id sid tid token lemma pos crln-24008 1 1 acrl acrl PROPN crln-24008 1 2 news news NOUN crln-24008 1 3 issue issue NOUN crln-24008 1 4 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 1 5 b b PROPN crln-24008 1 6 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 1 7 of of ADP crln-24008 1 8 college college PROPN crln-24008 1 9 & & CCONJ crln-24008 1 10 research research PROPN crln-24008 1 11 libraries librarie VERB crln-24008 1 12 44 44 NUM crln-24008 1 13 / / SYM crln-24008 1 14 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 1 15 news news NOUN crln-24008 1 16 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 1 17 january january PROPN crln-24008 1 18 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 1 19 c c VERB crln-24008 1 20 l l X crln-24008 1 21 a a DET crln-24008 1 22 s s NOUN crln-24008 1 23 s s X crln-24008 2 1 i i PRON crln-24008 3 1 f f X crln-24008 4 1 i i PRON crln-24008 5 1 e e NOUN crln-24008 5 2 d d PROPN crln-24008 6 1 sda sda ADJ crln-24008 6 2 career career NOUN crln-24008 6 3 opportunities opportunity NOUN crln-24008 6 4 from from ADP crln-24008 6 5 across across ADP crln-24008 6 6 the the DET crln-24008 6 7 country country NOUN crln-24008 6 8 deadlines deadline NOUN crln-24008 6 9 : : PUNCT crln-24008 6 10 orders order NOUN crln-24008 6 11 for for ADP crln-24008 6 12 regular regular ADJ crln-24008 6 13 classified classified ADJ crln-24008 6 14 advertisements advertisement NOUN crln-24008 6 15 must must AUX crln-24008 6 16 reach reach VERB crln-24008 6 17 the the DET crln-24008 6 18 acrl acrl ADJ crln-24008 6 19 office office NOUN crln-24008 6 20 on on ADP crln-24008 6 21 or or CCONJ crln-24008 6 22 before before ADP crln-24008 6 23 the the DET crln-24008 6 24 second second NOUN crln-24008 6 25 of of ADP crln-24008 6 26 the the DET crln-24008 6 27 month month NOUN crln-24008 6 28 preceding precede VERB crln-24008 6 29 publication publication NOUN crln-24008 6 30 of of ADP crln-24008 6 31 the the DET crln-24008 6 32 issue issue NOUN crln-24008 6 33 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 6 34 e.g. e.g. ADV crln-24008 6 35 , , PUNCT crln-24008 6 36 september september PROPN crln-24008 6 37 2 2 NUM crln-24008 6 38 for for ADP crln-24008 6 39 the the DET crln-24008 6 40 october october PROPN crln-24008 6 41 issue issue NOUN crln-24008 6 42 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 6 43 . . PUNCT crln-24008 7 1 should should AUX crln-24008 7 2 this this DET crln-24008 7 3 date date NOUN crln-24008 7 4 fail fail VERB crln-24008 7 5 on on ADP crln-24008 7 6 a a DET crln-24008 7 7 weekend weekend NOUN crln-24008 7 8 or or CCONJ crln-24008 7 9 holiday holiday NOUN crln-24008 7 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 7 11 ads ad NOUN crln-24008 7 12 will will AUX crln-24008 7 13 be be AUX crln-24008 7 14 accepted accept VERB crln-24008 7 15 on on ADP crln-24008 7 16 the the DET crln-24008 7 17 next next ADJ crln-24008 7 18 business business NOUN crln-24008 7 19 day day NOUN crln-24008 7 20 . . PUNCT crln-24008 8 1 late late ADJ crln-24008 8 2 job job NOUN crln-24008 8 3 listings listing NOUN crln-24008 8 4 will will AUX crln-24008 8 5 be be AUX crln-24008 8 6 accepted accept VERB crln-24008 8 7 on on ADP crln-24008 8 8 a a DET crln-24008 8 9 space space NOUN crln-24008 8 10 - - PUNCT crln-24008 8 11 available available ADJ crln-24008 8 12 basis basis NOUN crln-24008 8 13 after after ADP crln-24008 8 14 the the DET crln-24008 8 15 second second NOUN crln-24008 8 16 of of ADP crln-24008 8 17 the the DET crln-24008 8 18 month month NOUN crln-24008 8 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 9 1 rates rate NOUN crln-24008 9 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 9 3 classified classified ADJ crln-24008 9 4 advertisements advertisement NOUN crln-24008 9 5 are be AUX crln-24008 9 6 $ $ SYM crln-24008 9 7 8.75 8.75 NUM crln-24008 9 8 per per ADP crln-24008 9 9 line line NOUN crln-24008 9 10 for for ADP crln-24008 9 11 institutions institution NOUN crln-24008 9 12 that that PRON crln-24008 9 13 are be AUX crln-24008 9 14 acrl acrl ADJ crln-24008 9 15 members member NOUN crln-24008 9 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 9 17 $ $ SYM crln-24008 9 18 10.75 10.75 NUM crln-24008 9 19 for for ADP crln-24008 9 20 others other NOUN crln-24008 9 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 10 1 late late ADJ crln-24008 10 2 job job NOUN crln-24008 10 3 notices notice NOUN crln-24008 10 4 are be AUX crln-24008 10 5 $ $ SYM crln-24008 10 6 20.50 20.50 NUM crln-24008 10 7 per per ADP crln-24008 10 8 line line NOUN crln-24008 10 9 for for ADP crln-24008 10 10 institutions institution NOUN crln-24008 10 11 that that PRON crln-24008 10 12 are be AUX crln-24008 10 13 acrl acrl ADJ crln-24008 10 14 members member NOUN crln-24008 10 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 10 16 $ $ SYM crln-24008 10 17 24.95 24.95 NUM crln-24008 10 18 for for ADP crln-24008 10 19 others other NOUN crln-24008 10 20 . . PUNCT crln-24008 11 1 organizations organization NOUN crln-24008 11 2 submitting submit VERB crln-24008 11 3 ads ad NOUN crln-24008 11 4 will will AUX crln-24008 11 5 be be AUX crln-24008 11 6 charged charge VERB crln-24008 11 7 according accord VERB crln-24008 11 8 to to ADP crln-24008 11 9 their their PRON crln-24008 11 10 membership membership NOUN crln-24008 11 11 status status NOUN crln-24008 11 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 12 1 display display VERB crln-24008 12 2 ad ad NOUN crln-24008 12 3 rates rate NOUN crln-24008 12 4 range range VERB crln-24008 12 5 from from ADP crln-24008 12 6 $ $ SYM crln-24008 12 7 395 395 NUM crln-24008 12 8 to to PART crln-24008 12 9 $ $ SYM crln-24008 12 10 745 745 NUM crln-24008 12 11 based base VERB crln-24008 12 12 upon upon SCONJ crln-24008 12 13 size size NOUN crln-24008 12 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 13 1 please please INTJ crln-24008 13 2 call call VERB crln-24008 13 3 for for ADP crln-24008 13 4 sizes size NOUN crln-24008 13 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 13 6 rates rate NOUN crln-24008 13 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 14 1 or or CCONJ crln-24008 14 2 see see VERB crln-24008 14 3 our our PRON crln-24008 14 4 website website NOUN crln-24008 14 5 : : PUNCT crln-24008 14 6 X crln-24008 14 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 15 1 guidelines guideline NOUN crln-24008 15 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 15 3 for for ADP crln-24008 15 4 ads ad NOUN crln-24008 15 5 that that PRON crln-24008 15 6 list list VERB crln-24008 15 7 an an DET crln-24008 15 8 application application NOUN crln-24008 15 9 deadline deadline NOUN crln-24008 15 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 15 11 we we PRON crln-24008 15 12 suggest suggest VERB crln-24008 15 13 that that SCONJ crln-24008 15 14 date date NOUN crln-24008 15 15 be be AUX crln-24008 15 16 no no ADV crln-24008 15 17 sooner soon ADV crln-24008 15 18 than than ADP crln-24008 15 19 the the DET crln-24008 15 20 20th 20th ADJ crln-24008 15 21 day day NOUN crln-24008 15 22 of of ADP crln-24008 15 23 the the DET crln-24008 15 24 month month NOUN crln-24008 15 25 in in ADP crln-24008 15 26 which which PRON crln-24008 15 27 the the DET crln-24008 15 28 notice notice NOUN crln-24008 15 29 appears appear VERB crln-24008 15 30 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 15 31 e.g. e.g. ADV crln-24008 15 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 15 33 october october PROPN crln-24008 15 34 20 20 NUM crln-24008 15 35 for for ADP crln-24008 15 36 the the DET crln-24008 15 37 october october PROPN crln-24008 15 38 issue issue NOUN crln-24008 15 39 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 15 40 . . PUNCT crln-24008 16 1 all all DET crln-24008 16 2 job job NOUN crln-24008 16 3 announcements announcement NOUN crln-24008 16 4 should should AUX crln-24008 16 5 include include VERB crln-24008 16 6 a a DET crln-24008 16 7 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 16 8 range range NOUN crln-24008 16 9 per per ADP crln-24008 16 10 policy policy NOUN crln-24008 16 11 of of ADP crln-24008 16 12 the the DET crln-24008 16 13 american american PROPN crln-24008 16 14 library library PROPN crln-24008 16 15 association association PROPN crln-24008 16 16 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 16 17 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 16 18 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 16 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 17 1 job job NOUN crln-24008 17 2 announcements announcement NOUN crln-24008 17 3 will will AUX crln-24008 17 4 be be AUX crln-24008 17 5 edited edit VERB crln-24008 17 6 to to PART crln-24008 17 7 exclude exclude VERB crln-24008 17 8 books book NOUN crln-24008 17 9 bought buy VERB crln-24008 17 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 17 11 sold sell VERB crln-24008 17 12 used use VERB crln-24008 17 13 sci sci ADJ crln-24008 17 14 - - PUNCT crln-24008 17 15 tech tech NOUN crln-24008 17 16 books book NOUN crln-24008 17 17 purchased purchase VERB crln-24008 17 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 18 1 physics physics PROPN crln-24008 18 2 , , PUNCT crln-24008 18 3 math math NOUN crln-24008 18 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 18 5 all all DET crln-24008 18 6 eng eng PROPN crln-24008 18 7 i­ i­ ADV crln-24008 18 8 neering neere VERB crln-24008 18 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 18 10 electricity electricity NOUN crln-24008 18 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 18 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 18 13 electronics electronic NOUN crln-24008 18 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 18 15 skilled skilled ADJ crln-24008 18 16 trades trade NOUN crln-24008 18 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 18 18 antiquarian antiquarian PROPN crln-24008 18 19 tech tech PROPN crln-24008 18 20 . . PUNCT crln-24008 19 1 sorry sorry INTJ crln-24008 19 2 , , PUNCT crln-24008 19 3 no no DET crln-24008 19 4 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 19 5 or or CCONJ crln-24008 19 6 life life NOUN crln-24008 19 7 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 19 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 20 1 quality quality NOUN crln-24008 20 2 older old ADJ crln-24008 20 3 editions edition NOUN crln-24008 20 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 20 5 duplicates duplicate NOUN crln-24008 20 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 20 7 unneeded unneeded ADJ crln-24008 20 8 gifts gift NOUN crln-24008 20 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 20 10 superseded supersede VERB crln-24008 20 11 titles title NOUN crln-24008 20 12 alw alw NOUN crln-24008 20 13 ays ays PUNCT crln-24008 20 14 sought seek VERB crln-24008 20 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 21 1 ex ex PROPN crln-24008 21 2 library library PROPN crln-24008 21 3 ok ok PROPN crln-24008 21 4 . . PUNCT crln-24008 22 1 no no DET crln-24008 22 2 quantities quantity NOUN crln-24008 22 3 too too ADV crln-24008 22 4 great great ADJ crln-24008 22 5 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 22 6 will will AUX crln-24008 22 7 travel travel VERB crln-24008 22 8 when when SCONJ crln-24008 22 9 appropriate appropriate ADJ crln-24008 22 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 23 1 for for ADP crln-24008 23 2 more more ADJ crln-24008 23 3 informa­ informa­ VERB crln-24008 23 4 tion tion NOUN crln-24008 23 5 please please INTJ crln-24008 23 6 contact contact VERB crln-24008 23 7 : : PUNCT crln-24008 23 8 collier colly ADJ crln-24008 23 9 brown brown ADJ crln-24008 23 10 or or CCONJ crln-24008 23 11 kirsten kirsten VERB crln-24008 23 12 berg berg NOUN crln-24008 23 13 at at ADP crln-24008 23 14 p p NOUN crln-24008 23 15 o o NOUN crln-24008 23 16 w w PROPN crln-24008 23 17 e e PROPN crln-24008 23 18 ll ll AUX crln-24008 23 19 ’s ’s VERB crln-24008 23 20 te te ADP crln-24008 23 21 ch ch NOUN crln-24008 23 22 ­ ­ PROPN crln-24008 24 1 n n ADP crln-24008 24 2 ic ic PROPN crln-24008 24 3 a a DET crln-24008 24 4 l l X crln-24008 24 5 b b NOUN crln-24008 24 6 o o NOUN crln-24008 24 7 o o X crln-24008 24 8 k k NOUN crln-24008 24 9 s s NOUN crln-24008 24 10 to to PART crln-24008 24 11 re re VERB crln-24008 24 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 24 13 33 33 NUM crln-24008 24 14 nw nw PROPN crln-24008 24 15 park park NOUN crln-24008 24 16 ave ave NOUN crln-24008 24 17 . . PROPN crln-24008 24 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 24 19 portland portland PROPN crln-24008 24 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 24 21 or or CCONJ crln-24008 24 22 97209 97209 NUM crln-24008 24 23 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 24 24 phone phone NOUN crln-24008 24 25 : : PUNCT crln-24008 24 26 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 24 27 800 800 NUM crln-24008 24 28 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 24 29 22 22 NUM crln-24008 24 30 5 5 NUM crln-24008 24 31 -6 -6 NUM crln-24008 24 32 9 9 NUM crln-24008 24 33 1 1 NUM crln-24008 24 34 1 1 NUM crln-24008 24 35 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 24 36 fax fax NOUN crln-24008 24 37 : : PUNCT crln-24008 24 38 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 24 39 503 503 NUM crln-24008 24 40 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 24 41 2 2 NUM crln-24008 24 42 28 28 NUM crln-24008 24 43 -05 -05 NUM crln-24008 24 44 05 05 NUM crln-24008 24 45 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 24 46 e e X crln-24008 24 47 -m -m PUNCT crln-24008 24 48 a a X crln-24008 24 49 il il PROPN crln-24008 24 50 to to PART crln-24008 24 51 : : PUNCT crln-24008 24 52 kirsten@ kirsten@ PROPN crln-24008 24 53 PROPN crln-24008 24 54 . . PUNCT crln-24008 25 1 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 2 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 3 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 4 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 5 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 6 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 7 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 8 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 9 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 10 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 11 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 12 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 13 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 14 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 15 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 16 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 17 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 18 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 19 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 20 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 21 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 22 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 23 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 24 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 25 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 26 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 27 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 28 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 29 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 30 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 31 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 32 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 33 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 34 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 35 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 36 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 25 37 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 26 1 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 26 2 positions position NOUN crln-24008 26 3 open open VERB crln-24008 26 4 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 26 5 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 26 6 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 26 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 27 1 bellevue bellevue PROPN crln-24008 27 2 community community PROPN crln-24008 27 3 college college PROPN crln-24008 27 4 . . PUNCT crln-24008 28 1 two two NUM crln-24008 28 2 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 28 3 2 2 NUM crln-24008 28 4 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 28 5 full full ADJ crln-24008 28 6 - - PUNCT crln-24008 28 7 time time NOUN crln-24008 28 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 28 9 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 28 10 - - PUNCT crln-24008 28 11 track track NOUN crln-24008 28 12 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 28 13 positions position NOUN crln-24008 28 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 29 1 position position NOUN crln-24008 29 2 description description NOUN crln-24008 29 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 29 4 the the DET crln-24008 29 5 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 29 6 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 29 7 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 29 8 is be AUX crln-24008 29 9 a a DET crln-24008 29 10 full full ADJ crln-24008 29 11 - - PUNCT crln-24008 29 12 time time NOUN crln-24008 29 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 29 14 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 29 15 track track NOUN crln-24008 29 16 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 29 17 position position NOUN crln-24008 29 18 at at ADP crln-24008 29 19 bellevue bellevue PROPN crln-24008 29 20 community community NOUN crln-24008 29 21 college college NOUN crln-24008 29 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 29 23 reporting report VERB crln-24008 29 24 to to ADP crln-24008 29 25 the the DET crln-24008 29 26 director director NOUN crln-24008 29 27 of of ADP crln-24008 29 28 the the DET crln-24008 29 29 library library NOUN crln-24008 29 30 media medium NOUN crln-24008 29 31 center center NOUN crln-24008 29 32 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 29 33 lmc lmc ADV crln-24008 29 34 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 29 35 . . PUNCT crln-24008 30 1 the the DET crln-24008 30 2 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 30 3 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 30 4 provides provide VERB crln-24008 30 5 students student NOUN crln-24008 30 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 30 7 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 30 8 with with ADP crln-24008 30 9 one one NUM crln-24008 30 10 - - PUNCT crln-24008 30 11 on on ADP crln-24008 30 12 - - PUNCT crln-24008 30 13 one one NUM crln-24008 30 14 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 30 15 in in ADP crln-24008 30 16 the the DET crln-24008 30 17 use use NOUN crln-24008 30 18 of of ADP crln-24008 30 19 both both PRON crln-24008 30 20 print print NOUN crln-24008 30 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 30 22 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 30 23 information information NOUN crln-24008 30 24 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 30 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 30 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 30 27 conducts conduct VERB crln-24008 30 28 library library NOUN crln-24008 30 29 orientations orientation NOUN crln-24008 30 30 and and CCONJ crln-24008 30 31 information information NOUN crln-24008 30 32 literacy literacy NOUN crln-24008 30 33 classes class NOUN crln-24008 30 34 in in ADP crln-24008 30 35 utilizing utilize VERB crln-24008 30 36 and and CCONJ crln-24008 30 37 evaluating evaluate VERB crln-24008 30 38 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 30 39 . . PUNCT crln-24008 31 1 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 31 2 may may AUX crln-24008 31 3 also also ADV crln-24008 31 4 include include VERB crln-24008 31 5 coordinating coordinate VERB crln-24008 31 6 the the DET crln-24008 31 7 activities activity NOUN crln-24008 31 8 at at ADP crln-24008 31 9 the the DET crln-24008 31 10 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 31 11 desk desk NOUN crln-24008 31 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 31 13 coordi­ coordi­ PROPN crln-24008 31 14 nating nating NOUN crln-24008 31 15 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 31 16 schedule schedule NOUN crln-24008 31 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 31 18 participating participate VERB crln-24008 31 19 in in ADP crln-24008 31 20 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 31 21 development development NOUN crln-24008 31 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 31 23 the the DET crln-24008 31 24 management management NOUN crln-24008 31 25 of of ADP crln-24008 31 26 print print NOUN crln-24008 31 27 and and CCONJ crln-24008 31 28 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 31 29 subscriptions subscription NOUN crln-24008 31 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 31 31 being be AUX crln-24008 31 32 an an DET crln-24008 31 33 lmc lmc ADJ crln-24008 31 34 liaison liaison NOUN crln-24008 31 35 with with ADP crln-24008 31 36 an an DET crln-24008 31 37 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 31 38 division division NOUN crln-24008 31 39 , , PUNCT crln-24008 31 40 working work VERB crln-24008 31 41 with with ADP crln-24008 31 42 technical technical ADJ crln-24008 31 43 support support NOUN crln-24008 31 44 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 31 45 and and CCONJ crln-24008 31 46 the the DET crln-24008 31 47 systems system NOUN crln-24008 31 48 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 31 49 to to PART crln-24008 31 50 maintain maintain VERB crln-24008 31 51 student student NOUN crln-24008 31 52 workstations workstation NOUN crln-24008 31 53 and and CCONJ crln-24008 31 54 computer computer NOUN crln-24008 31 55 applica­ applica­ VERB crln-24008 31 56 tions tion NOUN crln-24008 31 57 in in ADP crln-24008 31 58 the the DET crln-24008 31 59 lmc lmc NOUN crln-24008 31 60 , , PUNCT crln-24008 31 61 and and CCONJ crln-24008 31 62 participating participate VERB crln-24008 31 63 in in ADP crln-24008 31 64 college college NOUN crln-24008 31 65 governance governance NOUN crln-24008 31 66 . . PUNCT crln-24008 32 1 work work NOUN crln-24008 32 2 involves involve VERB crln-24008 32 3 early early ADJ crln-24008 32 4 morning morning NOUN crln-24008 32 5 or or CCONJ crln-24008 32 6 evening evening NOUN crln-24008 32 7 hours hour NOUN crln-24008 32 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 32 9 occasional occasional ADJ crln-24008 32 10 weekends weekend NOUN crln-24008 32 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 33 1 minimum minimum ADJ crln-24008 33 2 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 33 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 33 4 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 33 5 1 1 X crln-24008 33 6 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 33 7 an an DET crln-24008 33 8 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 33 9 from from ADP crln-24008 33 10 an an DET crln-24008 33 11 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 33 12 - - PUNCT crln-24008 33 13 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 33 14 library library NOUN crln-24008 33 15 school school NOUN crln-24008 33 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 33 17 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 33 18 2 2 X crln-24008 33 19 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 33 20 approximately approximately ADV crln-24008 33 21 two two NUM crln-24008 33 22 years year NOUN crln-24008 33 23 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 33 24 as as ADP crln-24008 33 25 a a DET crln-24008 33 26 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 33 27 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 33 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 33 29 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 33 30 3 3 NUM crln-24008 33 31 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 33 32 one one NUM crln-24008 33 33 year year NOUN crln-24008 33 34 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 33 35 in in ADP crln-24008 33 36 teaching teaching NOUN crln-24008 33 37 or or CCONJ crln-24008 33 38 training training NOUN crln-24008 33 39 in in ADP crln-24008 33 40 the the DET crln-24008 33 41 use use NOUN crln-24008 33 42 of of ADP crln-24008 33 43 print print NOUN crln-24008 33 44 and and CCONJ crln-24008 33 45 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 33 46 library library NOUN crln-24008 33 47 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 33 48 , , PUNCT crln-24008 33 49 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 33 50 4 4 NUM crln-24008 33 51 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 33 52 proficiency proficiency NOUN crln-24008 33 53 in in ADP crln-24008 33 54 online online ADJ crln-24008 33 55 searching searching NOUN crln-24008 33 56 , , PUNCT crln-24008 33 57 including include VERB crln-24008 33 58 use use NOUN crln-24008 33 59 of of ADP crln-24008 33 60 the the DET crln-24008 33 61 discriminatory discriminatory ADJ crln-24008 33 62 references reference NOUN crln-24008 33 63 . . PUNCT crln-24008 34 1 applicants applicant NOUN crln-24008 34 2 should should AUX crln-24008 34 3 be be AUX crln-24008 34 4 aware aware ADJ crln-24008 34 5 that that SCONJ crln-24008 34 6 the the DET crln-24008 34 7 terms term NOUN crln-24008 34 8 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 34 9 rank rank NOUN crln-24008 34 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 34 11 status status NOUN crln-24008 34 12 vary vary VERB crln-24008 34 13 in in ADP crln-24008 34 14 meaning meaning NOUN crln-24008 34 15 among among ADP crln-24008 34 16 institutions institution NOUN crln-24008 34 17 . . PUNCT crln-24008 35 1 internet internet NOUN crln-24008 35 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 35 3 c c PROPN crln-24008 35 4 & & CCONJ crln-24008 35 5 rl rl PROPN crln-24008 35 6 news news NOUN crln-24008 35 7 classified classify VERB crln-24008 35 8 ads ad NOUN crln-24008 35 9 are be AUX crln-24008 35 10 accessible accessible ADJ crln-24008 35 11 on on ADP crln-24008 35 12 the the DET crln-24008 35 13 world world NOUN crln-24008 35 14 wide wide ADJ crln-24008 35 15 web web NOUN crln-24008 35 16 at at ADP crln-24008 35 17 PROPN crln-24008 35 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 36 1 ads ad NOUN crln-24008 36 2 will will AUX crln-24008 36 3 be be AUX crln-24008 36 4 placed place VERB crln-24008 36 5 approximately approximately ADV crln-24008 36 6 2 2 NUM crln-24008 36 7 - - SYM crln-24008 36 8 3 3 NUM crln-24008 36 9 weeks week NOUN crln-24008 36 10 before before SCONJ crln-24008 36 11 the the DET crln-24008 36 12 printed print VERB crln-24008 36 13 edition edition NOUN crln-24008 36 14 of of ADP crln-24008 36 15 c c PROPN crln-24008 36 16 & & CCONJ crln-24008 36 17 rl rl PROPN crln-24008 36 18 news news NOUN crln-24008 36 19 is be AUX crln-24008 36 20 published publish VERB crln-24008 36 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 37 1 contact contact NOUN crln-24008 37 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 37 3 jack jack PROPN crln-24008 37 4 helbig helbig PROPN crln-24008 37 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 37 6 classified classified ADJ crln-24008 37 7 advertising advertising NOUN crln-24008 37 8 manager manager NOUN crln-24008 37 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 37 10 c c PROPN crln-24008 37 11 & & CCONJ crln-24008 37 12 rl rl PROPN crln-24008 37 13 news news NOUN crln-24008 37 14 classified classify VERB crln-24008 37 15 advertising advertising NOUN crln-24008 37 16 department department NOUN crln-24008 37 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 37 18 acrl acrl ADJ crln-24008 37 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 37 20 american american PROPN crln-24008 37 21 library library PROPN crln-24008 37 22 association association PROPN crln-24008 37 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 37 24 50 50 NUM crln-24008 37 25 e. e. PROPN crln-24008 37 26 huron huron PROPN crln-24008 37 27 st st PROPN crln-24008 37 28 . . PROPN crln-24008 37 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 37 30 chicago chicago PROPN crln-24008 37 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 37 32 il il PROPN crln-24008 37 33 60611 60611 NUM crln-24008 37 34 -2795 -2795 NOUN crln-24008 37 35 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 37 36 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 37 37 312 312 NUM crln-24008 37 38 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 37 39 280 280 NUM crln-24008 37 40 - - SYM crln-24008 37 41 2513 2513 NUM crln-24008 37 42 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 37 43 fax fax NOUN crln-24008 37 44 : : PUNCT crln-24008 37 45 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 37 46 312 312 NUM crln-24008 37 47 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 37 48 280 280 NUM crln-24008 37 49 - - SYM crln-24008 37 50 7663 7663 NUM crln-24008 37 51 or or CCONJ crln-24008 37 52 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 37 53 312 312 NUM crln-24008 37 54 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 37 55 280 280 NUM crln-24008 37 56 - - SYM crln-24008 37 57 2520 2520 NUM crln-24008 37 58 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 37 59 e e X crln-24008 37 60 - - NOUN crln-24008 37 61 mail mail NOUN crln-24008 37 62 : : PUNCT crln-24008 37 63 jhelbig jhelbig PROPN crln-24008 37 64 PROPN crln-24008 37 65 . . PROPN crln-24008 37 66 policy policy NOUN crln-24008 37 67 : : PUNCT crln-24008 37 68 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 37 69 policy policy NOUN crln-24008 37 70 requires require VERB crln-24008 37 71 that that SCONJ crln-24008 37 72 organizations organization NOUN crln-24008 37 73 recruiting recruit VERB crln-24008 37 74 through through ADP crln-24008 37 75 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 37 76 publications publication NOUN crln-24008 37 77 or or CCONJ crln-24008 37 78 placement placement NOUN crln-24008 37 79 services service NOUN crln-24008 37 80 comply comply VERB crln-24008 37 81 with with ADP crln-24008 37 82 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 37 83 anti anti ADJ crln-24008 37 84 - - ADJ crln-24008 37 85 discrimination discrimination ADJ crln-24008 37 86 policies policy NOUN crln-24008 37 87 . . PUNCT crln-24008 38 1 policy policy NOUN crln-24008 38 2 54.3 54.3 NUM crln-24008 38 3 states state NOUN crln-24008 38 4 that that SCONJ crln-24008 38 5 “ " PUNCT crln-24008 38 6 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 38 7 is be AUX crln-24008 38 8 committed commit VERB crln-24008 38 9 to to ADP crln-24008 38 10 equality equality NOUN crln-24008 38 11 of of ADP crln-24008 38 12 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 38 13 fo fo ADP crln-24008 38 14 r r NOUN crln-24008 38 15 all all DET crln-24008 38 16 library library NOUN crln-24008 38 17 employees employee NOUN crln-24008 38 18 or or CCONJ crln-24008 38 19 applicants applicant NOUN crln-24008 38 20 for for ADP crln-24008 38 21 employment employment NOUN crln-24008 38 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 38 23 regardless regardless ADV crln-24008 38 24 of of ADP crln-24008 38 25 race race NOUN crln-24008 38 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 38 27 color color NOUN crln-24008 38 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 38 29 creed creed NOUN crln-24008 38 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 38 31 sex sex NOUN crln-24008 38 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 38 33 age age NOUN crln-24008 38 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 38 35 physical physical ADJ crln-24008 38 36 or or CCONJ crln-24008 38 37 mental mental ADJ crln-24008 38 38 handicap handicap NOUN crln-24008 38 39 , , PUNCT crln-24008 38 40 individual individual ADJ crln-24008 38 41 life life NOUN crln-24008 38 42 - - PUNCT crln-24008 38 43 style style NOUN crln-24008 38 44 , , PUNCT crln-24008 38 45 or or CCONJ crln-24008 38 46 national national ADJ crln-24008 38 47 origin origin NOUN crln-24008 38 48 . . PUNCT crln-24008 38 49 " " PUNCT crln-24008 38 50 by by ADP crln-24008 38 51 advertising advertise VERB crln-24008 38 52 through through ADP crln-24008 38 53 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 38 54 services service NOUN crln-24008 38 55 , , PUNCT crln-24008 38 56 the the DET crln-24008 38 57 organization organization NOUN crln-24008 38 58 agrees agree VERB crln-24008 38 59 to to PART crln-24008 38 60 comply comply VERB crln-24008 38 61 with with ADP crln-24008 38 62 this this DET crln-24008 38 63 policy policy NOUN crln-24008 38 64 . . PUNCT crln-24008 39 1 internet internet NOUN crln-24008 39 2 and and CCONJ crln-24008 39 3 www www NOUN crln-24008 39 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 39 5 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 39 6 5 5 X crln-24008 39 7 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 39 8 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 39 9 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 39 10 to to PART crln-24008 39 11 serve serve VERB crln-24008 39 12 a a DET crln-24008 39 13 diverse diverse ADJ crln-24008 39 14 population population NOUN crln-24008 39 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 39 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 39 17 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 39 18 6 6 NUM crln-24008 39 19 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 39 20 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 39 21 to to PART crln-24008 39 22 communicate communicate VERB crln-24008 39 23 effectively effectively ADV crln-24008 39 24 in in ADP crln-24008 39 25 verbal verbal ADJ crln-24008 39 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 39 27 written write VERB crln-24008 39 28 form form NOUN crln-24008 39 29 . . PUNCT crln-24008 40 1 starting start VERB crln-24008 40 2 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 40 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 40 4 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 40 5 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 40 6 schedule schedule NOUN crln-24008 40 7 based base VERB crln-24008 40 8 upon upon SCONJ crln-24008 40 9 174 174 NUM crln-24008 40 10 - - PUNCT crln-24008 40 11 day day NOUN crln-24008 40 12 contract contract NOUN crln-24008 40 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 41 1 beginning begin VERB crln-24008 41 2 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 41 3 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 41 4 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 41 5 : : PUNCT crln-24008 41 6 $ $ SYM crln-24008 41 7 30,227 30,227 NUM crln-24008 41 8 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 41 9 will will AUX crln-24008 41 10 be be AUX crln-24008 41 11 determined determine VERB crln-24008 41 12 by by ADP crln-24008 41 13 assessment assessment NOUN crln-24008 41 14 of of ADP crln-24008 41 15 education education NOUN crln-24008 41 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 41 17 related related ADJ crln-24008 41 18 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 41 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 42 1 to to PART crln-24008 42 2 apply apply VERB crln-24008 42 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 42 4 for for ADP crln-24008 42 5 full full ADJ crln-24008 42 6 job job NOUN crln-24008 42 7 description description NOUN crln-24008 42 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 42 9 application application NOUN crln-24008 42 10 process process NOUN crln-24008 42 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 42 12 contact contact NOUN crln-24008 42 13 human human ADJ crln-24008 42 14 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 42 15 department department PROPN crln-24008 42 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 42 17 bellevue bellevue PROPN crln-24008 42 18 com com PROPN crln-24008 42 19 m m PROPN crln-24008 42 20 unity unity NOUN crln-24008 42 21 college college NOUN crln-24008 42 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 42 23 a a DET crln-24008 42 24 101 101 NUM crln-24008 42 25 ‚ ‚ PROPN crln-24008 42 26 3000 3000 NUM crln-24008 42 27 landerholm landerholm PROPN crln-24008 42 28 circle circle NOUN crln-24008 42 29 se se PROPN crln-24008 42 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 42 31 bellevue bellevue PROPN crln-24008 42 32 wa wa PROPN crln-24008 42 33 98007 98007 NUM crln-24008 42 34 - - SYM crln-24008 42 35 6484 6484 NUM crln-24008 42 36 , , PUNCT crln-24008 42 37 bcc bcc PROPN crln-24008 42 38 home home NOUN crln-24008 42 39 page page NOUN crln-24008 42 40 : : PUNCT crln-24008 42 41 PROPN crln-24008 42 42 , , PUNCT crln-24008 42 43 e e NOUN crln-24008 42 44 - - NOUN crln-24008 42 45 mail mail NOUN crln-24008 42 46 : : PUNCT crln-24008 42 47 PROPN crln-24008 42 48 , , PUNCT crln-24008 42 49 24 24 NUM crln-24008 42 50 hour hour NOUN crln-24008 42 51 jobline jobline NOUN crln-24008 42 52 : : PUNCT crln-24008 42 53 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 42 54 425 425 NUM crln-24008 42 55 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 42 56 643 643 NUM crln-24008 42 57 - - SYM crln-24008 42 58 2082 2082 NUM crln-24008 42 59 . . PUNCT crln-24008 43 1 for for ADP crln-24008 43 2 priority priority NOUN crln-24008 43 3 consideration consideration NOUN crln-24008 43 4 materials material NOUN crln-24008 43 5 must must AUX crln-24008 43 6 be be AUX crln-24008 43 7 received receive VERB crln-24008 43 8 in in ADP crln-24008 43 9 the the DET crln-24008 43 10 human human ADJ crln-24008 43 11 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 43 12 department department NOUN crln-24008 43 13 by by ADP crln-24008 43 14 5:00 5:00 NUM crln-24008 43 15 pm pm NOUN crln-24008 43 16 on on ADP crln-24008 43 17 february february PROPN crln-24008 43 18 12 12 NUM crln-24008 43 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 43 20 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 43 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 44 1 bellevue bellevue PROPN crln-24008 44 2 community community NOUN crln-24008 44 3 college college NOUN crln-24008 44 4 is be AUX crln-24008 44 5 an an DET crln-24008 44 6 ee ee PROPN crln-24008 44 7 / / SYM crln-24008 44 8 aa aa PROPN crln-24008 44 9 employer employer PROPN crln-24008 44 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 45 1 associate associate ADJ crln-24008 45 2 director director NOUN crln-24008 45 3 for for ADP crln-24008 45 4 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 45 5 management management NOUN crln-24008 45 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 46 1 palo palo PROPN crln-24008 46 2 alto alto PROPN crln-24008 46 3 college college PROPN crln-24008 46 4 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 46 5 99049re 99049re PROPN crln-24008 46 6 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 46 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 47 1 master master NOUN crln-24008 47 2 ’s ’s NOUN crln-24008 47 3 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 47 4 in in ADP crln-24008 47 5 library library NOUN crln-24008 47 6 science science NOUN crln-24008 47 7 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 47 8 mls mls PROPN crln-24008 47 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 47 10 msls msls NOUN crln-24008 47 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 47 12 mslis mslis PROPN crln-24008 47 13 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 47 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 48 1 five five NUM crln-24008 48 2 years year NOUN crln-24008 48 3 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 48 4 in in ADP crln-24008 48 5 at at ADV crln-24008 48 6 least least ADJ crln-24008 48 7 four four NUM crln-24008 48 8 of of ADP crln-24008 48 9 the the DET crln-24008 48 10 following follow VERB crln-24008 48 11 areas area NOUN crln-24008 48 12 : : PUNCT crln-24008 48 13 acquisitions acquisition NOUN crln-24008 48 14 / / SYM crln-24008 48 15 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 48 16 / / SYM crln-24008 48 17 authority authority NOUN crln-24008 48 18 control control NOUN crln-24008 48 19 / / SYM crln-24008 48 20 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 48 21 / / SYM crln-24008 48 22 library library NOUN crln-24008 48 23 automation automation NOUN crln-24008 48 24 / / SYM crln-24008 48 25 collec­ collec­ PROPN crln-24008 48 26 tion tion NOUN crln-24008 48 27 development development NOUN crln-24008 48 28 . . PUNCT crln-24008 49 1 previous previous ADJ crln-24008 49 2 applicants applicant NOUN crln-24008 49 3 need need AUX crln-24008 49 4 not not PART crln-24008 49 5 reapply reapply VERB crln-24008 49 6 as as SCONJ crln-24008 49 7 consideration consideration NOUN crln-24008 49 8 will will AUX crln-24008 49 9 be be AUX crln-24008 49 10 given give VERB crln-24008 49 11 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 49 12 additional additional ADJ crln-24008 49 13 documents document NOUN crln-24008 49 14 may may AUX crln-24008 49 15 be be AUX crln-24008 49 16 submitted submit VERB crln-24008 49 17 if if SCONJ crln-24008 49 18 desired desire VERB crln-24008 49 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 50 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 50 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 50 3 $ $ SYM crln-24008 50 4 3,084.11/ 3,084.11/ NUM crln-24008 50 5 month month NOUN crln-24008 50 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 51 1 position position NOUN crln-24008 51 2 closes close VERB crln-24008 51 3 january january PROPN crln-24008 51 4 29,1999 29,1999 NUM crln-24008 51 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 52 1 application application NOUN crln-24008 52 2 / / SYM crln-24008 52 3 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 52 4 indicating indicate VERB crln-24008 52 5 position position NOUN crln-24008 52 6 of of ADP crln-24008 52 7 interest interest NOUN crln-24008 52 8 must must AUX crln-24008 52 9 be be AUX crln-24008 52 10 emailed email VERB crln-24008 52 11 / / SYM crln-24008 52 12 delivered deliver VERB crln-24008 52 13 / / PUNCT crln-24008 52 14 postmarked postmark VERB crln-24008 52 15 by by ADP crln-24008 52 16 the the DET crln-24008 52 17 closing closing NOUN crln-24008 52 18 date date NOUN crln-24008 52 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 53 1 selectee selectee NOUN crln-24008 53 2 subject subject ADJ crln-24008 53 3 to to ADP crln-24008 53 4 physical physical ADJ crln-24008 53 5 / / SYM crln-24008 53 6 background background NOUN crln-24008 53 7 / / SYM crln-24008 53 8 motor motor NOUN crln-24008 53 9 vehicle vehicle NOUN crln-24008 53 10 record record NOUN crln-24008 53 11 checks check NOUN crln-24008 53 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 54 1 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 54 2 m m PROPN crln-24008 55 1 o o PROPN crln-24008 55 2 c c PROPN crln-24008 55 3 o o NOUN crln-24008 55 4 m m VERB crln-24008 55 5 m m NOUN crln-24008 55 6 unity unity NOUN crln-24008 55 7 college college NOUN crln-24008 55 8 d d NOUN crln-24008 55 9 istrict istrict NOUN crln-24008 55 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 55 11 human human ADJ crln-24008 55 12 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 55 13 dept dept NOUN crln-24008 55 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 55 15 201 201 NUM crln-24008 55 16 w. w. PROPN crln-24008 55 17 sheridan sheridan PROPN crln-24008 55 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 55 19 ste ste PROPN crln-24008 55 20 a60 a60 PROPN crln-24008 55 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 55 22 san san PROPN crln-24008 55 23 antonio antonio PROPN crln-24008 55 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 55 25 t t PROPN crln-24008 55 26 x78204 x78204 PROPN crln-24008 55 27 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 55 28 PROPN crln-24008 55 29 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 55 30 X crln-24008 55 31 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 55 32 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 55 33 210 210 NUM crln-24008 55 34 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 55 35 208 208 NUM crln-24008 55 36 - - SYM crln-24008 55 37 8051 8051 NUM crln-24008 55 38 . . PUNCT crln-24008 56 1 eoe eoe NOUN crln-24008 56 2 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 56 3 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 56 4 . . PUNCT crln-24008 57 1 montana montana PROPN crln-24008 57 2 state state PROPN crln-24008 57 3 university university NOUN crln-24008 57 4 - - PUNCT crln-24008 57 5 bozeman bozeman NOUN crln-24008 57 6 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 57 7 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 57 8 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 57 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 58 1 $ $ SYM crln-24008 58 2 38,000 38,000 NUM crln-24008 58 3 min min NOUN crln-24008 58 4 . . NOUN crln-24008 58 5 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 58 6 fy fy NOUN crln-24008 58 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 58 8 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 58 9 - - PUNCT crln-24008 58 10 track track NOUN crln-24008 58 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 58 12 assistant assistant NOUN crln-24008 58 13 professor professor NOUN crln-24008 58 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 58 15 available available ADJ crln-24008 58 16 august august PROPN crln-24008 58 17 1 1 NUM crln-24008 58 18 ‚ ‚ PROPN crln-24008 58 19 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 58 20 . . PUNCT crln-24008 59 1 required require VERB crln-24008 59 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 59 3 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 59 4 from from ADP crln-24008 59 5 an an DET crln-24008 59 6 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 59 7 - - PUNCT crln-24008 59 8 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 59 9 pro­ pro­ NOUN crln-24008 59 10 gram gram NOUN crln-24008 59 11 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 59 12 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 59 13 with with ADP crln-24008 59 14 descriptive descriptive ADJ crln-24008 59 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 59 16 subject subject NOUN crln-24008 59 17 cataloging cataloging NOUN crln-24008 59 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 59 19 classification classification NOUN crln-24008 59 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 59 21 aacr2 aacr2 NOUN crln-24008 59 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 59 23 marc marc PROPN crln-24008 59 24 formats format NOUN crln-24008 59 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 59 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 59 27 an an DET crln-24008 59 28 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 59 29 online online ADJ crln-24008 59 30 system system NOUN crln-24008 59 31 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 59 32 and and CCONJ crln-24008 59 33 excellent excellent ADJ crln-24008 59 34 written write VERB crln-24008 59 35 and and CCONJ crln-24008 59 36 oral oral ADJ crln-24008 59 37 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 59 38 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 59 39 . . PUNCT crln-24008 60 1 preferred preferred ADJ crln-24008 60 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 60 3 library library PROPN crln-24008 60 4 original original PROPN crln-24008 60 5 catalog­ catalog­ PROPN crln-24008 60 6 ing ing NOUN crln-24008 60 7 work work NOUN crln-24008 60 8 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 60 9 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 60 10 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 60 11 of of ADP crln-24008 60 12 library library NOUN crln-24008 60 13 of of ADP crln-24008 60 14 congress congress PROPN crln-24008 60 15 subject subject PROPN crln-24008 60 16 headings heading NOUN crln-24008 60 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 60 18 library library NOUN crln-24008 60 19 of of ADP crln-24008 60 20 congress congress PROPN crln-24008 60 21 classification classification NOUN crln-24008 60 22 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 60 23 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 60 24 with with ADP crln-24008 60 25 sirsi sirsi NOUN crln-24008 60 26 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 60 27 online online ADJ crln-24008 60 28 system system NOUN crln-24008 60 29 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 60 30 academicor academicor PROPN crln-24008 60 31 research research PROPN crln-24008 60 32 library library PROPN crln-24008 60 33 work work NOUN crln-24008 60 34 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 60 35 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 60 36 an an DET crln-24008 60 37 additional additional ADJ crln-24008 60 38 advanced advanced ADJ crln-24008 60 39 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 60 40 . . PUNCT crln-24008 61 1 the the DET crln-24008 61 2 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 61 3 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 61 4 will will AUX crln-24008 61 5 have have VERB crln-24008 61 6 excellent excellent ADV crln-24008 61 7 written write VERB crln-24008 61 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 61 9 oral oral ADJ crln-24008 61 10 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 61 11 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 61 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 62 1 send send VERB crln-24008 62 2 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 62 3 addressing address VERB crln-24008 62 4 above above ADP crln-24008 62 5 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 62 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 62 7 assistan assistan ADJ crln-24008 62 8 t t PROPN crln-24008 62 9 pr pr ADP crln-24008 62 10 o o NOUN crln-24008 62 11 fesso fesso VERB crln-24008 62 12 r r PROPN crln-24008 62 13 montana montana PROPN crln-24008 62 14 state state PROPN crln-24008 62 15 university university NOUN crln-24008 62 16 - - PUNCT crln-24008 62 17 bozeman bozeman NOUN crln-24008 62 18 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 62 19 montana montana PROPN crln-24008 62 20 state state PROPN crln-24008 62 21 university university NOUN crln-24008 62 22 - - PUNCT crln-24008 62 23 bozeman bozeman PROPN crln-24008 62 24 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 62 25 is be AUX crln-24008 62 26 accepting accept VERB crln-24008 62 27 applications application NOUN crln-24008 62 28 for for ADP crln-24008 62 29 an an DET crln-24008 62 30 assistant assistant PROPN crln-24008 62 31 profes­ profes­ NOUN crln-24008 62 32 sor sor NOUN crln-24008 62 33 , , PUNCT crln-24008 62 34 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 62 35 - - PUNCT crln-24008 62 36 track track NOUN crln-24008 62 37 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 62 38 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 62 39 , , PUNCT crln-24008 62 40 available available ADJ crln-24008 62 41 august august PROPN crln-24008 62 42 1 1 NUM crln-24008 62 43 ‚ ‚ PROPN crln-24008 62 44 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 62 45 . . PUNCT crln-24008 63 1 required require VERB crln-24008 63 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 63 3 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 63 4 - - PUNCT crln-24008 63 5 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 63 6 mls mls PROPN crln-24008 63 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 64 1 $ $ SYM crln-24008 64 2 30,500 30,500 NUM crln-24008 64 3 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 64 4 . . PUNCT crln-24008 65 1 screening screening NOUN crln-24008 65 2 begins begin VERB crln-24008 65 3 march march PROPN crln-24008 65 4 1 1 NUM crln-24008 65 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 65 6 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 65 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 66 1 for for ADP crln-24008 66 2 more more ADJ crln-24008 66 3 information information NOUN crln-24008 66 4 : : PUNCT crln-24008 66 5 NOUN crln-24008 66 6 or or CCONJ crln-24008 66 7 call call VERB crln-24008 66 8 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 66 9 406 406 NUM crln-24008 66 10 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 66 11 994 994 NUM crln-24008 66 12 - - SYM crln-24008 66 13 3119 3119 NUM crln-24008 66 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 67 1 ada ada PROPN crln-24008 67 2 / / SYM crln-24008 67 3 eo eo PROPN crln-24008 67 4 / / SYM crln-24008 67 5 aa aa NOUN crln-24008 67 6 / / SYM crln-24008 67 7 veteran veteran NOUN crln-24008 67 8 's 's PART crln-24008 67 9 preference preference NOUN crln-24008 67 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 68 1 PRON crln-24008 68 2 VERB crln-24008 68 3 PROPN crln-24008 68 4 PROPN crln-24008 68 5 PROPN crln-24008 68 6 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 68 7 news news PROPN crln-24008 68 8 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 68 9 january january PROPN crln-24008 68 10 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 68 11 / / SYM crln-24008 68 12 45 45 NUM crln-24008 68 13 system system NOUN crln-24008 68 14 s s PART crln-24008 68 15 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 68 16 robert robert PROPN crln-24008 68 17 r. r. PROPN crln-24008 68 18 muntz muntz PROPN crln-24008 68 19 library library PROPN crln-24008 68 20 the the DET crln-24008 68 21 university university PROPN crln-24008 68 22 of of ADP crln-24008 68 23 texas texas PROPN crln-24008 68 24 at at ADP crln-24008 68 25 tyler tyler NOUN crln-24008 68 26 position position NOUN crln-24008 68 27 : : PUNCT crln-24008 68 28 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 68 29 for for ADP crln-24008 68 30 the the DET crln-24008 68 31 implementation implementation NOUN crln-24008 68 32 and and CCONJ crln-24008 68 33 daily daily ADJ crln-24008 68 34 operations operation NOUN crln-24008 68 35 of of ADP crln-24008 68 36 a a DET crln-24008 68 37 new new ADJ crln-24008 68 38 windows window NOUN crln-24008 68 39 nt not PART crln-24008 68 40 - - PUNCT crln-24008 68 41 based base VERB crln-24008 68 42 client client NOUN crln-24008 68 43 - - PUNCT crln-24008 68 44 server server NOUN crln-24008 68 45 library library NOUN crln-24008 68 46 network network NOUN crln-24008 68 47 . . PUNCT crln-24008 69 1 this this DET crln-24008 69 2 position position NOUN crln-24008 69 3 reports report VERB crln-24008 69 4 to to ADP crln-24008 69 5 the the DET crln-24008 69 6 library library NOUN crln-24008 69 7 director director NOUN crln-24008 69 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 69 9 works work VERB crln-24008 69 10 closely closely ADV crln-24008 69 11 with with ADP crln-24008 69 12 the the DET crln-24008 69 13 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 69 14 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 69 15 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 69 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 69 17 the the DET crln-24008 69 18 data datum NOUN crln-24008 69 19 systems system NOUN crln-24008 69 20 operator operator NOUN crln-24008 69 21 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 69 22 works work VERB crln-24008 69 23 closely closely ADV crln-24008 69 24 with with ADP crln-24008 69 25 library library NOUN crln-24008 69 26 departments department NOUN crln-24008 69 27 to to PART crln-24008 69 28 optimize optimize VERB crln-24008 69 29 the the DET crln-24008 69 30 automated automate VERB crln-24008 69 31 operations operation NOUN crln-24008 69 32 potential potential NOUN crln-24008 69 33 of of ADP crln-24008 69 34 the the DET crln-24008 69 35 dra dra PROPN crln-24008 69 36 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 69 37 library library NOUN crln-24008 69 38 system system NOUN crln-24008 69 39 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 69 40 works work VERB crln-24008 69 41 with with ADP crln-24008 69 42 the the DET crln-24008 69 43 library library NOUN crln-24008 69 44 departments department NOUN crln-24008 69 45 on on ADP crln-24008 69 46 systems system NOUN crln-24008 69 47 - - PUNCT crln-24008 69 48 related relate VERB crln-24008 69 49 projects project NOUN crln-24008 69 50 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 69 51 investigates investigate NOUN crln-24008 69 52 and and CCONJ crln-24008 69 53 implements implement VERB crln-24008 69 54 new new ADJ crln-24008 69 55 technologies technology NOUN crln-24008 69 56 that that PRON crln-24008 69 57 integrate integrate VERB crln-24008 69 58 information information NOUN crln-24008 69 59 from from ADP crln-24008 69 60 different different ADJ crln-24008 69 61 systems system NOUN crln-24008 69 62 into into ADP crln-24008 69 63 a a DET crln-24008 69 64 single single ADJ crln-24008 69 65 user user NOUN crln-24008 69 66 interface interface NOUN crln-24008 69 67 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 69 68 installs install NOUN crln-24008 69 69 and and CCONJ crln-24008 69 70 supports support VERB crln-24008 69 71 desktop desktop NOUN crln-24008 69 72 computer computer NOUN crln-24008 69 73 hardware hardware NOUN crln-24008 69 74 , , PUNCT crln-24008 69 75 peripherals peripheral NOUN crln-24008 69 76 , , PUNCT crln-24008 69 77 and and CCONJ crln-24008 69 78 software software NOUN crln-24008 69 79 applications application NOUN crln-24008 69 80 in in ADP crln-24008 69 81 public public ADJ crln-24008 69 82 and and CCONJ crln-24008 69 83 technical technical ADJ crln-24008 69 84 service service NOUN crln-24008 69 85 areas area NOUN crln-24008 69 86 of of ADP crln-24008 69 87 the the DET crln-24008 69 88 library library NOUN crln-24008 69 89 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 69 90 and and CCONJ crln-24008 69 91 participates participate VERB crln-24008 69 92 in in ADP crln-24008 69 93 the the DET crln-24008 69 94 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 69 95 desk desk NOUN crln-24008 69 96 rotation rotation NOUN crln-24008 69 97 . . PUNCT crln-24008 70 1 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 70 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 70 3 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 70 4 from from ADP crln-24008 70 5 an an DET crln-24008 70 6 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 70 7 - - PUNCT crln-24008 70 8 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 70 9 program program NOUN crln-24008 70 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 71 1 demonstrable demonstrable ADJ crln-24008 71 2 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 71 3 of of ADP crln-24008 71 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 71 5 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 71 6 with with ADP crln-24008 71 7 windows window NOUN crln-24008 71 8 nt not PART crln-24008 71 9 / / SYM crln-24008 71 10 client client NOUN crln-24008 71 11 / / SYM crln-24008 71 12 server server NOUN crln-24008 71 13 network network NOUN crln-24008 71 14 administration administration NOUN crln-24008 71 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 71 16 protocols protocol NOUN crln-24008 71 17 such such ADJ crln-24008 71 18 as as ADP crln-24008 71 19 tcp/ tcp/ PROPN crln-24008 71 20 ip ip NOUN crln-24008 71 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 71 22 ftp ftp PROPN crln-24008 71 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 71 24 telnet telnet NOUN crln-24008 71 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 71 26 z39.50 z39.50 PROPN crln-24008 71 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 71 28 html html PROPN crln-24008 71 29 and and CCONJ crln-24008 71 30 other other ADJ crln-24008 71 31 web web NOUN crln-24008 71 32 programming programming NOUN crln-24008 71 33 . . PUNCT crln-24008 72 1 essential essential ADJ crln-24008 72 2 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 72 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 72 4 abilities ability NOUN crln-24008 72 5 : : PUNCT crln-24008 72 6 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 72 7 interpersonal interpersonal ADJ crln-24008 72 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 72 9 written write VERB crln-24008 72 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 72 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 72 12 oral oral ADJ crln-24008 72 13 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 72 14 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 72 15 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 72 16 proven prove VERB crln-24008 72 17 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 72 18 to to PART crln-24008 72 19 work work VERB crln-24008 72 20 effectively effectively ADV crln-24008 72 21 as as ADP crln-24008 72 22 a a DET crln-24008 72 23 team team NOUN crln-24008 72 24 member member NOUN crln-24008 72 25 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 72 26 proven prove VERB crln-24008 72 27 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 72 28 to to PART crln-24008 72 29 adapt adapt VERB crln-24008 72 30 to to ADP crln-24008 72 31 evolving evolve VERB crln-24008 72 32 computer computer NOUN crln-24008 72 33 technologies technology NOUN crln-24008 72 34 in in ADP crln-24008 72 35 an an DET crln-24008 72 36 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 72 37 library library NOUN crln-24008 72 38 setting setting NOUN crln-24008 72 39 . . PUNCT crln-24008 73 1 preferred prefer VERB crln-24008 73 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 73 3 previous previous ADJ crln-24008 73 4 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 73 5 managing manage VERB crln-24008 73 6 a a DET crln-24008 73 7 lan lan NOUN crln-24008 73 8 in in ADP crln-24008 73 9 an an DET crln-24008 73 10 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 73 11 library library NOUN crln-24008 73 12 or or CCONJ crln-24008 73 13 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 73 14 computer computer NOUN crln-24008 73 15 lab lab NOUN crln-24008 73 16 . . PUNCT crln-24008 74 1 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 74 2 with with ADP crln-24008 74 3 html html PROPN crln-24008 74 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 74 5 especially especially ADV crln-24008 74 6 web web NOUN crln-24008 74 7 - - PUNCT crln-24008 74 8 based base VERB crln-24008 74 9 digitizing digitizing NOUN crln-24008 74 10 projects project NOUN crln-24008 74 11 such such ADJ crln-24008 74 12 as as ADP crln-24008 74 13 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 74 14 reserves reserve NOUN crln-24008 74 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 74 16 web web NOUN crln-24008 74 17 - - PUNCT crln-24008 74 18 based base VERB crln-24008 74 19 forms form NOUN crln-24008 74 20 . . PUNCT crln-24008 75 1 location location NOUN crln-24008 75 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 75 3 the the DET crln-24008 75 4 university university PROPN crln-24008 75 5 of of ADP crln-24008 75 6 texas texas PROPN crln-24008 75 7 at at ADP crln-24008 75 8 tyler tyler PROPN crln-24008 75 9 offers offer VERB crln-24008 75 10 70 70 NUM crln-24008 75 11 degrees degree NOUN crln-24008 75 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 75 13 25 25 NUM crln-24008 75 14 at at ADP crln-24008 75 15 the the DET crln-24008 75 16 master master NOUN crln-24008 75 17 's 's PART crln-24008 75 18 level level NOUN crln-24008 75 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 76 1 the the DET crln-24008 76 2 library library NOUN crln-24008 76 3 participates participate VERB crln-24008 76 4 in in ADP crln-24008 76 5 amigos amigo NOUN crln-24008 76 6 / / SYM crln-24008 76 7 oclc oclc PROPN crln-24008 76 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 76 9 texshare texshare PROPN crln-24008 76 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 76 11 the the DET crln-24008 76 12 ut ut PROPN crln-24008 76 13 system system NOUN crln-24008 76 14 digital digital PROPN crln-24008 76 15 library library NOUN crln-24008 76 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 76 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 76 18 has have AUX crln-24008 76 19 been be AUX crln-24008 76 20 a a DET crln-24008 76 21 dra dra PROPN crln-24008 76 22 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 76 23 library library NOUN crln-24008 76 24 system system NOUN crln-24008 76 25 site site NOUN crln-24008 76 26 for for ADP crln-24008 76 27 10 10 NUM crln-24008 76 28 years year NOUN crln-24008 76 29 . . PUNCT crln-24008 77 1 the the DET crln-24008 77 2 city city NOUN crln-24008 77 3 of of ADP crln-24008 77 4 tyler tyler NOUN crln-24008 77 5 is be AUX crln-24008 77 6 located locate VERB crln-24008 77 7 in in ADP crln-24008 77 8 scenic scenic ADJ crln-24008 77 9 central central PROPN crln-24008 77 10 east east PROPN crln-24008 77 11 texas texas PROPN crln-24008 77 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 77 13 approximately approximately ADV crln-24008 77 14 90 90 NUM crln-24008 77 15 miles mile NOUN crln-24008 77 16 east east ADV crln-24008 77 17 of of ADP crln-24008 77 18 dallas dallas PROPN crln-24008 77 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 78 1 visit visit VERB crln-24008 78 2 the the DET crln-24008 78 3 library library PROPN crln-24008 78 4 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 78 5 web web NOUN crln-24008 78 6 site site NOUN crln-24008 78 7 at at ADP crln-24008 78 8 X crln-24008 78 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 79 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 79 2 and and CCONJ crln-24008 79 3 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 79 4 : : PUNCT crln-24008 79 5 competitive competitive ADJ crln-24008 79 6 based base VERB crln-24008 79 7 upon upon SCONJ crln-24008 79 8 individual individual ADJ crln-24008 79 9 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 79 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 80 1 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 80 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 80 3 $ $ SYM crln-24008 80 4 33,000 33,000 NUM crln-24008 80 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 81 1 additional additional ADJ crln-24008 81 2 state state NOUN crln-24008 81 3 contributions contribution NOUN crln-24008 81 4 include include VERB crln-24008 81 5 a a DET crln-24008 81 6 health health NOUN crln-24008 81 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 81 8 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 81 9 package package NOUN crln-24008 81 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 81 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 81 12 six six NUM crln-24008 81 13 percent percent NOUN crln-24008 81 14 of of ADP crln-24008 81 15 annual annual ADJ crln-24008 81 16 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 81 17 contributed contribute VERB crln-24008 81 18 by by ADP crln-24008 81 19 the the DET crln-24008 81 20 state state NOUN crln-24008 81 21 for for ADP crln-24008 81 22 retirement retirement NOUN crln-24008 81 23 programs program NOUN crln-24008 81 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 82 1 ut ut PROPN crln-24008 82 2 tyler tyler NOUN crln-24008 82 3 employees employee NOUN crln-24008 82 4 may may AUX crln-24008 82 5 pursue pursue VERB crln-24008 82 6 educational educational ADJ crln-24008 82 7 goals goal NOUN crln-24008 82 8 with with ADP crln-24008 82 9 tuition tuition NOUN crln-24008 82 10 waivers waiver NOUN crln-24008 82 11 for for ADP crln-24008 82 12 up up ADP crln-24008 82 13 to to PART crln-24008 82 14 two two NUM crln-24008 82 15 courses course NOUN crln-24008 82 16 per per ADP crln-24008 82 17 semester semester NOUN crln-24008 82 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 83 1 applications application NOUN crln-24008 83 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 83 3 send send VERB crln-24008 83 4 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 83 5 of of ADP crln-24008 83 6 application application NOUN crln-24008 83 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 83 8 curriculum curriculum NOUN crln-24008 83 9 vitae vitae NOUN crln-24008 83 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 83 11 names name NOUN crln-24008 83 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 83 13 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 83 14 of of ADP crln-24008 83 15 three three NUM crln-24008 83 16 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 83 17 references reference NOUN crln-24008 83 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 83 19 photocopies photocopy NOUN crln-24008 83 20 of of ADP crln-24008 83 21 transcripts transcript NOUN crln-24008 83 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 84 1 consideration consideration NOUN crln-24008 84 2 for for ADP crln-24008 84 3 the the DET crln-24008 84 4 position position NOUN crln-24008 84 5 will will AUX crln-24008 84 6 begin begin VERB crln-24008 84 7 december december PROPN crln-24008 84 8 1 1 NUM crln-24008 84 9 ‚ ‚ NOUN crln-24008 84 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 84 11 will will AUX crln-24008 84 12 continue continue VERB crln-24008 84 13 until until SCONJ crln-24008 84 14 a a DET crln-24008 84 15 satisfactory satisfactory ADJ crln-24008 84 16 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 84 17 is be AUX crln-24008 84 18 found find VERB crln-24008 84 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 85 1 applications application NOUN crln-24008 85 2 should should AUX crln-24008 85 3 be be AUX crln-24008 85 4 in in ADP crln-24008 85 5 paper paper NOUN crln-24008 85 6 copy copy NOUN crln-24008 85 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 85 8 addressed address VERB crln-24008 85 9 to to ADP crln-24008 85 10 : : PUNCT crln-24008 85 11 charles charles PROPN crln-24008 85 12 b. b. PROPN crln-24008 85 13 harrell harrell PROPN crln-24008 85 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 85 15 library library NOUN crln-24008 85 16 director director NOUN crln-24008 85 17 the the DET crln-24008 85 18 university university PROPN crln-24008 85 19 of of ADP crln-24008 85 20 texas texas PROPN crln-24008 85 21 at at ADP crln-24008 85 22 tyler tyler PROPN crln-24008 85 23 3900 3900 NUM crln-24008 85 24 u u PROPN crln-24008 85 25 niversity niversity NOUN crln-24008 85 26 blvd blvd NOUN crln-24008 85 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 86 1 tyler tyler NOUN crln-24008 86 2 , , PUNCT crln-24008 86 3 tx tx PROPN crln-24008 86 4 75799 75799 NUM crln-24008 86 5 ut ut PROPN crln-24008 86 6 tyler tyler PROPN crln-24008 86 7 is be AUX crln-24008 86 8 an an DET crln-24008 86 9 affirmative affirmative ADJ crln-24008 86 10 action action NOUN crln-24008 86 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 86 12 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 86 13 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 86 14 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 86 15 including include VERB crln-24008 86 16 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 86 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 86 18 names name NOUN crln-24008 86 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 86 20 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 86 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 86 22 phone phone NOUN crln-24008 86 23 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 86 24 of of ADP crln-24008 86 25 three three NUM crln-24008 86 26 current current ADJ crln-24008 86 27 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 86 28 references reference NOUN crln-24008 86 29 to to ADP crln-24008 86 30 : : PUNCT crln-24008 86 31 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 86 32 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 86 33 search search NOUN crln-24008 86 34 com­ com­ PROPN crln-24008 86 35 mittee mittee PROPN crln-24008 86 36 , , PUNCT crln-24008 86 37 office office NOUN crln-24008 86 38 of of ADP crln-24008 86 39 the the DET crln-24008 86 40 dean dean PROPN crln-24008 86 41 , , PUNCT crln-24008 86 42 m m PROPN crln-24008 87 1 ontana ontana PROPN crln-24008 87 2 state state PROPN crln-24008 87 3 u u PROPN crln-24008 87 4 n n CCONJ crln-24008 87 5 i i PRON crln-24008 87 6 ve ve VERB crln-24008 87 7 rsity rsity NOUN crln-24008 87 8 - - PUNCT crln-24008 87 9 b b NOUN crln-24008 87 10 o o NOUN crln-24008 87 11 ze ze NOUN crln-24008 87 12 m m PROPN crln-24008 87 13 a a DET crln-24008 87 14 n n PROPN crln-24008 87 15 li­ li­ NOUN crln-24008 87 16 braries brarie NOUN crln-24008 87 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 87 18 po po PROPN crln-24008 87 19 box box PROPN crln-24008 87 20 173320 173320 NUM crln-24008 87 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 87 22 bozeman bozeman PROPN crln-24008 87 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 87 24 mt mt PROPN crln-24008 87 25 59717 59717 NUM crln-24008 87 26 - - SYM crln-24008 87 27 3320 3320 NUM crln-24008 87 28 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 87 29 screening screening NOUN crln-24008 87 30 begins begin VERB crln-24008 87 31 march march PROPN crln-24008 87 32 1 1 NUM crln-24008 87 33 ‚ ‚ PROPN crln-24008 87 34 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 87 35 and and CCONJ crln-24008 87 36 continues continue VERB crln-24008 87 37 until until SCONJ crln-24008 87 38 suitable suitable ADJ crln-24008 87 39 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 87 40 is be AUX crln-24008 87 41 hired hire VERB crln-24008 87 42 . . PUNCT crln-24008 88 1 for for ADP crln-24008 88 2 more more ADJ crln-24008 88 3 information information NOUN crln-24008 88 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 88 5 see see VERB crln-24008 88 6 PROPN crln-24008 88 7 ada/ ada/ PROPN crln-24008 88 8 eo eo PROPN crln-24008 88 9 / / SYM crln-24008 88 10 aa aa NOUN crln-24008 88 11 / / SYM crln-24008 88 12 veteran‘s veteran‘s NOUN crln-24008 88 13 preference preference NOUN crln-24008 88 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 89 1 claim claim VERB crln-24008 89 2 veteran veteran NOUN crln-24008 89 3 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 89 4 preference preference NOUN crln-24008 89 5 or or CCONJ crln-24008 89 6 request request VERB crln-24008 89 7 accommodation accommodation NOUN crln-24008 89 8 from from ADP crln-24008 89 9 hr hr NOUN crln-24008 89 10 / / SYM crln-24008 89 11 aa aa PROPN crln-24008 89 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 89 13 msu msu PROPN crln-24008 89 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 89 15 bozeman bozeman PROPN crln-24008 89 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 89 17 m m PROPN crln-24008 89 18 t t NOUN crln-24008 89 19 59717 59717 NUM crln-24008 89 20 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 89 21 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 89 22 406 406 NUM crln-24008 89 23 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 89 24 994 994 NUM crln-24008 89 25 2042 2042 NUM crln-24008 89 26 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 89 27 tdd tdd NOUN crln-24008 89 28 : : PUNCT crln-24008 89 29 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 89 30 406 406 NUM crln-24008 89 31 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 89 32 994 994 NUM crln-24008 89 33 - - SYM crln-24008 89 34 4191 4191 NUM crln-24008 89 35 . . PUNCT crln-24008 90 1 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 90 2 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 90 3 . . PUNCT crln-24008 91 1 washington washington PROPN crln-24008 91 2 state state PROPN crln-24008 91 3 university university PROPN crln-24008 91 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 91 5 pullman pullman PROPN crln-24008 91 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 91 7 wash­ wash­ PRON crln-24008 91 8 ington ington PROPN crln-24008 91 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 92 1 currently currently ADV crln-24008 92 2 vacant vacant ADJ crln-24008 92 3 . . PUNCT crln-24008 93 1 specific specific ADJ crln-24008 93 2 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 93 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 93 4 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 93 5 fo fo ADP crln-24008 93 6 r r NOUN crln-24008 93 7 original original ADJ crln-24008 93 8 monographic monographic ADJ crln-24008 93 9 cataloging cataloging NOUN crln-24008 93 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 94 1 participate participate VERB crln-24008 94 2 in in ADP crln-24008 94 3 review review NOUN crln-24008 94 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 94 5 upgrade upgrade NOUN crln-24008 94 6 of of ADP crln-24008 94 7 complex complex ADJ crln-24008 94 8 participant participant ADJ crln-24008 94 9 copy copy NOUN crln-24008 94 10 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 94 11 found find VERB crln-24008 94 12 on on ADP crln-24008 94 13 oclc oclc PROPN crln-24008 94 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 95 1 primary primary ADJ crln-24008 95 2 responsibility responsibility NOUN crln-24008 95 3 for for ADP crln-24008 95 4 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 95 5 science science NOUN crln-24008 95 6 material material NOUN crln-24008 95 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 95 8 performance performance NOUN crln-24008 95 9 of of ADP crln-24008 95 10 authority authority NOUN crln-24008 95 11 control control PROPN crln-24008 95 12 mainte­ mainte­ PROPN crln-24008 95 13 nance nance PROPN crln-24008 95 14 in in ADP crln-24008 95 15 the the DET crln-24008 95 16 online online ADJ crln-24008 95 17 catalog catalog NOUN crln-24008 95 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 96 1 serve serve VERB crln-24008 96 2 as as ADP crln-24008 96 3 a a DET crln-24008 96 4 resource resource NOUN crln-24008 96 5 person person NOUN crln-24008 96 6 / / SYM crln-24008 96 7 trainerfor trainerfor ADP crln-24008 96 8 parapro­ parapro­ NOUN crln-24008 96 9 fessional fessional ADJ crln-24008 96 10 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 96 11 concerning concern VERB crln-24008 96 12 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 96 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 96 14 workflow workflow ADJ crln-24008 96 15 issues issue NOUN crln-24008 96 16 . . PUNCT crln-24008 97 1 aid aid NOUN crln-24008 97 2 in in ADP crln-24008 97 3 develop­ develop­ NOUN crln-24008 97 4 ment ment NOUN crln-24008 97 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 97 6 implementation implementation NOUN crln-24008 97 7 of of ADP crln-24008 97 8 unit unit NOUN crln-24008 97 9 procedures procedure NOUN crln-24008 97 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 97 11 goals goal NOUN crln-24008 97 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 98 1 perform perform VERB crln-24008 98 2 liaison liaison NOUN crln-24008 98 3 function function NOUN crln-24008 98 4 with with ADP crln-24008 98 5 public public ADJ crln-24008 98 6 services service NOUN crln-24008 98 7 to to PART crln-24008 98 8 insure insure VERB crln-24008 98 9 effectiveness effectiveness NOUN crln-24008 98 10 of of ADP crln-24008 98 11 online online ADJ crln-24008 98 12 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 98 13 system system NOUN crln-24008 98 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 99 1 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 99 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 99 3 required require VERB crln-24008 99 4 : : PUNCT crln-24008 99 5 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 99 6 - - PUNCT crln-24008 99 7 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 99 8 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 99 9 or or CCONJ crln-24008 99 10 its its PRON crln-24008 99 11 foreign foreign ADJ crln-24008 99 12 equivalent equivalent NOUN crln-24008 99 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 100 1 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 100 2 of of ADP crln-24008 100 3 three three NUM crln-24008 100 4 years year NOUN crln-24008 100 5 of of ADP crln-24008 100 6 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 100 7 monographic monographic ADJ crln-24008 100 8 catalog­ catalog­ PROPN crln-24008 100 9 ing ing NOUN crln-24008 100 10 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 100 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 100 12 preferably preferably ADV crln-24008 100 13 in in ADP crln-24008 100 14 a a DET crln-24008 100 15 research research NOUN crln-24008 100 16 library library NOUN crln-24008 100 17 . . PUNCT crln-24008 101 1 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 101 2 of of ADP crln-24008 101 3 authority authority NOUN crln-24008 101 4 control control NOUN crln-24008 101 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 101 6 aacr2r aacr2r PROPN crln-24008 101 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 101 8 marc marc PROPN crln-24008 101 9 formats format NOUN crln-24008 101 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 101 11 library library NOUN crln-24008 101 12 of of ADP crln-24008 101 13 congress congress PROPN crln-24008 101 14 classification classification NOUN crln-24008 101 15 system system NOUN crln-24008 101 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 101 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 101 18 subject subject NOUN crln-24008 101 19 headings heading NOUN crln-24008 101 20 . . PUNCT crln-24008 102 1 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 102 2 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 102 3 of of ADP crln-24008 102 4 trends trend NOUN crln-24008 102 5 in in ADP crln-24008 102 6 cata­ cata­ PROPN crln-24008 102 7 loging loging NOUN crln-24008 102 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 102 9 national national ADJ crln-24008 102 10 standards standard NOUN crln-24008 102 11 for for ADP crln-24008 102 12 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 102 13 control control NOUN crln-24008 102 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 103 1 experience experience VERB crln-24008 103 2 cata­ cata­ PROPN crln-24008 103 3 loging log VERB crln-24008 103 4 using use VERB crln-24008 103 5 a a DET crln-24008 103 6 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 103 7 utility utility NOUN crln-24008 103 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 103 9 preferably preferably ADV crln-24008 103 10 oclc oclc PROPN crln-24008 103 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 104 1 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 104 2 with with ADP crln-24008 104 3 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 104 4 library library NOUN crln-24008 104 5 systems system NOUN crln-24008 104 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 104 7 preferably preferably ADV crln-24008 104 8 innovative innovative ADJ crln-24008 104 9 interfaces interface NOUN crln-24008 104 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 104 11 inc inc PROPN crln-24008 104 12 . . PROPN crln-24008 104 13 working work VERB crln-24008 104 14 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 104 15 of of ADP crln-24008 104 16 at at ADV crln-24008 104 17 least least ADV crln-24008 104 18 one one NUM crln-24008 104 19 foreign foreign ADJ crln-24008 104 20 language language NOUN crln-24008 104 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 105 1 preferred prefer VERB crln-24008 105 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 105 3 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 105 4 in in ADP crln-24008 105 5 a a DET crln-24008 105 6 science science NOUN crln-24008 105 7 discipline discipline NOUN crln-24008 105 8 or or CCONJ crln-24008 105 9 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 105 10 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 105 11 science science NOUN crln-24008 105 12 materials material NOUN crln-24008 105 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 106 1 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 106 2 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 106 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 106 4 organization organization NOUN crln-24008 106 5 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 106 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 107 1 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 107 2 of of ADP crln-24008 107 3 visual visual ADJ crln-24008 107 4 basic basic ADJ crln-24008 107 5 or or CCONJ crln-24008 107 6 other other ADJ crln-24008 107 7 programming programming NOUN crln-24008 107 8 language language NOUN crln-24008 107 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 108 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 108 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 108 3 from from ADP crln-24008 108 4 $ $ SYM crln-24008 108 5 30,000 30,000 NUM crln-24008 108 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 108 7 commensurate commensurate ADJ crln-24008 108 8 with with ADP crln-24008 108 9 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 108 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 108 11 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 108 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 109 1 rank rank NOUN crln-24008 109 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 109 3 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 109 4 2 2 NUM crln-24008 109 5 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 109 6 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 109 7 status status NOUN crln-24008 109 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 110 1 other other ADJ crln-24008 110 2 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 110 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 110 4 tiaa tiaa ADJ crln-24008 110 5 / / SYM crln-24008 110 6 cref cref NOUN crln-24008 110 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 110 8 broad broad ADJ crln-24008 110 9 insurance insurance NOUN crln-24008 110 10 program program NOUN crln-24008 110 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 110 12 22 22 NUM crln-24008 110 13 days day NOUN crln-24008 110 14 vacation vacation NOUN crln-24008 110 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 110 16 12 12 NUM crln-24008 110 17 days day NOUN crln-24008 110 18 sick sick ADJ crln-24008 110 19 leave leave NOUN crln-24008 110 20 per per ADP crln-24008 110 21 year year NOUN crln-24008 110 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 111 1 application application NOUN crln-24008 111 2 review review NOUN crln-24008 111 3 begins begin VERB crln-24008 111 4 : : PUNCT crln-24008 111 5 february february PROPN crln-24008 111 6 15,1999 15,1999 NUM crln-24008 111 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 112 1 send send VERB crln-24008 112 2 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 112 3 of of ADP crln-24008 112 4 application application NOUN crln-24008 112 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 112 6 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 112 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 112 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 112 9 names name NOUN crln-24008 112 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 112 11 complete complete ADJ crln-24008 112 12 mailing mailing NOUN crln-24008 112 13 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 112 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 112 15 phone phone NOUN crln-24008 112 16 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 112 17 of of ADP crln-24008 112 18 three three NUM crln-24008 112 19 references reference NOUN crln-24008 112 20 addressed address VERB crln-24008 112 21 to to ADP crln-24008 112 22 : : PUNCT crln-24008 112 23 donna donna PROPN crln-24008 112 24 l. l. PROPN crln-24008 112 25 mccool mccool PROPN crln-24008 112 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 112 27 associate associate ADJ crln-24008 112 28 director director NOUN crln-24008 112 29 for for ADP crln-24008 112 30 administrative administrative ADJ crln-24008 112 31 services service NOUN crln-24008 112 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 112 33 w w PROPN crln-24008 112 34 ashing ashing NOUN crln-24008 112 35 ton ton NOUN crln-24008 112 36 state state PROPN crln-24008 112 37 u u PROPN crln-24008 112 38 n n NOUN crln-24008 112 39 iversity iversity NOUN crln-24008 112 40 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 112 41 , , PUNCT crln-24008 112 42 po po PROPN crln-24008 112 43 box box PROPN crln-24008 112 44 645610 645610 NUM crln-24008 112 45 , , PUNCT crln-24008 112 46 pullman pullman NOUN crln-24008 112 47 , , PUNCT crln-24008 112 48 wa wa PROPN crln-24008 112 49 99164 99164 NUM crln-24008 112 50 - - SYM crln-24008 112 51 5610 5610 NUM crln-24008 112 52 . . PUNCT crln-24008 113 1 wsu wsu PROPN crln-24008 113 2 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 113 3 ’ ' PUNCT crln-24008 113 4 home home NOUN crln-24008 113 5 page page NOUN crln-24008 113 6 is be AUX crln-24008 113 7 : : PUNCT crln-24008 113 8 NOUN crln-24008 113 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 114 1 wsu wsu PROPN crln-24008 114 2 is be AUX crln-24008 114 3 an an DET crln-24008 114 4 eeo eeo NOUN crln-24008 114 5 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 114 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 115 1 protected protect VERB crln-24008 115 2 group group NOUN crln-24008 115 3 members member NOUN crln-24008 115 4 are be AUX crln-24008 115 5 encouraged encourage VERB crln-24008 115 6 to to PART crln-24008 115 7 apply apply VERB crln-24008 115 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 116 1 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 116 2 and and CCONJ crln-24008 116 3 user user NOUN crln-24008 116 4 services service NOUN crln-24008 116 5 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 116 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 117 1 the the DET crln-24008 117 2 geisel geisel PROPN crln-24008 117 3 li­ li­ PROPN crln-24008 117 4 brary brary PROPN crln-24008 117 5 of of ADP crln-24008 117 6 saint saint PROPN crln-24008 117 7 anselm anselm PROPN crln-24008 117 8 college college PROPN crln-24008 117 9 is be AUX crln-24008 117 10 seeking seek VERB crln-24008 117 11 qualified qualified ADJ crln-24008 117 12 applicants applicant NOUN crln-24008 117 13 for for ADP crln-24008 117 14 the the DET crln-24008 117 15 position position NOUN crln-24008 117 16 of of ADP crln-24008 117 17 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 117 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 117 19 user user NOUN crln-24008 117 20 services service NOUN crln-24008 117 21 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 117 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 118 1 the the DET crln-24008 118 2 cul cul PROPN crln-24008 118 3 is be AUX crln-24008 118 4 primarily primarily ADV crln-24008 118 5 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 118 6 for for ADP crln-24008 118 7 directing direct VERB crln-24008 118 8 the the DET crln-24008 118 9 library library NOUN crln-24008 118 10 acquisitions acquisition NOUN crln-24008 118 11 program program NOUN crln-24008 118 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 118 13 for for ADP crln-24008 118 14 the the DET crln-24008 118 15 supervision supervision NOUN crln-24008 118 16 of of ADP crln-24008 118 17 the the DET crln-24008 118 18 circulation circulation NOUN crln-24008 118 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 118 20 periodicals periodical NOUN crln-24008 118 21 departments department NOUN crln-24008 118 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 119 1 the the DET crln-24008 119 2 cul cul PROPN crln-24008 119 3 will will AUX crln-24008 119 4 oversee oversee VERB crln-24008 119 5 the the DET crln-24008 119 6 implementation implementation NOUN crln-24008 119 7 of of ADP crln-24008 119 8 all all DET crln-24008 119 9 policies policy NOUN crln-24008 119 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 119 11 procedures procedure NOUN crln-24008 119 12 in in ADP crln-24008 119 13 this this DET crln-24008 119 14 area area NOUN crln-24008 119 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 119 16 will will AUX crln-24008 119 17 also also ADV crln-24008 119 18 assist assist VERB crln-24008 119 19 the the DET crln-24008 119 20 college college NOUN crln-24008 119 21 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 119 22 in in ADP crln-24008 119 23 budgetary budgetary ADJ crln-24008 119 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 119 25 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 119 26 matters matter NOUN crln-24008 119 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 120 1 X crln-24008 121 1 PROPN crln-24008 121 2 VERB crln-24008 121 3 46 46 NUM crln-24008 121 4 / / SYM crln-24008 121 5 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 121 6 news news NOUN crln-24008 121 7 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 121 8 january january PROPN crln-24008 121 9 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 122 1 l l PROPN crln-24008 122 2 i i PROPN crln-24008 122 3 b b X crln-24008 122 4 r r NOUN crln-24008 122 5 a a DET crln-24008 122 6 r r NOUN crln-24008 122 7 i i PRON crln-24008 123 1 a a DET crln-24008 123 2 n n NOUN crln-24008 123 3 s s PROPN crln-24008 123 4 s s NOUN crln-24008 123 5 w w X crln-24008 123 6 a a DET crln-24008 123 7 rth rth NOUN crln-24008 123 8 m m VERB crln-24008 123 9 o o NOUN crln-24008 123 10 re re ADP crln-24008 123 11 c c PROPN crln-24008 123 12 o o PROPN crln-24008 123 13 lle lle PROPN crln-24008 124 1 g g PROPN crln-24008 124 2 e e PROPN crln-24008 124 3 invites invite VERB crln-24008 124 4 applications application NOUN crln-24008 124 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 124 6 nominations nomination NOUN crln-24008 124 7 for for ADP crln-24008 124 8 two two NUM crln-24008 124 9 positions position NOUN crln-24008 124 10 in in ADP crln-24008 124 11 our our PRON crln-24008 124 12 college college NOUN crln-24008 124 13 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 124 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 125 1 swarthmore swarthmore ADV crln-24008 125 2 is be AUX crln-24008 125 3 an an DET crln-24008 125 4 extremely extremely ADV crln-24008 125 5 selective selective ADJ crln-24008 125 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 125 7 private private ADJ crln-24008 125 8 four four NUM crln-24008 125 9 - - PUNCT crln-24008 125 10 year year NOUN crln-24008 125 11 liberal liberal ADJ crln-24008 125 12 arts art NOUN crln-24008 125 13 institution institution NOUN crln-24008 125 14 with with ADP crln-24008 125 15 about about ADV crln-24008 125 16 1,350 1,350 NUM crln-24008 125 17 students student NOUN crln-24008 125 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 125 19 160 160 NUM crln-24008 125 20 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 125 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 126 1 the the DET crln-24008 126 2 college college NOUN crln-24008 126 3 is be AUX crln-24008 126 4 located locate VERB crln-24008 126 5 in in ADP crln-24008 126 6 suburban suburban ADJ crln-24008 126 7 philadelphia philadelphia PROPN crln-24008 126 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 126 9 a a DET crln-24008 126 10 region region NOUN crln-24008 126 11 with with ADP crln-24008 126 12 exceptional exceptional ADJ crln-24008 126 13 higher high ADJ crln-24008 126 14 educational educational ADJ crln-24008 126 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 126 16 cultural cultural ADJ crln-24008 126 17 environments environment NOUN crln-24008 126 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 127 1 swarthmore swarthmore PROPN crln-24008 127 2 's 's PART crln-24008 127 3 mccabe mccabe NOUN crln-24008 127 4 lforary lforary ADJ crln-24008 127 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 127 6 its its PRON crln-24008 127 7 branch branch NOUN crln-24008 127 8 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 127 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 127 10 the the DET crln-24008 127 11 cornell cornell PROPN crln-24008 127 12 library library NOUN crln-24008 127 13 of of ADP crln-24008 127 14 science science PROPN crln-24008 127 15 & & CCONJ crln-24008 127 16 engineering engineering NOUN crln-24008 127 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 127 18 the the DET crln-24008 127 19 underthill underthill ADJ crln-24008 127 20 music music NOUN crln-24008 127 21 library library NOUN crln-24008 127 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 127 23 comprise comprise VERB crln-24008 127 24 650,000 650,000 NUM crln-24008 127 25 volumes volume NOUN crln-24008 127 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 127 27 2,400 2,400 NUM crln-24008 127 28 current current ADJ crln-24008 127 29 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 127 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 127 31 with with ADP crln-24008 127 32 cd cd PROPN crln-24008 127 33 rom rom ADP crln-24008 127 34 and and CCONJ crln-24008 127 35 internet internet NOUN crln-24008 127 36 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 127 37 database database NOUN crln-24008 127 38 access access NOUN crln-24008 127 39 . . PUNCT crln-24008 128 1 the the DET crln-24008 128 2 d d PROPN crln-24008 128 3 igital igital ADJ crln-24008 128 4 services service NOUN crln-24008 128 5 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 128 6 will will AUX crln-24008 128 7 provide provide VERB crln-24008 128 8 strategic strategic ADJ crln-24008 128 9 leadership leadership NOUN crln-24008 128 10 for for ADP crln-24008 128 11 the the DET crln-24008 128 12 development development NOUN crln-24008 128 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 128 14 implementation implementation NOUN crln-24008 128 15 of of ADP crln-24008 128 16 digitally digitally ADV crln-24008 128 17 - - PUNCT crln-24008 128 18 based base VERB crln-24008 128 19 services service NOUN crln-24008 128 20 for for ADP crln-24008 128 21 all all DET crln-24008 128 22 the the DET crln-24008 128 23 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 128 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 128 25 assessment assessment NOUN crln-24008 128 26 of of ADP crln-24008 128 27 their their PRON crln-24008 128 28 use use NOUN crln-24008 128 29 . . PUNCT crln-24008 129 1 coordinates coordinate VERB crln-24008 129 2 the the DET crln-24008 129 3 identification identification NOUN crln-24008 129 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 129 5 selection selection NOUN crln-24008 129 6 of of ADP crln-24008 129 7 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 129 8 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 129 9 in in ADP crln-24008 129 10 support support NOUN crln-24008 129 11 of of ADP crln-24008 129 12 the the DET crln-24008 129 13 college college NOUN crln-24008 129 14 's 's PART crln-24008 129 15 teaching teaching NOUN crln-24008 129 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 129 17 research research NOUN crln-24008 129 18 mission mission NOUN crln-24008 129 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 129 20 as as ADV crln-24008 129 21 well well ADV crln-24008 129 22 as as ADP crln-24008 129 23 the the DET crln-24008 129 24 creation creation NOUN crln-24008 129 25 of of ADP crln-24008 129 26 unique unique ADJ crln-24008 129 27 digital digital ADJ crln-24008 129 28 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 129 29 . . PUNCT crln-24008 130 1 manages manage VERB crln-24008 130 2 the the DET crln-24008 130 3 library library NOUN crln-24008 130 4 's 's PART crln-24008 130 5 web web NOUN crln-24008 130 6 pages page NOUN crln-24008 130 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 130 8 coordinates coordinate VERB crln-24008 130 9 all all DET crln-24008 130 10 library library NOUN crln-24008 130 11 publications publication NOUN crln-24008 130 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 130 13 develops develop VERB crln-24008 130 14 an an DET crln-24008 130 15 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 130 16 set set NOUN crln-24008 130 17 of of ADP crln-24008 130 18 tools tool NOUN crln-24008 130 19 to to PART crln-24008 130 20 support support VERB crln-24008 130 21 library library NOUN crln-24008 130 22 research research NOUN crln-24008 130 23 needs need NOUN crln-24008 130 24 in in ADP crln-24008 130 25 an an DET crln-24008 130 26 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 130 27 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 130 28 . . PUNCT crln-24008 131 1 oversees oversee VERB crln-24008 131 2 training training NOUN crln-24008 131 3 programs program NOUN crln-24008 131 4 in in ADP crln-24008 131 5 the the DET crln-24008 131 6 use use NOUN crln-24008 131 7 of of ADP crln-24008 131 8 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24008 131 9 computer computer NOUN crln-24008 131 10 technology technology NOUN crln-24008 131 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 131 12 provides provide VERB crln-24008 131 13 support support NOUN crln-24008 131 14 for for ADP crln-24008 131 15 library library NOUN crln-24008 131 16 application application NOUN crln-24008 131 17 - - PUNCT crln-24008 131 18 related relate VERB crln-24008 131 19 problems problem NOUN crln-24008 131 20 on on ADP crln-24008 131 21 public public ADJ crln-24008 131 22 hardware hardware NOUN crln-24008 131 23 . . PUNCT crln-24008 132 1 also also ADV crln-24008 132 2 serves serve VERB crln-24008 132 3 as as ADP crln-24008 132 4 a a DET crln-24008 132 5 member member NOUN crln-24008 132 6 of of ADP crln-24008 132 7 the the DET crln-24008 132 8 library library PROPN crln-24008 132 9 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 132 10 public public ADJ crln-24008 132 11 services service NOUN crln-24008 132 12 team team NOUN crln-24008 132 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 132 14 provides provide VERB crln-24008 132 15 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 132 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 132 17 research research NOUN crln-24008 132 18 support support NOUN crln-24008 132 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 132 20 consultation consultation NOUN crln-24008 132 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 132 22 library library NOUN crln-24008 132 23 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 132 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 132 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 132 26 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 132 27 development development NOUN crln-24008 132 28 for for ADP crln-24008 132 29 one one NUM crln-24008 132 30 or or CCONJ crln-24008 132 31 more more ADJ crln-24008 132 32 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 132 33 departments department NOUN crln-24008 132 34 or or CCONJ crln-24008 132 35 programs program NOUN crln-24008 132 36 , , PUNCT crln-24008 132 37 as as ADV crln-24008 132 38 well well ADV crln-24008 132 39 as as ADP crln-24008 132 40 for for ADP crln-24008 132 41 general general ADJ crln-24008 132 42 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 132 43 . . PUNCT crln-24008 133 1 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 133 2 should should AUX crln-24008 133 3 possess possess VERB crln-24008 133 4 an an DET crln-24008 133 5 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 133 6 in in ADP crln-24008 133 7 library library NOUN crln-24008 133 8 and/or and/or CCONJ crln-24008 133 9 information information NOUN crln-24008 133 10 science science NOUN crln-24008 133 11 from from ADP crln-24008 133 12 an an DET crln-24008 133 13 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 133 14 - - PUNCT crln-24008 133 15 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 133 16 library library NOUN crln-24008 133 17 school school NOUN crln-24008 133 18 with with ADP crln-24008 133 19 a a DET crln-24008 133 20 concentration concentration NOUN crln-24008 133 21 in in ADP crln-24008 133 22 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 133 23 services service NOUN crln-24008 133 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 133 25 2 2 NUM crln-24008 133 26 to to PART crln-24008 133 27 4 4 NUM crln-24008 133 28 years year NOUN crln-24008 133 29 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 133 30 in in ADP crln-24008 133 31 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 133 32 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 133 33 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 133 34 in in ADP crln-24008 133 35 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 133 36 services service NOUN crln-24008 133 37 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 133 38 in in ADP crln-24008 133 39 a a DET crln-24008 133 40 computer computer NOUN crln-24008 133 41 - - PUNCT crln-24008 133 42 intensive intensive ADJ crln-24008 133 43 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 133 44 . . PUNCT crln-24008 134 1 in in ADP crln-24008 134 2 - - PUNCT crln-24008 134 3 depth depth NOUN crln-24008 134 4 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 134 5 of of ADP crln-24008 134 6 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 134 7 searching searching NOUN crln-24008 134 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 134 9 database database NOUN crln-24008 134 10 structures structure NOUN crln-24008 134 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 134 12 web web NOUN crln-24008 134 13 programming programming NOUN crln-24008 134 14 essential essential ADJ crln-24008 134 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 135 1 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 135 2 with with ADP crln-24008 135 3 html html PROPN crln-24008 135 4 and/or and/or CCONJ crln-24008 135 5 sgml sgml PROPN crln-24008 135 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 135 7 e e PROPN crln-24008 135 8 r r X crln-24008 135 9 l l PROPN crln-24008 135 10 client client NOUN crln-24008 135 11 / / SYM crln-24008 135 12 server server NOUN crln-24008 135 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 135 14 innovative innovative ADJ crln-24008 135 15 interfaces interface NOUN crln-24008 135 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 135 17 opac opac ADJ crln-24008 135 18 indexing indexing NOUN crln-24008 135 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 135 20 searching search VERB crln-24008 135 21 structures structure NOUN crln-24008 135 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 135 23 report report VERB crln-24008 135 24 generation generation NOUN crln-24008 135 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 135 26 windows window NOUN crln-24008 135 27 and/or and/or CCONJ crln-24008 135 28 macintosh macintosh PROPN crln-24008 135 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 135 30 word word NOUN crln-24008 135 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 135 32 excel excel PROPN crln-24008 135 33 , , PUNCT crln-24008 135 34 java java PROPN crln-24008 135 35 , , PUNCT crln-24008 135 36 photoshop photoshop PROPN crln-24008 135 37 and and CCONJ crln-24008 135 38 scanning scan VERB crln-24008 135 39 technology technology NOUN crln-24008 135 40 preferred prefer VERB crln-24008 135 41 . . PUNCT crln-24008 136 1 the the DET crln-24008 136 2 head head NOUN crln-24008 136 3 o o PROPN crln-24008 136 4 f f PROPN crln-24008 136 5 cornell cornell PROPN crln-24008 136 6 library library NOUN crln-24008 137 1 o o PROPN crln-24008 137 2 f f PROPN crln-24008 137 3 science science NOUN crln-24008 137 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 137 5 engineering engineering NOUN crln-24008 137 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 137 7 s s VERB crln-24008 137 8 cience cience NOUN crln-24008 137 9 s s AUX crln-24008 137 10 ubject ubject VERB crln-24008 137 11 s s PART crln-24008 137 12 pecialist pecialist NOUN crln-24008 137 13 coordinates coordinate VERB crln-24008 137 14 the the DET crln-24008 137 15 service service NOUN crln-24008 137 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 137 17 resource resource NOUN crln-24008 137 18 needs need NOUN crln-24008 137 19 of of ADP crln-24008 137 20 the the DET crln-24008 137 21 students student NOUN crln-24008 137 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 137 23 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 137 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 137 25 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 137 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 137 27 researchers researcher NOUN crln-24008 137 28 in in ADP crln-24008 137 29 the the DET crln-24008 137 30 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 137 31 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 137 32 manages manage VERB crln-24008 137 33 and and CCONJ crln-24008 137 34 supervises supervise VERB crln-24008 137 35 the the DET crln-24008 137 36 science science NOUN crln-24008 137 37 library library NOUN crln-24008 137 38 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 137 39 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 137 40 administers administer VERB crln-24008 137 41 all all DET crln-24008 137 42 phases phase NOUN crln-24008 137 43 of of ADP crln-24008 137 44 public public ADJ crln-24008 137 45 services service NOUN crln-24008 137 46 operations operation NOUN crln-24008 137 47 necessary necessary ADJ crln-24008 137 48 to to PART crln-24008 137 49 plan plan VERB crln-24008 137 50 , , PUNCT crln-24008 137 51 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 137 52 , , PUNCT crln-24008 137 53 manage manage VERB crln-24008 137 54 and and CCONJ crln-24008 137 55 evaluate evaluate VERB crln-24008 137 56 the the DET crln-24008 137 57 services service NOUN crln-24008 137 58 provided provide VERB crln-24008 137 59 by by ADP crln-24008 137 60 the the DET crln-24008 137 61 science science NOUN crln-24008 137 62 library library NOUN crln-24008 137 63 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 137 64 and and CCONJ crln-24008 137 65 manages manage VERB crln-24008 137 66 the the DET crln-24008 137 67 facilities facility NOUN crln-24008 137 68 and and CCONJ crln-24008 137 69 equipment equipment NOUN crln-24008 137 70 . . PUNCT crln-24008 138 1 in in ADP crln-24008 138 2 a a DET crln-24008 138 3 collegial collegial ADJ crln-24008 138 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 138 5 consortial consortial ADJ crln-24008 138 6 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 138 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 138 8 leads lead VERB crln-24008 138 9 in in ADP crln-24008 138 10 the the DET crln-24008 138 11 development development NOUN crln-24008 138 12 of of ADP crln-24008 138 13 innovative innovative ADJ crln-24008 138 14 services service NOUN crln-24008 138 15 in in ADP crln-24008 138 16 response response NOUN crln-24008 138 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 138 18 in in ADP crln-24008 138 19 anticipation anticipation NOUN crln-24008 138 20 of of ADP crln-24008 138 21 the the DET crln-24008 138 22 needs need NOUN crln-24008 138 23 of of ADP crln-24008 138 24 library library NOUN crln-24008 138 25 users user NOUN crln-24008 138 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 138 27 including include VERB crln-24008 138 28 the the DET crln-24008 138 29 areas area NOUN crln-24008 138 30 of of ADP crln-24008 138 31 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 138 32 access access NOUN crln-24008 138 33 to to ADP crln-24008 138 34 information information NOUN crln-24008 138 35 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 138 36 . . PUNCT crln-24008 139 1 as as ADP crln-24008 139 2 science science NOUN crln-24008 139 3 subject subject NOUN crln-24008 139 4 specialist specialist NOUN crln-24008 139 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 139 6 provides provide VERB crln-24008 139 7 direction direction NOUN crln-24008 139 8 for for ADP crln-24008 139 9 the the DET crln-24008 139 10 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 139 11 in in ADP crln-24008 139 12 the the DET crln-24008 139 13 areas area NOUN crln-24008 139 14 of of ADP crln-24008 139 15 information information NOUN crln-24008 139 16 services service NOUN crln-24008 139 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 139 18 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 139 19 development development NOUN crln-24008 139 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 139 21 management management NOUN crln-24008 139 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 139 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 139 24 information information NOUN crln-24008 139 25 technology technology NOUN crln-24008 139 26 . . PUNCT crln-24008 140 1 provides provide VERB crln-24008 140 2 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 140 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 140 4 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24008 140 5 services service NOUN crln-24008 140 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 140 7 participates participate VERB crln-24008 140 8 in in ADP crln-24008 140 9 team team NOUN crln-24008 140 10 discussions discussion NOUN crln-24008 140 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 140 12 planning plan VERB crln-24008 140 13 efforts effort NOUN crln-24008 140 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 140 15 program program NOUN crln-24008 140 16 directions direction NOUN crln-24008 140 17 . . PUNCT crln-24008 141 1 requirements requirement NOUN crln-24008 141 2 include include VERB crln-24008 141 3 an an DET crln-24008 141 4 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 141 5 in in ADP crln-24008 141 6 library library NOUN crln-24008 141 7 and/or and/or CCONJ crln-24008 141 8 information information NOUN crln-24008 141 9 science science NOUN crln-24008 141 10 from from ADP crln-24008 141 11 an an DET crln-24008 141 12 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 141 13 - - PUNCT crln-24008 141 14 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 141 15 library library NOUN crln-24008 141 16 school school NOUN crln-24008 141 17 with with ADP crln-24008 141 18 a a DET crln-24008 141 19 concentration concentration NOUN crln-24008 141 20 in in ADP crln-24008 141 21 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 141 22 services service NOUN crln-24008 141 23 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 141 24 advanced advanced ADJ crln-24008 141 25 or or CCONJ crln-24008 141 26 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crln-24008 141 27 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 141 28 in in ADP crln-24008 141 29 the the DET crln-24008 141 30 natural natural ADJ crln-24008 141 31 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 141 32 highly highly ADV crln-24008 141 33 preferred preferred ADJ crln-24008 141 34 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 141 35 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 141 36 3 3 NUM crln-24008 141 37 to to PART crln-24008 141 38 5 5 NUM crln-24008 141 39 years year NOUN crln-24008 141 40 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 141 41 in in ADP crln-24008 141 42 a a DET crln-24008 141 43 science science NOUN crln-24008 141 44 library library NOUN crln-24008 141 45 , , PUNCT crln-24008 141 46 including include VERB crln-24008 141 47 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 141 48 in in ADP crln-24008 141 49 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 141 50 development development PROPN crln-24008 141 51 & & CCONJ crln-24008 141 52 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 141 53 services service NOUN crln-24008 141 54 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 141 55 and and CCONJ crln-24008 141 56 evidence evidence NOUN crln-24008 141 57 of of ADP crln-24008 141 58 an an DET crln-24008 141 59 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 141 60 to to PART crln-24008 141 61 lead lead VERB crln-24008 141 62 and and CCONJ crln-24008 141 63 work work VERB crln-24008 141 64 effectively effectively ADV crln-24008 141 65 with with ADP crln-24008 141 66 initiative initiative NOUN crln-24008 141 67 & & CCONJ crln-24008 141 68 creativity creativity NOUN crln-24008 141 69 within within ADP crln-24008 141 70 a a DET crln-24008 141 71 collegial collegial ADJ crln-24008 141 72 framework framework NOUN crln-24008 141 73 . . PUNCT crln-24008 142 1 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 142 2 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 142 3 will will AUX crln-24008 142 4 possess possess VERB crln-24008 142 5 a a DET crln-24008 142 6 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 142 7 in in ADP crln-24008 142 8 - - PUNCT crln-24008 142 9 depth depth NOUN crln-24008 142 10 understanding understanding NOUN crln-24008 142 11 of of ADP crln-24008 142 12 the the DET crln-24008 142 13 scholarly scholarly ADJ crln-24008 142 14 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 142 15 in in ADP crln-24008 142 16 the the DET crln-24008 142 17 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 142 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 142 19 an an DET crln-24008 142 20 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 142 21 to to PART crln-24008 142 22 work work VERB