id sid tid token lemma pos crln-8440 1 1 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-8440 1 2 news news PROPN crln-8440 1 3 october october PROPN crln-8440 1 4 2010 2010 NUM crln-8440 1 5 480 480 NUM crln-8440 1 6 data datum NOUN crln-8440 1 7 services service NOUN crln-8440 1 8 at at ADP crln-8440 1 9 michigan michigan PROPN crln-8440 1 10 state state PROPN crln-8440 1 11 university university PROPN crln-8440 1 12 ( ( PUNCT crln-8440 1 13 msu msu PROPN crln-8440 1 14 ) ) PUNCT crln-8440 1 15 libraries library NOUN crln-8440 1 16 is be AUX crln-8440 1 17 a a DET crln-8440 1 18 new new ADJ crln-8440 1 19 program program NOUN crln-8440 1 20 that that PRON crln-8440 1 21 enhances enhance VERB crln-8440 1 22 access access NOUN crln-8440 1 23 to to ADP crln-8440 1 24 numeric numeric ADJ crln-8440 1 25 data datum NOUN crln-8440 1 26 in in ADP crln-8440 1 27 the the DET crln-8440 1 28 social social ADJ crln-8440 1 29 sciences science NOUN crln-8440 1 30 for for ADP crln-8440 1 31 secondary secondary ADJ crln-8440 1 32 analysis analysis NOUN crln-8440 1 33 . . PUNCT crln-8440 2 1 although although SCONJ crln-8440 2 2 data data NOUN crln-8440 2 3 services service NOUN crln-8440 2 4 programs program NOUN crln-8440 2 5 are be AUX crln-8440 2 6 not not PART crln-8440 2 7 yet yet ADV crln-8440 2 8 standard standard ADJ crln-8440 2 9 across across ADP crln-8440 2 10 academic academic ADJ crln-8440 2 11 libraries library NOUN crln-8440 2 12 , , PUNCT crln-8440 2 13 they they PRON crln-8440 2 14 are be AUX crln-8440 2 15 becoming become VERB crln-8440 2 16 increasingly increasingly ADV crln-8440 2 17 widespread widespread ADJ crln-8440 2 18 . . PUNCT crln-8440 3 1 as as SCONJ crln-8440 3 2 librarians librarian NOUN crln-8440 3 3 take take VERB crln-8440 3 4 up up ADP crln-8440 3 5 the the DET crln-8440 3 6 call call NOUN crln-8440 3 7 of of ADP crln-8440 3 8 data data NOUN crln-8440 3 9 services service NOUN crln-8440 3 10 , , PUNCT crln-8440 3 11 they they PRON crln-8440 3 12 will will AUX crln-8440 3 13 not not PART crln-8440 3 14 only only ADV crln-8440 3 15 need need VERB crln-8440 3 16 to to PART crln-8440 3 17 learn learn VERB crln-8440 3 18 how how SCONJ crln-8440 3 19 to to PART crln-8440 3 20 apply apply VERB crln-8440 3 21 traditional traditional ADJ crln-8440 3 22 techniques technique NOUN crln-8440 3 23 of of ADP crln-8440 3 24 reference reference NOUN crln-8440 3 25 , , PUNCT crln-8440 3 26 instruction instruction NOUN crln-8440 3 27 , , PUNCT crln-8440 3 28 and and CCONJ crln-8440 3 29 collection collection NOUN crln-8440 3 30 management management NOUN crln-8440 3 31 to to ADP crln-8440 3 32 the the DET crln-8440 3 33 unique unique ADJ crln-8440 3 34 format format NOUN crln-8440 3 35 of of ADP crln-8440 3 36 data datum NOUN crln-8440 3 37 , , PUNCT crln-8440 3 38 but but CCONJ crln-8440 3 39 also also ADV crln-8440 3 40 how how SCONJ crln-8440 3 41 to to PART crln-8440 3 42 raise raise VERB crln-8440 3 43 awareness awareness NOUN crln-8440 3 44 of of ADP crln-8440 3 45 this this DET crln-8440 3 46 new new ADJ crln-8440 3 47 service service NOUN crln-8440 3 48 to to ADP crln-8440 3 49 the the DET crln-8440 3 50 wider wide ADJ crln-8440 3 51 academic academic ADJ crln-8440 3 52 community community NOUN crln-8440 3 53 . . PUNCT crln-8440 4 1 this this DET crln-8440 4 2 article article NOUN crln-8440 4 3 briefly briefly ADV crln-8440 4 4 defines define VERB crln-8440 4 5 data data NOUN crln-8440 4 6 services service NOUN crln-8440 4 7 and and CCONJ crln-8440 4 8 discusses discuss VERB crln-8440 4 9 two two NUM crln-8440 4 10 methods method NOUN crln-8440 4 11 of of ADP crln-8440 4 12 promotion promotion NOUN crln-8440 4 13 by by ADP crln-8440 4 14 presenting present VERB crln-8440 4 15 ideas idea NOUN crln-8440 4 16 for for ADP crln-8440 4 17 building build VERB crln-8440 4 18 relationships relationship NOUN crln-8440 4 19 with with ADP crln-8440 4 20 data datum NOUN crln-8440 4 21 users user NOUN crln-8440 4 22 across across ADP crln-8440 4 23 the the DET crln-8440 4 24 academic academic ADJ crln-8440 4 25 community community NOUN crln-8440 4 26 and and CCONJ crln-8440 4 27 explaining explain VERB crln-8440 4 28 how how SCONJ crln-8440 4 29 a a DET crln-8440 4 30 successful successful ADJ crln-8440 4 31 partnership partnership NOUN crln-8440 4 32 with with ADP crln-8440 4 33 one one NUM crln-8440 4 34 academic academic ADJ crln-8440 4 35 department department NOUN crln-8440 4 36 was be AUX crln-8440 4 37 established establish VERB crln-8440 4 38 . . PUNCT crln-8440 5 1 create create VERB crln-8440 5 2 and and CCONJ crln-8440 5 3 define define VERB crln-8440 5 4 what what PRON crln-8440 5 5 is be AUX crln-8440 5 6 data data NOUN crln-8440 5 7 services service NOUN crln-8440 5 8 ? ? PUNCT crln-8440 6 1 how how SCONJ crln-8440 6 2 many many ADJ crln-8440 6 3 reference reference NOUN crln-8440 6 4 librarians librarian NOUN crln-8440 6 5 start start VERB crln-8440 6 6 to to PART crln-8440 6 7 inwardly inwardly ADV crln-8440 6 8 cringe cringe VERB crln-8440 6 9 when when SCONJ crln-8440 6 10 they they PRON crln-8440 6 11 hear hear VERB crln-8440 6 12 the the DET crln-8440 6 13 word word NOUN crln-8440 6 14 statistics statistic NOUN crln-8440 6 15 or or CCONJ crln-8440 6 16 data datum NOUN crln-8440 6 17 ? ? PUNCT crln-8440 7 1 we we PRON crln-8440 7 2 ca can AUX crln-8440 7 3 n’t not PART crln-8440 7 4 be be AUX crln-8440 7 5 experts expert NOUN crln-8440 7 6 in in ADP crln-8440 7 7 everything everything PRON crln-8440 7 8 , , PUNCT crln-8440 7 9 that that PRON crln-8440 7 10 ’s ’ VERB crln-8440 7 11 why why SCONJ crln-8440 7 12 we we PRON crln-8440 7 13 refer refer VERB crln-8440 7 14 in in ADP crln-8440 7 15 - - PUNCT crln-8440 7 16 depth depth NOUN crln-8440 7 17 questions question NOUN crln-8440 7 18 to to ADP crln-8440 7 19 subject subject ADJ crln-8440 7 20 specialists specialist NOUN crln-8440 7 21 . . PUNCT crln-8440 8 1 special special ADJ crln-8440 8 2 formats format NOUN crln-8440 8 3 ( ( PUNCT crln-8440 8 4 government government NOUN crln-8440 8 5 information information NOUN crln-8440 8 6 , , PUNCT crln-8440 8 7 for for ADP crln-8440 8 8 example example NOUN crln-8440 8 9 ) ) PUNCT crln-8440 8 10 have have VERB crln-8440 8 11 their their PRON crln-8440 8 12 own own ADJ crln-8440 8 13 particular particular ADJ crln-8440 8 14 quirks quirk NOUN crln-8440 8 15 that that PRON crln-8440 8 16 necessitate necessitate ADJ crln-8440 8 17 specialist specialist NOUN crln-8440 8 18 librarians librarian NOUN crln-8440 8 19 , , PUNCT crln-8440 8 20 as as ADV crln-8440 8 21 well well ADV crln-8440 8 22 . . PUNCT crln-8440 9 1 data datum NOUN crln-8440 9 2 services service NOUN crln-8440 9 3 falls fall VERB crln-8440 9 4 into into ADP crln-8440 9 5 this this DET crln-8440 9 6 category category NOUN crln-8440 9 7 . . PUNCT crln-8440 10 1 machine machine NOUN crln-8440 10 2 - - PUNCT crln-8440 10 3 readable readable ADJ crln-8440 10 4 data data NOUN crln-8440 10 5 files file NOUN crln-8440 10 6 for for ADP crln-8440 10 7 secondary secondary ADJ crln-8440 10 8 analysis analysis NOUN crln-8440 10 9 came come VERB crln-8440 10 10 onto onto ADP crln-8440 10 11 the the DET crln-8440 10 12 research research NOUN crln-8440 10 13 scene scene NOUN crln-8440 10 14 in in ADP crln-8440 10 15 a a DET crln-8440 10 16 big big ADJ crln-8440 10 17 way way NOUN crln-8440 10 18 in in ADP crln-8440 10 19 1962 1962 NUM crln-8440 10 20 with with ADP crln-8440 10 21 the the DET crln-8440 10 22 founding founding NOUN crln-8440 10 23 of of ADP crln-8440 10 24 the the DET crln-8440 10 25 interuniversity interuniversity NOUN crln-8440 10 26 consortium consortium NOUN crln-8440 10 27 for for ADP crln-8440 10 28 political political ADJ crln-8440 10 29 and and CCONJ crln-8440 10 30 social social ADJ crln-8440 10 31 research research NOUN crln-8440 10 32 , , PUNCT crln-8440 10 33 one one NUM crln-8440 10 34 of of ADP crln-8440 10 35 the the DET crln-8440 10 36 world world NOUN crln-8440 10 37 ’s ’s PART crln-8440 10 38 premier premier PROPN crln-8440 10 39 social social ADJ crln-8440 10 40 science science PROPN crln-8440 10 41 data datum NOUN crln-8440 10 42 archives archive NOUN crln-8440 10 43 . . PUNCT crln-8440 11 1 the the DET crln-8440 11 2 road road NOUN crln-8440 11 3 to to PART crln-8440 11 4 mainstream mainstream VERB crln-8440 11 5 academic academic ADJ crln-8440 11 6 use use NOUN crln-8440 11 7 of of ADP crln-8440 11 8 datasets dataset NOUN crln-8440 11 9 follows follow VERB crln-8440 11 10 the the DET crln-8440 11 11 path path NOUN crln-8440 11 12 of of ADP crln-8440 11 13 advancements advancement NOUN crln-8440 11 14 in in ADP crln-8440 11 15 computing compute VERB crln-8440 11 16 technology technology NOUN crln-8440 11 17 . . PUNCT crln-8440 12 1 now now ADV crln-8440 12 2 students student NOUN crln-8440 12 3 are be AUX crln-8440 12 4 trained train VERB crln-8440 12 5 in in ADP crln-8440 12 6 data datum NOUN crln-8440 12 7 analysis analysis NOUN crln-8440 12 8 using use VERB crln-8440 12 9 statistical statistical ADJ crln-8440 12 10 software software NOUN crln-8440 12 11 programs program NOUN crln-8440 12 12 and and CCONJ crln-8440 12 13 , , PUNCT crln-8440 12 14 in in ADP crln-8440 12 15 the the DET crln-8440 12 16 process process NOUN crln-8440 12 17 , , PUNCT crln-8440 12 18 are be AUX crln-8440 12 19 often often ADV crln-8440 12 20 introduced introduce VERB crln-8440 12 21 to to ADP crln-8440 12 22 public public ADJ crln-8440 12 23 use use NOUN crln-8440 12 24 datasets dataset NOUN crln-8440 12 25 like like ADP crln-8440 12 26 the the DET crln-8440 12 27 general general ADJ crln-8440 12 28 social social ADJ crln-8440 12 29 survey survey NOUN crln-8440 12 30 . . PUNCT crln-8440 13 1 demand demand NOUN crln-8440 13 2 for for ADP crln-8440 13 3 datasets dataset NOUN crln-8440 13 4 is be AUX crln-8440 13 5 set set VERB crln-8440 13 6 to to PART crln-8440 13 7 keep keep VERB crln-8440 13 8 pace pace NOUN crln-8440 13 9 with with ADP crln-8440 13 10 the the DET crln-8440 13 11 progressively progressively ADV crln-8440 13 12 important important ADJ crln-8440 13 13 role role NOUN crln-8440 13 14 of of ADP crln-8440 13 15 quantitative quantitative ADJ crln-8440 13 16 research research NOUN crln-8440 13 17 methods method NOUN crln-8440 13 18 . . PUNCT crln-8440 14 1 at at ADP crln-8440 14 2 msu msu PROPN crln-8440 14 3 , , PUNCT crln-8440 14 4 requests request NOUN crln-8440 14 5 from from ADP crln-8440 14 6 researchers researcher NOUN crln-8440 14 