id	sid	tid	token	lemma	pos
crln-25534	1	1	july22a_df.indd	july22a_df.indd	PROPN
crln-25534	1	2	c&rl	c&rl	PROPN
crln-25534	1	3	news	news	PROPN
crln-25534	1	4	july	july	PROPN
crln-25534	1	5	/	/	SYM
crln-25534	1	6	august	august	PROPN
crln-25534	1	7	2022	2022	NUM
crln-25534	1	8	301	301	NUM
crln-25534	1	9	southwest	southwest	NOUN
crln-25534	1	10	baptist	baptist	NOUN
crln-25534	1	11	university	university	NOUN
crln-25534	1	12	is	be	AUX
crln-25534	1	13	a	a	DET
crln-25534	1	14	small	small	ADJ
crln-25534	1	15	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	1	16	liberal	liberal	ADJ
crln-25534	1	17	arts	art	NOUN
crln-25534	1	18	university	university	PROPN
crln-25534	1	19	in	in	ADP
crln-25534	1	20	the	the	DET
crln-25534	1	21	midwest	midw	ADJ
crln-25534	1	22	with	with	ADP
crln-25534	1	23	four	four	NUM
crln-25534	1	24	campus	campus	NOUN
crln-25534	1	25	locations	location	NOUN
crln-25534	1	26	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	2	1	the	the	DET
crln-25534	2	2	information	information	NOUN
crln-25534	2	3	literacy	literacy	NOUN
crln-25534	2	4	program	program	NOUN
crln-25534	2	5	has	have	AUX
crln-25534	2	6	traditionally	traditionally	ADV
crln-25534	2	7	been	be	AUX
crln-25534	2	8	handled	handle	VERB
crln-25534	2	9	on	on	ADP
crln-25534	2	10	a	a	DET
crln-25534	2	11	class	class	NOUN
crln-25534	2	12	-	-	PUNCT
crln-25534	2	13	by	by	ADP
crln-25534	2	14	-	-	PUNCT
crln-25534	2	15	class	class	NOUN
crln-25534	2	16	basis	basis	NOUN
crln-25534	2	17	whenever	whenever	SCONJ
crln-25534	2	18	a	a	DET
crln-25534	2	19	professor	professor	NOUN
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crln-25534	2	22	a	a	DET
crln-25534	2	23	librarian	librarian	NOUN
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crln-25534	2	26	a	a	DET
crln-25534	2	27	one	one	NUM
crln-25534	2	28	-	-	PUNCT
crln-25534	2	29	shot	shot	NOUN
crln-25534	2	30	session	session	NOUN
crln-25534	2	31	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	3	1	however	however	ADV
crln-25534	3	2	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	3	3	this	this	PRON
crln-25534	3	4	was	be	AUX
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crln-25534	3	6	the	the	DET
crln-25534	3	7	comprehensive	comprehensive	ADJ
crln-25534	3	8	plan	plan	NOUN
crln-25534	3	9	that	that	SCONJ
crln-25534	3	10	the	the	DET
crln-25534	3	11	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	3	12	faculty	faculty	NOUN
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crln-25534	3	15	our	our	PRON
crln-25534	3	16	libraries	library	NOUN
crln-25534	3	17	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	3	18	students	student	NOUN
crln-25534	3	19	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	4	1	during	during	ADP
crln-25534	4	2	the	the	DET
crln-25534	4	3	2014	2014	NUM
crln-25534	4	4	-	-	SYM
crln-25534	4	5	15	15	NUM
crln-25534	4	6	academic	academic	ADJ
crln-25534	4	7	year	year	NOUN
crln-25534	4	8	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	4	9	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	4	11	literacy	literacy	NOUN
crln-25534	4	12	librarian	librarian	NOUN
crln-25534	4	13	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	4	14	along	along	ADP
crln-25534	4	15	with	with	ADP
crln-25534	4	16	members	member	NOUN
crln-25534	4	17	of	of	ADP
crln-25534	4	18	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	4	20	education	education	PROPN
crln-25534	4	21	committee	committee	NOUN
crln-25534	4	22	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-25534	4	24	out	out	ADP
crln-25534	4	25	program	program	NOUN
crln-25534	4	26	level	level	NOUN
crln-25534	4	27	student	student	NOUN
crln-25534	4	28	learning	learn	VERB
crln-25534	4	29	outcomes	outcome	NOUN
crln-25534	4	30	(	(	PUNCT
crln-25534	4	31	plslos	plslo	NOUN
crln-25534	4	32	)	)	PUNCT
crln-25534	4	33	to	to	PART
crln-25534	4	34	cover	cover	VERB
crln-25534	4	35	all	all	DET
crln-25534	4	36	levels	level	NOUN
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crln-25534	4	38	learning	learn	VERB
crln-25534	4	39	using	use	VERB
crln-25534	4	40	the	the	DET
crln-25534	4	41	acrl	acrl	ADJ
crln-25534	4	42	framework	framework	NOUN
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crln-25534	4	45	literacy	literacy	NOUN
crln-25534	4	46	for	for	ADP
crln-25534	4	47	higher	high	ADJ
crln-25534	4	48	education	education	NOUN
crln-25534	4	49	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	5	1	even	even	ADV
crln-25534	5	2	though	though	SCONJ
crln-25534	5	3	these	these	DET
crln-25534	5	4	plslos	plslo	NOUN
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crln-25534	5	6	a	a	DET
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crln-25534	5	9	a	a	DET
crln-25534	5	10	comprehensive	comprehensive	ADJ
crln-25534	5	11	program	program	NOUN
crln-25534	5	12	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	5	13	a	a	DET
crln-25534	5	14	librarian	librarian	NOUN
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crln-25534	5	17	to	to	PART
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crln-25534	5	19	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	5	21	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	5	22	its	its	PRON
crln-25534	5	23	success	success	NOUN
crln-25534	5	24	depended	depend	VERB
crln-25534	5	25	on	on	ADP
crln-25534	5	26	professors	professor	NOUN
crln-25534	5	27	allowing	allow	VERB
crln-25534	5	28	us	we	PRON
crln-25534	5	29	to	to	PART
crln-25534	5	30	work	work	VERB
crln-25534	5	31	with	with	ADP
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crln-25534	5	33	on	on	ADP
crln-25534	5	34	assignments	assignment	NOUN
crln-25534	5	35	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	5	36	assessment	assessment	NOUN
crln-25534	5	37	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	6	1	the	the	DET
crln-25534	6	2	plslos	plslo	NOUN
crln-25534	6	3	also	also	ADV
crln-25534	6	4	did	do	AUX
crln-25534	6	5	not	not	PART
crln-25534	6	6	address	address	VERB
crln-25534	6	7	how	how	SCONJ
crln-25534	6	8	we	we	PRON
crln-25534	6	9	could	could	AUX
crln-25534	6	10	provide	provide	VERB
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crln-25534	6	12	literacy	literacy	NOUN
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crln-25534	6	14	to	to	ADP
crln-25534	6	15	campus	campus	NOUN
crln-25534	6	16	locations	location	NOUN
crln-25534	6	17	that	that	PRON
crln-25534	6	18	did	do	AUX
crln-25534	6	19	not	not	PART
crln-25534	6	20	have	have	VERB
crln-25534	6	21	a	a	DET
crln-25534	6	22	librarian	librarian	NOUN
crln-25534	6	23	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	6	24	nor	nor	CCONJ
crln-25534	6	25	how	how	SCONJ
crln-25534	6	26	to	to	PART
crln-25534	6	27	support	support	VERB
crln-25534	6	28	online	online	ADJ
crln-25534	6	29	students	student	NOUN
crln-25534	6	30	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	7	1	when	when	SCONJ
crln-25534	7	2	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	7	4	literacy	literacy	NOUN
crln-25534	7	5	librarian	librarian	ADJ
crln-25534	7	6	position	position	NOUN
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crln-25534	7	8	not	not	PART
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crln-25534	7	10	to	to	PART
crln-25534	7	11	be	be	AUX
crln-25534	7	12	filled	fill	VERB
crln-25534	7	13	in	in	ADP
crln-25534	7	14	2016	2016	NUM
