id	sid	tid	token	lemma	pos
crln-19840	1	1	acrl	acrl	PROPN
crln-19840	1	2	news	news	NOUN
crln-19840	1	3	issue	issue	NOUN
crln-19840	1	4	(	(	PUNCT
crln-19840	1	5	b	b	PROPN
crln-19840	1	6	)	)	PUNCT
crln-19840	1	7	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	1	8	college	college	PROPN
crln-19840	1	9	&	&	CCONJ
crln-19840	1	10	research	research	PROPN
crln-19840	1	11	libraries	librarie	VERB
crln-19840	1	12	109	109	NUM
crln-19840	1	13	organizations	organization	NOUN
crln-19840	1	14	endorsing	endorse	VERB
crln-19840	1	15	the	the	DET
crln-19840	1	16	statement	statement	NOUN
crln-19840	1	17	on	on	ADP
crln-19840	1	18	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crln-19840	1	19	status	status	NOUN
crln-19840	1	20	the	the	DET
crln-19840	1	21	following	follow	VERB
crln-19840	1	22	organizations	organization	NOUN
crln-19840	1	23	have	have	AUX
crln-19840	1	24	endorsed	endorse	VERB
crln-19840	1	25	california	california	PROPN
crln-19840	1	26	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	1	27	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	1	28	september	september	PROPN
crln-19840	1	29	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	1	30	special	special	PROPN
crln-19840	1	31	libraries	library	NOUN
crln-19840	1	32	association	association	NOUN
crln-19840	1	33	october	october	PROPN
crln-19840	1	34	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	1	35	north	north	PROPN
crln-19840	1	36	dakota	dakota	PROPN
crln-19840	1	37	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	1	38	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	1	39	october	october	PROPN
crln-19840	1	40	1973	1973	PROPN
crln-19840	1	41	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	1	42	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	1	43	research	research	NOUN
crln-19840	1	44	libraries	library	NOUN
crln-19840	1	45	*	*	PUNCT
crln-19840	1	46	october	october	PROPN
crln-19840	1	47	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	1	48	college	college	NOUN
crln-19840	1	49	and	and	CCONJ
crln-19840	1	50	research	research	NOUN
crln-19840	1	51	section	section	NOUN
crln-19840	1	52	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	1	53	kentucky	kentucky	PROPN
crln-19840	1	54	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	1	55	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	1	56	october	october	PROPN
crln-19840	1	57	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	1	58	wisconsin	wisconsin	PROPN
crln-19840	1	59	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	1	60	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	1	61	october	october	PROPN
crln-19840	1	62	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	1	63	college	college	PROPN
crln-19840	1	64	and	and	CCONJ
crln-19840	1	65	university	university	NOUN
crln-19840	1	66	section	section	NOUN
crln-19840	1	67	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	1	68	georgia	georgia	PROPN
crln-19840	1	69	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	1	70	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	1	71	october	october	PROPN
crln-19840	1	72	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	1	73	georgia	georgia	PROPN
crln-19840	1	74	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	1	75	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	1	76	october	october	PROPN
crln-19840	1	77	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	1	78	academic	academic	ADJ
crln-19840	1	79	division	division	NOUN
crln-19840	1	80	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	1	81	minnesota	minnesota	PROPN
crln-19840	1	82	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	1	83	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	1	84	october	october	PROPN
crln-19840	1	85	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	1	86	theatre	theatre	PROPN
crln-19840	1	87	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	1	88	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	1	89	october	october	PROPN