7 for for ADP crln-8440 14 8 numeric numeric ADJ crln-8440 14 9 data datum NOUN crln-8440 14 10 were be AUX crln-8440 14 11 previously previously ADV crln-8440 14 12 handled handle VERB crln-8440 14 13 on on ADP crln-8440 14 14 an an DET crln-8440 14 15 ad ad NOUN crln-8440 14 16 - - PUNCT crln-8440 14 17 hoc hoc X crln-8440 14 18 basis basis NOUN crln-8440 14 19 , , PUNCT crln-8440 14 20 with with ADP crln-8440 14 21 individual individual ADJ crln-8440 14 22 subject subject NOUN crln-8440 14 23 librarians librarian NOUN crln-8440 14 24 providing provide VERB crln-8440 14 25 assistance assistance NOUN crln-8440 14 26 with with ADP crln-8440 14 27 varying vary VERB crln-8440 14 28 levels level NOUN crln-8440 14 29 of of ADP crln-8440 14 30 expertise expertise NOUN crln-8440 14 31 . . PUNCT crln-8440 15 1 this this PRON crln-8440 15 2 stretched stretch VERB crln-8440 15 3 busy busy ADJ crln-8440 15 4 librarians librarian NOUN crln-8440 15 5 beyond beyond ADP crln-8440 15 6 their their PRON crln-8440 15 7 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-8440 15 8 base base NOUN crln-8440 15 9 of of ADP crln-8440 15 10 available available ADJ crln-8440 15 11 resources resource NOUN crln-8440 15 12 — — PUNCT crln-8440 15 13 if if SCONJ crln-8440 15 14 researchers researcher NOUN crln-8440 15 15 even even ADV crln-8440 15 16 thought think VERB crln-8440 15 17 to to PART crln-8440 15 18 go go VERB crln-8440 15 19 to to ADP crln-8440 15 20 the the DET crln-8440 15 21 library library NOUN crln-8440 15 22 for for ADP crln-8440 15 23 data datum NOUN crln-8440 15 24 in in ADP crln-8440 15 25 the the DET crln-8440 15 26 first first ADJ crln-8440 15 27 place place NOUN crln-8440 15 28 . . PUNCT crln-8440 16 1 while while SCONJ crln-8440 16 2 questions question NOUN crln-8440 16 3 for for ADP crln-8440 16 4 statistics statistic NOUN crln-8440 16 5 are be AUX crln-8440 16 6 commonplace commonplace ADJ crln-8440 16 7 , , PUNCT crln-8440 16 8 numeric numeric ADJ crln-8440 16 9 datasets dataset NOUN crln-8440 16 10 have have AUX crln-8440 16 11 not not PART crln-8440 16 12 always always ADV crln-8440 16 13 been be AUX crln-8440 16 14 associated associate VERB crln-8440 16 15 with with ADP crln-8440 16 16 traditional traditional ADJ crln-8440 16 17 library library NOUN crln-8440 16 18 collections collection NOUN crln-8440 16 19 . . PUNCT crln-8440 17 1 academic academic ADJ crln-8440 17 2 departments department NOUN crln-8440 17 3 have have AUX crln-8440 17 4 historically historically ADV crln-8440 17 5 worked work VERB crln-8440 17 6 independently independently ADV crln-8440 17 7 to to PART crln-8440 17 8 provide provide VERB crln-8440 17 9 their their PRON crln-8440 17 10 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8440 17 11 with with ADP crln-8440 17 12 access access NOUN crln-8440 17 13 to to ADP crln-8440 17 14 data datum NOUN crln-8440 17 15 with with ADP crln-8440 17 16 varying vary VERB crln-8440 17 17 levels level NOUN crln-8440 17 18 of of ADP crln-8440 17 19 success success NOUN crln-8440 17 20 . . PUNCT crln-8440 18 1 the the DET crln-8440 18 2 status status NOUN crln-8440 18 3 quo quo NOUN crln-8440 18 4 has have AUX crln-8440 18 5 long long ADV crln-8440 18 6 caused cause VERB crln-8440 18 7 isolation isolation NOUN crln-8440 18 8 , , PUNCT crln-8440 18 9 duplication duplication NOUN crln-8440 18 10 , , PUNCT crln-8440 18 11 and and CCONJ crln-8440 18 12 confusion confusion NOUN crln-8440 18 13 . . PUNCT crln-8440 19 1 librarians librarian NOUN crln-8440 19 2 saw see VERB crln-8440 19 3 this this PRON crln-8440 19 4 as as ADP crln-8440 19 5 an an DET crln-8440 19 6 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-8440 19 7 to to PART crln-8440 19 8 fill fill VERB crln-8440 19 9 a a DET crln-8440 19 10 void void NOUN crln-8440 19 11 and and CCONJ crln-8440 19 12 bring bring VERB crln-8440 19 13 the the DET crln-8440 19 14 same same ADJ crln-8440 19 15 level level NOUN crln-8440 19 16 of of ADP crln-8440 19 17 service service NOUN crln-8440 19 18 to to ADP crln-8440 19 19 data datum NOUN crln-8440 19 20 as as SCONJ crln-8440 19 21 they they PRON crln-8440 19 22 already already ADV crln-8440 19 23 bring bring VERB crln-8440 19 24 to to ADP crln-8440 19 25 other other ADJ crln-8440 19 26 formats format NOUN crln-8440 19 27 of of ADP crln-8440 19 28 information information NOUN crln-8440 19 29 . . PUNCT crln-8440 20 1 with with ADP crln-8440 20 2 the the DET crln-8440 20 3 creation creation NOUN crln-8440 20 4 of of ADP crln-8440 20 5 the the DET crln-8440 20 6 data data NOUN crln-8440 20 7 services service NOUN crln-8440 20 8 librarian librarian NOUN crln-8440 20 9 position position NOUN crln-8440 20 10 , , PUNCT crln-8440 20 11 one one NUM crln-8440 20 12 individual individual NOUN crln-8440 20 13 retains retain VERB crln-8440 20 14 responsibility responsibility NOUN crln-8440 20 15 for for ADP crln-8440 20 16 this this DET crln-8440 20 17 specialized specialized ADJ crln-8440 20 18 format format NOUN crln-8440 20 19 across across ADP crln-8440 20 20 hailey hailey PROPN crln-8440 20 21 mooney mooney PROPN crln-8440 20 22 and and CCONJ crln-8440 20 23 breezy breezy ADJ crln-8440 20 24 silver silver NOUN crln-8440 20 25 spread spread VERB crln-8440 20 26 the the DET crln-8440 20 27 news news NOUN crln-8440 20 28 promoting promote VERB crln-8440 20 29 data datum NOUN crln-8440 20 30 services service NOUN crln-8440 20 31 hailey hailey NOUN crln-8440 20 32 mooney mooney PROPN crln-8440 20 33 is be AUX crln-8440 20 34 data datum NOUN crln-8440 20 35 services service NOUN crln-8440 20 36 and and CCONJ crln-8440 20 37 reference reference NOUN crln-8440 20 38 librarian librarian PROPN crln-8440 20 39 , , PUNCT crln-8440 20 40 e e NOUN crln-8440 20 41 - - NOUN crln-8440 20 42 mail mail NOUN crln-8440 20 43 : : PUNCT crln-8440 20 44 NOUN crln-8440 20 45 , , PUNCT crln-8440 20 46 and and CCONJ crln-8440 20 47 breezy breezy ADJ crln-8440 20 48 silver silver NOUN crln-8440 20 49 is be AUX crln-8440 20 50 business business NOUN crln-8440 20 51 reference reference NOUN crln-8440 20 52 librarian librarian NOUN crln-8440 20 53 at at ADP crln-8440 20 54 michigan michigan PROPN crln-8440 20 55 state state PROPN crln-8440 20 56 university university PROPN crln-8440 20 57 , , PUNCT crln-8440 20 58 e e NOUN crln-8440 20 59 - - NOUN crln-8440 20 60 mail mail NOUN crln-8440 20 61 : : PUNCT crln-8440 20 62 X crln-8440 21 1 © © ADJ crln-8440 21 2 2010 2010 NUM crln-8440 21 3 hailey hailey PROPN crln-8440 21 4 mooney mooney PROPN crln-8440 21 5 and and CCONJ crln-8440 21 6 breezy breezy ADJ crln-8440 21 7 silver silver NOUN crln-8440 21 8 october october PROPN crln-8440 21 9 2010 2010 NUM crln-8440 21 10 481 481 NUM crln-8440 21 11 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-8440 21 12 news news NOUN crln-8440 21 13 disciplines discipline NOUN crln-8440 21 14 . . PUNCT crln-8440 22 1 researchers researcher NOUN crln-8440 22 2 can can AUX crln-8440 22 3 now now ADV crln-8440 22 4 expect expect VERB crln-8440 22 5 increased increase VERB crln-8440 22 6 attention attention NOUN crln-8440 22 7 to to ADP crln-8440 22 8 collection collection NOUN crln-8440 22 9 development development NOUN crln-8440 22 10 of of ADP crln-8440 22 11 data data NOUN crln-8440 22 12 resources resource NOUN crln-8440 22 13 and and CCONJ crln-8440 22 14 reference reference NOUN crln-8440 22 15 support support NOUN crln-8440 22 16 . . PUNCT crln-8440 23 1 however however ADV crln-8440 23 2 , , PUNCT crln-8440 23 3 since since SCONJ crln-8440 23 4 the the DET crln-8440 23 5 msu msu NOUN crln-8440 23 6 libraries library NOUN crln-8440 23 7 never never ADV crln-8440 23 8 provided provide VERB crln-8440 23 9 this this DET crln-8440 23 10 level level NOUN crln-8440 23 11 of of ADP crln-8440 23 12 support support NOUN crln-8440 23 13 for for ADP crln-8440 23 14 data datum NOUN crln-8440 23 15 before before ADV crln-8440 23 16 , , PUNCT crln-8440 23 17 researchers researcher NOUN crln-8440 23 18 must must AUX crln-8440 23 19 be be AUX crln-8440 23 20 informed inform VERB crln-8440 23 21 that that SCONJ crln-8440 23 22 they they PRON crln-8440 23 23 have have VERB crln-8440 23 24 access access NOUN crln-8440 23 25 to to ADP crln-8440 23 26 this this DET crln-8440 23 27 service service NOUN crln-8440 23 28 . . PUNCT crln-8440 24 1 over over ADP crln-8440 24 2 two two NUM crln-8440 24 3 years year NOUN crln-8440 24 4 , , PUNCT crln-8440 24 5 two two NUM crln-8440 24 6 models model NOUN crln-8440 24 7 of of ADP crln-8440 24 8 outreach outreach NOUN crln-8440 24 9 were be AUX crln-8440 24 10 followed follow VERB crln-8440 24 11 based base VERB crln-8440 24 12 on on ADP crln-8440 24 13 promotion promotion NOUN crln-8440 24 14 of of ADP crln-8440 24 15 different different ADJ crln-8440 24 16 areas area NOUN crln-8440 24 17 of of ADP crln-8440 24 18 emphasis emphasis NOUN crln-8440 24 19 for for ADP crln-8440 24 20 the the DET crln-8440 24 21 data datum NOUN crln-8440 24 22 librarian librarian PROPN crln-8440 24 23 : : PUNCT crln-8440 24 24 collection collection NOUN crln-8440 24 25 management management NOUN crln-8440 24 26 and and CCONJ crln-8440 24 27 reference reference NOUN crln-8440 24 28 . . PUNCT crln-8440 25 1 the the DET crln-8440 25 2 outreach outreach ADJ crln-8440 25 3 model model NOUN crln-8440 25 4 for for ADP crln-8440 25 5 reference reference NOUN crln-8440 25 6 services service NOUN crln-8440 25 7 addresses address VERB crln-8440 25 8 the the DET crln-8440 25 9 need need NOUN crln-8440 25 10 to to PART crln-8440 25 11 integrate integrate VERB crln-8440 25 12 data data NOUN crln-8440 25 13 services service NOUN crln-8440 25 14 into into ADP crln-8440 25 15 the the DET crln-8440 25 16 library library NOUN crln-8440 25 17 system system NOUN crln-8440 25 18 and and CCONJ crln-8440 25 19 promote promote VERB crln-8440 25 20 data data NOUN crln-8440 25 21 services service NOUN crln-8440 25 22 to to ADP crln-8440 25 23 the the DET crln-8440 25 24 academic academic ADJ crln-8440 25 25 community community NOUN crln-8440 25 26 at at ADP crln-8440 25 27 large large ADJ crln-8440 25 28 , , PUNCT crln-8440 25 29 whereas whereas SCONJ crln-8440 25 30 the the DET crln-8440 25 31 outreach outreach ADJ crln-8440 25 32 model model NOUN crln-8440 25 33 for for ADP crln-8440 25 34 collection collection NOUN crln-8440 25 35 management management NOUN crln-8440 25 36 is be AUX crln-8440 25 37 a a DET crln-8440 25 38 case case NOUN crln-8440 25 39 study study NOUN crln-8440 25 