id sid tid token lemma pos crln-24323 1 1 march march PROPN crln-24323 1 2 2020 2020 NUM crln-24323 1 3 149 149 NUM crln-24323 1 4 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24323 1 5 news news NOUN crln-24323 1 6 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24323 1 7 , , PUNCT crln-24323 1 8 perhaps perhaps ADV crln-24323 1 9 more more ADJ crln-24323 1 10 than than ADP crln-24323 1 11 most most ADJ crln-24323 1 12 profes profe NOUN crln-24323 1 13 - - PUNCT crln-24323 1 14 sionals sional NOUN crln-24323 1 15 , , PUNCT crln-24323 1 16 understand understand VERB crln-24323 1 17 the the DET crln-24323 1 18 meaning meaning NOUN crln-24323 1 19 of of ADP crln-24323 1 20 “ " PUNCT crln-24323 1 21 other other ADJ crln-24323 1 22 duties duty NOUN crln-24323 1 23 as as SCONJ crln-24323 1 24 assigned assign VERB crln-24323 1 25 ” " PUNCT crln-24323 1 26 in in ADP crln-24323 1 27 our our PRON crln-24323 1 28 job job NOUN crln-24323 1 29 descriptions description NOUN crln-24323 1 30 . . PUNCT crln-24323 2 1 frequently frequently ADV crln-24323 2 2 , , PUNCT crln-24323 2 3 we we PRON crln-24323 2 4 are be AUX crln-24323 2 5 tasked task VERB crln-24323 2 6 with with ADP crln-24323 2 7 quickly quickly ADV crln-24323 2 8 learning learn VERB crln-24323 2 9 a a DET crln-24323 2 10 new new ADJ crln-24323 2 11 technology technology NOUN crln-24323 2 12 , , PUNCT crln-24323 2 13 process process NOUN crln-24323 2 14 , , PUNCT crln-24323 2 15 or or CCONJ crln-24323 2 16 even even ADV crln-24323 2 17 a a DET crln-24323 2 18 new new ADJ crln-24323 2 19 discipline discipline NOUN crln-24323 2 20 with with ADP crln-24323 2 21 little little ADJ crln-24323 2 22 support support NOUN crln-24323 2 23 for for ADP crln-24323 2 24 training training NOUN crln-24323 2 25 . . PUNCT crln-24323 3 1 as as ADP crln-24323 3 2 academia academia NOUN crln-24323 3 3 evolves evolve NOUN crln-24323 3 4 and and CCONJ crln-24323 3 5 the the DET crln-24323 3 6 priorities priority NOUN crln-24323 3 7 of of ADP crln-24323 3 8 administrations administration NOUN crln-24323 3 9 shift shift VERB crln-24323 3 10 , , PUNCT crln-24323 3 11 so so ADV crln-24323 3 12 do do VERB crln-24323 3 13 our our PRON crln-24323 3 14 job job NOUN crln-24323 3 15 duties duty NOUN crln-24323 3 16 . . PUNCT crln-24323 4 1 although although SCONJ crln-24323 4 2 stressful stressful ADJ crln-24323 4 3 , , PUNCT crln-24323 4 4 it it PRON crln-24323 4 5 has have AUX crln-24323 4 6 resulted result VERB crln-24323 4 7 in in ADP crln-24323 4 8 what what PRON crln-24323 4 9 i i PRON crln-24323 4 10 believe believe VERB crln-24323 4 11 to to PART crln-24323 4 12 be be AUX crln-24323 4 13 the the DET crln-24323 4 14 strongest strong ADJ crln-24323 4 15 asset asset NOUN crln-24323 4 16 of of ADP crln-24323 4 17 librarianship librarianship NOUN crln-24323 4 18 and and CCONJ crln-24323 4 19 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24323 4 20 : : PUNCT crln-24323 4 21 flexibility flexibility NOUN crln-24323 4 22 . . PUNCT crln-24323 5 1 we we PRON crln-24323 5 2 are be AUX crln-24323 5 3 quick quick ADJ crln-24323 5 4 learners learner NOUN crln-24323 5 5 , , PUNCT crln-24323 5 6 early early ADJ crln-24323 5 7 adopters adopter NOUN crln-24323 5 8 , , PUNCT crln-24323 5 9 and and CCONJ crln-24323 5 10 will will AUX crln-24323 5 11 ( ( PUNCT crln-24323 5 12 usually usually ADV crln-24323 5 13 ) ) PUNCT crln-24323 5 14 roll roll VERB crln-24323 5 15 with with ADP crln-24323 5 16 the the DET crln-24323 5 17 punches punch NOUN crln-24323 5 18 . . PUNCT crln-24323 6 1 as as SCONJ crln-24323 6 2 my my PRON crln-24323 6 3 job job NOUN crln-24323 6 4 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24323 6 5 as as ADP crln-24323 6 6 an an DET crln-24323 6 7 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24323 6 8 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24323 6 9 were be AUX crln-24323 6 10 evolving evolve VERB crln-24323 6 11 and and CCONJ crln-24323 6 12 the the DET crln-24323 6 13 frequency frequency NOUN crln-24323 6 14 of of ADP crln-24323 6 15 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24323 6 16 design design NOUN crln-24323 6 17 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24323 6 18 job job NOUN crln-24323 6 19 postings posting NOUN crln-24323 6 20 increasing increase VERB crln-24323 6 21 , , PUNCT crln-24323 6 22 i i PRON crln-24323 6 23 enrolled enrol VERB crln-24323 6 24 in in ADP crln-24323 6 25 an an DET crln-24323 6 26 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24323 6 27 design design NOUN crln-24323 6 28 ( ( PUNCT crln-24323 6 29 i i NOUN crln-24323 6 30 d d PROPN crln-24323 6 31 ) ) PUNCT crln-24323 6 32 and and CCONJ crln-24323 6 33 technology technology NOUN crln-24323 6 34 graduate graduate NOUN crln-24323 6 35 certificate certificate NOUN crln-24323 6 36 program program NOUN crln-24323 6 37 in in ADP crln-24323 6 38 2017 2017 NUM crln-24323 6 39 . . PUNCT crln-24323 7 1 it it PRON crln-24323 7 2 turned turn VERB crln-24323 7 3 out out ADP crln-24323 7 4 to to PART crln-24323 7 5 be be AUX crln-24323 7 6 a a DET crln-24323 7 7 smart smart ADJ crln-24323 7 8 career career NOUN crln-24323 7 9 move move NOUN crln-24323 7 10 , , PUNCT crln-24323 7 11 but but CCONJ crln-24323 7 12 i i PRON crln-24323 7 13 also also ADV crln-24323 7 14 discovered discover VERB crln-24323 7 15 that that SCONJ crln-24323 7 16 i i PRON crln-24323 7 17 enjoyed enjoy VERB crln-24323 7 18 the the DET crln-24323 7 19 i i NOUN crln-24323 7 20 d d PROPN crln-24323 7 21 process process NOUN crln-24323 7 22 . . PUNCT crln-24323 8 1 it it PRON crln-24323 8 2 even even ADV crln-24323 8 3 benefited benefit VERB crln-24323 8 4 my my PRON crln-24323 8 5 classroom classroom NOUN crln-24323 8 6 teaching teaching NOUN crln-24323 8 7 . . PUNCT crln-24323 9 1 since since SCONJ crln-24323 9 2 receiving receive VERB crln-24323 9 3 this this DET crln-24323 9 4 level level NOUN crln-24323 9 5 of of ADP crln-24323 9 6 training training NOUN crln-24323 9 7 or or CCONJ crln-24323 9 8 education education NOUN crln-24323 9 9 is be AUX crln-24323 9 10 not not PART crln-24323 9 11 feasible feasible ADJ crln-24323 9 12 for for ADP crln-24323 9 13 all all PRON crln-24323 9 14 of of ADP crln-24323 9 15 us we PRON crln-24323 9 16 , , PUNCT crln-24323 9 17 i i PRON crln-24323 9 18 have have AUX crln-24323 9 19 collected collect VERB crln-24323 9 20 i i PROPN crln-24323 9 21 d d ADJ crln-24323 9 22 resources resource NOUN crln-24323 9 23 to to PART crln-24323 9 24 assist assist VERB crln-24323 9 25 anyone anyone PRON crln-24323 9 26 thrown throw VERB crln-24323 9 27 into into ADP crln-24323 9 28 this this DET crln-24323 9 29 job job NOUN crln-24323 9 30 responsibility responsibility NOUN crln-24323 9 31 or or CCONJ crln-24323 9 32 for for ADP crln-24323 9 33 those those PRON crln-24323 9 34 who who PRON crln-24323 9 35 are be AUX crln-24323 9 36 curious curious ADJ crln-24323 9 37 to to PART crln-24323 9 38 learn learn VERB crln-24323 9 39 more more ADJ crln-24323 9 40 . . PUNCT crln-24323 10 1 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24323 10 2 design design NOUN crln-24323 10 3 consists consist VERB crln-24323 10 4 of of ADP crln-24323 10 5 two two NUM crln-24323 10 6 subsections subsection NOUN crln-24323 10 7 : : PUNCT crln-24323 10 8 the