id sid tid token lemma pos crln-8277 1 1 nov09b.indd nov09b.indd X crln-8277 1 2 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-8277 1 3 news news PROPN crln-8277 1 4 november november PROPN crln-8277 1 5 2009 2009 NUM crln-8277 1 6 610 610 NUM crln-8277 1 7 athanasius athanasius PROPN crln-8277 1 8 kircher kircher NOUN crln-8277 1 9 ’s ’s PART crln-8277 1 10 theatre theatre NOUN crln-8277 1 11 of of ADP crln-8277 1 12 the the DET crln-8277 1 13 world world NOUN crln-8277 1 14 , , PUNCT crln-8277 1 15 by by ADP crln-8277 1 16 joscelyn joscelyn PROPN crln-8277 1 17 godwin godwin PROPN crln-8277 1 18 ( ( PUNCT crln-8277 1 19 304 304 NUM crln-8277 1 20 pages page NOUN crln-8277 1 21 , , PUNCT crln-8277 1 22 september september PROPN crln-8277 1 23 2009 2009 NUM crln-8277 1 24 ) ) PUNCT crln-8277 1 25 , , PUNCT crln-8277 1 26 is be AUX crln-8277 1 27 a a DET crln-8277 1 28 special special ADJ crln-8277 1 29 - - PUNCT crln-8277 1 30 collections collection NOUN crln-8277 1 31 librarian librarian NOUN crln-8277 1 32 ’s ’ NOUN crln-8277 1 33 t t NOUN crln-8277 1 34 r r NOUN crln-8277 1 35 e e NOUN crln-8277 1 36 a a DET crln-8277 1 37 s s NOUN crln-8277 1 38 u u NOUN crln-8277 1 39 r r NOUN crln-8277 1 40 e e NOUN crln-8277 1 41 . . PUNCT crln-8277 2 1 s s PART crln-8277 3 1 u u NOUN crln-8277 3 2 b b NOUN crln-8277 3 3 t t NOUN crln-8277 4 1 i i PRON crln-8277 4 2 t t X crln-8277 4 3 l l X crln-8277 4 4 e e NOUN crln-8277 4 5 d d PROPN crln-8277 4 6 “ " PUNCT crln-8277 4 7 the the DET crln-8277 4 8 life life NOUN crln-8277 4 9 and and CCONJ crln-8277 4 10 work work NOUN crln-8277 4 11 of of ADP crln-8277 4 12 the the DET crln-8277 4 13 last last ADJ crln-8277 4 14 man man NOUN crln-8277 4 15 to to PART crln-8277 4 16 search search VERB crln-8277 4 17 for for ADP crln-8277 4 18 u u PROPN crln-8277 4 19 n n ADP crln-8277 4 20 i i PRON crln-8277 4 21 v v VERB crln-8277 5 1 e e NOUN crln-8277 5 2 r r NOUN crln-8277 5 3 s s X crln-8277 5 4 a a DET crln-8277 5 5 l l X crln-8277 5 6 k k PROPN crln-8277 5 7 n n NOUN crln-8277 5 8 o o PROPN crln-8277 5 9 w w X crln-8277 5 10 l l X crln-8277 5 11 e e NOUN crln-8277 5 12 d d PROPN crln-8277 5 13 g g PROPN crln-8277 5 14 e e NOUN crln-8277 5 15 , , PUNCT crln-8277 5 16 ” " PUNCT crln-8277 5 17 this this DET crln-8277 5 18 book book NOUN crln-8277 5 19 examines examine VERB crln-8277 5 20 the the DET crln-8277 5 21 num num PROPN crln-8277 5 22 e e NOUN crln-8277 5 23 r r NOUN crln-8277 5 24 o o NOUN crln-8277 5 25 u u PROPN crln-8277 5 26 s s PART crln-8277 5 27 woodcuts woodcut NOUN crln-8277 5 28 and and CCONJ crln-8277 5 29 engravings engraving NOUN crln-8277 5 30 that that PRON crln-8277 5 31 fi fi NOUN crln-8277 5 32 lled lle VERB crln-8277 5 33 german german ADJ crln-8277 5 34 jesuit jesuit NOUN crln-8277 5 35 polymath polymath NOUN crln-8277 5 36 and and CCONJ crln-8277 5 37 scholar scholar PROPN crln-8277 5 38 athanasius athanasius PROPN crln-8277 5 39 kircher kircher PROPN crln-8277 5 40 ’s ’s PART crln-8277 5 41 ( ( PUNCT crln-8277 5 42 1602–1680 1602–1680 NUM crln-8277 5 43 ) ) PUNCT crln-8277 5 44 voluminous voluminous ADJ crln-8277 5 45 works work NOUN crln-8277 5 46 on on ADP crln-8277 5 47 antiquities antiquity NOUN crln-8277 5 48 , , PUNCT crln-8277 5 49 natural natural ADJ crln-8277 5 50 history history NOUN crln-8277 5 51 , , PUNCT crln-8277 5 52 music music NOUN crln-8277 5 53 , , PUNCT crln-8277 5 54 technology technology NOUN crln-8277 5 55 , , PUNCT crln-8277 5 56 hermeticism hermeticism NOUN crln-8277 5 57 , , PUNCT crln-8277 5 58 and and CCONJ crln-8277 5 59 religion religion NOUN crln-8277 5 60 . . PUNCT crln-8277 6 1 many many ADJ crln-8277 6 2 of of ADP crln-8277 6 3 his his PRON crln-8277 6 4 illustrations illustration NOUN crln-8277 6 5 — — PUNCT crln-8277 6 6 some some DET crln-8277 6 7 400 400 NUM crln-8277 6 8 of of ADP crln-8277 6 9 which which PRON crln-8277 6 10 are be AUX crln-8277 6 11 included include VERB crln-8277 6 12 here here ADV crln-8277 6 13 — — PUNCT crln-8277 6 14 will will AUX crln-8277 6 15 be be AUX crln-8277 6 16 more more ADV crln-8277 6 17 familiar familiar ADJ crln-8277 6 18 to to ADP crln-8277 6 19 modern modern ADJ crln-8277 6 20 readers reader NOUN crln-8277 6 21 than than ADP crln-8277 6 22 his his PRON crln-8277 6 23 books book NOUN crln-8277 6 24 , , PUNCT crln-8277 6 25 which which PRON crln-8277 6 26 have have AUX crln-8277 6 27 rarely rarely ADV crln-8277 6 28 been be AUX crln-8277 6 29 translated translate VERB crln-8277 6 30 from from ADP crln-8277 6 31 the the DET crln-8277 6 32 latin latin NOUN crln-8277 6 33 because because SCONJ crln-8277 6 34 his his PRON crln-8277 6 35 writing writing NOUN crln-8277 6 36 “ " PUNCT crln-8277 6 37 abounds abound VERB crln-8277 6 38 in in ADP crln-8277 6 39 superfl superfl ADJ crln-8277 6 40 uities uitie NOUN crln-8277 6 41 , , PUNCT crln-8277 6 42 repetitions repetition NOUN crln-8277 6 43 , , PUNCT crln-8277 6 44 and and CCONJ crln-8277 6 45 sermonizing sermonize VERB crln-8277 6 46 , , PUNCT crln-8277 6 47 ” " PUNCT crln-8277 6 48 as as SCONJ crln-8277 6 49 godwin godwin PROPN crln-8277 6 50 says say VERB crln-8277 6 51 . . PUNCT crln-8277 7 1 but but