crln-25534	7	15	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	7	16	this	this	DET
crln-25534	7	17	model	model	NOUN
crln-25534	7	18	languished	languish	VERB
crln-25534	7	19	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	8	1	in	in	ADP
crln-25534	8	2	2017	2017	NUM
crln-25534	8	3	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	8	4	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	8	5	again	again	ADV
crln-25534	8	6	in	in	ADP
crln-25534	8	7	2020	2020	NUM
crln-25534	8	8	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	8	9	the	the	DET
crln-25534	8	10	university	university	NOUN
crln-25534	8	11	libraries	library	NOUN
crln-25534	8	12	was	be	AUX
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crln-25534	8	14	to	to	PART
crln-25534	8	15	severely	severely	ADV
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crln-25534	8	17	the	the	DET
crln-25534	8	18	two	two	NUM
crln-25534	8	19	smaller	small	ADJ
crln-25534	8	20	branch	branch	NOUN
crln-25534	8	21	campus	campus	NOUN
crln-25534	8	22	libraries	library	NOUN
crln-25534	8	23	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	8	24	remove	remove	VERB
crln-25534	8	25	the	the	DET
crln-25534	8	26	staff	staff	NOUN
crln-25534	8	27	from	from	ADP
crln-25534	8	28	those	those	DET
crln-25534	8	29	locations	location	NOUN
crln-25534	8	30	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	9	1	this	this	PRON
crln-25534	9	2	left	leave	VERB
crln-25534	9	3	an	an	DET
crln-25534	9	4	ever	ever	ADV
crln-25534	9	5	-	-	PUNCT
crln-25534	9	6	widening	widen	VERB
crln-25534	9	7	gap	gap	NOUN
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crln-25534	9	9	those	those	DET
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crln-25534	9	13	to	to	ADP
crln-25534	9	14	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	9	15	services	service	NOUN
crln-25534	9	16	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	9	17	those	those	PRON
crln-25534	9	18	who	who	PRON
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crln-25534	9	20	not	not	PART
crln-25534	9	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	10	11	a	a	DET
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crln-25534	10	15	a	a	DET
crln-25534	10	16	year	year	NOUN
crln-25534	10	17	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	10	18	this	this	PRON
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crln-25534	10	24	all	all	DET
crln-25534	10	25	the	the	DET
crln-25534	10	26	students	student	NOUN
crln-25534	10	27	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	11	1	brainstorming	brainstorm	VERB
crln-25534	11	2	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	11	17	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crln-25534	11	18	meetings	meeting	NOUN
crln-25534	11	19	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	12	7	but	but	CCONJ
crln-25534	12	8	few	few	ADJ
crln-25534	12	9	successes	success	NOUN
crln-25534	12	10	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	13	25	help	help	NOUN
crln-25534	13	26	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	14	20	campus	campus	NOUN
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crln-25534	14	38	the	the	DET
crln-25534	14	39	freshman	freshman	NOUN
crln-25534	14	40	seminar	seminar	NOUN
crln-25534	14	41	classes	class	NOUN
crln-25534	14	42	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	15	2	we	we	PRON
crln-25534	15	3	all	all	PRON
crln-25534	15	4	knew	know	VERB
crln-25534	15	5	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	15	6	the	the	DET
crln-25534	15	7	one	one	NUM
crln-25534	15	8	-	-	PUNCT
crln-25534	15	9	shot	shot	NOUN
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crln-25534	15	21	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	15	26	unless	unless	SCONJ
crln-25534	15	27	there	there	PRON
crln-25534	15	28	was	be	VERB
crln-25534	15	29	an	an	DET
crln-25534	15	30	assignment	assignment	NOUN
crln-25534	15	31	that	that	PRON
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crln-25534	15	36	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	15	38	instrucjennifer	instrucjennifer	PROPN
crln-25534	15	39	m.	m.	PROPN
crln-25534	15	40	brady	brady	PROPN
crln-25534	15	41	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	15	42	susan	susan	PROPN
crln-25534	15	43	kromrie	kromrie	PROPN
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crln-25534	15	45	a	a	DET
crln-25534	15	46	self	self	NOUN
crln-25534	15	47	-	-	PUNCT
crln-25534	15	48	paced	pace	VERB
crln-25534	15	49	library	library	NOUN
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crln-25534	15	51	and	and	CCONJ
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crln-25534	15	54	module	module	NOUN
crln-25534	15	55	providing	provide	VERB
crln-25534	15	56	access	access	NOUN
crln-25534	15	57	to	to	ADP
crln-25534	15	58	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	15	59	resources	resource	NOUN
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crln-25534	15	61	the	the	DET
crln-25534	15	62	point	point	NOUN
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crln-25534	15	64	need	need	NOUN
crln-25534	15	65	jennifer	jennifer	PROPN
crln-25534	15	66	m.	m.	PROPN
crln-25534	15	67	brady	brady	PROPN
crln-25534	15	68	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	15	69	formerly	formerly	ADV
crln-25534	15	70	of	of	ADP
crln-25534	15	71	southwest	southwest	ADJ
crln-25534	15	72	baptist	baptist	ADJ
crln-25534	15	73	university	university	NOUN
crln-25534	15	74	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	15	75	is	be	AUX
crln-25534	15	76	now	now	ADV
crln-25534	15	77	head	head	ADJ
crln-25534	15	78	librarian	librarian	NOUN
crln-25534	15	79	for	for	ADP
crln-25534	15	80	reference	reference	NOUN
crln-25534	15	81	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	15	82	research	research	NOUN
crln-25534	15	83	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	15	84	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	15	85	instruction	instruction	NOUN
crln-25534	15	86	at	at	ADP
crln-25534	15	87	creighton	creighton	PROPN
crln-25534	15	88	university	university	PROPN
crln-25534	15	89	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	15	90	email	email	NOUN
crln-25534	15	91	:	:	PUNCT
crln-25534	15	92	PROPN
crln-25534	15	93	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	15	94	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	15	95	susan	susan	PROPN
crln-25534	15	96	kromrie	kromrie	PROPN
crln-25534	15	97	is	be	AUX
crln-25534	15	98	acquisition	acquisition	NOUN
crln-25534	15	99	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	15	100	collection	collection	NOUN
crln-25534	15	101	development	development	NOUN
crln-25534	15	102	librarian	librarian	PROPN
crln-25534	15	103	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	15	104	retired	retire	VERB
crln-25534	15	105	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	15	106	email	email	NOUN
crln-25534	15	107	:	:	PUNCT
crln-25534	15	108	PROPN
crln-25534	15	109	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	15	110	at	at	ADP
crln-25534	15	111	southwest	southw	ADJ
crln-25534	15	112	baptist	baptist	ADJ
crln-25534	15	113	university	university	NOUN
crln-25534	15	114	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	16	1	©	©	ADJ
crln-25534	16	2	2022	2022	NUM
crln-25534	16	3	jennifer	jennifer	PROPN
crln-25534	16	4	m.	m.	PROPN