crln-19840	1	90	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	1	91	rhode	rhode	PROPN
crln-19840	1	92	island	island	PROPN
crln-19840	1	93	library	library	NOUN
crln-19840	1	94	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	1	95	november	november	PROPN
crln-19840	1	96	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	1	97	college	college	NOUN
crln-19840	1	98	and	and	CCONJ
crln-19840	1	99	university	university	NOUN
crln-19840	1	100	section	section	NOUN
crln-19840	1	101	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	1	102	north	north	PROPN
crln-19840	1	103	carolina	carolina	PROPN
crln-19840	1	104	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	1	105	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	1	106	november	november	PROPN
crln-19840	1	107	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	1	108	kentucky	kentucky	PROPN
crln-19840	1	109	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	1	110	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	1	111	december	december	PROPN
crln-19840	1	112	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	1	113	association	association	NOUN
crln-19840	1	114	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	1	115	american	american	PROPN
crln-19840	1	116	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	1	117	schools	schools	PROPN
crln-19840	1	118	january	january	PROPN
crln-19840	1	119	1974	1974	NUM
crln-19840	1	120	music	music	NOUN
crln-19840	1	121	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	1	122	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	1	123	january	january	PROPN
crln-19840	1	124	1974	1974	NUM
crln-19840	1	125	*	*	PUNCT
crln-19840	1	126	voted	vote	VERB
crln-19840	1	127	“	"	PUNCT
crln-19840	1	128	that	that	SCONJ
crln-19840	1	129	the	the	DET
crln-19840	1	130	board	board	NOUN
crln-19840	1	131	endorse	endorse	NOUN
crln-19840	1	132	in	in	ADP
crln-19840	1	133	prin­	prin­	PROPN
crln-19840	1	134	ciple	ciple	NOUN
crln-19840	1	135	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crln-19840	1	136	status	status	NOUN
crln-19840	1	137	for	for	ADP
crln-19840	1	138	professional	professional	ADJ
crln-19840	1	139	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crln-19840	1	140	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	1	141	and	and	CCONJ
crln-19840	1	142	commend	commend	VERB
crln-19840	1	143	to	to	ADP
crln-19840	1	144	the	the	DET
crln-19840	1	145	attention	attention	NOUN
crln-19840	1	146	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	1	147	all	all	DET
crln-19840	1	148	college	college	NOUN
crln-19840	1	149	and	and	CCONJ
crln-19840	1	150	university	university	NOUN
crln-19840	1	151	administrations	administration	NOUN
crln-19840	1	152	the	the	DET
crln-19840	1	153	‘	'	PUNCT
crln-19840	1	154	joint	joint	ADJ
crln-19840	1	155	state­	state­	X
crln-19840	1	156	ment	ment	NOUN
crln-19840	1	157	on	on	ADP
crln-19840	1	158	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crln-19840	1	159	status	status	NOUN
crln-19840	1	160	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	1	161	college	college	NOUN
crln-19840	1	162	and	and	CCONJ
crln-19840	1	163	uni­	uni­	PROPN
crln-19840	1	164	versity	versity	NOUN
crln-19840	1	165	librarians	librarian	VERB
crln-19840	1	166	.	.	PUNCT
crln-19840	1	167	’	'	PUNCT
crln-19840	1	168	”	"	PUNCT
crln-19840	2	1	■	■	CCONJ
crln-19840	2	2	■	■	PUNCT
crln-19840	2	3	the	the	DET
crln-19840	2	4	“	"	PUNCT
crln-19840	2	5	statement	statement	NOUN
crln-19840	2	6	on	on	ADP
crln-19840	2	7	faculty	faculty	NOUN
crln-19840	2	8	status	status	NOUN
crln-19840	2	9	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	2	10	college	college	NOUN
crln-19840	2	11	and	and	CCONJ
crln-19840	2	12	university	university	NOUN
crln-19840	2	13	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crln-19840	2	14	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	2	15	”	"	PUNCT
