id sid tid token lemma pos crln-7846 1 1 july07c.indd july07c.indd PROPN crln-7846 1 2 ann ann PROPN crln-7846 1 3 - - PUNCT crln-7846 1 4 christe christe NOUN crln-7846 1 5 galloway galloway NOUN crln-7846 1 6 p p NOUN crln-7846 1 7 e e PROPN crln-7846 1 8 o o X crln-7846 2 1 p p NOUN crln-7846 2 2 l l X crln-7846 2 3 e e X crln-7846 2 4 i i PRON crln-7846 2 5 n n ADP crln-7846 2 6 t t NOUN crln-7846 2 7 h h NOUN crln-7846 2 8 e e PROPN crln-7846 2 9 n n ADP crln-7846 2 10 e e PROPN crln-7846 2 11 w w PROPN crln-7846 2 12 s s PROPN crln-7846 2 13 rosann rosann NOUN crln-7846 2 14 bazirjian bazirjian NOUN crln-7846 2 15 , , PUNCT crln-7846 2 16 university university NOUN crln-7846 2 17 librarian librarian NOUN crln-7846 2 18 at at ADP crln-7846 2 19 the the DET crln-7846 2 20 university university PROPN crln-7846 2 21 of of ADP crln-7846 2 22 north north PROPN crln-7846 2 23 carolina­greensboro carolina­greensboro PROPN crln-7846 2 24 , , PUNCT crln-7846 2 25 has have AUX crln-7846 2 26 been be AUX crln-7846 2 27 elected elect VERB crln-7846 2 28 to to ADP crln-7846 2 29 the the DET crln-7846 2 30 solinet solinet NOUN crln-7846 2 31 delegation delegation NOUN crln-7846 2 32 of of ADP crln-7846 2 33 the the DET crln-7846 2 34 oclc oclc PROPN crln-7846 2 35 members members PROPN crln-7846 2 36 council council PROPN crln-7846 2 37 . . PUNCT crln-7846 3 1 charles charles PROPN crln-7846 3 2 henry henry PROPN crln-7846 3 3 , , PUNCT crln-7846 3 4 president president NOUN crln-7846 3 5 of of ADP crln-7846 3 6 the the DET crln-7846 3 7 council council NOUN crln-7846 3 8 on on ADP crln-7846 3 9 library library NOUN crln-7846 3 10 and and CCONJ crln-7846 3 11 information information NOUN crln-7846 3 12 resources resource NOUN crln-7846 3 13 , , PUNCT crln-7846 3 14 has have AUX crln-7846 3 15 received receive VERB crln-7846 3 16 a a DET crln-7846 3 17 fulbright fulbright ADJ crln-7846 3 18 senior senior ADJ crln-7846 3 19 specialist specialist ADJ crln-7846 3 20 award award NOUN crln-7846 3 21 to to PART crln-7846 3 22 lecture lecture VERB crln-7846 3 23 and and CCONJ crln-7846 3 24 consult consult VERB crln-7846 3 25 in in ADP crln-7846 3 26 china china PROPN crln-7846 3 27 in in ADP crln-7846 3 28 fall fall NOUN crln-7846 3 29 2007 2007 NUM crln-7846 3 30 . . PUNCT crln-7846 4 1 henry henry PROPN crln-7846 4 2 will will AUX crln-7846 4 3 work work VERB crln-7846 4 4 for for ADP crln-7846 4 5 several several ADJ crln-7846 4 6 weeks week NOUN crln-7846 4 7 with with ADP crln-7846 4 8 li­ li­ PROPN crln-7846 4 9 brarians brarian NOUN crln-7846 4 10 , , PUNCT crln-7846 4 11 faculty faculty NOUN crln-7846 4 12 , , PUNCT crln-7846 4 13 administrators administrator NOUN crln-7846 4 14 , , PUNCT crln-7846 4 15 and and CCONJ crln-7846 4 16 it it PRON crln-7846 4 17 spe­ spe­ ADJ crln-7846 4 18 cialists cialist NOUN crln-7846 4 19 at at ADP crln-7846 4 20 shantou shantou PROPN crln-7846 4 21 university university PROPN crln-7846 4 22 , , PUNCT crln-7846 4 23 advising advise VERB crln-7846 4 24 on on ADP crln-7846 4 25 their their PRON crln-7846 4 26 plans plan NOUN crln-7846 4 27 to to PART crln-7846 4 28 construct construct VERB crln-7846 4 29 a a DET crln-7846 4 30 new new ADJ crln-7846 4 31 library library NOUN crln-7846 4 32 and and CCONJ crln-7846 4 33 on on ADP crln-7846 4 34 issues issue NOUN crln-7846 4 35 pertaining pertain VERB crln-7846 4 36 to to ADP crln-7846 4 37 new new ADJ crln-7846 4 38 staff staff NOUN crln-7846 4 39 organiza­ organiza­ ADP crln-7846 4 40 tion tion NOUN crln-7846 4 41 and and CCONJ crln-7846 4 42 deployment deployment NOUN crln-7846 4 43 of of ADP crln-7846 4 44 it it PRON crln-7846 4 45 on on ADP crln-7846 4 46 campus campus NOUN crln-7846 4 47 . . PUNCT crln-7846 5 1 he he PRON crln-7846 5 2 will will AUX crln-7846 5 3 also also ADV crln-7846 5 4 deliver deliver VERB crln-7846 5 5 several several ADJ crln-7846 5 6 lectures lecture NOUN crln-7846 5 7 on on ADP crln-7846 5 8 current current ADJ crln-7846 5 9 issues issue NOUN crln-7846 5 10 at at ADP crln-7846 5 11 the the DET crln-7846 5 12 intersection intersection NOUN crln-7846 5 13 of of ADP crln-7846 5 14 higher high ADJ crln-7846 5 15 education education NOUN crln-7846 5 16 and and CCONJ crln-7846 5 17 the the DET crln-7846 5 18 evolving evolve VERB crln-7846 5 19 library library PROPN crln-7846 5 20 . . PUNCT crln-7846 6 1 shantou shantou PROPN crln-7846 6 2 university university PROPN crln-7846 6 3 , , PUNCT crln-7846 6 4 located locate VERB crln-7846 6 5 in in ADP crln-7846 6 6 the the DET crln-7846 6 7 southern southern ADJ crln-7846 6 8 province province NOUN crln-7846 6 9 of of ADP crln-7846 6 10 guang­ guang­ PROPN crln-7846 6 11 dong dong PROPN crln-7846 6 12 , , PUNCT crln-7846 6 13 enrolled enrol VERB crln-7846 6 14 its its PRON crln-7846 6 15 fi fi NOUN crln-7846 6 16 rst rst PROPN crln-7846 6 17 students student NOUN crln-7846 6 18 in in ADP crln-7846 6 19 1983 1983 NUM crln-7846 6 20 . . PUNCT crln-7846 7 1 it it PRON crln-7846 7 2 is be AUX crln-7846 7 3 a a DET crln-7846 7 4 progressive progressive ADJ crln-7846 7 5 school school NOUN crln-7846 7 6 that that PRON crln-7846 7 7 has have AUX crln-7846 7 8 recently recently ADV crln-7846 7 9 reformed reform VERB crln-7846 7 10 its its PRON crln-7846 7 11 curriculum curriculum NOUN crln-7846 7 12 to to PART crln-7846 7 13 align align VERB crln-7846 7 14 its its PRON crln-7846 7 15 courses course NOUN crln-7846 7 16 and and CCONJ crln-7846 7 17 degree degree NOUN crln-7846 7 18 programs program NOUN crln-7846 7 19 with with ADP crln-7846 7 20 the the DET crln-7846 7 21 new new ADJ crln-7846 7 22 knowledge­based knowledge­based ADJ crln-7846 7 23 economy economy NOUN crln-7846 7 24 of of ADP crln-7846 7 25 the the DET crln-7846 7 26 21st 21st ADJ crln-7846 7 27 century century NOUN crln-7846 7 28 . . PUNCT crln-7846 8 1 henry henry PROPN crln-7846 8 2 is be AUX crln-7846 8 3 the the DET crln-7846 8 4 recipient recipient NOUN crln-7846 8 5 of of ADP crln-7846 8 6 two two NUM crln-7846 8 7 previous previous ADJ crln-7846 8 8 fulbright fulbright ADJ crln-7846 8 9 awards award NOUN crln-7846 8 10 . . PUNCT crln-7846 9 1 as as ADP crln-7846 9 2 a a DET crln-7846 9 3 fulbright fulbright ADJ crln-7846 9 4 scholar scholar NOUN crln-7846 9 5 from from ADP crln-7846 9 6 1980 1980 NUM crln-7846 9 7 to to ADP crln-7846 9 8 1981 1981 NUM crln-7846 9 9 , , PUNCT crln-7846 9 10 he he PRON crln-7846 9 11 conducted conduct VERB crln-7846 9 12 research research NOUN crln-7846 9 13 and and CCONJ crln-7846 9 14 lectured lecture VERB crln-7846 9 15 in in ADP crln-7846 9 16 vienna vienna PROPN crln-7846 9 17 , , PUNCT crln-7846 9 18 austria austria PROPN crln-7846 9 19 . . PUNCT crln-7846 10 1 in in ADP crln-7846 10 2 2003 2003 NUM crln-7846 10 3 , , PUNCT crln-7846 10 4 he he PRON crln-7846 10 5 was be AUX crln-7846 10 6 selected select VERB crln-7846 10 7 as as ADP crln-7846 10 8 a a DET crln-7846 10 9 senior senior ADJ crln-7846 10 10 scholar scholar NOUN crln-7846 10 11 , , PUNCT crln-7846 10 12 hosted host VERB crln-7846 10 13 by by ADP crln-7846 10 14 the the DET crln-7846 10 15 humanities humanity NOUN crln-7846 10 16 society society NOUN crln-7846 10 17 of of ADP crln-7846 10 18 new new PROPN crln-7846 10 19 zealand zealand PROPN crln-7846 10 20 . . PUNCT crln-7846 11 1 allison allison PROPN crln-7846 11 2 level level PROPN crln-7846 11 3 , , PUNCT crln-7846 11 4 college college NOUN crln-7846 11 5 liaison liaison NOUN crln-7846 11 6 librarian librarian NOUN crln-7846 11 7 to to ADP crln-7846 11 8 the the DET crln-7846 11 9 warner warner PROPN crln-7846 11 10 college college PROPN crln-7846 11 11 of of ADP crln-7846 11 12 natural natural ADJ crln-7846 11 13 resources resource NOUN crln-7846 11 14 at at ADP crln-7846 11 15 colo­ colo­ PROPN crln-7846 11 16 rado rado PROPN crln-7846 11 17 state state PROPN crln-7846 11 18 university university PROPN crln-7846 11 19 ( ( PUNCT crln-7846 11 20 csu csu PROPN crln-7846 11 21 ) ) PUNCT crln-7846 11 22 , , PUNCT crln-7846 11 23 is be AUX crln-7846 11 24 the the DET crln-7846 11 25 recipient recipient NOUN crln-7846 11 26 of of ADP crln-7846 11 27 the the DET crln-7846 11 28 2007 2007 NUM crln-7846 11 29 csu csu NOUN crln-7846 11 30 libraries librarie VERB crln-7846 11 31 faculty faculty NOUN crln-7846 11 32 award award NOUN crln-7846 11 33 for for ADP crln-7846 11 34 ex­ ex­ NOUN crln-7846 11 35 cellence cellence NOUN crln-7846 11 36 . . PUNCT crln-7846 12 1 the the DET crln-7846 12 2 award award NOUN crln-7846 12 3 recognizes recognize VERB crln-7846 12 4 a a DET crln-7846 12 5 member member NOUN crln-7846 12 6 of of ADP crln-7846 12 7 the the DET crln-7846 12 8 libraries library NOUN crln-7846 12 9 faculty faculty NOUN crln-7846 12 10 for for ADP crln-7846 12 11 outstanding outstanding ADJ crln-7846 12 12 contribu­ contribu­ ADJ crln-7846 12 13 tions tion NOUN crln-7846 12 14 to to ADP crln-7846 12 15 the the DET crln-7846 12 16 libraries library NOUN crln-7846 12 17 , , PUNCT crln-7846 12 18 to to ADP crln-7846 12 19 the the DET crln-7846 12 20 university university NOUN crln-7846 12 21 , , PUNCT crln-7846 12 22 and/or and/or CCONJ crln-7846 12 23 to to ADP crln-7846 12 24 the the DET crln-7846 12 25 library library NOUN crln-7846 12 26 profession profession NOUN crln-7846 12 27 . . PUNCT crln-7846 13 1 one one NUM crln-7846 13 2 of of ADP crln-7846 13 3 level level NOUN crln-7846 13 4 ’s ’s NUM crln-7846 13 5 sig­ sig­ NOUN crln-7846 13 6 nificant nificant ADJ crln-7846 13 7 achievements achievement NOUN crln-7846 13 8 is be AUX crln-7846 13 9 her her PRON crln-7846 13 10 work work NOUN crln-7846 13 11 on on ADP crln-7846 13 12 the the DET crln-7846 13 13 na­ na­ PROPN crln-7846 13 14 ed ed PROPN crln-7846 13 15 . . PUNCT crln-7846 13 16 note note VERB crln-7846 13 17 : : PUNCT crln-7846 13 18 to to PART crln-7846 13 19 ensure ensure VERB crln-7846 13 20 that that SCONJ crln-7846 13 21 your your PRON crln-7846 13 22 personnel personnel NOUN crln-7846 13 23 news news NOUN crln-7846 13 24 is be AUX crln-7846 13 25 considered consider VERB crln-7846 13 26 for for ADP crln-7846 13 27 publication publication NOUN