40 for for ADP crln-8440 25 41 establishing establish VERB crln-8440 25 42 a a DET crln-8440 25 43 partnership partnership NOUN crln-8440 25 44 with with ADP crln-8440 25 45 an an DET crln-8440 25 46 academic academic ADJ crln-8440 25 47 department department NOUN crln-8440 25 48 . . PUNCT crln-8440 26 1 ideas idea NOUN crln-8440 26 2 for for ADP crln-8440 26 3 broad broad ADV crln-8440 26 4 - - PUNCT crln-8440 26 5 based base VERB crln-8440 26 6 promotion promotion NOUN crln-8440 26 7 emphasizing emphasize VERB crln-8440 26 8 data data NOUN crln-8440 26 9 reference reference NOUN crln-8440 26 10 services service NOUN crln-8440 26 11 across across ADP crln-8440 26 12 departments department NOUN crln-8440 26 13 introducing introduce VERB crln-8440 26 14 new new ADJ crln-8440 26 15 students student NOUN crln-8440 26 16 and and CCONJ crln-8440 26 17 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8440 26 18 to to ADP crln-8440 26 19 — — PUNCT crln-8440 26 20 and and CCONJ crln-8440 26 21 reminding remind VERB crln-8440 26 22 current current ADJ crln-8440 26 23 students student NOUN crln-8440 26 24 and and CCONJ crln-8440 26 25 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8440 26 26 of of ADP crln-8440 26 27 — — PUNCT crln-8440 26 28 library library NOUN crln-8440 26 29 services service NOUN crln-8440 26 30 is be AUX crln-8440 26 31 an an DET crln-8440 26 32 ongoing ongoing ADJ crln-8440 26 33 process process NOUN crln-8440 26 34 in in ADP crln-8440 26 35 any any DET crln-8440 26 36 academic academic ADJ crln-8440 26 37 library library NOUN crln-8440 26 38 . . PUNCT crln-8440 27 1 there there PRON crln-8440 27 2 is be VERB crln-8440 27 3 no no DET crln-8440 27 4 need need NOUN crln-8440 27 5 to to PART crln-8440 27 6 reinvent reinvent VERB crln-8440 27 7 the the DET crln-8440 27 8 wheel wheel NOUN crln-8440 27 9 when when SCONJ crln-8440 27 10 it it PRON crln-8440 27 11 comes come VERB crln-8440 27 12 to to ADP crln-8440 27 13 promotional promotional ADJ crln-8440 27 14 activities activity NOUN crln-8440 27 15 in in ADP crln-8440 27 16 your your PRON crln-8440 27 17 library library NOUN crln-8440 27 18 ; ; PUNCT crln-8440 27 19 piggyback piggyback NOUN crln-8440 27 20 on on ADP crln-8440 27 21 to to ADP crln-8440 27 22 existing exist VERB crln-8440 27 23 efforts effort NOUN crln-8440 27 24 as as ADV crln-8440 27 25 much much ADV crln-8440 27 26 as as ADP crln-8440 27 27 possible possible ADJ crln-8440 27 28 . . PUNCT crln-8440 28 1 however however ADV crln-8440 28 2 , , PUNCT crln-8440 28 3 if if SCONJ crln-8440 28 4 you you PRON crln-8440 28 5 are be AUX crln-8440 28 6 new new ADJ crln-8440 28 7 to to ADP crln-8440 28 8 the the DET crln-8440 28 9 organization organization NOUN crln-8440 28 10 , , PUNCT crln-8440 28 11 you you PRON crln-8440 28 12 will will AUX crln-8440 28 13 need need VERB crln-8440 28 14 to to PART crln-8440 28 15 do do VERB crln-8440 28 16 legwork legwork NOUN crln-8440 28 17 to to PART crln-8440 28 18 find find VERB crln-8440 28 19 out out ADP crln-8440 28 20 what what PRON crln-8440 28 21 the the DET crln-8440 28 22 existing exist VERB crln-8440 28 23 programs program NOUN crln-8440 28 24 are be AUX crln-8440 28 25 and and CCONJ crln-8440 28 26 who who PRON crln-8440 28 27 to to PART crln-8440 28 28 talk talk VERB crln-8440 28 29 to to ADP crln-8440 28 30 about about ADP crln-8440 28 31 bundling bundle VERB crln-8440 28 32 data datum NOUN crln-8440 28 33 services service NOUN crln-8440 28 34 into into ADP crln-8440 28 35 the the DET crln-8440 28 36 mix mix NOUN crln-8440 28 37 . . PUNCT crln-8440 29 1 the the DET crln-8440 29 2 key key ADJ crln-8440 29 3 point point NOUN crln-8440 29 4 here here ADV crln-8440 29 5 is be AUX crln-8440 29 6 that that SCONJ crln-8440 29 7 the the DET crln-8440 29 8 first first ADJ crln-8440 29 9 place place NOUN crln-8440 29 10 to to PART crln-8440 29 11 promote promote VERB crln-8440 29 12 and and CCONJ crln-8440 29 13 create create VERB crln-8440 29 14 buy buy NOUN crln-8440 29 15 - - PUNCT crln-8440 29 16 in in NOUN crln-8440 29 17 for for ADP crln-8440 29 18 data data NOUN crln-8440 29 19 services service NOUN crln-8440 29 20 is be AUX crln-8440 29 21 within within ADP crln-8440 29 22 the the DET crln-8440 29 23 library library NOUN crln-8440 29 24 itself itself PRON crln-8440 29 25 . . PUNCT crln-8440 30 1 fostering foster VERB crln-8440 30 2 friendly friendly ADJ crln-8440 30 3 working work VERB crln-8440 30 4 relationships relationship NOUN crln-8440 30 5 with with ADP crln-8440 30 6 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-8440 30 7 is be AUX crln-8440 30 8 important important ADJ crln-8440 30 9 to to ADP crln-8440 30 10 the the DET crln-8440 30 11 development development NOUN crln-8440 30 12 and and CCONJ crln-8440 30 13 success success NOUN crln-8440 30 14 of of ADP crln-8440 30 15 any any DET crln-8440 30 16 service service NOUN crln-8440 30 17 . . PUNCT crln-8440 31 1 this this PRON crln-8440 31 2 is be AUX crln-8440 31 3 particularly particularly ADV crln-8440 31 4 true true ADJ crln-8440 31 5 for for ADP crln-8440 31 6 data datum NOUN crln-8440 31 7 services service NOUN crln-8440 31 8 because because SCONJ crln-8440 31 9 of of ADP crln-8440 31 10 its its PRON crln-8440 31 11 interdisciplinary interdisciplinary ADJ crln-8440 31 12 nature nature NOUN crln-8440 31 13 . . PUNCT crln-8440 32 1 as as SCONJ crln-8440 32 2 data data NOUN crln-8440 32 3 is be AUX crln-8440 32 4 a a DET crln-8440 32 5 format format NOUN crln-8440 32 6 and and CCONJ crln-8440 32 7 not not PART crln-8440 32 8 a a DET crln-8440 32 9 subject subject NOUN crln-8440 32 10 , , PUNCT crln-8440 32 11 there there PRON crln-8440 32 12 is be VERB crln-8440 32 13 not not PART crln-8440 32 14 a a DET crln-8440 32 15 specific specific ADJ crln-8440 32 16 departmental departmental ADJ crln-8440 32 17 liaison liaison NOUN crln-8440 32 18 relationship relationship NOUN crln-8440 32 19 built build VERB crln-8440 32 20 into into ADP crln-8440 32 21 the the DET crln-8440 32 22 job job NOUN crln-8440 32 23 like like ADP crln-8440 32 24 other other ADJ crln-8440 32 25 traditional traditional ADJ crln-8440 32 26 bibliographer bibliographer NOUN crln-8440 32 27 positions position NOUN crln-8440 32 28 . . PUNCT crln-8440 33 1 the the DET crln-8440 33 2 data data NOUN crln-8440 33 3 librarian librarian NOUN crln-8440 33 4 should should AUX crln-8440 33 5 work work VERB crln-8440 33 6 cooperatively cooperatively ADV crln-8440 33 7 with with ADP crln-8440 33 8 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-8440 33 9 in in ADP crln-8440 33 10 all all DET crln-8440 33 11 outreach outreach NOUN crln-8440 33 12 efforts effort NOUN crln-8440 33 13 . . PUNCT crln-8440 34 1 this this PRON crln-8440 34 2 should should AUX crln-8440 34 3 be be AUX crln-8440 34 4 a a DET crln-8440 34 5 two two NUM crln-8440 34 6 - - PUNCT crln-8440 34 7 pronged pronged ADJ crln-8440 34 8 effort effort NOUN crln-8440 34 9 : : PUNCT crln-8440 34 10 first first ADV crln-8440 34 11 , , PUNCT crln-8440 34 12 educate educate VERB crln-8440 34 13 peers peer NOUN crln-8440 34 14 on on ADP crln-8440 34 15 your your PRON crln-8440 34 16 expertise expertise NOUN crln-8440 34 17 , , PUNCT crln-8440 34 18 and and CCONJ crln-8440 34 19 second second ADJ crln-8440 34 20 , , PUNCT crln-8440 34 21 ask ask VERB crln-8440 34 22 them they PRON crln-8440 34 23 to to PART crln-8440 34 24 share share VERB crln-8440 34 25 their their PRON crln-8440 34 26 expertise expertise NOUN crln-8440 34 27 . . PUNCT crln-8440 35 1 first first ADV crln-8440 35 2 , , PUNCT crln-8440 35 3 as as ADP crln-8440 35 4 a a DET crln-8440 35 5 new new ADJ crln-8440 35 6 data data NOUN crln-8440 35 7 librarian librarian NOUN crln-8440 35 8 you you PRON crln-8440 35 9 represent represent VERB crln-8440 35 10 a a DET crln-8440 35 11 freshly freshly ADV crln-8440 35 12 minted mint VERB crln-8440 35 13 service service NOUN crln-8440 35 14 that that PRON crln-8440 35 15 may may AUX crln-8440 35 16 not not PART crln-8440 35 17 be be AUX crln-8440 35 18 well well ADV crln-8440 35 19 defined define VERB crln-8440 35 20 . . PUNCT crln-8440 36 1 presenting present VERB crln-8440 36 2 your your PRON crln-8440 36 3 service service NOUN crln-8440 36 4 plan plan NOUN crln-8440 36 5 and and CCONJ crln-8440 36 6 sharing share VERB crln-8440 36 7 data datum NOUN crln-8440 36 8 reference reference NOUN crln-8440 36 9 strategies strategy NOUN crln-8440 36 10 at at ADP crln-8440 36 11 departmental departmental ADJ crln-8440 36 12 meetings meeting NOUN crln-8440 36 13 will will AUX crln-8440 36 14 help help VERB crln-8440 36 15 to to PART crln-8440 36 16 clarify clarify VERB crln-8440 36 17 your your PRON crln-8440 36 18 role role NOUN crln-8440 36 19 . . PUNCT crln-8440 37 1 also also ADV crln-8440 37 2 , , PUNCT crln-8440 37 3 if if SCONJ crln-8440 37 4 you you PRON crln-8440 37 5 are be AUX crln-8440 37 6 new new ADJ crln-8440 37 7 to to ADP crln-8440 37 8 the the DET crln-8440 37 9 organization organization NOUN crln-8440 37 10 , , PUNCT crln-8440 37 11 the the DET crln-8440 37 12 act act NOUN crln-8440 37 13 of of ADP crln-8440 37 14 simply simply ADV crln-8440 37 15 getting get VERB crln-8440 37 16 to to PART crln-8440 37 17 know know VERB crln-8440 37 18 your your PRON crln-8440 37 19 coworkers coworker NOUN crln-8440 37 20 will will AUX crln-8440 37 21 facilitate facilitate VERB crln-8440 37 22 much much ADJ crln-8440 37 23 of of ADP crln-8440 37 24 the the DET crln-8440 37 25 process process NOUN crln-8440 37 26 . . PUNCT crln-8440 38 1 fellow fellow PROPN crln-8440 38 2 librarians librarian NOUN crln-8440 38 3 are be AUX crln-8440 38 4 sure sure ADJ crln-8440 38 5 to to PART crln-8440 38 6 be be AUX crln-8440 38 7 a a DET crln-8440 38 8 major major ADJ crln-8440 38 9 source source NOUN crln-8440 38 10 of of ADP crln-8440 38 11 referrals referral NOUN crln-8440 38 12 , , PUNCT crln-8440 38 13 but but CCONJ crln-8440 38 14 it it PRON crln-8440 38 15 may may AUX crln-8440 38 16 not not PART crln-8440 38 17 always always ADV crln-8440 38 18 be be AUX crln-8440 38 19 clear clear ADV crln-8440 38 20 - - PUNCT crln-8440 38 21 cut cut VERB crln-8440 38 22 as as ADP crln-8440 38 23 to to ADP crln-8440 38 24 whether whether SCONJ crln-8440 38 25 a a DET crln-8440 38 26 data data NOUN crln-8440 38 27 question question NOUN crln-8440 38 28 belongs belong VERB crln-8440 38 29 to to ADP crln-8440 38 30 a a DET crln-8440 38 31 subject subject ADJ crln-8440 38 32 bibliographer