CCONJ crln-8277 7 2 kircher kircher PROPN crln-8277 7 3 was be AUX crln-8277 7 4 a a DET crln-8277 7 5 pioneer pioneer NOUN crln-8277 7 6 archaeologist archaeologist NOUN crln-8277 7 7 , , PUNCT crln-8277 7 8 geologist geologist NOUN crln-8277 7 9 , , PUNCT crln-8277 7 10 sinologist sinologist NOUN crln-8277 7 11 , , PUNCT crln-8277 7 12 and and CCONJ crln-8277 7 13 egyptologist egyptologist PROPN crln-8277 7 14 , , PUNCT crln-8277 7 15 whose whose DET crln-8277 7 16 cabinet cabinet NOUN crln-8277 7 17 of of ADP crln-8277 7 18 curiosities curiosity NOUN crln-8277 7 19 at at ADP crln-8277 7 20 the the DET crln-8277 7 21 jesuit jesuit PROPN crln-8277 7 22 roman roman PROPN crln-8277 7 23 college college NOUN crln-8277 7 24 became become VERB crln-8277 7 25 the the DET crln-8277 7 26 prototype prototype NOUN crln-8277 7 27 for for ADP crln-8277 7 28 museum museum NOUN crln-8277 7 29 collections collection NOUN crln-8277 7 30 elsewhere elsewhere ADV crln-8277 7 31 . . PUNCT crln-8277 8 1 godwin godwin PROPN crln-8277 8 2 explains explain VERB crln-8277 8 3 how how SCONJ crln-8277 8 4 kircher kircher PROPN crln-8277 8 5 ’s ’s PART crln-8277 8 6 illustrations illustration NOUN crln-8277 8 7 were be AUX crln-8277 8 8 produced produce VERB crln-8277 8 9 and and CCONJ crln-8277 8 10 comments comment NOUN crln-8277 8 11 freely freely ADV crln-8277 8 12 both both PRON crln-8277 8 13 on on ADP crln-8277 8 14 his his PRON crln-8277 8 15 uncritical uncritical ADJ crln-8277 8 16 assumptions assumption NOUN crln-8277 8 17 and and CCONJ crln-8277 8 18 his his PRON crln-8277 8 19 appreciation appreciation NOUN crln-8277 8 20 for for ADP crln-8277 8 21 scientifi scientifi NOUN crln-8277 8 22 c c NOUN crln-8277 8 23 accuracy accuracy NOUN crln-8277 8 24 . . PUNCT crln-8277 9 1 inner inner ADJ crln-8277 9 2 traditions tradition NOUN crln-8277 9 3 . . PUNCT crln-8277 10 1 $ $ SYM crln-8277 10 2 60.00 60.00 NUM crln-8277 10 3 . . PUNCT crln-8277 11 1 978 978 NUM crln-8277 11 2 - - SYM crln-8277 11 3 1 1 NUM crln-8277 11 4 - - PUNCT crln-8277 11 5 59477 59477 NUM crln-8277 11 6 - - PUNCT crln-8277 11 7 219 219 NUM crln-8277 11 8 - - SYM crln-8277 11 9 7 7 NUM crln-8277 11 10 . . NUM crln-8277 11 11 destiny destiny NOUN crln-8277 11 12 disrupted disrupt VERB crln-8277 11 13 : : PUNCT crln-8277 11 14 a a DET crln-8277 11 15 history history NOUN crln-8277 11 16 of of ADP crln-8277 11 17 the the DET crln-8277 11 18 world world NOUN crln-8277 11 19 through through ADP crln-8277 11 20 islamic islamic ADJ crln-8277 11 21 eyes eye NOUN crln-8277 11 22 , , PUNCT crln-8277 11 23 by by ADP crln-8277 11 24 tamim tamim PROPN crln-8277 11 25 ansary ansary PROPN crln-8277 11 26 ( ( PUNCT crln-8277 11 27 390 390 NUM crln-8277 11 28 pages page NOUN crln-8277 11 29 , , PUNCT crln-8277 11 30 april april PROPN crln-8277 11 31 2009 2009 NUM crln-8277 11 32 ) ) PUNCT crln-8277 11 33 , , PUNCT crln-8277 11 34 offers offer VERB crln-8277 11 35 westerngeorge westerngeorge ADJ crln-8277 11 36 m. m. NOUN crln-8277 11 37 eberhart eberhart NOUN crln-8277 11 38 is be AUX crln-8277 11 39 senior senior ADJ crln-8277 11 40 editor editor NOUN crln-8277 11 41 of of ADP crln-8277 11 42 american american ADJ crln-8277 11 43 libraries library NOUN crln-8277 11 44 , , PUNCT crln-8277 11 45 e e NOUN crln-8277 11 46 - - NOUN crln-8277 11 47 mail mail NOUN crln-8277 11 48 : : PUNCT crln-8277 12 1 PROPN crln-8277 12 2 n n PROPN crln-8277 12 3 e e X crln-8277 12 4 w w ADP crln-8277 12 5 p p PROPN crln-8277 12 6 u u PROPN crln-8277 12 7 b b X crln-8277 12 8 l l X crln-8277 12 9 i i PRON crln-8277 12 10 c c VERB crln-8277 12 11 a a DET crln-8277 12 12 t t NOUN crln-8277 13 1 i i PRON crln-8277 13 2 o o NOUN crln-8277 13 3 n n PROPN crln-8277 13 4 sgeorge sgeorge PROPN crln-8277 13 5 m. m. NOUN crln-8277 13 6 eberhart eberhart NOUN crln-8277 13 7 ers er VERB crln-8277 13 8 a a DET crln-8277 13 9 revelatory revelatory NOUN crln-8277 13 10 look look NOUN crln-8277 13 11 at at ADP crln-8277 13 12 how how SCONJ crln-8277 13 13 muslims muslims PROPN crln-8277 13 14 view view VERB crln-8277 13 15 the the DET crln-8277 13 16 scope scope NOUN crln-8277 13 17 and and CCONJ crln-8277 13 18 sweep sweep NOUN crln-8277 13 19 of of ADP crln-8277 13 20 their their PRON crln-8277 13 21 historical historical ADJ crln-8277 13 22 narrative narrative NOUN crln-8277 13 23 and and CCONJ crln-8277 13 24 how how SCONJ crln-8277 13 25 it it PRON crln-8277 13 26 intersects intersect VERB crln-8277 13 27 with with ADP crln-8277 13 28 our our PRON crln-8277 13 29 own own ADJ crln-8277 13 30 eurocentric eurocentric ADJ crln-8277 13 31 timeline timeline NOUN crln-8277 13 32 . . PUNCT crln-8277 14 1 ansary ansary PROPN crln-8277 14 2 is be AUX crln-8277 14 3 highly highly ADV crln-8277 14 4 suited suited ADJ crln-8277 14 5 to to PART crln-8277 14 6 weave weave VERB crln-8277 14 7 these these DET crln-8277 14 8 threads thread NOUN crln-8277 14 9 together together ADV crln-8277 14 10 ; ; PUNCT crln-8277 14 11 as as ADP crln-8277 14 12 an an DET crln-8277 14 13 afghan afghan PROPN crln-8277 14 14 - - PUNCT crln-8277 14 15 american american PROPN crln-8277 14 16 who who PRON crln-8277 14 17 grew