crln-7846 13 28 , , PUNCT crln-7846 13 29 write write VERB crln-7846 13 30 to to ADP crln-7846 13 31 ann ann NOUN crln-7846 13 32 - - PUNCT crln-7846 13 33 christe christe NOUN crln-7846 13 34 galloway galloway NOUN crln-7846 13 35 , , PUNCT crln-7846 13 36 production production NOUN crln-7846 13 37 editor editor NOUN crln-7846 13 38 , , PUNCT crln-7846 14 1 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-7846 14 2 news news NOUN crln-7846 14 3 , , PUNCT crln-7846 14 4 50 50 NUM crln-7846 14 5 e. e. PROPN crln-7846 14 6 huron huron PROPN crln-7846 14 7 st st PROPN crln-7846 14 8 . . PROPN crln-7846 14 9 , , PUNCT crln-7846 14 10 chicago chicago PROPN crln-7846 14 11 , , PUNCT crln-7846 14 12 il il PROPN crln-7846 14 13 60611 60611 NUM crln-7846 14 14 - - SYM crln-7846 14 15 2795 2795 NUM crln-7846 14 16 ; ; PUNCT crln-7846 14 17 e e NOUN crln-7846 14 18 -mail -mail X crln-7846 14 19 : : PUNCT crln-7846 14 20 agalloway@ agalloway@ X crln-7846 14 21 PROPN crln-7846 14 22 ; ; PUNCT crln-7846 14 23 fax fax NOUN crln-7846 14 24 : : PUNCT crln-7846 14 25 ( ( PUNCT crln-7846 14 26 312 312 NUM crln-7846 14 27 ) ) PUNCT crln-7846 14 28 280 280 NUM crln-7846 14 29 - - SYM crln-7846 14 30 2520 2520 NUM crln-7846 14 31 . . PUNCT crln-7846 15 1 tional tional ADJ crln-7846 15 2 endowment endowment NOUN crln-7846 15 3 for for ADP crln-7846 15 4 the the DET crln-7846 15 5 humanities humanity NOUN crln-7846 15 6 ( ( PUNCT crln-7846 15 7 neh neh ADV crln-7846 15 8 ) ) PUNCT crln-7846 15 9 grant­funded grant­funde VERB crln-7846 15 10 colorado colorado PROPN crln-7846 15 11 agriculture agriculture PROPN crln-7846 15 12 bibli­ bibli­ NOUN crln-7846 15 13 ography ography NOUN crln-7846 15 14 project project NOUN crln-7846 15 15 ( ( PUNCT crln-7846 15 16 NOUN crln-7846 15 17 /agbib/ /agbib/ NOUN crln-7846 15 18 ) ) PUNCT crln-7846 15 19 . . PUNCT crln-7846 16 1 the the DET crln-7846 16 2 web web NOUN crln-7846 16 3 site site NOUN crln-7846 16 4 and and CCONJ crln-7846 16 5 searchable searchable ADJ crln-7846 16 6 data­ data­ NOUN crln-7846 16 7 base base NOUN crln-7846 16 8 is be AUX crln-7846 16 9 now now ADV crln-7846 16 10 used use VERB crln-7846 16 11 as as ADP crln-7846 16 12 a a DET crln-7846 16 13 model model NOUN crln-7846 16 14 for for ADP crln-7846 16 15 other other ADJ crln-7846 16 16 li­ li­ NOUN crln-7846 16 17 brarians brarian NOUN crln-7846 16 18 . . PUNCT crln-7846 17 1 level level NOUN crln-7846 17 2 and and CCONJ crln-7846 17 3 three three NUM crln-7846 17 4 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-7846 17 5 received receive VERB crln-7846 17 6 the the DET crln-7846 17 7 libraries library NOUN crln-7846 17 8 ’ ' PUNCT crln-7846 17 9 bright bright ADJ crln-7846 17 10 idea idea NOUN crln-7846 17 11 project project NOUN crln-7846 17 12 award award NOUN crln-7846 17 13 in in ADP crln-7846 17 14 2006 2006 NUM crln-7846 17 15 for for ADP crln-7846 17 16 their their PRON crln-7846 17 17 work work NOUN crln-7846 17 18 on on ADP crln-7846 17 19 that that DET crln-7846 17 20 project project NOUN crln-7846 17 21 . . PUNCT crln-7846 18 1 level level NOUN crln-7846 18 2 has have AUX crln-7846 18 3 also also ADV crln-7846 18 4 been be AUX crln-7846 18 5 active active ADJ crln-7846 18 6 with with ADP crln-7846 18 7 the the DET crln-7846 18 8 united united PROPN crln-7846 18 9 states states PROPN crln-7846 18 10 agricultural agricultural ADJ crln-7846 18 11 information information NOUN crln-7846 18 12 network network NOUN crln-7846 18 13 ( ( PUNCT crln-7846 18 14 usain usain PROPN crln-7846 18 15 ) ) PUNCT crln-7846 18 16 and and CCONJ crln-7846 18 17 is be AUX crln-7846 18 18 currently currently ADV crln-7846 18 19 serving serve VERB crln-7846 18 20 as as ADP crln-7846 18 21 a a DET crln-7846 18 22 director director NOUN crln-7846 18 23 on on ADP crln-7846 18 24 the the DET crln-7846 18 25 usain usain PROPN crln-7846 18 26 executive executive PROPN crln-7846 18 27 council council PROPN crln-7846 18 28 . . PUNCT crln-7846 19 1 she she PRON crln-7846 19 2 collaborates collaborate VERB crln-7846 19 3 on on ADP crln-7846 19 4 the the DET crln-7846 19 5 two two NUM crln-7846 19 6 csu csu NOUN crln-7846 19 7 agriculture agriculture NOUN crln-7846 19 8 network network NOUN crln-7846 19 9 infor­ infor­ PROPN crln-7846 19 10 mation mation PROPN crln-7846 19 11 center center NOUN crln-7846 19 12 projects project NOUN crln-7846 19 13 . . PUNCT crln-7846 20 1 among among ADP crln-7846 20 2 her her PRON crln-7846 20 3 schol­ schol­ NOUN crln-7846 20 4 arly arly ADJ crln-7846 20 5 achievements achievement NOUN crln-7846 20 6 are be AUX crln-7846 20 7 six six NUM crln-7846 20 8 published publish VERB crln-7846 20 9 peer­ peer­ NOUN crln-7846 20 10 reviewed review VERB crln-7846 20 11 articles article NOUN crln-7846 20 12 since since SCONJ crln-7846 20 13 2003 2003 NUM crln-7846 20 14 , , PUNCT crln-7846 20 15 with with ADP crln-7846 20 16 two two NUM crln-7846 20 17 more more ADJ crln-7846 20 18 in in ADP crln-7846 20 19 press press NOUN crln-7846 20 20 ; ; PUNCT crln-7846 20 21 three three NUM crln-7846 20 22 chapters chapter NOUN crln-7846 20 23 in in ADP crln-7846 20 24 refereed refereed NOUN crln-7846 20 25 books book NOUN crln-7846 20 26 with with ADP crln-7846 20 27 another another PRON crln-7846 20 28 in in ADP crln-7846 20 29 print print NOUN crln-7846 20 30 ; ; PUNCT crln-7846 20 31 and and CCONJ crln-7846 20 32 many many ADJ crln-7846 20 33 articles article NOUN crln-7846 20 34 and and CCONJ crln-7846 20 35 reviews review NOUN crln-7846 20 36 for for ADP crln-7846 20 37 a a DET crln-7846 20 38 variety variety NOUN crln-7846 20 39 of of ADP crln-7846 20 40 other other ADJ crln-7846 20 41 publications publication NOUN crln-7846 20 42 . . PUNCT crln-7846 21 1 the the DET crln-7846 21 2 following following NOUN crln-7846 21 3 have have AUX crln-7846 21 4 been be AUX crln-7846 21 5 elected elect VERB crln-7846 21 6 to to ADP crln-7846 21 7 the the DET crln-7846 21 8 board board NOUN crln-7846 21 9 of of ADP crln-7846 21 10 directors director NOUN crln-7846 21 11 of of ADP crln-7846 21 12 the the DET crln-7846 21 13 association association NOUN crln-7846 21 14 of of ADP crln-7846 21 15 southeastern southeastern ADJ crln-7846 21 16 research research NOUN crln-7846 21 17 libraries library NOUN crln-7846 21 18 — — PUNCT crln-7846 21 19 presi­ presi­ PROPN crln-7846 21 20 dent dent NOUN crln-7846 21 21 : : PUNCT crln-7846 21 22 louis louis PROPN crln-7846 21 23 pitschmann pitschmann PROPN crln-7846 21 24 ( ( PUNCT crln-7846 21 25 dean dean NOUN crln-7846 21 26 of of ADP crln-7846 21 27 univer­ univer­ ADJ crln-7846 21 28 sity sity ADJ crln-7846 21 29 libraries library NOUN crln-7846 21 30 , , PUNCT crln-7846 21 31 university university NOUN crln-7846 21 32 of of ADP crln-7846 21 33 alabama alabama PROPN crln-7846 21 34 ) ) PUNCT crln-7846 21 35 , , PUNCT crln-7846 21 36 past past ADP crln-7846 21 37 president president NOUN crln-7846 21 38 : : PUNCT crln-7846 21 39 lance lance NOUN crln-7846 21 40 query query NOUN crln-7846 21 41 ( ( PUNCT crln-7846 21 42 dean dean NOUN crln-7846 21 43 of of ADP crln-7846 21 44 libraries library NOUN crln-7846 21 45 and and CCONJ crln-7846 21 46 academic academic ADJ crln-7846 21 47 information information NOUN crln-7846 21 48 resources resource NOUN crln-7846 21 49 , , PUNCT crln-7846 21 50 tu­ tu­ NOUN crln-7846 21 51 lane lane NOUN crln-7846 21 52 university university PROPN crln-7846 21 53 ) ) PUNCT crln-7846 21 54 , , PUNCT crln-7846 21 55 president­elect president­elect VERB crln-7846 21 56 : : PUNCT crln-7846 21 57 bonnie bonnie PROPN crln-7846 21 58 macewan macewan PROPN crln-7846 21 59 ( ( PUNCT crln-7846 21 60 dean dean NOUN crln-7846 21 61 of of ADP crln-7846 21 62 libraries library NOUN crln-7846 21 63 , , PUNCT crln-7846 21 64 auburn auburn ADJ crln-7846 21 65 uni­ uni­ NUM crln-7846 21 66 versity versity NOUN crln-7846 21 67 ) ) PUNCT crln-7846 21 68 , , PUNCT crln-7846 21 69 secretary­treasurer secretary­treasurer X crln-7846 21 70 : : PUNCT crln-7846 21 71 sylverna sylverna NOUN crln-7846 21 72 ford ford PROPN crln-7846 21 73 ( ( PUNCT crln-7846 21 74 dean dean NOUN crln-7846 21 75 of of ADP crln-7846 21 76 libraries library NOUN crln-7846 21 77 , , PUNCT crln-7846 21 78 university university NOUN crln-7846 21 79 of of ADP crln-7846 21 80 memphis memphis NUM crln-7846 21 81 ) ) PUNCT crln-7846 21 82 ; ; PUNCT crln-7846 22 1 at­large at­large ADP crln-7846 22 2 members member NOUN crln-7846 22 3 : : PUNCT crln-7846 22 4 rosann rosann PROPN crln-7846 22 5 bazirjian bazirjian PROPN crln-7846 22 6 ( ( PUNCT crln-7846 22 7 uni­ uni­ NUM crln-7846 22 8 versity versity NOUN crln-7846 22 9 librarian librarian PROPN crln-7846 22 10 , , PUNCT crln-7846 22 11 university university NOUN crln-7846 22 12 of of ADP crln-7846 22 13 north north PROPN crln-7846 22 14 caro­ caro­ PROPN crln-7846 22 15 lina­greensboro lina­greensboro PROPN crln-7846 22 16 ) ) PUNCT crln-7846 22 17 , , PUNCT crln-7846 22 18 deborah deborah PROPN crln-7846 22 19 jakubs jakubs PROPN crln-7846 22 20 ( ( PUNCT crln-7846 22 21 vice vice NOUN crln-7846 22 22 provost provost NOUN crln-7846 22 23 for for ADP crln-7846 22 24 library library PROPN crln-7846 22 25 affairs affair NOUN crln-7846 22 26 , , PUNCT crln-7846 22 27 duke duke PROPN crln-7846 22 28 university university PROPN crln-7846 22 29 ) ) PUNCT crln-7846 22 30 , , PUNCT crln-7846 22 31 and and CCONJ crln-7846 22 32 julia julia PROPN crln-7846 22 33 rholes rhole VERB crln-7846 22 34 ( ( PUNCT crln-7846 22 35 dean dean NOUN crln-7846 22 36 of of ADP crln-7846 22 37 libraries library NOUN crln-7846 22 38 , , PUNCT crln-7846 22 39 univer­ univer­ ADP crln-7846 22 40 sity sity NOUN crln-7846 22 41 of of ADP crln-7846 22 42 mississippi mississippi PROPN crln-7846 22 43 ) ) PUNCT crln-7846 22 44 . . PUNCT crln-7846 23 1 a a DET crln-7846 23 2 p p NOUN crln-7846 23 3 p p NOUN crln-7846 24 1 o o NOUN crln-7846 25 1 i i PRON crln-7846 25 2 n n ADP crln-7846 25 3 t t PROPN crln-7846 25 4 m m VERB crln-7846 25 5 e e PROPN crln-7846 25 6 n n ADP crln-7846 25 7 t t PROPN crln-7846 25 8 s s PART crln-7846 25 9 thomas thomas PROPN crln-7846 