bibliographer NOUN crln-8440 38 33 or or CCONJ crln-8440 38 34 data datum NOUN crln-8440 38 35 services service NOUN crln-8440 38 36 . . PUNCT crln-8440 39 1 suggest suggest VERB crln-8440 39 2 shared shared ADJ crln-8440 39 3 referrals referral NOUN crln-8440 39 4 , , PUNCT crln-8440 39 5 which which PRON crln-8440 39 6 create create VERB crln-8440 39 7 the the DET crln-8440 39 8 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-8440 39 9 for for ADP crln-8440 39 10 collaboration collaboration NOUN crln-8440 39 11 and and CCONJ crln-8440 39 12 may may AUX crln-8440 39 13 ultimately ultimately ADV crln-8440 39 14 lead lead VERB crln-8440 39 15 to to ADP crln-8440 39 16 a a DET crln-8440 39 17 co co NOUN crln-8440 39 18 - - NOUN crln-8440 39 19 worker worker NOUN crln-8440 39 20 who who PRON crln-8440 39 21 is be AUX crln-8440 39 22 busy busy ADJ crln-8440 39 23 or or CCONJ crln-8440 39 24 unsure unsure NOUN crln-8440 39 25 of of ADP crln-8440 39 26 data data NOUN crln-8440 39 27 resources resource NOUN crln-8440 39 28 happily happily ADV crln-8440 39 29 handing hand VERB crln-8440 39 30 the the DET crln-8440 39 31 referral referral NOUN crln-8440 39 32 to to ADP crln-8440 39 33 data data NOUN crln-8440 39 34 services service NOUN crln-8440 39 35 . . PUNCT crln-8440 40 1 second second ADJ crln-8440 40 2 , , PUNCT crln-8440 40 3 ask ask VERB crln-8440 40 4 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-8440 40 5 to to PART crln-8440 40 6 share share VERB crln-8440 40 7 their their PRON crln-8440 40 8 expertise expertise NOUN crln-8440 40 9 . . PUNCT crln-8440 41 1 for for ADP crln-8440 41 2 reference reference NOUN crln-8440 41 3 purposes purpose NOUN crln-8440 41 4 , , PUNCT crln-8440 41 5 the the DET crln-8440 41 6 data data NOUN crln-8440 41 7 librarian librarian NOUN crln-8440 41 8 must must AUX crln-8440 41 9 become become VERB crln-8440 41 10 conversant conversant ADJ crln-8440 41 11 in in ADP crln-8440 41 12 multiple multiple ADJ crln-8440 41 13 subject subject NOUN crln-8440 41 14 domains domain NOUN crln-8440 41 15 and and CCONJ crln-8440 41 16 may may AUX crln-8440 41 17 need need VERB crln-8440 41 18 to to PART crln-8440 41 19 draw draw VERB crln-8440 41 20 upon upon SCONJ crln-8440 41 21 others other NOUN crln-8440 41 22 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-8440 41 23 . . PUNCT crln-8440 42 1 direct direct ADJ crln-8440 42 2 outreach outreach NOUN crln-8440 42 3 efforts effort NOUN crln-8440 42 4 to to ADP crln-8440 42 5 departments department NOUN crln-8440 42 6 simply simply ADV crln-8440 42 7 can can AUX crln-8440 42 8 not not PART crln-8440 42 9 be be AUX crln-8440 42 10 done do VERB crln-8440 42 11 without without ADP crln-8440 42 12 working work VERB crln-8440 42 13 with with ADP crln-8440 42 14 the the DET crln-8440 42 15 liaison liaison NOUN crln-8440 42 16 , , PUNCT crln-8440 42 17 both both PRON crln-8440 42 18 to to PART crln-8440 42 19 keep keep VERB crln-8440 42 20 the the DET crln-8440 42 21 data data NOUN crln-8440 42 22 librarian librarian NOUN crln-8440 42 23 from from ADP crln-8440 42 24 committing commit VERB crln-8440 42 25 unwanted unwanted ADJ crln-8440 42 26 turf turf NOUN crln-8440 42 27 creep creep NOUN crln-8440 42 28 and and CCONJ crln-8440 42 29 to to PART crln-8440 42 30 avoid avoid VERB crln-8440 42 31 duplication duplication NOUN crln-8440 42 32 of of ADP crln-8440 42 33 efforts effort NOUN crln-8440 42 34 . . PUNCT crln-8440 43 1 as as ADV crln-8440 43 2 long long ADV crln-8440 43 3 as as SCONJ crln-8440 43 4 the the DET crln-8440 43 5 data data NOUN crln-8440 43 6 services service NOUN crln-8440 43 7 role role NOUN crln-8440 43 8 has have AUX crln-8440 43 9 been be AUX crln-8440 43 10 clearly clearly ADV crln-8440 43 11 defined define VERB crln-8440 43 12 as as ADP crln-8440 43 13 complementary complementary ADJ crln-8440 43 14 to to ADP crln-8440 43 15 ( ( PUNCT crln-8440 43 16 but but CCONJ crln-8440 43 17 not not PART crln-8440 43 18 the the DET crln-8440 43 19 same same ADJ crln-8440 43 20 as as ADP crln-8440 43 21 ) ) PUNCT crln-8440 43 22 the the DET crln-8440 43 23 work work NOUN crln-8440 43 24 of of ADP crln-8440 43 25 liaison liaison NOUN crln-8440 43 26 librarians librarian NOUN crln-8440 43 27 , , PUNCT crln-8440 43 28 most most ADJ crln-8440 43 29 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-8440 43 30 should should AUX crln-8440 43 31 be be AUX crln-8440 43 32 willing willing ADJ crln-8440 43 33 to to PART crln-8440 43 34 share share VERB crln-8440 43 35 outreach outreach NOUN crln-8440 43 36 activities activity NOUN crln-8440 43 37 . . PUNCT crln-8440 44 1 reaching reach VERB crln-8440 44 2 out out ADP crln-8440 44 3 to to ADP crln-8440 44 4 campus campus NOUN crln-8440 44 5 centers center NOUN crln-8440 44 6 and and CCONJ crln-8440 44 7 programs program NOUN crln-8440 44 8 with with ADP crln-8440 44 9 related relate VERB crln-8440 44 10 missions mission NOUN crln-8440 44 11 is be AUX crln-8440 44 12 also also ADV crln-8440 44 13 beneficial beneficial ADJ crln-8440 44 14 . . PUNCT crln-8440 45 1 at at ADP crln-8440 45 2 msu msu PROPN crln-8440 45 3 , , PUNCT crln-8440 45 4 the the DET crln-8440 45 5 center center NOUN crln-8440 45 6 for for ADP crln-8440 45 7 statistical statistical ADJ crln-8440 45 8 training training NOUN crln-8440 45 9 and and CCONJ crln-8440 45 10 consulting consulting NOUN crln-8440 45 11 ( ( PUNCT crln-8440 45 12 cstat cstat PROPN crln-8440 45 13 ) ) PUNCT crln-8440 45 14 is be AUX crln-8440 45 15 a a DET crln-8440 45 16 service service NOUN crln-8440 45 17 unit unit NOUN crln-8440 45 18 that that PRON crln-8440 45 19 provides provide VERB crln-8440 45 20 training training NOUN crln-8440 45 21 and and CCONJ crln-8440 45 22 consulting consult VERB crln-8440 45 23 in in ADP crln-8440 45 24 statistics statistic NOUN crln-8440 45 25 . . PUNCT crln-8440 46 1 researchers researcher NOUN crln-8440 46 2 who who PRON crln-8440 46 3 need need VERB crln-8440 46 4 assistance assistance NOUN crln-8440 46 5 with with ADP crln-8440 46 6 statistical statistical ADJ crln-8440 46 7 software software NOUN crln-8440 46 8 and and CCONJ crln-8440 46 9 analysis analysis NOUN crln-8440 46 10 can can AUX crln-8440 46 11 use use VERB crln-8440 46 12 cstat cstat PROPN crln-8440 46 13 ’s ’s NOUN crln-8440 46 14 services service NOUN crln-8440 46 15 . . PUNCT crln-8440 47 1 this this PRON crln-8440 47 2 is be AUX crln-8440 47 3 distinct distinct ADJ crln-8440 47 4 from from ADP crln-8440 47 5 library library PROPN crln-8440 47 6 data datum NOUN crln-8440 47 7 services service NOUN crln-8440 47 8 , , PUNCT crln-8440 47 9 where where SCONJ crln-8440 47 10 the the DET crln-8440 47 11 focus focus NOUN crln-8440 47 12 is be AUX crln-8440 47 13 on on ADP crln-8440 47 14 access access NOUN crln-8440 47 15 to to ADP crln-8440 47 16 resources resource NOUN crln-8440 47 17 but but CCONJ crln-8440 47 18 not not PART crln-8440 47 19 the the DET crln-8440 47 20 mechanics mechanic NOUN crln-8440 47 21 of of ADP crln-8440 47 22 statistical statistical ADJ crln-8440 47 23 analysis analysis NOUN crln-8440 47 24 . . PUNCT crln-8440 48 1 since since SCONJ crln-8440 48 2 researchers researcher NOUN crln-8440 48 3 need need VERB crln-8440 48 4 data datum NOUN crln-8440 48 5 to to PART crln-8440 48 6 perform perform VERB crln-8440 48 7 statistical statistical ADJ crln-8440 48 8 analysis analysis NOUN crln-8440 48 9 , , PUNCT crln-8440 48 10 reaching reach VERB crln-8440 48 11 out out ADP crln-8440 48 12 to to ADP crln-8440 48 13 cstat cstat PROPN crln-8440 48 14 was be AUX crln-8440 48 15 a a DET crln-8440 48 16 natural natural ADJ crln-8440 48 17 fit fit NOUN crln-8440 48 18 . . PUNCT crln-8440 49 1 after after ADP crln-8440 49 2 meeting meet VERB crln-8440 49 3 with with ADP crln-8440 49 4 the the DET crln-8440 49 5 director director NOUN crln-8440 49 6 of of ADP crln-8440 49 7 cstat cstat PROPN crln-8440 49 8 , , PUNCT crln-8440 49 9 the the DET crln-8440 49 10 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-8440 49 11 for for ADP crln-8440 49 12 mutual mutual ADJ crln-8440 49 13 referrals referral NOUN crln-8440 49 14 was be AUX crln-8440 49 15 established establish VERB crln-8440 49 16 . . PUNCT crln-8440 50 1 another another DET crln-8440 50 2 way way NOUN crln-8440 50 3 to to PART crln-8440 50 4 interact interact VERB crln-8440 50 5 with with ADP crln-8440 50 6 potential potential ADJ crln-8440 50 7 data datum NOUN crln-8440 50 8 users user NOUN crln-8440 50 9 is be AUX crln-8440 50 10 to to PART crln-8440 50 11 target target VERB crln-8440 50 12 classes class NOUN crln-8440 50 13 with with ADP crln-8440 50 14 a a DET crln-8440 50 15 quantitative quantitative ADJ crln-8440 50 16 analysis analysis NOUN crln-8440 50 17 component component NOUN crln-8440 50 18 that that PRON crln-8440 50 19 may may AUX crln-8440 50 20 involve involve VERB crln-8440 50 21 the the DET crln-8440 50 22 use use NOUN crln-8440 50 23 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-8440 50 24 news news NOUN crln-8440 50 25 october october PROPN crln-8440 50 26 2010 2010 NUM crln-8440 50 27 482 482 NUM crln-8440 50 28 of of ADP crln-8440 50 29 numeric numeric ADJ crln-8440 50 30 datasets dataset NOUN crln-8440 50 31 by by ADP crln-8440 50 32 sending send VERB crln-8440 50 33 an an DET crln-8440 50 34 introductory introductory ADJ crln-8440 50 35 e e NOUN crln-8440 50 36 - - NOUN crln-8440 50 37 mail mail NOUN crln-8440 50 38 to to ADP crln-8440 50 39 instructors instructor NOUN crln-8440 50 40 . . PUNCT crln-8440 51 1 auditing audit VERB crln-8440 51 2 a a DET crln-8440 51 3 relevant relevant ADJ crln-8440 51 4 course course NOUN crln-8440 51 5 is be AUX crln-8440 51 6 another another DET crln-8440 51 7 option option NOUN crln-8440 51 8 to to PART crln-8440 51 9 get get VERB crln-8440 51 10 you you PRON crln-8440 51 11 close close ADJ crln-8440 51 12 to to ADP crln-8440 51 13 your your PRON crln-8440 51 14 potential potential ADJ crln-8440 51 15 users user NOUN crln-8440 51 16 . . PUNCT crln-8440 52 1 it it PRON crln-8440 52 2 is be AUX crln-8440 52 3 time time NOUN crln-8440 52 4 - - PUNCT crln-8440 52 5 intensive intensive ADJ crln-8440 52 6 but but CCONJ crln-8440 52 7 provides provide VERB crln-8440 52 8 the the DET crln-8440 52 9 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-8440 52 10 to to PART crln-8440 52 11 make make VERB crln-8440 52 12 contacts contact NOUN crln-8440 52 13 among among ADP crln-8440 52 14 students student NOUN crln-8440 52 15 and