the DET crln-24323 10 9 cognitive cognitive ADJ crln-24323 10 10 science science NOUN crln-24323 10 11 of of ADP crln-24323 10 12 learning learning NOUN crln-24323 10 13 , , PUNCT crln-24323 10 14 specifically specifically ADV crln-24323 10 15 how how SCONJ crln-24323 10 16 people people NOUN crln-24323 10 17 learn learn VERB crln-24323 10 18 from from ADP crln-24323 10 19 visual visual ADJ crln-24323 10 20 or or CCONJ crln-24323 10 21 aural aural ADJ crln-24323 10 22 media medium NOUN crln-24323 10 23 ( ( PUNCT crln-24323 10 24 like like ADP crln-24323 10 25 videos video NOUN crln-24323 10 26 , , PUNCT crln-24323 10 27 tutorials tutorial NOUN crln-24323 10 28 , , PUNCT crln-24323 10 29 or or CCONJ crln-24323 10 30 any any DET crln-24323 10 31 object object NOUN crln-24323 10 32 that that PRON crln-24323 10 33 you you PRON crln-24323 10 34 watch watch VERB crln-24323 10 35 or or CCONJ crln-24323 10 36 listen listen VERB crln-24323 10 37 to to ADP crln-24323 10 38 ) ) PUNCT crln-24323 10 39 , , PUNCT crln-24323 10 40 and and CCONJ crln-24323 10 41 the the DET crln-24323 10 42 design design NOUN crln-24323 10 43 of of ADP crln-24323 10 44 online online ADJ crln-24323 10 45 learning learning NOUN crln-24323 10 46 experiences experience NOUN crln-24323 10 47 for for ADP crln-24323 10 48 maximum maximum ADJ crln-24323 10 49 retention retention NOUN crln-24323 10 50 and and CCONJ crln-24323 10 51 learning learning NOUN crln-24323 10 52 . . PUNCT crln-24323 11 1 although although SCONJ crln-24323 11 2 i i PRON crln-24323 11 3 d d PROPN crln-24323 11 4 is be AUX crln-24323 11 5 typically typically ADV crln-24323 11 6 associated associate VERB crln-24323 11 7 with with ADP crln-24323 11 8 online online ADJ crln-24323 11 9 education education NOUN crln-24323 11 10 , , PUNCT crln-24323 11 11 it it PRON crln-24323 11 12 applies apply VERB crln-24323 11 13 to to ADP crln-24323 11 14 much much ADV crln-24323 11 15 more more ADJ crln-24323 11 16 : : PUNCT crln-24323 11 17 web web NOUN crln-24323 11 18 and and CCONJ crln-24323 11 19 graphic graphic ADJ crln-24323 11 20 design design NOUN crln-24323 11 21 , , PUNCT crln-24323 11 22 accessibility accessibility NOUN crln-24323 11 23 , , PUNCT crln-24323 11 24 the the DET crln-24323 11 25 scholarship scholarship NOUN crln-24323 11 26 of of ADP crln-24323 11 27 teaching teaching NOUN crln-24323 11 28 and and CCONJ crln-24323 11 29 learning learning NOUN crln-24323 11 30 , , PUNCT crln-24323 11 31 even even ADV crln-24323 11 32 libguides libguide VERB crln-24323 11 33 . . PUNCT crln-24323 12 1 if if SCONJ crln-24323 12 2 designing design VERB crln-24323 12 3 online online ADJ crln-24323 12 4 courses course NOUN crln-24323 12 5 ( ( PUNCT crln-24323 12 6 or or CCONJ crln-24323 12 7 learning learn VERB crln-24323 12 8 objects object NOUN crln-24323 12 9 ) ) PUNCT crln-24323 12 10 from from ADP crln-24323 12 11 scratch scratch NOUN crln-24323 12 12 is be AUX crln-24323 12 13 not not PART crln-24323 12 14 part part NOUN crln-24323 12 15 of of ADP crln-24323 12 16 your your PRON crln-24323 12 17 job job NOUN crln-24323 12 18 duties duty NOUN crln-24323 12 19 , , PUNCT crln-24323 12 20 the the DET crln-24323 12 21 principles principle NOUN crln-24323 12 22 of of ADP crln-24323 12 23 i i NOUN crln-24323 12 24 d d PROPN crln-24323 12 25 can can AUX crln-24323 12 26 help help VERB crln-24323 12 27 all all DET crln-24323 12 28 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24323 12 29 create create VERB crln-24323 12 30 and and CCONJ crln-24323 12 31 maintain maintain VERB crln-24323 12 32 high high ADJ crln-24323 12 33 - - PUNCT crln-24323 12 34 quality quality NOUN crln-24323 12 35 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24323 12 36 resources resource NOUN crln-24323 12 37 for for ADP crln-24323 12 38 our our PRON crln-24323 12 39 students student NOUN crln-24323 12 40 and and CCONJ crln-24323 12 41 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24323 12 42 . . PUNCT crln-24323 13 1 if if SCONJ crln-24323 13 2 you you PRON crln-24323 13 3 are be AUX crln-24323 13 4 new new ADJ crln-24323 13 5 to to ADP crln-24323 13 6 i i NOUN crln-24323 13 7 d d PROPN crln-24323 13 8 , , PUNCT crln-24323 13 9 review review VERB crln-24323 13 10 the the DET crln-24323 13 11 learning learn VERB crln-24323 13 12 theories theory NOUN crln-24323 13 13 before before ADP crln-24323 13 14 moving move VERB crln-24323 13 15 on on ADP crln-24323 13 16 to to ADP crln-24323 13 17 the the DET crln-24323 13 18 processes process NOUN crln-24323 13 19 and and CCONJ crln-24323 13 20 software software NOUN crln-24323 13 21 of of ADP crln-24323 13 22 designing design VERB crln-24323 13 23 online online ADJ crln-24323 13 24 learning learning NOUN crln-24323 13 25 experiences experience NOUN crln-24323 13 26 . . PUNCT crln-24323 14 1 some some PRON crln-24323 14 2 of of ADP crln-24323 14 3 the the DET crln-24323 14 4 resources resource NOUN crln-24323 14 5 are be AUX crln-24323 14 6 provided provide VERB crln-24323 14 7 by by ADP crln-24323 14 8 for for ADP crln-24323 14 9 - - PUNCT crln-24323 14 10 profit profit NOUN crln-24323 14 11 i i NOUN crln-24323 14 12 d d ADJ crln-24323 14 13 companies company NOUN crln-24323 14 14 , , PUNCT crln-24323 14 15 but but CCONJ crln-24323 14 16 still still ADV crln-24323 14 17 include include VERB crln-24323 14 18 helpful helpful ADJ crln-24323 14 19 information information NOUN crln-24323 14 20 and and CCONJ crln-24323 14 21 resources resource NOUN crln-24323 14 22 . . PUNCT crln-24323 15 1 nonprofit nonprofit ADJ crln-24323 15 2 resources resource NOUN crln-24323 15 3 • • VERB crln-24323 15 4 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24323 15 5 PROPN crln-24323 15 6 . . PUNCT crln-24323 16 1 created create VERB crln-24323 16 2 and and CCONJ crln-24323 16 3 managed manage VERB crln-24323 16 4 by by ADP crln-24323 16 5 two two NUM crln-24323 16 6 i i PROPN crln-24323 16 7 d d PROPN crln-24323 16 8 professionals professional NOUN crln-24323 16 9 , , PUNCT crln-24323 16 10 PROPN crln-24323 16 11 gives give VERB crln-24323 16 12 readers reader NOUN crln-24323 16 13 a a DET crln-24323 16 14 foundational foundational ADJ crln-24323 16 15 view view NOUN crln-24323 16 16 of of ADP crln-24323 16 17 the the DET crln-24323 16 18 theory theory NOUN crln-24323 16 19 of of ADP crln-24323 16 20 i i NOUN crln-24323 16 21 d d PROPN crln-24323 16 22 , , PUNCT crln-24323 16 23 focusing focus VERB crln-24323 16 24 on on ADP crln-24323 16 25 learning learn VERB crln-24323 16 26 concepts concept NOUN crln-24323 16 27 and and CCONJ crln-24323 16 28 theories theory NOUN crln-24323 16 29 , , PUNCT crln-24323 16 30 i i NOUN crln-24323 16 31 d d PROPN crln-24323 16 32 models model NOUN crln-24323 16 33 , , PUNCT crln-24323 16 34 and and CCONJ crln-24323 16 35 learning learn VERB crln-24323 16 36 domains domain NOUN crln-24323 16 37 ( ( PUNCT crln-24323 16 38 including include VERB crln-24323 16 39 both both CCONJ crln-24323 16 40 disciplines discipline NOUN crln-24323 16 41 and and CCONJ crln-24323 16 42 learning learning NOUN crln-24323 16 43 skills skill NOUN crln-24323 16 44 , , PUNCT crln-24323 16 45 such such ADJ crln-24323 16 46 as as ADP crln-24323 16 47 problem problem NOUN crln-24323 16 48 solving solve VERB crln-24323 16 49 or or CCONJ crln-24323 16 50 reading