25 10 atwood atwood PROPN crln-7846 25 11 has have AUX crln-7846 25 12 been be AUX crln-7846 25 13 named name VERB crln-7846 25 14 dean dean NOUN crln-7846 25 15 of of ADP crln-7846 25 16 university university NOUN crln-7846 25 17 libraries library NOUN crln-7846 25 18 at at ADP crln-7846 25 19 bowling bowl VERB crln-7846 25 20 green green PROPN crln-7846 25 21 state state PROPN crln-7846 25 22 university university PROPN crln-7846 25 23 . . PUNCT crln-7846 26 1 he he PRON crln-7846 26 2 most most ADV crln-7846 26 3 recently recently ADV crln-7846 26 4 served serve VERB crln-7846 26 5 as as ADP crln-7846 26 6 direc­ direc­ NOUN crln-7846 26 7 tor tor NOUN crln-7846 26 8 of of ADP crln-7846 26 9 the the DET crln-7846 26 10 ocasek ocasek PROPN crln-7846 26 11 medical medical PROPN crln-7846 26 12 library library NOUN crln-7846 26 13 at at ADP crln-7846 26 14 northeast­ northeast­ PROPN crln-7846 26 15 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-7846 26 16 news news PROPN crln-7846 26 17 july july PROPN crln-7846 26 18 / / SYM crln-7846 26 19 august august PROPN crln-7846 26 20 2007 2007 NUM crln-7846 26 21 458 458 NUM crln-7846 26 22 doug doug PROPN crln-7846 26 23 frazier frazier PROPN crln-7846 26 24 ern ern PROPN crln-7846 26 25 ohio ohio PROPN crln-7846 26 26 universities university NOUN crln-7846 26 27 colleges college NOUN crln-7846 26 28 of of ADP crln-7846 26 29 medicine medicine NOUN crln-7846 26 30 . . PUNCT crln-7846 27 1 he he PRON crln-7846 27 2 is be AUX crln-7846 27 3 also also ADV crln-7846 27 4 responsible responsible ADJ crln-7846 27 5 for for ADP crln-7846 27 6 the the DET crln-7846 27 7 northeastern northeastern ADJ crln-7846 27 8 ohio ohio PROPN crln-7846 27 9 cooperative cooperative PROPN crln-7846 27 10 regional regional ADJ crln-7846 27 11 depository depository NOUN crln-7846 27 12 and and CCONJ crln-7846 27 13 the the DET crln-7846 27 14 library library NOUN crln-7846 27 15 ’s ’s PART crln-7846 27 16 academic academic ADJ crln-7846 27 17 learning learning NOUN crln-7846 27 18 resources resource NOUN crln-7846 27 19 and and CCONJ crln-7846 27 20 oversees oversee VERB crln-7846 27 21 the the DET crln-7846 27 22 management management NOUN crln-7846 27 23 of of ADP crln-7846 27 24 areas area NOUN crln-7846 27 25 such such ADJ crln-7846 27 26 as as ADP crln-7846 27 27 academic academic ADJ crln-7846 27 28 technologies technology NOUN crln-7846 27 29 and and CCONJ crln-7846 27 30 course course NOUN crln-7846 27 31 man­ man­ PROPN crln-7846 27 32 agement agement NOUN crln-7846 27 33 systems system NOUN crln-7846 27 34 , , PUNCT crln-7846 27 35 and and CCONJ crln-7846 27 36 public public ADJ crln-7846 27 37 , , PUNCT crln-7846 27 38 technical technical ADJ crln-7846 27 39 , , PUNCT crln-7846 27 40 and and CCONJ crln-7846 27 41 media medium NOUN crln-7846 27 42 services service NOUN crln-7846 27 43 . . PUNCT crln-7846 28 1 he he PRON crln-7846 28 2 is be AUX crln-7846 28 3 also also ADV crln-7846 28 4 chief chief ADJ crln-7846 28 5 medi­ medi­ PROPN crln-7846 28 6 cal cal NOUN crln-7846 28 7 librarian librarian NOUN crln-7846 28 8 for for ADP crln-7846 28 9 the the DET crln-7846 28 10 oliver oliver PROPN crln-7846 28 11 ocasek ocasek PROPN crln-7846 28 12 regional regional PROPN crln-7846 28 13 medical medical ADJ crln-7846 28 14 information information NOUN crln-7846 28 15 center center NOUN crln-7846 28 16 . . PUNCT crln-7846 29 1 atwood atwood PROPN crln-7846 29 2 , , PUNCT crln-7846 29 3 chair chair NOUN crln-7846 29 4 of of ADP crln-7846 29 5 the the DET crln-7846 29 6 ohiolink ohiolink NOUN crln-7846 29 7 coordinated coordinate VERB crln-7846 29 8 deposito­ deposito­ NOUN crln-7846 29 9 ries rie NOUN crln-7846 29 10 task task NOUN crln-7846 29 11 force force NOUN crln-7846 29 12 , , PUNCT crln-7846 29 13 also also ADV crln-7846 29 14 served serve VERB crln-7846 29 15 on on ADP crln-7846 29 16 ohiolink ohiolink NOUN crln-7846 29 17 ’s ’s PART crln-7846 29 18 governing govern VERB crln-7846 29 19 board board NOUN crln-7846 29 20 and and CCONJ crln-7846 29 21 executive executive PROPN crln-7846 29 22 committee committee NOUN crln-7846 29 23 ( ( PUNCT crln-7846 29 24 2004–05 2004–05 NUM crln-7846 29 25 ) ) PUNCT crln-7846 29 26 and and CCONJ crln-7846 29 27 has have AUX crln-7846 29 28 been be AUX crln-7846 29 29 a a DET crln-7846 29 30 member member NOUN crln-7846 29 31 of of ADP crln-7846 29 32 its its PRON crln-7846 29 33 library library NOUN crln-7846 29 34 advisory advisory PROPN crln-7846 29 35 coordinating coordinate VERB crln-7846 29 36 committee committee PROPN crln-7846 29 37 council council PROPN crln-7846 29 38 since since SCONJ crln-7846 29 39 2002 2002 NUM crln-7846 29 40 . . PUNCT crln-7846 30 1 he he PRON crln-7846 30 2 has have AUX crln-7846 30 3 been be AUX crln-7846 30 4 on on ADP crln-7846 30 5 its its PRON crln-7846 30 6 ad­ ad­ ADJ crln-7846 30 7 visory visory ADJ crln-7846 30 8 council council NOUN crln-7846 30 9 of of ADP crln-7846 30 10 deans deans PROPN crln-7846 30 11 and and CCONJ crln-7846 30 12 directors director NOUN crln-7846 30 13 since since SCONJ crln-7846 30 14 1990 1990 NUM crln-7846 30 15 , , PUNCT crln-7846 30 16 serving serve VERB crln-7846 30 17 as as ADP crln-7846 30 18 chair chair NOUN crln-7846 30 19 ( ( PUNCT crln-7846 30 20 2004–05 2004–05 NUM crln-7846 30 21 ) ) PUNCT crln-7846 30 22 . . PUNCT crln-7846 31 1 doug doug PROPN crln-7846 31 2 frazier frazier PROPN crln-7846 31 3 has have AUX crln-7846 31 4 been be AUX crln-7846 31 5 named name VERB crln-7846 31 6 university university NOUN crln-7846 31 7 li­ li­ NOUN crln-7846 31 8 brarian brarian NOUN crln-7846 31 9 of of ADP crln-7846 31 10 the the DET crln-7846 31 11 lane lane NOUN crln-7846 31 12 library library NOUN crln-7846 31 13 at at ADP crln-7846 31 14 armstrong armstrong PROPN crln-7846 31 15 at­ at­ PROPN crln-7846 31 16 lantic lantic PROPN crln-7846 31 17 state state PROPN crln-7846 31 18 university university PROPN crln-7846 31 19 ( ( PUNCT crln-7846 31 20 aasu aasu PROPN crln-7846 31 21 ) ) PUNCT crln-7846 31 22 . . PUNCT crln-7846 32 1 frazier frazier PROPN crln-7846 32 2 had have AUX crln-7846 32 3 served serve VERB crln-7846 32 4 as as ADP crln-7846 32 5 interim interim ADJ crln-7846 32 6 uni­ uni­ PROPN crln-7846 32 7 versity versity NOUN crln-7846 32 8 librarian librarian NOUN crln-7846 32 9 since since SCONJ crln-7846 32 10 june june PROPN crln-7846 32 11 2006 2006 NUM crln-7846 32 12 . . PUNCT crln-7846 33 1 in in ADP crln-7846 33 2 that that DET crln-7846 33 3 capacity capacity NOUN crln-7846 33 4 he he PRON crln-7846 33 5 oversaw oversee VERB crln-7846 33 6 the the DET crln-7846 33 7 relocation relocation NOUN crln-7846 33 8 of of ADP crln-7846 33 9 the the DET crln-7846 33 10 library library NOUN crln-7846 33 11 from from ADP crln-7846 33 12 a a DET crln-7846 33 13 tempo­ tempo­ PROPN crln-7846 33 14 rary rary ADJ crln-7846 33 15 space space NOUN crln-7846 33 16 on on ADP crln-7846 33 17 campus campus NOUN crln-7846 33 18 to to ADP crln-7846 33 19 the the DET crln-7846 33 20 fully fully ADV crln-7846 33 21 renovated renovate VERB crln-7846 33 22 lane lane NOUN crln-7846 33 23 library library NOUN crln-7846 33 24 building building NOUN crln-7846 33 25 last last ADJ crln-7846 33 26 june june PROPN crln-7846 33 27 . . PUNCT crln-7846 34 1 he he PRON crln-7846 34 2 will will AUX crln-7846 34 3 oversee oversee VERB crln-7846 34 4 a a DET crln-7846 34 5 budget budget NOUN crln-7846 34 6 of of ADP crln-7846 34 7 $ $ SYM crln-7846 34 8 1.7 1.7 NUM crln-7846 34 9 million million NUM crln-7846 34 10 and and CCONJ crln-7846 34 11 a a DET crln-7846 34 12 staff staff NOUN crln-7846 34 13 of of ADP crln-7846 34 14 19 19 NUM crln-7846 34 15 , , PUNCT crln-7846 34 16 including include VERB crln-7846 34 17 10 10 NUM crln-7846 34 18 librar­ librar­ ADJ crln-7846 34 19 ians ian NOUN crln-7846 34 20 . . PUNCT crln-7846 35 1 from from ADP crln-7846 35 2 1996 1996 NUM crln-7846 35 3 to to ADP crln-7846 35 4 2006 2006 NUM crln-7846 35 5 , , PUNCT crln-7846 35 6 frazier frazier NOUN crln-7846 35 7 served serve VERB crln-7846 35 8 as as ADP crln-7846 35 9 as­ as­ NOUN crln-7846 35 10 sistant sistant ADJ crln-7846 35 11 university university PROPN crln-7846 35 12 librarian librarian NOUN crln-7846 35 13 . . PUNCT crln-7846 36 1 he he PRON crln-7846 36 2 joined join VERB crln-7846 36 3 aasu aasu PROPN crln-7846 36 4 in in ADP crln-7846 36 5 1991 1991 NUM crln-7846 36 6 as as ADP crln-7846 36 7 head head NOUN crln-7846 36 8 of of ADP crln-7846 36 9 technical technical ADJ crln-7846 36 10 services service NOUN crln-7846 36 11 and and CCONJ crln-7846 36 12 sys­ sys­ PROPN crln-7846 36 13 tems tems PROPN crln-7846 36 14 librarian librarian PROPN crln-7846 36 15 . . PUNCT crln-7846 37 1 frazier frazier PROPN crln-7846 37 2 has have AUX crln-7846 37 3 been be AUX crln-7846 37 4 involved involve VERB crln-7846 37 5 with with ADP crln-7846 37 6 the the DET crln-7846 37 7 georgia georgia PROPN crln-7846 37 8 historical historical ADJ crln-7846 37 9 society society NOUN crln-7846 37 10 providing provide VERB crln-7846 37 11 con­ con­ NOUN crln-7846 37 12 sulting sulting NOUN crln-7846 37 13 work work NOUN crln-7846 37 14 and and CCONJ crln-7846 37 15 assisting assist VERB crln-7846 37 16 with with ADP crln-7846 37 17 cataloging cataloging NOUN crln-7846 37 18 and and CCONJ crln-7846 37 19 staff staff NOUN crln-7846 37 20 training training NOUN crln-7846 37 21 . . PUNCT crln-7846 38 1 cynthia cynthia PROPN crln-7846 38 2 robinson robinson PROPN crln-7846 38 3 has have AUX crln-7846 38 4 been be AUX crln-7846 38 5 appointed appoint VERB crln-7846 38 6 direc­ direc­ ADJ crln-7846 38 7 tor tor NOUN crln-7846 38 8 of of ADP crln-7846 38 9 the the DET crln-7846 38 10 george george PROPN crln-7846 38 11 t. t. PROPN crln-7846 38 12 harrell harrell PROPN crln-7846 38 13 library library PROPN crln-7846 38 14 , , PUNCT crln-7846 38 15 pennsyl­ pennsyl­ PROPN crln-7846 38 16 vania vania PROPN crln-7846 38 17 state state NOUN crln-7846 38 18 milton milton PROPN crln-7846 38 19 s. s. PROPN crln-7846 38 20 hershey hershey PROPN crln-7846 38 21 medical medical PROPN crln-7846 38 