id sid tid token lemma pos crln-7964 1 1 march08ff.indd march08ff.indd NOUN crln-7964 1 2 g g PROPN crln-7964 1 3 a a DET crln-7964 1 4 r r NOUN crln-7964 1 5 y y NOUN crln-7964 1 6 p p NOUN crln-7964 1 7 a a DET crln-7964 1 8 t t NOUN crln-7964 1 9 t t NOUN crln-7964 1 10 i i PROPN crln-7964 1 11 l l PROPN crln-7964 1 12 l l PROPN crln-7964 1 13 o o PROPN crln-7964 1 14 gary gary PROPN crln-7964 1 15 pattillo pattillo PROPN crln-7964 1 16 is be AUX crln-7964 1 17 reference reference NOUN crln-7964 1 18 librarian librarian NOUN crln-7964 1 19 at at ADP crln-7964 1 20 the the DET crln-7964 1 21 university university PROPN crln-7964 1 22 of of ADP crln-7964 1 23 north north PROPN crln-7964 1 24 carolina carolina PROPN crln-7964 1 25 - - PUNCT crln-7964 1 26 chapel chapel PROPN crln-7964 1 27 hill hill PROPN crln-7964 1 28 , , PUNCT crln-7964 1 29 e e NOUN crln-7964 1 30 - - NOUN crln-7964 1 31 mail mail NOUN crln-7964 1 32 : : PUNCT crln-7964 1 33 pattillo@email pattillo@email NOUN crln-7964 1 34 . . PUNCT crln-7964 1 35 PROPN crln-7964 1 36 information information NOUN crln-7964 1 37 literacy literacy NOUN crln-7964 1 38 of of ADP crln-7964 1 39 the the DET crln-7964 1 40 young young ADJ crln-7964 1 41 a a DET crln-7964 1 42 uk uk PROPN crln-7964 1 43 study study NOUN crln-7964 1 44 of of ADP crln-7964 1 45 online online ADJ crln-7964 1 46 information­seeking information­seeke VERB crln-7964 1 47 behavior behavior NOUN crln-7964 1 48 among among ADP crln-7964 1 49 people people NOUN crln-7964 1 50 born bear VERB crln-7964 1 51 after after ADP crln-7964 1 52 1993 1993 NUM crln-7964 1 53 fi fi NOUN crln-7964 1 54 nds nd VERB crln-7964 1 55 that that SCONJ crln-7964 1 56 the the DET crln-7964 1 57 information information NOUN crln-7964 1 58 literacy literacy NOUN crln-7964 1 59 of of ADP crln-7964 1 60 young young ADJ crln-7964 1 61 people people NOUN crln-7964 1 62 has have AUX crln-7964 1 63 not not PART crln-7964 1 64 improved improve VERB crln-7964 1 65 with with ADP crln-7964 1 66 increasing increase VERB crln-7964 1 67 access access NOUN crln-7964 1 68 to to ADP crln-7964 1 69 technology technology NOUN crln-7964 1 70 . . PUNCT crln-7964 2 1 furthermore furthermore ADV crln-7964 2 2 , , PUNCT crln-7964 2 3 research research NOUN crln-7964 2 4 shows show VERB crln-7964 2 5 that that SCONJ crln-7964 2 6 the the DET crln-7964 2 7 speed speed NOUN crln-7964 2 8 of of ADP crln-7964 2 9 young young ADJ crln-7964 2 10 people people NOUN crln-7964 2 11 ’s ’s PART crln-7964 2 12 web web NOUN crln-7964 2 13 searching searching NOUN crln-7964 2 14 means mean VERB crln-7964 2 15 that that SCONJ crln-7964 2 16 little little ADJ crln-7964 2 17 time time NOUN crln-7964 2 18 is be AUX crln-7964 2 19 spent spend VERB crln-7964 2 20 evaluating evaluate VERB crln-7964 2 21 infor­ infor­ PRON crln-7964 2 22 mation mation NOUN crln-7964 2 23 for for ADP crln-7964 2 24 relevance relevance NOUN crln-7964 2 25 , , PUNCT crln-7964 2 26 