grow VERB crln-8277 14 18 up up ADP crln-8277 14 19 in in ADP crln-8277 14 20 kabul kabul PROPN crln-8277 14 21 but but CCONJ crln-8277 14 22 moved move VERB crln-8277 14 23 to to ADP crln-8277 14 24 the the DET crln-8277 14 25 united united PROPN crln-8277 14 26 states states PROPN crln-8277 14 27 when when SCONJ crln-8277 14 28 he he PRON crln-8277 14 29 was be AUX crln-8277 14 30 16 16 NUM crln-8277 14 31 , , PUNCT crln-8277 14 32 he he PRON crln-8277 14 33 knows know VERB crln-8277 14 34 both both DET crln-8277 14 35 worlds world NOUN crln-8277 14 36 well well ADV crln-8277 14 37 . . PUNCT crln-8277 15 1 and and CCONJ crln-8277 15 2 though though SCONJ crln-8277 15 3 he he PRON crln-8277 15 4 claims claim VERB crln-8277 15 5 no no DET crln-8277 15 6 distinction distinction NOUN crln-8277 15 7 as as ADP crln-8277 15 8 a a DET crln-8277 15 9 scholar scholar NOUN crln-8277 15 10 , , PUNCT crln-8277 15 11 ansary ansary ADJ crln-8277 15 12 excels excel NOUN crln-8277 15 13 as as ADP crln-8277 15 14 a a DET crln-8277 15 15 writer writer NOUN crln-8277 15 16 who who PRON crln-8277 15 17 can can AUX crln-8277 15 18 take take VERB crln-8277 15 19 you you PRON crln-8277 15 20 on on ADP crln-8277 15 21 a a DET crln-8277 15 22 tour tour NOUN crln-8277 15 23 spanning span VERB crln-8277 15 24 1,500 1,500 NUM crln-8277 15 25 years year NOUN crln-8277 15 26 from from ADP crln-8277 15 27 a a DET crln-8277 15 28 perspective perspective NOUN crln-8277 15 29 not not PART crln-8277 15 30 covered cover VERB crln-8277 15 31 in in ADP crln-8277 15 32 textbooks textbook NOUN crln-8277 15 33 approved approve VERB crln-8277 15 34 by by ADP crln-8277 15 35 the the DET crln-8277 15 36 texas texas PROPN crln-8277 15 37 state state PROPN crln-8277 15 38 board board PROPN crln-8277 15 39 of of ADP crln-8277 15 40 education education NOUN crln-8277 15 41 — — PUNCT crln-8277 15 42 from from ADP crln-8277 15 43 muhammad muhammad PROPN crln-8277 15 44 and and CCONJ crln-8277 15 45 the the DET crln-8277 15 46 four four NUM crln-8277 15 47 rightly rightly ADV crln-8277 15 48 guided guide VERB crln-8277 15 49 khalifas khalifas NOUN crln-8277 15 50 , , PUNCT crln-8277 15 51 through through ADP crln-8277 15 52 the the DET crln-8277 15 53 sunni sunni PROPN crln-8277 15 54 – – PUNCT crln-8277 15 55 shi’a shi’a NOUN crln-8277 15 56 schism schism NOUN crln-8277 15 57 and and CCONJ crln-8277 15 58 the the DET crln-8277 15 59 twin twin ADJ crln-8277 15 60 holocausts holocaust NOUN crln-8277 15 61 of of ADP crln-8277 15 62 the the DET crln-8277 15 63 crusades crusade NOUN crln-8277 15 64 and and CCONJ crln-8277 15 65 the the DET crln-8277 15 66 mongol mongol NOUN crln-8277 15 67 incursion incursion NOUN crln-8277 15 68 , , PUNCT crln-8277 15 69 to to ADP crln-8277 15 70 colonialism colonialism NOUN crln-8277 15 71 , , PUNCT crln-8277 15 72 secular secular ADJ crln-8277 15 73 modernism modernism NOUN crln-8277 15 74 , , PUNCT crln-8277 15 75 wahhabism wahhabism NOUN crln-8277 15 76 , , PUNCT crln-8277 15 77 and and CCONJ crln-8277 15 78 the the DET crln-8277 15 79 ongoing ongoing ADJ crln-8277 15 80 crisis crisis NOUN crln-8277 15 81 of of ADP crln-8277 15 82 palestine palestine PROPN crln-8277 15 83 . . PUNCT crln-8277 16 1 in in ADP crln-8277 16 2 the the DET crln-8277 16 3 process process NOUN crln-8277 16 4 , , PUNCT crln-8277 16 5 he he PRON crln-8277 16 6 analyzes analyze VERB crln-8277 16 7 and and CCONJ crln-8277 16 8 critiques critique VERB crln-8277 16 9 both both DET crln-8277 16 10 cultures culture NOUN crln-8277 16 11 , , PUNCT crln-8277 16 12 pointing point VERB crln-8277 16 13 out out ADP crln-8277 16 14 their their PRON crln-8277 16 15 excesses excess NOUN crln-8277 16 16 and and CCONJ crln-8277 16 17 where where SCONJ crln-8277 16 18 they they PRON crln-8277 16 19 have have AUX crln-8277 16 20 gone go VERB crln-8277 16 21 wrong wrong ADJ crln-8277 16 22 . . PUNCT crln-8277 17 1 a a DET crln-8277 17 2 bit bit NOUN crln-8277 17 3 disappointingly disappointingly ADV crln-8277 17 4 , , PUNCT crln-8277 17 5 he he PRON crln-8277 17 6 limits limit VERB crln-8277 17 7 post–9/11 post–9/11 NOUN crln-8277 17 8 events event NOUN crln-8277 17 9 to to ADP crln-8277 17 10 an an DET crln-8277 17 11 “ " PUNCT crln-8277 17 12 afterword afterword NOUN crln-8277 17 13 ” " PUNCT crln-8277 17 14 chapter chapter NOUN crln-8277 17 15 , , PUNCT crln-8277 17 16 but but CCONJ crln-8277 17 17 perhaps perhaps ADV crln-8277 17 18 he he PRON crln-8277 17 19 is be AUX crln-8277 17 20 saving save VERB crln-8277 17 21 that that SCONJ crln-8277 17 22 for for ADP crln-8277 17 23 a a DET crln-8277 17 24 sequel sequel NOUN crln-8277 17 25 . . PUNCT crln-8277 18 1 publicaffairs publicaffair NOUN crln-8277 18 2 . . PUNCT crln-8277 19 1 $ $ SYM crln-8277 19 2 26.95 26.95 NUM crln-8277 19 3 . . PUNCT crln-8277 20 1 978 978 NUM crln-8277 20 2 - - SYM crln-8277 20 3 1 1 NUM crln-8277 20 4 - - SYM crln-8277 20 5 58648 58648 NUM crln-8277 20 6 - - PUNCT crln-8277 20 7 606 606 NUM crln-8277 20 8 - - SYM crln-8277 20 9 8 8 NUM crln-8277 20 10 . . PUNCT crln-8277 21 1 long long ADJ crln-8277 21 2 , , PUNCT crln-8277 21 3 obstinate obstinate VERB crln-8277 21 4 , , PUNCT