id	sid	tid	token	lemma	pos
crln-8360	1	1	c&rl	c&rl	PROPN
crln-8360	1	2	news	news	PROPN
crln-8360	1	3	april	april	PROPN
crln-8360	1	4	2010	2010	NUM
crln-8360	1	5	214	214	NUM
crln-8360	1	6	update	update	NOUN
crln-8360	1	7	on	on	ADP
crln-8360	1	8	proposed	propose	VERB
crln-8360	1	9	google	google	PROPN
crln-8360	1	10	book	book	NOUN
crln-8360	1	11	search	search	NOUN
crln-8360	1	12	settlement	settlement	NOUN
crln-8360	1	13	on	on	ADP
crln-8360	1	14	february	february	PROPN
crln-8360	1	15	18	18	NUM
crln-8360	1	16	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	1	17	2010	2010	NUM
crln-8360	1	18	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	1	19	u.s	u.s	PROPN
crln-8360	1	20	.	.	PROPN
crln-8360	1	21	district	district	PROPN
crln-8360	1	22	court	court	PROPN
crln-8360	1	23	judge	judge	NOUN
crln-8360	1	24	denny	denny	PROPN
crln-8360	1	25	chin	chin	PROPN
crln-8360	1	26	held	hold	VERB
crln-8360	1	27	the	the	DET
crln-8360	1	28	much	much	ADV
crln-8360	1	29	anticipated	anticipate	VERB
crln-8360	1	30	final	final	ADJ
crln-8360	1	31	fairness	fairness	NOUN
crln-8360	1	32	hearing	hearing	NOUN
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crln-8360	1	34	the	the	DET
crln-8360	1	35	proposed	propose	VERB
crln-8360	1	36	google	google	PROPN
crln-8360	1	37	book	book	NOUN
crln-8360	1	38	search	search	NOUN
crln-8360	1	39	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8360	1	40	gbs	gbs	NOUN
crln-8360	1	41	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8360	1	42	settlement	settlement	NOUN
crln-8360	1	43	that	that	PRON
crln-8360	1	44	would	would	AUX
crln-8360	1	45	potentially	potentially	ADV
crln-8360	1	46	end	end	VERB
crln-8360	1	47	the	the	DET
crln-8360	1	48	2005	2005	NUM
crln-8360	1	49	lawsuit	lawsuit	NOUN
crln-8360	1	50	filed	file	VERB
crln-8360	1	51	by	by	ADP
crln-8360	1	52	the	the	DET
crln-8360	1	53	association	association	NOUN
crln-8360	1	54	of	of	ADP
crln-8360	1	55	american	american	ADJ
crln-8360	1	56	publishers	publisher	NOUN
crln-8360	1	57	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8360	1	58	aap	aap	NOUN
crln-8360	1	59	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8360	1	60	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8360	1	61	the	the	DET
crln-8360	1	62	author	author	NOUN
crln-8360	1	63	’s	’s	PART
crln-8360	1	64	guild	guild	NOUN
crln-8360	1	65	against	against	ADP
crln-8360	1	66	google	google	PROPN
crln-8360	1	67	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8360	2	1	before	before	ADP
crln-8360	2	2	hearing	hear	VERB
crln-8360	2	3	statements	statement	NOUN
crln-8360	2	4	from	from	ADP
crln-8360	2	5	parties	party	NOUN
crln-8360	2	6	who	who	PRON
crln-8360	2	7	either	either	CCONJ
crln-8360	2	8	supported	support	VERB
crln-8360	2	9	or	or	CCONJ
crln-8360	2	10	opposed	oppose	VERB
crln-8360	2	11	the	the	DET
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crln-8360	2	13	settlement	settlement	NOUN
crln-8360	2	14	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	2	15	the	the	DET
crln-8360	2	16	judge	judge	NOUN
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crln-8360	2	18	he	he	PRON
crln-8360	2	19	would	would	AUX
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crln-8360	2	21	no	no	DET
crln-8360	2	22	ruling	ruling	NOUN
crln-8360	2	23	that	that	DET
crln-8360	2	24	day	day	NOUN
crln-8360	2	25	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8360	3	1	given	give	VERB