accuracy accuracy NOUN crln-7964 2 27 , , PUNCT crln-7964 2 28 or or CCONJ crln-7964 2 29 authority authority NOUN crln-7964 2 30 . . PUNCT crln-7964 3 1 many many ADJ crln-7964 3 2 young young ADJ crln-7964 3 3 people people NOUN crln-7964 3 4 do do AUX crln-7964 3 5 not not PART crln-7964 3 6 have have VERB crln-7964 3 7 sophisticated sophisticated ADJ crln-7964 3 8 mental mental ADJ crln-7964 3 9 maps map NOUN crln-7964 3 10 of of ADP crln-7964 3 11 what what PRON crln-7964 3 12 the the DET crln-7964 3 13 internet internet NOUN crln-7964 3 14 is be AUX crln-7964 3 15 , , PUNCT crln-7964 3 16 often often ADV crln-7964 3 17 failing fail VERB crln-7964 3 18 to to PART crln-7964 3 19 appreciate appreciate VERB crln-7964 3 20 that that SCONJ crln-7964 3 21 it it PRON crln-7964 3 22 is be AUX crln-7964 3 23 a a DET crln-7964 3 24 collection collection NOUN crln-7964 3 25 of of ADP crln-7964 3 26 networked networked ADJ crln-7964 3 27 resources resource NOUN crln-7964 3 28 from from ADP crln-7964 3 29 divergent divergent ADJ crln-7964 3 30 providers provider NOUN crln-7964 3 31 . . PUNCT crln-7964 4 1 school school NOUN crln-7964 4 2 of of ADP crln-7964 4 3 library library PROPN crln-7964 4 4 , , PUNCT crln-7964 4 5 archive archive NOUN crln-7964 4 6 and and CCONJ crln-7964 4 7 information information NOUN crln-7964 4 8 studies study NOUN crln-7964 4 9 , , PUNCT crln-7964 4 10 university university PROPN crln-7964 4 11 college college PROPN crln-7964 4 12 london london PROPN crln-7964 4 13 , , PUNCT crln-7964 4 14 “ " PUNCT crln-7964 4 15 information information NOUN crln-7964 4 16 behaviour behaviour NOUN crln-7964 4 17 of of ADP crln-7964 4 18 the the DET crln-7964 4 19 researcher researcher NOUN crln-7964 4 20 of of ADP crln-7964 4 21 the the DET crln-7964 4 22 future future NOUN crln-7964 4 23 , , PUNCT crln-7964 4 24 ” " PUNCT crln-7964 4 25 january january PROPN crln-7964 4 26 11 11 NUM crln-7964 4 27 , , PUNCT crln-7964 4 28 2008 2008 NUM crln-7964 4 29 , , PUNCT crln-7964 4 30 NOUN crln-7964 4 31 accessed access VERB crln-7964 4 32 february february PROPN crln-7964 4 33 8 8 NUM crln-7964 4 34 , , PUNCT crln-7964 4 35 2008 2008 NUM crln-7964 4 36 . . PUNCT crln-7964 5 1 library library NOUN crln-7964 5 2 usage usage VERB crln-7964 5 3 the the DET crln-7964 5 4 pew pew NOUN crln-7964 5 5 internet internet NOUN crln-7964 5 6 and and CCONJ crln-7964 5 7 american american ADJ crln-7964 5 8 life life NOUN crln-7964 5 9 project project NOUN crln-7964 5 10 in in ADP crln-7964 5 11 partnership partnership NOUN crln-7964 5 12 with with ADP crln-7964 5 13 the the DET crln-7964 5 14 university university PROPN crln-7964 5 15 of of ADP crln-7964 5 16 illinois illinois PROPN crln-7964 5 17 at at ADP crln-7964 5 18 urbana­champaign urbana­champaign ADJ crln-7964 5 19 published publish VERB crln-7964 5 20 survey survey NOUN crln-7964 5 21 results result NOUN crln-7964 5 22 challenging challenge VERB crln-7964 5 23 the the DET crln-7964 