crln-24008 142 23 effectively effectively ADV crln-24008 142 24 with with ADP crln-24008 142 25 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-24008 142 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 142 27 students student NOUN crln-24008 142 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 142 29 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 142 30 and and CCONJ crln-24008 142 31 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 142 32 . . PUNCT crln-24008 143 1 please please INTJ crln-24008 143 2 submit submit VERB crln-24008 143 3 a a DET crln-24008 143 4 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 143 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 143 6 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 143 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 143 8 along along ADP crln-24008 143 9 with with ADP crln-24008 143 10 the the DET crln-24008 143 11 names name NOUN crln-24008 143 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 143 13 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 143 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 143 15 e e NOUN crln-24008 143 16 - - NOUN crln-24008 143 17 mail mail NOUN crln-24008 143 18 and/or and/or CCONJ crln-24008 143 19 phone phone NOUN crln-24008 143 20 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 143 21 of of ADP crln-24008 143 22 three three NUM crln-24008 143 23 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 143 24 references reference NOUN crln-24008 143 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 144 1 consideration consideration NOUN crln-24008 144 2 of of ADP crln-24008 144 3 applications application NOUN crln-24008 144 4 will will AUX crln-24008 144 5 begin begin VERB crln-24008 144 6 on on ADP crln-24008 144 7 february february PROPN crln-24008 144 8 1 1 NUM crln-24008 144 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 144 10 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 144 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 144 12 will will AUX crln-24008 144 13 continue continue VERB crln-24008 144 14 until until SCONJ crln-24008 144 15 positions position NOUN crln-24008 144 16 are be AUX crln-24008 144 17 filled fill VERB crln-24008 144 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 145 1 materials material NOUN crln-24008 145 2 should should AUX crln-24008 145 3 be be AUX crln-24008 145 4 sent send VERB crln-24008 145 5 to to ADP crln-24008 145 6 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 145 7 college college NOUN crln-24008 145 8 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 145 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 145 10 sw sw PROPN crln-24008 145 11 arth arth PROPN crln-24008 145 12 m m PROPN crln-24008 145 13 o o PROPN crln-24008 145 14 re re PROPN crln-24008 145 15 colleg colleg PROPN crln-24008 145 16 e e PROPN crln-24008 145 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 145 18 500 500 NUM crln-24008 145 19 college college NOUN crln-24008 145 20 avenue avenue NOUN crln-24008 145 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 145 22 swarthmore swarthmore ADV crln-24008 145 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 145 24 pa pa PROPN crln-24008 145 25 19081 19081 NUM crln-24008 145 26 . . PUNCT crln-24008 146 1 for for ADP crln-24008 146 2 more more ADJ crln-24008 146 3 information information NOUN crln-24008 146 4 about about ADP crln-24008 146 5 the the DET crln-24008 146 6 positions position NOUN crln-24008 146 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 146 8 please please INTJ crln-24008 146 9 visit visit VERB crln-24008 146 10 our our PRON crln-24008 146 11 web web NOUN crln-24008 146 12 site site NOUN crln-24008 146 13 at at ADP crln-24008 146 14 PRON crln-24008 146 15 learn learn VERB crln-24008 146 16 more more ADJ crln-24008 146 17 about about ADP crln-24008 146 18 the the DET crln-24008 146 19 college college NOUN crln-24008 146 20 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 146 21 by by ADP crln-24008 146 22 visiting visit VERB crln-24008 146 23 : : PUNCT crln-24008 146 24 PROPN crln-24008 146 25 s s X crln-24008 146 26 w w X crln-24008 146 27 a a DET crln-24008 146 28 rth rth NOUN crln-24008 146 29 m m VERB crln-24008 146 30 o o NOUN crln-24008 146 31 re re ADP crln-24008 146 32 c c PROPN crln-24008 146 33 o o PROPN crln-24008 146 34 lle lle PROPN crln-24008 147 1 g g PROPN crln-24008 147 2 e e PROPN crln-24008 147 3 is be AUX crln-24008 147 4 an an DET crln-24008 147 5 e e NOUN crln-24008 147 6 q q NOUN crln-24008 147 7 u u NOUN crln-24008 147 8 al al PROPN crln-24008 147 9 o o PROPN crln-24008 147 10 p p PROPN crln-24008 147 11 p p PROPN crln-24008 147 12 o o PROPN crln-24008 147 13 rtu rtu NOUN crln-24008 147 14 n n CCONJ crln-24008 147 15 ity ity PROPN crln-24008 147 16 e e PROPN crln-24008 147 17 m m PROPN crln-24008 148 1 p p PROPN crln-24008 149 1 lo lo PROPN crln-24008 149 2 y y PROPN crln-24008 149 3 e e PROPN crln-24008 149 4 r r NOUN crln-24008 149 5 c c PROPN crln-24008 149 6 o o NOUN crln-24008 149 7 m m VERB crln-24008 149 8 m m VERB crln-24008 149 9 itte itte NOUN crln-24008 149 10 d d NOUN crln-24008 149 11 to to ADP crln-24008 149 12 e e PROPN crln-24008 149 13 xc xc PROPN crln-24008 149 14 e e PROPN crln-24008 149 15 lle lle PROPN crln-24008 149 16 n n PROPN crln-24008 149 17 c c X crln-24008 149 18 e e X crln-24008 149 19 th th X crln-24008 149 20 ro ro PROPN crln-24008 149 21 u u PROPN crln-24008 149 22 g g PROPN crln-24008 149 23 h h NOUN crln-24008 149 24 diversity diversity NOUN crln-24008 149 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 150 1 as as ADP crln-24008 150 2 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 150 3 development development NOUN crln-24008 150 4 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 150 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 150 6 the the DET crln-24008 150 7 cul cul PROPN crln-24008 150 8 must must AUX crln-24008 150 9 work work VERB crln-24008 150 10 closely closely ADV crln-24008 150 11 with with ADP crln-24008 150 12 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 150 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 150 14 library library NOUN crln-24008 150 15 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 150 16 to to PART crln-24008 150 17 enhance enhance VERB crln-24008 150 18 monographic monographic ADJ crln-24008 150 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 150 20 serial serial NOUN crln-24008 150 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 150 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 150 23 nonprint nonprint NOUN crln-24008 150 24 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 150 25 fo fo ADP crln-24008 150 26 r r NOUN crln-24008 150 27 the the DET crln-24008 150 28 benefit benefit NOUN crln-24008 150 29 of of ADP crln-24008 150 30 the the DET crln-24008 150 31 saint saint NOUN crln-24008 150 32 anselm anselm PROPN crln-24008 150 33 community community NOUN crln-24008 150 34 . . PUNCT crln-24008 151 1 additionally additionally ADV crln-24008 151 2 , , PUNCT crln-24008 151 3 th th X crln-24008 151 4 e e X crln-24008 151 5 cul cul PROPN crln-24008 151 6 will will AUX crln-24008 151 7 also also ADV crln-24008 151 8 assist assist VERB crln-24008 151 9 in in ADP crln-24008 151 10 the the DET crln-24008 151 11 development development NOUN crln-24008 151 12 of of ADP crln-24008 151 13 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 151 14 services service NOUN crln-24008 151 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 151 16 a a DET crln-24008 151 17 growing grow VERB crln-24008 151 18 program program NOUN crln-24008 151 19 of of ADP crln-24008 151 20 library library NOUN crln-24008 151 21 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 151 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 152 1 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 152 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 152 3 an an DET crln-24008 152 4 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 152 5 - - PUNCT crln-24008 152 6 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 152 7 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 152 8 with with ADP crln-24008 152 9 at at ADV crln-24008 152 10 least least ADV crln-24008 152 11 seven seven NUM crln-24008 152 12 years year NOUN crln-24008 152 13 of of ADP crln-24008 152 14 progressively progressively ADV crln-24008 152 15 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 152 16 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 152 17 in in ADP crln-24008 152 18 a a DET crln-24008 152 19 college college NOUN crln-24008 152 20 or or CCONJ crln-24008 152 21 university university NOUN crln-24008 152 22 library library NOUN crln-24008 152 23 . . PUNCT crln-24008 153 1 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 153 2 in in ADP crln-24008 153 3 acquisitions acquisition NOUN crln-24008 153 4 work work NOUN crln-24008 153 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 153 6 a a DET crln-24008 153 7 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 153 8 of of ADP crln-24008 153 9 online online ADJ crln-24008 153 10 systems system NOUN crln-24008 153 11 is be AUX crln-24008 153 12 essential essential ADJ crln-24008 153 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 154 1 supervisory supervisory ADJ crln-24008 154 2 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 154 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 154 4 a a DET crln-24008 154 5 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 154 6 of of ADP crln-24008 154 7 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 154 8 procedures procedure NOUN crln-24008 154 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 154 10 practices practice NOUN crln-24008 154 11 is be AUX crln-24008 154 12 also also ADV crln-24008 154 13 important important ADJ crln-24008 154 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 155 1 good good ADJ crln-24008 155 2 oral oral NOUN crln-24008 155 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 155 4 written write VERB crln-24008 155 5 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 155 6 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 155 7 are be AUX crln-24008 155 8 essential essential ADJ crln-24008 155 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 155 10 as as SCONJ crln-24008 155 11 is be AUX crln-24008 155 12 a a DET crln-24008 155 13 willingness willingness NOUN crln-24008 155 14 to to PART crln-24008 155 15 work work VERB crln-24008 155 16 in in ADP crln-24008 155 17 a a DET crln-24008 155 18 collegial collegial ADJ crln-24008 155 19 manner manner NOUN crln-24008 155 20 with with ADP crln-24008 155 21 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 155 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 155 23 library library NOUN crln-24008 155 24 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 155 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 155 26 paraprofessional paraprofessional ADJ crln-24008 155 27 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 155 28 . . PUNCT crln-24008 156 1 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 156 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 156 3 this this PRON crln-24008 156 4 is be AUX crln-24008 156 5 a a DET crln-24008 156 6 twelve twelve NUM crln-24008 156 7 - - PUNCT crln-24008 156 8 month month NOUN crln-24008 156 9 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 156 10 position position NOUN crln-24008 156 11 with with ADP crln-24008 156 12 full full ADJ crln-24008 156 13 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 156 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 157 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 157 2 dependent dependent ADJ crln-24008 157 3 on on ADP crln-24008 157 4 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 157 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 158 1 contact contact NOUN crln-24008 158 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 158 3 send send VERB crln-24008 158 4 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 158 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 158 6 the the DET crln-24008 158 7 names name NOUN crln-24008 158 8 of of ADP crln-24008 158 9 three three NUM crln-24008 158 10 references reference NOUN crln-24008 158 11 to to ADP crln-24008 158 12 : : PUNCT crln-24008 158 13 department department NOUN crln-24008 158 14 of of ADP crln-24008 158 15 human human ADJ crln-24008 158 16 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 158 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 158 18 saint saint PROPN crln-24008 158 19 anselm anselm PROPN crln-24008 158 20 college college PROPN crln-24008 158 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 158 22 100 100 NUM crln-24008 158 23 saint saint NOUN crln-24008 158 24 anselm anselm PROPN crln-24008 158 25 drive drive NOUN crln-24008 158 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 158 27 manchester manchester PROPN crln-24008 158 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 158 29 nh nh PROPN crln-24008 158 30 03102 03102 NUM crln-24008 158 31 - - SYM crln-24008 158 32 1310 1310 NUM crln-24008 158 33 . . PUNCT crln-24008 159 1 director director NOUN crln-24008 159 2 ofthe ofthe PROPN crln-24008 159 3 library library PROPN crln-24008 159 4 . . PUNCT crln-24008 160 1 belmont belmont PROPN crln-24008 160 2 abbey abbey PROPN crln-24008 160 3 college college PROPN crln-24008 160 4 invites invite VERB crln-24008 160 5 applica­ applica­ ADJ crln-24008 160 6 tions tion NOUN crln-24008 160 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 160 8 nominations nomination NOUN crln-24008 160 9 forthe forthe DET crln-24008 160 10 position position NOUN crln-24008 160 11 of of ADP crln-24008 160 12 director director NOUN crln-24008 160 13 of of ADP crln-24008 160 14 the the DET crln-24008 160 15 library library NOUN crln-24008 160 16 . . PUNCT crln-24008 161 1 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 161 2 must must AUX crln-24008 161 3 have have VERB crln-24008 161 4 an an DET crln-24008 161 5 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 161 6 - - PUNCT crln-24008 161 7 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 161 8 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 161 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 161 10 several several ADJ crln-24008 161 11 years year NOUN crln-24008 161 12 of of ADP crln-24008 161 13 administrative administrative ADJ crln-24008 161 14 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 161 15 in in ADP crln-24008 161 16 a a DET crln-24008 161 17 college college NOUN crln-24008 161 18 or or CCONJ crln-24008 161 19 university university NOUN crln-24008 161 20 library library NOUN crln-24008 161 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 162 1 the the DET crln-24008 162 2 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 162 3 of of ADP crln-24008 162 4 the the DET crln-24008 162 5 director director NOUN crln-24008 162 6 will will AUX crln-24008 162 7 include include VERB crln-24008 162 8 administration administration NOUN crln-24008 162 9 of of ADP crln-24008 162 10 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 162 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 162 12 facilities facility NOUN crln-24008 162 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 162 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 162 15 budget budget NOUN crln-24008 162 16 for for ADP crln-24008 162 17 a a DET crln-24008 162 18 primarily primarily ADV crln-24008 162 19 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crln-24008 162 20 library library NOUN crln-24008 162 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 162 22 continued continue VERB crln-24008 162 23 integration integration NOUN crln-24008 162 24 of of ADP crln-24008 162 25 emerging emerge VERB crln-24008 162 26 infor­ infor­ PROPN crln-24008 162 27 mation mation NOUN crln-24008 162 28 technology technology NOUN crln-24008 162 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 162 30 cooperation cooperation NOUN crln-24008 162 31 with with ADP crln-24008 162 32 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 162 33 and and CCONJ crln-24008 162 34 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 162 35 to to PART crln-24008 162 36 enhance enhance VERB crln-24008 162 37 library library NOUN crln-24008 162 38 services service NOUN crln-24008 162 39 , , PUNCT crln-24008 162 40 and and CCONJ crln-24008 162 41 commitment commitment NOUN crln-24008 162 42 to to PART crln-24008 162 43 develop develop VERB crln-24008 162 44 , , PUNCT crln-24008 162 45 the the DET crln-24008 162 46 library library NOUN crln-24008 162 47 in in ADP crln-24008 162 48 service service NOUN crln-24008 162 49 of of ADP crln-24008 162 50 the the DET crln-24008 162 51 catholic catholic NOUN crln-24008 162 52 and and CCONJ crln-24008 162 53 benedictine benedictine ADJ crln-24008 162 54 intellectual intellectual ADJ crln-24008 162 55 tradition tradition NOUN crln-24008 162 56 . . PUNCT crln-24008 163 1 competitive competitive ADJ crln-24008 163 2 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 163 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 163 4 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 163 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 164 1 belmont belmont PROPN crln-24008 164 2 abbey abbey PROPN crln-24008 164 3 college college PROPN crln-24008 164 4 is be AUX crln-24008 164 5 a a DET crln-24008 164 6 catholic catholic ADJ crln-24008 164 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 164 8 benedictine benedictine ADJ crln-24008 164 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 164 10 four four NUM crln-24008 164 11 - - PUNCT crln-24008 164 12 year year NOUN crln-24008 164 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 164 14 coeduca­ coeduca­ PROPN crln-24008 164 15 tional tional ADJ crln-24008 164 16 liberal liberal ADJ crln-24008 164 17 arts art NOUN crln-24008 164 18 college college NOUN crln-24008 164 19 with with ADP crln-24008 164 20 an an DET crln-24008 164 21 enrollment enrollment NOUN crln-24008 164 22 of of ADP crln-24008 164 23 950 950 NUM crln-24008 164 24 students student NOUN crln-24008 164 25 located locate VERB crln-24008 164 26 15 15 NUM crln-24008 164 27 miles mile NOUN crln-24008 164 28 west west ADV crln-24008 164 29 of of ADP crln-24008 164 30 charlotte charlotte PROPN crln-24008 164 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 164 32 north north PROPN crln-24008 164 33 carolina carolina PROPN crln-24008 164 34 . . PUNCT crln-24008 165 1 the the DET crln-24008 165 2 college college NOUN crln-24008 165 3 is be AUX crln-24008 165 4 an an DET crln-24008 165 5 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 165 6 opportu­ opportu­ DET crln-24008 165 7 nity nity NOUN crln-24008 165 8 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 165 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 166 1 applicants applicant NOUN crln-24008 166 2 should should AUX crln-24008 166 3 submit submit VERB crln-24008 166 4 a a DET crln-24008 166 5 cover cover NOUN crln-24008 166 6 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 166 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 166 8 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 166 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 166 10 three three NUM crln-24008 166 11 letters letter NOUN crln-24008 166 12 of of ADP crln-24008 166 13 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 166 14 from from ADP crln-24008 166 15 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 166 16 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-24008 166 17 to to ADP crln-24008 166 18 : : PUNCT crln-24008 166 19 placid placid ADJ crln-24008 166 20 solari solari PROPN crln-24008 166 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 166 22 o.s.b o.s.b PROPN crln-24008 166 23 . . PROPN crln-24008 166 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 166 25 academic academic PROPN crln-24008 166 26 dean dean PROPN crln-24008 166 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 166 28 belmont belmont PROPN crln-24008 166 29 abbey abbey PROPN crln-24008 166 30 college college PROPN crln-24008 166 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 166 32 belmont belmont PROPN crln-24008 166 33 , , PUNCT crln-24008 166 34 nc nc PROPN crln-24008 166 35 28012 28012 NUM crln-24008 166 36 . . PUNCT crln-24008 167 1 review review NOUN crln-24008 167 2 of of ADP crln-24008 167 3 applications application NOUN crln-24008 167 4 begins begin VERB crln-24008 167 5 january january PROPN crln-24008 167 6 15 15 NUM crln-24008 167 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 167 8 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 167 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 168 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 168 2 guide guide NOUN crln-24008 168 3 listed list VERB crln-24008 168 4 below below ADV crln-24008 168 5 are be AUX crln-24008 168 6 the the DET crln-24008 168 7 latest late ADJ crln-24008 168 8 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 168 9 starting start VERB crln-24008 168 10 figures figure NOUN crln-24008 168 11 recommended recommend VERB crln-24008 168 12 by by ADP crln-24008 168 13 state state NOUN crln-24008 168 14 library library NOUN crln-24008 168 15 associations association NOUN crln-24008 168 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 168 17 the the DET crln-24008 168 18 north north PROPN crln-24008 168 19 carolina carolina PROPN crln-24008 168 20 state state PROPN crln-24008 168 21 library library NOUN crln-24008 168 22 for for ADP crln-24008 168 23 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 168 24 library library NOUN crln-24008 168 25 posts post NOUN crln-24008 168 26 in in ADP crln-24008 168 27 these these DET crln-24008 168 28 states state NOUN crln-24008 168 29 . . PUNCT crln-24008 169 1 these these DET crln-24008 169 2 recommendations recommendation NOUN crln-24008 169 3 are be AUX crln-24008 169 4 intended intend VERB crln-24008 169 5 for for ADP crln-24008 169 6 governmental governmental ADJ crln-24008 169 7 agencies agency NOUN crln-24008 169 8 that that PRON crln-24008 169 9 employ employ VERB crln-24008 169 10 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 169 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 170 1 the the DET crln-24008 170 2 recom­ recom­ PROPN crln-24008 170 3 mendations mendation NOUN crln-24008 170 4 are be AUX crln-24008 170 5 advisory advisory ADJ crln-24008 170 6 only only ADV crln-24008 170 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 170 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 170 9 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 170 10 has have AUX crln-24008 170 11 not not PART crln-24008 170 12 adopted adopt VERB crln-24008 170 13 recommendations recommendation NOUN crln-24008 170 14 for for ADP crln-24008 170 15 minimum minimum ADJ crln-24008 170 16 salaries salary NOUN crln-24008 170 17 . . PUNCT crln-24008 171 1 for for ADP crln-24008 171 2 information information NOUN crln-24008 171 3 on on ADP crln-24008 171 4 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 171 5 salaries salary NOUN crln-24008 171 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 171 7 job job NOUN crln-24008 171 8 seekers seeker NOUN crln-24008 171 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 171 10 employers employer NOUN crln-24008 171 11 should should AUX crln-24008 171 12 consider consider VERB crln-24008 171 13 these these DET crln-24008 171 14 recommended recommend VERB crln-24008 171 15 minimums minimum NOUN crln-24008 171 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 171 17 as as ADV crln-24008 171 18 well well ADV crln-24008 171 19 as as ADP crln-24008 171 20 other other ADJ crln-24008 171 21 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 171 22 surveys survey NOUN crln-24008 171 23 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 171 24 such such ADJ crln-24008 171 25 as as ADP crln-24008 171 26 the the DET crln-24008 171 27 survey survey NOUN crln-24008 171 28 in in ADP crln-24008 171 29 the the DET crln-24008 171 30 october october PROPN crln-24008 171 31 15,1989 15,1989 NUM crln-24008 171 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 171 33 issue issue NOUN crln-24008 171 34 of of ADP crln-24008 171 35 library library PROPN crln-24008 171 36 journal journal PROPN crln-24008 171 37 , , PUNCT crln-24008 171 38 the the DET crln-24008 171 39 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 171 40 survey survey NOUN crln-24008 171 41 of of ADP crln-24008 171 42 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 171 43 salaries salary NOUN crln-24008 171 44 , , PUNCT crln-24008 171 45 the the DET crln-24008 171 46 annual annual ADJ crln-24008 171 47 arl arl PROPN crln-24008 171 48 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 171 49 survey survey NOUN crln-24008 171 50 , , PUNCT crln-24008 171 51 or or CCONJ crln-24008 171 52 the the DET crln-24008 171 53 annual annual ADJ crln-24008 171 54 cupa cupa NOUN crln-24008 171 55 administrative administrative PROPN crln-24008 171 56 compensation compensation PROPN crln-24008 171 57 survey survey NOUN crln-24008 171 58 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 171 59 when when SCONJ crln-24008 171 60 evaluating evaluate VERB crln-24008 171 61 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 171 62 vacancies vacancy NOUN crln-24008 171 63 . . PUNCT crln-24008 172 1 for for ADP crln-24008 172 2 more more ADJ crln-24008 172 3 information information NOUN crln-24008 172 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 172 5 contact contact VERB crln-24008 172 6 the the DET crln-24008 172 7 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 172 8 office office NOUN crln-24008 172 9 for for ADP crln-24008 172 10 library library NOUN crln-24008 172 11 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 172 12 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 172 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 173 1 c c PROPN crln-24008 173 2 o o PROPN crln-24008 173 3 n n PROPN crln-24008 173 4 n n X crln-24008 173 5 e e PROPN crln-24008 173 6 c c PROPN crln-24008 173 7 tic tic PROPN crln-24008 173 8 u u PROPN crln-24008 173 9 t t NOUN crln-24008 173 10 d d NOUN crln-24008 173 11 e e NOUN crln-24008 173 12 la la X crln-24008 173 13 w w X crln-24008 173 14 a a DET crln-24008 173 15 re re NOUN crln-24008 173 16 illin illin NOUN crln-24008 173 17 o o PROPN crln-24008 173 18 is be AUX crln-24008 173 19 in in ADP crln-24008 173 20 d d PROPN crln-24008 173 21 ia ia PROPN crln-24008 173 22 n n PROPN crln-24008 173 23 a a DET crln-24008 173 24 io io X crln-24008 173 25 w w ADP crln-24008 173 26 a a DET crln-24008 173 27 lo lo PROPN crln-24008 173 28 u u PROPN crln-24008 173 29 is be AUX crln-24008 173 30 ia ia PROPN crln-24008 173 31 n n PROPN crln-24008 173 32 a a DET crln-24008 173 33 m m NOUN crln-24008 173 34 a a PRON crln-24008 173 35 in in ADP crln-24008 173 36 e e NOUN crln-24008 173 37 m m PROPN crln-24008 173 38 a a DET crln-24008 173 39 s s NOUN crln-24008 173 40 s s NOUN crln-24008 174 1 a a DET crln-24008 174 2 c c NOUN crln-24008 174 3 h h NOUN crln-24008 174 4 u u PROPN crln-24008 174 5 s s NOUN crln-24008 174 6 e e NOUN crln-24008 174 7 tts tts X crln-24008 174 8 new new ADJ crln-24008 174 9 jerse jerse NOUN crln-24008 175 1 y y PROPN crln-24008 175 2 new new PROPN crln-24008 175 3 york york PROPN crln-24008 175 4 north north PROPN crln-24008 175 5 c c PROPN crln-24008 175 6 arolina arolina PROPN crln-24008 175 7 ohio ohio PROPN crln-24008 175 8 p p PROPN crln-24008 175 9 e e PROPN crln-24008 175 10 n n PROPN crln-24008 175 11 n n PROPN crln-24008 175 12 s s NOUN crln-24008 175 13 y y PROPN crln-24008 175 14 lv lv PROPN crln-24008 176 1 a a PROPN crln-24008 176 2 n n PROPN crln-24008 176 3 ia ia PROPN crln-24008 176 4 rhode rhode PROPN crln-24008 176 5 islan islan PROPN crln-24008 176 6 d d PROPN crln-24008 176 7 south south PROPN crln-24008 176 8 c c PROPN crln-24008 176 9 arolina arolina PROPN crln-24008 176 10 s s PART crln-24008 176 11 ou ou ADP crln-24008 176 12 th th X crln-24008 176 13 d d NOUN crln-24008 176 14 akota akota PROPN crln-24008 176 15 t t PROPN crln-24008 176 16 e e PROPN crln-24008 176 17 x x PUNCT crln-24008 176 18 a a DET crln-24008 176 19 s s NOUN crln-24008 176 20 v v NOUN crln-24008 176 21 e e NOUN crln-24008 176 22 r r NOUN crln-24008 176 23 m m NOUN crln-24008 176 24 o o NOUN crln-24008 176 25 n n ADP crln-24008 176 26 t t X crln-24008 176 27 w w X crln-24008 176 28 est est X crln-24008 176 29 v v NOUN crln-24008 176 30 irg irg NOUN crln-24008 176 31 in in ADP crln-24008 176 32 ia ia PROPN crln-24008 176 33 w w PROPN crln-24008 176 34 is be AUX crln-24008 176 35 c c NOUN crln-24008 176 36 o o NOUN crln-24008 177 1 n n ADV crln-24008 177 2 s s X crln-24008 177 3 in in ADP crln-24008 177 4 $ $ SYM crln-24008 177 5 31,273 31,273 NUM crln-24008 177 6 $ $ SYM crln-24008 177 7 22,500 22,500 NUM crln-24008 177 8 + + NUM crln-24008 177 9 $ $ SYM crln-24008 177 10 27,400 27,400 NUM crln-24008 177 11 # # NOUN crln-24008 177 12 varies varie NOUN crln-24008 177 13 * * VERB crln-24008 177 14 $ $ SYM crln-24008 177 15 24,533 24,533 NUM crln-24008 177 16 $ $ SYM crln-24008 177 17 22,000 22,000 NUM crln-24008 177 18 varies varie NOUN crln-24008 177 19 * * PRON crln-24008 177 20 $ $ SYM crln-24008 177 21 27,554 27,554 NUM crln-24008 177 22 * * NUM crln-24008 177 23 $ $ SYM crln-24008 177 24 33,188 33,188 NUM crln-24008 177 25 varies varie NOUN crln-24008 177 26 * * PRON crln-24008 177 27 $ $ SYM crln-24008 177 28 24,367 24,367 NUM crln-24008 177 29 + + NUM crln-24008 177 30 $ $ SYM crln-24008 177 31 25,198 25,198 NUM crln-24008 177 32 + + NUM crln-24008 177 33 $ $ SYM crln-24008 177 34 26,400 26,400 NUM crln-24008 177 35 $ $ SYM crln-24008 177 36 29,800 29,800 NUM crln-24008 177 37 varies varie NOUN crln-24008 177 38 * * PRON crln-24008 177 39 $ $ SYM crln-24008 177 40 22,000 22,000 NUM crln-24008 177 41 $ $ SYM crln-24008 177 42 28,000 28,000 NUM crln-24008 177 43 $ $ SYM crln-24008 177 44 26,464 26,464 NUM crln-24008 177 45 $ $ SYM crln-24008 177 46 22,000 22,000 NUM crln-24008 177 47 $ $ SYM crln-24008 177 48 25,830 25,830 NUM crln-24008 177 49 •rather •rather PRON crln-24008 177 50 than than SCONJ crln-24008 177 51 establish establish VERB crln-24008 177 52 one one NUM crln-24008 177 53 statewide statewide ADJ crln-24008 177 54 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 177 55 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 177 56 , , PUNCT crln-24008 177 57 some some DET crln-24008 177 58 state state NOUN crln-24008 177 59 associations association NOUN crln-24008 177 60 have have AUX crln-24008 177 61 adopted adopt VERB crln-24008 177 62 a a DET crln-24008 177 63 formula formula NOUN crln-24008 177 64 based base VERB crln-24008 177 65 on on ADP crln-24008 177 66 such such ADJ crln-24008 177 67 variables variable NOUN crln-24008 177 68 as as ADP crln-24008 177 69 com com NOUN crln-24008 177 70 parable parable ADJ crln-24008 177 71 salaries salary NOUN crln-24008 177 72 for for ADP crln-24008 177 73 public public ADJ crln-24008 177 74 school school NOUN crln-24008 177 75 teachers teacher NOUN crln-24008 177 76 in in ADP crln-24008 177 77 each each DET crln-24008 177 78 community community NOUN crln-24008 177 79 or or CCONJ crln-24008 177 80 the the DET crln-24008 177 81 grade grade NOUN crln-24008 177 82 level level NOUN crln-24008 177 83 of of ADP crln-24008 177 84 a a DET crln-24008 177 85 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 177 86 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 177 87 post post NOUN crln-24008 177 88 . . PUNCT crln-24008 178 1 in in ADP crln-24008 178 2 these these DET crln-24008 178 3 cases case NOUN crln-24008 178 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 178 5 you you PRON crln-24008 178 6 may may AUX crln-24008 178 7 wish wish VERB crln-24008 178 8 to to PART crln-24008 178 9 contact contact VERB crln-24008 178 10 the the DET crln-24008 178 11 state state NOUN crln-24008 178 12 association association NOUN crln-24008 178 13 for for ADP crln-24008 178 14 minimum minimum ADJ crln-24008 178 15 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 178 16 information information NOUN crln-24008 178 17 . . PUNCT crln-24008 179 1 + + ADJ crln-24008 179 2 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 179 3 minimums minimum NOUN crln-24008 179 4 for for ADP crln-24008 179 5 public public ADJ crln-24008 179 6 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 179 7 only only ADV crln-24008 179 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 180 1 # # SYM crln-24008 180 2 option option NOUN crln-24008 180 3 for for ADP crln-24008 180 4 local local ADJ crln-24008 180 5 formula formula NOUN crln-24008 180 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 181 1 PROPN crln-24008 181 2 PROPN crln-24008 182 1 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 182 2 news news PROPN crln-24008 182 3 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 182 4 january january PROPN crln-24008 182 5 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 182 6 / / SYM crln-24008 182 7 47 47 NUM crln-24008 182 8 director director NOUN crln-24008 182 9 of of ADP crln-24008 182 10 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 182 11 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 182 12 # # SYM crln-24008 182 13 p30 p30 NOUN crln-24008 182 14 - - PUNCT crln-24008 182 15 015 015 NUM crln-24008 182 16 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 182 17 . . PUNCT crln-24008 183 1 the the DET crln-24008 183 2 desert desert NOUN crln-24008 183 3 research research NOUN crln-24008 183 4 insti­ insti­ VERB crln-24008 183 5 tu tu PROPN crln-24008 183 6 te te PROPN crln-24008 183 7 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 183 8 dri dri PROPN crln-24008 183 9 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 183 10 is be AUX crln-24008 183 11 seeking seek VERB crln-24008 183 12 a a DET crln-24008 183 13 qualified qualified ADJ crln-24008 183 14 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 183 15 for for ADP crln-24008 183 16 the the DET crln-24008 183 17 position position NOUN crln-24008 183 18 of of ADP crln-24008 183 19 director director NOUN crln-24008 183 20 of of ADP crln-24008 183 21 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 183 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 184 1 dri dri PROPN crln-24008 184 2 focuses focus VERB crln-24008 184 3 on on ADP crln-24008 184 4 environmental environmental ADJ crln-24008 184 5 research research NOUN crln-24008 184 6 within within ADP crln-24008 184 7 five five NUM crln-24008 184 8 science science NOUN crln-24008 184 9 centers center NOUN crln-24008 184 10 located locate VERB crln-24008 184 11 in in ADP crln-24008 184 12 reno reno NOUN crln-24008 184 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 184 14 las las PROPN crln-24008 184 15 vegas vegas PROPN crln-24008 184 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 184 17 nv nv PROPN crln-24008 184 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 185 1 our our PRON crln-24008 185 2 director director NOUN crln-24008 185 3 of of ADP crln-24008 185 4 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 185 5 provides provide VERB crln-24008 185 6 services service NOUN crln-24008 185 7 to to ADP crln-24008 185 8 dri dri PROPN crln-24008 185 9 research research NOUN crln-24008 185 10 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 185 11 in in ADP crln-24008 185 12 both both DET crln-24008 185 13 locations location NOUN crln-24008 185 14 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 185 15 manages manage VERB crln-24008 185 16 dri dri PROPN crln-24008 185 17 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 185 18 ’ ' PUNCT crln-24008 185 19 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 185 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 185 21 budget budget NOUN crln-24008 185 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 185 23 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 185 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 185 25 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 185 26 needs need NOUN crln-24008 185 27 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 185 28 and and CCONJ crln-24008 185 29 makes make VERB crln-24008 185 30 decisions decision NOUN crln-24008 185 31 about about ADP crln-24008 185 32 information information NOUN crln-24008 185 33 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 185 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 185 35 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 185 36 , , PUNCT crln-24008 185 37 storage storage NOUN crln-24008 185 38 , , PUNCT crln-24008 185 39 and and CCONJ crln-24008 185 40 deaccession deaccession NOUN crln-24008 185 41 . . PUNCT crln-24008 186 1 because because SCONJ crln-24008 186 2 dri dri PROPN crln-24008 186 3 is be AUX crln-24008 186 4 part part NOUN crln-24008 186 5 of of ADP crln-24008 186 6 the the DET crln-24008 186 7 university university NOUN crln-24008 186 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 186 9 community community NOUN crln-24008 186 10 college college NOUN crln-24008 186 11 system system NOUN crln-24008 186 12 of of ADP crln-24008 186 13 nevada nevada PROPN crln-24008 186 14 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 186 15 uccsn uccsn PROPN crln-24008 186 16 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 186 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 186 18 our our PRON crln-24008 186 19 director director NOUN crln-24008 186 20 will will AUX crln-24008 186 21 share share VERB crln-24008 186 22 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 186 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 186 24 work work NOUN crln-24008 186 25 closely closely ADV crln-24008 186 26 with with ADP crln-24008 186 27 other other ADJ crln-24008 186 28 uccsn uccsn PROPN crln-24008 186 29 library library NOUN crln-24008 186 30 deans deans PROPN crln-24008 186 31 and and CCONJ crln-24008 186 32 will will AUX crln-24008 186 33 participate participate VERB crln-24008 186 34 in in ADP crln-24008 186 35 the the DET crln-24008 186 36 formation formation NOUN crln-24008 186 37 of of ADP crln-24008 186 38 a a DET crln-24008 186 39 uccsn uccsn PROPN crln-24008 186 40 library library PROPN crln-24008 186 41 consortium consortium PROPN crln-24008 186 42 . . PUNCT crln-24008 187 1 requirements requirement NOUN crln-24008 187 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 187 3 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 187 4 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 187 5 mls mls PROPN crln-24008 187 6 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 187 7 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 187 8 or or CCONJ crln-24008 187 9 international international ADJ crln-24008 187 10 equivalent equivalent NOUN crln-24008 187 11 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 187 12 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 187 13 b.s b.s PROPN crln-24008 187 14 . . PROPN crln-24008 187 15 in in ADP crln-24008 187 16 a a DET crln-24008 187 17 physical physical ADJ crln-24008 187 18 science science NOUN crln-24008 187 19 or or CCONJ crln-24008 187 20 three three NUM crln-24008 187 21 years year NOUN crln-24008 187 22 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 187 23 as as ADP crln-24008 187 24 a a DET crln-24008 187 25 science science NOUN crln-24008 187 26 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 187 27 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 187 28 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 187 29 willingness willingness NOUN crln-24008 187 30 to to PART crln-24008 187 31 travel travel VERB crln-24008 187 32 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 187 33 overnight overnight ADV crln-24008 187 34 stays stay VERB crln-24008 187 35 seldom seldom ADV crln-24008 187 36 required require VERB crln-24008 187 37 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 187 38 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 187 39 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 187 40 to to PART crln-24008 187 41 work work VERB crln-24008 187 42 independently independently ADV crln-24008 187 43 and and CCONJ crln-24008 187 44 as as ADP crln-24008 187 45 a a DET crln-24008 187 46 team team NOUN crln-24008 187 47 member member NOUN crln-24008 187 48 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 187 49 proven prove VERB crln-24008 187 50 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 187 51 to to PART crln-24008 187 52 work work VERB crln-24008 187 53 with with ADP crln-24008 187 54 research research NOUN crln-24008 187 55 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 187 56 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 187 57 and and CCONJ crln-24008 187 58 familiarity familiarity NOUN crln-24008 187 59 with with ADP crln-24008 187 60 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 187 61 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 187 62 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 187 63 . . PUNCT crln-24008 188 1 salary/ salary/ NUM crln-24008 188 2 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 188 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 188 4 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 188 5 is be AUX crln-24008 188 6 competitive competitive ADJ crln-24008 188 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 188 8 commensurate commensurate ADJ crln-24008 188 9 with with ADP crln-24008 188 10 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 188 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 188 12 we we PRON crln-24008 188 13 provide provide VERB crln-24008 188 14 exceptional exceptional ADJ crln-24008 188 15 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 188 16 . . PUNCT crln-24008 189 1 for for ADP crln-24008 189 2 details detail NOUN crln-24008 189 3 about about ADP crln-24008 189 4 dri dri PROPN crln-24008 189 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 189 6 this this DET crln-24008 189 7 position position NOUN crln-24008 189 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 189 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 189 10 application application NOUN crln-24008 189 11 procedures procedure NOUN crln-24008 189 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 189 13 please please INTJ crln-24008 189 14 visit visit VERB crln-24008 189 15 us we PRON crln-24008 189 16 at at ADP crln-24008 189 17 : : PUNCT crln-24008 189 18 PUNCT crln-24008 189 19 review review NOUN crln-24008 189 20 begins begin VERB crln-24008 189 21 february february PROPN crln-24008 189 22 2 2 NUM crln-24008 189 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 189 24 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 189 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 189 26 will will AUX crln-24008 189 27 continue continue VERB crln-24008 189 28 until until SCONJ crln-24008 189 29 the the DET crln-24008 189 30 position position NOUN crln-24008 189 31 is be AUX crln-24008 189 32 filled fill VERB crln-24008 189 33 . . PUNCT crln-24008 190 1 dri dri PROPN crln-24008 190 2 is be AUX crln-24008 190 3 an an DET crln-24008 190 4 aa aa NOUN crln-24008 190 5 / / SYM crln-24008 190 6 eeo eeo NOUN crln-24008 190 7 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 190 8 who who PRON crln-24008 190 9 employs employ VERB crln-24008 190 10 only only ADV crln-24008 190 11 u.s u.s PROPN crln-24008 190 12 . . PROPN crln-24008 190 13 citizens citizen NOUN crln-24008 190 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 190 15 those those PRON crln-24008 190 16 authorized authorize VERB crln-24008 190 17 to to PART crln-24008 190 18 work work VERB crln-24008 190 19 in in ADP crln-24008 190 20 the the DET crln-24008 190 21 u.s u.s PROPN crln-24008 190 22 . . PROPN crln-24008 190 23 education education PROPN crln-24008 190 24 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 190 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 191 1 assistant assistant NOUN crln-24008 191 2 or or CCONJ crln-24008 191 3 associate associate ADJ crln-24008 191 4 professor professor NOUN crln-24008 191 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 192 1 southern southern ADJ crln-24008 192 2 illin illin PROPN crln-24008 192 3 o o PROPN crln-24008 192 4 is be AUX crln-24008 192 5 u u PROPN crln-24008 192 6 n n NOUN crln-24008 192 7 iversity iversity NOUN crln-24008 192 8 at at ADP crln-24008 192 9 edwardsville edwardsville PROPN crln-24008 192 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 192 11 library library NOUN crln-24008 192 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 192 13 information information NOUN crln-24008 192 14 services service NOUN crln-24008 192 15 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 192 16 lis lis PROPN crln-24008 192 17 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 192 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 193 1 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 193 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 193 3 the the DET crln-24008 193 4 person person NOUN crln-24008 193 5 in in ADP crln-24008 193 6 this this DET crln-24008 193 7 position position NOUN crln-24008 193 8 organizes organize VERB crln-24008 193 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 193 10 coordi­ coordi­ PROPN crln-24008 193 11 nates nate VERB crln-24008 193 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 193 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 193 14 directs direct VERB crln-24008 193 15 the the DET crln-24008 193 16 activities activity NOUN crln-24008 193 17 of of ADP crln-24008 193 18 the the DET crln-24008 193 19 education education NOUN crln-24008 193 20 area area NOUN crln-24008 193 21 of of ADP crln-24008 193 22 love love NOUN crln-24008 193 23 joy joy PROPN crln-24008 193 24 library library PROPN crln-24008 193 25 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 193 26 user user NOUN crln-24008 193 27 services services PROPN crln-24008 193 28 department department PROPN crln-24008 193 29 . . PUNCT crln-24008 194 1 the the DET crln-24008 194 2 person person NOUN crln-24008 194 3 facilitates facilitate VERB crln-24008 194 4 the the DET crln-24008 194 5 best good ADJ crln-24008 194 6 use use NOUN crln-24008 194 7 of of ADP crln-24008 194 8 library library NOUN crln-24008 194 9 materials material NOUN crln-24008 194 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 194 11 services service NOUN crln-24008 194 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 194 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 194 14 facilities facility NOUN crln-24008 194 15 through through ADP crln-24008 194 16 direct direct ADJ crln-24008 194 17 contact contact NOUN crln-24008 194 18 with with ADP crln-24008 194 19 users user NOUN crln-24008 194 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 194 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 194 22 through through ADP crln-24008 194 23 the the DET crln-24008 194 24 overall overall ADJ crln-24008 194 25 direction direction NOUN crln-24008 194 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 194 27 coordination coordination NOUN crln-24008 194 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 194 29 and and CCONJ crln-24008 194 30 supervision supervision NOUN crln-24008 194 31 of of ADP crln-24008 194 32 the the DET crln-24008 194 33 following follow VERB crln-24008 194 34 education education NOUN crln-24008 194 35 areas area NOUN crln-24008 194 36 : : PUNCT crln-24008 194 37 curriculum curriculum NOUN crln-24008 194 38 and and CCONJ crln-24008 194 39 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 194 40 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 194 41 educational educational ADJ crln-24008 194 42 leadership leadership NOUN crln-24008 194 43 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 194 44 spe­ spe­ ADJ crln-24008 194 45 cial cial NOUN crln-24008 194 46 education education NOUN crln-24008 194 47 and and CCONJ crln-24008 194 48 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 194 49 disorders disorder NOUN crln-24008 194 50 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 194 51 psychology psychology NOUN crln-24008 194 52 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 194 53 and and CCONJ crln-24008 194 54 health health NOUN crln-24008 194 55 , , PUNCT crln-24008 194 56 recreation recreation NOUN crln-24008 194 57 , , PUNCT crln-24008 194 58 and and CCONJ crln-24008 194 59 physical physical ADJ crln-24008 194 60 education education NOUN crln-24008 194 61 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 194 62 and and CCONJ crln-24008 194 63 participates participate VERB crln-24008 194 64 in in ADP crln-24008 194 65 the the DET crln-24008 194 66 general general ADJ crln-24008 194 67 refer­ refer­ PROPN crln-24008 194 68 ence ence NOUN crln-24008 194 69 , , PUNCT crln-24008 194 70 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 194 71 , , PUNCT crln-24008 194 72 and and CCONJ crln-24008 194 73 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 194 74 development development NOUN crln-24008 194 75 program program NOUN crln-24008 194 76 . . PUNCT crln-24008 195 1 term term NOUN crln-24008 195 2 of of ADP crln-24008 195 3 contract contract NOUN crln-24008 195 4 : : PUNCT crln-24008 195 5 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 195 6 - - PUNCT crln-24008 195 7 track track NOUN crln-24008 195 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 195 9 twelve twelve NUM crln-24008 195 10 - - PUNCT crln-24008 195 11 month month NOUN crln-24008 195 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 195 13 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 195 14 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 195 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 196 1 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 196 2 rank rank NOUN crln-24008 196 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 196 4 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 196 5 dependent dependent ADJ crln-24008 196 6 upon upon SCONJ crln-24008 196 7 credentials credential NOUN crln-24008 196 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 196 9 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 196 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 196 11 with with ADP crln-24008 196 12 a a DET crln-24008 196 13 minimum minimum ADJ crln-24008 196 14 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 196 15 of of ADP crln-24008 196 16 $ $ SYM crln-24008 196 17 32,400 32,400 NUM crln-24008 196 18 for for ADP crln-24008 196 19 assistant assistant NOUN crln-24008 196 20 professor professor NOUN crln-24008 196 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 196 22 $ $ SYM crln-24008 196 23 37,800 37,800 NUM crln-24008 196 24 for for ADP crln-24008 196 25 associate associate ADJ crln-24008 196 26 professor professor NOUN crln-24008 196 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 197 1 excellent excellent ADJ crln-24008 197 2 fringe fringe NOUN crln-24008 197 3 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 197 4 program program NOUN crln-24008 197 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 198 1 more more ADJ crln-24008 198 2 information information NOUN crln-24008 198 3 is be AUX crln-24008 198 4 available available ADJ crln-24008 198 5 at at ADP crln-24008 198 6 http:// http:// PROPN crln-24008 198 7 NOUN crln-24008 198 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 199 1 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 199 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 199 3 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 199 4 - - PUNCT crln-24008 199 5 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 199 6 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 199 7 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 199 8 with with ADP crln-24008 199 9 a a DET crln-24008 199 10 special­ special­ NOUN crln-24008 199 11 ized ized ADJ crln-24008 199 12 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 199 13 or or CCONJ crln-24008 199 14 coursework coursework NOUN crln-24008 199 15 in in ADP crln-24008 199 16 an an DET crln-24008 199 17 education education NOUN crln-24008 199 18 - - PUNCT crln-24008 199 19 related relate VERB crln-24008 199 20 discipline discipline NOUN crln-24008 199 21 desirable desirable ADJ crln-24008 199 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 200 1 PROPN crln-24008 200 2 PUNCT crln-24008 200 3 48 48 NUM crln-24008 200 4 / / SYM crln-24008 200 5 c8 c8 PROPN crln-24008 200 6 / / SYM crln-24008 200 7 rl rl PROPN crln-24008 200 8 news news NOUN crln-24008 200 9 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 200 10 january january PROPN crln-24008 200 11 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 200 12 harvard harvard PROPN crln-24008 200 13 law law PROPN crln-24008 200 14 school school NOUN crln-24008 200 15 library library NOUN crln-24008 200 16 the the DET crln-24008 200 17 harvard harvard PROPN crln-24008 200 18 law law PROPN crln-24008 200 19 school school NOUN crln-24008 200 20 library library NOUN crln-24008 200 21 has have VERB crln-24008 200 22 a a DET crln-24008 200 23 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 201 1 o o NOUN crln-24008 201 2 f f ADV crln-24008 201 3 more more ADJ crln-24008 201 4 than than ADP crln-24008 201 5 1.5 1.5 NUM crln-24008 201 6 m m NOUN crln-24008 201 7 illion illion NOUN crln-24008 201 8 volumes volume NOUN crln-24008 201 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 201 10 more more ADJ crln-24008 201 11 than than ADP crln-24008 201 12 14,000 14,000 NUM crln-24008 201 13 active active ADJ crln-24008 201 14 serial serial ADJ crln-24008 201 15 subscriptions subscription NOUN crln-24008 201 16 . . PUNCT crln-24008 202 1 materials material NOUN crln-24008 202 2 are be AUX crln-24008 202 3 in in ADP crln-24008 202 4 all all DET crln-24008 202 5 languages language NOUN crln-24008 202 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 202 7 formats format NOUN crln-24008 202 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 203 1 the the DET crln-24008 203 2 100 100 NUM crln-24008 203 3 - - PUNCT crln-24008 203 4 member member NOUN crln-24008 203 5 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 203 6 includes include VERB crln-24008 203 7 45 45 NUM crln-24008 203 8 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 203 9 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 203 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 204 1 the the DET crln-24008 204 2 library library NOUN crln-24008 204 3 is be AUX crln-24008 204 4 a a DET crln-24008 204 5 member member NOUN crln-24008 204 6 o o NOUN crln-24008 204 7 f f X crln-24008 205 1 the the DET crln-24008 205 2 research research NOUN crln-24008 205 3 libraries librarie VERB crln-24008 205 4 group group NOUN crln-24008 205 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 205 6 the the DET crln-24008 205 7 new new PROPN crln-24008 205 8 england england PROPN crln-24008 205 9 law law PROPN crln-24008 205 10 library library PROPN crln-24008 205 11 consortium consortium PROPN crln-24008 205 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 205 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 205 14 is be AUX crln-24008 205 15 a a DET crln-24008 205 16 tape tape NOUN crln-24008 205 17 - - PUNCT crln-24008 205 18 loading loading NOUN crln-24008 205 19 member member NOUN crln-24008 205 20 o o NOUN crln-24008 205 21 f f PROPN crln-24008 205 22 oclc oclc PROPN crln-24008 205 23 bibliographer bibliographer NOUN crln-24008 205 24 for for ADP crln-24008 205 25 japanese japanese ADJ crln-24008 205 26 law law NOUN crln-24008 205 27 under under ADP crln-24008 205 28 the the DET crln-24008 205 29 general general ADJ crln-24008 205 30 direction direction NOUN crln-24008 206 1 o o X crln-24008 206 2 f f X crln-24008 206 3 the the DET crln-24008 206 4 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 206 5 services service NOUN crln-24008 206 6 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 206 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 206 8 the the DET crln-24008 206 9 bibliographer bibliographer NOUN crln-24008 206 10 fo fo ADP crln-24008 206 11 r r PROPN crln-24008 206 12 japanese japanese ADJ crln-24008 206 13 law law NOUN crln-24008 206 14 bears bear VERB crln-24008 206 15 primary primary ADJ crln-24008 206 16 responsibility responsibility NOUN crln-24008 206 17 fo fo ADP crln-24008 206 18 r r NOUN crln-24008 206 19 building building NOUN crln-24008 206 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 206 21 organizing organize VERB crln-24008 206 22 the the DET crln-24008 206 23 library library NOUN crln-24008 206 24 's 's PART crln-24008 206 25 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 206 26 o o NOUN crln-24008 206 27 f f X crln-24008 206 28 japanese japanese ADJ crln-24008 206 29 legal legal ADJ crln-24008 206 30 materials material NOUN crln-24008 206 31 . . PUNCT crln-24008 207 1 selection selection NOUN crln-24008 207 2 o o PROPN crln-24008 207 3 f f PROPN crln-24008 207 4 materials material NOUN crln-24008 207 5 takes take VERB crln-24008 207 6 place place NOUN crln-24008 207 7 under under ADP crln-24008 207 8 the the DET crln-24008 207 9 supervision supervision NOUN crln-24008 208 1 o o NOUN crln-24008 208 2 f f X crln-24008 209 1 the the DET crln-24008 209 2 associate associate ADJ crln-24008 209 3 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 209 4 fo fo ADP crln-24008 209 5 r r NOUN crln-24008 209 6 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 209 7 services service NOUN crln-24008 209 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 210 1 this this DET crln-24008 210 2 position position NOUN crln-24008 210 3 analyzes analyze VERB crln-24008 210 4 current current ADJ crln-24008 210 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 210 6 retrospective retrospective ADJ crln-24008 210 7 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 210 8 strengths strength NOUN crln-24008 210 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 210 10 makes make VERB crln-24008 210 11 recommendations recommendation NOUN crln-24008 210 12 fo fo ADP crln-24008 210 13 r r NOUN crln-24008 210 14 programmatic programmatic ADJ crln-24008 210 15 change change NOUN crln-24008 210 16 in in ADP crln-24008 210 17 the the DET crln-24008 210 18 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 210 19 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 210 20 catalogs catalog VERB crln-24008 210 21 monographs monograph NOUN crln-24008 210 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 210 23 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 210 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 210 25 using use VERB crln-24008 210 26 aacr aacr ADV crln-24008 210 27 - - PUNCT crln-24008 210 28 ii ii NOUN crln-24008 210 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 210 30 library library PROPN crln-24008 210 31 o o PROPN crln-24008 210 32 f f PROPN crln-24008 210 33 congress congress PROPN crln-24008 210 34 subject subject PROPN crln-24008 210 35 headings heading NOUN crln-24008 210 36 , , PUNCT crln-24008 210 37 the the DET crln-24008 210 38 lc lc NOUN crln-24008 210 39 classification classification NOUN crln-24008 210 40 system system NOUN crln-24008 210 41 and and CCONJ crln-24008 210 42 local local ADJ crln-24008 210 43 classification classification NOUN crln-24008 210 44 systems system NOUN crln-24008 210 45 , , PUNCT crln-24008 210 46 and and CCONJ crln-24008 210 47 the the DET crln-24008 210 48 rlin rlin ADJ crln-24008 210 49 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 210 50 unit unit NOUN crln-24008 210 51 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 210 52 works work VERB crln-24008 210 53 w w ADP crln-24008 210 54 ith ith ADP crln-24008 210 55 the the DET crln-24008 210 56 acquisitions acquisition NOUN crln-24008 210 57 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 210 58 and and CCONJ crln-24008 210 59 the the DET crln-24008 210 60 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 210 61 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 210 62 on on ADP crln-24008 210 63 matters matter NOUN crln-24008 210 64 relating relate VERB crln-24008 210 65 to to ADP crln-24008 210 66 the the DET crln-24008 210 67 processing processing NOUN crln-24008 210 68 o o NOUN crln-24008 210 69 f f PROPN crln-24008 210 70 japanese japanese ADJ crln-24008 210 71 materials material NOUN crln-24008 210 72 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 210 73 serves serve VERB crln-24008 210 74 on on ADP crln-24008 210 75 committees committee NOUN crln-24008 210 76 in in ADP crln-24008 210 77 the the DET crln-24008 210 78 library library NOUN crln-24008 210 79 , , PUNCT crln-24008 210 80 th th X crln-24008 210 81 e e NOUN crln-24008 210 82 law law NOUN crln-24008 210 83 school school NOUN crln-24008 210 84 , , PUNCT crln-24008 210 85 and and CCONJ crln-24008 210 86 th th DET crln-24008 210 87 e e PROPN crln-24008 210 88 harvard harvard PROPN crln-24008 210 89 university university PROPN crln-24008 210 90 library library NOUN crln-24008 210 91 system system NOUN crln-24008 210 92 , , PUNCT crln-24008 210 93 as as ADP crln-24008 210 94 appropriate appropriate ADJ crln-24008 210 95 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 210 96 and and CCONJ crln-24008 210 97 serves serve VERB crln-24008 210 98 as as ADP crln-24008 210 99 a a DET crln-24008 210 100 liaison liaison NOUN crln-24008 210 101 fo fo ADP crln-24008 210 102 r r NOUN crln-24008 210 103 the the DET crln-24008 210 104 japanese japanese ADJ crln-24008 210 105 collection collection PROPN crln-24008 210 106 w w PROPN crln-24008 210 107 ith ith X crln-24008 210 108 th th X crln-24008 210 109 e e PROPN crln-24008 210 110 east east X crln-24008 210 111 asian asian ADJ crln-24008 210 112 legal legal ADJ crln-24008 210 113 studies study NOUN crln-24008 210 114 program program NOUN crln-24008 210 115 , , PUNCT crln-24008 210 116 th th X crln-24008 210 117 e e PROPN crln-24008 210 118 harvard harvard NOUN crln-24008 210 119 - - PUNCT crln-24008 210 120 yenching yenche VERB crln-24008 210 121 library library NOUN crln-24008 210 122 , , PUNCT crln-24008 210 123 and and CCONJ crln-24008 210 124 oth oth PROPN crln-24008 210 125 er er INTJ crln-24008 210 126 organizations organization NOUN crln-24008 210 127 and and CCONJ crln-24008 210 128 institutions institution NOUN crln-24008 210 129 w w ADP crln-24008 210 130 ith ith X crln-24008 210 131 japanese japanese ADJ crln-24008 210 132 interests interest NOUN crln-24008 210 133 . . PUNCT crln-24008 211 1 position position NOUN crln-24008 211 2 requires require VERB crln-24008 211 3 an an DET crln-24008 211 4 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 211 5 from from ADP crln-24008 211 6 an an DET crln-24008 211 7 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 211 8 library library NOUN crln-24008 211 9 school school NOUN crln-24008 211 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 211 11 or or CCONJ crln-24008 211 12 equivalent equivalent ADJ crln-24008 211 13 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 211 14 fluent fluent ADJ crln-24008 211 15 reading reading NOUN crln-24008 211 16 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 211 17 o o PROPN crln-24008 211 18 f f PROPN crln-24008 211 19 japanese japanese PROPN crln-24008 211 20 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 211 21 3 3 NUM crln-24008 211 22 years year NOUN crln-24008 211 23 ' ' PART crln-24008 211 24 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 211 25 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 211 26 in in ADP crln-24008 211 27 an an DET crln-24008 211 28 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 211 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 211 30 research research NOUN crln-24008 211 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 211 32 o o NOUN crln-24008 211 33 r r NOUN crln-24008 211 34 law law NOUN crln-24008 211 35 library library NOUN crln-24008 211 36 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 211 37 fam fam PROPN crln-24008 211 38 iliarity iliarity PROPN crln-24008 211 39 w w PROPN crln-24008 211 40 ith ith PROPN crln-24008 211 41 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 211 42 development development NOUN crln-24008 211 43 procedures procedure NOUN crln-24008 211 44 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 211 45 excellent excellent ADJ crln-24008 211 46 w w X crln-24008 211 47 ritten ritten NOUN crln-24008 211 48 and and CCONJ crln-24008 211 49 oral oral ADJ crln-24008 211 50 english english ADJ crln-24008 211 51 - - PUNCT crln-24008 211 52 language language NOUN crln-24008 211 53 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 211 54 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 211 55 and and CCONJ crln-24008 211 56 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 211 57 to to PART crln-24008 211 58 work work VERB crln-24008 211 59 effectively effectively ADV crln-24008 211 60 in in ADP crln-24008 211 61 a a DET crln-24008 211 62 complex complex ADJ crln-24008 211 63 administrative administrative ADJ crln-24008 211 64 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 211 65 w w AUX crln-24008 211 66 ith ith PROPN crln-24008 211 67 frequently frequently ADV crln-24008 211 68 changing change VERB crln-24008 211 69 priorities priority NOUN crln-24008 211 70 . . PUNCT crln-24008 212 1 knowledge knowledge PROPN crln-24008 212 2 o o PROPN crln-24008 212 3 f f PROPN crln-24008 212 4 japanese japanese ADJ crln-24008 212 5 law law NOUN crln-24008 212 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 212 7 legal legal ADJ crln-24008 212 8 bibliography bibliography NOUN crln-24008 212 9 preferred prefer VERB crln-24008 212 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 213 1 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 213 2 cataloger cataloger NOUN crln-24008 213 3 under under ADP crln-24008 213 4 th th DET crln-24008 213 5 e e NOUN crln-24008 213 6 general general ADJ crln-24008 213 7 direction direction NOUN crln-24008 214 1 o o X crln-24008 214 2 f f X crln-24008 214 3 the the DET crln-24008 214 4 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 214 5 services service NOUN crln-24008 214 6 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 214 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 214 8 this this DET crln-24008 214 9 position position NOUN crln-24008 214 10 catalogs catalog VERB crln-24008 214 11 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 214 12 in in ADP crln-24008 214 13 english english PROPN crln-24008 214 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 214 15 other other ADJ crln-24008 214 16 european european ADJ crln-24008 214 17 languages language NOUN crln-24008 214 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 214 19 in in ADP crln-24008 214 20 various various ADJ crln-24008 214 21 formats format NOUN crln-24008 214 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 214 23 including include VERB crln-24008 214 24 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 214 25 publications publication NOUN crln-24008 214 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 214 27 microform microform NOUN crln-24008 214 28 and and CCONJ crln-24008 214 29 print print NOUN crln-24008 214 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 214 31 using use VERB crln-24008 214 32 aacr2 aacr2 NOUN crln-24008 214 33 , , PUNCT crln-24008 214 34 lc lc NOUN crln-24008 214 35 subject subject NOUN crln-24008 214 36 headings heading NOUN crln-24008 214 37 , , PUNCT crln-24008 214 38 the the DET crln-24008 214 39 lc lc PROPN crln-24008 214 40 and and CCONJ crln-24008 214 41 local local ADJ crln-24008 214 42 classification classification NOUN crln-24008 214 43 systems system NOUN crln-24008 214 44 , , PUNCT crln-24008 214 45 conser conser NOUN crln-24008 214 46 editing editing NOUN crln-24008 214 47 guidelines guideline NOUN crln-24008 214 48 and and CCONJ crln-24008 214 49 the the DET crln-24008 214 50 rlin rlin PROPN crln-24008 214 51 and and CCONJ crln-24008 214 52 oclc oclc PROPN crln-24008 214 53 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 214 54 utilities utility NOUN crln-24008 214 55 . . PUNCT crln-24008 215 1 the the DET crln-24008 215 2 position position NOUN crln-24008 215 3 also also ADV crln-24008 215 4 communicates communicate VERB crln-24008 215 5 w w PROPN crln-24008 215 6 ith ith PROPN crln-24008 215 7 the the DET crln-24008 215 8 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 215 9 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 215 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 215 11 other other ADJ crln-24008 215 12 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 215 13 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 215 14 in in ADP crln-24008 215 15 answering answer VERB crln-24008 215 16 inquiries inquiry NOUN crln-24008 215 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 215 18 resolving resolve VERB crln-24008 215 19 serial serial ADJ crln-24008 215 20 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 215 21 problems problem NOUN crln-24008 215 22 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 215 23 helps help VERB crln-24008 215 24 to to PART crln-24008 215 25 organize organize VERB crln-24008 215 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 215 27 maintain maintain VERB crln-24008 215 28 th th DET crln-24008 215 29 e e NOUN crln-24008 215 30 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 215 31 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 215 32 backlog backlog NOUN crln-24008 215 33 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 215 34 serves serve VERB crln-24008 215 35 on on ADP crln-24008 215 36 committees committee NOUN crln-24008 215 37 in in ADP crln-24008 215 38 th th DET crln-24008 215 39 e e NOUN crln-24008 215 40 law law NOUN crln-24008 215 41 library library NOUN crln-24008 215 42 and and CCONJ crln-24008 215 43 the the DET crln-24008 215 44 harvard harvard PROPN crln-24008 215 45 university university PROPN crln-24008 215 46 library library NOUN crln-24008 215 47 systems system NOUN crln-24008 215 48 as as ADP crln-24008 215 49 appropriate appropriate ADJ crln-24008 215 50 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 215 51 and and CCONJ crln-24008 215 52 compiles compile NOUN crln-24008 215 53 and and CCONJ crln-24008 215 54 encodes encode NOUN crln-24008 215 55 serials serial VERB crln-24008 215 56 holdings holding NOUN crln-24008 215 57 inform inform VERB crln-24008 215 58 ation ation NOUN crln-24008 215 59 in in ADP crln-24008 215 60 the the DET crln-24008 215 61 marc marc PROPN crln-24008 215 62 holdings holding NOUN crln-24008 215 63 form form VERB crln-24008 215 64 at at ADP crln-24008 215 65 fo fo ADP crln-24008 215 66 r r PROPN crln-24008 215 67 hollis hollis PROPN crln-24008 215 68 . . PUNCT crln-24008 216 1 position position NOUN crln-24008 216 2 requires require VERB crln-24008 216 3 an an DET crln-24008 216 4 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 216 5 from from ADP crln-24008 216 6 an an DET crln-24008 216 7 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 216 8 library library NOUN crln-24008 216 9 school school NOUN crln-24008 216 10 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 216 11 2 2 NUM crln-24008 216 12 years year NOUN crln-24008 216 13 ' ' PART crln-24008 216 14 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 216 15 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 216 16 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 216 17 in in ADP crln-24008 216 18 a a DET crln-24008 216 19 large large ADJ crln-24008 216 20 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 216 21 library library NOUN crln-24008 216 22 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 216 23 good good ADJ crln-24008 216 24 reading reading NOUN crln-24008 216 25 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 216 26 o o NOUN crln-24008 216 27 f f X crln-24008 216 28 at at ADV crln-24008 216 29 least least ADV crln-24008 216 30 one one NUM crln-24008 216 31 european european ADJ crln-24008 216 32 language language NOUN crln-24008 216 33 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 216 34 solid solid ADJ crln-24008 216 35 working working NOUN crln-24008 216 36 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 216 37 o o PROPN crln-24008 216 38 f f PROPN crln-24008 216 39 run run PROPN crln-24008 216 40 or or CCONJ crln-24008 216 41 oclc oclc NOUN crln-24008 216 42 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 216 43 and and CCONJ crln-24008 216 44 fam fam PROPN crln-24008 216 45 iliarity iliarity PROPN crln-24008 216 46 w w PROPN crln-24008 216 47 ith ith PROPN crln-24008 216 48 us us PROPN crln-24008 216 49 marc marc PROPN crln-24008 216 50 holdings holding NOUN crln-24008 216 51 form form VERB crln-24008 216 52 at at ADP crln-24008 216 53 and and CCONJ crln-24008 216 54 naco naco NOUN crln-24008 216 55 procedures procedure NOUN crln-24008 216 56 are be AUX crln-24008 216 57 required require VERB crln-24008 216 58 . . PUNCT crln-24008 217 1 please please INTJ crln-24008 217 2 send send VERB crln-24008 217 3 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 217 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 217 5 cover cover VERB crln-24008 217 6 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 217 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 217 8 names name NOUN crln-24008 218 1 o o PROPN crln-24008 218 2 f f PROPN crln-24008 218 3 three three NUM crln-24008 218 4 references reference NOUN crln-24008 218 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 218 6 indicating indicate VERB crln-24008 218 7 position position NOUN crln-24008 218 8 o o PROPN crln-24008 218 9 f f PROPN crln-24008 218 10 interest interest NOUN crln-24008 218 11 to to ADP crln-24008 218 12 : : PUNCT crln-24008 218 13 harry harry PROPN crln-24008 218 14 martin martin PROPN crln-24008 218 15 iii iii PROPN crln-24008 218 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 218 17 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 218 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 218 19 harvard harvard PROPN crln-24008 218 20 law law NOUN crln-24008 218 21 school school NOUN crln-24008 218 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 218 23 areeda areeda NOUN crln-24008 218 24 511 511 NUM crln-24008 218 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 218 26 1545 1545 NUM crln-24008 218 27 massachusetts massachusetts PROPN crln-24008 218 28 ave ave PROPN crln-24008 218 29 . . PROPN crln-24008 218 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 218 31 cambridge cambridge PROPN crln-24008 218 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 218 33 ma ma PROPN crln-24008 218 34 02138 02138 PROPN crln-24008 218 35 . . PUNCT crln-24008 219 1 PROPN crln-24008 219 2 eeo eeo PROPN crln-24008 219 3 / / SYM crln-24008 219 4 aa aa PROPN crln-24008 219 5 PROPN crln-24008 219 6 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 219 7 news news PROPN crln-24008 219 8 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 219 9 january january PROPN crln-24008 219 10 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 219 11 / / SYM crln-24008 219 12 49 49 NUM crln-24008 219 13 executive executive ADJ crln-24008 219 14 director director NOUN crln-24008 219 15 / / SYM crln-24008 219 16 president president NOUN crln-24008 219 17 historical historical ADJ crln-24008 219 18 society society NOUN crln-24008 219 19 of of ADP crln-24008 219 20 pennsylvania pennsylvania PROPN crln-24008 219 21 this this DET crln-24008 219 22 world world NOUN crln-24008 219 23 - - PUNCT crln-24008 219 24 class class NOUN crln-24008 219 25 research research NOUN crln-24008 219 26 facility facility NOUN crln-24008 219 27 and and CCONJ crln-24008 219 28 library library NOUN crln-24008 219 29 is be AUX crln-24008 219 30 looking look VERB crln-24008 219 31 for for ADP crln-24008 219 32 a a DET crln-24008 219 33 new new ADJ crln-24008 219 34 leader leader NOUN crln-24008 219 35 . . PUNCT crln-24008 220 1 the the DET crln-24008 220 2 executive executive ADJ crln-24008 220 3 director/ director/ NUM crln-24008 220 4 president president NOUN crln-24008 220 5 will will AUX crln-24008 220 6 be be AUX crln-24008 220 7 expected expect VERB crln-24008 220 8 to to PART crln-24008 220 9 possess possess VERB crln-24008 220 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 220 11 articulate articulate VERB crln-24008 220 12 a a DET crln-24008 220 13 clear clear ADJ crln-24008 220 14 vision vision NOUN crln-24008 220 15 of of ADP crln-24008 220 16 the the DET crln-24008 220 17 opportunities opportunity NOUN crln-24008 220 18 the the DET crln-24008 220 19 historical historical ADJ crln-24008 220 20 society society NOUN crln-24008 220 21 has have VERB crln-24008 220 22 to to PART crln-24008 220 23 build build VERB crln-24008 220 24 its its PRON crln-24008 220 25 reputation reputation NOUN crln-24008 220 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 220 27 impact impact NOUN crln-24008 220 28 on on ADP crln-24008 220 29 both both CCONJ crln-24008 220 30 the the DET crln-24008 220 31 philadelphia philadelphia PROPN crln-24008 220 32 and and CCONJ crln-24008 220 33 scholarly scholarly ADJ crln-24008 220 34 communities community NOUN crln-24008 220 35 . . PUNCT crln-24008 221 1 this this DET crln-24008 221 2 position position NOUN crln-24008 221 3 requires require VERB crln-24008 221 4 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 221 5 in in ADP crln-24008 221 6 three three NUM crln-24008 221 7 primary primary ADJ crln-24008 221 8 areas area NOUN crln-24008 221 9 : : PUNCT crln-24008 221 10 administration administration NOUN crln-24008 221 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 221 12 development development NOUN crln-24008 221 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 221 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 221 15 the the DET crln-24008 221 16 effective effective ADJ crln-24008 221 17 management management NOUN crln-24008 221 18 of of ADP crln-24008 221 19 historical historical ADJ crln-24008 221 20 research research NOUN crln-24008 221 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 222 1 the the DET crln-24008 222 2 head head NOUN crln-24008 222 3 of of ADP crln-24008 222 4 the the DET crln-24008 222 5 historical historical ADJ crln-24008 222 6 society society NOUN crln-24008 222 7 should should AUX crln-24008 222 8 be be AUX crln-24008 222 9 a a DET crln-24008 222 10 person person NOUN crln-24008 222 11 with with ADP crln-24008 222 12 an an DET crln-24008 222 13 exceptionally exceptionally ADV crln-24008 222 14 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 222 15 commitment commitment NOUN crln-24008 222 16 to to ADP crln-24008 222 17 working work VERB crln-24008 222 18 harmoniously harmoniously ADV crln-24008 222 19 with with ADP crln-24008 222 20 a a DET crln-24008 222 21 wide wide ADJ crln-24008 222 22 variety variety NOUN crln-24008 222 23 of of ADP crln-24008 222 24 people people NOUN crln-24008 222 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 222 26 including include VERB crln-24008 222 27 the the DET crln-24008 222 28 scholarly scholarly ADJ crln-24008 222 29 community community NOUN crln-24008 222 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 222 31 the the DET crln-24008 222 32 members member NOUN crln-24008 222 33 of of ADP crln-24008 222 34 the the DET crln-24008 222 35 board board NOUN crln-24008 222 36 and and CCONJ crln-24008 222 37 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 222 38 , , PUNCT crln-24008 222 39 the the DET crln-24008 222 40 public public NOUN crln-24008 222 41 , , PUNCT crln-24008 222 42 and and CCONJ crln-24008 222 43 donors donor NOUN crln-24008 222 44 . . PUNCT crln-24008 223 1 she she PRON crln-24008 223 2 or or CCONJ crln-24008 223 3 he he PRON crln-24008 223 4 should should AUX crln-24008 223 5 also also ADV crln-24008 223 6 demonstrate demonstrate VERB crln-24008 223 7 an an DET crln-24008 223 8 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 223 9 to to PART crln-24008 223 10 work work VERB crln-24008 223 11 cooperatively cooperatively ADV crln-24008 223 12 with with ADP crln-24008 223 13 fund fund NOUN crln-24008 223 14 - - PUNCT crln-24008 223 15 raising raise VERB crln-24008 223 16 professionals professional NOUN crln-24008 223 17 . . PUNCT crln-24008 224 1 it it PRON crln-24008 224 2 would would AUX crln-24008 224 3 be be AUX crln-24008 224 4 desirable desirable ADJ crln-24008 224 5 for for ADP crln-24008 224 6 the the DET crln-24008 224 7 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 224 8 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 224 9 to to PART crln-24008 224 10 have have VERB crln-24008 224 11 a a DET crln-24008 224 12 phd phd NOUN crln-24008 224 13 in in ADP crln-24008 224 14 history history NOUN crln-24008 224 15 or or CCONJ crln-24008 224 16 related related ADJ crln-24008 224 17 fields field NOUN crln-24008 224 18 and/or and/or CCONJ crln-24008 224 19 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 224 20 training training NOUN crln-24008 224 21 as as ADP crln-24008 224 22 a a DET crln-24008 224 23 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 224 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 224 25 but but CCONJ crln-24008 224 26 neither neither DET crln-24008 224 27 requirement requirement NOUN crln-24008 224 28 is be AUX crln-24008 224 29 mandatory mandatory ADJ crln-24008 224 30 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 224 31 and and CCONJ crln-24008 224 32 a a DET crln-24008 224 33 proven prove VERB crln-24008 224 34 track track NOUN crln-24008 224 35 record record NOUN crln-24008 224 36 in in ADP crln-24008 224 37 financial financial ADJ crln-24008 224 38 management management NOUN crln-24008 224 39 , , PUNCT crln-24008 224 40 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 224 41 management management NOUN crln-24008 224 42 , , PUNCT crln-24008 224 43 and and CCONJ crln-24008 224 44 long long ADJ crln-24008 224 45 - - PUNCT crln-24008 224 46 range range NOUN crln-24008 224 47 planning planning NOUN crln-24008 224 48 in in ADP crln-24008 224 49 a a DET crln-24008 224 50 non non ADJ crln-24008 224 51 - - ADJ crln-24008 224 52 profit profit ADJ crln-24008 224 53 setting setting NOUN crln-24008 224 54 . . PUNCT crln-24008 225 1 she she PRON crln-24008 225 2 or or CCONJ crln-24008 225 3 he he PRON crln-24008 225 4 should should AUX crln-24008 225 5 have have VERB crln-24008 225 6 a a DET crln-24008 225 7 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 225 8 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 225 9 to to PART crln-24008 225 10 raise raise VERB crln-24008 225 11 funds fund NOUN crln-24008 225 12 from from ADP crln-24008 225 13 private private ADJ crln-24008 225 14 individuals individual NOUN crln-24008 225 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 225 16 philanthropic philanthropic ADJ crln-24008 225 17 foundations foundation NOUN crln-24008 225 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 226 1 given give VERB crln-24008 226 2 the the DET crln-24008 226 3 historical historical ADJ crln-24008 226 4 society society NOUN crln-24008 226 5 ’s ’s ADV crln-24008 226 6 on on ADP crln-24008 226 7 - - PUNCT crln-24008 226 8 going go VERB crln-24008 226 9 transition transition NOUN crln-24008 226 10 to to ADP crln-24008 226 11 a a DET crln-24008 226 12 research research NOUN crln-24008 226 13 library library NOUN crln-24008 226 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 226 15 its its PRON crln-24008 226 16 extensive extensive ADJ crln-24008 226 17 renovation renovation NOUN crln-24008 226 18 projects project NOUN crln-24008 226 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 226 20 the the DET crln-24008 226 21 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 226 22 must must AUX crln-24008 226 23 be be AUX crln-24008 226 24 able able ADJ crln-24008 226 25 to to PART crln-24008 226 26 oversee oversee VERB crln-24008 226 27 a a DET crln-24008 226 28 major major ADJ crln-24008 226 29 change change NOUN crln-24008 226 30 in in ADP crln-24008 226 31 institutional institutional ADJ crln-24008 226 32 focus focus NOUN crln-24008 226 33 , , PUNCT crln-24008 226 34 while while SCONJ crln-24008 226 35 maintaining maintain VERB crln-24008 226 36 productive productive ADJ crln-24008 226 37 and and CCONJ crln-24008 226 38 cordial cordial ADJ crln-24008 226 39 relations relation NOUN crln-24008 226 40 with with ADP crln-24008 226 41 the the DET crln-24008 226 42 membership membership NOUN crln-24008 226 43 , , PUNCT crln-24008 226 44 scholarly scholarly ADJ crln-24008 226 45 and and CCONJ crln-24008 226 46 institutional institutional ADJ crln-24008 226 47 communities community NOUN crln-24008 226 48 , , PUNCT crln-24008 226 49 funding funding NOUN crln-24008 226 50 sources source NOUN crln-24008 226 51 , , PUNCT crln-24008 226 52 and and CCONJ crln-24008 226 53 the the DET crln-24008 226 54 public public NOUN crln-24008 226 55 . . PUNCT crln-24008 227 1 please please INTJ crln-24008 227 2 send send VERB crln-24008 227 3 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 227 4 with with ADP crln-24008 227 5 cover cover NOUN crln-24008 227 6 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 227 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 227 8 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 227 9 history history NOUN crln-24008 227 10 to to ADP crln-24008 227 11 : : PUNCT crln-24008 227 12 jack jack PROPN crln-24008 227 13 s. s. PROPN crln-24008 227 14 lusk lusk PROPN crln-24008 227 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 227 16 vice vice PROPN crln-24008 227 17 president president PROPN crln-24008 227 18 gilbert gilbert PROPN crln-24008 227 19 tweed tweed PROPN crln-24008 227 20 associates associate NOUN crln-24008 227 21 415 415 NUM crln-24008 227 22 madison madison PROPN crln-24008 227 23 avenue avenue NOUN crln-24008 227 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 227 25 20th 20th ADJ crln-24008 227 26 floor floor NOUN crln-24008 227 27 new new PROPN crln-24008 227 28 york york PROPN crln-24008 227 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 227 30 new new PROPN crln-24008 227 31 york york PROPN crln-24008 227 32 10017 10017 NUM crln-24008 227 33 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 34 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 35 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 36 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 37 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 38 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 39 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 40 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 41 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 42 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 43 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 44 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 45 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 46 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 47 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 48 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 49 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 50 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 51 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 52 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 53 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 54 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 55 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 56 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 57 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 58 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 59 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 60 fax fax NOUN crln-24008 227 61 : : PUNCT crln-24008 227 62 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 227 63 212 212 NUM crln-24008 227 64 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 227 65 832 832 NUM crln-24008 227 66 - - SYM crln-24008 227 67 1040 1040 NUM crln-24008 227 68 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 69 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 70 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 71 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 72 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 73 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 74 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 75 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 76 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 77 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 78 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 79 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 80 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 81 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 82 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 83 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 84 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 85 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 86 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 87 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 88 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 89 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 90 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 91 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 92 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 93 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 94 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 95 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 96 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 97 _ _ PUNCT crln-24008 227 98 four four NUM crln-24008 227 99 years year NOUN crln-24008 227 100 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 227 101 in in ADP crln-24008 227 102 an an DET crln-24008 227 103 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 227 104 or or CCONJ crln-24008 227 105 research research NOUN crln-24008 227 106 library library NOUN crln-24008 227 107 . . PUNCT crln-24008 228 1 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 228 2 of of ADP crln-24008 228 3 library library NOUN crln-24008 228 4 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 228 5 tools tool NOUN crln-24008 228 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 229 1 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 229 2 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 229 3 , , PUNCT crln-24008 229 4 teamwork teamwork NOUN crln-24008 229 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 229 6 organizational organizational ADJ crln-24008 229 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 229 8 interpersonal interpersonal ADJ crln-24008 229 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 229 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 229 11 public public ADJ crln-24008 229 12 services service NOUN crln-24008 229 13 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 229 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 230 1 applications application NOUN crln-24008 230 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 230 3 review review NOUN crln-24008 230 4 to to PART crln-24008 230 5 begin begin VERB crln-24008 230 6 july july PROPN crln-24008 230 7 1 1 NUM crln-24008 230 8 ‚ ‚ PROPN crln-24008 230 9 1998 1998 NUM crln-24008 230 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 230 11 to to PART crln-24008 230 12 remain remain VERB crln-24008 230 13 open open ADJ crln-24008 230 14 until until SCONJ crln-24008 230 15 position position NOUN crln-24008 230 16 is be AUX crln-24008 230 17 filled fill VERB crln-24008 230 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 231 1 send send VERB crln-24008 231 2 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 231 3 of of ADP crln-24008 231 4 application application NOUN crln-24008 231 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 231 6 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 231 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 231 8 names name NOUN crln-24008 231 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 231 10 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 231 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 231 12 phone phone NOUN crln-24008 231 13 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 231 14 of of ADP crln-24008 231 15 three three NUM crln-24008 231 16 references reference NOUN crln-24008 231 17 to to ADP crln-24008 231 18 : : PUNCT crln-24008 231 19 jay jay PROPN crln-24008 231 20 starratt starratt PROPN crln-24008 231 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 231 22 dean dean PROPN crln-24008 231 23 of of ADP crln-24008 231 24 lis lis PROPN crln-24008 231 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 231 26 lovejoy lovejoy PROPN crln-24008 231 27 library library PROPN crln-24008 231 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 231 29 siue siue PROPN crln-24008 231 30 box box PROPN crln-24008 231 31 1063 1063 NUM crln-24008 231 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 231 33 edwardsville edwardsville PROPN crln-24008 231 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 231 35 il il PROPN crln-24008 231 36 62026 62026 NUM crln-24008 231 37 - - SYM crln-24008 231 38 1063 1063 NUM crln-24008 231 39 . . PUNCT crln-24008 232 1 as as ADP crln-24008 232 2 an an DET crln-24008 232 3 affirmative affirmative ADJ crln-24008 232 4 action action NOUN crln-24008 232 5 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 232 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 232 7 siue siue PROPN crln-24008 232 8 offers offer VERB crln-24008 232 9 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 232 10 employment employment NOUN crln-24008 232 11 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 232 12 without without ADP crln-24008 232 13 regard regard NOUN crln-24008 232 14 to to ADP crln-24008 232 15 race race NOUN crln-24008 232 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 232 17 color color NOUN crln-24008 232 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 232 19 creed creed NOUN crln-24008 232 20 or or CCONJ crln-24008 232 21 religion religion NOUN crln-24008 232 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 232 23 age age NOUN crln-24008 232 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 232 25 sex sex NOUN crln-24008 232 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 232 27 national national ADJ crln-24008 232 28 origin origin NOUN crln-24008 232 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 232 30 or or CCONJ crln-24008 232 31 disability disability NOUN crln-24008 232 32 . . PUNCT crln-24008 233 1 applications application NOUN crln-24008 233 2 from from ADP crln-24008 233 3 women woman NOUN crln-24008 233 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 233 5 minority minority NOUN crln-24008 233 6 groups group NOUN crln-24008 233 7 are be AUX crln-24008 233 8 especially especially ADV crln-24008 233 9 encouraged encourage VERB crln-24008 233 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 234 1 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 234 2 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 234 3 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 234 4 . . PUNCT crln-24008 235 1 the the DET crln-24008 235 2 college college PROPN crln-24008 235 3 of of ADP crln-24008 235 4 william william PROPN crln-24008 235 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 235 6 mary mary PROPN crln-24008 235 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 235 8 earl earl PROPN crln-24008 235 9 gregg gregg PROPN crln-24008 235 10 swem swem PROPN crln-24008 235 11 library library PROPN crln-24008 235 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 236 1 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 236 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 236 3 the the DET crln-24008 236 4 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 236 5 re­ re­ NOUN crln-24008 236 6 sources source NOUN crln-24008 236 7 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 236 8 provides provide VERB crln-24008 236 9 leadership leadership NOUN crln-24008 236 10 in in ADP crln-24008 236 11 introducing introduce VERB crln-24008 236 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 236 13 maintaining maintain VERB crln-24008 236 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 236 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 236 16 operating operate VERB crln-24008 236 17 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 236 18 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 236 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 236 20 services service NOUN crln-24008 236 21 in in ADP crln-24008 236 22 the the DET crln-24008 236 23 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 236 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 236 25 govern­ govern­ ADJ crln-24008 236 26 ment ment NOUN crln-24008 236 27 documents document NOUN crln-24008 236 28 departments department NOUN crln-24008 236 29 . . PUNCT crln-24008 237 1 develops develop VERB crln-24008 237 2 and and CCONJ crln-24008 237 3 maintains maintain VERB crln-24008 237 4 the the DET crln-24008 237 5 library library PROPN crln-24008 237 6 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 237 7 web web NOUN crln-24008 237 8 site site NOUN crln-24008 237 9 in in ADP crln-24008 237 10 consultation consultation NOUN crln-24008 237 11 with with ADP crln-24008 237 12 other other ADJ crln-24008 237 13 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 237 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 238 1 provides provide VERB crln-24008 238 2 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 238 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 238 4 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24008 238 5 services service NOUN crln-24008 238 6 to to ADP crln-24008 238 7 the the DET crln-24008 238 8 patrons patron NOUN crln-24008 238 9 of of ADP crln-24008 238 10 swem swem ADJ crln-24008 238 11 library library PROPN crln-24008 238 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 239 1 reports report VERB crln-24008 239 2 to to ADP crln-24008 239 3 the the DET crln-24008 239 4 coordinator coordinator NOUN crln-24008 239 5 of of ADP crln-24008 239 6 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 239 7 services service NOUN crln-24008 239 8 with with ADP crln-24008 239 9 secondary secondary ADJ crln-24008 239 10 responsibility responsibility NOUN crln-24008 239 11 to to ADP crln-24008 239 12 the the DET crln-24008 239 13 head head NOUN crln-24008 239 14 of of ADP crln-24008 239 15 govern­ govern­ ADJ crln-24008 239 16 ment ment NOUN crln-24008 239 17 documents document NOUN crln-24008 239 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 240 1 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 240 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 240 3 required require VERB crln-24008 240 4 : : PUNCT crln-24008 240 5 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 240 6 from from ADP crln-24008 240 7 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 240 8 - - PUNCT crln-24008 240 9 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 240 10 library library PROPN crln-24008 240 11 school school PROPN crln-24008 240 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 241 1 proven prove VERB crln-24008 241 2 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 241 3 in in ADP crln-24008 241 4 microcomputer microcomputer NOUN crln-24008 241 5 applications application NOUN crln-24008 241 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 241 7 database database NOUN crln-24008 241 8 management management NOUN crln-24008 241 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 241 10 cd cd PROPN crln-24008 241 11 - - PUNCT crln-24008 241 12 rom rom PROPN crln-24008 241 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 241 14 network network NOUN crln-24008 241 15 technology technology NOUN crln-24008 241 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 241 17 www www NOUN crln-24008 241 18 page page NOUN crln-24008 241 19 creation creation NOUN crln-24008 241 20 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 241 21 html html NOUN crln-24008 241 22 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 241 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 241 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 241 25 www www NOUN crln-24008 241 26 seaching seaching NOUN crln-24008 241 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 242 1 recent recent ADJ crln-24008 242 2 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 242 3 in in ADP crln-24008 242 4 a a DET crln-24008 242 5 position position NOUN crln-24008 242 6 requiring require VERB crln-24008 242 7 intensive intensive ADJ crln-24008 242 8 work work NOUN crln-24008 242 9 with with ADP crln-24008 242 10 information information NOUN crln-24008 242 11 databases database NOUN crln-24008 242 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 242 13 preferably preferably ADV crln-24008 242 14 in in ADP crln-24008 242 15 an an DET crln-24008 242 16 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 242 17 library library NOUN crln-24008 242 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 243 1 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 243 2 commitment commitment NOUN crln-24008 243 3 to to ADP crln-24008 243 4 public public ADJ crln-24008 243 5 service service NOUN crln-24008 243 6 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 243 7 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 243 8 organizational organizational ADJ crln-24008 243 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 243 10 interpersonal interpersonal ADJ crln-24008 243 11 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 243 12 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 243 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 244 1 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 244 2 to to PART crln-24008 244 3 work work VERB crln-24008 244 4 independently independently ADV crln-24008 244 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 244 6 as as ADP crln-24008 244 7 a a DET crln-24008 244 8 member member NOUN crln-24008 244 9 of of ADP crln-24008 244 10 a a DET crln-24008 244 11 group group NOUN crln-24008 244 12 in in ADP crln-24008 244 13 a a DET crln-24008 244 14 rapidly rapidly ADV crln-24008 244 15 changing change VERB crln-24008 244 16 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 244 17 . . PUNCT crln-24008 245 1 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 245 2 success success NOUN crln-24008 245 3 in in ADP crln-24008 245 4 the the DET crln-24008 245 5 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 245 6 to to PART crln-24008 245 7 teach teach VERB crln-24008 245 8 individuals individual NOUN crln-24008 245 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 245 10 groups group NOUN crln-24008 245 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 246 1 preferred prefer VERB crln-24008 246 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 246 3 working work VERB crln-24008 246 4 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 246 5 with with ADP crln-24008 246 6 gis gis NOUN crln-24008 246 7 systems system NOUN crln-24008 246 8 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 246 9 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 246 10 library library NOUN crln-24008 246 11 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 246 12 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 246 13 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 246 14 working work VERB crln-24008 246 15 on on ADP crln-24008 246 16 a a DET crln-24008 246 17 busy busy ADJ crln-24008 246 18 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 246 19 desk desk NOUN crln-24008 246 20 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 246 21 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 246 22 of of ADP crln-24008 246 23 windows window NOUN crln-24008 246 24 nt not PART crln-24008 246 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 246 26 javascript javascript NOUN crln-24008 246 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 246 28 cgi cgi PROPN crln-24008 246 29 . . PUNCT crln-24008 247 1 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 247 2 working work VERB crln-24008 247 3 with with ADP crln-24008 247 4 government government NOUN crln-24008 247 5 documents document NOUN crln-24008 247 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 248 1 swem swem PROPN crln-24008 248 2 library library NOUN crln-24008 248 3 will will AUX crln-24008 248 4 begin begin VERB crln-24008 248 5 construction construction NOUN crln-24008 248 6 on on ADP crln-24008 248 7 a a DET crln-24008 248 8 major major ADJ crln-24008 248 9 state state NOUN crln-24008 248 10 - - PUNCT crln-24008 248 11 of of ADP crln-24008 248 12 - - PUNCT crln-24008 248 13 the the DET crln-24008 248 14 - - PUNCT crln-24008 248 15 art art NOUN crln-24008 248 16 addition addition NOUN crln-24008 248 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 248 18 full full ADJ crln-24008 248 19 renovation renovation NOUN crln-24008 248 20 of of ADP crln-24008 248 21 its its PRON crln-24008 248 22 facility facility NOUN crln-24008 248 23 in in ADP crln-24008 248 24 early early ADJ crln-24008 248 25 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 248 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 248 27 lasting last VERB crln-24008 248 28 approximately approximately ADV crln-24008 248 29 four four NUM crln-24008 248 30 years year NOUN crln-24008 248 31 . . PUNCT crln-24008 249 1 the the DET crln-24008 249 2 library library NOUN crln-24008 249 3 is be AUX crln-24008 249 4 in in ADP crln-24008 249 5 the the DET crln-24008 249 6 process process NOUN crln-24008 249 7 of of ADP crln-24008 249 8 enhancing enhance VERB crln-24008 249 9 its its PRON crln-24008 249 10 outreach outreach ADJ crln-24008 249 11 program program NOUN crln-24008 249 12 in in ADP crln-24008 249 13 working work VERB crln-24008 249 14 with with ADP crln-24008 249 15 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 249 16 one one NUM crln-24008 249 17 - - PUNCT crln-24008 249 18 on on ADP crln-24008 249 19 - - PUNCT crln-24008 249 20 one one NUM crln-24008 249 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 249 22 in in ADP crln-24008 249 23 small small ADJ crln-24008 249 24 groups group NOUN crln-24008 249 25 to to PART crln-24008 249 26 provide provide VERB crln-24008 249 27 assistance assistance NOUN crln-24008 249 28 in in ADP crln-24008 249 29 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 249 30 devel­ devel­ NOUN crln-24008 249 31 opment opment NOUN crln-24008 249 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 249 33 publicize publicize VERB crln-24008 249 34 library library NOUN crln-24008 249 35 services service NOUN crln-24008 249 36 and and CCONJ crln-24008 249 37 policies policy NOUN crln-24008 249 38 , , PUNCT crln-24008 249 39 and and CCONJ crln-24008 249 40 introduce introduce VERB crln-24008 249 41 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 249 42 to to ADP crln-24008 249 43 the the DET crln-24008 249 44 use use NOUN crln-24008 249 45 of of ADP crln-24008 249 46 library library NOUN crln-24008 249 47 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 249 48 . . PUNCT crln-24008 250 1 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 250 2 include include VERB crln-24008 250 3 24 24 NUM crln-24008 250 4 days day NOUN crln-24008 250 5 of of ADP crln-24008 250 6 annual annual ADJ crln-24008 250 7 leave leave NOUN crln-24008 250 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 250 9 choice choice NOUN crln-24008 250 10 of of ADP crln-24008 250 11 retirement retirement NOUN crln-24008 250 12 systems system NOUN crln-24008 250 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 250 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 250 15 other other ADJ crln-24008 250 16 liberal liberal ADJ crln-24008 250 17 fringe fringe NOUN crln-24008 250 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 250 19 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 250 20 . . PUNCT crln-24008 251 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 251 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 251 3 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 251 4 $ $ SYM crln-24008 251 5 30,000 30,000 NUM crln-24008 251 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 252 1 to to PART crln-24008 252 2 apply apply VERB crln-24008 252 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 252 4 applicants applicant NOUN crln-24008 252 5 should should AUX crln-24008 252 6 supply supply VERB crln-24008 252 7 a a DET crln-24008 252 8 complete complete ADJ crln-24008 252 9 statement statement NOUN crln-24008 252 10 of of ADP crln-24008 252 11 their their PRON crln-24008 252 12 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 252 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 252 14 a a DET crln-24008 252 15 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 252 16 of of ADP crln-24008 252 17 their their PRON crln-24008 252 18 education education NOUN crln-24008 252 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 252 20 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 252 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 252 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 252 23 the the DET crln-24008 252 24 names name NOUN crln-24008 252 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 252 26 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 252 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 252 28 telephone telephone NOUN crln-24008 252 29 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 252 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 252 31 and and CCONJ crln-24008 252 32 e e NOUN crln-24008 252 33 - - NOUN crln-24008 252 34 mail mail NOUN crln-24008 252 35 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 252 36 of of ADP crln-24008 252 37 three three NUM crln-24008 252 38 current current ADJ crln-24008 252 39 references reference NOUN crln-24008 252 40 to to ADP crln-24008 252 41 : : PUNCT crln-24008 252 42 search search NOUN crln-24008 252 43 committee committee NOUN crln-24008 252 44 for for ADP crln-24008 252 45 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 252 46 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 252 47 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 252 48 , , PUNCT crln-24008 252 49 swem swem PROPN crln-24008 252 50 library library PROPN crln-24008 252 51 , , PUNCT crln-24008 252 52 college college NOUN crln-24008 252 53 o o PROPN crln-24008 252 54 f f PROPN crln-24008 252 55 william william PROPN crln-24008 252 56 and and CCONJ crln-24008 252 57 mary mary PROPN crln-24008 252 58 , , PUNCT crln-24008 252 59 p0 p0 PROPN crln-24008 252 60 box box PROPN crln-24008 252 61 8794 8794 NUM crln-24008 252 62 , , PUNCT crln-24008 252 63 williamsburg williamsburg PROPN crln-24008 252 64 , , PUNCT crln-24008 252 65 va23187 va23187 NOUN crln-24008 252 66 - - SYM crln-24008 252 67 8794 8794 NUM crln-24008 252 68 . . PUNCT crln-24008 253 1 review review NOUN crln-24008 253 2 will will AUX crln-24008 253 3 begin begin VERB crln-24008 253 4 january january PROPN crln-24008 253 5 20,1999 20,1999 NUM crln-24008 253 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 253 7 continue continue VERB crln-24008 253 8 until until SCONJ crln-24008 253 9 position position NOUN crln-24008 253 10 is be AUX crln-24008 253 11 filled fill VERB crln-24008 253 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 254 1 for for ADP crln-24008 254 2 more more ADJ crln-24008 254 3 information information NOUN crln-24008 254 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 254 5 a a DET crln-24008 254 6 full full ADJ crln-24008 254 7 posting posting NOUN crln-24008 254 8 of of ADP crln-24008 254 9 this this DET crln-24008 254 10 position position NOUN crln-24008 254 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 254 12 please please INTJ crln-24008 254 13 visit visit VERB crln-24008 254 14 our our PRON crln-24008 254 15 web web NOUN crln-24008 254 16 site site NOUN crln-24008 254 17 at at ADP crln-24008 254 18 : : PUNCT crln-24008 254 19 X crln-24008 254 20 . . X crln-24008 255 1 william william PROPN crln-24008 255 2 and and CCONJ crln-24008 255 3 mary mary PROPN crln-24008 255 4 is be AUX crln-24008 255 5 an an DET crln-24008 255 6 affirmative affirmative ADJ crln-24008 255 7 action action NOUN crln-24008 255 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 255 9 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 255 10 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 255 11 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 255 12 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 255 13 members member NOUN crln-24008 255 14 of of ADP crln-24008 255 15 underrepresented underrepresented ADJ crln-24008 255 16 groups group NOUN crln-24008 255 17 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 255 18 including include VERB crln-24008 255 19 persons person NOUN crln-24008 255 20 of of ADP crln-24008 255 21 color color NOUN crln-24008 255 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 255 23 per­ per­ NOUN crln-24008 255 24 sons son NOUN crln-24008 255 25 with with ADP crln-24008 255 26 disabilities disability NOUN crln-24008 255 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 255 28 vietnam vietnam PROPN crln-24008 255 29 veterans veteran NOUN crln-24008 255 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 255 31 and and CCONJ crln-24008 255 32 women woman NOUN crln-24008 255 33 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 255 34 are be AUX crln-24008 255 35 encouraged encourage VERB crln-24008 255 36 to to PART crln-24008 255 37 apply apply VERB crln-24008 255 38 . . PUNCT crln-24008 256 1 general general ADJ crln-24008 256 2 reference reference PROPN crln-24008 256 3 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 256 4 . . PUNCT crln-24008 257 1 the the DET crln-24008 257 2 general general ADJ crln-24008 257 3 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 257 4 librar­ librar­ ADP crln-24008 257 5 ian ian PROPN crln-24008 257 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 257 7 an an DET crln-24008 257 8 entry entry NOUN crln-24008 257 9 level level NOUN crln-24008 257 10 position position NOUN crln-24008 257 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 257 12 reports report VERB crln-24008 257 13 to to ADP crln-24008 257 14 the the DET crln-24008 257 15 head head NOUN crln-24008 257 16 of of ADP crln-24008 257 17 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 257 18 services service NOUN crln-24008 257 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 257 20 is be AUX crln-24008 257 21 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 257 22 for for ADP crln-24008 257 23 providing provide VERB crln-24008 257 24 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 257 25 assistance assistance NOUN crln-24008 257 26 in in ADP crln-24008 257 27 a a DET crln-24008 257 28 centralized centralized ADJ crln-24008 257 29 refer­ refer­ NOUN crln-24008 257 30 ence ence NOUN crln-24008 257 31 section section NOUN crln-24008 257 32 as as ADV crln-24008 257 33 well well ADV crln-24008 257 34 as as ADP crln-24008 257 35 formal formal ADJ crln-24008 257 36 and and CCONJ crln-24008 257 37 informal informal ADJ crln-24008 257 38 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 257 39 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 257 40 . . PUNCT crln-24008 258 1 the the DET crln-24008 258 2 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 258 3 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 258 4 will will AUX crln-24008 258 5 assist assist VERB crln-24008 258 6 in in ADP crln-24008 258 7 all all DET crln-24008 258 8 areas area NOUN crln-24008 258 9 of of ADP crln-24008 258 10 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 258 11 services service NOUN crln-24008 258 12 including include VERB crln-24008 258 13 interlibrary interlibrary ADJ crln-24008 258 14 loan loan NOUN crln-24008 258 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 258 16 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 258 17 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 258 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 258 19 government government NOUN crln-24008 258 20 documents document NOUN crln-24008 258 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 258 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 258 23 microforms microform NOUN crln-24008 258 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 259 1 the the DET crln-24008 259 2 position position NOUN crln-24008 259 3 demands demand VERB crln-24008 259 4 outstanding outstanding ADJ crln-24008 259 5 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 259 6 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 259 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 259 8 the the DET crln-24008 259 9 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 259 10 to to PART crln-24008 259 11 communicate communicate VERB crln-24008 259 12 effectively effectively ADV crln-24008 259 13 with with ADP crln-24008 259 14 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 259 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 259 16 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 