id sid tid token lemma pos crln-16704 1 1 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-16704 1 2 news news PROPN crln-16704 1 3 july july PROPN crln-16704 1 4 / / SYM crln-16704 1 5 august august PROPN crln-16704 1 6 2017 2017 NUM crln-16704 1 7 392 392 NUM crln-16704 1 8 silvia silvia PROPN crln-16704 1 9 vong vong PROPN crln-16704 1 10 no no PRON crln-16704 1 11 more more ADJ crln-16704 1 12 “ " PUNCT crln-16704 1 13 frame frame NOUN crln-16704 1 14 - - PUNCT crln-16704 1 15 shaming shaming NOUN crln-16704 1 16 ” " PUNCT crln-16704 1 17 using use VERB crln-16704 1 18 critical critical ADJ crln-16704 1 19 reflection reflection NOUN crln-16704 1 20 to to PART crln-16704 1 21 facilitate facilitate VERB crln-16704 1 22 change change NOUN crln-16704 1 23 silvia silvia PROPN crln-16704 1 24 vong vong PROPN crln-16704 1 25 is be AUX crln-16704 1 26 collaborative collaborative ADJ crln-16704 1 27 learning learning NOUN crln-16704 1 28 librarian librarian NOUN crln-16704 1 29 at at ADP crln-16704 1 30 the the DET crln-16704 1 31 university university PROPN crln-16704 1 32 of of ADP crln-16704 1 33 st st PROPN crln-16704 1 34 . . PROPN crln-16704 1 35 michael michael PROPN crln-16704 1 36 ’s ’s PART crln-16704 1 37 college college NOUN crln-16704 1 38 in in ADP crln-16704 1 39 the the DET crln-16704 1 40 university university PROPN crln-16704 1 41 of of ADP crln-16704 1 42 toronto toronto PROPN crln-16704 1 43 , , PUNCT crln-16704 1 44 email email NOUN crln-16704 1 45 : : PUNCT crln-16704 1 46 PROPN crln-16704 1 47 © © ADJ crln-16704 1 48 2017 2017 NUM crln-16704 1 49 silvia silvia PROPN crln-16704 1 50 vong vong ADJ crln-16704 1 51 change change NOUN crln-16704 1 52 can can AUX crln-16704 1 53 elicit elicit VERB crln-16704 1 54 an an DET crln-16704 1 55 array array NOUN crln-16704 1 56 of of ADP crln-16704 1 57 emotions emotion NOUN crln-16704 1 58 from from ADP crln-16704 1 59 the the DET crln-16704 1 60 people people NOUN crln-16704 1 61 that that PRON crln-16704 1 62 help help VERB crln-16704 1 63 drive drive VERB crln-16704 1 64 that that DET crln-16704 1 65 change change NOUN crln-16704 1 66 . . PUNCT crln-16704 2 1 for for ADP crln-16704 2 2 example example NOUN crln-16704 2 3 , , PUNCT crln-16704 2 4 the the DET crln-16704 2 5 acrl acrl ADJ crln-16704 2 6 framework framework NOUN crln-16704 2 7 for for ADP crln-16704 2 8 information information NOUN crln-16704 2 9 literacy literacy NOUN crln-16704 2 10 for for ADP crln-16704 2 11 higher high ADJ crln-16704 2 12 education education NOUN crln-16704 2 13 sparked spark VERB crln-16704 2 14 a a DET crln-16704 2 15 lively lively ADJ crln-16704 2 16 discussion discussion NOUN crln-16704 2 17 among among ADP crln-16704 2 18 librarian librarian ADJ crln-16704 2 19 professionals professional NOUN crln-16704 2 20 . . PUNCT crln-16704 3 1 that that DET crln-16704 3 2 debate debate NOUN crln-16704 3 3 continues continue VERB crln-16704 3 4 mostly mostly ADV crln-16704 3 5 around around ADP crln-16704 3 6 the the DET crln-16704 3 7 use use NOUN crln-16704 3 8 and and CCONJ crln-16704 3 9 pedagogical pedagogical ADJ crln-16704 3 10 value value NOUN crln-16704 3 11 of of ADP crln-16704 3 12 the the DET crln-16704 3 13 frames frame NOUN crln-16704 3 14 . . PUNCT crln-16704 4 1 some some DET crln-16704 4 2 librarians librarian NOUN crln-16704 4 3 expressed express VERB crln-16704 4 4 their their PRON crln-16704 4 5 frustration frustration NOUN crln-16704 4 6 with with ADP crln-16704 4 7 the the DET crln-16704 4 8 changes change NOUN crln-16704 4 9 and and CCONJ crln-16704 4 10 some some PRON crln-16704 4 11 embraced embrace VERB crln-16704 4 12 the the DET crln-16704 4 13 new new ADJ crln-16704 4 14 framework framework NOUN crln-16704 4 15 , , PUNCT crln-16704 4 16 while while SCONJ crln-16704 4 17 some some