crln-25534	16	5	brady	brady	PROPN
crln-25534	16	6	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	16	7	susan	susan	PROPN
crln-25534	16	8	kromrie	kromrie	PROPN
crln-25534	16	9	mailto	mailto	PROPN
crln-25534	16	10	:	:	PUNCT
crln-25534	16	11	PROPN
crln-25534	16	12	mailto	mailto	PROPN
crln-25534	16	13	:	:	PUNCT
crln-25534	16	14	PROPN
crln-25534	16	15	c&rl	c&rl	PROPN
crln-25534	16	16	news	news	PROPN
crln-25534	16	17	july	july	PROPN
crln-25534	16	18	/	/	SYM
crln-25534	16	19	august	august	PROPN
crln-25534	16	20	2022	2022	NUM
crln-25534	16	21	302	302	NUM
crln-25534	16	22	tion	tion	NOUN
crln-25534	16	23	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	16	24	students	student	NOUN
crln-25534	16	25	tended	tend	VERB
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crln-25534	16	27	tune	tune	VERB
crln-25534	16	28	out	out	ADP
crln-25534	16	29	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	17	1	we	we	PRON
crln-25534	17	2	considered	consider	VERB
crln-25534	17	3	a	a	DET
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crln-25534	17	5	or	or	CCONJ
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crln-25534	17	8	non	non	ADJ
crln-25534	17	9	-	-	ADJ
crln-25534	17	10	credit	credit	ADJ
crln-25534	17	11	course	course	NOUN
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crln-25534	17	15	literacy	literacy	NOUN
crln-25534	17	16	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	17	17	but	but	CCONJ
crln-25534	17	18	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	17	19	faculty	faculty	NOUN
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crln-25534	17	26	or	or	CCONJ
crln-25534	17	27	administrative	administrative	ADJ
crln-25534	17	28	support	support	NOUN
crln-25534	17	29	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	18	1	additionally	additionally	ADV
crln-25534	18	2	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-25534	18	12	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	18	13	students	student	NOUN
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crln-25534	18	17	up	up	ADP
crln-25534	18	18	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	19	18	springshare	springshare	NOUN
crln-25534	19	19	’s	’s	PART
crln-25534	19	20	libguides	libguide	NOUN
crln-25534	19	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	20	23	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	21	7	:	:	PUNCT
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crln-25534	21	12	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-25534	21	15	not	not	PART
crln-25534	21	16	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	22	11	literacy	literacy	NOUN
crln-25534	22	12	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-25534	22	17	a	a	DET
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crln-25534	22	19	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	23	10	different	different	ADJ
crln-25534	23	11	guides	guide	NOUN
crln-25534	23	12	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	24	13	ebsco	ebsco	PROPN
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crln-25534	24	26	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	25	2	we	we	PRON
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crln-25534	25	5	the	the	PRON
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crln-25534	25	7	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	25	8	when	when	SCONJ
crln-25534	25	9	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	25	10	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	25	11	how	how	SCONJ
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crln-25534	25	13	recreating	recreate	VERB
crln-25534	25	14	the	the	DET
crln-25534	25	15	videos	video	NOUN
crln-25534	25	16	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-25534	25	20	a	a	DET
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crln-25534	25	22	comprehensive	comprehensive	ADJ
crln-25534	25	23	course	course	NOUN
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crln-25534	25	26	again	again	ADV
crln-25534	25	27	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	26	2	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	26	4	literacy	literacy	NOUN
crln-25534	26	5	librarian	librarian	ADJ
crln-25534	26	6	position	position	NOUN
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crln-25534	26	8	still	still	ADV
crln-25534	26	9	not	not	PART
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crln-25534	26	11	approved	approve	VERB
crln-25534	26	12	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	26	13	the	the	DET
crln-25534	26	14	springfield	springfield	PROPN
crln-25534	26	15	campus	campus	PROPN
crln-25534	26	16	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	26	17	director	director	NOUN
crln-25534	26	18	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	26	19	digital	digital	ADJ
crln-25534	26	20	services	service	NOUN
crln-25534	26	21	librarian	librarian	PROPN
crln-25534	26	22	(	(	PUNCT
crln-25534	26	23	hereafter	hereafter	ADV
crln-25534	26	24	referred	refer	VERB
crln-25534	26	25	to	to	ADP
crln-25534	26	26	as	as	ADP
crln-25534	26	27	“	"	PUNCT
crln-25534	26	28	the	the	DET
crln-25534	26	29	developers	developer	NOUN
crln-25534	26	30	”	"	PUNCT
crln-25534	26	31	)	)	PUNCT
crln-25534	26	32	decided	decide	VERB
crln-25534	26	33	to	to	PART
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crln-25534	26	38	of	of	ADP
crln-25534	26	39	this	this	DET
crln-25534	26	40	project	project	NOUN
crln-25534	26	41	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	27	1	development	development	NOUN
crln-25534	27	2	process	process	NOUN
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crln-25534	27	4	years	year	NOUN
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crln-25534	27	6	talking	talk	VERB
crln-25534	27	7	about	about	ADP
crln-25534	27	8	what	what	PRON
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crln-25534	27	11	in	in	ADP
crln-25534	27	12	a	a	DET
crln-25534	27	13	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	27	14	orientation	orientation	NOUN
crln-25534	27	15	course	course	NOUN
crln-25534	27	16	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	27	17	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	27	20	the	the	PRON
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crln-25534	27	22	pandemic	pandemic	ADJ
crln-25534	27	23	fast	fast	ADV
crln-25534	27	24	-	-	PUNCT
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crln-25534	27	26	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	27	30	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-25534	27	35	orientation	orientation	NOUN
crln-25534	27	36	libguide	libguide	ADV
crln-25534	27	37	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	28	1	when	when	SCONJ
crln-25534	28	2	assessing	assess	VERB
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crln-25534	28	10	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	28	11	or	or	CCONJ
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crln-25534	28	18	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-25534	28	20	were	be	VERB
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crln-25534	28	22	factors	factor	NOUN
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crln-25534	28	29	consideration	consideration	NOUN
crln-25534	28	30	:	:	PUNCT