259 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 259 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 259 19 students student NOUN crln-24008 259 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 259 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 259 22 includes include VERB crln-24008 259 23 line line NOUN crln-24008 259 24 responsibility responsibility NOUN crln-24008 259 25 for for ADP crln-24008 259 26 service service NOUN crln-24008 259 27 at at ADP crln-24008 259 28 the the DET crln-24008 259 29 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 259 30 desk desk NOUN crln-24008 259 31 during during ADP crln-24008 259 32 sched­ sched­ PROPN crln-24008 259 33 uled uled ADJ crln-24008 259 34 hours hour NOUN crln-24008 259 35 , , PUNCT crln-24008 259 36 including include VERB crln-24008 259 37 occasional occasional ADJ crln-24008 259 38 nights night NOUN crln-24008 259 39 , , PUNCT crln-24008 259 40 weekends weekend NOUN crln-24008 259 41 , , PUNCT crln-24008 259 42 and and CCONJ crln-24008 259 43 holidays holiday NOUN crln-24008 259 44 . . PUNCT crln-24008 260 1 qualifi­ qualifi­ PROPN crln-24008 260 2 cations cation NOUN crln-24008 260 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 260 4 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 260 5 - - PUNCT crln-24008 260 6 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 260 7 msls msls NOUN crln-24008 260 8 / / SYM crln-24008 260 9 mls mls PROPN crln-24008 260 10 required require VERB crln-24008 260 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 261 1 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 261 2 of of ADP crln-24008 261 3 cd cd PROPN crln-24008 261 4 - - PUNCT crln-24008 261 5 rom rom NOUN crln-24008 261 6 databases database NOUN crln-24008 261 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 261 8 database database NOUN crln-24008 261 9 searching search VERB crln-24008 261 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 262 1 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 262 2 commitment commitment NOUN crln-24008 262 3 to to ADP crln-24008 262 4 public public ADJ crln-24008 262 5 service service NOUN crln-24008 262 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 263 1 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 263 2 with with ADP crln-24008 263 3 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 263 4 status status NOUN crln-24008 263 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 263 6 rank rank NOUN crln-24008 263 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 263 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 263 9 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 263 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 264 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 264 2 competitive competitive ADJ crln-24008 264 3 . . PUNCT crln-24008 265 1 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 265 2 of of ADP crln-24008 265 3 application application NOUN crln-24008 265 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 265 5 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 265 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 265 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 265 8 the the DET crln-24008 265 9 names name NOUN crln-24008 265 10 of of ADP crln-24008 265 11 three three NUM crln-24008 265 12 references reference NOUN crln-24008 265 13 will will AUX crln-24008 265 14 be be AUX crln-24008 265 15 accepted accept VERB crln-24008 265 16 through through ADP crln-24008 265 17 january january PROPN crln-24008 265 18 22,1999 22,1999 NUM crln-24008 265 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 265 20 or or CCONJ crln-24008 265 21 until until SCONJ crln-24008 265 22 position position NOUN crln-24008 265 23 is be AUX crln-24008 265 24 filled fill VERB crln-24008 265 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 265 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 265 27 should should AUX crln-24008 265 28 be be AUX crln-24008 265 29 addressed address VERB crln-24008 265 30 to to ADP crln-24008 265 31 : : PUNCT crln-24008 265 32 charles charles PROPN crln-24008 265 33 w. w. PROPN crln-24008 265 34 triche triche PROPN crln-24008 265 35 iii iii PROPN crln-24008 265 36 , , PUNCT crln-24008 265 37 director director NOUN crln-24008 265 38 of of ADP crln-24008 265 39 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 265 40 , , PUNCT crln-24008 265 41 university university NOUN crln-24008 265 42 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 265 43 , , PUNCT crln-24008 265 44 u u PROPN crln-24008 265 45 n n ADP crln-24008 265 46 i i PRON crln-24008 265 47 ve ve VERB crln-24008 265 48 rsity rsity NOUN crln-24008 265 49 o o NOUN crln-24008 265 50 f f NOUN crln-24008 265 51 s s NOUN crln-24008 266 1 o o NOUN crln-24008 266 2 uthw uthw ADJ crln-24008 266 3 estern estern ADJ crln-24008 266 4 louisiana louisiana PROPN crln-24008 266 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 266 6 usl usl PROPN crln-24008 266 7 box box PROPN crln-24008 266 8 40199 40199 NUM crln-24008 266 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 266 10 lafayette lafayette PROPN crln-24008 266 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 266 12 la la PROPN crln-24008 266 13 70504 70504 NUM crln-24008 266 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 267 1 the the DET crln-24008 267 2 university university PROPN crln-24008 267 3 of of ADP crln-24008 267 4 southwestern southwestern ADJ crln-24008 267 5 louisiana louisiana PROPN crln-24008 267 6 is be AUX crln-24008 267 7 an an DET crln-24008 267 8 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 267 9 employment employment NOUN crln-24008 267 10 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 267 11 affirmative affirmative ADJ crln-24008 267 12 action action NOUN crln-24008 267 13 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 267 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 268 1 government government NOUN crln-24008 268 2 documents document NOUN crln-24008 268 3 , , PUNCT crln-24008 268 4 senior senior ADJ crln-24008 268 5 assistant assistant NOUN crln-24008 268 6 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 268 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 269 1 reports report NOUN crln-24008 269 2 to to PART crln-24008 269 3 head head VERB crln-24008 269 4 of of ADP crln-24008 269 5 public public ADJ crln-24008 269 6 services service NOUN crln-24008 269 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 270 1 will will AUX crln-24008 270 2 assist assist VERB crln-24008 270 3 in in ADP crln-24008 270 4 establishing establish VERB crln-24008 270 5 a a DET crln-24008 270 6 federal federal ADJ crln-24008 270 7 government government NOUN crln-24008 270 8 documents document NOUN crln-24008 270 9 depository depository NOUN crln-24008 270 10 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 270 11 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 270 12 plan plan NOUN crln-24008 270 13 for for ADP crln-24008 270 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 270 15 evaluate evaluate VERB crln-24008 270 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 270 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 270 18 coor­ coor­ PROPN crln-24008 270 19 dinate dinate ADV crln-24008 270 20 related relate VERB crln-24008 270 21 daily daily ADJ crln-24008 270 22 operations operation NOUN crln-24008 270 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 270 24 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 270 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 271 1 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 271 2 include include VERB crln-24008 271 3 involvement involvement NOUN crln-24008 271 4 with with ADP crln-24008 271 5 related relate VERB crln-24008 271 6 public public ADJ crln-24008 271 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 271 8 technical technical ADJ crln-24008 271 9 service service NOUN crln-24008 271 10 issues issue NOUN crln-24008 271 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 271 12 including include VERB crln-24008 271 13 selection selection NOUN crln-24008 271 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 271 15 organization organization NOUN crln-24008 271 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 271 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 271 18 processing processing NOUN crln-24008 271 19 of of ADP crln-24008 271 20 materials material NOUN crln-24008 271 21 in in ADP crln-24008 271 22 all all DET crln-24008 271 23 formats format NOUN crln-24008 271 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 272 1 will will AUX crln-24008 272 2 provide provide VERB crln-24008 272 3 in in ADP crln-24008 272 4 - - PUNCT crln-24008 272 5 depth depth NOUN crln-24008 272 6 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 272 7 service service NOUN crln-24008 272 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 272 9 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 272 10 in in ADP crln-24008 272 11 use use NOUN crln-24008 272 12 of of ADP crln-24008 272 13 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 272 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 272 15 traditional traditional ADJ crln-24008 272 16 information information NOUN crln-24008 272 17 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 272 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 272 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 272 20 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 272 21 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 272 22 related relate VERB crln-24008 272 23 to to ADP crln-24008 272 24 government government NOUN crln-24008 272 25 documents document NOUN crln-24008 272 26 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 272 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 273 1 evening evening NOUN crln-24008 273 2 and and CCONJ crln-24008 273 3 weekend weekend NOUN crln-24008 273 4 work work NOUN crln-24008 273 5 required require VERB crln-24008 273 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 274 1 individual individual NOUN crln-24008 274 2 may may AUX crln-24008 274 3 work work VERB crln-24008 274 4 alone alone ADV crln-24008 274 5 or or CCONJ crln-24008 274 6 as as ADP crln-24008 274 7 team team NOUN crln-24008 274 8 memberat memberat PROPN crln-24008 274 9 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 274 10 desk desk NOUN crln-24008 274 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 274 12 providing provide VERB crln-24008 274 13 general general ADJ crln-24008 274 14 information information NOUN crln-24008 274 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 274 16 subject subject ADJ crln-24008 274 17 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 274 18 assistance assistance NOUN crln-24008 274 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 275 1 other other ADJ crln-24008 275 2 duties duty NOUN crln-24008 275 3 as as SCONJ crln-24008 275 4 assigned assign VERB crln-24008 275 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 276 1 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 276 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 276 3 required require VERB crln-24008 276 4 : : PUNCT crln-24008 276 5 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 276 6 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 276 7 from from ADP crln-24008 276 8 an an DET crln-24008 276 9 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 276 10 - - PUNCT crln-24008 276 11 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 276 12 institution institution NOUN crln-24008 276 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 277 1 course course NOUN crln-24008 277 2 work work NOUN crln-24008 277 3 in in ADP crln-24008 277 4 government government NOUN crln-24008 277 5 documents document NOUN crln-24008 277 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 277 7 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 277 8 or or CCONJ crln-24008 277 9 equiva­ equiva­ NOUN crln-24008 277 10 lent lend VERB crln-24008 277 11 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 277 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 278 1 preferred prefer VERB crln-24008 278 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 278 3 minimum minimum ADJ crln-24008 278 4 one one NUM crln-24008 278 5 to to ADP crln-24008 278 6 three three NUM crln-24008 278 7 years year NOUN crln-24008 278 8 of of ADP crln-24008 278 9 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 278 10 in in ADP crln-24008 278 11 government government NOUN crln-24008 278 12 documents document NOUN crln-24008 278 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 279 1 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 279 2 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 279 3 to to PART crln-24008 279 4 use use VERB crln-24008 279 5 both both PRON crln-24008 279 6 traditional traditional ADJ crln-24008 279 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 279 8 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 279 9 government government NOUN crln-24008 279 10 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 279 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 279 12 work work VERB crln-24008 279 13 in in ADP crln-24008 279 14 a a DET crln-24008 279 15 team team NOUN crln-24008 279 16 setting setting NOUN crln-24008 279 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 279 18 handle handle VERB crln-24008 279 19 multiple multiple ADJ crln-24008 279 20 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 279 21 in in ADP crln-24008 279 22 changing change VERB crln-24008 279 23 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 279 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 279 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 279 26 work work VERB crln-24008 279 27 effectively effectively ADV crln-24008 279 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 279 29 indepen indepen PROPN crln-24008 279 30 50 50 NUM crln-24008 279 31 / / SYM crln-24008 279 32 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 279 33 news news NOUN crln-24008 279 34 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 279 35 january january PROPN crln-24008 279 36 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 279 37 th th PRON crln-24008 279 38 ree ree NOUN crln-24008 279 39 positions position NOUN crln-24008 279 40 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 279 41 / / SYM crln-24008 279 42 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 279 43 librarians librarians PROPN crln-24008 279 44 university university PROPN crln-24008 279 45 of of ADP crln-24008 279 46 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 279 47 california california PROPN crln-24008 279 48 leavey leavey PROPN crln-24008 279 49 library library PROPN crln-24008 279 50 position position NOUN crln-24008 279 51 summary summary NOUN crln-24008 279 52 : : PUNCT crln-24008 279 53 the the DET crln-24008 279 54 information information NOUN crln-24008 279 55 services service NOUN crln-24008 279 56 division division NOUN crln-24008 279 57 of of ADP crln-24008 279 58 the the DET crln-24008 279 59 university university PROPN crln-24008 279 60 of of ADP crln-24008 279 61 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 279 62 california california PROPN crln-24008 279 63 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 279 64 three three NUM crln-24008 279 65 energetic energetic ADJ crln-24008 279 66 and and CCONJ crln-24008 279 67 highly highly ADV crln-24008 279 68 - - PUNCT crln-24008 279 69 motivated motivated ADJ crln-24008 279 70 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 279 71 / / SYM crln-24008 279 72 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 279 73 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 279 74 for for ADP crln-24008 279 75 the the DET crln-24008 279 76 thomas thomas PROPN crln-24008 279 77 and and CCONJ crln-24008 279 78 dorothy dorothy PROPN crln-24008 279 79 leavey leavey NOUN crln-24008 279 80 library library PROPN crln-24008 279 81 , , PUNCT crln-24008 279 82 a a DET crln-24008 279 83 teaching teaching NOUN crln-24008 279 84 library library NOUN crln-24008 279 85 housed house VERB crln-24008 279 86 in in ADP crln-24008 279 87 a a DET crln-24008 279 88 state state NOUN crln-24008 279 89 - - PUNCT crln-24008 279 90 of of ADP crln-24008 279 91 - - PUNCT crln-24008 279 92 the the DET crln-24008 279 93 - - PUNCT crln-24008 279 94 art art NOUN crln-24008 279 95 building building NOUN crln-24008 279 96 that that PRON crln-24008 279 97 opened open VERB crln-24008 279 98 in in ADP crln-24008 279 99 fall fall NOUN crln-24008 279 100 1994 1994 NUM crln-24008 279 101 . . PUNCT crln-24008 280 1 as as ADP crln-24008 280 2 a a DET crln-24008 280 3 center center NOUN crln-24008 280 4 for for ADP crln-24008 280 5 promoting promote VERB crln-24008 280 6 information information NOUN crln-24008 280 7 literacy literacy NOUN crln-24008 280 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 280 9 life life NOUN crln-24008 280 10 - - PUNCT crln-24008 280 11 long long ADJ crln-24008 280 12 learning learning NOUN crln-24008 280 13 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 280 14 to to ADP crln-24008 280 15 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crln-24008 280 16 students student NOUN crln-24008 280 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 280 18 leavey leavey PROPN crln-24008 280 19 library library PROPN crln-24008 280 20 is be AUX crln-24008 280 21 a a DET crln-24008 280 22 focal focal ADJ crln-24008 280 23 point point NOUN crln-24008 280 24 for for ADP crln-24008 280 25 evaluating evaluate VERB crln-24008 280 26 information information NOUN crln-24008 280 27 technologies technology NOUN crln-24008 280 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 280 29 developing develop VERB crln-24008 280 30 partnerships partnership NOUN crln-24008 280 31 with with ADP crln-24008 280 32 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 280 33 , , PUNCT crln-24008 280 34 and and CCONJ crln-24008 280 35 integrating integrate VERB crln-24008 280 36 technology technology NOUN crln-24008 280 37 into into ADP crln-24008 280 38 the the DET crln-24008 280 39 curriculum curriculum NOUN crln-24008 280 40 . . PUNCT crln-24008 281 1 the the DET crln-24008 281 2 leavey leavey PROPN crln-24008 281 3 library library PROPN crln-24008 281 4 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 281 5 includes include VERB crln-24008 281 6 seven seven NUM crln-24008 281 7 library library NOUN crln-24008 281 8 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 281 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 281 10 nine nine NUM crln-24008 281 11 library library NOUN crln-24008 281 12 assistants assistant NOUN crln-24008 281 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 281 14 a a DET crln-24008 281 15 computing computing NOUN crln-24008 281 16 services service NOUN crln-24008 281 17 coordinator coordinator NOUN crln-24008 281 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 281 19 an an DET crln-24008 281 20 administrative administrative ADJ crln-24008 281 21 services service NOUN crln-24008 281 22 coordinator coordinator NOUN crln-24008 281 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 281 24 a a DET crln-24008 281 25 facilities facility NOUN crln-24008 281 26 coordinator coordinator NOUN crln-24008 281 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 281 28 an an DET crln-24008 281 29 access access NOUN crln-24008 281 30 services service NOUN crln-24008 281 31 coordinator coordinator NOUN crln-24008 281 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 281 33 and and CCONJ crln-24008 281 34 more more ADJ crln-24008 281 35 than than ADP crln-24008 281 36 60 60 NUM crln-24008 281 37 student student NOUN crln-24008 281 38 assistants assistant NOUN crln-24008 281 39 . . PUNCT crln-24008 282 1 the the DET crln-24008 282 2 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 282 3 / / SYM crln-24008 282 4 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 282 5 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 282 6 provide provide VERB crln-24008 282 7 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 282 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 282 9 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24008 282 10 services service NOUN crln-24008 282 11 to to ADP crln-24008 282 12 a a DET crln-24008 282 13 diverse diverse ADJ crln-24008 282 14 user user NOUN crln-24008 282 15 community community NOUN crln-24008 282 16 in in ADP crln-24008 282 17 an an DET crln-24008 282 18 innovative innovative ADJ crln-24008 282 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 282 20 highly highly ADV crln-24008 282 21 networked networked ADJ crln-24008 282 22 library library NOUN crln-24008 282 23 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 282 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 283 1 the the DET crln-24008 283 2 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 283 3 / / SYM crln-24008 283 4 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 283 5 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 283 6 advance advance NOUN crln-24008 283 7 leavey leavey PROPN crln-24008 283 8 library library PROPN crln-24008 283 9 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 283 10 teaching teaching NOUN crln-24008 283 11 mission mission NOUN crln-24008 283 12 by by ADP crln-24008 283 13 participating participate VERB crln-24008 283 14 in in ADP crln-24008 283 15 an an DET crln-24008 283 16 ambitious ambitious ADJ crln-24008 283 17 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 283 18 program program NOUN crln-24008 283 19 that that PRON crln-24008 283 20 emphasizes emphasize VERB crln-24008 283 21 critical critical ADJ crln-24008 283 22 thinking thinking NOUN crln-24008 283 23 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 283 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 283 25 the the DET crln-24008 283 26 integration integration NOUN crln-24008 283 27 of of ADP crln-24008 283 28 digital digital ADJ crln-24008 283 29 and and CCONJ crln-24008 283 30 print print NOUN crln-24008 283 31 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 283 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 283 33 by by ADP crln-24008 283 34 providing provide VERB crln-24008 283 35 research research NOUN crln-24008 283 36 assistance assistance NOUN crln-24008 283 37 in in ADP crln-24008 283 38 the the DET crln-24008 283 39 leavey leavey NOUN crln-24008 283 40 library library NOUN crln-24008 283 41 information information NOUN crln-24008 283 42 commons common NOUN crln-24008 283 43 , , PUNCT crln-24008 283 44 by by ADP crln-24008 283 45 working work VERB crln-24008 283 46 with with ADP crln-24008 283 47 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 283 48 members member NOUN crln-24008 283 49 in in ADP crln-24008 283 50 a a DET crln-24008 283 51 collaborative collaborative ADJ crln-24008 283 52 learning learning NOUN crln-24008 283 53 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 283 54 , , PUNCT crln-24008 283 55 and and CCONJ crln-24008 283 56 by by ADP crln-24008 283 57 participating participate VERB crln-24008 283 58 in in ADP crln-24008 283 59 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 283 60 development development NOUN crln-24008 283 61 in in ADP crln-24008 283 62 a a DET crln-24008 283 63 variety variety NOUN crln-24008 283 64 of of ADP crln-24008 283 65 formats format NOUN crln-24008 283 66 . . PUNCT crln-24008 284 1 some some DET crln-24008 284 2 evening evening NOUN crln-24008 284 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 284 4 weekend weekend NOUN crln-24008 284 5 hours hour NOUN crln-24008 284 6 may may AUX crln-24008 284 7 be be AUX crln-24008 284 8 required require VERB crln-24008 284 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 285 1 description description NOUN crln-24008 285 2 of of ADP crln-24008 285 3 the the DET crln-24008 285 4 information information NOUN crln-24008 285 5 services service NOUN crln-24008 285 6 division division NOUN crln-24008 285 7 : : PUNCT crln-24008 285 8 the the DET crln-24008 285 9 university university NOUN crln-24008 285 10 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 285 11 are be AUX crln-24008 285 12 an an DET crln-24008 285 13 integral integral ADJ crln-24008 285 14 part part NOUN crln-24008 285 15 of of ADP crln-24008 285 16 the the DET crln-24008 285 17 university university PROPN crln-24008 285 18 of of ADP crln-24008 285 19 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 285 20 california california PROPN crln-24008 285 21 information information NOUN crln-24008 285 22 services service NOUN crln-24008 285 23 division division NOUN crln-24008 285 24 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 285 25 isd isd ADV crln-24008 285 26 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 285 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 286 1 serving serve VERB crln-24008 286 2 one one NUM crln-24008 286 3 of of ADP crln-24008 286 4 the the DET crln-24008 286 5 nation nation NOUN crln-24008 286 6 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 286 7 largest large ADJ crln-24008 286 8 private private ADJ crln-24008 286 9 research research NOUN crln-24008 286 10 universities university NOUN crln-24008 286 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 286 12 the the DET crln-24008 286 13 isd isd NOUN crln-24008 286 14 is be AUX crln-24008 286 15 a a DET crln-24008 286 16 unified unified ADJ crln-24008 286 17 organization organization NOUN crln-24008 286 18 whose whose DET crln-24008 286 19 goal goal NOUN crln-24008 286 20 is be AUX crln-24008 286 21 to to PART crln-24008 286 22 provide provide VERB crln-24008 286 23 the the DET crln-24008 286 24 highest high ADJ crln-24008 286 25 quality quality NOUN crln-24008 286 26 support support NOUN crln-24008 286 27 for for ADP crln-24008 286 28 library library NOUN crln-24008 286 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 286 30 computing computing NOUN crln-24008 286 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 286 32 and and CCONJ crln-24008 286 33 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 286 34 needs need NOUN crln-24008 286 35 . . PUNCT crln-24008 287 1 to to PART crln-24008 287 2 accomplish accomplish VERB crln-24008 287 3 its its PRON crln-24008 287 4 goal goal NOUN crln-24008 287 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 287 6 the the DET crln-24008 287 7 isd isd NOUN crln-24008 287 8 is be AUX crln-24008 287 9 structured structure VERB crln-24008 287 10 in in ADP crln-24008 287 11 three three NUM crln-24008 287 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 287 13 nontraditional nontraditional ADJ crln-24008 287 14 core core NOUN crln-24008 287 15 groups group NOUN crln-24008 287 16 : : PUNCT crln-24008 287 17 public public ADJ crln-24008 287 18 services service NOUN crln-24008 287 19 core core NOUN crln-24008 287 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 287 21 infrastructure infrastructure NOUN crln-24008 287 22 core core NOUN crln-24008 287 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 287 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 287 25 communications communication NOUN crln-24008 287 26 core core PROPN crln-24008 287 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 288 1 u.s.c u.s.c PROPN crln-24008 288 2 . . PUNCT crln-24008 289 1 houses house VERB crln-24008 289 2 a a DET crln-24008 289 3 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 289 4 of of ADP crln-24008 289 5 more more ADJ crln-24008 289 6 than than ADP crln-24008 289 7 2.6 2.6 NUM crln-24008 289 8 million million NUM crln-24008 289 9 volumes volume NOUN crln-24008 289 10 in in ADP crln-24008 289 11 the the DET crln-24008 289 12 main main ADJ crln-24008 289 13 doheny doheny NOUN crln-24008 289 14 library library NOUN crln-24008 289 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 289 16 14 14 NUM crln-24008 289 17 specialized specialized ADJ crln-24008 289 18 subject subject ADJ crln-24008 289 19 units unit NOUN crln-24008 289 20 . . PUNCT crln-24008 290 1 as as ADP crln-24008 290 2 part part NOUN crln-24008 290 3 of of ADP crln-24008 290 4 the the DET crln-24008 290 5 isd isd NOUN crln-24008 290 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 290 7 it it PRON crln-24008 290 8 has have VERB crln-24008 290 9 a a DET crln-24008 290 10 strategic strategic ADJ crln-24008 290 11 goal goal NOUN crln-24008 290 12 of of ADP crln-24008 290 13 expanding expand VERB crln-24008 290 14 networked networked ADJ crln-24008 290 15 information information NOUN crln-24008 290 16 sen sen PROPN crln-24008 290 17 / / SYM crln-24008 290 18 ices ice NOUN crln-24008 290 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 290 20 as as SCONJ crln-24008 290 21 represented represent VERB crln-24008 290 22 by by ADP crln-24008 290 23 the the DET crln-24008 290 24 uscinfo uscinfo NOUN crln-24008 290 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 290 26 the the DET crln-24008 290 27 online online ADJ crln-24008 290 28 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 290 29 information information NOUN crln-24008 290 30 system system NOUN crln-24008 290 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 290 32 which which PRON crln-24008 290 33 includes include VERB crln-24008 290 34 an an DET crln-24008 290 35 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 290 36 library library NOUN crln-24008 290 37 system system NOUN crln-24008 290 38 and and CCONJ crln-24008 290 39 dozens dozen NOUN crln-24008 290 40 of of ADP crln-24008 290 41 web web NOUN crln-24008 290 42 - - PUNCT crln-24008 290 43 based base VERB crln-24008 290 44 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 290 45 and and CCONJ crln-24008 290 46 full full ADJ crln-24008 290 47 - - PUNCT crln-24008 290 48 text text NOUN crln-24008 290 49 databases database NOUN crln-24008 290 50 . . PUNCT crln-24008 291 1 u.s.c u.s.c PROPN crln-24008 291 2 . . PUNCT crln-24008 291 3 is be AUX crln-24008 291 4 a a DET crln-24008 291 5 member member NOUN crln-24008 291 6 of of ADP crln-24008 291 7 the the DET crln-24008 291 8 association association NOUN crln-24008 291 9 of of ADP crln-24008 291 10 research research NOUN crln-24008 291 11 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 291 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 291 13 the the DET crln-24008 291 14 center center NOUN crln-24008 291 15 for for ADP crln-24008 291 16 research research NOUN crln-24008 291 17 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 291 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 291 19 the the DET crln-24008 291 20 research research NOUN crln-24008 291 21 libraries librarie VERB crln-24008 291 22 group group NOUN crln-24008 291 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 291 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 291 25 is be AUX crln-24008 291 26 the the DET crln-24008 291 27 host host NOUN crln-24008 291 28 institution institution NOUN crln-24008 291 29 for for ADP crln-24008 291 30 the the DET crln-24008 291 31 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 291 32 california california PROPN crln-24008 291 33 electronic electronic PROPN crln-24008 291 34 library library PROPN crln-24008 291 35 consortium consortium PROPN crln-24008 291 36 . . PUNCT crln-24008 292 1 additional additional ADJ crln-24008 292 2 information information NOUN crln-24008 292 3 about about ADP crln-24008 292 4 the the DET crln-24008 292 5 university university PROPN crln-24008 292 6 of of ADP crln-24008 292 7 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 292 8 california california PROPN crln-24008 292 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 292 10 the the DET crln-24008 292 11 isd isd NOUN crln-24008 292 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 292 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 292 14 the the DET crln-24008 292 15 university university NOUN crln-24008 292 16 libraries librarie VERB crln-24008 292 17 component component NOUN crln-24008 292 18 can can AUX crln-24008 292 19 be be AUX crln-24008 292 20 obtained obtain VERB crln-24008 292 21 from from ADP crln-24008 292 22 uscweb uscweb PROPN crln-24008 292 23 at at ADP crln-24008 292 24 PROPN crln-24008 292 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 293 1 description description NOUN crln-24008 293 2 of of ADP crln-24008 293 3 duties duty NOUN crln-24008 293 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 293 5 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 293 6 : : PUNCT crln-24008 293 7 reporting report VERB crln-24008 293 8 to to ADP crln-24008 293 9 the the DET crln-24008 293 10 assistant assistant NOUN crln-24008 293 11 director director NOUN crln-24008 293 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 293 13 the the DET crln-24008 293 14 reference/ reference/ NUM crln-24008 293 15 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 293 16 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 293 17 actively actively ADV crln-24008 293 18 participate participate VERB crln-24008 293 19 in in ADP crln-24008 293 20 all all DET crln-24008 293 21 aspects aspect NOUN crln-24008 293 22 of of ADP crln-24008 293 23 leavey leavey NOUN crln-24008 293 24 ’s ’s NOUN crln-24008 293 25 activities activity NOUN crln-24008 293 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 293 27 including include VERB crln-24008 293 28 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 293 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 293 30 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 293 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 293 32 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 293 33 development development NOUN crln-24008 293 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 293 35 and and CCONJ crln-24008 293 36 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 293 37 outreach outreach NOUN crln-24008 293 38 , , PUNCT crln-24008 293 39 and and CCONJ crln-24008 293 40 collaborate collaborate VERB crln-24008 293 41 with with ADP crln-24008 293 42 other other ADJ crln-24008 293 43 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 293 44 to to PART crln-24008 293 45 develop develop VERB crln-24008 293 46 innovative innovative ADJ crln-24008 293 47 services service NOUN crln-24008 293 48 and and CCONJ crln-24008 293 49 programs program NOUN crln-24008 293 50 . . PUNCT crln-24008 294 1 leavey leavey VERB crln-24008 294 2 ’s ’s NUM crln-24008 294 3 extensive extensive ADJ crln-24008 294 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 294 5 dynamic dynamic ADJ crln-24008 294 6 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 294 7 program program NOUN crln-24008 294 8 includes include VERB crln-24008 294 9 drop drop VERB crln-24008 294 10 - - PUNCT crln-24008 294 11 in in ADP crln-24008 294 12 workshops workshop NOUN crln-24008 294 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 294 14 seminars seminar NOUN crln-24008 294 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 294 16 course course NOUN crln-24008 294 17 - - PUNCT crln-24008 294 18 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 294 19 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 294 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 294 21 community community NOUN crln-24008 294 22 outreach outreach NOUN crln-24008 294 23 workshops workshop NOUN crln-24008 294 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 294 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 294 26 in in ADP crln-24008 294 27 - - PUNCT crln-24008 294 28 depth depth NOUN crln-24008 294 29 collaborations collaboration NOUN crln-24008 294 30 with with ADP crln-24008 294 31 teaching teach VERB crln-24008 294 32 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 294 33 . . PUNCT crln-24008 295 1 the the DET crln-24008 295 2 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 295 3 / / SYM crln-24008 295 4 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 295 5 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 295 6 will will AUX crln-24008 295 7 design design VERB crln-24008 295 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 295 9 teach teach VERB crln-24008 295 10 courses course NOUN crln-24008 295 11 emphasizing emphasize VERB crln-24008 295 12 critical critical ADJ crln-24008 295 13 thinking thinking NOUN crln-24008 295 14 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 295 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 295 16 evaluation evaluation NOUN crln-24008 295 17 of of ADP crln-24008 295 18 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 295 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 295 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 295 21 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 295 22 continued continue VERB crln-24008 295 23 on on ADP crln-24008 295 24 next next ADJ crln-24008 295 25 page page NOUN crln-24008 295 26 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 295 27 dently dently ADV crln-24008 295 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 295 29 and and CCONJ crln-24008 295 30 cooperatively cooperatively ADV crln-24008 295 31 with with ADP crln-24008 295 32 all all DET crln-24008 295 33 elements element NOUN crln-24008 295 34 of of ADP crln-24008 295 35 highly highly ADV crln-24008 295 36 diverse diverse ADJ crln-24008 295 37 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 295 38 community community NOUN crln-24008 295 39 . . PUNCT crln-24008 296 1 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 296 2 desk desk NOUN crln-24008 296 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 296 4 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 296 5 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 296 6 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 296 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 297 1 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 297 2 with with ADP crln-24008 297 3 use use NOUN crln-24008 297 4 of of ADP crln-24008 297 5 opacs opacs PROPN crln-24008 297 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 297 7 web web NOUN crln-24008 297 8 - - PUNCT crln-24008 297 9 based base VERB crln-24008 297 10 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 297 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 297 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 297 13 cd cd PROPN crln-24008 297 14 - - PUNCT crln-24008 297 15 rom rom NOUN crln-24008 297 16 databases database NOUN crln-24008 297 17 . . PUNCT crln-24008 298 1 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 298 2 public public ADJ crln-24008 298 3 service service NOUN crln-24008 298 4 orientation orientation NOUN crln-24008 298 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 299 1 familiarity familiarity NOUN crln-24008 299 2 with with ADP crln-24008 299 3 html html NOUN crln-24008 299 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 299 5 web web NOUN crln-24008 299 6 page page NOUN crln-24008 299 7 construction construction NOUN crln-24008 299 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 300 1 supervisory supervisory ADJ crln-24008 300 2 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 300 3 . . PUNCT crln-24008 301 1 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 301 2 - - PUNCT crln-24008 301 3 track track NOUN crln-24008 301 4 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 301 5 position position NOUN crln-24008 301 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 301 7 available available ADJ crln-24008 301 8 july july PROPN crln-24008 301 9 1 1 NUM crln-24008 301 10 ‚ ‚ PROPN crln-24008 301 11 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 301 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 302 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 302 2 range range NOUN crln-24008 302 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 302 4 $ $ SYM crln-24008 302 5 39,756-$55,068 39,756-$55,068 NUM crln-24008 302 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 302 7 depending depend VERB crln-24008 302 8 on on ADP crln-24008 302 9 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 302 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 303 1 send send VERB crln-24008 303 2 a a DET crln-24008 303 3 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 303 4 of of ADP crln-24008 303 5 application application NOUN crln-24008 303 6 plus plus CCONJ crln-24008 303 7 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 303 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 303 9 postmarked postmark VERB crln-24008 303 10 no no ADV crln-24008 303 11 later later ADV crln-24008 303 12 than than ADP crln-24008 303 13 february february PROPN crln-24008 303 14 2 2 NUM crln-24008 303 15 6 6 NUM crln-24008 303 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 303 17 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 303 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 303 19 to to ADP crln-24008 303 20 : : PUNCT crln-24008 303 21 library library NOUN crln-24008 303 22 recruiting recruiting PROPN crln-24008 303 23 committee committee PROPN crln-24008 303 24 coordina­ coordina­ PROPN crln-24008 303 25 tor tor NOUN crln-24008 303 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 303 27 government government NOUN crln-24008 303 28 documents document NOUN crln-24008 303 29 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 303 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 303 31 california california PROPN crln-24008 303 32 state state PROPN crln-24008 303 33 university university PROPN crln-24008 303 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 303 35 san san PROPN crln-24008 303 36 b b PROPN crln-24008 303 37 e e PROPN crln-24008 303 38 rna rna PROPN crln-24008 303 39 rdin rdin PROPN crln-24008 303 40 o o PROPN crln-24008 303 41 library library PROPN crln-24008 303 42 , , PUNCT crln-24008 303 43 5500 5500 NUM crln-24008 303 44 university university NOUN crln-24008 303 45 parkway parkway NOUN crln-24008 303 46 , , PUNCT crln-24008 303 47 san san PROPN crln-24008 303 48 bernardino bernardino PROPN crln-24008 303 49 , , PUNCT crln-24008 303 50 ca ca PROPN crln-24008 303 51 92407 92407 NUM crln-24008 303 52 - - SYM crln-24008 303 53 2397 2397 NUM crln-24008 303 54 . . PUNCT crln-24008 304 1 csusb csusb PROPN crln-24008 304 2 is be AUX crln-24008 304 3 an an DET crln-24008 304 4 eo eo PROPN crln-24008 304 5 / / SYM crln-24008 304 6 aa aa PROPN crln-24008 304 7 employer employer PROPN crln-24008 304 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 305 1 head head PROPN crln-24008 305 2 , , PUNCT crln-24008 305 3 library library PROPN crln-24008 305 4 information information NOUN crln-24008 305 5 technology technology NOUN crln-24008 305 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 306 1 university university NOUN crln-24008 306 2 of of ADP crln-24008 306 3 ar­ ar­ PROPN crln-24008 306 4 kansas kansas PROPN crln-24008 306 5 at at ADP crln-24008 306 6 little little ADJ crln-24008 306 7 rock rock NOUN crln-24008 306 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 306 9 ottenheimer ottenheimer PROPN crln-24008 306 10 library library PROPN crln-24008 306 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 307 1 ualr ualr PROPN crln-24008 307 2 invites invite VERB crln-24008 307 3 applications application NOUN crln-24008 307 4 for for ADP crln-24008 307 5 the the DET crln-24008 307 6 position position NOUN crln-24008 307 7 of of ADP crln-24008 307 8 head head NOUN crln-24008 307 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 307 10 library library PROPN crln-24008 307 11 information information NOUN crln-24008 307 12 technology technology NOUN crln-24008 307 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 307 14 a a DET crln-24008 307 15 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 307 16 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 307 17 with with ADP crln-24008 307 18 rank rank NOUN crln-24008 307 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 307 20 leading lead VERB crln-24008 307 21 to to ADP crln-24008 307 22 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 307 23 . . PUNCT crln-24008 308 1 the the DET crln-24008 308 2 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 308 3 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 308 4 must must AUX crln-24008 308 5 demonstrate demonstrate VERB crln-24008 308 6 skill skill NOUN crln-24008 308 7 in in ADP crln-24008 308 8 both both DET crln-24008 308 9 automated automate VERB crln-24008 308 10 library library NOUN crln-24008 308 11 systems system NOUN crln-24008 308 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 308 13 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 308 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 309 1 also also ADV crln-24008 309 2 necessary necessary ADJ crln-24008 309 3 will will AUX crln-24008 309 4 be be AUX crln-24008 309 5 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 309 6 of of ADP crln-24008 309 7 print print NOUN crln-24008 309 8 as as ADV crln-24008 309 9 well well ADV crln-24008 309 10 as as ADP crln-24008 309 11 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 309 12 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 309 13 plus plus CCONJ crln-24008 309 14 a a DET crln-24008 309 15 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 309 16 commitment commitment NOUN crln-24008 309 17 to to ADP crln-24008 309 18 patron patron NOUN crln-24008 309 19 services service NOUN crln-24008 309 20 for for ADP crln-24008 309 21 undergraduates undergraduate NOUN crln-24008 309 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 309 23 graduate graduate NOUN crln-24008 309 24 students student NOUN crln-24008 309 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 309 26 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 309 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 309 28 and and CCONJ crln-24008 309 29 administrators administrator NOUN crln-24008 309 30 . . PUNCT crln-24008 310 1 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 310 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 310 3 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 310 4 include include VERB crln-24008 310 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 310 6 but but CCONJ crln-24008 310 7 are be AUX crln-24008 310 8 not not PART crln-24008 310 9 limited limit VERB crln-24008 310 10 to to ADP crln-24008 310 11 : : PUNCT crln-24008 310 12 manage manage VERB crln-24008 310 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 310 14 supervise supervise VERB crln-24008 310 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 310 16 coordinate coordinate NOUN crln-24008 310 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 310 18 plan plan NOUN crln-24008 310 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 310 20 implement implement NOUN crln-24008 310 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 310 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 310 23 service service VERB crln-24008 310 24 the the DET crln-24008 310 25 library library NOUN crln-24008 310 26 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 310 27 various various ADJ crln-24008 310 28 information information NOUN crln-24008 310 29 systems system NOUN crln-24008 310 30 operations operation NOUN crln-24008 310 31 including include VERB crln-24008 310 32 the the DET crln-24008 310 33 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 310 34 library library NOUN crln-24008 310 35 system system NOUN crln-24008 310 36 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 310 37 dra dra PROPN crln-24008 310 38 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 310 39 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 310 40 assigned assign VERB crln-24008 310 41 teaching teaching NOUN crln-24008 310 42 functions function NOUN crln-24008 310 43 within within ADP crln-24008 310 44 the the DET crln-24008 310 45 library library NOUN crln-24008 310 46 's 's PART crln-24008 310 47 information information NOUN crln-24008 310 48 literacy literacy NOUN crln-24008 310 49 program program NOUN crln-24008 310 50 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 310 51 prepare prepare VERB crln-24008 310 52 the the DET crln-24008 310 53 library library NOUN crln-24008 310 54 for for ADP crln-24008 310 55 an an DET crln-24008 310 56 upgraded upgrade VERB crln-24008 310 57 automation automation NOUN crln-24008 310 58 system system NOUN crln-24008 310 59 or or CCONJ crln-24008 310 60 movement movement NOUN crln-24008 310 61 to to ADP crln-24008 310 62 a a DET crln-24008 310 63 completely completely ADV crln-24008 310 64 new new ADJ crln-24008 310 65 system system NOUN crln-24008 310 66 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 310 67 develop develop VERB crln-24008 310 68 internet internet NOUN crln-24008 310 69 network network NOUN crln-24008 310 70 and and CCONJ crln-24008 310 71 web web NOUN crln-24008 310 72 - - PUNCT crln-24008 310 73 based base VERB crln-24008 310 74 applications application NOUN crln-24008 310 75 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 310 76 perform perform NOUN crln-24008 310 77 upgrades upgrade NOUN crln-24008 310 78 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 310 79 coordinate coordinate NOUN crln-24008 310 80 re­ re­ PROPN crln-24008 310 81 lease lease NOUN crln-24008 310 82 documentation documentation NOUN crln-24008 310 83 and and CCONJ crln-24008 310 84 manages manage VERB crln-24008 310 85 implementation implementation NOUN crln-24008 310 86 of of ADP crln-24008 310 87 new new ADJ crln-24008 310 88 features feature NOUN crln-24008 310 89 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 310 90 consult consult VERB crln-24008 310 91 with with ADP crln-24008 310 92 library library NOUN crln-24008 310 93 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 310 94 on on ADP crln-24008 310 95 procurement procurement NOUN crln-24008 310 96 of of ADP crln-24008 310 97 now now ADV crln-24008 310 98 computer computer NOUN crln-24008 310 99 products product NOUN crln-24008 310 100 and and CCONJ crln-24008 310 101 services service NOUN crln-24008 310 102 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 310 103 coordinate coordinate VERB crln-24008 310 104 hardware hardware NOUN crln-24008 310 105 and and CCONJ crln-24008 310 106 software software NOUN crln-24008 310 107 support support NOUN crln-24008 310 108 for for ADP crln-24008 310 109 library library PROPN crln-24008 310 110 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 310 111 microcomputers microcomputer NOUN crln-24008 310 112 and and CCONJ crln-24008 310 113 peripherals peripheral NOUN crln-24008 310 114 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 310 115 serve serve VERB crln-24008 310 116 as as ADP crln-24008 310 117 library library PROPN crln-24008 310 118 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 310 119 liaison liaison NOUN crln-24008 310 120 to to ADP crln-24008 310 121 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 310 122 computing computing NOUN crln-24008 310 123 services service NOUN crln-24008 310 124 . . PUNCT crln-24008 311 1 requirements requirement NOUN crln-24008 311 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 311 3 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 311 4 - - PUNCT crln-24008 311 5 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 311 6 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 311 7 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 311 8 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 311 9 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 311 10 management management NOUN crln-24008 311 11 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 311 12 with with ADP crln-24008 311 13 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 311 14 computer computer NOUN crln-24008 311 15 systems system NOUN crln-24008 311 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 311 17 networking networking NOUN crln-24008 311 18 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 311 19 documented document VERB crln-24008 311 20 evidence evidence NOUN crln-24008 311 21 of of ADP crln-24008 311 22 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 311 23 management management NOUN crln-24008 311 24 of of ADP crln-24008 311 25 computer computer NOUN crln-24008 311 26 systems system NOUN crln-24008 311 27 projects project NOUN crln-24008 311 28 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 311 29 knowl­ knowl­ DET crln-24008 311 30 edge edge NOUN crln-24008 311 31 of of ADP crln-24008 311 32 local local ADJ crln-24008 311 33 area area NOUN crln-24008 311 34 networks network NOUN crln-24008 311 35 , , PUNCT crln-24008 311 36 cd cd PROPN crln-24008 311 37 - - PUNCT crln-24008 311 38 rom rom PROPN crln-24008 311 39 lan lan PROPN crln-24008 311 40 ’s ’s PROPN crln-24008 311 41 , , PUNCT crln-24008 311 42 marc marc PROPN crln-24008 311 43 and and CCONJ crln-24008 311 44 oclc oclc PROPN crln-24008 311 45 record record NOUN crln-24008 311 46 structures structure NOUN crln-24008 311 47 , , PUNCT crln-24008 311 48 and and CCONJ crln-24008 311 49 web web NOUN crln-24008 311 50 design design NOUN crln-24008 311 51 and and CCONJ crln-24008 311 52 support support NOUN crln-24008 311 53 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 311 54 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 311 55 excellent excellent ADJ crln-24008 311 56 oral oral NOUN crln-24008 311 57 , , PUNCT crln-24008 311 58 written write VERB crln-24008 311 59 , , PUNCT crln-24008 311 60 and and CCONJ crln-24008 311 61 interpersonal interpersonal ADJ crln-24008 311 62 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 311 63 . . PUNCT crln-24008 312 1 preference preference NOUN crln-24008 312 2 will will AUX crln-24008 312 3 be be AUX crln-24008 312 4 given give VERB crln-24008 312 5 to to ADP crln-24008 312 6 applicants applicant NOUN crln-24008 312 7 with with ADP crln-24008 312 8 three three NUM crln-24008 312 9 to to PART crln-24008 312 10 five five NUM crln-24008 312 11 years year NOUN crln-24008 312 12 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 312 13 with with ADP crln-24008 312 14 dra dra PRON crln-24008 312 15 and/or and/or CCONJ crln-24008 312 16 innovative innovative ADJ crln-24008 312 17 interface interface NOUN crln-24008 312 18 systems system NOUN crln-24008 312 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 313 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 313 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 313 3 $ $ SYM crln-24008 313 4 37,500for 37,500for NUM crln-24008 313 5 twelve twelve NUM crln-24008 313 6 - - PUNCT crln-24008 313 7 month month NOUN crln-24008 313 8 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 313 9 with with ADP crln-24008 313 10 tiaa tiaa ADJ crln-24008 313 11 / / SYM crln-24008 313 12 cref cref NOUN crln-24008 313 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 313 14 standard standard ADJ crln-24008 313 15 life life NOUN crln-24008 313 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 313 17 dental dental ADJ crln-24008 313 18 insurance insurance NOUN crln-24008 313 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 314 1 position position NOUN crln-24008 314 2 available available ADJ crln-24008 314 3 immediately immediately ADV crln-24008 314 4 . . PUNCT crln-24008 315 1 review review NOUN crln-24008 315 2 of of ADP crln-24008 315 3 applications application NOUN crln-24008 315 4 will will AUX crln-24008 315 5 begin begin VERB crln-24008 315 6 january january PROPN crln-24008 315 7 4,1999 4,1999 NUM crln-24008 315 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 315 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 315 10 will will AUX crln-24008 315 11 continue continue VERB crln-24008 315 12 until until SCONJ crln-24008 315 13 the the DET crln-24008 315 14 position position NOUN crln-24008 315 15 is be AUX crln-24008 315 16 filled fill VERB crln-24008 315 17 . . PUNCT crln-24008 316 1 send send VERB crln-24008 316 2 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 316 3 PROPN crln-24008 316 4 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 316 5 news news PROPN crln-24008 316 6 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 316 7 january january PROPN crln-24008 316 8 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 316 9 / / SYM crln-24008 316 10 51 51 NUM crln-24008 316 11 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 316 12 continued continue VERB crln-24008 316 13 on on ADP crln-24008 316 14 previous previous ADJ crln-24008 316 15 page page NOUN crln-24008 316 16 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 316 17 will will AUX crln-24008 316 18 develop develop VERB crln-24008 316 19 curricular curricular ADJ crln-24008 316 20 materials material NOUN crln-24008 316 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 316 22 guides guide NOUN crln-24008 316 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 316 24 web web NOUN crln-24008 316 25 pages page NOUN crln-24008 316 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 316 27 and and CCONJ crln-24008 316 28 other other ADJ crln-24008 316 29 publications publication NOUN crln-24008 316 30 in in ADP crln-24008 316 31 support support NOUN crln-24008 316 32 of of ADP crln-24008 316 33 courses course NOUN crln-24008 316 34 and and CCONJ crln-24008 316 35 workshops workshop NOUN crln-24008 316 36 . . PUNCT crln-24008 317 1 the the DET crln-24008 317 2 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 317 3 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 317 4 will will AUX crln-24008 317 5 work work VERB crln-24008 317 6 with with ADP crln-24008 317 7 other other ADJ crln-24008 317 8 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 317 9 to to PART crln-24008 317 10 shape shape VERB crln-24008 317 11 new new ADJ crln-24008 317 12 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 317 13 programs program NOUN crln-24008 317 14 that that PRON crln-24008 317 15 promote promote VERB crln-24008 317 16 collaborative collaborative ADJ crln-24008 317 17 learning learning NOUN crln-24008 317 18 among among ADP crln-24008 317 19 students student NOUN crln-24008 317 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 317 21 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 317 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 317 23 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 317 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 317 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 317 26 others other NOUN crln-24008 317 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 318 1 as as ADP crln-24008 318 2 a a DET crln-24008 318 3 member member NOUN crln-24008 318 4 of of ADP crln-24008 318 5 the the DET crln-24008 318 6 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 318 7 development development NOUN crln-24008 318 8 team team NOUN crln-24008 318 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 318 10 the the DET crln-24008 318 11 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 318 12 will will AUX crln-24008 318 13 join join VERB crln-24008 318 14 in in ADP crln-24008 318 15 the the DET crln-24008 318 16 development development NOUN crln-24008 318 17 of of ADP crln-24008 318 18 policies policy NOUN crln-24008 318 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 318 20 programs program NOUN crln-24008 318 21 that that PRON crln-24008 318 22 support support VERB crln-24008 318 23 access access NOUN crln-24008 318 24 to to PART crln-24008 318 25 leavey leavey VERB crln-24008 318 26 ’s ’s NOUN crln-24008 318 27 in in ADP crln-24008 318 28 - - PUNCT crln-24008 318 29 house house NOUN crln-24008 318 30 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 318 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 318 32 including include VERB crln-24008 318 33 selection selection NOUN crln-24008 318 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 318 35 mainte­ mainte­ PROPN crln-24008 318 36 nance nance PROPN crln-24008 318 37 , , PUNCT crln-24008 318 38 and and CCONJ crln-24008 318 39 deselection deselection NOUN crln-24008 318 40 of of ADP crln-24008 318 41 materials material NOUN crln-24008 318 42 in in ADP crln-24008 318 43 all all DET crln-24008 318 44 formats format NOUN crln-24008 318 45 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 318 46 subject subject ADJ crln-24008 318 47 areas area NOUN crln-24008 318 48 to to PART crln-24008 318 49 be be AUX crln-24008 318 50 determined determine VERB crln-24008 318 51 according accord VERB crln-24008 318 52 to to ADP crln-24008 318 53 the the DET crln-24008 318 54 incumbents incumbent NOUN crln-24008 318 55 ’ ’ PART crln-24008 318 56 strengths strength NOUN crln-24008 318 57 and and CCONJ crln-24008 318 58 the the DET crln-24008 318 59 library library PROPN crln-24008 318 60 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 318 61 needs need NOUN crln-24008 318 62 . . PUNCT crln-24008 319 1 the the DET crln-24008 319 2 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 319 3 / / SYM crln-24008 319 4 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 319 5 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 319 6 will will AUX crln-24008 319 7 render render VERB crln-24008 319 8 high high ADJ crln-24008 319 9 quality quality NOUN crln-24008 319 10 information information NOUN crln-24008 319 11 services service NOUN crln-24008 319 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 319 13 research research NOUN crln-24008 319 14 consultation consultation NOUN crln-24008 319 15 to to ADP crln-24008 319 16 users user NOUN crln-24008 319 17 in in ADP crln-24008 319 18 the the DET crln-24008 319 19 information information NOUN crln-24008 319 20 commons common NOUN crln-24008 319 21 by by ADP crln-24008 319 22 assisting assist VERB crln-24008 319 23 users user NOUN crln-24008 319 24 in in ADP crln-24008 319 25 using use VERB crln-24008 319 26 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 319 27 information information NOUN crln-24008 319 28 systems system NOUN crln-24008 319 29 such such ADJ crln-24008 319 30 as as ADP crln-24008 319 31 uscinfo uscinfo NOUN crln-24008 319 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 319 33 homer homer NOUN crln-24008 319 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 319 35 and and CCONJ crln-24008 319 36 uscweb uscweb NOUN crln-24008 319 37 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 319 38 by by ADP crln-24008 319 39 promoting promote VERB crln-24008 319 40 access access NOUN crln-24008 319 41 to to ADP crln-24008 319 42 the the DET crln-24008 319 43 university university NOUN crln-24008 319 44 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 319 45 ’ ' PUNCT crln-24008 319 46 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 319 47 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 319 48 and and CCONJ crln-24008 319 49 by by ADP crln-24008 319 50 fostering foster VERB crln-24008 319 51 exploration exploration NOUN crln-24008 319 52 of of ADP crln-24008 319 53 the the DET crln-24008 319 54 world world NOUN crln-24008 319 55 of of ADP crln-24008 319 56 information information NOUN crln-24008 319 57 beyond beyond ADP crln-24008 319 58 usc usc PROPN crln-24008 319 59 . . PUNCT crln-24008 320 1 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 320 2 at at ADP crln-24008 320 3 usc usc PROPN crln-24008 320 4 have have VERB crln-24008 320 5 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 320 6 status status NOUN crln-24008 320 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 320 8 are be AUX crln-24008 320 9 represented represent VERB crln-24008 320 10 in in ADP crln-24008 320 11 the the DET crln-24008 320 12 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 320 13 senate senate PROPN crln-24008 320 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 320 15 participate participate VERB crln-24008 320 16 in in ADP crln-24008 320 17 university university NOUN crln-24008 320 18 governance governance NOUN crln-24008 320 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 320 20 information information NOUN crln-24008 320 21 services service NOUN crln-24008 320 22 division division NOUN crln-24008 320 23 committees committee NOUN crln-24008 320 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 320 25 task task NOUN crln-24008 320 26 forces force NOUN crln-24008 320 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 320 28 render render VERB crln-24008 320 29 university university NOUN crln-24008 320 30 - - PUNCT crln-24008 320 31 wide wide ADJ crln-24008 320 32 community community NOUN crln-24008 320 33 service service NOUN crln-24008 320 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 320 35 and and CCONJ crln-24008 320 36 are be AUX crln-24008 320 37 professionally professionally ADV crln-24008 320 38 active active ADJ crln-24008 320 39 . . PUNCT crln-24008 321 1 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 321 2 and and CCONJ crln-24008 321 3 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 321 4 : : PUNCT crln-24008 321 5 applicants applicant NOUN crln-24008 321 6 should should AUX crln-24008 321 7 address address VERB crln-24008 321 8 their their PRON crln-24008 321 9 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 321 10 from from ADP crln-24008 321 11 the the DET crln-24008 321 12 following follow VERB crln-24008 321 13 : : PUNCT crln-24008 321 14 enthusiasm enthusiasm NOUN crln-24008 321 15 in in ADP crln-24008 321 16 working work VERB crln-24008 321 17 with with ADP crln-24008 321 18 undergraduates undergraduate NOUN crln-24008 321 19 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 321 20 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 321 21 interest interest NOUN crln-24008 321 22 in in ADP crln-24008 321 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 321 24 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 321 25 to to PART crln-24008 321 26 work work VERB crln-24008 321 27 with with ADP crln-24008 321 28 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 321 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 321 30 students student NOUN crln-24008 321 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 321 32 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 321 33 , , PUNCT crln-24008 321 34 and and CCONJ crln-24008 321 35 community community NOUN crln-24008 321 36 members member NOUN crln-24008 321 37 from from ADP crln-24008 321 38 a a DET crln-24008 321 39 variety variety NOUN crln-24008 321 40 of of ADP crln-24008 321 41 cultural cultural ADJ crln-24008 321 42 and and CCONJ crln-24008 321 43 ethnic ethnic ADJ crln-24008 321 44 backgrounds background NOUN crln-24008 321 45 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 321 46 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 321 47 in in ADP crln-24008 321 48 delivering deliver VERB crln-24008 321 49 high high ADJ crln-24008 321 50 - - PUNCT crln-24008 321 51 quality quality NOUN crln-24008 321 52 information information NOUN crln-24008 321 53 service service NOUN crln-24008 321 54 at at ADP crln-24008 321 55 a a DET crln-24008 321 56 busy busy ADJ crln-24008 321 57 and and CCONJ crln-24008 321 58 networked network VERB crln-24008 321 59 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 321 60 desk desk NOUN crln-24008 321 61 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 321 62 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 321 63 of of ADP crln-24008 321 64 current current ADJ crln-24008 321 65 information information NOUN crln-24008 321 66 retrieval retrieval NOUN crln-24008 321 67 technologies technology NOUN crln-24008 321 68 and and CCONJ crln-24008 321 69 interest interest NOUN crln-24008 321 70 in in ADP crln-24008 321 71 exploring explore VERB crln-24008 321 72 and and CCONJ crln-24008 321 73 adapting adapt VERB crln-24008 321 74 technologies technology NOUN crln-24008 321 75 to to ADP crln-24008 321 76 library library NOUN crln-24008 321 77 services service NOUN crln-24008 321 78 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 321 79 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 321 80 or or CCONJ crln-24008 321 81 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 321 82 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 321 83 in in ADP crln-24008 321 84 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 321 85 , , PUNCT crln-24008 321 86 both both DET crln-24008 321 87 one one NUM crln-24008 321 88 - - PUNCT crln-24008 321 89 on on ADP crln-24008 321 90 - - PUNCT crln-24008 321 91 one one NUM crln-24008 321 92 and and CCONJ crln-24008 321 93 in in ADP crln-24008 321 94 a a DET crln-24008 321 95 classroom classroom NOUN crln-24008 321 96 with with ADP crln-24008 321 97 groups group NOUN crln-24008 321 98 of of ADP crln-24008 321 99 various various ADJ crln-24008 321 100 sizes size NOUN crln-24008 321 101 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 321 102 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 321 103 to to PART crln-24008 321 104 develop develop VERB crln-24008 321 105 new new ADJ crln-24008 321 106 and and CCONJ crln-24008 321 107 innovative innovative ADJ crln-24008 321 108 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24008 321 109 programs program NOUN crln-24008 321 110 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 321 111 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 321 112 of of ADP crln-24008 321 113 trends trend NOUN crln-24008 321 114 in in ADP crln-24008 321 115 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 321 116 and and CCONJ crln-24008 321 117 collaborative collaborative ADJ crln-24008 321 118 learning learning NOUN crln-24008 321 119 theories theory NOUN crln-24008 321 120 and and CCONJ crln-24008 321 121 interest interest NOUN crln-24008 321 122 in in ADP crln-24008 321 123 applying apply VERB crln-24008 321 124 them they PRON crln-24008 321 125 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 321 126 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 321 127 to to PART crln-24008 321 128 work work VERB crln-24008 321 129 effectively effectively ADV crln-24008 321 130 as as ADP crln-24008 321 131 part part NOUN crln-24008 321 132 of of ADP crln-24008 321 133 a a DET crln-24008 321 134 team team NOUN crln-24008 321 135 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 321 136 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 321 137 leadership leadership NOUN crln-24008 321 138 abilities ability NOUN crln-24008 321 139 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 321 140 excellent excellent ADJ crln-24008 321 141 oral oral ADJ crln-24008 321 142 and and CCONJ crln-24008 321 143 written write VERB crln-24008 321 144 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 321 145 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 321 146 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 321 147 and and CCONJ crln-24008 321 148 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 321 149 to to PART crln-24008 321 150 meet meet VERB crln-24008 321 151 usc usc PROPN crln-24008 321 152 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 321 153 standards standard NOUN crln-24008 321 154 for for ADP crln-24008 321 155 continuing continue VERB crln-24008 321 156 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 321 157 . . PUNCT crln-24008 322 1 additional additional ADJ crln-24008 322 2 desired desire VERB crln-24008 322 3 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 322 4 include include VERB crln-24008 322 5 : : PUNCT crln-24008 322 6 master master NOUN crln-24008 322 7 ’s ’s PRON crln-24008 322 8 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 322 9 from from ADP crln-24008 322 10 an an DET crln-24008 322 11 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 322 12 - - PUNCT crln-24008 322 13 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 322 14 program program NOUN crln-24008 322 15 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 322 16 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 322 17 of of ADP crln-24008 322 18 one one NUM crln-24008 322 19 or or CCONJ crln-24008 322 20 more more ADJ crln-24008 322 21 foreign foreign ADJ crln-24008 322 22 languages language NOUN crln-24008 322 23 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 322 24 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 322 25 in in ADP crln-24008 322 26 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 322 27 development development NOUN crln-24008 322 28 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 322 29 and and CCONJ crln-24008 322 30 flexibility flexibility NOUN crln-24008 322 31 in in ADP crln-24008 322 32 working work VERB crln-24008 322 33 with with ADP crln-24008 322 34 macintosh macintosh PROPN crln-24008 322 35 , , PUNCT crln-24008 322 36 windows window NOUN crln-24008 322 37 , , PUNCT crln-24008 322 38 and and CCONJ crln-24008 322 39 unix unix PROPN crln-24008 322 40 operating operating NOUN crln-24008 322 41 systems system NOUN crln-24008 322 42 . . PUNCT crln-24008 323 1 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 323 2 rank rank PROPN crln-24008 323 3 / / SYM crln-24008 323 4 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 323 5 : : PUNCT crln-24008 323 6 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 323 7 i/$32,500 i/$32,500 NUM crln-24008 323 8 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 323 9 or or CCONJ crln-24008 323 10 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 323 11 ii/$35,000 ii/$35,000 ADJ crln-24008 323 12 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 323 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 324 1 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 324 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 324 3 position position NOUN crln-24008 324 4 is be AUX crln-24008 324 5 full full ADJ crln-24008 324 6 - - PUNCT crln-24008 324 7 time time NOUN crln-24008 324 8 on on ADP crln-24008 324 9 a a DET crln-24008 324 10 twelve twelve NUM crln-24008 324 11 - - PUNCT crln-24008 324 12 month month NOUN crln-24008 324 13 contract contract NOUN crln-24008 324 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 325 1 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 325 2 include include VERB crln-24008 325 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 325 4 tiaa tiaa ADJ crln-24008 325 5 / / SYM crln-24008 325 6 cref cref NOUN crln-24008 325 7 retirement retirement NOUN crln-24008 325 8 program program NOUN crln-24008 325 9 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 325 10 22 22 NUM crln-24008 325 11 paid pay VERB crln-24008 325 12 vacation vacation NOUN crln-24008 325 13 days day NOUN crln-24008 325 14 per per ADP crln-24008 325 15 year year NOUN crln-24008 325 16 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 325 17 a a DET crln-24008 325 18 choice choice NOUN crln-24008 325 19 of of ADP crln-24008 325 20 medical medical ADJ crln-24008 325 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 325 22 dental dental ADJ crln-24008 325 23 plans plan NOUN crln-24008 325 24 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 325 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 325 26 tuition tuition NOUN crln-24008 325 27 assistance assistance NOUN crln-24008 325 28 . . PUNCT crln-24008 326 1 application application NOUN crln-24008 326 2 procedure procedure NOUN crln-24008 326 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 326 4 send send VERB crln-24008 326 5 resumes resume NOUN crln-24008 326 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 326 7 names name NOUN crln-24008 326 8 of of ADP crln-24008 326 9 three three NUM crln-24008 326 10 references reference NOUN crln-24008 326 11 to to ADP crln-24008 326 12 : : PUNCT crln-24008 326 13 sharon sharon PROPN crln-24008 326 14 haymond haymond PROPN crln-24008 326 15 attn attn PROPN crln-24008 326 16 : : PUNCT crln-24008 326 17 # # SYM crln-24008 326 18 192 192 NUM crln-24008 326 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 326 20 # # SYM crln-24008 326 21 193 193 NUM crln-24008 326 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 326 23 # # SYM crln-24008 326 24 194 194 NUM crln-24008 326 25 director director NOUN crln-24008 326 26 of of ADP crln-24008 326 27 human human ADJ crln-24008 326 28 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 326 29 information information NOUN crln-24008 326 30 services service NOUN crln-24008 326 31 division division NOUN crln-24008 326 32 university university PROPN crln-24008 326 33 of of ADP crln-24008 326 34 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 326 35 california california PROPN crln-24008 326 36 los los PROPN crln-24008 326 37 angeles angeles PROPN crln-24008 326 38 , , PUNCT crln-24008 326 39 ca ca PROPN crln-24008 326 40 90089 90089 NUM crln-24008 326 41 - - SYM crln-24008 326 42 0182 0182 NUM crln-24008 326 43 the the DET crln-24008 326 44 university university PROPN crln-24008 326 45 of of ADP crln-24008 326 46 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 326 47 california california PROPN crln-24008 326 48 is be AUX crln-24008 326 49 eoe eoe PROPN crln-24008 326 50 . . PUNCT crln-24008 327 1 employment employment NOUN crln-24008 327 2 and and CCONJ crln-24008 327 3 advancement advancement NOUN crln-24008 327 4 are be AUX crln-24008 327 5 based base VERB crln-24008 327 6 upon upon SCONJ crln-24008 327 7 merit merit NOUN crln-24008 327 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 327 9 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 327 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 328 1 of of ADP crln-24008 328 2 application application NOUN crln-24008 328 3 , , PUNCT crln-24008 328 4 including include VERB crln-24008 328 5 summary summary NOUN crln-24008 328 6 of of ADP crln-24008 328 7 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 328 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 328 9 career career NOUN crln-24008 328 10 goals goal NOUN crln-24008 328 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 328 12 a a DET crln-24008 328 13 detailed detailed ADJ crln-24008 328 14 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 328 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 328 16 transcripts transcript NOUN crln-24008 328 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 328 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 328 19 the the DET crln-24008 328 20 names name NOUN crln-24008 328 21 of of ADP crln-24008 328 22 three three NUM crln-24008 328 23 references reference NOUN crln-24008 328 24 to to ADP crln-24008 328 25 : : PUNCT crln-24008 328 26 bill bill NOUN crln-24008 328 27 traylor traylor NOUN crln-24008 328 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 328 29 chair chair NOUN crln-24008 328 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 328 31 search search NOUN crln-24008 328 32 committee committee NOUN crln-24008 328 33 , , PUNCT crln-24008 328 34 ottenheimer ottenheimer PROPN crln-24008 328 35 library library PROPN crln-24008 328 36 / / SYM crln-24008 328 37 ualr ualr PROPN crln-24008 328 38 , , PUNCT crln-24008 328 39 2801 2801 NUM crln-24008 328 40 south south PROPN crln-24008 328 41 university university PROPN crln-24008 328 42 avenue avenue NOUN crln-24008 328 43 , , PUNCT crln-24008 328 44 little little ADJ crln-24008 328 45 rock rock NOUN crln-24008 328 46 , , PUNCT crln-24008 328 47 ar ar ADP crln-24008 328 48 72204 72204 NUM crln-24008 328 49 - - SYM crln-24008 328 50 1099 1099 NUM crln-24008 328 51 . . PUNCT crln-24008 329 1 ualr ualr PROPN crln-24008 329 2 services service VERB crln-24008 329 3 a a DET crln-24008 329 4 student student NOUN crln-24008 329 5 population population NOUN crln-24008 329 6 of of ADP crln-24008 329 7 over over ADP crln-24008 329 8 10,000 10,000 NUM crln-24008 329 9 with with ADP crln-24008 329 10 a a DET crln-24008 329 11 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 329 12 of400 of400 NOUN crln-24008 329 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 330 1 the the DET crln-24008 330 2 institution institution NOUN crln-24008 330 3 offers offer VERB crln-24008 330 4 degrees degree NOUN crln-24008 330 5 atthe atthe DET crln-24008 330 6 associate associate ADJ crln-24008 330 7 level level NOUN crln-24008 330 8 through through ADP crln-24008 330 9 phd phd NOUN crln-24008 330 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 331 1 the the DET crln-24008 331 2 ottenheimer ottenheimer PROPN crln-24008 331 3 library library PROPN crln-24008 331 4 's 's PART crln-24008 331 5 budget budget NOUN crln-24008 331 6 is be AUX crln-24008 331 7 over over ADP crln-24008 331 8 $ $ SYM crln-24008 331 9 2.2 2.2 NUM crln-24008 331 10 million million NUM crln-24008 331 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 331 12 with with ADP crln-24008 331 13 holdings holding NOUN crln-24008 331 14 o o NOUN crln-24008 331 15 f f PROPN crln-24008 331 16 360,000 360,000 NUM crln-24008 331 17 volumes volume NOUN crln-24008 331 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 331 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 331 20 subscriptions subscription NOUN crln-24008 331 21 to to ADP crln-24008 331 22 2,500 2,500 NUM crln-24008 331 23 serial serial ADJ crln-24008 331 24 titles title NOUN crln-24008 331 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 332 1 the the DET crln-24008 332 2 dra dra PROPN crln-24008 332 3 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 332 4 library library NOUN crln-24008 332 5 system system NOUN crln-24008 332 6 became become VERB crln-24008 332 7 operable operable ADJ crln-24008 332 8 in in ADP crln-24008 332 9 october october PROPN crln-24008 332 10 1994 1994 NUM crln-24008 332 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 333 1 total total ADJ crln-24008 333 2 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 333 3 includes include VERB crln-24008 333 4 38 38 NUM crln-24008 333 5 full full ADJ crln-24008 333 6 - - PUNCT crln-24008 333 7 time time NOUN crln-24008 333 8 employees employee NOUN crln-24008 333 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 334 1 little little ADJ crln-24008 334 2 rock rock NOUN crln-24008 334 3 , , PUNCT crln-24008 334 4 the the DET crln-24008 334 5 capital capital NOUN crln-24008 334 6 city city NOUN crln-24008 334 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 334 8 cultural cultural ADJ crln-24008 334 9 center center NOUN crln-24008 334 10 with with ADP crln-24008 334 11 a a DET crln-24008 334 12 population population NOUN crln-24008 334 13 of of ADP crln-24008 334 14 over over ADP crln-24008 334 15 600,000 600,000 NUM crln-24008 334 16 is be AUX crln-24008 334 17 centrally centrally ADV crln-24008 334 18 located locate VERB crln-24008 334 19 in in ADP crln-24008 334 20 the the DET crln-24008 334 21 foothills foothill NOUN crln-24008 334 22 of of ADP crln-24008 334 23 the the DET crln-24008 334 24 ozark ozark ADJ crln-24008 334 25 mountains mountain NOUN crln-24008 334 26 . . PUNCT crln-24008 335 1 the the DET crln-24008 335 2 university university NOUN crln-24008 335 3 o o PROPN crln-24008 335 4 f f PROPN crln-24008 335 5 arkan­ arkan­ PROPN crln-24008 335 6 sas sas PROPN crln-24008 335 7 at at ADP crln-24008 335 8 little little ADJ crln-24008 335 9 rock rock NOUN crln-24008 335 10 is be AUX crln-24008 335 11 an an DET crln-24008 335 12 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 335 13 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 335 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 335 15 affirmative affirmative ADJ crln-24008 335 16 action action NOUN crln-24008 335 17 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 335 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 335 19 actively actively ADV crln-24008 335 20 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 335 21 the the DET crln-24008 335 22 candidacy candidacy NOUN crln-24008 335 23 of of ADP crln-24008 335 24 minorities minority NOUN crln-24008 335 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 335 26 women woman NOUN crln-24008 335 27 ‚ ‚ PROPN crln-24008 335 28 vietnam vietnam PROPN crln-24008 335 29 - - PUNCT crln-24008 335 30 era era NOUN crln-24008 335 31 veterans veteran NOUN crln-24008 335 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 335 33 and and CCONJ crln-24008 335 34 persons person NOUN crln-24008 335 35 with with ADP crln-24008 335 36 disabilities disability NOUN crln-24008 335 37 . . PUNCT crln-24008 336 1 under under ADP crln-24008 336 2 arkansas arkansas PROPN crln-24008 336 3 law law NOUN crln-24008 336 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 336 5 all all DET crln-24008 336 6 applications application NOUN crln-24008 336 7 are be AUX crln-24008 336 8 subject subject ADJ crln-24008 336 9 to to ADP crln-24008 336 10 disclosure disclosure NOUN crln-24008 336 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 337 1 persons person NOUN crln-24008 337 2 hired hire VERB crln-24008 337 3 must must AUX crln-24008 337 4 have have VERB crln-24008 337 5 proof proof NOUN crln-24008 337 6 of of ADP crln-24008 337 7 legal legal ADJ crln-24008 337 8 authority authority NOUN crln-24008 337 9 to to PART crln-24008 337 10 work work VERB crln-24008 337 11 in in ADP crln-24008 337 12 the the DET crln-24008 337 13 united united PROPN crln-24008 337 14 states states PROPN crln-24008 337 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 338 1 head head PROPN crln-24008 338 2 , , PUNCT crln-24008 338 3 library library PROPN crln-24008 338 4 user user NOUN crln-24008 338 5 education education PROPN crln-24008 338 6 program program NOUN crln-24008 338 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 339 1 washington washington PROPN crln-24008 339 2 state state PROPN crln-24008 339 3 university university PROPN crln-24008 339 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 339 5 pullman pullman PROPN crln-24008 339 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 339 7 washington washington PROPN crln-24008 339 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 340 1 currently currently ADV crln-24008 340 2 vacant vacant ADJ crln-24008 340 3 . . PUNCT crln-24008 341 1 incumbent incumbent NOUN crln-24008 341 2 will will AUX crln-24008 341 3 coordi­ coordi­ VERB crln-24008 341 4 nate nate VERB crln-24008 341 5 an an DET crln-24008 341 6 expanding expand VERB crln-24008 341 7 program program NOUN crln-24008 341 8 of of ADP crln-24008 341 9 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 341 10 that that PRON crln-24008 341 11 reaches reach VERB crln-24008 341 12 over over ADP crln-24008 341 13 6‚ooo 6‚ooo NOUN crln-24008 341 14 students student NOUN crln-24008 341 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 341 16 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 341 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 341 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 341 19 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 341 20 each each DET crln-24008 341 21 year year NOUN crln-24008 341 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 342 1 the the DET crln-24008 342 2 current current ADJ crln-24008 342 3 program program NOUN crln-24008 342 4 involves involve VERB crln-24008 342 5 working work VERB crln-24008 342 6 with with ADP crln-24008 342 7 the the DET crln-24008 342 8 university university NOUN crln-24008 342 9 ’s ’s NOUN crln-24008 342 10 introductory introductory NOUN crln-24008 342 11 writing writing NOUN crln-24008 342 12 course course NOUN crln-24008 342 13 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 342 14 integrating integrate VERB crln-24008 342 15 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 342 16 into into ADP crln-24008 342 17 writing writing NOUN crln-24008 342 18 - - PUNCT crln-24008 342 19 in in ADP crln-24008 342 20 - - PUNCT crln-24008 342 21 the the DET crln-24008 342 22 - - PUNCT crln-24008 342 23 major major ADJ crln-24008 342 24 courses course NOUN crln-24008 342 25 as as ADV crln-24008 342 26 well well ADV crln-24008 342 27 as as ADP crln-24008 342 28 advanced advanced ADJ crln-24008 342 29 writing writing NOUN crln-24008 342 30 courses course NOUN crln-24008 342 31 offered offer VERB crln-24008 342 32 by by ADP crln-24008 342 33 the the DET crln-24008 342 34 department department NOUN crln-24008 342 35 of of ADP crln-24008 342 36 english english PROPN crln-24008 342 37 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 342 38 teaching teach VERB crln-24008 342 39 internet internet NOUN crln-24008 342 40 classes class NOUN crln-24008 342 41 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 342 42 collaborating collaborate VERB crln-24008 342 43 with with ADP crln-24008 342 44 other other ADJ crln-24008 342 45 departments department NOUN crln-24008 342 46 such such ADJ crln-24008 342 47 as as ADP crln-24008 342 48 english english PROPN crln-24008 342 49 , , PUNCT crln-24008 342 50 general general ADJ crln-24008 342 51 education education NOUN crln-24008 342 52 , , PUNCT crln-24008 342 53 and and CCONJ crln-24008 342 54 student student NOUN crln-24008 342 55 advising advise VERB crln-24008 342 56 and and CCONJ crln-24008 342 57 learning learning NOUN crln-24008 342 58 center center NOUN crln-24008 342 59 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 342 60 and and CCONJ crln-24008 342 61 offering offer VERB crln-24008 342 62 a a DET crln-24008 342 63 for for ADP crln-24008 342 64 - - PUNCT crln-24008 342 65 credit credit NOUN crln-24008 342 66 course course NOUN crln-24008 342 67 in in ADP crln-24008 342 68 research research NOUN crln-24008 342 69 and and CCONJ crln-24008 342 70 information information NOUN crln-24008 342 71 literacy literacy NOUN crln-24008 342 72 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 342 73 on on ADP crln-24008 342 74 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 342 75 as as ADV crln-24008 342 76 well well ADV crln-24008 342 77 as as ADP crln-24008 342 78 through through ADP crln-24008 342 79 the the DET crln-24008 342 80 extended extended ADJ crln-24008 342 81 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 342 82 program program NOUN crln-24008 342 83 . . PUNCT crln-24008 343 1 specific specific ADJ crln-24008 343 2 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 343 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 343 4 provides provide VERB crln-24008 343 5 the the DET crln-24008 343 6 leadership leadership NOUN crln-24008 343 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 343 8 di­ di­ ADJ crln-24008 343 9 rection rection NOUN crln-24008 343 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 343 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 343 12 planning plan VERB crln-24008 343 13 required require VERB crln-24008 343 14 for for ADP crln-24008 343 15 a a DET crln-24008 343 16 creative creative ADJ crln-24008 343 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 343 18 effective effective ADJ crln-24008 343 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 343 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 343 21 coordinated coordinated ADJ crln-24008 343 22 library library NOUN crln-24008 343 23 user user NOUN crln-24008 343 24 education education NOUN crln-24008 343 25 program program NOUN crln-24008 343 26 at at ADP crln-24008 343 27 wsu wsu PROPN crln-24008 343 28 . . PUNCT crln-24008 344 1 in in ADP crln-24008 344 2 cooperation cooperation NOUN crln-24008 344 3 with with ADP crln-24008 344 4 library library NOUN crln-24008 344 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 344 6 teaching teach VERB crln-24008 344 7 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 344 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 344 9 develops develop VERB crln-24008 344 10 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24008 344 11 programs program NOUN crln-24008 344 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 344 13 materials material NOUN crln-24008 344 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 344 15 in in ADP crln-24008 344 16 print print NOUN crln-24008 344 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 344 18 in in ADP crln-24008 344 19 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 344 20 format format NOUN crln-24008 344 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 345 1 teaches teach VERB crln-24008 345 2 library library NOUN crln-24008 345 3 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 345 4 sessions session NOUN crln-24008 345 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 346 1 serves serve VERB crln-24008 346 2 as as ADP crln-24008 346 3 a a DET crln-24008 346 4 resource resource NOUN crln-24008 346 5 for for ADP crln-24008 346 6 library library NOUN crln-24008 346 7 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-24008 346 8 participating participate VERB crln-24008 346 9 in in ADP crln-24008 346 10 library library NOUN crln-24008 346 11 user user NOUN crln-24008 346 12 education education NOUN crln-24008 346 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 347 1 provides provide VERB crln-24008 347 2 in in ADP crln-24008 347 3 - - PUNCT crln-24008 347 4 house house NOUN crln-24008 347 5 training training NOUN crln-24008 347 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 347 7 workshops workshop NOUN crln-24008 347 8 on on ADP crln-24008 347 9 a a DET crln-24008 347 10 variety variety NOUN crln-24008 347 11 of of ADP crln-24008 347 12 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24008 347 13 issues issue NOUN crln-24008 347 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 348 1 conducts conduct VERB crln-24008 348 2 needs need NOUN crln-24008 348 3 assessment assessment NOUN crln-24008 348 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 348 5 evaluations evaluation NOUN crln-24008 348 6 of of ADP crln-24008 348 7 the the DET crln-24008 348 8 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 348 9 program program NOUN crln-24008 348 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 349 1 develops develop VERB crln-24008 349 2 effective effective ADJ crln-24008 349 3 outreach outreach NOUN crln-24008 349 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 349 5 publicity publicity NOUN crln-24008 349 6 for for ADP crln-24008 349 7 the the DET crln-24008 349 8 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 349 9 program program NOUN crln-24008 349 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 350 1 applies apply VERB crln-24008 350 2 new new ADJ crln-24008 350 3 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24008 350 4 methods method NOUN crln-24008 350 5 using use VERB crln-24008 350 6 a a DET crln-24008 350 7 variety variety NOUN crln-24008 350 8 of of ADP crln-24008 350 9 technolo­ technolo­ NOUN crln-24008 350 10 gies gy NOUN crln-24008 350 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 351 1 provides provide VERB crln-24008 351 2 minimal minimal ADJ crln-24008 351 3 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 351 4 service service NOUN crln-24008 351 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 352 1 reports report NOUN crln-24008 352 2 to to ADP crln-24008 352 3 the the DET crln-24008 352 4 assistant assistant ADJ crln-24008 352 5 direc­ direc­ NOUN crln-24008 352 6 tor tor NOUN crln-24008 352 7 for for ADP crln-24008 352 8 public public ADJ crln-24008 352 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 352 10 research research NOUN crln-24008 352 11 services service NOUN crln-24008 352 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 353 1 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 353 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 353 3 required require VERB crln-24008 353 4 : : PUNCT crln-24008 353 5 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 353 6 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 353 7 mls mls PROPN crln-24008 353 8 or or CCONJ crln-24008 353 9 its its PRON crln-24008 353 10 foreign foreign ADJ crln-24008 353 11 equivalent equivalent NOUN crln-24008 353 12 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 353 13 a a DET crln-24008 353 14 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 353 15 of of ADP crln-24008 353 16 three three NUM crln-24008 353 17 years year NOUN crln-24008 353 18 of of ADP crln-24008 353 19 library library NOUN crln-24008 353 20 user user NOUN crln-24008 353 21 education education PROPN crln-24008 353 22 and/or and/or CCONJ crln-24008 353 23 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 353 24 teaching teaching NOUN crln-24008 353 25 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 353 26 . . PUNCT crln-24008 354 1 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 354 2 developing develop VERB crln-24008 354 3 , , PUNCT crln-24008 354 4 coordinating coordinating NOUN crln-24008 354 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 354 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 354 7 assessing assess VERB crln-24008 354 8 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24008 354 9 programs program NOUN crln-24008 354 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 355 1 demon52 demon52 NOUN crln-24008 355 2 / / SYM crln-24008 355 3 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 355 4 news news PROPN crln-24008 355 5 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 355 6 january january PROPN crln-24008 355 7 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 355 8 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 355 9 of of ADP crln-24008 355 10 the the DET crln-24008 355 11 ernst ernst PROPN crln-24008 355 12 mayr mayr PROPN crln-24008 355 13 library library PROPN crln-24008 355 14 museum museum PROPN crln-24008 355 15 of of ADP crln-24008 355 16 comparative comparative PROPN crln-24008 355 17 zoology zoology PROPN crln-24008 355 18 harvard harvard PROPN crln-24008 355 19 university university NOUN crln-24008 355 20 t t PROPN crln-24008 355 21 h h PROPN crln-24008 355 22 e e PROPN crln-24008 355 23 ernst ernst PROPN crln-24008 355 24 mayr mayr PROPN crln-24008 355 25 library library PROPN crln-24008 355 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 355 27 with with ADP crln-24008 355 28 an an DET crln-24008 355 29 outstanding outstanding ADJ crln-24008 355 30 research research NOUN crln-24008 355 31 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 355 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 355 33 both both CCONJ crln-24008 355 34 retrospective retrospective ADJ crln-24008 355 35 and and CCONJ crln-24008 355 36 current current ADJ crln-24008 355 37 , , PUNCT crln-24008 355 38 serves serve VERB crln-24008 355 39 as as ADP crln-24008 355 40 a a DET crln-24008 355 41 unique unique ADJ crln-24008 355 42 resource resource NOUN crln-24008 355 43 to to ADP crln-24008 355 44 the the DET crln-24008 355 45 harvard harvard PROPN crln-24008 355 46 biological biological PROPN crln-24008 355 47 sciences sciences PROPN crln-24008 355 48 community community NOUN crln-24008 355 49 , , PUNCT crln-24008 355 50 as as ADV crln-24008 355 51 well well ADV crln-24008 355 52 as as ADP crln-24008 355 53 to to ADP crln-24008 355 54 scholars scholar NOUN crln-24008 355 55 world world NOUN crln-24008 355 56 wide wide ADV crln-24008 355 57 . . PUNCT crln-24008 356 1 this this DET crln-24008 356 2 scientific scientific ADJ crln-24008 356 3 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 356 4 o o NOUN crln-24008 356 5 f f X crln-24008 356 6 over over ADP crln-24008 356 7 2 2 NUM crln-24008 356 8 8 8 NUM crln-24008 356 9 0 0 NUM crln-24008 356 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 356 11 0 0 NUM crln-24008 356 12 0 0 NUM crln-24008 356 13 0 0 NUM crln-24008 356 14 volumes volume NOUN crln-24008 356 15 specializes specialize VERB crln-24008 356 16 in in ADP crln-24008 356 17 systematic systematic ADJ crln-24008 356 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 356 19 general general ADJ crln-24008 356 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 356 21 comparative comparative ADJ crln-24008 356 22 zoology zoology NOUN crln-24008 356 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 356 24 paleontology paleontology NOUN crln-24008 356 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 356 26 evolutionary evolutionary ADJ crln-24008 356 27 biology biology NOUN crln-24008 356 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 356 29 biological biological ADJ crln-24008 356 30 oceanography oceanography NOUN crln-24008 356 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 356 32 and and CCONJ crln-24008 356 33 stratigraphy stratigraphy PROPN crln-24008 356 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 356 35 ecology ecology NOUN crln-24008 356 36 and and CCONJ crln-24008 356 37 animal animal NOUN crln-24008 356 38 behavior behavior NOUN crln-24008 356 39 . . PUNCT crln-24008 357 1 o o X crln-24008 357 2 ne ne PROPN crln-24008 357 3 o o PROPN crln-24008 357 4 f f PROPN crln-24008 357 5 the the DET crln-24008 357 6 major major ADJ crln-24008 357 7 specialized specialized ADJ crln-24008 357 8 scientific scientific ADJ crln-24008 357 9 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 357 10 within within ADP crln-24008 357 11 the the DET crln-24008 357 12 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 357 13 o o NOUN crln-24008 357 14 f f PROPN crln-24008 357 15 arts art NOUN crln-24008 357 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 357 17 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 357 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 357 19 the the DET crln-24008 357 20 ernst ernst PROPN crln-24008 357 21 mayr mayr PROPN crln-24008 357 22 library library NOUN crln-24008 357 23 includes include VERB crln-24008 357 24 a a DET crln-24008 357 25 special special ADJ crln-24008 357 26 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 357 27 department department NOUN crln-24008 357 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 357 29 has have VERB crln-24008 357 30 a a DET crln-24008 357 31 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 358 1 o o NOUN crln-24008 358 2 f f NOUN crln-24008 358 3 9 9 NUM crln-24008 358 4 f f PROPN crln-24008 358 5 t t NOUN crln-24008 358 6 e e NOUN crln-24008 358 7 plus plus CCONJ crln-24008 358 8 students student NOUN crln-24008 358 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 358 10 an an DET crln-24008 358 11 annual annual ADJ crln-24008 358 12 budget budget NOUN crln-24008 359 1 o o X crln-24008 359 2 f f PROPN crln-24008 359 3 approximately approximately ADV crln-24008 359 4 $ $ SYM crln-24008 359 5 873,000 873,000 NUM crln-24008 359 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 360 1 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 360 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 360 3 t t X crln-24008 360 4 he he PRON crln-24008 360 5 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 360 6 is be AUX crln-24008 360 7 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 360 8 for for ADP crln-24008 360 9 the the DET crln-24008 360 10 direction direction NOUN crln-24008 360 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 360 12 review review NOUN crln-24008 360 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 360 14 advancement advancement NOUN crln-24008 360 15 o o PROPN crln-24008 360 16 f f PROPN crln-24008 360 17 the the DET crln-24008 360 18 library library NOUN crln-24008 360 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 360 20 has have VERB crln-24008 360 21 primary primary ADJ crln-24008 360 22 responsibility responsibility NOUN crln-24008 360 23 for for ADP crln-24008 360 24 a a DET crln-24008 360 25 range range NOUN crln-24008 360 26 o o PROPN crln-24008 360 27 f f PROPN crln-24008 360 28 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 360 29 development development NOUN crln-24008 360 30 decisions decision NOUN crln-24008 360 31 including include VERB crln-24008 360 32 selection selection NOUN crln-24008 360 33 , , PUNCT crln-24008 360 34 preservation preservation NOUN crln-24008 360 35 , , PUNCT crln-24008 360 36 security security NOUN crln-24008 360 37 and and CCONJ crln-24008 360 38 access access NOUN crln-24008 360 39 . . PUNCT crln-24008 361 1 t t PROPN crln-24008 361 2 h h PROPN crln-24008 361 3 e e NOUN crln-24008 361 4 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 361 5 is be AUX crln-24008 361 6 expected expect VERB crln-24008 361 7 to to PART crln-24008 361 8 work work VERB crln-24008 361 9 creatively creatively ADV crln-24008 361 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 361 11 cooperatively cooperatively ADV crln-24008 361 12 to to PART crln-24008 361 13 enhance enhance VERB crln-24008 361 14 library library NOUN crln-24008 361 15 programs program NOUN crln-24008 361 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 361 17 services service NOUN crln-24008 361 18 in in ADP crln-24008 361 19 response response NOUN crln-24008 361 20 to to ADP crln-24008 361 21 changing change VERB crln-24008 361 22 research research NOUN crln-24008 361 23 needs need NOUN crln-24008 361 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 362 1 t t PROPN crln-24008 362 2 h h PROPN crln-24008 362 3 e e PROPN crln-24008 362 4 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 362 5 will will AUX crln-24008 362 6 have have VERB crln-24008 362 7 primary primary ADJ crln-24008 362 8 responsibility responsibility NOUN crln-24008 362 9 for for ADP crln-24008 362 10 fostering foster VERB crln-24008 362 11 a a DET crln-24008 362 12 collaborative collaborative ADJ crln-24008 362 13 process process NOUN crln-24008 362 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 362 15 for for ADP crln-24008 362 16 working work VERB crln-24008 362 17 cooperatively cooperatively ADV crln-24008 362 18 toward toward ADP crln-24008 362 19 the the DET crln-24008 362 20 accomplishment accomplishment NOUN crln-24008 362 21 o o PROPN crln-24008 362 22 f f PROPN crln-24008 362 23 shared share VERB crln-24008 362 24 long long ADJ crln-24008 362 25 term term NOUN crln-24008 362 26 service service NOUN crln-24008 362 27 goals goal NOUN crln-24008 362 28 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 362 29 within within ADP crln-24008 362 30 the the DET crln-24008 362 31 library library NOUN crln-24008 362 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 362 33 with with ADP crln-24008 362 34 the the DET crln-24008 362 35 harvard harvard PROPN crln-24008 362 36 college college PROPN crln-24008 362 37 library library NOUN crln-24008 362 38 and and CCONJ crln-24008 362 39 among among ADP crln-24008 362 40 the the DET crln-24008 362 41 science science NOUN crln-24008 362 42 libraries librarie VERB crln-24008 362 43 o o NOUN crln-24008 362 44 f f X crln-24008 363 1 the the DET crln-24008 363 2 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 363 3 o o NOUN crln-24008 363 4 f f PROPN crln-24008 363 5 arts arts PROPN crln-24008 363 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 363 7 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 363 8 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 363 9 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 363 10 administers administer VERB crln-24008 363 11 the the DET crln-24008 363 12 library library PROPN crln-24008 363 13 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 363 14 budget budget NOUN crln-24008 363 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 363 16 manages manage VERB crln-24008 363 17 human human ADJ crln-24008 363 18 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 363 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 363 20 identifies identifie NOUN crln-24008 363 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 363 22 utilizes utilize VERB crln-24008 363 23 opportunities opportunity NOUN crln-24008 363 24 for for ADP crln-24008 363 25 new new ADJ crln-24008 363 26 technologies technology NOUN crln-24008 363 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 364 1 provides provide VERB crln-24008 364 2 supportive supportive ADJ crln-24008 364 3 leadership leadership NOUN crln-24008 364 4 emphasizing emphasize VERB crln-24008 364 5 team team NOUN crln-24008 364 6 develop­ develop­ NOUN crln-24008 364 7 ment ment NOUN crln-24008 364 8 based base VERB crln-24008 364 9 on on ADP crln-24008 364 10 flexibility flexibility NOUN crln-24008 364 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 364 12 collegiality collegiality NOUN crln-24008 364 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 365 1 q q NOUN crln-24008 365 2 ualifications ualification NOUN crln-24008 365 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 365 4 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 365 5 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 365 6 to to PART crln-24008 365 7 provide provide VERB crln-24008 365 8 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 365 9 leadership leadership NOUN crln-24008 365 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 365 11 vision vision NOUN crln-24008 365 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 365 13 strategic strategic ADJ crln-24008 365 14 direction direction NOUN crln-24008 365 15 in in ADP crln-24008 365 16 com com NOUN crln-24008 365 17 plex plex NOUN crln-24008 365 18 organizations organization NOUN crln-24008 365 19 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 365 20 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 365 21 understanding understand VERB crln-24008 365 22 o o NOUN crln-24008 365 23 f f PROPN crln-24008 365 24 the the DET crln-24008 365 25 library library NOUN crln-24008 365 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 365 27 inform inform VERB crln-24008 365 28 ation ation NOUN crln-24008 365 29 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 365 30 that that PRON crln-24008 365 31 support support VERB crln-24008 365 32 research research NOUN crln-24008 365 33 and and CCONJ crln-24008 365 34 scholarship scholarship NOUN crln-24008 365 35 in in ADP crln-24008 365 36 the the DET crln-24008 365 37 subject subject NOUN crln-24008 365 38 areas area NOUN crln-24008 365 39 served serve VERB crln-24008 365 40 by by ADP crln-24008 365 41 the the DET crln-24008 365 42 mayr mayr PROPN crln-24008 365 43 library library NOUN crln-24008 365 44 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 365 45 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 365 46 research research NOUN crln-24008 365 47 library library NOUN crln-24008 365 48 management management NOUN crln-24008 365 49 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 365 50 in in ADP crln-24008 365 51 an an DET crln-24008 365 52 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 365 53 setting setting NOUN crln-24008 365 54 including include VERB crln-24008 365 55 fiscal fiscal ADJ crln-24008 365 56 , , PUNCT crln-24008 365 57 human human ADJ crln-24008 365 58 resource resource NOUN crln-24008 365 59 and and CCONJ crln-24008 365 60 program program NOUN crln-24008 365 61 administra­ administra­ NOUN crln-24008 365 62 tion tion NOUN crln-24008 365 63 . . PUNCT crln-24008 366 1 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 366 2 to to PART crln-24008 366 3 work work VERB crln-24008 366 4 in in ADP crln-24008 366 5 a a DET crln-24008 366 6 highly highly ADV crln-24008 366 7 collaborative collaborative ADJ crln-24008 366 8 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 366 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 366 10 to to PART crln-24008 366 11 contribute contribute VERB crln-24008 366 12 to to ADP crln-24008 366 13 cooperative cooperative ADJ crln-24008 366 14 initiatives initiative NOUN crln-24008 366 15 with­ with­ PROPN crln-24008 366 16 in in ADP crln-24008 366 17 an an DET crln-24008 366 18 d d PROPN crln-24008 366 19 b b PROPN crln-24008 366 20 ey ey X crln-24008 366 21 o o PROPN crln-24008 367 1 n n X crln-24008 367 2 d d X crln-24008 367 3 th th X crln-24008 367 4 e e PROPN crln-24008 367 5 lib lib PROPN crln-24008 367 6 ra ra PROPN crln-24008 367 7 ry ry ADP crln-24008 367 8 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 367 9 e e X crln-24008 367 10 v v X crln-24008 367 11 i i NOUN crln-24008 368 1 d d NOUN crln-24008 368 2 en en ADV crln-24008 368 3 c c X crln-24008 368 4 e e PROPN crln-24008 368 5 o o PROPN crln-24008 368 6 f f X crln-24008 368 7 stro stro X crln-24008 369 1 n n ADV crln-24008 369 2 g g NOUN crln-24008 369 3 c c PROPN crln-24008 369 4 o o NOUN crln-24008 369 5 m m VERB crln-24008 369 6 m m VERB crln-24008 369 7 itm itm PROPN crln-24008 369 8 e e PROPN crln-24008 369 9 n n ADP crln-24008 369 10 t t PROPN crln-24008 369 11 to to PART crln-24008 369 12 resp resp VERB crln-24008 369 13 o o PROPN crln-24008 370 1 n n ADP crln-24008 370 2 siv siv PROPN crln-24008 370 3 e e PROPN crln-24008 370 4 lib lib PROPN crln-24008 370 5 ra ra PROPN crln-24008 370 6 ry ry ADP crln-24008 370 7 serv serv PROPN crln-24008 370 8 ice ice NOUN crln-24008 370 9 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 370 10 an an DET crln-24008 370 11 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 370 12 to to PART crln-24008 370 13 manage manage VERB crln-24008 370 14 in in ADP crln-24008 370 15 a a DET crln-24008 370 16 consultative consultative ADJ crln-24008 370 17 yet yet ADV crln-24008 370 18 decisive decisive ADJ crln-24008 370 19 style style NOUN crln-24008 370 20 . . PUNCT crln-24008 371 1 advanced advanced ADJ crln-24008 371 2 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 371 3 in in ADP crln-24008 371 4 zoology zoology NOUN crln-24008 371 5 or or CCONJ crln-24008 371 6 related relate VERB crln-24008 371 7 discipline discipline NOUN crln-24008 371 8 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 371 9 masters master NOUN crln-24008 371 10 in in ADP crln-24008 371 11 library library NOUN crln-24008 371 12 science science NOUN crln-24008 371 13 or or CCONJ crln-24008 371 14 equivalent equivalent ADJ crln-24008 371 15 combination combination NOUN crln-24008 371 16 o o NOUN crln-24008 371 17 f f NOUN crln-24008 371 18 education education NOUN crln-24008 371 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 371 20 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 371 21 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 371 22 a a DET crln-24008 371 23 record record NOUN crln-24008 371 24 o o NOUN crln-24008 371 25 f f PROPN crln-24008 371 26 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 371 27 achievement achievement NOUN crln-24008 371 28 . . PUNCT crln-24008 372 1 knowledge knowledge PROPN crln-24008 372 2 o o PROPN crln-24008 372 3 f f X crln-24008 372 4 several several ADJ crln-24008 372 5 languages language NOUN crln-24008 372 6 desirable desirable ADJ crln-24008 372 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 373 1 available available ADJ crln-24008 373 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 373 3 t t NOUN crln-24008 373 4 h h NOUN crln-24008 373 5 e e NOUN crln-24008 373 6 review review NOUN crln-24008 373 7 o o PROPN crln-24008 373 8 f f PROPN crln-24008 373 9 applications application NOUN crln-24008 373 10 will will AUX crln-24008 373 11 begin begin VERB crln-24008 373 12 immediately immediately ADV crln-24008 373 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 373 14 continue continue VERB crln-24008 373 15 until until SCONJ crln-24008 373 16 the the DET crln-24008 373 17 position position NOUN crln-24008 373 18 is be AUX crln-24008 373 19 filled fill VERB crln-24008 373 20 . . PUNCT crln-24008 374 1 compensation compensation NOUN crln-24008 374 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 374 3 harvard harvard PROPN crln-24008 374 4 university university PROPN crln-24008 374 5 offers offer VERB crln-24008 374 6 a a DET crln-24008 374 7 competitive competitive ADJ crln-24008 374 8 program program NOUN crln-24008 374 9 o o NOUN crln-24008 374 10 f f PROPN crln-24008 374 11 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 374 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 375 1 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 375 2 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 375 3 commensurate commensurate ADJ crln-24008 375 4 with with ADP crln-24008 375 5 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 375 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 375 7 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 375 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 376 1 interested interested ADJ crln-24008 376 2 parties party NOUN crln-24008 376 3 are be AUX crln-24008 376 4 invited invite VERB crln-24008 376 5 to to PART crln-24008 376 6 submit submit VERB crln-24008 376 7 a a DET crln-24008 376 8 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 376 9 addressing address VERB crln-24008 376 10 position position NOUN crln-24008 376 11 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 376 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 376 13 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 376 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 376 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 376 16 the the DET crln-24008 376 17 names name NOUN crln-24008 376 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 376 19 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 376 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 376 21 telephone telephone NOUN crln-24008 376 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 376 23 fax fax NOUN crln-24008 376 24 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 377 1 o o NOUN crln-24008 377 2 f f PROPN crln-24008 377 3 three three NUM crln-24008 377 4 references reference NOUN crln-24008 377 5 to to ADP crln-24008 377 6 : : PUNCT crln-24008 377 7 susan susan PROPN crln-24008 377 8 lee lee PROPN crln-24008 377 9 associate associate PROPN crln-24008 377 10 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 377 11 for for ADP crln-24008 377 12 planning planning NOUN crln-24008 377 