PRON crln-16704 4 18 are be AUX crln-16704 4 19 still still ADV crln-16704 4 20 trying try VERB crln-16704 4 21 to to PART crln-16704 4 22 understand understand VERB crln-16704 4 23 where where SCONJ crln-16704 4 24 it it PRON crln-16704 4 25 fits fit VERB crln-16704 4 26 in in ADP crln-16704 4 27 their their PRON crln-16704 4 28 context context NOUN crln-16704 4 29 . . PUNCT crln-16704 5 1 in in ADP crln-16704 5 2 my my PRON crln-16704 5 3 observations observation NOUN crln-16704 5 4 on on ADP crln-16704 5 5 listservs listservs NOUN crln-16704 5 6 , , PUNCT crln-16704 5 7 training training NOUN crln-16704 5 8 , , PUNCT crln-16704 5 9 and and CCONJ crln-16704 5 10 informal informal ADJ crln-16704 5 11 conversations conversation NOUN crln-16704 5 12 , , PUNCT crln-16704 5 13 it it PRON crln-16704 5 14 seems seem VERB crln-16704 5 15 the the DET crln-16704 5 16 lack lack NOUN crln-16704 5 17 of of ADP crln-16704 5 18 acknowledging acknowledge VERB crln-16704 5 19 the the DET crln-16704 5 20 emotional emotional ADJ crln-16704 5 21 experience experience NOUN crln-16704 5 22 of of ADP crln-16704 5 23 our our PRON crln-16704 5 24 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 5 25 , , PUNCT crln-16704 5 26 particularly particularly ADV crln-16704 5 27 those those PRON crln-16704 5 28 who who PRON crln-16704 5 29 are be AUX crln-16704 5 30 outwardly outwardly ADV crln-16704 5 31 expressing express VERB crln-16704 5 32 discontent discontent ADJ crln-16704 5 33 , , PUNCT crln-16704 5 34 is be AUX crln-16704 5 35 a a DET crln-16704 5 36 cause cause NOUN crln-16704 5 37 for for ADP crln-16704 5 38 slow slow ADJ crln-16704 5 39 change change NOUN crln-16704 5 40 . . PUNCT crln-16704 6 1 those those PRON crln-16704 6 2 who who PRON crln-16704 6 3 expressed express VERB crln-16704 6 4 frustration frustration NOUN crln-16704 6 5 are be AUX crln-16704 6 6 often often ADV crln-16704 6 7 met meet VERB crln-16704 6 8 with with ADP crln-16704 6 9 their their PRON crln-16704 6 10 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 6 11 ’ ' PUNCT crln-16704 6 12 responses response NOUN crln-16704 6 13 that that PRON crln-16704 6 14 defend defend VERB crln-16704 6 15 acrl acrl ADJ crln-16704 6 16 ’s ’s PART crln-16704 6 17 new new ADJ crln-16704 6 18 document document NOUN crln-16704 6 19 , , PUNCT crln-16704 6 20 also also ADV crln-16704 6 21 known know VERB crln-16704 6 22 as as ADP crln-16704 6 23 “ " PUNCT crln-16704 6 24 frame frame NOUN crln-16704 6 25 - - PUNCT crln-16704 6 26 shaming shaming NOUN crln-16704 6 27 . . PUNCT crln-16704 6 28 ” " PUNCT crln-16704 7 1 while while SCONJ crln-16704 7 2 i i PRON crln-16704 7 3 have have VERB crln-16704 7 4 empathy empathy NOUN crln-16704 7 5 for for ADP crln-16704 7 6 both both DET crln-16704 7 7 sides side NOUN crln-16704 7 8 , , PUNCT crln-16704 7 9 the the DET crln-16704 7 10 culture culture NOUN crln-16704 7 11 of of ADP crln-16704 7 12 debate debate NOUN crln-16704 7 13 in in ADP crln-16704 7 14 academia academia NOUN crln-16704 7 15 may may AUX crln-16704 7 16 impede impede VERB crln-16704 7 17 on on ADP crln-16704 7 18 the the DET crln-16704 7 19 adoption adoption NOUN crln-16704 7 20 of of ADP crln-16704 7 21 the the DET crln-16704 7 22 framework framework NOUN crln-16704 7 23 . . PUNCT crln-16704 8 1 jan jan PROPN crln-16704 8 2 fook fook PROPN crln-16704 8 3 and and CCONJ crln-16704 8 4 gurid gurid PROPN crln-16704 8 5 aga aga PROPN crln-16704 8 6 askeland askeland NOUN crln-16704 8 7 write write VERB crln-16704 8 8 that that SCONJ crln-16704 8 9 “ " PUNCT crln-16704 8 10 an an DET crln-16704 8 11 adversarial adversarial ADJ crln-16704 8 12 culture culture NOUN crln-16704 8 13 which which PRON crln-16704 8 14 conditions condition VERB crln-16704 8 15 us we PRON crln-16704 8 16 to to PART crln-16704 8 17 