
crln-8506	126	29	maintenance	maintenance	NOUN
crln-8506	126	30	task	task	NOUN
crln-8506	126	31	forces	force	NOUN
crln-8506	126	32	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	127	1	on	on	ADP
crln-8506	127	2	a	a	DET
crln-8506	127	3	national	national	ADJ
crln-8506	127	4	level	level	NOUN
crln-8506	127	5	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	127	6	swanson	swanson	PROPN
crln-8506	127	7	became	become	VERB
crln-8506	127	8	a	a	DET
crln-8506	127	9	member	member	NOUN
crln-8506	127	10	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	127	11	ala	ala	PROPN
crln-8506	127	12	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	127	13	1962	1962	NUM
crln-8506	127	14	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8506	128	1	swanson	swanson	PROPN
crln-8506	128	2	served	serve	VERB
crln-8506	128	3	the	the	DET
crln-8506	128	4	association	association	NOUN
crln-8506	128	5	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	128	6	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	128	7	collections	collection	NOUN
crln-8506	128	8	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	128	9	technical	technical	ADJ
crln-8506	128	10	services	service	NOUN
crln-8506	128	11	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8506	128	12	alcts	alct	NOUN
crln-8506	128	13	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8506	128	14	in	in	ADP
crln-8506	128	15	a	a	DET
crln-8506	128	16	variety	variety	NOUN
crln-8506	128	17	of	of	ADP
crln-8506	128	18	roles	role	NOUN
crln-8506	128	19	including	include	VERB
crln-8506	128	20	the	the	DET
crln-8506	128	21	library	library	NOUN
crln-8506	128	22	research	research	NOUN
crln-8506	128	23	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	128	24	technical	technical	ADJ
crln-8506	128	25	services	service	NOUN
crln-8506	128	26	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8506	128	27	lrts	lrt	NOUN
crln-8506	128	28	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8506	128	29	editorial	editorial	ADJ
crln-8506	128	30	board	board	NOUN
crln-8506	128	31	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8506	128	32	for	for	ADP
crln-8506	128	33	15	15	NUM
crln-8506	128	34	years	year	NOUN
crln-8506	128	35	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8506	128	36	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	128	37	alcts	alct	VERB
crln-8506	128	38	board	board	NOUN
crln-8506	128	39	member	member	NOUN
crln-8506	128	40	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	128	41	parliamentarian	parliamentarian	PROPN
crln-8506	128	42	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	128	43	alcts	alct	VERB
crln-8506	128	44	international	international	PROPN
crln-8506	128	45	relations	relation	NOUN
crln-8506	128	46	committee	committee	PROPN
crln-8506	128	47	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	128	48	alcts	alct	VERB
crln-8506	128	49	publications	publication	NOUN
crln-8506	128	50	committee	committee	NOUN
crln-8506	128	51	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8506	128	52	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8506	128	53	many	many	ADJ
crln-8506	128	54	others	other	NOUN
crln-8506	128	55	.	.	PUNCT