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crln-25534	28	34	for	for	ADP
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crln-25534	28	36	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-25534	28	40	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	28	41	ease	ease	NOUN
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crln-25534	28	43	coding	code	VERB
crln-25534	28	44	for	for	ADP
crln-25534	28	45	faculty/	faculty/	NUM
crln-25534	28	46	staff	staff	NOUN
crln-25534	28	47	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	28	48	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	28	49	ability	ability	NOUN
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crln-25534	28	54	longterm	longterm	NOUN
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crln-25534	28	56	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	29	23	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	30	59	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	33	17	;	;	PUNCT
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crln-25534	33	37	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	34	14	-	-	PUNCT
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crln-25534	34	29	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	35	31	-	-	PUNCT
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crln-25534	35	33	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	36	42	-	-	PUNCT
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crln-25534	37	23	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	38	34	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	39	4	/	/	SYM
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crln-25534	39	7	303	303	NUM
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crln-25534	39	43	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	40	22	-	-	PUNCT
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crln-25534	40	40	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	41	5	1.c	1.c	NUM
crln-25534	41	6	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	43	26	search	search	NOUN
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crln-25534	43	28	an	an	DET
crln-25534	43	29	sbu	sbu	NOUN
crln-25534	43	30	database	database	NOUN
crln-25534	43	31	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	43	32	how	how	SCONJ
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crln-25534	43	34	i	i	PRON
crln-25534	43	35	modify	modify	VERB
crln-25534	43	36	my	my	PRON
crln-25534	43	37	current	current	ADJ
crln-25534	43	38	search	search	NOUN
crln-25534	43	39	to	to	PART
crln-25534	43	40	narrow	narrow	VERB
crln-25534	43	41	my	my	PRON
crln-25534	43	42	results	result	NOUN
crln-25534	43	43	?	?	PUNCT
crln-25534	43	44	”	"	PUNCT
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crln-25534	43	46	may	may	PROPN
crln-25534	43	47	1	1	NUM
crln-25534	43	48	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	43	49	2020	2020	NUM
crln-25534	43	50	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-25534	43	52	april	april	PROPN
crln-25534	43	53	30	30	NUM
crln-25534	43	54	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	43	55	2021	2021	NUM
crln-25534	43	56	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	43	57	76	76	NUM
crln-25534	43	58	%	%	NOUN
crln-25534	43	59	of	of	ADP
crln-25534	43	60	students	student	NOUN
crln-25534	43	61	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	43	62	or	or	CCONJ
crln-25534	43	63	32	32	NUM
crln-25534	43	64	out	out	ADP
crln-25534	43	65	of	of	ADP
crln-25534	43	66	42	42	NUM
crln-25534	43	67	were	be	AUX
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crln-25534	43	70	answer	answer	VERB
crln-25534	43	71	this	this	DET
crln-25534	43	72	question	question	NOUN
crln-25534	43	73	correctly	correctly	ADV
crln-25534	43	74	(	(	PUNCT
crln-25534	43	75	fig	fig	NOUN
crln-25534	43	76	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	43	77	1	1	X
crln-25534	43	78	)	)	PUNCT
crln-25534	43	79	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	44	1	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	44	3	orientation	orientation	NOUN
crln-25534	44	4	assessed	assess	VERB
crln-25534	44	5	plslo	plslo	NOUN
crln-25534	44	6	1.c	1.c	NUM
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crln-25534	44	8	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	44	10	time	time	NOUN
crln-25534	44	11	frame	frame	NOUN
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crln-25534	44	13	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	44	15	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	44	16	“	"	PUNCT
crln-25534	44	17	how	how	SCONJ
crln-25534	44	18	do	do	AUX
crln-25534	44	19	boolean	boolean	ADJ
crln-25534	44	20	operators	operator	NOUN
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crln-25534	44	22	you	you	PRON
crln-25534	44	23	search	search	VERB
crln-25534	44	24	more	more	ADV
crln-25534	44	25	effectively	effectively	ADV
crln-25534	44	26	?	?	PUNCT
crln-25534	44	27	”	"	PUNCT
crln-25534	45	1	in	in	ADP
crln-25534	45	2	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	45	5	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-25534	45	9	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	45	11	correctly	correctly	ADV
crln-25534	45	12	(	(	PUNCT
crln-25534	45	13	fig	fig	NOUN
crln-25534	45	14	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	45	15	2	2	X
crln-25534	45	16	)	)	PUNCT
crln-25534	45	17	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	46	1	this	this	DET
crln-25534	46	2	37	37	NUM
crln-25534	46	3	%	%	NOUN
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crln-25534	46	6	student	student	NOUN
crln-25534	46	7	accuracy	accuracy	NOUN
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crln-25534	46	9	to	to	ADP
crln-25534	46	10	a	a	DET
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crln-25534	46	12	question	question	NOUN
crln-25534	46	13	in	in	ADP
crln-25534	46	14	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	46	16	literacy	literacy	NOUN
crln-25534	46	17	session	session	NOUN
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crln-25534	46	22	the	the	DET
crln-25534	46	23	online	online	ADJ
crln-25534	46	24	information	information	NOUN
crln-25534	46	25	literacy	literacy	NOUN
crln-25534	46	26	model	model	NOUN
crln-25534	46	27	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	47	1	the	the	DET
crln-25534	47	2	self	self	NOUN
crln-25534	47	3	-	-	PUNCT
crln-25534	47	4	paced	pace	VERB
crln-25534	47	5	model	model	NOUN
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crln-25534	47	7	students	student	NOUN
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crln-25534	47	10	learning	learn	VERB
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crln-25534	47	13	which	which	PRON
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crln-25534	47	15	are	be	AUX
crln-25534	47	16	comfortable	comfortable	ADJ
crln-25534	47	17	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	47	18	repeat	repeat	NOUN
crln-25534	47	19	concepts	concept	NOUN
crln-25534	47	20	in	in	ADP
crln-25534	47	21	which	which	PRON
crln-25534	47	22	they	they	PRON
crln-25534	47	23	struggle	struggle	VERB
crln-25534	47	24	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	47	25	and	and	CCONJ
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crln-25534	47	28	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	47	30	they	they	PRON