crln-8360	3	2	the	the	DET
crln-8360	3	3	voluminous	voluminous	ADJ
crln-8360	3	4	nature	nature	NOUN
crln-8360	3	5	of	of	ADP
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crln-8360	3	7	than	than	ADP
crln-8360	3	8	500	500	NUM
crln-8360	3	9	filings	filing	NOUN
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crln-8360	3	11	the	the	DET
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crln-8360	3	13	over	over	ADP
crln-8360	3	14	the	the	DET
crln-8360	3	15	past	past	ADJ
crln-8360	3	16	several	several	ADJ
crln-8360	3	17	months	month	NOUN
crln-8360	3	18	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	3	19	it	it	PRON
crln-8360	3	20	is	be	AUX
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crln-8360	3	22	to	to	PART
crln-8360	3	23	predict	predict	VERB
crln-8360	3	24	when	when	SCONJ
crln-8360	3	25	a	a	DET
crln-8360	3	26	ruling	ruling	NOUN
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crln-8360	3	28	the	the	DET
crln-8360	3	29	judge	judge	NOUN
crln-8360	3	30	on	on	ADP
crln-8360	3	31	the	the	DET
crln-8360	3	32	case	case	NOUN
crln-8360	3	33	is	be	AUX
crln-8360	3	34	likely	likely	ADJ
crln-8360	3	35	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8360	4	1	in	in	ADP
crln-8360	4	2	the	the	DET
crln-8360	4	3	meantime	meantime	NOUN
crln-8360	4	4	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	4	5	the	the	DET
crln-8360	4	6	library	library	PROPN
crln-8360	4	7	copyright	copyright	NOUN
crln-8360	4	8	alliance	alliance	NOUN
crln-8360	4	9	(	(	PUNCT
crln-8360	4	10	comprised	comprise	VERB
crln-8360	4	11	of	of	ADP
crln-8360	4	12	acrl	acrl	ADJ
crln-8360	4	13	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	4	14	the	the	DET
crln-8360	4	15	ala	ala	NOUN
crln-8360	4	16	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	4	17	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8360	4	18	the	the	DET
crln-8360	4	19	association	association	NOUN
crln-8360	4	20	of	of	ADP
crln-8360	4	21	research	research	NOUN
crln-8360	4	22	libraries	library	NOUN
crln-8360	4	23	)	)	PUNCT
crln-8360	4	24	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	4	25	commissioned	commission	VERB
crln-8360	4	26	an	an	DET
crln-8360	4	27	ncaa	ncaa	ADJ
crln-8360	4	28	march	march	PROPN
crln-8360	4	29	madness	madness	NOUN
crln-8360	4	30	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8360	4	31	inspired	inspire	VERB
crln-8360	4	32	diagram	diagram	NOUN
crln-8360	4	33	that	that	PRON
crln-8360	4	34	explores	explore	VERB
crln-8360	4	35	the	the	DET
crln-8360	4	36	many	many	ADJ
crln-8360	4	37	possible	possible	ADJ
crln-8360	4	38	routes	route	NOUN
crln-8360	4	39	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8360	4	40	outcomes	outcome	NOUN
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crln-8360	4	42	the	the	DET
crln-8360	4	43	google	google	PROPN
crln-8360	4	44	book	book	NOUN
crln-8360	4	45	search	search	NOUN
crln-8360	4	46	settlement	settlement	NOUN
crln-8360	4	47	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8360	5	1	now	now	ADV
crln-8360	5	2	that	that	SCONJ
crln-8360	5	3	the	the	DET
crln-8360	5	4	fairness	fairness	NOUN
crln-8360	5	5	hearing	hear	VERB
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crln-8360	5	7	the	the	DET
crln-8360	5	8	google	google	PROPN
crln-8360	5	9	books	books	PROPN
crln-8360	5	10	settlement	settlement	NOUN
crln-8360	5	11	has	have	AUX
crln-8360	5	12	occurred	occur	VERB