reading NOUN crln-24323 16 51 ) ) PUNCT crln-24323 16 52 . . PUNCT crln-24323 17 1 the the DET crln-24323 17 2 only only ADJ crln-24323 17 3 information information NOUN crln-24323 17 4 missing miss VERB crln-24323 17 5 , , PUNCT crln-24323 17 6 when when SCONJ crln-24323 17 7 comparing compare VERB crln-24323 17 8 to to ADP crln-24323 17 9 other other ADJ crln-24323 17 10 sites site NOUN crln-24323 17 11 listed list VERB crln-24323 17 12 here here ADV crln-24323 17 13 , , PUNCT crln-24323 17 14 is be AUX crln-24323 17 15 the the DET crln-24323 17 16 discussion discussion NOUN crln-24323 17 17 of of ADP crln-24323 17 18 hardware hardware NOUN crln-24323 17 19 and and CCONJ crln-24323 17 20 software software NOUN crln-24323 17 21 applications application NOUN crln-24323 17 22 used use VERB crln-24323 17 23 in in ADP crln-24323 17 24 the the DET crln-24323 17 25 i i PROPN crln-24323 17 26 d d PROPN crln-24323 17 27 process process NOUN crln-24323 17 28 . . PUNCT crln-24323 18 1 the the DET crln-24323 18 2 weakness weakness NOUN crln-24323 18 3 of of ADP crln-24323 18 4 VERB crln-24323 18 5 lies lie NOUN crln-24323 18 6 in in ADP crln-24323 18 7 its its PRON crln-24323 18 8 models model NOUN crln-24323 18 9 : : PUNCT crln-24323 18 10 although although SCONJ crln-24323 18 11 the the DET crln-24323 18 12 list list NOUN crln-24323 18 13 appears appear VERB crln-24323 18 14 to to PART crln-24323 18 15 be be AUX crln-24323 18 16 comprehensive comprehensive ADJ crln-24323 18 17 , , PUNCT crln-24323 18 18 only only ADV crln-24323 18 19 a a DET crln-24323 18 20 few few ADJ crln-24323 18 21 of of ADP crln-24323 18 22 those those PRON crln-24323 18 23 listed list VERB crln-24323 18 24 include include VERB crln-24323 18 25 a a DET crln-24323 18 26 description description NOUN crln-24323 18 27 of of ADP crln-24323 18 28 the the DET crln-24323 18 29 model model NOUN crln-24323 18 30 . . PUNCT crln-24323 19 1 although although SCONJ crln-24323 19 2 the the DET crln-24323 19 3 breadth breadth NOUN crln-24323 19 4 of of ADP crln-24323 19 5 information information NOUN crln-24323 19 6 listed list VERB crln-24323 19 7 is be AUX crln-24323 19 8 notable notable ADJ crln-24323 19 9 , , PUNCT crln-24323 19 10 the the DET crln-24323 19 11 depth depth NOUN crln-24323 19 12 of of ADP crln-24323 19 13 the the DET crln-24323 19 14 information information NOUN crln-24323 19 15 is be AUX crln-24323 19 16 lacking lack VERB crln-24323 19 17 . . PUNCT crln-24323 20 1 if if SCONJ crln-24323 20 2 you you PRON crln-24323 20 3 ’re ’re AUX crln-24323 20 4 looking look VERB crln-24323 20 5 for for ADP crln-24323 20 6 a a DET crln-24323 20 7 site site NOUN crln-24323 20 8 to to PART crln-24323 20 9 quickly quickly ADV crln-24323 20 10 look look VERB crln-24323 20 11 up up ADP crln-24323 20 12 laura laura PROPN crln-24323 20 13 a. a. NOUN crln-24323 20 14 sheets sheet NOUN crln-24323 20 15 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24323 20 16 design design NOUN crln-24323 20 17 resources resource NOUN crln-24323 20 18 for for ADP crln-24323 20 19 online online ADJ crln-24323 20 20 learning learning NOUN crln-24323 20 21 laura laura PROPN crln-24323 20 22 a. a. NOUN crln-24323 20 23 sheets sheet NOUN crln-24323 20 24 is be AUX crln-24323 20 25 reference reference NOUN crln-24323 20 26 and and CCONJ crln-24323 20 27 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24323 20 28 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24323 20 29 at at ADP crln-24323 20 30 bowling bowl VERB crln-24323 20 31 green green PROPN crln-24323 20 32 state state PROPN crln-24323 20 33 university university PROPN crln-24323 20 34 , , PUNCT crln-24323 20 35 email email NOUN crln-24323 20 36 : : PUNCT crln-24323 20 37 sheetsl@ sheetsl@ X crln-24323 20 38 X crln-24323 20 39 © © ADJ crln-24323 20 40 2020 2020 NUM crln-24323 20 41 laura laura PROPN crln-24323 20 42 a. a. NOUN crln-24323 20 43 sheets sheet NOUN crln-24323 20 44 internet internet NOUN crln-24323 20 45 resources resource NOUN crln-24323 20 46 mailto mailto PROPN crln-24323 20 47 : : PUNCT crln-24323 21 1 PROPN crln-24323 21 2 mailto mailto X crln-24323 21 3 : : PUNCT crln-24323 21 4 PROPN crln-24323 21 5 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24323 21 6 news news NOUN crln-24323 21 7 march march PROPN crln-24323 21 8 2020 2020 NUM crln-24323 21 9 150 150 NUM crln-24323 21 10 terms term NOUN crln-24323 21 11 or or CCONJ crln-24323 21 12 concepts concept NOUN crln-24323 21 13 , , PUNCT crln-24323 21 14 PROPN crln-24323 21 15 is be AUX crln-24323 21 16 a a DET crln-24323 21 17 good good ADJ crln-24323 21 18 site site NOUN crln-24323 21 19 to to PART crln-24323 21 20 bookmark bookmark VERB crln-24323 21 21 . . PUNCT crln-24323 22 1 access access NOUN crln-24323 22 2 : : PUNCT crln-24323 22 3 https:// https:// X crln-24323 22 4 PROPN crln-24323 22 5 • • VERB crln-24323 22 6 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24323 22 7 design design NOUN crln-24323 22 8 central central NOUN crln-24323 22 9 . . PUNCT crln-24323 23 1 the the DET crln-24323 23 2 strengths strength NOUN crln-24323 23 3 of of ADP crln-24323 23 4 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24323 23 5 design design NOUN crln-24323 23 6 central central NOUN crln-24323 23 7 include include VERB crln-24323 23 8 thorough thorough ADJ crln-24323 23 9 explanations explanation NOUN crln-24323 23 10 of of ADP crln-24323 23 11 various various ADJ crln-24323 23 12 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24323 23 13 design design NOUN crln-24323 23 14 models model NOUN crln-24323 23 15 and and CCONJ crln-24323 23 16 i i NOUN crln-24323 23 17 d d PROPN crln-24323 23 18 process process NOUN crln-24323 23 19 templates template NOUN crln-24323 23 20 , , PUNCT crln-24323 23 21 such such ADJ crln-24323 23 22 as as ADP crln-24323 23 23 needs need VERB crln-24323 23 24 analysis analysis NOUN crln-24323 23 25 , , PUNCT crln-24323 23 26 learning learn VERB crln-24323 23 27 design design NOUN crln-24323 23 28 planning planning NOUN crln-24323 23 29 , , PUNCT crln-24323 23 30 and and CCONJ crln-24323 23 31 storyboarding storyboarde VERB crln-24323 23 32 . . PUNCT crln-24323 24 1 most most ADJ crln-24323 24 2 of of ADP crln-24323 24 3 the the DET crln-24323 24 4 templates template NOUN crln-24323 24 5 are be AUX crln-24323 24 6 fee fee NOUN crln-24323 24 7 - - PUNCT crln-24323 24 8 based base VERB crln-24323 24 9 , , PUNCT crln-24323 24 10 although although SCONJ crln-24323 24 11 there there PRON crln-24323 24 12 are be VERB crln-24323 24 13 some some DET crln-24323 24 14 available available ADJ crln-24323 24 15 free free ADJ crln-24323 24 16 of of ADP crln-24323 24 17 charge charge NOUN crln-24323 24 18 . . PUNCT crln-24323 25 1 since since SCONJ crln-24323 25 2 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24323 25 3 design design NOUN crln-24323 25 4 central central NOUN crln-24323 25 5 is be AUX crln-24323 25 6 training training NOUN crln-24323 25 7 - - PUNCT crln-24323 25 8 based base VERB crln-24323 25 9 ( ( PUNCT crln-24323 25 10 not not PART crln-24323 25 11 education education NOUN crln-24323 25 12 - - PUNCT crln-24323 25 13 based base VERB crln-24323 25 14 ) ) PUNCT crln-24323 25 15 , , PUNCT crln-24323 25 16 the the DET crln-24323 25 17 site site NOUN crln-24323 25 18 focuses focus