believe believe VERB crln-16704 8 18 that that SCONJ crln-16704 8 19 the the DET crln-16704 8 20 ‘ ' PUNCT crln-16704 8 21 truth truth NOUN crln-16704 8 22 ’ ' PUNCT crln-16704 8 23 can can AUX crln-16704 8 24 be be AUX crln-16704 8 25 arrived arrive VERB crln-16704 8 26 at at ADP crln-16704 8 27 only only ADV crln-16704 8 28 through through ADP crln-16704 8 29 debate debate NOUN crln-16704 8 30 or or CCONJ crln-16704 8 31 ‘ ' PUNCT crln-16704 8 32 fight fight VERB crln-16704 8 33 ’ ' PUNCT crln-16704 8 34 between between ADP crln-16704 8 35 opposing oppose VERB crln-16704 8 36 sides side NOUN crln-16704 8 37 . . PUNCT crln-16704 8 38 . . PUNCT crln-16704 9 1 . . PUNCT crln-16704 10 1 tends tend VERB crln-16704 10 2 to to PART crln-16704 10 3 oversimplify oversimplify VERB crln-16704 10 4 complexities complexity NOUN crln-16704 10 5 and and CCONJ crln-16704 10 6 to to PART crln-16704 10 7 emphasize emphasize VERB crln-16704 10 8 differences difference NOUN crln-16704 10 9 . . PUNCT crln-16704 10 10 ”1 ”1 SPACE crln-16704 11 1 while while SCONJ crln-16704 11 2 approaching approach VERB crln-16704 11 3 our our PRON crln-16704 11 4 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 11 5 with with ADP crln-16704 11 6 logical logical ADJ crln-16704 11 7 arguments argument NOUN crln-16704 11 8 may may AUX crln-16704 11 9 seem seem VERB crln-16704 11 10 reasonable reasonable ADJ crln-16704 11 11 , , PUNCT crln-16704 11 12 it it PRON crln-16704 11 13 may may AUX crln-16704 11 14 be be AUX crln-16704 11 15 more more ADV crln-16704 11 16 effective effective ADJ crln-16704 11 17 to to PART crln-16704 11 18 apply apply VERB crln-16704 11 19 a a DET crln-16704 11 20 critical critical ADJ crln-16704 11 21 reflective reflective ADJ crln-16704 11 22 approach approach NOUN crln-16704 11 23 in in ADP crln-16704 11 24 engaging engage VERB crln-16704 11 25 in in ADP crln-16704 11 26 conversations conversation NOUN crln-16704 11 27 about about ADP crln-16704 11 28 pedagogy pedagogy NOUN crln-16704 11 29 to to PART crln-16704 11 30 drive drive VERB crln-16704 11 31 change change NOUN crln-16704 11 32 . . PUNCT crln-16704 12 1 we we PRON crln-16704 12 2 can can AUX crln-16704 12 3 develop develop VERB crln-16704 12 4 an an DET crln-16704 12 5 empathetic empathetic ADJ crln-16704 12 6 understanding understanding NOUN crln-16704 12 7 of of ADP crln-16704 12 8 our our PRON crln-16704 12 9 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 12 10 ’ ' PUNCT crln-16704 12 11 teaching teaching NOUN crln-16704 12 12 experience experience NOUN crln-16704 12 13 and and CCONJ crln-16704 12 14 context context NOUN crln-16704 12 15 as as ADV crln-16704 12 16 well well ADV crln-16704 12 17 as as ADP crln-16704 12 18 remove remove VERB crln-16704 12 19 any any DET crln-16704 12 20 assumptions assumption NOUN crln-16704 12 21 about about ADP crln-16704 12 22 them they PRON crln-16704 12 23 and and CCONJ crln-16704 12 24 their their PRON crln-16704 12 25 working working NOUN crln-16704 12 26 environment environment NOUN crln-16704 12 27 . . PUNCT crln-16704 13 1 through through ADP crln-16704 13 2 this this DET crln-16704 13 3 understanding understanding NOUN crln-16704 13 4 , , PUNCT crln-16704 13 5 we we PRON crln-16704 13 6 may may AUX crln-16704 13 7 be be AUX crln-16704 13 8 able able ADJ crln-16704 13 9 to to PART crln-16704 13 10 coach coach VERB crln-16704 13 11 our our PRON crln-16704 13 12 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 13 13 ’ ' PUNCT crln-16704 13 14 and and CCONJ crln-16704 13 15 encourage encourage VERB crln-16704 13 16 change change NOUN crln-16704 13 17 and and CCONJ crln-16704 13 18 action action NOUN crln-16704 13 19 . . PUNCT crln-16704 14 1 what what PRON crln-16704 14 2 is be AUX crln-16704 14 3 critical critical ADJ crln-16704 14 4 reflection