22 center center PROPN crln-7846 38 23 and and CCONJ crln-7846 38 24 pennsylvania pennsylvania PROPN crln-7846 38 25 state state PROPN crln-7846 38 26 college college PROPN crln-7846 38 27 of of ADP crln-7846 38 28 medicine medicine NOUN crln-7846 38 29 , , PUNCT crln-7846 38 30 effective effective ADJ crln-7846 38 31 august august PROPN crln-7846 38 32 27 27 NUM crln-7846 38 33 , , PUNCT crln-7846 38 34 2007 2007 NUM crln-7846 38 35 . . PUNCT crln-7846 39 1 robinson robinson PROPN crln-7846 39 2 ’s ’s PART crln-7846 39 3 present present ADJ crln-7846 39 4 position position NOUN crln-7846 39 5 is be AUX crln-7846 39 6 director director NOUN crln-7846 39 7 of of ADP crln-7846 39 8 the the DET crln-7846 39 9 jacobsen jacobsen PROPN crln-7846 39 10 library library NOUN crln-7846 39 11 and and CCONJ crln-7846 39 12 assistant assistant NOUN crln-7846 39 13 director director NOUN crln-7846 39 14 for for ADP crln-7846 39 15 the the DET crln-7846 39 16 information information NOUN crln-7846 39 17 ser­ ser­ NOUN crln-7846 39 18 vices vice NOUN crln-7846 39 19 division division NOUN crln-7846 39 20 at at ADP crln-7846 39 21 the the DET crln-7846 39 22 university university PROPN crln-7846 39 23 of of ADP crln-7846 39 24 wisconsin wisconsin PROPN crln-7846 39 25 ’s ’s PART crln-7846 39 26 wisconsin wisconsin PROPN crln-7846 39 27 national national PROPN crln-7846 39 28 primate primate PROPN crln-7846 39 29 research research PROPN crln-7846 39 30 center center NOUN crln-7846 39 31 . . PUNCT crln-7846 40 1 her her PRON crln-7846 40 2 previous previous ADJ crln-7846 40 3 positions position NOUN crln-7846 40 4 include include VERB crln-7846 40 5 associate associate ADJ crln-7846 40 6 di­ di­ PROPN crln-7846 40 7 rector rector NOUN crln-7846 40 8 of of ADP crln-7846 40 9 the the DET crln-7846 40 10 bio­medical bio­medical PROPN crln-7846 40 11 library library NOUN crln-7846 40 12 , , PUNCT crln-7846 40 13 university university PROPN crln-7846 40 14 of of ADP crln-7846 40 15 minnesota minnesota PROPN crln-7846 40 16 ; ; PUNCT crln-7846 40 17 assistant assistant ADJ crln-7846 40 18 director director NOUN crln-7846 40 19 for for ADP crln-7846 40 20 collection collection NOUN crln-7846 40 21 services service NOUN crln-7846 40 22 , , PUNCT crln-7846 40 23 health health NOUN crln-7846 40 24 sciences science NOUN crln-7846 40 25 library library PROPN crln-7846 40 26 , , PUNCT crln-7846 40 27 university university PROPN crln-7846 40 28 of of ADP crln-7846 40 29 virginia virginia PROPN crln-7846 40 30 ; ; PUNCT crln-7846 40 31 and and CCONJ crln-7846 40 32 head head NOUN crln-7846 40 33 of of ADP crln-7846 40 34 education education NOUN crln-7846 40 35 , , PUNCT crln-7846 40 36 mcgoogan mcgoogan PROPN crln-7846 40 37 library library NOUN crln-7846 40 38 of of ADP crln-7846 40 39 medicine medicine NOUN crln-7846 40 40 , , PUNCT crln-7846 40 41 university university PROPN crln-7846 40 42 of of ADP crln-7846 40 43 nebraska nebraska PROPN crln-7846 40 44 medical medical PROPN crln-7846 40 45 center center PROPN crln-7846 40 46 . . PUNCT crln-7846 41 1 she she PRON crln-7846 41 2 was be AUX crln-7846 41 3 a a DET crln-7846 41 4 national national ADJ crln-7846 41 5 library library NOUN crln-7846 41 6 of of ADP crln-7846 41 7 medicine medicine NOUN crln-7846 41 8 associate associate NOUN crln-7846 41 9 in in ADP crln-7846 41 10 1992 1992 NUM crln-7846 41 11 . . PUNCT crln-7846 42 1 in in ADP crln-7846 42 2 addition addition NOUN crln-7846 42 3 to to ADP crln-7846 42 4 her her PRON crln-7846 42 5 experience experience NOUN crln-7846 42 6 in in ADP crln-7846 42 7 academic academic ADJ crln-7846 42 8 institutions institution NOUN crln-7846 42 9 , , PUNCT crln-7846 42 10 robinson robinson NOUN crln-7846 42 11 has have AUX crln-7846 42 12 also also ADV crln-7846 42 13 held hold VERB crln-7846 42 14 positions position NOUN crln-7846 42 15 in in ADP crln-7846 42 16 hospital hospital NOUN crln-7846 42 17 libraries library NOUN crln-7846 42 18 . . PUNCT crln-7846 43 1 kenning ken VERB crln-7846 43 2 arlitsch arlitsch PROPN crln-7846 43 3 is be AUX crln-7846 43 4 now now ADV crln-7846 43 5 associate associate ADJ crln-7846 43 6 direc­ direc­ NOUN crln-7846 43 7 tor tor NOUN crln-7846 43 8 for for ADP crln-7846 43 9 administrative administrative ADJ crln-7846 43 10 and and CCONJ crln-7846 43 11 information information NOUN crln-7846 43 12 tech­ tech­ NOUN crln-7846 43 13 nology nology NOUN crln-7846 43 14 services service NOUN crln-7846 43 15 at at ADP crln-7846 43 16 the the DET crln-7846 43 17 university university PROPN crln-7846 43 18 of of ADP crln-7846 43 19 utah utah PROPN crln-7846 43 20 ’s ’s PROPN crln-7846 43 21 j. j. PROPN crln-7846 43 22 willard willard PROPN crln-7846 43 23 marriott marriott PROPN crln-7846 43 24 library library PROPN crln-7846 43 25 . . PUNCT crln-7846 44 1 fred fred PROPN crln-7846 44 2 barnhart barnhart NOUN crln-7846 44 3 has have AUX crln-7846 44 4 been be AUX crln-7846 44 5 named name VERB crln-7846 44 6 associate associate ADJ crln-7846 44 7 dean dean NOUN crln-7846 44 8 for for ADP crln-7846 44 9 library library NOUN crln-7846 44 10 services service NOUN crln-7846 44 11 and and CCONJ crln-7846 44 12 collections collection NOUN crln-7846 44 13 at at ADP crln-7846 44 14 the the DET crln-7846 44 15 loyola loyola PROPN crln-7846 44 16 university university PROPN crln-7846 44 17 chicago chicago PROPN crln-7846 44 18 libraries library NOUN crln-7846 44 19 . . PUNCT crln-7846 45 1 wanda wanda PROPN crln-7846 45 2 brown brown PROPN crln-7846 45 3 is be AUX crln-7846 45 4 now now ADV crln-7846 45 5 associate associate ADJ crln-7846 45 6 director director NOUN crln-7846 45 7 of of ADP crln-7846 45 8 the the DET crln-7846 45 9 z. z. PROPN crln-7846 45 10 smith smith PROPN crln-7846 45 11 reynolds reynolds PROPN crln-7846 45 12 library library PROPN crln-7846 45 13 at at ADP crln-7846 45 14 wake wake PROPN crln-7846 45 15 forest forest PROPN crln-7846 45 16 university university PROPN crln-7846 45 17 in in ADP crln-7846 45 18 winston­salem winston­salem PROPN crln-7846 45 19 , , PUNCT crln-7846 45 20 north north PROPN crln-7846 45 21 carolina carolina PROPN crln-7846 45 22 . . PUNCT crln-7846 46 1 keith keith PROPN crln-7846 46 2 chevalier chevalier PROPN crln-7846 46 3 has have AUX crln-7846 46 4 been be AUX crln-7846 46 5 appointed appoint VERB crln-7846 46 6 college college NOUN crln-7846 46 7 archivist archivist NOUN crln-7846 46 8 at at ADP crln-7846 46 9 saint saint PROPN crln-7846 46 10 anselm anselm PROPN crln-7846 46 11 college college PROPN crln-7846 46 12 in in ADP crln-7846 46 13 manchester manchester PROPN crln-7846 46 14 , , PUNCT crln-7846 46 15 new new PROPN crln-7846 46 16 hampshire hampshire PROPN crln-7846 46 17 . . PUNCT crln-7846 47 1 susanna susanna PROPN crln-7846 47 2 davidsen davidsen PROPN crln-7846 47 3 has have AUX crln-7846 47 4 been be AUX crln-7846 47 5 named name VERB crln-7846 47 6 director director NOUN crln-7846 47 7 of of ADP crln-7846 47 8 library library NOUN crln-7846 47 9 services service NOUN crln-7846 47 10 for for ADP crln-7846 47 11 the the DET crln-7846 47 12 walden walden ADJ crln-7846 47 13 university university PROPN crln-7846 47 14 library library NOUN crln-7846 47 15 . . PUNCT crln-7846 48 1 daniel daniel PROPN crln-7846 48 2 eshom eshom PROPN crln-7846 48 3 has have AUX crln-7846 48 4 joined join VERB crln-7846 48 5 the the DET crln-7846 48 6 columbia columbia PROPN crln-7846 48 7 university university PROPN crln-7846 48 8 libraries library NOUN crln-7846 48 9 as as ADP crln-7846 48 10 the the DET crln-7846 48 11 metadata metadata PROPN crln-7846 48 12 specialist specialist NOUN crln-7846 48 13 for for ADP crln-7846 48 14 the the DET crln-7846 48 15 electronic electronic ADJ crln-7846 48 16 publishing publishing NOUN crln-7846 48 17 initiative initiative NOUN crln-7846 48 18 . . PUNCT crln-7846 49 1 advertisers advertiser NOUN crln-7846 49 2 alliance alliance NOUN crln-7846 49 3 of of ADP crln-7846 49 4 library library NOUN crln-7846 49 5 service service NOUN crln-7846 49 6 440 440 NUM crln-7846 49 7 networks network NOUN crln-7846 49 8 annual annual ADJ crln-7846 49 9 reviews review NOUN crln-7846 49 10 409 409 NUM crln-7846 49 11 ashgate ashgate ADJ crln-7846 49 12 publishing publish VERB crln-7846 49 13 461 461 NUM crln-7846 49 14 arl arl NOUN crln-7846 49 15 cover cover VERB crln-7846 49 16 2 2 NUM crln-7846 49 17 , , PUNCT crln-7846 49 18 431 431 NUM crln-7846 49 19 choice choice NOUN crln-7846 49 20 451 451 NUM crln-7846 49 21 ebsco ebsco NOUN crln-7846 49 22 cover cover VERB crln-7846 49 23 4 4 NUM crln-7846 49 24 georgia georgia PROPN crln-7846 49 25 southern southern ADJ crln-7846 49 26 university university PROPN crln-7846 49 27 410 410 NUM crln-7846 49 28 haworth haworth ADV crln-7846 49 29 421 421 NUM crln-7846 49 30 intelex intelex ADJ crln-7846 49 31 449 449 NUM crln-7846 49 32 lexisnexis lexisnexis NOUN crln-7846 49 33 cover cover NOUN crln-7846 49 34 3 3 NUM crln-7846 49 35 modern modern ADJ crln-7846 49 36 language language NOUN crln-7846 49 37 442–43 442–43 PROPN crln-7846 49 38 association association NOUN crln-7846 49 39 perry perry VERB crln-7846 49 40 dean dean PROPN crln-7846 49 41 architects architect NOUN crln-7846 49 42 436 436 NUM crln-7846 49 43 rittenhouse rittenhouse NOUN crln-7846 49 44 books book NOUN crln-7846 49 45 413 413 NUM crln-7846 49 46 july july PROPN crln-7846 49 47 / / SYM crln-7846 49 48 august august PROPN crln-7846 49 49 2007 2007 NUM crln-7846 49 50 459 459 NUM crln-7846 49 51 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-7846 49 52 news news PROPN crln-7846 49 53 eric eric PROPN crln-7846 49 54 garcia garcia PROPN crln-7846 49 55 has have AUX crln-7846 49 56 been be AUX crln-7846 49 57 appointed appoint VERB crln-7846 49 58 general general ADJ crln-7846 49 59 reference reference NOUN crln-7846 49 60 librarian librarian NOUN crln-7846 49 61 at at ADP crln-7846 49 62 the the DET crln-7846 49 63 oviatt oviatt PROPN crln-7846 49 64 library library PROPN crln-7846 49 65 at at ADP crln-7846 49 66 california california PROPN crln-7846 49 67 state state PROPN crln-7846 49 68 university­northridge