crln-8277 21 5 and and CCONJ crln-8277 21 6 bloody bloody ADJ crln-8277 21 7 : : PUNCT crln-8277 21 8 the the DET crln-8277 21 9 battle battle NOUN crln-8277 21 10 of of ADP crln-8277 21 11 guilford guilford PROPN crln-8277 21 12 courthouse courthouse NOUN crln-8277 21 13 , , PUNCT crln-8277 21 14 by by ADP crln-8277 21 15 lawrence lawrence PROPN crln-8277 21 16 e. e. PROPN crln-8277 21 17 babits babits PROPN crln-8277 21 18 and and CCONJ crln-8277 21 19 joshua joshua PROPN crln-8277 21 20 b. b. PROPN crln-8277 21 21 howard howard PROPN crln-8277 22 1 ( ( PUNCT crln-8277 22 2 300 300 NUM crln-8277 22 3 pages page NOUN crln-8277 22 4 , , PUNCT crln-8277 22 5 february february PROPN crln-8277 22 6 2009 2009 NUM crln-8277 22 7 ) ) PUNCT crln-8277 22 8 , , PUNCT crln-8277 22 9 presents present VERB crln-8277 22 10 a a DET crln-8277 22 11 complete complete ADJ crln-8277 22 12 picture picture NOUN crln-8277 22 13 of of ADP crln-8277 22 14 this this DET crln-8277 22 15 decisive decisive ADJ crln-8277 22 16 battle battle NOUN crln-8277 22 17 in in ADP crln-8277 22 18 the the DET crln-8277 22 19 american american PROPN crln-8277 22 20 revolution revolution PROPN crln-8277 22 21 . . PUNCT crln-8277 23 1 although although SCONJ crln-8277 23 2 lord lord PROPN crln-8277 23 3 cornwallis cornwallis PROPN crln-8277 23 4 ’s ’s PROPN crln-8277 23 5 army army NOUN crln-8277 23 6 fought fight VERB crln-8277 23 7 admirably admirably ADV crln-8277 23 8 against against ADP crln-8277 23 9 two two NUM crln-8277 23 10 - - PUNCT crln-8277 23 11 toone toone NOUN crln-8277 23 12 odds odd NOUN crln-8277 23 13 , , PUNCT crln-8277 23 14 the the DET crln-8277 23 15 americans americans PROPN crln-8277 23 16 under under ADP crln-8277 23 17 nathaniel nathaniel PROPN crln-8277 23 18 greene greene PROPN crln-8277 23 19 dealt deal VERB crln-8277 23 20 the the DET crln-8277 23 21 british british ADJ crln-8277 23 22 a a DET crln-8277 23 23 crippling crippling ADJ crln-8277 23 24 blow blow NOUN crln-8277 23 25 in in ADP crln-8277 23 26 this this DET crln-8277 23 27 1781 1781 NUM crln-8277 23 28 engagement engagement NOUN crln-8277 23 29 near near ADP crln-8277 23 30 greensboro greensboro PROPN crln-8277 23 31 , , PUNCT crln-8277 23 32 north north PROPN crln-8277 23 33 carolina carolina PROPN crln-8277 23 34 , , PUNCT crln-8277 23 35 and and CCONJ crln-8277 23 36 paved pave VERB crln-8277 23 37 the the DET crln-8277 23 38 way way NOUN crln-8277 23 39 for for ADP crln-8277 23 40 the the DET crln-8277 23 41 surrender surrender NOUN crln-8277 23 42 at at ADP crln-8277 23 43 yorktown yorktown NOUN crln-8277 23 44 seven seven NUM crln-8277 23 45 months month NOUN crln-8277 23 46 later later ADV crln-8277 23 47 . . PUNCT crln-8277 24 1 university university NOUN crln-8277 24 2 of of ADP crln-8277 24 3 north north PROPN crln-8277 24 4 carolina carolina PROPN crln-8277 24 5 . . PUNCT crln-8277 25 1 $ $ SYM crln-8277 25 2 30.00 30.00 NUM crln-8277 25 3 . . PUNCT crln-8277 26 1 978 978 NUM crln-8277 26 2 - - SYM crln-8277 26 3 08078 08078 NUM crln-8277 26 4 - - PUNCT crln-8277 26 5 3266 3266 NUM crln-8277 26 6 - - SYM crln-8277 26 7 0 0 NUM crln-8277 26 8 . . PUNCT crln-8277 27 1 meriwether meriwether PROPN crln-8277 27 2 lewis lewis PROPN crln-8277 27 3 , , PUNCT crln-8277 27 4 by by ADP crln-8277 27 5 thomas thomas PROPN crln-8277 27 6 c. c. PROPN crln-8277 27 7 danisi danisi PROPN crln-8277 27 8 and and CCONJ crln-8277 27 9 john john PROPN crln-8277 27 10 c. c. PROPN crln-8277 27 11 jackson jackson PROPN crln-8277 27 12 ( ( PUNCT crln-8277 27 13 424 424 NUM crln-8277 27 14 pages page NOUN crln-8277 27 15 , , PUNCT crln-8277 27 16 march march PROPN crln-8277 27 17 2009 2009 NUM crln-8277 27 18 ) ) PUNCT crln-8277 27 19 , , PUNCT crln-8277 27 20 focuses focus VERB crln-8277 27 21 on on ADP crln-8277 27 22 the the DET crln-8277 27 23 life life NOUN crln-8277 27 24 of of ADP crln-8277 27 25 the the DET crln-8277 27 26 great great ADJ crln-8277 27 27 explorer explorer NOUN crln-8277 27 28 before before ADV crln-8277 27 29 and and CCONJ crln-8277 27 30 after after ADP crln-8277 27 31 the the DET crln-8277 27 32 lewis lewis NOUN crln-8277 27 33 and and CCONJ crln-8277 27 34 clark clark PROPN crln-8277 27 35 november november PROPN crln-8277 27 36 2009 2009 NUM crln-8277 27 37 611 611 NUM crln-8277 27 38 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-8277 27 39 news news NOUN crln-8277 27 40 expedition expedition NOUN crln-8277 27 41 , , PUNCT crln-8277 27 42 especially especially ADV crln-8277 27 43 his his PRON crln-8277 27 44 role role NOUN crln-8277 27 45 as as ADP crln-8277 27 46 a a DET crln-8277 27 47 naturalist naturalist NOUN crln-8277 27 48 and and CCONJ crln-8277 27 49 the the DET crln-8277 27 50 18 18 NUM crln-8277 27 51 months month NOUN crln-8277 27 52 he he PRON crln-8277 27 53 spent spend VERB crln-8277 27 54 as as ADP crln-8277 27 55 governor governor NOUN crln-8277 27 56 of of ADP crln-8277 27 57 the the DET crln-8277 27 58 louisiana louisiana PROPN crln-8277 27 59 territory territory NOUN crln-8277 27 60 . . PUNCT crln-8277 28 1 a a DET crln-8277 28 2 central central ADJ crln-8277 28 3 thesis thesis NOUN crln-8277 28 4 