reflection NOUN crln-16704 14 5 ? ? PUNCT crln-16704 15 1 critical critical ADJ crln-16704 15 2 reflection reflection NOUN crln-16704 15 3 is be AUX crln-16704 15 4 the the DET crln-16704 15 5 recognition recognition NOUN crln-16704 15 6 of of ADP crln-16704 15 7 how how SCONJ crln-16704 15 8 our our PRON crln-16704 15 9 perspective perspective NOUN crln-16704 15 10 is be AUX crln-16704 15 11 informed inform VERB crln-16704 15 12 and and CCONJ crln-16704 15 13 constructed construct VERB crln-16704 15 14 based base VERB crln-16704 15 15 on on ADP crln-16704 15 16 our our PRON crln-16704 15 17 belief belief NOUN crln-16704 15 18 systems system NOUN crln-16704 15 19 and and CCONJ crln-16704 15 20 thus thus ADV crln-16704 15 21 our our PRON crln-16704 15 22 assumptions assumption NOUN crln-16704 15 23 prevent prevent VERB crln-16704 15 24 us we PRON crln-16704 15 25 from from ADP crln-16704 15 26 empathizing empathize VERB crln-16704 15 27 and and CCONJ crln-16704 15 28 , , PUNCT crln-16704 15 29 ultimately ultimately ADV crln-16704 15 30 , , PUNCT crln-16704 15 31 effectively effectively ADV crln-16704 15 32 addressing address VERB crln-16704 15 33 our our PRON crln-16704 15 34 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 15 35 ’ ' PUNCT crln-16704 15 36 concerns.2 concerns.2 PROPN crln-16704 15 37 these these DET crln-16704 15 38 assumptions assumption NOUN crln-16704 15 39 may may AUX crln-16704 15 40 not not PART crln-16704 15 41 be be AUX crln-16704 15 42 clear clear ADJ crln-16704 15 43 or or CCONJ crln-16704 15 44 evident evident ADJ crln-16704 15 45 in in ADP crln-16704 15 46 our our PRON crln-16704 15 47 initial initial ADJ crln-16704 15 48 thinking thinking NOUN crln-16704 15 49 . . PUNCT crln-16704 16 1 in in ADP crln-16704 16 2 teacher teacher NOUN crln-16704 16 3 education education NOUN crln-16704 16 4 , , PUNCT crln-16704 16 5 stephen stephen PROPN crln-16704 16 6 d. d. PROPN crln-16704 16 7 brookfield brookfield PROPN crln-16704 16 8 outlined outline VERB crln-16704 16 9 two two NUM crln-16704 16 10 characteristics characteristic NOUN crln-16704 16 11 of of ADP crln-16704 16 12 critical critical ADJ crln-16704 16 13 reflection reflection NOUN crln-16704 16 14 : : PUNCT crln-16704 16 15 1 1 X crln-16704 16 16 . . X crln-16704 16 17 understanding understand VERB crln-16704 16 18 how how SCONJ crln-16704 16 19 considerations consideration NOUN crln-16704 16 20 of of ADP crln-16704 16 21 power power NOUN crln-16704 16 22 undergird undergird PROPN crln-16704 16 23 , , PUNCT crln-16704 16 24 frame frame NOUN crln-16704 16 25 , , PUNCT crln-16704 16 26 and and CCONJ crln-16704 16 27 distort distort VERB crln-16704 16 28 educational educational ADJ crln-16704 16 29 processes process NOUN crln-16704 16 30 and and CCONJ crln-16704 16 31 interactions interaction NOUN crln-16704 16 32 . . PUNCT crln-16704 17 1 2 2 X crln-16704 17 2 . . X crln-16704 17 3 questioning question VERB crln-16704 17 4 assumptions assumption NOUN crln-16704 17 5 and and CCONJ crln-16704 17 6 practices practice NOUN crln-16704 17 7 that that PRON crln-16704 17 8 seem seem VERB crln-16704 17 9 to to PART crln-16704 17 10 make make VERB crln-16704 17 11 our our PRON crln-16704 17 12 teaching teaching NOUN crln-16704 17 13 lives live VERB crln-16704 17 14 easier easy ADJ crln-16704 17 15 but but CCONJ crln-16704 17 16 actually actually ADV crln-16704 17 17 work work VERB crln-16704 17 18 against against ADP crln-16704 17 19 our our PRON crln-16704 17 20 own own ADJ crln-16704 17 21 best good ADJ crln-16704 17 22 longterm longterm NOUN crln-16704 17 23 interests interest NOUN crln-16704 17 24 . . PUNCT crln-16704 17 25 ”3 ”3 SPACE crln-16704 18 1 for for ADP crln-16704 18 2 example example NOUN crln-16704 18 3 , , PUNCT crln-16704 18 4 a a DET crln-16704 18 5 common