id sid tid token lemma pos crln-22952 1 1 acrl acrl PROPN crln-22952 1 2 news news NOUN crln-22952 1 3 issue issue NOUN crln-22952 1 4 ( ( PUNCT crln-22952 1 5 b b PROPN crln-22952 1 6 ) ) PUNCT crln-22952 1 7 of of ADP crln-22952 1 8 college college PROPN crln-22952 1 9 & & CCONJ crln-22952 1 10 research research PROPN crln-22952 1 11 libraries library NOUN crln-22952 1 12 1000 1000 NUM crln-22952 1 13 / / SYM crln-22952 1 14 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-22952 1 15 news news NOUN crln-22952 1 16 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-22952 1 17 d d PROPN crln-22952 1 18 ecem ecem PROPN crln-22952 1 19 ber ber PROPN crln-22952 1 20 2000 2000 NUM crln-22952 1 21 ( ( PUNCT crln-22952 1 22 contact contact NOUN crln-22952 1 23 information information NOUN crln-22952 1 24 and and CCONJ crln-22952 1 25 the the DET crln-22952 1 26 toll toll NOUN crln-22952 1 27 - - PUNCT crln-22952 1 28 free free ADJ crln-22952 1 29 phone phone NOUN crln-22952 1 30 number number NOUN crln-22952 1 31 are be AUX crln-22952 1 32 listed list VERB crln-22952 1 33 ) ) PUNCT crln-22952 1 34 . . PUNCT crln-22952 2 1 this this DET crln-22952 2 2 web web NOUN crln-22952 2 3 site site NOUN crln-22952 2 4 also also ADV crln-22952 2 5 pro­ pro­ VERB crln-22952 2 6 vides vide NOUN crln-22952 2 7 access access NOUN crln-22952 2 8 to to ADP crln-22952 2 9 the the DET crln-22952 2 10 atlas atlas PROPN crln-22952 3 1 o o PROPN crln-22952 3 2 f f PROPN crln-22952 3 3 c c PROPN crln-22952 3 4 a a DET crln-22952 3 5 n n PROPN crln-22952 3 6 cer cer NOUN crln-22952 3 7 mortality mortality NOUN crln-22952 3 8 and and CCONJ crln-22952 3 9 to to ADP crln-22952 3 10 the the DET crln-22952 3 11 seer seer NOUN crln-22952 3 12 ( ( PUNCT crln-22952 3 13 surveillance surveillance NOUN crln-22952 3 14 , , PUNCT crln-22952 3 15 epidemiology epidemiology NOUN crln-22952 3 16 & & CCONJ crln-22952 3 17 end end VERB crln-22952 3 18 results result NOUN crln-22952 3 19 ) ) PUNCT crln-22952 3 20 program program NOUN crln-22952 3 21 an an DET crln-22952 3 22 “ " PUNCT crln-22952 3 23 authoritative authoritative ADJ crln-22952 3 24 source source NOUN crln-22952 3 25 of of ADP crln-22952 3 26 information information NOUN crln-22952 3 27 on on ADP crln-22952 3 28 cancer cancer NOUN crln-22952 3 29 incidence incidence NOUN crln-22952 3 30 and and CCONJ crln-22952 3 31 survival survival NOUN crln-22952 3 32 in in ADP crln-22952 3 33 the the DET crln-22952 3 34 u.s u.s PROPN crln-22952 3 35 . . PROPN crln-22952 3 36 ” " PUNCT crln-22952 4 1 other other ADJ crln-22952 4 2 resources resource NOUN crln-22952 4 3 avail­ avail­ PROPN crln-22952 4 4 able able ADJ crln-22952 4 5 on on ADP crln-22952 4 6 the the DET crln-22952 4 7 national national PROPN crln-22952 4 8 cancer cancer PROPN crln-22952 4 9 institute institute PROPN crln-22952 4 10 web web NOUN crln-22952 4 11 site site NOUN crln-22952 4 12 include include VERB crln-22952 4 13 