of of ADP crln-8277 28 5 this this DET crln-8277 28 6 meticulously meticulously ADV crln-8277 28 7 documented document VERB crln-8277 28 8 book book NOUN crln-8277 28 9 is be AUX crln-8277 28 10 lewis lewis NOUN crln-8277 28 11 ’s ’s PART crln-8277 28 12 mysterious mysterious ADJ crln-8277 28 13 death death NOUN crln-8277 28 14 200 200 NUM crln-8277 28 15 years year NOUN crln-8277 28 16 ago ago ADV crln-8277 28 17 on on ADP crln-8277 28 18 the the DET crln-8277 28 19 natchez natchez PROPN crln-8277 28 20 trace trace NOUN crln-8277 28 21 near near ADP crln-8277 28 22 hohenwald hohenwald PROPN crln-8277 28 23 , , PUNCT crln-8277 28 24 tennessee tennessee PROPN crln-8277 28 25 . . PUNCT crln-8277 29 1 was be AUX crln-8277 29 2 it it PRON crln-8277 29 3 murder murder NOUN crln-8277 29 4 or or CCONJ crln-8277 29 5 suicide suicide NOUN crln-8277 29 6 ? ? PUNCT crln-8277 30 1 the the DET crln-8277 30 2 authors author NOUN crln-8277 30 3 argue argue VERB crln-8277 30 4 that that SCONJ crln-8277 30 5 lewis lewis NOUN crln-8277 30 6 was be AUX crln-8277 30 7 suffering suffer VERB crln-8277 30 8 terribly terribly ADV crln-8277 30 9 from from ADP crln-8277 30 10 untreated untreated ADJ crln-8277 30 11 malaria malaria NOUN crln-8277 30 12 , , PUNCT crln-8277 30 13 a a DET crln-8277 30 14 condition condition NOUN crln-8277 30 15 that that SCONJ crln-8277 30 16 , , PUNCT crln-8277 30 17 coupled couple VERB crln-8277 30 18 with with ADP crln-8277 30 19 his his PRON crln-8277 30 20 well well ADV crln-8277 30 21 - - PUNCT crln-8277 30 22 known know VERB crln-8277 30 23 predisposition predisposition NOUN crln-8277 30 24 to to ADP crln-8277 30 25 depression depression NOUN crln-8277 30 26 and and CCONJ crln-8277 30 27 melancholy melancholy ADJ crln-8277 30 28 , , PUNCT crln-8277 30 29 prompted prompt VERB crln-8277 30 30 him he PRON crln-8277 30 31 to to PART crln-8277 30 32 put put VERB crln-8277 30 33 an an DET crln-8277 30 34 end end NOUN crln-8277 30 35 to to ADP crln-8277 30 36 his his PRON crln-8277 30 37 suffering suffering NOUN crln-8277 30 38 . . PUNCT crln-8277 31 1 prometheus prometheus PROPN crln-8277 31 2 . . PUNCT crln-8277 32 1 $ $ SYM crln-8277 32 2 28.98 28.98 NUM crln-8277 32 3 . . PUNCT crln-8277 33 1 978 978 NUM crln-8277 33 2 - - SYM crln-8277 33 3 1 1 NUM crln-8277 33 4 - - PUNCT crln-8277 33 5 59102 59102 NUM crln-8277 33 6 - - PUNCT crln-8277 33 7 702 702 NUM crln-8277 33 8 - - SYM crln-8277 33 9 7 7 NUM crln-8277 33 10 . . PROPN crln-8277 33 11 james james PROPN crln-8277 33 12 e. e. PROPN crln-8277 33 13 starrs starrs PROPN crln-8277 33 14 and and CCONJ crln-8277 33 15 kira kira PROPN crln-8277 33 16 gale gale PROPN crln-8277 33 17 make make VERB crln-8277 33 18 the the DET crln-8277 33 19 case case NOUN crln-8277 33 20 for for ADP crln-8277 33 21 lewis lewis NOUN crln-8277 33 22 ’s ’s PART crln-8277 33 23 murder murder NOUN crln-8277 33 24 in in ADP crln-8277 33 25 the the DET crln-8277 33 26 death death NOUN crln-8277 33 27 of of ADP crln-8277 33 28 meriwether meriwether PROPN crln-8277 33 29 lewis lewis NOUN crln-8277 33 30 : : PUNCT crln-8277 33 31 a a DET crln-8277 33 32 historic historic ADJ crln-8277 33 33 crime crime NOUN crln-8277 33 34 scene scene NOUN crln-8277 33 35 investigation investigation NOUN crln-8277 33 36 ( ( PUNCT crln-8277 33 37 371 371 NUM crln-8277 33 38 pages page NOUN crln-8277 33 39 , , PUNCT crln-8277 33 40 april april PROPN crln-8277 33 41 2009 2009 NUM crln-8277 33 42 ) ) PUNCT crln-8277 33 43 , , PUNCT crln-8277 33 44 which which PRON crln-8277 33 45 reprints reprint VERB crln-8277 33 46 the the DET crln-8277 33 47 testimony testimony NOUN crln-8277 33 48 of of ADP crln-8277 33 49 13 13 NUM crln-8277 33 50 expert expert NOUN crln-8277 33 51 witnesses witness NOUN crln-8277 33 52 at at ADP crln-8277 33 53 a a DET crln-8277 33 54 “ " PUNCT crln-8277 33 55 coroner coroner NOUN crln-8277 33 56 ’s ’s NUM crln-8277 33 57 inquest inquest NOUN crln-8277 33 58 ” " PUNCT crln-8277 33 59 held hold VERB crln-8277 33 60 in in ADP crln-8277 33 61 1996 1996 NUM crln-8277 33 62 and and CCONJ crln-8277 33 63 organized organize VERB crln-8277 33 64 by by ADP crln-8277 33 65 starrs starr NOUN crln-8277 33 66 . . PUNCT crln-8277 34 1 their their PRON crln-8277 34 2 verdict verdict NOUN crln-8277 34 3 was be AUX crln-8277 34 4 that that SCONJ crln-8277 34 5 there there PRON crln-8277 34 6 was be VERB crln-8277 34 7 no no DET crln-8277 34 8 defi defi NOUN crln-8277 34 9 nitive nitive ADJ crln-8277 34 10 evidence evidence NOUN crln-8277 34 11 either either CCONJ crln-8277 34 12 way way NOUN crln-8277 34 13 , , PUNCT crln-8277 34 14 and and CCONJ crln-8277 34 15 they they PRON crln-8277 34 16 recommended recommend VERB crln-8277 34 17 an an DET crln-8277 34 18 exhumation exhumation NOUN crln-8277 34 19 to to PART crln-8277 34 20 see see VERB crln-8277 34 21 whether whether SCONJ crln-8277 34 22 any any DET crln-8277 34 23 remains remain NOUN crln-8277 34 24 could could AUX crln-8277 34 25 shed shed VERB crln-8277 34 26 light light NOUN crln-8277 34 27 on on ADP crln-8277 34 28 the the DET crln-8277 34 29 case case NOUN crln-8277 34 30 . . PUNCT crln-8277 35 1 lewis lewis PROPN