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 377 14 administration administration PROPN crln-24008 377 15 harvard harvard PROPN crln-24008 377 16 college college PROPN crln-24008 377 17 library library PROPN crln-24008 377 18 harvard harvard PROPN crln-24008 377 19 university university PROPN crln-24008 377 20 w w PROPN crln-24008 377 21 ìdener ìdener PROPN crln-24008 377 22 library library PROPN crln-24008 377 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 377 24 room room NOUN crln-24008 377 25 193 193 NUM crln-24008 377 26 cambridge cambridge NOUN crln-24008 377 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 377 28 m m VERB crln-24008 377 29 a a DET crln-24008 377 30 0 0 NUM crln-24008 377 31 2 2 NUM crln-24008 377 32 1 1 NUM crln-24008 377 33 3 3 NUM crln-24008 377 34 8 8 NUM crln-24008 377 35 h h NOUN crln-24008 377 36 a a DET crln-24008 377 37 rvard rvard NOUN crln-24008 377 38 u u NOUN crln-24008 378 1 n n X crln-24008 378 2 iv iv VERB crln-24008 379 1 e e PROPN crln-24008 379 2 r r NOUN crln-24008 379 3 sit sit VERB crln-24008 379 4 y y PROPN crln-24008 379 5 u u PROPN crln-24008 379 6 p p NOUN crln-24008 379 7 h h PROPN crln-24008 379 8 o o NOUN crln-24008 379 9 l l X crln-24008 379 10 d d PROPN crln-24008 379 11 s s VERB crln-24008 379 12 a a DET crln-24008 379 13 c c NOUN crln-24008 379 14 o o NOUN crln-24008 379 15 m m VERB crln-24008 379 16 m m VERB crln-24008 379 17 it it PRON crln-24008 379 18 m m VERB crln-24008 380 1 e e NOUN crln-24008 380 2 n n NOUN crln-24008 380 3 t t NOUN crln-24008 380 4 t t NOUN crln-24008 380 5 o o NOUN crln-24008 380 6 a a DET crln-24008 380 7 ffir ffir NOUN crln-24008 380 8 m m VERB crln-24008 380 9 a a DET crln-24008 380 10 t t NOUN crln-24008 380 11 iv iv X crln-24008 380 12 e e NOUN crln-24008 380 13 a a DET crln-24008 380 14 c c NOUN crln-24008 380 15 t t NOUN crln-24008 380 16 io io ADP crln-24008 380 17 n n ADP crln-24008 380 18 a a DET crln-24008 380 19 n n PROPN crln-24008 380 20 d d PROPN crln-24008 380 21 eq eq PROPN crln-24008 380 22 u u PROPN crln-24008 380 23 a a DET crln-24008 380 24 l l X crln-24008 380 25 e e NOUN crln-24008 380 26 m m PROPN crln-24008 381 1 p p X crln-24008 381 2 l l X crln-24008 381 3 o o NOUN crln-24008 382 1 y y PROPN crln-24008 382 2 m m PROPN crln-24008 382 3 e e PROPN crln-24008 382 4 n n ADP crln-24008 382 5 t t NOUN crln-24008 382 6 o o NOUN crln-24008 382 7 p p NOUN crln-24008 382 8 p p NOUN crln-24008 382 9 o o NOUN crln-24008 382 10 r r NOUN crln-24008 382 11 t t PROPN crln-24008 382 12 u u NOUN crln-24008 382 13 n n ADP crln-24008 382 14 it it PRON crln-24008 382 15 y y PROPN crln-24008 382 16 54 54 NUM crln-24008 382 17 / / SYM crln-24008 382 18 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 382 19 news news NOUN crln-24008 382 20 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 382 21 january january PROPN crln-24008 382 22 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 382 23 head head NOUN crln-24008 382 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 382 25 r r NOUN crln-24008 382 26 esea esea NOUN crln-24008 382 27 r r NOUN crln-24008 382 28 ch ch NOUN crln-24008 382 29 s s PRON crln-24008 382 30 e e NOUN crln-24008 382 31 r r NOUN crln-24008 382 32 v v NOUN crln-24008 383 1 ic ic NOUN crln-24008 383 2 e e PROPN crln-24008 383 3 s s PART crln-24008 383 4 cen cen PROPN crln-24008 383 5 ter ter PROPN crln-24008 383 6 university university PROPN crln-24008 383 7 of of ADP crln-24008 383 8 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 383 9 california california PROPN crln-24008 383 10 doheny doheny PROPN crln-24008 383 11 library library PROPN crln-24008 383 12 position position PROPN crln-24008 383 13 summary summary NOUN crln-24008 383 14 : : PUNCT crln-24008 383 15 the the DET crln-24008 383 16 information information NOUN crln-24008 383 17 services service NOUN crln-24008 383 18 division division NOUN crln-24008 383 19 of of ADP crln-24008 383 20 the the DET crln-24008 383 21 university university PROPN crln-24008 383 22 of of ADP crln-24008 383 23 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 383 24 california california PROPN crln-24008 383 25 is be AUX crln-24008 383 26 seeking seek VERB crln-24008 383 27 a a DET crln-24008 383 28 dynamic dynamic ADJ crln-24008 383 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 383 30 forward forward NOUN crln-24008 383 31 - - PUNCT crln-24008 383 32 thinking think VERB crln-24008 383 33 head head NOUN crln-24008 383 34 of of ADP crln-24008 383 35 the the DET crln-24008 383 36 doheny doheny PROPN crln-24008 383 37 library library PROPN crln-24008 383 38 research research PROPN crln-24008 383 39 services services PROPN crln-24008 383 40 center center NOUN crln-24008 383 41 to to PART crln-24008 383 42 lead lead VERB crln-24008 383 43 several several ADJ crln-24008 383 44 recently recently ADV crln-24008 383 45 merged merge VERB crln-24008 383 46 departments department NOUN crln-24008 383 47 into into ADP crln-24008 383 48 a a DET crln-24008 383 49 new new ADJ crln-24008 383 50 era era NOUN crln-24008 383 51 of of ADP crln-24008 383 52 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 383 53 services service NOUN crln-24008 383 54 and and CCONJ crln-24008 383 55 service service NOUN crln-24008 383 56 excellence excellence NOUN crln-24008 383 57 . . PUNCT crln-24008 384 1 the the DET crln-24008 384 2 incumbent incumbent NOUN crln-24008 384 3 is be AUX crln-24008 384 4 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 384 5 for for ADP crln-24008 384 6 the the DET crln-24008 384 7 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 384 8 integration integration NOUN crln-24008 384 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 384 10 administration administration NOUN crln-24008 384 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 384 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 384 13 leadership leadership NOUN crln-24008 384 14 of of ADP crln-24008 384 15 the the DET crln-24008 384 16 center center NOUN crln-24008 384 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 384 18 which which PRON crln-24008 384 19 includes include VERB crln-24008 384 20 the the DET crln-24008 384 21 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 384 22 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 384 23 center center NOUN crln-24008 384 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 384 25 hoose hoose ADJ crln-24008 384 26 philosophy philosophy NOUN crln-24008 384 27 library library NOUN crln-24008 384 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 384 29 and and CCONJ crln-24008 384 30 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 384 31 and and CCONJ crln-24008 384 32 government government NOUN crln-24008 384 33 documents document NOUN crln-24008 384 34 services service NOUN crln-24008 384 35 . . PUNCT crln-24008 385 1 the the DET crln-24008 385 2 particular particular ADJ crln-24008 385 3 challenges challenge NOUN crln-24008 385 4 of of ADP crln-24008 385 5 this this DET crln-24008 385 6 position position NOUN crln-24008 385 7 are be AUX crln-24008 385 8 to to PART crln-24008 385 9 lead lead VERB crln-24008 385 10 the the DET crln-24008 385 11 administrative administrative ADJ crln-24008 385 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 385 13 operational operational ADJ crln-24008 385 14 integration integration NOUN crln-24008 385 15 of of ADP crln-24008 385 16 these these DET crln-24008 385 17 units unit NOUN crln-24008 385 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 385 19 establish establish VERB crln-24008 385 20 an an DET crln-24008 385 21 information information NOUN crln-24008 385 22 services service NOUN crln-24008 385 23 desk desk NOUN crln-24008 385 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 385 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 385 26 develop develop VERB crln-24008 385 27 innovative innovative ADJ crln-24008 385 28 modes mode NOUN crln-24008 385 29 of of ADP crln-24008 385 30 service service NOUN crln-24008 385 31 delivery delivery NOUN crln-24008 385 32 . . PUNCT crln-24008 386 1 the the DET crln-24008 386 2 focus focus NOUN crln-24008 386 3 will will AUX crln-24008 386 4 be be AUX crln-24008 386 5 on on ADP crln-24008 386 6 the the DET crln-24008 386 7 proactive proactive ADJ crln-24008 386 8 development development NOUN crln-24008 386 9 of of ADP crln-24008 386 10 new new ADJ crln-24008 386 11 services service NOUN crln-24008 386 12 that that PRON crln-24008 386 13 anticipate anticipate VERB crln-24008 386 14 needs need NOUN crln-24008 386 15 in in ADP crln-24008 386 16 support support NOUN crln-24008 386 17 of of ADP crln-24008 386 18 education education NOUN crln-24008 386 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 386 20 research research NOUN crln-24008 386 21 in in ADP crln-24008 386 22 the the DET crln-24008 386 23 humanities humanity NOUN crln-24008 386 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 386 25 social social ADJ crln-24008 386 26 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 386 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 387 1 reporting report VERB crln-24008 387 2 to to ADP crln-24008 387 3 the the DET crln-24008 387 4 director director NOUN crln-24008 387 5 of of ADP crln-24008 387 6 doheny doheny PROPN crln-24008 387 7 library library PROPN crln-24008 387 8 who who PRON crln-24008 387 9 also also ADV crln-24008 387 10 is be AUX crln-24008 387 11 chair chair NOUN crln-24008 387 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 387 13 humanities humanity NOUN crln-24008 387 14 & & CCONJ crln-24008 387 15 social social PROPN crln-24008 387 16 sciences sciences PROPN crln-24008 387 17 center center PROPN crln-24008 387 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 387 19 the the DET crln-24008 387 20 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 387 21 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 387 22 will will AUX crln-24008 387 23 contribute contribute VERB crln-24008 387 24 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 387 25 analytical analytical ADJ crln-24008 387 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 387 27 management management NOUN crln-24008 387 28 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 387 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 387 30 a a DET crln-24008 387 31 commitment commitment NOUN crln-24008 387 32 to to ADP crln-24008 387 33 customer customer NOUN crln-24008 387 34 service service NOUN crln-24008 387 35 , , PUNCT crln-24008 387 36 innovative innovative ADJ crln-24008 387 37 and and CCONJ crln-24008 387 38 creative creative ADJ crln-24008 387 39 thinking thinking NOUN crln-24008 387 40 , , PUNCT crln-24008 387 41 and and CCONJ crln-24008 387 42 the the DET crln-24008 387 43 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 387 44 to to PART crln-24008 387 45 conceive conceive VERB crln-24008 387 46 and and CCONJ crln-24008 387 47 implement implement VERB crln-24008 387 48 programs program NOUN crln-24008 387 49 and and CCONJ crln-24008 387 50 services service NOUN crln-24008 387 51 responsive responsive ADJ crln-24008 387 52 to to ADP crln-24008 387 53 changing change VERB crln-24008 387 54 needs need NOUN crln-24008 387 55 . . PUNCT crln-24008 388 1 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 388 2 in in ADP crln-24008 388 3 leading lead VERB crln-24008 388 4 complex complex ADJ crln-24008 388 5 organizations organization NOUN crln-24008 388 6 serving serve VERB crln-24008 388 7 a a DET crln-24008 388 8 diverse diverse ADJ crln-24008 388 9 clientele clientele NOUN crln-24008 388 10 is be AUX crln-24008 388 11 essential essential ADJ crln-24008 388 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 389 1 the the DET crln-24008 389 2 research research NOUN crln-24008 389 3 services service NOUN crln-24008 389 4 center center NOUN crln-24008 389 5 comprises comprise VERB crln-24008 389 6 seven seven NUM crln-24008 389 7 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 389 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 389 9 five five NUM crln-24008 389 10 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 389 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 390 1 the the DET crln-24008 390 2 head head NOUN crln-24008 390 3 of of ADP crln-24008 390 4 the the DET crln-24008 390 5 center center NOUN crln-24008 390 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 390 7 along along ADP crln-24008 390 8 with with ADP crln-24008 390 9 center center ADJ crln-24008 390 10 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-24008 390 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 390 12 provides provide VERB crln-24008 390 13 course course NOUN crln-24008 390 14 - - PUNCT crln-24008 390 15 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 390 16 lectures lecture NOUN crln-24008 390 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 390 18 workshops workshop NOUN crln-24008 390 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 390 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 390 21 seminars seminar NOUN crln-24008 390 22 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 390 23 world world NOUN crln-24008 390 24 wide wide ADJ crln-24008 390 25 web web NOUN crln-24008 390 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 390 27 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 390 28 resource resource NOUN crln-24008 390 29 development development NOUN crln-24008 390 30 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 390 31 and and CCONJ crln-24008 390 32 departmental departmental ADJ crln-24008 390 33 liaison liaison NOUN crln-24008 390 34 contact contact NOUN crln-24008 390 35 within within ADP crln-24008 390 36 the the DET crln-24008 390 37 social social ADJ crln-24008 390 38 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 390 39 and and CCONJ crln-24008 390 40 humanities humanity NOUN crln-24008 390 41 . . PUNCT crln-24008 391 1 description description NOUN crln-24008 391 2 of of ADP crln-24008 391 3 the the DET crln-24008 391 4 information information NOUN crln-24008 391 5 services service NOUN crln-24008 391 6 division division NOUN crln-24008 391 7 : : PUNCT crln-24008 391 8 the the DET crln-24008 391 9 university university NOUN crln-24008 391 10 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 391 11 are be AUX crln-24008 391 12 an an DET crln-24008 391 13 integral integral ADJ crln-24008 391 14 part part NOUN crln-24008 391 15 of of ADP crln-24008 391 16 the the DET crln-24008 391 17 university university PROPN crln-24008 391 18 of of ADP crln-24008 391 19 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 391 20 california california PROPN crln-24008 391 21 information information NOUN crln-24008 391 22 services service NOUN crln-24008 391 23 division division NOUN crln-24008 391 24 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 391 25 isd isd ADV crln-24008 391 26 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 391 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 392 1 serving serve VERB crln-24008 392 2 one one NUM crln-24008 392 3 of of ADP crln-24008 392 4 the the DET crln-24008 392 5 nation nation NOUN crln-24008 392 6 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 392 7 largest large ADJ crln-24008 392 8 private private ADJ crln-24008 392 9 research research NOUN crln-24008 392 10 universities university NOUN crln-24008 392 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 392 12 the the DET crln-24008 392 13 isd isd NOUN crln-24008 392 14 is be AUX crln-24008 392 15 a a DET crln-24008 392 16 unified unified ADJ crln-24008 392 17 organization organization NOUN crln-24008 392 18 whose whose DET crln-24008 392 19 goal goal NOUN crln-24008 392 20 is be AUX crln-24008 392 21 to to PART crln-24008 392 22 provide provide VERB crln-24008 392 23 the the DET crln-24008 392 24 highest high ADJ crln-24008 392 25 quality quality NOUN crln-24008 392 26 support support NOUN crln-24008 392 27 for for ADP crln-24008 392 28 library library NOUN crln-24008 392 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 392 30 computing computing NOUN crln-24008 392 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 392 32 and and CCONJ crln-24008 392 33 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 392 34 needs need NOUN crln-24008 392 35 . . PUNCT crln-24008 393 1 to to PART crln-24008 393 2 accomplish accomplish VERB crln-24008 393 3 its its PRON crln-24008 393 4 goal goal NOUN crln-24008 393 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 393 6 the the DET crln-24008 393 7 isd isd NOUN crln-24008 393 8 is be AUX crln-24008 393 9 structured structure VERB crln-24008 393 10 in in ADP crln-24008 393 11 three three NUM crln-24008 393 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 393 13 non non PROPN crln-24008 393 14 traditional traditional ADJ crln-24008 393 15 core core ADJ crln-24008 393 16 groups group NOUN crln-24008 393 17 : : PUNCT crln-24008 393 18 public public ADJ crln-24008 393 19 services service NOUN crln-24008 393 20 core core NOUN crln-24008 393 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 393 22 infrastructure infrastructure NOUN crln-24008 393 23 core core NOUN crln-24008 393 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 393 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 393 26 communications communication NOUN crln-24008 393 27 core core PROPN crln-24008 393 28 . . PUNCT crln-24008 394 1 usc usc PROPN crln-24008 394 2 houses house NOUN crln-24008 394 3 a a DET crln-24008 394 4 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 394 5 of of ADP crln-24008 394 6 more more ADJ crln-24008 394 7 than than ADP crln-24008 394 8 2.6 2.6 NUM crln-24008 394 9 million million NUM crln-24008 394 10 volumes volume NOUN crln-24008 394 11 in in ADP crln-24008 394 12 the the DET crln-24008 394 13 main main ADJ crln-24008 394 14 doheny doheny NOUN crln-24008 394 15 library library NOUN crln-24008 394 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 394 17 14 14 NUM crln-24008 394 18 specialized specialized ADJ crln-24008 394 19 subject subject ADJ crln-24008 394 20 units unit NOUN crln-24008 394 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 395 1 as as ADP crln-24008 395 2 part part NOUN crln-24008 395 3 of of ADP crln-24008 395 4 the the DET crln-24008 395 5 isd isd NOUN crln-24008 395 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 395 7 it it PRON crln-24008 395 8 has have VERB crln-24008 395 9 a a DET crln-24008 395 10 strategic strategic ADJ crln-24008 395 11 goal goal NOUN crln-24008 395 12 of of ADP crln-24008 395 13 expanding expand VERB crln-24008 395 14 networked networked ADJ crln-24008 395 15 information information NOUN crln-24008 395 16 services service NOUN crln-24008 395 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 395 18 as as SCONJ crln-24008 395 19 represented represent VERB crln-24008 395 20 by by ADP crln-24008 395 21 the the DET crln-24008 395 22 uscinfo uscinfo NOUN crln-24008 395 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 395 24 the the DET crln-24008 395 25 online online ADJ crln-24008 395 26 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 395 27 information information NOUN crln-24008 395 28 system system NOUN crln-24008 395 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 395 30 which which PRON crln-24008 395 31 includes include VERB crln-24008 395 32 an an DET crln-24008 395 33 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 395 34 library library NOUN crln-24008 395 35 system system NOUN crln-24008 395 36 and and CCONJ crln-24008 395 37 dozens dozen NOUN crln-24008 395 38 of of ADP crln-24008 395 39 web web NOUN crln-24008 395 40 - - PUNCT crln-24008 395 41 based base VERB crln-24008 395 42 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 395 43 and and CCONJ crln-24008 395 44 full full ADJ crln-24008 395 45 - - PUNCT crln-24008 395 46 text text NOUN crln-24008 395 47 databases database NOUN crln-24008 395 48 . . PUNCT crln-24008 396 1 usc usc PROPN crln-24008 396 2 is be AUX crln-24008 396 3 a a DET crln-24008 396 4 member member NOUN crln-24008 396 5 of of ADP crln-24008 396 6 the the DET crln-24008 396 7 association association NOUN crln-24008 396 8 of of ADP crln-24008 396 9 research research NOUN crln-24008 396 10 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 396 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 396 12 the the DET crln-24008 396 13 center center NOUN crln-24008 396 14 for for ADP crln-24008 396 15 research research NOUN crln-24008 396 16 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 396 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 396 18 the the DET crln-24008 396 19 research research NOUN crln-24008 396 20 libraries librarie VERB crln-24008 396 21 group group NOUN crln-24008 396 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 396 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 396 24 is be AUX crln-24008 396 25 the the DET crln-24008 396 26 host host NOUN crln-24008 396 27 institution institution NOUN crln-24008 396 28 fo fo ADP crln-24008 396 29 r r NOUN crln-24008 396 30 the the DET crln-24008 396 31 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 396 32 california california PROPN crln-24008 396 33 electronic electronic PROPN crln-24008 396 34 library library PROPN crln-24008 396 35 consortium consortium PROPN crln-24008 396 36 . . PUNCT crln-24008 397 1 additional additional ADJ crln-24008 397 2 information information NOUN crln-24008 397 3 about about ADP crln-24008 397 4 the the DET crln-24008 397 5 university university PROPN crln-24008 397 6 of of ADP crln-24008 397 7 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 397 8 california california PROPN crln-24008 397 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 397 10 the the DET crln-24008 397 11 isd isd NOUN crln-24008 397 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 397 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 397 14 the the DET crln-24008 397 15 university university NOUN crln-24008 397 16 libraries librarie VERB crln-24008 397 17 component component NOUN crln-24008 397 18 can can AUX crln-24008 397 19 be be AUX crln-24008 397 20 obtained obtain VERB crln-24008 397 21 from from ADP crln-24008 397 22 uscweb uscweb PROPN crln-24008 397 23 at at ADP crln-24008 397 24 PROPN crln-24008 397 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 398 1 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 398 2 rank rank PROPN crln-24008 398 3 / / SYM crln-24008 398 4 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 398 5 : : PUNCT crln-24008 398 6 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 398 7 ii/$35,000 ii/$35,000 PROPN crln-24008 398 8 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 398 9 or or CCONJ crln-24008 398 10 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 398 11 iii/$42,000 iii/$42,000 ADJ crln-24008 398 12 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 398 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 399 1 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 399 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 399 3 position position NOUN crln-24008 399 4 is be AUX crln-24008 399 5 full full ADJ crln-24008 399 6 - - PUNCT crln-24008 399 7 time time NOUN crln-24008 399 8 on on ADP crln-24008 399 9 a a DET crln-24008 399 10 twelve twelve NUM crln-24008 399 11 - - PUNCT crln-24008 399 12 month month NOUN crln-24008 399 13 contract contract NOUN crln-24008 399 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 400 1 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 400 2 include include VERB crln-24008 400 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 400 4 tiaa tiaa ADJ crln-24008 400 5 / / SYM crln-24008 400 6 cref cref NOUN crln-24008 400 7 retirement retirement NOUN crln-24008 400 8 program program NOUN crln-24008 400 9 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 400 10 22 22 NUM crln-24008 400 11 paid pay VERB crln-24008 400 12 vacation vacation NOUN crln-24008 400 13 days day NOUN crln-24008 400 14 per per ADP crln-24008 400 15 year year NOUN crln-24008 400 16 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 400 17 a a DET crln-24008 400 18 choice choice NOUN crln-24008 400 19 of of ADP crln-24008 400 20 medical medical ADJ crln-24008 400 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 400 22 dental dental ADJ crln-24008 400 23 plans plan NOUN crln-24008 400 24 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 400 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 400 26 tuition tuition NOUN crln-24008 400 27 assistance assistance NOUN crln-24008 400 28 . . PUNCT crln-24008 401 1 sharon sharon PROPN crln-24008 401 2 haymond haymond PROPN crln-24008 401 3 human human ADJ crln-24008 401 4 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 401 5 director director NOUN crln-24008 401 6 attn:#196 attn:#196 PROPN crln-24008 401 7 inform inform PROPN crln-24008 401 8 ation ation NOUN crln-24008 401 9 services service NOUN crln-24008 401 10 division division NOUN crln-24008 401 11 doheny doheny PROPN crln-24008 401 12 memorial memorial PROPN crln-24008 401 13 library library PROPN crln-24008 401 14 university university PROPN crln-24008 401 15 of of ADP crln-24008 401 16 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 401 17 california california PROPN crln-24008 401 18 los los PROPN crln-24008 401 19 angeles angeles PROPN crln-24008 401 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 401 21 ca ca PROPN crln-24008 401 22 90089 90089 NUM crln-24008 401 23 - - PUNCT crln-24008 401 24 0182 0182 NUM crln-24008 401 25 formats format NOUN crln-24008 401 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 401 27 negotiate negotiate VERB crln-24008 401 28 contracts contract NOUN crln-24008 401 29 for for ADP crln-24008 401 30 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 401 31 data datum NOUN crln-24008 401 32 . . PUNCT crln-24008 402 1 must must AUX crln-24008 402 2 have have VERB crln-24008 402 3 analytical analytical ADJ crln-24008 402 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 402 5 problem problem NOUN crln-24008 402 6 solving solving NOUN crln-24008 402 7 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 402 8 for for ADP crln-24008 402 9 initiating initiate VERB crln-24008 402 10 plans plan NOUN crln-24008 402 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 402 12 carrying carry VERB crln-24008 402 13 out out ADP crln-24008 402 14 projects project NOUN crln-24008 402 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 403 1 train train PROPN crln-24008 403 2 librarians librarians PROPN crln-24008 403 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 403 4 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 403 5 on on ADP crln-24008 403 6 modules module NOUN crln-24008 403 7 in in ADP crln-24008 403 8 an an DET crln-24008 403 9 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 403 10 setting setting NOUN crln-24008 403 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 404 1 supervision supervision NOUN crln-24008 404 2 of of ADP crln-24008 404 3 a a DET crln-24008 404 4 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 404 5 of of ADP crln-24008 404 6 three three NUM crln-24008 404 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 404 8 student student NOUN crln-24008 404 9 workers worker NOUN crln-24008 404 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 405 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 405 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 405 3 $ $ SYM crln-24008 405 4 40,000 40,000 NUM crln-24008 405 5 plus plus NOUN crln-24008 405 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 405 7 depending depend VERB crln-24008 405 8 on on ADP crln-24008 405 9 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 405 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 406 1 effective effective ADJ crln-24008 406 2 date date NOUN crln-24008 406 3 of of ADP crln-24008 406 4 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 406 5 : : PUNCT crln-24008 406 6 march march PROPN crln-24008 406 7 1 1 NUM crln-24008 406 8 ‚ ‚ NOUN crln-24008 406 9 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 406 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 406 11 or or CCONJ crln-24008 406 12 until until SCONJ crln-24008 406 13 suitable suitable ADJ crln-24008 406 14 person person NOUN crln-24008 406 15 is be AUX crln-24008 406 16 found find VERB crln-24008 406 17 . . PUNCT crln-24008 407 1 review review NOUN crln-24008 407 2 begins begin VERB crln-24008 407 3 february february PROPN crln-24008 407 4 15,1999 15,1999 NUM crln-24008 407 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 408 1 application application NOUN crln-24008 408 2 deadline deadline NOUN crln-24008 408 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 408 4 february february PROPN crln-24008 408 5 1 1 NUM crln-24008 408 6 ‚ ‚ PROPN crln-24008 408 7 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 408 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 409 1 submit submit VERB crln-24008 409 2 a a DET crln-24008 409 3 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 409 4 of of ADP crln-24008 409 5 application application NOUN crln-24008 409 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 409 7 transcripts transcript NOUN crln-24008 409 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 409 9 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 409 10 vitae vitae NOUN crln-24008 409 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 409 12 three three NUM crln-24008 409 13 references reference NOUN crln-24008 409 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 410 1 applicants applicant NOUN crln-24008 410 2 include include VERB crln-24008 410 3 complete complete ADJ crln-24008 410 4 names name NOUN crln-24008 410 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 410 6 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 410 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 410 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 410 9 phone phone NOUN crln-24008 410 10 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 410 11 of of ADP crln-24008 410 12 all all DET crln-24008 410 13 references reference NOUN crln-24008 410 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 411 1 submit submit VERB crln-24008 411 2 data datum NOUN crln-24008 411 3 to to ADP crln-24008 411 4 : : PUNCT crln-24008 411 5 carole carole PROPN crln-24008 411 6 taylor taylor PROPN crln-24008 411 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 411 8 library library NOUN crln-24008 411 9 director director NOUN crln-24008 411 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 411 11 1005 1005 NUM crln-24008 411 12 state state PROPN crln-24008 411 13 university university PROPN crln-24008 411 14 dr dr PROPN crln-24008 411 15 . . PROPN crln-24008 411 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 411 17 fort fort PROPN crln-24008 411 18 valley valley PROPN crln-24008 411 19 state state PROPN crln-24008 411 20 university university PROPN crln-24008 411 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 411 22 fort fort PROPN crln-24008 411 23 valley valley PROPN crln-24008 411 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 411 25 ga ga PROPN crln-24008 411 26 31030 31030 NUM crln-24008 411 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 412 1 for for ADP crln-24008 412 2 information information NOUN crln-24008 412 3 about about ADP crln-24008 412 4 the the DET crln-24008 412 5 university university NOUN crln-24008 412 6 view view VERB crln-24008 412 7 the the DET crln-24008 412 8 website website NOUN crln-24008 412 9 at at ADP crln-24008 412 10 : : PUNCT crln-24008 412 11 PROPN crln-24008 412 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 413 1 health health PROPN crln-24008 413 2 sciences sciences PROPN crln-24008 413 3 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 413 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 413 5 technical technical ADJ crln-24008 413 6 services service NOUN crln-24008 413 7 coor­ coor­ PROPN crln-24008 413 8 dinator dinator VERB crln-24008 413 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 414 1 the the DET crln-24008 414 2 dana dana PROPN crln-24008 414 3 medical medical PROPN crln-24008 414 4 library library NOUN crln-24008 414 5 of of ADP crln-24008 414 6 the the DET crln-24008 414 7 university university PROPN crln-24008 414 8 of of ADP crln-24008 414 9 vermont vermont PROPN crln-24008 414 10 invites invite VERB crln-24008 414 11 applications application NOUN crln-24008 414 12 for for ADP crln-24008 414 13 a a DET crln-24008 414 14 health health NOUN crln-24008 414 15 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 414 16 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 414 17 to to PART crln-24008 414 18 coordinate coordinate VERB crln-24008 414 19 technical technical ADJ crln-24008 414 20 ser­ ser­ NOUN crln-24008 414 21 vices vice NOUN crln-24008 414 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 414 23 provide provide VERB crln-24008 414 24 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 414 25 assistance assistance NOUN crln-24008 414 26 . . PUNCT crln-24008 415 1 this this PRON crln-24008 415 2 is be AUX crln-24008 415 3 a a DET crln-24008 415 4 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 415 5 position position NOUN crln-24008 415 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 415 7 requires require VERB crln-24008 415 8 teaching teaching NOUN crln-24008 415 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 415 10 research research NOUN crln-24008 415 11 activities activity NOUN crln-24008 415 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 416 1 also also ADV crln-24008 416 2 required require VERB crln-24008 416 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 416 4 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 416 5 - - PUNCT crln-24008 416 6 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 416 7 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 416 8 or or CCONJ crln-24008 416 9 international international ADJ crln-24008 416 10 equivalent equivalent NOUN crln-24008 416 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 416 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 416 13 three three NUM crln-24008 416 14 to to PART crln-24008 416 15 five five NUM crln-24008 416 16 years year NOUN crln-24008 416 17 supervisory supervisory ADJ crln-24008 416 18 expe­ expe­ NOUN crln-24008 416 19 rience rience NOUN crln-24008 416 20 . . PUNCT crln-24008 417 1 for for ADP crln-24008 417 2 a a DET crln-24008 417 3 full full ADJ crln-24008 417 4 position position NOUN crln-24008 417 5 description description NOUN crln-24008 417 6 see see VERB crln-24008 417 7 : : PUNCT crln-24008 417 8 PROPN crln-24008 417 9 ts.htm ts.htm PROPN crln-24008 417 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 418 1 submit submit VERB crln-24008 418 2 letters letter NOUN crln-24008 418 3 of of ADP crln-24008 418 4 application application NOUN crln-24008 418 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 418 6 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 418 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 418 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 418 9 names name NOUN crln-24008 418 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 418 11 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 418 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 418 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 418 14 telephone telephone NOUN crln-24008 418 15 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 418 16 of of ADP crln-24008 418 17 three three NUM crln-24008 418 18 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 418 19 references reference NOUN crln-24008 418 20 to to ADP crln-24008 418 21 : : PUNCT crln-24008 418 22 ellen ellen PROPN crln-24008 418 23 hall hall PROPN crln-24008 418 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 418 25 chair chair NOUN crln-24008 418 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 418 27 search search NOUN crln-24008 418 28 committee committee NOUN crln-24008 418 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 418 30 dana dana PROPN crln-24008 418 31 medical medical PROPN crln-24008 418 32 library library PROPN crln-24008 418 33 , , PUNCT crln-24008 418 34 burlington burlington PROPN crln-24008 418 35 , , PUNCT crln-24008 418 36 vt vt PROPN crln-24008 418 37 05405 05405 NUM crln-24008 418 38 or or CCONJ crln-24008 418 39 NOUN crln-24008 418 40 . . PUNCT crln-24008 419 1 screening screening NOUN crln-24008 419 2 will will AUX crln-24008 419 3 being be AUX crln-24008 419 4 immediately immediately ADV crln-24008 419 5 andcontinue andcontinue ADJ crln-24008 419 6 until until SCONJ crln-24008 419 7 position position NOUN crln-24008 419 8 is be AUX crln-24008 419 9 filled fill VERB crln-24008 419 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 420 1 the the DET crln-24008 420 2 u u PROPN crln-24008 420 3 n n ADP crln-24008 420 4 i i PRON crln-24008 420 5 ve ve VERB crln-24008 420 6 rsity rsity NOUN crln-24008 421 1 o o NOUN crln-24008 421 2 f f X crln-24008 421 3 v v PROPN crln-24008 421 4 erm erm PROPN crln-24008 421 5 ont ont PROPN crln-24008 421 6 is be AUX crln-24008 421 7 an an DET crln-24008 421 8 aa aa NOUN crln-24008 421 9 / / SYM crln-24008 421 10 eeo eeo NOUN crln-24008 421 11 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 421 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 422 1 humanities humanity NOUN crln-24008 422 2 bibliographer bibliographer PROPN crln-24008 422 3 . . PUNCT crln-24008 423 1 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 423 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 423 3 evaluates evaluate VERB crln-24008 423 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 423 5 de de NOUN crln-24008 423 6 velops velop NOUN crln-24008 423 7 subject subject ADJ crln-24008 423 8 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 423 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 423 10 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 423 11 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 423 12 in in ADP crln-24008 423 13 the the DET crln-24008 423 14 humanities humanity NOUN crln-24008 423 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 423 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 423 17 monitors monitor NOUN crln-24008 423 18 allocated allocate VERB crln-24008 423 19 funds fund NOUN crln-24008 423 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 423 21 continuing continue VERB crln-24008 423 22 commitments commitment NOUN crln-24008 423 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 423 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 423 25 approval approval NOUN crln-24008 423 26 plans plan NOUN crln-24008 423 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 424 1 serves serve VERB crln-24008 424 2 as as ADP crln-24008 424 3 liaison liaison NOUN crln-24008 424 4 to to ADP crln-24008 424 5 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 424 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 424 7 students student NOUN crln-24008 424 8 in in ADP crln-24008 424 9 the the DET crln-24008 424 10 departments department NOUN crln-24008 424 11 of of ADP crln-24008 424 12 art art NOUN crln-24008 424 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 424 14 PROPN crln-24008 424 15 PROPN crln-24008 424 16 PROPN crln-24008 424 17 PROPN crln-24008 424 18 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 424 19 news news PROPN crln-24008 424 20 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 424 21 january january PROPN crln-24008 424 22 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 424 23 / / SYM crln-24008 424 24 55 55 NUM crln-24008 424 25 head head NOUN crln-24008 424 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 424 27 s s VERB crln-24008 424 28 e e NOUN crln-24008 424 29 r r NOUN crln-24008 424 30 ia ia PROPN crln-24008 424 31 ls ls PROPN crln-24008 424 32 department department NOUN crln-24008 424 33 and and CCONJ crln-24008 424 34 coordinator coordinator NOUN crln-24008 424 35 of of ADP crln-24008 424 36 acquisitions acquisition NOUN crln-24008 424 37 s s PART crln-24008 424 38 e e NOUN crln-24008 424 39 r r NOUN crln-24008 424 40 v v NOUN crln-24008 425 1 ic ic NOUN crln-24008 425 2 e e PROPN crln-24008 425 3 s s PART crln-24008 425 4 northwestern northwestern PROPN crln-24008 425 5 university university NOUN crln-24008 425 6 library library NOUN crln-24008 425 7 manages manage VERB crln-24008 425 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 425 9 leads lead VERB crln-24008 425 10 the the DET crln-24008 425 11 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 425 12 department department NOUN crln-24008 425 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 425 14 which which PRON crln-24008 425 15 is be AUX crln-24008 425 16 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 425 17 for for ADP crln-24008 425 18 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 425 19 ordering order VERB crln-24008 425 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 425 21 receipt receipt NOUN crln-24008 425 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 425 23 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 425 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 426 1 the the DET crln-24008 426 2 department department NOUN crln-24008 426 3 is be AUX crln-24008 426 4 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 426 5 for for ADP crln-24008 426 6 processing process VERB crln-24008 426 7 over over ADP crln-24008 426 8 15,000 15,000 NUM crln-24008 426 9 current current ADJ crln-24008 426 10 serial serial ADJ crln-24008 426 11 titles title NOUN crln-24008 426 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 427 1 coordinates coordinate NOUN crln-24008 427 2 acquisitions acquisition NOUN crln-24008 427 3 activities activity NOUN crln-24008 427 4 taking take VERB crln-24008 427 5 place place NOUN crln-24008 427 6 in in ADP crln-24008 427 7 both both CCONJ crln-24008 427 8 the the DET crln-24008 427 9 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 427 10 department department PROPN crln-24008 427 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 427 12 the the DET crln-24008 427 13 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 427 14 records record NOUN crln-24008 427 15 services services PROPN crln-24008 427 16 department department PROPN crln-24008 427 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 427 18 which which PRON crln-24008 427 19 orders order NOUN crln-24008 427 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 427 21 receives receive VERB crln-24008 427 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 427 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 427 24 copy copy NOUN crln-24008 427 25 catalogs catalog NOUN crln-24008 427 26 monographs monograph NOUN crln-24008 427 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 428 1 respon­ respon­ NOUN crln-24008 428 2 sibilities sibilitie NOUN crln-24008 428 3 include include VERB crln-24008 428 4 direct direct ADJ crln-24008 428 5 or or CCONJ crln-24008 428 6 indirect indirect ADJ crln-24008 428 7 supervision supervision NOUN crln-24008 428 8 of of ADP crln-24008 428 9 three three NUM crln-24008 428 10 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 428 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 428 12 six six NUM crln-24008 428 13 nonexempt nonexempt ADJ crln-24008 428 14 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 428 15 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 428 16 monitoring monitor VERB crln-24008 428 17 book book NOUN crln-24008 428 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 428 19 serial serial ADJ crln-24008 428 20 expenditures expenditure NOUN crln-24008 428 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 428 22 monthly monthly ADJ crln-24008 428 23 budget budget NOUN crln-24008 428 24 statements statement NOUN crln-24008 428 25 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 428 26 coordination coordination NOUN crln-24008 428 27 of of ADP crln-24008 428 28 blanket blanket NOUN crln-24008 428 29 order order NOUN crln-24008 428 30 and and CCONJ crln-24008 428 31 approval approval NOUN crln-24008 428 32 programs program NOUN crln-24008 428 33 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 428 34 vendor vendor NOUN crln-24008 428 35 selection selection NOUN crln-24008 428 36 , , PUNCT crln-24008 428 37 negotiation negotiation NOUN crln-24008 428 38 , , PUNCT crln-24008 428 39 and and CCONJ crln-24008 428 40 evaluation evaluation NOUN crln-24008 428 41 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 428 42 managing manage VERB crln-24008 428 43 licenses license NOUN crln-24008 428 44 for for ADP crln-24008 428 45 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 428 46 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 428 47 . . PUNCT crln-24008 429 1 the the DET crln-24008 429 2 head head NOUN crln-24008 429 3 is be AUX crln-24008 429 4 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 429 5 for for ADP crln-24008 429 6 coordinating coordinate VERB crln-24008 429 7 the the DET crln-24008 429 8 work work NOUN crln-24008 429 9 of of ADP crln-24008 429 10 the the DET crln-24008 429 11 department department NOUN crln-24008 429 12 with with ADP crln-24008 429 13 that that PRON crln-24008 429 14 of of ADP crln-24008 429 15 other other ADJ crln-24008 429 16 library library NOUN crln-24008 429 17 units unit NOUN crln-24008 429 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 429 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 429 20 serves serve VERB crln-24008 429 21 on on ADP crln-24008 429 22 the the DET crln-24008 429 23 technical technical ADJ crln-24008 429 24 services service NOUN crln-24008 429 25 management management NOUN crln-24008 429 26 team team NOUN crln-24008 429 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 430 1 also also ADV crln-24008 430 2 works work VERB crln-24008 430 3 very very ADV crln-24008 430 4 closely closely ADV crln-24008 430 5 with with ADP crln-24008 430 6 the the DET crln-24008 430 7 assistant assistant ADJ crln-24008 430 8 university university NOUN crln-24008 430 9 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 430 10 for for ADP crln-24008 430 11 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 430 12 management management NOUN crln-24008 430 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 430 14 bibliographers bibliographer NOUN crln-24008 430 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 430 16 selectors selector NOUN crln-24008 430 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 430 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 430 19 the the DET crln-24008 430 20 budget budget NOUN crln-24008 430 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 430 22 finance finance NOUN crln-24008 430 23 department department NOUN crln-24008 430 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 431 1 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 431 2 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 431 3 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 431 4 from from ADP crln-24008 431 5 an an DET crln-24008 431 6 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 431 7 - - PUNCT crln-24008 431 8 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 431 9 library library NOUN crln-24008 431 10 school school NOUN crln-24008 431 11 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 431 12 extensive extensive ADJ crln-24008 431 13 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 431 14 at at ADV crln-24008 431 15 least least ADV crln-24008 431 16 three three NUM crln-24008 431 17 years year NOUN crln-24008 431 18 preferred preferred ADJ crln-24008 431 19 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 431 20 post post ADJ crln-24008 431 21 - - ADJ crln-24008 431 22 mls mls ADJ crln-24008 431 23 technical technical ADJ crln-24008 431 24 services service NOUN crln-24008 431 25 or or CCONJ crln-24008 431 26 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 431 27 management management NOUN crln-24008 431 28 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 431 29 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 431 30 substantial substantial ADJ crln-24008 431 31 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 431 32 at at ADP crln-24008 431 33 least least ADV crln-24008 431 34 two two NUM crln-24008 431 35 years year NOUN crln-24008 431 36 preferred preferred ADJ crln-24008 431 37 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 431 38 acquisitions acquisition NOUN crln-24008 431 39 and/or and/or CCONJ crln-24008 431 40 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 431 41 control control NOUN crln-24008 431 42 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 431 43 in in ADP crln-24008 431 44 an an DET crln-24008 431 45 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 431 46 or or CCONJ crln-24008 431 47 research research NOUN crln-24008 431 48 library library NOUN crln-24008 431 49 using use VERB crln-24008 431 50 an an DET crln-24008 431 51 automated automate VERB crln-24008 431 52 library library NOUN crln-24008 431 53 information information NOUN crln-24008 431 54 management management NOUN crln-24008 431 55 system system NOUN crln-24008 431 56 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 431 57 thorough thorough ADJ crln-24008 431 58 understanding understanding NOUN crln-24008 431 59 of of ADP crln-24008 431 60 publishing publishing NOUN crln-24008 431 61 and and CCONJ crln-24008 431 62 library library NOUN crln-24008 431 63 acquisitions acquisition NOUN crln-24008 431 64 issues issue NOUN crln-24008 431 65 , , PUNCT crln-24008 431 66 including include VERB crln-24008 431 67 those those PRON crln-24008 431 68 related relate VERB crln-24008 431 69 to to ADP crln-24008 431 70 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 431 71 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 431 72 . . PUNCT crln-24008 432 1 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 432 2 supervisory supervisory ADJ crln-24008 432 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 432 4 management management NOUN crln-24008 432 5 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 432 6 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 432 7 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 432 8 to to PART crln-24008 432 9 communicate communicate VERB crln-24008 432 10 effectively effectively ADV crln-24008 432 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 432 12 both both CCONJ crln-24008 432 13 orally orally ADV crln-24008 432 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 432 15 in in ADP crln-24008 432 16 writing writing NOUN crln-24008 432 17 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 432 18 record record NOUN crln-24008 432 19 of of ADP crln-24008 432 20 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 432 21 development development NOUN crln-24008 432 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 432 23 continuing continue VERB crln-24008 432 24 education education NOUN crln-24008 432 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 433 1 prefer prefer VERB crln-24008 433 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 433 3 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 433 4 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 433 5 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 433 6 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 433 7 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 433 8 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 433 9 to to PART crln-24008 433 10 coordinate coordinate VERB crln-24008 433 11 projects project NOUN crln-24008 433 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 433 13 work work NOUN crln-24008 433 14 activities activity NOUN crln-24008 433 15 in in ADP crln-24008 433 16 a a DET crln-24008 433 17 cooperative cooperative ADJ crln-24008 433 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 433 19 collegial collegial ADJ crln-24008 433 20 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 433 21 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 433 22 record record NOUN crln-24008 433 23 of of ADP crln-24008 433 24 innovation innovation NOUN crln-24008 433 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 433 26 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 433 27 implementation implementation NOUN crln-24008 433 28 of of ADP crln-24008 433 29 change change NOUN crln-24008 433 30 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 433 31 and and CCONJ crln-24008 433 32 record record NOUN crln-24008 433 33 of of ADP crln-24008 433 34 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 433 35 service service NOUN crln-24008 433 36 and/or and/or CCONJ crln-24008 433 37 research research PROPN crln-24008 433 38 . . PUNCT crln-24008 434 1 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 434 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 434 3 northwestern northwestern ADJ crln-24008 434 4 university university PROPN crln-24008 434 5 is be AUX crln-24008 434 6 a a DET crln-24008 434 7 major major ADJ crln-24008 434 8 private private ADJ crln-24008 434 9 university university NOUN crln-24008 434 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 434 11 which which PRON crln-24008 434 12 offers offer VERB crln-24008 434 13 an an DET crln-24008 434 14 extensive extensive ADJ crln-24008 434 15 library library NOUN crln-24008 434 16 system system NOUN crln-24008 434 17 to to PART crln-24008 434 18 support support VERB crln-24008 434 19 its its PRON crln-24008 434 20 program program NOUN crln-24008 434 21 of of ADP crln-24008 434 22 study study NOUN crln-24008 434 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 434 24 research research NOUN crln-24008 434 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 434 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 434 27 teaching teaching NOUN crln-24008 434 28 . . PUNCT crln-24008 435 1 this this PRON crln-24008 435 2 includes include VERB crln-24008 435 3 the the DET crln-24008 435 4 northwestern northwestern ADJ crln-24008 435 5 university university PROPN crln-24008 435 6 library library NOUN crln-24008 435 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 435 8 three three NUM crln-24008 435 9 branch branch NOUN crln-24008 435 10 libraries librarie VERB crln-24008 435 11 on on ADP crln-24008 435 12 the the DET crln-24008 435 13 evanston evanston PROPN crln-24008 435 14 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 435 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 435 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 435 17 four four NUM crln-24008 435 18 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 435 19 on on ADP crln-24008 435 20 the the DET crln-24008 435 21 chicago chicago PROPN crln-24008 435 22 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 435 23 . . PUNCT crln-24008 436 1 northwestern northwestern PROPN crln-24008 436 2 university university PROPN crln-24008 436 3 library library NOUN crln-24008 436 4 is be AUX crln-24008 436 5 a a DET crln-24008 436 6 member member NOUN crln-24008 436 7 of of ADP crln-24008 436 8 the the DET crln-24008 436 9 association association NOUN crln-24008 436 10 of of ADP crln-24008 436 11 research research NOUN crln-24008 436 12 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 436 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 436 14 participates participate VERB crln-24008 436 15 in in ADP crln-24008 436 16 programs program NOUN crln-24008 436 17 of of ADP crln-24008 436 18 the the DET crln-24008 436 19 committee committee NOUN crln-24008 436 20 on on ADP crln-24008 436 21 institutional institutional ADJ crln-24008 436 22 cooperation cooperation NOUN crln-24008 436 23 . . PUNCT crln-24008 437 1 the the DET crln-24008 437 2 holdings holding NOUN crln-24008 437 3 of of ADP crln-24008 437 4 the the DET crln-24008 437 5 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 437 6 total total VERB crln-24008 437 7 over over ADP crln-24008 437 8 3.6 3.6 NUM crln-24008 437 9 million million NUM crln-24008 437 10 volumes volume NOUN crln-24008 437 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 438 1 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 438 2 record record NOUN crln-24008 438 3 services service NOUN crln-24008 438 4 is be AUX crln-24008 438 5 one one NUM crln-24008 438 6 of of ADP crln-24008 438 7 three three NUM crln-24008 438 8 technical technical ADJ crln-24008 438 9 services service NOUN crln-24008 438 10 departments department NOUN crln-24008 438 11 in in ADP crln-24008 438 12 the the DET crln-24008 438 13 northwestern northwestern ADJ crln-24008 438 14 university university PROPN crln-24008 438 15 library library NOUN crln-24008 438 16 . . PUNCT crln-24008 439 1 technical technical ADJ crln-24008 439 2 services service NOUN crln-24008 439 3 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 439 4 works work VERB crln-24008 439 5 in in ADP crln-24008 439 6 a a DET crln-24008 439 7 highly highly ADV crln-24008 439 8 automated automate VERB crln-24008 439 9 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 439 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 439 11 using use VERB crln-24008 439 12 oclc oclc PROPN crln-24008 439 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 439 14 the the DET crln-24008 439 15 recently recently ADV crln-24008 439 16 implemented implement VERB crln-24008 439 17 voyager voyager PROPN crln-24008 439 18 library library PROPN crln-24008 439 19 management management NOUN crln-24008 439 20 system system NOUN crln-24008 439 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 439 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 439 23 other other ADJ crln-24008 439 24 online online ADJ crln-24008 439 25 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 439 26 . . PUNCT crln-24008 440 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 440 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 440 3 $ $ SYM crln-24008 440 4 40,000 40,000 NUM crln-24008 440 5 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 440 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 441 1 to to PART crln-24008 441 2 apply apply VERB crln-24008 441 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 441 4 send send VERB crln-24008 441 5 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 441 6 of of ADP crln-24008 441 7 application application NOUN crln-24008 441 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 441 9 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 441 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 441 11 including include VERB crln-24008 441 12 names name NOUN crln-24008 441 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 441 14 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 441 15 of of ADP crln-24008 441 16 three three NUM crln-24008 441 17 references reference NOUN crln-24008 441 18 to to ADP crln-24008 441 19 : : PUNCT crln-24008 441 20 peter peter PROPN crln-24008 441 21 devlin devlin PROPN crln-24008 441 22 personnel personnel PROPN crln-24008 441 23 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 441 24 northwestern northwestern PROPN crln-24008 441 25 university university PROPN crln-24008 441 26 library library NOUN crln-24008 441 27 evanston evanston PROPN crln-24008 441 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 441 29 il il PROPN crln-24008 441 30 60208 60208 NUM crln-24008 441 31 - - SYM crln-24008 441 32 2300 2300 NUM crln-24008 441 33 applications application NOUN crln-24008 441 34 received receive VERB crln-24008 441 35 by by ADP crln-24008 441 36 february february PROPN crln-24008 441 37 12 12 NUM crln-24008 441 38 , , PUNCT crln-24008 441 39 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 441 40 will will AUX crln-24008 441 41 be be AUX crln-24008 441 42 given give VERB crln-24008 441 43 first first ADJ crln-24008 441 44 consideration consideration NOUN crln-24008 441 45 . . PUNCT crln-24008 442 1 northwestern northwestern ADJ crln-24008 442 2 university university PROPN crln-24008 442 3 is be AUX crln-24008 442 4 an an DET crln-24008 442 5 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 442 6 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 442 7 / / SYM crln-24008 442 8 affirmative affirmative ADJ crln-24008 442 9 action action NOUN crln-24008 442 10 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 442 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 443 1 employment employment NOUN crln-24008 443 2 eligibility eligibility PROPN crln-24008 443 3 verification verification NOUN crln-24008 443 4 required require VERB crln-24008 443 5 upon upon SCONJ crln-24008 443 6 hire hire NOUN crln-24008 443 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 444 1 classics classic NOUN crln-24008 444 2 , , PUNCT crln-24008 444 3 english english ADJ crln-24008 444 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 444 5 music music NOUN crln-24008 444 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 444 7 philosophy philosophy NOUN crln-24008 444 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 444 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 444 10 theatre theatre NOUN crln-24008 444 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 444 12 providing provide VERB crln-24008 444 13 in in ADP crln-24008 444 14 - - PUNCT crln-24008 444 15 depth depth ADJ crln-24008 444 16 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 444 17 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 444 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 444 19 assistance assistance NOUN crln-24008 444 20 in in ADP crln-24008 444 21 use use NOUN crln-24008 444 22 of of ADP crln-24008 444 23 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 444 24 sources source NOUN crln-24008 444 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 444 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 444 27 specialized specialized ADJ crln-24008 444 28 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 444 29 for for ADP crln-24008 444 30 those those DET crln-24008 444 31 subject subject ADJ crln-24008 444 32 areas area NOUN crln-24008 444 33 . . PUNCT crln-24008 445 1 maintains maintain VERB crln-24008 445 2 subject subject NOUN crln-24008 445 3 - - PUNCT crln-24008 445 4 oriented orient VERB crln-24008 445 5 web web NOUN crln-24008 445 6 pages page NOUN crln-24008 445 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 446 1 also also ADV crln-24008 446 2 provides provide VERB crln-24008 446 3 general general ADJ crln-24008 446 4 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 446 5 services service NOUN crln-24008 446 6 during during ADP crln-24008 446 7 assigned assign VERB crln-24008 446 8 hours hour NOUN crln-24008 446 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 446 10 including include VERB crln-24008 446 11 some some DET crln-24008 446 12 evenings evening NOUN crln-24008 446 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 446 14 weekends weekend NOUN crln-24008 446 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 447 1 reports report NOUN crln-24008 447 2 to to ADP crln-24008 447 3 assistant assistant NOUN crln-24008 447 4 director director NOUN crln-24008 447 5 for for ADP crln-24008 447 6 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 447 7 development development NOUN crln-24008 447 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 448 1 research research NOUN crln-24008 448 2 , , PUNCT crln-24008 448 3 publication publication NOUN crln-24008 448 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 448 5 service service NOUN crln-24008 448 6 to to ADP crln-24008 448 7 the the DET crln-24008 448 8 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 448 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 448 10 university university NOUN crln-24008 448 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 448 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 448 13 profession profession NOUN crln-24008 448 14 are be AUX crln-24008 448 15 expected expect VERB crln-24008 448 16 to to PART crln-24008 448 17 satisfy satisfy VERB crln-24008 448 18 criteria criterion NOUN crln-24008 448 19 for for ADP crln-24008 448 20 continuing continue VERB crln-24008 448 21 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 448 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 448 23 promotion promotion NOUN crln-24008 448 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 449 1 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 449 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 449 3 required require VERB crln-24008 449 4 : : PUNCT crln-24008 449 5 graduate graduate NOUN crln-24008 449 6 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 449 7 in in ADP crln-24008 449 8 librarianship librarianship NOUN crln-24008 449 9 from from ADP crln-24008 449 10 an an DET crln-24008 449 11 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 449 12 - - PUNCT crln-24008 449 13 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 449 14 institution institution NOUN crln-24008 449 15 or or CCONJ crln-24008 449 16 foreign foreign ADJ crln-24008 449 17 equivalent equivalent NOUN crln-24008 449 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 450 1 preferred preferred ADJ crln-24008 450 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 450 3 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 450 4 background background NOUN crln-24008 450 5 in in ADP crln-24008 450 6 english english PROPN crln-24008 450 7 or or CCONJ crln-24008 450 8 phi­ phi­ NOUN crln-24008 450 9 losophy losophy NOUN crln-24008 450 10 or or CCONJ crln-24008 450 11 a a DET crln-24008 450 12 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 450 13 of of ADP crln-24008 450 14 three three NUM crln-24008 450 15 years year NOUN crln-24008 450 16 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 450 17 as as ADP crln-24008 450 18 a a DET crln-24008 450 19 humanities humanity NOUN crln-24008 450 20 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 450 21 at at ADP crln-24008 450 22 an an DET crln-24008 450 23 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 450 24 / / SYM crln-24008 450 25 research research NOUN crln-24008 450 26 library library NOUN crln-24008 450 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 451 1 preference preference NOUN crln-24008 451 2 will will AUX crln-24008 451 3 be be AUX crln-24008 451 4 given give VERB crln-24008 451 5 to to ADP crln-24008 451 6 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 451 7 with with ADP crln-24008 451 8 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 451 9 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 451 10 in in ADP crln-24008 451 11 the the DET crln-24008 451 12 use use NOUN crln-24008 451 13 of of ADP crln-24008 451 14 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 451 15 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 451 16 . . PUNCT crln-24008 452 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 452 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 452 3 commensurate commensurate ADJ crln-24008 452 4 with with ADP crln-24008 452 5 education education NOUN crln-24008 452 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 452 7 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 452 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 453 1 minimums minimum NOUN crln-24008 453 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 453 3 assistant assistant PROPN crln-24008 453 4 li­ li­ NOUN crln-24008 453 5 brarian brarian NOUN crln-24008 453 6 $ $ SYM crln-24008 453 7 30,000 30,000 NUM crln-24008 453 8 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 453 9 senior senior ADJ crln-24008 453 10 assistant assistant ADJ crln-24008 453 11 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 453 12 $ $ SYM crln-24008 453 13 34,000 34,000 NUM crln-24008 453 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 454 1 apply apply VERB crln-24008 454 2 to to ADP crln-24008 454 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 454 4 christine christine PROPN crln-24008 454 5 m. m. PROPN crln-24008 454 6 travis travis PROPN crln-24008 454 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 454 8 library library NOUN crln-24008 454 9 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 454 10 officer officer NOUN crln-24008 454 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 454 12 university university NOUN crln-24008 454 13 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 454 14 — — PUNCT crln-24008 454 15 ul-112 ul-112 PROPN crln-24008 454 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 454 17 univer­ univer­ ADJ crln-24008 454 18 sity sity NOUN crln-24008 454 19 at at ADP crln-24008 454 20 albany albany PROPN crln-24008 454 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 454 22 state state NOUN crln-24008 454 23 university university NOUN crln-24008 454 24 o o NOUN crln-24008 454 25 f f PROPN crln-24008 454 26 new new PROPN crln-24008 454 27 york york PROPN crln-24008 454 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 454 29 1400 1400 NUM crln-24008 454 30 washington washington PROPN crln-24008 454 31 avenue avenue PROPN crln-24008 454 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 454 33 albany albany PROPN crln-24008 454 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 454 35 ny ny PROPN crln-24008 454 36 12222 12222 NUM crln-24008 454 37 . . PUNCT crln-24008 455 1 deadline deadline NOUN crln-24008 455 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 455 3 review review NOUN crln-24008 455 4 of of ADP crln-24008 455 5 letters letter NOUN crln-24008 455 6 of of ADP crln-24008 455 7 application application NOUN crln-24008 455 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 455 9 resumes resume VERB crln-24008 455 10 56 56 NUM crln-24008 455 11 / / SYM crln-24008 455 12 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 455 13 news news NOUN crln-24008 455 14 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 455 15 january january PROPN crln-24008 455 16 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 455 17 director director NOUN crln-24008 455 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 455 19 electr electr PROPN crln-24008 455 20 o o PROPN crln-24008 455 21 n n ADV crln-24008 455 22 ic ic PROPN crln-24008 455 23 s s NOUN crln-24008 455 24 e e NOUN crln-24008 455 25 r r NOUN crln-24008 455 26 v v NOUN crln-24008 455 27 ic ic NOUN crln-24008 455 28 e e PROPN crln-24008 455 29 s s PROPN crln-24008 455 30 and and CCONJ crln-24008 455 31 r r NOUN crln-24008 455 32 eso eso NOUN crln-24008 455 33 u u PRON crln-24008 455 34 r r NOUN crln-24008 455 35 c c NOUN crln-24008 455 36 es es X crln-24008 455 37 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 455 38 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 455 39 / / SYM crln-24008 455 40 information information NOUN crln-24008 455 41 s s VERB crln-24008 455 42 e e NOUN crln-24008 455 43 r r NOUN crln-24008 455 44 v v NOUN crln-24008 456 1 ic ic NOUN crln-24008 456 2 e e PROPN crln-24008 456 3 s s PART crln-24008 456 4 pro pro X crln-24008 456 5 fessio fessio NOUN crln-24008 456 6 nal nal ADJ crln-24008 456 7 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 456 8 university university PROPN crln-24008 456 9 of of ADP crln-24008 456 10 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 456 11 california california PROPN crln-24008 456 12 position position NOUN crln-24008 456 13 summary summary NOUN crln-24008 456 14 : : PUNCT crln-24008 456 15 the the DET crln-24008 456 16 information information NOUN crln-24008 456 17 services service NOUN crln-24008 456 18 division division NOUN crln-24008 456 19 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 456 20 isd isd PROPN crln-24008 456 21 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 456 22 of of ADP crln-24008 456 23 the the DET crln-24008 456 24 university university PROPN crln-24008 456 25 of of ADP crln-24008 456 26 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 456 27 california california PROPN crln-24008 456 28 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 456 29 a a DET crln-24008 456 30 dynamic dynamic ADJ crln-24008 456 31 leader leader NOUN crln-24008 456 32 for for ADP crln-24008 456 33 the the DET crln-24008 456 34 continuing continue VERB crln-24008 456 35 development development NOUN crln-24008 456 36 of of ADP crln-24008 456 37 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 456 38 information information NOUN crln-24008 456 39 services service NOUN crln-24008 456 40 and and CCONJ crln-24008 456 41 management management NOUN crln-24008 456 42 of of ADP crln-24008 456 43 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 456 44 information information NOUN crln-24008 456 45 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 456 46 . . PUNCT crln-24008 457 1 reporting report VERB crln-24008 457 2 to to ADP crln-24008 457 3 the the DET crln-24008 457 4 executive executive ADJ crln-24008 457 5 director director NOUN crln-24008 457 6 of of ADP crln-24008 457 7 the the DET crln-24008 457 8 isd isd ADJ crln-24008 457 9 public public PROPN crln-24008 457 10 services services PROPN crln-24008 457 11 core core NOUN crln-24008 457 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 457 13 this this DET crln-24008 457 14 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 457 15 fosters foster NOUN crln-24008 457 16 new new ADJ crln-24008 457 17 approaches approach NOUN crln-24008 457 18 to to ADP crln-24008 457 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 457 20 facilitates facilitate VERB crln-24008 457 21 ongoing ongoing ADJ crln-24008 457 22 support support NOUN crln-24008 457 23 of of ADP crln-24008 457 24 web web NOUN crln-24008 457 25 - - PUNCT crln-24008 457 26 based base VERB crln-24008 457 27 access access NOUN crln-24008 457 28 to to ADP crln-24008 457 29 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 457 30 information information NOUN crln-24008 457 31 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 457 32 . . PUNCT crln-24008 458 1 participates participate VERB crln-24008 458 2 in in ADP crln-24008 458 3 the the DET crln-24008 458 4 shaping shaping NOUN crln-24008 458 5 of of ADP crln-24008 458 6 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 458 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 458 8 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 458 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 458 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 458 11 other other ADJ crln-24008 458 12 customer customer NOUN crln-24008 458 13 service service NOUN crln-24008 458 14 systems system NOUN crln-24008 458 15 for for ADP crln-24008 458 16 delivery delivery NOUN crln-24008 458 17 through through ADP crln-24008 458 18 web web NOUN crln-24008 458 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 458 20 telephone telephone NOUN crln-24008 458 21 interfaces interface NOUN crln-24008 458 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 458 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 458 24 provides provide VERB crln-24008 458 25 high high ADJ crln-24008 458 26 - - PUNCT crln-24008 458 27 level level NOUN crln-24008 458 28 leadership leadership NOUN crln-24008 458 29 for for ADP crln-24008 458 30 expanding expand VERB crln-24008 458 31 a a DET crln-24008 458 32 growing grow VERB crln-24008 458 33 suite suite NOUN crln-24008 458 34 of of ADP crln-24008 458 35 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 458 36 services service NOUN crln-24008 458 37 . . PUNCT crln-24008 459 1 description description NOUN crln-24008 459 2 of of ADP crln-24008 459 3 the the DET crln-24008 459 4 information information NOUN crln-24008 459 5 services service NOUN crln-24008 459 6 division division NOUN crln-24008 459 7 : : PUNCT crln-24008 459 8 the the DET crln-24008 459 9 university university NOUN crln-24008 459 10 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 459 11 are be AUX crln-24008 459 12 an an DET crln-24008 459 13 integral integral ADJ crln-24008 459 14 part part NOUN crln-24008 459 15 of of ADP crln-24008 459 16 the the DET crln-24008 459 17 university university PROPN crln-24008 459 18 of of ADP crln-24008 459 19 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 459 20 california california PROPN crln-24008 459 21 information information NOUN crln-24008 459 22 services service NOUN crln-24008 459 23 division division NOUN crln-24008 459 24 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 459 25 isd isd ADV crln-24008 459 26 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 459 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 460 1 serving serve VERB crln-24008 460 2 one one NUM crln-24008 460 3 of of ADP crln-24008 460 4 the the DET crln-24008 460 5 nation nation NOUN crln-24008 460 6 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 460 7 largest large ADJ crln-24008 460 8 private private ADJ crln-24008 460 9 research research NOUN crln-24008 460 10 universities university NOUN crln-24008 460 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 460 12 the the DET crln-24008 460 13 isd isd NOUN crln-24008 460 14 is be AUX crln-24008 460 15 a a DET crln-24008 460 16 unified unified ADJ crln-24008 460 17 organization organization NOUN crln-24008 460 18 whose whose DET crln-24008 460 19 goal goal NOUN crln-24008 460 20 is be AUX crln-24008 460 21 to to PART crln-24008 460 22 provide provide VERB crln-24008 460 23 the the DET crln-24008 460 24 highest high ADJ crln-24008 460 25 quality quality NOUN crln-24008 460 26 support support NOUN crln-24008 460 27 for for ADP crln-24008 460 28 library library NOUN crln-24008 460 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 460 30 computing computing NOUN crln-24008 460 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 460 32 and and CCONJ crln-24008 460 33 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 460 34 needs need NOUN crln-24008 460 35 . . PUNCT crln-24008 461 1 to to PART crln-24008 461 2 accomplish accomplish VERB crln-24008 461 3 its its PRON crln-24008 461 4 goal goal NOUN crln-24008 461 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 461 6 the the DET crln-24008 461 7 isd isd NOUN crln-24008 461 8 is be AUX crln-24008 461 9 structured structure VERB crln-24008 461 10 in in ADP crln-24008 461 11 three three NUM crln-24008 461 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 461 13 nontraditional nontraditional ADJ crln-24008 461 14 core core NOUN crln-24008 461 15 groups group NOUN crln-24008 461 16 : : PUNCT crln-24008 461 17 public public ADJ crln-24008 461 18 services service NOUN crln-24008 461 19 core core NOUN crln-24008 461 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 461 21 infrastructure infrastructure NOUN crln-24008 461 22 core core NOUN crln-24008 461 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 461 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 461 25 communications communication NOUN crln-24008 461 26 core core PROPN crln-24008 461 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 462 1 usc usc PROPN crln-24008 462 2 houses house NOUN crln-24008 462 3 a a DET crln-24008 462 4 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 462 5 of of ADP crln-24008 462 6 more more ADJ crln-24008 462 7 than than ADP crln-24008 462 8 2.6 2.6 NUM crln-24008 462 9 million million NUM crln-24008 462 10 volumes volume NOUN crln-24008 462 11 in in ADP crln-24008 462 12 the the DET crln-24008 462 13 main main ADJ crln-24008 462 14 doheny doheny NOUN crln-24008 462 15 library library NOUN crln-24008 462 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 462 17 14 14 NUM crln-24008 462 18 specialized specialized ADJ crln-24008 462 19 subject subject ADJ crln-24008 462 20 units unit NOUN crln-24008 462 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 463 1 as as ADP crln-24008 463 2 part part NOUN crln-24008 463 3 of of ADP crln-24008 463 4 the the DET crln-24008 463 5 isd isd NOUN crln-24008 463 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 463 7 it it PRON crln-24008 463 8 has have VERB crln-24008 463 9 a a DET crln-24008 463 10 strategic strategic ADJ crln-24008 463 11 goal goal NOUN crln-24008 463 12 of of ADP crln-24008 463 13 expanding expand VERB crln-24008 463 14 networked networked ADJ crln-24008 463 15 information information NOUN crln-24008 463 16 services service NOUN crln-24008 463 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 463 18 as as SCONJ crln-24008 463 19 represented represent VERB crln-24008 463 20 by by ADP crln-24008 463 21 the the DET crln-24008 463 22 uscinfo uscinfo NOUN crln-24008 463 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 463 24 the the DET crln-24008 463 25 online online ADJ crln-24008 463 26 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 463 27 information information NOUN crln-24008 463 28 system system NOUN crln-24008 463 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 463 30 which which PRON crln-24008 463 31 includes include VERB crln-24008 463 32 an an DET crln-24008 463 33 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 463 34 library library NOUN crln-24008 463 35 system system NOUN crln-24008 463 36 and and CCONJ crln-24008 463 37 dozens dozen NOUN crln-24008 463 38 of of ADP crln-24008 463 39 web web NOUN crln-24008 463 40 - - PUNCT crln-24008 463 41 based base VERB crln-24008 463 42 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 463 43 and and CCONJ crln-24008 463 44 full full ADJ crln-24008 463 45 - - PUNCT crln-24008 463 46 text text NOUN crln-24008 463 47 databases database NOUN crln-24008 463 48 . . PUNCT crln-24008 464 1 usc usc PROPN crln-24008 464 2 is be AUX crln-24008 464 3 a a DET crln-24008 464 4 member member NOUN crln-24008 464 5 of of ADP crln-24008 464 6 the the DET crln-24008 464 7 association association NOUN crln-24008 464 8 of of ADP crln-24008 464 9 research research NOUN crln-24008 464 10 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 464 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 464 12 the the DET crln-24008 464 13 center center NOUN crln-24008 464 14 for for ADP crln-24008 464 15 research research NOUN crln-24008 464 16 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 464 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 464 18 the the DET crln-24008 464 19 research research NOUN crln-24008 464 20 libraries librarie VERB crln-24008 464 21 group group NOUN crln-24008 464 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 464 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 464 24 is be AUX crln-24008 464 25 the the DET crln-24008 464 26 host host NOUN crln-24008 464 27 institution institution NOUN crln-24008 464 28 for for ADP crln-24008 464 29 the the DET crln-24008 464 30 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 464 31 california california PROPN crln-24008 464 32 electronic electronic PROPN crln-24008 464 33 library library PROPN crln-24008 464 34 consortium consortium PROPN crln-24008 464 35 . . PUNCT crln-24008 465 1 additional additional ADJ crln-24008 465 2 information information NOUN crln-24008 465 3 about about ADP crln-24008 465 4 the the DET crln-24008 465 5 university university PROPN crln-24008 465 6 of of ADP crln-24008 465 7 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 465 8 california california PROPN crln-24008 465 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 465 10 the the DET crln-24008 465 11 isd isd NOUN crln-24008 465 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 465 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 465 14 the the DET crln-24008 465 15 university university NOUN crln-24008 465 16 libraries librarie VERB crln-24008 465 17 component component NOUN crln-24008 465 18 can can AUX crln-24008 465 19 be be AUX crln-24008 465 20 obtained obtain VERB crln-24008 465 21 from from ADP crln-24008 465 22 uscweb uscweb PROPN crln-24008 465 23 at at ADP crln-24008 465 24 PROPN crln-24008 465 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 466 1 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 466 2 rank rank PROPN crln-24008 466 3 / / SYM crln-24008 466 4 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 466 5 : : PUNCT crln-24008 466 6 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 466 7 ll/$35,000 ll/$35,000 NUM crln-24008 466 8 minimum minimum ADJ crln-24008 466 9 or or CCONJ crln-24008 466 10 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 466 11 lll/$42,000 lll/$42,000 VERB crln-24008 466 12 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 466 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 467 1 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 467 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 467 3 position position NOUN crln-24008 467 4 is be AUX crln-24008 467 5 full full ADJ crln-24008 467 6 - - PUNCT crln-24008 467 7 time time NOUN crln-24008 467 8 on on ADP crln-24008 467 9 a a DET crln-24008 467 10 twelve twelve NUM crln-24008 467 11 - - PUNCT crln-24008 467 12 month month NOUN crln-24008 467 13 contract contract NOUN crln-24008 467 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 468 1 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 468 2 include include VERB crln-24008 468 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 468 4 tiaa tiaa ADJ crln-24008 468 5 / / SYM crln-24008 468 6 cref cref NOUN crln-24008 468 7 retirement retirement NOUN crln-24008 468 8 program program NOUN crln-24008 468 9 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 468 10 22 22 NUM crln-24008 468 11 paid pay VERB crln-24008 468 12 vacation vacation NOUN crln-24008 468 13 days day NOUN crln-24008 468 14 per per ADP crln-24008 468 15 year year NOUN crln-24008 468 16 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 468 17 a a DET crln-24008 468 18 choice choice NOUN crln-24008 468 19 of of ADP crln-24008 468 20 medical medical ADJ crln-24008 468 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 468 22 dental dental ADJ crln-24008 468 23 plans plan NOUN crln-24008 468 24 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 468 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 468 26 tuition tuition NOUN crln-24008 468 27 assistance assistance NOUN crln-24008 468 28 . . PUNCT crln-24008 469 1 application application NOUN crln-24008 469 2 procedure procedure NOUN crln-24008 469 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 469 4 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 469 5 with with ADP crln-24008 469 6 a a DET crln-24008 469 7 master master NOUN crln-24008 469 8 ’s ’s NOUN crln-24008 469 9 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 469 10 in in ADP crln-24008 469 11 an an DET crln-24008 469 12 information information NOUN crln-24008 469 13 or or CCONJ crln-24008 469 14 library library NOUN crln-24008 469 15 science science NOUN crln-24008 469 16 related relate VERB crln-24008 469 17 field field NOUN crln-24008 469 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 469 19 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 469 20 of of ADP crln-24008 469 21 the the DET crln-24008 469 22 research research NOUN crln-24008 469 23 process process NOUN crln-24008 469 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 469 25 understanding understanding NOUN crln-24008 469 26 of of ADP crln-24008 469 27 research research NOUN crln-24008 469 28 issues issue NOUN crln-24008 469 29 and and CCONJ crln-24008 469 30 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 469 31 in in ADP crln-24008 469 32 all all DET crln-24008 469 33 formats format NOUN crln-24008 469 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 469 35 and and CCONJ crln-24008 469 36 working work VERB crln-24008 469 37 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 469 38 of of ADP crln-24008 469 39 web web NOUN crln-24008 469 40 technologies technology NOUN crln-24008 469 41 as as SCONJ crln-24008 469 42 they they PRON crln-24008 469 43 relate relate VERB crln-24008 469 44 to to ADP crln-24008 469 45 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 469 46 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 469 47 should should AUX crln-24008 469 48 submit submit VERB crln-24008 469 49 a a DET crln-24008 469 50 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 469 51 of of ADP crln-24008 469 52 application application NOUN crln-24008 469 53 , , PUNCT crln-24008 469 54 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 469 55 , , PUNCT crln-24008 469 56 and and CCONJ crln-24008 469 57 three three NUM crln-24008 469 58 references reference NOUN crln-24008 469 59 to to ADP crln-24008 469 60 : : PUNCT crln-24008 469 61 sharon sharon PROPN crln-24008 469 62 haymond haymond PROPN crln-24008 469 63 human human ADJ crln-24008 469 64 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 469 65 director director NOUN crln-24008 469 66 attn:#197 attn:#197 PROPN crln-24008 469 67 inform inform VERB crln-24008 469 68 ation ation NOUN crln-24008 469 69 services service NOUN crln-24008 469 70 division division NOUN crln-24008 469 71 doheny doheny PROPN crln-24008 469 72 memorial memorial PROPN crln-24008 469 73 library library PROPN crln-24008 469 74 u u PROPN crln-24008 469 75 niversity niversity NOUN crln-24008 469 76 o o PROPN crln-24008 469 77 f f PROPN crln-24008 469 78 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 469 79 california california PROPN crln-24008 469 80 los los PROPN crln-24008 469 81 angeles angeles PROPN crln-24008 469 82 , , PUNCT crln-24008 469 83 ca ca PROPN crln-24008 469 84 90089 90089 NUM crln-24008 469 85 - - SYM crln-24008 469 86 0182 0182 NUM crln-24008 469 87 for for ADP crln-24008 469 88 more more ADJ crln-24008 469 89 information information NOUN crln-24008 469 90 on on ADP crln-24008 469 91 this this DET crln-24008 469 92 position position NOUN crln-24008 469 93 , , PUNCT crln-24008 469 94 contact contact NOUN crln-24008 469 95 chris chris PROPN crln-24008 469 96 ferguson ferguson NOUN crln-24008 469 97 at at ADP crln-24008 469 98 X crln-24008 469 99 . . PUNCT crln-24008 470 1 will will AUX crln-24008 470 2 begin begin VERB crln-24008 470 3 february february PROPN crln-24008 470 4 5 5 NUM crln-24008 470 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 470 6 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 470 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 471 1 please please INTJ crln-24008 471 2 include include VERB crln-24008 471 3 the the DET crln-24008 471 4 names name NOUN crln-24008 471 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 471 6 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 471 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 471 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 471 9 phone phone NOUN crln-24008 471 10 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 471 11 of of ADP crln-24008 471 12 three three NUM crln-24008 471 13 references reference NOUN crln-24008 471 14 that that PRON crln-24008 471 15 may may AUX crln-24008 471 16 be be AUX crln-24008 471 17 contacted contact VERB crln-24008 471 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 472 1 the the DET crln-24008 472 2 university university PROPN crln-24008 472 3 at at ADP crln-24008 472 4 albany albany PROPN crln-24008 472 5 is be AUX crln-24008 472 6 an an DET crln-24008 472 7 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 472 8 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 472 9 / / SYM crln-24008 472 10 affirmative affirmative ADJ crln-24008 472 11 action action NOUN crln-24008 472 12 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 472 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 473 1 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 473 2 for for ADP crln-24008 473 3 the the DET crln-24008 473 4 college college NOUN crln-24008 473 5 of of ADP crln-24008 473 6 arts art NOUN crln-24008 473 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 473 8 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 473 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 474 1 w w PROPN crln-24008 474 2 est­ est­ PROPN crln-24008 474 3 ern ern PROPN crln-24008 474 4 w w PROPN crln-24008 474 5 ashing ashing NOUN crln-24008 474 6 ton ton PROPN crln-24008 474 7 u u PROPN crln-24008 474 8 n n NOUN crln-24008 474 9 iversity iversity NOUN crln-24008 474 10 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 474 11 a a DET crln-24008 474 12 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 474 13 forthe forthe DET crln-24008 474 14 college college NOUN crln-24008 474 15 of of ADP crln-24008 474 16 arts art NOUN crln-24008 474 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 474 18 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 474 19 for for ADP crln-24008 474 20 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 474 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 474 22 interdisciplinary interdisciplinary NOUN crln-24008 474 23 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 474 24 development development NOUN crln-24008 474 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 474 26 ref­ ref­ PROPN crln-24008 474 27 erence erence PROPN crln-24008 474 28 service service NOUN crln-24008 474 29 . . PUNCT crln-24008 475 1 located locate VERB crln-24008 475 2 between between ADP crln-24008 475 3 seattle seattle NOUN crln-24008 475 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 475 5 washington washington PROPN crln-24008 475 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 475 7 vancouver vancouver PROPN crln-24008 475 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 475 9 british british PROPN crln-24008 475 10 columbia columbia PROPN crln-24008 475 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 475 12 the the DET crln-24008 475 13 university university NOUN crln-24008 475 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 475 15 with with ADP crln-24008 475 16 a a DET crln-24008 475 17 student student NOUN crln-24008 475 18 population population NOUN crln-24008 475 19 of of ADP crln-24008 475 20 over over ADP crln-24008 475 21 10,000 10,000 NUM crln-24008 475 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 475 23 is be AUX crln-24008 475 24 organized organize VERB crln-24008 475 25 into into ADP crln-24008 475 26 six six NUM crln-24008 475 27 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crln-24008 475 28 colleges college NOUN crln-24008 475 29 and and CCONJ crln-24008 475 30 a a DET crln-24008 475 31 graduate graduate NOUN crln-24008 475 32 school school NOUN crln-24008 475 33 . . PUNCT crln-24008 476 1 re­ re­ VERB crln-24008 476 2 quired quire VERB crln-24008 476 3 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 476 4 : : PUNCT crln-24008 476 5 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 476 6 at at ADP crln-24008 476 7 the the DET crln-24008 476 8 time time NOUN crln-24008 476 9 of of ADP crln-24008 476 10 application application NOUN crln-24008 476 11 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 476 12 an an DET crln-24008 476 13 additional additional ADJ crln-24008 476 14 advanced advanced ADJ crln-24008 476 15 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 476 16 in in ADP crln-24008 476 17 a a DET crln-24008 476 18 discipline discipline NOUN crln-24008 476 19 represented represent VERB crln-24008 476 20 in in ADP crln-24008 476 21 the the DET crln-24008 476 22 college college NOUN crln-24008 476 23 of of ADP crln-24008 476 24 arts art NOUN crln-24008 476 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 476 26 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 476 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 477 1 please please INTJ crln-24008 477 2 check check VERB crln-24008 477 3 their their PRON crln-24008 477 4 web web NOUN crln-24008 477 5 page page NOUN crln-24008 477 6 at at ADP crln-24008 477 7 : : PUNCT crln-24008 477 8 NOUN crln-24008 477 9 desirable desirable ADJ crln-24008 477 10 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 477 11 : : PUNCT crln-24008 477 12 two two NUM crln-24008 477 13 years year NOUN crln-24008 477 14 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 477 15 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 477 16 library library NOUN crln-24008 477 17 or or CCONJ crln-24008 477 18 college college NOUN crln-24008 477 19 teach­ teach­ NOUN crln-24008 477 20 ing ing NOUN crln-24008 477 21 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 477 22 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 477 23 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 477 24 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 477 25 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 477 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 477 27 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 477 28 to to PART crln-24008 477 29 work work VERB crln-24008 477 30 in in ADP crln-24008 477 31 teams team NOUN crln-24008 477 32 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 477 33 potential potential ADJ crln-24008 477 34 for for ADP crln-24008 477 35 scholarship scholarship NOUN crln-24008 477 36 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 477 37 expertise expertise NOUN crln-24008 477 38 with with ADP crln-24008 477 39 software software NOUN crln-24008 477 40 and and CCONJ crln-24008 477 41 information information NOUN crln-24008 477 42 technology technology NOUN crln-24008 477 43 related relate VERB crln-24008 477 44 to to ADP crln-24008 477 45 development development NOUN crln-24008 477 46 and and CCONJ crln-24008 477 47 delivery delivery NOUN crln-24008 477 48 of of ADP crln-24008 477 49 library library NOUN crln-24008 477 50 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 477 51 and and CCONJ crln-24008 477 52 services service NOUN crln-24008 477 53 . . PUNCT crln-24008 478 1 assistant assistant NOUN crln-24008 478 2 professor professor NOUN crln-24008 478 3 , , PUNCT crln-24008 478 4 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 478 5 - - PUNCT crln-24008 478 6 track track NOUN crln-24008 478 7 position position NOUN crln-24008 478 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 479 1 compensation compensation NOUN crln-24008 479 2 de­ de­ VERB crln-24008 479 3 pends pend NOUN crln-24008 479 4 on on ADP crln-24008 479 5 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 479 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 480 1 minimum minimum ADJ crln-24008 480 2 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 480 3 $ $ SYM crln-24008 480 4 35,394 35,394 NUM crln-24008 480 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 481 1 for for ADP crln-24008 481 2 a a DET crln-24008 481 3 position position NOUN crln-24008 481 4 descrip­ descrip­ ADV crln-24008 481 5 tion tion NOUN crln-24008 481 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 481 7 further further ADJ crln-24008 481 8 information information NOUN crln-24008 481 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 481 10 contact contact NOUN crln-24008 481 11 liz liz NOUN crln-24008 481 12 sipes sipe NOUN crln-24008 481 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 481 14 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 481 15 360 360 NUM crln-24008 481 16 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 481 17 650 650 NUM crln-24008 481 18 - - SYM crln-24008 481 19 3050 3050 NUM crln-24008 481 20 or or CCONJ crln-24008 481 21 NOUN crln-24008 481 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 482 1 applications application NOUN crln-24008 482 2 accepted accept VERB crln-24008 482 3 until until SCONJ crln-24008 482 4 position position NOUN crln-24008 482 5 is be AUX crln-24008 482 6 filled fill VERB crln-24008 482 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 483 1 appli­ appli­ PROPN crln-24008 483 2 cations cation NOUN crln-24008 483 3 received receive VERB crln-24008 483 4 before before ADP crln-24008 483 5 february february PROPN crln-24008 483 6 19 19 NUM crln-24008 483 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 483 8 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 483 9 will will AUX crln-24008 483 10 be be AUX crln-24008 483 11 assured assure VERB crln-24008 483 12 a a DET crln-24008 483 13 review review NOUN crln-24008 483 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 484 1 wwu wwu PROPN crln-24008 484 2 is be AUX crln-24008 484 3 an an DET crln-24008 484 4 aa aa NOUN crln-24008 484 5 / / SYM crln-24008 484 6 eeo eeo NOUN crln-24008 484 7 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 484 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 485 1 to to PART crln-24008 485 2 request request VERB crln-24008 485 3 disability disability NOUN crln-24008 485 4 accommodation accommodation NOUN crln-24008 485 5 : : PUNCT crln-24008 485 6 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 485 7 360 360 NUM crln-24008 485 8 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 485 9 650 650 NUM crln-24008 485 10 - - SYM crln-24008 485 11 3306 3306 NUM crln-24008 485 12 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 485 13 v v NOUN crln-24008 485 14 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 485 15 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 485 16 650 650 NUM crln-24008 485 17 - - SYM crln-24008 485 18 7607 7607 NUM crln-24008 485 19 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 485 20 tty tty NOUN crln-24008 485 21 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 485 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 486 1 libr libr PROPN crln-24008 486 2 ar ar PROPN crln-24008 486 3 y y PROPN crln-24008 486 4 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 486 5 positions position NOUN crln-24008 486 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 487 1 the the DET crln-24008 487 2 college college NOUN crln-24008 487 3 o o NOUN crln-24008 487 4 f f PROPN crln-24008 487 5 staten staten PROPN crln-24008 487 6 island island PROPN crln-24008 487 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 487 8 c c PROPN crln-24008 487 9 ity ity PROPN crln-24008 487 10 university university PROPN crln-24008 487 11 of of ADP crln-24008 487 12 new new PROPN crln-24008 487 13 york york PROPN crln-24008 487 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 487 15 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 487 16 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 487 17 fo fo ADP crln-24008 487 18 r r NOUN crln-24008 487 19 two two NUM crln-24008 487 20 anticipated anticipate VERB crln-24008 487 21 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 487 22 - - PUNCT crln-24008 487 23 track track NOUN crln-24008 487 24 positions position NOUN crln-24008 487 25 as as ADP crln-24008 487 26 assistant assistant NOUN crln-24008 487 27 professor professor NOUN crln-24008 487 28 in in ADP crln-24008 487 29 the the DET crln-24008 487 30 department department NOUN crln-24008 487 31 of of ADP crln-24008 487 32 the the DET crln-24008 487 33 library library NOUN crln-24008 487 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 487 35 beginning begin VERB crln-24008 487 36 september september PROPN crln-24008 487 37 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 487 38 . . PUNCT crln-24008 488 1 we we PRON crln-24008 488 2 seek seek VERB crln-24008 488 3 innovative innovative ADJ crln-24008 488 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 488 5 public public ADJ crln-24008 488 6 - - PUNCT crln-24008 488 7 service service NOUN crln-24008 488 8 oriented orient VERB crln-24008 488 9 professionals professional NOUN crln-24008 488 10 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 488 11 all all DET crln-24008 488 12 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 488 13 participate participate VERB crln-24008 488 14 in in ADP crln-24008 488 15 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 488 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 488 17 the the DET crln-24008 488 18 library library PROPN crln-24008 488 19 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 488 20 dynamic dynamic ADJ crln-24008 488 21 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 488 22 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 488 23 program program NOUN crln-24008 488 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 489 1 required require VERB crln-24008 489 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 489 3 ala/ ala/ NOUN crln-24008 489 4 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 489 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 489 6 a a DET crln-24008 489 7 second second ADJ crln-24008 489 8 graduate graduate NOUN crln-24008 489 9 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 489 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 489 11 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 489 12 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 489 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 489 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 489 15 w w PROPN crln-24008 489 16 eb eb PROPN crln-24008 489 17 literacy literacy NOUN crln-24008 489 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 490 1 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 490 2 who who PRON crln-24008 490 3 do do AUX crln-24008 490 4 not not PART crln-24008 490 5 possess possess VERB crln-24008 490 6 a a DET crln-24008 490 7 second second ADJ crln-24008 490 8 graduate graduate NOUN crln-24008 490 9 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 490 10 may may AUX crln-24008 490 11 qualify qualify VERB crln-24008 490 12 for for ADP crln-24008 490 13 instructor instructor NOUN crln-24008 490 14 rank rank NOUN crln-24008 490 15 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 490 16 non non ADJ crln-24008 490 17 - - ADJ crln-24008 490 18 tenure tenure ADJ crln-24008 490 19 track track NOUN crln-24008 490 20 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 490 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 491 1 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 491 2 are be AUX crln-24008 491 3 expected expect VERB crln-24008 491 4 to to PART crln-24008 491 5 have have VERB crln-24008 491 6 a a DET crln-24008 491 7 commitm commitm NOUN crln-24008 491 8 ent ent NOUN crln-24008 491 9 to to PART crln-24008 491 10 publish publish VERB crln-24008 491 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 491 12 excellent excellent ADJ crln-24008 491 13 communica­ communica­ PUNCT crln-24008 491 14 tions tion NOUN crln-24008 491 15 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 491 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 491 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 491 18 engagement engagement NOUN crln-24008 491 19 with with ADP crln-24008 491 20 relevant relevant ADJ crln-24008 491 21 technologies technology NOUN crln-24008 491 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 492 1 some some DET crln-24008 492 2 evening evening NOUN crln-24008 492 3 hours hour NOUN crln-24008 492 4 required require VERB crln-24008 492 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 493 1 persons person NOUN crln-24008 493 2 with with ADP crln-24008 493 3 two two NUM crln-24008 493 4 or or CCONJ crln-24008 493 5 more more ADJ crln-24008 493 6 of of ADP crln-24008 493 7 the the DET crln-24008 493 8 following follow VERB crln-24008 493 9 specializa­ specializa­ PROPN crln-24008 493 10 tions tion NOUN crln-24008 493 11 are be AUX crln-24008 493 12 encouraged encourage VERB crln-24008 493 13 to to PART crln-24008 493 14 apply apply VERB crln-24008 493 15 : : PUNCT crln-24008 493 16 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 493 17 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 493 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 493 19 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24008 493 20 desig desig NOUN crln-24008 493 21 n n PROPN crln-24008 493 22 / / SYM crln-24008 493 23 le le NOUN crln-24008 493 24 arning arne VERB crln-24008 493 25 support support NOUN crln-24008 493 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 493 27 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 493 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 493 29 or or CCONJ crln-24008 493 30 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 493 31 access access NOUN crln-24008 493 32 . . PUNCT crln-24008 494 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 494 2 range range NOUN crln-24008 494 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 494 4 instructor instructor NOUN crln-24008 494 5 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 494 6 non non ADJ crln-24008 494 7 - - ADJ crln-24008 494 8 tenure tenure ADJ crln-24008 494 9 track track NOUN crln-24008 494 10 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 494 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 494 12 $ $ SYM crln-24008 494 13 35,523-$42,480 35,523-$42,480 NUM crln-24008 494 14 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 494 15 assistant assistant ADJ crln-24008 494 16 professor professor NOUN crln-24008 494 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 495 1 PROPN crln-24008 495 2 PROPN crln-24008 496 1 PROPN crln-24008 496 2 PROPN crln-24008 496 3 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 496 4 news news PROPN crln-24008 496 5 u u PROPN crln-24008 496 6 january january PROPN crln-24008 496 7 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 496 8 / / SYM crln-24008 496 9 57 57 NUM crln-24008 496 10 user user NOUN crln-24008 496 11 s s PART crln-24008 496 12 e e X crln-24008 496 13 r r NOUN crln-24008 496 14 v v NOUN crln-24008 496 15 ic ic NOUN crln-24008 496 16 e e PROPN crln-24008 496 17 s s PART crln-24008 496 18 librarians librarians PROPN crln-24008 496 19 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 496 20 - - PUNCT crln-24008 496 21 track track NOUN crln-24008 496 22 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 496 23 california california PROPN crln-24008 496 24 state state PROPN crln-24008 496 25 university university PROPN crln-24008 496 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 496 27 los los PROPN crln-24008 496 28 angeles angeles PROPN crln-24008 496 29 california california PROPN crln-24008 496 30 state state PROPN crln-24008 496 31 university university PROPN crln-24008 496 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 496 33 los los PROPN crln-24008 496 34 angeles angeles PROPN crln-24008 496 35 invites invite VERB crln-24008 496 36 applications application NOUN crln-24008 496 37 for for ADP crln-24008 496 38 two two NUM crln-24008 496 39 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 496 40 - - PUNCT crln-24008 496 41 track track NOUN crln-24008 496 42 library library NOUN crln-24008 496 43 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 496 44 positions position NOUN crln-24008 496 45 in in ADP crln-24008 496 46 the the DET crln-24008 496 47 john john PROPN crln-24008 496 48 f. f. PROPN crln-24008 496 49 kennedy kennedy PROPN crln-24008 496 50 memorial memorial PROPN crln-24008 496 51 library library NOUN crln-24008 496 52 beginning begin VERB crln-24008 496 53 september september PROPN crln-24008 496 54 1 1 NUM crln-24008 496 55 , , PUNCT crln-24008 496 56 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 496 57 . . PUNCT crln-24008 497 1 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 497 2 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 497 3 will will AUX crln-24008 497 4 be be AUX crln-24008 497 5 expected expect VERB crln-24008 497 6 to to PART crln-24008 497 7 perform perform VERB crln-24008 497 8 a a DET crln-24008 497 9 combination combination NOUN crln-24008 497 10 of of ADP crln-24008 497 11 user user NOUN crln-24008 497 12 services service NOUN crln-24008 497 13 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 497 14 including include VERB crln-24008 497 15 promotion promotion NOUN crln-24008 497 16 of of ADP crln-24008 497 17 information information NOUN crln-24008 497 18 competence competence NOUN crln-24008 497 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 497 20 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 497 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 497 22 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 497 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 497 24 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 497 25 development development NOUN crln-24008 497 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 497 27 and and CCONJ crln-24008 497 28 expanding expand VERB crln-24008 497 29 liaison liaison NOUN crln-24008 497 30 with with ADP crln-24008 497 31 the the DET crln-24008 497 32 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24008 497 33 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 497 34 . . PUNCT crln-24008 498 1 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 498 2 have have VERB crln-24008 498 3 full full ADJ crln-24008 498 4 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 498 5 status status NOUN crln-24008 498 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 499 1 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 499 2 will will AUX crln-24008 499 3 be be AUX crln-24008 499 4 at at ADP crln-24008 499 5 the the DET crln-24008 499 6 rank rank NOUN crln-24008 499 7 of of ADP crln-24008 499 8 senior senior ADJ crln-24008 499 9 assistant assistant NOUN crln-24008 499 10 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 499 11 with with ADP crln-24008 499 12 a a DET crln-24008 499 13 minimum minimum ADJ crln-24008 499 14 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 499 15 of of ADP crln-24008 499 16 $ $ SYM crln-24008 499 17 43,584 43,584 NUM crln-24008 499 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 500 1 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 500 2 is be AUX crln-24008 500 3 normally normally ADV crln-24008 500 4 granted grant VERB crln-24008 500 5 with with ADP crln-24008 500 6 seventh seventh ADJ crln-24008 500 7 year year NOUN crln-24008 500 8 reappointment reappointment NOUN crln-24008 500 9 the the DET crln-24008 500 10 university university NOUN crln-24008 500 11 : : PUNCT crln-24008 500 12 california california PROPN crln-24008 500 13 state state PROPN crln-24008 500 14 university university PROPN crln-24008 500 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 500 16 los los PROPN crln-24008 500 17 angeles angeles PROPN crln-24008 500 18 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 500 19 csla csla PROPN crln-24008 500 20 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 500 21 is be AUX crln-24008 500 22 one one NUM crln-24008 500 23 of of ADP crln-24008 500 24 23 23 NUM crln-24008 500 25 campuses campus NOUN crln-24008 500 26 of of ADP crln-24008 500 27 the the DET crln-24008 500 28 california california PROPN crln-24008 500 29 state state PROPN crln-24008 500 30 university university PROPN crln-24008 500 31 system system NOUN crln-24008 500 32 . . PUNCT crln-24008 501 1 csla csla PROPN crln-24008 501 2 is be AUX crln-24008 501 3 a a DET crln-24008 501 4 comprehensive comprehensive ADJ crln-24008 501 5 urban urban ADJ crln-24008 501 6 university university NOUN crln-24008 501 7 with with ADP crln-24008 501 8 more more ADJ crln-24008 501 9 than than ADP crln-24008 501 10 18,500 18,500 NUM crln-24008 501 11 fulland fulland NOUN crln-24008 501 12 part part NOUN crln-24008 501 13 - - PUNCT crln-24008 501 14 time time NOUN crln-24008 501 15 students student NOUN crln-24008 501 16 reflecting reflect VERB crln-24008 501 17 the the DET crln-24008 501 18 rich rich ADJ crln-24008 501 19 ethnic ethnic ADJ crln-24008 501 20 diversity diversity NOUN crln-24008 501 21 of of ADP crln-24008 501 22 the the DET crln-24008 501 23 los los PROPN crln-24008 501 24 angeles angeles PROPN crln-24008 501 25 area area NOUN crln-24008 501 26 . . PUNCT crln-24008 502 1 the the DET crln-24008 502 2 university university NOUN crln-24008 502 3 hires hire VERB crln-24008 502 4 on on ADP crln-24008 502 5 the the DET crln-24008 502 6 basis basis NOUN crln-24008 502 7 of of ADP crln-24008 502 8 merit merit NOUN crln-24008 502 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 502 10 encourages encourage VERB crln-24008 502 11 qualified qualified ADJ crln-24008 502 12 minorities minority NOUN crln-24008 502 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 502 14 women woman NOUN crln-24008 502 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 502 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 502 17 persons person NOUN crln-24008 502 18 with with ADP crln-24008 502 19 disabilities disability NOUN crln-24008 502 20 to to PART crln-24008 502 21 apply apply VERB crln-24008 502 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 503 1 the the DET crln-24008 503 2 library library NOUN crln-24008 503 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 503 4 the the DET crln-24008 503 5 mission mission NOUN crln-24008 503 6 of of ADP crln-24008 503 7 the the DET crln-24008 503 8 library library NOUN crln-24008 503 9 encompasses encompass VERB crln-24008 503 10 the the DET crln-24008 503 11 provision provision NOUN crln-24008 503 12 of of ADP crln-24008 503 13 services service NOUN crln-24008 503 14 to to ADP crln-24008 503 15 a a DET crln-24008 503 16 student student NOUN crln-24008 503 17 body body NOUN crln-24008 503 18 with with ADP crln-24008 503 19 diverse diverse ADJ crln-24008 503 20 learning learning NOUN crln-24008 503 21 styles style NOUN crln-24008 503 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 503 23 the the DET crln-24008 503 24 collegial collegial ADJ crln-24008 503 25 development development NOUN crln-24008 503 26 of of ADP crln-24008 503 27 new new ADJ crln-24008 503 28 methods method NOUN crln-24008 503 29 of of ADP crln-24008 503 30 managing manage VERB crln-24008 503 31 the the DET crln-24008 503 32 library library NOUN crln-24008 503 33 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 503 34 