common ADJ crln-16704 18 6 assumption assumption NOUN crln-16704 18 7 that that SCONJ crln-16704 18 8 the the DET crln-16704 18 9 way way NOUN crln-16704 18 10 i i PRON crln-16704 18 11 see see VERB crln-16704 18 12 it it PRON crln-16704 18 13 mailto mailto X crln-16704 18 14 : : PUNCT crln-16704 18 15 PROPN crln-16704 18 16 july july PROPN crln-16704 18 17 / / SYM crln-16704 18 18 august august PROPN crln-16704 18 19 2017 2017 NUM crln-16704 18 20 393 393 NUM crln-16704 18 21 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-16704 18 22 news news NOUN crln-16704 18 23 could could AUX crln-16704 18 24 be be AUX crln-16704 18 25 made make VERB crln-16704 18 26 about about ADP crln-16704 18 27 the the DET crln-16704 18 28 adoption adoption NOUN crln-16704 18 29 of of ADP crln-16704 18 30 the the DET crln-16704 18 31 acrl acrl ADJ crln-16704 18 32 framework framework NOUN crln-16704 18 33 is be AUX crln-16704 18 34 that that SCONJ crln-16704 18 35 all all DET crln-16704 18 36 universities university NOUN crln-16704 18 37 or or CCONJ crln-16704 18 38 colleges college NOUN crln-16704 18 39 have have VERB crln-16704 18 40 similar similar ADJ crln-16704 18 41 cultural cultural ADJ crln-16704 18 42 , , PUNCT crln-16704 18 43 social social ADJ crln-16704 18 44 , , PUNCT crln-16704 18 45 and and CCONJ crln-16704 18 46 political political ADJ crln-16704 18 47 landscapes landscape NOUN crln-16704 18 48 . . PUNCT crln-16704 19 1 most most ADJ crln-16704 19 2 of of ADP crln-16704 19 3 us we PRON crln-16704 19 4 may may AUX crln-16704 19 5 be be AUX crln-16704 19 6 instructional instructional ADJ crln-16704 19 7 librarians librarian NOUN crln-16704 19 8 , , PUNCT crln-16704 19 9 but but CCONJ crln-16704 19 10 that that PRON crln-16704 19 11 is be AUX crln-16704 19 12 where where SCONJ crln-16704 19 13 the the DET crln-16704 19 14 similarities similarity NOUN crln-16704 19 15 stop stop VERB crln-16704 19 16 . . PUNCT crln-16704 20 1 our our PRON crln-16704 20 2 context context NOUN crln-16704 20 3 can can AUX crln-16704 20 4 range range VERB crln-16704 20 5 in in ADP crln-16704 20 6 terms term NOUN crln-16704 20 7 of of ADP crln-16704 20 8 resources resource NOUN crln-16704 20 9 , , PUNCT crln-16704 20 10 support support NOUN crln-16704 20 11 from from ADP crln-16704 20 12 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 20 13 and and CCONJ crln-16704 20 14 administration administration NOUN crln-16704 20 15 , , PUNCT crln-16704 20 16 and and CCONJ crln-16704 20 17 education education NOUN crln-16704 20 18 . . PUNCT crln-16704 21 1 how how SCONJ crln-16704 21 2 do do AUX crln-16704 21 3 you you PRON crln-16704 21 4 critically critically ADV crln-16704 21 5 reflect reflect VERB crln-16704 21 6 ? ? PUNCT crln-16704 22 1 there there PRON crln-16704 22 2 are be VERB crln-16704 22 3 some some DET crln-16704 22 4 strategies strategy NOUN crln-16704 22 5 to to PART crln-16704 22 6 help help VERB crln-16704 22 7 us we PRON crln-16704 22 8 critically critically ADV crln-16704 22 9 reflect reflect VERB crln-16704 22 10 on on ADP crln-16704 22 11 our our PRON crln-16704 22 12 assumptions assumption NOUN crln-16704 22 13 . . PUNCT crln-16704 23 1 by by ADP crln-16704 23 2 framing frame VERB crln-16704 23 3 and and CCONJ crln-16704 23 4 reflecting reflect VERB crln-16704 23 5 on on ADP crln-16704 23 6 our our PRON crln-16704 23 7 thinking thinking NOUN crln-16704 23 8 , , PUNCT crln-16704 23 9 we we PRON crln-16704 23 10 can can AUX crln-16704 23 11 breakdown breakdown VERB crln-16704 23 12 assumptions assumption NOUN crln-16704 23 13 and and CCONJ crln-16704 23 14 address address VERB crln-16704 23 15 them they PRON crln-16704 23 16 before before SCONJ crln-16704 23 17 we we PRON crln-16704 23 18 address address VERB crln-16704 23 19 our our PRON crln-16704 23 20 