crln-8277 35 2 ’s ’s PART crln-8277 35 3 descendants descendant NOUN crln-8277 35 4 had have AUX crln-8277 35 5 hoped hope VERB crln-8277 35 6 to to PART crln-8277 35 7 perform perform VERB crln-8277 35 8 the the DET crln-8277 35 9 exhumation exhumation NOUN crln-8277 35 10 by by ADP crln-8277 35 11 the the DET crln-8277 35 12 bicentennial bicentennial NOUN crln-8277 35 13 of of ADP crln-8277 35 14 his his PRON crln-8277 35 15 death death NOUN crln-8277 35 16 in in ADP crln-8277 35 17 october october PROPN crln-8277 35 18 2009 2009 NUM crln-8277 35 19 , , PUNCT crln-8277 35 20 but but CCONJ crln-8277 35 21 the the DET crln-8277 35 22 national national ADJ crln-8277 35 23 park park NOUN crln-8277 35 24 service service NOUN crln-8277 35 25 ( ( PUNCT crln-8277 35 26 which which PRON crln-8277 35 27 owns own VERB crln-8277 35 28 the the DET crln-8277 35 29 land land NOUN crln-8277 35 30 where where SCONJ crln-8277 35 31 lewis lewis PROPN crln-8277 35 32 is be AUX crln-8277 35 33 buried bury VERB crln-8277 35 34 ) ) PUNCT crln-8277 35 35 has have VERB crln-8277 35 36 so so ADV crln-8277 35 37 far far ADV crln-8277 35 38 refused refuse VERB crln-8277 35 39 permission permission NOUN crln-8277 35 40 . . PUNCT crln-8277 36 1 gale gale PROPN crln-8277 36 2 argues argue VERB crln-8277 36 3 that that SCONJ crln-8277 36 4 lewis lewis NOUN crln-8277 36 5 was be AUX crln-8277 36 6 killed kill VERB crln-8277 36 7 by by ADP crln-8277 36 8 an an DET crln-8277 36 9 agent agent NOUN crln-8277 36 10 of of ADP crln-8277 36 11 james james PROPN crln-8277 36 12 wilkinson wilkinson PROPN crln-8277 36 13 , , PUNCT crln-8277 36 14 his his PRON crln-8277 36 15 predecessor predecessor NOUN crln-8277 36 16 as as ADP crln-8277 36 17 governor governor NOUN crln-8277 36 18 , , PUNCT crln-8277 36 19 who who PRON crln-8277 36 20 felt feel VERB crln-8277 36 21 that that SCONJ crln-8277 36 22 lewis lewis PROPN crln-8277 36 23 might might AUX crln-8277 36 24 thwart thwart VERB crln-8277 36 25 his his PRON crln-8277 36 26 plans plan NOUN crln-8277 36 27 for for ADP crln-8277 36 28 an an DET crln-8277 36 29 invasion invasion NOUN crln-8277 36 30 of of ADP crln-8277 36 31 mexico mexico PROPN crln-8277 36 32 in in ADP crln-8277 36 33 1810 1810 NUM crln-8277 36 34 . . PUNCT crln-8277 37 1 river river NOUN crln-8277 37 2 junction junction NOUN crln-8277 37 3 press press NOUN crln-8277 37 4 . . PUNCT crln-8277 38 1 $ $ SYM crln-8277 38 2 16.95 16.95 NUM crln-8277 38 3 . . PUNCT crln-8277 39 1 978 978 NUM crln-8277 39 2 - - SYM crln-8277 39 3 0 0 NUM crln-8277 39 4 - - PUNCT crln-8277 39 5 9649315 9649315 NUM crln-8277 39 6 - - PUNCT crln-8277 39 7 4 4 NUM crln-8277 39 8 - - SYM crln-8277 39 9 1 1 NUM crln-8277 39 10 . . PUNCT crln-8277 39 11 resurrecting resurrect VERB crln-8277 39 12 the the DET crln-8277 39 13 brother brother NOUN crln-8277 39 14 of of ADP crln-8277 39 15 jesus jesus PROPN crln-8277 39 16 , , PUNCT crln-8277 39 17 edited edit VERB crln-8277 39 18 by by ADP crln-8277 39 19 ryan ryan ADJ crln-8277 39 20 byrne byrne NOUN crln-8277 39 21 and and CCONJ crln-8277 39 22 bernadette bernadette NOUN crln-8277 39 23 mcnaryzak mcnaryzak NOUN crln-8277 39 24 ( ( PUNCT crln-8277 39 25 215 215 NUM crln-8277 39 26 pages page NOUN crln-8277 39 27 , , PUNCT crln-8277 39 28 july july PROPN crln-8277 39 29 2009 2009 NUM crln-8277 39 30 ) ) PUNCT crln-8277 39 31 , , PUNCT crln-8277 39 32 analyzes analyze VERB crln-8277 39 33 the the DET crln-8277 39 34 popular popular ADJ crln-8277 39 35 reaction reaction NOUN crln-8277 39 36 to to ADP crln-8277 39 37 the the DET crln-8277 39 38 announcement announcement NOUN crln-8277 39 39 in in ADP crln-8277 39 40 2002 2002 NUM crln-8277 39 41 that that SCONJ crln-8277 39 42 a a DET crln-8277 39 43 limestone limestone NOUN crln-8277 39 44 ossuary ossuary NOUN crln-8277 39 45 that that PRON crln-8277 39 46 once once ADV crln-8277 39 47 contained contain VERB crln-8277 39 48 the the DET crln-8277 39 49 bones bone NOUN crln-8277 39 50 of of ADP crln-8277 39 51 james james PROPN crln-8277 39 52 , , PUNCT crln-8277 39 53 the the DET crln-8277 39 54 brother brother NOUN crln-8277 39 55 of of ADP crln-8277 39 56 jesus jesus PROPN crln-8277 39 57 , , PUNCT crln-8277 39 58 had have AUX crln-8277 39 59 come come VERB crln-8277 39 60 to to ADP crln-8277 39 61 light light NOUN crln-8277 39 62 in in ADP crln-8277 39 63 israel israel PROPN crln-8277 39 64 . . PUNCT crln-8277 40 1 the the DET crln-8277 40 2 fi fi NOUN crln-8277 40 3 nd nd PROPN crln-8277 40 4 was be AUX crln-8277 40 5 the the DET crln-8277 40 6 subject subject NOUN crln-8277 40 7 of of ADP crln-8277 40 8 a a DET crln-8277 40 9 controversial controversial ADJ crln-8277 40 10 2007 2007 NUM crln-8277 40 11 discovery discovery PROPN crln-8277 40 12 channel channel NOUN crln-8277 40 13 documentary documentary NOUN crln-8277 40 14 , , PUNCT crln-8277 40 15 the the DET crln-8277 40 16 lost lose VERB crln-8277 40 17 tomb tomb NOUN crln-8277 40 18 of of ADP crln-8277 40 19 jesus jesus PROPN crln-8277 40 20 , , PUNCT crln-8277 40 21 which which PRON crln-8277 40 22 linked link VERB crln-8277 40 23 the the DET crln-8277 40 24 ossuary ossuary NOUN crln-8277 40 25 