VERB crln-24323 25 19 on on ADP crln-24323 25 20 adult adult NOUN crln-24323 25 21 learning learning NOUN crln-24323 25 22 theory theory NOUN crln-24323 25 23 ( ( PUNCT crln-24323 25 24 or or CCONJ crln-24323 25 25 andragogy andragogy NOUN crln-24323 25 26 ) ) PUNCT crln-24323 25 27 , , PUNCT crln-24323 25 28 which which PRON crln-24323 25 29 can can AUX crln-24323 25 30 be be AUX crln-24323 25 31 helpful helpful ADJ crln-24323 25 32 in in ADP crln-24323 25 33 a a DET crln-24323 25 34 higher high ADJ crln-24323 25 35 education education NOUN crln-24323 25 36 setting setting NOUN crln-24323 25 37 . . PUNCT crln-24323 26 1 their their PRON crln-24323 26 2 blog blog NOUN crln-24323 26 3 discusses discuss VERB crln-24323 26 4 trends trend NOUN crln-24323 26 5 and and CCONJ crln-24323 26 6 technologies technology NOUN crln-24323 26 7 in in ADP crln-24323 26 8 i i NOUN crln-24323 26 9 d d PROPN crln-24323 26 10 , , PUNCT crln-24323 26 11 as as ADV crln-24323 26 12 well well ADV crln-24323 26 13 as as ADP crln-24323 26 14 the the DET crln-24323 26 15 job job NOUN crln-24323 26 16 market market NOUN crln-24323 26 17 . . PUNCT crln-24323 27 1 you you PRON crln-24323 27 2 can can AUX crln-24323 27 3 search search VERB crln-24323 27 4 the the DET crln-24323 27 5 blog blog NOUN crln-24323 27 6 by by ADP crln-24323 27 7 topic topic NOUN crln-24323 27 8 or or CCONJ crln-24323 27 9 narrow narrow ADJ crln-24323 27 10 down down ADP crln-24323 27 11 by by ADP crln-24323 27 12 a a DET crln-24323 27 13 subject subject NOUN crln-24323 27 14 or or CCONJ crln-24323 27 15 tag tag NOUN crln-24323 27 16 . . PUNCT crln-24323 28 1 since since SCONJ crln-24323 28 2 founder founder NOUN crln-24323 28 3 and and CCONJ crln-24323 28 4 owner owner NOUN crln-24323 28 5 travis travis PROPN crln-24323 28 6 jordan jordan PROPN crln-24323 28 7 exclusively exclusively ADV crln-24323 28 8 writes write VERB crln-24323 28 9 the the DET crln-24323 28 10 blog blog NOUN crln-24323 28 11 , , PUNCT crln-24323 28 12 it it PRON crln-24323 28 13 is be AUX crln-24323 28 14 limited limit VERB crln-24323 28 15 in in ADP crln-24323 28 16 its its PRON crln-24323 28 17 scope scope NOUN crln-24323 28 18 , , PUNCT crln-24323 28 19 but but CCONJ crln-24323 28 20 the the DET crln-24323 28 21 search search NOUN crln-24323 28 22 tools tool NOUN crln-24323 28 23 are be AUX crln-24323 28 24 helpful helpful ADJ crln-24323 28 25 . . PUNCT crln-24323 29 1 access access NOUN crln-24323 29 2 : : PUNCT crln-24323 29 3 https://www https://www PROPN crln-24323 29 4 . . PUNCT crln-24323 30 1 PROPN crln-24323 30 2 • • VERB crln-24323 30 3 the the DET crln-24323 30 4 elearning elearne VERB crln-24323 30 5 coach coach NOUN crln-24323 30 6 . . PUNCT crln-24323 31 1 the the DET crln-24323 31 2 elearning elearne VERB crln-24323 31 3 coach coach NOUN crln-24323 31 4 , , PUNCT crln-24323 31 5 a a DET crln-24323 31 6 site site NOUN crln-24323 31 7 managed manage VERB crln-24323 31 8 by by ADP crln-24323 31 9 i i NOUN crln-24323 31 10 d d PROPN crln-24323 31 11 consultant consultant NOUN crln-24323 31 12 and and CCONJ crln-24323 31 13 author author NOUN crln-24323 31 14 connie connie NOUN crln-24323 31 15 malamed malame VERB crln-24323 31 16 , , PUNCT crln-24323 31 17 contains contain VERB crln-24323 31 18 a a DET crln-24323 31 19 massive massive ADJ crln-24323 31 20 amount amount NOUN crln-24323 31 21 of of ADP crln-24323 31 22 elearning elearne VERB crln-24323 31 23 resources resource NOUN crln-24323 31 24 for for ADP crln-24323 31 25 both both CCONJ crln-24323 31 26 new new ADJ crln-24323 31 27 and and CCONJ crln-24323 31 28 seasoned seasoned ADJ crln-24323 31 29 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24323 31 30 designers designer NOUN crln-24323 31 31 . . PUNCT crln-24323 32 1 i i PRON crln-24323 32 2 appreciate appreciate VERB crln-24323 32 3 the the DET crln-24323 32 4 wide wide ADJ crln-24323 32 5 range range NOUN crln-24323 32 6 of of ADP crln-24323 32 7 resources resource NOUN crln-24323 32 8 , , PUNCT crln-24323 32 9 including include VERB crln-24323 32 10 both both CCONJ crln-24323 32 11 the the DET crln-24323 32 12 cognitive cognitive ADJ crln-24323 32 13 science science NOUN crln-24323 32 14 and and CCONJ crln-24323 32 15 its its PRON crln-24323 32 16 practical practical ADJ crln-24323 32 17 field field NOUN crln-24323 32 18 applications application NOUN crln-24323 32 19 . . PUNCT crln-24323 33 1 malamed malamed PROPN crln-24323 33 2 recommends recommend VERB crln-24323 33 3 helpful helpful ADJ crln-24323 33 4 external external ADJ crln-24323 33 5 resources resource NOUN crln-24323 33 6 , , PUNCT crln-24323 33 7 such such ADJ crln-24323 33 8 as as ADP crln-24323 33 9 stock stock NOUN crln-24323 33 10 photo photo NOUN crln-24323 33 11 and and CCONJ crln-24323 33 12 graphic graphic ADJ crln-24323 33 13 editing editing NOUN crln-24323 33 14 sites site NOUN crln-24323 33 15 , , PUNCT crln-24323 33 16 and and CCONJ crln-24323 33 17 reviews review VERB crln-24323 33 18 i i NOUN crln-24323 33 19 d d PROPN crln-24323 33 20 books book NOUN crln-24323 33 21 , , PUNCT crln-24323 33 22 hardware hardware NOUN crln-24323 33 23 , , PUNCT crln-24323 33 24 and and CCONJ crln-24323 33 25 software software NOUN crln-24323 33 26 . . PUNCT crln-24323 34 1 malamed malame VERB crln-24323 34 2 ’s ’s PART crln-24323 34 3 design design NOUN crln-24323 34 4 of of ADP crln-24323 34 5 the the DET crln-24323 34 6 site site NOUN crln-24323 34 7 is be AUX crln-24323 34 8 exceptional exceptional ADJ crln-24323 34 9 ( ( PUNCT crln-24323 34 10 as as SCONJ crln-24323 34 11 we we PRON crln-24323 34 12 would would AUX crln-24323 34 13 expect expect VERB crln-24323 34 14 ) ) PUNCT crln-24323 34 15 , , PUNCT crln-24323 34 16 with with ADP crln-24323 34 17 intuitive intuitive ADJ crln-24323 34 18 use use NOUN crln-24323 34 19 of of ADP crln-24323 34 20 categories category NOUN crln-24323 34 21 and and CCONJ crln-24323 34 22 tabs tab NOUN crln-24323 34 23 to to PART crln-24323 34 24 help help VERB crln-24323 34 25 you you PRON crln-24323 34 26 find find VERB crln-24323 34 27 what what PRON crln-24323 34 28 you you PRON crln-24323 34 29 need need VERB crln-24323 34 30 . . PUNCT crln-24323 35 1 access access NOUN crln-24323 35 2 : : PUNCT crln-24323 35 3 http://theelearningcoach http://theelearningcoach PROPN crln-24323 35 4 . . PUNCT crln-24323 36 1 com/. com/. PROPN crln-24323 36 2 • • INTJ crln-24323 36 3 the the DET crln-24323 36 4 elearning elearne VERB crln-24323 36 5 guild guild NOUN crln-24323 36 6 . . PUNCT crln-24323 37 1 driven drive VERB crln-24323 37 2 by by ADP crln-24323 37 3 its its PRON crln-24323 37 4 members member NOUN crln-24323 37 5 , , PUNCT crln-24323 37 6 the the DET crln-24323 37 7 elearning elearne VERB crln-24323 37 8 guild guild NOUN crln-24323 37 9 claims claim VERB crln-24323 37 10 to to PART crln-24323 37 11 be be AUX crln-24323 37 12 the the DET crln-24323 37 13 “ " PUNCT crln-24323 37 14 oldest old ADJ crln-24323 37 15 . . PUNCT crln-24323 37 16 . . PUNCT crln-24323 37 17 . . PUNCT crln-24323 38 1 source source NOUN crln-24323 38 2 of of ADP crln-24323 38 3 information information NOUN crln-24323 38 4 , , PUNCT crln-24323 38 5 networking networking NOUN crln-24323 38 6 , , PUNCT crln-24323 38 7 and and CCONJ crln-24323 38 8 community community NOUN crln-24323 