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 23 21 . . PUNCT crln-16704 24 1 the the DET crln-16704 24 2 one one NUM crln-16704 24 3 strategy strategy NOUN crln-16704 24 4 that that PRON crln-16704 24 5 i i PRON crln-16704 24 6 will will AUX crln-16704 24 7 focus focus VERB crln-16704 24 8 on on ADP crln-16704 24 9 ( ( PUNCT crln-16704 24 10 since since SCONJ crln-16704 24 11 it it PRON crln-16704 24 12 is be AUX crln-16704 24 13 most most ADV crln-16704 24 14 relevant relevant ADJ crln-16704 24 15 to to ADP crln-16704 24 16 this this DET crln-16704 24 17 particular particular ADJ crln-16704 24 18 context context NOUN crln-16704 24 19 ) ) PUNCT crln-16704 24 20 is be AUX crln-16704 24 21 the the DET crln-16704 24 22 ideology ideology NOUN crln-16704 24 23 critique.4 critique.4 NOUN crln-16704 24 24 the the DET crln-16704 24 25 approach approach NOUN crln-16704 24 26 tends tend VERB crln-16704 24 27 to to PART crln-16704 24 28 pair pair VERB crln-16704 24 29 with with ADP crln-16704 24 30 a a DET crln-16704 24 31 critical critical ADJ crln-16704 24 32 incident incident NOUN crln-16704 24 33 in in ADP crln-16704 24 34 reflective reflective ADJ crln-16704 24 35 practice practice NOUN crln-16704 24 36 . . PUNCT crln-16704 25 1 this this PRON crln-16704 25 2 means mean VERB crln-16704 25 3 that that SCONJ crln-16704 25 4 i i PRON crln-16704 25 5 would would AUX crln-16704 25 6 choose choose VERB crln-16704 25 7 and and CCONJ crln-16704 25 8 describe describe VERB crln-16704 25 9 an an DET crln-16704 25 10 incident incident NOUN crln-16704 25 11 at at ADP crln-16704 25 12 work work NOUN crln-16704 25 13 , , PUNCT crln-16704 25 14 identify identify VERB crln-16704 25 15 the the DET crln-16704 25 16 ideologies ideology NOUN crln-16704 25 17 that that PRON crln-16704 25 18 are be AUX crln-16704 25 19 present present ADJ crln-16704 25 20 , , PUNCT crln-16704 25 21 and and CCONJ crln-16704 25 22 discuss discuss VERB crln-16704 25 23 alternative alternative ADJ crln-16704 25 24 methods method NOUN crln-16704 25 25 . . PUNCT crln-16704 26 1 david david PROPN crln-16704 26 2 tripp tripp PROPN crln-16704 26 3 frames frame VERB crln-16704 26 4 it it PRON crln-16704 26 5 as as ADP crln-16704 26 6 four four NUM crln-16704 26 7 steps step NOUN crln-16704 26 8 : : PUNCT crln-16704 26 9 1 1 X crln-16704 26 10 . . X crln-16704 26 11 examine examine VERB crln-16704 26 12 an an DET crln-16704 26 13 incident incident NOUN crln-16704 26 14 and and CCONJ crln-16704 26 15 identify identify VERB crln-16704 26 16 the the DET crln-16704 26 17 dominant dominant ADJ crln-16704 26 18 view view NOUN crln-16704 26 19 or or CCONJ crln-16704 26 20 ideology ideology NOUN crln-16704 26 21 present present ADJ crln-16704 26 22 . . PUNCT crln-16704 27 1 2 2 X crln-16704 27 2 . . X crln-16704 27 3 discuss discuss VERB crln-16704 27 4 gaps gap NOUN crln-16704 27 5 and and CCONJ crln-16704 27 6 contradictions contradiction NOUN crln-16704 27 7 in in ADP crln-16704 27 8 statements statement NOUN crln-16704 27 9 and and CCONJ crln-16704 27 10 viewpoints viewpoint NOUN crln-16704 27 11 presented present VERB crln-16704 27 12 in in ADP crln-16704 27 13 your your PRON crln-16704 27 14 description description NOUN crln-16704 27 15 . . PUNCT crln-16704 28 1 3 3 X crln-16704 28 2 . . X crln-16704 28 3 identify identify VERB crln-16704 28 4 the the DET crln-16704 28 5 individual(s individual(s NOUN crln-16704 28 6 ) ) PUNCT crln-16704 28 7 or or CCONJ crln-16704 28 8 group(s group(s NOUN crln-16704 28 9 ) ) PUNCT crln-16704 28 10 that that PRON crln-16704 28 11 are be AUX crln-16704 28 12 disadvantaged disadvantage VERB crln-16704 28 13 by by ADP crln-16704 28 14 the the DET crln-16704 28 15 ideology ideology NOUN crln-16704 28 16 and and CCONJ crln-16704 28 17 how how SCONJ crln-16704 28 18 the the