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 503 35 and and CCONJ crln-24008 503 36 information information NOUN crln-24008 503 37 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 503 38 , , PUNCT crln-24008 503 39 and and CCONJ crln-24008 503 40 the the DET crln-24008 503 41 further further ADJ crln-24008 503 42 development development NOUN crln-24008 503 43 and and CCONJ crln-24008 503 44 expansion expansion NOUN crln-24008 503 45 of of ADP crln-24008 503 46 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 503 47 partnerships partnership NOUN crln-24008 503 48 , , PUNCT crln-24008 503 49 especially especially ADV crln-24008 503 50 with with ADP crln-24008 503 51 discipline discipline NOUN crln-24008 503 52 - - PUNCT crln-24008 503 53 based base VERB crln-24008 503 54 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 503 55 . . PUNCT crln-24008 504 1 all all DET crln-24008 504 2 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 504 3 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 504 4 will will AUX crln-24008 504 5 play play VERB crln-24008 504 6 key key ADJ crln-24008 504 7 roles role NOUN crln-24008 504 8 in in ADP crln-24008 504 9 shaping shape VERB crln-24008 504 10 the the DET crln-24008 504 11 future future NOUN crln-24008 504 12 in in ADP crln-24008 504 13 a a DET crln-24008 504 14 library library NOUN crln-24008 504 15 which which PRON crln-24008 504 16 has have AUX crln-24008 504 17 recently recently ADV crln-24008 504 18 reorganized reorganize VERB crln-24008 504 19 around around ADP crln-24008 504 20 a a DET crln-24008 504 21 team team NOUN crln-24008 504 22 - - PUNCT crln-24008 504 23 based base VERB crln-24008 504 24 model model NOUN crln-24008 504 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 505 1 the the DET crln-24008 505 2 library library NOUN crln-24008 505 3 has have VERB crln-24008 505 4 17 17 NUM crln-24008 505 5 full full ADJ crln-24008 505 6 - - PUNCT crln-24008 505 7 time time NOUN crln-24008 505 8 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 505 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 505 10 a a DET crln-24008 505 11 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 505 12 of of ADP crln-24008 505 13 30 30 NUM crln-24008 505 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 506 1 it it PRON crln-24008 506 2 offers offer VERB crln-24008 506 3 end end NOUN crln-24008 506 4 - - PUNCT crln-24008 506 5 user user NOUN crln-24008 506 6 searching search VERB crln-24008 506 7 to to ADP crln-24008 506 8 numerous numerous ADJ crln-24008 506 9 online online ADJ crln-24008 506 10 services service NOUN crln-24008 506 11 through through ADP crln-24008 506 12 the the DET crln-24008 506 13 internet internet NOUN crln-24008 506 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 506 15 the the DET crln-24008 506 16 world world NOUN crln-24008 506 17 wide wide ADJ crln-24008 506 18 web web NOUN crln-24008 506 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 506 20 has have VERB crln-24008 506 21 more more ADJ crln-24008 506 22 than than ADP crln-24008 506 23 one one NUM crln-24008 506 24 million million NUM crln-24008 506 25 print print NOUN crln-24008 506 26 volumes volume NOUN crln-24008 506 27 and and CCONJ crln-24008 506 28 approximately approximately ADV crln-24008 506 29 3,000 3,000 NUM crln-24008 506 30 current current ADJ crln-24008 506 31 subscriptions subscription NOUN crln-24008 506 32 and and CCONJ crln-24008 506 33 standing standing NOUN crln-24008 506 34 orders order NOUN crln-24008 506 35 . . PUNCT crln-24008 507 1 required required ADJ crln-24008 507 2 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 507 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 507 4 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 507 5 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 507 6 from from ADP crln-24008 507 7 an an DET crln-24008 507 8 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 507 9 - - PUNCT crln-24008 507 10 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 507 11 institution institution NOUN crln-24008 507 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 508 1 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 508 2 interpersonal interpersonal ADJ crln-24008 508 3 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 508 4 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 508 5 an an DET crln-24008 508 6 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 508 7 to to PART crln-24008 508 8 work work VERB crln-24008 508 9 in in ADP crln-24008 508 10 a a DET crln-24008 508 11 multicultural multicultural ADJ crln-24008 508 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 508 13 multiethnic multiethnic ADJ crln-24008 508 14 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 508 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 508 16 to to PART crln-24008 508 17 work work VERB crln-24008 508 18 cooperatively cooperatively ADV crln-24008 508 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 508 20 effectively effectively ADV crln-24008 508 21 in in ADP crln-24008 508 22 a a DET crln-24008 508 23 team team NOUN crln-24008 508 24 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 508 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 509 1 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 509 2 to to PART crln-24008 509 3 communicate communicate VERB crln-24008 509 4 effectively effectively ADV crln-24008 509 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 509 6 orally orally ADV crln-24008 509 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 509 8 in in ADP crln-24008 509 9 writing writing NOUN crln-24008 509 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 509 11 in in ADP crln-24008 509 12 english english PROPN crln-24008 509 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 510 1 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 510 2 proficiency proficiency NOUN crln-24008 510 3 in in ADP crln-24008 510 4 information information NOUN crln-24008 510 5 competence competence NOUN crln-24008 510 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 510 7 computer computer NOUN crln-24008 510 8 literacy literacy NOUN crln-24008 510 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 510 10 general general ADJ crln-24008 510 11 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 510 12 service service PROPN crln-24008 510 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 510 14 library library PROPN crln-24008 510 15 / / SYM crln-24008 510 16 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 510 17 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 510 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 510 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 510 20 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 510 21 development development NOUN crln-24008 510 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 511 1 as as ADP crln-24008 511 2 a a DET crln-24008 511 3 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 511 4 - - PUNCT crln-24008 511 5 track track NOUN crln-24008 511 6 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 511 7 member member NOUN crln-24008 511 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 511 9 evidence evidence NOUN crln-24008 511 10 of of ADP crln-24008 511 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 511 12 or or CCONJ crln-24008 511 13 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 511 14 potential potential ADJ crln-24008 511 15 for for ADP crln-24008 511 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 511 17 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 511 18 growth growth NOUN crln-24008 511 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 511 20 participation participation NOUN crln-24008 511 21 in in ADP crln-24008 511 22 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 511 23 governance governance NOUN crln-24008 511 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 511 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 511 26 creative creative ADJ crln-24008 511 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 511 28 scholarly scholarly ADJ crln-24008 511 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 511 30 and/or and/or CCONJ crln-24008 511 31 other other ADJ crln-24008 511 32 contributions contribution NOUN crln-24008 511 33 to to ADP crln-24008 511 34 the the DET crln-24008 511 35 profession profession NOUN crln-24008 511 36 and and CCONJ crln-24008 511 37 to to ADP crln-24008 511 38 the the DET crln-24008 511 39 university university NOUN crln-24008 511 40 . . PUNCT crln-24008 511 41 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 511 42 to to PART crln-24008 511 43 work work VERB crln-24008 511 44 evenings evening NOUN crln-24008 511 45 and and CCONJ crln-24008 511 46 weekends weekend NOUN crln-24008 511 47 . . PUNCT crln-24008 512 1 additional additional ADJ crln-24008 512 2 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 512 3 are be AUX crln-24008 512 4 listed list VERB crln-24008 512 5 in in ADP crln-24008 512 6 the the DET crln-24008 512 7 full full ADJ crln-24008 512 8 position position NOUN crln-24008 512 9 description description NOUN crln-24008 512 10 at at ADP crln-24008 512 11 : : PUNCT crln-24008 512 12 X crln-24008 512 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 513 1 application application NOUN crln-24008 513 2 procedure procedure NOUN crln-24008 513 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 513 4 review review NOUN crln-24008 513 5 of of ADP crln-24008 513 6 applications application NOUN crln-24008 513 7 will will AUX crln-24008 513 8 begin begin VERB crln-24008 513 9 in in ADP crln-24008 513 10 february february PROPN crln-24008 513 11 2 2 NUM crln-24008 513 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 513 13 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 513 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 513 15 continue continue VERB crln-24008 513 16 until until SCONJ crln-24008 513 17 the the DET crln-24008 513 18 positions position NOUN crln-24008 513 19 are be AUX crln-24008 513 20 filled fill VERB crln-24008 513 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 514 1 send send VERB crln-24008 514 2 a a DET crln-24008 514 3 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 514 4 of of ADP crln-24008 514 5 application application NOUN crln-24008 514 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 514 7 a a DET crln-24008 514 8 current current ADJ crln-24008 514 9 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 514 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 514 11 three three NUM crln-24008 514 12 letters letter NOUN crln-24008 514 13 of of ADP crln-24008 514 14 recommendation recommendation NOUN crln-24008 514 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 514 16 a a DET crln-24008 514 17 transcript transcript NOUN crln-24008 514 18 from from ADP crln-24008 514 19 the the DET crln-24008 514 20 institution institution NOUN crln-24008 514 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 514 22 awarding award VERB crln-24008 514 23 your your PRON crln-24008 514 24 highest high ADJ crln-24008 514 25 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 514 26 to to ADP crln-24008 514 27 : : PUNCT crln-24008 514 28 douglas douglas PROPN crln-24008 514 29 a. a. PROPN crln-24008 514 30 davis davis PROPN crln-24008 514 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 514 32 university university PROPN crln-24008 514 33 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 514 34 john john PROPN crln-24008 514 35 f. f. PROPN crln-24008 514 36 kennedy kennedy PROPN crln-24008 514 37 memorial memorial PROPN crln-24008 514 38 library library PROPN crln-24008 514 39 california california PROPN crln-24008 514 40 state state PROPN crln-24008 514 41 university university PROPN crln-24008 514 42 , , PUNCT crln-24008 514 43 los los PROPN crln-24008 514 44 angeles angeles PROPN crln-24008 514 45 5151 5151 NUM crln-24008 514 46 state state PROPN crln-24008 514 47 university university PROPN crln-24008 514 48 drive drive PROPN crln-24008 514 49 los los PROPN crln-24008 514 50 angeles angeles PROPN crln-24008 514 51 , , PUNCT crln-24008 514 52 ca ca PROPN crln-24008 514 53 90032 90032 NUM crln-24008 514 54 - - SYM crln-24008 514 55 8300 8300 NUM crln-24008 514 56 for for ADP crln-24008 514 57 further further ADJ crln-24008 514 58 information information NOUN crln-24008 514 59 , , PUNCT crln-24008 514 60 call call NOUN crln-24008 514 61 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 514 62 323 323 NUM crln-24008 514 63 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 514 64 343 343 NUM crln-24008 514 65 - - SYM crln-24008 514 66 3950 3950 NUM crln-24008 514 67 , , PUNCT crln-24008 514 68 send send VERB crln-24008 514 69 e e NOUN crln-24008 514 70 - - NOUN crln-24008 514 71 mail mail NOUN crln-24008 514 72 to to ADP crln-24008 514 73 NUM crln-24008 514 74 or or CCONJ crln-24008 514 75 visit visit VERB crln-24008 514 76 the the DET crln-24008 514 77 library library PROPN crln-24008 514 78 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 514 79 web web NOUN crln-24008 514 80 site site NOUN crln-24008 514 81 at at ADP crln-24008 514 82 : : PUNCT crln-24008 514 83 X crln-24008 514 84 . . PUNCT crln-24008 515 1 desired desire VERB crln-24008 515 2 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 515 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 515 4 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 515 5 in in ADP crln-24008 515 6 providing provide VERB crln-24008 515 7 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 515 8 services service NOUN crln-24008 515 9 in in ADP crln-24008 515 10 an an DET crln-24008 515 11 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 515 12 library library NOUN crln-24008 515 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 516 1 additional additional ADJ crln-24008 516 2 subject subject NOUN crln-24008 516 3 master master NOUN crln-24008 516 4 's 's PART crln-24008 516 5 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 516 6 or or CCONJ crln-24008 516 7 substantial substantial ADJ crln-24008 516 8 coursework coursework NOUN crln-24008 516 9 in in ADP crln-24008 516 10 one one NUM crln-24008 516 11 or or CCONJ crln-24008 516 12 more more ADJ crln-24008 516 13 of of ADP crln-24008 516 14 the the DET crln-24008 516 15 following follow VERB crln-24008 516 16 fields field NOUN crln-24008 516 17 : : PUNCT crln-24008 516 18 social social ADJ crln-24008 516 19 sciences sciences PROPN crln-24008 516 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 516 21 health health NOUN crln-24008 516 22 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 516 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 516 24 art art NOUN crln-24008 516 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 516 26 history history NOUN crln-24008 516 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 516 28 and/or and/or CCONJ crln-24008 516 29 geography geography NOUN crln-24008 516 30 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 516 31 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 516 32 development development NOUN crln-24008 516 33 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 516 34 in in ADP crln-24008 516 35 these these DET crln-24008 516 36 fields field NOUN crln-24008 516 37 . . PUNCT crln-24008 517 1 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 517 2 in in ADP crln-24008 517 3 the the DET crln-24008 517 4 design design NOUN crln-24008 517 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 517 6 use use NOUN crln-24008 517 7 of of ADP crln-24008 517 8 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24008 517 9 technology technology NOUN crln-24008 517 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 517 11 in in ADP crln-24008 517 12 web web NOUN crln-24008 517 13 page page NOUN crln-24008 517 14 design design NOUN crln-24008 517 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 517 16 html html PROPN crln-24008 517 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 517 18 cgi cgi PROPN crln-24008 517 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 517 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 517 21 java java PROPN crln-24008 517 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 518 1 proficiency proficiency NOUN crln-24008 518 2 in in ADP crln-24008 518 3 spanish spanish ADJ crln-24008 518 4 or or CCONJ crln-24008 518 5 asian asian ADJ crln-24008 518 6 languages language NOUN crln-24008 518 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 519 1 in in ADP crln-24008 519 2 addition addition NOUN crln-24008 519 3 to to ADP crln-24008 519 4 meeting meet VERB crln-24008 519 5 fully fully ADV crln-24008 519 6 its its PRON crln-24008 519 7 obligations obligation NOUN crln-24008 519 8 under under ADP crln-24008 519 9 federal federal ADJ crln-24008 519 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 519 11 state state NOUN crln-24008 519 12 law law NOUN crln-24008 519 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 519 14 cal cal PROPN crln-24008 519 15 state state NOUN crln-24008 519 16 la la PROPN crln-24008 519 17 is be AUX crln-24008 519 18 committed commit VERB crln-24008 519 19 to to ADP crln-24008 519 20 creating create VERB crln-24008 519 21 a a DET crln-24008 519 22 community community NOUN crln-24008 519 23 in in ADP crln-24008 519 24 which which PRON crln-24008 519 25 a a DET crln-24008 519 26 diverse diverse ADJ crln-24008 519 27 population population NOUN crln-24008 519 28 can can AUX crln-24008 519 29 live live VERB crln-24008 519 30 and and CCONJ crln-24008 519 31 work work VERB crln-24008 519 32 in in ADP crln-24008 519 33 an an DET crln-24008 519 34 atmosphere atmosphere NOUN crln-24008 519 35 of of ADP crln-24008 519 36 tolerance tolerance NOUN crln-24008 519 37 , , PUNCT crln-24008 519 38 civility civility NOUN crln-24008 519 39 , , PUNCT crln-24008 519 40 and and CCONJ crln-24008 519 41 respect respect NOUN crln-24008 519 42 for for ADP crln-24008 519 43 the the DET crln-24008 519 44 rights right NOUN crln-24008 519 45 and and CCONJ crln-24008 519 46 sensibilities sensibility NOUN crln-24008 519 47 of of ADP crln-24008 519 48 each each DET crln-24008 519 49 individual individual NOUN crln-24008 519 50 , , PUNCT crln-24008 519 51 without without ADP crln-24008 519 52 regard regard NOUN crln-24008 519 53 to to ADP crln-24008 519 54 economic economic ADJ crln-24008 519 55 status status NOUN crln-24008 519 56 , , PUNCT crln-24008 519 57 ethnic ethnic ADJ crln-24008 519 58 background background NOUN crln-24008 519 59 , , PUNCT crln-24008 519 60 political political ADJ crln-24008 519 61 views view NOUN crln-24008 519 62 , , PUNCT crln-24008 519 63 sexual sexual ADJ crln-24008 519 64 orientation orientation NOUN crln-24008 519 65 , , PUNCT crln-24008 519 66 or or CCONJ crln-24008 519 67 other other ADJ crln-24008 519 68 personal personal ADJ crln-24008 519 69 characteristics characteristic NOUN crln-24008 519 70 or or CCONJ crln-24008 519 71 beliefs belief NOUN crln-24008 519 72 . . PUNCT crln-24008 520 1 an an DET crln-24008 520 2 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 520 3 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 520 4 / / SYM crln-24008 520 5 affirmative affirmative ADJ crln-24008 520 6 action action NOUN crln-24008 520 7 / / SYM crln-24008 520 8 disabled disabled ADJ crln-24008 520 9 / / SYM crln-24008 520 10 title title NOUN crln-24008 520 11 ix ix ADP crln-24008 520 12 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 520 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 521 1 upon upon SCONJ crln-24008 521 2 request request NOUN crln-24008 521 3 , , PUNCT crln-24008 521 4 reasonable reasonable ADJ crln-24008 521 5 accommodation accommodation NOUN crln-24008 521 6 will will AUX crln-24008 521 7 be be AUX crln-24008 521 8 provided provide VERB crln-24008 521 9 to to ADP crln-24008 521 10 individuals individual NOUN crln-24008 521 11 with with ADP crln-24008 521 12 protected protect VERB crln-24008 521 13 disabilities disability NOUN crln-24008 521 14 to to AUX crln-24008 521 15 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 521 16 a a ADV crln-24008 521 17 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 521 18 complete complete VERB crln-24008 521 19 the the DET crln-24008 521 20 employment employment NOUN crln-24008 521 21 process process NOUN crln-24008 521 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 521 23 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 521 24 b b NOUN crln-24008 521 25 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 521 26 perform perform VERB crln-24008 521 27 essential essential ADJ crln-24008 521 28 job job NOUN crln-24008 521 29 functions function NOUN crln-24008 521 30 when when SCONJ crln-24008 521 31 this this PRON crln-24008 521 32 does do AUX crln-24008 521 33 not not PART crln-24008 521 34 cause cause VERB crln-24008 521 35 an an DET crln-24008 521 36 undue undue ADJ crln-24008 521 37 hardship hardship NOUN crln-24008 521 38 . . PUNCT crln-24008 522 1 NOUN crln-24008 522 2 PROPN crln-24008 523 1 PROPN crln-24008 523 2 58 58 NUM crln-24008 523 3 / / SYM crln-24008 523 4 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 523 5 news news NOUN crln-24008 523 6 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 523 7 january january PROPN crln-24008 523 8 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 523 9 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 523 10 documents document NOUN crln-24008 523 11 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 523 12 university university PROPN crln-24008 523 13 of of ADP crln-24008 523 14 pennsylvania pennsylvania PROPN crln-24008 523 15 library library PROPN crln-24008 523 16 the the DET crln-24008 523 17 university university PROPN crln-24008 523 18 of of ADP crln-24008 523 19 pennsylvania pennsylvania PROPN crln-24008 523 20 library library PROPN crln-24008 523 21 is be AUX crln-24008 523 22 looking look VERB crln-24008 523 23 for for ADP crln-24008 523 24 a a DET crln-24008 523 25 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 523 26 documents document NOUN crln-24008 523 27 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 523 28 to to PART crln-24008 523 29 work work VERB crln-24008 523 30 under under ADP crln-24008 523 31 the the DET crln-24008 523 32 direction direction NOUN crln-24008 523 33 of of ADP crln-24008 523 34 the the DET crln-24008 523 35 director director NOUN crln-24008 523 36 of of ADP crln-24008 523 37 the the DET crln-24008 523 38 lippincott lippincott PROPN crln-24008 523 39 library library PROPN crln-24008 523 40 . . PUNCT crln-24008 524 1 this this DET crln-24008 524 2 position position NOUN crln-24008 524 3 is be AUX crln-24008 524 4 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 524 5 for for ADP crln-24008 524 6 providing provide VERB crln-24008 524 7 access access NOUN crln-24008 524 8 to to ADP crln-24008 524 9 the the DET crln-24008 524 10 library library NOUN crln-24008 524 11 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 524 12 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 524 13 for for ADP crln-24008 524 14 the the DET crln-24008 524 15 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 524 16 of of ADP crln-24008 524 17 the the DET crln-24008 524 18 wharton wharton PROPN crln-24008 524 19 school school PROPN crln-24008 524 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 524 21 for for ADP crln-24008 524 22 managing manage VERB crln-24008 524 23 the the DET crln-24008 524 24 transition transition NOUN crln-24008 524 25 from from ADP crln-24008 524 26 printto printto ADJ crln-24008 524 27 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 524 28 - - PUNCT crln-24008 524 29 based base VERB crln-24008 524 30 delivery delivery NOUN crln-24008 524 31 of of ADP crln-24008 524 32 information information NOUN crln-24008 524 33 . . PUNCT crln-24008 525 1 the the DET crln-24008 525 2 business business PROPN crln-24008 525 3 library library PROPN crln-24008 525 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 525 5 lippincott lippincott PROPN crln-24008 525 6 library library PROPN crln-24008 525 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 525 8 is be AUX crln-24008 525 9 located locate VERB crln-24008 525 10 in in ADP crln-24008 525 11 newly newly ADV crln-24008 525 12 renovated renovate VERB crln-24008 525 13 space space NOUN crln-24008 525 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 525 15 is be AUX crln-24008 525 16 the the DET crln-24008 525 17 central central ADJ crln-24008 525 18 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 525 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 525 20 information information NOUN crln-24008 525 21 service service NOUN crln-24008 525 22 provider provider NOUN crln-24008 525 23 for for ADP crln-24008 525 24 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 525 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 525 26 students student NOUN crln-24008 525 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 525 28 and and CCONJ crln-24008 525 29 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 525 30 in in ADP crln-24008 525 31 the the DET crln-24008 525 32 wharton wharton PROPN crln-24008 525 33 school school PROPN crln-24008 525 34 . . PUNCT crln-24008 526 1 the the DET crln-24008 526 2 library library NOUN crln-24008 526 3 has have VERB crln-24008 526 4 a a DET crln-24008 526 5 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 526 6 of of ADP crln-24008 526 7 over over ADP crln-24008 526 8 250,000 250,000 NUM crln-24008 526 9 volumes volume NOUN crln-24008 526 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 526 11 7,000 7,000 NUM crln-24008 526 12 serial serial ADJ crln-24008 526 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 526 14 journal journal NOUN crln-24008 526 15 subscriptions subscription NOUN crln-24008 526 16 . . PUNCT crln-24008 527 1 this this DET crln-24008 527 2 position position NOUN crln-24008 527 3 is be AUX crln-24008 527 4 in in ADP crln-24008 527 5 charge charge NOUN crln-24008 527 6 of of ADP crln-24008 527 7 the the DET crln-24008 527 8 library library PROPN crln-24008 527 9 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 527 10 document document NOUN crln-24008 527 11 delivery delivery NOUN crln-24008 527 12 service service NOUN crln-24008 527 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 527 14 which which PRON crln-24008 527 15 involves involve VERB crln-24008 527 16 : : PUNCT crln-24008 527 17 maintaining maintain VERB crln-24008 527 18 an an DET crln-24008 527 19 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 527 20 table table NOUN crln-24008 527 21 of of ADP crln-24008 527 22 contents content NOUN crln-24008 527 23 service service NOUN crln-24008 527 24 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 527 25 providing provide VERB crln-24008 527 26 documents document NOUN crln-24008 527 27 in in ADP crln-24008 527 28 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 527 29 and and CCONJ crln-24008 527 30 print print NOUN crln-24008 527 31 formats format NOUN crln-24008 527 32 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 527 33 hiring hiring NOUN crln-24008 527 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 527 35 training training NOUN crln-24008 527 36 and and CCONJ crln-24008 527 37 supervision supervision NOUN crln-24008 527 38 of of ADP crln-24008 527 39 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 527 40 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 527 41 interacting interact VERB crln-24008 527 42 with with ADP crln-24008 527 43 wharton wharton PROPN crln-24008 527 44 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 527 45 regarding regard VERB crln-24008 527 46 their their PRON crln-24008 527 47 literature literature NOUN crln-24008 527 48 profiles profile NOUN crln-24008 527 49 , , PUNCT crln-24008 527 50 document document NOUN crln-24008 527 51 requests request NOUN crln-24008 527 52 , , PUNCT crln-24008 527 53 and and CCONJ crln-24008 527 54 research research NOUN crln-24008 527 55 interests interest NOUN crln-24008 527 56 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 527 57 working work VERB crln-24008 527 58 with with ADP crln-24008 527 59 wharton wharton PROPN crln-24008 527 60 computing computing PROPN crln-24008 527 61 staff staff PROPN crln-24008 527 62 to to PART crln-24008 527 63 coordinate coordinate VERB crln-24008 527 64 access access NOUN crln-24008 527 65 to to ADP crln-24008 527 66 wharton wharton PROPN crln-24008 527 67 and and CCONJ crln-24008 527 68 library library NOUN crln-24008 527 69 databases database NOUN crln-24008 527 70 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 527 71 training train VERB crln-24008 527 72 wharton wharton NOUN crln-24008 527 73 consultants consultant NOUN crln-24008 527 74 on on ADP crln-24008 527 75 the the DET crln-24008 527 76 use use NOUN crln-24008 527 77 of of ADP crln-24008 527 78 library library NOUN crln-24008 527 79 files file NOUN crln-24008 527 80 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 527 81 assisting assist VERB crln-24008 527 82 users user NOUN crln-24008 527 83 at at ADP crln-24008 527 84 the the DET crln-24008 527 85 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 527 86 desk desk NOUN crln-24008 527 87 , , PUNCT crln-24008 527 88 on on ADP crln-24008 527 89 the the DET crln-24008 527 90 phone phone NOUN crln-24008 527 91 , , PUNCT crln-24008 527 92 and and CCONJ crln-24008 527 93 via via ADP crln-24008 527 94 e e NOUN crln-24008 527 95 - - NOUN crln-24008 527 96 mail mail NOUN crln-24008 527 97 . . PUNCT crln-24008 528 1 the the DET crln-24008 528 2 ideal ideal ADJ crln-24008 528 3 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 528 4 will will AUX crln-24008 528 5 possess possess VERB crln-24008 528 6 an an DET crln-24008 528 7 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 528 8 from from ADP crln-24008 528 9 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 528 10 - - PUNCT crln-24008 528 11 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 528 12 library library NOUN crln-24008 528 13 school school NOUN crln-24008 528 14 or or CCONJ crln-24008 528 15 equivalent equivalent ADJ crln-24008 528 16 in in ADP crln-24008 528 17 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 528 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 528 19 training training NOUN crln-24008 528 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 528 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 528 22 practice practice NOUN crln-24008 528 23 . . PUNCT crln-24008 529 1 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 529 2 subject subject ADJ crln-24008 529 3 background background NOUN crln-24008 529 4 in in ADP crln-24008 529 5 business business NOUN crln-24008 529 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 529 7 economics economic NOUN crln-24008 529 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 530 1 excellent excellent ADJ crln-24008 530 2 oral oral ADJ crln-24008 530 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 530 4 written write VERB crln-24008 530 5 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 530 6 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 530 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 531 1 extensive extensive ADJ crln-24008 531 2 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 531 3 with with ADP crln-24008 531 4 internet internet NOUN crln-24008 531 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 531 6 pc pc NOUN crln-24008 531 7 software software NOUN crln-24008 531 8 packages package NOUN crln-24008 531 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 531 10 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 531 11 library library NOUN crln-24008 531 12 systems system NOUN crln-24008 531 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 531 14 standard standard ADJ crln-24008 531 15 online online ADJ crln-24008 531 16 sources source NOUN crln-24008 531 17 in in ADP crln-24008 531 18 business business NOUN crln-24008 531 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 531 20 economics economic NOUN crln-24008 531 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 532 1 good good ADJ crln-24008 532 2 interpersonal interpersonal ADJ crln-24008 532 3 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 532 4 . . PUNCT crln-24008 533 1 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 533 2 as as ADP crln-24008 533 3 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 533 4 b b PROPN crln-24008 533 5 requires require VERB crln-24008 533 6 at at ADP crln-24008 533 7 least least ADJ crln-24008 533 8 one one NUM crln-24008 533 9 to to PART crln-24008 533 10 three three NUM crln-24008 533 11 years year NOUN crln-24008 533 12 of of ADP crln-24008 533 13 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 533 14 library library NOUN crln-24008 533 15 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 533 16 . . PUNCT crln-24008 534 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 534 2 range range NOUN crln-24008 534 3 $ $ SYM crln-24008 534 4 28,600-$42,900 28,600-$42,900 NUM crln-24008 534 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 534 6 to to PART crln-24008 534 7 apply apply VERB crln-24008 534 8 : : PUNCT crln-24008 534 9 submit submit VERB crln-24008 534 10 a a DET crln-24008 534 11 cover cover NOUN crln-24008 534 12 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 534 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 534 14 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 534 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 534 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 534 17 names name NOUN crln-24008 534 18 of of ADP crln-24008 534 19 three three NUM crln-24008 534 20 references reference NOUN crln-24008 534 21 to to ADP crln-24008 534 22 : : PUNCT crln-24008 534 23 elisa elisa PROPN crln-24008 534 24 denofio denofio PROPN crln-24008 534 25 library library PROPN crln-24008 534 26 human human PROPN crln-24008 534 27 resources resources PROPN crln-24008 534 28 university university PROPN crln-24008 534 29 of of ADP crln-24008 534 30 pennsylvania pennsylvania PROPN crln-24008 534 31 3420 3420 NUM crln-24008 534 32 walnut walnut PROPN crln-24008 534 33 st st PROPN crln-24008 534 34 . . PROPN crln-24008 534 35 philadelphia philadelphia PROPN crln-24008 534 36 , , PUNCT crln-24008 534 37 pa pa PROPN crln-24008 534 38 19104 19104 NUM crln-24008 534 39 - - SYM crln-24008 534 40 6206 6206 NUM crln-24008 534 41 applications application NOUN crln-24008 534 42 received receive VERB crln-24008 534 43 by by ADP crln-24008 534 44 january january PROPN crln-24008 534 45 31 31 NUM crln-24008 534 46 , , PUNCT crln-24008 534 47 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 534 48 , , PUNCT crln-24008 534 49 will will AUX crln-24008 534 50 receive receive VERB crln-24008 534 51 first first ADJ crln-24008 534 52 consideration consideration NOUN crln-24008 534 53 . . PUNCT crln-24008 535 1 eo eo PROPN crln-24008 535 2 / / SYM crln-24008 535 3 aa aa PROPN crln-24008 535 4 employer employer PROPN crln-24008 535 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 536 1 $ $ SYM crln-24008 536 2 38,287-$53,779 38,287-$53,779 NUM crln-24008 536 3 , , PUNCT crln-24008 536 4 commensurate commensurate ADJ crln-24008 536 5 with with ADP crln-24008 536 6 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 536 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 536 8 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 536 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 537 1 review review NOUN crln-24008 537 2 of of ADP crln-24008 537 3 applications application NOUN crln-24008 537 4 will will AUX crln-24008 537 5 begin begin VERB crln-24008 537 6 february february PROPN crln-24008 537 7 1 1 NUM crln-24008 537 8 5 5 NUM crln-24008 537 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 537 10 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 537 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 537 12 continue continue VERB crln-24008 537 13 until until SCONJ crln-24008 537 14 the the DET crln-24008 537 15 positions position NOUN crln-24008 537 16 are be AUX crln-24008 537 17 filled fill VERB crln-24008 537 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 538 1 submit submit VERB crln-24008 538 2 a a DET crln-24008 538 3 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 538 4 of of ADP crln-24008 538 5 applications application NOUN crln-24008 538 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 538 7 curriculum curriculum NOUN crln-24008 538 8 vitae vita NOUN crln-24008 538 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 538 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 538 11 the the DET crln-24008 538 12 names name NOUN crln-24008 538 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 538 14 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 538 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 538 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 538 17 telephone telephone NOUN crln-24008 538 18 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 538 19 of of ADP crln-24008 538 20 at at ADV crln-24008 538 21 least least ADV crln-24008 538 22 three three NUM crln-24008 538 23 references reference NOUN crln-24008 538 24 to to ADP crln-24008 538 25 : : PUNCT crln-24008 538 26 james james PROPN crln-24008 538 27 w. w. PROPN crln-24008 538 28 marcum marcum PROPN crln-24008 538 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 538 30 chair chair NOUN crln-24008 538 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 538 32 search search NOUN crln-24008 538 33 committee committee NOUN crln-24008 538 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 538 35 library library PROPN crln-24008 538 36 , , PUNCT crln-24008 538 37 c c PROPN crln-24008 538 38 o o NOUN crln-24008 538 39 llege llege NOUN crln-24008 538 40 o o NOUN crln-24008 538 41 f f PROPN crln-24008 538 42 staten staten PROPN crln-24008 538 43 island island PROPN crln-24008 538 44 / / SYM crln-24008 538 45 cuny cuny PROPN crln-24008 538 46 , , PUNCT crln-24008 538 47 2800 2800 NUM crln-24008 538 48 victory victory NOUN crln-24008 538 49 blvd blvd NOUN crln-24008 538 50 . . PUNCT crln-24008 538 51 , , PUNCT crln-24008 538 52 staten staten PROPN crln-24008 538 53 island island NOUN crln-24008 538 54 , , PUNCT crln-24008 538 55 ny ny PROPN crln-24008 538 56 10314 10314 NUM crln-24008 538 57 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 538 58 for for ADP crln-24008 538 59 more more ADJ crln-24008 538 60 information information NOUN crln-24008 538 61 : : PUNCT crln-24008 538 62 ww ww PROPN crln-24008 538 63 PROPN crln-24008 538 64 jobs jobs PROPN crln-24008 538 65 . . PUNCT crln-24008 539 1 eeo eeo NOUN crln-24008 539 2 / / SYM crln-24008 539 3 aa aa PROPN crln-24008 539 4 / / SYM crln-24008 539 5 ada ada NOUN crln-24008 539 6 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 539 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 540 1 periodicals periodical NOUN crln-24008 540 2 libr libr PROPN crln-24008 540 3 arian arian PROPN crln-24008 540 4 . . PUNCT crln-24008 541 1 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 541 2 fo fo ADP crln-24008 541 3 r r NOUN crln-24008 541 4 planning planning NOUN crln-24008 541 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 541 6 coordinat­ coordinat­ NOUN crln-24008 541 7 ing ing NOUN crln-24008 541 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 541 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 541 10 supervisin supervisin VERB crln-24008 541 11 g g NOUN crln-24008 541 12 all all DET crln-24008 541 13 aspects aspect NOUN crln-24008 541 14 of of ADP crln-24008 541 15 periodical periodical ADJ crln-24008 541 16 acquisitions acquisition NOUN crln-24008 541 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 541 18 ser­ ser­ NOUN crln-24008 541 19 vices vice NOUN crln-24008 541 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 541 21 inclu inclu PROPN crln-24008 541 22 ding ding PROPN crln-24008 541 23 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 541 24 development development NOUN crln-24008 541 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 541 26 processing processing NOUN crln-24008 541 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 541 28 and and CCONJ crln-24008 541 29 m m PROPN crln-24008 541 30 ainte­ ainte­ PROPN crln-24008 541 31 nance nance NOUN crln-24008 541 32 of of ADP crln-24008 541 33 periodicals periodical NOUN crln-24008 541 34 in in ADP crln-24008 541 35 all all DET crln-24008 541 36 formats format NOUN crln-24008 541 37 . . PUNCT crln-24008 541 38 supervises supervise VERB crln-24008 541 39 one one NUM crln-24008 541 40 library library NOUN crln-24008 541 41 assistant assistant NOUN crln-24008 541 42 . . PUNCT crln-24008 542 1 participates participate VERB crln-24008 542 2 in in ADP crln-24008 542 3 weekend weekend NOUN crln-24008 542 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 542 5 evening evening NOUN crln-24008 542 6 rotation rotation NOUN crln-24008 542 7 at at ADP crln-24008 542 8 the the DET crln-24008 542 9 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 542 10 desk desk NOUN crln-24008 542 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 543 1 requirements requirement NOUN crln-24008 543 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 543 3 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 543 4 - - PUNCT crln-24008 543 5 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 543 6 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 543 7 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 543 8 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 543 9 in in ADP crln-24008 543 10 management management NOUN crln-24008 543 11 of of ADP crln-24008 543 12 library library NOUN crln-24008 543 13 periodicals periodical NOUN crln-24008 543 14 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 543 15 recent recent ADJ crln-24008 543 16 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 543 17 with with ADP crln-24008 543 18 automated automate VERB crln-24008 543 19 systems system NOUN crln-24008 543 20 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 543 21 work­ work­ NOUN crln-24008 543 22 ing ing ADJ crln-24008 543 23 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 543 24 of of ADP crln-24008 543 25 com com NOUN crln-24008 543 26 puter puter NOUN crln-24008 543 27 applications application NOUN crln-24008 543 28 in in ADP crln-24008 543 29 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 543 30 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 543 31 fam fam NOUN crln-24008 543 32 iliarity iliarity NOUN crln-24008 543 33 with with ADP crln-24008 543 34 vendors vendor NOUN crln-24008 543 35 and and CCONJ crln-24008 543 36 publishers publisher NOUN crln-24008 543 37 . . PUNCT crln-24008 544 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 544 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 544 3 dependent dependent ADJ crln-24008 544 4 on on ADP crln-24008 544 5 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 544 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 544 7 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 544 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 545 1 twelve twelve NUM crln-24008 545 2 - - PUNCT crln-24008 545 3 month month NOUN crln-24008 545 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 545 5 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 545 6 - - PUNCT crln-24008 545 7 track track NOUN crln-24008 545 8 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 545 9 position position NOUN crln-24008 545 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 546 1 review review NOUN crln-24008 546 2 of of ADP crln-24008 546 3 applications application NOUN crln-24008 546 4 will will AUX crln-24008 546 5 begin begin VERB crln-24008 546 6 immediately immediately ADV crln-24008 546 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 546 8 will will AUX crln-24008 546 9 continue continue VERB crln-24008 546 10 until until SCONJ crln-24008 546 11 the the DET crln-24008 546 12 position position NOUN crln-24008 546 13 is be AUX crln-24008 546 14 filled fill VERB crln-24008 546 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 547 1 saint saint PROPN crln-24008 547 2 m m PROPN crln-24008 547 3 ary ary PROPN crln-24008 547 4 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 547 5 college college NOUN crln-24008 547 6 is be AUX crln-24008 547 7 a a DET crln-24008 547 8 catholic catholic ADJ crln-24008 547 9 college college NOUN crln-24008 547 10 for for ADP crln-24008 547 11 women woman NOUN crln-24008 547 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 547 13 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 547 14 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 547 15 supportive supportive ADJ crln-24008 547 16 of of ADP crln-24008 547 17 that that DET crln-24008 547 18 mission mission NOUN crln-24008 547 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 548 1 send send VERB crln-24008 548 2 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 548 3 of of ADP crln-24008 548 4 intent intent NOUN crln-24008 548 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 548 6 resume resume VERB crln-24008 548 7 to to ADP crln-24008 548 8 : : PUNCT crln-24008 548 9 the the DET crln-24008 548 10 director director NOUN crln-24008 548 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 548 12 cushwa cushwa NOUN crln-24008 548 13 - - PUNCT crln-24008 548 14 leighton leighton PROPN crln-24008 548 15 library library NOUN crln-24008 548 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 548 17 s s VERB crln-24008 548 18 a a PRON crln-24008 548 19 in in ADP crln-24008 548 20 t t NOUN crln-24008 548 21 m m VERB crln-24008 548 22 a a PRON crln-24008 548 23 ry ry NOUN crln-24008 548 24 ’ ' PUNCT crln-24008 548 25 s s NOUN crln-24008 548 26 c c NOUN crln-24008 548 27 o o NOUN crln-24008 548 28 lle lle PROPN crln-24008 548 29 g g PROPN crln-24008 548 30 e e PROPN crln-24008 548 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 548 32 notre notre PROPN crln-24008 548 33 dame dame PROPN crln-24008 548 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 548 35 in in ADP crln-24008 548 36 46556 46556 NUM crln-24008 548 37 . . PUNCT crln-24008 549 1 saint saint PROPN crln-24008 549 2 m m PROPN crln-24008 549 3 ary ary PROPN crln-24008 549 4 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 549 5 college college NOUN crln-24008 549 6 is be AUX crln-24008 549 7 an an DET crln-24008 549 8 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 549 9 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 549 10 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 549 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 550 1 rare rare ADJ crln-24008 550 2 book book NOUN crln-24008 550 3 cataloguing cataloguing NOUN crln-24008 550 4 position position NOUN crln-24008 550 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 551 1 the the DET crln-24008 551 2 john john PROPN crln-24008 551 3 carter carter PROPN crln-24008 551 4 brown brown PROPN crln-24008 551 5 library library NOUN crln-24008 551 6 at at ADP crln-24008 551 7 brown brown ADJ crln-24008 551 8 university university NOUN crln-24008 551 9 is be AUX crln-24008 551 10 seeking seek VERB crln-24008 551 11 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 551 12 for for ADP crln-24008 551 13 the the DET crln-24008 551 14 position position NOUN crln-24008 551 15 of of ADP crln-24008 551 16 principal principal ADJ crln-24008 551 17 catalogue catalogue NOUN crln-24008 551 18 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 551 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 552 1 the the DET crln-24008 552 2 library library NOUN crln-24008 552 3 specializes specialize VERB crln-24008 552 4 in in ADP crln-24008 552 5 the the DET crln-24008 552 6 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 552 7 of of ADP crln-24008 552 8 printed print VERB crln-24008 552 9 materials material NOUN crln-24008 552 10 pertaining pertain VERB crln-24008 552 11 to to ADP crln-24008 552 12 the the DET crln-24008 552 13 americas america NOUN crln-24008 552 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 552 15 north north NOUN crln-24008 552 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 552 17 south south NOUN crln-24008 552 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 552 19 during during ADP crln-24008 552 20 the the DET crln-24008 552 21 colonial colonial ADJ crln-24008 552 22 period period NOUN crln-24008 552 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 552 24 1493 1493 NUM crln-24008 552 25 to to ADP crln-24008 552 26 ca ca PROPN crln-24008 552 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 553 1 1830 1830 NUM crln-24008 553 2 . . PUNCT crln-24008 554 1 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 554 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 554 3 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 554 4 - - PUNCT crln-24008 554 5 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 554 6 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 554 7 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 554 8 or or CCONJ crln-24008 554 9 equivalent equivalent ADJ crln-24008 554 10 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 554 11 two two NUM crln-24008 554 12 to to PART crln-24008 554 13 three three NUM crln-24008 554 14 years year NOUN crln-24008 554 15 of of ADP crln-24008 554 16 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 554 17 rare rare ADJ crln-24008 554 18 book book NOUN crln-24008 554 19 cataloguing catalogue VERB crln-24008 554 20 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 554 21 using use VERB crln-24008 554 22 aacr2rev aacr2rev SPACE crln-24008 554 23 . . PROPN crln-24008 554 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 554 25 descriptive descriptive ADJ crln-24008 554 26 cataloging cataloging NOUN crln-24008 554 27 of of ADP crln-24008 554 28 rare rare ADJ crln-24008 554 29 books book NOUN crln-24008 554 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 554 31 lcsh lcsh NOUN crln-24008 554 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 554 33 and and CCONJ crln-24008 554 34 marc marc PROPN crln-24008 554 35 formats format NOUN crln-24008 554 36 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 554 37 familiarity familiarity NOUN crln-24008 554 38 with with ADP crln-24008 554 39 the the DET crln-24008 554 40 rlin rlin PROPN crln-24008 554 41 cata­ cata­ PROPN crln-24008 554 42 loging loging NOUN crln-24008 554 43 system system NOUN crln-24008 554 44 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 554 45 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 554 46 reading reading NOUN crln-24008 554 47 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 554 48 of of ADP crln-24008 554 49 latin latin PROPN crln-24008 554 50 and and CCONJ crln-24008 554 51 one one NUM crln-24008 554 52 or or CCONJ crln-24008 554 53 more more ADJ crln-24008 554 54 modern modern ADJ crln-24008 554 55 european european ADJ crln-24008 554 56 languages language NOUN crln-24008 554 57 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 554 58 italian italian ADJ crln-24008 554 59 preferred preferred NOUN crln-24008 554 60 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 554 61 . . PUNCT crln-24008 555 1 send send VERB crln-24008 555 2 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 555 3 of of ADP crln-24008 555 4 applica­ applica­ ADJ crln-24008 555 5 tion tion NOUN crln-24008 555 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 555 7 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 555 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 555 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 555 10 names name NOUN crln-24008 555 11 / / SYM crln-24008 555 12 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 555 13 of of ADP crln-24008 555 14 three three NUM crln-24008 555 15 references reference NOUN crln-24008 555 16 to to ADP crln-24008 555 17 : : PUNCT crln-24008 555 18 department department NOUN crln-24008 555 19 of of ADP crln-24008 555 20 human human ADJ crln-24008 555 21 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 555 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 556 1 brow brow PROPN crln-24008 556 2 n n PROPN crln-24008 557 1 u u PROPN crln-24008 558 1 n n X crln-24008 558 2 iv iv PROPN crln-24008 558 3 e e NOUN crln-24008 558 4 rs rs PROPN crln-24008 558 5 ity ity PROPN crln-24008 558 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 558 7 box box PROPN crln-24008 558 8 1879 1879 NUM crln-24008 558 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 558 10 providence providence NOUN crln-24008 558 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 558 12 rl rl ADP crln-24008 558 13 02912 02912 NUM crln-24008 558 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 559 1 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 559 2 / / SYM crln-24008 559 3 counseling counseling NOUN crln-24008 559 4 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 559 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 560 1 regent regent PROPN crln-24008 560 2 university university NOUN crln-24008 560 3 library library NOUN crln-24008 560 4 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 560 5 an an DET crln-24008 560 6 energetic energetic ADJ crln-24008 560 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 560 8 creative creative ADJ crln-24008 560 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 560 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 560 11 service service NOUN crln-24008 560 12 - - PUNCT crln-24008 560 13 oriented orient VERB crln-24008 560 14 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 560 15 to to PART crln-24008 560 16 join join VERB crln-24008 560 17 its its PRON crln-24008 560 18 library library NOUN crln-24008 560 19 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 560 20 team team NOUN crln-24008 560 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 561 1 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 561 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 561 3 provides provide VERB crln-24008 561 4 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 561 5 service service NOUN crln-24008 561 6 to to ADP crln-24008 561 7 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 561 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 561 9 students student NOUN crln-24008 561 10 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 561 11 serves serve VERB crln-24008 561 12 as as ADP crln-24008 561 13 library library NOUN crln-24008 561 14 liaison liaison NOUN crln-24008 561 15 to to ADP crln-24008 561 16 the the DET crln-24008 561 17 school school NOUN crln-24008 561 18 of of ADP crln-24008 561 19 counsel­ counsel­ NOUN crln-24008 561 20 ing ing NOUN crln-24008 561 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 561 22 human human ADJ crln-24008 561 23 services service NOUN crln-24008 561 24 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 561 25 promotes promote NOUN crln-24008 561 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 561 27 provides provide VERB crln-24008 561 28 course course NOUN crln-24008 561 29 - - PUNCT crln-24008 561 30 related relate VERB crln-24008 561 31 in­ in­ NOUN crln-24008 561 32 struction struction NOUN crln-24008 561 33 in in ADP crln-24008 561 34 information information NOUN crln-24008 561 35 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 561 36 and and CCONJ crln-24008 561 37 research research NOUN crln-24008 561 38 strategies strategy NOUN crln-24008 561 39 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 561 40 develops develop VERB crln-24008 561 41 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24008 561 42 materials material NOUN crln-24008 561 43 and and CCONJ crln-24008 561 44 provides provide VERB crln-24008 561 45 resource resource NOUN crln-24008 561 46 information information NOUN crln-24008 561 47 on on ADP crln-24008 561 48 the the DET crln-24008 561 49 web web NOUN crln-24008 561 50 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 561 51 and and CCONJ crln-24008 561 52 p p NOUN crln-24008 561 53 a a DET crln-24008 561 54 rtic rtic NOUN crln-24008 561 55 ip ip NOUN crln-24008 561 56 a a DET crln-24008 561 57 te te PROPN crln-24008 561 58 s s NOUN crln-24008 561 59 in in ADP crln-24008 561 60 co co PROPN crln-24008 561 61 lle lle PROPN crln-24008 561 62 c c PROPN crln-24008 561 63 tio tio NOUN crln-24008 562 1 n n PROPN crln-24008 562 2 d d NOUN crln-24008 562 3 e e NOUN crln-24008 562 4 ve ve VERB crln-24008 562 5 lopm lopm NOUN crln-24008 562 6 ent ent NOUN crln-24008 562 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 563 1 q q PROPN crln-24008 563 2 ua ua PROPN crln-24008 563 3 lifica lifica PROPN crln-24008 563 4 tio tio PROPN crln-24008 563 5 n n PROPN crln-24008 563 6 s s X crln-24008 563 7 : : PUNCT crln-24008 563 8 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 563 9 - - PUNCT crln-24008 563 10 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 563 11 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 563 12 required require VERB crln-24008 563 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 563 14 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 563 15 library library NOUN crln-24008 563 16 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 563 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 563 18 teach­ teach­ NOUN crln-24008 563 19 ing ing NOUN crln-24008 563 20 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 563 21 preferred prefer VERB crln-24008 563 22 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 563 23 current current ADJ crln-24008 563 24 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 563 25 of of ADP crln-24008 563 26 emerging emerge VERB crln-24008 563 27 information information NOUN crln-24008 563 28 technologies technology NOUN crln-24008 563 29 and and CCONJ crln-24008 563 30 their their PRON crln-24008 563 31 application application NOUN crln-24008 563 32 to to ADP crln-24008 563 33 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 563 34 services service NOUN crln-24008 563 35 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 563 36 familiarity familiarity NOUN crln-24008 563 37 with with ADP crln-24008 563 38 print print NOUN crln-24008 563 39 and and CCONJ crln-24008 563 40 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 563 41 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 563 42 in in ADP crln-24008 563 43 psychology psychology NOUN crln-24008 563 44 and and CCONJ crln-24008 563 45 related related ADJ crln-24008 563 46 fields field NOUN crln-24008 563 47 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 563 48 an an DET crln-24008 563 49 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crln-24008 563 50 major major NOUN crln-24008 563 51 or or CCONJ crln-24008 563 52 a a DET crln-24008 563 53 master master NOUN crln-24008 563 54 ’s ’s NOUN crln-24008 563 55 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 563 56 in in ADP crln-24008 563 57 psychology psychology NOUN crln-24008 563 58 or or CCONJ crln-24008 563 59 human human ADJ crln-24008 563 60 service service NOUN crln-24008 563 61 field field NOUN crln-24008 563 62 preferred prefer VERB crln-24008 563 63 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 563 64 excellent excellent ADJ crln-24008 563 65 interpersonal interpersonal ADJ crln-24008 563 66 and and CCONJ crln-24008 563 67 written write VERB crln-24008 563 68 communica­ communica­ ADJ crln-24008 563 69 tion tion NOUN crln-24008 563 70 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 563 71 . . PUNCT crln-24008 564 1 founded found VERB crln-24008 564 2 in in ADP crln-24008 564 3 1977 1977 NUM crln-24008 564 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 564 5 regent regent ADJ crln-24008 564 6 university university NOUN crln-24008 564 7 is be AUX crln-24008 564 8 a a DET crln-24008 564 9 christian christian ADJ crln-24008 564 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 564 11 graduate graduate NOUN crln-24008 564 12 - - PUNCT crln-24008 564 13 only only ADV crln-24008 564 14 institution institution NOUN crln-24008 564 15 offering offer VERB crln-24008 564 16 master master NOUN crln-24008 564 17 ’s ’s NUM crln-24008 564 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 564 19 doctoral doctoral ADJ crln-24008 564 20 degrees degree NOUN crln-24008 564 21 on on ADP crln-24008 564 22 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 564 23 and/or and/or CCONJ crln-24008 564 24 by by ADP crln-24008 564 25 distance distance NOUN crln-24008 564 26 education education NOUN crln-24008 564 27 in in ADP crln-24008 564 28 business business NOUN crln-24008 564 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 564 30 education education NOUN crln-24008 564 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 564 32 counsel­ counsel­ NOUN crln-24008 564 33 ing ing PROPN crln-24008 564 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 564 35 clinical clinical ADJ crln-24008 564 36 psychology psychology NOUN crln-24008 564 37 , , PUNCT crln-24008 564 38 divinity divinity NOUN crln-24008 564 39 , , PUNCT crln-24008 564 40 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 564 41 , , PUNCT crln-24008 564 42 organizational organizational ADJ crln-24008 564 43 leader­ leader­ NOUN crln-24008 564 44 ship ship NOUN crln-24008 564 45 , , PUNCT crln-24008 564 46 government government NOUN crln-24008 564 47 , , PUNCT crln-24008 564 48 and and CCONJ crln-24008 564 49 law law NOUN crln-24008 564 50 . . PUNCT crln-24008 565 1 for for ADP crln-24008 565 2 further further ADJ crln-24008 565 3 information information NOUN crln-24008 565 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 565 5 please please INTJ crln-24008 565 6 visit visit VERB crln-24008 565 7 our our PRON crln-24008 565 8 home home NOUN crln-24008 565 9 page page NOUN crln-24008 565 10 at at ADP crln-24008 565 11 http://www http://www PROPN crln-24008 565 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 566 1 PROPN crln-24008 566 2 ten ten NUM crln-24008 566 3 - - PUNCT crln-24008 566 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 566 5 - - PUNCT crln-24008 566 6 half half ADJ crln-24008 566 7 - - PUNCT crln-24008 566 8 month month NOUN crln-24008 566 9 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 566 10 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 566 11 with with ADP crln-24008 566 12 rank rank NOUN crln-24008 566 13 of of ADP crln-24008 566 14 assistant assistant NOUN crln-24008 566 15 or or CCONJ crln-24008 566 16 associate associate ADJ crln-24008 566 17 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 566 18 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 566 19 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 566 20 range range NOUN crln-24008 566 21 : : PUNCT crln-24008 566 22 $ $ SYM crln-24008 566 23 30,000-$40,000 30,000-$40,000 NUM crln-24008 566 24 per per ADP crln-24008 566 25 year year NOUN crln-24008 566 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 566 27 commensurate commensurate ADJ crln-24008 566 28 with with ADP crln-24008 566 29 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 566 30 and and CCONJ crln-24008 566 31 qualifica qualifica PROPN crln-24008 566 32 http://www http://www PROPN crln-24008 566 33 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 566 34 news news PROPN crln-24008 566 35 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 566 36 j j NOUN crln-24008 566 37 a a DET crln-24008 566 38 n n PROPN crln-24008 566 39 u u PROPN crln-24008 566 40 ary ary PROPN crln-24008 566 41 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 566 42 / / SYM crln-24008 566 43 59 59 NUM crln-24008 566 44 head head NOUN crln-24008 566 45 , , PUNCT crln-24008 566 46 library library PROPN crln-24008 566 47 administrative administrative PROPN crln-24008 566 48 services services PROPN crln-24008 566 49 office office NOUN crln-24008 566 50 for for ADP crln-24008 566 51 information information NOUN crln-24008 566 52 technology technology PROPN crln-24008 566 53 university university NOUN crln-24008 566 54 library library NOUN crln-24008 566 55 services services PROPN crln-24008 566 56 university university PROPN crln-24008 566 57 library library NOUN crln-24008 566 58 services service NOUN crln-24008 566 59 at at ADP crln-24008 566 60 virginia virginia PROPN crln-24008 566 61 commonwealth commonwealth PROPN crln-24008 566 62 university university PROPN crln-24008 566 63 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 566 64 an an DET crln-24008 566 65 innovative innovative ADJ crln-24008 566 66 and and CCONJ crln-24008 566 67 energetic energetic ADJ crln-24008 566 68 individual individual NOUN crln-24008 566 69 , , PUNCT crln-24008 566 70 with with ADP crln-24008 566 71 exceptional exceptional ADJ crln-24008 566 72 skill skill NOUN crln-24008 566 73 in in ADP crln-24008 566 74 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 566 75 management management NOUN crln-24008 566 76 , , PUNCT crln-24008 566 77 human human ADJ crln-24008 566 78 relations relation NOUN crln-24008 566 79 , , PUNCT crln-24008 566 80 and and CCONJ crln-24008 566 81 business business NOUN crln-24008 566 82 and and CCONJ crln-24008 566 83 fiscal fiscal ADJ crln-24008 566 84 affairs affair NOUN crln-24008 566 85 to to PART crln-24008 566 86 serve serve VERB crln-24008 566 87 as as ADP crln-24008 566 88 head head NOUN crln-24008 566 89 , , PUNCT crln-24008 566 90 library library PROPN crln-24008 566 91 administrative administrative PROPN crln-24008 566 92 services services PROPN crln-24008 566 93 . . PUNCT crln-24008 567 1 description description NOUN crln-24008 567 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 567 3 the the DET crln-24008 567 4 head head NOUN crln-24008 567 5 of of ADP crln-24008 567 6 library library PROPN crln-24008 567 7 administrative administrative PROPN crln-24008 567 8 services service NOUN crln-24008 567 9 is be AUX crln-24008 567 10 a a DET crln-24008 567 11 twleve twleve NOUN crln-24008 567 12 - - PUNCT crln-24008 567 13 month month NOUN crln-24008 567 14 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 567 15 position position NOUN crln-24008 567 16 that that PRON crln-24008 567 17 reports report VERB crln-24008 567 18 to to ADP crln-24008 567 19 the the DET crln-24008 567 20 executive executive ADJ crln-24008 567 21 director director NOUN crln-24008 567 22 of of ADP crln-24008 567 23 the the DET crln-24008 567 24 university university NOUN crln-24008 567 25 library library NOUN crln-24008 567 26 services service NOUN crln-24008 567 27 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 567 28 for for ADP crln-24008 567 29 centralized centralized ADJ crln-24008 567 30 administrative administrative ADJ crln-24008 567 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 567 32 fiscal fiscal ADJ crln-24008 567 33 , , PUNCT crln-24008 567 34 and and CCONJ crln-24008 567 35 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 567 36 services service NOUN crln-24008 567 37 for for ADP crln-24008 567 38 university university NOUN crln-24008 567 39 library library NOUN crln-24008 567 40 services service NOUN crln-24008 567 41 . . PUNCT crln-24008 568 1 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 568 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 568 3 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 568 4 for for ADP crln-24008 568 5 all all DET crln-24008 568 6 functions function NOUN crln-24008 568 7 related relate VERB crln-24008 568 8 to to ADP crln-24008 568 9 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 568 10 management management NOUN crln-24008 568 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 569 1 coordinates coordinate VERB crln-24008 569 2 the the DET crln-24008 569 3 recruitment recruitment NOUN crln-24008 569 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 569 5 selection selection NOUN crln-24008 569 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 569 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 569 8 workers worker NOUN crln-24008 569 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 569 10 including include VERB crln-24008 569 11 students student NOUN crln-24008 569 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 570 1 ensures ensure VERB crln-24008 570 2 adherence adherence NOUN crln-24008 570 3 to to ADP crln-24008 570 4 university university NOUN crln-24008 570 5 policies policy NOUN crln-24008 570 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 570 7 state state NOUN crln-24008 570 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 570 9 federal federal ADJ crln-24008 570 10 laws law NOUN crln-24008 570 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 570 12 including include VERB crln-24008 570 13 affirmative affirmative ADJ crln-24008 570 14 action action NOUN crln-24008 570 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 570 16 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 570 17 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 570 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 571 1 coordinates coordinate NOUN crln-24008 571 2 annual annual ADJ crln-24008 571 3 performance performance NOUN crln-24008 571 4 planning planning NOUN crln-24008 571 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 571 6 evaluation evaluation NOUN crln-24008 571 7 for for ADP crln-24008 571 8 employees employee NOUN crln-24008 571 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 572 1 develops develop VERB crln-24008 572 2 and and CCONJ crln-24008 572 3 coordinates coordinate NOUN crln-24008 572 4 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 572 5 development development NOUN crln-24008 572 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 572 7 training training NOUN crln-24008 572 8 initiatives initiative NOUN crln-24008 572 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 572 10 including include VERB crln-24008 572 11 the the DET crln-24008 572 12 assessment assessment NOUN crln-24008 572 13 of of ADP crln-24008 572 14 training training NOUN crln-24008 572 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 572 16 development development NOUN crln-24008 572 17 needs need NOUN crln-24008 572 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 572 19 the the DET crln-24008 572 20 identifi­ identifi­ NOUN crln-24008 572 21 cation cation NOUN crln-24008 572 22 of of ADP crln-24008 572 23 training training NOUN crln-24008 572 24 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 572 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 572 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 572 27 the the DET crln-24008 572 28 development development NOUN crln-24008 572 29 of of ADP crln-24008 572 30 training training NOUN crln-24008 572 31 materials material NOUN crln-24008 572 32 . . PUNCT crln-24008 573 1 promotes promote VERB crln-24008 573 2 positive positive ADJ crln-24008 573 3 interpersonal interpersonal ADJ crln-24008 573 4 relations relation NOUN crln-24008 573 5 among among ADP crln-24008 573 6 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 573 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 574 1 aids aid NOUN crln-24008 574 2 in in ADP crln-24008 574 3 the the DET crln-24008 574 4 resolution resolution NOUN crln-24008 574 5 of of ADP crln-24008 574 6 work work NOUN crln-24008 574 7 - - PUNCT crln-24008 574 8 related relate VERB crln-24008 574 9 conflicts conflict NOUN crln-24008 574 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 575 1 serves serve VERB crln-24008 575 2 as as ADP crln-24008 575 3 liaison liaison NOUN crln-24008 575 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 575 5 fosters foster NOUN crln-24008 575 6 good good ADJ crln-24008 575 7 working work VERB crln-24008 575 8 relations relation NOUN crln-24008 575 9 with with ADP crln-24008 575 10 university university NOUN crln-24008 575 11 human human ADJ crln-24008 575 12 resource resource NOUN crln-24008 575 13 division division NOUN crln-24008 575 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 576 1 administrative administrative ADJ crln-24008 576 2 services service NOUN crln-24008 576 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 576 4 oversees oversee VERB crln-24008 576 5 library library NOUN crln-24008 576 6 budget budget NOUN crln-24008 576 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 576 8 has have VERB crln-24008 576 9 primary primary ADJ crln-24008 576 10 responsibility responsibility NOUN crln-24008 576 11 for for ADP crln-24008 576 12 the the DET crln-24008 576 13 day day NOUN crln-24008 576 14 to to ADP crln-24008 576 15 - - PUNCT crln-24008 576 16 day day NOUN crln-24008 576 17 fiscal fiscal ADJ crln-24008 576 18 management management NOUN crln-24008 576 19 of of ADP crln-24008 576 20 the the DET crln-24008 576 21 university university PROPN crln-24008 576 22 library library NOUN crln-24008 576 23 services service NOUN crln-24008 576 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 577 1 serves serve VERB crln-24008 577 2 as as ADP crln-24008 577 3 liaison liaison NOUN crln-24008 577 4 with with ADP crln-24008 577 5 the the DET crln-24008 577 6 library library NOUN crln-24008 577 7 acquisitions acquisition NOUN crln-24008 577 8 officer officer NOUN crln-24008 577 9 to to PART crln-24008 577 10 ensure ensure VERB crln-24008 577 11 proper proper ADJ crln-24008 577 12 management management NOUN crln-24008 577 13 of of ADP crln-24008 577 14 the the DET crln-24008 577 15 library library PROPN crln-24008 577 16 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 577 17 fiscal fiscal ADJ crln-24008 577 18 systems system NOUN crln-24008 577 19 in in ADP crln-24008 577 20 accordance accordance NOUN crln-24008 577 21 with with ADP crln-24008 577 22 university university NOUN crln-24008 577 23 fiscal fiscal ADJ crln-24008 577 24 policy policy NOUN crln-24008 577 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 578 1 in in ADP crln-24008 578 2 close close ADJ crln-24008 578 3 cooperation cooperation NOUN crln-24008 578 4 with with ADP crln-24008 578 5 a a DET crln-24008 578 6 centralize centralize ADJ crln-24008 578 7 office office NOUN crln-24008 578 8 for for ADP crln-24008 578 9 information information NOUN crln-24008 578 10 technology technology NOUN crln-24008 578 11 accounting accounting NOUN crln-24008 578 12 unit unit NOUN crln-24008 578 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 578 14 coordinates coordinate VERB crln-24008 578 15 the the DET crln-24008 578 16 fiscal fiscal ADJ crln-24008 578 17 management management NOUN crln-24008 578 18 of of ADP crln-24008 578 19 grants grant NOUN crln-24008 578 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 578 21 endowments endowment NOUN crln-24008 578 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 578 23 billing billing NOUN crln-24008 578 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 578 25 accounts account NOUN crln-24008 578 26 receivable receivable ADJ crln-24008 578 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 578 28 and and CCONJ crln-24008 578 29 other other ADJ crln-24008 578 30 administrative administrative ADJ crln-24008 578 31 programs program NOUN crln-24008 578 32 . . PUNCT crln-24008 579 1 serves serve VERB crln-24008 579 2 as as ADP crln-24008 579 3 liaison liaison NOUN crln-24008 579 4 with with ADP crln-24008 579 5 appropriate appropriate ADJ crln-24008 579 6 university university NOUN crln-24008 579 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 579 8 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 579 9 units unit NOUN crln-24008 579 10 including include VERB crln-24008 579 11 security security NOUN crln-24008 579 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 579 13 vcucard vcucard NOUN crln-24008 579 14 office office NOUN crln-24008 579 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 579 16 procurement procurement NOUN crln-24008 579 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 579 18 treasurer treasurer NOUN crln-24008 579 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 579 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 579 21 budget budget NOUN crln-24008 579 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 580 1 general general ADJ crln-24008 580 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 580 3 contributes contribute VERB crln-24008 580 4 to to ADP crln-24008 580 5 library library PROPN crln-24008 580 6 administrative administrative ADJ crln-24008 580 7 team team NOUN crln-24008 580 8 in in ADP crln-24008 580 9 the the DET crln-24008 580 10 formulation formulation NOUN crln-24008 580 11 of of ADP crln-24008 580 12 goals goal NOUN crln-24008 580 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 580 14 policies policy NOUN crln-24008 580 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 580 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 580 17 strategies strategy NOUN crln-24008 580 18 relative relative ADJ crln-24008 580 19 to to ADP crln-24008 580 20 administrative administrative ADJ crln-24008 580 21 services service NOUN crln-24008 580 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 581 1 interprets interpret NOUN crln-24008 581 2 , , PUNCT crln-24008 581 3 communicates communicate NOUN crln-24008 581 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 581 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 581 6 implements implement VERB crln-24008 581 7 state state NOUN crln-24008 581 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 581 9 university university NOUN crln-24008 581 10 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 581 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 581 12 fiscal fiscal ADJ crln-24008 581 13 policies policy NOUN crln-24008 581 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 582 1 recommends recommend VERB crln-24008 582 2 new new ADJ crln-24008 582 3 policies policy NOUN crln-24008 582 4 for for ADP crln-24008 582 5 the the DET crln-24008 582 6 department department NOUN crln-24008 582 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 583 1 prepares prepare VERB crln-24008 583 2 statistical statistical ADJ crln-24008 583 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 583 4 analytical analytical ADJ crln-24008 583 5 reports report NOUN crln-24008 583 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 584 1 coordinates coordinate VERB crln-24008 584 2 four four NUM crln-24008 584 3 fte fte NOUN crln-24008 584 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 584 5 students student NOUN crln-24008 584 6 in in ADP crln-24008 584 7 the the DET crln-24008 584 8 central central ADJ crln-24008 584 9 office office NOUN crln-24008 584 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 585 1 supervises supervise VERB crln-24008 585 2 employees employee NOUN crln-24008 585 3 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 585 4 for for ADP crln-24008 585 5 payroll payroll NOUN crln-24008 585 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 585 7 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 585 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 585 9 central central ADJ crln-24008 585 10 office office NOUN crln-24008 585 11 front front NOUN crln-24008 585 12 desk desk NOUN crln-24008 585 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 585 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 585 15 clerical clerical ADJ crln-24008 585 16 support support NOUN crln-24008 585 17 to to ADP crln-24008 585 18 senior senior ADJ crln-24008 585 19 administration administration NOUN crln-24008 585 20 . . PUNCT crln-24008 586 1 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 586 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 586 3 master master NOUN crln-24008 586 4 's 's PART crln-24008 586 5 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 586 6 required require VERB crln-24008 586 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 587 1 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 587 2 - - PUNCT crln-24008 587 3 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 587 4 mls mls PROPN crln-24008 587 5 preferred preferred ADJ crln-24008 587 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 588 1 the the DET crln-24008 588 2 ideal ideal ADJ crln-24008 588 3 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 588 4 will will AUX crln-24008 588 5 have have VERB crln-24008 588 6 substantial substantial ADJ crln-24008 588 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 588 8 progressively progressively ADV crln-24008 588 9 more more ADV crln-24008 588 10 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 588 11 management management NOUN crln-24008 588 12 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 588 13 in in ADP crln-24008 588 14 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 588 15 management management NOUN crln-24008 588 16 and/or and/or CCONJ crln-24008 588 17 administrative administrative ADJ crln-24008 588 18 services service NOUN crln-24008 588 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 588 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 588 21 a a DET crln-24008 588 22 track track NOUN crln-24008 588 23 record record NOUN crln-24008 588 24 of of ADP crln-24008 588 25 excellence excellence PROPN crln-24008 588 26 in in ADP crln-24008 588 27 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 588 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 588 29 budget budget NOUN crln-24008 588 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 588 31 and and CCONJ crln-24008 588 32 project project NOUN crln-24008 588 33 management management NOUN crln-24008 588 34 . . PUNCT crln-24008 589 1 the the DET crln-24008 589 2 following follow VERB crln-24008 589 3 additional additional ADJ crln-24008 589 4 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 589 5 are be AUX crln-24008 589 6 preferred prefer VERB crln-24008 589 7 : : PUNCT crln-24008 589 8 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 589 9 fiscal fiscal ADJ crln-24008 589 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 589 11 interpersonal interpersonal ADJ crln-24008 589 12 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 589 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 589 14 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 589 15 of of ADP crln-24008 589 16 fiscal fiscal ADJ crln-24008 589 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 589 18 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 589 19 management management NOUN crln-24008 589 20 principles principle NOUN crln-24008 589 21 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 589 22 familiarity familiarity NOUN crln-24008 589 23 with with ADP crln-24008 589 24 online online ADJ crln-24008 589 25 financial financial ADJ crln-24008 589 26 principles principle NOUN crln-24008 589 27 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 589 28 working work VERB crln-24008 589 29 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 589 30 of of ADP crln-24008 589 31 financial financial ADJ crln-24008 589 32 spreadsheet spreadsheet NOUN crln-24008 589 33 and and CCONJ crln-24008 589 34 database database NOUN crln-24008 589 35 applications application NOUN crln-24008 589 36 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 589 37 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 589 38 in in ADP crln-24008 589 39 developing develop VERB crln-24008 589 40 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 589 41 training training NOUN crln-24008 589 42 programs program NOUN crln-24008 589 43 . . PUNCT crln-24008 590 1 a a DET crln-24008 590 2 service service NOUN crln-24008 590 3 - - PUNCT crln-24008 590 4 oriented orient VERB crln-24008 590 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 590 6 analytical analytical ADJ crln-24008 590 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 590 8 articulate articulate ADJ crln-24008 590 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 590 10 highly highly ADV crln-24008 590 11 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 590 12 individual individual NOUN crln-24008 590 13 would would AUX crln-24008 590 14 be be AUX crln-24008 590 15 an an DET crln-24008 590 16 excellent excellent ADJ crln-24008 590 17 match match NOUN crln-24008 590 18 for for ADP crln-24008 590 19 our our PRON crln-24008 590 20 needs need NOUN crln-24008 590 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 591 1 also also ADV crln-24008 591 2 desirable desirable ADJ crln-24008 591 3 are be AUX crln-24008 591 4 involvement involvement NOUN crln-24008 591 5 in in ADP crln-24008 591 6 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 591 7 activities activity NOUN crln-24008 591 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 591 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 591 10 the the DET crln-24008 591 11 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 591 12 to to PART crln-24008 591 13 meet meet VERB crln-24008 591 14 the the DET crln-24008 591 15 requirements requirement NOUN crln-24008 591 16 for for ADP crln-24008 591 17 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 591 18 advancement advancement NOUN crln-24008 591 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 591 20 including include VERB crln-24008 591 21 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 591 22 service service NOUN crln-24008 591 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 591 24 publication publication NOUN crln-24008 591 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 592 1 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 592 2 working work VERB crln-24008 592 3 in in ADP crln-24008 592 4 a a DET crln-24008 592 5 culturally culturally ADV crln-24008 592 6 diverse diverse ADJ crln-24008 592 7 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 592 8 highly highly ADV crln-24008 592 9 preferred preferred ADJ crln-24008 592 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 593 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 593 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 593 3 $ $ SYM crln-24008 593 4 38,000 38,000 NUM crln-24008 593 5 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 593 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 594 1 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 594 2 include include VERB crln-24008 594 3 24 24 NUM crln-24008 594 4 vacation vacation NOUN crln-24008 594 5 days day NOUN crln-24008 594 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 594 7 choice choice NOUN crln-24008 594 8 of of ADP crln-24008 594 9 health health NOUN crln-24008 594 10 plans plan NOUN crln-24008 594 11 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 594 12 including include VERB crln-24008 594 13 hmos hmos PROPN crln-24008 594 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 594 15 dental dental ADJ crln-24008 594 16 plans plan NOUN crln-24008 594 17 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 594 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 594 19 choice choice NOUN crln-24008 594 20 of of ADP crln-24008 594 21 retirement retirement NOUN crln-24008 594 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 594 23 annuity annuity NOUN crln-24008 594 24 plans plan NOUN crln-24008 594 25 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 594 26 tuition tuition NOUN crln-24008 594 27 reimbursement reimbursement NOUN crln-24008 594 28 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 594 29 paid pay VERB crln-24008 594 30 life life NOUN crln-24008 594 31 insurance insurance NOUN crln-24008 594 32 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 594 33 and and CCONJ crln-24008 594 34 access access NOUN crln-24008 594 35 to to ADP crln-24008 594 36 child child NOUN crln-24008 594 37 / / SYM crln-24008 594 38 adult adult NOUN crln-24008 594 39 and and CCONJ crln-24008 594 40 other other ADJ crln-24008 594 41 work work NOUN crln-24008 594 42 / / SYM crln-24008 594 43 life life NOUN crln-24008 594 44 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 594 45 and and CCONJ crln-24008 594 46 referrals referral NOUN crln-24008 594 47 . . PUNCT crln-24008 595 1 application application NOUN crln-24008 595 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 595 3 review review NOUN crln-24008 595 4 of of ADP crln-24008 595 5 applications application NOUN crln-24008 595 6 will will AUX crln-24008 595 7 begin begin VERB crln-24008 595 8 february february PROPN crln-24008 595 9 1,1999 1,1999 NUM crln-24008 595 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 596 1 submitletter submitletter NOUN crln-24008 596 2 of of ADP crln-24008 596 3 application application NOUN crln-24008 596 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 596 5 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 596 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 596 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 596 8 names name NOUN crln-24008 596 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 596 10 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 596 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 596 12 e e NOUN crln-24008 596 13 - - NOUN crln-24008 596 14 mail mail NOUN crln-24008 596 15 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 596 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 596 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 596 18 telephone telephone NOUN crln-24008 596 19 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 596 20 of of ADP crln-24008 596 21 three three NUM crln-24008 596 22 references reference NOUN crln-24008 596 23 to to ADP crln-24008 596 24 : : PUNCT crln-24008 596 25 sarah sarah PROPN crln-24008 596 26 barbara barbara PROPN crln-24008 596 27 watstein watstein PROPN crln-24008 596 28 interim interim ADJ crln-24008 596 29 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 596 30 officer officer NOUN crln-24008 596 31 university university PROPN crln-24008 596 32 library library NOUN crln-24008 596 33 services services PROPN crln-24008 596 34 901 901 NUM crln-24008 596 35 park park NOUN crln-24008 596 36 avenue avenue PROPN crln-24008 596 37 po po PROPN crln-24008 596 38 box box PROPN crln-24008 596 39 942033 942033 NUM crln-24008 596 40 richmond richmond PROPN crln-24008 596 41 , , PUNCT crln-24008 596 42 va va PROPN crln-24008 596 43 23284 23284 NUM crln-24008 596 44 - - SYM crln-24008 596 45 2033 2033 NUM crln-24008 596 46 additional additional ADJ crln-24008 596 47 information information NOUN crln-24008 596 48 available available ADJ crln-24008 596 49 from from ADP crln-24008 596 50 the the DET crln-24008 596 51 library library NOUN crln-24008 596 52 homepage homepage NOUN crln-24008 596 53 at at ADP crln-24008 596 54 NOUN crln-24008 596 55 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 596 56 further further ADJ crln-24008 596 57 information information NOUN crln-24008 596 58 about about ADP crln-24008 596 59 the the DET crln-24008 596 60 university university NOUN crln-24008 596 61 may may AUX crln-24008 596 62 be be AUX crln-24008 596 63 found find VERB crln-24008 596 64 at at ADP crln-24008 596 65 PROPN crln-24008 596 66 . . PUNCT crln-24008 597 1 virginia virginia PROPN crln-24008 597 2 commonwealth commonwealth PROPN crln-24008 597 3 university university PROPN crln-24008 597 4 is be AUX crln-24008 597 5 an an DET crln-24008 597 6 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 597 7 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 597 8 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 597 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 598 1 women woman NOUN crln-24008 598 2 , , PUNCT crln-24008 598 3 minorities minority NOUN crln-24008 598 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 598 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 598 6 persons person NOUN crln-24008 598 7 with with ADP crln-24008 598 8 disabilities disability NOUN crln-24008 598 9 are be AUX crln-24008 598 10 encouraged encourage VERB crln-24008 598 11 to to PART crln-24008 598 12 apply apply VERB crln-24008 598 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 599 1 PROPN crln-24008 599 2 VERB crln-24008 599 3 6 6 NUM crln-24008 599 4 0 0 NUM crln-24008 599 5 / / SYM crln-24008 599 6 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 599 7 news news NOUN crln-24008 599 8 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 599 9 january january PROPN crln-24008 599 10 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 599 11 university university PROPN crln-24008 599 12 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 599 13 san san PROPN crln-24008 599 14 jose jose PROPN crln-24008 599 15 state state PROPN crln-24008 599 16 university university PROPN crln-24008 599 17 san san PROPN crln-24008 599 18 jose jose PROPN crln-24008 599 19 state state PROPN crln-24008 599 20 university university PROPN crln-24008 599 21 invites invite VERB crln-24008 599 22 applications application NOUN crln-24008 599 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 599 24 nominations nomination NOUN crln-24008 599 25 for for ADP crln-24008 599 26 university university NOUN crln-24008 599 27 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 599 28 . . PUNCT crln-24008 600 1 the the DET crln-24008 600 2 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 600 3 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 600 4 will will AUX crln-24008 600 5 provide provide VERB crln-24008 600 6 the the DET crln-24008 600 7 university university NOUN crln-24008 600 8 with with ADP crln-24008 600 9 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 600 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 600 11 imaginative imaginative ADJ crln-24008 600 12 leadership leadership NOUN crln-24008 600 13 in in ADP crln-24008 600 14 the the DET crln-24008 600 15 areas area NOUN crln-24008 600 16 of of ADP crln-24008 600 17 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 600 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 600 19 library library NOUN crln-24008 600 20 services service NOUN crln-24008 600 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 600 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 600 23 effective effective ADJ crln-24008 600 24 management management NOUN crln-24008 600 25 of of ADP crln-24008 600 26 about about ADV crln-24008 600 27 75 75 NUM crln-24008 600 28 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 600 29 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 600 30 and and CCONJ crln-24008 600 31 paraprofessional paraprofessional ADJ crln-24008 600 32 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 600 33 . . PUNCT crln-24008 601 1 the the DET crln-24008 601 2 university university NOUN crln-24008 601 3 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 601 4 is be AUX crln-24008 601 5 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 601 6 for for ADP crln-24008 601 7 creating create VERB crln-24008 601 8 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 601 9 community community NOUN crln-24008 601 10 ties tie NOUN crln-24008 601 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 601 12 pursuing pursue VERB crln-24008 601 13 external external ADJ crln-24008 601 14 funding funding NOUN crln-24008 601 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 602 1 the the DET crln-24008 602 2 university university NOUN crln-24008 602 3 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 602 4 will will AUX crln-24008 602 5 also also ADV crln-24008 602 6 have have VERB crln-24008 602 7 a a DET crln-24008 602 8 major major ADJ crln-24008 602 9 role role NOUN crln-24008 602 10 in in ADP crln-24008 602 11 the the DET crln-24008 602 12 proposed propose VERB crln-24008 602 13 joint joint ADJ crln-24008 602 14 use use NOUN crln-24008 602 15 library library NOUN crln-24008 602 16 with with ADP crln-24008 602 17 the the DET crln-24008 602 18 city city NOUN crln-24008 602 19 of of ADP crln-24008 602 20 san san PROPN crln-24008 602 21 josé josé PROPN crln-24008 602 22 expected expect VERB crln-24008 602 23 to to PART crln-24008 602 24 open open VERB crln-24008 602 25 in in ADP crln-24008 602 26 the the DET crln-24008 602 27 year year NOUN crln-24008 602 28 2004 2004 NUM crln-24008 602 29 . . PUNCT crln-24008 603 1 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 603 2 should should AUX crln-24008 603 3 have have VERB crln-24008 603 4 a a DET crln-24008 603 5 commitment commitment NOUN crln-24008 603 6 to to ADP crln-24008 603 7 diversity diversity NOUN crln-24008 603 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 604 1 the the DET crln-24008 604 2 full full ADJ crln-24008 604 3 printed print VERB crln-24008 604 4 text text NOUN crln-24008 604 5 of of ADP crln-24008 604 6 the the DET crln-24008 604 7 position position NOUN crln-24008 604 8 announcement announcement NOUN crln-24008 604 9 is be AUX crln-24008 604 10 available available ADJ crln-24008 604 11 by by ADP crln-24008 604 12 writing write VERB crln-24008 604 13 the the DET crln-24008 604 14 address address NOUN crln-24008 604 15 below below ADV crln-24008 604 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 604 17 on on ADP crln-24008 604 18 the the DET crln-24008 604 19 san san PROPN crln-24008 604 20 jose jose PROPN crln-24008 604 21 state state PROPN crln-24008 604 22 university university NOUN crln-24008 604 23 website website NOUN crln-24008 604 24 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 604 25 PROPN crln-24008 604 26 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 604 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 604 28 or or CCONJ crln-24008 604 29 by by ADP crln-24008 604 30 emailing email VERB crln-24008 604 31 NOUN crln-24008 604 32 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 604 33 it it PRON crln-24008 604 34 is be AUX crln-24008 604 35 available available ADJ crln-24008 604 36 in in ADP crln-24008 604 37 alternative alternative ADJ crln-24008 604 38 formats format NOUN crln-24008 604 39 to to PART crln-24008 604 40 accommodate accommodate VERB crln-24008 604 41 disability disability NOUN crln-24008 604 42 by by ADP crln-24008 604 43 calling call VERB crln-24008 604 44 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 604 45 408 408 NUM crln-24008 604 46 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 604 47 924 924 NUM crln-24008 604 48 - - SYM crln-24008 604 49 2400 2400 NUM crln-24008 604 50 . . PUNCT crln-24008 605 1 the the DET crln-24008 605 2 screening screening NOUN crln-24008 605 3 process process NOUN crln-24008 605 4 will will AUX crln-24008 605 5 begin begin VERB crln-24008 605 6 february february PROPN crln-24008 605 7 15 15 NUM crln-24008 605 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 605 9 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 605 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 605 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 605 12 applications application NOUN crln-24008 605 13 must must AUX crln-24008 605 14 be be AUX crln-24008 605 15 received receive VERB crln-24008 605 16 by by ADP crln-24008 605 17 that that DET crln-24008 605 18 date date NOUN crln-24008 605 19 in in ADP crln-24008 605 20 order order NOUN crln-24008 605 21 to to PART crln-24008 605 22 receive receive VERB crln-24008 605 23 consideration consideration NOUN crln-24008 605 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 606 1 the the DET crln-24008 606 2 position position NOUN crln-24008 606 3 is be AUX crln-24008 606 4 available available ADJ crln-24008 606 5 july july PROPN crln-24008 606 6 1 1 NUM crln-24008 606 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 606 8 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 606 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 606 10 with with ADP crln-24008 606 11 the the DET crln-24008 606 12 exact exact ADJ crln-24008 606 13 date date NOUN crln-24008 606 14 of of ADP crln-24008 606 15 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 606 16 negotiable negotiable ADJ crln-24008 606 17 . . PUNCT crln-24008 607 1 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 607 2 should should AUX crln-24008 607 3 send send VERB crln-24008 607 4 a a DET crln-24008 607 5 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 607 6 of of ADP crln-24008 607 7 application application NOUN crln-24008 607 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 607 9 a a DET crln-24008 607 10 complete complete ADJ crln-24008 607 11 curriculum curriculum NOUN crln-24008 607 12 vitae vitae NOUN crln-24008 607 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 607 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 607 15 a a DET crln-24008 607 16 list list NOUN crln-24008 607 17 of of ADP crln-24008 607 18 five five NUM crln-24008 607 19 references reference NOUN crln-24008 607 20 to to ADP crln-24008 607 21 the the DET crln-24008 607 22 address address NOUN crln-24008 607 23 below below ADV crln-24008 607 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 608 1 address address VERB crln-24008 608 2 all all DET crln-24008 608 3 correspondence correspondence NOUN crln-24008 608 4 to to ADP crln-24008 608 5 : : PUNCT crln-24008 608 6 u u PROPN crln-24008 608 7 niversity niversity NOUN crln-24008 608 8 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 608 9 search search PROPN crln-24008 608 10 committee committee PROPN crln-24008 608 11 c c PROPN crln-24008 608 12 / / SYM crln-24008 608 13 o o NOUN crln-24008 608 14 office office NOUN crln-24008 609 1 o o X crln-24008 609 2 f f X crln-24008 609 3 the the DET crln-24008 609 4 provost provost PROPN crln-24008 609 5 san san PROPN crln-24008 609 6 jose jose PROPN crln-24008 609 7 state state PROPN crln-24008 609 8 university university PROPN crln-24008 609 9 one one NUM crln-24008 609 10 w w PROPN crln-24008 609 11 ashington ashington PROPN crln-24008 609 12 square square PROPN crln-24008 609 13 san san PROPN crln-24008 609 14 jose jose PROPN crln-24008 609 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 609 16 ca can AUX crln-24008 609 17 95192 95192 NUM crln-24008 609 18 - - SYM crln-24008 609 19 0020 0020 NUM crln-24008 609 20 san san PROPN crln-24008 609 21 jo jo PROPN crln-24008 609 22 se se PROPN crln-24008 609 23 state state PROPN crln-24008 609 24 university university PROPN crln-24008 609 25 does do AUX crln-24008 609 26 not not PART crln-24008 609 27 discriminate discriminate VERB crln-24008 609 28 on on ADP crln-24008 609 29 the the DET crln-24008 609 30 basis basis NOUN crln-24008 609 31 of of ADP crln-24008 609 32 race race NOUN crln-24008 609 33 , , PUNCT crln-24008 609 34 color color NOUN crln-24008 609 35 , , PUNCT crln-24008 609 36 religion religion NOUN crln-24008 609 37 , , PUNCT crln-24008 609 38 national national ADJ crln-24008 609 39 origin origin NOUN crln-24008 609 40 , , PUNCT crln-24008 609 41 sex sex NOUN crln-24008 609 42 , , PUNCT crln-24008 609 43 sexual sexual ADJ crln-24008 609 44 orientation orientation NOUN crln-24008 609 45 , , PUNCT crln-24008 609 46 marital marital ADJ crln-24008 609 47 status status NOUN crln-24008 609 48 , , PUNCT crln-24008 609 49 pregnancy pregnancy NOUN crln-24008 609 50 , , PUNCT crln-24008 609 51 age age NOUN crln-24008 609 52 , , PUNCT crln-24008 609 53 disability disability NOUN crln-24008 609 54 , , PUNCT crln-24008 609 55 disabled disabled ADJ crln-24008 609 56 veteran veteran NOUN crln-24008 609 57 , , PUNCT crln-24008 609 58 or or CCONJ crln-24008 609 59 vietnam vietnam PROPN crln-24008 609 60 veteran veteran PROPN crln-24008 609 61 status status PROPN crln-24008 609 62 . . PUNCT crln-24008 610 1 san san PROPN crln-24008 610 2 jose jose PROPN crln-24008 610 3 state state PROPN crln-24008 610 4 university university PROPN crln-24008 610 5 is be AUX crln-24008 610 6 committed commit VERB crln-24008 610 7 to to ADP crln-24008 610 8 creating create VERB crln-24008 610 9 a a DET crln-24008 610 10 community community NOUN crln-24008 610 11 in in ADP crln-24008 610 12 which which PRON crln-24008 610 13 a a DET crln-24008 610 14 diverse diverse ADJ crln-24008 610 15 population population NOUN crln-24008 610 16 can can AUX crln-24008 610 17 learn learn VERB crln-24008 610 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 610 19 work work VERB crln-24008 610 20 in in ADP crln-24008 610 21 an an DET crln-24008 610 22 atmosphere atmosphere NOUN crln-24008 610 23 of of ADP crln-24008 610 24 tolerance tolerance NOUN crln-24008 610 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 610 26 civility civility NOUN crln-24008 610 27 and and CCONJ crln-24008 610 28 respect respect NOUN crln-24008 610 29 for for ADP crln-24008 610 30 each each DET crln-24008 610 31 individual individual NOUN crln-24008 610 32 . . PUNCT crln-24008 611 1 tions tion NOUN crln-24008 611 2 . . PUNCT crln-24008 612 1 regent regent ADJ crln-24008 612 2 university university NOUN crln-24008 612 3 is be AUX crln-24008 612 4 an an DET crln-24008 612 5 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 612 6 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 612 7 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 612 8 committed commit VERB crln-24008 612 9 to to ADP crln-24008 612 10 providing provide VERB crln-24008 612 11 education education NOUN crln-24008 612 12 from from ADP crln-24008 612 13 a a DET crln-24008 612 14 christian christian ADJ crln-24008 612 15 perspective perspective NOUN crln-24008 612 16 . . PUNCT crln-24008 613 1 applications application NOUN crln-24008 613 2 will will AUX crln-24008 613 3 be be AUX crln-24008 613 4 accepted accept VERB crln-24008 613 5 until until SCONJ crln-24008 613 6 position position NOUN crln-24008 613 7 is be AUX crln-24008 613 8 filled fill VERB crln-24008 613 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 614 1 review review NOUN crln-24008 614 2 of of ADP crln-24008 614 3 application application NOUN crln-24008 614 4 begins begin VERB crln-24008 614 5 immedi­ immedi­ NUM crln-24008 614 6 ately ately ADV crln-24008 614 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 615 1 send send VERB crln-24008 615 2 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 615 3 of of ADP crln-24008 615 4 application application NOUN crln-24008 615 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 615 6 vita vita PROPN crln-24008 615 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 615 8 a a DET crln-24008 615 9 statement statement NOUN crln-24008 615 10 of of ADP crln-24008 615 11 christian christian ADJ crln-24008 615 12 faith faith NOUN crln-24008 615 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 615 14 three three NUM crln-24008 615 15 references reference NOUN crln-24008 615 16 to to ADP crln-24008 615 17 : : PUNCT crln-24008 615 18 albertc albertc PROPN crln-24008 615 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 616 1 liu liu PROPN crln-24008 616 2 , , PUNCT crln-24008 616 3 associate associate PROPN crln-24008 616 4 dean dean PROPN crln-24008 616 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 616 6 regent regent ADJ crln-24008 616 7 u u PROPN crln-24008 616 8 n n ADP crln-24008 616 9 i i PRON crln-24008 616 10 ve ve VERB crln-24008 616 11 rsity rsity NOUN crln-24008 616 12 library library NOUN crln-24008 616 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 616 14 1000 1000 NUM crln-24008 616 15 regent regent ADJ crln-24008 616 16 university university PROPN crln-24008 616 17 dr dr PROPN crln-24008 616 18 . . PROPN crln-24008 616 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 616 20 virginia virginia PROPN crln-24008 616 21 beach beach PROPN crln-24008 616 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 616 23 va va PROPN crln-24008 616 24 23464 23464 NUM crln-24008 616 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 617 1 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 617 2 / / SYM crln-24008 617 3 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 617 4 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 617 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 618 1 clarion clarion PROPN crln-24008 618 2 university university PROPN crln-24008 618 3 of of ADP crln-24008 618 4 pennsylvania pennsylvania PROPN crln-24008 618 5 invites invite VERB crln-24008 618 6 applications application NOUN crln-24008 618 7 for for ADP crln-24008 618 8 an an DET crln-24008 618 9 assistant assistant NOUN crln-24008 618 10 professor professor NOUN crln-24008 618 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 618 12 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 618 13 track track NOUN crln-24008 618 14 position position NOUN crln-24008 618 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 618 16 as as ADP crln-24008 618 17 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 618 18 / / SYM crln-24008 618 19 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 618 20 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 618 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 618 22 beginning begin VERB crln-24008 618 23 fall fall NOUN crln-24008 618 24 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 618 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 619 1 works work VERB crln-24008 619 2 collaboratively collaboratively ADV crln-24008 619 3 with with ADP crln-24008 619 4 coordinator coordinator NOUN crln-24008 619 5 of of ADP crln-24008 619 6 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 619 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 619 8 coordinator coordinator NOUN crln-24008 619 9 of of ADP crln-24008 619 10 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 619 11 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 619 12 to to PART crln-24008 619 13 accomplish accomplish VERB crln-24008 619 14 primary primary ADJ crln-24008 619 15 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 619 16 of of ADP crln-24008 619 17 as­ as­ NOUN crln-24008 619 18 sistance sistance NOUN crln-24008 619 19 to to ADP crln-24008 619 20 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 619 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 619 22 students student NOUN crln-24008 619 23 with with ADP crln-24008 619 24 a a DET crln-24008 619 25 wide wide ADJ crln-24008 619 26 variety variety NOUN crln-24008 619 27 of of ADP crln-24008 619 28 print print NOUN crln-24008 619 29 and and CCONJ crln-24008 619 30 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 619 31 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 619 32 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 619 33 staffs staff VERB crln-24008 619 34 the the DET crln-24008 619 35 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 619 36 desk desk NOUN crln-24008 619 37 at at ADP crln-24008 619 38 assigned assign VERB crln-24008 619 39 times time NOUN crln-24008 619 40 including include VERB crln-24008 619 41 nights night NOUN crln-24008 619 42 and and CCONJ crln-24008 619 43 weekends weekend NOUN crln-24008 619 44 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 619 45 assists assist NOUN crln-24008 619 46 with with ADP crln-24008 619 47 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 619 48 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 619 49 . . PUNCT crln-24008 620 1 additional additional ADJ crln-24008 620 2 re­ re­ PROPN crln-24008 620 3 sponsibilities sponsibilitie NOUN crln-24008 620 4 include include VERB crln-24008 620 5 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 620 6 development development NOUN crln-24008 620 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 620 8 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 620 9 liaison liaison NOUN crln-24008 620 10 duties duty NOUN crln-24008 620 11 as as SCONJ crln-24008 620 12 assigned assign VERB crln-24008 620 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 621 1 required require VERB crln-24008 621 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 621 3 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 621 4 - - PUNCT crln-24008 621 5 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 621 6 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 621 7 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 621 8 excellent excellent ADJ crln-24008 621 9 oral oral ADJ crln-24008 621 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 621 11 written write VERB crln-24008 621 12 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 621 13 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 621 14 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 621 15 three three NUM crln-24008 621 16 years year NOUN crln-24008 621 17 of of ADP crln-24008 621 18 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 621 19 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 621 20 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 621 21 equiva­ equiva­ VERB crln-24008 621 22 lencies lencie NOUN crln-24008 621 23 in in ADP crln-24008 621 24 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 621 25 considered consider VERB crln-24008 621 26 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 621 27 and and CCONJ crln-24008 621 28 completion completion NOUN crln-24008 621 29 of of ADP crln-24008 621 30 a a DET crln-24008 621 31 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 621 32 interview interview NOUN crln-24008 621 33 . . PUNCT crln-24008 622 1 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 622 2 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 622 3 position position NOUN crln-24008 622 4 reporting report VERB crln-24008 622 5 to to ADP crln-24008 622 6 department department NOUN crln-24008 622 7 chair chair NOUN crln-24008 622 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 623 1 send send VERB crln-24008 623 2 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 623 3 of of ADP crln-24008 623 4 application application NOUN crln-24008 623 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 623 6 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 623 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 623 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 623 9 three three NUM crln-24008 623 10 letters letter NOUN crln-24008 623 11 of of ADP crln-24008 623 12 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 623 13 to to ADP crln-24008 623 14 : : PUNCT crln-24008 623 15 constance constance NOUN crln-24008 623 16 gamaluddin gamaluddin PROPN crln-24008 623 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 623 18 search search NOUN crln-24008 623 19 committee committee NOUN crln-24008 623 20 chair chair NOUN crln-24008 623 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 623 22 carlson carlson PROPN crln-24008 623 23 library library PROPN crln-24008 623 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 623 25 c c PROPN crln-24008 623 26 la la PROPN crln-24008 623 27 rio rio PROPN crln-24008 624 1 n n PROPN crln-24008 624 2 u u PROPN crln-24008 624 3 n n X crln-24008 624 4 iv iv PROPN crln-24008 624 5 e e NOUN crln-24008 624 6 rs rs PROPN crln-24008 624 7 ity ity NOUN crln-24008 624 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 624 9 clarion clarion NOUN crln-24008 624 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 624 11 pa pa PROPN crln-24008 624 12 16214 16214 NUM crln-24008 624 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 625 1 applications application NOUN crln-24008 625 2 must must AUX crln-24008 625 3 be be AUX crln-24008 625 4 post­ post­ NOUN crln-24008 625 5 marked mark VERB crln-24008 625 6 by by ADP crln-24008 625 7 march march PROPN crln-24008 625 8 1 1 NUM crln-24008 625 9 5 5 NUM crln-24008 625 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 625 11 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 625 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 626 1 clarion clarion NOUN crln-24008 626 2 university university PROPN crln-24008 626 3 is be AUX crln-24008 626 4 building build VERB crln-24008 626 5 a a DET crln-24008 626 6 diverse diverse ADJ crln-24008 626 7 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 626 8 community community NOUN crln-24008 626 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 626 10 encourages encourage VERB crln-24008 626 11 people people NOUN crln-24008 626 12 of of ADP crln-24008 626 13 color color NOUN crln-24008 626 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 626 15 women woman NOUN crln-24008 626 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 626 17 veterans veteran NOUN crln-24008 626 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 626 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 626 20 persons person NOUN crln-24008 626 21 with with ADP crln-24008 626 22 disabilities disability NOUN crln-24008 626 23 to to PART crln-24008 626 24 apply apply VERB crln-24008 626 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 627 1 aa aa PROPN crln-24008 627 2 / / SYM crln-24008 627 3 eeo eeo NOUN crln-24008 627 4 . . PUNCT crln-24008 628 1 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 628 2 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 628 3 . . PUNCT crln-24008 629 1 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 629 2 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 629 3 , , PUNCT crln-24008 629 4 new new ADJ crln-24008 629 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 629 6 developing develop VERB crln-24008 629 7 po­ po­ NOUN crln-24008 629 8 sition sition NOUN crln-24008 629 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 630 1 montana montana PROPN crln-24008 630 2 state state PROPN crln-24008 630 3 university university NOUN crln-24008 630 4 - - PUNCT crln-24008 630 5 northern northern NOUN crln-24008 630 6 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 630 7 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 630 8 interested interested ADJ crln-24008 630 9 in in ADP crln-24008 630 10 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 630 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 630 12 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 