to to ADP crln-8277 40 26 the the DET crln-8277 40 27 talpiot talpiot PROPN crln-8277 40 28 tomb tomb NOUN crln-8277 40 29 discovered discover VERB crln-8277 40 30 in in ADP crln-8277 40 31 1980 1980 NUM crln-8277 40 32 south south NOUN crln-8277 40 33 of of ADP crln-8277 40 34 the the DET crln-8277 40 35 old old ADJ crln-8277 40 36 city city NOUN crln-8277 40 37 of of ADP crln-8277 40 38 jerusalem jerusalem PROPN crln-8277 40 39 ; ; PUNCT crln-8277 40 40 however however ADV crln-8277 40 41 , , PUNCT crln-8277 40 42 the the DET crln-8277 40 43 israeli israeli ADJ crln-8277 40 44 antiquities antiquity NOUN crln-8277 40 45 authority authority PROPN crln-8277 40 46 announced announce VERB crln-8277 40 47 in in ADP crln-8277 40 48 2003 2003 NUM crln-8277 40 49 that that SCONJ crln-8277 40 50 the the DET crln-8277 40 51 inscription inscription NOUN crln-8277 40 52 on on ADP crln-8277 40 53 the the DET crln-8277 40 54 ossuary ossuary NOUN crln-8277 40 55 that that PRON crln-8277 40 56 attributed attribute VERB crln-8277 40 57 the the DET crln-8277 40 58 artifact artifact NOUN crln-8277 40 59 to to ADP crln-8277 40 60 james james PROPN crln-8277 40 61 was be AUX crln-8277 40 62 a a DET crln-8277 40 63 modern modern ADJ crln-8277 40 64 forgery forgery NOUN crln-8277 40 65 . . PUNCT crln-8277 41 1 the the DET crln-8277 41 2 six six NUM crln-8277 41 3 essays essay NOUN crln-8277 41 4 in in ADP crln-8277 41 5 this this DET crln-8277 41 6 book book NOUN crln-8277 41 7 discuss discuss VERB crln-8277 41 8 the the DET crln-8277 41 9 authenticity authenticity NOUN crln-8277 41 10 of of ADP crln-8277 41 11 the the DET crln-8277 41 12 ossuary ossuary ADJ crln-8277 41 13 , , PUNCT crln-8277 41 14 its its PRON crln-8277 41 15 exhibition exhibition NOUN crln-8277 41 16 at at ADP crln-8277 41 17 the the DET crln-8277 41 18 royal royal PROPN crln-8277 41 19 ontario ontario PROPN crln-8277 41 20 museum museum PROPN crln-8277 41 21 , , PUNCT crln-8277 41 22 the the DET crln-8277 41 23 role role NOUN crln-8277 41 24 of of ADP crln-8277 41 25 relics relic NOUN crln-8277 41 26 in in ADP crln-8277 41 27 providing provide VERB crln-8277 41 28 religious religious ADJ crln-8277 41 29 affi affi ADJ crln-8277 41 30 rmation rmation NOUN crln-8277 41 31 , , PUNCT crln-8277 41 32 the the DET crln-8277 41 33 inadequacy inadequacy NOUN crln-8277 41 34 of of ADP crln-8277 41 35 a a DET crln-8277 41 36 tv tv NOUN crln-8277 41 37 documentary documentary NOUN crln-8277 41 38 to to PART crln-8277 41 39 establish establish VERB crln-8277 41 40 proof proof NOUN crln-8277 41 41 , , PUNCT crln-8277 41 42 the the DET crln-8277 41 43 deferential deferential ADJ crln-8277 41 44 way way NOUN crln-8277 41 45 academics academic NOUN crln-8277 41 46 treated treat VERB crln-8277 41 47 the the DET crln-8277 41 48 controversy controversy NOUN crln-8277 41 49 , , PUNCT crln-8277 41 50 and and CCONJ crln-8277 41 51 the the DET crln-8277 41 52 importance importance NOUN crln-8277 41 53 of of ADP crln-8277 41 54 context context NOUN crln-8277 41 55 and and CCONJ crln-8277 41 56 stratigraphic stratigraphic ADJ crln-8277 41 57 excavations excavation NOUN crln-8277 41 58 in in ADP crln-8277 41 59 determining determine VERB crln-8277 41 60 an an DET crln-8277 41 61 artifact artifact NOUN crln-8277 41 62 ’s ’s NOUN crln-8277 41 63 status status NOUN crln-8277 41 64 . . PUNCT crln-8277 42 1 university university PROPN crln-8277 42 2 of of ADP crln-8277 42 3 north north PROPN crln-8277 42 4 carolina carolina PROPN crln-8277 42 5 . . PUNCT crln-8277 43 1 $ $ SYM crln-8277 43 2 29.95 29.95 NUM crln-8277 43 3 . . PUNCT crln-8277 44 1 978 978 NUM crln-8277 44 2 - - SYM crln-8277 44 3 8078 8078 NUM crln-8277 44 4 - - PUNCT crln-8277 44 5 3298 3298 NUM crln-8277 44 6 - - SYM crln-8277 44 7 1 1 NUM crln-8277 44 8 . . NUM crln-8277 44 9 scott scott PROPN crln-8277 44 10 joplin joplin PROPN crln-8277 44 11 and and CCONJ crln-8277 44 12 the the DET crln-8277 44 13 age age NOUN crln-8277 44 14 of of ADP crln-8277 44 15 ragtime ragtime NOUN crln-8277 44 16 , , PUNCT crln-8277 44 17 by by ADP crln-8277 44 18 ray ray PROPN crln-8277 44 19 argyle argyle PROPN crln-8277 44 20 ( ( PUNCT crln-8277 44 21 221 221 NUM crln-8277 44 22 pages page NOUN crln-8277 44 23 , , PUNCT crln-8277 44 24 may may AUX crln-8277 44 25 2009 2009 NUM crln-8277 44 26 ) ) PUNCT crln-8277 44 27 , , PUNCT crln-8277 44 28 celebrates celebrate VERB crln-8277 44 29 the the DET crln-8277 44 30 music music NOUN crln-8277 44 31 of of ADP crln-8277 44 32 the the DET crln-8277 44 33 ragtime ragtime NOUN crln-8277 44 34 era era NOUN crln-8277 44 35 and and CCONJ crln-8277 44 36 its its PRON crln-8277 44 37 infl infl NOUN crln-8277 44 38 uence uence NOUN crln-8277 44 39 on on ADP crln-8277 44 40 popular popular ADJ crln-8277 44 41 culture culture NOUN crln-8277 44 42 from from ADP crln-8277 44 43 1893 1893 NUM crln-8277 44 44 to to ADP crln-8277 44 45 1917 1917 NUM crln-8277 44 46 in in ADP crln-8277 44 47 this this DET crln-8277 44 48 informative informative ADJ crln-8277 44 49 overview overview NOUN crln-8277 44 50 . . PUNCT crln-8277 45 1 much much ADJ crln-8277 45 2 of of ADP crln-8277 45 3 the the DET crln-8277 