crln-8360	5	13	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	5	14	it	it	PRON
crln-8360	5	15	is	be	AUX
crln-8360	5	16	up	up	ADP
crln-8360	5	17	to	to	PART
crln-8360	5	18	chin	chin	VERB
crln-8360	5	19	to	to	PART
crln-8360	5	20	decide	decide	VERB
crln-8360	5	21	whether	whether	SCONJ
crln-8360	5	22	the	the	DET
crln-8360	5	23	amended	amend	VERB
crln-8360	5	24	settlement	settlement	NOUN
crln-8360	5	25	agreement	agreement	NOUN
crln-8360	5	26	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	5	27	submitted	submit	VERB
crln-8360	5	28	to	to	ADP
crln-8360	5	29	the	the	DET
crln-8360	5	30	court	court	NOUN
crln-8360	5	31	by	by	ADP
crln-8360	5	32	google	google	PROPN
crln-8360	5	33	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	5	34	the	the	DET
crln-8360	5	35	authors	author	NOUN
crln-8360	5	36	guild	guild	VERB
crln-8360	5	37	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	5	38	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8360	5	39	aap	aap	NOUN
crln-8360	5	40	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	5	41	is	be	AUX
crln-8360	5	42	fair	fair	ADJ
crln-8360	5	43	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	5	44	reasonable	reasonable	ADJ
crln-8360	5	45	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	5	46	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8360	5	47	adequate	adequate	ADJ
crln-8360	5	48	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8360	6	1	as	as	SCONJ
crln-8360	6	2	the	the	DET
crln-8360	6	3	diagram	diagram	NOUN
crln-8360	6	4	shows	show	VERB
crln-8360	6	5	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	6	6	however	however	ADV
crln-8360	6	7	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	6	8	chin	chin	PROPN
crln-8360	6	9	’s	’s	PART
crln-8360	6	10	decision	decision	NOUN
crln-8360	6	11	is	be	AUX
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crln-8360	6	13	the	the	DET
crln-8360	6	14	next	next	ADJ
crln-8360	6	15	step	step	NOUN
crln-8360	6	16	in	in	ADP
crln-8360	6	17	a	a	DET
crln-8360	6	18	very	very	ADV
crln-8360	6	19	complex	complex	ADJ
crln-8360	6	20	legal	legal	ADJ
crln-8360	6	21	proceeding	proceeding	NOUN
crln-8360	6	22	that	that	PRON
crln-8360	6	23	could	could	AUX
crln-8360	6	24	take	take	VERB
crln-8360	6	25	a	a	DET
crln-8360	6	26	dozen	dozen	NOUN
crln-8360	6	27	more	more	ADJ
crln-8360	6	28	turns	turn	NOUN
crln-8360	6	29	before	before	ADP
crln-8360	6	30	reaching	reach	VERB
crln-8360	6	31	resolution	resolution	NOUN
crln-8360	6	32	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8360	7	1	despite	despite	SCONJ
crln-8360	7	2	the	the	DET
crln-8360	7	3	complexity	complexity	NOUN
crln-8360	7	4	of	of	ADP
crln-8360	7	5	the	the	DET
crln-8360	7	6	diagram	diagram	NOUN
crln-8360	7	7	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	7	8	it	it	PRON
crln-8360	7	9	does	do	AUX
crln-8360	7	10	not	not	PART
crln-8360	7	11	reflect	reflect	VERB
crln-8360	7	12	every	every	DET
crln-8360	7	13	possible	possible	ADJ
crln-8360	7	14	twist	twist	NOUN
crln-8360	7	15	in	in	ADP
crln-8360	7	16	the	the	DET
crln-8360	7	17	case	case	NOUN
crln-8360	7	18	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	7	19	nor	nor	CCONJ
crln-8360	7	20	does	do	AUX
crln-8360	7	21	it	it	PRON
crln-8360	7	22	address	address	VERB
crln-8360	7	23	the	the	DET
crln-8360	7	24	substantive	substantive	ADJ
crln-8360	7	25	reasons	reason	NOUN
crln-8360	7	26	why	why	SCONJ