and CCONJ crln-8440 52 16 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8440 52 17 , , PUNCT crln-8440 52 18 find find VERB crln-8440 52 19 out out ADP crln-8440 52 20 how how SCONJ crln-8440 52 21 classes class NOUN crln-8440 52 22 are be AUX crln-8440 52 23 using use VERB crln-8440 52 24 numeric numeric ADJ crln-8440 52 25 data datum NOUN crln-8440 52 26 , , PUNCT crln-8440 52 27 and and CCONJ crln-8440 52 28 “ " PUNCT crln-8440 52 29 talk talk VERB crln-8440 52 30 the the DET crln-8440 52 31 talk talk NOUN crln-8440 52 32 ” " PUNCT crln-8440 52 33 of of ADP crln-8440 52 34 your your PRON crln-8440 52 35 users user NOUN crln-8440 52 36 . . PUNCT crln-8440 53 1 any any DET crln-8440 53 2 chance chance NOUN crln-8440 53 3 you you PRON crln-8440 53 4 have have AUX crln-8440 53 5 to to PART crln-8440 53 6 make make VERB crln-8440 53 7 personal personal ADJ crln-8440 53 8 connections connection NOUN crln-8440 53 9 with with ADP crln-8440 53 10 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8440 53 11 and and CCONJ crln-8440 53 12 students student NOUN crln-8440 53 13 is be AUX crln-8440 53 14 especially especially ADV crln-8440 53 15 important important ADJ crln-8440 53 16 . . PUNCT crln-8440 54 1 opportunities opportunity NOUN crln-8440 54 2 to to PART crln-8440 54 3 meet meet VERB crln-8440 54 4 in in ADP crln-8440 54 5 - - PUNCT crln-8440 54 6 person person NOUN crln-8440 54 7 with with ADP crln-8440 54 8 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8440 54 9 and and CCONJ crln-8440 54 10 students student NOUN crln-8440 54 11 are be AUX crln-8440 54 12 the the DET crln-8440 54 13 most most ADV crln-8440 54 14 direct direct ADJ crln-8440 54 15 form form NOUN crln-8440 54 16 of of ADP crln-8440 54 17 outreach outreach NOUN crln-8440 54 18 , , PUNCT crln-8440 54 19 but but CCONJ crln-8440 54 20 indirect indirect ADJ crln-8440 54 21 strategies strategy NOUN crln-8440 54 22 should should AUX crln-8440 54 23 also also ADV crln-8440 54 24 be be AUX crln-8440 54 25 pursued pursue VERB crln-8440 54 26 . . PUNCT crln-8440 55 1 it it PRON crln-8440 55 2 is be AUX crln-8440 55 3 important important ADJ crln-8440 55 4 to to PART crln-8440 55 5 establish establish VERB crln-8440 55 6 a a DET crln-8440 55 7 web web NOUN crln-8440 55 8 presence presence NOUN crln-8440 55 9 that that PRON crln-8440 55 10 identifies identify VERB crln-8440 55 11 data data NOUN crln-8440 55 12 services service NOUN crln-8440 55 13 as as ADP crln-8440 55 14 a a DET crln-8440 55 15 unique unique ADJ crln-8440 55 16 library library NOUN crln-8440 55 17 program program NOUN crln-8440 55 18 and and CCONJ crln-8440 55 19 also also ADV crln-8440 55 20 seamlessly seamlessly ADV crln-8440 55 21 integrates integrate VERB crln-8440 55 22 data data NOUN crln-8440 55 23 services service NOUN crln-8440 55 24 and and CCONJ crln-8440 55 25 resources resource NOUN crln-8440 55 26 into into ADP crln-8440 55 27 the the DET crln-8440 55 28 overall overall ADJ crln-8440 55 29 structure structure NOUN crln-8440 55 30 of of ADP crln-8440 55 31 the the DET crln-8440 55 32 library library NOUN crln-8440 55 33 web web NOUN crln-8440 55 34 site site NOUN crln-8440 55 35 . . PUNCT crln-8440 56 1 one one NUM crln-8440 56 2 way way NOUN crln-8440 56 3 to to PART crln-8440 56 4 accomplish accomplish VERB crln-8440 56 5 this this PRON crln-8440 56 6 is be AUX crln-8440 56 7 through through ADP crln-8440 56 8 the the DET crln-8440 56 9 creation creation NOUN crln-8440 56 10 of of ADP crln-8440 56 11 a a DET crln-8440 56 12 separate separate ADJ crln-8440 56 13 category category NOUN crln-8440 56 14 of of ADP crln-8440 56 15 data data NOUN crln-8440 56 16 resources resource NOUN crln-8440 56 17 and and CCONJ crln-8440 56 18 by by ADP crln-8440 56 19 posting post VERB crln-8440 56 20 research research NOUN crln-8440 56 21 guides guide NOUN crln-8440 56 22 that that PRON crln-8440 56 23 will will AUX crln-8440 56 24 help help VERB crln-8440 56 25 answer answer VERB crln-8440 56 26 ready ready ADJ crln-8440 56 27 reference reference NOUN crln-8440 56 28 questions question NOUN crln-8440 56 29 and and CCONJ crln-8440 56 30 serve serve VERB crln-8440 56 31 as as ADP crln-8440 56 32 a a DET crln-8440 56 33 reminder reminder NOUN crln-8440 56 34 to to PART crln-8440 56 35 refer refer VERB crln-8440 56 36 in in ADP crln-8440 56 37 - - PUNCT crln-8440 56 38 depth depth NOUN crln-8440 56 39 questions question NOUN crln-8440 56 40 to to ADP crln-8440 56 41 the the DET crln-8440 56 42 data data NOUN crln-8440 56 43 librarian librarian NOUN crln-8440 56 44 . . PUNCT crln-8440 57 1 making make VERB crln-8440 57 2 and and CCONJ crln-8440 57 3 distributing distribute VERB crln-8440 57 4 a a DET crln-8440 57 5 flyer flyer NOUN crln-8440 57 6 or or CCONJ crln-8440 57 7 brochure brochure NOUN crln-8440 57 8 is be AUX crln-8440 57 9 also also ADV crln-8440 57 10 a a DET crln-8440 57 11 useful useful ADJ crln-8440 57 12 investment investment NOUN crln-8440 57 13 . . PUNCT crln-8440 58 1 a a DET crln-8440 58 2 brochure brochure NOUN crln-8440 58 3 can can AUX crln-8440 58 4 be be AUX crln-8440 58 5 bundled bundle VERB crln-8440 58 6 in in ADP crln-8440 58 7 with with ADP crln-8440 58 8 other other ADJ crln-8440 58 9 library library NOUN crln-8440 58 10 promotional promotional ADJ crln-8440 58 11 items item NOUN crln-8440 58 12 at at ADP crln-8440 58 13 resource resource NOUN crln-8440 58 14 fairs fair NOUN crln-8440 58 15 , , PUNCT crln-8440 58 16 get get AUX crln-8440 58 17 handed hand VERB crln-8440 58 18 out out ADP crln-8440 58 19 as as ADP crln-8440 58 20 a a DET crln-8440 58 21 referral referral ADJ crln-8440 58 22 tool tool NOUN crln-8440 58 23 , , PUNCT crln-8440 58 24 and and CCONJ crln-8440 58 25 distributed distribute VERB crln-8440 58 26 to to ADP crln-8440 58 27 departmental departmental ADJ crln-8440 58 28 mailboxes mailbox NOUN crln-8440 58 29 . . PUNCT crln-8440 59 1 overall overall ADJ crln-8440 59 2 , , PUNCT crln-8440 59 3 promotion promotion NOUN crln-8440 59 4 of of ADP crln-8440 59 5 data data NOUN crln-8440 59 6 services service NOUN crln-8440 59 7 involves involve VERB crln-8440 59 8 cultivating cultivate VERB crln-8440 59 9 relationships relationship NOUN crln-8440 59 10 both both CCONJ crln-8440 59 11 inside inside ADP crln-8440 59 12 and and CCONJ crln-8440 59 13 outside outside ADP crln-8440 59 14 of of ADP crln-8440 59 15 the the DET crln-8440 59 16 library library NOUN crln-8440 59 17 . . PUNCT crln-8440 60 1 the the DET crln-8440 60 2 ideas idea NOUN crln-8440 60 3 covered cover VERB crln-8440 60 4 above above ADV crln-8440 60 5 represent represent VERB crln-8440 60 6 an an DET crln-8440 60 7 effort effort NOUN crln-8440 60 8 to to PART crln-8440 60 9 raise raise VERB crln-8440 60 10 awareness awareness NOUN crln-8440 60 11 of of ADP crln-8440 60 12 data data NOUN crln-8440 60 13 services service NOUN crln-8440 60 14 and and CCONJ crln-8440 60 15 increase increase VERB crln-8440 60 16 referrals referral NOUN crln-8440 60 17 to to ADP crln-8440 60 18 the the DET crln-8440 60 19 data data NOUN crln-8440 60 20 librarian librarian NOUN crln-8440 60 21 . . PUNCT crln-8440 61 1 it it PRON crln-8440 61 2 is be AUX crln-8440 61 3 not not PART crln-8440 61 4 an an DET crln-8440 61 5 overnight overnight ADJ crln-8440 61 6 process process NOUN crln-8440 61 7 , , PUNCT crln-8440 61 8 but but CCONJ crln-8440 61 9 takes take VERB crln-8440 61 10 time time NOUN crln-8440 61 11 and and CCONJ crln-8440 61 12 sustained sustained ADJ crln-8440 61 13 effort effort NOUN crln-8440 61 14 . . PUNCT crln-8440 62 1 the the DET crln-8440 62 2 next next ADJ crln-8440 62 3 promotional promotional ADJ crln-8440 62 4 model model NOUN crln-8440 62 5 , , PUNCT crln-8440 62 6 a a DET crln-8440 62 7 project project NOUN crln-8440 62 8 to to PART crln-8440 62 9 integrate integrate VERB crln-8440 62 10 the the DET crln-8440 62 11 library library NOUN crln-8440 62 12 into into ADP crln-8440 62 13 data data NOUN crln-8440 62 14 collection collection NOUN crln-8440 62 15 management management NOUN crln-8440 62 16 for for ADP crln-8440 62 17 purchases purchase NOUN crln-8440 62 18 made make VERB crln-8440 62 19 by by ADP crln-8440 62 20 the the DET crln-8440 62 21 eli eli PROPN crln-8440 62 22 broad broad PROPN crln-8440 62 23 college college PROPN crln-8440 62 24 of of ADP crln-8440 62 25 business business NOUN crln-8440 62 26 ( ( PUNCT crln-8440 62 27 cob cob NOUN crln-8440 62 28 ) ) PUNCT crln-8440 62 29 , , PUNCT crln-8440 62 30 is be AUX crln-8440 62 31 the the DET crln-8440 62 32 result result NOUN crln-8440 62 33 of of ADP crln-8440 62 34 almost almost ADV crln-8440 62 35 a a DET crln-8440 62 36 full full ADJ crln-8440 62 37 year year NOUN crln-8440 62 38 of of ADP crln-8440 62 39 outreach outreach NOUN crln-8440 62 40 work work NOUN crln-8440 62 41 . . PUNCT crln-8440 63 1 it it PRON crln-8440 63 2 represents represent VERB crln-8440 63 3 a a DET crln-8440 63 4 directed direct VERB crln-8440 63 5 outreach outreach NOUN crln-8440 63 6 effort effort NOUN crln-8440 63 7 that that PRON crln-8440 63 8 targets target VERB crln-8440 63 9 relationship relationship NOUN crln-8440 63 10 building build VERB crln-8440 63 11 with with ADP crln-8440 63 12 a a DET crln-8440 63 13 single single ADJ crln-8440 63 14 department department NOUN crln-8440 63 15 . . PUNCT crln-8440 64 1 building build VERB crln-8440 64 2 partnerships partnership NOUN crln-8440 64 3 the the DET crln-8440 64 4 college college NOUN crln-8440 64 5 of of ADP crln-8440 64 6 business business NOUN crln-8440 64 7 and and CCONJ crln-8440 64 8 data data NOUN crln-8440 64 9 collection collection NOUN crln-8440 64 10 management management NOUN crln-8440 64 11 a a DET crln-8440 64 12 beginning begin VERB crln-8440 64 13 goal goal NOUN crln-8440 64 14 as as SCONJ crln-8440 64 15 data data NOUN crln-8440 64 16 librarian librarian NOUN crln-8440 64 17 was be AUX crln-8440 64 18 to to PART crln-8440 64 19 talk talk VERB crln-8440 64 20 to to ADP crln-8440 64 21 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8440 64 22 about about ADP crln-8440 64 23 data datum NOUN crln-8440 64 24 and and CCONJ crln-8440 64 25 how how SCONJ crln-8440 64 26 they they PRON crln-8440 64 27 use use VERB crln-8440 64 28 it it PRON crln-8440 64 29 . . PUNCT crln-8440 65 1 it it PRON crln-8440 65 2 was be AUX crln-8440 65 3 known know VERB crln-8440 65 4 from from ADP crln-8440 65 5 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-8440 65 6 at at ADP crln-8440 