5 24 as­ as­ NOUN crln-7964 5 25 sumption sumption NOUN crln-7964 5 26 that that SCONJ crln-7964 5 27 libraries library NOUN crln-7964 5 28 are be AUX crln-7964 5 29 losing lose VERB crln-7964 5 30 relevance relevance NOUN crln-7964 5 31 in in ADP crln-7964 5 32 the the DET crln-7964 5 33 internet internet NOUN crln-7964 5 34 age age NOUN crln-7964 5 35 . . PUNCT crln-7964 6 1 libraries library NOUN crln-7964 6 2 drew draw VERB crln-7964 6 3 visits visit NOUN crln-7964 6 4 by by ADP crln-7964 6 5 53 53 NUM crln-7964 6 6 percent percent NOUN crln-7964 6 7 of of ADP crln-7964 6 8 americans americans PROPN crln-7964 6 9 in in ADP crln-7964 6 10 the the DET crln-7964 6 11 past past ADJ crln-7964 6 12 year year NOUN crln-7964 6 13 . . PUNCT crln-7964 7 1 compared compare VERB crln-7964 7 2 with with ADP crln-7964 7 3 their their PRON crln-7964 7 4 elders elder NOUN crln-7964 7 5 , , PUNCT crln-7964 7 6 generation generation NOUN crln-7964 7 7 y y PROPN crln-7964 7 8 members member NOUN crln-7964 7 9 ( ( PUNCT crln-7964 7 10 age age NOUN crln-7964 7 11 18 18 NUM crln-7964 7 12 to to PART crln-7964 7 13 30 30 NUM crln-7964 7 14 ) ) PUNCT crln-7964 7 15 were be AUX crln-7964 7 16 the the DET crln-7964 7 17 most most ADV crln-7964 7 18 likely likely ADJ crln-7964 7 19 to to PART crln-7964 7 20 use use VERB crln-7964 7 21 libraries library NOUN crln-7964 7 22 for for ADP crln-7964 7 23 problem­solving problem­solve VERB crln-7964 7 24 information information NOUN crln-7964 7 25 as as ADV crln-7964 7 26 well well ADV crln-7964 7 27 as as ADP crln-7964 7 28 general general ADJ crln-7964 7 29 usage usage NOUN crln-7964 7 30 for for ADP crln-7964 7 31 any any DET crln-7964 7 32 purpose purpose NOUN crln-7964 7 33 . . PUNCT crln-7964 8 1 young young ADJ crln-7964 8 2 adults adult NOUN crln-7964 8 3 are be AUX crln-7964 8 4 the the DET crln-7964 8 5 most most ADV crln-7964 8 6 likely likely ADJ crln-7964 8 7 to to PART crln-7964 8 8 say say VERB crln-7964 8 9 they they PRON crln-7964 8 10 will will AUX crln-7964 8 11 use use VERB crln-7964 8 12 libraries library NOUN crln-7964 8 13 in in ADP crln-7964 8 14 the the DET crln-7964 8 15 future future NOUN crln-7964 8 16 when when SCONJ crln-7964 8 17 they they PRON crln-7964 8 18 encounter encounter VERB crln-7964 8 19 information­related information­relate VERB crln-7964 8 20 problems problem NOUN crln-7964 8 21 . . PUNCT crln-7964 9 1 forty forty NUM crln-7964 9 2 percent percent NOUN crln-7964 9 3 of of ADP crln-7964 9 4 generation generation NOUN crln-7964 9 5 y y PROPN crln-7964 9 6 individu­ individu­ PROPN crln-7964 9 7 als al NOUN crln-7964 9 8 say say VERB crln-7964 9 9 they they PRON crln-7964 9 10 would would AUX crln-7964 9 11 go go VERB crln-7964 9 12 to to ADP crln-7964 9 13 a a DET crln-7964 9 14 library library NOUN crln-7964 9 15 , , PUNCT crln-7964 9 16 compared compare VERB crln-7964 9 17 with with ADP crln-7964 9 18 20 20 NUM crln-7964 9 19 percent percent NOUN