crln-8360	7	27	a	a	DET
crln-8360	7	28	certain	certain	ADJ
crln-8360	7	29	outcome	outcome	NOUN
crln-8360	7	30	may	may	AUX
crln-8360	7	31	occur	occur	VERB
crln-8360	7	32	or	or	CCONJ
crln-8360	7	33	the	the	DET
crln-8360	7	34	impact	impact	NOUN
crln-8360	7	35	of	of	ADP
crln-8360	7	36	congressional	congressional	ADJ
crln-8360	7	37	intervention	intervention	NOUN
crln-8360	7	38	through	through	ADP
crln-8360	7	39	legislation	legislation	NOUN
crln-8360	7	40	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8360	8	1	as	as	SCONJ
crln-8360	8	2	jonathan	jonathan	PROPN
crln-8360	8	3	band	band	PROPN
crln-8360	8	4	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	8	5	who	who	PRON
crln-8360	8	6	developed	develop	VERB
crln-8360	8	7	the	the	DET
crln-8360	8	8	diagram	diagram	NOUN
crln-8360	8	9	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	8	10	states	state	NOUN
crln-8360	8	11	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	8	12	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8360	8	13	the	the	DET
crln-8360	8	14	precise	precise	ADJ
crln-8360	8	15	way	way	NOUN
crln-8360	8	16	forward	forward	ADV
crln-8360	8	17	is	be	AUX
crln-8360	8	18	more	more	ADV
crln-8360	8	19	difficult	difficult	ADJ
crln-8360	8	20	to	to	PART
crln-8360	8	21	predict	predict	VERB
crln-8360	8	22	than	than	ADP
crln-8360	8	23	the	the	DET
crln-8360	8	24	ncaa	ncaa	ADJ
crln-8360	8	25	tournament	tournament	NOUN
crln-8360	8	26	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8360	9	1	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8360	9	2	although	although	SCONJ
crln-8360	9	3	the	the	DET
crln-8360	9	4	next	next	ADJ
crln-8360	9	5	step	step	NOUN
crln-8360	9	6	in	in	ADP
crln-8360	9	7	the	the	DET
crln-8360	9	8	gbs	gbs	NOUN
crln-8360	9	9	saga	saga	NOUN
crln-8360	9	10	may	may	AUX
crln-8360	9	11	occur	occur	VERB
crln-8360	9	12	this	this	DET
crln-8360	9	13	march	march	NOUN
crln-8360	9	14	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	9	15	many	many	ADJ
crln-8360	9	16	more	more	ADJ
crln-8360	9	17	ncaa	ncaa	ADJ
crln-8360	9	18	tournaments	tournament	NOUN
crln-8360	9	19	will	will	AUX
crln-8360	9	20	come	come	VERB
crln-8360	9	21	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8360	9	22	go	go	VERB
crln-8360	9	23	before	before	SCONJ
crln-8360	9	24	the	the	DET
crln-8360	9	25	buzzer	buzzer	NOUN
crln-8360	9	26	sounds	sound	VERB
crln-8360	9	27	on	on	ADP
crln-8360	9	28	this	this	DET
crln-8360	9	29	dispute	dispute	NOUN
crln-8360	9	30	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8360	9	31	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8360	10	1	to	to	PART
crln-8360	10	2	view	view	VERB
crln-8360	10	3	the	the	DET
crln-8360	10	4	diagram	diagram	NOUN
crln-8360	10	5	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	10	6	please	please	INTJ
crln-8360	10	7	visit	visit	VERB
crln-8360	10	8	www	www	NOUN
crln-8360	10	9	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8360	11	1	PROPN
crln-8360	11	2	-march	-march	NOUN
crln-8360	11	3	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8360	11	4	madness	madness	NOUN
crln-8360	11	5	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8360	11	6	diagram	diagram	NOUN
crln-8360	11	7	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8360	11	8	final.pdf	final.pdf	NOUN
crln-8360	11	9	additional	additional	ADJ
crln-8360	11	10	information	information	NOUN
crln-8360	11	11	about	about	ADP