630 13 with with ADP crln-24008 630 14 a a DET crln-24008 630 15 vision vision NOUN crln-24008 630 16 of of ADP crln-24008 630 17 library library NOUN crln-24008 630 18 services service NOUN crln-24008 630 19 fo fo ADP crln-24008 630 20 r r NOUN crln-24008 630 21 the the DET crln-24008 630 22 future future NOUN crln-24008 630 23 . . PUNCT crln-24008 631 1 requirements requirement NOUN crln-24008 631 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 631 3 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 631 4 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 631 5 from from ADP crln-24008 631 6 an an DET crln-24008 631 7 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 631 8 - - PUNCT crln-24008 631 9 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 631 10 program program NOUN crln-24008 631 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 631 12 under­ under­ NOUN crln-24008 631 13 standing standing NOUN crln-24008 631 14 of of ADP crln-24008 631 15 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 631 16 research research NOUN crln-24008 631 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 631 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 631 19 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 631 20 intellectual intellectual ADJ crln-24008 631 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 631 22 interper­ interper­ ADJ crln-24008 631 23 sonal sonal ADJ crln-24008 631 24 abilities ability NOUN crln-24008 631 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 632 1 northern northern PROPN crln-24008 632 2 , , PUNCT crln-24008 632 3 a a DET crln-24008 632 4 small small ADJ crln-24008 632 5 regional regional ADJ crln-24008 632 6 university university NOUN crln-24008 632 7 offering offer VERB crln-24008 632 8 diverse diverse ADJ crln-24008 632 9 undergraduate undergraduate NOUN crln-24008 632 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 632 11 graduate graduate NOUN crln-24008 632 12 programs program NOUN crln-24008 632 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 632 14 both both CCONJ crln-24008 632 15 on on ADP crln-24008 632 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 632 17 off off ADP crln-24008 632 18 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 632 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 632 20 is be AUX crln-24008 632 21 part part NOUN crln-24008 632 22 of of ADP crln-24008 632 23 the the DET crln-24008 632 24 montana montana PROPN crln-24008 632 25 state state PROPN crln-24008 632 26 university university NOUN crln-24008 632 27 system system NOUN crln-24008 632 28 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 632 29 the the DET crln-24008 632 30 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 632 31 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 632 32 will will AUX crln-24008 632 33 work work VERB crln-24008 632 34 cooperatively cooperatively ADV crln-24008 632 35 with with ADP crln-24008 632 36 systems system NOUN crln-24008 632 37 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 632 38 . . PUNCT crln-24008 633 1 to to PART crln-24008 633 2 apply apply VERB crln-24008 633 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 633 4 send send VERB crln-24008 633 5 a a DET crln-24008 633 6 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 633 7 of of ADP crln-24008 633 8 applica­ applica­ ADJ crln-24008 633 9 tion tion NOUN crln-24008 633 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 633 11 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 633 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 633 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 633 14 names name NOUN crln-24008 633 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 633 16 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 633 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 633 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 633 19 phone phone NOUN crln-24008 633 20 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 633 21 of of ADP crln-24008 633 22 three three NUM crln-24008 633 23 refe refe PROPN crln-24008 633 24 ren ren PROPN crln-24008 633 25 ces ces PROPN crln-24008 633 26 to to ADP crln-24008 633 27 : : PUNCT crln-24008 633 28 w w PROPN crln-24008 633 29 ill ill ADJ crln-24008 633 30 rawn rawn NOUN crln-24008 633 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 633 32 director director NOUN crln-24008 633 33 , , PUNCT crln-24008 633 34 library library PROPN crln-24008 633 35 , , PUNCT crln-24008 633 36 m m PROPN crln-24008 633 37 o o PROPN crln-24008 633 38 n n ADP crln-24008 633 39 ta ta PROPN crln-24008 633 40 n n PROPN crln-24008 633 41 a a DET crln-24008 633 42 s s NOUN crln-24008 633 43 tate tate NOUN crln-24008 633 44 u u NOUN crln-24008 633 45 n n X crln-24008 633 46 iv iv PROPN crln-24008 633 47 e e NOUN crln-24008 633 48 rs rs PROPN crln-24008 633 49 ity ity NOUN crln-24008 633 50 -n -n PUNCT crln-24008 633 51 o o NOUN crln-24008 633 52 rth rth NOUN crln-24008 633 53 e e NOUN crln-24008 633 54 rn rn ADP crln-24008 633 55 , , PUNCT crln-24008 633 56 havre havre PROPN crln-24008 633 57 , , PUNCT crln-24008 633 58 mt mt PROPN crln-24008 633 59 59501 59501 NUM crln-24008 633 60 . . PUNCT crln-24008 634 1 screening screening NOUN crln-24008 634 2 begins begin VERB crln-24008 634 3 january january PROPN crln-24008 634 4 1 1 NUM crln-24008 634 5 5 5 NUM crln-24008 634 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 634 7 1998 1998 NUM crln-24008 634 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 635 1 northern northern PROPN crln-24008 635 2 is be AUX crln-24008 635 3 an an DET crln-24008 635 4 affirmative affirmative ADJ crln-24008 635 5 action action NOUN crln-24008 635 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 635 7 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 635 8 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 635 9 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 635 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 636 1 systems system NOUN crln-24008 636 2 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 636 3 . . PUNCT crln-24008 637 1 auburn auburn PROPN crln-24008 637 2 university university PROPN crln-24008 637 3 montgomery montgomery NOUN crln-24008 637 4 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 637 5 quali­ quali­ PRON crln-24008 637 6 fied fied ADJ crln-24008 637 7 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 637 8 for for ADP crln-24008 637 9 the the DET crln-24008 637 10 position position NOUN crln-24008 637 11 of of ADP crln-24008 637 12 systems system NOUN crln-24008 637 13 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 637 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 638 1 this this DET crln-24008 638 2 position position NOUN crln-24008 638 3 reports report VERB crln-24008 638 4 to to ADP crln-24008 638 5 the the DET crln-24008 638 6 head head NOUN crln-24008 638 7 of of ADP crln-24008 638 8 technical technical ADJ crln-24008 638 9 services service NOUN crln-24008 638 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 638 11 works work VERB crln-24008 638 12 with with ADP crln-24008 638 13 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 638 14 from from ADP crln-24008 638 15 the the DET crln-24008 638 16 university university NOUN crln-24008 638 17 computer computer NOUN crln-24008 638 18 center center NOUN crln-24008 638 19 to to PART crln-24008 638 20 administer administer VERB crln-24008 638 21 the the DET crln-24008 638 22 voyager voyager PROPN crln-24008 638 23 library library NOUN crln-24008 638 24 system system NOUN crln-24008 638 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 639 1 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 639 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 639 3 an an DET crln-24008 639 4 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 639 5 - - PUNCT crln-24008 639 6 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 639 7 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 639 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 639 9 working work VERB crln-24008 639 10 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 639 11 of of ADP crln-24008 639 12 inte­ inte­ PROPN crln-24008 639 13 grated grate VERB crln-24008 639 14 library library NOUN crln-24008 639 15 systems system NOUN crln-24008 639 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 639 17 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 639 18 with with ADP crln-24008 639 19 lans lan NOUN crln-24008 639 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 639 21 network network NOUN crln-24008 639 22 operating operating NOUN crln-24008 639 23 systems system NOUN crln-24008 639 24 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 639 25 nt not PART crln-24008 639 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 639 27 unix unix PROPN crln-24008 639 28 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 639 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 639 30 sql sql NOUN crln-24008 639 31 - - PUNCT crln-24008 639 32 based base VERB crln-24008 639 33 report report NOUN crln-24008 639 34 writers writer NOUN crln-24008 639 35 , , PUNCT crln-24008 639 36 html html PROPN crln-24008 639 37 , , PUNCT crln-24008 639 38 and and CCONJ crln-24008 639 39 web web NOUN crln-24008 639 40 pro­ pro­ NOUN crln-24008 639 41 gramming gramming NOUN crln-24008 639 42 required require VERB crln-24008 639 43 . . PUNCT crln-24008 640 1 this this PRON crln-24008 640 2 is be AUX crln-24008 640 3 a a DET crln-24008 640 4 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 640 5 - - PUNCT crln-24008 640 6 track track NOUN crln-24008 640 7 position position NOUN crln-24008 640 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 640 9 with with ADP crln-24008 640 10 requirements requirement NOUN crln-24008 640 11 for for ADP crln-24008 640 12 research research NOUN crln-24008 640 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 640 14 publication publication NOUN crln-24008 640 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 640 16 service service NOUN crln-24008 640 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 640 18 fox fox VERB crln-24008 640 19 more more ADJ crln-24008 640 20 information information NOUN crln-24008 640 21 contact contact NOUN crln-24008 640 22 betty betty PROPN crln-24008 640 23 tims tim NOUN crln-24008 640 24 at at ADP crln-24008 640 25 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 640 26 334 334 NUM crln-24008 640 27 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 640 28 244 244 NUM crln-24008 640 29 - - SYM crln-24008 640 30 3211 3211 NUM crln-24008 640 31 . . PUNCT crln-24008 641 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 641 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 641 3 commensurate commensurate ADJ crln-24008 641 4 with with ADP crln-24008 641 5 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 641 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 642 1 review review NOUN crln-24008 642 2 of of ADP crln-24008 642 3 applications application NOUN crln-24008 642 4 will will AUX crln-24008 642 5 begin begin VERB crln-24008 642 6 march march PROPN crln-24008 642 7 1 1 NUM crln-24008 642 8 ‚ ‚ NOUN crln-24008 642 9 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 642 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 643 1 to to PART crln-24008 643 2 be be AUX crln-24008 643 3 considered consider VERB crln-24008 643 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 643 5 send send VERB crln-24008 643 6 vita vita PROPN crln-24008 643 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 643 8 transcripts transcript NOUN crln-24008 643 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 643 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 643 11 the the DET crln-24008 643 12 names name NOUN crln-24008 643 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 643 14 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 643 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 643 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 643 17 phone phone NOUN crln-24008 643 18 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 643 19 of of ADP crln-24008 643 20 three three NUM crln-24008 643 21 references reference NOUN crln-24008 643 22 to to ADP crln-24008 643 23 : : PUNCT crln-24008 643 24 chair chair NOUN crln-24008 643 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 643 26 systems system NOUN crln-24008 643 27 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 643 28 search search NOUN crln-24008 643 29 committee committee NOUN crln-24008 643 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 643 31 a a DET crln-24008 643 32 u u NOUN crln-24008 643 33 b b NOUN crln-24008 643 34 u u NOUN crln-24008 643 35 rn rn ADP crln-24008 643 36 u u PROPN crln-24008 643 37 n n X crln-24008 643 38 iv iv PROPN crln-24008 643 39 e e PROPN crln-24008 643 40 rs rs PROPN crln-24008 643 41 ity ity PROPN crln-24008 643 42 montgomery montgomery PROPN crln-24008 643 43 library library PROPN crln-24008 643 44 , , PUNCT crln-24008 643 45 po po PROPN crln-24008 643 46 box box PROPN crln-24008 643 47 244023 244023 NUM crln-24008 643 48 , , PUNCT crln-24008 643 49 montgomery montgomery PROPN crln-24008 643 50 , , PUNCT crln-24008 643 51 al al PROPN crln-24008 643 52 36124 36124 NUM crln-24008 643 53 - - SYM crln-24008 643 54 4023 4023 NUM crln-24008 643 55 . . PUNCT crln-24008 644 1 aum aum PROPN crln-24008 644 2 is be AUX crln-24008 644 3 an an DET crln-24008 644 4 aa aa NOUN crln-24008 644 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 644 6 eeo eeo NOUN crln-24008 644 7 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 644 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 645 1 web web NOUN crln-24008 645 2 services service NOUN crln-24008 645 3 libr libr PROPN crln-24008 645 4 arian arian PROPN crln-24008 645 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 646 1 western western PROPN crln-24008 646 2 carolina carolina PROPN crln-24008 646 3 university university PROPN crln-24008 646 4 . . PUNCT crln-24008 647 1 the the DET crln-24008 647 2 primary primary ADJ crln-24008 647 3 responsibility responsibility NOUN crln-24008 647 4 of of ADP crln-24008 647 5 this this DET crln-24008 647 6 position position NOUN crln-24008 647 7 is be AUX crln-24008 647 8 the the DET crln-24008 647 9 ongoing ongoing ADJ crln-24008 647 10 development development NOUN crln-24008 647 11 of of ADP crln-24008 647 12 the the DET crln-24008 647 13 library library PROPN crln-24008 647 14 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 647 15 w w PROPN crln-24008 647 16 eb eb PROPN crln-24008 647 17 site site NOUN crln-24008 647 18 in in ADP crln-24008 647 19 consultation consultation NOUN crln-24008 647 20 with with ADP crln-24008 647 21 the the DET crln-24008 647 22 web web NOUN crln-24008 647 23 advisory advisory NOUN crln-24008 647 24 committee committee NOUN crln-24008 647 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 648 1 other other ADJ crln-24008 648 2 duties duty NOUN crln-24008 648 3 include include VERB crln-24008 648 4 : : PUNCT crln-24008 648 5 providing provide VERB crln-24008 648 6 service service NOUN crln-24008 648 7 at at ADP crln-24008 648 8 the the DET crln-24008 648 9 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 648 10 desk desk NOUN crln-24008 648 11 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 648 12 actively actively ADV crln-24008 648 13 participating participate VERB crln-24008 648 14 in in ADP crln-24008 648 15 the the DET crln-24008 648 16 library library PROPN crln-24008 648 17 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 648 18 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24008 648 19 programs program NOUN crln-24008 648 20 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 648 21 serving serve VERB crln-24008 648 22 as as ADP crln-24008 648 23 library library NOUN crln-24008 648 24 liaison liaison NOUN crln-24008 648 25 to to ADP crln-24008 648 26 an an DET crln-24008 648 27 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24008 648 28 department department NOUN crln-24008 648 29 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 648 30 and and CCONJ crln-24008 648 31 creating create VERB crln-24008 648 32 written write VERB crln-24008 648 33 and and CCONJ crln-24008 648 34 elec­ elec­ ADJ crln-24008 648 35 tronic tronic ADJ crln-24008 648 36 guides guide NOUN crln-24008 648 37 . . PUNCT crln-24008 649 1 some some DET crln-24008 649 2 evening evening NOUN crln-24008 649 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 649 4 weekend weekend NOUN crln-24008 649 5 hours hour NOUN crln-24008 649 6 required require VERB crln-24008 649 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 650 1 reports report VERB crln-24008 650 2 to to ADP crln-24008 650 3 the the DET crln-24008 650 4 director director NOUN crln-24008 650 5 of of ADP crln-24008 650 6 public public ADJ crln-24008 650 7 services service NOUN crln-24008 650 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 651 1 required require VERB crln-24008 651 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 651 3 m m PROPN crln-24008 651 4 aster aster NOUN crln-24008 651 5 's 's PART crln-24008 651 6 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 651 7 in in ADP crln-24008 651 8 library library NOUN crln-24008 651 9 or or CCONJ crln-24008 651 10 information information NOUN crln-24008 651 11 science science NOUN crln-24008 651 12 from from ADP crln-24008 651 13 an an DET crln-24008 651 14 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 651 15 - - PUNCT crln-24008 651 16 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 651 17 institution institution NOUN crln-24008 651 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 652 1 a a DET crln-24008 652 2 minimum minimum ADJ crln-24008 652 3 PROPN crln-24008 652 4 PROPN crln-24008 652 5 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 652 6 news news PROPN crln-24008 652 7 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 652 8 january january PROPN crln-24008 652 9 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 652 10 161 161 NUM crln-24008 652 11 r r NOUN crln-24008 652 12 efer efer NOUN crln-24008 652 13 en en ADP crln-24008 652 14 c c PROPN crln-24008 652 15 e e PROPN crln-24008 652 16 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 652 17 ucla ucla PROPN crln-24008 652 18 library library PROPN crln-24008 652 19 william william PROPN crln-24008 652 20 andrews andrews PROPN crln-24008 652 21 clark clark PROPN crln-24008 652 22 memorial memorial PROPN crln-24008 652 23 library library NOUN crln-24008 652 24 under under ADP crln-24008 652 25 the the DET crln-24008 652 26 direction direction NOUN crln-24008 652 27 of of ADP crln-24008 652 28 the the DET crln-24008 652 29 head head NOUN crln-24008 652 30 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 652 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 652 32 the the DET crln-24008 652 33 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 652 34 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 652 35 is be AUX crln-24008 652 36 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 652 37 for for ADP crln-24008 652 38 reader reader NOUN crln-24008 652 39 services service NOUN crln-24008 652 40 , , PUNCT crln-24008 652 41 including include VERB crln-24008 652 42 consultation consultation NOUN crln-24008 652 43 in in ADP crln-24008 652 44 the the DET crln-24008 652 45 read­ read­ PROPN crln-24008 652 46 ing ing NOUN crln-24008 652 47 room room NOUN crln-24008 652 48 and and CCONJ crln-24008 652 49 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 652 50 service service NOUN crln-24008 652 51 by by ADP crln-24008 652 52 tele­ tele­ PROPN crln-24008 652 53 phone phone NOUN crln-24008 652 54 , , PUNCT crln-24008 652 55 mail mail NOUN crln-24008 652 56 , , PUNCT crln-24008 652 57 and and CCONJ crln-24008 652 58 e e NOUN crln-24008 652 59 - - NOUN crln-24008 652 60 mail mail NOUN crln-24008 652 61 . . PUNCT crln-24008 653 1 he he PRON crln-24008 653 2 or or CCONJ crln-24008 653 3 she she PRON crln-24008 653 4 takes take VERB crln-24008 653 5 part part NOUN crln-24008 653 6 in in ADP crln-24008 653 7 reader reader NOUN crln-24008 653 8 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 653 9 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 653 10 participates participate VERB crln-24008 653 11 in in ADP crln-24008 653 12 reading reading NOUN crln-24008 653 13 room room NOUN crln-24008 653 14 invigilation invigilation NOUN crln-24008 653 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 653 16 service service NOUN crln-24008 653 17 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 653 18 looks look VERB crln-24008 653 19 after after ADP crln-24008 653 20 photocopy photocopy NOUN crln-24008 653 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 653 22 photograph photograph NOUN crln-24008 653 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 653 24 microfilm microfilm NOUN crln-24008 653 25 re­ re­ NOUN crln-24008 653 26 quests quest NOUN crln-24008 653 27 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 653 28 undertakes undertake VERB crln-24008 653 29 tours tour NOUN crln-24008 653 30 of of ADP crln-24008 653 31 the the DET crln-24008 653 32 library library NOUN crln-24008 653 33 and and CCONJ crln-24008 653 34 works work VERB crln-24008 653 35 with with ADP crln-24008 653 36 classes class NOUN crln-24008 653 37 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 653 38 participates participate VERB crln-24008 653 39 in in ADP crln-24008 653 40 mounting mount VERB crln-24008 653 41 exhibitions exhibition NOUN crln-24008 653 42 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 653 43 makes make VERB crln-24008 653 44 decisions decision NOUN crln-24008 653 45 regarding regard VERB crln-24008 653 46 con­ con­ NOUN crln-24008 653 47 servation servation NOUN crln-24008 653 48 and and CCONJ crln-24008 653 49 preservation preservation NOUN crln-24008 653 50 , , PUNCT crln-24008 653 51 including include VERB crln-24008 653 52 preser­ preser­ NOUN crln-24008 653 53 vation vation NOUN crln-24008 653 54 microfilming microfilming NOUN crln-24008 653 55 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 653 56 and and CCONJ crln-24008 653 57 supervises supervise VERB crln-24008 653 58 one one NUM crln-24008 653 59 li­ li­ PROPN crln-24008 653 60 brary brary PROPN crln-24008 653 61 assistant assistant PROPN crln-24008 653 62 iv iv PROPN crln-24008 653 63 . . PUNCT crln-24008 654 1 requires require VERB crln-24008 654 2 mlis mli NOUN crln-24008 654 3 from from ADP crln-24008 654 4 an an DET crln-24008 654 5 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 654 6 - - PUNCT crln-24008 654 7 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 654 8 program program NOUN crln-24008 654 9 or or CCONJ crln-24008 654 10 the the DET crln-24008 654 11 equivalent equivalent ADJ crln-24008 654 12 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 654 13 broad broad ADJ crln-24008 654 14 general general ADJ crln-24008 654 15 educational educational ADJ crln-24008 654 16 background background NOUN crln-24008 654 17 in in ADP crln-24008 654 18 the the DET crln-24008 654 19 humanities humanity NOUN crln-24008 654 20 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 654 21 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 654 22 of of ADP crln-24008 654 23 one one NUM crln-24008 654 24 or or CCONJ crln-24008 654 25 more more ADJ crln-24008 654 26 foreign foreign ADJ crln-24008 654 27 language language NOUN crln-24008 654 28 . . PUNCT crln-24008 655 1 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 655 2 commitment commitment NOUN crln-24008 655 3 to to ADP crln-24008 655 4 public public ADJ crln-24008 655 5 ser­ ser­ NOUN crln-24008 655 6 vices vice NOUN crln-24008 655 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 656 1 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 656 2 of of ADP crln-24008 656 3 information information NOUN crln-24008 656 4 technology technology NOUN crln-24008 656 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 656 6 especially especially ADV crln-24008 656 7 as as SCONJ crln-24008 656 8 it it PRON crln-24008 656 9 applies apply VERB crln-24008 656 10 in in ADP crln-24008 656 11 a a DET crln-24008 656 12 special special ADJ crln-24008 656 13 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 656 14 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 656 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 657 1 excellent excellent ADJ crln-24008 657 2 analytical analytical ADJ crln-24008 657 3 , , PUNCT crln-24008 657 4 organiza­ organiza­ ADP crln-24008 657 5 tional tional ADJ crln-24008 657 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 657 7 communications communication NOUN crln-24008 657 8 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 657 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 658 1 three three NUM crln-24008 658 2 to to PART crln-24008 658 3 five five NUM crln-24008 658 4 years year NOUN crln-24008 658 5 of of ADP crln-24008 658 6 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 658 7 in in ADP crln-24008 658 8 a a DET crln-24008 658 9 rare rare ADJ crln-24008 658 10 book book NOUN crln-24008 658 11 or or CCONJ crln-24008 658 12 special special ADJ crln-24008 658 13 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 658 14 library library NOUN crln-24008 658 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 659 1 supervisory supervisory ADJ crln-24008 659 2 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 659 3 . . PUNCT crln-24008 660 1 preferred prefer VERB crln-24008 660 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 660 3 educational educational ADJ crln-24008 660 4 background background NOUN crln-24008 660 5 in in ADP crln-24008 660 6 early early ADJ crln-24008 660 7 modem modem NOUN crln-24008 660 8 studies study NOUN crln-24008 660 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 661 1 advanced advanced ADJ crln-24008 661 2 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 661 3 in in ADP crln-24008 661 4 an an DET crln-24008 661 5 ap­ ap­ NOUN crln-24008 661 6 propriate propriate NOUN crln-24008 661 7 subject subject NOUN crln-24008 661 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 662 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 662 2 range range NOUN crln-24008 662 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 662 4 $ $ SYM crln-24008 662 5 39,456 39,456 NUM crln-24008 662 6 $ $ SYM crln-24008 662 7 66,780 66,780 NUM crln-24008 662 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 663 1 anyone anyone PRON crln-24008 663 2 wishing wish VERB crln-24008 663 3 to to PART crln-24008 663 4 be be AUX crln-24008 663 5 considered consider VERB crln-24008 663 6 for for SCONJ crln-24008 663 7 this this DET crln-24008 663 8 position position NOUN crln-24008 663 9 should should AUX crln-24008 663 10 write write VERB crln-24008 663 11 to to ADP crln-24008 663 12 : : PUNCT crln-24008 663 13 bruce bruce PROPN crln-24008 663 14 whiteman whiteman PROPN crln-24008 663 15 head head PROPN crln-24008 663 16 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 663 17 william william PROPN crln-24008 663 18 andrews andrews PROPN crln-24008 663 19 clark clark PROPN crln-24008 663 20 memorial memorial PROPN crln-24008 663 21 library library PROPN crln-24008 663 22 2520 2520 NUM crln-24008 663 23 cimarron cimarron PROPN crln-24008 663 24 st st PROPN crln-24008 663 25 . . PROPN crln-24008 663 26 los los PROPN crln-24008 663 27 angeles angeles PROPN crln-24008 663 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 663 29 ca can AUX crln-24008 663 30 90018 90018 NUM crln-24008 663 31 the the DET crln-24008 663 32 application application NOUN crln-24008 663 33 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 663 34 should should AUX crln-24008 663 35 include include VERB crln-24008 663 36 a a DET crln-24008 663 37 com­ com­ PROPN crln-24008 663 38 plete plete ADJ crln-24008 663 39 statement statement NOUN crln-24008 663 40 of of ADP crln-24008 663 41 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 663 42 , , PUNCT crln-24008 663 43 a a DET crln-24008 663 44 full full ADJ crln-24008 663 45 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 663 46 of of ADP crln-24008 663 47 education education NOUN crln-24008 663 48 and and CCONJ crln-24008 663 49 relevant relevant ADJ crln-24008 663 50 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 663 51 , , PUNCT crln-24008 663 52 and and CCONJ crln-24008 663 53 the the DET crln-24008 663 54 names name NOUN crln-24008 663 55 of of ADP crln-24008 663 56 at at ADV crln-24008 663 57 least least ADV crln-24008 663 58 three three NUM crln-24008 663 59 persons person NOUN crln-24008 663 60 who who PRON crln-24008 663 61 are be AUX crln-24008 663 62 knowledgeable knowledgeable ADJ crln-24008 663 63 about about ADP crln-24008 663 64 the the DET crln-24008 663 65 applicant applicant NOUN crln-24008 663 66 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 664 1 qualifi­ qualifi­ PROPN crln-24008 664 2 cations cation NOUN crln-24008 664 3 for for ADP crln-24008 664 4 this this DET crln-24008 664 5 position position NOUN crln-24008 664 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 665 1 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 665 2 applying apply VERB crln-24008 665 3 by by ADP crln-24008 665 4 january january PROPN crln-24008 665 5 15 15 NUM crln-24008 665 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 665 7 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 665 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 665 9 will will AUX crln-24008 665 10 be be AUX crln-24008 665 11 given give VERB crln-24008 665 12 first first ADJ crln-24008 665 13 consideration consideration NOUN crln-24008 665 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 666 1 ucla ucla PROPN crln-24008 666 2 library library PROPN crln-24008 666 3 home home NOUN crln-24008 666 4 page page NOUN crln-24008 666 5 : : PUNCT crln-24008 666 6 PROPN crln-24008 666 7 arts art NOUN crln-24008 666 8 spec spec PROPN crln-24008 666 9 ia ia PROPN crln-24008 666 10 l l PROPN crln-24008 666 11 collectio collectio VERB crln-24008 666 12 n n CCONJ crln-24008 666 13 s s PART crln-24008 666 14 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 666 15 ucla ucla NOUN crln-24008 666 16 library library NOUN crln-24008 666 17 duties duty NOUN crln-24008 666 18 : : PUNCT crln-24008 666 19 special special ADJ crln-24008 666 20 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 666 21 management management NOUN crln-24008 666 22 : : PUNCT crln-24008 666 23 report­ report­ NOUN crln-24008 666 24 ing ing ADJ crln-24008 666 25 to to ADP crln-24008 666 26 the the DET crln-24008 666 27 interim interim ADJ crln-24008 666 28 head head NOUN crln-24008 666 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 666 30 arts art NOUN crln-24008 666 31 library library PROPN crln-24008 666 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 666 33 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 666 34 for for ADP crln-24008 666 35 the the DET crln-24008 666 36 operations operation NOUN crln-24008 666 37 of of ADP crln-24008 666 38 the the DET crln-24008 666 39 arts art NOUN crln-24008 666 40 library library NOUN crln-24008 666 41 special special ADJ crln-24008 666 42 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 666 43 , , PUNCT crln-24008 666 44 including include VERB crln-24008 666 45 the the DET crln-24008 666 46 supervision supervision NOUN crln-24008 666 47 and/or and/or CCONJ crln-24008 666 48 per­ per­ NOUN crln-24008 666 49 formance formance NOUN crln-24008 666 50 of of ADP crln-24008 666 51 all all DET crln-24008 666 52 public public ADJ crln-24008 666 53 service service NOUN crln-24008 666 54 and and CCONJ crln-24008 666 55 selected select VERB crln-24008 666 56 pro­ pro­ NOUN crln-24008 666 57 cessing cessing NOUN crln-24008 666 58 functions function NOUN crln-24008 666 59 . . PUNCT crln-24008 667 1 public public ADJ crln-24008 667 2 service service NOUN crln-24008 667 3 functions function NOUN crln-24008 667 4 in­ in­ NOUN crln-24008 667 5 clude clude NOUN crln-24008 667 6 : : PUNCT crln-24008 667 7 scheduling scheduling NOUN crln-24008 667 8 appointments appointment NOUN crln-24008 667 9 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 667 10 locating locate VERB crln-24008 667 11 materi­ materi­ NOUN crln-24008 667 12 als al NOUN crln-24008 667 13 in in ADP crln-24008 667 14 archival archival ADJ crln-24008 667 15 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 667 16 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 667 17 using use VERB crln-24008 667 18 finding find VERB crln-24008 667 19 aids aid NOUN crln-24008 667 20 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 667 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 667 22 paging page VERB crln-24008 667 23 from from ADP crln-24008 667 24 srlf srlf NOUN crln-24008 667 25 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 667 26 providing provide VERB crln-24008 667 27 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 667 28 service service NOUN crln-24008 667 29 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 667 30 administering administer VERB crln-24008 667 31 fee fee NOUN crln-24008 667 32 services service NOUN crln-24008 667 33 for for ADP crln-24008 667 34 special special ADJ crln-24008 667 35 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 667 36 materials material NOUN crln-24008 667 37 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 667 38 including include VERB crln-24008 667 39 photocopy photocopy NOUN crln-24008 667 40 , , PUNCT crln-24008 667 41 photography photography NOUN crln-24008 667 42 , , PUNCT crln-24008 667 43 exhibition exhibition NOUN crln-24008 667 44 use use NOUN crln-24008 667 45 , , PUNCT crln-24008 667 46 etc etc X crln-24008 667 47 . . X crln-24008 667 48 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 667 49 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 667 50 handling handle VERB crln-24008 667 51 permissions permission NOUN crln-24008 667 52 and and CCONJ crln-24008 667 53 copyright copyright NOUN crln-24008 667 54 concerns concern NOUN crln-24008 667 55 relating relate VERB crln-24008 667 56 to to ADP crln-24008 667 57 the the DET crln-24008 667 58 use use NOUN crln-24008 667 59 of of ADP crln-24008 667 60 archival archival ADJ crln-24008 667 61 materials material NOUN crln-24008 667 62 . . PUNCT crln-24008 668 1 processing processing NOUN crln-24008 668 2 functions function NOUN crln-24008 668 3 include include VERB crln-24008 668 4 : : PUNCT crln-24008 668 5 filing file VERB crln-24008 668 6 images image NOUN crln-24008 668 7 in in ADP crln-24008 668 8 the the DET crln-24008 668 9 princeton princeton PROPN crln-24008 668 10 index index NOUN crln-24008 668 11 to to PART crln-24008 668 12 christian christian ADJ crln-24008 668 13 art art NOUN crln-24008 668 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 668 15 filing filing NOUN crln-24008 668 16 motion motion NOUN crln-24008 668 17 picture picture NOUN crln-24008 668 18 stills still NOUN crln-24008 668 19 in in ADP crln-24008 668 20 the the DET crln-24008 668 21 library library PROPN crln-24008 668 22 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 668 23 stills still NOUN crln-24008 668 24 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 668 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 669 1 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 669 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 669 3 provide provide VERB crln-24008 669 4 4 4 NUM crln-24008 669 5 - - SYM crln-24008 669 6 6 6 NUM crln-24008 669 7 hours hour NOUN crln-24008 669 8 / / SYM crln-24008 669 9 week week NOUN crln-24008 669 10 of of ADP crln-24008 669 11 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 669 12 assistance assistance NOUN crln-24008 669 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 669 14 staffing staff VERB crln-24008 669 15 the the DET crln-24008 669 16 arts art NOUN crln-24008 669 17 library library PROPN crln-24008 669 18 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 669 19 desk desk PROPN crln-24008 669 20 . . PUNCT crln-24008 670 1 administration administration NOUN crln-24008 670 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 670 3 participate participate VERB crln-24008 670 4 with with ADP crln-24008 670 5 the the DET crln-24008 670 6 other other ADJ crln-24008 670 7 arts art NOUN crln-24008 670 8 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 670 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 670 10 full full ADJ crln-24008 670 11 arts art NOUN crln-24008 670 12 library library NOUN crln-24008 670 13 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 670 14 in in ADP crln-24008 670 15 decision decision NOUN crln-24008 670 16 making making NOUN crln-24008 670 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 670 18 strategic strategic ADJ crln-24008 670 19 planning planning NOUN crln-24008 670 20 for for ADP crln-24008 670 21 the the DET crln-24008 670 22 arts art NOUN crln-24008 670 23 library library PROPN crln-24008 670 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 671 1 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 671 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 671 3 required require VERB crln-24008 671 4 : : PUNCT crln-24008 671 5 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 671 6 to to PART crln-24008 671 7 work work VERB crln-24008 671 8 effectively effectively ADV crln-24008 671 9 with with ADP crln-24008 671 10 the the DET crln-24008 671 11 public public NOUN crln-24008 671 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 671 13 with with ADP crln-24008 671 14 other other ADJ crln-24008 671 15 library library NOUN crln-24008 671 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 671 17 university university NOUN crln-24008 671 18 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 671 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 672 1 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 672 2 commitment commitment NOUN crln-24008 672 3 to to ADP crln-24008 672 4 public public ADJ crln-24008 672 5 service service NOUN crln-24008 672 6 within within ADP crln-24008 672 7 the the DET crln-24008 672 8 constraints constraint NOUN crln-24008 672 9 required require VERB crln-24008 672 10 to to PART crln-24008 672 11 protect protect VERB crln-24008 672 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 672 13 preserve preserve VERB crln-24008 672 14 the the DET crln-24008 672 15 special special ADJ crln-24008 672 16 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 672 17 . . PUNCT crln-24008 673 1 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 673 2 to to PART crln-24008 673 3 speak speak VERB crln-24008 673 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 673 5 write write VERB crln-24008 673 6 effec­ effec­ NOUN crln-24008 673 7 tively tively NOUN crln-24008 673 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 674 1 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 674 2 desk desk NOUN crln-24008 674 3 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 674 4 . . PUNCT crln-24008 675 1 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 675 2 to to PART crln-24008 675 3 use use VERB crln-24008 675 4 online online ADJ crln-24008 675 5 systems system NOUN crln-24008 675 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 675 7 databases database NOUN crln-24008 675 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 675 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 675 10 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 675 11 using use VERB crln-24008 675 12 the the DET crln-24008 675 13 internet internet NOUN crln-24008 675 14 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 675 15 including include VERB crln-24008 675 16 e e NOUN crln-24008 675 17 - - NOUN crln-24008 675 18 mail mail NOUN crln-24008 675 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 675 20 world world NOUN crln-24008 675 21 wide wide ADJ crln-24008 675 22 web web NOUN crln-24008 675 23 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 675 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 676 1 desirable desirable ADJ crln-24008 676 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 676 3 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 676 4 providing provide VERB crln-24008 676 5 public public ADJ crln-24008 676 6 service service NOUN crln-24008 676 7 in in ADP crln-24008 676 8 a a DET crln-24008 676 9 university university NOUN crln-24008 676 10 research research NOUN crln-24008 676 11 library library NOUN crln-24008 676 12 or or CCONJ crln-24008 676 13 similar similar ADJ crln-24008 676 14 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 676 15 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 676 16 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 676 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 676 18 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 676 19 in in ADP crln-24008 676 20 handling handle VERB crln-24008 676 21 archival archival NOUN crln-24008 676 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 676 23 manuscript manuscript NOUN crln-24008 676 24 materials material NOUN crln-24008 676 25 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 676 26 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 676 27 supervising supervise VERB crln-24008 676 28 stu­ stu­ PROPN crln-24008 676 29 dent dent ADJ crln-24008 676 30 workers worker NOUN crln-24008 676 31 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 676 32 graduate graduate NOUN crln-24008 676 33 level level NOUN crln-24008 676 34 study study NOUN crln-24008 676 35 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 676 36 or or CCONJ crln-24008 676 37 equivalent equivalent ADJ crln-24008 676 38 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 676 39 in in ADP crln-24008 676 40 art art NOUN crln-24008 676 41 , , PUNCT crln-24008 676 42 film film NOUN crln-24008 676 43 / / SYM crln-24008 676 44 television television NOUN crln-24008 676 45 , , PUNCT crln-24008 676 46 and/or and/or CCONJ crln-24008 676 47 architecture architecture NOUN crln-24008 676 48 . . PUNCT crln-24008 677 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 677 2 range range NOUN crln-24008 677 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 677 4 $ $ SYM crln-24008 677 5 32,292 32,292 NUM crln-24008 677 6 $ $ SYM crln-24008 677 7 66,780 66,780 NUM crln-24008 677 8 anyone anyone PRON crln-24008 677 9 wishing wish VERB crln-24008 677 10 to to PART crln-24008 677 11 be be AUX crln-24008 677 12 considered consider VERB crln-24008 677 13 for for SCONJ crln-24008 677 14 this this DET crln-24008 677 15 position position NOUN crln-24008 677 16 should should AUX crln-24008 677 17 write write VERB crln-24008 677 18 to to ADP crln-24008 677 19 : : PUNCT crln-24008 677 20 rita rita PROPN crln-24008 677 21 a. a. PROPN crln-24008 677 22 scherrei scherrei PROPN crln-24008 677 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 677 24 associate associate PROPN crln-24008 677 25 university university NOUN crln-24008 677 26 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 677 27 for for ADP crln-24008 677 28 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 677 29 and and CCONJ crln-24008 677 30 adm adm PROPN crln-24008 677 31 inistrative inistrative ADJ crln-24008 677 32 services service NOUN crln-24008 677 33 charles charles PROPN crln-24008 677 34 e. e. PROPN crln-24008 677 35 young young PROPN crln-24008 677 36 research research PROPN crln-24008 677 37 library library NOUN crln-24008 677 38 ucla ucla PROPN crln-24008 677 39 11334 11334 NUM crln-24008 677 40 yrl yrl PROPN crln-24008 677 41 , , PUNCT crln-24008 677 42 box box PROPN crln-24008 677 43 951575 951575 NUM crln-24008 677 44 los los PROPN crln-24008 677 45 angeles angeles PROPN crln-24008 677 46 , , PUNCT crln-24008 677 47 ca ca PROPN crln-24008 677 48 90095 90095 NUM crln-24008 677 49 - - SYM crln-24008 677 50 1575 1575 NUM crln-24008 677 51 the the DET crln-24008 677 52 application application NOUN crln-24008 677 53 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 677 54 should should AUX crln-24008 677 55 include include VERB crln-24008 677 56 a a DET crln-24008 677 57 complete complete ADJ crln-24008 677 58 statement statement NOUN crln-24008 677 59 of of ADP crln-24008 677 60 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 677 61 , , PUNCT crln-24008 677 62 a a DET crln-24008 677 63 full full ADJ crln-24008 677 64 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 677 65 of of ADP crln-24008 677 66 education education NOUN crln-24008 677 67 and and CCONJ crln-24008 677 68 relevant relevant ADJ crln-24008 677 69 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 677 70 , , PUNCT crln-24008 677 71 and and CCONJ crln-24008 677 72 the the DET crln-24008 677 73 names name NOUN crln-24008 677 74 of of ADP crln-24008 677 75 at at ADV crln-24008 677 76 least least ADV crln-24008 677 77 three three NUM crln-24008 677 78 persons person NOUN crln-24008 677 79 who who PRON crln-24008 677 80 are be AUX crln-24008 677 81 knowl­ knowl­ NOUN crln-24008 677 82 edgeable edgeable ADJ crln-24008 677 83 about about ADP crln-24008 677 84 the the DET crln-24008 677 85 applicant applicant ADJ crln-24008 677 86 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 677 87 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 677 88 for for ADP crln-24008 677 89 this this DET crln-24008 677 90 position position NOUN crln-24008 677 91 . . PUNCT crln-24008 678 1 applications application NOUN crln-24008 678 2 will will AUX crln-24008 678 3 be be AUX crln-24008 678 4 reviewed review VERB crln-24008 678 5 as as SCONJ crln-24008 678 6 they they PRON crln-24008 678 7 are be AUX crln-24008 678 8 received receive VERB crln-24008 678 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 679 1 ucla ucla NOUN crln-24008 679 2 library library PROPN crln-24008 679 3 home home NOUN crln-24008 679 4 page page NOUN crln-24008 679 5 : : PUNCT crln-24008 679 6 PROPN crln-24008 679 7 PROPN crln-24008 679 8 PROPN crln-24008 679 9 62 62 NUM crln-24008 679 10 / / SYM crln-24008 679 11 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 679 12 news news NOUN crln-24008 679 13 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 679 14 january january PROPN crln-24008 679 15 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 679 16 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 679 17 resident resident ADJ crln-24008 679 18 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 679 19 program program NOUN crln-24008 679 20 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 679 21 - - SYM crln-24008 679 22 2000 2000 NUM crln-24008 679 23 the the DET crln-24008 679 24 university university PROPN crln-24008 679 25 library library PROPN crln-24008 679 26 university university PROPN crln-24008 679 27 of of ADP crln-24008 679 28 illinois illinois PROPN crln-24008 679 29 at at ADP crln-24008 679 30 chicago chicago PROPN crln-24008 679 31 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 679 32 uic uic PROPN crln-24008 679 33 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 679 34 brief brief ADJ crln-24008 679 35 program program NOUN crln-24008 679 36 description description NOUN crln-24008 679 37 : : PUNCT crln-24008 679 38 the the DET crln-24008 679 39 university university PROPN crln-24008 679 40 library library NOUN crln-24008 679 41 , , PUNCT crln-24008 679 42 university university PROPN crln-24008 679 43 of of ADP crln-24008 679 44 illinois illinois PROPN crln-24008 679 45 at at ADP crln-24008 679 46 chicago chicago PROPN crln-24008 679 47 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 679 48 uic uic PROPN crln-24008 679 49 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 679 50 , , PUNCT crln-24008 679 51 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 679 52 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 679 53 for for ADP crln-24008 679 54 its its PRON crln-24008 679 55 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 679 56 resident resident ADJ crln-24008 679 57 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 679 58 program program NOUN crln-24008 679 59 to to PART crln-24008 679 60 serve serve VERB crln-24008 679 61 one one NUM crln-24008 679 62 - - PUNCT crln-24008 679 63 year year NOUN crln-24008 679 64 post post ADJ crln-24008 679 65 - - ADJ crln-24008 679 66 graduate graduate ADJ crln-24008 679 67 appointments appointment NOUN crln-24008 679 68 in in ADP crln-24008 679 69 the the DET crln-24008 679 70 university university NOUN crln-24008 679 71 library library NOUN crln-24008 679 72 system system NOUN crln-24008 679 73 . . PUNCT crln-24008 680 1 appointments appointment NOUN crln-24008 680 2 may may AUX crln-24008 680 3 be be AUX crln-24008 680 4 renewed renew VERB crln-24008 680 5 for for ADP crln-24008 680 6 a a DET crln-24008 680 7 second second ADJ crln-24008 680 8 year year NOUN crln-24008 680 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 681 1 the the DET crln-24008 681 2 program program NOUN crln-24008 681 3 , , PUNCT crln-24008 681 4 begun begin VERB crln-24008 681 5 in in ADP crln-24008 681 6 1982 1982 NUM crln-24008 681 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 681 8 features feature VERB crln-24008 681 9 a a DET crln-24008 681 10 seminar seminar NOUN crln-24008 681 11 series series NOUN crln-24008 681 12 on on ADP crln-24008 681 13 library library NOUN crln-24008 681 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 681 15 information information NOUN crln-24008 681 16 science science NOUN crln-24008 681 17 issues issue NOUN crln-24008 681 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 681 19 library library NOUN crln-24008 681 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 681 21 association association NOUN crln-24008 681 22 visits visit NOUN crln-24008 681 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 681 24 in in ADP crln-24008 681 25 addition addition NOUN crln-24008 681 26 to to ADP crln-24008 681 27 the the DET crln-24008 681 28 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 681 29 to to PART crln-24008 681 30 gain gain VERB crln-24008 681 31 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 681 32 / / SYM crln-24008 681 33 research research NOUN crln-24008 681 34 library library NOUN crln-24008 681 35 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 681 36 in in ADP crln-24008 681 37 a a DET crln-24008 681 38 dynamic dynamic ADJ crln-24008 681 39 and and CCONJ crln-24008 681 40 creative creative ADJ crln-24008 681 41 university university NOUN crln-24008 681 42 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 681 43 . . PUNCT crln-24008 682 1 four four NUM crln-24008 682 2 to to PART crln-24008 682 3 six six NUM crln-24008 682 4 residencies residency NOUN crln-24008 682 5 will will AUX crln-24008 682 6 be be AUX crln-24008 682 7 available available ADJ crln-24008 682 8 in in ADP crln-24008 682 9 various various ADJ crln-24008 682 10 functional functional ADJ crln-24008 682 11 units unit NOUN crln-24008 682 12 of of ADP crln-24008 682 13 the the DET crln-24008 682 14 library library NOUN crln-24008 682 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 683 1 priority priority NOUN crln-24008 683 2 departmental departmental ADJ crln-24008 683 3 areas area NOUN crln-24008 683 4 for for ADP crln-24008 683 5 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 683 6 - - SYM crln-24008 683 7 2000 2000 NUM crln-24008 683 8 are be AUX crln-24008 683 9 the the DET crln-24008 683 10 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 683 11 department department NOUN crln-24008 683 12 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 683 13 main main ADJ crln-24008 683 14 library library NOUN crln-24008 683 15 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 683 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 683 17 the the DET crln-24008 683 18 information information NOUN crln-24008 683 19 services service NOUN crln-24008 683 20 department department PROPN crln-24008 683 21 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 683 22 library library NOUN crln-24008 683 23 of of ADP crln-24008 683 24 the the DET crln-24008 683 25 health health NOUN crln-24008 683 26 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 683 27 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 683 28 . . PUNCT crln-24008 684 1 minimum minimum ADJ crln-24008 684 2 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 684 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 684 4 recent recent ADJ crln-24008 684 5 completion completion NOUN crln-24008 684 6 of of ADP crln-24008 684 7 a a DET crln-24008 684 8 master master NOUN crln-24008 684 9 ’s ’s NOUN crln-24008 684 10 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 684 11 program program NOUN crln-24008 684 12 in in ADP crln-24008 684 13 library library NOUN crln-24008 684 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 684 15 information information NOUN crln-24008 684 16 science science NOUN crln-24008 684 17 from from ADP crln-24008 684 18 an an DET crln-24008 684 19 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 684 20 - - PUNCT crln-24008 684 21 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 684 22 library library NOUN crln-24008 684 23 school school NOUN crln-24008 684 24 program program NOUN crln-24008 684 25 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 684 26 graduation graduation NOUN crln-24008 684 27 date date NOUN crln-24008 684 28 spring spring NOUN crln-24008 684 29 1998 1998 NUM crln-24008 684 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 684 31 or or CCONJ crln-24008 684 32 later later ADV crln-24008 684 33 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 684 34 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 684 35 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 684 36 of of ADP crln-24008 684 37 , , PUNCT crln-24008 684 38 and and CCONJ crln-24008 684 39 interest interest NOUN crln-24008 684 40 in in ADP crln-24008 684 41 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 684 42 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 684 43 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 684 44 and and CCONJ crln-24008 684 45 the the DET crln-24008 684 46 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 684 47 to to PART crln-24008 684 48 establish establish VERB crln-24008 684 49 and and CCONJ crln-24008 684 50 maintain maintain VERB crln-24008 684 51 good good ADJ crln-24008 684 52 working work VERB crln-24008 684 53 relationships relationship NOUN crln-24008 684 54 with with ADP crln-24008 684 55 library library NOUN crln-24008 684 56 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 684 57 , , PUNCT crln-24008 684 58 as as ADV crln-24008 684 59 well well ADV crln-24008 684 60 as as ADP crln-24008 684 61 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 684 62 , , PUNCT crln-24008 684 63 students student NOUN crln-24008 684 64 , , PUNCT crln-24008 684 65 and and CCONJ crln-24008 684 66 other other ADJ crln-24008 684 67 library library NOUN crln-24008 684 68 users user NOUN crln-24008 684 69 . . PUNCT crln-24008 685 1 the the DET crln-24008 685 2 library library NOUN crln-24008 685 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 685 4 the the DET crln-24008 685 5 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 685 6 : : PUNCT crln-24008 685 7 ulc ulc PROPN crln-24008 685 8 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 685 9 colleges college NOUN crln-24008 685 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 685 11 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 685 12 schools school NOUN crln-24008 685 13 offer offer VERB crln-24008 685 14 bachelor bachelor NOUN crln-24008 685 15 ’s ’s NOUN crln-24008 685 16 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 685 17 programs program NOUN crln-24008 685 18 in in ADP crln-24008 685 19 over over ADP crln-24008 685 20 90 90 NUM crln-24008 685 21 fields field NOUN crln-24008 685 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 685 23 master master NOUN crln-24008 685 24 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 685 25 degrees degree NOUN crln-24008 685 26 in in ADP crln-24008 685 27 79 79 NUM crln-24008 685 28 areas area NOUN crln-24008 685 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 685 30 and and CCONJ crln-24008 685 31 doctoral doctoral ADJ crln-24008 685 32 degrees degree NOUN crln-24008 685 33 in in ADP crln-24008 685 34 45 45 NUM crln-24008 685 35 specializations specialization NOUN crln-24008 685 36 . . PUNCT crln-24008 686 1 the the DET crln-24008 686 2 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 686 3 is be AUX crln-24008 686 4 located locate VERB crln-24008 686 5 just just ADV crln-24008 686 6 west west ADV crln-24008 686 7 of of ADP crln-24008 686 8 chicago chicago PROPN crln-24008 686 9 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 686 10 loop loop NOUN crln-24008 686 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 687 1 the the DET crln-24008 687 2 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 687 3 has have VERB crln-24008 687 4 an an DET crln-24008 687 5 enrollment enrollment NOUN crln-24008 687 6 of of ADP crln-24008 687 7 25,000 25,000 NUM crln-24008 687 8 students student NOUN crln-24008 687 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 687 10 35 35 NUM crln-24008 687 11 % % NOUN crln-24008 687 12 of of ADP crln-24008 687 13 whom whom PRON crln-24008 687 14 are be AUX crln-24008 687 15 graduate graduate ADJ crln-24008 687 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 687 17 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 687 18 students student NOUN crln-24008 687 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 688 1 the the DET crln-24008 688 2 university university NOUN crln-24008 688 3 library library NOUN crln-24008 688 4 is be AUX crln-24008 688 5 a a DET crln-24008 688 6 member member NOUN crln-24008 688 7 of of ADP crln-24008 688 8 the the DET crln-24008 688 9 association association NOUN crln-24008 688 10 of of ADP crln-24008 688 11 research research NOUN crln-24008 688 12 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 688 13 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 688 14 arl arl PROPN crln-24008 688 15 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 688 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 688 17 contains contain VERB crln-24008 688 18 more more ADJ crln-24008 688 19 than than ADP crln-24008 688 20 1.8 1.8 NUM crln-24008 688 21 million million NUM crln-24008 688 22 volumes volume NOUN crln-24008 688 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 688 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 688 25 has have VERB crln-24008 688 26 a a DET crln-24008 688 27 total total ADJ crln-24008 688 28 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 688 29 of of ADP crln-24008 688 30 278 278 NUM crln-24008 688 31 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 688 32 77 77 NUM crln-24008 688 33 are be AUX crln-24008 688 34 library library NOUN crln-24008 688 35 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 688 36 or or CCONJ crln-24008 688 37 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 688 38 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 688 39 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 688 40 . . PUNCT crln-24008 689 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 689 2 / / SYM crln-24008 689 3 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 689 4 terms term NOUN crln-24008 689 5 : : PUNCT crln-24008 689 6 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 689 7 is be AUX crln-24008 689 8 comparable comparable ADJ crln-24008 689 9 to to ADP crln-24008 689 10 beginning begin VERB crln-24008 689 11 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 689 12 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 689 13 in in ADP crln-24008 689 14 1998 1998 NUM crln-24008 689 15 - - SYM crln-24008 689 16 99 99 NUM crln-24008 689 17 beginning beginning NOUN crln-24008 689 18 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 689 19 salaries salary NOUN crln-24008 689 20 were be AUX crln-24008 689 21 $ $ SYM crln-24008 689 22 30,500 30,500 NUM crln-24008 689 23 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 689 24 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 689 25 twelve twelve NUM crln-24008 689 26 - - PUNCT crln-24008 689 27 month month NOUN crln-24008 689 28 visiting visit VERB crln-24008 689 29 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 689 30 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 689 31 with with ADP crln-24008 689 32 24 24 NUM crln-24008 689 33 days day NOUN crln-24008 689 34 vacation vacation NOUN crln-24008 689 35 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 689 36 two two NUM crln-24008 689 37 weeks week NOUN crln-24008 689 38 annual annual ADJ crln-24008 689 39 sick sick ADJ crln-24008 689 40 leave leave NOUN crln-24008 689 41 with with ADP crln-24008 689 42 additional additional ADJ crln-24008 689 43 disability disability NOUN crln-24008 689 44 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 689 45 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 689 46 11 11 NUM crln-24008 689 47 paid pay VERB crln-24008 689 48 holidays holiday NOUN crln-24008 689 49 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 689 50 paid pay VERB crln-24008 689 51 medical medical ADJ crln-24008 689 52 insurance insurance NOUN crln-24008 689 53 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 689 54 contribution contribution NOUN crln-24008 689 55 based base VERB crln-24008 689 56 on on ADP crln-24008 689 57 annual annual ADJ crln-24008 689 58 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 689 59 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 689 60 coverage coverage NOUN crln-24008 689 61 for for ADP crln-24008 689 62 dependents dependent NOUN crln-24008 689 63 may may AUX crln-24008 689 64 be be AUX crln-24008 689 65 purchased purchase VERB crln-24008 689 66 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 689 67 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 689 68 dental dental ADJ crln-24008 689 69 and and CCONJ crln-24008 689 70 life life NOUN crln-24008 689 71 insurance insurance NOUN crln-24008 689 72 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 689 73 participation participation NOUN crln-24008 689 74 in in ADP crln-24008 689 75 one one NUM crln-24008 689 76 of of ADP crln-24008 689 77 the the DET crln-24008 689 78 retirement retirement NOUN crln-24008 689 79 options option NOUN crln-24008 689 80 of of ADP crln-24008 689 81 the the DET crln-24008 689 82 illinois illinois PROPN crln-24008 689 83 state state NOUN crln-24008 689 84 universities university NOUN crln-24008 689 85 retirement retirement NOUN crln-24008 689 86 system system NOUN crln-24008 689 87 compulsory compulsory NOUN crln-24008 689 88 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 689 89 8 8 NUM crln-24008 689 90 % % NOUN crln-24008 689 91 of of ADP crln-24008 689 92 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 689 93 is be AUX crln-24008 689 94 withheld withhold VERB crln-24008 689 95 and and CCONJ crln-24008 689 96 is be AUX crln-24008 689 97 tax tax NOUN crln-24008 689 98 exempt exempt ADJ crln-24008 689 99 until until ADP crln-24008 689 100 withdrawn withdrawn ADJ crln-24008 689 101 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 689 102 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 689 103 no no DET crln-24008 689 104 social social ADJ crln-24008 689 105 security security NOUN crln-24008 689 106 coverage coverage NOUN crln-24008 689 107 , , PUNCT crln-24008 689 108 but but CCONJ crln-24008 689 109 medicare medicare NOUN crln-24008 689 110 payment payment NOUN crln-24008 689 111 required require VERB crln-24008 689 112 . . PUNCT crln-24008 690 1 appointments appointment NOUN crln-24008 690 2 for for ADP crln-24008 690 3 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 690 4 - - SYM crln-24008 690 5 2000 2000 NUM crln-24008 690 6 will will AUX crln-24008 690 7 be be AUX crln-24008 690 8 effective effective ADJ crln-24008 690 9 beginning begin VERB crln-24008 690 10 august august PROPN crln-24008 690 11 9 9 NUM crln-24008 690 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 690 13 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 690 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 691 1 for for ADP crln-24008 691 2 fullest full ADJ crln-24008 691 3 consideration consideration NOUN crln-24008 691 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 691 5 apply apply VERB crln-24008 691 6 by by ADP crln-24008 691 7 march march PROPN crln-24008 691 8 22 22 NUM crln-24008 691 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 691 10 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 691 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 691 12 with with ADP crln-24008 691 13 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 691 14 of of ADP crln-24008 691 15 interest interest NOUN crln-24008 691 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 691 17 supporting support VERB crln-24008 691 18 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 691 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 691 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 691 21 names name NOUN crln-24008 691 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 691 23 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 691 24 of of ADP crln-24008 691 25 at at ADV crln-24008 691 26 least least ADV crln-24008 691 27 three three NUM crln-24008 691 28 references reference NOUN crln-24008 691 29 to to ADP crln-24008 691 30 : : PUNCT crln-24008 691 31 annie annie PROPN crln-24008 691 32 marie marie PROPN crln-24008 691 33 ford ford PROPN crln-24008 691 34 personnel personnel PROPN crln-24008 691 35 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 691 36 the the DET crln-24008 691 37 u u PROPN crln-24008 691 38 niversity niversity PROPN crln-24008 691 39 library library PROPN crln-24008 691 40 u u PROPN crln-24008 691 41 niversity niversity NOUN crln-24008 691 42 o o NOUN crln-24008 691 43 f f PROPN crln-24008 691 44 illinois illinois PROPN crln-24008 691 45 at at ADP crln-24008 691 46 chicago chicago PROPN crln-24008 691 47 box box PROPN crln-24008 691 48 8198 8198 NUM crln-24008 691 49 chicago chicago PROPN crln-24008 691 50 , , PUNCT crln-24008 691 51 il il PROPN crln-24008 691 52 60680 60680 NUM crln-24008 691 53 e e NOUN crln-24008 691 54 - - NOUN crln-24008 691 55 mail mail NOUN crln-24008 691 56 : : PUNCT crln-24008 691 57 PROPN crln-24008 691 58 fax fax NOUN crln-24008 691 59 : : PUNCT crln-24008 691 60 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 691 61 312 312 NUM crln-24008 691 62 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 691 63 413.0424 413.0424 NUM crln-24008 691 64 the the DET crln-24008 691 65 university university PROPN crln-24008 691 66 of of ADP crln-24008 691 67 illinois illinois PROPN crln-24008 691 68 is be AUX crln-24008 691 69 an an DET crln-24008 691 70 affirmative affirmative ADJ crln-24008 691 71 - - PUNCT crln-24008 691 72 action action NOUN crln-24008 691 73 / / SYM crln-24008 691 74 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 691 75 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 691 76 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 691 77 . . PUNCT crln-24008 692 1 of of ADP crln-24008 692 2 two two NUM crln-24008 692 3 years year NOUN crln-24008 692 4 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 692 5 in in ADP crln-24008 692 6 an an DET crln-24008 692 7 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 692 8 library library NOUN crln-24008 692 9 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 692 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 692 11 including include VERB crln-24008 692 12 some some DET crln-24008 692 13 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 692 14 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 692 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 693 1 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 693 2 in in ADP crln-24008 693 3 the the DET crln-24008 693 4 creation creation NOUN crln-24008 693 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 693 6 design design NOUN crln-24008 693 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 693 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 693 9 management management NOUN crln-24008 693 10 of of ADP crln-24008 693 11 web web NOUN crln-24008 693 12 pages page NOUN crln-24008 693 13 for for ADP crln-24008 693 14 organizations organization NOUN crln-24008 693 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 694 1 preferred prefer VERB crln-24008 694 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 694 3 substantial substantial ADJ crln-24008 694 4 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 694 5 of of ADP crln-24008 694 6 the the DET crln-24008 694 7 internet internet NOUN crln-24008 694 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 694 9 the the DET crln-24008 694 10 www www NOUN crln-24008 694 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 694 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 694 13 print print NOUN crln-24008 694 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 694 15 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 694 16 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 694 17 sources source NOUN crln-24008 694 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 695 1 significant significant ADJ crln-24008 695 2 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 695 3 with with ADP crln-24008 695 4 microcomputers microcomputer NOUN crln-24008 695 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 696 1 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 696 2 teaching teaching NOUN crln-24008 696 3 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 696 4 . . PUNCT crln-24008 697 1 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 697 2 commitment commitment NOUN crln-24008 697 3 to to ADP crln-24008 697 4 public public ADJ crln-24008 697 5 service service NOUN crln-24008 697 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 698 1 proven prove VERB crln-24008 698 2 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 698 3 to to PART crln-24008 698 4 establish establish VERB crln-24008 698 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 698 6 maintain maintain VERB crln-24008 698 7 effective effective ADJ crln-24008 698 8 working working NOUN crln-24008 698 9 relationships relationship NOUN crln-24008 698 10 with with ADP crln-24008 698 11 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-24008 698 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 698 13 the the DET crln-24008 698 14 public public NOUN crln-24008 698 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 699 1 effective effective ADJ crln-24008 699 2 written write VERB crln-24008 699 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 699 4 oral oral ADJ crln-24008 699 5 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 699 6 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 699 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 700 1 demon­ demon­ PROPN crln-24008 700 2 strated strate VERB crln-24008 700 3 initiative initiative NOUN crln-24008 700 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 700 5 flexibility flexibility NOUN crln-24008 700 6 in in ADP crln-24008 700 7 a a DET crln-24008 700 8 rapidly rapidly ADV crln-24008 700 9 changing change VERB crln-24008 700 10 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 700 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 701 1 this this PRON crln-24008 701 2 is be AUX crln-24008 701 3 a a DET crln-24008 701 4 twelve twelve NUM crln-24008 701 5 - - PUNCT crln-24008 701 6 month month NOUN crln-24008 701 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 701 8 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 701 9 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 701 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 702 1 the the DET crln-24008 702 2 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 702 3 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 702 4 will will AUX crln-24008 702 5 be be AUX crln-24008 702 6 expected expect VERB crln-24008 702 7 to to PART crln-24008 702 8 develop develop VERB crln-24008 702 9 a a DET crln-24008 702 10 record record NOUN crln-24008 702 11 of of ADP crln-24008 702 12 excellence excellence PROPN crln-24008 702 13 in in ADP crln-24008 702 14 librarianship librarianship NOUN crln-24008 702 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 702 16 scholarship scholarship NOUN crln-24008 702 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 702 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 702 19 service service NOUN crln-24008 702 20 in in ADP crln-24008 702 21 order order NOUN crln-24008 702 22 to to PART crln-24008 702 23 meet meet VERB crln-24008 702 24 university university NOUN crln-24008 702 25 standards standard NOUN crln-24008 702 26 for for ADP crln-24008 702 27 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 702 28 . . PUNCT crln-24008 703 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 703 2 range range VERB crln-24008 703 3 $ $ SYM crln-24008 703 4 27,000-$29,800 27,000-$29,800 NUM crln-24008 703 5 . . NUM crln-24008 703 6 position position NOUN crln-24008 703 7 open open ADJ crln-24008 703 8 until until SCONJ crln-24008 703 9 filled fill VERB crln-24008 703 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 704 1 applications application NOUN crln-24008 704 2 received receive VERB crln-24008 704 3 by by ADP crln-24008 704 4 february february PROPN crln-24008 704 5 2 2 NUM crln-24008 704 6 8 8 NUM crln-24008 704 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 704 8 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 704 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 704 10 will will AUX crln-24008 704 11 be be AUX crln-24008 704 12 given give VERB crln-24008 704 13 first first ADJ crln-24008 704 14 consideration consideration NOUN crln-24008 704 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 705 1 position position NOUN crln-24008 705 2 available available ADJ crln-24008 705 3 august august PROPN crln-24008 705 4 1 1 NUM crln-24008 705 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 705 6 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 705 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 706 1 please please INTJ crln-24008 706 2 send send VERB crln-24008 706 3 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 706 4 of of ADP crln-24008 706 5 application application NOUN crln-24008 706 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 706 7 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 706 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 706 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 706 10 names name NOUN crln-24008 706 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 706 12 telephone telephone NOUN crln-24008 706 13 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 706 14 of of ADP crln-24008 706 15 three three NUM crln-24008 706 16 references reference NOUN crln-24008 706 17 to to ADP crln-24008 706 18 : : PUNCT crln-24008 706 19 clarissa clarissa PROPN crln-24008 706 20 fisher fisher PROPN crln-24008 706 21 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 706 22 hunter hunter NOUN crln-24008 706 23 library library NOUN crln-24008 706 24 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 706 25 w w ADP crln-24008 706 26 estern estern ADJ crln-24008 706 27 c c VERB crln-24008 706 28 a a DET crln-24008 706 29 rolina rolina NOUN crln-24008 706 30 u u PROPN crln-24008 706 31 n n NOUN crln-24008 706 32 iversity iversity NOUN crln-24008 706 33 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 706 34 cullowhee cullowhee NOUN crln-24008 706 35 , , PUNCT crln-24008 706 36 nc nc PROPN crln-24008 706 37 28723 28723 NUM crln-24008 706 38 . . PUNCT crln-24008 707 1 hunter hunter NOUN crln-24008 707 2 library library PROPN crln-24008 707 3 has have VERB crln-24008 707 4 an an DET crln-24008 707 5 operating operate VERB crln-24008 707 6 budget budget NOUN crln-24008 707 7 of of ADP crln-24008 707 8 $ $ SYM crln-24008 707 9 2.5 2.5 NUM crln-24008 707 10 million million NUM crln-24008 707 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 707 12 a a DET crln-24008 707 13 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 707 14 of of ADP crln-24008 707 15 44 44 NUM crln-24008 707 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 707 17 including include VERB crln-24008 707 18 16 16 NUM crln-24008 707 19 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 707 20 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 707 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 708 1 it it PRON crln-24008 708 2 serves serve VERB crln-24008 708 3 a a DET crln-24008 708 4 student student NOUN crln-24008 708 5 body body NOUN crln-24008 708 6 of of ADP crln-24008 708 7 approxim approxim NOUN crln-24008 708 8 ately ately ADV crln-24008 708 9 6,000 6,000 NUM crln-24008 708 10 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 708 11 NOUN crln-24008 708 12 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 708 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 709 1 western western PROPN crln-24008 709 2 carolina carolina PROPN crln-24008 709 3 university university PROPN crln-24008 709 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 709 5 lo­ lo­ PROPN crln-24008 709 6 cated cat VERB crln-24008 709 7 in in ADP crln-24008 709 8 the the DET crln-24008 709 9 blue blue ADJ crln-24008 709 10 ridge ridge PROPN crln-24008 709 11 mountains mountain NOUN crln-24008 709 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 709 13 approximately approximately ADV crln-24008 709 14 30 30 NUM crln-24008 709 15 minutes minute NOUN crln-24008 709 16 from from ADP crln-24008 709 17 the the DET crln-24008 709 18 great great ADJ crln-24008 709 19 smoky smoky ADJ crln-24008 709 20 mountains mountain NOUN crln-24008 709 21 national national PROPN crln-24008 709 22 park park PROPN crln-24008 709 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 709 24 is be AUX crln-24008 709 25 one one NUM crln-24008 709 26 of of ADP crln-24008 709 27 the the DET crln-24008 709 28 16 16 NUM crln-24008 709 29 senior senior ADJ crln-24008 709 30 institutions institution NOUN crln-24008 709 31 of of ADP crln-24008 709 32 the the DET crln-24008 709 33 university university PROPN crln-24008 709 34 of of ADP crln-24008 709 35 north north PROPN crln-24008 709 36 carolina carolina PROPN crln-24008 709 37 and and CCONJ crln-24008 709 38 an an DET crln-24008 709 39 affirmative affirmative ADJ crln-24008 709 40 action action NOUN crln-24008 709 41 / / SYM crln-24008 709 42 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 709 43 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 709 44 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 709 45 , , PUNCT crln-24008 709 46 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 709 47 PROPN crln-24008 709 48 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 709 49 PROPN crln-24008 709 50 PROPN crln-24008 709 51 PROPN crln-24008 709 52 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 709 53 news news PROPN crln-24008 710 1 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 710 2 january january PROPN crln-24008 710 3 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 710 4 / / SYM crln-24008 710 5 63 63 NUM crln-24008 710 6 head head NOUN crln-24008 710 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 710 8 media media NOUN crln-24008 710 9 reso reso NOUN crln-24008 710 10 u u PROPN crln-24008 710 11 rce rce VERB crln-24008 710 12 s s NOUN crln-24008 710 13 e e NOUN crln-24008 710 14 r r NOUN crln-24008 710 15 v v NOUN crln-24008 710 16 ic ic NOUN crln-24008 710 17 e e PROPN crln-24008 710 18 s s PART crln-24008 710 19 office office NOUN crln-24008 710 20 for for ADP crln-24008 710 21 information information NOUN crln-24008 710 22 technology technology PROPN crln-24008 710 23 university university NOUN crln-24008 710 24 library library NOUN crln-24008 710 25 services services PROPN crln-24008 710 26 university university PROPN crln-24008 710 27 library library NOUN crln-24008 710 28 services service NOUN crln-24008 710 29 at at ADP crln-24008 710 30 virginia virginia PROPN crln-24008 710 31 commonwealth commonwealth PROPN crln-24008 710 32 university university PROPN crln-24008 710 33 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 710 34 an an DET crln-24008 710 35 innovative innovative ADJ crln-24008 710 36 and and CCONJ crln-24008 710 37 energetic energetic ADJ crln-24008 710 38 individual individual NOUN crln-24008 710 39 to to PART crln-24008 710 40 serve serve VERB crln-24008 710 41 as as ADP crln-24008 710 42 head head NOUN crln-24008 710 43 , , PUNCT crln-24008 710 44 media media NOUN crln-24008 710 45 resource resource NOUN crln-24008 710 46 services service NOUN crln-24008 710 47 . . PUNCT crln-24008 711 1 description description NOUN crln-24008 711 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 711 3 the the DET crln-24008 711 4 head head NOUN crln-24008 711 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 711 6 media media NOUN crln-24008 711 7 resource resource NOUN crln-24008 711 8 services service NOUN crln-24008 711 9 is be AUX crln-24008 711 10 a a DET crln-24008 711 11 twelve twelve NUM crln-24008 711 12 - - PUNCT crln-24008 711 13 month month NOUN crln-24008 711 14 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 711 15 position position NOUN crln-24008 711 16 that that PRON crln-24008 711 17 reports report VERB crln-24008 711 18 to to ADP crln-24008 711 19 the the DET crln-24008 711 20 director director NOUN crln-24008 711 21 for for ADP crln-24008 711 22 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 711 23 user user NOUN crln-24008 711 24 services service NOUN crln-24008 711 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 711 26 is be AUX crln-24008 711 27 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 711 28 for for ADP crln-24008 711 29 multimedia multimedia NOUN crln-24008 711 30 services service NOUN crln-24008 711 31 and and CCONJ crln-24008 711 32 the the DET crln-24008 711 33 media medium NOUN crln-24008 711 34 resource resource NOUN crln-24008 711 35 services service NOUN crln-24008 711 36 department department PROPN crln-24008 711 37 . . PUNCT crln-24008 712 1 multimedia multimedia NOUN crln-24008 712 2 services service NOUN crln-24008 712 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 712 4 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 712 5 fo fo ADP crln-24008 712 6 r r NOUN crln-24008 712 7 the the DET crln-24008 712 8 management management NOUN crln-24008 712 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 712 10 long long ADJ crln-24008 712 11 - - PUNCT crln-24008 712 12 range range NOUN crln-24008 712 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 712 14 strategic strategic ADJ crln-24008 712 15 planning planning NOUN crln-24008 712 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 712 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 712 18 development development NOUN crln-24008 712 19 of of ADP crln-24008 712 20 the the DET crln-24008 712 21 library library PROPN crln-24008 712 22 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 712 23 multimedia multimedia NOUN crln-24008 712 24 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 712 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 712 26 services service NOUN crln-24008 712 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 713 1 multimedia multimedia NOUN crln-24008 713 2 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 713 3 include include VERB crln-24008 713 4 audio audio ADJ crln-24008 713 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 713 6 video video NOUN crln-24008 713 7 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 713 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 713 9 computer computer NOUN crln-24008 713 10 software software NOUN crln-24008 713 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 713 12 films film NOUN crln-24008 713 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 713 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 713 15 music music NOUN crln-24008 713 16 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 713 17 in in ADP crln-24008 713 18 a a DET crln-24008 713 19 variety variety NOUN crln-24008 713 20 of of ADP crln-24008 713 21 formats format NOUN crln-24008 713 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 714 1 provides provide VERB crln-24008 714 2 leadership leadership NOUN crln-24008 714 3 for for ADP crln-24008 714 4 developing develop VERB crln-24008 714 5 multimedia multimedia NOUN crln-24008 714 6 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 714 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 714 8 services service NOUN crln-24008 714 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 715 1 creatively creatively ADV crln-24008 715 2 applies apply VERB crln-24008 715 3 new new ADJ crln-24008 715 4 technologies technology NOUN crln-24008 715 5 for for ADP crln-24008 715 6 services service NOUN crln-24008 715 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 715 8 information information NOUN crln-24008 715 9 products product NOUN crln-24008 715 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 716 1 participates participate VERB crln-24008 716 2 in in ADP crln-24008 716 3 digital digital ADJ crln-24008 716 4 library library NOUN crln-24008 716 5 planning planning NOUN crln-24008 716 6 initiatives initiative NOUN crln-24008 716 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 716 8 in in ADP crln-24008 716 9 projects project NOUN crln-24008 716 10 to to PART crln-24008 716 11 design design VERB crln-24008 716 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 716 13 create create VERB crln-24008 716 14 digital digital ADJ crln-24008 716 15 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 716 16 . . PUNCT crln-24008 717 1 head head NOUN crln-24008 717 2 , , PUNCT crln-24008 717 3 media media NOUN crln-24008 717 4 resource resource NOUN crln-24008 717 5 services service NOUN crln-24008 717 6 : : PUNCT crln-24008 717 7 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 717 8 for for ADP crln-24008 717 9 the the DET crln-24008 717 10 overall overall ADJ crln-24008 717 11 operation operation NOUN crln-24008 717 12 of of ADP crln-24008 717 13 the the DET crln-24008 717 14 media medium NOUN crln-24008 717 15 resource resource NOUN crln-24008 717 16 services service NOUN crln-24008 717 17 department department NOUN crln-24008 717 18 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 717 19 four four NUM crln-24008 717 20 fte fte NOUN crln-24008 717 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 717 22 an an DET crln-24008 717 23 average average NOUN crln-24008 717 24 of of ADP crln-24008 717 25 twelve twelve NUM crln-24008 717 26 student student NOUN crln-24008 717 27 workers worker NOUN crln-24008 717 28 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 717 29 . . PUNCT crln-24008 718 1 plans plan NOUN crln-24008 718 2 and and CCONJ crln-24008 718 3 implements implement VERB crln-24008 718 4 new new ADJ crln-24008 718 5 services service NOUN crln-24008 718 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 718 7 service service NOUN crln-24008 718 8 enhancements enhancement NOUN crln-24008 718 9 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 718 10 plans plan NOUN crln-24008 718 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 718 12 develops develop NOUN crln-24008 718 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 718 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 718 15 implements implement VERB crln-24008 718 16 marketing marketing NOUN crln-24008 718 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 718 18 promotional promotional ADJ crln-24008 718 19 initiatives initiative NOUN crln-24008 718 20 to to PART crln-24008 718 21 expand expand VERB crln-24008 718 22 the the DET crln-24008 718 23 use use NOUN crln-24008 718 24 of of ADP crln-24008 718 25 multimedia multimedia NOUN crln-24008 718 26 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 718 27 and and CCONJ crln-24008 718 28 services service NOUN crln-24008 718 29 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 718 30 - - PUNCT crln-24008 718 31 wide wide ADV crln-24008 718 32 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 718 33 oversees oversee VERB crln-24008 718 34 the the DET crln-24008 718 35 design design NOUN crln-24008 718 36 , , PUNCT crln-24008 718 37 development development NOUN crln-24008 718 38 , , PUNCT crln-24008 718 39 and and CCONJ crln-24008 718 40 implementation implementation NOUN crln-24008 718 41 of of ADP crln-24008 718 42 the the DET crln-24008 718 43 department department NOUN crln-24008 718 44 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 718 45 web web NOUN crln-24008 718 46 sites site NOUN crln-24008 718 47 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 718 48 and and CCONJ crln-24008 718 49 coordinates coordinate VERB crln-24008 718 50 the the DET crln-24008 718 51 recruitment recruitment NOUN crln-24008 718 52 , , PUNCT crln-24008 718 53 selection selection NOUN crln-24008 718 54 , , PUNCT crln-24008 718 55 performance performance NOUN crln-24008 718 56 planning planning NOUN crln-24008 718 57 , , PUNCT crln-24008 718 58 and and CCONJ crln-24008 718 59 annual annual ADJ crln-24008 718 60 evaluation evaluation NOUN crln-24008 718 61 of of ADP crln-24008 718 62 classified classified ADJ crln-24008 718 63 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 718 64 . . PUNCT crln-24008 719 1 ensures ensure VERB crln-24008 719 2 compliance compliance NOUN crln-24008 719 3 with with ADP crln-24008 719 4 association association NOUN crln-24008 719 5 of of ADP crln-24008 719 6 college college NOUN crln-24008 719 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 719 8 research research NOUN crln-24008 719 9 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 719 10 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 719 11 acrl acrl ADJ crln-24008 719 12 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 719 13 guidelines guideline NOUN crln-24008 719 14 for for ADP crln-24008 719 15 media medium NOUN crln-24008 719 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 719 17 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 719 18 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 719 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 720 1 general general ADJ crln-24008 720 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 720 3 contributes contribute VERB crln-24008 720 4 to to ADP crln-24008 720 5 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 720 6 user user NOUN crln-24008 720 7 services service NOUN crln-24008 720 8 management management NOUN crln-24008 720 9 team team NOUN crln-24008 720 10 in in ADP crln-24008 720 11 the the DET crln-24008 720 12 formulation formulation NOUN crln-24008 720 13 of of ADP crln-24008 720 14 goals goal NOUN crln-24008 720 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 720 16 polices police NOUN crln-24008 720 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 720 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 720 19 strategies strategy NOUN crln-24008 720 20 relative relative ADJ crln-24008 720 21 to to ADP crln-24008 720 22 user user NOUN crln-24008 720 23 services service NOUN crln-24008 720 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 721 1 participates participate VERB crln-24008 721 2 in in ADP crln-24008 721 3 collaborative collaborative ADJ crln-24008 721 4 endeavors endeavor NOUN crln-24008 721 5 in in ADP crln-24008 721 6 support support NOUN crln-24008 721 7 of of ADP crln-24008 721 8 service service NOUN crln-24008 721 9 program program NOUN crln-24008 721 10 enhancement enhancement NOUN crln-24008 721 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 721 12 expansion expansion NOUN crln-24008 721 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 722 1 participates participate VERB crln-24008 722 2 in in ADP crln-24008 722 3 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 722 4 management management NOUN crln-24008 722 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 722 6 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 722 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 722 8 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24008 722 9 services service NOUN crln-24008 722 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 723 1 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 723 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 723 3 master master NOUN crln-24008 723 4 's 's PART crln-24008 723 5 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 723 6 required require VERB crln-24008 723 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 724 1 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 724 2 - - PUNCT crln-24008 724 3 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 724 4 mls mls PROPN crln-24008 724 5 preferred preferred ADJ crln-24008 724 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 725 1 the the DET crln-24008 725 2 ideal ideal ADJ crln-24008 725 3 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 725 4 will will AUX crln-24008 725 5 have have VERB crln-24008 725 6 substantial substantial ADJ crln-24008 725 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 725 8 progressively progressively ADV crln-24008 725 9 more more ADV crln-24008 725 10 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 725 11 administrative administrative ADJ crln-24008 725 12 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 725 13 in in ADP crln-24008 725 14 the the DET crln-24008 725 15 management management NOUN crln-24008 725 16 of of ADP crln-24008 725 17 media medium NOUN crln-24008 725 18 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 725 19 in in ADP crln-24008 725 20 higher high ADJ crln-24008 725 21 education education NOUN crln-24008 725 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 726 1 the the DET crln-24008 726 2 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 726 3 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 726 4 will will AUX crln-24008 726 5 have have VERB crln-24008 726 6 a a DET crln-24008 726 7 service service NOUN crln-24008 726 8 - - PUNCT crln-24008 726 9 oriented orient VERB crln-24008 726 10 work work NOUN crln-24008 726 11 style style NOUN crln-24008 726 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 726 13 a a DET crln-24008 726 14 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 726 15 commitment commitment NOUN crln-24008 726 16 to to PART crln-24008 726 17 open open VERB crln-24008 726 18 decision decision NOUN crln-24008 726 19 making making NOUN crln-24008 726 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 726 21 consultative consultative ADJ crln-24008 726 22 management management NOUN crln-24008 726 23 . . PUNCT crln-24008 727 1 we we PRON crln-24008 727 2 are be AUX crln-24008 727 3 particularly particularly ADV crln-24008 727 4 interested interested ADJ crln-24008 727 5 in in ADP crln-24008 727 6 someone someone PRON crln-24008 727 7 with with ADP crln-24008 727 8 the the DET crln-24008 727 9 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 727 10 to to PART crln-24008 727 11 articulate articulate VERB crln-24008 727 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 727 13 promote promote VERB crln-24008 727 14 a a DET crln-24008 727 15 vision vision NOUN crln-24008 727 16 regarding regard VERB crln-24008 727 17 how how SCONJ crln-24008 727 18 emerging emerge VERB crln-24008 727 19 multimedia multimedia NOUN crln-24008 727 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 727 21 other other ADJ crln-24008 727 22 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 727 23 technologies technology NOUN crln-24008 727 24 can can AUX crln-24008 727 25 be be AUX crln-24008 727 26 applied apply VERB crln-24008 727 27 to to ADP crln-24008 727 28 the the DET crln-24008 727 29 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24008 727 30 and and CCONJ crln-24008 727 31 research research NOUN crln-24008 727 32 missions mission NOUN crln-24008 727 33 of of ADP crln-24008 727 34 a a DET crln-24008 727 35 modem modem PROPN crln-24008 727 36 university university NOUN crln-24008 727 37 . . PUNCT crln-24008 728 1 the the DET crln-24008 728 2 following follow VERB crln-24008 728 3 additional additional ADJ crln-24008 728 4 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 728 5 are be AUX crln-24008 728 6 preferred prefer VERB crln-24008 728 7 : : PUNCT crln-24008 728 8 outstanding outstanding ADJ crln-24008 728 9 technological technological ADJ crln-24008 728 10 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 728 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 728 12 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 728 13 of of ADP crln-24008 728 14 computer computer NOUN crln-24008 728 15 hardware hardware NOUN crln-24008 728 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 728 17 software software NOUN crln-24008 728 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 728 19 media medium NOUN crln-24008 728 20 equipment equipment NOUN crln-24008 728 21 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 728 22 working work VERB crln-24008 728 23 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 728 24 of of ADP crln-24008 728 25 web web NOUN crln-24008 728 26 - - PUNCT crln-24008 728 27 based base VERB crln-24008 728 28 technologies technology NOUN crln-24008 728 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 728 30 the the DET crln-24008 728 31 use use NOUN crln-24008 728 32 of of ADP crln-24008 728 33 the the DET crln-24008 728 34 internet internet NOUN crln-24008 728 35 in in ADP crln-24008 728 36 higher high ADJ crln-24008 728 37 education education NOUN crln-24008 728 38 , , PUNCT crln-24008 728 39 and and CCONJ crln-24008 728 40 awareness awareness NOUN crln-24008 728 41 of of ADP crln-24008 728 42 current current ADJ crln-24008 728 43 trends trend NOUN crln-24008 728 44 and and CCONJ crln-24008 728 45 developments development NOUN crln-24008 728 46 in in ADP crln-24008 728 47 the the DET crln-24008 728 48 use use NOUN crln-24008 728 49 of of ADP crln-24008 728 50 the the DET crln-24008 728 51 web web NOUN crln-24008 728 52 to to PART crln-24008 728 53 deliver deliver VERB crln-24008 728 54 information information NOUN crln-24008 728 55 and and CCONJ crln-24008 728 56 services service NOUN crln-24008 728 57 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 728 58 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 728 59 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 728 60 of of ADP crln-24008 728 61 html html NOUN crln-24008 728 62 and and CCONJ crln-24008 728 63 related related ADJ crln-24008 728 64 standards standard NOUN crln-24008 728 65 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 728 66 and and CCONJ crln-24008 728 67 basic basic ADJ crln-24008 728 68 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 728 69 of of ADP crln-24008 728 70 current current ADJ crln-24008 728 71 scanning scanning NOUN crln-24008 728 72 technologies technology NOUN crln-24008 728 73 . . PUNCT crln-24008 729 1 an an DET crln-24008 729 2 analytical analytical ADJ crln-24008 729 3 , , PUNCT crln-24008 729 4 creative creative ADJ crln-24008 729 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 729 6 articulate articulate ADJ crln-24008 729 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 729 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 729 9 highly highly ADV crln-24008 729 10 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 729 11 individual individual NOUN crln-24008 729 12 with with ADP crln-24008 729 13 a a DET crln-24008 729 14 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 729 15 high high ADJ crln-24008 729 16 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 729 17 of of ADP crln-24008 729 18 initiative initiative NOUN crln-24008 729 19 would would AUX crln-24008 729 20 be be AUX crln-24008 729 21 an an DET crln-24008 729 22 excellent excellent ADJ crln-24008 729 23 match match NOUN crln-24008 729 24 for for ADP crln-24008 729 25 our our PRON crln-24008 729 26 needs need NOUN crln-24008 729 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 730 1 also also ADV crln-24008 730 2 desirable desirable ADJ crln-24008 730 3 are be AUX crln-24008 730 4 involvement involvement NOUN crln-24008 730 5 in in ADP crln-24008 730 6 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 730 7 activities activity NOUN crln-24008 730 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 730 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 730 10 the the DET crln-24008 730 11 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 730 12 to to PART crln-24008 730 13 meet meet VERB crln-24008 730 14 requirements requirement NOUN crln-24008 730 15 for for ADP crln-24008 730 16 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 730 17 advancement advancement NOUN crln-24008 730 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 730 19 including include VERB crln-24008 730 20 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 730 21 service service NOUN crln-24008 730 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 730 23 publication publication NOUN crln-24008 730 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 731 1 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 731 2 working work VERB crln-24008 731 3 in in ADP crln-24008 731 4 a a DET crln-24008 731 5 culturally culturally ADV crln-24008 731 6 diverse diverse ADJ crln-24008 731 7 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 731 8 highly highly ADV crln-24008 731 9 preferred preferred ADJ crln-24008 731 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 732 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 732 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 732 3 $ $ SYM crln-24008 732 4 34,000 34,000 NUM crln-24008 732 5 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 732 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 733 1 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 733 2 include include VERB crln-24008 733 3 24 24 NUM crln-24008 733 4 vacation vacation NOUN crln-24008 733 5 days day NOUN crln-24008 733 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 733 7 choice choice NOUN crln-24008 733 8 of of ADP crln-24008 733 9 health health NOUN crln-24008 733 10 plans plan NOUN crln-24008 733 11 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 733 12 including include VERB crln-24008 733 13 hmos hmos PROPN crln-24008 733 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 733 15 dental dental ADJ crln-24008 733 16 plans plan NOUN crln-24008 733 17 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 733 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 733 19 choice choice NOUN crln-24008 733 20 of of ADP crln-24008 733 21 retirement retirement NOUN crln-24008 733 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 733 23 annuity annuity NOUN crln-24008 733 24 plans plan NOUN crln-24008 733 25 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 733 26 tuition tuition NOUN crln-24008 733 27 reimbursement reimbursement NOUN crln-24008 733 28 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 733 29 paid pay VERB crln-24008 733 30 life life NOUN crln-24008 733 31 insurance insurance NOUN crln-24008 733 32 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 733 33 and and CCONJ crln-24008 733 34 access access NOUN crln-24008 733 35 to to ADP crln-24008 733 36 child child NOUN crln-24008 733 37 / / SYM crln-24008 733 38 adult adult NOUN crln-24008 733 39 and and CCONJ crln-24008 733 40 other other ADJ crln-24008 733 41 work work NOUN crln-24008 733 42 / / SYM crln-24008 733 43 life life NOUN crln-24008 733 44 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 733 45 and and CCONJ crln-24008 733 46 referrals referral NOUN crln-24008 733 47 . . PUNCT crln-24008 734 1 application application NOUN crln-24008 734 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 734 3 review review NOUN crln-24008 734 4 of of ADP crln-24008 734 5 applications application NOUN crln-24008 734 6 will will AUX crln-24008 734 7 begin begin VERB crln-24008 734 8 february february PROPN crln-24008 734 9 1 1 NUM crln-24008 734 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 734 11 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 734 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 735 1 submit submit VERB crln-24008 735 2 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 735 3 of of ADP crln-24008 735 4 application application NOUN crln-24008 735 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 735 6 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 735 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 735 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 735 9 names name NOUN crln-24008 735 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 735 11 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 735 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 735 13 e e NOUN crln-24008 735 14 - - NOUN crln-24008 735 15 mail mail NOUN crln-24008 735 16 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 735 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 735 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 735 19 telephone telephone NOUN crln-24008 735 20 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 735 21 of of ADP crln-24008 735 22 three three NUM crln-24008 735 23 references reference NOUN crln-24008 735 24 to to ADP crln-24008 735 25 : : PUNCT crln-24008 735 26 sarah sarah PROPN crln-24008 735 27 barbara barbara PROPN crln-24008 735 28 watstein watstein PROPN crln-24008 735 29 director director NOUN crln-24008 735 30 fo fo ADP crln-24008 735 31 r r NOUN crln-24008 735 32 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 735 33 user user NOUN crln-24008 735 34 services service NOUN crln-24008 735 35 and and CCONJ crln-24008 735 36 head head NOUN crln-24008 735 37 , , PUNCT crln-24008 735 38 james james PROPN crln-24008 735 39 brach brach PROPN crln-24008 735 40 cabell cabell PROPN crln-24008 735 41 library library PROPN crln-24008 735 42 university university PROPN crln-24008 735 43 library library NOUN crln-24008 735 44 services services PROPN crln-24008 735 45 901 901 NUM crln-24008 735 46 park park NOUN crln-24008 735 47 avenue avenue PROPN crln-24008 735 48 p.o p.o PROPN crln-24008 735 49 . . PROPN crln-24008 735 50 box box PROPN crln-24008 735 51 942033 942033 NUM crln-24008 735 52 richmond richmond PROPN crln-24008 735 53 , , PUNCT crln-24008 735 54 va va PROPN crln-24008 735 55 23284 23284 NUM crln-24008 735 56 - - SYM crln-24008 735 57 2033 2033 NUM crln-24008 735 58 additional additional ADJ crln-24008 735 59 information information NOUN crln-24008 735 60 available available ADJ crln-24008 735 61 from from ADP crln-24008 735 62 the the DET crln-24008 735 63 library library NOUN crln-24008 735 64 home home NOUN crln-24008 735 65 page page NOUN crln-24008 735 66 at at ADP crln-24008 735 67 NOUN crln-24008 735 68 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 735 69 further further ADJ crln-24008 735 70 information information NOUN crln-24008 735 71 about about ADP crln-24008 735 72 the the DET crln-24008 735 73 university university NOUN crln-24008 735 74 may may AUX crln-24008 735 75 be be AUX crln-24008 735 76 found find VERB crln-24008 735 77 at at ADP crln-24008 735 78 PROPN crln-24008 735 79 . . PUNCT crln-24008 736 1 virginia virginia PROPN crln-24008 736 2 commonwealth commonwealth PROPN crln-24008 736 3 university university PROPN crln-24008 736 4 is be AUX crln-24008 736 5 an an DET crln-24008 736 6 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 736 7 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 736 8 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 736 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 737 1 women woman NOUN crln-24008 737 2 , , PUNCT crln-24008 737 3 minorities minority NOUN crln-24008 737 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 737 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 737 6 persons person NOUN crln-24008 737 7 with with ADP crln-24008 737 8 disabilities disability NOUN crln-24008 737 9 are be AUX crln-24008 737 10 encouraged encourage VERB crln-24008 737 11 to to PART crln-24008 737 12 apply apply VERB crln-24008 737 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 738 1 PROPN crln-24008 738 2 VERB crln-24008 738 3 64 64 NUM crln-24008 738 4 / / SYM crln-24008 738 5 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 738 6 news news NOUN crln-24008 738 7 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 738 8 january january PROPN crln-24008 738 9 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 738 10 electro electro X crln-24008 739 1 n n CCONJ crln-24008 739 2 ic ic PROPN crln-24008 739 3 s s NOUN crln-24008 739 4 e e NOUN crln-24008 739 5 r r NOUN crln-24008 739 6 v v NOUN crln-24008 739 7 ic ic NOUN crln-24008 739 8 e e PROPN crln-24008 739 9 s s NOUN crln-24008 739 10 manager manager NOUN crln-24008 739 11 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 739 12 edp edp PROPN crln-24008 739 13 manager manager NOUN crln-24008 739 14 ii ii PROPN crln-24008 739 15 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 739 16 wayne wayne PROPN crln-24008 739 17 state state PROPN crln-24008 739 18 university university PROPN crln-24008 739 19 david david PROPN crln-24008 739 20 adamany adamany PROPN crln-24008 739 21 undergraduate undergraduate PROPN crln-24008 739 22 library library PROPN crln-24008 739 23 position position NOUN crln-24008 739 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 739 25 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 739 26 : : PUNCT crln-24008 739 27 the the DET crln-24008 739 28 david david PROPN crln-24008 739 29 adamany adamany PROPN crln-24008 739 30 undergraduate undergraduate PROPN crln-24008 739 31 library library NOUN crln-24008 739 32 is be AUX crln-24008 739 33 a a DET crln-24008 739 34 dynamic dynamic ADJ crln-24008 739 35 now now ADV crln-24008 739 36 concept concept NOUN crln-24008 739 37 in in ADP crln-24008 739 38 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 739 39 information information NOUN crln-24008 739 40 services service NOUN crln-24008 739 41 for for ADP crln-24008 739 42 the the DET crln-24008 739 43 21 21 NUM crln-24008 739 44 st st ADJ crln-24008 739 45 - - PUNCT crln-24008 739 46 century century NOUN crln-24008 739 47 learner learner NOUN crln-24008 739 48 . . PUNCT crln-24008 740 1 the the DET crln-24008 740 2 primary primary ADJ crln-24008 740 3 goal goal NOUN crln-24008 740 4 of of ADP crln-24008 740 5 this this DET crln-24008 740 6 newly newly ADV crln-24008 740 7 opened open VERB crln-24008 740 8 facility facility NOUN crln-24008 740 9 is be AUX crln-24008 740 10 to to PART crln-24008 740 11 help help VERB crln-24008 740 12 students student NOUN crln-24008 740 13 learn learn VERB crln-24008 740 14 in in ADP crln-24008 740 15 the the DET crln-24008 740 16 multimedia multimedia NOUN crln-24008 740 17 - - PUNCT crln-24008 740 18 driven drive VERB crln-24008 740 19 technological technological ADJ crln-24008 740 20 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 740 21 of of ADP crln-24008 740 22 tomorrow tomorrow NOUN crln-24008 740 23 . . PUNCT crln-24008 741 1 reporting report VERB crln-24008 741 2 to to ADP crln-24008 741 3 the the DET crln-24008 741 4 director director NOUN crln-24008 741 5 of of ADP crln-24008 741 6 the the DET crln-24008 741 7 library library NOUN crln-24008 741 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 742 1 the the DET crln-24008 742 2 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 742 3 services service NOUN crln-24008 742 4 manager manager NOUN crln-24008 742 5 is be AUX crln-24008 742 6 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 742 7 for for ADP crln-24008 742 8 the the DET crln-24008 742 9 day day NOUN crln-24008 742 10 - - PUNCT crln-24008 742 11 to to ADP crln-24008 742 12 - - PUNCT crln-24008 742 13 day day NOUN crln-24008 742 14 operations operation NOUN crln-24008 742 15 of of ADP crln-24008 742 16 the the DET crln-24008 742 17 undergraduate undergraduate PROPN crln-24008 742 18 library library PROPN crln-24008 742 19 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 742 20 700 700 NUM crln-24008 742 21 public public ADJ crln-24008 742 22 access access NOUN crln-24008 742 23 computers computer NOUN crln-24008 742 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 742 25 information information NOUN crln-24008 742 26 network network NOUN crln-24008 742 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 742 28 and and CCONJ crln-24008 742 29 the the DET crln-24008 742 30 helen helen PROPN crln-24008 742 31 deroy deroy PROPN crln-24008 742 32 24 24 NUM crln-24008 742 33 - - PUNCT crln-24008 742 34 hour hour NOUN crln-24008 742 35 extended extended ADJ crln-24008 742 36 study study NOUN crln-24008 742 37 center center NOUN crln-24008 742 38 . . PUNCT crln-24008 743 1 the the DET crln-24008 743 2 position position NOUN crln-24008 743 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 743 4 plans plan NOUN crln-24008 743 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 743 6 manages manage VERB crln-24008 743 7 the the DET crln-24008 743 8 library library NOUN crln-24008 743 9 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 743 10 computerized computerized ADJ crln-24008 743 11 information information NOUN crln-24008 743 12 network network NOUN crln-24008 743 13 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 743 14 develops develop VERB crln-24008 743 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 743 16 implements implement VERB crln-24008 743 17 polices police NOUN crln-24008 743 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 743 19 procedures procedure NOUN crln-24008 743 20 for for ADP crln-24008 743 21 public public ADJ crln-24008 743 22 access access NOUN crln-24008 743 23 computing computing NOUN crln-24008 743 24 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 743 25 manages manage VERB crln-24008 743 26 project project NOUN crln-24008 743 27 development development NOUN crln-24008 743 28 and and CCONJ crln-24008 743 29 implementation implementation NOUN crln-24008 743 30 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 743 31 supervises supervise VERB crln-24008 743 32 four four NUM crln-24008 743 33 full full ADJ crln-24008 743 34 - - PUNCT crln-24008 743 35 time time NOUN crln-24008 743 36 and and CCONJ crln-24008 743 37 thirty thirty NUM crln-24008 743 38 part part ADJ crln-24008 743 39 - - PUNCT crln-24008 743 40 time time NOUN crln-24008 743 41 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 743 42 in in ADP crln-24008 743 43 the the DET crln-24008 743 44 unit unit NOUN crln-24008 743 45 prepares prepare VERB crln-24008 743 46 administrative administrative ADJ crln-24008 743 47 reports report NOUN crln-24008 743 48 and and CCONJ crln-24008 743 49 analyses analysis NOUN crln-24008 743 50 concerning concern VERB crln-24008 743 51 departmental departmental ADJ crln-24008 743 52 performance performance NOUN crln-24008 743 53 , , PUNCT crln-24008 743 54 programs program NOUN crln-24008 743 55 , , PUNCT crln-24008 743 56 and and CCONJ crln-24008 743 57 activities activity NOUN crln-24008 743 58 serves serve VERB crln-24008 743 59 on on ADP crln-24008 743 60 various various ADJ crln-24008 743 61 university university NOUN crln-24008 743 62 committees committee NOUN crln-24008 743 63 and and CCONJ crln-24008 743 64 performs perform VERB crln-24008 743 65 other other ADJ crln-24008 743 66 duties duty NOUN crln-24008 743 67 as as SCONJ crln-24008 743 68 assigned assign VERB crln-24008 743 69 . . PUNCT crln-24008 744 1 position position NOUN crln-24008 744 2 available available ADJ crln-24008 744 3 immediately immediately ADV crln-24008 744 4 . . PUNCT crln-24008 745 1 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 745 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 745 3 master master NOUN crln-24008 745 4 ’s ’s NOUN crln-24008 745 5 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 745 6 in in ADP crln-24008 745 7 library library NOUN crln-24008 745 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 745 9 information information NOUN crln-24008 745 10 science science NOUN crln-24008 745 11 from from ADP crln-24008 745 12 an an DET crln-24008 745 13 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 745 14 - - PUNCT crln-24008 745 15 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 745 16 institution institution NOUN crln-24008 745 17 or or CCONJ crln-24008 745 18 an an DET crln-24008 745 19 equivalent equivalent ADJ crln-24008 745 20 combination combination NOUN crln-24008 745 21 of of ADP crln-24008 745 22 education education NOUN crln-24008 745 23 and/or and/or CCONJ crln-24008 745 24 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 745 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 746 1 previous previous ADJ crln-24008 746 2 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 746 3 with with ADP crln-24008 746 4 me i PRON crln-24008 746 5 following follow VERB crln-24008 746 6 windows window NOUN crln-24008 746 7 nt not PART crln-24008 746 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 746 9 macros macros PROPN crln-24008 746 10 unix unix PROPN crln-24008 746 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 746 12 network network PROPN crln-24008 746 13 administration administration NOUN