cancer cancer NOUN crln-22952 4 14 trials trial NOUN crln-22952 4 15 , , PUNCT crln-22952 4 16 ethnic ethnic ADJ crln-22952 4 17 and and CCONJ crln-22952 4 18 minority minority NOUN crln-22952 4 19 health health NOUN crln-22952 4 20 resources resource NOUN crln-22952 4 21 , , PUNCT crln-22952 4 22 and and CCONJ crln-22952 4 23 links link NOUN crln-22952 4 24 to to ADP crln-22952 4 25 information information NOUN crln-22952 4 26 provided provide VERB crln-22952 4 27 by by ADP crln-22952 4 28 the the DET crln-22952 4 29 office office NOUN crln-22952 4 30 of of ADP crln-22952 4 31 cancer cancer NOUN crln-22952 4 32 comple­ comple­ X crln-22952 4 33 mentary mentary NOUN crln-22952 4 34 and and CCONJ crln-22952 4 35 alternative alternative ADJ crln-22952 4 36 medicine medicine NOUN crln-22952 4 37 . . PUNCT crln-22952 5 1 the the DET crln-22952 5 2 na­ na­ PROPN crln-22952 5 3 tional tional PROPN crln-22952 5 4 cancer cancer PROPN crln-22952 5 5 institute institute NOUN crln-22952 5 6 web web NOUN crln-22952 5 7 site site NOUN crln-22952 5 8 provides provide VERB crln-22952 5 9 in in ADP crln-22952 5 10 depth depth NOUN crln-22952 5 11 information information NOUN crln-22952 5 12 on on ADP crln-22952 5 13 cancer cancer NOUN crln-22952 5 14 research research NOUN crln-22952 5 15 and and CCONJ crln-22952 5 16 clini­ clini­ PROPN crln-22952 5 17 cal cal PROPN crln-22952 5 18 trials trial NOUN crln-22952 5 19 . . PUNCT crln-22952 6 1 access access NOUN crln-22952 6 2 : : PUNCT crln-22952 6 3 PROPN crln-22952 6 4 o o X crln-22952 6 5 th th X crln-22952 6 6 e e X crln-22952 6 7 r r NOUN crln-22952 6 8 s s PROPN crln-22952 6 9 ite ite NOUN crln-22952 6 10 s s NOUN crln-22952 6 11 o o NOUN crln-22952 6 12 f f NOUN crln-22952 6 13 in in ADP crln-22952 6 14 te te PROPN crln-22952 7 1 re re ADP crln-22952 7 2 s s VERB crln-22952 7 3 t t X crln-22952 8 1 the the DET crln-22952 8 2 consumer consumer NOUN crln-22952 8 3 and and CCONJ crln-22952 8 4 patient patient ADJ crln-22952 8 5 health health NOUN crln-22952 8 6 informa­ informa­ PROPN crln-22952 8 7 tion tion NOUN crln-22952 8 8 section section NOUN crln-22952 8 9 of of ADP crln-22952 8 10 the the DET crln-22952 8 11 medical medical ADJ crln-22952 8 12 library library NOUN crln-22952 8 13 associa­ associa­ PROPN crln-22952 8 14 tion tion NOUN crln-22952 8 15 has have AUX crln-22952 8 16 compiled compile VERB crln-22952 8 17 an an DET crln-22952 8 18 extensive extensive ADJ crln-22952 8 19 list list NOUN crln-22952 8 20 of of ADP crln-22952 8 21 evalu­ evalu­ PROPN crln-22952 8 22 ated ate VERB crln-22952 8 23 web web NOUN crln-22952 8 24 resources resource NOUN crln-22952 8 25 entitled entitle VERB crln-22952 8 26 “ " PUNCT crln-22952 8 27 web web NOUN crln-22952 8 28 sites site NOUN crln-22952 8 29 you you PRON crln-22952 8 30 can can AUX crln-22952 8 31 trust trust VERB crln-22952 8 32 . . PUNCT crln-22952 8 33 ” " PUNCT crln-22952 9 1 this this DET crln-22952 9 2 well