65 7 the the DET crln-8440 65 8 gast gast PROPN crln-8440 65 9 business business NOUN crln-8440 65 10 library library NOUN crln-8440 65 11 that that PRON crln-8440 65 12 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8440 65 13 at at ADP crln-8440 65 14 the the DET crln-8440 65 15 cob cob NOUN crln-8440 65 16 were be AUX crln-8440 65 17 prolific prolific ADJ crln-8440 65 18 users user NOUN crln-8440 65 19 of of ADP crln-8440 65 20 data datum NOUN crln-8440 65 21 . . PUNCT crln-8440 66 1 therefore therefore ADV crln-8440 66 2 , , PUNCT crln-8440 66 3 it it PRON crln-8440 66 4 was be AUX crln-8440 66 5 decided decide VERB crln-8440 66 6 that that SCONJ crln-8440 66 7 the the DET crln-8440 66 8 business business NOUN crln-8440 66 9 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8440 66 10 would would AUX crln-8440 66 11 be be AUX crln-8440 66 12 an an DET crln-8440 66 13 excellent excellent ADJ crln-8440 66 14 first first ADJ crln-8440 66 15 user user NOUN crln-8440 66 16 base base NOUN crln-8440 66 17 to to PART crln-8440 66 18 cultivate cultivate VERB crln-8440 66 19 . . PUNCT crln-8440 67 1 the the DET crln-8440 67 2 objective objective NOUN crln-8440 67 3 was be AUX crln-8440 67 4 to to PART crln-8440 67 5 create create VERB crln-8440 67 6 a a DET crln-8440 67 7 central central ADJ crln-8440 67 8 list list NOUN crln-8440 67 9 of of ADP crln-8440 67 10 data datum NOUN crln-8440 67 11 purchased purchase VERB crln-8440 67 12 , , PUNCT crln-8440 67 13 created create VERB crln-8440 67 14 , , PUNCT crln-8440 67 15 or or CCONJ crln-8440 67 16 used use VERB crln-8440 67 17 by by ADP crln-8440 67 18 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8440 67 19 by by ADP crln-8440 67 20 talking talk VERB crln-8440 67 21 to to ADP crln-8440 67 22 anyone anyone PRON crln-8440 67 23 with with ADP crln-8440 67 24 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-8440 67 25 or or CCONJ crln-8440 67 26 interest interest NOUN crln-8440 67 27 in in ADP crln-8440 67 28 data datum NOUN crln-8440 67 29 . . PUNCT crln-8440 68 1 armed arm VERB crln-8440 68 2 with with ADP crln-8440 68 3 business business NOUN crln-8440 68 4 cards card NOUN crln-8440 68 5 and and CCONJ crln-8440 68 6 a a DET crln-8440 68 7 notebook notebook NOUN crln-8440 68 8 , , PUNCT crln-8440 68 9 a a DET crln-8440 68 10 number number NOUN crln-8440 68 11 of of ADP crln-8440 68 12 months month NOUN crln-8440 68 13 were be AUX crln-8440 68 14 spent spend VERB crln-8440 68 15 knocking knock VERB crln-8440 68 16 on on ADP crln-8440 68 17 doors door NOUN crln-8440 68 18 and and CCONJ crln-8440 68 19 talking talk VERB crln-8440 68 20 to to ADP crln-8440 68 21 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8440 68 22 . . PUNCT crln-8440 69 1 it it PRON crln-8440 69 2 also also ADV crln-8440 69 3 became become VERB crln-8440 69 4 valuable valuable ADJ crln-8440 69 5 to to PART crln-8440 69 6 work work VERB crln-8440 69 7 with with ADP crln-8440 69 8 the the DET crln-8440 69 9 business business NOUN crln-8440 69 10 librarians librarian NOUN crln-8440 69 11 because because SCONJ crln-8440 69 12 their their PRON crln-8440 69 13 combined combine VERB crln-8440 69 14 expertise expertise NOUN crln-8440 69 15 was be AUX crln-8440 69 16 useful useful ADJ crln-8440 69 17 , , PUNCT crln-8440 69 18 and and CCONJ crln-8440 69 19 it it PRON crln-8440 69 20 helped help VERB crln-8440 69 21 all all DET crln-8440 69 22 parties party NOUN crln-8440 69 23 make make VERB crln-8440 69 24 inroads inroad NOUN crln-8440 69 25 with with ADP crln-8440 69 26 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8440 69 27 , , PUNCT crln-8440 69 28 including include VERB crln-8440 69 29 being be AUX crln-8440 69 30 asked ask VERB crln-8440 69 31 to to PART crln-8440 69 32 attend attend VERB crln-8440 69 33 department department NOUN crln-8440 69 34 meetings meeting NOUN crln-8440 69 35 . . PUNCT crln-8440 70 1 the the DET crln-8440 70 2 breakthrough breakthrough NOUN crln-8440 70 3 came come VERB crln-8440 70 4 when when SCONJ crln-8440 70 5 a a DET crln-8440 70 6 discussion discussion NOUN crln-8440 70 7 with with ADP crln-8440 70 8 a a DET crln-8440 70 9 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8440 70 10 member member NOUN crln-8440 70 11 revealed reveal VERB crln-8440 70 12 the the DET crln-8440 70 13 existence existence NOUN crln-8440 70 14 of of ADP crln-8440 70 15 a a DET crln-8440 70 16 research research NOUN crln-8440 70 17 committee committee NOUN crln-8440 70 18 with with ADP crln-8440 70 19 a a DET crln-8440 70 20 prior prior ADJ crln-8440 70 21 interest interest NOUN crln-8440 70 22 in in ADP crln-8440 70 23 data datum NOUN crln-8440 70 24 that that PRON crln-8440 70 25 was be AUX crln-8440 70 26 able able ADJ crln-8440 70 27 to to PART crln-8440 70 28 provide provide VERB crln-8440 70 29 a a DET crln-8440 70 30 draft draft NOUN crln-8440 70 31 list list NOUN crln-8440 70 32 of of ADP crln-8440 70 33 data datum NOUN crln-8440 70 34 purchases purchase NOUN crln-8440 70 35 . . PUNCT crln-8440 71 1 around around ADP crln-8440 71 2 the the DET crln-8440 71 3 same same ADJ crln-8440 71 4 time time NOUN crln-8440 71 5 , , PUNCT crln-8440 71 6 cob cob PROPN crln-8440 71 7 administrators administrator NOUN crln-8440 71 8 had have VERB crln-8440 71 9 a a DET crln-8440 71 10 strong strong ADJ crln-8440 71 11 interest interest NOUN crln-8440 71 12 in in ADP crln-8440 71 13 investigating investigate VERB crln-8440 71 14 purchases purchase NOUN crln-8440 71 15 and and CCONJ crln-8440 71 16 potential potential ADJ crln-8440 71 17 cost cost NOUN crln-8440 71 18 - - PUNCT crln-8440 71 19 saving save VERB crln-8440 71 20 measures measure NOUN crln-8440 71 21 . . PUNCT crln-8440 72 1 administrative administrative ADJ crln-8440 72 2 support support NOUN crln-8440 72 3 is be AUX crln-8440 72 4 essential essential ADJ crln-8440 72 5 and and CCONJ crln-8440 72 6 puts put VERB crln-8440 72 7 a a DET crln-8440 72 8 force force NOUN crln-8440 72 9 behind behind ADP crln-8440 72 10 expeditious expeditious ADJ crln-8440 72 11 action action NOUN crln-8440 72 12 taking taking NOUN crln-8440 72 13 . . PUNCT crln-8440 73 1 in in ADP crln-8440 73 2 addition addition NOUN crln-8440 73 3 , , PUNCT crln-8440 73 4 a a DET crln-8440 73 5 top top ADJ crln-8440 73 6 figure figure NOUN crln-8440 73 7 in in ADP crln-8440 73 8 the the DET crln-8440 73 9 cob cob PROPN crln-8440 73 10 saw see VERB crln-8440 73 11 librarians librarian NOUN crln-8440 73 12 as as ADP crln-8440 73 13 silo silo ADJ crln-8440 73 14 crossings crossing NOUN crln-8440 73 15 , , PUNCT crln-8440 73 16 or or CCONJ crln-8440 73 17 people people NOUN crln-8440 73 18 in in ADP crln-8440 73 19 a a DET crln-8440 73 20 unique unique ADJ crln-8440 73 21 position position NOUN crln-8440 73 22 to to PART crln-8440 73 23 see see VERB crln-8440 73 24 the the DET crln-8440 73 25 big big ADJ crln-8440 73 26 picture picture NOUN crln-8440 73 27 across across ADP crln-8440 73 28 campus campus NOUN crln-8440 73 29 , , PUNCT crln-8440 73 30 while while SCONJ crln-8440 73 31 departments department NOUN crln-8440 73 32 and and CCONJ crln-8440 73 33 colleges college NOUN crln-8440 73 34 are be AUX crln-8440 73 35 typically typically ADV crln-8440 73 36 are be AUX crln-8440 73 37 more more ADV crln-8440 73 38 focused focused ADJ crln-8440 73 39 on on ADP crln-8440 73 40 their their PRON crln-8440 73 41 own own ADJ crln-8440 73 42 interests interest NOUN crln-8440 73 43 . . PUNCT crln-8440 74 1 for for ADP crln-8440 74 2 example example NOUN crln-8440 74 3 , , PUNCT crln-8440 74 4 a a DET crln-8440 74 5 college college NOUN crln-8440 74 6 might might AUX crln-8440 74 7 duplicate duplicate VERB crln-8440 74 8 resources resource NOUN crln-8440 74 9 or or CCONJ crln-8440 74 10 unwittingly unwittingly ADV crln-8440 74 11 pay pay VERB crln-8440 74 12 for for ADP crln-8440 74 13 a a DET crln-8440 74 14 database database NOUN crln-8440 74 15 that that PRON crln-8440 74 16 is be AUX crln-8440 74 17 already already ADV crln-8440 74 18 available available ADJ crln-8440 74 19 from from ADP crln-8440 74 20 a a DET crln-8440 74 21 campus campus NOUN crln-8440 74 22 association association NOUN crln-8440 74 23 membership membership NOUN crln-8440 74 24 . . PUNCT crln-8440 75 1 this this DET crln-8440 75 2 expensive expensive ADJ crln-8440 75 3 lesson lesson NOUN crln-8440 75 4 shows show VERB crln-8440 75 5 that that SCONJ crln-8440 75 6 crosscampus crosscampus PROPN crln-8440 75 7 communication communication NOUN crln-8440 75 8 and and CCONJ crln-8440 75 9 resource resource NOUN crln-8440 75 10 sharing sharing NOUN crln-8440 75 11 is be AUX crln-8440 75 12 essential essential ADJ crln-8440 75 13 . . PUNCT crln-8440 76 1 after after SCONJ crln-8440 76 2 sustained sustain VERB crln-8440 76 3 searching search VERB crln-8440 76 4 and and CCONJ crln-8440 76 5 question question NOUN crln-8440 76 6 asking asking NOUN crln-8440 76 7 , , PUNCT crln-8440 76 8 the the DET crln-8440 76 9 data data NOUN crln-8440 76 10 librarian librarian NOUN crln-8440 76 11 created create VERB crln-8440 76 12 a a DET crln-8440 76 13 spreadsheet spreadsheet NOUN crln-8440 76 14 using use VERB crln-8440 76 15 information information NOUN crln-8440 76 16 provided provide VERB crln-8440 76 17 by by ADP crln-8440 76 18 the the DET crln-8440 76 19 research research NOUN crln-8440 76 20 committee committee NOUN crln-8440 76 21 adding add VERB crln-8440 76 22 additional additional ADJ crln-8440 76 23 information information NOUN crln-8440 76 24 like like ADP crln-8440 76 25 description description NOUN crln-8440 76 26 , , PUNCT crln-8440 76 27 alternative alternative ADJ crln-8440 76 28 resources resource NOUN crln-8440 76 29 , , PUNCT crln-8440 76 30 and and CCONJ crln-8440 76 31 location location NOUN crln-8440 76 32 . . PUNCT crln-8440 77 1 library library NOUN crln-8440 77 2 data data PROPN crln-8440 77 3 resources resource NOUN crln-8440 77 4 were be AUX crln-8440 77 5 also also ADV crln-8440 77 6 added add VERB crln-8440 77 7 to to PART crln-8440 77 8 raise raise VERB crln-8440 77 9 awareness awareness NOUN crln-8440 77 10 . . PUNCT crln-8440 78 1 any any DET crln-8440 78 2 duplicate duplicate ADJ crln-8440 78 3 data datum NOUN crln-8440 78 4 were be AUX crln-8440 78 5 noted note VERB crln-8440 78 6 . . PUNCT crln-8440 79 1 the the DET crln-8440 79 2 data datum NOUN crln-8440 79 3 and and CCONJ crln-8440 79 4 october october PROPN crln-8440 79 5 2010 2010 NUM crln-8440 79 6 483 483 NUM crln-8440 