crln-8360	11	12	the	the	DET
crln-8360	11	13	proposed	propose	VERB
crln-8360	11	14	settlement	settlement	NOUN
crln-8360	11	15	can	can	AUX
crln-8360	11	16	be	be	AUX
crln-8360	11	17	found	find	VERB
crln-8360	11	18	in	in	ADP
crln-8360	11	19	the	the	DET
crln-8360	11	20	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8360	11	21	washington	washington	PROPN
crln-8360	11	22	hotline	hotline	PROPN
crln-8360	11	23	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8360	11	24	column	column	NOUN
crln-8360	11	25	from	from	ADP
crln-8360	11	26	may	may	PROPN
crln-8360	11	27	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8360	11	28	june	june	PROPN
crln-8360	11	29	2009	2009	NUM
crln-8360	11	30	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8360	11	31	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	11	32	more	more	ADV
crln-8360	11	33	recently	recently	ADV
crln-8360	11	34	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	11	35	from	from	ADP
crln-8360	11	36	the	the	DET
crln-8360	11	37	february	february	PROPN
crln-8360	11	38	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8360	11	39	march	march	PROPN
crln-8360	11	40	2010	2010	NUM
crln-8360	11	41	issues	issue	NOUN
crln-8360	11	42	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8360	12	1	update	update	VERB
crln-8360	12	2	on	on	ADP
crln-8360	12	3	usa	usa	PROPN
crln-8360	12	4	patriot	patriot	PROPN
crln-8360	12	5	act	act	PROPN
crln-8360	12	6	—	—	PUNCT
crln-8360	12	7	oneyear	oneyear	NOUN
crln-8360	12	8	extension	extension	NOUN
crln-8360	12	9	as	as	ADP
crln-8360	12	10	follow	follow	NOUN
crln-8360	12	11	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8360	12	12	up	up	NOUN
crln-8360	12	13	to	to	ADP
crln-8360	12	14	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8360	12	15	washington	washington	PROPN
crln-8360	12	16	hotline	hotline	PROPN
crln-8360	12	17	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8360	12	18	coverage	coverage	NOUN
crln-8360	12	19	of	of	ADP
crln-8360	12	20	the	the	DET
crln-8360	12	21	u.s	u.s	PROPN
crln-8360	12	22	.	.	PROPN
crln-8360	12	23	patriot	patriot	PROPN
crln-8360	12	24	act	act	PROPN
crln-8360	12	25	bill	bill	NOUN
crln-8360	12	26	in	in	ADP
crln-8360	12	27	the	the	DET
crln-8360	12	28	november	november	PROPN
crln-8360	12	29	2009	2009	NUM
crln-8360	12	30	issue	issue	NOUN
crln-8360	12	31	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	12	32	in	in	ADP
crln-8360	12	33	late	late	ADJ
crln-8360	12	34	february	february	NOUN
crln-8360	12	35	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	12	36	congress	congress	PROPN
crln-8360	12	37	extended	extend	VERB
crln-8360	12	38	for	for	ADP
crln-8360	12	39	one	one	NUM
crln-8360	12	40	year	year	NOUN
crln-8360	12	41	three	three	NUM
crln-8360	12	42	expiring	expire	VERB
crln-8360	12	43	provisions	provision	NOUN
crln-8360	12	44	of	of	ADP
crln-8360	12	45	the	the	DET
crln-8360	12	46	usa	usa	PROPN
crln-8360	12	47	patriot	patriot	PROPN
crln-8360	12	48	act	act	PROPN
crln-8360	12	49	that	that	PRON
crln-8360	12	50	were	be	AUX
crln-8360	12	51	originally	originally	ADV
crln-8360	12	52	to	to	PART
crln-8360	12	53	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8360	12	54	sunset	sunset	NOUN
crln-8360	12	55	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8360	12	56	on	on	ADP
crln-8360	12	57	december	december	PROPN
crln-8360	12	58	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	12	59	31	31	NUM