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crln-25534	47	32	most	most	ADV
crln-25534	47	33	comfortable	comfortable	ADJ
crln-25534	47	34	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	48	1	one	one	NUM
crln-25534	48	2	of	of	ADP
crln-25534	48	3	the	the	DET
crln-25534	48	4	final	final	ADJ
crln-25534	48	5	assessments	assessment	NOUN
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crln-25534	48	7	the	the	DET
crln-25534	48	8	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	48	9	orientation	orientation	NOUN
crln-25534	48	10	allows	allow	VERB
crln-25534	48	11	the	the	DET
crln-25534	48	12	students	student	NOUN
crln-25534	48	13	to	to	PART
crln-25534	48	14	provide	provide	VERB
crln-25534	48	15	their	their	PRON
crln-25534	48	16	self	self	NOUN
crln-25534	48	17	-	-	PUNCT
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crln-25534	48	21	the	the	DET
crln-25534	48	22	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	48	23	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-25534	48	24	after	after	ADP
crln-25534	48	25	completing	complete	VERB
crln-25534	48	26	the	the	DET
crln-25534	48	27	online	online	ADJ
crln-25534	48	28	modules	module	NOUN
crln-25534	48	29	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	49	3	1	1	NUM
crln-25534	49	4	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	49	5	2020	2020	NUM
crln-25534	49	6	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	49	7	to	to	ADP
crln-25534	49	8	april	april	PROPN
crln-25534	49	9	30	30	NUM
crln-25534	49	10	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	49	11	2021	2021	NUM
crln-25534	49	12	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	49	13	one	one	NUM
crln-25534	49	14	question	question	NOUN
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crln-25534	49	16	evaluated	evaluate	VERB
crln-25534	49	17	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	49	18	“	"	PUNCT
crln-25534	49	19	i	i	PRON
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crln-25534	49	21	comfortable	comfortable	ADJ
crln-25534	49	22	describing	describe	VERB
crln-25534	49	23	how	how	SCONJ
crln-25534	49	24	i	i	PRON
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crln-25534	49	26	my	my	PRON
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crln-25534	49	28	to	to	PART
crln-25534	49	29	find	find	VERB
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crln-25534	49	31	information	information	NOUN
crln-25534	49	32	for	for	ADP
crln-25534	49	33	my	my	PRON
crln-25534	49	34	assignment	assignment	NOUN
crln-25534	49	35	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	49	36	”	"	PUNCT
crln-25534	50	1	this	this	DET
crln-25534	50	2	question	question	NOUN
crln-25534	50	3	has	have	VERB
crln-25534	50	4	a	a	DET
crln-25534	50	5	likert	likert	ADJ
crln-25534	50	6	scale	scale	NOUN
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crln-25534	50	10	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-25534	50	12	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	50	13	neutral	neutral	ADJ
crln-25534	50	14	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	50	15	agree	agree	VERB
crln-25534	50	16	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	50	17	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	50	18	strongly	strongly	ADV
crln-25534	50	19	agree	agree	VERB
crln-25534	50	20	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	51	3	the	the	DET
crln-25534	51	4	46	46	NUM
crln-25534	51	5	students	student	NOUN
crln-25534	51	6	who	who	PRON
crln-25534	51	7	responded	respond	VERB
crln-25534	51	8	to	to	ADP
crln-25534	51	9	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	51	12	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	51	14	period	period	NOUN
crln-25534	51	15	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	51	16	45	45	NUM
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crln-25534	51	18	that	that	SCONJ
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crln-25534	51	21	or	or	CCONJ
crln-25534	51	22	strongly	strongly	ADV
crln-25534	51	23	agree	agree	VERB
crln-25534	51	24	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	52	2	this	this	DET
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crln-25534	52	4	self	self	NOUN
crln-25534	52	5	-	-	PUNCT
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crln-25534	52	17	such	such	ADJ
crln-25534	52	18	as	as	ADP
crln-25534	52	19	“	"	PUNCT
crln-25534	52	20	[	[	X
crln-25534	52	21	t]he	t]he	PRON
crln-25534	52	22	skills	skill	VERB
crln-25534	52	23	that	that	PRON
crln-25534	52	24	i	i	PRON
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crln-25534	52	28	me	i	PRON
crln-25534	52	29	have	have	VERB
crln-25534	52	30	better	well	ADJ
crln-25534	52	31	research	research	NOUN
crln-25534	52	32	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	52	33	more	more	ADV
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crln-25534	52	35	studies	study	NOUN
crln-25534	52	36	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	52	37	”	"	PUNCT
crln-25534	52	38	“	"	PUNCT
crln-25534	52	39	[	[	X
crln-25534	52	40	t]he	t]he	X
crln-25534	52	41	skills	skill	NOUN
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crln-25534	52	43	in	in	ADP
crln-25534	52	44	the	the	DET
crln-25534	52	45	orientation	orientation	NOUN
crln-25534	52	46	i	i	PRON
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crln-25534	52	58	research	research	NOUN
crln-25534	52	59	when	when	SCONJ
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crln-25534	52	61	for	for	ADP
crln-25534	52	62	scholarly	scholarly	ADJ
crln-25534	52	63	articles	article	NOUN
crln-25534	52	64	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	52	65	”	"	PUNCT
crln-25534	52	66	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	52	67	“	"	PUNCT
crln-25534	52	68	it	it	PRON
crln-25534	52	69	will	will	AUX
crln-25534	52	70	enhance	enhance	VERB
crln-25534	52	71	[	[	PUNCT
crln-25534	52	72	my	my	PRON
crln-25534	52	73	research	research	NOUN
crln-25534	52	74	skills	skill	NOUN
crln-25534	52	75	]	]	PUNCT
crln-25534	52	76	because	because	SCONJ
crln-25534	52	77	i	i	PRON
crln-25534	52	78	did	do	AUX
crln-25534	52	79	n’t	not	PART
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crln-25534	52	81	half	half	NOUN
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crln-25534	52	85	existed	exist	VERB
crln-25534	52	86	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	52	87	”	"	PUNCT
crln-25534	53	1	within	within	ADP
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crln-25534	53	3	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	53	4	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	53	5	faculty	faculty	NOUN
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crln-25534	53	11	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	53	12	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	53	13	asset	asset	NOUN
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crln-25534	53	21	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	53	22	orientation	orientation	NOUN
crln-25534	53	23	guide	guide	NOUN
crln-25534	53	24	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	54	2	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	54	13	time	time	NOUN
crln-25534	54	14	fig	fig	NOUN