crln-7964 9 20 of of ADP crln-7964 9 21 those those PRON crln-7964 9 22 above above ADP crln-7964 9 23 age age NOUN crln-7964 9 24 30 30 NUM crln-7964 9 25 who who PRON crln-7964 9 26 say say VERB crln-7964 9 27 they they PRON crln-7964 9 28 would would AUX crln-7964 9 29 do do VERB crln-7964 9 30 so so ADV crln-7964 9 31 . . PUNCT crln-7964 10 1 leigh leigh PROPN crln-7964 10 2 estabrook estabrook PROPN crln-7964 10 3 , , PUNCT crln-7964 10 4 evans evans PROPN crln-7964 10 5 witt witt VERB crln-7964 10 6 , , PUNCT crln-7964 10 7 and and CCONJ crln-7964 10 8 lee lee PROPN crln-7964 10 9 rainie rainie PROPN crln-7964 10 10 , , PUNCT crln-7964 10 11 “ " PUNCT crln-7964 10 12 information information NOUN crln-7964 10 13 searches search NOUN crln-7964 10 14 that that PRON crln-7964 10 15 solve solve VERB crln-7964 10 16 problems problem NOUN crln-7964 10 17 : : PUNCT crln-7964 10 18 how how SCONJ crln-7964 10 19 people people NOUN crln-7964 10 20 use use VERB crln-7964 10 21 the the DET crln-7964 10 22 internet internet NOUN crln-7964 10 23 , , PUNCT crln-7964 10 24 libraries library NOUN crln-7964 10 25 , , PUNCT crln-7964 10 26 and and CCONJ crln-7964 10 27 government government NOUN crln-7964 10 28 agencies agency NOUN crln-7964 10 29 when when SCONJ crln-7964 10 30 they they PRON crln-7964 10 31 need need VERB crln-7964 10 32 help help NOUN crln-7964 10 33 , , PUNCT crln-7964 10 34 ” " PUNCT crln-7964 10 35 pew pew NOUN crln-7964 10 36 internet internet PROPN crln-7964 10 37 & & CCONJ crln-7964 10 38 american american PROPN crln-7964 10 39 life life PROPN crln-7964 10 40 project project NOUN crln-7964 10 41 , , PUNCT crln-7964 10 42 december december PROPN crln-7964 10 43 30 30 NUM crln-7964 10 44 , , PUNCT crln-7964 10 45 2007 2007 NUM crln-7964 10 46 , , PUNCT crln-7964 10 47 NOUN crln-7964 10 48 . . PUNCT crln-7964 11 1 accessed access VERB crln-7964 11 2 february february PROPN crln-7964 11 3 8 8 NUM crln-7964 11 4 , , PUNCT crln-7964 11 5 2008 2008 NUM crln-7964 11 6 . . PUNCT crln-7964 12 1 academic academic ADJ crln-7964 12 2 freedom freedom NOUN crln-7964 12 3 ? ? PUNCT crln-7964 13 1 cary cary PROPN crln-7964 13 2 nelson nelson PROPN crln-7964 13 3 , , PUNCT crln-7964 13 4 president president NOUN crln-7964 13 5 of of ADP crln-7964 13 6 the the DET crln-7964 13 7 american american PROPN crln-7964 13 8 association association PROPN crln-7964 13 9 of of ADP crln-7964 13 10 university university PROPN crln-7964 13 11 professors professor NOUN crln-7964 13 12 , , PUNCT crln-7964 13 13 says say VERB crln-7964 13 14 , , PUNCT crln-7964 13 15 “ " PUNCT crln-7964 13 16 it it PRON crln-7964 13 17 ’s ’s AUX crln-7964 13 18 broadly broadly ADV crln-7964 13 19 recognized recognize VERB crln-7964 13 20 , , PUNCT crln-7964 13 21 certainly certainly ADV crln-7964 13 22 by by ADP crln-7964 13 23 contingent contingent ADJ crln-7964 13 24 faculty faculty NOUN crln-7964 13 25 themselves themselves PRON crln-7964 13 26 , , PUNCT