79 7 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-8440 79 8 news news NOUN crln-8440 79 9 business business NOUN crln-8440 79 10 librarians librarian NOUN crln-8440 79 11 were be AUX crln-8440 79 12 invited invite VERB crln-8440 79 13 to to ADP crln-8440 79 14 a a DET crln-8440 79 15 meeting meeting NOUN crln-8440 79 16 with with ADP crln-8440 79 17 administration administration NOUN crln-8440 79 18 and and CCONJ crln-8440 79 19 department department NOUN crln-8440 79 20 chairs chair NOUN crln-8440 79 21 to to PART crln-8440 79 22 share share VERB crln-8440 79 23 the the DET crln-8440 79 24 findings finding NOUN crln-8440 79 25 and and CCONJ crln-8440 79 26 to to PART crln-8440 79 27 discuss discuss VERB crln-8440 79 28 the the DET crln-8440 79 29 potential potential NOUN crln-8440 79 30 for for ADP crln-8440 79 31 a a DET crln-8440 79 32 continuing continue VERB crln-8440 79 33 relationship relationship NOUN crln-8440 79 34 between between ADP crln-8440 79 35 the the DET crln-8440 79 36 library library NOUN crln-8440 79 37 and and CCONJ crln-8440 79 38 college college NOUN crln-8440 79 39 . . PUNCT crln-8440 80 1 the the DET crln-8440 80 2 cob cob PROPN crln-8440 80 3 and and CCONJ crln-8440 80 4 library library NOUN crln-8440 80 5 agreed agree VERB crln-8440 80 6 that that SCONJ crln-8440 80 7 data data NOUN crln-8440 80 8 purchases purchase NOUN crln-8440 80 9 would would AUX crln-8440 80 10 go go VERB crln-8440 80 11 through through ADP crln-8440 80 12 the the DET crln-8440 80 13 library library NOUN crln-8440 80 14 . . PUNCT crln-8440 81 1 the the DET crln-8440 81 2 library library NOUN crln-8440 81 3 assists assist VERB crln-8440 81 4 with with ADP crln-8440 81 5 purchases purchase NOUN crln-8440 81 6 , , PUNCT crln-8440 81 7 examines examine VERB crln-8440 81 8 license license NOUN crln-8440 81 9 agreements agreement NOUN crln-8440 81 10 , , PUNCT crln-8440 81 11 and and CCONJ crln-8440 81 12 suggests suggest VERB crln-8440 81 13 alternative alternative ADJ crln-8440 81 14 resources resource NOUN crln-8440 81 15 , , PUNCT crln-8440 81 16 as as ADP crln-8440 81 17 necessary necessary ADJ crln-8440 81 18 . . PUNCT crln-8440 82 1 the the DET crln-8440 82 2 cob cob NOUN crln-8440 82 3 posted post VERB crln-8440 82 4 the the DET crln-8440 82 5 spreadsheet spreadsheet NOUN crln-8440 82 6 on on ADP crln-8440 82 7 their their PRON crln-8440 82 8 intranet intranet NOUN crln-8440 82 9 web web NOUN crln-8440 82 10 site site NOUN crln-8440 82 11 for for ADP crln-8440 82 12 easy easy ADJ crln-8440 82 13 access access NOUN crln-8440 82 14 . . PUNCT crln-8440 83 1 in in ADP crln-8440 83 2 addition addition NOUN crln-8440 83 3 , , PUNCT crln-8440 83 4 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8440 83 5 are be AUX crln-8440 83 6 encouraged encourage VERB crln-8440 83 7 to to PART crln-8440 83 8 and and CCONJ crln-8440 83 9 do do AUX crln-8440 83 10 contact contact VERB crln-8440 83 11 the the DET crln-8440 83 12 librarians librarians PROPN crln-8440 83 13 for for ADP crln-8440 83 14 data datum NOUN crln-8440 83 15 assistance assistance NOUN crln-8440 83 16 . . PUNCT crln-8440 84 1 the the DET crln-8440 84 2 spreadsheet spreadsheet NOUN crln-8440 84 3 is be AUX crln-8440 84 4 updated update VERB crln-8440 84 5 regularly regularly ADV crln-8440 84 6 . . PUNCT crln-8440 85 1 all all PRON crln-8440 85 2 of of ADP crln-8440 85 3 this this PRON crln-8440 85 4 encourages encourage VERB crln-8440 85 5 a a DET crln-8440 85 6 continuing continue VERB crln-8440 85 7 and and CCONJ crln-8440 85 8 valued value VERB crln-8440 85 9 relationship relationship NOUN crln-8440 85 10 between between ADP crln-8440 85 11 the the DET crln-8440 85 12 library library NOUN crln-8440 85 13 and and CCONJ crln-8440 85 14 the the DET crln-8440 85 15 cob cob NOUN crln-8440 85 16 . . PUNCT crln-8440 86 1 conclusion conclusion NOUN crln-8440 86 2 inserting insert VERB crln-8440 86 3 librarians librarian NOUN crln-8440 86 4 into into ADP crln-8440 86 5 the the DET crln-8440 86 6 management management NOUN crln-8440 86 7 of of ADP crln-8440 86 8 data data NOUN crln-8440 86 9 resources resource NOUN crln-8440 86 10 for for ADP crln-8440 86 11 the the DET crln-8440 86 12 cob cob NOUN crln-8440 86 13 was be AUX crln-8440 86 14 a a DET crln-8440 86 15 major major ADJ crln-8440 86 16 accomplishment accomplishment NOUN crln-8440 86 17 for for ADP crln-8440 86 18 msu msu PROPN crln-8440 86 19 ’s ’s PART crln-8440 86 20 seedling seedle VERB crln-8440 86 21 data data PROPN crln-8440 86 22 services service NOUN crln-8440 86 23 program program NOUN crln-8440 86 24 . . PUNCT crln-8440 87 1 this this PRON crln-8440 87 2 would would AUX crln-8440 87 3 never never ADV crln-8440 87 4 have have AUX crln-8440 87 5 happened happen VERB crln-8440 87 6 without without ADP crln-8440 87 7 persistent persistent ADJ crln-8440 87 8 communicain communicain NOUN crln-8440 87 9 which which DET crln-8440 87 10 results result NOUN crln-8440 87 11 are be AUX crln-8440 87 12 important important ADJ crln-8440 87 13 to to ADP crln-8440 87 14 success success NOUN crln-8440 87 15 . . PUNCT crln-8440 88 1 partners partner NOUN crln-8440 88 2 have have VERB crln-8440 88 3 a a DET crln-8440 88 4 responsibility responsibility NOUN crln-8440 88 5 to to ADP crln-8440 88 6 the the DET crln-8440 88 7 students student NOUN crln-8440 88 8 to to PART crln-8440 88 9 follow follow VERB crln-8440 88 10 - - PUNCT crln-8440 88 11 through through NOUN crln-8440 88 12 on on ADP crln-8440 88 13 project project NOUN crln-8440 88 14 results result NOUN crln-8440 88 15 or or CCONJ crln-8440 88 16 at at ADP crln-8440 88 17 least least ADJ crln-8440 88 18 provide provide VERB crln-8440 88 19 feedback feedback NOUN crln-8440 88 20 at at ADP crln-8440 88 21 the the DET crln-8440 88 22 project project NOUN crln-8440 88 23 ’s ’s PART crln-8440 88 24 conclusion conclusion NOUN crln-8440 88 25 . . PUNCT crln-8440 89 1 in in ADP crln-8440 89 2 our our PRON crln-8440 89 3 case case NOUN crln-8440 89 4 , , PUNCT crln-8440 89 5 the the DET crln-8440 89 6 students student NOUN crln-8440 89 7 know know VERB crln-8440 89 8 that that SCONJ crln-8440 89 9 the the DET crln-8440 89 10 pilot pilot NOUN crln-8440 89 11 videos video NOUN crln-8440 89 12 are be AUX crln-8440 89 13 available available ADJ crln-8440 89 14 on on ADP crln-8440 89 15 the the DET crln-8440 89 16 belk belk PROPN crln-8440 89 17 library library PROPN crln-8440 89 18 web web NOUN crln-8440 89 19 site site NOUN crln-8440 89 20 for for ADP crln-8440 89 21 student student NOUN crln-8440 89 22 access access NOUN crln-8440 89 23 ; ; PUNCT crln-8440 89 24 that that SCONJ crln-8440 89 25 one one NUM crln-8440 89 26 of of ADP crln-8440 89 27 their their PRON crln-8440 89 28 own own ADJ crln-8440 89 29 worked work VERB crln-8440 89 30 with with ADP crln-8440 89 31 the the DET crln-8440 89 32 library library NOUN crln-8440 89 33 to to PART crln-8440 89 34 implement implement VERB crln-8440 89 35 their their PRON crln-8440 89 36 final final ADJ crln-8440 89 37 recommendations recommendation NOUN crln-8440 89 38 ; ; PUNCT crln-8440 89 39 and and CCONJ crln-8440 89 40 that that SCONJ crln-8440 89 41 their their PRON crln-8440 89 42 work work NOUN crln-8440 89 43 was be AUX crln-8440 89 44 launched launch VERB crln-8440 89 45 to to ADP crln-8440 89 46 the the DET crln-8440 89 47 university university NOUN crln-8440 89 48 community community NOUN crln-8440 89 49 at at ADP crln-8440 89 50 a a DET crln-8440 89 51 public public ADJ crln-8440 89 52 event event NOUN crln-8440 89 53 . . PUNCT crln-8440 90 1 they they PRON crln-8440 90 2 can can AUX crln-8440 90 3 show show VERB crln-8440 90 4 the the DET crln-8440 90 5 results result NOUN crln-8440 90 6 of of ADP crln-8440 90 7 their their PRON crln-8440 90 8 hard hard ADJ crln-8440 90 9 work work NOUN crln-8440 90 10 to to ADP crln-8440 90 11 family family NOUN crln-8440 90 12 and and CCONJ crln-8440 90 13 peers peer NOUN crln-8440 90 14 and and CCONJ crln-8440 90 15 see see VERB crln-8440 90 16 their their PRON crln-8440 90 17 work work NOUN crln-8440 90 18 continued continue VERB crln-8440 90 19 , , PUNCT crln-8440 90 20 reinforcing reinforce VERB crln-8440 90 21 their their PRON crln-8440 90 22 learning learning NOUN crln-8440 90 23 experience experience NOUN crln-8440 90 24 and and CCONJ crln-8440 90 25 mimicking mimic VERB crln-8440 90 26 professional professional ADJ crln-8440 90 27 project project NOUN crln-8440 90 28 work work NOUN crln-8440 90 29 . . PUNCT crln-8440 91 1 to to PART crln-8440 91 2 make make VERB crln-8440 91 3 sure sure ADJ crln-8440 91 4 that that SCONJ crln-8440 91 5 the the DET crln-8440 91 6 students student NOUN crln-8440 91 7 ’ ’ PART crln-8440 91 8 work work NOUN crln-8440 91 9 becomes become VERB crln-8440 91 10 more more ADJ crln-8440 91 11 than than ADP crln-8440 91 12 just just ADV crln-8440 91 13 an an DET crln-8440 91 14 academic academic ADJ crln-8440 91 15 exercise exercise NOUN crln-8440 91 16 , , PUNCT crln-8440 91 17 follow follow VERB crln-8440 91 18 through through ADP crln-8440 91 19 on on ADP crln-8440 91 20 their their PRON crln-8440 91 21 ideas idea NOUN crln-8440 91 22 or or CCONJ crln-8440 91 23 communicate communicate VERB crln-8440 91 24 with with ADP crln-8440 91 25 them they PRON crln-8440 91 26 why why SCONJ crln-8440 91 27 you you PRON crln-8440 91 28 will will AUX crln-8440 91 29 not not PART crln-8440 91 30 . . PUNCT crln-8440 92 1 students student NOUN crln-8440 92 2 will will AUX crln-8440 92 3 appreciate appreciate VERB crln-8440 92 4 the the DET crln-8440 92 5 life life NOUN crln-8440 92 6 lesson lesson NOUN crln-8440 92 7 in in ADP crln-8440 92 8 professionalism professionalism NOUN crln-8440 92 9 , , PUNCT crln-8440 92 10 and and CCONJ crln-8440 92 11 you you PRON crln-8440 92 12 might might AUX crln-8440 92 13 find find VERB crln-8440 92 14 students student NOUN crln-8440 92 15 who who PRON crln-8440 92 16 are be AUX crln-8440 92 17 interested interested ADJ crln-8440 92 18 in in ADP crln-8440 92 19 continuing continue VERB crln-8440 92 20 the the DET crln-8440 92 21 collaboration collaboration NOUN crln-8440 92 22 in in ADP crln-8440 92 23 new new ADJ crln-8440 92 24 ways way NOUN crln-8440 92 25 . . PUNCT crln-8440 93 1 in in ADP crln-8440 93 2 conclusion conclusion NOUN crln-8440 93 3 , , PUNCT crln-8440 93 4 library library NOUN crln-8440 93 5 - - PUNCT crln-8440 93 6 class class NOUN crln-8440 93 7 collaborations collaboration NOUN crln-8440 93 8 can