university­northridge PROPN crln-7846 49 69 . . PUNCT crln-7846 50 1 michelle michelle PROPN crln-7846 50 2 mittrach mittrach PROPN crln-7846 50 3 garcia garcia PROPN crln-7846 50 4 is be AUX crln-7846 50 5 now now ADV crln-7846 50 6 the the DET crln-7846 50 7 librarian librarian NOUN crln-7846 50 8 for for ADP crln-7846 50 9 the the DET crln-7846 50 10 museum museum PROPN crln-7846 50 11 of of ADP crln-7846 50 12 indian indian ADJ crln-7846 50 13 art art NOUN crln-7846 50 14 and and CCONJ crln-7846 50 15 culture culture NOUN crln-7846 50 16 / / SYM crln-7846 50 17 laboratory laboratory NOUN crln-7846 50 18 of of ADP crln-7846 50 19 anthropology anthropology NOUN crln-7846 50 20 library library NOUN crln-7846 50 21 in in ADP crln-7846 50 22 santa santa PROPN crln-7846 50 23 fe fe PROPN crln-7846 50 24 , , PUNCT crln-7846 50 25 new new ADJ crln-7846 50 26 mexico mexico PROPN crln-7846 50 27 . . PUNCT crln-7846 51 1 michelle michelle PROPN crln-7846 51 2 hajder hajder PROPN crln-7846 51 3 is be AUX crln-7846 51 4 the the DET crln-7846 51 5 new new ADJ crln-7846 51 6 associate associate NOUN crln-7846 51 7 librarian librarian NOUN crln-7846 51 8 for for ADP crln-7846 51 9 the the DET crln-7846 51 10 walden walden ADJ crln-7846 51 11 university university PROPN crln-7846 51 12 library library NOUN crln-7846 51 13 . . PUNCT crln-7846 52 1 lindsay lindsay PROPN crln-7846 52 2 hansen hansen PROPN crln-7846 52 3 has have AUX crln-7846 52 4 been be AUX crln-7846 52 5 appointed appoint VERB crln-7846 52 6 mu­ mu­ NOUN crln-7846 52 7 sic sic NOUN crln-7846 52 8 and and CCONJ crln-7846 52 9 media medium NOUN crln-7846 52 10 librarian librarian NOUN crln-7846 52 11 at at ADP crln-7846 52 12 the the DET crln-7846 52 13 oviatt oviatt PROPN crln-7846 52 14 library library PROPN crln-7846 52 15 , , PUNCT crln-7846 52 16 california california PROPN crln-7846 52 17 state state PROPN crln-7846 52 18 university­northridge university­northridge PROPN crln-7846 52 19 . . PUNCT crln-7846 53 1 juli juli PROPN crln-7846 53 2 hinz hinz PROPN crln-7846 53 3 has have AUX crln-7846 53 4 been be AUX crln-7846 53 5 named name VERB crln-7846 53 6 associate associate ADJ crln-7846 53 7 director director NOUN crln-7846 53 8 for for ADP crln-7846 53 9 research research NOUN crln-7846 53 10 and and CCONJ crln-7846 53 11 learning learning NOUN crln-7846 53 12 services service NOUN crln-7846 53 13 at at ADP crln-7846 53 14 the the DET crln-7846 53 15 univer­ univer­ ADJ crln-7846 53 16 sity sity NOUN crln-7846 53 17 of of ADP crln-7846 53 18 utah utah PROPN crln-7846 53 19 ’s ’s PROPN crln-7846 53 20 j. j. PROPN crln-7846 53 21 willard willard PROPN crln-7846 53 22 marriott marriott PROPN crln-7846 53 23 library library PROPN crln-7846 53 24 . . PUNCT crln-7846 54 1 alex alex PROPN crln-7846 54 2 r. r. PROPN crln-7846 54 3 hodges hodges PROPN crln-7846 54 4 has have AUX crln-7846 54 5 been be AUX crln-7846 54 6 promoted promote VERB crln-7846 54 7 to to ADP crln-7846 54 8 instruction instruction NOUN crln-7846 54 9 coordinator coordinator NOUN crln-7846 54 10 at at ADP crln-7846 54 11 american american PROPN crln-7846 54 12 university university PROPN crln-7846 54 13 library library NOUN crln-7846 54 14 in in ADP crln-7846 54 15 washington washington PROPN crln-7846 54 16 , , PUNCT crln-7846 54 17 d.c d.c PROPN crln-7846 54 18 . . PROPN crln-7846 54 19 tracy tracy PROPN crln-7846 54 20 hull hull PROPN crln-7846 54 21 has have AUX crln-7846 54 22 been be AUX crln-7846 54 23 appointed appoint VERB crln-7846 54 24 associate associate ADJ crln-7846 54 25 dean dean NOUN crln-7846 54 26 at at ADP crln-7846 54 27 the the DET crln-7846 54 28 mary mary PROPN crln-7846 54 29 couts couts PROPN crln-7846 54 30 burnett burnett PROPN crln-7846 54 31 library library PROPN crln-7846 54 32 at at ADP crln-7846 54 33 texas texas PROPN crln-7846 54 34 christian christian PROPN crln-7846 54 35 university university PROPN crln-7846 54 36 . . PUNCT crln-7846 55 1 janna janna PROPN crln-7846 55 2 lawrence lawrence PROPN crln-7846 55 3 has have AUX crln-7846 55 4 been be AUX crln-7846 55 5 appointed appoint VERB crln-7846 55 6 assistant assistant NOUN crln-7846 55 7 director director NOUN crln-7846 55 8 of of ADP crln-7846 55 9 collections collection NOUN crln-7846 55 10 and and CCONJ crln-7846 55 11 outreach outreach NOUN crln-7846 55 12 at at ADP crln-7846 55 13 the the DET crln-7846 55 14 university university PROPN crln-7846 55 15 of of ADP crln-7846 55 16 iowa iowa PROPN crln-7846 55 17 libraries library NOUN crln-7846 55 18 hardin hardin VERB crln-7846 55 19 library library NOUN crln-7846 55 20 for for ADP crln-7846 55 21 the the DET crln-7846 55 22 health health NOUN crln-7846 55 23 sciences science NOUN crln-7846 55 24 . . PUNCT crln-7846 56 1 cheiko cheiko PROPN crln-7846 56 2 maene maene PROPN crln-7846 56 3 has have AUX crln-7846 56 4 been be AUX crln-7846 56 5 named name VERB crln-7846 56 6 maps map NOUN crln-7846 56 7 and and CCONJ crln-7846 56 8 state state NOUN crln-7846 56 9 documents document NOUN crln-7846 56 10 librarian librarian NOUN crln-7846 56 11 at at ADP crln-7846 56 12 northwestern northwestern PROPN crln-7846 56 13 university university PROPN crln-7846 56 14 library library PROPN crln-7846 56 15 . . PUNCT crln-7846 57 1 max max PROPN crln-7846 57 2 marmor marmor PROPN crln-7846 57 3 has have AUX crln-7846 57 4 been be AUX crln-7846 57 5 appointed appoint VERB crln-7846 57 6 presi­ presi­ PROPN crln-7846 57 7 dent dent NOUN crln-7846 57 8 of of ADP crln-7846 57 9 the the DET crln-7846 57 10 samuel samuel PROPN crln-7846 57 11 h. h. PROPN crln-7846 57 12 kress kress PROPN crln-7846 57 13 foundation foundation PROPN crln-7846 57 14 . . PUNCT crln-7846 58 1 michael michael PROPN crln-7846 58 2 matos matos PROPN crln-7846 58 3 has have AUX crln-7846 58 4 joined join VERB crln-7846 58 5 american american PROPN crln-7846 58 6 university university PROPN crln-7846 58 7 in in ADP crln-7846 58 8 washington washington PROPN crln-7846 58 9 , , PUNCT crln-7846 58 10 d.c d.c PROPN crln-7846 58 11 . . PROPN crln-7846 58 12 , , PUNCT crln-7846 58 13 as as ADP crln-7846 58 14 reference/ reference/ NUM crln-7846 58 15 instruction instruction NOUN crln-7846 58 16 librarian librarian NOUN crln-7846 58 17 . . PUNCT crln-7846 59 1 elizabeth elizabeth PROPN crln-7846 59 2 mcdonough mcdonough PROPN crln-7846 59 3 has have AUX crln-7846 59 4 been be AUX crln-7846 59 5 ap­ ap­ NOUN crln-7846 59 6 pointed point VERB crln-7846 59 7 reference reference NOUN crln-7846 59 8 librarian librarian PROPN crln-7846 59 9 / / SYM crln-7846 59 10 education education NOUN crln-7846 59 11 liaison liaison NOUN crln-7846 59 12 at at ADP crln-7846 59 13 western western PROPN crln-7846 59 14 carolina carolina PROPN crln-7846 59 15 university university PROPN crln-7846 59 16 in in ADP crln-7846 59 17 cullowhee cullowhee PROPN crln-7846 59 18 , , PUNCT crln-7846 59 19 north north PROPN crln-7846 59 20 carolina carolina PROPN crln-7846 59 21 . . PUNCT crln-7846 60 1 niamh niamh PROPN crln-7846 60 2 mcguigan mcguigan PROPN crln-7846 60 3 is be AUX crln-7846 60 4 now now ADV crln-7846 60 5 reference reference NOUN crln-7846 60 6 librarian librarian NOUN crln-7846 60 7 at at ADP crln-7846 60 8 the the DET crln-7846 60 9 loyola loyola PROPN crln-7846 60 10 university­chicago university­chicago PROPN crln-7846 60 11 ’s ’s PART crln-7846 60 12 cudahy cudahy PROPN crln-7846 60 13 library library PROPN crln-7846 60 14 . . PUNCT crln-7846 61 1 rosemary rosemary ADJ crln-7846 61 2 nigro nigro PROPN crln-7846 61 3 has have AUX crln-7846 61 4 been be AUX crln-7846 61 5 appointed appoint VERB crln-7846 61 6 acquisitions acquisition NOUN crln-7846 61 7 librarian librarian NOUN crln-7846 61 8 at at ADP crln-7846 61 9 the the DET crln-7846 61 10 university university PROPN crln-7846 61 11 of of ADP crln-7846 61 12 oregon oregon PROPN crln-7846 61 13 libraries­eugene libraries­eugene PROPN crln-7846 61 14 . . PUNCT crln-7846 62 1 laura laura PROPN crln-7846 62 2 o’keefe o’keefe PROPN crln-7846 62 3 is be AUX crln-7846 62 4 the the DET crln-7846 62 5 new new ADJ crln-7846 62 6 head head NOUN crln-7846 62 7 of of ADP crln-7846 62 8 cata­ cata­ PROPN crln-7846 62 9 loging loging NOUN crln-7846 62 10 and and CCONJ crln-7846 62 11 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-7846 62 12 maintenance maintenance NOUN crln-7846 62 13 at at ADP crln-7846 62 14 the the DET crln-7846 62 15 new new PROPN crln-7846 62 16 york york PROPN crln-7846 62 17 society society PROPN crln-7846 62 18 library library PROPN crln-7846 62 19 . . PUNCT crln-7846 63 1 lea lea PROPN crln-7846 63 2 osborne osborne PROPN crln-7846 63 3 has have AUX crln-7846 63 4 joined join VERB crln-7846 63 5 the the DET crln-7846 63 6 columbia columbia PROPN crln-7846 63 7 university university PROPN crln-7846 63 8 libraries library NOUN crln-7846 63 9 as as ADP crln-7846 63 10 a a DET crln-7846 63 11 processing processing NOUN crln-7846 63 12 archivist archivist NOUN crln-7846 63 13 in in ADP crln-7846 63 14 the the DET crln-7846 63 15 rare rare ADJ crln-7846 63 16 book book NOUN crln-7846 63 17 and and CCONJ crln-7846 63 18 manuscript manuscript NOUN crln-7846 63 19 library library PROPN crln-7846 63 20 . . PUNCT crln-7846 64 1 john john PROPN crln-7846 64 2 overholt overholt PROPN crln-7846 64 3 has have AUX crln-7846 64 4 been be AUX crln-7846 64 5 appointed appoint VERB crln-7846 64 6 as­ as­ VERB crln-7846 64 7 sistant sistant ADJ crln-7846 64 8 curator curator NOUN crln-7846 64 9 of of ADP crln-7846 64 10 the the DET crln-7846 64 11 donald donald PROPN crln-7846 64 12 and and CCONJ crln-7846 64 13 mary mary PROPN crln-7846 64 14 hyde hyde PROPN crln-7846 64 15 collection collection PROPN crln-7846 64 16 of of ADP crln-7846 64 17 dr dr PROPN crln-7846 64 18 . . PROPN crln-7846 64 19 samuel samuel PROPN crln-7846 64 20 johnson johnson PROPN crln-7846 64 21 at at ADP crln-7846 64 22 harvard harvard PROPN crln-7846 64 23 university university PROPN crln-7846 64 24 ’s ’s PROPN crln-7846 64 25 houghton houghton PROPN crln-7846 64 26 library library PROPN crln-7846 64 27 . . PUNCT crln-7846 65 1 jennie jennie