well ADV crln-22952 9 3 - - PUNCT crln-22952 9 4 organized organize VERB crln-22952 9 5 list list NOUN crln-22952 9 6 is be AUX crln-22952 9 7 briefly briefly ADV crln-22952 9 8 annotated annotate VERB crln-22952 9 9 and and CCONJ crln-22952 9 10 is be AUX crln-22952 9 11 an an DET crln-22952 9 12 excellent excellent ADJ crln-22952 9 13 resource resource NOUN crln-22952 9 14 for for ADP crln-22952 9 15 additional additional ADJ crln-22952 9 16 consumer consumer NOUN crln-22952 9 17 health health NOUN crln-22952 9 18 information information NOUN crln-22952 9 19 . . PUNCT crln-22952 10 1 among among ADP crln-22952 10 2 the the DET crln-22952 10 3 resources resource NOUN crln-22952 10 4 available available ADJ crln-22952 10 5 on on ADP crln-22952 10 6 this this DET crln-22952 10 7 site site NOUN crln-22952 10 8 is be AUX crln-22952 10 9 a a DET crln-22952 10 10 list list NOUN crln-22952 10 11 of of ADP crln-22952 10 12 web web NOUN crln-22952 10 13 resources resource NOUN crln-22952 10 14 focusing focus VERB crln-22952 10 15 on on ADP crln-22952 10 16 children child NOUN crln-22952 10 17 ’s ’s PART crln-22952 10 18 health health NOUN crln-22952 10 19 and and CCONJ crln-22952 10 20 parenting parenting NOUN crln-22952 10 21 resources resource NOUN crln-22952 10 22 . . PUNCT crln-22952 11 1 a a DET crln-22952 11 2 ccess ccess NOUN crln-22952 11 3 : : PUNCT crln-22952 11 4 http://caphis.njc http://caphis.njc X crln-22952 11 5 . . PUNCT crln-22952 12 1 org org PROPN crln-22952 12 2 / / SYM crln-22952 12 3 consumerall consumerall NOUN crln-22952 12 4 . . PUNCT crln-22952 13 1 html html PROPN crln-22952 13 2 . . PUNCT crln-22952 14 1 • • VERB crln-22952 14 2 the the DET crln-22952 14 3 melanoma melanoma PROPN crln-22952 14 4 patients patient NOUN crln-22952 14 5 ’ ' PUNCT crln-22952 14 6 inform inform VERB crln-22952 14 7 atio atio NOUN crln-22952 14 8 page page NOUN crln-22952 14 9 . . PUNCT crln-22952 15 1 this this DET crln-22952 15 2 non non ADJ crln-22952 15 3 - - ADJ crln-22952 15 4 commercial commercial ADJ crln-22952 15 5 site site NOUN crln-22952 15 6 provides provide VERB crln-22952 15 7 cur­ cur­ ADJ crln-22952 15 8 rent rent NOUN crln-22952 15 9 information information NOUN crln-22952 15 10 for for ADP crln-22952 15 11 patients patient NOUN crln-22952 15 12 diagnosed diagnose VERB crln-22952 15 13 with with ADP crln-22952 15 14 melanoma melanoma PROPN crln-22952 15 15 . . PUNCT crln-22952 16 1 the the DET crln-22952 16 2 site site NOUN crln-22952 16 3 includes includes AUX crln-22952 16 4 selected select VERB crln-22952 16 5 read­ read­ PROPN crln-22952 16 6 ings ing NOUN crln-22952 16 7 specific specific ADJ crln-22952 16 8 to to ADP crln-22952 16 9 the the DET crln-22952 16 10 stages stage NOUN crln-22952 16 11 of of ADP crln-22952 16 12 melanoma melanoma PROPN crln-22952 16 13 . . PUNCT crln-22952 17 1 an an DET crln-22952 17 2 “ " PUNCT crln-22952 17 3 ask ask VERB crln-22952 17 4 our our PRON