45 4 documentation documentation NOUN crln-8277 45 5 is be AUX crln-8277 45 6 taken take VERB crln-8277 45 7 from from ADP crln-8277 45 8 contemporary contemporary ADJ crln-8277 45 9 newspapers newspaper NOUN crln-8277 45 10 , , PUNCT crln-8277 45 11 trade trade NOUN crln-8277 45 12 papers paper NOUN crln-8277 45 13 , , PUNCT crln-8277 45 14 and and CCONJ crln-8277 45 15 magazines magazine NOUN crln-8277 45 16 that that PRON crln-8277 45 17 give give VERB crln-8277 45 18 the the DET crln-8277 45 19 narrative narrative NOUN crln-8277 45 20 an an DET crln-8277 45 21 authentic authentic ADJ crln-8277 45 22 fl fl NOUN crln-8277 45 23 avor avor NOUN crln-8277 45 24 . . PUNCT crln-8277 46 1 although although SCONJ crln-8277 46 2 argyle argyle PROPN crln-8277 46 3 summarizes summarize VERB crln-8277 46 4 the the DET crln-8277 46 5 high high ADJ crln-8277 46 6 points point NOUN crln-8277 46 7 of of ADP crln-8277 46 8 scott scott PROPN crln-8277 46 9 joplin joplin PROPN crln-8277 46 10 ’s ’s PROPN crln-8277 46 11 life life NOUN crln-8277 46 12 , , PUNCT crln-8277 46 13 readers reader NOUN crln-8277 46 14 should should AUX crln-8277 46 15 consult consult VERB crln-8277 46 16 edward edward PROPN crln-8277 46 17 a. a. PROPN crln-8277 46 18 berlin berlin PROPN crln-8277 46 19 ’s ’s PART crln-8277 46 20 king king NOUN crln-8277 46 21 of of ADP crln-8277 46 22 ragtime ragtime PROPN crln-8277 46 23 ( ( PUNCT crln-8277 46 24 oxford oxford PROPN crln-8277 46 25 , , PUNCT crln-8277 46 26 1994 1994 NUM crln-8277 46 27 ) ) PUNCT crln-8277 46 28 for for ADP crln-8277 46 29 a a DET crln-8277 46 30 defi defi NOUN crln-8277 46 31 nitive nitive ADJ crln-8277 46 32 biography biography NOUN crln-8277 46 33 . . PUNCT crln-8277 47 1 mcfarland mcfarland PROPN crln-8277 47 2 . . PUNCT crln-8277 48 1 $ $ SYM crln-8277 48 2 35.00 35.00 NUM crln-8277 48 3 . . PUNCT crln-8277 49 1 978 978 NUM crln-8277 49 2 - - SYM crln-8277 49 3 0 0 NUM crln-8277 49 4 - - PUNCT crln-8277 49 5 78644376 78644376 NUM crln-8277 49 6 - - SYM crln-8277 49 7 5 5 NUM crln-8277 49 8 . . PUNCT crln-8277 49 9 an an DET crln-8277 49 10 excellent excellent ADJ crln-8277 49 11 supplementary supplementary ADJ crln-8277 49 12 read read NOUN crln-8277 49 13 is be AUX crln-8277 49 14 the the DET crln-8277 49 15 chapter chapter NOUN crln-8277 49 16 on on ADP crln-8277 49 17 ragtime ragtime NOUN crln-8277 49 18 dancing dancing NOUN crln-8277 49 19 in in ADP crln-8277 49 20 mark mark PROPN crln-8277 49 21 knowles knowles PROPN crln-8277 49 22 ’s ’s PART crln-8277 49 23 the the DET crln-8277 49 24 wicked wicked ADJ crln-8277 49 25 waltz waltz NOUN crln-8277 49 26 and and CCONJ crln-8277 49 27 other other ADJ crln-8277 49 28 scandalous scandalous ADJ crln-8277 49 29 dances dance NOUN crln-8277 49 30 : : PUNCT crln-8277 49 31 outrage outrage NOUN crln-8277 49 32 at at ADP crln-8277 49 33 couple couple NOUN crln-8277 49 34 dancing dancing NOUN crln-8277 49 35 in in ADP crln-8277 49 36 the the DET crln-8277 49 37 19th 19th ADJ crln-8277 49 38 and and CCONJ crln-8277 49 39 early early ADJ crln-8277 49 40 20th 20th ADJ crln-8277 49 41 centuries century NOUN crln-8277 49 42 ( ( PUNCT crln-8277 49 43 262 262 NUM crln-8277 49 44 pages page NOUN crln-8277 49 45 , , PUNCT crln-8277 49 46 may may AUX crln-8277 49 47 2009 2009 NUM crln-8277 49 48 ) ) PUNCT crln-8277 49 49 , , PUNCT crln-8277 49 50 which which PRON crln-8277 49 51 examines examine VERB crln-8277 49 52 moral moral ADJ crln-8277 49 53 and and CCONJ crln-8277 49 54 medical medical ADJ crln-8277 49 55 objections objection NOUN crln-8277 49 56 to to ADP crln-8277 49 57 the the DET crln-8277 49 58 waltz waltz NOUN crln-8277 49 59 , , PUNCT crln-8277 49 60 ragtime ragtime NOUN crln-8277 49 61 “ " PUNCT crln-8277 49 62 animal animal NOUN crln-8277 49 63 dances dance NOUN crln-8277 49 64 ” " PUNCT crln-8277 49 65 ( ( PUNCT crln-8277 49 66 like like ADP crln-8277 49 67 the the DET crln-8277 49 68 turkey turkey NOUN crln-8277 49 69 trot trot NOUN crln-8277 49 70 and and CCONJ crln-8277 49 71 the the DET crln-8277 49 72 bunny bunny NOUN crln-8277 49 73 hug hug PROPN crln-8277 49 74 ) ) PUNCT crln-8277 49 75 , , PUNCT crln-8277 49 76 the the DET crln-8277 49 77 tango tango PROPN crln-8277 49 78 , , PUNCT crln-8277 49 79 and and CCONJ crln-8277 49 80 the the DET crln-8277 49 81 charleston charleston NOUN crln-8277 49 82 , , PUNCT crln-8277 49 83 as as ADV crln-8277 49 84 well well ADV crln-8277 49 85 as as ADP crln-8277 49 86 the the DET crln-8277 49 87 music music NOUN crln-8277 49 88 and and CCONJ crln-8277 49 89 fashions fashion NOUN crln-8277 49 90 that that PRON crln-8277 49 91 many many ADJ crln-8277 49 92 people people NOUN crln-8277 49 93 considered consider VERB crln-8277 49 94 immoral immoral ADJ crln-8277 49 95 . . PUNCT crln-8277 50 1 mcfarland mcfarland PROPN crln-8277 50 2 . . PUNCT crln-8277 51 1 $ $ SYM crln-8277 51 2 39.95 39.95 NUM crln-8277 51 3 . . PUNCT crln-8277 52 1 978 978 NUM crln-8277 52 2 - - SYM crln-8277 52 3 0 0 NUM crln-8277 52 4 - - PUNCT crln-8277 52 5 7864 7864 NUM crln-8277 52 6 - - PUNCT crln-8277 52 7 3706 3706 NUM crln-8277 52 8 - - SYM crln-8277 52 9 5 5 NUM crln-8277 52 10 . . PUNCT