crln-24008 746 14 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 746 15 previous previous ADJ crln-24008 746 16 managerial managerial ADJ crln-24008 746 17 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 746 18 : : PUNCT crln-24008 746 19 excellent excellent ADJ crln-24008 746 20 written write VERB crln-24008 746 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 746 22 oral oral ADJ crln-24008 746 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 746 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 746 25 analytical analytical ADJ crln-24008 746 26 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 746 27 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 746 28 to to PART crln-24008 746 29 work work VERB crln-24008 746 30 effectively effectively ADV crln-24008 746 31 as as ADP crln-24008 746 32 a a DET crln-24008 746 33 team team NOUN crln-24008 746 34 member member NOUN crln-24008 746 35 in in ADP crln-24008 746 36 a a DET crln-24008 746 37 dynamic dynamic ADJ crln-24008 746 38 , , PUNCT crln-24008 746 39 rapidly rapidly ADV crln-24008 746 40 changing change VERB crln-24008 746 41 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 746 42 . . PUNCT crln-24008 747 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 747 2 and and CCONJ crln-24008 747 3 benefits benefit NOUN crln-24008 747 4 : : PUNCT crln-24008 747 5 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 747 6 range range NOUN crln-24008 747 7 : : PUNCT crln-24008 747 8 $ $ SYM crln-24008 747 9 41,000-$49,007 41,000-$49,007 NUM crln-24008 747 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 747 11 depending depend VERB crln-24008 747 12 on on ADP crln-24008 747 13 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 747 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 747 15 education education NOUN crln-24008 747 16 . . PUNCT crln-24008 748 1 wayne wayne PROPN crln-24008 748 2 state state PROPN crln-24008 748 3 offers offer VERB crln-24008 748 4 dental dental ADJ crln-24008 748 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 748 6 health health NOUN crln-24008 748 7 plan plan NOUN crln-24008 748 8 options option NOUN crln-24008 748 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 748 10 tiaa tiaa ADJ crln-24008 748 11 / / SYM crln-24008 748 12 cref cref NOUN crln-24008 748 13 or or CCONJ crln-24008 748 14 fidelity fidelity NOUN crln-24008 748 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 748 16 tuition tuition NOUN crln-24008 748 17 assistance assistance NOUN crln-24008 748 18 for for ADP crln-24008 748 19 employees employee NOUN crln-24008 748 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 748 21 family family NOUN crln-24008 748 22 members member NOUN crln-24008 748 23 . . PUNCT crln-24008 749 1 relocation relocation NOUN crln-24008 749 2 assistance assistance NOUN crln-24008 749 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 749 4 liberal liberal ADJ crln-24008 749 5 vacation vacation NOUN crln-24008 749 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 750 1 the the DET crln-24008 750 2 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 750 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 750 4 david david PROPN crln-24008 750 5 adamany adamany PROPN crln-24008 750 6 undergraduate undergraduate PROPN crln-24008 750 7 library library PROPN crln-24008 750 8 : : PUNCT crln-24008 750 9 wayne wayne PROPN crln-24008 750 10 state state PROPN crln-24008 750 11 university university PROPN crln-24008 750 12 is be AUX crln-24008 750 13 one one NUM crln-24008 750 14 of of ADP crln-24008 750 15 the the DET crln-24008 750 16 nation nation NOUN crln-24008 750 17 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 750 18 leading lead VERB crln-24008 750 19 urban urban ADJ crln-24008 750 20 research research NOUN crln-24008 750 21 universities university NOUN crln-24008 750 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 751 1 there there PRON crln-24008 751 2 are be VERB crln-24008 751 3 approximately approximately ADV crln-24008 751 4 18,000 18,000 NUM crln-24008 751 5 undergraduates undergraduate NOUN crln-24008 751 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 751 7 nearly nearly ADV crln-24008 751 8 13,000 13,000 NUM crln-24008 751 9 graduates graduate NOUN crln-24008 751 10 enrolled enrol VERB crln-24008 751 11 in in ADP crln-24008 751 12 university university NOUN crln-24008 751 13 classes class NOUN crln-24008 751 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 752 1 one one NUM crln-24008 752 2 of of ADP crln-24008 752 3 five five NUM crln-24008 752 4 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 752 5 on on ADP crln-24008 752 6 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 752 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 752 8 the the DET crln-24008 752 9 david david PROPN crln-24008 752 10 adamany adamany PROPN crln-24008 752 11 undergraduate undergraduate NOUN crln-24008 752 12 library library PROPN crln-24008 752 13 is be AUX crln-24008 752 14 designed design VERB crln-24008 752 15 to to PART crln-24008 752 16 help help VERB crln-24008 752 17 students student NOUN crln-24008 752 18 learn learn VERB crln-24008 752 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 752 20 to to PART crln-24008 752 21 make make VERB crln-24008 752 22 use use NOUN crln-24008 752 23 of of ADP crln-24008 752 24 computer computer NOUN crln-24008 752 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 752 26 multimedia multimedia NOUN crln-24008 752 27 technologies technology NOUN crln-24008 752 28 in in ADP crln-24008 752 29 the the DET crln-24008 752 30 learning learning NOUN crln-24008 752 31 process process NOUN crln-24008 752 32 . . PUNCT crln-24008 753 1 the the DET crln-24008 753 2 library library NOUN crln-24008 753 3 offers offer VERB crln-24008 753 4 use use NOUN crln-24008 753 5 of of ADP crln-24008 753 6 700 700 NUM crln-24008 753 7 pc pc NOUN crln-24008 753 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 753 9 macintosh macintosh NOUN crln-24008 753 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 753 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 753 12 network network NOUN crln-24008 753 13 computers computer NOUN crln-24008 753 14 that that PRON crln-24008 753 15 provide provide VERB crln-24008 753 16 access access NOUN crln-24008 753 17 to to ADP crln-24008 753 18 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 753 19 library library NOUN crln-24008 753 20 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 753 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 753 22 e e NOUN crln-24008 753 23 - - NOUN crln-24008 753 24 mail mail NOUN crln-24008 753 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 753 26 office office NOUN crln-24008 753 27 applica­ applica­ VERB crln-24008 753 28 tions tion NOUN crln-24008 753 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 753 30 and and CCONJ crln-24008 753 31 the the DET crln-24008 753 32 internet internet NOUN crln-24008 753 33 . . PUNCT crln-24008 754 1 the the DET crln-24008 754 2 helen helen PROPN crln-24008 754 3 deroy deroy PROPN crln-24008 754 4 24 24 NUM crln-24008 754 5 - - PUNCT crln-24008 754 6 hour hour NOUN crln-24008 754 7 extended extended ADJ crln-24008 754 8 study study NOUN crln-24008 754 9 center center NOUN crln-24008 754 10 provides provide VERB crln-24008 754 11 wsu wsu ADJ crln-24008 754 12 students student NOUN crln-24008 754 13 a a DET crln-24008 754 14 secure secure ADJ crln-24008 754 15 on on ADP crln-24008 754 16 - - PUNCT crln-24008 754 17 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 754 18 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 754 19 for for ADP crln-24008 754 20 studying study VERB crln-24008 754 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 754 22 around around ADP crln-24008 754 23 - - PUNCT crln-24008 754 24 the the DET crln-24008 754 25 - - PUNCT crln-24008 754 26 clock clock NOUN crln-24008 754 27 computer computer NOUN crln-24008 754 28 use use NOUN crln-24008 754 29 . . PUNCT crln-24008 755 1 application application NOUN crln-24008 755 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 755 3 please please INTJ crln-24008 755 4 mail mail VERB crln-24008 755 5 or or CCONJ crln-24008 755 6 fax fax VERB crln-24008 755 7 a a DET crln-24008 755 8 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 755 9 of of ADP crln-24008 755 10 interest interest NOUN crln-24008 755 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 755 12 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 755 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 755 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 755 15 the the DET crln-24008 755 16 names name NOUN crln-24008 755 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 755 18 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 755 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 755 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 755 21 telephone telephone NOUN crln-24008 755 22 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 755 23 of of ADP crln-24008 755 24 at at ADV crln-24008 755 25 least least ADV crln-24008 755 26 three three NUM crln-24008 755 27 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 755 28 references reference NOUN crln-24008 755 29 to to ADP crln-24008 755 30 : : PUNCT crln-24008 755 31 employment employment NOUN crln-24008 755 32 services service NOUN crln-24008 755 33 wayne wayne PROPN crln-24008 755 34 state state PROPN crln-24008 755 35 university university PROPN crln-24008 755 36 a a DET crln-24008 755 37 ttention ttention NOUN crln-24008 755 38 : : PUNCT crln-24008 755 39 posting post VERB crln-24008 755 40 w625 w625 PROPN crln-24008 755 41 5700 5700 NUM crln-24008 755 42 cass cass NOUN crln-24008 755 43 avenue avenue PROPN crln-24008 755 44 . . PUNCT crln-24008 756 1 suite suite PROPN crln-24008 756 2 1900 1900 NUM crln-24008 756 3 detroit detroit PROPN crln-24008 756 4 . . PUNCT crln-24008 757 1 ml ml PROPN crln-24008 757 2 48202 48202 NUM crln-24008 757 3 applications application NOUN crln-24008 757 4 will will AUX crln-24008 757 5 be be AUX crln-24008 757 6 accepted accept VERB crln-24008 757 7 until until SCONJ crln-24008 757 8 the the DET crln-24008 757 9 position position NOUN crln-24008 757 10 is be AUX crln-24008 757 11 filled fill VERB crln-24008 757 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 758 1 wayne wayne PROPN crln-24008 758 2 state state PROPN crln-24008 758 3 university university PROPN crln-24008 758 4 is be AUX crln-24008 758 5 an an DET crln-24008 758 6 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 758 7 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 758 8 / / SYM crln-24008 758 9 affirmative affirmative ADJ crln-24008 758 10 action action NOUN crln-24008 758 11 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 758 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 759 1 all all DET crln-24008 759 2 buildings building NOUN crln-24008 759 3 , , PUNCT crln-24008 759 4 structures structure NOUN crln-24008 759 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 759 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 759 7 vehicles vehicle NOUN crln-24008 759 8 at at ADP crln-24008 759 9 wsu wsu NOUN crln-24008 759 10 are be AUX crln-24008 759 11 smoke smoke NOUN crln-24008 759 12 - - PUNCT crln-24008 759 13 free free ADJ crln-24008 759 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 760 1 wayne wayne PROPN crln-24008 760 2 state state PROPN crln-24008 760 3 university university PROPN crln-24008 760 4 — — PUNCT crln-24008 760 5 people people NOUN crln-24008 760 6 working work VERB crln-24008 760 7 together together ADV crln-24008 760 8 to to PART crln-24008 760 9 provide provide VERB crln-24008 760 10 quality quality NOUN crln-24008 760 11 service service NOUN crln-24008 760 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 761 1 need need VERB crln-24008 761 2 your your PRON crln-24008 761 3 job job NOUN crln-24008 761 4 opening opening NOUN crln-24008 761 5 posted post VERB crln-24008 761 6 yesterday yesterday NOUN crln-24008 761 7 ? ? PUNCT crln-24008 762 1 post post VERB crln-24008 762 2 your your PRON crln-24008 762 3 ads ad NOUN crln-24008 762 4 on on ADP crln-24008 762 5 c&rlnewsnet c&rlnewsnet NOUN crln-24008 762 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 762 7 the the DET crln-24008 762 8 web web NOUN crln-24008 762 9 's 's PART crln-24008 762 10 premiere premiere ADJ crln-24008 762 11 source source NOUN crln-24008 762 12 for for ADP crln-24008 762 13 employment employment NOUN crln-24008 762 14 opportunities opportunity NOUN crln-24008 762 15 for for ADP crln-24008 762 16 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 762 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 762 18 research research NOUN crln-24008 762 19 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 762 20 . . PUNCT crln-24008 763 1 and and CCONJ crln-24008 763 2 now now ADV crln-24008 763 3 job job NOUN crln-24008 763 4 ads ad NOUN crln-24008 763 5 on on ADP crln-24008 763 6 c c PROPN crln-24008 763 7 & & CCONJ crln-24008 763 8 r r PROPN crln-24008 763 9 ln ln PROPN crln-24008 763 10 ew ew PROPN crln-24008 763 11 sn sn PROPN crln-24008 763 12 et et PRON crln-24008 763 13 will will AUX crln-24008 763 14 be be AUX crln-24008 763 15 updated update VERB crln-24008 763 16 weekly weekly ADV crln-24008 763 17 ! ! PUNCT crln-24008 764 1 c8ιrl c8ιrl PROPN crln-24008 764 2 news news NOUN crln-24008 764 3 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 764 4 january january PROPN crln-24008 764 5 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 764 6 i i PRON crln-24008 764 7 65 65 NUM crln-24008 764 8 university university NOUN crln-24008 764 9 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 764 10 clark clark PROPN crln-24008 764 11 university university PROPN crln-24008 764 12 clark clark PROPN crln-24008 764 13 university university PROPN crln-24008 764 14 invites invite VERB crln-24008 764 15 applications application NOUN crln-24008 764 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 764 17 nominations nomination NOUN crln-24008 764 18 for for ADP crln-24008 764 19 the the DET crln-24008 764 20 position position NOUN crln-24008 764 21 of of ADP crln-24008 764 22 university university NOUN crln-24008 764 23 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 764 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 765 1 we we PRON crln-24008 765 2 are be AUX crln-24008 765 3 seeking seek VERB crln-24008 765 4 a a DET crln-24008 765 5 dynamic dynamic ADJ crln-24008 765 6 leader leader NOUN crln-24008 765 7 who who PRON crln-24008 765 8 will will AUX crln-24008 765 9 proactively proactively ADV crln-24008 765 10 manage manage VERB crln-24008 765 11 the the DET crln-24008 765 12 university university NOUN crln-24008 765 13 ’s ’s NOUN crln-24008 765 14 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 765 15 of of ADP crln-24008 765 16 information information NOUN crln-24008 765 17 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 765 18 to to ADP crln-24008 765 19 sup­ sup­ PROPN crln-24008 765 20 port port VERB crln-24008 765 21 the the DET crln-24008 765 22 teaching teaching NOUN crln-24008 765 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 765 24 learning learning NOUN crln-24008 765 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 765 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 765 27 scholarly scholarly ADJ crln-24008 765 28 activities activity NOUN crln-24008 765 29 of of ADP crln-24008 765 30 our our PRON crln-24008 765 31 students student NOUN crln-24008 765 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 765 33 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 765 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 765 35 and and CCONJ crln-24008 765 36 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 765 37 . . PUNCT crln-24008 766 1 clark clark PROPN crln-24008 766 2 is be AUX crln-24008 766 3 a a DET crln-24008 766 4 private private ADJ crln-24008 766 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 766 6 urban urban ADJ crln-24008 766 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 766 8 liberal liberal ADJ crln-24008 766 9 arts art NOUN crln-24008 766 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 766 11 research research NOUN crln-24008 766 12 institution institution NOUN crln-24008 766 13 located locate VERB crln-24008 766 14 in in ADP crln-24008 766 15 central central ADJ crln-24008 766 16 mas­ mas­ NOUN crln-24008 766 17 sachusetts sachusett NOUN crln-24008 766 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 766 19 with with ADP crln-24008 766 20 2600 2600 NUM crln-24008 766 21 undergraduate undergraduate NOUN crln-24008 766 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 766 23 graduate graduate NOUN crln-24008 766 24 students student NOUN crln-24008 766 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 766 26 160 160 NUM crln-24008 766 27 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 766 28 . . PUNCT crln-24008 767 1 the the DET crln-24008 767 2 university university NOUN crln-24008 767 3 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 767 4 is be AUX crln-24008 767 5 the the DET crln-24008 767 6 chief chief ADJ crln-24008 767 7 admin­ admin­ ADJ crln-24008 767 8 istrative istrative ADJ crln-24008 767 9 officer officer NOUN crln-24008 767 10 of of ADP crln-24008 767 11 the the DET crln-24008 767 12 library library NOUN crln-24008 767 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 767 14 is be AUX crln-24008 767 15 respon­ respon­ NOUN crln-24008 767 16 sible sible ADJ crln-24008 767 17 fo fo ADP crln-24008 767 18 r r NOUN crln-24008 767 19 the the DET crln-24008 767 20 leadership leadership NOUN crln-24008 767 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 767 22 development development NOUN crln-24008 767 23 of of ADP crln-24008 767 24 approximately approximately ADV crln-24008 767 25 10 10 NUM crln-24008 767 26 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 767 27 and and CCONJ crln-24008 767 28 17 17 NUM crln-24008 767 29 support support NOUN crln-24008 767 30 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 767 31 members member NOUN crln-24008 767 32 plus plus CCONJ crln-24008 767 33 14 14 NUM crln-24008 767 34 fte fte NOUN crln-24008 767 35 student student NOUN crln-24008 767 36 assis­ assis­ NOUN crln-24008 767 37 tants tant NOUN crln-24008 767 38 . . PUNCT crln-24008 768 1 clark clark PROPN crln-24008 768 2 uses use VERB crln-24008 768 3 the the DET crln-24008 768 4 endeavor endeavor NOUN crln-24008 768 5 voyager voyager PROPN crln-24008 768 6 library library NOUN crln-24008 768 7 system system NOUN crln-24008 768 8 for for ADP crln-24008 768 9 the the DET crln-24008 768 10 management management NOUN crln-24008 768 11 of of ADP crln-24008 768 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 768 13 access access NOUN crln-24008 768 14 to to ADP crln-24008 768 15 local local ADJ crln-24008 768 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 768 17 external external ADJ crln-24008 768 18 information information NOUN crln-24008 768 19 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 768 20 . . PUNCT crln-24008 769 1 the the DET crln-24008 769 2 position position NOUN crln-24008 769 3 requires require VERB crln-24008 769 4 an an DET crln-24008 769 5 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 769 6 - - PUNCT crln-24008 769 7 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 769 8 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 769 9 with with ADP crln-24008 769 10 additional additional ADJ crln-24008 769 11 advanced advanced ADJ crln-24008 769 12 subject subject NOUN crln-24008 769 13 de­ de­ PROPN crln-24008 769 14 gree gree NOUN crln-24008 769 15 preferred prefer VERB crln-24008 769 16 . . PUNCT crln-24008 770 1 the the DET crln-24008 770 2 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 770 3 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 770 4 will will AUX crln-24008 770 5 have have VERB crln-24008 770 6 : : PUNCT crln-24008 770 7 progressively progressively ADV crln-24008 770 8 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 770 9 library library NOUN crln-24008 770 10 administration administration NOUN crln-24008 770 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 770 12 planning planning NOUN crln-24008 770 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 770 14 management management NOUN crln-24008 770 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 770 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 770 17 budget budget NOUN crln-24008 770 18 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 770 19 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 770 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 770 21 comprehensive comprehensive ADJ crln-24008 770 22 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 770 23 of of ADP crln-24008 770 24 advanced advanced ADJ crln-24008 770 25 library library NOUN crln-24008 770 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 770 27 infor­ infor­ PROPN crln-24008 770 28 mation mation NOUN crln-24008 770 29 technologies technology NOUN crln-24008 770 30 and and CCONJ crln-24008 770 31 their their PRON crln-24008 770 32 creative creative ADJ crln-24008 770 33 appli­ appli­ NOUN crln-24008 770 34 cation cation NOUN crln-24008 770 35 to to PART crln-24008 770 36 enhance enhance VERB crln-24008 770 37 and and CCONJ crln-24008 770 38 support support NOUN crln-24008 770 39 library library NOUN crln-24008 770 40 , , PUNCT crln-24008 770 41 class­ class­ NOUN crln-24008 770 42 room room NOUN crln-24008 770 43 , , PUNCT crln-24008 770 44 and and CCONJ crln-24008 770 45 research research NOUN crln-24008 770 46 services service NOUN crln-24008 770 47 and and CCONJ crln-24008 770 48 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 770 49 . . PUNCT crln-24008 771 1 the the DET crln-24008 771 2 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 771 3 to to PART crln-24008 771 4 develop develop VERB crln-24008 771 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 771 6 maintain maintain VERB crln-24008 771 7 collabo­ collabo­ ADJ crln-24008 771 8 rative rative ADJ crln-24008 771 9 relationships relationship NOUN crln-24008 771 10 with with ADP crln-24008 771 11 students student NOUN crln-24008 771 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 771 13 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 771 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 771 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 771 16 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 771 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 771 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 771 19 cooperative cooperative ADJ crln-24008 771 20 relationships relationship NOUN crln-24008 771 21 with with ADP crln-24008 771 22 other other ADJ crln-24008 771 23 institutional institutional ADJ crln-24008 771 24 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 771 25 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 771 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 771 27 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 771 28 interpersonal interpersonal ADJ crln-24008 771 29 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 771 30 . . PUNCT crln-24008 772 1 review review NOUN crln-24008 772 2 of of ADP crln-24008 772 3 applications application NOUN crln-24008 772 4 will will AUX crln-24008 772 5 begin begin VERB crln-24008 772 6 on on ADP crln-24008 772 7 janu­ janu­ PROPN crln-24008 772 8 ary ary PROPN crln-24008 772 9 3 3 NUM crln-24008 772 10 0 0 NUM crln-24008 772 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 772 12 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 772 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 772 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 772 15 continue continue VERB crln-24008 772 16 until until SCONJ crln-24008 772 17 a a DET crln-24008 772 18 success­ success­ NOUN crln-24008 772 19 ful ful ADJ crln-24008 772 20 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 772 21 is be AUX crln-24008 772 22 identified identify VERB crln-24008 772 23 . . PUNCT crln-24008 773 1 it it PRON crln-24008 773 2 is be AUX crln-24008 773 3 expected expect VERB crln-24008 773 4 that that SCONJ crln-24008 773 5 the the DET crln-24008 773 6 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 773 7 will will AUX crln-24008 773 8 assume assume VERB crln-24008 773 9 his his PRON crln-24008 773 10 / / SYM crln-24008 773 11 her her PRON crln-24008 773 12 new new ADJ crln-24008 773 13 re­ re­ NOUN crln-24008 773 14 sponsibilities sponsibilitie NOUN crln-24008 773 15 on on ADP crln-24008 773 16 or or CCONJ crln-24008 773 17 about about ADP crln-24008 773 18 june june PROPN crln-24008 773 19 1 1 NUM crln-24008 773 20 ‚ ‚ PROPN crln-24008 773 21 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 773 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 774 1 please please INTJ crln-24008 774 2 submit submit VERB crln-24008 774 3 a a DET crln-24008 774 4 cover cover NOUN crln-24008 774 5 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 774 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 774 7 resume resume VERB crln-24008 774 8 to to ADP crln-24008 774 9 : : PUNCT crln-24008 774 10 the the DET crln-24008 774 11 office office NOUN crln-24008 774 12 of of ADP crln-24008 774 13 human human ADJ crln-24008 774 14 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 774 15 clark clark PROPN crln-24008 774 16 university university PROPN crln-24008 774 17 950 950 NUM crln-24008 774 18 main main ADJ crln-24008 774 19 st st PROPN crln-24008 774 20 . . PROPN crln-24008 774 21 worcester worcester PROPN crln-24008 774 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 774 23 ma ma PROPN crln-24008 774 24 01610 01610 NUM crln-24008 774 25 or or CCONJ crln-24008 774 26 e e NOUN crln-24008 774 27 - - NOUN crln-24008 774 28 mail mail NOUN crln-24008 774 29 : : PUNCT crln-24008 774 30 PROPN crln-24008 774 31 aa aa PROPN crln-24008 774 32 / / SYM crln-24008 774 33 eoe eoe CCONJ crln-24008 774 34 smoke smoke NOUN crln-24008 774 35 - - PUNCT crln-24008 774 36 free free ADJ crln-24008 774 37 workplace workplace NOUN crln-24008 774 38 . . PUNCT crln-24008 775 1 dean dean PROPN crln-24008 775 2 school school PROPN crln-24008 775 3 of of ADP crln-24008 775 4 library library NOUN crln-24008 775 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 775 6 information information NOUN crln-24008 775 7 science science NOUN crln-24008 775 8 the the DET crln-24008 775 9 catholic catholic PROPN crln-24008 775 10 university university PROPN crln-24008 775 11 of of ADP crln-24008 775 12 america america PROPN crln-24008 775 13 the the DET crln-24008 775 14 catholic catholic PROPN crln-24008 775 15 university university PROPN crln-24008 775 16 of of ADP crln-24008 775 17 america america PROPN crln-24008 775 18 is be AUX crln-24008 775 19 seek­ seek­ NOUN crln-24008 775 20 ing e VERB crln-24008 775 21 a a DET crln-24008 775 22 dean dean NOUN crln-24008 775 23 for for ADP crln-24008 775 24 its its PRON crln-24008 775 25 school school NOUN crln-24008 775 26 of of ADP crln-24008 775 27 library library NOUN crln-24008 775 28 and and CCONJ crln-24008 775 29 information information NOUN crln-24008 775 30 science science NOUN crln-24008 775 31 . . PUNCT crln-24008 776 1 this this DET crln-24008 776 2 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 776 3 - - PUNCT crln-24008 776 4 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 776 5 school school NOUN crln-24008 776 6 enrolls enroll VERB crln-24008 776 7 300 300 NUM crln-24008 776 8 full full ADJ crln-24008 776 9 - - PUNCT crln-24008 776 10 time time NOUN crln-24008 776 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 776 12 part part ADJ crln-24008 776 13 - - PUNCT crln-24008 776 14 time time NOUN crln-24008 776 15 students student NOUN crln-24008 776 16 on on ADP crln-24008 776 17 the the DET crln-24008 776 18 washington washington PROPN crln-24008 776 19 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 776 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 776 21 at at ADP crln-24008 776 22 the the DET crln-24008 776 23 library library NOUN crln-24008 776 24 of of ADP crln-24008 776 25 congress congress PROPN crln-24008 776 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 776 27 and and CCONJ crln-24008 776 28 at at ADP crln-24008 776 29 three three NUM crln-24008 776 30 sites site NOUN crln-24008 776 31 in in ADP crln-24008 776 32 virginiait virginiait ADJ crln-24008 776 33 offers offer VERB crln-24008 776 34 a a DET crln-24008 776 35 graduate graduate NOUN crln-24008 776 36 program program NOUN crln-24008 776 37 that that PRON crln-24008 776 38 includes include VERB crln-24008 776 39 a a DET crln-24008 776 40 m m PROPN crln-24008 776 41 aster aster NOUN crln-24008 776 42 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 776 43 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 776 44 and and CCONJ crln-24008 776 45 a a DET crln-24008 776 46 post post ADJ crln-24008 776 47 - - ADJ crln-24008 776 48 master master ADJ crln-24008 776 49 ’s ’s NOUN crln-24008 776 50 certificate certificate NOUN crln-24008 776 51 in in ADP crln-24008 776 52 library library NOUN crln-24008 776 53 and and CCONJ crln-24008 776 54 infor­ infor­ PROPN crln-24008 776 55 mation mation NOUN crln-24008 776 56 science science NOUN crln-24008 776 57 . . PUNCT crln-24008 777 1 it it PRON crln-24008 777 2 also also ADV crln-24008 777 3 offers offer VERB crln-24008 777 4 joint joint ADJ crln-24008 777 5 degrees degree NOUN crln-24008 777 6 with with ADP crln-24008 777 7 law law NOUN crln-24008 777 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 777 9 musicology musicology NOUN crln-24008 777 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 777 11 history history NOUN crln-24008 777 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 777 13 english english PROPN crln-24008 777 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 777 15 biol­ biol­ PROPN crln-24008 777 16 ogy ogy NOUN crln-24008 777 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 777 18 greek greek NOUN crln-24008 777 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 777 20 latin latin NOUN crln-24008 777 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 777 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 777 23 religious religious ADJ crln-24008 777 24 studies study NOUN crln-24008 777 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 778 1 the the DET crln-24008 778 2 university university NOUN crln-24008 778 3 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 778 4 applicants applicant NOUN crln-24008 778 5 with with ADP crln-24008 778 6 a a DET crln-24008 778 7 vision vision NOUN crln-24008 778 8 for for ADP crln-24008 778 9 library library NOUN crln-24008 778 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 778 11 information information NOUN crln-24008 778 12 science science NOUN crln-24008 778 13 educa­ educa­ PROPN crln-24008 779 1 tion tion NOUN crln-24008 779 2 and and CCONJ crln-24008 779 3 the the DET crln-24008 779 4 leadership leadership NOUN crln-24008 779 5 to to PART crln-24008 779 6 guide guide VERB crln-24008 779 7 the the DET crln-24008 779 8 program program NOUN crln-24008 779 9 into into ADP crln-24008 779 10 the the DET crln-24008 779 11 21st 21st ADJ crln-24008 779 12 century century NOUN crln-24008 779 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 780 1 a a DET crln-24008 780 2 doctoral doctoral ADJ crln-24008 780 3 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 780 4 in in ADP crln-24008 780 5 library library NOUN crln-24008 780 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 780 7 information information NOUN crln-24008 780 8 science science NOUN crln-24008 780 9 or or CCONJ crln-24008 780 10 a a DET crln-24008 780 11 closely closely ADV crln-24008 780 12 related relate VERB crln-24008 780 13 field field NOUN crln-24008 780 14 is be AUX crln-24008 780 15 required require VERB crln-24008 780 16 . . PUNCT crln-24008 781 1 applicants applicant NOUN crln-24008 781 2 should should AUX crln-24008 781 3 have have AUX crln-24008 781 4 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 781 5 scholarly scholarly ADJ crln-24008 781 6 achievement achievement NOUN crln-24008 781 7 sufficient sufficient ADJ crln-24008 781 8 for for ADP crln-24008 781 9 a a DET crln-24008 781 10 senior senior ADJ crln-24008 781 11 - - PUNCT crln-24008 781 12 level level NOUN crln-24008 781 13 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 781 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 781 15 a a DET crln-24008 781 16 broad broad ADJ crln-24008 781 17 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 781 18 of of ADP crln-24008 781 19 library library NOUN crln-24008 781 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 781 21 information information NOUN crln-24008 781 22 science science NOUN crln-24008 781 23 . . PUNCT crln-24008 782 1 applicants applicant NOUN crln-24008 782 2 should should AUX crln-24008 782 3 also also ADV crln-24008 782 4 possess possess VERB crln-24008 782 5 administrative administrative ADJ crln-24008 782 6 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 782 7 or or CCONJ crln-24008 782 8 potentiala potentiala VERB crln-24008 782 9 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 782 10 record record NOUN crln-24008 782 11 of of ADP crln-24008 782 12 grantsmanship grantsmanship NOUN crln-24008 782 13 is be AUX crln-24008 782 14 de­ de­ PROPN crln-24008 782 15 sirable sirable ADJ crln-24008 782 16 . . PUNCT crln-24008 783 1 the the DET crln-24008 783 2 catholic catholic PROPN crln-24008 783 3 university university PROPN crln-24008 783 4 of of ADP crln-24008 783 5 america america PROPN crln-24008 783 6 was be AUX crln-24008 783 7 founded found VERB crln-24008 783 8 in in ADP crln-24008 783 9 the the DET crln-24008 783 10 name name NOUN crln-24008 783 11 of of ADP crln-24008 783 12 the the DET crln-24008 783 13 catholic catholic ADJ crln-24008 783 14 church church NOUN crln-24008 783 15 as as ADP crln-24008 783 16 a a DET crln-24008 783 17 national national ADJ crln-24008 783 18 university university NOUN crln-24008 783 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 783 20 center center NOUN crln-24008 783 21 of of ADP crln-24008 783 22 research research NOUN crln-24008 783 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 783 24 scholarship scholarship NOUN crln-24008 783 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 784 1 regardless regardless ADV crln-24008 784 2 of of ADP crln-24008 784 3 their their PRON crln-24008 784 4 religious religious ADJ crln-24008 784 5 affiliation affiliation NOUN crln-24008 784 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 784 7 all all DET crln-24008 784 8 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 784 9 are be AUX crln-24008 784 10 ex­ ex­ NOUN crln-24008 784 11 pected pecte VERB crln-24008 784 12 to to AUX crln-24008 784 13 respect respect VERB crln-24008 784 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 784 15 support support VERB crln-24008 784 16 the the DET crln-24008 784 17 university university NOUN crln-24008 784 18 ’s ’s NUM crln-24008 784 19 mission mission NOUN crln-24008 784 20 . . PUNCT crln-24008 785 1 nominations nomination NOUN crln-24008 785 2 and and CCONJ crln-24008 785 3 applications application NOUN crln-24008 785 4 are be AUX crln-24008 785 5 invited invite VERB crln-24008 785 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 786 1 applicants applicant NOUN crln-24008 786 2 should should AUX crln-24008 786 3 submit submit VERB crln-24008 786 4 a a DET crln-24008 786 5 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 786 6 of of ADP crln-24008 786 7 intent intent NOUN crln-24008 786 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 786 9 full full ADJ crln-24008 786 10 vitae vitae NOUN crln-24008 786 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 786 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 786 13 names name NOUN crln-24008 786 14 of of ADP crln-24008 786 15 three three NUM crln-24008 786 16 references reference NOUN crln-24008 786 17 to to ADP crln-24008 786 18 : : PUNCT crln-24008 786 19 benedict benedict PROPN crln-24008 786 20 t. t. PROPN crln-24008 786 21 decicco decicco PROPN crln-24008 786 22 chair chair PROPN crln-24008 786 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 786 24 search search NOUN crln-24008 786 25 committee committee NOUN crln-24008 786 26 office office NOUN crln-24008 786 27 of of ADP crln-24008 786 28 the the DET crln-24008 786 29 vice vice NOUN crln-24008 786 30 provost provost NOUN crln-24008 786 31 for for ADP crln-24008 786 32 graduate graduate NOUN crln-24008 786 33 studies study NOUN crln-24008 786 34 the the DET crln-24008 786 35 catholic catholic PROPN crln-24008 786 36 university university PROPN crln-24008 786 37 of of ADP crln-24008 786 38 america america PROPN crln-24008 786 39 w w PROPN crln-24008 786 40 ashington ashington PROPN crln-24008 786 41 , , PUNCT crln-24008 786 42 d.c d.c PROPN crln-24008 786 43 . . PROPN crln-24008 786 44 20064 20064 NUM crln-24008 786 45 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 786 46 applications application NOUN crln-24008 786 47 and and CCONJ crln-24008 786 48 should should AUX crln-24008 786 49 be be AUX crln-24008 786 50 sent send VERB crln-24008 786 51 to to ADP crln-24008 786 52 NOUN crln-24008 786 53 . . PUNCT crln-24008 787 1 please please INTJ crln-24008 787 2 submit submit VERB crln-24008 787 3 applica­ applica­ ADJ crln-24008 787 4 tions tion NOUN crln-24008 787 5 by by ADP crln-24008 787 6 february february PROPN crln-24008 787 7 28 28 NUM crln-24008 787 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 787 9 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 787 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 788 1 information information NOUN crln-24008 788 2 on on ADP crln-24008 788 3 the the DET crln-24008 788 4 school school NOUN crln-24008 788 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 788 6 the the DET crln-24008 788 7 university university NOUN crln-24008 788 8 can can AUX crln-24008 788 9 be be AUX crln-24008 788 10 found find VERB crln-24008 788 11 at at ADP crln-24008 788 12 http://w http://w X crln-24008 788 13 PROPN crln-24008 788 14 welcome.htm welcome.htm PROPN crln-24008 788 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 788 16 http:/ http:/ VERB crln-24008 788 17 the the DET crln-24008 788 18 catholic catholic PROPN crln-24008 788 19 university university PROPN crln-24008 788 20 of of ADP crln-24008 788 21 america america PROPN crln-24008 788 22 is be AUX crln-24008 788 23 an an DET crln-24008 788 24 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 788 25 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 788 26 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 788 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 789 1 PROPN crln-24008 789 2 PROPN crln-24008 789 3 PROPN crln-24008 789 4 X crln-24008 789 5 66 66 NUM crln-24008 789 6 / / SYM crln-24008 789 7 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 789 8 news news NOUN crln-24008 789 9 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 789 10 january january PROPN crln-24008 789 11 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 789 12 sc sc NOUN crln-24008 789 13 ien ien PROPN crln-24008 789 14 c c PROPN crln-24008 789 15 e e PROPN crln-24008 789 16 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 789 17 franklin franklin PROPN crln-24008 789 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 789 19 marshall marshall PROPN crln-24008 789 20 college college PROPN crln-24008 789 21 lancaster lancaster PROPN crln-24008 789 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 789 23 pennsylvania pennsylvania PROPN crln-24008 789 24 franklin franklin PROPN crln-24008 789 25 & & CCONJ crln-24008 789 26 marshall marshall PROPN crln-24008 789 27 college college PROPN crln-24008 789 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 789 29 a a DET crln-24008 789 30 highly highly ADV crln-24008 789 31 selective selective ADJ crln-24008 789 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 789 33 independent independent ADJ crln-24008 789 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 789 35 coeducational coeducational ADJ crln-24008 789 36 liberal liberal ADJ crln-24008 789 37 arts art NOUN crln-24008 789 38 college college NOUN crln-24008 789 39 for for ADP crln-24008 789 40 approximately approximately ADV crln-24008 789 41 1800 1800 NUM crln-24008 789 42 students student NOUN crln-24008 789 43 , , PUNCT crln-24008 789 44 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 789 45 an an DET crln-24008 789 46 innovative innovative ADJ crln-24008 789 47 , , PUNCT crln-24008 789 48 service service NOUN crln-24008 789 49 - - PUNCT crln-24008 789 50 oriented orient VERB crln-24008 789 51 science science NOUN crln-24008 789 52 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 789 53 to to PART crln-24008 789 54 provide provide VERB crln-24008 789 55 leadership leadership NOUN crln-24008 789 56 for for ADP crln-24008 789 57 a a DET crln-24008 789 58 branch branch NOUN crln-24008 789 59 science science NOUN crln-24008 789 60 library library NOUN crln-24008 789 61 with with ADP crln-24008 789 62 two two NUM crln-24008 789 63 full full ADJ crln-24008 789 64 - - PUNCT crln-24008 789 65 time time NOUN crln-24008 789 66 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 789 67 , , PUNCT crln-24008 789 68 plus plus CCONJ crln-24008 789 69 students student NOUN crln-24008 789 70 . . PUNCT crln-24008 790 1 reporting report VERB crln-24008 790 2 to to ADP crln-24008 790 3 the the DET crln-24008 790 4 college college NOUN crln-24008 790 5 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 790 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 790 7 this this DET crln-24008 790 8 position position NOUN crln-24008 790 9 is be AUX crln-24008 790 10 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 790 11 for for ADP crln-24008 790 12 the the DET crln-24008 790 13 operation operation NOUN crln-24008 790 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 790 15 administration administration NOUN crln-24008 790 16 of of ADP crln-24008 790 17 the the DET crln-24008 790 18 martin martin PROPN crln-24008 790 19 library library NOUN crln-24008 790 20 of of ADP crln-24008 790 21 the the DET crln-24008 790 22 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 790 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 790 24 the the DET crln-24008 790 25 promotion promotion NOUN crln-24008 790 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 790 27 integration integration NOUN crln-24008 790 28 of of ADP crln-24008 790 29 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 790 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 790 31 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 790 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 790 33 and and CCONJ crln-24008 790 34 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 790 35 development development NOUN crln-24008 790 36 services service NOUN crln-24008 790 37 . . PUNCT crln-24008 791 1 the the DET crln-24008 791 2 acquisitions acquisition NOUN crln-24008 791 3 budget budget NOUN crln-24008 791 4 for for ADP crln-24008 791 5 the the DET crln-24008 791 6 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 791 7 is be AUX crln-24008 791 8 approximately approximately ADV crln-24008 791 9 $ $ SYM crln-24008 791 10 350,000 350,000 NUM crln-24008 791 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 792 1 services service NOUN crln-24008 792 2 offered offer VERB crln-24008 792 3 include include VERB crln-24008 792 4 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 792 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 792 6 circulation circulation NOUN crln-24008 792 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 792 8 reserves reserve NOUN crln-24008 792 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 792 10 library library NOUN crln-24008 792 11 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 792 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 792 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 792 14 data data NOUN crln-24008 792 15 - - PUNCT crln-24008 792 16 base base NOUN crln-24008 792 17 searching searching NOUN crln-24008 792 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 793 1 the the DET crln-24008 793 2 science science NOUN crln-24008 793 3 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 793 4 maintains maintain VERB crln-24008 793 5 a a DET crln-24008 793 6 close close ADJ crln-24008 793 7 working working NOUN crln-24008 793 8 relationship relationship NOUN crln-24008 793 9 with with ADP crln-24008 793 10 the the DET crln-24008 793 11 shadek shadek PROPN crln-24008 793 12 fackenthal fackenthal PROPN crln-24008 793 13 library library PROPN crln-24008 793 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 793 15 participates participate VERB crln-24008 793 16 in in ADP crln-24008 793 17 the the DET crln-24008 793 18 general general ADJ crln-24008 793 19 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 793 20 desk desk NOUN crln-24008 793 21 schedule schedule NOUN crln-24008 793 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 793 23 including include VERB crln-24008 793 24 nights night NOUN crln-24008 793 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 793 26 weekends weekend NOUN crln-24008 793 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 793 28 and and CCONJ crln-24008 793 29 actively actively ADV crln-24008 793 30 contributes contribute VERB crln-24008 793 31 to to ADP crln-24008 793 32 the the DET crln-24008 793 33 formulation formulation NOUN crln-24008 793 34 of of ADP crln-24008 793 35 library library NOUN crln-24008 793 36 - - PUNCT crln-24008 793 37 wide wide ADJ crln-24008 793 38 policies policy NOUN crln-24008 793 39 , , PUNCT crln-24008 793 40 procedures procedure NOUN crln-24008 793 41 , , PUNCT crln-24008 793 42 goals goal NOUN crln-24008 793 43 and and CCONJ crln-24008 793 44 priorities priority NOUN crln-24008 793 45 . . PUNCT crln-24008 794 1 requirements requirement NOUN crln-24008 794 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 794 3 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 794 4 - - PUNCT crln-24008 794 5 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 794 6 mls mls PROPN crln-24008 794 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 794 8 bachelor bachelor NOUN crln-24008 794 9 ’s ’s NUM crln-24008 794 10 or or CCONJ crln-24008 794 11 advanced advanced ADJ crln-24008 794 12 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 794 13 in in ADP crln-24008 794 14 the the DET crln-24008 794 15 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 794 16 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 794 17 finalists finalist NOUN crln-24008 794 18 will will AUX crln-24008 794 19 be be AUX crln-24008 794 20 asked ask VERB crln-24008 794 21 to to PART crln-24008 794 22 submit submit VERB crln-24008 794 23 official official ADJ crln-24008 794 24 transcripts transcript NOUN crln-24008 794 25 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 794 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 794 27 three three NUM crln-24008 794 28 years year NOUN crln-24008 794 29 progressively progressively ADV crln-24008 794 30 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 794 31 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 794 32 in in ADP crln-24008 794 33 a a DET crln-24008 794 34 science science NOUN crln-24008 794 35 or or CCONJ crln-24008 794 36 special special ADJ crln-24008 794 37 library library NOUN crln-24008 794 38 including include VERB crln-24008 794 39 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 794 40 management management NOUN crln-24008 794 41 of of ADP crln-24008 794 42 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 794 43 budgets budget NOUN crln-24008 794 44 and and CCONJ crln-24008 794 45 programs program NOUN crln-24008 794 46 , , PUNCT crln-24008 794 47 familiarity familiarity NOUN crln-24008 794 48 with with ADP crln-24008 794 49 the the DET crln-24008 794 50 structure structure NOUN crln-24008 794 51 of of ADP crln-24008 794 52 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 794 53 in in ADP crln-24008 794 54 the the DET crln-24008 794 55 scientific scientific ADJ crln-24008 794 56 disciplines discipline NOUN crln-24008 794 57 , , PUNCT crln-24008 794 58 supervisory supervisory ADJ crln-24008 794 59 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 794 60 . . PUNCT crln-24008 795 1 desired desire VERB crln-24008 795 2 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 795 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 795 4 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 795 5 service service NOUN crln-24008 795 6 orientation orientation NOUN crln-24008 795 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 795 8 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 795 9 to to PART crln-24008 795 10 work work VERB crln-24008 795 11 independently independently ADV crln-24008 795 12 as as ADV crln-24008 795 13 well well ADV crln-24008 795 14 as as ADP crln-24008 795 15 part part NOUN crln-24008 795 16 of of ADP crln-24008 795 17 a a DET crln-24008 795 18 team team NOUN crln-24008 795 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 795 20 evidence evidence NOUN crln-24008 795 21 of of ADP crln-24008 795 22 innovative innovative ADJ crln-24008 795 23 leadership leadership NOUN crln-24008 795 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 795 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 795 26 familiarity familiarity NOUN crln-24008 795 27 with with ADP crln-24008 795 28 the the DET crln-24008 795 29 changing change VERB crln-24008 795 30 information information NOUN crln-24008 795 31 and and CCONJ crln-24008 795 32 publishing publishing NOUN crln-24008 795 33 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 795 34 in in ADP crln-24008 795 35 the the DET crln-24008 795 36 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 795 37 . . PUNCT crln-24008 796 1 application application NOUN crln-24008 796 2 review review NOUN crln-24008 796 3 will will AUX crln-24008 796 4 begin begin VERB crln-24008 796 5 january january PROPN crln-24008 796 6 20 20 NUM crln-24008 796 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 796 8 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 796 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 796 10 continue continue VERB crln-24008 796 11 until until SCONJ crln-24008 796 12 the the DET crln-24008 796 13 position position NOUN crln-24008 796 14 is be AUX crln-24008 796 15 filled fill VERB crln-24008 796 16 . . PUNCT crln-24008 797 1 please please INTJ crln-24008 797 2 send send VERB crln-24008 797 3 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 797 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 797 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 797 6 names name NOUN crln-24008 797 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 797 8 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 797 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 797 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 797 11 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 797 12 of of ADP crln-24008 797 13 three three NUM crln-24008 797 14 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 797 15 references reference NOUN crln-24008 797 16 to to ADP crln-24008 797 17 : : PUNCT crln-24008 797 18 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 797 19 services service NOUN crln-24008 797 20 franklin franklin PROPN crln-24008 797 21 & & CCONJ crln-24008 797 22 marshall marshall PROPN crln-24008 797 23 college college PROPN crln-24008 797 24 po po PROPN crln-24008 797 25 box box PROPN crln-24008 797 26 3003 3003 NUM crln-24008 797 27 lancaster lancaster NOUN crln-24008 797 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 797 29 pa pa PROPN crln-24008 797 30 17604 17604 NUM crln-24008 797 31 - - SYM crln-24008 797 32 3003 3003 NUM crln-24008 797 33 an an DET crln-24008 797 34 affirmative affirmative ADJ crln-24008 797 35 action action NOUN crln-24008 797 36 / / SYM crln-24008 797 37 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 797 38 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 797 39 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 797 40 . . PUNCT crln-24008 798 1 late late ADJ crln-24008 798 2 job job NOUN crln-24008 798 3 listings listing NOUN crln-24008 798 4 director director NOUN crln-24008 798 5 of of ADP crln-24008 798 6 hege hege PROPN crln-24008 798 7 library library PROPN crln-24008 798 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 799 1 guilford guilford PROPN crln-24008 799 2 college college PROPN crln-24008 799 3 , , PUNCT crln-24008 799 4 a a DET crln-24008 799 5 four four NUM crln-24008 799 6 - - PUNCT crln-24008 799 7 year year NOUN crln-24008 799 8 liberal liberal ADJ crln-24008 799 9 arts art NOUN crln-24008 799 10 college college NOUN crln-24008 799 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 799 12 is be AUX crln-24008 799 13 seeking seek VERB crln-24008 799 14 a a DET crln-24008 799 15 creative creative ADJ crln-24008 799 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 799 17 energetic energetic ADJ crln-24008 799 18 person person NOUN crln-24008 799 19 as as ADP crln-24008 799 20 director director NOUN crln-24008 799 21 of of ADP crln-24008 799 22 hege hege PROPN crln-24008 799 23 library library PROPN crln-24008 799 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 800 1 the the DET crln-24008 800 2 library library NOUN crln-24008 800 3 has have VERB crln-24008 800 4 a a DET crln-24008 800 5 dedicated dedicated ADJ crln-24008 800 6 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 800 7 which which PRON crln-24008 800 8 serves serve VERB crln-24008 800 9 the the DET crln-24008 800 10 1,100 1,100 NUM crln-24008 800 11 main main ADJ crln-24008 800 12 - - PUNCT crln-24008 800 13 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 800 14 students student NOUN crln-24008 800 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 800 16 400 400 NUM crln-24008 800 17 continuing continue VERB crln-24008 800 18 - - PUNCT crln-24008 800 19 education education NOUN crln-24008 800 20 students student NOUN crln-24008 800 21 in in ADP crln-24008 800 22 a a DET crln-24008 800 23 spacious spacious ADJ crln-24008 800 24 facility facility NOUN crln-24008 800 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 800 26 most most ADV crln-24008 800 27 recently recently ADV crln-24008 800 28 expanded expand VERB crln-24008 800 29 and and CCONJ crln-24008 800 30 refurbished refurbish VERB crln-24008 800 31 in in ADP crln-24008 800 32 1990 1990 NUM crln-24008 800 33 . . PUNCT crln-24008 801 1 the the DET crln-24008 801 2 director director NOUN crln-24008 801 3 must must AUX crln-24008 801 4 be be AUX crln-24008 801 5 committed commit VERB crln-24008 801 6 to to ADP crln-24008 801 7 public public ADJ crln-24008 801 8 service service NOUN crln-24008 801 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 801 10 consortial consortial ADJ crln-24008 801 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 801 12 cooperative cooperative ADJ crln-24008 801 13 agreements agreement NOUN crln-24008 801 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 801 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 801 16 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 801 17 access access NOUN crln-24008 801 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 802 1 the the DET crln-24008 802 2 applicant applicant NOUN crln-24008 802 3 should should AUX crln-24008 802 4 demonstrate demonstrate VERB crln-24008 802 5 expertise expertise NOUN crln-24008 802 6 in in ADP crln-24008 802 7 computer computer NOUN crln-24008 802 8 systems system NOUN crln-24008 802 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 802 10 applications application NOUN crln-24008 802 11 while while SCONJ crln-24008 802 12 also also ADV crln-24008 802 13 having have VERB crln-24008 802 14 abroad abroad ADV crln-24008 802 15 umderstanding umderstanding NOUN crln-24008 802 16 of of ADP crln-24008 802 17 the the DET crln-24008 802 18 variety variety NOUN crln-24008 802 19 of of ADP crln-24008 802 20 materials material NOUN crln-24008 802 21 and and CCONJ crln-24008 802 22 means mean NOUN crln-24008 802 23 of of ADP crln-24008 802 24 access access NOUN crln-24008 802 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 803 1 the the DET crln-24008 803 2 director director NOUN crln-24008 803 3 of of ADP crln-24008 803 4 the the DET crln-24008 803 5 library library NOUN crln-24008 803 6 will will AUX crln-24008 803 7 need need VERB crln-24008 803 8 to to PART crln-24008 803 9 consult consult VERB crln-24008 803 10 with with ADP crln-24008 803 11 the the DET crln-24008 803 12 director director NOUN crln-24008 803 13 of of ADP crln-24008 803 14 information information NOUN crln-24008 803 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 803 16 technology technology NOUN crln-24008 803 17 services service NOUN crln-24008 803 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 804 1 the the DET crln-24008 804 2 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 804 3 for for ADP crln-24008 804 4 the the DET crln-24008 804 5 director director NOUN crln-24008 804 6 should should AUX crln-24008 804 7 be be AUX crln-24008 804 8 active active ADJ crln-24008 804 9 in in ADP crln-24008 804 10 scholarly scholarly ADJ crln-24008 804 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 804 12 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 804 13 organizations organization NOUN crln-24008 804 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 805 1 the the DET crln-24008 805 2 person person NOUN crln-24008 805 3 must must AUX crln-24008 805 4 be be AUX crln-24008 805 5 an an DET crln-24008 805 6 effective effective ADJ crln-24008 805 7 communicator communicator NOUN crln-24008 805 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 805 9 demonstrate demonstrate VERB crln-24008 805 10 understanding understanding NOUN crln-24008 805 11 of of ADP crln-24008 805 12 academe academe NOUN crln-24008 805 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 806 1 other other ADJ crln-24008 806 2 essential essential ADJ crln-24008 806 3 attributes attribute NOUN crln-24008 806 4 are be AUX crln-24008 806 5 skill skill NOUN crln-24008 806 6 in in ADP crln-24008 806 7 budget budget NOUN crln-24008 806 8 management management NOUN crln-24008 806 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 806 10 understanding understanding NOUN crln-24008 806 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 806 12 advocacy advocacy NOUN crln-24008 806 13 of of ADP crln-24008 806 14 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 806 15 training training NOUN crln-24008 806 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 806 17 development development NOUN crln-24008 806 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 807 1 guilford guilford PROPN crln-24008 807 2 college college PROPN crln-24008 807 3 is be AUX crln-24008 807 4 affiliated affiliate VERB crln-24008 807 5 with with ADP crln-24008 807 6 the the DET crln-24008 807 7 society society NOUN crln-24008 807 8 of of ADP crln-24008 807 9 friends friend NOUN crln-24008 807 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 807 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 807 12 hege hege NOUN crln-24008 807 13 library library NOUN crln-24008 807 14 has have VERB crln-24008 807 15 a a DET crln-24008 807 16 rich rich ADJ crln-24008 807 17 quaker quaker NOUN crln-24008 807 18 archives archive NOUN crln-24008 807 19 which which PRON crln-24008 807 20 serves serve VERB crln-24008 807 21 an an DET crln-24008 807 22 international international ADJ crln-24008 807 23 community community NOUN crln-24008 807 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 808 1 it it PRON crln-24008 808 2 is be AUX crln-24008 808 3 essential essential ADJ crln-24008 808 4 for for SCONJ crln-24008 808 5 the the DET crln-24008 808 6 director director NOUN crln-24008 808 7 to to PART crln-24008 808 8 work work VERB crln-24008 808 9 well well ADV crln-24008 808 10 with with ADP crln-24008 808 11 the the DET crln-24008 808 12 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 808 13 in in ADP crln-24008 808 14 the the DET crln-24008 808 15 friends friend NOUN crln-24008 808 16 historical historical ADJ crln-24008 808 17 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 808 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 808 19 to to PART crln-24008 808 20 incorporate incorporate VERB crln-24008 808 21 the the DET crln-24008 808 22 needs need NOUN crln-24008 808 23 of of ADP crln-24008 808 24 that that DET crln-24008 808 25 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 808 26 into into ADP crln-24008 808 27 the the DET crln-24008 808 28 broad broad ADJ crln-24008 808 29 goals goal NOUN crln-24008 808 30 of of ADP crln-24008 808 31 the the DET crln-24008 808 32 library library NOUN crln-24008 808 33 . . PUNCT crln-24008 809 1 there there PRON crln-24008 809 2 are be VERB crln-24008 809 3 also also ADV crln-24008 809 4 in in ADP crln-24008 809 5 the the DET crln-24008 809 6 library library NOUN crln-24008 809 7 the the DET crln-24008 809 8 media medium NOUN crln-24008 809 9 services service NOUN crln-24008 809 10 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 809 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 809 12 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 809 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 810 1 the the DET crln-24008 810 2 needs need VERB crln-24008 810 3 ofthat ofthat ADJ crln-24008 810 4 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 810 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 810 6 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 810 7 are be AUX crln-24008 810 8 part part NOUN crln-24008 810 9 of of ADP crln-24008 810 10 the the DET crln-24008 810 11 larger large ADJ crln-24008 810 12 vision vision NOUN crln-24008 810 13 of of ADP crln-24008 810 14 the the DET crln-24008 810 15 hege hege NOUN crln-24008 810 16 library library NOUN crln-24008 810 17 as as ADV crln-24008 810 18 well well ADV crln-24008 810 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 811 1 housed house VERB crln-24008 811 2 in in ADP crln-24008 811 3 the the DET crln-24008 811 4 hege hege NOUN crln-24008 811 5 library library NOUN crln-24008 811 6 is be AUX crln-24008 811 7 the the DET crln-24008 811 8 art art NOUN crln-24008 811 9 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 811 10 of of ADP crln-24008 811 11 the the DET crln-24008 811 12 institution institution NOUN crln-24008 811 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 812 1 the the DET crln-24008 812 2 expansion expansion NOUN crln-24008 812 3 of1990was of1990was AUX crln-24008 812 4 designed design VERB crln-24008 812 5 with with ADP crln-24008 812 6 a a DET crln-24008 812 7 main main ADJ crln-24008 812 8 gallery gallery NOUN crln-24008 812 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 812 10 several several ADJ crln-24008 812 11 atrium atrium NOUN crln-24008 812 12 galleries gallery NOUN crln-24008 812 13 as as ADV crln-24008 812 14 well well ADV crln-24008 812 15 as as ADP crln-24008 812 16 display display NOUN crln-24008 812 17 cases case NOUN crln-24008 812 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 813 1 the the DET crln-24008 813 2 director director NOUN crln-24008 813 3 should should AUX crln-24008 813 4 be be AUX crln-24008 813 5 able able ADJ crln-24008 813 6 to to PART crln-24008 813 7 appreciate appreciate VERB crln-24008 813 8 the the DET crln-24008 813 9 value value NOUN crln-24008 813 10 of of ADP crln-24008 813 11 the the DET crln-24008 813 12 art art NOUN crln-24008 813 13 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 813 14 in in ADP crln-24008 813 15 serving serve VERB crln-24008 813 16 the the DET crln-24008 813 17 educational educational ADJ crln-24008 813 18 goals goal NOUN crln-24008 813 19 of of ADP crln-24008 813 20 guilford guilford PROPN crln-24008 813 21 college college PROPN crln-24008 813 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 814 1 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 814 2 should should AUX crln-24008 814 3 submit submit VERB crln-24008 814 4 a a DET crln-24008 814 5 curriculum curriculum NOUN crln-24008 814 6 vita vita NOUN crln-24008 814 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 814 8 three three NUM crln-24008 814 9 letters letter NOUN crln-24008 814 10 of of ADP crln-24008 814 11 recommendation recommendation NOUN crln-24008 814 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 814 13 by by ADP crln-24008 814 14 february february PROPN crln-24008 814 15 1 1 NUM crln-24008 814 16 0 0 NUM crln-24008 814 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 814 18 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 814 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 814 20 to to ADP crln-24008 814 21 : : PUNCT crln-24008 814 22 robyn robyn NOUN crln-24008 814 23 parsons parson NOUN crln-24008 814 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 814 25 director director NOUN crln-24008 814 26 of of ADP crln-24008 814 27 human human ADJ crln-24008 814 28 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 814 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 814 30 g g PROPN crln-24008 814 31 uilford uilford PROPN crln-24008 814 32 college college PROPN crln-24008 814 33 , , PUNCT crln-24008 814 34 5800 5800 NUM crln-24008 814 35 west west NOUN crln-24008 814 36 friendly friendly ADJ crln-24008 814 37 avenue avenue PROPN crln-24008 814 38 , , PUNCT crln-24008 814 39 greensboro greensboro PROPN crln-24008 814 40 , , PUNCT crln-24008 814 41 nc27410 nc27410 PROPN crln-24008 814 42 . . PUNCT crln-24008 815 1 aa aa PROPN crln-24008 815 2 / / SYM crln-24008 815 3 eoe eoe PROPN crln-24008 815 4 . . PUNCT crln-24008 816 1 structure structure NOUN crln-24008 816 2 bookmarks bookmark NOUN crln-24008 816 3 44 44 NUM crln-24008 816 4 / / SYM crln-24008 816 5 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 816 6 news news NOUN crln-24008 816 7 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 816 8 january january PROPN crln-24008 816 9 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 816 10 career career NOUN crln-24008 816 11 opportunities opportunity NOUN crln-24008 816 12 from from ADP crln-24008 816 13 across across ADP crln-24008 816 14 the the DET crln-24008 816 15 country country NOUN crln-24008 816 16 deadlines deadline NOUN crln-24008 816 17 : : PUNCT crln-24008 816 18 orders order NOUN crln-24008 816 19 for for ADP crln-24008 816 20 regular regular ADJ crln-24008 816 21 classified classified ADJ crln-24008 816 22 advertisements advertisement NOUN crln-24008 816 23 must must AUX crln-24008 816 24 reach reach VERB crln-24008 816 25 the the DET crln-24008 816 26 acrl acrl ADJ crln-24008 816 27 office office NOUN crln-24008 816 28 on on ADP crln-24008 816 29 or or CCONJ crln-24008 816 30 before before ADP crln-24008 816 31 the the DET crln-24008 816 32 second second NOUN crln-24008 816 33 of of ADP crln-24008 816 34 the the DET crln-24008 816 35 month month NOUN crln-24008 816 36 preceding precede VERB crln-24008 816 37 publication publication NOUN crln-24008 816 38 of of ADP crln-24008 816 39 the the DET crln-24008 816 40 issue issue NOUN crln-24008 816 41 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 816 42 e.g. e.g. ADV crln-24008 816 43 , , PUNCT crln-24008 816 44 september2 september2 NOUN crln-24008 816 45 for for ADP crln-24008 816 46 the the DET crln-24008 816 47 october october PROPN crln-24008 816 48 issue issue NOUN crln-24008 816 49 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 816 50 . . PUNCT crln-24008 817 1 should should AUX crln-24008 817 2 this this DET crln-24008 817 3 date date NOUN crln-24008 817 4 fail fail VERB crln-24008 817 5 on on ADP crln-24008 817 6 a a DET crln-24008 817 7 weekend weekend NOUN crln-24008 817 8 or or CCONJ crln-24008 817 9 holiday holiday NOUN crln-24008 817 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 817 11 ads ad NOUN crln-24008 817 12 will will AUX crln-24008 817 13 be be AUX crln-24008 817 14 accepted accept VERB crln-24008 817 15 on on ADP crln-24008 817 16 the the DET crln-24008 817 17 next next ADJ crln-24008 817 18 business business NOUN crln-24008 817 19 day day NOUN crln-24008 817 20 . . PUNCT crln-24008 818 1 late late ADJ crln-24008 818 2 job job NOUN crln-24008 818 3 listings listing NOUN crln-24008 818 4 will will AUX crln-24008 818 5 be be AUX crln-24008 818 6 accepted accept VERB crln-24008 818 7 on on ADP crln-24008 818 8 a a DET crln-24008 818 9 space space NOUN crln-24008 818 10 - - PUNCT crln-24008 818 11 available available ADJ crln-24008 818 12 basis basis NOUN crln-24008 818 13 after after ADP crln-24008 818 14 the the DET crln-24008 818 15 second second NOUN crln-24008 818 16 of of ADP crln-24008 818 17 the the DET crln-24008 818 18 month.rates month.rate NOUN crln-24008 818 19 : : PUNCT crln-24008 818 20 classified classified ADJ crln-24008 818 21 advertisements advertisement NOUN crln-24008 818 22 are be AUX crln-24008 818 23 $ $ SYM crln-24008 818 24 8.75 8.75 NUM crln-24008 818 25 per per ADP crln-24008 818 26 line line NOUN crln-24008 818 27 for for ADP crln-24008 818 28 institutions institution NOUN crln-24008 818 29 that that PRON crln-24008 818 30 are be AUX crln-24008 818 31 acrl acrl ADJ crln-24008 818 32 members member NOUN crln-24008 818 33 , , PUNCT crln-24008 818 34 $ $ SYM crln-24008 818 35 10.75 10.75 NUM crln-24008 818 36 for for ADP crln-24008 818 37 others other NOUN crln-24008 818 38 . . PUNCT crln-24008 819 1 late late ADJ crln-24008 819 2 job job NOUN crln-24008 819 3 notices notice VERB crln-24008 819 4 discriminatory discriminatory ADJ crln-24008 819 5 references reference NOUN crln-24008 819 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 820 1 applicants applicant NOUN crln-24008 820 2 should should AUX crln-24008 820 3 be be AUX crln-24008 820 4 aware aware ADJ crln-24008 820 5 that that SCONJ crln-24008 820 6 the the DET crln-24008 820 7 terms term NOUN crln-24008 820 8 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 820 9 rank rank NOUN crln-24008 820 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 820 11 status status NOUN crln-24008 820 12 vary vary VERB crln-24008 820 13 in in ADP crln-24008 820 14 meaning meaning NOUN crln-24008 820 15 among among ADP crln-24008 820 16 institutions.internet institutions.internet NOUN crln-24008 820 17 : : PUNCT crln-24008 820 18 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 820 19 news news PROPN crln-24008 820 20 classified classified ADJ crln-24008 820 21 ads ad NOUN crln-24008 820 22 are be AUX crln-24008 820 23 accessible accessible ADJ crln-24008 820 24 on on ADP crln-24008 820 25 the the DET crln-24008 820 26 world world NOUN crln-24008 820 27 wide wide ADJ crln-24008 820 28 web web NOUN crln-24008 820 29 at at ADP crln-24008 820 30 PROPN crln-24008 820 31 . . PUNCT crln-24008 821 1 ads ad NOUN crln-24008 821 2 will will AUX crln-24008 821 3 be be AUX crln-24008 821 4 placed place VERB crln-24008 821 5 approximately approximately ADV crln-24008 821 6 2 2 NUM crln-24008 821 7 - - SYM crln-24008 821 8 3 3 NUM crln-24008 821 9 weeks week NOUN crln-24008 821 10 before before SCONJ crln-24008 821 11 the the DET crln-24008 821 12 printed print VERB crln-24008 821 13 edition edition NOUN crln-24008 821 14 of of ADP crln-24008 821 15 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 821 16 news news NOUN crln-24008 821 17 is be AUX crln-24008 821 18 NOUN crln-24008 821 19 : : PUNCT crln-24008 821 20 jack jack PROPN crln-24008 821 21 helbig helbig PROPN crln-24008 821 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 821 23 classified classified ADJ crln-24008 821 24 advertising advertising NOUN crln-24008 821 25 manager manager NOUN crln-24008 821 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 821 27 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 821 28 news news PROPN crln-24008 821 29 classified classify VERB crln-24008 821 30 advertising advertising NOUN crln-24008 821 31 department department NOUN crln-24008 821 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 821 33 acrl acrl ADJ crln-24008 821 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 821 35 american american PROPN crln-24008 821 36 library library PROPN crln-24008 821 37 association association PROPN crln-24008 821 38 , , PUNCT crln-24008 821 39 50 50 NUM crln-24008 821 40 e. e. PROPN crln-24008 821 41 huron huron PROPN crln-24008 821 42 st st PROPN crln-24008 821 43 . . PROPN crln-24008 821 44 , , PUNCT crln-24008 821 45 chicago chicago PROPN crln-24008 821 46 , , PUNCT crln-24008 821 47 il il PROPN crln-24008 821 48 60611 60611 NUM crln-24008 821 49 -279 -279 PROPN crln-24008 821 50 assistant assistant NOUN crln-24008 821 51 professormontana professormontana PROPN crln-24008 821 52 state state PROPN crln-24008 821 53 university university NOUN crln-24008 821 54 - - PUNCT crln-24008 821 55 bozeman bozeman NOUN crln-24008 821 56 librariesmontana librariesmontana PROPN crln-24008 821 57 state state PROPN crln-24008 821 58 university university NOUN crln-24008 821 59 - - PUNCT crln-24008 821 60 bozeman bozeman PROPN crln-24008 821 61 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 821 62 is be AUX crln-24008 821 63 accepting accept VERB crln-24008 821 64 applications application NOUN crln-24008 821 65 for for ADP crln-24008 821 66 an an DET crln-24008 821 67 assistant assistant NOUN crln-24008 821 68 profes­sor profes­sor NOUN crln-24008 821 69 , , PUNCT crln-24008 821 70 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 821 71 - - PUNCT crln-24008 821 72 track track NOUN crln-24008 821 73 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 821 74 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 821 75 , , PUNCT crln-24008 821 76 available available ADJ crln-24008 821 77 august august PROPN crln-24008 821 78 1 1 NUM crln-24008 821 79 ‚ ‚ PROPN crln-24008 821 80 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 821 81 . . PUNCT crln-24008 822 1 required require VERB crln-24008 822 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 822 3 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 822 4 - - PUNCT crln-24008 822 5 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 822 6 mls mls PROPN crln-24008 822 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 823 1 $ $ SYM crln-24008 823 2 30,500 30,500 NUM crln-24008 823 3 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 823 4 . . PUNCT crln-24008 824 1 screening screening NOUN crln-24008 824 2 begins begin VERB crln-24008 824 3 march march PROPN crln-24008 824 4 1 1 NUM crln-24008 824 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 824 6 1999.for 1999.for ADP crln-24008 824 7 more more ADJ crln-24008 824 8 information information NOUN crln-24008 824 9 : : PUNCT crln-24008 824 10 NOUN crln-24008 824 11 or or CCONJ crln-24008 824 12 call call VERB crln-24008 824 13 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 824 14 406 406 NUM crln-24008 824 15 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 824 16 994-3119.ada/eo/aa/veteran 994-3119.ada/eo/aa/veteran PROPN crln-24008 824 17 's 's PART crln-24008 824 18 preference preference NOUN crln-24008 824 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 825 1 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 825 2 news news PROPN crln-24008 825 3 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 825 4 january january PROPN crln-24008 825 5 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 825 6 / / SYM crln-24008 825 7 45 45 NUM crln-24008 825 8 systems system NOUN crln-24008 825 9 librarianrobert librarianrobert PROPN crln-24008 825 10 r. r. PROPN crln-24008 825 11 muntz muntz PROPN crln-24008 825 12 library library PROPN crln-24008 825 13 the the DET crln-24008 825 14 university university PROPN crln-24008 825 15 of of ADP crln-24008 825 16 texas texas PROPN crln-24008 825 17 at at ADP crln-24008 825 18 tylerposition tylerposition NOUN crln-24008 825 19 : : PUNCT crln-24008 825 20 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 825 21 for for ADP crln-24008 825 22 the the DET crln-24008 825 23 implementation implementation NOUN crln-24008 825 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 825 25 daily daily ADJ crln-24008 825 26 operations operation NOUN crln-24008 825 27 of of ADP crln-24008 825 28 a a DET crln-24008 825 29 new new ADJ crln-24008 825 30 windows window NOUN crln-24008 825 31 nt not PART crln-24008 825 32 - - PUNCT crln-24008 825 33 based base VERB crln-24008 825 34 client client NOUN crln-24008 825 35 - - PUNCT crln-24008 825 36 server server NOUN crln-24008 825 37 library library NOUN crln-24008 825 38 network network NOUN crln-24008 825 39 . . PUNCT crln-24008 826 1 this this DET crln-24008 826 2 position position NOUN crln-24008 826 3 reports report VERB crln-24008 826 4 to to ADP crln-24008 826 5 the the DET crln-24008 826 6 library library NOUN crln-24008 826 7 director director NOUN crln-24008 826 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 826 9 works work VERB crln-24008 826 10 closely closely ADV crln-24008 826 11 with with ADP crln-24008 826 12 the the DET crln-24008 826 13 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 826 14 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 826 15 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 826 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 826 17 the the DET crln-24008 826 18 data datum NOUN crln-24008 826 19 systems system NOUN crln-24008 826 20 operator operator NOUN crln-24008 826 21 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 826 22 works work VERB crln-24008 826 23 closely closely ADV crln-24008 826 24 with with ADP crln-24008 826 25 library library NOUN crln-24008 826 26 departments department NOUN crln-24008 826 27 to to PART crln-24008 826 28 optimize optimize VERB crln-24008 826 29 the the DET crln-24008 826 30 automated automate VERB crln-24008 826 31 operations operation NOUN crln-24008 826 32 potential potential NOUN crln-24008 826 33 of of ADP crln-24008 826 34 the the DET crln-24008 826 35 dra dra PROPN crln-24008 826 36 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 826 37 library library NOUN crln-24008 826 38 system system NOUN crln-24008 826 39 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 826 40 works work VERB crln-24008 826 41 with with ADP crln-24008 826 42 the the DET crln-24008 826 43 library library NOUN crln-24008 826 44 departments department NOUN crln-24008 826 45 on on ADP crln-24008 826 46 systems system NOUN crln-24008 826 47 - - PUNCT crln-24008 826 48 related relate VERB crln-24008 826 49 pro pro NOUN crln-24008 826 50 including include VERB crln-24008 826 51 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 826 52 and and CCONJ crln-24008 826 53 names name NOUN crln-24008 826 54 , , PUNCT crln-24008 826 55 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 826 56 and and CCONJ crln-24008 826 57 phone phone NOUN crln-24008 826 58 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 826 59 of of ADP crln-24008 826 60 three three NUM crln-24008 826 61 current current ADJ crln-24008 826 62 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 826 63 references reference NOUN crln-24008 826 64 to to ADP crln-24008 826 65 : : PUNCT crln-24008 826 66 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 826 67 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 826 68 search search NOUN crln-24008 826 69 com­mittee com­mittee PROPN crln-24008 826 70 , , PUNCT crln-24008 826 71 office office NOUN crln-24008 826 72 of of ADP crln-24008 826 73 the the DET crln-24008 826 74 dean dean NOUN crln-24008 826 75 , , PUNCT crln-24008 826 76 montana montana PROPN crln-24008 826 77 state state PROPN crln-24008 826 78 university university NOUN crln-24008 826 79 - - PUNCT crln-24008 826 80 bozeman bozeman NOUN crln-24008 826 81 li­braries li­brarie NOUN crln-24008 826 82 , , PUNCT crln-24008 826 83 po po NOUN crln-24008 826 84 box box PROPN crln-24008 826 85 173320 173320 NUM crln-24008 826 86 , , PUNCT crln-24008 826 87 bozeman bozeman PROPN crln-24008 826 88 , , PUNCT crln-24008 826 89 mt mt PROPN crln-24008 826 90 59717 59717 NUM crln-24008 826 91 - - SYM crln-24008 826 92 3320 3320 NUM crln-24008 826 93 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 826 94 screening screening NOUN crln-24008 826 95 begins begin VERB crln-24008 826 96 march march PROPN crln-24008 826 97 1 1 NUM crln-24008 826 98 ‚ ‚ PROPN crln-24008 826 99 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 826 100 and and CCONJ crln-24008 826 101 continues continue VERB crln-24008 826 102 until until SCONJ crln-24008 826 103 suitable suitable ADJ crln-24008 826 104 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 826 105 is be AUX crln-24008 826 106 hired hire VERB crln-24008 826 107 . . PUNCT crln-24008 827 1 for for ADP crln-24008 827 2 more more ADJ crln-24008 827 3 information information NOUN crln-24008 827 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 827 5 see see VERB crln-24008 827 6 PROPN crln-24008 827 7 ada/ ada/ PROPN crln-24008 827 8 eo eo PROPN crln-24008 827 9 / / SYM crln-24008 827 10 aa aa NOUN crln-24008 827 11 / / SYM crln-24008 827 12 veteran‘s veteran‘s NOUN crln-24008 827 13 preference preference NOUN crln-24008 827 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 828 1 claim claim VERB crln-24008 828 2 veteran veteran NOUN crln-24008 828 3 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 828 4 preference preference NOUN crln-24008 828 5 or or CCONJ crln-24008 828 6 request request VERB crln-24008 828 7 accommodation accommodation NOUN crln-24008 828 8 from from ADP crln-24008 828 9 hr hr NOUN crln-24008 828 10 / / SYM crln-24008 828 11 aa aa PROPN crln-24008 828 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 828 13 msu msu PROPN crln-24008 828 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 828 15 bozeman bozeman PROPN crln-24008 828 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 828 17 m m VERB crln-24008 828 18 loging log VERB crln-24008 828 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 828 20 national national ADJ crln-24008 828 21 standards standard NOUN crln-24008 828 22 for for ADP crln-24008 828 23 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 828 24 control control NOUN crln-24008 828 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 829 1 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 829 2 cata­loging cata­loge VERB crln-24008 829 3 using use VERB crln-24008 829 4 a a DET crln-24008 829 5 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 829 6 utility utility NOUN crln-24008 829 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 829 8 preferably preferably ADV crln-24008 829 9 oclc oclc PROPN crln-24008 829 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 830 1 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 830 2 with with ADP crln-24008 830 3 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 830 4 library library NOUN crln-24008 830 5 systems system NOUN crln-24008 830 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 830 7 preferably preferably ADV crln-24008 830 8 innovative innovative ADJ crln-24008 830 9 interfaces interface NOUN crln-24008 830 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 830 11 inc inc PROPN crln-24008 830 12 . . PROPN crln-24008 830 13 working work VERB crln-24008 830 14 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 830 15 of of ADP crln-24008 830 16 at at ADV crln-24008 830 17 least least ADV crln-24008 830 18 one one NUM crln-24008 830 19 foreign foreign ADJ crln-24008 830 20 language language NOUN crln-24008 830 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 831 1 preferred prefer VERB crln-24008 831 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 831 3 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 831 4 in in ADP crln-24008 831 5 a a DET crln-24008 831 6 science science NOUN crln-24008 831 7 discipline discipline NOUN crln-24008 831 8 or or CCONJ crln-24008 831 9 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 831 10 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 831 11 science science NOUN crln-24008 831 12 materials material NOUN crln-24008 831 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 832 1 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 832 2 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 832 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 832 4 organization organization NOUN crln-24008 832 5 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 832 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 833 1 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 833 2 of of ADP crln-24008 833 3 visual visual ADJ crln-24008 833 4 basic basic ADJ crln-24008 833 5 or or CCONJ crln-24008 833 6 other other ADJ crln-24008 833 7 programming programming NOUN crln-24008 833 8 language language NOUN crln-24008 833 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 834 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 834 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 834 3 from from ADP crln-24008 834 4 $ $ SYM crln-24008 834 5 30,000 30,000 NUM crln-24008 834 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 834 7 commensurate commensurate ADJ crln-24008 834 8 with with ADP crln-24008 834 9 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 834 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 834 11 e e NOUN crln-24008 834 12 46 46 NUM crln-24008 834 13 / / SYM crln-24008 834 14 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 834 15 news news NOUN crln-24008 834 16 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 834 17 january january PROPN crln-24008 834 18 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 834 19 librariansswarthmore librariansswarthmore ADJ crln-24008 834 20 college college NOUN crln-24008 834 21 invites invite VERB crln-24008 834 22 applications application NOUN crln-24008 834 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 834 24 nominations nomination NOUN crln-24008 834 25 for for ADP crln-24008 834 26 two two NUM crln-24008 834 27 positions position NOUN crln-24008 834 28 in in ADP crln-24008 834 29 our our PRON crln-24008 834 30 college college NOUN crln-24008 834 31 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 834 32 . . PUNCT crln-24008 835 1 swarthmore swarthmore ADV crln-24008 835 2 is be AUX crln-24008 835 3 an an DET crln-24008 835 4 extremely extremely ADV crln-24008 835 5 selective selective ADJ crln-24008 835 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 835 7 private private ADJ crln-24008 835 8 four four NUM crln-24008 835 9 - - PUNCT crln-24008 835 10 year year NOUN crln-24008 835 11 liberal liberal ADJ crln-24008 835 12 arts art NOUN crln-24008 835 13 institution institution NOUN crln-24008 835 14 with with ADP crln-24008 835 15 about about ADV crln-24008 835 16 1,350 1,350 NUM crln-24008 835 17 students student NOUN crln-24008 835 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 835 19 160 160 NUM crln-24008 835 20 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 835 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 836 1 the the DET crln-24008 836 2 college college NOUN crln-24008 836 3 is be AUX crln-24008 836 4 located locate VERB crln-24008 836 5 in in ADP crln-24008 836 6 suburban suburban ADJ crln-24008 836 7 philadelphia philadelphia PROPN crln-24008 836 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 836 9 a a DET crln-24008 836 10 region region NOUN crln-24008 836 11 with with ADP crln-24008 836 12 exceptional exceptional ADJ crln-24008 836 13 higher high ADJ crln-24008 836 14 educational educational ADJ crln-24008 836 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 836 16 cultural cultural ADJ crln-24008 836 17 environments environment NOUN crln-24008 836 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 837 1 swarthmore swarthmore PROPN crln-24008 837 2 's 's PART crln-24008 837 3 mccabe mccabe NOUN crln-24008 837 4 lforary lforary ADJ crln-24008 837 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 837 6 its its PRON crln-24008 837 7 branch branch NOUN crln-24008 837 8 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 837 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 837 10 the the DET crln-24008 837 11 cornell cornell PROPN crln-24008 837 12 library library NOUN crln-24008 837 13 of of ADP crln-24008 837 14 science science PROPN crln-24008 837 15 & & CCONJ crln-24008 837 16 engineering engineering NOUN crln-24008 837 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 837 18 the the DET crln-24008 837 19 underthill underthill ADJ crln-24008 837 20 music music NOUN crln-24008 837 21 library library NOUN crln-24008 837 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 837 23 comprise comprise VERB crln-24008 837 24 650,000 650,000 NUM crln-24008 837 25 volumes volume NOUN crln-24008 837 26 as as ADP crln-24008 837 27 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 837 28 development development NOUN crln-24008 837 29 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 837 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 837 31 the the DET crln-24008 837 32 cul cul PROPN crln-24008 837 33 must must AUX crln-24008 837 34 work work VERB crln-24008 837 35 closely closely ADV crln-24008 837 36 with with ADP crln-24008 837 37 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 837 38 and and CCONJ crln-24008 837 39 library library NOUN crln-24008 837 40 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 837 41 to to PART crln-24008 837 42 enhance enhance VERB crln-24008 837 43 monographic monographic ADJ crln-24008 837 44 , , PUNCT crln-24008 837 45 serial serial NOUN crln-24008 837 46 , , PUNCT crln-24008 837 47 and and CCONJ crln-24008 837 48 nonprint nonprint NOUN crln-24008 837 49 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 837 50 for for ADP crln-24008 837 51 the the DET crln-24008 837 52 benefit benefit NOUN crln-24008 837 53 of of ADP crln-24008 837 54 the the DET crln-24008 837 55 saint saint NOUN crln-24008 837 56 anselm anselm PROPN crln-24008 837 57 community community NOUN crln-24008 837 58 . . PUNCT crln-24008 838 1 additionally additionally ADV crln-24008 838 2 , , PUNCT crln-24008 838 3 the the DET crln-24008 838 4 cul cul PROPN crln-24008 838 5 will will AUX crln-24008 838 6 also also ADV crln-24008 838 7 assist assist VERB crln-24008 838 8 in in ADP crln-24008 838 9 the the DET crln-24008 838 10 development development NOUN crln-24008 838 11 of of ADP crln-24008 838 12 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 838 13 services service NOUN crln-24008 838 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 838 15 a a DET crln-24008 838 16 growing grow VERB crln-24008 838 17 program program NOUN crln-24008 838 18 of of ADP crln-24008 838 19 library library NOUN crln-24008 838 20 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 838 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 839 1 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 839 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 839 3 an an DET crln-24008 839 4 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 839 5 - - PUNCT crln-24008 839 6 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 839 7 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 839 8 with with ADP crln-24008 839 9 at at ADV crln-24008 839 10 least least ADV crln-24008 839 11 seven seven NUM crln-24008 839 12 years year NOUN crln-24008 839 13 of of ADP crln-24008 839 14 progressively progressively ADV crln-24008 839 15 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 839 16 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 839 17 in in ADP crln-24008 839 18 a a DET crln-24008 839 19 college college NOUN crln-24008 839 20 or or CCONJ crln-24008 839 21 university university NOUN crln-24008 839 22 library library NOUN crln-24008 839 23 . . PUNCT crln-24008 840 1 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 840 2 in in ADP crln-24008 840 3 acquisitions acquisition NOUN crln-24008 840 4 work work NOUN crln-24008 840 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 840 6 a a DET crln-24008 840 7 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 840 8 connecticut connecticut PROPN crln-24008 840 9 delaware delaware PROPN crln-24008 840 10 illinois illinois PROPN crln-24008 840 11 indiana indiana PROPN crln-24008 840 12 iowa iowa PROPN crln-24008 840 13 louisiana louisiana PROPN crln-24008 840 14 maine maine PROPN crln-24008 840 15 massachusetts massachusetts PROPN crln-24008 840 16 new new PROPN crln-24008 840 17 jersey jersey PROPN crln-24008 840 18 new new PROPN crln-24008 840 19 york york PROPN crln-24008 840 20 north north PROPN crln-24008 840 21 carolina carolina PROPN crln-24008 840 22 ohio ohio PROPN crln-24008 840 23 pennsylvania pennsylvania PROPN crln-24008 840 24 rhode rhode PROPN crln-24008 840 25 island island PROPN crln-24008 840 26 south south PROPN crln-24008 840 27 carolina carolina PROPN crln-24008 840 28 south south PROPN crln-24008 840 29 dakota dakota PROPN crln-24008 840 30 texas texas PROPN crln-24008 840 31 vermont vermont PROPN crln-24008 840 32 west west PROPN crln-24008 840 33 virginia virginia PROPN crln-24008 840 34 wisconsin wisconsin PROPN crln-24008 840 35 $ $ SYM crln-24008 840 36 31,273$22,500+$27,400#varies*$24,533$22,000varies*$27,554*$33,188varies*$24,367+$25,198+$26,400$29,800varies*$22,000$28,000$26,464$22,000$25,830 31,273$22,500+$27,400#varies*$24,533$22,000varies*$27,554*$33,188varies*$24,367+$25,198+$26,400$29,800varies*$22,000$28,000$26,464$22,000$25,830 NUM crln-24008 840 37 •rather •rather CCONJ crln-24008 840 38 than than SCONJ crln-24008 840 39 establish establish VERB crln-24008 840 40 one one NUM crln-24008 840 41 statewide statewide ADJ crln-24008 840 42 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 840 43 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 840 44 , , PUNCT crln-24008 840 45 some some DET crln-24008 840 46 state state NOUN crln-24008 840 47 associations association NOUN crln-24008 840 48 have have AUX crln-24008 840 49 adopted adopt VERB crln-24008 840 50 a a DET crln-24008 840 51 formula formula NOUN crln-24008 840 52 based base VERB crln-24008 840 53 on on ADP crln-24008 840 54 such such ADJ crln-24008 840 55 variables variable NOUN crln-24008 840 56 as as ADP crln-24008 840 57 comparable comparable ADJ crln-24008 840 58 salaries salary NOUN crln-24008 840 59 for for ADP crln-24008 840 60 public public ADJ crln-24008 840 61 school school NOUN crln-24008 840 62 teachers teacher NOUN crln-24008 840 63 in in ADP crln-24008 840 64 each each DET crln-24008 840 65 community community NOUN crln-24008 840 66 or or CCONJ crln-24008 840 67 the the DET crln-24008 840 68 grade grade NOUN crln-24008 840 69 level level NOUN crln-24008 840 70 of of ADP crln-24008 840 71 a a DET crln-24008 840 72 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 840 73 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 840 74 post post NOUN crln-24008 840 75 . . PUNCT crln-24008 841 1 in in ADP crln-24008 841 2 these these DET crln-24008 841 3 cases case NOUN crln-24008 841 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 841 5 you you PRON crln-24008 841 6 may may AUX crln-24008 841 7 wish wish VERB crln-24008 841 8 to to PART crln-24008 841 9 contact contact VERB crln-24008 841 10 the the DET crln-24008 841 11 state state NOUN crln-24008 841 12 association association NOUN crln-24008 841 13 for for ADP crln-24008 841 14 minimum minimum ADJ crln-24008 841 15 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 841 16 information.+salary information.+salary VERB crln-24008 841 17 minimums minimum NOUN crln-24008 841 18 for for ADP crln-24008 841 19 public public ADJ crln-24008 841 20 librarians librarians PROPN crln-24008 841 21 only.#option only.#option NOUN crln-24008 841 22 for for ADP crln-24008 841 23 local local ADJ crln-24008 841 24 formula formula NOUN crln-24008 841 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 842 1 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 842 2 news news PROPN crln-24008 842 3 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 842 4 january january PROPN crln-24008 842 5 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 842 6 / / SYM crln-24008 842 7 47 47 NUM crln-24008 842 8 director director NOUN crln-24008 842 9 of of ADP crln-24008 842 10 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 842 11 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 842 12 # # SYM crln-24008 842 13 p30 p30 NOUN crln-24008 842 14 - - PUNCT crln-24008 842 15 015 015 NUM crln-24008 842 16 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 842 17 . . PUNCT crln-24008 843 1 the the DET crln-24008 843 2 desert desert NOUN crln-24008 843 3 research research NOUN crln-24008 843 4 insti­tute insti­tute PROPN crln-24008 843 5 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 843 6 dri dri PROPN crln-24008 843 7 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 843 8 is be AUX crln-24008 843 9 seeking seek VERB crln-24008 843 10 a a DET crln-24008 843 11 qualified qualified ADJ crln-24008 843 12 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 843 13 for for ADP crln-24008 843 14 the the DET crln-24008 843 15 position position NOUN crln-24008 843 16 of of ADP crln-24008 843 17 director director NOUN crln-24008 843 18 of of ADP crln-24008 843 19 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 843 20 . . PUNCT crln-24008 844 1 dri dri PROPN crln-24008 844 2 focuses focus VERB crln-24008 844 3 on on ADP crln-24008 844 4 environmental environmental ADJ crln-24008 844 5 research research NOUN crln-24008 844 6 within within ADP crln-24008 844 7 five five NUM crln-24008 844 8 science science NOUN crln-24008 844 9 centers center NOUN crln-24008 844 10 located locate VERB crln-24008 844 11 in in ADP crln-24008 844 12 reno reno NOUN crln-24008 844 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 844 14 las las PROPN crln-24008 844 15 vegas vegas PROPN crln-24008 844 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 844 17 nv nv PROPN crln-24008 844 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 845 1 our our PRON crln-24008 845 2 director director NOUN crln-24008 845 3 of of ADP crln-24008 845 4 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 845 5 provides provide VERB crln-24008 845 6 services service NOUN crln-24008 845 7 to to ADP crln-24008 845 8 dri dri PROPN crln-24008 845 9 research research NOUN crln-24008 845 10 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 845 11 in in ADP crln-24008 845 12 both both DET crln-24008 845 13 locations location NOUN crln-24008 845 14 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 845 15 manages manage VERB crln-24008 845 16 dri dri PROPN crln-24008 845 17 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 845 18 ’ ' PUNCT crln-24008 845 19 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 845 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 845 21 budget budget NOUN crln-24008 845 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 845 23 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 845 24 and and CCONJ crln-24008 845 25 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 845 26 needs need NOUN crln-24008 845 27 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 845 28 and and CCONJ crln-24008 845 29 makes make VERB crln-24008 845 30 decisions decision NOUN crln-24008 845 31 about about ADP crln-24008 845 32 information information NOUN crln-24008 845 33 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 845 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 845 35 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 845 36 , , PUNCT crln-24008 845 37 storage storage NOUN crln-24008 845 38 , , PUNCT crln-24008 845 39 and and CCONJ crln-24008 845 40 deaccession deaccession NOUN crln-24008 845 41 . . PUNCT crln-24008 846 1 because because SCONJ crln-24008 846 2 dri dri PROPN crln-24008 846 3 is be AUX crln-24008 846 4 aa aa ADJ crln-24008 846 5 / / SYM crln-24008 846 6 eeo eeo NOUN crln-24008 846 7 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 846 8 who who PRON crln-24008 846 9 employs employ VERB crln-24008 846 10 only only ADV crln-24008 846 11 u.s u.s PROPN crln-24008 846 12 . . PROPN crln-24008 846 13 citizens citizen NOUN crln-24008 846 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 846 15 those those PRON crln-24008 846 16 authorized authorize VERB crln-24008 846 17 to to PART crln-24008 846 18 work work VERB crln-24008 846 19 in in ADP crln-24008 846 20 the the DET crln-24008 846 21 NOUN crln-24008 846 22 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 846 23 . . PUNCT crln-24008 847 1 assistant assistant NOUN crln-24008 847 2 or or CCONJ crln-24008 847 3 associate associate ADJ crln-24008 847 4 professor professor NOUN crln-24008 847 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 848 1 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 848 2 illinois illinois PROPN crln-24008 848 3 university university PROPN crln-24008 848 4 at at ADP crln-24008 848 5 edwardsville edwardsville PROPN crln-24008 848 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 848 7 library library NOUN crln-24008 848 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 848 9 information information NOUN crln-24008 848 10 services service NOUN crln-24008 848 11 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 848 12 lis lis PROPN crln-24008 848 13 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 848 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 849 1 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 849 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 849 3 the the DET crln-24008 849 4 person person NOUN crln-24008 849 5 in in ADP crln-24008 849 6 this this DET crln-24008 849 7 position position NOUN crln-24008 849 8 organizes organize VERB crln-24008 849 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 849 10 coordi­nates coordi­nate VERB crln-24008 849 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 849 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 849 13 directs direct VERB crln-24008 849 14 the the DET crln-24008 849 15 activities activity NOUN crln-24008 849 16 of of ADP crln-24008 849 17 the the DET crln-24008 849 18 education education NOUN crln-24008 849 19 area area NOUN crln-24008 849 20 of of ADP crln-24008 849 21 love love NOUN crln-24008 849 22 joy joy PROPN crln-24008 849 23 library library PROPN crln-24008 849 24 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 849 25 user user NOUN crln-24008 849 26 services services PROPN crln-24008 849 27 department department PROPN crln-24008 849 28 . . PUNCT crln-24008 850 1 the the DET crln-24008 850 2 person person NOUN crln-24008 850 3 facilitates facilitate VERB crln-24008 850 4 the the DET crln-24008 850 5 best good ADJ crln-24008 850 6 use use NOUN crln-24008 850 7 of of ADP crln-24008 850 8 library library NOUN crln-24008 850 9 materials material NOUN crln-24008 850 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 850 11 services service NOUN crln-24008 850 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 850 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 850 14 facilities facility NOUN crln-24008 850 15 through through ADP crln-24008 850 16 direct direct ADJ crln-24008 850 17 contact contact NOUN crln-24008 850 18 with with ADP crln-24008 850 19 users user NOUN crln-24008 850 20 48 48 NUM crln-24008 850 21 / / SYM crln-24008 850 22 c8 c8 PROPN crln-24008 850 23 / / SYM crln-24008 850 24 rl rl PROPN crln-24008 850 25 news news NOUN crln-24008 850 26 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 850 27 january january PROPN crln-24008 850 28 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 850 29 harvard harvard PROPN crln-24008 850 30 law law NOUN crln-24008 850 31 school school NOUN crln-24008 850 32 librarythe librarythe PROPN crln-24008 850 33 harvard harvard PROPN crln-24008 850 34 law law PROPN crln-24008 850 35 school school NOUN crln-24008 850 36 library library NOUN crln-24008 850 37 has have VERB crln-24008 850 38 a a DET crln-24008 850 39 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 850 40 of of ADP crln-24008 850 41 more more ADJ crln-24008 850 42 than than ADP crln-24008 850 43 1.5 1.5 NUM crln-24008 850 44 million million NUM crln-24008 850 45 volumes volume NOUN crln-24008 850 46 and and CCONJ crln-24008 850 47 more more ADJ crln-24008 850 48 than than ADP crln-24008 850 49 14,000 14,000 NUM crln-24008 850 50 active active ADJ crln-24008 850 51 serial serial ADJ crln-24008 850 52 subscriptions subscription NOUN crln-24008 850 53 . . PUNCT crln-24008 851 1 materials material NOUN crln-24008 851 2 are be AUX crln-24008 851 3 in in ADP crln-24008 851 4 all all DET crln-24008 851 5 languages language NOUN crln-24008 851 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 851 7 formats format NOUN crln-24008 851 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 852 1 the the DET crln-24008 852 2 100 100 NUM crln-24008 852 3 - - PUNCT crln-24008 852 4 member member NOUN crln-24008 852 5 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 852 6 includes include VERB crln-24008 852 7 45 45 NUM crln-24008 852 8 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 852 9 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 852 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 853 1 the the DET crln-24008 853 2 library library NOUN crln-24008 853 3 is be AUX crln-24008 853 4 a a DET crln-24008 853 5 member member NOUN crln-24008 853 6 of of ADP crln-24008 853 7 the the DET crln-24008 853 8 research research NOUN crln-24008 853 9 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 853 10 group group NOUN crln-24008 853 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 853 12 the the DET crln-24008 853 13 new new PROPN crln-24008 853 14 england england PROPN crln-24008 853 15 law law PROPN crln-24008 853 16 library library PROPN crln-24008 853 17 consortium consortium PROPN crln-24008 853 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 853 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 853 20 is be AUX crln-24008 853 21 a a DET crln-24008 853 22 tape tape NOUN crln-24008 853 23 - - PUNCT crln-24008 853 24 loading loading NOUN crln-24008 853 25 member member NOUN crln-24008 853 26 of of ADP crln-24008 853 27 oclcbibliographer oclcbibliographer NOUN crln-24008 853 28 for for ADP crln-24008 853 29 japanese japanese ADJ crln-24008 853 30 lawunder lawunder NOUN crln-24008 853 31 the the DET crln-24008 853 32 general general ADJ crln-24008 853 33 direction direction NOUN crln-24008 853 34 of of ADP crln-24008 853 35 the the DET crln-24008 853 36 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 853 37 services service NOUN crln-24008 853 38 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 853 39 , , PUNCT crln-24008 853 40 the the DET crln-24008 853 41 bibliographer bibliographer NOUN crln-24008 853 42 for for ADP crln-24008 853 43 ja ja PROPN crln-24008 853 44 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 853 45 news news PROPN crln-24008 853 46 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 853 47 january january PROPN crln-24008 853 48 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 853 49 / / SYM crln-24008 853 50 49 49 NUM crln-24008 853 51 executive executive ADJ crln-24008 853 52 director director NOUN crln-24008 853 53 / / SYM crln-24008 853 54 presidenthistorical presidenthistorical ADJ crln-24008 853 55 society society NOUN crln-24008 853 56 of of ADP crln-24008 853 57 pennsylvaniathis pennsylvaniathis DET crln-24008 853 58 world world NOUN crln-24008 853 59 - - PUNCT crln-24008 853 60 class class NOUN crln-24008 853 61 research research NOUN crln-24008 853 62 facility facility NOUN crln-24008 853 63 and and CCONJ crln-24008 853 64 library library NOUN crln-24008 853 65 is be AUX crln-24008 853 66 looking look VERB crln-24008 853 67 for for ADP crln-24008 853 68 a a DET crln-24008 853 69 new new ADJ crln-24008 853 70 leader leader NOUN crln-24008 853 71 . . PUNCT crln-24008 854 1 the the DET crln-24008 854 2 executive executive ADJ crln-24008 854 3 director/ director/ NUM crln-24008 854 4 president president NOUN crln-24008 854 5 will will AUX crln-24008 854 6 be be AUX crln-24008 854 7 expected expect VERB crln-24008 854 8 to to PART crln-24008 854 9 possess possess VERB crln-24008 854 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 854 11 articulate articulate VERB crln-24008 854 12 a a DET crln-24008 854 13 clear clear ADJ crln-24008 854 14 vision vision NOUN crln-24008 854 15 of of ADP crln-24008 854 16 the the DET crln-24008 854 17 opportunities opportunity NOUN crln-24008 854 18 the the DET crln-24008 854 19 historical historical ADJ crln-24008 854 20 society society NOUN crln-24008 854 21 has have VERB crln-24008 854 22 to to PART crln-24008 854 23 build build VERB crln-24008 854 24 its its PRON crln-24008 854 25 reputation reputation NOUN crln-24008 854 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 854 27 impact impact NOUN crln-24008 854 28 on on ADP crln-24008 854 29 both both CCONJ crln-24008 854 30 the the DET crln-24008 854 31 philadelphia philadelphia NOUN crln-24008 854 32 and and CCONJ crln-24008 854 33 scholarly scholarly ADJ crln-24008 854 34 communities.this communities.this NOUN crln-24008 854 35 position position NOUN crln-24008 854 36 requires require VERB crln-24008 854 37 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 854 38 in in ADP crln-24008 854 39 three three NUM crln-24008 854 40 primary primary ADJ crln-24008 854 41 areas area NOUN crln-24008 854 42 : : PUNCT crln-24008 854 43 administration administration NOUN crln-24008 854 44 , , PUNCT crln-24008 854 45 development development NOUN crln-24008 854 46 , , PUNCT crln-24008 854 47 and and CCONJ crln-24008 854 48 the the DET crln-24008 854 49 effective effective ADJ crln-24008 854 50 management management NOUN crln-24008 854 51 of of ADP crln-24008 854 52 historical historical ADJ crln-24008 854 53 research research NOUN crln-24008 854 54 . . PUNCT crln-24008 855 1 the the DET crln-24008 855 2 head head NOUN crln-24008 855 3 of of ADP crln-24008 855 4 four four NUM crln-24008 855 5 years year NOUN crln-24008 855 6 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 855 7 in in ADP crln-24008 855 8 an an DET crln-24008 855 9 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 855 10 or or CCONJ crln-24008 855 11 research research NOUN crln-24008 855 12 library library NOUN crln-24008 855 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 856 1 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 856 2 of of ADP crln-24008 856 3 library library NOUN crln-24008 856 4 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 856 5 tools tool NOUN crln-24008 856 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 857 1 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 857 2 communication communication NOUN crln-24008 857 3 , , PUNCT crln-24008 857 4 teamwork teamwork NOUN crln-24008 857 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 857 6 organizational organizational ADJ crln-24008 857 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 857 8 interpersonal interpersonal ADJ crln-24008 857 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 857 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 857 11 public public ADJ crln-24008 857 12 services service NOUN crln-24008 857 13 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 857 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 858 1 applications application NOUN crln-24008 858 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 858 3 review review NOUN crln-24008 858 4 to to PART crln-24008 858 5 begin begin VERB crln-24008 858 6 july july PROPN crln-24008 858 7 1 1 NUM crln-24008 858 8 ‚ ‚ PROPN crln-24008 858 9 1998 1998 NUM crln-24008 858 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 858 11 to to PART crln-24008 858 12 remain remain VERB crln-24008 858 13 open open ADJ crln-24008 858 14 until until SCONJ crln-24008 858 15 position position NOUN crln-24008 858 16 is be AUX crln-24008 858 17 filled fill VERB crln-24008 858 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 859 1 send send VERB crln-24008 859 2 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 859 3 of of ADP crln-24008 859 4 application application NOUN crln-24008 859 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 859 6 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 859 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 859 8 names name NOUN crln-24008 859 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 859 10 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 859 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 859 12 phone phone NOUN crln-24008 859 13 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 859 14 of of ADP crln-24008 859 15 three three NUM crln-24008 859 16 references reference NOUN crln-24008 859 17 to to ADP crln-24008 859 18 : : PUNCT crln-24008 859 19 jay jay PROPN crln-24008 859 20 starratt starratt PROPN crln-24008 859 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 859 22 dean dean PROPN crln-24008 859 23 of of ADP crln-24008 859 24 lis lis PROPN crln-24008 859 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 859 26 lovejoy lovejoy PROPN crln-24008 859 27 library library PROPN crln-24008 859 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 859 29 siue siue PROPN crln-24008 859 30 box box PROPN crln-24008 859 31 1063 1063 NUM crln-24008 859 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 859 33 edwardsville edwardsville PROPN crln-24008 859 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 859 35 il il PROPN crln-24008 859 36 62026 62026 NUM crln-24008 859 37 - - SYM crln-24008 859 38 1063 1063 NUM crln-24008 859 39 . . PUNCT crln-24008 860 1 as as ADP crln-24008 860 2 an an DET crln-24008 860 3 affirmative affirmative ADJ crln-24008 860 4 action action NOUN crln-24008 860 5 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 860 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 860 7 siue siue PROPN crln-24008 860 8 offers offer VERB crln-24008 860 9 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 860 10 e e NOUN crln-24008 860 11 position position NOUN crln-24008 860 12 is be AUX crln-24008 860 13 filled fill VERB crln-24008 860 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 861 1 for for ADP crln-24008 861 2 more more ADJ crln-24008 861 3 information information NOUN crln-24008 861 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 861 5 a a DET crln-24008 861 6 full full ADJ crln-24008 861 7 posting posting NOUN crln-24008 861 8 of of ADP crln-24008 861 9 this this DET crln-24008 861 10 position position NOUN crln-24008 861 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 861 12 please please INTJ crln-24008 861 13 visit visit VERB crln-24008 861 14 our our PRON crln-24008 861 15 web web NOUN crln-24008 861 16 site site NOUN crln-24008 861 17 at at ADP crln-24008 861 18 : : PUNCT crln-24008 861 19 X crln-24008 861 20 . . X crln-24008 862 1 william william PROPN crln-24008 862 2 and and CCONJ crln-24008 862 3 mary mary PROPN crln-24008 862 4 is be AUX crln-24008 862 5 an an DET crln-24008 862 6 affirmative affirmative ADJ crln-24008 862 7 action action NOUN crln-24008 862 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 862 9 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 862 10 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 862 11 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 862 12 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 862 13 members member NOUN crln-24008 862 14 of of ADP crln-24008 862 15 underrepresented underrepresented ADJ crln-24008 862 16 groups group NOUN crln-24008 862 17 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 862 18 including include VERB crln-24008 862 19 persons person NOUN crln-24008 862 20 of of ADP crln-24008 862 21 color color NOUN crln-24008 862 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 862 23 per­sons per­son NOUN crln-24008 862 24 with with ADP crln-24008 862 25 disabilities disability NOUN crln-24008 862 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 862 27 vietnam vietnam PROPN crln-24008 862 28 veterans veteran NOUN crln-24008 862 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 862 30 and and CCONJ crln-24008 862 31 women woman NOUN crln-24008 862 32 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 862 33 are be AUX crln-24008 862 34 encouraged encourage VERB crln-24008 862 35 to to ADP crln-24008 862 36 apply.general apply.general ADJ crln-24008 862 37 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 862 38 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 862 39 . . PUNCT crln-24008 863 1 the the DET crln-24008 863 2 general general ADJ crln-24008 863 3 reference reference PROPN crln-24008 863 4 librar­ian librar­ian PROPN crln-24008 863 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 863 6 an an DET crln-24008 863 7 entry entry NOUN crln-24008 863 8 level level NOUN crln-24008 863 9 position position NOUN crln-24008 863 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 863 11 reports report VERB crln-24008 863 12 to to ADP crln-24008 863 13 the the DET crln-24008 863 14 head head NOUN crln-24008 863 15 of of ADP crln-24008 863 16 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 863 17 services service NOUN crln-24008 863 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 863 19 is be AUX crln-24008 863 20 respons respon NOUN crln-24008 863 21 50 50 NUM crln-24008 863 22 / / SYM crln-24008 863 23 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 863 