crln-19840	2	16	which	which	PRON
crln-19840	2	17	appeared	appear	VERB
crln-19840	2	18	in	in	ADP
crln-19840	2	19	the	the	DET
crln-19840	2	20	february	february	PROPN
crln-19840	2	21	1974	1974	NUM
crln-19840	2	22	issue	issue	NOUN
crln-19840	2	23	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	2	24	crl	crl	PROPN
crln-19840	2	25	news	news	PROPN
crln-19840	2	26	.	.	PUNCT
crln-19840	3	1	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	3	2	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	3	3	college	college	PROPN
crln-19840	3	4	and	and	CCONJ
crln-19840	3	5	research	research	NOUN
crln-19840	3	6	libraries	library	NOUN
crln-19840	3	7	june	june	PROPN
crln-19840	3	8	1972	1972	NUM
crln-19840	3	9	colorado	colorado	PROPN
crln-19840	3	10	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	3	11	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	3	12	december	december	PROPN
crln-19840	3	13	1972	1972	NUM
crln-19840	3	14	american	american	PROPN
crln-19840	3	15	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	3	16	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	3	17	university	university	PROPN
crln-19840	3	18	professors	professor	NOUN
crln-19840	3	19	april	april	PROPN
crln-19840	3	20	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	3	21	wisconsin	wisconsin	PROPN
crln-19840	3	22	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	3	23	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	3	24	academic	academic	PROPN
crln-19840	3	25	librarians	librarians	PROPN
crln-19840	3	26	april	april	PROPN
crln-19840	3	27	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	3	28	maryland	maryland	PROPN
crln-19840	3	29	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	3	30	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	3	31	april	april	PROPN
crln-19840	3	32	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	3	33	association	association	NOUN
crln-19840	3	34	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	3	35	academic	academic	ADJ
crln-19840	3	36	and	and	CCONJ
crln-19840	3	37	research	research	NOUN
crln-19840	3	38	librarians	librarian	NOUN
crln-19840	3	39	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	3	40	washington	washington	PROPN
crln-19840	3	41	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	3	42	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	3	43	may	may	AUX
crln-19840	3	44	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	3	45	southeastern	southeastern	PROPN
crln-19840	3	46	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	3	47	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	3	48	july	july	PROPN
crln-19840	3	49	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	3	50	new	new	PROPN
crln-19840	3	51	mexico	mexico	PROPN
crln-19840	3	52	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	3	53	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	3	54	july	july	PROPN
crln-19840	3	55	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	3	56	district	district	PROPN
crln-19840	3	57	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	3	58	columbia	columbia	PROPN
crln-19840	3	59	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	3	60	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	3	61	july	july	PROPN
crln-19840	3	62	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	3	63	mississippi	mississippi	PROPN
crln-19840	3	64	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	3	65	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	3	66	july	july	PROPN
crln-19840	3	67	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	3	68	west	west	PROPN
crln-19840	3	69	virginia	virginia	PROPN
crln-19840	3	70	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	3	71	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	3	72	july	july	PROPN
crln-19840	3	73	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	3	74	illinois	illinois	PROPN