crln-25534	54	15	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	55	1	1	1	X
crln-25534	55	2	.	.	X
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crln-25534	55	5	post	post	ADJ
crln-25534	55	6	-	-	ADJ
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crln-25534	55	8	multiple	multiple	ADJ
crln-25534	55	9	-	-	PUNCT
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crln-25534	55	11	quiz	quiz	NOUN
crln-25534	55	12	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	56	1	c&rl	c&rl	PROPN
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crln-25534	56	3	july	july	PROPN
crln-25534	56	4	/	/	SYM
crln-25534	56	5	august	august	PROPN
crln-25534	56	6	2022	2022	NUM
crln-25534	56	7	304	304	NUM
crln-25534	56	8	frame	frame	NOUN
crln-25534	56	9	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-25534	56	16	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	57	19	being	be	AUX
crln-25534	57	20	accessed	access	VERB
crln-25534	57	21	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	58	2	example	example	NOUN
crln-25534	58	3	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	58	4	if	if	SCONJ
crln-25534	58	5	university	university	NOUN
crln-25534	58	6	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crln-25534	58	7	are	be	AUX
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crln-25534	58	9	the	the	DET
crln-25534	58	10	library	library	NOUN
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crln-25534	58	13	their	their	PRON
crln-25534	58	14	lms	lm	NOUN
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crln-25534	58	17	the	the	DET
crln-25534	58	18	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	58	19	faculty	faculty	NOUN
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crln-25534	58	22	a	a	DET
crln-25534	58	23	url	url	NOUN
crln-25534	58	24	referrer	referrer	NOUN
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crln-25534	58	26	the	the	DET
crln-25534	58	27	lms	lm	NOUN
crln-25534	58	28	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	58	29	but	but	CCONJ
crln-25534	58	30	not	not	PART
crln-25534	58	31	the	the	DET
crln-25534	58	32	specific	specific	ADJ
crln-25534	58	33	instructor	instructor	NOUN
crln-25534	58	34	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	59	1	the	the	DET
crln-25534	59	2	statistics	statistic	NOUN
crln-25534	59	3	feature	feature	NOUN
crln-25534	59	4	has	have	AUX
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crln-25534	59	6	a	a	DET
crln-25534	59	7	huge	huge	ADJ
crln-25534	59	8	selling	selling	NOUN
crln-25534	59	9	point	point	NOUN
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crln-25534	59	12	the	the	DET
crln-25534	59	13	library	library	NOUN
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crln-25534	59	17	that	that	PRON
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crln-25534	59	19	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	59	20	requirements	requirement	NOUN
crln-25534	59	21	for	for	ADP
crln-25534	59	22	accreditation	accreditation	NOUN
crln-25534	59	23	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	60	2	being	be	AUX
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crln-25534	60	4	to	to	PART
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crln-25534	60	6	usage	usage	NOUN
crln-25534	60	7	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	60	8	programs	program	NOUN
crln-25534	60	9	can	can	AUX
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crln-25534	60	11	statistical	statistical	ADJ
crln-25534	60	12	evidence	evidence	NOUN
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crln-25534	60	17	how	how	SCONJ
crln-25534	60	18	many	many	ADJ
crln-25534	60	19	students	student	NOUN
crln-25534	60	20	completed	complete	VERB
crln-25534	60	21	the	the	DET
crln-25534	60	22	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	60	23	orientation	orientation	NOUN
crln-25534	60	24	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	61	1	additionally	additionally	ADV
crln-25534	61	2	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	61	3	colleges	college	NOUN
crln-25534	61	4	that	that	PRON
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crln-25534	61	6	programs	program	NOUN
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crln-25534	61	8	students	student	NOUN
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crln-25534	61	11	associate	associate	NOUN
crln-25534	61	12	’s	’s	NOUN
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crln-25534	61	14	graduate	graduate	ADJ
crln-25534	61	15	degrees	degree	NOUN
crln-25534	61	16	will	will	AUX
crln-25534	61	17	be	be	AUX
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crln-25534	61	19	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-25534	61	22	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-25534	61	25	a	a	DET
crln-25534	61	26	student	student	NOUN
crln-25534	61	27	’s	’s	NOUN
crln-25534	61	28	self	self	NOUN
crln-25534	61	29	-	-	PUNCT
crln-25534	61	30	efficacy	efficacy	NOUN
crln-25534	61	31	or	or	CCONJ
crln-25534	61	32	information	information	NOUN
crln-25534	61	33	competency	competency	NOUN
crln-25534	61	34	.	.	PUNCT
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crln-25534	62	3	the	the	DET
crln-25534	62	4	self	self	NOUN
crln-25534	62	5	-	-	PUNCT
crln-25534	62	6	assessment	assessment	NOUN
crln-25534	62	7	quizzes	quiz	NOUN
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crln-25534	62	9	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	62	12	the	the	DET
crln-25534	62	13	self	self	NOUN
crln-25534	62	14	-	-	PUNCT
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crln-25534	62	16	library	library	NOUN
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crln-25534	62	18	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	62	19	information	information	NOUN
crln-25534	62	20	literacy	literacy	NOUN
crln-25534	62	21	modules	module	NOUN
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crln-25534	62	26	libwizard	libwizard	ADJ
crln-25534	62	27	form	form	NOUN
crln-25534	62	28	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	62	29	providing	provide	VERB
crln-25534	62	30	instant	instant	ADJ
crln-25534	62	31	feedback	feedback	NOUN
crln-25534	62	32	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	63	1	the	the	DET
crln-25534	63	2	learning	learn	VERB
crln-25534	63	3	curve	curve	NOUN
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crln-25534	63	5	creating	create	VERB
crln-25534	63	6	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	63	8	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	63	9	surveys	survey	NOUN
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crln-25534	63	11	libwizard	libwizard	ADV
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crln-25534	63	14	than	than	SCONJ
crln-25534	63	15	initially	initially	ADV
crln-25534	63	16	desired	desire	VERB
crln-25534	63	17	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	64	1	however	however	ADV
crln-25534	64	2	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	64	3	there	there	PRON
crln-25534	64	4	are	be	VERB
crln-25534	64	5	a	a	DET
crln-25534	64	6	considerable	considerable	ADJ
crln-25534	64	7	number	number	NOUN
crln-25534	64	8	of	of	ADP
crln-25534	64	9	tutorials	tutorial	NOUN
crln-25534	64	10	that	that	PRON
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crln-25534	64	12	be	be	AUX