PROPN crln-7846 65 2 quiñonez quiñonez PROPN crln-7846 65 3 - - PUNCT crln-7846 65 4 skinner skinner PROPN crln-7846 65 5 has have AUX crln-7846 65 6 been be AUX crln-7846 65 7 appointed appoint VERB crln-7846 65 8 general general ADJ crln-7846 65 9 reference reference NOUN crln-7846 65 10 librarian librarian NOUN crln-7846 65 11 at at ADP crln-7846 65 12 the the DET crln-7846 65 13 oviatt oviatt PROPN crln-7846 65 14 library library PROPN crln-7846 65 15 at at ADP crln-7846 65 16 california california PROPN crln-7846 65 17 state state PROPN crln-7846 65 18 university­ university­ PROPN crln-7846 65 19 northridge northridge PROPN crln-7846 65 20 . . PUNCT crln-7846 66 1 gary gary PROPN crln-7846 66 2 rasmussen rasmussen PROPN crln-7846 66 3 has have AUX crln-7846 66 4 been be AUX crln-7846 66 5 appointed appoint VERB crln-7846 66 6 associate associate ADJ crln-7846 66 7 director director NOUN crln-7846 66 8 for for ADP crln-7846 66 9 scholarly scholarly ADJ crln-7846 66 10 resources resource NOUN crln-7846 66 11 and and CCONJ crln-7846 66 12 collections collection NOUN crln-7846 66 13 at at ADP crln-7846 66 14 the the DET crln-7846 66 15 university university PROPN crln-7846 66 16 of of ADP crln-7846 66 17 utah utah PROPN crln-7846 66 18 ’s ’s PART crln-7846 66 19 j. j. PROPN crln-7846 66 20 wil­ wil­ PROPN crln-7846 66 21 lard lard PROPN crln-7846 66 22 marriott marriott PROPN crln-7846 66 23 library library PROPN crln-7846 66 24 . . PUNCT crln-7846 67 1 amy amy PROPN crln-7846 67 2 robb robb PROPN crln-7846 67 3 has have AUX crln-7846 67 4 been be AUX crln-7846 67 5 appointed appoint VERB crln-7846 67 6 coordina­ coordina­ NOUN crln-7846 67 7 tor tor NOUN crln-7846 67 8 of of ADP crln-7846 67 9 instruction instruction NOUN crln-7846 67 10 / / SYM crln-7846 67 11 reference reference NOUN crln-7846 67 12 librarian librarian NOUN crln-7846 67 13 at at ADP crln-7846 67 14 the the DET crln-7846 67 15 emerson emerson PROPN crln-7846 67 16 college college PROPN crln-7846 67 17 library library PROPN crln-7846 67 18 . . PUNCT crln-7846 68 1 meggan meggan VERB crln-7846 68 2 emler emler PROPN crln-7846 68 3 smith smith PROPN crln-7846 68 4 has have AUX crln-7846 68 5 been be AUX crln-7846 68 6 named name VERB crln-7846 68 7 reference reference NOUN crln-7846 68 8 and and CCONJ crln-7846 68 9 instruction instruction NOUN crln-7846 68 10 librarian librarian NOUN crln-7846 68 11 at at ADP crln-7846 68 12 gettys­ gettys­ PROPN crln-7846 68 13 burg burg PROPN crln-7846 68 14 college college NOUN crln-7846 68 15 ’s ’s PART crln-7846 68 16 musselman musselman PROPN crln-7846 68 17 library library PROPN crln-7846 68 18 . . PUNCT crln-7846 69 1 gregory gregory PROPN crln-7846 69 2 thompson thompson PROPN crln-7846 69 3 is be AUX crln-7846 69 4 now now ADV crln-7846 69 5 associate associate ADJ crln-7846 69 6 di­ di­ PROPN crln-7846 69 7 rector rector NOUN crln-7846 69 8 for for ADP crln-7846 69 9 special special ADJ crln-7846 69 10 collections collection NOUN crln-7846 69 11 at at ADP crln-7846 69 12 the the DET crln-7846 69 13 university university PROPN crln-7846 69 14 of of ADP crln-7846 69 15 utah utah PROPN crln-7846 69 16 ’s ’s PROPN crln-7846 69 17 j. j. PROPN crln-7846 69 18 willard willard PROPN crln-7846 69 19 marriott marriott PROPN crln-7846 69 20 library library PROPN crln-7846 69 21 . . PUNCT crln-7846 70 1 r r NOUN crln-7846 70 2 e e NOUN crln-7846 70 3 t t X crln-7846 70 4 i i PRON crln-7846 70 5 r r VERB crln-7846 70 6 e e PROPN crln-7846 70 7 m m PROPN crln-7846 70 8 e e PROPN crln-7846 70 9 n n ADP crln-7846 70 10 t t PROPN crln-7846 70 11 s s PART crln-7846 70 12 john john PROPN crln-7846 70 13 p. p. PROPN crln-7846 70 14 cummings cumming VERB crln-7846 70 15 , , PUNCT crln-7846 70 16 a a DET crln-7846 70 17 librarian librarian NOUN crln-7846 70 18 at at ADP crln-7846 70 19 the the DET crln-7846 70 20 u.s u.s PROPN crln-7846 70 21 . . PROPN crln-7846 70 22 naval naval PROPN crln-7846 70 23 academy academy PROPN crln-7846 70 24 for for ADP crln-7846 70 25 37 37 NUM crln-7846 70 26 years year NOUN crln-7846 70 27 and and CCONJ crln-7846 70 28 associate associate ADJ crln-7846 70 29 library library NOUN crln-7846 70 30 director director NOUN crln-7846 70 31 since since SCONJ crln-7846 70 32 1977 1977 NUM crln-7846 70 33 , , PUNCT crln-7846 70 34 retired retire VERB crln-7846 70 35 on on ADP crln-7846 70 36 june june PROPN crln-7846 70 37 1 1 NUM crln-7846 70 38 . . PUNCT crln-7846 71 1 among among ADP crln-7846 71 2 his his PRON crln-7846 71 3 many many ADJ crln-7846 71 4 contributions contribution NOUN crln-7846 71 5 to to ADP crln-7846 71 6 the the DET crln-7846 71 7 academy academy NOUN crln-7846 71 8 was be AUX crln-7846 71 9 his his PRON crln-7846 71 10 “ " PUNCT crln-7846 71 11 reading reading NOUN crln-7846 71 12 list list NOUN crln-7846 71 13 for for ADP crln-7846 71 14 life life NOUN crln-7846 71 15 , , PUNCT crln-7846 71 16 ” " PUNCT crln-7846 71 17 a a DET crln-7846 71 18 web­based web­base VERB crln-7846 71 19 compilation compilation NOUN crln-7846 71 20 of of ADP crln-7846 71 21 book book NOUN crln-7846 71 22 titles title NOUN crln-7846 71 23 rec­ rec­ PROPN crln-7846 71 24 ommended ommende VERB crln-7846 71 25 to to ADP crln-7846 71 26 students student NOUN crln-7846 71 27 by by ADP crln-7846 71 28 faculty faculty NOUN crln-7846 71 29 members member NOUN crln-7846 71 30 . . PUNCT crln-7846 72 1 d d NOUN crln-7846 72 2 e e NOUN crln-7846 72 3 a a DET crln-7846 72 4 t t NOUN crln-7846 72 5 h h NOUN crln-7846 72 6 s s PART crln-7846 72 7 cynthia cynthia PROPN crln-7846 72 8 b. b. PROPN crln-7846 72 9 duncan duncan PROPN crln-7846 72 10 , , PUNCT crln-7846 72 11 retired retire VERB crln-7846 72 12 university university NOUN crln-7846 72 13 li­ li­ NOUN crln-7846 72 14 brarian brarian PROPN crln-7846 72 15 at at ADP crln-7846 72 16 old old ADJ crln-7846 72 17 dominion dominion NOUN crln-7846 72 18 university university NOUN crln-7846 72 19 library library NOUN crln-7846 72 20 , , PUNCT crln-7846 72 21 died die VERB crln-7846 72 22 june june PROPN crln-7846 72 23 4 4 NUM crln-7846 72 24 , , PUNCT crln-7846 72 25 2007 2007 NUM crln-7846 72 26 . . PUNCT crln-7846 73 1 duncan duncan PROPN crln-7846 73 2 ’s ’s PROPN crln-7846 73 3 tenure tenure NOUN crln-7846 73 4 at at ADP crln-7846 73 5 the the DET crln-7846 73 6 old old ADJ crln-7846 73 7 dominion dominion NOUN crln-7846 73 8 university university NOUN crln-7846 73 9 library library NOUN crln-7846 73 10 ( ( PUNCT crln-7846 73 11 1977–91 1977–91 PROPN crln-7846 73 12 ) ) PUNCT crln-7846 73 13 , , PUNCT crln-7846 73 14 was be AUX crln-7846 73 15 distinguished distinguish VERB crln-7846 73 16 by by ADP crln-7846 73 17 a a DET crln-7846 73 18 number number NOUN crln-7846 73 19 of of ADP crln-7846 73 20 fi fi NOUN crln-7846 73 21 rsts rst NOUN crln-7846 73 22 . . PUNCT crln-7846 74 1 she she PRON crln-7846 74 2 was be AUX crln-7846 74 3 the the DET crln-7846 74 4 first first ADJ crln-7846 74 5 woman woman NOUN crln-7846 74 6 library library NOUN crln-7846 74 7 director director NOUN crln-7846 74 8 , , PUNCT crln-7846 74 9 as as ADV crln-7846 74 10 well well ADV crln-7846 74 11 as as ADP crln-7846 74 12 the the DET crln-7846 74 13 first first ADJ crln-7846 74 14 library library NOUN crln-7846 74 15 director director NOUN crln-7846 74 16 with with ADP crln-7846 74 17 a a DET crln-7846 74 18 doctorate doctorate NOUN crln-7846 74 19 . . PUNCT crln-7846 75 1 as as ADP crln-7846 75 2 dean dean PROPN crln-7846 75 3 , , PUNCT crln-7846 75 4 she she PRON crln-7846 75 5 held hold VERB crln-7846 75 6 the the DET crln-7846 75 7 highest high ADJ crln-7846 75 8 academic academic ADJ crln-7846 75 9 ap­ ap­ NOUN crln-7846 75 10 pointment pointment NOUN crln-7846 75 11 any any DET crln-7846 75 12 woman woman NOUN crln-7846 75 13 had have AUX crln-7846 75 14 held hold VERB crln-7846 75 15 at at ADP crln-7846 75 16 old old ADJ crln-7846 75 17 do­ do­ PROPN crln-7846 75 18 minion minion NOUN crln-7846 75 19 up up ADP crln-7846 75 20 until until ADP crln-7846 75 21 that that DET crln-7846 75 22 time time NOUN crln-7846 75 23 . . PUNCT crln-7846 76 1 under under ADP crln-7846 76 2 her her PRON crln-7846 76 3 lead­ lead­ PROPN crln-7846 76 4 ership ership NOUN crln-7846 76 5 , , PUNCT crln-7846 76 6 in in ADP crln-7846 76 7 1982 1982 NUM crln-7846 76 8 the the DET crln-7846 76 9 library library NOUN crln-7846 76 10 became become VERB crln-7846 76 11 the the DET crln-7846 76 12 fi fi NOUN crln-7846 76 13 rst rst PROPN crln-7846 76 14 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-7846 76 15 news news PROPN crln-7846 76 16 july july PROPN crln-7846 76 17 / / SYM crln-7846 76 18 august august PROPN crln-7846 76 19 2007 2007 NUM crln-7846 76 20 460 460 NUM crln-7846 76 21 in in ADP crln-7846 76 22 virginia virginia PROPN crln-7846 76 23 to to PART crln-7846 76 24 be be AUX crln-7846 76 25 fully fully ADV crln-7846 76 26 automated automate VERB crln-7846 76 27 . . PUNCT crln-7846 77 1 duncan duncan PROPN crln-7846 77 2 was be AUX crln-7846 77 3 instrumental instrumental ADJ crln-7846 77 4 in in ADP crln-7846 77 5 helping help VERB crln-7846 77 6 old old ADJ crln-7846 77 7 dominion dominion NOUN crln-7846 77 8 university university PROPN crln-7846 77 9 ’s ’s PART crln-7846 77 10 library library NOUN crln-7846 77 11 receive receive VERB crln-7846 77 12 grant grant NOUN crln-7846 77 13 funding funding NOUN crln-7846 77 14 to to PART crln-7846 77 15 support support VERB crln-7846 77 16 installation installation NOUN crln-7846 77 17 of of ADP crln-7846 77 18 virginia virginia PROPN crln-7846 77 19 ’s ’s PART crln-7846 77 20 fi fi NOUN crln-7846 77 21 rst rst PROPN crln-7846 77 22 union union NOUN crln-7846 77 23 list list NOUN crln-7846 77 24 catalog catalog NOUN crln-7846 77 25 of of ADP crln-7846 77 26 all all DET crln-7846 77 27 periodicals periodical NOUN crln-7846 77 28 found find VERB crln-7846 77 29 in in ADP crln-7846 77 30 librar­ librar­ NOUN crln-7846 77 31 ies ies NOUN crln-7846 77 32 in in ADP crln-7846 77 33 hampton hampton PROPN crln-7846 77 34 roads road NOUN crln-7846 77 35 and and CCONJ crln-7846 77 36 implement implement VERB