crln-7964 13 27 that that SCONJ crln-7964 13 28 they they PRON crln-7964 13 29 really really ADV crln-7964 13 30 do do AUX crln-7964 13 31 n’t not PART crln-7964 13 32 possess possess VERB crln-7964 13 33 academic academic ADJ crln-7964 13 34 freedom freedom NOUN crln-7964 13 35 in in ADP crln-7964 13 36 the the DET crln-7964 13 37 way way NOUN crln-7964 13 38 that that PRON crln-7964 13 39 the the DET crln-7964 13 40 american american PROPN crln-7964 13 41 academy academy PROPN crln-7964 13 42 has have AUX crln-7964 13 43 assumed assume VERB crln-7964 13 44 for for ADP crln-7964 13 45 basically basically ADV crln-7964 13 46 half half DET crln-7964 13 47 a a DET crln-7964 13 48 century century NOUN crln-7964 13 49 . . PUNCT crln-7964 13 50 . . PUNCT crln-7964 13 51 . . PUNCT crln-7964 13 52 ” " PUNCT crln-7964 14 1 marc marc PROPN crln-7964 14 2 bousquet bousquet PROPN crln-7964 14 3 , , PUNCT crln-7964 14 4 who who PRON crln-7964 14 5 interviewed interview VERB crln-7964 14 6 nelson nelson PROPN crln-7964 14 7 writes write VERB crln-7964 14 8 , , PUNCT crln-7964 14 9 “ " PUNCT crln-7964 14 10 instead instead ADV crln-7964 14 11 of of ADP crln-7964 14 12 intellectual intellectual ADJ crln-7964 14 13 freedom freedom NOUN crln-7964 14 14 , , PUNCT crln-7964 14 15 many many ADJ crln-7964 14 16 of of ADP crln-7964 14 17 the the DET crln-7964 14 18 majority majority NOUN crln-7964 14 19 contingent contingent NOUN crln-7964 14 20 faculty faculty NOUN crln-7964 14 21 can can AUX crln-7964 14 22 be be AUX crln-7964 14 23 fired fire VERB crln-7964 14 24 for for ADP crln-7964 14 25 contradicting contradict VERB crln-7964 14 26 the the DET crln-7964 14 27 administration administration NOUN crln-7964 14 28 , , PUNCT crln-7964 14 29 ca can AUX crln-7964 14 30 n’t not PART crln-7964 14 31 choose choose VERB crln-7964 14 32 course course NOUN crln-7964 14 33 texts text NOUN crln-7964 14 34 or or CCONJ crln-7964 14 35 create create VERB crln-7964 14 36 syllabi syllabi NOUN crln-7964 14 37 , , PUNCT crln-7964 14 38 and and CCONJ crln-7964 14 39 are be AUX crln-7964 14 40 afraid afraid ADJ crln-7964 14 41 to to PART crln-7964 14 42 challenge challenge VERB crln-7964 14 43 students student NOUN crln-7964 14 44 to to PART crln-7964 14 45 think think VERB crln-7964 14 46 and and CCONJ crln-7964 14 47 learn learn VERB crln-7964 14 48 , , PUNCT crln-7964 14 49 or or CCONJ crln-7964 14 50 raise raise VERB crln-7964 14 51 controversial controversial ADJ crln-7964 14 52 issues issue NOUN crln-7964 14 53 . . PUNCT crln-7964 14 54 ” " PUNCT crln-7964 15 1 nelson nelson PROPN crln-7964 15 2 continues continue VERB crln-7964 15 3 , , PUNCT crln-7964 15 4 “ " PUNCT crln-7964 15 5 it it PRON crln-7964 15 6 ’s ’ VERB crln-7964 15 7 a a DET crln-7964 15 8 question question NOUN crln-7964 15 9 of of ADP crln-7964 15 10 teaching teaching NOUN crln-7964 15 11 in in ADP crln-7964 15 12 a a DET crln-7964 15 13 climate climate NOUN crln-7964 15 14 of of ADP