crln-19840	3	75	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	3	76	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	3	77	july	july	PROPN
crln-19840	3	78	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	3	79	tennessee	tennessee	PROPN
crln-19840	3	80	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	3	81	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	3	82	july	july	PROPN
crln-19840	3	83	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	3	84	virginia	virginia	PROPN
crln-19840	3	85	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	3	86	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	3	87	august	august	PROPN
crln-19840	3	88	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	3	89	oregon	oregon	PROPN
crln-19840	3	90	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	3	91	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	3	92	september	september	PROPN
crln-19840	3	93	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	3	94	southwestern	southwestern	PROPN
crln-19840	3	95	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	3	96	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	3	97	september	september	PROPN
crln-19840	3	98	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	3	99	ohio	ohio	PROPN
crln-19840	3	100	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	3	101	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	3	102	september	september	PROPN
crln-19840	3	103	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	3	104	florida	florida	PROPN
crln-19840	3	105	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	3	106	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	3	107	september	september	PROPN
crln-19840	3	108	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	3	109	missouri	missouri	PROPN
crln-19840	3	110	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	3	111	association	association	PROPN
crln-19840	3	112	september	september	PROPN
crln-19840	3	113	1973	1973	NUM
crln-19840	3	114	ten	ten	NUM
crln-19840	3	115	-	-	PUNCT
crln-19840	3	116	year	year	NOUN
crln-19840	3	117	cumulation	cumulation	NOUN
crln-19840	3	118	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	3	119	choice	choice	NOUN
crln-19840	3	120	announced	announce	VERB
crln-19840	3	121	esearch	esearch	NOUN
crln-19840	3	122	li­	li­	NOUN
crln-19840	3	123	include	include	VERB
crln-19840	3	124	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	3	125	for	for	ADP
crln-19840	3	126	the	the	DET
crln-19840	3	127	first	first	ADJ
crln-19840	3	128	time	time	NOUN
crln-19840	3	129	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	3	130	index	index	NOUN
crln-19840	3	131	entries	entry	NOUN
crln-19840	3	132	to	to	ADP
crln-19840	3	133	most	most	ADJ
crln-19840	3	134	publication	publication	NOUN
crln-19840	3	135	works	work	NOUN
crln-19840	3	136	cited	cite	VERB
crln-19840	3	137	within	within	ADP
crln-19840	3	138	the	the	DET
crln-19840	3	139	original	original	ADJ
crln-19840	3	140	reviews	review	NOUN
crln-19840	3	141	as	as	ADV
crln-19840	3	142	well	well	ADV
crln-19840	3	143	olated	olate	VERB
crln-19840	3	144	edi­	edi­	NOUN
crln-19840	3	145	as	as	ADP
crln-19840	3	146	to	to	ADP
crln-19840	3	147	the	the	DET
crln-19840	3	148	reviews	review	NOUN
crln-19840	3	149	themselves	themselves	PRON
crln-19840	3	150	.	.	PUNCT
crln-19840	4	1	the	the	DET
crln-19840	4	2	index	index	NOUN
crln-19840	4	3	will	will	AUX
crln-19840	4	4	be	be	AUX
crln-19840	4	5	dition	dition	NOUN
crln-19840	4	6	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	4	7	con­	con­	PROPN
crln-19840	4	8	available	available	ADJ
crln-19840	4	9	with	with	ADP
crln-19840	4	10	the	the	DET
crln-19840	4	11	complete	complete	ADJ
crln-19840	4	12	set	set	NOUN
crln-19840	4	13	or	or	CCONJ
crln-19840	4	14	as	as	ADP
crln-19840	4	15	a	a	DET
crln-19840	4	16	separate	separate	ADJ
crln-19840	4	17	ice	ice	NOUN
crln-19840	4	18	reviews	review	NOUN
crln-19840	4	19	volume	volume	NOUN
crln-19840	4	20	.	.	PUNCT
crln-19840	5	1	prices	price	NOUN