crln-8360	12	60	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	12	61	2009	2009	NUM
crln-8360	12	62	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8360	13	1	specifically	specifically	ADV
crln-8360	13	2	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	13	3	the	the	DET
crln-8360	13	4	senate	senate	PROPN
crln-8360	13	5	voted	vote	VERB
crln-8360	13	6	to	to	PART
crln-8360	13	7	pass	pass	VERB
crln-8360	13	8	the	the	DET
crln-8360	13	9	house	house	NOUN
crln-8360	13	10	-	-	PUNCT
crln-8360	13	11	passed	pass	VERB
crln-8360	13	12	bill	bill	NOUN
crln-8360	13	13	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	13	14	h.r	h.r	PROPN
crln-8360	13	15	.	.	PROPN
crln-8360	13	16	3961	3961	NUM
crln-8360	13	17	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	13	18	“	"	PUNCT
crln-8360	13	19	an	an	DET
crln-8360	13	20	act	act	NOUN
crln-8360	13	21	to	to	PART
crln-8360	13	22	extend	extend	VERB
crln-8360	13	23	expiring	expire	VERB
crln-8360	13	24	provisions	provision	NOUN
crln-8360	13	25	of	of	ADP
crln-8360	13	26	the	the	DET
crln-8360	13	27	usa	usa	PROPN
crln-8360	13	28	patriot	patriot	PROPN
crln-8360	13	29	improvement	improvement	PROPN
crln-8360	13	30	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8360	13	31	reauthorization	reauthorization	PROPN
crln-8360	13	32	act	act	NOUN
crln-8360	13	33	of	of	ADP
crln-8360	13	34	2005	2005	NUM
crln-8360	13	35	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8360	13	36	intelligence	intelligence	NOUN
crln-8360	13	37	reform	reform	NOUN
crln-8360	13	38	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8360	13	39	terrorism	terrorism	NOUN
crln-8360	13	40	prevention	prevention	NOUN
crln-8360	13	41	act	act	NOUN
crln-8360	13	42	of	of	ADP
crln-8360	13	43	2004	2004	NUM
crln-8360	13	44	until	until	ADP
crln-8360	13	45	february	february	PROPN
crln-8360	13	46	28	28	NUM
crln-8360	13	47	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	13	48	2011	2011	NUM
crln-8360	13	49	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8360	13	50	”	"	PUNCT
crln-8360	14	1	passage	passage	NOUN
crln-8360	14	2	of	of	ADP
crln-8360	14	3	this	this	DET
crln-8360	14	4	bill	bill	NOUN
crln-8360	14	5	effectively	effectively	ADV
crln-8360	14	6	postpones	postpone	VERB
crln-8360	14	7	dealing	deal	VERB
crln-8360	14	8	with	with	ADP
crln-8360	14	9	specific	specific	ADJ
crln-8360	14	10	provisions	provision	NOUN
crln-8360	14	11	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	14	12	including	include	VERB
crln-8360	14	13	business	business	NOUN
crln-8360	14	14	records	record	NOUN
crln-8360	14	15	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	14	16	roving	rove	VERB
crln-8360	14	17	wiretaps	wiretap	NOUN
crln-8360	14	18	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	14	19	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8360	14	20	lone	lone	ADJ
crln-8360	14	21	wolf	wolf	PROPN
crln-8360	14	22	investigations	investigation	NOUN
crln-8360	14	23	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8360	15	1	while	while	SCONJ
crln-8360	15	2	ala	ala	PROPN
crln-8360	15	3	lobbied	lobby	VERB
crln-8360	15	4	for	for	ADP
crln-8360	15	5	passage	passage	NOUN
crln-8360	15	6	of	of	ADP
crln-8360	15	7	the	the	DET
crln-8360	15	8	bipartisan	bipartisan	ADJ
crln-8360	15	9	bill	bill	NOUN
crln-8360	15	10	in	in	ADP
crln-8360	15	11	the	the	DET
crln-8360	15	12	111th	111th	ADJ