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crln-25534	64	16	,	,	PUNCT
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crln-25534	64	18	the	the	DET
crln-25534	64	19	process	process	NOUN
crln-25534	64	20	less	less	ADV
crln-25534	64	21	painful	painful	ADJ
crln-25534	64	22	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	65	1	answers	answer	NOUN
crln-25534	65	2	submitted	submit	VERB
crln-25534	65	3	through	through	ADP
crln-25534	65	4	these	these	DET
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crln-25534	65	7	exporting	export	VERB
crln-25534	65	8	for	for	ADP
crln-25534	65	9	sorting	sort	VERB
crln-25534	65	10	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	65	11	cross	cross	NOUN
crln-25534	65	12	tab	tab	NOUN
crln-25534	65	13	analysis	analysis	NOUN
crln-25534	65	14	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	65	15	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	65	16	advanced	advanced	ADJ
crln-25534	65	17	filtering	filtering	NOUN
crln-25534	65	18	for	for	ADP
crln-25534	65	19	reporting	report	VERB
crln-25534	65	20	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	66	1	again	again	ADV
crln-25534	66	2	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	66	3	data	datum	NOUN
crln-25534	66	4	can	can	AUX
crln-25534	66	5	be	be	AUX
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crln-25534	66	8	date	date	NOUN
crln-25534	66	9	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	66	10	so	so	SCONJ
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crln-25534	66	19	reporting	report	VERB
crln-25534	66	20	periods	period	NOUN
crln-25534	66	21	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	67	1	once	once	SCONJ
crln-25534	67	2	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	67	4	orientation	orientation	NOUN
crln-25534	67	5	libguide	libguide	ADJ
crln-25534	67	6	was	be	AUX
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crln-25534	67	8	and	and	CCONJ
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crln-25534	67	10	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	67	11	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	67	13	remained	remain	VERB
crln-25534	67	14	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	67	15	which	which	PRON
crln-25534	67	16	courses	course	VERB
crln-25534	67	17	or	or	CCONJ
crln-25534	67	18	programs	program	NOUN
crln-25534	67	19	to	to	PART
crln-25534	67	20	partner	partner	VERB
crln-25534	67	21	with	with	ADP
crln-25534	67	22	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	67	23	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	67	24	how	how	SCONJ
crln-25534	67	25	do	do	AUX
crln-25534	67	26	we	we	PRON
crln-25534	67	27	let	let	VERB
crln-25534	67	28	students	student	NOUN
crln-25534	67	29	on	on	ADP
crln-25534	67	30	a	a	DET
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crln-25534	67	32	without	without	ADP
crln-25534	67	33	a	a	DET
crln-25534	67	34	librarian	librarian	NOUN
crln-25534	67	35	or	or	CCONJ
crln-25534	67	36	taking	take	VERB
crln-25534	67	37	courses	course	NOUN
crln-25534	67	38	remotely	remotely	ADV
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crln-25534	67	40	about	about	ADP
crln-25534	67	41	the	the	DET
crln-25534	67	42	new	new	ADJ
crln-25534	67	43	resource	resource	NOUN
crln-25534	67	44	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	68	1	during	during	ADP
crln-25534	68	2	fall	fall	NOUN
crln-25534	68	3	2021	2021	NUM
crln-25534	68	4	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	68	5	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	68	7	orientation	orientation	NOUN
crln-25534	68	8	course	course	NOUN
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crln-25534	68	11	available	available	ADJ
crln-25534	68	12	online	online	NOUN
crln-25534	68	13	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	68	14	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	68	15	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	68	18	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	68	21	emails	email	NOUN
crln-25534	68	22	or	or	CCONJ
crln-25534	68	23	by	by	ADP
crln-25534	68	24	word	word	NOUN
crln-25534	68	25	of	of	ADP
crln-25534	68	26	mouth	mouth	NOUN
crln-25534	68	27	to	to	ADP
crln-25534	68	28	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crln-25534	68	29	who	who	PRON
crln-25534	68	30	might	might	AUX
crln-25534	68	31	use	use	VERB
crln-25534	68	32	the	the	DET
crln-25534	68	33	resource	resource	NOUN
crln-25534	68	34	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	69	1	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	69	5	statistical	statistical	ADJ
crln-25534	69	6	evidence	evidence	NOUN
crln-25534	69	7	to	to	ADP
crln-25534	69	8	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	69	11	led	lead	VERB
crln-25534	69	12	the	the	DET
crln-25534	69	13	sbu	sbu	NOUN
crln-25534	69	14	college	college	PROPN
crln-25534	69	15	of	of	ADP
crln-25534	69	16	health	health	NOUN
crln-25534	69	17	professions	profession	NOUN
crln-25534	69	18	’	'	PUNCT
crln-25534	69	19	nursing	nursing	NOUN
crln-25534	69	20	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	69	21	radiology	radiology	NOUN
crln-25534	69	22	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	69	23	health	health	NOUN
crln-25534	69	24	science	science	NOUN
crln-25534	69	25	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	69	26	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	69	27	physical	physical	ADJ
crln-25534	69	28	therapy	therapy	NOUN
crln-25534	69	29	programs	program	NOUN
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crln-25534	69	31	be	be	AUX
crln-25534	69	32	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	69	34	to	to	PART
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crln-25534	69	36	the	the	DET
crln-25534	69	37	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	69	38	orientation	orientation	NOUN
crln-25534	69	39	into	into	ADP
crln-25534	69	40	their	their	PRON
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crln-25534	69	42	orientation	orientation	NOUN
crln-25534	69	43	course	course	NOUN
crln-25534	69	44	starting	start	VERB
crln-25534	69	45	in	in	ADP
crln-25534	69	46	the	the	DET
crln-25534	69	47	spring	spring	NOUN
crln-25534	69	48	2022	2022	NUM
crln-25534	69	49	semester	semester	NOUN
crln-25534	69	50	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	70	1	moving	move	VERB
crln-25534	70	2	forward	forward	ADV
crln-25534	70	3	in	in	ADP
crln-25534	70	4	addition	addition	NOUN
crln-25534	70	5	to	to	ADP
crln-25534	70	6	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	70	9	getting	get	VERB
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crln-25534	70	11	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	70	12	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	70	13	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	70	15	for	for	ADP
crln-25534	70	16	our	our	PRON
crln-25534	70	17	students	student	NOUN
crln-25534	70	18	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	70	19	we	we	PRON
crln-25534	70	20	anticipate	anticipate	VERB
crln-25534	70	21	that	that	SCONJ
crln-25534	70	22	professors	professor	NOUN
crln-25534	70	23	will	will	AUX
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crln-25534	70	26	this	this	DET