crln-19840	5	2	will	will	AUX
crln-19840	5	3	be	be	AUX
crln-19840	5	4	announced	announce	VERB
crln-19840	5	5	.	.	PUNCT
crln-19840	6	1	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	6	2	subject	subject	NOUN
crln-19840	6	3	developed	develop	VERB
crln-19840	6	4	under	under	ADP
crln-19840	6	5	the	the	DET
crln-19840	6	6	general	general	ADJ
crln-19840	6	7	supervision	supervision	NOUN
crln-19840	6	8	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	6	9	ade	ade	PROPN
crln-19840	6	10	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	6	11	the	the	DET
crln-19840	6	12	richard	richard	PROPN
crln-19840	6	13	k.	k.	PROPN
crln-19840	6	14	gardner	gardner	PROPN
crln-19840	6	15	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	6	16	editor	editor	NOUN
crln-19840	6	17	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	6	18	choice	choice	NOUN
crln-19840	6	19	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	6	20	this	this	DET
crln-19840	6	21	ten	ten	NUM
crln-19840	6	22	4	4	NUM
crln-19840	6	23	-	-	SYM
crln-19840	6	24	74	74	NUM
crln-19840	6	25	)	)	PUNCT
crln-19840	6	26	.	.	PUNCT
crln-19840	7	1	the	the	DET
crln-19840	7	2	year	year	NOUN
crln-19840	7	3	edition	edition	NOUN
crln-19840	7	4	will	will	AUX
crln-19840	7	5	be	be	AUX
crln-19840	7	6	edited	edit	VERB
crln-19840	7	7	by	by	ADP
crln-19840	7	8	phyllis	phyllis	PROPN
crln-19840	7	9	h.	h.	PROPN
crln-19840	7	10	by	by	ADP
crln-19840	7	11	rowgrumm	rowgrumm	PROPN
crln-19840	7	12	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	7	13	a	a	DET
crln-19840	7	14	former	former	ADJ
crln-19840	7	15	reclassifier	reclassifier	NOUN
crln-19840	7	16	in	in	ADP
crln-19840	7	17	wesleyan	wesleyan	PROPN
crln-19840	7	18	uni­	uni­	PROPN
crln-19840	7	19	ew	ew	PROPN
crln-19840	7	20	jersey	jersey	PROPN
crln-19840	7	21	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	7	22	versity	versity	PROPN
crln-19840	7	23	library	library	PROPN
crln-19840	7	24	’s	’s	PART
crln-19840	7	25	six	six	NUM
crln-19840	7	26	-	-	PUNCT
crln-19840	7	27	year	year	NOUN
crln-19840	7	28	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	7	29	300,000	300,000	NUM
crln-19840	7	30	-	-	PUNCT
crln-19840	7	31	title	title	NOUN
crln-19840	7	32	reclassi­	reclassi­	PROPN
crln-19840	7	33	n	n	PROPN
crln-19840	7	34	catalog	catalog	NOUN
crln-19840	7	35	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	7	36	fication	fication	NOUN
crln-19840	7	37	project	project	NOUN
crln-19840	7	38	.	.	PUNCT
crln-19840	8	1	ools	ool	NOUN
crln-19840	8	2	.	.	PUNCT
crln-19840	9	1	it	it	PRON
crln-19840	9	2	will	will	AUX
crln-19840	9	3	the	the	DET
crln-19840	9	4	association	association	NOUN
crln-19840	9	5	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	9	6	college	college	PROPN
crln-19840	9	7	and	and	CCONJ
crln-19840	9	8	research	research	NOUN
crln-19840	9	9	li­	li­	NOUN
crln-19840	9	10	cumulated	cumulate	VERB
crln-19840	9	11	braries	brarie	NOUN
crln-19840	9	12	is	be	AUX
crln-19840	9	13	proud	proud	ADJ
crln-19840	9	14	to	to	PART
crln-19840	9	15	announce	announce	VERB
crln-19840	9	16	the	the	DET
crln-19840	9	17	publication	publication	NOUN
crln-19840	9	18	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	9	19	l	l	NOUN
crln-19840	9	20	refer	refer	VERB
crln-19840	9	21	users	user	NOUN
crln-19840	9	22	this	this	DET
crln-19840	9	23	substantial	substantial	ADJ
crln-19840	9	24	and	and	CCONJ
crln-19840	9	25	significant	significant	ADJ
crln-19840	9	26	work	work	NOUN
crln-19840	9	27	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	9	28	which	which	PRON
crln-19840	9	29	ly	ly	VERB
crln-19840	9	30	issues	issue	NOUN
crln-19840	9	31	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	9	32	should	should	AUX
crln-19840	9	33	find	find	VERB
crln-19840	9	34	considerable	considerable	ADJ
crln-19840	9	35	favor	favor	NOUN
crln-19840	9	36	within	within	ADP
crln-19840	9	37	both	both	CCONJ
crln-19840	9	38	the	the	DET
crln-19840	9	39	ex	ex	NOUN
crln-19840	9	40	will	will	AUX