DET crln-16704 28 19 dominant dominant ADJ crln-16704 28 20 view view NOUN crln-16704 28 21 does do AUX crln-16704 28 22 not not PART crln-16704 28 23 acknowledge acknowledge VERB crln-16704 28 24 them they PRON crln-16704 28 25 . . PUNCT crln-16704 29 1 4 4 X crln-16704 29 2 . . X crln-16704 29 3 create create VERB crln-16704 29 4 alternative alternative ADJ crln-16704 29 5 ways way NOUN crln-16704 29 6 that that PRON crln-16704 29 7 include include VERB crln-16704 29 8 or or CCONJ crln-16704 29 9 consider consider VERB crln-16704 29 10 different different ADJ crln-16704 29 11 perspectives perspective NOUN crln-16704 29 12 and and CCONJ crln-16704 29 13 ideologies.5 ideologies.5 PROPN crln-16704 29 14 below below ADV crln-16704 29 15 is be AUX crln-16704 29 16 an an DET crln-16704 29 17 example example NOUN crln-16704 29 18 of of ADP crln-16704 29 19 tripp tripp PROPN crln-16704 29 20 ’s ’s PART crln-16704 29 21 ideology ideology NOUN crln-16704 29 22 critique critique NOUN crln-16704 29 23 applied apply VERB crln-16704 29 24 to to ADP crln-16704 29 25 an an DET crln-16704 29 26 interaction interaction NOUN crln-16704 29 27 i i PRON crln-16704 29 28 experienced experience VERB crln-16704 29 29 . . PUNCT crln-16704 30 1 the the DET crln-16704 30 2 incident incident NOUN crln-16704 30 3 was be AUX crln-16704 30 4 related relate VERB crln-16704 30 5 to to ADP crln-16704 30 6 my my PRON crln-16704 30 7 delivery delivery NOUN crln-16704 30 8 of of ADP crln-16704 30 9 a a DET crln-16704 30 10 series series NOUN crln-16704 30 11 of of ADP crln-16704 30 12 workshops workshop NOUN crln-16704 30 13 for for ADP crln-16704 30 14 my my PRON crln-16704 30 15 library library NOUN crln-16704 30 16 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 30 17 in in ADP crln-16704 30 18 the the DET crln-16704 30 19 early early ADJ crln-16704 30 20 stages stage NOUN crln-16704 30 21 of of ADP crln-16704 30 22 the the DET crln-16704 30 23 framework framework NOUN crln-16704 30 24 . . PUNCT crln-16704 31 1 there there PRON crln-16704 31 2 were be VERB crln-16704 31 3 three three NUM crln-16704 31 4 workshops workshop NOUN crln-16704 31 5 that that PRON crln-16704 31 6 were be AUX crln-16704 31 7 themed theme VERB crln-16704 31 8 around around ADP crln-16704 31 9 two two NUM crln-16704 31 10 frames frame NOUN crln-16704 31 11 that that PRON crln-16704 31 12 were be AUX crln-16704 31 13 designed design VERB crln-16704 31 14 with with ADP crln-16704 31 15 a a DET crln-16704 31 16 team team NOUN crln-16704 31 17 of of ADP crln-16704 31 18 librarians librarians PROPN crln-16704 31 19 and and CCONJ crln-16704 31 20 delivered deliver VERB crln-16704 31 21 in in ADP crln-16704 31 22 an an DET crln-16704 31 23 interactive interactive ADJ crln-16704 31 24 way way NOUN crln-16704 31 25 ( ( PUNCT crln-16704 31 26 e.g. e.g. ADV crln-16704 31 27 , , PUNCT crln-16704 31 28 we we PRON crln-16704 31 29 designed design VERB crln-16704 31 30 activities activity NOUN crln-16704 31 31 around around ADP crln-16704 31 32 a a DET crln-16704 31 33 frame frame NOUN crln-16704 31 34 ) ) PUNCT crln-16704 31 35 with with ADP crln-16704 31 36 focus focus NOUN crln-16704 31 37 on on ADP crln-16704 31 38 the the DET crln-16704 31 39 practicality practicality NOUN crln-16704 31 40 of of ADP crln-16704 31 41 the the DET crln-16704 31 42 framework framework NOUN crln-16704 31 43 . . PUNCT crln-16704 32 1 intended intend VERB crln-16704 32 2 meaning meaning NOUN crln-16704 32 3 : : PUNCT crln-16704 32 4 i i PRON crln-16704 32 5 wanted want VERB crln-16704 32 6 to to PART crln-16704 32 7 engage engage VERB crln-16704 32 8 other other ADJ crln-16704 32 9 teaching teaching NOUN crln-16704 32 10 librarians librarian NOUN crln-16704 32 11 at at ADP crln-16704 32 12 my my PRON crln-16704 32 13 library library NOUN