crln-22952 17 5 rn rn ADJ crln-22952 17 6 ” " PUNCT crln-22952 17 7 link link NOUN crln-22952 17 8 , , PUNCT crln-22952 17 9 for for ADP crln-22952 17 10 submission submission NOUN crln-22952 17 11 of of ADP crln-22952 17 12 e e NOUN crln-22952 17 13 - - NOUN crln-22952 17 14 mail mail NOUN crln-22952 17 15 questions question NOUN crln-22952 17 16 to to ADP crln-22952 17 17 an an DET crln-22952 17 18 oncology oncology NOUN crln-22952 17 19 nurse nurse NOUN crln-22952 17 20 , , PUNCT crln-22952 17 21 was be AUX crln-22952 17 22 recently recently ADV crln-22952 17 23 added add VERB crln-22952 17 24 to to ADP crln-22952 17 25 this this DET crln-22952 17 26 site site NOUN crln-22952 17 27 . . PUNCT crln-22952 18 1 the the DET crln-22952 18 2 “ " PUNCT crln-22952 18 3 community community NOUN crln-22952 18 4 ” " PUNCT crln-22952 18 5 section section NOUN crln-22952 18 6 of of ADP crln-22952 18 7 this this DET crln-22952 18 8 web web NOUN crln-22952 18 9 site site NOUN crln-22952 18 10 provides provide VERB crln-22952 18 11 access access NOUN crln-22952 18 12 to to ADP crln-22952 18 13 a a DET crln-22952 18 14 bulletin bulletin NOUN crln-22952 18 15 board board NOUN crln-22952 18 16 , , PUNCT crln-22952 18 17 a a DET crln-22952 18 18 chat chat NOUN crln-22952 18 19 room room NOUN crln-22952 18 20 , , PUNCT crln-22952 18 21 and and CCONJ crln-22952 18 22 other other ADJ crln-22952 18 23 support support NOUN crln-22952 18 24 re­ re­ PROPN crln-22952 18 25 sources source NOUN crln-22952 18 26 . . PUNCT crln-22952 19 1 access access NOUN crln-22952 19 2 : : PUNCT crln-22952 19 3 NUM crln-22952 19 4 ■ ■ PUNCT crln-22952 19 5 n n CCONJ crln-22952 19 6 letter letter NOUN crln-22952 19 7 to to ADP crln-22952 19 8 the the DET crln-22952 19 9 editor editor NOUN crln-22952 19 10 i i PRON crln-22952 19 11 have have AUX crln-22952 19 12 just just ADV crln-22952 19 13 read read VERB crln-22952 19 14 “ " PUNCT crln-22952 19 15 academic academic ADJ crln-22952 19 16 librarians librarian NOUN crln-22952 19 17 as as ADP crln-22952 19 18 advisors advisor NOUN crln-22952 19 19 ” " PUNCT crln-22952 19 20 by by ADP crln-22952 19 21 paul paul PROPN crln-22952 19 22 studdard studdard PROPN crln-22952 19 23 ( ( PUNCT crln-22952 19 24 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-22952 19 25 news news NOUN crln-22952 19 26 , , PUNCT crln-22952 19 27 october october PROPN crln-22952 19 28 2000 2000 NUM crln-22952 19 29 ) ) PUNCT crln-22952 19 30 . . PUNCT crln-22952 20 1 never never ADV crln-22952 20 2 have have AUX crln-22952 20 3 i i PRON crln-22952 20 4 read read VERB crln-22952 20 5 such such DET crln-22952 20 6 a a DET crln-22952 20 7 concise concise NOUN crln-22952 20 8 and and CCONJ crln-22952 20 9 well well ADV crln-22952 20 10 written write VERB crln-22952 20 11 defense defense NOUN crln-22952 20 12 of of ADP crln-22952 20 13 , , PUNCT crln-22952 20 14 and and CCONJ crln-22952 20 15 advertisement advertisement VERB