24 news news NOUN crln-24008 863 25 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 863 26 january january PROPN crln-24008 863 27 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 863 28 three three NUM crln-24008 863 29 positions position NOUN crln-24008 863 30 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 863 31 / / SYM crln-24008 863 32 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 863 33 librariansuniversity librariansuniversity NOUN crln-24008 863 34 of of ADP crln-24008 863 35 southern southern ADJ crln-24008 863 36 california california PROPN crln-24008 863 37 leavey leavey PROPN crln-24008 863 38 libraryposition libraryposition NOUN crln-24008 863 39 summary summary NOUN crln-24008 863 40 : : PUNCT crln-24008 863 41 the the DET crln-24008 863 42 information information NOUN crln-24008 863 43 services service NOUN crln-24008 863 44 division division NOUN crln-24008 863 45 of of ADP crln-24008 863 46 the the DET crln-24008 863 47 university university PROPN crln-24008 863 48 of of ADP crln-24008 863 49 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 863 50 california california PROPN crln-24008 863 51 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 863 52 three three NUM crln-24008 863 53 energetic energetic ADJ crln-24008 863 54 and and CCONJ crln-24008 863 55 highly highly ADV crln-24008 863 56 - - PUNCT crln-24008 863 57 motivated motivated ADJ crln-24008 863 58 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 863 59 / / SYM crln-24008 863 60 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 863 61 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 863 62 for for ADP crln-24008 863 63 the the DET crln-24008 863 64 thomas thomas PROPN crln-24008 863 65 and and CCONJ crln-24008 863 66 dorothy dorothy PROPN crln-24008 863 67 leavey leavey NOUN crln-24008 863 68 library library PROPN crln-24008 863 69 , , PUNCT crln-24008 863 70 a a DET crln-24008 863 71 teaching teaching NOUN crln-24008 863 72 library library NOUN crln-24008 863 73 housed house VERB crln-24008 863 74 in in ADP crln-24008 863 75 a a DET crln-24008 863 76 state state NOUN crln-24008 863 77 - - PUNCT crln-24008 863 78 of of ADP crln-24008 863 79 - - PUNCT crln-24008 863 80 the the DET crln-24008 863 81 - - PUNCT crln-24008 863 82 art art NOUN crln-24008 863 83 building building NOUN crln-24008 863 84 that that PRON crln-24008 863 85 opened open VERB crln-24008 863 86 in in ADP crln-24008 863 87 fall fall NOUN crln-24008 863 88 1994 1994 NUM crln-24008 863 89 . . PUNCT crln-24008 864 1 as as ADP crln-24008 864 2 a a DET crln-24008 864 3 center center NOUN crln-24008 864 4 for for ADP crln-24008 864 5 promoting promote VERB crln-24008 864 6 information information NOUN crln-24008 864 7 literacy literacy NOUN crln-24008 864 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 864 9 life life NOUN crln-24008 864 10 - - PUNCT crln-24008 864 11 long long ADJ crln-24008 864 12 learning learning NOUN crln-24008 864 13 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 864 14 to to ADP crln-24008 864 15 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crln-24008 864 16 students student NOUN crln-24008 864 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 864 18 leavey leavey PROPN crln-24008 864 19 library library NOUN crln-24008 864 20 is be AUX crln-24008 864 21 dently dently ADV crln-24008 864 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 864 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 864 24 cooperatively cooperatively ADV crln-24008 864 25 with with ADP crln-24008 864 26 all all DET crln-24008 864 27 elements element NOUN crln-24008 864 28 of of ADP crln-24008 864 29 highly highly ADV crln-24008 864 30 diverse diverse ADJ crln-24008 864 31 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 864 32 community community NOUN crln-24008 864 33 . . PUNCT crln-24008 865 1 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 865 2 desk desk NOUN crln-24008 865 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 865 4 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 865 5 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 865 6 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 865 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 866 1 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 866 2 with with ADP crln-24008 866 3 use use NOUN crln-24008 866 4 of of ADP crln-24008 866 5 opacs opacs PROPN crln-24008 866 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 866 7 web web NOUN crln-24008 866 8 - - PUNCT crln-24008 866 9 based base VERB crln-24008 866 10 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 866 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 866 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 866 13 cd cd PROPN crln-24008 866 14 - - PUNCT crln-24008 866 15 rom rom NOUN crln-24008 866 16 databases database NOUN crln-24008 866 17 . . PUNCT crln-24008 867 1 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 867 2 public public ADJ crln-24008 867 3 service service NOUN crln-24008 867 4 orientation orientation NOUN crln-24008 867 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 868 1 familiarity familiarity NOUN crln-24008 868 2 with with ADP crln-24008 868 3 html html NOUN crln-24008 868 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 868 5 web web NOUN crln-24008 868 6 page page NOUN crln-24008 868 7 construction construction NOUN crln-24008 868 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 869 1 supervisory supervisory ADJ crln-24008 869 2 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 869 3 . . PUNCT crln-24008 870 1 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 870 2 - - PUNCT crln-24008 870 3 track track NOUN crln-24008 870 4 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 870 5 position position NOUN crln-24008 870 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 870 7 available available ADJ crln-24008 870 8 july july PROPN crln-24008 870 9 1 1 NUM crln-24008 870 10 ‚ ‚ PROPN crln-24008 870 11 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 870 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 871 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 871 2 range range NOUN crln-24008 871 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 871 4 $ $ SYM crln-24008 871 5 39,756-$55,068 39,756-$55,068 NUM crln-24008 871 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 871 7 depending depend VERB crln-24008 871 8 on on ADP crln-24008 871 9 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 871 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 872 1 send send VERB crln-24008 872 2 a a DET crln-24008 872 3 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 872 4 of of ADP crln-24008 872 5 application application NOUN crln-24008 872 6 plus plus CCONJ crln-24008 872 7 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 872 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 872 9 postmarked postmark VERB crln-24008 872 10 no no ADV crln-24008 872 11 later later ADV crln-24008 872 12 than than ADP crln-24008 872 13 february february PROPN crln-24008 872 14 2 2 NUM crln-24008 872 15 are be AUX crln-24008 872 16 not not PART crln-24008 872 17 limited limit VERB crln-24008 872 18 to to ADP crln-24008 872 19 : : PUNCT crln-24008 872 20 manage manage VERB crln-24008 872 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 872 22 supervise supervise VERB crln-24008 872 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 872 24 coordinate coordinate NOUN crln-24008 872 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 872 26 plan plan NOUN crln-24008 872 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 872 28 implement implement NOUN crln-24008 872 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 872 30 and and CCONJ crln-24008 872 31 service service VERB crln-24008 872 32 the the DET crln-24008 872 33 library library NOUN crln-24008 872 34 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 872 35 various various ADJ crln-24008 872 36 information information NOUN crln-24008 872 37 systems system NOUN crln-24008 872 38 operations operation NOUN crln-24008 872 39 including include VERB crln-24008 872 40 the the DET crln-24008 872 41 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 872 42 library library NOUN crln-24008 872 43 system system NOUN crln-24008 872 44 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 872 45 dra dra PROPN crln-24008 872 46 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 872 47 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 872 48 assigned assign VERB crln-24008 872 49 teaching teaching NOUN crln-24008 872 50 functions function NOUN crln-24008 872 51 within within ADP crln-24008 872 52 the the DET crln-24008 872 53 library library NOUN crln-24008 872 54 's 's PART crln-24008 872 55 information information NOUN crln-24008 872 56 literacy literacy NOUN crln-24008 872 57 program program NOUN crln-24008 872 58 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 872 59 prepare prepare VERB crln-24008 872 60 the the DET crln-24008 872 61 library library NOUN crln-24008 872 62 for for ADP crln-24008 872 63 an an DET crln-24008 872 64 upgraded upgrade VERB crln-24008 872 65 automation automation NOUN crln-24008 872 66 system system NOUN crln-24008 872 67 or or CCONJ crln-24008 872 68 movement movement NOUN crln-24008 872 69 to to ADP crln-24008 872 70 a a DET crln-24008 872 71 completely completely ADV crln-24008 872 72 new new ADJ crln-24008 872 73 system system NOUN crln-24008 872 74 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 872 75 develop develop VERB crln-24008 872 76 internet internet NOUN crln-24008 872 77 network network NOUN crln-24008 872 78 and and CCONJ crln-24008 872 79 web web NOUN crln-24008 872 80 - - PUNCT crln-24008 872 81 based base VERB crln-24008 872 82 applications application NOUN crln-24008 872 83 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 872 84 perform perform NOUN crln-24008 872 85 upgrades upgrade NOUN crln-24008 872 86 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 872 87 coordinate coordinate VERB crln-24008 872 88 re­lease re­lease NOUN crln-24008 872 89 documentation documentation NOUN crln-24008 872 90 and and CCONJ crln-24008 872 91 manages manage VERB crln-24008 872 92 implementation implementation NOUN crln-24008 872 93 of of ADP crln-24008 872 94 new new ADJ crln-24008 872 95 features feature NOUN crln-24008 872 96 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 872 97 consult consult VERB crln-24008 872 98 wi wi PROPN crln-24008 872 99 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 872 100 news news PROPN crln-24008 872 101 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 872 102 january january PROPN crln-24008 872 103 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 872 104 / / SYM crln-24008 872 105 51 51 NUM crln-24008 872 106 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 872 107 continued continue VERB crln-24008 872 108 on on ADP crln-24008 872 109 previous previous ADJ crln-24008 872 110 page)will page)will NOUN crln-24008 872 111 develop develop VERB crln-24008 872 112 curricular curricular ADJ crln-24008 872 113 materials material NOUN crln-24008 872 114 , , PUNCT crln-24008 872 115 guides guide NOUN crln-24008 872 116 , , PUNCT crln-24008 872 117 web web NOUN crln-24008 872 118 pages page NOUN crln-24008 872 119 , , PUNCT crln-24008 872 120 and and CCONJ crln-24008 872 121 other other ADJ crln-24008 872 122 publications publication NOUN crln-24008 872 123 in in ADP crln-24008 872 124 support support NOUN crln-24008 872 125 of of ADP crln-24008 872 126 courses course NOUN crln-24008 872 127 and and CCONJ crln-24008 872 128 workshops workshop NOUN crln-24008 872 129 . . PUNCT crln-24008 873 1 the the DET crln-24008 873 2 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 873 3 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 873 4 will will AUX crln-24008 873 5 work work VERB crln-24008 873 6 with with ADP crln-24008 873 7 other other ADJ crln-24008 873 8 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 873 9 to to PART crln-24008 873 10 shape shape VERB crln-24008 873 11 new new ADJ crln-24008 873 12 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 873 13 programs program NOUN crln-24008 873 14 that that PRON crln-24008 873 15 promote promote VERB crln-24008 873 16 collaborative collaborative ADJ crln-24008 873 17 learning learning NOUN crln-24008 873 18 among among ADP crln-24008 873 19 students student NOUN crln-24008 873 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 873 21 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 873 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 873 23 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 873 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 873 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 873 26 others other NOUN crln-24008 873 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 874 1 as as ADP crln-24008 874 2 a a DET crln-24008 874 3 member member NOUN crln-24008 874 4 of of ADP crln-24008 874 5 the the DET crln-24008 874 6 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 874 7 development development NOUN crln-24008 874 8 team team NOUN crln-24008 874 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 874 10 the the DET crln-24008 874 11 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 874 12 will will AUX crln-24008 874 13 join join VERB crln-24008 874 14 in in ADP crln-24008 874 15 the the DET crln-24008 874 16 development development NOUN crln-24008 874 17 of of ADP crln-24008 874 18 policies policy NOUN crln-24008 874 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 874 20 programs program NOUN crln-24008 874 21 that that PRON crln-24008 874 22 support support VERB crln-24008 874 23 access access NOUN crln-24008 874 24 to to PART crln-24008 874 25 leavey leavey VERB crln-24008 874 26 ’s ’s NOUN crln-24008 874 27 in in ADP crln-24008 874 28 - - PUNCT crln-24008 874 29 house house NOUN crln-24008 874 30 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 874 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 874 32 including include VERB crln-24008 874 33 selection selection NOUN crln-24008 874 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 874 35 m m NOUN crln-24008 874 36 of of ADP crln-24008 874 37 application application NOUN crln-24008 874 38 , , PUNCT crln-24008 874 39 including include VERB crln-24008 874 40 summary summary NOUN crln-24008 874 41 of of ADP crln-24008 874 42 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 874 43 and and CCONJ crln-24008 874 44 career career NOUN crln-24008 874 45 goals goal NOUN crln-24008 874 46 , , PUNCT crln-24008 874 47 a a DET crln-24008 874 48 detailed detailed ADJ crln-24008 874 49 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 874 50 , , PUNCT crln-24008 874 51 transcripts transcript NOUN crln-24008 874 52 , , PUNCT crln-24008 874 53 and and CCONJ crln-24008 874 54 the the DET crln-24008 874 55 names name NOUN crln-24008 874 56 of of ADP crln-24008 874 57 three three NUM crln-24008 874 58 references reference NOUN crln-24008 874 59 to to ADP crln-24008 874 60 : : PUNCT crln-24008 874 61 bill bill NOUN crln-24008 874 62 traylor traylor NOUN crln-24008 874 63 , , PUNCT crln-24008 874 64 chair chair NOUN crln-24008 874 65 , , PUNCT crln-24008 874 66 search search NOUN crln-24008 874 67 committee committee NOUN crln-24008 874 68 , , PUNCT crln-24008 874 69 ottenheimer ottenheimer PROPN crln-24008 874 70 library library PROPN crln-24008 874 71 / / SYM crln-24008 874 72 ualr ualr PROPN crln-24008 874 73 , , PUNCT crln-24008 874 74 2801 2801 NUM crln-24008 874 75 south south PROPN crln-24008 874 76 university university PROPN crln-24008 874 77 avenue avenue NOUN crln-24008 874 78 , , PUNCT crln-24008 874 79 little little ADJ crln-24008 874 80 rock rock NOUN crln-24008 874 81 , , PUNCT crln-24008 874 82 ar ar ADP crln-24008 874 83 72204 72204 NUM crln-24008 874 84 - - SYM crln-24008 874 85 1099 1099 NUM crln-24008 874 86 . . PUNCT crln-24008 875 1 ualr ualr PROPN crln-24008 875 2 services service VERB crln-24008 875 3 a a DET crln-24008 875 4 student student NOUN crln-24008 875 5 population population NOUN crln-24008 875 6 of of ADP crln-24008 875 7 over over ADP crln-24008 875 8 10,000 10,000 NUM crln-24008 875 9 with with ADP crln-24008 875 10 a a DET crln-24008 875 11 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 875 12 of400 of400 NOUN crln-24008 875 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 876 1 the the DET crln-24008 876 2 institution institution NOUN crln-24008 876 3 offers offer VERB crln-24008 876 4 degrees degree NOUN crln-24008 876 5 atthe atthe DET crln-24008 876 6 associate associate ADJ crln-24008 876 7 level level NOUN crln-24008 876 8 through through ADP crln-24008 876 9 phd phd NOUN crln-24008 876 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 877 1 the the DET crln-24008 877 2 ottenheimer ottenheimer PROPN crln-24008 877 3 library library PROPN crln-24008 877 4 's 's PART crln-24008 877 5 budget budget NOUN crln-24008 877 6 is be AUX crln-24008 877 7 over over ADP crln-24008 877 8 $ $ SYM crln-24008 877 9 2.2 2.2 NUM crln-24008 877 10 million million NUM crln-24008 877 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 877 12 with with ADP crln-24008 877 13 holdings holding NOUN crln-24008 877 14 of of ADP crln-24008 877 15 360,000 360,000 NUM crln-24008 877 16 volumes volume NOUN crln-24008 877 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 877 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 877 19 subscriptions subscription NOUN crln-24008 877 20 to to ADP crln-24008 877 21 2,500 2,500 NUM crln-24008 877 22 university university NOUN crln-24008 877 23 ’s ’s NOUN crln-24008 877 24 introductory introductory NOUN crln-24008 877 25 writing writing NOUN crln-24008 877 26 course course NOUN crln-24008 877 27 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 877 28 integrating integrate VERB crln-24008 877 29 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 877 30 into into ADP crln-24008 877 31 writing writing NOUN crln-24008 877 32 - - PUNCT crln-24008 877 33 in in ADP crln-24008 877 34 - - PUNCT crln-24008 877 35 the the DET crln-24008 877 36 - - PUNCT crln-24008 877 37 major major ADJ crln-24008 877 38 courses course NOUN crln-24008 877 39 as as ADV crln-24008 877 40 well well ADV crln-24008 877 41 as as ADP crln-24008 877 42 advanced advanced ADJ crln-24008 877 43 writing writing NOUN crln-24008 877 44 courses course NOUN crln-24008 877 45 offered offer VERB crln-24008 877 46 by by ADP crln-24008 877 47 the the DET crln-24008 877 48 department department NOUN crln-24008 877 49 of of ADP crln-24008 877 50 english english PROPN crln-24008 877 51 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 877 52 teaching teach VERB crln-24008 877 53 internet internet NOUN crln-24008 877 54 classes class NOUN crln-24008 877 55 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 877 56 collaborating collaborate VERB crln-24008 877 57 with with ADP crln-24008 877 58 other other ADJ crln-24008 877 59 departments department NOUN crln-24008 877 60 such such ADJ crln-24008 877 61 as as ADP crln-24008 877 62 english english PROPN crln-24008 877 63 , , PUNCT crln-24008 877 64 general general ADJ crln-24008 877 65 education education NOUN crln-24008 877 66 , , PUNCT crln-24008 877 67 and and CCONJ crln-24008 877 68 student student NOUN crln-24008 877 69 advising advise VERB crln-24008 877 70 and and CCONJ crln-24008 877 71 learning learning NOUN crln-24008 877 72 center center NOUN crln-24008 877 73 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 877 74 and and CCONJ crln-24008 877 75 offering offer VERB crln-24008 877 76 a a DET crln-24008 877 77 for for ADP crln-24008 877 78 - - PUNCT crln-24008 877 79 credit credit NOUN crln-24008 877 80 course course NOUN crln-24008 877 81 in in ADP crln-24008 877 82 research research NOUN crln-24008 877 83 and and CCONJ crln-24008 877 84 information information NOUN crln-24008 877 85 literacy literacy NOUN crln-24008 877 86 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 877 87 on on ADP crln-24008 877 88 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 877 89 as as ADV crln-24008 877 90 well well ADV crln-24008 877 91 as as ADP crln-24008 877 92 through through ADP crln-24008 877 93 the the DET crln-24008 877 94 extended extended ADJ crln-24008 877 95 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 877 96 program program NOUN crln-24008 877 97 . . PUNCT crln-24008 878 1 specific specific ADJ crln-24008 878 2 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 878 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 878 4 provides provide VERB crln-24008 878 5 the the DET crln-24008 878 6 leadership leadership NOUN crln-24008 878 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 878 8 di­rectio di­rectio PROPN crln-24008 878 9 52 52 NUM crln-24008 878 10 / / SYM crln-24008 878 11 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 878 12 news news NOUN crln-24008 878 13 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 878 14 january january PROPN crln-24008 878 15 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 878 16 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 878 17 of of ADP crln-24008 878 18 the the DET crln-24008 878 19 ernst ernst PROPN crln-24008 878 20 mayr mayr PROPN crln-24008 878 21 library library PROPN crln-24008 878 22 museum museum PROPN crln-24008 878 23 of of ADP crln-24008 878 24 comparative comparative PROPN crln-24008 878 25 zoology zoology NOUN crln-24008 878 26 harvard harvard PROPN crln-24008 878 27 universitythe universitythe PROPN crln-24008 878 28 ernst ernst PROPN crln-24008 878 29 mayr mayr PROPN crln-24008 878 30 library library PROPN crln-24008 878 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 878 32 with with ADP crln-24008 878 33 an an DET crln-24008 878 34 outstanding outstanding ADJ crln-24008 878 35 research research NOUN crln-24008 878 36 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 878 37 , , PUNCT crln-24008 878 38 both both CCONJ crln-24008 878 39 retrospective retrospective ADJ crln-24008 878 40 and and CCONJ crln-24008 878 41 current current ADJ crln-24008 878 42 , , PUNCT crln-24008 878 43 serves serve VERB crln-24008 878 44 as as ADP crln-24008 878 45 a a DET crln-24008 878 46 unique unique ADJ crln-24008 878 47 resource resource NOUN crln-24008 878 48 to to ADP crln-24008 878 49 the the DET crln-24008 878 50 harvard harvard PROPN crln-24008 878 51 biological biological PROPN crln-24008 878 52 sciences sciences PROPN crln-24008 878 53 community community NOUN crln-24008 878 54 , , PUNCT crln-24008 878 55 as as ADV crln-24008 878 56 well well ADV crln-24008 878 57 as as ADP crln-24008 878 58 to to ADP crln-24008 878 59 scholars scholar NOUN crln-24008 878 60 world world NOUN crln-24008 878 61 wide wide ADV crln-24008 878 62 . . PUNCT crln-24008 879 1 this this DET crln-24008 879 2 scientific scientific ADJ crln-24008 879 3 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 879 4 of of ADP crln-24008 879 5 over over ADP crln-24008 879 6 280,000 280,000 NUM crln-24008 879 7 volumes volume NOUN crln-24008 879 8 specializes specialize VERB crln-24008 879 9 in in ADP crln-24008 879 10 systematic systematic ADJ crln-24008 879 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 879 12 general general ADJ crln-24008 879 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 879 14 comparative comparative ADJ crln-24008 879 15 zoology zoology NOUN crln-24008 879 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 879 17 paleontology paleontology NOUN crln-24008 879 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 879 19 evolutionary evolutionary ADJ crln-24008 879 20 biology biology NOUN crln-24008 879 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 879 22 biological biological ADJ crln-24008 879 23 oceanography oceanography NOUN crln-24008 879 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 879 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 879 26 stratigraphy stratigraphy PROPN crln-24008 879 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 879 28 ecology ecology NOUN crln-24008 879 29 and and CCONJ crln-24008 879 30 animal animal NOUN crln-24008 879 31 behavior behavior NOUN crln-24008 879 32 . . PUNCT crln-24008 880 1 one one NUM crln-24008 880 2 54 54 NUM crln-24008 880 3 / / SYM crln-24008 880 4 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 880 5 news news NOUN crln-24008 880 6 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 880 7 january january PROPN crln-24008 880 8 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 880 9 head head NOUN crln-24008 880 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 880 11 research research NOUN crln-24008 880 12 services service NOUN crln-24008 880 13 centeruniversity centeruniversity NOUN crln-24008 880 14 of of ADP crln-24008 880 15 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 880 16 california california PROPN crln-24008 880 17 doheny doheny PROPN crln-24008 880 18 libraryposition libraryposition NOUN crln-24008 880 19 summary summary NOUN crln-24008 880 20 : : PUNCT crln-24008 880 21 the the DET crln-24008 880 22 information information NOUN crln-24008 880 23 services service NOUN crln-24008 880 24 division division NOUN crln-24008 880 25 of of ADP crln-24008 880 26 the the DET crln-24008 880 27 university university PROPN crln-24008 880 28 of of ADP crln-24008 880 29 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 880 30 california california PROPN crln-24008 880 31 is be AUX crln-24008 880 32 seeking seek VERB crln-24008 880 33 a a DET crln-24008 880 34 dynamic dynamic ADJ crln-24008 880 35 , , PUNCT crln-24008 880 36 forward forward NOUN crln-24008 880 37 - - PUNCT crln-24008 880 38 thinking think VERB crln-24008 880 39 head head NOUN crln-24008 880 40 of of ADP crln-24008 880 41 the the DET crln-24008 880 42 doheny doheny PROPN crln-24008 880 43 library library PROPN crln-24008 880 44 research research PROPN crln-24008 880 45 services services PROPN crln-24008 880 46 center center NOUN crln-24008 880 47 to to PART crln-24008 880 48 lead lead VERB crln-24008 880 49 several several ADJ crln-24008 880 50 recently recently ADV crln-24008 880 51 merged merge VERB crln-24008 880 52 departments department NOUN crln-24008 880 53 into into ADP crln-24008 880 54 a a DET crln-24008 880 55 new new ADJ crln-24008 880 56 era era NOUN crln-24008 880 57 of of ADP crln-24008 880 58 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 880 59 services service NOUN crln-24008 880 60 and and CCONJ crln-24008 880 61 service service NOUN crln-24008 880 62 excellence excellence NOUN crln-24008 880 63 . . PUNCT crln-24008 881 1 the the DET crln-24008 881 2 incumbent incumbent NOUN crln-24008 881 3 is be AUX crln-24008 881 4 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 881 5 for for ADP crln-24008 881 6 the the DET crln-24008 881 7 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 881 8 integration integration NOUN crln-24008 881 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 881 10 administration administration NOUN crln-24008 881 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 881 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 881 13 leadership leadership NOUN crln-24008 881 14 of of ADP crln-24008 881 15 the the DET crln-24008 881 16 center center NOUN crln-24008 881 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 881 18 which which PRON crln-24008 881 19 includes include VERB crln-24008 881 20 the the DET crln-24008 881 21 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 881 22 resourc resourc NOUN crln-24008 881 23 formats format NOUN crln-24008 881 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 881 25 negotiate negotiate VERB crln-24008 881 26 contracts contract NOUN crln-24008 881 27 for for ADP crln-24008 881 28 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 881 29 data datum NOUN crln-24008 881 30 . . PUNCT crln-24008 882 1 must must AUX crln-24008 882 2 have have VERB crln-24008 882 3 analytical analytical ADJ crln-24008 882 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 882 5 problem problem NOUN crln-24008 882 6 solving solving NOUN crln-24008 882 7 skills skill NOUN crln-24008 882 8 for for ADP crln-24008 882 9 initiating initiate VERB crln-24008 882 10 plans plan NOUN crln-24008 882 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 882 12 carrying carry VERB crln-24008 882 13 out out ADP crln-24008 882 14 projects project NOUN crln-24008 882 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 883 1 train train PROPN crln-24008 883 2 librarians librarians PROPN crln-24008 883 3 and and CCONJ crln-24008 883 4 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 883 5 on on ADP crln-24008 883 6 modules module NOUN crln-24008 883 7 in in ADP crln-24008 883 8 an an DET crln-24008 883 9 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 883 10 setting setting NOUN crln-24008 883 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 884 1 supervision supervision NOUN crln-24008 884 2 of of ADP crln-24008 884 3 a a DET crln-24008 884 4 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 884 5 of of ADP crln-24008 884 6 three three NUM crln-24008 884 7 and and CCONJ crln-24008 884 8 student student NOUN crln-24008 884 9 workers worker NOUN crln-24008 884 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 885 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 885 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 885 3 $ $ SYM crln-24008 885 4 40,000 40,000 NUM crln-24008 885 5 plus plus NOUN crln-24008 885 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 885 7 depending depend VERB crln-24008 885 8 on on ADP crln-24008 885 9 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 885 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 886 1 effective effective ADJ crln-24008 886 2 date date NOUN crln-24008 886 3 of of ADP crln-24008 886 4 appointment appointment NOUN crln-24008 886 5 : : PUNCT crln-24008 886 6 march march PROPN crln-24008 886 7 1 1 NUM crln-24008 886 8 ‚ ‚ NOUN crln-24008 886 9 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 886 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 886 11 or or CCONJ crln-24008 886 12 until until SCONJ crln-24008 886 13 suitable suitable ADJ crln-24008 886 14 person person NOUN crln-24008 886 15 is be AUX crln-24008 886 16 found find VERB crln-24008 886 17 . . PUNCT crln-24008 887 1 review review NOUN crln-24008 887 2 begins begin VERB crln-24008 887 3 february february PROPN crln-24008 887 4 15,1999 15,1999 NUM crln-24008 887 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 888 1 application application NOUN crln-24008 888 2 deadline deadline NOUN crln-24008 888 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 888 4 february february PROPN crln-24008 888 5 1 1 NUM crln-24008 888 6 ‚ ‚ PROPN crln-24008 888 7 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 888 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 889 1 submit submit VERB crln-24008 889 2 a a DET crln-24008 889 3 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 889 4 of of ADP crln-24008 889 5 application application NOUN crln-24008 889 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 889 7 transcripts transcript NOUN crln-24008 889 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 889 9 applications application NOUN crln-24008 889 10 for for ADP crln-24008 889 11 a a DET crln-24008 889 12 health health NOUN crln-24008 889 13 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 889 14 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 889 15 to to PART crln-24008 889 16 coordinate coordinate VERB crln-24008 889 17 technical technical ADJ crln-24008 889 18 ser­vices ser­vice NOUN crln-24008 889 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 889 20 provide provide VERB crln-24008 889 21 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 889 22 assistance assistance NOUN crln-24008 889 23 . . PUNCT crln-24008 890 1 this this PRON crln-24008 890 2 is be AUX crln-24008 890 3 a a DET crln-24008 890 4 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 890 5 position position NOUN crln-24008 890 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 890 7 requires require VERB crln-24008 890 8 teaching teaching NOUN crln-24008 890 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 890 10 research research NOUN crln-24008 890 11 activities activity NOUN crln-24008 890 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 891 1 also also ADV crln-24008 891 2 required require VERB crln-24008 891 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 891 4 ala ala PROPN crln-24008 891 5 - - PUNCT crln-24008 891 6 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 891 7 mls mls NOUN crln-24008 891 8 or or CCONJ crln-24008 891 9 international international ADJ crln-24008 891 10 equivalent equivalent NOUN crln-24008 891 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 891 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 891 13 three three NUM crln-24008 891 14 to to PART crln-24008 891 15 five five NUM crln-24008 891 16 years year NOUN crln-24008 891 17 supervisory supervisory ADJ crln-24008 891 18 expe­rience expe­rience NOUN crln-24008 891 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 892 1 for for ADP crln-24008 892 2 a a DET crln-24008 892 3 full full ADJ crln-24008 892 4 position position NOUN crln-24008 892 5 description description NOUN crln-24008 892 6 see see VERB crln-24008 892 7 : : PUNCT crln-24008 892 8 PROPN crln-24008 892 9 ts.htm ts.htm PROPN crln-24008 892 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 893 1 submit submit VERB crln-24008 893 2 letters letter NOUN crln-24008 893 3 of of ADP crln-24008 893 4 application application NOUN crln-24008 893 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 893 6 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 893 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 893 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 893 9 names name NOUN crln-24008 893 10 , , PUNCT crln-24008 893 11 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 893 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 893 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 893 14 telephone telephone NOUN crln-24008 893 15 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 893 16 of of ADP crln-24008 893 17 three three NUM crln-24008 893 18 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 893 19 references reference NOUN crln-24008 893 20 to to ADP crln-24008 893 21 : : PUNCT crln-24008 893 22 ellen ellen PROPN crln-24008 893 23 hall hall PROPN crln-24008 893 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 893 25 chair chair NOUN crln-24008 893 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 893 27 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 893 28 news news PROPN crln-24008 893 29 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 893 30 january january PROPN crln-24008 893 31 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 893 32 / / SYM crln-24008 893 33 55 55 NUM crln-24008 893 34 head head NOUN crln-24008 893 35 , , PUNCT crln-24008 893 36 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 893 37 department department NOUN crln-24008 893 38 and and CCONJ crln-24008 893 39 coordinator coordinator NOUN crln-24008 893 40 of of ADP crln-24008 893 41 acquisitions acquisition NOUN crln-24008 893 42 servicesnorthwestern servicesnorthwestern ADJ crln-24008 893 43 university university NOUN crln-24008 893 44 librarymanages librarymanage NOUN crln-24008 893 45 and and CCONJ crln-24008 893 46 leads lead VERB crln-24008 893 47 the the DET crln-24008 893 48 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 893 49 department department NOUN crln-24008 893 50 , , PUNCT crln-24008 893 51 which which PRON crln-24008 893 52 is be AUX crln-24008 893 53 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 893 54 for for ADP crln-24008 893 55 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 893 56 ordering order VERB crln-24008 893 57 , , PUNCT crln-24008 893 58 receipt receipt NOUN crln-24008 893 59 and and CCONJ crln-24008 893 60 cataloging catalog VERB crln-24008 893 61 . . PUNCT crln-24008 894 1 the the DET crln-24008 894 2 department department NOUN crln-24008 894 3 is be AUX crln-24008 894 4 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 894 5 for for ADP crln-24008 894 6 processing process VERB crln-24008 894 7 over over ADP crln-24008 894 8 15,000 15,000 NUM crln-24008 894 9 current current ADJ crln-24008 894 10 serial serial ADJ crln-24008 894 11 titles title NOUN crln-24008 894 12 . . PUNCT crln-24008 895 1 coordinates coordinate NOUN crln-24008 895 2 acquisitions acquisition NOUN crln-24008 895 3 activities activity NOUN crln-24008 895 4 taking take VERB crln-24008 895 5 place place NOUN crln-24008 895 6 in in ADP crln-24008 895 7 both both CCONJ crln-24008 895 8 the the DET crln-24008 895 9 serials serial NOUN crln-24008 895 10 department department PROPN crln-24008 895 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 895 12 the the DET crln-24008 895 13 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 895 14 records record NOUN crln-24008 895 15 services services PROPN crln-24008 895 16 department department PROPN crln-24008 895 17 , , PUNCT crln-24008 895 18 which which PRON crln-24008 895 19 orders order NOUN crln-24008 895 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 895 21 receives receive VERB crln-24008 895 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 895 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 895 24 copy copy NOUN crln-24008 895 25 catalogs catalog NOUN crln-24008 895 26 monographs monograph NOUN crln-24008 895 27 . . PUNCT crln-24008 896 1 respon­sibilities respon­sibilitie NOUN crln-24008 896 2 include include VERB crln-24008 896 3 direct direct ADJ crln-24008 896 4 or or CCONJ crln-24008 896 5 indire indire NOUN crln-24008 896 6 classics classic NOUN crln-24008 896 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 896 8 english english ADJ crln-24008 896 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 896 10 music music NOUN crln-24008 896 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 896 12 philosophy philosophy NOUN crln-24008 896 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 896 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 896 15 theatre theatre NOUN crln-24008 896 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 896 17 providing provide VERB crln-24008 896 18 in in ADP crln-24008 896 19 - - PUNCT crln-24008 896 20 depth depth ADJ crln-24008 896 21 bibliographic bibliographic ADJ crln-24008 896 22 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 896 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 896 24 assistance assistance NOUN crln-24008 896 25 in in ADP crln-24008 896 26 use use NOUN crln-24008 896 27 of of ADP crln-24008 896 28 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 896 29 sources source NOUN crln-24008 896 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 896 31 and and CCONJ crln-24008 896 32 specialized specialized ADJ crln-24008 896 33 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 896 34 for for ADP crln-24008 896 35 those those DET crln-24008 896 36 subject subject ADJ crln-24008 896 37 areas area NOUN crln-24008 896 38 . . PUNCT crln-24008 897 1 maintains maintain VERB crln-24008 897 2 subject subject NOUN crln-24008 897 3 - - PUNCT crln-24008 897 4 oriented orient VERB crln-24008 897 5 web web NOUN crln-24008 897 6 pages page NOUN crln-24008 897 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 898 1 also also ADV crln-24008 898 2 provides provide VERB crln-24008 898 3 general general ADJ crln-24008 898 4 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 898 5 services service NOUN crln-24008 898 6 during during ADP crln-24008 898 7 assigned assign VERB crln-24008 898 8 hours hour NOUN crln-24008 898 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 898 10 including include VERB crln-24008 898 11 some some DET crln-24008 898 12 evenings evening NOUN crln-24008 898 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 898 14 weekends weekend NOUN crln-24008 898 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 899 1 reports report NOUN crln-24008 899 2 to to ADP crln-24008 899 3 assistant assistant NOUN crln-24008 899 4 director director NOUN crln-24008 899 5 for for ADP crln-24008 899 6 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 899 7 development development NOUN crln-24008 899 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 900 1 research research NOUN crln-24008 900 2 , , PUNCT crln-24008 900 3 publication publication NOUN crln-24008 900 4 and and CCONJ crln-24008 900 5 service service NOUN crln-24008 900 6 to to ADP crln-24008 900 7 the the DET crln-24008 900 8 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 900 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 900 10 university university NOUN crln-24008 900 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 900 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 900 13 profession profession NOUN crln-24008 900 14 are be AUX crln-24008 900 15 expected expect VERB crln-24008 900 16 to to PART crln-24008 900 17 satisfy satisfy VERB crln-24008 900 18 criteria criterion NOUN crln-24008 900 19 for for ADP crln-24008 900 20 continuin continuin NOUN crln-24008 900 21 foreign foreign ADJ crln-24008 900 22 equivalent equivalent NOUN crln-24008 900 23 . . PUNCT crln-24008 901 1 preferred preferred ADJ crln-24008 901 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 901 3 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 901 4 background background NOUN crln-24008 901 5 in in ADP crln-24008 901 6 english english PROPN crln-24008 901 7 or or CCONJ crln-24008 901 8 phi­losophy phi­losophy NOUN crln-24008 901 9 or or CCONJ crln-24008 901 10 a a DET crln-24008 901 11 minimum minimum NOUN crln-24008 901 12 of of ADP crln-24008 901 13 three three NUM crln-24008 901 14 years year NOUN crln-24008 901 15 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 901 16 as as ADP crln-24008 901 17 a a DET crln-24008 901 18 humanities humanity NOUN crln-24008 901 19 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 901 20 at at ADP crln-24008 901 21 an an DET crln-24008 901 22 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 901 23 / / SYM crln-24008 901 24 research research NOUN crln-24008 901 25 library library NOUN crln-24008 901 26 . . PUNCT crln-24008 902 1 preference preference NOUN crln-24008 902 2 will will AUX crln-24008 902 3 be be AUX crln-24008 902 4 given give VERB crln-24008 902 5 to to ADP crln-24008 902 6 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 902 7 with with ADP crln-24008 902 8 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 902 9 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 902 10 in in ADP crln-24008 902 11 the the DET crln-24008 902 12 use use NOUN crln-24008 902 13 of of ADP crln-24008 902 14 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 902 15 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 902 16 . . PUNCT crln-24008 903 1 salary salary NOUN crln-24008 903 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 903 3 commensurate commensurate ADJ crln-24008 903 4 with with ADP crln-24008 903 5 education education NOUN crln-24008 903 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 903 7 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 903 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 904 1 minimums minimum NOUN crln-24008 904 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 904 3 assistant assistant NOUN crln-24008 904 4 li­brarian li­brarian PROPN crln-24008 904 5 $ $ SYM crln-24008 904 6 30,000 30,000 NUM crln-24008 904 7 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 904 8 senior senior ADJ crln-24008 904 9 assistant assistant ADJ crln-24008 904 10 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 904 11 $ $ SYM crln-24008 904 12 34,000 34,000 NUM crln-24008 904 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 905 1 apply apply VERB crln-24008 905 2 to to ADP crln-24008 905 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 905 4 christine christine PROPN crln-24008 905 5 m. m. PROPN crln-24008 905 6 travis travis PROPN crln-24008 905 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 905 8 library library NOUN crln-24008 905 9 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 905 10 officer officer NOUN crln-24008 905 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 905 12 university university NOUN crln-24008 905 13 libraries library NOUN crln-24008 905 14 — — PUNCT crln-24008 905 15 ul-112 ul-112 PROPN crln-24008 905 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 905 17 univer­sity univer­sity NOUN crln-24008 905 18 at at ADP crln-24008 905 19 alb alb PROPN crln-24008 905 20 56 56 NUM crln-24008 905 21 / / SYM crln-24008 905 22 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 905 23 news news NOUN crln-24008 905 24 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 905 25 january january PROPN crln-24008 905 26 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 905 27 director director NOUN crln-24008 905 28 , , PUNCT crln-24008 905 29 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 905 30 services service NOUN crln-24008 905 31 and and CCONJ crln-24008 905 32 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 905 33 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 905 34 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 905 35 / / SYM crln-24008 905 36 information information NOUN crln-24008 905 37 services service NOUN crln-24008 905 38 professional)university professional)university NOUN crln-24008 905 39 of of ADP crln-24008 905 40 southern southern ADJ crln-24008 905 41 californiaposition californiaposition NOUN crln-24008 905 42 summary summary NOUN crln-24008 905 43 : : PUNCT crln-24008 905 44 the the DET crln-24008 905 45 information information NOUN crln-24008 905 46 services service NOUN crln-24008 905 47 division division NOUN crln-24008 905 48 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 905 49 isd isd PROPN crln-24008 905 50 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 905 51 of of ADP crln-24008 905 52 the the DET crln-24008 905 53 university university PROPN crln-24008 905 54 of of ADP crln-24008 905 55 southern southern PROPN crln-24008 905 56 california california PROPN crln-24008 905 57 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 905 58 a a DET crln-24008 905 59 dynamic dynamic ADJ crln-24008 905 60 leader leader NOUN crln-24008 905 61 for for ADP crln-24008 905 62 the the DET crln-24008 905 63 continuing continue VERB crln-24008 905 64 development development NOUN crln-24008 905 65 of of ADP crln-24008 905 66 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 905 67 information information NOUN crln-24008 905 68 services service NOUN crln-24008 905 69 and and CCONJ crln-24008 905 70 management management NOUN crln-24008 905 71 of of ADP crln-24008 905 72 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 905 73 information information NOUN crln-24008 905 74 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 905 75 . . PUNCT crln-24008 906 1 reporting report VERB crln-24008 906 2 to to ADP crln-24008 906 3 the the DET crln-24008 906 4 executive executive ADJ crln-24008 906 5 director director NOUN crln-24008 906 6 of of ADP crln-24008 906 7 the the DET crln-24008 906 8 isd isd ADJ crln-24008 906 9 public public PROPN crln-24008 906 10 services services PROPN crln-24008 906 11 core core NOUN crln-24008 906 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 906 13 this this DET crln-24008 906 14 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 906 15 fosters foster NOUN crln-24008 906 16 new new ADJ crln-24008 906 17 approaches approach NOUN crln-24008 906 18 to to ADP crln-24008 906 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 906 20 facilitates facilitate VERB crln-24008 906 21 ongoing ongoing ADJ crln-24008 906 22 support support NOUN crln-24008 906 23 of of ADP crln-24008 906 24 web web NOUN crln-24008 906 25 - - NOUN crln-24008 906 26 b b NOUN crln-24008 906 27 will will AUX crln-24008 906 28 begin begin VERB crln-24008 906 29 february february PROPN crln-24008 906 30 5 5 NUM crln-24008 906 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 906 32 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 906 33 . . PUNCT crln-24008 907 1 please please INTJ crln-24008 907 2 include include VERB crln-24008 907 3 the the DET crln-24008 907 4 names name NOUN crln-24008 907 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 907 6 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 907 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 907 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 907 9 phone phone NOUN crln-24008 907 10 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 907 11 of of ADP crln-24008 907 12 three three NUM crln-24008 907 13 references reference NOUN crln-24008 907 14 that that PRON crln-24008 907 15 may may AUX crln-24008 907 16 be be AUX crln-24008 907 17 contacted contact VERB crln-24008 907 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 908 1 the the DET crln-24008 908 2 university university PROPN crln-24008 908 3 at at ADP crln-24008 908 4 albany albany PROPN crln-24008 908 5 is be AUX crln-24008 908 6 an an DET crln-24008 908 7 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 908 8 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 908 9 / / SYM crln-24008 908 10 affirmative affirmative ADJ crln-24008 908 11 action action NOUN crln-24008 908 12 employer.librarian employer.librarian NOUN crln-24008 908 13 for for ADP crln-24008 908 14 the the DET crln-24008 908 15 college college NOUN crln-24008 908 16 of of ADP crln-24008 908 17 arts art NOUN crln-24008 908 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 908 19 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 908 20 . . PUNCT crln-24008 909 1 west­ern west­ern PROPN crln-24008 909 2 washington washington PROPN crln-24008 909 3 university university PROPN crln-24008 909 4 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 909 5 a a DET crln-24008 909 6 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 909 7 forthe forthe DET crln-24008 909 8 college college NOUN crln-24008 909 9 of of ADP crln-24008 909 10 arts art NOUN crln-24008 909 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 909 12 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 909 13 for for ADP crln-24008 909 14 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 909 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 909 16 interdisciplinary interdisciplinary NOUN crln-24008 909 17 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 909 18 development development NOUN crln-24008 909 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 909 20 ref­erence ref­erence PROPN crln-24008 909 21 service service NOUN crln-24008 909 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 910 1 located locate VERB crln-24008 910 2 between between ADP crln-24008 910 3 seattle seattle NOUN crln-24008 910 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 910 5 washington washington PROPN crln-24008 910 6 and and CCONJ crln-24008 910 7 vancouver vancouver PROPN crln-24008 910 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 910 9 british british PROPN crln-24008 910 10 columbia columbia PROPN crln-24008 910 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 910 12 the the DET crln-24008 910 13 university university NOUN crln-24008 910 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 910 15 with with ADP crln-24008 910 16 a a DET crln-24008 910 17 s s PROPN crln-24008 910 18 NOUN crln-24008 910 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 911 1 applications application NOUN crln-24008 911 2 accepted accept VERB crln-24008 911 3 until until SCONJ crln-24008 911 4 position position NOUN crln-24008 911 5 is be AUX crln-24008 911 6 filled fill VERB crln-24008 911 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 912 1 appli­cations appli­cation NOUN crln-24008 912 2 received receive VERB crln-24008 912 3 before before ADP crln-24008 912 4 february february PROPN crln-24008 912 5 19 19 NUM crln-24008 912 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 912 7 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 912 8 will will AUX crln-24008 912 9 be be AUX crln-24008 912 10 assured assure VERB crln-24008 912 11 a a DET crln-24008 912 12 review review NOUN crln-24008 912 13 . . PUNCT crln-24008 913 1 wwu wwu PROPN crln-24008 913 2 is be AUX crln-24008 913 3 an an DET crln-24008 913 4 aa aa NOUN crln-24008 913 5 / / SYM crln-24008 913 6 eeo eeo NOUN crln-24008 913 7 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 913 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 914 1 to to PART crln-24008 914 2 request request VERB crln-24008 914 3 disability disability NOUN crln-24008 914 4 accommodation accommodation NOUN crln-24008 914 5 : : PUNCT crln-24008 914 6 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 914 7 360 360 NUM crln-24008 914 8 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 914 9 650 650 NUM crln-24008 914 10 - - SYM crln-24008 914 11 3306 3306 NUM crln-24008 914 12 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 914 13 v v NOUN crln-24008 914 14 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 914 15 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 914 16 650 650 NUM crln-24008 914 17 - - SYM crln-24008 914 18 7607 7607 NUM crln-24008 914 19 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 914 20 tty).library tty).library NUM crln-24008 914 21 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 914 22 positions position NOUN crln-24008 914 23 . . PUNCT crln-24008 915 1 the the DET crln-24008 915 2 college college NOUN crln-24008 915 3 of of ADP crln-24008 915 4 staten staten NOUN crln-24008 915 5 island island NOUN crln-24008 915 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 915 7 city city PROPN crln-24008 915 8 university university PROPN crln-24008 915 9 of of ADP crln-24008 915 10 new new PROPN crln-24008 915 11 york york PROPN crln-24008 915 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 915 13 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 915 14 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 915 15 for for ADP crln-24008 915 16 two two NUM crln-24008 915 17 anticipated anticipated ADJ crln-24008 915 18 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 915 19 - - PUNCT crln-24008 915 20 track track NOUN crln-24008 915 21 positions position NOUN crln-24008 915 22 as as ADP crln-24008 915 23 assistant assistant NOUN crln-24008 915 24 professor professor NOUN crln-24008 915 25 in in ADP crln-24008 915 26 the the DET crln-24008 915 27 department department NOUN crln-24008 915 28 of of ADP crln-24008 915 29 the the DET crln-24008 915 30 library library NOUN crln-24008 915 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 915 32 beginning begin VERB crln-24008 915 33 september september PROPN crln-24008 915 34 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 915 35 . . PUNCT crln-24008 916 1 we we PRON crln-24008 916 2 seek seek VERB crln-24008 916 3 innovative innovative ADJ crln-24008 916 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 916 5 public public ADJ crln-24008 916 6 - - PUNCT crln-24008 916 7 service service NOUN crln-24008 916 8 oriented orient VERB crln-24008 916 9 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 916 10 news news PROPN crln-24008 916 11 u u PROPN crln-24008 916 12 january january PROPN crln-24008 916 13 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 916 14 / / SYM crln-24008 916 15 57 57 NUM crln-24008 916 16 user user NOUN crln-24008 916 17 services service NOUN crln-24008 916 18 librarians librarian VERB crln-24008 916 19 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 916 20 - - PUNCT crln-24008 916 21 track track NOUN crln-24008 916 22 facultycalifornia facultycalifornia PROPN crln-24008 916 23 state state PROPN crln-24008 916 24 university university PROPN crln-24008 916 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 916 26 los los PROPN crln-24008 916 27 angelescalifornia angelescalifornia PROPN crln-24008 916 28 state state PROPN crln-24008 916 29 university university PROPN crln-24008 916 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 916 31 los los PROPN crln-24008 916 32 angeles angeles PROPN crln-24008 916 33 invites invite VERB crln-24008 916 34 applications application NOUN crln-24008 916 35 for for ADP crln-24008 916 36 two two NUM crln-24008 916 37 tenure tenure NOUN crln-24008 916 38 - - PUNCT crln-24008 916 39 track track NOUN crln-24008 916 40 library library NOUN crln-24008 916 41 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 916 42 positions position NOUN crln-24008 916 43 in in ADP crln-24008 916 44 the the DET crln-24008 916 45 john john PROPN crln-24008 916 46 f. f. PROPN crln-24008 916 47 kennedy kennedy PROPN crln-24008 916 48 memorial memorial PROPN crln-24008 916 49 library library NOUN crln-24008 916 50 beginning begin VERB crln-24008 916 51 september september PROPN crln-24008 916 52 1 1 NUM crln-24008 916 53 , , PUNCT crln-24008 916 54 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 916 55 . . PUNCT crln-24008 917 1 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 917 2 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 917 3 will will AUX crln-24008 917 4 be be AUX crln-24008 917 5 expected expect VERB crln-24008 917 6 to to PART crln-24008 917 7 perform perform VERB crln-24008 917 8 a a DET crln-24008 917 9 combination combination NOUN crln-24008 917 10 of of ADP crln-24008 917 11 user user NOUN crln-24008 917 12 services service NOUN crln-24008 917 13 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 917 14 including include VERB crln-24008 917 15 promotion promotion NOUN crln-24008 917 16 of of ADP crln-24008 917 17 information information NOUN crln-24008 917 18 competence competence NOUN crln-24008 917 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 917 20 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 917 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 917 22 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 917 23 , , PUNCT crln-24008 917 24 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 917 25 development development NOUN crln-24008 917 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 917 27 and and CCONJ crln-24008 917 28 expanding expand VERB crln-24008 917 29 liaison liaison NOUN crln-24008 917 30 with with ADP crln-24008 917 31 the the DET crln-24008 917 32 instructional instructional ADJ crln-24008 917 33 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 917 34 . . PUNCT crln-24008 918 1 li li PROPN crln-24008 918 2 58 58 NUM crln-24008 918 3 / / SYM crln-24008 918 4 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 918 5 news news NOUN crln-24008 918 6 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 918 7 january january PROPN crln-24008 918 8 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 918 9 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 918 10 documents document NOUN crln-24008 918 11 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 918 12 university university PROPN crln-24008 918 13 of of ADP crln-24008 918 14 pennsylvania pennsylvania PROPN crln-24008 918 15 librarythe librarythe PROPN crln-24008 918 16 university university PROPN crln-24008 918 17 of of ADP crln-24008 918 18 pennsylvania pennsylvania PROPN crln-24008 918 19 library library PROPN crln-24008 918 20 is be AUX crln-24008 918 21 looking look VERB crln-24008 918 22 for for ADP crln-24008 918 23 a a DET crln-24008 918 24 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 918 25 documents document NOUN crln-24008 918 26 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 918 27 to to PART crln-24008 918 28 work work VERB crln-24008 918 29 under under ADP crln-24008 918 30 the the DET crln-24008 918 31 direction direction NOUN crln-24008 918 32 of of ADP crln-24008 918 33 the the DET crln-24008 918 34 director director NOUN crln-24008 918 35 of of ADP crln-24008 918 36 the the DET crln-24008 918 37 lippincott lippincott PROPN crln-24008 918 38 library library PROPN crln-24008 918 39 . . PUNCT crln-24008 919 1 this this DET crln-24008 919 2 position position NOUN crln-24008 919 3 is be AUX crln-24008 919 4 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 919 5 for for ADP crln-24008 919 6 providing provide VERB crln-24008 919 7 access access NOUN crln-24008 919 8 to to ADP crln-24008 919 9 the the DET crln-24008 919 10 library library NOUN crln-24008 919 11 ’s ’s PART crln-24008 919 12 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 919 13 for for ADP crln-24008 919 14 the the DET crln-24008 919 15 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 919 16 of of ADP crln-24008 919 17 the the DET crln-24008 919 18 wharton wharton PROPN crln-24008 919 19 school school PROPN crln-24008 919 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 919 21 for for ADP crln-24008 919 22 managing manage VERB crln-24008 919 23 the the DET crln-24008 919 24 transition transition NOUN crln-24008 919 25 from from ADP crln-24008 919 26 printto printto ADJ crln-24008 919 27 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 919 28 - - PUNCT crln-24008 919 29 based base VERB crln-24008 919 30 delivery delivery NOUN crln-24008 919 31 of of ADP crln-24008 919 32 information information NOUN crln-24008 919 33 . . PUNCT crln-24008 920 1 the the DET crln-24008 920 2 business business PROPN crln-24008 920 3 library library PROPN crln-24008 920 4 , , PUNCT crln-24008 920 5 lippincott lippincott PROPN crln-24008 920 6 library library PROPN crln-24008 920 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 920 8 is be AUX crln-24008 920 9 located locate VERB crln-24008 920 10 in in ADP crln-24008 920 11 newly newly ADV crln-24008 920 12 renovated renovate VERB crln-24008 920 13 space space NOUN crln-24008 920 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 920 15 is be AUX crln-24008 920 16 th th PRON crln-24008 920 17 $ $ SYM crln-24008 920 18 38,287-$53,779 38,287-$53,779 NUM crln-24008 920 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 920 20 commensurate commensurate ADJ crln-24008 920 21 with with ADP crln-24008 920 22 qualifications qualification NOUN crln-24008 920 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 920 24 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 920 25 . . PUNCT crln-24008 921 1 review review NOUN crln-24008 921 2 of of ADP crln-24008 921 3 applications application NOUN crln-24008 921 4 will will AUX crln-24008 921 5 begin begin VERB crln-24008 921 6 february february PROPN crln-24008 921 7 15 15 NUM crln-24008 921 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 921 9 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 921 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 921 11 continue continue VERB crln-24008 921 12 until until SCONJ crln-24008 921 13 the the DET crln-24008 921 14 positions position NOUN crln-24008 921 15 are be AUX crln-24008 921 16 filled fill VERB crln-24008 921 17 . . PUNCT crln-24008 922 1 submit submit VERB crln-24008 922 2 a a DET crln-24008 922 3 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 922 4 of of ADP crln-24008 922 5 applications application NOUN crln-24008 922 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 922 7 curriculum curriculum NOUN crln-24008 922 8 vitae vita NOUN crln-24008 922 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 922 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 922 11 the the DET crln-24008 922 12 names name NOUN crln-24008 922 13 , , PUNCT crln-24008 922 14 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 922 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 922 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 922 17 telephone telephone NOUN crln-24008 922 18 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 922 19 of of ADP crln-24008 922 20 at at ADV crln-24008 922 21 least least ADV crln-24008 922 22 three three NUM crln-24008 922 23 references reference NOUN crln-24008 922 24 to to ADP crln-24008 922 25 : : PUNCT crln-24008 922 26 james james PROPN crln-24008 922 27 w. w. PROPN crln-24008 922 28 marcum marcum PROPN crln-24008 922 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 922 30 chair chair NOUN crln-24008 922 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 922 32 search search NOUN crln-24008 922 33 committee committee NOUN crln-24008 922 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 922 35 library library PROPN crln-24008 922 36 , , PUNCT crln-24008 922 37 college college NOUN crln-24008 922 38 of of ADP crln-24008 922 39 staten staten PROPN crln-24008 922 40 island island PROPN crln-24008 922 41 / / SYM crln-24008 922 42 cuny cuny PROPN crln-24008 922 43 , , PUNCT crln-24008 922 44 2800 2800 NUM crln-24008 922 45 victory victory NOUN crln-24008 922 46 blvd blvd NOUN crln-24008 922 47 . . PUNCT crln-24008 922 48 , , PUNCT crln-24008 922 49 staten staten PROPN crln-24008 922 50 island island NOUN crln-24008 922 51 , , PUNCT crln-24008 922 52 ny ny PROPN crln-24008 922 53 10314 10314 NUM crln-24008 922 54 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 922 55 for for ADP crln-24008 922 56 more more ADJ crln-24008 922 57 information information NOUN crln-24008 922 58 : : PUNCT crln-24008 922 59 NOUN crln-24008 922 60 jobs job NOUN crln-24008 922 61 . . PUNCT crln-24008 923 1 eeo eeo NOUN crln-24008 923 2 / / SYM crln-24008 923 3 aa aa PROPN crln-24008 923 4 / / SYM crln-24008 923 5 ada ada NOUN crln-24008 923 6 employer.periodicals employer.periodical NOUN crln-24008 923 7 libr libr PROPN crln-24008 923 8 mls mls PROPN crln-24008 923 9 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 923 10 or or CCONJ crln-24008 923 11 equivalent equivalent ADJ crln-24008 923 12 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 923 13 two two NUM crln-24008 923 14 to to PART crln-24008 923 15 three three NUM crln-24008 923 16 years year NOUN crln-24008 923 17 of of ADP crln-24008 923 18 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 923 19 rare rare ADJ crln-24008 923 20 book book NOUN crln-24008 923 21 cataloguing catalogue VERB crln-24008 923 22 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 923 23 using use VERB crln-24008 923 24 aacr2rev aacr2rev SPACE crln-24008 923 25 . . PROPN crln-24008 923 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 923 27 descriptive descriptive ADJ crln-24008 923 28 cataloging cataloging NOUN crln-24008 923 29 of of ADP crln-24008 923 30 rare rare ADJ crln-24008 923 31 books book NOUN crln-24008 923 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 923 33 lcsh lcsh NOUN crln-24008 923 34 , , PUNCT crln-24008 923 35 and and CCONJ crln-24008 923 36 marc marc PROPN crln-24008 923 37 formats format NOUN crln-24008 923 38 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 923 39 familiarity familiarity NOUN crln-24008 923 40 with with ADP crln-24008 923 41 the the DET crln-24008 923 42 rlin rlin PROPN crln-24008 923 43 cata­loging cata­loging NOUN crln-24008 923 44 system system NOUN crln-24008 923 45 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 923 46 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 923 47 reading reading NOUN crln-24008 923 48 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 923 49 of of ADP crln-24008 923 50 latin latin PROPN crln-24008 923 51 and and CCONJ crln-24008 923 52 one one NUM crln-24008 923 53 or or CCONJ crln-24008 923 54 more more ADJ crln-24008 923 55 modern modern ADJ crln-24008 923 56 european european ADJ crln-24008 923 57 languages language NOUN crln-24008 923 58 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 923 59 italian italian ADJ crln-24008 923 60 preferred preferred NOUN crln-24008 923 61 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 923 62 . . PUNCT crln-24008 924 1 send send VERB crln-24008 924 2 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 924 3 of of ADP crln-24008 924 4 applica­tion applica­tion NOUN crln-24008 924 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 924 6 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 924 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 924 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 924 9 names name NOUN crln-24008 924 10 / / SYM crln-24008 924 11 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 924 12 of of ADP crln-24008 924 13 three three NUM crln-24008 924 14 references reference NOUN crln-24008 924 15 to to ADP crln-24008 924 16 : : PUNCT crln-24008 924 17 department department NOUN crln-24008 924 18 of of ADP crln-24008 924 19 human human ADJ crln-24008 924 20 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 924 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 924 22 brown brown ADJ crln-24008 924 23 university university NOUN crln-24008 924 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 924 25 box box PROPN crln-24008 924 26 1879 1879 NUM crln-24008 924 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 924 28 providence providence NOUN crln-24008 924 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 924 30 rl rl ADP crln-24008 924 31 02912.reference/counseling 02912.reference/counsele VERB crln-24008 924 32 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 924 33 . . PUNCT crln-24008 925 1 reg reg PROPN crln-24008 925 2 head head PROPN crln-24008 925 3 , , PUNCT crln-24008 925 4 library library PROPN crln-24008 925 5 administrative administrative PROPN crln-24008 925 6 services services PROPN crln-24008 925 7 office office NOUN crln-24008 925 8 for for ADP crln-24008 925 9 information information NOUN crln-24008 925 10 technology technology PROPN crln-24008 925 11 university university NOUN crln-24008 925 12 library library NOUN crln-24008 925 13 servicesuniversity servicesuniversity NOUN crln-24008 925 14 library library PROPN crln-24008 925 15 services service NOUN crln-24008 925 16 at at ADP crln-24008 925 17 virginia virginia PROPN crln-24008 925 18 commonwealth commonwealth PROPN crln-24008 925 19 university university PROPN crln-24008 925 20 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 925 21 an an DET crln-24008 925 22 innovative innovative ADJ crln-24008 925 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 925 24 energetic energetic ADJ crln-24008 925 25 individual individual NOUN crln-24008 925 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 925 27 with with ADP crln-24008 925 28 exceptional exceptional ADJ crln-24008 925 29 skill skill NOUN crln-24008 925 30 in in ADP crln-24008 925 31 personnel personnel NOUN crln-24008 925 32 management management NOUN crln-24008 925 33 , , PUNCT crln-24008 925 34 human human ADJ crln-24008 925 35 relations relation NOUN crln-24008 925 36 , , PUNCT crln-24008 925 37 and and CCONJ crln-24008 925 38 business business NOUN crln-24008 925 39 and and CCONJ crln-24008 925 40 fiscal fiscal ADJ crln-24008 925 41 affairs affair NOUN crln-24008 925 42 to to PART crln-24008 925 43 serve serve VERB crln-24008 925 44 as as ADP crln-24008 925 45 head head NOUN crln-24008 925 46 , , PUNCT crln-24008 925 47 library library PROPN crln-24008 925 48 administrative administrative ADJ crln-24008 925 49 services.description services.description NOUN crln-24008 925 50 : : PUNCT crln-24008 925 51 the the DET crln-24008 925 52 head head NOUN crln-24008 925 53 of of ADP crln-24008 925 54 library library PROPN crln-24008 925 55 administrative administrative PROPN crln-24008 925 56 services service NOUN crln-24008 925 57 is be AUX crln-24008 925 58 a a DET crln-24008 925 59 twleve twleve NOUN crln-24008 925 60 - - PUNCT crln-24008 925 61 month month NOUN crln-24008 925 62 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 925 63 position position NOUN crln-24008 925 64 that that PRON crln-24008 925 65 reports report VERB crln-24008 925 66 to to ADP crln-24008 925 67 the the DET crln-24008 925 68 executive executive ADJ crln-24008 925 69 director director NOUN crln-24008 925 70 of of ADP crln-24008 925 71 the the DET crln-24008 925 72 university university PROPN crln-24008 925 73 library library NOUN crln-24008 925 74 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 925 75 news news PROPN crln-24008 925 76 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 925 77 january january PROPN crln-24008 925 78 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 925 79 / / SYM crln-24008 925 80 59 59 NUM crln-24008 925 81 60 60 NUM crln-24008 925 82 / / SYM crln-24008 925 83 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 925 84 news news NOUN crln-24008 925 85 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 925 86 january january PROPN crln-24008 925 87 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 925 88 university university PROPN crln-24008 925 89 librariansan librariansan PROPN crln-24008 925 90 jose jose PROPN crln-24008 925 91 state state PROPN crln-24008 925 92 universitysan universitysan PROPN crln-24008 925 93 jose jose PROPN crln-24008 925 94 state state PROPN crln-24008 925 95 university university PROPN crln-24008 925 96 invites invite VERB crln-24008 925 97 applications application NOUN crln-24008 925 98 and and CCONJ crln-24008 925 99 nominations nomination NOUN crln-24008 925 100 for for ADP crln-24008 925 101 university university NOUN crln-24008 925 102 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 925 103 . . PUNCT crln-24008 926 1 the the DET crln-24008 926 2 successful successful ADJ crln-24008 926 3 candidate candidate NOUN crln-24008 926 4 will will AUX crln-24008 926 5 provide provide VERB crln-24008 926 6 the the DET crln-24008 926 7 university university NOUN crln-24008 926 8 with with ADP crln-24008 926 9 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 926 10 and and CCONJ crln-24008 926 11 imaginative imaginative ADJ crln-24008 926 12 leadership leadership NOUN crln-24008 926 13 in in ADP crln-24008 926 14 the the DET crln-24008 926 15 areas area NOUN crln-24008 926 16 of of ADP crln-24008 926 17 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 926 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 926 19 library library NOUN crln-24008 926 20 services service NOUN crln-24008 926 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 926 22 and and CCONJ crln-24008 926 23 effective effective ADJ crln-24008 926 24 management management NOUN crln-24008 926 25 of of ADP crln-24008 926 26 about about ADV crln-24008 926 27 75 75 NUM crln-24008 926 28 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 926 29 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 926 30 and and CCONJ crln-24008 926 31 paraprofessional paraprofessional ADJ crln-24008 926 32 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 926 33 . . PUNCT crln-24008 927 1 the the DET crln-24008 927 2 university university NOUN crln-24008 927 3 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 927 4 is be AUX crln-24008 927 5 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 927 6 for for ADP crln-24008 927 7 creating create VERB crln-24008 927 8 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 927 9 community community NOUN crln-24008 927 10 ties tie NOUN crln-24008 927 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 927 12 pursuing pursue VERB crln-24008 927 13 external external ADJ crln-24008 927 14 funding funding NOUN crln-24008 927 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 928 1 the the DET crln-24008 928 2 university university NOUN crln-24008 928 3 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 928 4 will will AUX crln-24008 928 5 also also ADV crln-24008 928 6 have have VERB crln-24008 928 7 a a DET crln-24008 928 8 ma ma PROPN crln-24008 928 9 tions tion NOUN crln-24008 928 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 929 1 regent regent ADJ crln-24008 929 2 university university NOUN crln-24008 929 3 is be AUX crln-24008 929 4 an an DET crln-24008 929 5 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 929 6 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 929 7 employer employer NOUN crln-24008 929 8 committed commit VERB crln-24008 929 9 to to ADP crln-24008 929 10 providing provide VERB crln-24008 929 11 education education NOUN crln-24008 929 12 from from ADP crln-24008 929 13 a a DET crln-24008 929 14 christian christian ADJ crln-24008 929 15 perspective perspective NOUN crln-24008 929 16 . . PUNCT crln-24008 930 1 applications application NOUN crln-24008 930 2 will will AUX crln-24008 930 3 be be AUX crln-24008 930 4 accepted accept VERB crln-24008 930 5 until until SCONJ crln-24008 930 6 position position NOUN crln-24008 930 7 is be AUX crln-24008 930 8 filled fill VERB crln-24008 930 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 931 1 review review NOUN crln-24008 931 2 of of ADP crln-24008 931 3 application application NOUN crln-24008 931 4 begins begin VERB crln-24008 931 5 immedi­ately immedi­ately ADV crln-24008 931 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 932 1 send send VERB crln-24008 932 2 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 932 3 of of ADP crln-24008 932 4 application application NOUN crln-24008 932 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 932 6 vita vita PROPN crln-24008 932 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 932 8 a a DET crln-24008 932 9 statement statement NOUN crln-24008 932 10 of of ADP crln-24008 932 11 christian christian ADJ crln-24008 932 12 faith faith NOUN crln-24008 932 13 and and CCONJ crln-24008 932 14 three three NUM crln-24008 932 15 references reference NOUN crln-24008 932 16 to to ADP crln-24008 932 17 : : PUNCT crln-24008 932 18 albertc albertc PROPN crln-24008 932 19 . . PUNCT crln-24008 933 1 liu liu PROPN crln-24008 933 2 , , PUNCT crln-24008 933 3 associate associate PROPN crln-24008 933 4 dean dean PROPN crln-24008 933 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 933 6 regent regent ADJ crln-24008 933 7 university university NOUN crln-24008 933 8 library library NOUN crln-24008 933 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 933 10 1000 1000 NUM crln-24008 933 11 regent regent ADJ crln-24008 933 12 university university PROPN crln-24008 933 13 dr dr PROPN crln-24008 933 14 . . PROPN crln-24008 933 15 , , PUNCT crln-24008 933 16 virginia virginia PROPN crln-24008 933 17 beach beach PROPN crln-24008 933 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 933 19 va va PROPN crln-24008 933 20 23464.reference/instruction 23464.reference/instruction PROPN crln-24008 933 21 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 933 22 . . PUNCT crln-24008 934 1 clarion clarion PROPN crln-24008 934 2 university university PROPN crln-24008 934 3 of of ADP crln-24008 934 4 pennsylvania pennsylvania PROPN crln-24008 934 5 invites invite VERB crln-24008 934 6 applications application NOUN crln-24008 934 7 for for ADP crln-24008 934 8 undergraduate undergraduate NOUN crln-24008 934 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 934 10 graduate graduate NOUN crln-24008 934 11 programs program NOUN crln-24008 934 12 , , PUNCT crln-24008 934 13 both both CCONJ crln-24008 934 14 on on ADP crln-24008 934 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 934 16 off off ADP crln-24008 934 17 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 934 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 934 19 is be AUX crln-24008 934 20 part part NOUN crln-24008 934 21 of of ADP crln-24008 934 22 the the DET crln-24008 934 23 montana montana PROPN crln-24008 934 24 state state PROPN crln-24008 934 25 university university NOUN crln-24008 934 26 system system NOUN crln-24008 934 27 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 934 28 the the DET crln-24008 934 29 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 934 30 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 934 31 will will AUX crln-24008 934 32 work work VERB crln-24008 934 33 cooperatively cooperatively ADV crln-24008 934 34 with with ADP crln-24008 934 35 systems system NOUN crln-24008 934 36 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 934 37 . . PUNCT crln-24008 935 1 to to PART crln-24008 935 2 apply apply VERB crln-24008 935 3 : : PUNCT crln-24008 935 4 send send VERB crln-24008 935 5 a a DET crln-24008 935 6 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 935 7 of of ADP crln-24008 935 8 applica­tion applica­tion NOUN crln-24008 935 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 935 10 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 935 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 935 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 935 13 names name NOUN crln-24008 935 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 935 15 addresses address NOUN crln-24008 935 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 935 17 and and CCONJ crln-24008 935 18 phone phone NOUN crln-24008 935 19 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 935 20 of of ADP crln-24008 935 21 three three NUM crln-24008 935 22 references reference NOUN crln-24008 935 23 to to ADP crln-24008 935 24 : : PUNCT crln-24008 935 25 will will AUX crln-24008 935 26 rawn rawn VERB crln-24008 935 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 935 28 director director NOUN crln-24008 935 29 , , PUNCT crln-24008 935 30 library library NOUN crln-24008 935 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 935 32 montana montana PROPN crln-24008 935 33 state state PROPN crln-24008 935 34 university university NOUN crln-24008 935 35 - - PUNCT crln-24008 935 36 northern northern ADJ crln-24008 935 37 , , PUNCT crln-24008 935 38 havre havre PROPN crln-24008 935 39 , , PUNCT crln-24008 935 40 mt mt PROPN crln-24008 935 41 59501 59501 NUM crln-24008 935 42 . . PUNCT crln-24008 936 1 screening screening NOUN crln-24008 936 2 begins begin VERB crln-24008 936 3 january january PROPN crln-24008 936 4 15 15 NUM crln-24008 936 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 936 6 1998 1998 NUM crln-24008 936 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 937 1 northern northern PROPN crln-24008 937 2 is be AUX crln-24008 937 3 an an DET crln-24008 937 4 affirmative affirmative ADJ crln-24008 937 5 action action NOUN crln-24008 937 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 937 7 equal equal ADJ crln-24008 937 8 opportunity opportunity NOUN crln-24008 937 9 employer.system VERB crln-24008 937 10 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 937 11 . . PUNCT crln-24008 938 1 auburn auburn PROPN crln-24008 938 2 university university PROPN crln-24008 938 3 m m PROPN crln-24008 938 4 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 938 5 news news PROPN crln-24008 938 6 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 938 7 january january PROPN crln-24008 938 8 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 938 9 161 161 NUM crln-24008 938 10 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 938 11 librarianucla librarianucla PROPN crln-24008 938 12 library library PROPN crln-24008 938 13 william william PROPN crln-24008 938 14 andrews andrews PROPN crln-24008 938 15 clark clark PROPN crln-24008 938 16 memorial memorial ADJ crln-24008 938 17 libraryunder libraryunder NOUN crln-24008 938 18 the the DET crln-24008 938 19 direction direction NOUN crln-24008 938 20 of of ADP crln-24008 938 21 the the DET crln-24008 938 22 head head NOUN crln-24008 938 23 librarian librarian PROPN crln-24008 938 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 938 25 the the DET crln-24008 938 26 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 938 27 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 938 28 is be AUX crln-24008 938 29 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 938 30 for for ADP crln-24008 938 31 reader reader NOUN crln-24008 938 32 services service NOUN crln-24008 938 33 , , PUNCT crln-24008 938 34 including include VERB crln-24008 938 35 consultation consultation NOUN crln-24008 938 36 in in ADP crln-24008 938 37 the the DET crln-24008 938 38 read­ing read­e VERB crln-24008 938 39 room room NOUN crln-24008 938 40 and and CCONJ crln-24008 938 41 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 938 42 service service NOUN crln-24008 938 43 by by ADP crln-24008 938 44 tele­phone tele­phone NOUN crln-24008 938 45 , , PUNCT crln-24008 938 46 mail mail NOUN crln-24008 938 47 , , PUNCT crln-24008 938 48 and and CCONJ crln-24008 938 49 e e NOUN crln-24008 938 50 - - NOUN crln-24008 938 51 mail mail NOUN crln-24008 938 52 . . PUNCT crln-24008 939 1 he he PRON crln-24008 939 2 or or CCONJ crln-24008 939 3 she she PRON crln-24008 939 4 takes take VERB crln-24008 939 5 part part NOUN crln-24008 939 6 in in ADP crln-24008 939 7 reader reader NOUN crln-24008 939 8 instruction instruction NOUN crln-24008 939 9 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 939 10 participates participate VERB crln-24008 939 11 in in ADP crln-24008 939 12 reading reading NOUN crln-24008 939 13 room room NOUN crln-24008 939 14 invigilation invigilation NOUN crln-24008 939 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 939 16 service service NOUN crln-24008 939 17 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 939 18 looks look VERB crln-24008 939 19 after after ADP crln-24008 939 20 photocopy photocopy NOUN crln-24008 939 21 , , PUNCT crln-24008 939 22 photograph photograph NOUN crln-24008 939 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 939 24 microfilm microfilm NOUN crln-24008 939 25 re­quests re­quest NOUN crln-24008 939 26 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 939 27 undertakes undertake VERB crln-24008 939 28 tours tour NOUN crln-24008 939 29 of of ADP crln-24008 939 30 the the DET crln-24008 939 31 library library NOUN crln-24008 939 32 and and CCONJ crln-24008 939 33 works work VERB crln-24008 939 34 with with ADP crln-24008 939 35 classes class NOUN crln-24008 939 36 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 939 37 participates participate VERB crln-24008 939 38 in in ADP crln-24008 939 39 mounting mount VERB crln-24008 939 40 e e PROPN crln-24008 939 41 arts art NOUN crln-24008 939 42 special special ADJ crln-24008 939 43 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 939 44 librarianucla librarianucla NOUN crln-24008 939 45 libraryduties librarydutie NOUN crln-24008 939 46 : : PUNCT crln-24008 939 47 special special ADJ crln-24008 939 48 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 939 49 management management NOUN crln-24008 939 50 : : PUNCT crln-24008 939 51 report­ing report­e VERB crln-24008 939 52 to to ADP crln-24008 939 53 the the DET crln-24008 939 54 interim interim ADJ crln-24008 939 55 head head NOUN crln-24008 939 56 , , PUNCT crln-24008 939 57 arts art NOUN crln-24008 939 58 library library PROPN crln-24008 939 59 , , PUNCT crln-24008 939 60 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 939 61 for for ADP crln-24008 939 62 the the DET crln-24008 939 63 operations operation NOUN crln-24008 939 64 of of ADP crln-24008 939 65 the the DET crln-24008 939 66 arts art NOUN crln-24008 939 67 library library NOUN crln-24008 939 68 special special ADJ crln-24008 939 69 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 939 70 , , PUNCT crln-24008 939 71 including include VERB crln-24008 939 72 the the DET crln-24008 939 73 supervision supervision NOUN crln-24008 939 74 and/or and/or CCONJ crln-24008 939 75 per­formance per­formance NOUN crln-24008 939 76 of of ADP crln-24008 939 77 all all DET crln-24008 939 78 public public ADJ crln-24008 939 79 service service NOUN crln-24008 939 80 and and CCONJ crln-24008 939 81 selected select VERB crln-24008 939 82 pro­cessing pro­cessing NOUN crln-24008 939 83 functions function NOUN crln-24008 939 84 . . PUNCT crln-24008 940 1 public public ADJ crln-24008 940 2 service service NOUN crln-24008 940 3 functions function NOUN crln-24008 940 4 in­clude in­clude NOUN crln-24008 940 5 : : PUNCT crln-24008 940 6 scheduling scheduling NOUN crln-24008 940 7 appointments appointment NOUN crln-24008 940 8 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 940 9 locating locate VERB crln-24008 940 10 materi­als materi­al NOUN crln-24008 940 11 in in ADP crln-24008 940 12 archival archival ADJ crln-24008 940 13 collections collection NOUN crln-24008 940 14 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 940 15 using use VERB crln-24008 940 16 finding find VERB crln-24008 940 17 aids aid NOUN crln-24008 940 18 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 940 19 and and CCONJ crln-24008 940 20 paging page VERB crln-24008 940 21 from from ADP crln-24008 940 22 srlf srlf NOUN crln-24008 940 23 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 940 24 providing provide VERB crln-24008 940 25 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 940 26 service service NOUN crln-24008 940 27 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 940 28 administering administer VERB crln-24008 940 29 fee fee NOUN crln-24008 940 30 services service NOUN crln-24008 940 31 f f PROPN crln-24008 940 32 62 62 NUM crln-24008 940 33 / / SYM crln-24008 940 34 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 940 35 news news NOUN crln-24008 940 36 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 940 37 january january PROPN crln-24008 940 38 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 940 39 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 940 40 resident resident ADJ crln-24008 940 41 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 940 42 program program NOUN crln-24008 940 43 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 940 44 - - SYM crln-24008 940 45 2000the 2000the PROPN crln-24008 940 46 university university PROPN crln-24008 940 47 library library PROPN crln-24008 940 48 university university PROPN crln-24008 940 49 of of ADP crln-24008 940 50 illinois illinois PROPN crln-24008 940 51 at at ADP crln-24008 940 52 chicago chicago PROPN crln-24008 940 53 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 940 54 uic)brief uic)brief PROPN crln-24008 940 55 program program NOUN crln-24008 940 56 description description NOUN crln-24008 940 57 : : PUNCT crln-24008 940 58 the the DET crln-24008 940 59 university university PROPN crln-24008 940 60 library library NOUN crln-24008 940 61 , , PUNCT crln-24008 940 62 university university PROPN crln-24008 940 63 of of ADP crln-24008 940 64 illinois illinois PROPN crln-24008 940 65 at at ADP crln-24008 940 66 chicago chicago PROPN crln-24008 940 67 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 940 68 uic uic PROPN crln-24008 940 69 ) ) PUNCT crln-24008 940 70 , , PUNCT crln-24008 940 71 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 940 72 candidates candidate NOUN crln-24008 940 73 for for ADP crln-24008 940 74 its its PRON crln-24008 940 75 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 940 76 resident resident ADJ crln-24008 940 77 librarian librarian ADJ crln-24008 940 78 program program NOUN crln-24008 940 79 to to PART crln-24008 940 80 serve serve VERB crln-24008 940 81 one one NUM crln-24008 940 82 - - PUNCT crln-24008 940 83 year year NOUN crln-24008 940 84 post post ADJ crln-24008 940 85 - - ADJ crln-24008 940 86 graduate graduate ADJ crln-24008 940 87 appointments appointment NOUN crln-24008 940 88 in in ADP crln-24008 940 89 the the DET crln-24008 940 90 university university NOUN crln-24008 940 91 library library NOUN crln-24008 940 92 system system NOUN crln-24008 940 93 . . PUNCT crln-24008 941 1 appointments appointment NOUN crln-24008 941 2 may may AUX crln-24008 941 3 be be AUX crln-24008 941 4 renewed renew VERB crln-24008 941 5 for for ADP crln-24008 941 6 a a DET crln-24008 941 7 second second ADJ crln-24008 941 8 year year NOUN crln-24008 941 9 . . PUNCT crln-24008 942 1 the the DET crln-24008 942 2 program program NOUN crln-24008 942 3 , , PUNCT crln-24008 942 4 begun begin VERB crln-24008 942 5 in in ADP crln-24008 942 6 1982 1982 NUM crln-24008 942 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 942 8 features feature VERB crln-24008 942 9 a a DET crln-24008 942 10 seminar seminar NOUN crln-24008 942 11 series series NOUN crln-24008 942 12 on on ADP crln-24008 942 13 library library NOUN crln-24008 942 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 942 15 information information NOUN crln-24008 942 16 science science NOUN crln-24008 942 17 issues issue NOUN crln-24008 942 18 , , PUNCT crln-24008 942 19 library library NOUN crln-24008 942 20 and and CCONJ crln-24008 942 21 association association NOUN crln-24008 942 22 visit visit NOUN crln-24008 942 23 of of ADP crln-24008 942 24 two two NUM crln-24008 942 25 years year NOUN crln-24008 942 26 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 942 27 in in ADP crln-24008 942 28 an an DET crln-24008 942 29 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 942 30 library library NOUN crln-24008 942 31 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 942 32 , , PUNCT crln-24008 942 33 including include VERB crln-24008 942 34 some some DET crln-24008 942 35 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 942 36 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 942 37 . . PUNCT crln-24008 943 1 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 943 2 in in ADP crln-24008 943 3 the the DET crln-24008 943 4 creation creation NOUN crln-24008 943 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 943 6 design design NOUN crln-24008 943 7 , , PUNCT crln-24008 943 8 and and CCONJ crln-24008 943 9 management management NOUN crln-24008 943 10 of of ADP crln-24008 943 11 web web NOUN crln-24008 943 12 pages page NOUN crln-24008 943 13 for for ADP crln-24008 943 14 organizations organization NOUN crln-24008 943 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 944 1 preferred prefer VERB crln-24008 944 2 : : PUNCT crln-24008 944 3 substantial substantial ADJ crln-24008 944 4 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-24008 944 5 of of ADP crln-24008 944 6 the the DET crln-24008 944 7 internet internet NOUN crln-24008 944 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 944 9 the the DET crln-24008 944 10 www www NOUN crln-24008 944 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 944 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 944 13 print print NOUN crln-24008 944 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 944 15 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 944 16 reference reference NOUN crln-24008 944 17 sources source NOUN crln-24008 944 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 945 1 significant significant ADJ crln-24008 945 2 experience experience NOUN crln-24008 945 3 with with ADP crln-24008 945 4 microcomputers microcomputer NOUN crln-24008 945 5 . . PUNCT crln-24008 946 1 demonstrated demonstrate VERB crln-24008 946 2 teaching teaching NOUN crln-24008 946 3 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 946 4 . . PUNCT crln-24008 947 1 strong strong ADJ crln-24008 947 2 commitment commitment NOUN crln-24008 947 3 to to ADP crln-24008 947 4 public public ADJ crln-24008 947 5 service service NOUN crln-24008 947 6 . . PUNCT crln-24008 948 1 proven prove VERB crln-24008 948 2 ability ability NOUN crln-24008 948 3 to to PART crln-24008 948 4 establish establish VERB crln-24008 948 5 and and CCONJ crln-24008 948 6 maintain maintain VERB crln-24008 948 7 effective effective ADJ crln-24008 948 8 working working NOUN crln-24008 948 9 relationships relationship NOUN crln-24008 948 10 with with ADP crln-24008 948 11 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-24008 948 12 and and CCONJ crln-24008 948 13 the the DET crln-24008 948 14 public public NOUN crln-24008 948 15 . . PUNCT crln-24008 949 1 effective effective ADJ crln-24008 949 2 wr wr ADP crln-24008 949 3 $ $ SYM crln-24008 949 4 27,000-$29,800 27,000-$29,800 NUM crln-24008 949 5 . . NUM crln-24008 949 6 position position NOUN crln-24008 949 7 open open ADJ crln-24008 949 8 until until SCONJ crln-24008 949 9 filled fill VERB crln-24008 949 10 . . PUNCT crln-24008 950 1 applications application NOUN crln-24008 950 2 received receive VERB crln-24008 950 3 by by ADP crln-24008 950 4 february february PROPN crln-24008 950 5 28 28 NUM crln-24008 950 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 950 7 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 950 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 950 9 will will AUX crln-24008 950 10 be be AUX crln-24008 950 11 given give VERB crln-24008 950 12 first first ADJ crln-24008 950 13 consideration consideration NOUN crln-24008 950 14 . . PUNCT crln-24008 951 1 position position NOUN crln-24008 951 2 available available ADJ crln-24008 951 3 august august PROPN crln-24008 951 4 1 1 NUM crln-24008 951 5 , , PUNCT crln-24008 951 6 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 951 7 . . PUNCT crln-24008 952 1 please please INTJ crln-24008 952 2 send send VERB crln-24008 952 3 letter letter NOUN crln-24008 952 4 of of ADP crln-24008 952 5 application application NOUN crln-24008 952 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 952 7 resume resume NOUN crln-24008 952 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 952 9 and and CCONJ crln-24008 952 10 names name NOUN crln-24008 952 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 952 12 telephone telephone NOUN crln-24008 952 13 numbers number NOUN crln-24008 952 14 of of ADP crln-24008 952 15 three three NUM crln-24008 952 16 references reference NOUN crln-24008 952 17 to to ADP crln-24008 952 18 : : PUNCT crln-24008 952 19 clarissa clarissa PROPN crln-24008 952 20 fisher fisher PROPN crln-24008 952 21 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 952 22 hunter hunter NOUN crln-24008 952 23 library library NOUN crln-24008 952 24 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 952 25 western western PROPN crln-24008 952 26 carolina carolina PROPN crln-24008 952 27 university university PROPN crln-24008 952 28 ; ; PUNCT crln-24008 952 29 cullowhee cullowhee NOUN crln-24008 952 30 , , PUNCT crln-24008 952 31 nc nc PROPN crln-24008 952 32 28723 28723 NUM crln-24008 952 33 . . PUNCT crln-24008 953 1 hunter hunter NOUN crln-24008 953 2 library library PROPN crln-24008 953 3 has have VERB crln-24008 953 4 an an DET crln-24008 953 5 operating operate VERB crln-24008 953 6 budget budget NOUN crln-24008 953 7 of of ADP crln-24008 953 8 $ $ SYM crln-24008 953 9 2.5 2.5 NUM crln-24008 953 10 million million NUM crln-24008 953 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 953 12 a a DET crln-24008 953 13 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 953 14 of of ADP crln-24008 953 15 44 44 NUM crln-24008 953 16 , , PUNCT crln-24008 953 17 including include VERB crln-24008 953 18 16 16 NUM crln-24008 953 19 professional professional ADJ crln-24008 953 20 librarians librarian NOUN crln-24008 953 21 . . PUNCT crln-24008 954 1 it it PRON crln-24008 954 2 serves serve VERB crln-24008 954 3 a a DET crln-24008 954 4 student student NOUN crln-24008 954 5 body body NOUN crln-24008 954 6 of of ADP crln-24008 954 7 approximately approximately ADV crln-24008 954 8 6,000 6,000 NUM crln-24008 954 9 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 954 10 http://www http://www PROPN crln-24008 954 11 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 954 12 news news PROPN crln-24008 954 13 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 954 14 january january PROPN crln-24008 954 15 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 954 16 / / SYM crln-24008 954 17 63 63 NUM crln-24008 954 18 head head NOUN crln-24008 954 19 , , PUNCT crln-24008 954 20 media medium NOUN crln-24008 954 21 resource resource NOUN crln-24008 954 22 servicesoffice servicesoffice NOUN crln-24008 954 23 for for ADP crln-24008 954 24 information information NOUN crln-24008 954 25 technology technology NOUN crln-24008 954 26 university university NOUN crln-24008 954 27 library library NOUN crln-24008 954 28 servicesuniversity servicesuniversity NOUN crln-24008 954 29 library library PROPN crln-24008 954 30 services service NOUN crln-24008 954 31 at at ADP crln-24008 954 32 virginia virginia PROPN crln-24008 954 33 commonwealth commonwealth PROPN crln-24008 954 34 university university PROPN crln-24008 954 35 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 954 36 an an DET crln-24008 954 37 innovative innovative ADJ crln-24008 954 38 and and CCONJ crln-24008 954 39 energetic energetic ADJ crln-24008 954 40 individual individual NOUN crln-24008 954 41 to to PART crln-24008 954 42 serve serve VERB crln-24008 954 43 as as ADP crln-24008 954 44 head head NOUN crln-24008 954 45 , , PUNCT crln-24008 954 46 media media NOUN crln-24008 954 47 resource resource NOUN crln-24008 954 48 services.description services.description NOUN crln-24008 954 49 : : PUNCT crln-24008 954 50 the the DET crln-24008 954 51 head head NOUN crln-24008 954 52 , , PUNCT crln-24008 954 53 media media NOUN crln-24008 954 54 resource resource NOUN crln-24008 954 55 services service NOUN crln-24008 954 56 is be AUX crln-24008 954 57 a a DET crln-24008 954 58 twelve twelve NUM crln-24008 954 59 - - PUNCT crln-24008 954 60 month month NOUN crln-24008 954 61 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 954 62 position position NOUN crln-24008 954 63 that that PRON crln-24008 954 64 reports report VERB crln-24008 954 65 to to ADP crln-24008 954 66 the the DET crln-24008 954 67 director director NOUN crln-24008 954 68 for for ADP crln-24008 954 69 academic academic ADJ crln-24008 954 70 user user NOUN crln-24008 954 71 services service NOUN crln-24008 954 72 and and CCONJ crln-24008 954 73 is be AUX crln-24008 954 74 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 954 75 for for ADP crln-24008 954 76 multimedia multimedia NOUN crln-24008 954 77 services service NOUN crln-24008 954 78 and and CCONJ crln-24008 954 79 the the DET crln-24008 954 80 media medium NOUN crln-24008 954 81 resource resource NOUN crln-24008 954 82 services service NOUN crln-24008 954 83 department.multimedia department.multimedia NOUN crln-24008 954 84 services service NOUN crln-24008 954 85 : : PUNCT crln-24008 954 86 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 954 87 for for ADP crln-24008 954 88 the the DET crln-24008 954 89 manage manage NOUN crln-24008 954 90 64 64 NUM crln-24008 954 91 / / SYM crln-24008 954 92 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 954 93 news news NOUN crln-24008 954 94 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 954 95 january january PROPN crln-24008 954 96 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 954 97 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 954 98 services service NOUN crln-24008 954 99 manager manager NOUN crln-24008 954 100 ( ( PUNCT crln-24008 954 101 edp edp NOUN crln-24008 954 102 manager manager NOUN crln-24008 954 103 ii)wayne ii)wayne PROPN crln-24008 954 104 state state PROPN crln-24008 954 105 university university PROPN crln-24008 954 106 david david PROPN crln-24008 954 107 adamany adamany PROPN crln-24008 954 108 undergraduate undergraduate ADJ crln-24008 954 109 libraryposition libraryposition NOUN crln-24008 954 110 and and CCONJ crln-24008 954 111 responsibilities responsibility NOUN crln-24008 954 112 : : PUNCT crln-24008 954 113 the the DET crln-24008 954 114 david david PROPN crln-24008 954 115 adamany adamany PROPN crln-24008 954 116 undergraduate undergraduate PROPN crln-24008 954 117 library library NOUN crln-24008 954 118 is be AUX crln-24008 954 119 a a DET crln-24008 954 120 dynamic dynamic ADJ crln-24008 954 121 now now ADV crln-24008 954 122 concept concept NOUN crln-24008 954 123 in in ADP crln-24008 954 124 integrated integrate VERB crln-24008 954 125 information information NOUN crln-24008 954 126 services service NOUN crln-24008 954 127 for for ADP crln-24008 954 128 the the DET crln-24008 954 129 21 21 NUM crln-24008 954 130 st st ADJ crln-24008 954 131 - - PUNCT crln-24008 954 132 century century NOUN crln-24008 954 133 learner learner NOUN crln-24008 954 134 . . PUNCT crln-24008 955 1 the the DET crln-24008 955 2 primary primary ADJ crln-24008 955 3 goal goal NOUN crln-24008 955 4 of of ADP crln-24008 955 5 this this DET crln-24008 955 6 newly newly ADV crln-24008 955 7 opened open VERB crln-24008 955 8 facility facility NOUN crln-24008 955 9 is be AUX crln-24008 955 10 to to PART crln-24008 955 11 help help VERB crln-24008 955 12 students student NOUN crln-24008 955 13 learn learn VERB crln-24008 955 14 in in ADP crln-24008 955 15 the the DET crln-24008 955 16 multimedia multimedia NOUN crln-24008 955 17 - - PUNCT crln-24008 955 18 driven drive VERB crln-24008 955 19 technological technological ADJ crln-24008 955 20 environment environment NOUN crln-24008 955 21 of of ADP crln-24008 955 22 tomorrow tomorrow NOUN crln-24008 955 23 . . PUNCT crln-24008 956 1 reporting report VERB crln-24008 956 2 to to ADP crln-24008 956 3 the the DET crln-24008 956 4 director director NOUN crln-24008 956 5 of of ADP crln-24008 956 6 the the DET crln-24008 956 7 library library NOUN crln-24008 956 8 . . PUNCT crln-24008 957 1 the the DET crln-24008 957 2 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 957 3 services service NOUN crln-24008 957 4 manager manager NOUN crln-24008 957 5 is be AUX crln-24008 957 6 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 957 7 for for ADP crln-24008 957 8 the the DET crln-24008 957 9 day day NOUN crln-24008 957 10 - - PUNCT crln-24008 957 11 to to ADP crln-24008 957 12 - - PUNCT crln-24008 957 13 day day NOUN crln-24008 957 14 ope ope NOUN crln-24008 957 15 c8ιrl c8ιrl PROPN crln-24008 957 16 news news NOUN crln-24008 957 17 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 957 18 january january PROPN crln-24008 957 19 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 957 20 i i PROPN crln-24008 957 21 65 65 NUM crln-24008 957 22 university university PROPN crln-24008 957 23 librarianclark librarianclark NOUN crln-24008 957 24 universityclark universityclark PROPN crln-24008 957 25 university university PROPN crln-24008 957 26 invites invite VERB crln-24008 957 27 applications application NOUN crln-24008 957 28 and and CCONJ crln-24008 957 29 nominations nomination NOUN crln-24008 957 30 for for ADP crln-24008 957 31 the the DET crln-24008 957 32 position position NOUN crln-24008 957 33 of of ADP crln-24008 957 34 university university NOUN crln-24008 957 35 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 957 36 . . PUNCT crln-24008 958 1 we we PRON crln-24008 958 2 are be AUX crln-24008 958 3 seeking seek VERB crln-24008 958 4 a a DET crln-24008 958 5 dynamic dynamic ADJ crln-24008 958 6 leader leader NOUN crln-24008 958 7 who who PRON crln-24008 958 8 will will AUX crln-24008 958 9 proactively proactively ADV crln-24008 958 10 manage manage VERB crln-24008 958 11 the the DET crln-24008 958 12 university university NOUN crln-24008 958 13 ’s ’s NOUN crln-24008 958 14 collection collection NOUN crln-24008 958 15 of of ADP crln-24008 958 16 information information NOUN crln-24008 958 17 resources resource NOUN crln-24008 958 18 to to PART crln-24008 958 19 sup­port sup­port VERB crln-24008 958 20 the the DET crln-24008 958 21 teaching teaching NOUN crln-24008 958 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 958 23 learning learning NOUN crln-24008 958 24 , , PUNCT crln-24008 958 25 and and CCONJ crln-24008 958 26 scholarly scholarly ADJ crln-24008 958 27 activities activity NOUN crln-24008 958 28 of of ADP crln-24008 958 29 our our PRON crln-24008 958 30 students student NOUN crln-24008 958 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 958 32 faculty faculty NOUN crln-24008 958 33 , , PUNCT crln-24008 958 34 and and CCONJ crln-24008 958 35 staff.clark staff.clark NOUN crln-24008 958 36 is be AUX crln-24008 958 37 a a DET crln-24008 958 38 private private ADJ crln-24008 958 39 , , PUNCT crln-24008 958 40 urban urban ADJ crln-24008 958 41 , , PUNCT crln-24008 958 42 liberal liberal ADJ crln-24008 958 43 arts art NOUN crln-24008 958 44 and and CCONJ crln-24008 958 45 research research NOUN crln-24008 958 46 institution institution NOUN crln-24008 958 47 located locate VERB crln-24008 958 48 in in ADP crln-24008 958 49 central central ADJ crln-24008 958 50 mas­sachusetts mas­sachusetts PROPN crln-24008 958 51 , , PUNCT crln-24008 958 52 with with ADP crln-24008 958 53 2600 2600 NUM crln-24008 958 54 undergraduate undergraduate NOUN crln-24008 958 55 and and CCONJ crln-24008 958 56 graduate graduate NOUN crln-24008 958 57 students student NOUN crln-24008 958 58 and and CCONJ crln-24008 958 59 160 160 NUM crln-24008 958 60 faculty.the faculty.the DET crln-24008 958 61 univ univ ADJ crln-24008 958 62 deanschool deanschool NOUN crln-24008 958 63 of of ADP crln-24008 958 64 library library NOUN crln-24008 958 65 and and CCONJ crln-24008 958 66 information information NOUN crln-24008 958 67 science science NOUN crln-24008 958 68 the the DET crln-24008 958 69 catholic catholic PROPN crln-24008 958 70 university university PROPN crln-24008 958 71 of of ADP crln-24008 958 72 americathe americathe PROPN crln-24008 958 73 catholic catholic PROPN crln-24008 958 74 university university PROPN crln-24008 958 75 of of ADP crln-24008 958 76 america america PROPN crln-24008 958 77 is be AUX crln-24008 958 78 seek­ing seek­e VERB crln-24008 958 79 a a DET crln-24008 958 80 dean dean NOUN crln-24008 958 81 for for ADP crln-24008 958 82 its its PRON crln-24008 958 83 school school NOUN crln-24008 958 84 of of ADP crln-24008 958 85 library library NOUN crln-24008 958 86 and and CCONJ crln-24008 958 87 information information NOUN crln-24008 958 88 science science NOUN crln-24008 958 89 . . PUNCT crln-24008 959 1 this this DET crln-24008 959 2 ala ala NOUN crln-24008 959 3 - - PUNCT crln-24008 959 4 accredited accredit VERB crln-24008 959 5 school school NOUN crln-24008 959 6 enrolls enroll VERB crln-24008 959 7 300 300 NUM crln-24008 959 8 full full ADJ crln-24008 959 9 - - PUNCT crln-24008 959 10 time time NOUN crln-24008 959 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 959 12 part part ADJ crln-24008 959 13 - - PUNCT crln-24008 959 14 time time NOUN crln-24008 959 15 students student NOUN crln-24008 959 16 on on ADP crln-24008 959 17 the the DET crln-24008 959 18 washington washington PROPN crln-24008 959 19 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 959 20 , , PUNCT crln-24008 959 21 at at ADP crln-24008 959 22 the the DET crln-24008 959 23 library library NOUN crln-24008 959 24 of of ADP crln-24008 959 25 congress congress PROPN crln-24008 959 26 , , PUNCT crln-24008 959 27 and and CCONJ crln-24008 959 28 at at ADP crln-24008 959 29 three three NUM crln-24008 959 30 sites site NOUN crln-24008 959 31 in in ADP crln-24008 959 32 virginiait virginiait ADJ crln-24008 959 33 offers offer VERB crln-24008 959 34 a a DET crln-24008 959 35 graduate graduate NOUN crln-24008 959 36 program program NOUN crln-24008 959 37 that that PRON crln-24008 959 38 includes include VERB crln-24008 959 39 a a DET crln-24008 959 40 master master NOUN crln-24008 959 41 ’s ’s NOUN crln-24008 959 42 degree degree NOUN crln-24008 959 43 and and CCONJ crln-24008 959 44 a a DET crln-24008 959 45 post post ADJ crln-24008 959 46 - - ADJ crln-24008 959 47 master master ADJ crln-24008 959 48 ’s ’s NOUN crln-24008 959 49 certificate certificate NOUN crln-24008 959 50 in in ADP crln-24008 959 51 library library NOUN crln-24008 959 52 and and CCONJ crln-24008 959 53 infor­mation infor­mation NOUN crln-24008 959 54 science science NOUN crln-24008 959 55 . . PUNCT crln-24008 960 1 it it PRON crln-24008 960 2 also also ADV crln-24008 960 3 offers offer VERB crln-24008 960 4 joint joint ADJ crln-24008 960 5 degrees degree NOUN crln-24008 960 6 with with ADP crln-24008 960 7 law law NOUN crln-24008 960 8 , , PUNCT crln-24008 960 9 66 66 NUM crln-24008 960 10 / / SYM crln-24008 960 11 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-24008 960 12 news news NOUN crln-24008 960 13 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-24008 960 14 january january PROPN crln-24008 960 15 1999 1999 NUM crln-24008 960 16 science science NOUN crln-24008 960 17 librarianfranklin librarianfranklin PROPN crln-24008 960 18 and and CCONJ crln-24008 960 19 marshall marshall PROPN crln-24008 960 20 college college PROPN crln-24008 960 21 lancaster lancaster PROPN crln-24008 960 22 , , PUNCT crln-24008 960 23 pennsylvaniafranklin pennsylvaniafranklin PROPN crln-24008 960 24 & & CCONJ crln-24008 960 25 marshall marshall PROPN crln-24008 960 26 college college PROPN crln-24008 960 27 , , PUNCT crln-24008 960 28 a a DET crln-24008 960 29 highly highly ADV crln-24008 960 30 selective selective ADJ crln-24008 960 31 , , PUNCT crln-24008 960 32 independent independent ADJ crln-24008 960 33 , , PUNCT crln-24008 960 34 coeducational coeducational ADJ crln-24008 960 35 liberal liberal ADJ crln-24008 960 36 arts art NOUN crln-24008 960 37 college college NOUN crln-24008 960 38 for for ADP crln-24008 960 39 approximately approximately ADV crln-24008 960 40 1800 1800 NUM crln-24008 960 41 students student NOUN crln-24008 960 42 , , PUNCT crln-24008 960 43 seeks seek VERB crln-24008 960 44 an an DET crln-24008 960 45 innovative innovative ADJ crln-24008 960 46 , , PUNCT crln-24008 960 47 service service NOUN crln-24008 960 48 - - PUNCT crln-24008 960 49 oriented orient VERB crln-24008 960 50 science science NOUN crln-24008 960 51 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 960 52 to to PART crln-24008 960 53 provide provide VERB crln-24008 960 54 leadership leadership NOUN crln-24008 960 55 for for ADP crln-24008 960 56 a a DET crln-24008 960 57 branch branch NOUN crln-24008 960 58 science science NOUN crln-24008 960 59 library library NOUN crln-24008 960 60 with with ADP crln-24008 960 61 two two NUM crln-24008 960 62 full full ADJ crln-24008 960 63 - - PUNCT crln-24008 960 64 time time NOUN crln-24008 960 65 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 960 66 , , PUNCT crln-24008 960 67 plus plus CCONJ crln-24008 960 68 students student NOUN crln-24008 960 69 . . PUNCT crln-24008 961 1 reporting report VERB crln-24008 961 2 to to ADP crln-24008 961 3 the the DET crln-24008 961 4 college college NOUN crln-24008 961 5 librarian librarian NOUN crln-24008 961 6 , , PUNCT crln-24008 961 7 this this DET crln-24008 961 8 position position NOUN crln-24008 961 9 is be AUX crln-24008 961 10 responsible responsible ADJ crln-24008 961 11 for for ADP crln-24008 961 12 the the DET crln-24008 961 13 operation operation NOUN crln-24008 961 14 and and CCONJ crln-24008 961 15 administration administration NOUN crln-24008 961 16 of of ADP crln-24008 961 17 the the DET crln-24008 961 18 martin martin PROPN crln-24008 961 19 library library NOUN crln-24008 961 20 of of ADP crln-24008 961 21 the the DET crln-24008 961 22 sciences science NOUN crln-24008 961 23 and and CCONJ crln-24008 961 24 the the DET crln-24008 961 25 promotion promotion NOUN crln-24008 961 26 and and CCONJ crln-24008 961 27 in in ADP crln-24008 961 28 late late ADJ crln-24008 961 29 job job NOUN crln-24008 961 30 listingsdirector listingsdirector NOUN crln-24008 961 31 of of ADP crln-24008 961 32 hege hege PROPN crln-24008 961 33 library library PROPN crln-24008 961 34 . . PUNCT crln-24008 962 1 guilford guilford PROPN crln-24008 962 2 college college PROPN crln-24008 962 3 , , PUNCT crln-24008 962 4 a a DET crln-24008 962 5 four four NUM crln-24008 962 6 - - PUNCT crln-24008 962 7 year year NOUN crln-24008 962 8 liberal liberal ADJ crln-24008 962 9 arts art NOUN crln-24008 962 10 college college NOUN crln-24008 962 11 , , PUNCT crln-24008 962 12 is be AUX crln-24008 962 13 seeking seek VERB crln-24008 962 14 a a DET crln-24008 962 15 creative creative ADJ crln-24008 962 16 and and CCONJ crln-24008 962 17 energetic energetic ADJ crln-24008 962 18 person person NOUN crln-24008 962 19 as as ADP crln-24008 962 20 director director NOUN crln-24008 962 21 of of ADP crln-24008 962 22 hege hege PROPN crln-24008 962 23 library library PROPN crln-24008 962 24 . . PUNCT crln-24008 963 1 the the DET crln-24008 963 2 library library NOUN crln-24008 963 3 has have VERB crln-24008 963 4 a a DET crln-24008 963 5 dedicated dedicated ADJ crln-24008 963 6 staff staff NOUN crln-24008 963 7 which which PRON crln-24008 963 8 serves serve VERB crln-24008 963 9 the the DET crln-24008 963 10 1,100 1,100 NUM crln-24008 963 11 main main ADJ crln-24008 963 12 - - PUNCT crln-24008 963 13 campus campus NOUN crln-24008 963 14 students student NOUN crln-24008 963 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 963 16 400 400 NUM crln-24008 963 17 continuing continue VERB crln-24008 963 18 - - PUNCT crln-24008 963 19 education education NOUN crln-24008 963 20 students student NOUN crln-24008 963 21 in in ADP crln-24008 963 22 a a DET crln-24008 963 23 spacious spacious ADJ crln-24008 963 24 facility facility NOUN crln-24008 963 25 , , PUNCT crln-24008 963 26 most most ADV crln-24008 963 27 recently recently ADV crln-24008 963 28 expanded expand VERB crln-24008 963 29 and and CCONJ crln-24008 963 30 refurbished refurbish VERB crln-24008 963 31 in in ADP crln-24008 963 32 1990 1990 NUM crln-24008 963 33 . . PUNCT crln-24008 964 1 the the DET crln-24008 964 2 director director NOUN crln-24008 964 3 must must AUX crln-24008 964 4 be be AUX crln-24008 964 5 committed commit VERB crln-24008 964 6 to to ADP crln-24008 964 7 public public ADJ crln-24008 964 8 service service NOUN crln-24008 964 9 , , PUNCT crln-24008 964 10 consortial consortial ADJ crln-24008 964 11 and and CCONJ crln-24008 964 12 cooperative cooperative ADJ crln-24008 964 13 agreements agreement NOUN crln-24008 964 14 , , PUNCT crln-24008 964 15 and and CCONJ crln-24008 964 16 electronic electronic ADJ crln-24008 964 17 access access NOUN crln-24008 964 18 . . PUNCT crln-24008 965 1 the the DET crln-24008 965 2 applicant applicant NOUN crln-24008 965 3 should should AUX crln-24008 965 4 demonstrate demonstrate VERB crln-24008 965 5 expertise expertise NOUN crln-24008 965 6 in in ADP