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crln-25534	70	28	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	70	29	orientation	orientation	NOUN
crln-25534	70	30	libguide	libguide	ADV
crln-25534	70	31	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	70	32	as	as	ADV
crln-25534	70	33	well	well	ADV
crln-25534	70	34	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	71	1	instructors	instructor	NOUN
crln-25534	71	2	will	will	AUX
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crln-25534	71	5	to	to	PART
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crln-25534	71	7	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	71	9	to	to	ADP
crln-25534	71	10	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	71	13	their	their	PRON
crln-25534	71	14	lms	lm	NOUN
crln-25534	71	15	course	course	NOUN
crln-25534	71	16	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	71	17	enabling	enable	VERB
crln-25534	71	18	them	they	PRON
crln-25534	71	19	to	to	PART
crln-25534	71	20	have	have	VERB
crln-25534	71	21	students	student	NOUN
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crln-25534	71	23	the	the	DET
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crln-25534	71	25	and	and	CCONJ
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crln-25534	71	30	understanding	understanding	NOUN
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crln-25534	71	32	the	the	DET
crln-25534	71	33	library	library	PROPN
crln-25534	71	34	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-25534	71	35	fig	fig	PROPN
crln-25534	71	36	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	72	1	2	2	X
crln-25534	72	2	.	.	X
crln-25534	72	3	results	result	NOUN
crln-25534	72	4	of	of	ADP
crln-25534	72	5	post	post	ADJ
crln-25534	72	6	-	-	ADJ
crln-25534	72	7	instruction	instruction	ADJ
crln-25534	72	8	quiz	quiz	NOUN
crln-25534	72	9	question	question	NOUN
crln-25534	72	10	on	on	ADP
crln-25534	72	11	boolean	boolean	ADJ
crln-25534	72	12	operators	operator	NOUN
crln-25534	72	13	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	73	1	c&rl	c&rl	PROPN
crln-25534	73	2	news	news	PROPN
crln-25534	73	3	july	july	PROPN
crln-25534	73	4	/	/	SYM
crln-25534	73	5	august	august	PROPN
crln-25534	73	6	2022	2022	NUM
crln-25534	73	7	305	305	NUM
crln-25534	73	8	without	without	ADP
crln-25534	73	9	taking	take	VERB
crln-25534	73	10	up	up	ADP
crln-25534	73	11	class	class	NOUN
crln-25534	73	12	time	time	NOUN
crln-25534	73	13	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	74	1	this	this	DET
crln-25534	74	2	orientation	orientation	NOUN
crln-25534	74	3	has	have	AUX
crln-25534	74	4	been	be	AUX
crln-25534	74	5	an	an	DET
crln-25534	74	6	expressed	express	VERB
crln-25534	74	7	need	need	NOUN
crln-25534	74	8	from	from	ADP
crln-25534	74	9	professors	professor	NOUN
crln-25534	74	10	in	in	ADP
crln-25534	74	11	upper	upper	ADJ
crln-25534	74	12	-	-	PUNCT
crln-25534	74	13	level	level	NOUN
crln-25534	74	14	classes	class	NOUN
crln-25534	74	15	who	who	PRON
crln-25534	74	16	mistakenly	mistakenly	ADV
crln-25534	74	17	believed	believe	VERB
crln-25534	74	18	students	student	NOUN
crln-25534	74	19	already	already	ADV
crln-25534	74	20	knew	know	VERB
crln-25534	74	21	how	how	SCONJ
crln-25534	74	22	to	to	PART
crln-25534	74	23	use	use	VERB
crln-25534	74	24	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	74	25	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-25534	74	26	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	75	1	in	in	ADP
crln-25534	75	2	the	the	DET
crln-25534	75	3	future	future	NOUN
crln-25534	75	4	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	75	5	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	75	6	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crln-25534	75	7	may	may	AUX
crln-25534	75	8	plan	plan	VERB
crln-25534	75	9	additional	additional	ADJ
crln-25534	75	10	modules	module	NOUN
crln-25534	75	11	for	for	ADP
crln-25534	75	12	specific	specific	ADJ
crln-25534	75	13	classes	class	NOUN
crln-25534	75	14	or	or	CCONJ
crln-25534	75	15	disciplines	discipline	NOUN
crln-25534	75	16	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	76	1	initially	initially	ADV
crln-25534	76	2	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	76	3	the	the	DET
crln-25534	76	4	conversations	conversation	NOUN
crln-25534	76	5	among	among	ADP
crln-25534	76	6	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	76	7	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crln-25534	76	8	began	begin	VERB
crln-25534	76	9	due	due	ADJ
crln-25534	76	10	to	to	ADP
crln-25534	76	11	needing	need	VERB
crln-25534	76	12	to	to	PART
crln-25534	76	13	update	update	VERB
crln-25534	76	14	outdated	outdated	ADJ
crln-25534	76	15	video	video	NOUN
crln-25534	76	16	content	content	NOUN
crln-25534	76	17	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	76	18	housing	housing	NOUN
crln-25534	76	19	formats	format	NOUN
crln-25534	76	20	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	77	1	however	however	ADV
crln-25534	77	2	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	77	3	with	with	ADP
crln-25534	77	4	the	the	DET
crln-25534	77	5	need	need	NOUN
crln-25534	77	6	to	to	PART
crln-25534	77	7	reach	reach	VERB
crln-25534	77	8	distance	distance	NOUN
crln-25534	77	9	students	student	NOUN
crln-25534	77	10	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	77	11	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	77	12	then	then	ADV
crln-25534	77	13	all	all	DET
crln-25534	77	14	students	student	NOUN
crln-25534	77	15	during	during	ADP
crln-25534	77	16	the	the	DET
crln-25534	77	17	height	height	NOUN
crln-25534	77	18	of	of	ADP
crln-25534	77	19	the	the	DET
crln-25534	77	20	covid-19	covid-19	PROPN
crln-25534	77	21	pandemic	pandemic	PROPN
crln-25534	77	22	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	77	23	the	the	DET
crln-25534	77	24	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	77	25	orientation	orientation	NOUN
crln-25534	77	26	project	project	NOUN
crln-25534	77	27	became	become	VERB
crln-25534	77	28	much	much	ADV
crln-25534	77	29	more	more	ADV
crln-25534	77	30	important	important	ADJ
crln-25534	77	31	.	.	PUNCT
crln-25534	78	1	this	this	DET
crln-25534	78	2	project	project	NOUN
crln-25534	78	3	became	become	VERB
crln-25534	78	4	a	a	DET
crln-25534	78	5	way	way	NOUN
crln-25534	78	6	for	for	SCONJ
crln-25534	78	7	the	the	DET
crln-25534	78	8	library	library	NOUN
crln-25534	78	9	to	to	PART
crln-25534	78	10	offer	offer	VERB
crln-25534	78	11	orientation	orientation	NOUN
crln-25534	78	12	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	78	13	resources	resource	NOUN
crln-25534	78	14	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	78	15	and	and	CCONJ
crln-25534	78	16	services	service	NOUN
crln-25534	78	17	to	to	ADP
crln-25534	78	18	each	each	DET
crln-25534	78	19	student	student	NOUN
crln-25534	78	20	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	78	21	in	in	ADP
crln-25534	78	22	every	every	DET
crln-25534	78	23	program	program	NOUN
crln-25534	78	24	,	,	PUNCT
crln-25534	78	25	no	no	ADV
crln-25534	78	26	matter	matter	ADV
crln-25534	78	27	their	their	PRON
crln-25534	78	28	home	home	NOUN
crln-25534	78	29	campus	campus	NOUN
crln-25534	78	30	or	or	CCONJ
crln-25534	78	31	their	their	PRON
crln-25534	78	32	chosen	choose	VERB
crln-25534	78	33	modality	modality	NOUN
crln-25534	78	34	.	.	PUNCT