crln-8360	15	13	congress	congress	NOUN
crln-8360	15	14	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	15	15	it	it	PRON
crln-8360	15	16	is	be	AUX
crln-8360	15	17	apparent	apparent	ADJ
crln-8360	15	18	that	that	SCONJ
crln-8360	15	19	there	there	PRON
crln-8360	15	20	were	be	VERB
crln-8360	15	21	far	far	ADV
crln-8360	15	22	worse	bad	ADJ
crln-8360	15	23	alternatives	alternative	NOUN
crln-8360	15	24	that	that	PRON
crln-8360	15	25	could	could	AUX
crln-8360	15	26	have	have	AUX
crln-8360	15	27	proceeded	proceed	VERB
crln-8360	15	28	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	15	29	such	such	ADJ
crln-8360	15	30	as	as	ADP
crln-8360	15	31	eliminating	eliminate	VERB
crln-8360	15	32	the	the	DET
crln-8360	15	33	sunsets	sunset	NOUN
crln-8360	15	34	or	or	CCONJ
crln-8360	15	35	pulling	pull	VERB
crln-8360	15	36	out	out	ADP
crln-8360	15	37	some	some	DET
crln-8360	15	38	requirements	requirement	NOUN
crln-8360	15	39	for	for	ADP
crln-8360	15	40	reporting	reporting	NOUN
crln-8360	15	41	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8360	15	42	oversight	oversight	NOUN
crln-8360	15	43	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8360	16	1	the	the	DET
crln-8360	16	2	many	many	ADJ
crln-8360	16	3	complex	complex	ADJ
crln-8360	16	4	issues	issue	NOUN
crln-8360	16	5	surrounding	surround	VERB
crln-8360	16	6	the	the	DET
crln-8360	16	7	usa	usa	PROPN
crln-8360	16	8	patriot	patriot	PROPN
crln-8360	16	9	act	act	PROPN
crln-8360	16	10	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8360	16	11	potential	potential	ADJ
crln-8360	16	12	reforms	reform	NOUN
crln-8360	16	13	must	must	AUX
crln-8360	16	14	be	be	AUX
crln-8360	16	15	part	part	NOUN
crln-8360	16	16	of	of	ADP
crln-8360	16	17	a	a	DET
crln-8360	16	18	marathon	marathon	NOUN
crln-8360	16	19	effort	effort	NOUN
crln-8360	16	20	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	16	21	not	not	PART
crln-8360	16	22	a	a	DET
crln-8360	16	23	sprint	sprint	NOUN
crln-8360	16	24	—	—	PUNCT
crln-8360	16	25	and	and	CCONJ
crln-8360	16	26	one	one	NUM
crln-8360	16	27	that	that	PRON
crln-8360	16	28	will	will	AUX
crln-8360	16	29	now	now	ADV
crln-8360	16	30	continue	continue	VERB
crln-8360	16	31	into	into	ADP
crln-8360	16	32	next	next	ADJ
crln-8360	16	33	year	year	NOUN
crln-8360	16	34	.	.	PUNCT
crln-8360	17	1	jenni	jenni	PROPN
crln-8360	17	2	terry	terry	PROPN
crln-8360	17	3	is	be	AUX
crln-8360	17	4	press	press	NOUN
crln-8360	17	5	officer	officer	NOUN
crln-8360	17	6	at	at	ADP
crln-8360	17	7	ala	ala	PROPN
crln-8360	17	8	’s	’s	PROPN
crln-8360	17	9	washington	washington	PROPN
crln-8360	17	10	office	office	PROPN
crln-8360	17	11	,	,	PUNCT
crln-8360	17	12	e	e	NOUN
crln-8360	17	13	-	-	NOUN
crln-8360	17	14	mail	mail	NOUN
crln-8360	17	15	:	:	PUNCT
crln-8360	17	16	PROPN
crln-8360	17	17	w	w	ADP
crln-8360	17	18	a	a	DET
crln-8360	17	19	s	s	NOUN
crln-8360	18	1	h	h	NOUN
crln-8360	19	1	i	i	PRON
crln-8360	20	1	n	n	ADV
crln-8360	20	2	g	g	NOUN
crln-8360	20	3	t	t	PROPN
crln-8360	20	4	o	o	PROPN
crln-8360	20	5	n	n	X
crln-8360	20	6	h	h	NOUN
crln-8360	20	7	o	o	X
crln-8360	21	1	t	t	PROPN
crln-8360	21	2	l	l	PROPN
crln-8360	22	1	i	i	PRON
crln-8360	22	2	n	n	PROPN
crln-8360	22	3	ejenni	ejenni	PROPN
crln-8360	22	4	terry	terry	PROPN
crln-8360	22	5	april10b.indd	april10b.indd	PROPN
crln-8360	22	6	214	214	NUM
crln-8360	22	7	3/18/2010	3/18/2010	PROPN
crln-8360	22	8	9:31:16	9:31:16	NUM
crln-8360	22	9	am	am	NOUN