crln-19840	9	41	also	also	ADV
crln-19840	9	42	library	library	VERB
crln-19840	9	43	and	and	CCONJ
crln-19840	9	44	publishing	publishing	NOUN
crln-19840	9	45	worlds	world	NOUN
crln-19840	9	46	.	.	PUNCT
crln-19840	10	1	■	■	VERB
crln-19840	10	2	■	■	X
crln-19840	10	3	the	the	DET
crln-19840	10	4	association	association	NOUN
crln-19840	10	5	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	10	6	college	college	NOUN
crln-19840	10	7	and	and	CCONJ
crln-19840	10	8	r	r	NOUN
crln-19840	10	9	braries	brarie	NOUN
crln-19840	10	10	announces	announce	VERB
crln-19840	10	11	the	the	DET
crln-19840	10	12	forthcoming	forthcoming	NOUN
crln-19840	10	13	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	10	14	a	a	DET
crln-19840	10	15	ten	ten	NUM
crln-19840	10	16	-	-	PUNCT
crln-19840	10	17	year	year	NOUN
crln-19840	10	18	cumulated	cumulated	ADJ
crln-19840	10	19	and	and	CCONJ
crln-19840	10	20	interp	interp	ADJ
crln-19840	10	21	tion	tion	NOUN
crln-19840	10	22	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	10	23	choice	choice	NOUN
crln-19840	10	24	book	book	NOUN
crln-19840	10	25	reviews	review	NOUN
crln-19840	10	26	.	.	PUNCT
crln-19840	11	1	this	this	DET
crln-19840	11	2	e	e	NOUN
crln-19840	11	3	taining	taine	VERB
crln-19840	11	4	approximately	approximately	ADV
crln-19840	11	5	58,000	58,000	NUM
crln-19840	11	6	cho	cho	NOUN
crln-19840	11	7	arranged	arrange	VERB
crln-19840	11	8	under	under	ADP
crln-19840	11	9	an	an	DET
crln-19840	11	10	elaborate	elaborate	ADJ
crln-19840	11	11	system	system	NOUN
crln-19840	11	12	categories	category	NOUN
crln-19840	11	13	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	11	14	will	will	AUX
crln-19840	11	15	cover	cover	VERB
crln-19840	11	16	the	the	DET
crln-19840	11	17	first	first	ADJ
crln-19840	11	18	dec	dec	PROPN
crln-19840	11	19	magazine	magazine	NOUN
crln-19840	11	20	(	(	PUNCT
crln-19840	11	21	volumes	volume	NOUN
crln-19840	11	22	1	1	NUM
crln-19840	11	23	through	through	ADP
crln-19840	11	24	10,196	10,196	NUM
crln-19840	11	25	edition	edition	NOUN
crln-19840	11	26	will	will	AUX
crln-19840	11	27	be	be	AUX
crln-19840	11	28	published	publish	VERB
crln-19840	11	29	in	in	ADP
crln-19840	11	30	1975	1975	NUM
crln-19840	11	31	man	man	NOUN
crln-19840	11	32	and	and	CCONJ
crln-19840	11	33	littlefield	littlefield	PROPN
crln-19840	11	34	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	11	35	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	11	36	totowa	totowa	PROPN
crln-19840	11	37	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	11	38	n	n	CCONJ
crln-19840	11	39	publishers	publisher	NOUN
crln-19840	11	40	of	of	ADP
crln-19840	11	41	the	the	DET
crln-19840	11	42	national	national	ADJ
crln-19840	11	43	unio	unio	NOUN
crln-19840	11	44	1956	1956	NUM
crln-19840	11	45	-	-	SYM
crln-19840	11	46	1967	1967	NUM
crln-19840	11	47	and	and	CCONJ
crln-19840	11	48	other	other	ADJ
crln-19840	11	49	bibliographic	bibliographic	ADJ
crln-19840	11	50	t	t	NOUN
crln-19840	11	51	appear	appear	VERB
crln-19840	11	52	in	in	ADP
crln-19840	11	53	nine	nine	NUM
crln-19840	11	54	volumes	volume	NOUN
crln-19840	11	55	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	11	56	including	include	VERB
crln-19840	11	57	a	a	DET
crln-19840	11	58	author	author	NOUN
crln-19840	11	59	-	-	PUNCT
crln-19840	11	60	title	title	NOUN
crln-19840	11	61	-	-	PUNCT
crln-19840	11	62	subject	subject	NOUN
crln-19840	11	63	index	index	NOUN
crln-19840	11	64	,	,	PUNCT
crln-19840	11	65	which	which	PRON
crln-19840	11	66	wil	wil	VERB
crln-19840	11	67	to	to	ADP
crln-19840	11	68	entries	entry	NOUN
crln-19840	11	69	both	both	PRON
crln-19840	11	70	in	in	ADP
crln-19840	11	71	the	the	DET
crln-19840	11	72	original	original	ADJ
crln-19840	11	73	month	month	NOUN
crln-19840	11	74	choice	choice	NOUN
crln-19840	11	75	and	and	CCONJ
crln-19840	11	76	in	in	ADP
crln-19840	11	77	this	this	DET
crln-19840	11	78	edition	edition	NOUN
crln-19840	11	79	.	.	PUNCT
crln-19840	12	1	the	the	DET
crln-19840	12	2	ind	ind	NOUN