id sid tid token lemma pos crln-18753 1 1 acrl acrl PROPN crln-18753 1 2 news news NOUN crln-18753 1 3 issue issue NOUN crln-18753 1 4 ( ( PUNCT crln-18753 1 5 b b PROPN crln-18753 1 6 ) ) PUNCT crln-18753 1 7 of of ADP crln-18753 1 8 college college PROPN crln-18753 1 9 & & CCONJ crln-18753 1 10 research research PROPN crln-18753 1 11 libraries library NOUN crln-18753 1 12 college college PROPN crln-18753 1 13 & & CCONJ crln-18753 1 14 research research PROPN crln-18753 1 15 libraries librarie VERB crln-18753 1 16 volume volume NOUN crln-18753 1 17 35 35 NUM crln-18753 1 18 , , PUNCT crln-18753 1 19 1974 1974 NUM crln-18753 1 20 published publish VERB crln-18753 1 21 by by ADP crln-18753 1 22 the the DET crln-18753 1 23 association association NOUN crln-18753 1 24 of of ADP crln-18753 1 25 college college NOUN crln-18753 1 26 and and CCONJ crln-18753 1 27 research research NOUN crln-18753 1 28 libraries library NOUN crln-18753 1 29 , , PUNCT crln-18753 1 30 a a DET crln-18753 1 31 division division NOUN crln-18753 1 32 of of ADP crln-18753 1 33 the the DET crln-18753 1 34 american american PROPN crln-18753 1 35 library library PROPN crln-18753 1 36 association association PROPN