crln-7846 77 37 the the DET crln-7846 77 38 state state NOUN crln-7846 77 39 ’s ’s PART crln-7846 77 40 first first ADV crln-7846 77 41 linked link VERB crln-7846 77 42 systems system NOUN crln-7846 77 43 project project NOUN crln-7846 77 44 . . PUNCT crln-7846 78 1 she she PRON crln-7846 78 2 also also ADV crln-7846 78 3 began begin VERB crln-7846 78 4 the the DET crln-7846 78 5 first first ADJ crln-7846 78 6 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crln-7846 78 7 loan loan NOUN crln-7846 78 8 document document NOUN crln-7846 78 9 delivery delivery NOUN crln-7846 78 10 system system NOUN crln-7846 78 11 for for ADP crln-7846 78 12 tidewater tidewater ADJ crln-7846 78 13 consortium consortium NOUN crln-7846 78 14 libraries library NOUN crln-7846 78 15 . . PUNCT crln-7846 79 1 duncan duncan PROPN crln-7846 79 2 served serve VERB crln-7846 79 3 on on ADP crln-7846 79 4 the the DET crln-7846 79 5 solinet solinet NOUN crln-7846 79 6 board board NOUN crln-7846 79 7 of of ADP crln-7846 79 8 directors director NOUN crln-7846 79 9 and and CCONJ crln-7846 79 10 as as ADP crln-7846 79 11 a a DET crln-7846 79 12 representative representative NOUN crln-7846 79 13 on on ADP crln-7846 79 14 the the DET crln-7846 79 15 oclc oclc PROPN crln-7846 79 16 users user NOUN crln-7846 79 17 council council PROPN crln-7846 79 18 . . PUNCT crln-7846 80 1 sandra sandra PROPN crln-7846 80 2 s. s. PROPN crln-7846 80 3 kerbel kerbel PROPN crln-7846 80 4 , , PUNCT crln-7846 80 5 50 50 NUM crln-7846 80 6 , , PUNCT crln-7846 80 7 associate associate ADJ crln-7846 80 8 director director NOUN crln-7846 80 9 for for ADP crln-7846 80 10 public public ADJ crln-7846 80 11 services service NOUN crln-7846 80 12 in in ADP crln-7846 80 13 the the DET crln-7846 80 14 university university NOUN crln-7846 80 15 libraries library NOUN crln-7846 80 16 at at ADP crln-7846 80 17 the the DET crln-7846 80 18 university university PROPN crln-7846 80 19 of of ADP crln-7846 80 20 pennsylvania pennsylvania PROPN crln-7846 80 21 ( ( PUNCT crln-7846 80 22 up up ADV crln-7846 80 23 ) ) PUNCT crln-7846 80 24 , , PUNCT crln-7846 80 25 died die VERB crln-7846 80 26 april april PROPN crln-7846 80 27 3 3 NUM crln-7846 80 28 , , PUNCT crln-7846 80 29 2007 2007 NUM crln-7846 80 30 . . PUNCT crln-7846 81 1 sandra sandra PROPN crln-7846 81 2 joined join VERB crln-7846 81 3 up up ADP crln-7846 81 4 in in ADP crln-7846 81 5 june june PROPN crln-7846 81 6 2001 2001 NUM crln-7846 81 7 , , PUNCT crln-7846 81 8 and and CCONJ crln-7846 81 9 was be AUX crln-7846 81 10 responsible responsible ADJ crln-7846 81 11 for for ADP crln-7846 81 12 a a DET crln-7846 81 13 wide wide ADJ crln-7846 81 14 range range NOUN crln-7846 81 15 of of ADP crln-7846 81 16 user user NOUN crln-7846 81 17 services service NOUN crln-7846 81 18 in in ADP crln-7846 81 19 the the DET crln-7846 81 20 van van PROPN crln-7846 81 21 pelt­dietrich pelt­dietrich PROPN crln-7846 81 22 library library PROPN crln-7846 81 23 cen­ cen­ PROPN crln-7846 81 24 ter ter NOUN crln-7846 81 25 and and CCONJ crln-7846 81 26 libraries library NOUN crln-7846 81 27 serving serve VERB crln-7846 81 28 the the DET crln-7846 81 29 physical physical ADJ crln-7846 81 30 sci­ sci­ NOUN crln-7846 81 31 ences ence NOUN crln-7846 81 32 , , PUNCT crln-7846 81 33 the the DET crln-7846 81 34 annenberg annenberg ADJ crln-7846 81 35 school school NOUN crln-7846 81 36 , , PUNCT crln-7846 81 37 the the DET crln-7846 81 38 school school NOUN crln-7846 81 39 of of ADP crln-7846 81 40 engineering engineering NOUN crln-7846 81 41 and and CCONJ crln-7846 81 42 applied apply VERB crln-7846 81 43 science science NOUN crln-7846 81 44 , , PUNCT crln-7846 81 45 design design NOUN crln-7846 81 46 , , PUNCT crln-7846 81 47 and and CCONJ crln-7846 81 48 the the DET crln-7846 81 49 museum museum NOUN crln-7846 81 50 . . PUNCT crln-7846 82 1 in in ADP crln-7846 82 2 a a DET crln-7846 82 3 brief brief ADJ crln-7846 82 4 tenure tenure NOUN crln-7846 82 5 , , PUNCT crln-7846 82 6 kerbel kerbel PROPN crln-7846 82 7 left leave VERB crln-7846 82 8 a a DET crln-7846 82 9 significant significant ADJ crln-7846 82 10 mark mark NOUN crln-7846 82 11 on on ADP crln-7846 82 12 up up ADP crln-7846 82 13 ’s ’s NUM crln-7846 82 14 library library NOUN crln-7846 82 15 and and CCONJ crln-7846 82 16 information information NOUN crln-7846 82 17 services service NOUN crln-7846 82 18 . . PUNCT crln-7846 83 1 she she PRON crln-7846 83 2 helped help VERB crln-7846 83 3 guide guide VERB crln-7846 83 4 the the DET crln-7846 83 5 expansion expansion NOUN crln-7846 83 6 of of ADP crln-7846 83 7 the the DET crln-7846 83 8 blackboard blackboard ADJ crln-7846 83 9 courseware courseware NOUN crln-7846 83 10 system system NOUN crln-7846 83 11 ; ; PUNCT crln-7846 83 12 oversaw oversaw VERB crln-7846 83 13 the the DET crln-7846 83 14 library library PROPN crln-7846 83 15 ’s ’s PART crln-7846 83 16 participation participation NOUN crln-7846 83 17 in in ADP crln-7846 83 18 groundbreaking groundbreake VERB crln-7846 83 19 resource­sharing resource­share VERB crln-7846 83 20 pro­ pro­ NOUN crln-7846 83 21 grams gram NOUN crln-7846 83 22 ( ( PUNCT crln-7846 83 23 ezborrow ezborrow ADJ crln-7846 83 24 and and CCONJ crln-7846 83 25 rapid rapid ADJ crln-7846 83 26 ) ) PUNCT crln-7846 83 27 ; ; PUNCT crln-7846 83 28 and and CCONJ crln-7846 83 29 steered steer VERB crln-7846 83 30 the the DET crln-7846 83 31 creation creation NOUN crln-7846 83 32 of of ADP crln-7846 83 33 up up ADP crln-7846 83 34 ’s ’s NUM crln-7846 83 35 institutional institutional ADJ crln-7846 83 36 repository repository ADJ crln-7846 83 37 program program NOUN crln-7846 83 38 , , PUNCT crln-7846 83 39 the the DET crln-7846 83 40 scholarlycommons@penn scholarlycommons@penn NOUN crln-7846 83 41 . . PUNCT crln-7846 84 1 in in ADP crln-7846 84 2 connection connection NOUN crln-7846 84 3 with with ADP crln-7846 84 4 the the DET crln-7846 84 5 latter latter ADJ crln-7846 84 6 , , PUNCT crln-7846 84 7 she she PRON crln-7846 84 8 worked work VERB crln-7846 84 9 tirelessly tirelessly ADV crln-7846 84 10 to to PART crln-7846 84 11 promote promote VERB crln-7846 84 12 new new ADJ crln-7846 84 13 models model NOUN crln-7846 84 14 for for ADP crln-7846 84 15 dis­ dis­ NOUN crln-7846 84 16 seminating seminate VERB crln-7846 84 17 scholarly scholarly ADJ crln-7846 84 18 information information NOUN crln-7846 84 19 and and CCONJ crln-7846 84 20 to to PART crln-7846 84 21 advance advance VERB crln-7846 84 22 the the DET crln-7846 84 23 intellectual intellectual ADJ crln-7846 84 24 property property NOUN crln-7846 84 25 rights right NOUN crln-7846 84 26 of of ADP crln-7846 84 27 scholars scholar NOUN crln-7846 84 28 . . PUNCT crln-7846 85 1 kerbel kerbel PROPN crln-7846 85 2 ’s ’s PART crln-7846 85 3 signal signal NOUN crln-7846 85 4 accomplish­ accomplish­ DET crln-7846 85 5 ment ment NOUN crln-7846 85 6 was be AUX crln-7846 85 7 her her PRON crln-7846 85 8 contribution contribution NOUN crln-7846 85 9 to to ADP crln-7846 85 10 the the DET crln-7846 85 11 design design NOUN crln-7846 85 12 and and CCONJ crln-7846 85 13 construction construction NOUN crln-7846 85 14 of of ADP crln-7846 85 15 the the DET crln-7846 85 16 weigle weigle ADJ crln-7846 85 17 information information NOUN crln-7846 85 18 commons common NOUN crln-7846 85 19 , , PUNCT crln-7846 85 20 a a DET crln-7846 85 21 state­of­the­art state­of­the­art NOUN crln-7846 85 22 teaching teach VERB crln-7846 85 23 and and CCONJ crln-7846 85 24 learning learn VERB crln-7846 85 25 facility facility NOUN crln-7846 85 26 in in ADP crln-7846 85 27 the the DET crln-7846 85 28 van van PROPN crln-7846 85 29 pelt­dietrich pelt­dietrich PROPN crln-7846 85 30 li­ li­ PROPN crln-7846 85 31 brary brary PROPN crln-7846 85 32 center center PROPN crln-7846 85 33 . . PUNCT crln-7846 86 1 a a DET crln-7846 86 2 passionate passionate ADJ crln-7846 86 3 advocate advocate NOUN crln-7846 86 4 for for ADP crln-7846 86 5 the the DET crln-7846 86 6 library library NOUN crln-7846 86 7 and and CCONJ crln-7846 86 8 its its PRON crln-7846 86 9 role role NOUN crln-7846 86 10 in in ADP crln-7846 86 11 fostering foster VERB crln-7846 86 12 the the DET crln-7846 86 13 research research NOUN crln-7846 86 14 competency competency NOUN crln-7846 86 15 of of ADP crln-7846 86 16 students student NOUN crln-7846 86 17 , , PUNCT crln-7846 86 18 kerbel kerbel PROPN crln-7846 86 19 worked work VERB crln-7846 86 20 closely closely ADV crln-7846 86 21 on on ADP crln-7846 86 22 the the DET crln-7846 86 23 commons common NOUN crln-7846 86 24 project project NOUN crln-7846 86 25 with with ADP crln-7846 86 26 aca­ aca­ ADJ crln-7846 86 27 demic demic ADJ crln-7846 86 28 support support NOUN crln-7846 86 29 professionals professional NOUN crln-7846 86 30 in in ADP crln-7846 86 31 the the DET crln-7846 86 32 school school NOUN crln-7846 86 33 of of ADP crln-7846 86 34 arts art NOUN crln-7846 86 35 and and CCONJ crln-7846 86 36 sciences science NOUN crln-7846 86 37 . . PUNCT crln-7846 87 1 the the DET crln-7846 87 2 library library NOUN crln-7846 87 3 will will AUX crln-7846 87 4 honor honor VERB crln-7846 87 5 the the DET crln-7846 87 6 memory memory NOUN crln-7846 87 7 of of ADP crln-7846 87 8 kerbel kerbel PROPN crln-7846 87 9 ’s ’s PART crln-7846 87 10 service service NOUN crln-7846 87 11 to to ADP crln-7846 87 12 up up ADP crln-7846 87 13 by by ADP crln-7846 87 14 naming name VERB crln-7846 87 15 a a DET crln-7846 87 16 space space NOUN crln-7846 87 17 for for ADP crln-7846 87 18 her she PRON crln-7846 87 19 in in ADP crln-7846 87 20 the the DET crln-7846 87 21 weigle weigle NOUN crln-7846 87 22 infor­ infor­ PROPN crln-7846 87 23 mation mation NOUN crln-7846 87 24 commons common NOUN crln-7846 87 25 . . PUNCT crln-7846 88 1 2007 2007 NUM crln-7846 88 2 marks mark VERB crln-7846 88 3 the the DET crln-7846 88 4 40th 40th ADJ crln-7846 88 5 anniversary anniversary NOUN crln-7846 88 6 of of ADP crln-7846 88 7 ashgate ashgate ADJ crln-7846 88 8 publishing publishing NOUN crln-7846 88 9 for for ADP crln-7846 88 10 the the DET crln-7846 88 11 past past ADJ crln-7846 88 12 40 40 NUM crln-7846 88 13 years