38 9 for for ADP crln-24323 38 10 elearning elearne VERB crln-24323 38 11 professionals professional NOUN crln-24323 38 12 . . PUNCT crln-24323 38 13 ” " PUNCT crln-24323 39 1 the the DET crln-24323 39 2 guild guild NOUN crln-24323 39 3 creates create VERB crln-24323 39 4 and and CCONJ crln-24323 39 5 curates curate VERB crln-24323 39 6 a a DET crln-24323 39 7 wide wide ADJ crln-24323 39 8 variety variety NOUN crln-24323 39 9 of of ADP crln-24323 39 10 content content NOUN crln-24323 39 11 , , PUNCT crln-24323 39 12 including include VERB crln-24323 39 13 blogs blog NOUN crln-24323 39 14 , , PUNCT crln-24323 39 15 recorded record VERB crln-24323 39 16 webinars webinar NOUN crln-24323 39 17 , , PUNCT crln-24323 39 18 conference conference NOUN crln-24323 39 19 materials material NOUN crln-24323 39 20 , , PUNCT crln-24323 39 21 and and CCONJ crln-24323 39 22 software software NOUN crln-24323 39 23 reviews review NOUN crln-24323 39 24 . . PUNCT crln-24323 40 1 the the DET crln-24323 40 2 robust robust ADJ crln-24323 40 3 search search NOUN crln-24323 40 4 options option NOUN crln-24323 40 5 allow allow VERB crln-24323 40 6 users user NOUN crln-24323 40 7 to to PART crln-24323 40 8 filter filter VERB crln-24323 40 9 content content NOUN crln-24323 40 10 by by ADP crln-24323 40 11 source source NOUN crln-24323 40 12 type type NOUN crln-24323 40 13 and and CCONJ crln-24323 40 14 topic topic NOUN crln-24323 40 15 . . PUNCT crln-24323 41 1 the the DET crln-24323 41 2 elearning elearne VERB crln-24323 41 3 guild guild NOUN crln-24323 41 4 curates curate VERB crln-24323 41 5 its its PRON crln-24323 41 6 own own ADJ crln-24323 41 7 research research NOUN crln-24323 41 8 library library NOUN crln-24323 41 9 on on ADP crln-24323 41 10 i i PROPN crln-24323 41 11 d d PROPN crln-24323 41 12 , , PUNCT crln-24323 41 13 including include VERB crln-24323 41 14 case case NOUN crln-24323 41 15 studies study NOUN crln-24323 41 16 , , PUNCT crln-24323 41 17 presentations presentation NOUN crln-24323 41 18 , , PUNCT crln-24323 41 19 research research NOUN crln-24323 41 20 reports report NOUN crln-24323 41 21 , , PUNCT crln-24323 41 22 white white ADJ crln-24323 41 23 papers paper NOUN crln-24323 41 24 , , PUNCT crln-24323 41 25 and and CCONJ crln-24323 41 26 more more ADJ crln-24323 41 27 . . PUNCT crln-24323 42 1 also also ADV crln-24323 42 2 included include VERB crln-24323 42 3 is be AUX crln-24323 42 4 information information NOUN crln-24323 42 5 on on ADP crln-24323 42 6 upcoming upcoming ADJ crln-24323 42 7 i i PROPN crln-24323 42 8 d d PROPN crln-24323 42 9 conferences conference NOUN crln-24323 42 10 and and CCONJ crln-24323 42 11 online online ADJ crln-24323 42 12 trainings training NOUN crln-24323 42 13 . . PUNCT crln-24323 43 1 since since SCONJ crln-24323 43 2 the the DET crln-24323 43 3 content content NOUN crln-24323 43 4 here here ADV crln-24323 43 5 is be AUX crln-24323 43 6 advanced advanced ADJ crln-24323 43 7 , , PUNCT crln-24323 43 8 the the DET crln-24323 43 9 guild guild NOUN crln-24323 43 10 may may AUX crln-24323 43 11 not not PART crln-24323 43 12 be be AUX crln-24323 43 13 the the DET crln-24323 43 14 best good ADJ crln-24323 43 15 place place NOUN crln-24323 43 16 for for ADP crln-24323 43 17 beginning begin VERB crln-24323 43 18 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24323 43 19 designers designer NOUN crln-24323 43 20 but but CCONJ crln-24323 43 21 is be AUX crln-24323 43 22 a a DET crln-24323 43 23 treasure treasure NOUN crln-24323 43 24 trove trove NOUN crln-24323 43 25 of of ADP crln-24323 43 26 information information NOUN crln-24323 43 27 for for ADP crln-24323 43 28 those those PRON crln-24323 43 29 practicing practice VERB crln-24323 43 30 i i NOUN crln-24323 43 31 d d PROPN crln-24323 43 32 or or CCONJ crln-24323 43 33 looking look VERB crln-24323 43 34 to to PART crln-24323 43 35 become become VERB crln-24323 43 36 more more ADV crln-24323 43 37 involved involved ADJ crln-24323 43 38 in in ADP crln-24323 43 39 the the DET crln-24323 43 40 profession profession NOUN crln-24323 43 41 . . PUNCT crln-24323 44 1 access access NOUN crln-24323 44 2 : : PUNCT crln-24323 44 3 https://www.elearningguild https://www.elearningguild PROPN crln-24323 44 4 . . PUNCT crln-24323 45 1 com/. com/. ADJ crln-24323 45 2 for for ADP crln-24323 45 3 - - PUNCT crln-24323 45 4 profit profit NOUN crln-24323 45 5 resources resource NOUN crln-24323 45 6 • • AUX crln-24323 45 7 NOUN crln-24323 45 8 learning learn VERB crln-24323 45 9 . . PUNCT crln-24323 46 1 though though SCONJ crln-24323 46 2 not not PART crln-24323 46 3 technically technically ADV crln-24323 46 4 a a DET crln-24323 46 5 free free ADJ crln-24323 46 6 resource resource NOUN crln-24323 46 7 , , PUNCT crln-24323 46 8 many many ADJ crln-24323 46 9 institutions institution NOUN crln-24323 46 10 ( ( PUNCT crln-24323 46 11 and and CCONJ crln-24323 46 12 public public ADJ crln-24323 46 13 libraries library NOUN crln-24323 46 14 ) ) PUNCT crln-24323 46 15 offer offer VERB crln-24323 46 16 lynda/ lynda/ NUM crln-24323 46 17 linkedin linkedin NOUN crln-24323 46 18 learning learn VERB crln-24323 46 19 to to ADP crln-24323 46 20 their their PRON crln-24323 46 21 employees employee NOUN crln-24323 46 22 and and CCONJ crln-24323 46 23 communities community NOUN crln-24323 46 24 . . PUNCT crln-24323 47 1 lynda lynda PROPN crln-24323 47 2 includes include VERB crln-24323 47 3 a a DET crln-24323 47 4 robust robust ADJ crln-24323 47 5 offering offering NOUN crln-24323 47 6 of of ADP crln-24323 47 7 i i NOUN crln-24323 47 8 d d ADJ crln-24323 47 9 courses course NOUN crln-24323 47 10 and and CCONJ crln-24323 47 11 videos video NOUN crln-24323 47 12 ranging range VERB crln-24323 47 13 from from ADP crln-24323 47 14 basic basic ADJ crln-24323 47 15 to to PART crln-24323 47 16 advanced advanced ADJ crln-24323 47 17 . . PUNCT crln-24323 48 1 since since SCONJ crln-24323 48 2 lynda lynda PROPN crln-24323 48 3 was be AUX crln-24323 48 4 incorporated incorporate VERB crln-24323 48 5 into into ADP crln-24323 48 6 linkedin linkedin PROPN crln-24323 48 7 , , PUNCT crln-24323 48 8 users user NOUN crln-24323 48 9 can can AUX crln-24323 48 10 also also ADV crln-24323 48 11 display display VERB crln-24323 48 12 completed complete VERB crln-24323 48 13 course course NOUN crln-24323 48 14 badges badge NOUN crln-24323 48 15 on on ADP crln-24323 48 16 their their PRON crln-24323 48 17 linkedin linkedin ADJ crln-24323 48 18 profile profile NOUN crln-24323 48 19 . . PUNCT crln-24323 49 1 the the DET crln-24323 49 2 most most ADV crln-24323 49 3 useful useful ADJ crln-24323 49 4 videos video NOUN crln-24323 49 5 teach teach VERB crln-24323 49 6 i i NOUN crln-24323 49 7 d d PROPN crln-24323 49 8 software software NOUN crln-24323 49 9 ( ( PUNCT crln-24323 49 10 i.e. i.e. X crln-24323 49 11 , , PUNCT crln-24323 49 12 articulate articulate ADJ crln-24323 49 13 ) ) PUNCT crln-24323 49 14 or or CCONJ crln-24323 49 15 other other ADJ crln-24323 49 16 software software NOUN crln-24323 49 17 used use VERB crln-24323 49 18 in in ADP crln-24323 49 19 multimedia multimedia NOUN crln-24323 49 20 projects project NOUN crln-24323 49 21 ( ( PUNCT crln-24323 49 22 i.e. i.e. X crln-24323 49 23 , , PUNCT crln-24323 49 24 camtasia camtasia PROPN crln-24323 49 25 ) ) PUNCT crln-24323 49 26 . . PUNCT crln-24323 50 1 these these DET crln-24323 50 2 courses course NOUN crln-24323 50 3 can can AUX crln-24323 50 4 be be AUX crln-24323 50 5 a a DET crln-24323 50 6 lifesaver lifesaver NOUN crln-24323 50 7 when when SCONJ crln-24323 50 8 you you PRON crln-24323 50 9 need need VERB crln-24323 50 10 to to PART crln-24323 50 11 learn learn VERB crln-24323 50 12 a a DET crln-24323 50 13 new new ADJ crln-24323 50 14 technology technology NOUN crln-24323 50 15 quickly quickly ADV crln-24323 50 16 . . PUNCT crln-24323 51 1 do do AUX crln-24323 51 2 not not PART crln-24323 51 3 ignore ignore VERB crln-24323 51 4 the the DET crln-24323 51 5 theory theory NOUN crln-24323 51 6 - - PUNCT crln-24323 51 7 based base VERB crln-24323 51 8 videos video NOUN crln-24323 51 9 , , PUNCT crln-24323 51 10 though though ADV crln-24323 51 11 . . PUNCT crln-24323 52 1 they they PRON crln-24323 52 2 provide provide VERB crln-24323 52 3 brief brief ADJ crln-24323 52 4 but but CCONJ crln-24323 52 5 thorough thorough ADJ crln-24323 52 6 explanations explanation NOUN crln-24323 52 7 of of ADP crln-24323 52 8 the the DET crln-24323 52 9 theory theory NOUN crln-24323 52 10 and and CCONJ crln-24323 52 11 practice practice NOUN crln-24323 52 12 of of ADP crln-24323 52 13 i i NOUN crln-24323 52 14 d d PROPN crln-24323 52 15 , , PUNCT crln-24323 52 16 especially especially ADV crln-24323 52 17 if if SCONJ crln-24323 52 18 you you PRON crln-24323 52 19 are be AUX crln-24323 52 20 new new ADJ crln-24323 52 21 to to ADP crln-24323 52 22 the the DET crln-24323 52 23 field field NOUN crln-24323 52 24 . . PUNCT crln-24323 53 1 access access NOUN crln-24323 53 2 : : PUNCT crln-24323 53 3 https:// https:// PRON crln-24323 53 4 ( ( PUNCT crln-24323 53 5 continues continue VERB crln-24323 53 6 on on ADP crln-24323 53 7 page page NOUN crln-24323 53 8 153 153 NUM crln-24323 53 9 ) ) PUNCT crln-24323 53 10 X crln-24323 53 11 X crln-24323 53 12 X crln-24323 53 13 X crln-24323 54 1 PROPN crln-24323 54 2 PROPN crln-24323 54 3 X crln-24323 54 4 PROPN crln-24323 54 5 PROPN crln-24323 54 6 march march PROPN crln-24323 54 7 2020 2020 NUM crln-24323 54 8 153 153 NUM crln-24323 54 9 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24323 54 10 news news NOUN crln-24323 54 11 “ " PUNCT crln-24323 54 12 academic academic ADJ crln-24323 54 13 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24323 54 14 publishing publishing NOUN crln-24323 54 15 productivity productivity NOUN crln-24323 54 16 : : PUNCT crln-24323 54 17 an an DET crln-24323 54 18 analysis analysis NOUN crln-24323 54 19 of of ADP crln-24323 54 20 skills skill NOUN crln-24323 54 21 and and CCONJ crln-24323 54 22 behaviors behavior NOUN crln-24323 54 23 leading lead VERB crln-24323 54 24 to to ADP crln-24323 54 25 success success NOUN crln-24323 54 26 ” " PUNCT crln-24323 54 27 by by ADP crln-24323 54 28 camielle camielle PROPN crln-24323 54 29 crampsie crampsie PROPN crln-24323 54 30 , , PUNCT crln-24323 54 31 tina tina PROPN crln-24323 54 32 neville neville PROPN crln-24323 54 33 , , PUNCT crln-24323 54 34 and and CCONJ crln-24323 54 35 deborah deborah PROPN crln-24323 54 36 henry henry PROPN crln-24323 54 37 . . PUNCT crln-24323 55 1 scholarly scholarly ADJ crln-24323 55 2 publishing publishing NOUN crln-24323 55 3 continues continue VERB crln-24323 55 4 to to PART crln-24323 55 5 be be AUX crln-24323 55 6 a a DET crln-24323 55 7 prominent prominent ADJ crln-24323 55 8 expectation expectation NOUN crln-24323 55 9 for for ADP crln-24323 55 10 many many ADJ crln-24323 55 11 academic academic ADJ crln-24323 55 12 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24323 55 13 . . PUNCT crln-24323 56 1 this this DET crln-24323 56 2 survey survey NOUN crln-24323 56 3 explores explore VERB crln-24323 56 4 characteristics characteristic NOUN crln-24323 56 5 , , PUNCT crln-24323 56 6 behaviors behavior NOUN crln-24323 56 7 , , PUNCT crln-24323 56 8 motivations motivation NOUN crln-24323 56 9 , , PUNCT crln-24323 56 10 institutional institutional ADJ crln-24323 56 11 supports support NOUN crln-24323 56 12 , , PUNCT crln-24323 56 13 and and CCONJ crln-24323 56 14 educational educational ADJ crln-24323 56 15 opportunities opportunity NOUN crln-24323 56 16 that that PRON crln-24323 56 17 help help VERB crln-24323 56 18 library library NOUN crln-24323 56 19 practitioners practitioner NOUN crln-24323 56 20 become become VERB crln-24323 56 21 successful successful ADJ crln-24323 56 22 authors author NOUN crln-24323 56 23 . . PUNCT crln-24323 57 1 it it PRON crln-24323 57 2 also also ADV crln-24323 57 3 looks look VERB crln-24323 57 4 at at ADP crln-24323 57 5 perceived perceive VERB crln-24323 57 6 confidence confidence NOUN crln-24323 57 7 in in ADP crln-24323 57 8 research research NOUN crln-24323 57 9 skills skill NOUN crln-24323 57 10 of of ADP crln-24323 57 11 both both DET crln-24323 57 12 novice novice NOUN crln-24323 57 13 and and CCONJ crln-24323 57 14 experienced experienced ADJ crln-24323 57 15 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24323 57 16 . . PUNCT crln-24323 58 1 many many ADJ crln-24323 58 2 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24323 58 3 show show VERB crln-24323 58 4 confidence confidence NOUN crln-24323 58 5 in in ADP crln-24323 58 6 research research NOUN crln-24323 58 7 activities activity NOUN crln-24323 58 8 related relate VERB crln-24323 58 9 to to ADP crln-24323 58 10 their their PRON crln-24323 58 11 overall overall ADJ crln-24323 58 12 job job NOUN crln-24323 58 13 assignments assignment NOUN crln-24323 58 14 ( ( PUNCT crln-24323 58 15 literature literature NOUN crln-24323 58 16 searching searching NOUN crln-24323 58 17 , , PUNCT crln-24323 58 18 writing writing NOUN crln-24323 58 19 , , PUNCT crln-24323 58 20 etc etc X crln-24323 58 21 . . PUNCT crln-24323 58 22 ) ) PUNCT crln-24323 59 1 but but CCONJ crln-24323 59 2 find find VERB crln-24323 59 3 more more ADV crln-24323 59 4 sophisticated sophisticated ADJ crln-24323 59 5 research research NOUN crln-24323 59 6 skills skill NOUN crln-24323 59 7 , , PUNCT crln-24323 59 8 such such ADJ crln-24323 59 9 as as ADP crln-24323 59 10 statistical statistical ADJ crln-24323 59 11 analysis analysis NOUN crln-24323 59 12 more more ADV crln-24323 59 13 challenging challenging ADJ crln-24323 59 14 . . PUNCT crln-24323 60 1 findings finding NOUN crln-24323 60 2 indicate indicate VERB crln-24323 60 3 that that SCONJ crln-24323 60 4 having have VERB crln-24323 60 5 additional additional ADJ crln-24323 60 6 graduate graduate NOUN crln-24323 60 7 research research NOUN crln-24323 60 8 experience experience NOUN crln-24323 60 9 beyond beyond ADP crln-24323 60 10 the the DET crln-24323 60 11 library library NOUN crln-24323 60 12 degree degree NOUN crln-24323 60 13 , , PUNCT crln-24323 60 14 time time NOUN crln-24323 60 15 - - PUNCT crln-24323 60 16 management management NOUN crln-24323 60 17 skills skill NOUN crln-24323 60 18 , , PUNCT crln-24323 60 19 and and CCONJ crln-24323 60 20 collaboration collaboration NOUN crln-24323 60 21 with with ADP crln-24323 60 22 other other ADJ crln-24323 60 23 researchers researcher NOUN crln-24323 60 24 may may AUX crln-24323 60 25 provide provide VERB crln-24323 60 26 useful useful ADJ crln-24323 60 27 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24323 60 28 . . PUNCT crln-24323 61 1 “ " PUNCT crln-24323 61 2 information information NOUN crln-24323 61 3 literacy literacy NOUN crln-24323 61 4 ’s ’s NOUN crln-24323 61 5 influence influence NOUN crln-24323 61 6 on on ADP crln-24323 61 7 undergraduates undergraduate NOUN crln-24323 61 8 ’ ' PUNCT crln-24323 61 9 learning learning NOUN crln-24323 61 10 and and CCONJ crln-24323 61 11 development development NOUN crln-24323 61 12 : : PUNCT crln-24323 61 13 results result NOUN crln-24323 61 14 from from ADP crln-24323 61 15 a a DET crln-24323 61 16 large large ADJ crln-24323 61 17 multi multi ADJ crln-24323 61 18 - - ADJ crln-24323 61 19 institutional institutional ADJ crln-24323 61 20 study study NOUN crln-24323 61 21 ” " PUNCT crln-24323 61 22 by by ADP crln-24323 61 23 kevin kevin PROPN crln-24323 61 24 fosnacht fosnacht PROPN crln-24323 61 25 . . PUNCT crln-24323 62 1 this this DET crln-24323 62 2 paper paper NOUN crln-24323 62 3 investigated investigate VERB crln-24323 62 4 the the DET crln-24323 62 5 reliability reliability NOUN crln-24323 62 6 and and CCONJ crln-24323 62 7 validity validity NOUN crln-24323 62 8 of of ADP crln-24323 62 9 the the DET crln-24323 62 10 national national ADJ crln-24323 62 11 survey survey NOUN crln-24323 62 12 of of ADP crln-24323 62 13 student student NOUN crln-24323 62 14 engagement engagement NOUN crln-24323 62 15 ’s ’s PART crln-24323 62 16 experiences experience NOUN crln-24323 62 17 with with ADP crln-24323 62 18 information information NOUN crln-24323 62 19 literacy literacy NOUN crln-24323 62 20 module module NOUN crln-24323 62 21 , , PUNCT crln-24323 62 22 an an DET crln-24323 62 23 assessment assessment NOUN crln-24323 62 24 instrument instrument NOUN crln-24323 62 25 developed develop VERB crln-24323 62 26 in in ADP crln-24323 62 27 collaboration collaboration NOUN crln-24323 62 28 with with ADP crln-24323 62 29 a a DET crln-24323 62 30 group group NOUN crln-24323 62 31 of of ADP crln-24323 62 32 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24323 62 33 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24323 62 34 . . PUNCT crln-24323 63 1 after after ADP crln-24323 63 2 identifying identify VERB crln-24323 63 3 three three NUM crln-24323 63 4 information information NOUN crln-24323 63 5 literacy literacy NOUN crln-24323 63 6 - - PUNCT crln-24323 63 7 related relate VERB crln-24323 63 8 factors factor NOUN crln-24323 63 9 in in ADP crln-24323 63 10 the the DET crln-24323 63 11 module module NOUN crln-24323 63 12 , , PUNCT crln-24323 63 13 it it PRON crln-24323 63 14 assessed assess VERB crln-24323 63 15 the the DET crln-24323 63 16 relationship relationship NOUN crln-24323 63 17 between between ADP crln-24323 63 18 the the DET crln-24323 63 19 factors factor NOUN crln-24323 63 20 and and CCONJ crln-24323 63 21 students student NOUN crln-24323 63 22 ’ ’ PART crln-24323 63 23 engagement engagement NOUN crln-24323 63 24 in in ADP crln-24323 63 25 higherorder higherorder NOUN crln-24323 63 26 learning learning NOUN crln-24323 63 27 and and CCONJ crln-24323 63 28 reflective reflective ADJ crln-24323 63 29 and and CCONJ crln-24323 63 30 integrative integrative ADJ crln-24323 63 31 learning learning NOUN crln-24323 63 32 activities activity NOUN crln-24323 63 33 and and CCONJ crln-24323 63 34 students student NOUN crln-24323 63 35 perceived perceive VERB crln-24323 63 36 gains gain NOUN crln-24323 63 37 . . PUNCT crln-24323 64 1 the the DET crln-24323 64 2 results result NOUN crln-24323 64 3 from from ADP crln-24323 64 4 these these DET crln-24323 64 5 analyses analysis NOUN crln-24323 64 6 indicated indicate VERB crln-24323 64 7 that that SCONJ crln-24323 64 8 information information NOUN crln-24323 64 9 literacy literacy NOUN crln-24323 64 10 activities activity NOUN crln-24323 64 11 were be AUX crln-24323 64 12 positively positively ADV crln-24323 64 13 and and CCONJ crln-24323 64 14 significantly significantly ADV crln-24323 64 15 correlated correlate VERB crln-24323 64 16 with with ADP crln-24323 64 17 student student NOUN crln-24323 64 18 engagement engagement NOUN crln-24323 64 19 and and CCONJ crln-24323 64 20 students student NOUN crln-24323 64 21 ’ ' PUNCT crln-24323 64 22 perceived perceive VERB crln-24323 64 23 gains gain NOUN crln-24323 64 24 . . PUNCT crln-24323 65 1 “ " PUNCT crln-24323 65 2 core core PROPN crln-24323 65 3 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24323 65 4 and and CCONJ crln-24323 65 5 specialized specialized ADJ crln-24323 65 6 skills skill NOUN crln-24323 65 7 in in ADP crln-24323 65 8 academic academic ADJ crln-24323 65 9 libraries library NOUN crln-24323 65 10 ” " PUNCT crln-24323 65 11 by by ADP crln-24323 65 12 laura laura ADJ crln-24323 65 13 saunders saunder NOUN crln-24323 65 14 . . PUNCT crln-24323 66 1 academic academic ADJ crln-24323 66 2 libraries library NOUN crln-24323 66 3 are be AUX crln-24323 66 4 challenged challenge VERB crln-24323 66 5 to to PART crln-24323 66 6 keep keep VERB crln-24323 66 7 pace pace NOUN crln-24323 66 8 with with ADP crln-24323 66 9 major major ADJ crln-24323 66 10 changes change NOUN crln-24323 66 11 and and CCONJ crln-24323 66 12 trends trend NOUN crln-24323 66 13 in in ADP crln-24323 66 14 the the DET crln-24323 66 15 fields field NOUN crln-24323 66 16 of of ADP crln-24323 66 17 library library NOUN crln-24323 66 18 and and CCONJ crln-24323 66 19 information information NOUN crln-24323 66 20 science science NOUN crln-24323 66 21 and and CCONJ crln-24323 66 22 higher high ADJ crln-24323 66 23 education education NOUN crln-24323 66 24 generally generally ADV crln-24323 66 25 . . PUNCT crln-24323 67 1 through through ADP crln-24323 67 2 a a DET crln-24323 67 3 nationwide nationwide ADJ crln-24323 67 4 survey survey NOUN crln-24323 67 5 of of ADP crln-24323 67 6 information information NOUN crln-24323 67 7 professionals professional NOUN crln-24323 67 8 and and CCONJ crln-24323 67 9 lis lis ADJ crln-24323 67 10 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24323 67 11 , , PUNCT crln-24323 67 12 this this DET crln-24323 67 13 study study NOUN crln-24323 67 14 explores explore VERB crln-24323 67 15 the the DET crln-24323 67 16 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24323 67 17 , , PUNCT crln-24323 67 18 skills skill NOUN crln-24323 67 19 , , PUNCT crln-24323 67 20 and and CCONJ crln-24323 67 21 abilities ability NOUN crln-24323 67 22 currently currently ADV crln-24323 67 23 in in ADP crln-24323 67 24 demand demand NOUN crln-24323 67 25 for for ADP crln-24323 67 26 academic academic ADJ crln-24323 67 27 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24323 67 28 and and CCONJ crln-24323 67 29 compares compare VERB crln-24323 67 30 them they PRON crln-24323 67 31 to to ADP crln-24323 67 32 that that DET crln-24323 67 33 expected expect VERB crln-24323 67 34 of of ADP crln-24323 67 35 information information NOUN crln-24323 67 36 professionals professional NOUN crln-24323 67 37 in in ADP crln-24323 67 38 other other ADJ crln-24323 67 39 areas area NOUN crln-24323 67 40 of of ADP crln-24323 67 41 the the DET crln-24323 67 42 field field NOUN crln-24323 67 43 . . PUNCT crln-24323 68 1 the the DET crln-24323 68 2 results result NOUN crln-24323 68 3 show show VERB crln-24323 68 4 a a DET crln-24323 68 5 strong strong ADJ crln-24323 68 6 emphasis emphasis NOUN