crln-7964 15 15 fear fear NOUN crln-7964 15 16 , , PUNCT crln-7964 15 17 versus versus ADP crln-7964 15 18 teaching teaching NOUN crln-7964 15 19 in in ADP crln-7964 15 20 a a DET crln-7964 15 21 climate climate NOUN crln-7964 15 22 of of ADP crln-7964 15 23 freedom freedom NOUN crln-7964 15 24 and and CCONJ crln-7964 15 25 honest honest ADJ crln-7964 15 26 interchange interchange NOUN crln-7964 15 27 with with ADP crln-7964 15 28 your your PRON crln-7964 15 29 students student NOUN crln-7964 15 30 ... ... PUNCT crln-7964 16 1 the the DET crln-7964 16 2 american american PROPN crln-7964 16 3 academy academy PROPN crln-7964 16 4 has have AUX crln-7964 16 5 shifted shift VERB crln-7964 16 6 from from ADP crln-7964 16 7 a a DET crln-7964 16 8 place place NOUN crln-7964 16 9 where where SCONJ crln-7964 16 10 there there PRON crln-7964 16 11 is be VERB crln-7964 16 12 a a DET crln-7964 16 13 great great ADJ crln-7964 16 14 deal deal NOUN crln-7964 16 15 of of ADP crln-7964 16 16 reinforcement reinforcement NOUN crln-7964 16 17 for for ADP crln-7964 16 18 intellectual intellectual ADJ crln-7964 16 19 independence independence NOUN crln-7964 16 20 for for ADP crln-7964 16 21 its its PRON crln-7964 16 22 faculty faculty NOUN crln-7964 16 23 , , PUNCT crln-7964 16 24 to to ADP crln-7964 16 25 a a DET crln-7964 16 26 place place NOUN crln-7964 16 27 where where SCONJ crln-7964 16 28 there there PRON crln-7964 16 29 is be VERB crln-7964 16 30 very very ADV crln-7964 16 31 little little ADJ crln-7964 16 32 . . PUNCT crln-7964 16 33 ” " PUNCT crln-7964 17 1 marc marc PROPN crln-7964 17 2 bousquet bousquet PROPN crln-7964 17 3 , , PUNCT crln-7964 17 4 “ " PUNCT crln-7964 17 5 brainstorm brainstorm NOUN crln-7964 17 6 : : PUNCT crln-7964 17 7 the the DET crln-7964 17 8 twilight twilight NOUN crln-7964 17 9 of of ADP crln-7964 17 10 academic academic ADJ crln-7964 17 11 freedom freedom NOUN crln-7964 17 12 ? ? PUNCT crln-7964 17 13 ” " PUNCT crln-7964 17 14 PROPN crln-7964 17 15 , , PUNCT crln-7964 17 16 february february PROPN crln-7964 17 17 11 11 NUM crln-7964 17 18 , , PUNCT crln-7964 17 19 2008 2008 NUM crln-7964 17 20 , , PUNCT crln-7964 17 21 X crln-7964 17 22 /review /review PUNCT crln-7964 17 23 / / SYM crln-7964 17 24 brainstorm brainstorm NOUN crln-7964 17 25 / / SYM crln-7964 17 26 bousquet bousquet NOUN crln-7964 17 27 / / SYM crln-7964 17 28 the the DET crln-7964 17 29 - - PUNCT crln-7964 17 30 twilight twilight NOUN crln-7964 17 31 - - PUNCT crln-7964 17 32 of of ADP crln-7964 17 33 - - PUNCT crln-7964 17 34 academic academic ADJ crln-7964 17 35 - - PUNCT crln-7964 17 36 freedom freedom NOUN crln-7964 17 37 . . PUNCT crln-7964 18 1 accessed access VERB crln-7964 18 2 february february PROPN crln-7964 18 3 11 11 NUM crln-7964 18 4 , , PUNCT crln-7964 18 5 2008 2008 NUM crln-7964 18 6 . . PUNCT crln-7964 19 1 188c&rl 188c&rl NUM crln-7964 19 2 news news NOUN crln-7964 19 3 march march PROPN crln-7964 19 4 2008 2008 NUM