year NOUN crln-7846 88 14 ashgate ashgate ADV crln-7846 88 15 has have AUX crln-7846 88 16 proudly proudly ADV crln-7846 88 17 been be AUX crln-7846 88 18 a a DET crln-7846 88 19 leading lead VERB crln-7846 88 20 independent independent ADJ crln-7846 88 21 publisher publisher NOUN crln-7846 88 22 committed commit VERB crln-7846 88 23 to to ADP crln-7846 88 24 providing provide VERB crln-7846 88 25 the the DET crln-7846 88 26 library library NOUN crln-7846 88 27 market market NOUN crln-7846 88 28 with with ADP crln-7846 88 29 the the DET crln-7846 88 30 finest fine ADJ crln-7846 88 31 academic academic ADJ crln-7846 88 32 scholarship scholarship NOUN crln-7846 88 33 . . PUNCT crln-7846 89 1 from from ADP crln-7846 89 2 our our PRON crln-7846 89 3 humble humble ADJ crln-7846 89 4 beginnings beginning NOUN crln-7846 89 5 , , PUNCT crln-7846 89 6 ashgate ashgate ADV crln-7846 89 7 now now ADV crln-7846 89 8 publishes publish VERB crln-7846 89 9 more more ADJ crln-7846 89 10 than than ADP crln-7846 89 11 700 700 NUM crln-7846 89 12 new new ADJ crln-7846 89 13 books book NOUN crln-7846 89 14 annually annually ADV crln-7846 89 15 , , PUNCT crln-7846 89 16 representing represent VERB crln-7846 89 17 the the DET crln-7846 89 18 best good ADJ crln-7846 89 19 academic academic ADJ crln-7846 89 20 research research NOUN crln-7846 89 21 and and CCONJ crln-7846 89 22 professional professional ADJ crln-7846 89 23 practice practice NOUN crln-7846 89 24 from from ADP crln-7846 89 25 around around ADP crln-7846 89 26 the the DET crln-7846 89 27 world world NOUN crln-7846 89 28 . . PUNCT crln-7846 90 1 we we PRON crln-7846 90 2 would would AUX crln-7846 90 3 like like VERB crln-7846 90 4 to to PART crln-7846 90 5 take take VERB crln-7846 90 6 this this DET crln-7846 90 7 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-7846 90 8 to to PART crln-7846 90 9 thank thank VERB crln-7846 90 10 the the DET crln-7846 90 11 countless countless ADJ crln-7846 90 12 librarians librarian NOUN crln-7846 90 13 and and CCONJ crln-7846 90 14 scholars scholar NOUN crln-7846 90 15 who who PRON crln-7846 90 16 have have AUX crln-7846 90 17 added add VERB crln-7846 90 18 ashgate ashgate ADJ crln-7846 90 19 product product NOUN crln-7846 90 20 to to ADP crln-7846 90 21 your your PRON crln-7846 90 22 shelves shelf NOUN crln-7846 90 23 over over ADP crln-7846 90 24 the the DET crln-7846 90 25 past past ADJ crln-7846 90 26 four four NUM crln-7846 90 27 decades decade NOUN crln-7846 90 28 . . PUNCT crln-7846 91 1 without without ADP crln-7846 91 2 your your PRON crln-7846 91 3 support support NOUN crln-7846 91 4 , , PUNCT crln-7846 91 5 this this DET crln-7846 91 6 milestone milestone NOUN crln-7846 91 7 would would AUX crln-7846 91 8 not not PART crln-7846 91 9 have have AUX crln-7846 91 10 been be AUX crln-7846 91 11 reached reach VERB crln-7846 91 12 . . PUNCT crln-7846 92 1 we we PRON crln-7846 92 2 are be AUX crln-7846 92 3 proud proud ADJ crln-7846 92 4 of of ADP crln-7846 92 5 this this DET crln-7846 92 6 achievement achievement NOUN crln-7846 92 7 and and CCONJ crln-7846 92 8 look look VERB crln-7846 92 9 forward forward ADV crln-7846 92 10 to to ADP crln-7846 92 11 serving serve VERB crln-7846 92 12 the the DET crln-7846 92 13 global global ADJ crln-7846 92 14 academic academic ADJ crln-7846 92 15 marketplace marketplace NOUN crln-7846 92 16 for for ADP crln-7846 92 17 many many ADJ crln-7846 92 18 years year NOUN crln-7846 92 19 to to PART crln-7846 92 20 come come VERB crln-7846 92 21 . . PUNCT crln-7846 93 1 “ " PUNCT crln-7846 93 2 … … PUNCT crln-7846 93 3 ashgate ashgate ADJ crln-7846 93 4 are be AUX crln-7846 93 5 to to PART crln-7846 93 6 be be AUX crln-7846 93 7 congratulated congratulate VERB crln-7846 93 8 on on ADP crln-7846 93 9 their their PRON crln-7846 93 10 endeavor endeavor NOUN crln-7846 93 11 to to PART crln-7846 93 12 bring bring VERB crln-7846 93 13 ‘ ' PUNCT crln-7846 93 14 high high ADJ crln-7846 93 15 quality quality NOUN crln-7846 93 16 research research NOUN crln-7846 93 17 monograph monograph NOUN crln-7846 93 18 publishing publishing NOUN crln-7846 93 19 back back ADV crln-7846 93 20 into into ADP crln-7846 93 21 focus focus NOUN crln-7846 93 22 ’ ' PUNCT crln-7846 93 23 . . PUNCT crln-7846 93 24 ” " PUNCT crln-7846 94 1 — — PUNCT crln-7846 94 2 political political ADJ crln-7846 94 3 studies study NOUN crln-7846 94 4 review review VERB crln-7846 94 5 , , PUNCT crln-7846 94 6 reviewing review VERB crln-7846 94 7 liberty liberty NOUN crln-7846 94 8 , , PUNCT crln-7846 94 9 property property NOUN crln-7846 94 10 and and CCONJ crln-7846 94 11 markets market NOUN crln-7846 94 12 “ " PUNCT crln-7846 94 13 in in ADP crln-7846 94 14 its its PRON crln-7846 94 15 elegant elegant ADJ crln-7846 94 16 design design NOUN crln-7846 94 17 and and CCONJ crln-7846 94 18 lustrous lustrous ADJ crln-7846 94 19 illustration illustration NOUN crln-7846 94 20 , , PUNCT crln-7846 94 21 this this DET crln-7846 94 22 volume volume NOUN crln-7846 94 23 is be AUX crln-7846 94 24 an an DET crln-7846 94 25 aesthetic aesthetic ADJ crln-7846 94 26 gem gem NOUN crln-7846 94 27 typical typical ADJ crln-7846 94 28 of of ADP crln-7846 94 29 the the DET crln-7846 94 30 care care NOUN crln-7846 94 31 ashgate ashgate ADJ crln-7846 94 32 lavishes lavishe NOUN crln-7846 94 33 on on ADP crln-7846 94 34 all all PRON crln-7846 94 35 its its PRON crln-7846 94 36 publications publication NOUN crln-7846 94 37 . . PUNCT crln-7846 94 38 ” " PUNCT crln-7846 95 1 — — PUNCT crln-7846 95 2 international international ADJ crln-7846 95 3 journal journal NOUN crln-7846 95 4 of of ADP crln-7846 95 5 maritime maritime ADJ crln-7846 95 6 history history NOUN crln-7846 95 7 , , PUNCT crln-7846 95 8 reviewing review VERB crln-7846 95 9 representing represent VERB crln-7846 95 10 the the DET crln-7846 95 11 royal royal ADJ crln-7846 95 12 navy navy NOUN crln-7846 95 13 “ " PUNCT crln-7846 95 14 ashgate ashgate ADV crln-7846 95 15 is be AUX crln-7846 95 16 publishing publish VERB crln-7846 95 17 some some PRON crln-7846 95 18 of of ADP crln-7846 95 19 the the DET crln-7846 95 20 best good ADJ crln-7846 95 21 academic academic ADJ crln-7846 95 22 theology theology NOUN crln-7846 95 23 right right ADV crln-7846 95 24 now now ADV crln-7846 95 25 , , PUNCT crln-7846 95 26 and and CCONJ crln-7846 95 27 this this DET crln-7846 95 28 book book NOUN crln-7846 95 29 deserves deserve VERB crln-7846 95 30 to to PART crln-7846 95 31 be be AUX crln-7846 95 32 at at ADP crln-7846 95 33 the the DET crln-7846 95 34 top top NOUN crln-7846 95 35 of of ADP crln-7846 95 36 their their PRON crln-7846 95 37 very very ADV crln-7846 95 38 impressive impressive ADJ crln-7846 95 39 list list NOUN crln-7846 95 40 . . PUNCT crln-7846 95 41 ” " PUNCT crln-7846 95 42 — — PUNCT crln-7846 95 43 reviews review NOUN crln-7846 95 44 in in ADP crln-7846 95 45 religion religion NOUN crln-7846 95 46 and and CCONJ crln-7846 95 47 theology theology NOUN crln-7846 95 48 , , PUNCT crln-7846 95 49 reviewing review VERB crln-7846 95 50 the the DET crln-7846 95 51 rhetorical rhetorical ADJ crln-7846 95 52 word word NOUN crln-7846 95 53 “ " PUNCT crln-7846 95 54 ashgate ashgate ADJ crln-7846 95 55 should should AUX crln-7846 95 56 be be AUX crln-7846 95 57 commended commend VERB crln-7846 95 58 for for ADP crln-7846 95 59 their their PRON crln-7846 95 60 commitment commitment NOUN crln-7846 95 61 to to ADP crln-7846 95 62 scholarship scholarship NOUN crln-7846 95 63 of of ADP crln-7846 95 64 distinction distinction NOUN crln-7846 95 65 … … PUNCT crln-7846 95 66 ” " PUNCT crln-7846 95 67 — — PUNCT crln-7846 95 68 music music NOUN crln-7846 95 69 and and CCONJ crln-7846 95 70 letters letter NOUN crln-7846 95 71 , , PUNCT crln-7846 95 72 reviewing review VERB crln-7846 95 73 french french ADJ crln-7846 95 74 opera opera NOUN crln-7846 95 75 1730–1830 1730–1830 NUM crln-7846 95 76 “ " PUNCT crln-7846 95 77 … … PUNCT crln-7846 95 78 high high ADJ crln-7846 95 79 standards standard NOUN crln-7846 95 80 and and CCONJ crln-7846 95 81 quality quality NOUN crln-7846 95 82 are be AUX crln-7846 95 83 exactly exactly ADV crln-7846 95 84 why why SCONJ crln-7846 95 85 i i PRON crln-7846 95 86 choose choose VERB crln-7846 95 87 to to PART crln-7846 95 88 publish publish VERB crln-7846 95 89 with with ADP crln-7846 95 90 ashgate ashgate ADJ crln-7846 95 91 . . PUNCT crln-7846 95 92 ” " PUNCT crln-7846 96 1 — — PUNCT crln-7846 96 2 jean jean PROPN crln-7846 96 3 hillier hillier ADV crln-7846 96 4 , , PUNCT crln-7846 96 5 newcastle newcastle PROPN crln-7846 96 6 university university PROPN crln-7846 96 7 , , PUNCT crln-7846 96 8 uk uk PROPN crln-7846 96 9 , , PUNCT crln-7846 96 10 stretching stretch VERB crln-7846 96 11 beyond beyond ADP crln-7846 96 12 the the DET crln-7846 96 13 horizon horizon NOUN crln-7846 96 14 “ " PUNCT crln-7846 96 15 … … PUNCT crln-7846 96 16 as as ADP crln-7846 96 17 always always ADV crln-7846 96 18 , , PUNCT crln-7846 96 19 ashgate ashgate ADJ crln-7846 96 20 ’s ’s PART crln-7846 96 21 presentation presentation NOUN crln-7846 96 22 is be AUX crln-7846 96 23 a a DET crln-7846 96 24 delight delight NOUN crln-7846 96 25 … … PUNCT crln-7846 96 26 ” " PUNCT crln-7846 96 27 — — PUNCT crln-7846 96 28 singing singing NOUN crln-7846 96 29 , , PUNCT crln-7846 96 30 reviewing review VERB crln-7846 96 31 pills pill NOUN crln-7846 96 32 to to PART crln-7846 96 33 purge purge VERB crln-7846 96 34 melancholy melancholy PROPN crln-7846 96 35 w w PROPN crln-7846 96 36 w w PROPN crln-7846 96 37 w w PROPN crln-7846 96 38 . . PUNCT crln-7846 97 1 a a DET crln-7846 97 2 s s NOUN crln-7846 97 3 h h NOUN crln-7846 97 4 g g NOUN crln-7846 97 5 a a DET crln-7846 97 6 t t NOUN crln-7846 97 7 e e NOUN crln-7846 97 8 . . PUNCT crln-7846 98 1 c c PROPN crln-7846 98 2 o o X crln-7846 98 3 m m VERB crln-7846 98 4 july july PROPN crln-7846 98 5 / / SYM crln-7846 98 6 august august PROPN crln-7846 98 7 2007 2007 NUM crln-7846 98 8 461 461 NUM crln-7846 98 9 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-7846 98 10 news news NOUN crln-7846 98 11 http http NOUN crln-7846 98 12 : : PUNCT crln-7846 98 13 X