crln-24323 68 7 on on ADP crln-24323 68 8 interpersonal interpersonal ADJ crln-24323 68 9 and and CCONJ crln-24323 68 10 communication communication NOUN crln-24323 68 11 skills skill NOUN crln-24323 68 12 as as ADV crln-24323 68 13 well well ADV crln-24323 68 14 as as ADP crln-24323 68 15 certain certain ADJ crln-24323 68 16 domain domain NOUN crln-24323 68 17 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24323 68 18 . . PUNCT crln-24323 69 1 the the DET crln-24323 69 2 results result NOUN crln-24323 69 3 also also ADV crln-24323 69 4 suggest suggest VERB crln-24323 69 5 some some DET crln-24323 69 6 significant significant ADJ crln-24323 69 7 differences difference NOUN crln-24323 69 8 between between ADP crln-24323 69 9 expectations expectation NOUN crln-24323 69 10 for for ADP crln-24323 69 11 academic academic ADJ crln-24323 69 12 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24323 69 13 compared compare VERB crln-24323 69 14 to to ADP crln-24323 69 15 other other ADJ crln-24323 69 16 information information NOUN crln-24323 69 17 professionals professional NOUN crln-24323 69 18 . . PUNCT crln-24323 70 1 NOUN crln-24323 70 2 ( ( PUNCT crln-24323 70 3 or or CCONJ crln-24323 70 4 through through ADP crln-24323 70 5 your your PRON crln-24323 70 6 local local ADJ crln-24323 70 7 library library NOUN crln-24323 70 8 or or CCONJ crln-24323 70 9 academic academic ADJ crln-24323 70 10 institution institution NOUN crln-24323 70 11 ) ) PUNCT crln-24323 70 12 . . PUNCT crln-24323 71 1 • • VERB crln-24323 71 2 the the DET crln-24323 71 3 rapid rapid ADJ crln-24323 71 4 elearning elearne VERB crln-24323 71 5 blog blog NOUN crln-24323 71 6 . . PUNCT crln-24323 72 1 tom tom PROPN crln-24323 72 2 kuhlman kuhlman PROPN crln-24323 72 3 , , PUNCT crln-24323 72 4 an an DET crln-24323 72 5 i i PROPN crln-24323 72 6 d d ADJ crln-24323 72 7 professional professional ADJ crln-24323 72 8 and and CCONJ crln-24323 72 9 the the DET crln-24323 72 10 manager manager NOUN crln-24323 72 11 of of ADP crln-24323 72 12 articulate articulate ADJ crln-24323 72 13 software software NOUN crln-24323 72 14 ’s ’s PART crln-24323 72 15 user user NOUN crln-24323 72 16 community community NOUN crln-24323 72 17 , , PUNCT crln-24323 72 18 writes write VERB crln-24323 72 19 the the DET crln-24323 72 20 rapid rapid ADJ crln-24323 72 21 elearning elearne VERB crln-24323 72 22 blog blog NOUN crln-24323 72 23 . . PUNCT crln-24323 73 1 although although SCONJ crln-24323 73 2 housed house VERB crln-24323 73 3 by by ADP crln-24323 73 4 articulate articulate ADJ crln-24323 73 5 software software NOUN crln-24323 73 6 , , PUNCT crln-24323 73 7 you you PRON crln-24323 73 8 do do AUX crln-24323 73 9 not not PART crln-24323 73 10 have have VERB crln-24323 73 11 to to PART crln-24323 73 12 be be AUX crln-24323 73 13 a a DET crln-24323 73 14 customer customer NOUN crln-24323 73 15 to to PART crln-24323 73 16 read read VERB crln-24323 73 17 the the DET crln-24323 73 18 blog blog NOUN crln-24323 73 19 . . PUNCT crln-24323 74 1 the the DET crln-24323 74 2 posts post NOUN crln-24323 74 3 are be AUX crln-24323 74 4 general general ADJ crln-24323 74 5 and and CCONJ crln-24323 74 6 not not PART crln-24323 74 7 exclusively exclusively ADV crln-24323 74 8 focused focus VERB crln-24323 74 9 on on ADP crln-24323 74 10 using use VERB crln-24323 74 11 the the DET crln-24323 74 12 software software NOUN crln-24323 74 13 , , PUNCT crln-24323 74 14 so so SCONJ crln-24323 74 15 it it PRON crln-24323 74 16 is be AUX crln-24323 74 17 helpful helpful ADJ crln-24323 74 18 for for ADP crln-24323 74 19 anyone anyone PRON crln-24323 74 20 designing design VERB crln-24323 74 21 learning learning NOUN crln-24323 74 22 experiences experience NOUN crln-24323 74 23 . . PUNCT crln-24323 75 1 the the DET crln-24323 75 2 focus focus NOUN crln-24323 75 3 lies lie VERB crln-24323 75 4 on on ADP crln-24323 75 5 practical practical ADJ crln-24323 75 6 i i PROPN crln-24323 75 7 d d PROPN crln-24323 75 8 tips tip NOUN crln-24323 75 9 and and CCONJ crln-24323 75 10 techniques technique NOUN crln-24323 75 11 , , PUNCT crln-24323 75 12 such such ADJ crln-24323 75 13 as as ADP crln-24323 75 14 using use VERB crln-24323 75 15 videos video NOUN crln-24323 75 16 in in ADP crln-24323 75 17 learning learn VERB crln-24323 75 18 management management NOUN crln-24323 75 19 systems system NOUN crln-24323 75 20 or or CCONJ crln-24323 75 21 adding add VERB crln-24323 75 22 captions caption NOUN crln-24323 75 23 to to ADP crln-24323 75 24 videos video NOUN crln-24323 75 25 or or CCONJ crln-24323 75 26 live live ADJ crln-24323 75 27 presentations presentation NOUN crln-24323 75 28 . . PUNCT crln-24323 76 1 what what PRON crln-24323 76 2 i i PRON crln-24323 76 3 find find VERB crln-24323 76 4 most most ADV crln-24323 76 5 helpful helpful ADJ crln-24323 76 6 are be AUX crln-24323 76 7 the the DET crln-24323 76 8 course course NOUN crln-24323 76 9 examples example NOUN crln-24323 76 10 and and CCONJ crln-24323 76 11 scenarios scenario NOUN crln-24323 76 12 . . PUNCT crln-24323 77 1 browsing browse VERB crln-24323 77 2 through through ADP crln-24323 77 3 existing exist VERB crln-24323 77 4 learning learning NOUN crln-24323 77 5 objects object NOUN crln-24323 77 6 and and CCONJ crln-24323 77 7 courses course NOUN crln-24323 77 8 can can AUX crln-24323 77 9 spark spark VERB crln-24323 77 10 inspiration inspiration NOUN crln-24323 77 11 for for ADP crln-24323 77 12 your your PRON crln-24323 77 13 n n NOUN crln-24323 77 14 e e NOUN crln-24323 77 15 x x PROPN crln-24323 77 16 t t NOUN crln-24323 77 17 video video NOUN crln-24323 77 18 or or CCONJ crln-24323 77 19 project project NOUN crln-24323 77 20 . . PUNCT crln-24323 78 1 r r NOUN crln-24323 78 2 a a DET crln-24323 78 3 p p NOUN crln-24323 78 4 i i PROPN crln-24323 78 5 d d PROPN crln-24323 78 6 el el PROPN crln-24323 78 7 ea ea PROPN crln-24323 78 8 r r PROPN crln-24323 78 9 ni ni PROPN crln-24323 79 1 n n PROPN crln-24323 79 2 g g PROPN crln-24323 80 1 i i PRON crln-24323 80 2 s s VERB crln-24323 80 3 only only ADV crln-24323 80 4 one one NUM crln-24323 80 5 of of ADP crln-24323 80 6 the the DET crln-24323 80 7 many many ADJ crln-24323 80 8 articulate articulate ADV crln-24323 80 9 - - PUNCT crln-24323 80 10 sponsored sponsor VERB crln-24323 80 11 blogs blog NOUN crln-24323 80 12 . . PUNCT crln-24323 81 1 check check VERB crln-24323 81 2 out out ADP crln-24323 81 3 all all PRON crln-24323 81 4 of of ADP crln-24323 81 5 them they PRON crln-24323 81 6 at at ADP crln-24323 81 7 https://community.articulate https://community.articulate NOUN crln-24323 81 8 . . PUNCT crln-24323 82 1 com/. com/. ADJ crln-24323 82 2 access access NOUN crln-24323 82 3 : : PUNCT crln-24323 82 4 PROPN crln-24323 82 5 /rapid /rapid NOUN crln-24323 82 6 - - PUNCT crln-24323 82 7 elearning/. elearning/. PROPN crln-24323 82 8 ( ( PUNCT crln-24323 82 9 “ " PUNCT crln-24323 82 10 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24323 82 11 design design NOUN crln-24323 82 12 , , PUNCT crln-24323 82 13 ” " PUNCT crln-24323 82 14 continues continue VERB crln-24323 82 15 from from ADP crln-24323 82 16 page page NOUN crln-24323 82 17 150 150 NUM crln-24323 82 18 ) ) PUNCT crln-24323 82 19 PROPN crln-24323 82 20 PROPN crln-24323 82 21 PROPN crln-24323 82 22 PROPN crln-24323 82 23 VERB