crln-22952 20 16 for for ADP crln-22952 20 17 , , PUNCT crln-22952 20 18 our our PRON crln-22952 20 19 profession profession NOUN crln-22952 20 20 . . PUNCT crln-22952 21 1 people people NOUN crln-22952 21 2 rarely rarely ADV crln-22952 21 3 understand understand VERB crln-22952 21 4 what what PRON crln-22952 21 5 we we PRON crln-22952 21 6 are be AUX crln-22952 21 7 profession­ profession­ NOUN crln-22952 21 8 ally ally NOUN crln-22952 21 9 capable capable ADJ crln-22952 21 10 of of ADP crln-22952 21 11 , , PUNCT crln-22952 21 12 and and CCONJ crln-22952 21 13 this this DET crln-22952 21 14 piece piece NOUN crln-22952 21 15 did do VERB crln-22952 21 16 much much ADJ crln-22952 21 17 to to PART crln-22952 21 18 strongly strongly ADV crln-22952 21 19 state state VERB crln-22952 21 20 our our PRON crln-22952 21 21 case case NOUN crln-22952 21 22 and and CCONJ crln-22952 21 23 our our PRON crln-22952 21 24 cause cause NOUN crln-22952 21 25 . . PUNCT crln-22952 22 1 this this PRON crln-22952 22 2 is be AUX crln-22952 22 3 the the DET crln-22952 22 4 kind kind NOUN crln-22952 22 5 o o NOUN crln-22952 22 6 f f NOUN crln-22952 22 7 article article NOUN crln-22952 22 8 that that PRON crln-22952 22 9 should should AUX crln-22952 22 10 be be AUX crln-22952 22 11 featured feature VERB crln-22952 22 12 in in ADP crln-22952 22 13 all all PRON crln-22952 22 14 of of ADP crln-22952 22 15 our our PRON crln-22952 22 16 professional professional PROPN crln-22952 22 17 me­ me­ PROPN crln-22952 22 18 dia dia PROPN crln-22952 22 19 . . PUNCT crln-22952 23 1 while while SCONJ crln-22952 23 2 professions profession NOUN crln-22952 23 3 have have VERB crln-22952 23 4 nothing nothing PRON crln-22952 23 5 in in ADP crln-22952 23 6 the the DET crln-22952 23 7 way way NOUN crln-22952 23 8 of of ADP crln-22952 23 9 apologetics apologetic NOUN crln-22952 23 10 , , PUNCT crln-22952 23 11 but but CCONJ crln-22952 23 12 this this DET crln-22952 23 13 article article NOUN crln-22952 23 14 comes come VERB crln-22952 23 15 c c PROPN crln-22952 23 16 l l NOUN crln-22952 23 17 o o NOUN crln-22952 23 18 s s X crln-22952 23 19 e e NOUN crln-22952 23 20 . . PUNCT crln-22952 23 21 — — PUNCT crln-22952 24 1 g g PROPN crln-22952 24 2 ary ary PROPN crln-22952 24 3 p p PROPN crln-22952 24 4 arson arson PROPN crln-22952 24 5 s s PROPN crln-22952 24 6 , , PUNCT crln-22952 24 7 f f PROPN crln-22952 24 8 lo lo PROPN crln-22952 24 9 r r PROPN crln-22952 24 10 i i NOUN crln-22952 24 11 d d PROPN crln-22952 24 12 a a DET crln-22952 24 13 a a DET crln-22952 24 14 tlan tlan NOUN crln-22952 24 15 tic tic PROPN crln-22952 24 16 university university PROPN crln-22952 24 17 , , PUNCT crln-22952 24 18 p p NOUN crln-22952 24 19 arson arson NOUN crln-22952 24 20 s@ s@ ADP crln-22952 24 21 fau fau PROPN crln-22952 24 22 .ed .ed PROPN crln-22952 25 1 u u PROPN crln-22952 25 2 NOUN crln-22952 25 3 http://caphis.njc http://caphis.njc X crln-22952 26 1 X crln-22952 26 2 INTJ