can AUX crln-8440 93 9 be be AUX crln-8440 93 10 extremely extremely ADV crln-8440 93 11 fruitful fruitful ADJ crln-8440 93 12 partnerships partnership NOUN crln-8440 93 13 when when SCONJ crln-8440 93 14 tion tion NOUN crln-8440 93 15 efforts effort NOUN crln-8440 93 16 , , PUNCT crln-8440 93 17 a a DET crln-8440 93 18 clear clear ADJ crln-8440 93 19 objective objective NOUN crln-8440 93 20 , , PUNCT crln-8440 93 21 and and CCONJ crln-8440 93 22 a a DET crln-8440 93 23 confluence confluence NOUN crln-8440 93 24 of of ADP crln-8440 93 25 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8440 93 26 and and CCONJ crln-8440 93 27 administrative administrative ADJ crln-8440 93 28 interest interest NOUN crln-8440 93 29 . . PUNCT crln-8440 94 1 the the DET crln-8440 94 2 complementary complementary ADJ crln-8440 94 3 outcomes outcome NOUN crln-8440 94 4 of of ADP crln-8440 94 5 increased increase VERB crln-8440 94 6 positive positive ADJ crln-8440 94 7 regard regard NOUN crln-8440 94 8 for for ADP crln-8440 94 9 the the DET crln-8440 94 10 library library NOUN crln-8440 94 11 and and CCONJ crln-8440 94 12 awareness awareness NOUN crln-8440 94 13 of of ADP crln-8440 94 14 data data NOUN crln-8440 94 15 reference reference NOUN crln-8440 94 16 services service NOUN crln-8440 94 17 were be AUX crln-8440 94 18 also also ADV crln-8440 94 19 a a DET crln-8440 94 20 clear clear ADJ crln-8440 94 21 success success NOUN crln-8440 94 22 of of ADP crln-8440 94 23 the the DET crln-8440 94 24 outreach outreach ADJ crln-8440 94 25 effort effort NOUN crln-8440 94 26 . . PUNCT crln-8440 95 1 just just ADV crln-8440 95 2 as as SCONJ crln-8440 95 3 cooperation cooperation NOUN crln-8440 95 4 with with ADP crln-8440 95 5 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-8440 95 6 at at ADP crln-8440 95 7 the the DET crln-8440 95 8 business business NOUN crln-8440 95 9 library library NOUN crln-8440 95 10 was be AUX crln-8440 95 11 important important ADJ crln-8440 95 12 to to ADP crln-8440 95 13 the the DET crln-8440 95 14 success success NOUN crln-8440 95 15 of of ADP crln-8440 95 16 working work VERB crln-8440 95 17 with with ADP crln-8440 95 18 the the DET crln-8440 95 19 cob cob NOUN crln-8440 95 20 , , PUNCT crln-8440 95 21 securing secure VERB crln-8440 95 22 working work VERB crln-8440 95 23 relationships relationship NOUN crln-8440 95 24 with with ADP crln-8440 95 25 other other ADJ crln-8440 95 26 departmental departmental ADJ crln-8440 95 27 liaisons liaison NOUN crln-8440 95 28 is be AUX crln-8440 95 29 an an DET crln-8440 95 30 important important ADJ crln-8440 95 31 first first ADJ crln-8440 95 32 step step NOUN crln-8440 95 33 towards towards ADP crln-8440 95 34 bolstering bolster VERB crln-8440 95 35 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8440 95 36 and and CCONJ crln-8440 95 37 student student NOUN crln-8440 95 38 awareness awareness NOUN crln-8440 95 39 of of ADP crln-8440 95 40 data data NOUN crln-8440 95 41 services service NOUN crln-8440 95 42 . . PUNCT crln-8440 96 1 more more ADJ crln-8440 96 2 and and CCONJ crln-8440 96 3 more more ADJ crln-8440 96 4 colleges college NOUN crln-8440 96 5 and and CCONJ crln-8440 96 6 universities university NOUN crln-8440 96 7 are be AUX crln-8440 96 8 starting start VERB crln-8440 96 9 library library PROPN crln-8440 96 10 data datum NOUN crln-8440 96 11 service service NOUN crln-8440 96 12 programs program NOUN crln-8440 96 13 to to PART crln-8440 96 14 meet meet VERB crln-8440 96 15 the the DET crln-8440 96 16 needs need NOUN crln-8440 96 17 of of ADP crln-8440 96 18 quantitative quantitative ADJ crln-8440 96 19 researchers researcher NOUN crln-8440 96 20 . . PUNCT crln-8440 97 1 it it PRON crln-8440 97 2 is be AUX crln-8440 97 3 essential essential ADJ crln-8440 97 4 to to PART crln-8440 97 5 explain explain VERB crln-8440 97 6 and and CCONJ crln-8440 97 7 promote promote VERB crln-8440 97 8 the the DET crln-8440 97 9 services service NOUN crln-8440 97 10 that that PRON crln-8440 97 11 data datum NOUN crln-8440 97 12 librarians librarian NOUN crln-8440 97 13 can can AUX crln-8440 97 14 provide provide VERB crln-8440 97 15 to to ADP crln-8440 97 16 students student NOUN crln-8440 97 17 , , PUNCT crln-8440 97 18 faculty faculty NOUN crln-8440 97 19 , , PUNCT crln-8440 97 20 and and CCONJ crln-8440 97 21 other other ADJ crln-8440 97 22 groups group NOUN crln-8440 97 23 . . PUNCT crln-8440 98 1 msu msu PROPN crln-8440 98 2 ’s ’s PART crln-8440 98 3 successful successful ADJ crln-8440 98 4 data data NOUN crln-8440 98 5 collection collection NOUN crln-8440 98 6 management management NOUN crln-8440 98 7 and and CCONJ crln-8440 98 8 data datum NOUN crln-8440 98 9 reference reference NOUN crln-8440 98 10 endeavors endeavor NOUN crln-8440 98 11 — — PUNCT crln-8440 98 12 inside inside ADV crln-8440 98 13 and and CCONJ crln-8440 98 14 outside outside ADP crln-8440 98 15 of of ADP crln-8440 98 16 the the DET crln-8440 98 17 library library NOUN crln-8440 98 18 — — PUNCT crln-8440 98 19 have have AUX crln-8440 98 20 built build VERB crln-8440 98 21 a a DET crln-8440 98 22 strong strong ADJ crln-8440 98 23 foundation foundation NOUN crln-8440 98 24 for for ADP crln-8440 98 25 the the DET crln-8440 98 26 new new ADJ crln-8440 98 27 data datum NOUN crln-8440 98 28 services service NOUN crln-8440 98 29 program program NOUN crln-8440 98 30 to to PART crln-8440 98 31 continue continue VERB crln-8440 98 32 to to PART crln-8440 98 33 grow grow VERB crln-8440 98 34 . . PUNCT crln-8440 99 1 they they PRON crln-8440 99 2 are be AUX crln-8440 99 3 planned plan VERB crln-8440 99 4 and and CCONJ crln-8440 99 5 tended tend VERB crln-8440 99 6 effectively effectively ADV crln-8440 99 7 . . PUNCT crln-8440 100 1 libraries library NOUN crln-8440 100 2 gain gain VERB crln-8440 100 3 new new ADJ crln-8440 100 4 ways way NOUN crln-8440 100 5 to to PART crln-8440 100 6 connect connect VERB crln-8440 100 7 with with ADP crln-8440 100 8 and and CCONJ crln-8440 100 9 reach reach VERB crln-8440 100 10 out out ADP crln-8440 100 11 to to ADP crln-8440 100 12 students student NOUN crln-8440 100 13 , , PUNCT crln-8440 100 14 and and CCONJ crln-8440 100 15 students student NOUN crln-8440 100 16 get get VERB crln-8440 100 17 realworld realworld NOUN crln-8440 100 18 project project NOUN crln-8440 100 19 experience experience NOUN crln-8440 100 20 . . PUNCT crln-8440 101 1 to to PART crln-8440 101 2 see see VERB crln-8440 101 3 the the DET crln-8440 101 4 initial initial ADJ crln-8440 101 5 results result NOUN crln-8440 101 6 of of ADP crln-8440 101 7 our our PRON crln-8440 101 8 collaboration collaboration NOUN crln-8440 101 9 , , PUNCT crln-8440 101 10 go go VERB crln-8440 101 11 to to ADP crln-8440 101 12 blogs.elon blogs.elon NUM crln-8440 101 13 . . PUNCT crln-8440 102 1 edu edu PROPN crln-8440 102 2 / / SYM crln-8440 102 3 aboutbelk/. aboutbelk/. PROPN crln-8440 102 4 notes note NOUN crln-8440 102 5 1 1 NUM crln-8440 102 6 . . PROPN crln-8440 103 1 eric eric PROPN crln-8440 103 2 townsend townsend PROPN crln-8440 103 3 , , PUNCT crln-8440 103 4 “ " PUNCT crln-8440 103 5 student student NOUN crln-8440 103 6 videos video NOUN crln-8440 103 7 promote promote VERB crln-8440 103 8 belk belk PROPN crln-8440 103 9 library library NOUN crln-8440 103 10 resources resource NOUN crln-8440 103 11 , , PUNCT crln-8440 103 12 ” " PUNCT crln-8440 103 13 elon elon PROPN crln-8440 103 14 university university PROPN crln-8440 103 15 e e NOUN crln-8440 103 16 - - NOUN crln-8440 103 17 net net NOUN crln-8440 103 18 ! ! PUNCT crln-8440 104 1 INTJ crln-8440 104 2 . . PUNCT crln-8440 105 1 aspx?id=945471 aspx?id=945471 PROPN crln-8440 105 2 ( ( PUNCT crln-8440 105 3 accessed access VERB crln-8440 105 4 may may AUX crln-8440 105 5 24 24 NUM crln-8440 105 6 , , PUNCT crln-8440 105 7 2010 2010 NUM crln-8440 105 8 ) ) PUNCT crln-8440 105 9 . . PUNCT crln-8440 106 1 2 2 X crln-8440 106 2 . . X crln-8440 106 3 lynda lynda PROPN crln-8440 106 4 m. m. PROPN crln-8440 106 5 duke duke PROPN crln-8440 106 6 and and CCONJ crln-8440 106 7 jean jean PROPN crln-8440 106 8 b. b. PROPN crln-8440 106 9 mcdonald mcdonald PROPN crln-8440 106 10 , , PUNCT crln-8440 106 11 “ " PUNCT crln-8440 106 12 working work VERB crln-8440 106 13 with with ADP crln-8440 106 14 campus campus NOUN crln-8440 106 15 marketing marketing NOUN crln-8440 106 16 classes class NOUN crln-8440 106 17 to to PART crln-8440 106 18 improve improve VERB crln-8440 106 19 reference reference NOUN crln-8440 106 20 service service NOUN crln-8440 106 21 visibility visibility NOUN crln-8440 106 22 , , PUNCT crln-8440 106 23 ” " PUNCT crln-8440 106 24 marketing marketing NOUN crln-8440 106 25 library library NOUN crln-8440 106 26 services service NOUN crln-8440 106 27 ( ( PUNCT crln-8440 106 28 november november PROPN crln-8440 106 29 / / SYM crln-8440 106 30 december december PROPN crln-8440 106 31 2009 2009 NUM crln-8440 106 32 ) ) PUNCT crln-8440 106 33 , , PUNCT crln-8440 106 34 X crln-8440 106 35 /duke_macdonald.shtml /duke_macdonald.shtml PUNCT crln-8440 106 36 . . PUNCT crln-8440 107 1 3 3 X crln-8440 107 2 . . PROPN crln-8440 107 3 eleonora eleonora PROPN crln-8440 107 4 dubicki dubicki PROPN crln-8440 107 5 , , PUNCT crln-8440 107 6 “ " PUNCT crln-8440 107 7 business business NOUN crln-8440 107 8 students student NOUN crln-8440 107 9 chart chart VERB crln-8440 107 10 a a DET crln-8440 107 11 new new ADJ crln-8440 107 12 course course NOUN crln-8440 107 13 for for ADP crln-8440 107 14 promoting promote VERB crln-8440 107 15 the the DET crln-8440 107 16 university university NOUN crln-8440 107 17 library library NOUN crln-8440 107 18 , , PUNCT crln-8440 107 19 ” " PUNCT crln-8440 107 20 college college NOUN crln-8440 107 21 & & CCONJ crln-8440 107 22 undergraduate undergraduate NOUN crln-8440 107 23 libraries library NOUN crln-8440 107 24 , , PUNCT crln-8440 107 25 16 16 NUM crln-8440 107 26 , , PUNCT crln-8440 107 27 2/3 2/3 NUM crln-8440 107 28 ( ( PUNCT crln-8440 107 29 april april PROPN crln-8440 107 30 2009 2009 NUM crln-8440 107 31 ) ) PUNCT crln-8440 107 32 , , PUNCT crln-8440 107 33 search search NOUN crln-8440 107 34 . . PUNCT crln-8440 108 1 NOUN crln-8440 108 2 ( ( PUNCT crln-8440 108 3 “ " PUNCT crln-8440 108 4 making make VERB crln-8440 108 5 the the DET crln-8440 108 6 video video NOUN crln-8440 108 7 ” " PUNCT crln-8440 108 8 continued continue VERB crln-8440 108 9 from from ADP crln-8440 108 10 page page NOUN crln-8440 108 11 471 471 NUM crln-8440 108 12 ) ) PUNCT