crln-16704 32 14 with with ADP crln-16704 32 15 the the DET crln-16704 32 16 acrl acrl ADJ crln-16704 32 17 framework framework NOUN crln-16704 32 18 early early ADV crln-16704 32 19 through through ADP crln-16704 32 20 workshops workshop NOUN crln-16704 32 21 that that PRON crln-16704 32 22 discussed discuss VERB crln-16704 32 23 the the DET crln-16704 32 24 application application NOUN crln-16704 32 25 of of ADP crln-16704 32 26 the the DET crln-16704 32 27 framework framework NOUN crln-16704 32 28 . . PUNCT crln-16704 33 1 i i PRON crln-16704 33 2 wanted want VERB crln-16704 33 3 to to PART crln-16704 33 4 make make VERB crln-16704 33 5 the the DET crln-16704 33 6 framework framework NOUN crln-16704 33 7 more more ADV crln-16704 33 8 practical practical ADJ crln-16704 33 9 and and CCONJ crln-16704 33 10 easy easy ADJ crln-16704 33 11 to to PART crln-16704 33 12 understand understand VERB crln-16704 33 13 . . PUNCT crln-16704 34 1 gaps gap NOUN crln-16704 34 2 and and CCONJ crln-16704 34 3 contradictions contradiction NOUN crln-16704 34 4 : : PUNCT crln-16704 34 5 the the DET crln-16704 34 6 concept concept NOUN crln-16704 34 7 of of ADP crln-16704 34 8 active active ADJ crln-16704 34 9 learning learning NOUN crln-16704 34 10 through through ADP crln-16704 34 11 activities activity NOUN crln-16704 34 12 and and CCONJ crln-16704 34 13 handson handson NOUN crln-16704 34 14 work work NOUN crln-16704 34 15 , , PUNCT crln-16704 34 16 such such ADJ crln-16704 34 17 as as ADP crln-16704 34 18 designing design VERB crln-16704 34 19 a a DET crln-16704 34 20 lesson lesson NOUN crln-16704 34 21 based base VERB crln-16704 34 22 on on ADP crln-16704 34 23 the the DET crln-16704 34 24 framework framework NOUN crln-16704 34 25 , , PUNCT crln-16704 34 26 is be AUX crln-16704 34 27 dependent dependent ADJ crln-16704 34 28 on on ADP crln-16704 34 29 the the DET crln-16704 34 30 idea idea NOUN crln-16704 34 31 that that SCONJ crln-16704 34 32 my my PRON crln-16704 34 33 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 34 34 : : PUNCT crln-16704 34 35 • • X crln-16704 34 36 have have AUX crln-16704 34 37 a a DET crln-16704 34 38 strong strong ADJ crln-16704 34 39 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-16704 34 40 of of ADP crln-16704 34 41 threshold threshold NOUN crln-16704 34 42 concepts concept NOUN crln-16704 34 43 or or CCONJ crln-16704 34 44 learning learn VERB crln-16704 34 45 theory theory NOUN crln-16704 34 46 , , PUNCT crln-16704 34 47 • • PROPN crln-16704 34 48 have have AUX crln-16704 34 49 read read VERB crln-16704 34 50 and and CCONJ crln-16704 34 51 understood understand VERB crln-16704 34 52 the the DET crln-16704 34 53 acrl acrl ADJ crln-16704 34 54 framework framework NOUN crln-16704 34 55 , , PUNCT crln-16704 34 56 • • PROPN crln-16704 34 57 have have VERB crln-16704 34 58 the the DET crln-16704 34 59 same same ADJ crln-16704 34 60 reservations reservation NOUN crln-16704 34 61 as as SCONJ crln-16704 34 62 i i PRON crln-16704 34 63 do do VERB crln-16704 34 64 with with ADP crln-16704 34 65 the the DET crln-16704 34 66 acrl acrl ADJ crln-16704 34 67 information information NOUN crln-16704 34 68 literacy literacy NOUN crln-16704 34 69 standards standard NOUN crln-16704 34 70 , , PUNCT crln-16704 34 71 • • PROPN crln-16704 34 72 have have VERB crln-16704 34 73 the the DET crln-16704 34 74 resources resource NOUN crln-16704 34 75 and and CCONJ crln-16704 34 76 time time NOUN crln-16704 34 77 to to PART crln-16704 34 78 integrate integrate VERB crln-16704 34 79 the the DET crln-16704 34 80 framework framework NOUN crln-16704 34 81 into into ADP crln-16704 34 82 their their PRON crln-16704 34 83 work work NOUN crln-16704 34 84 , , PUNCT crln-16704 34 85 and and CCONJ crln-16704 34 86 • • VERB crln-16704 34 87 have have VERB crln-16704 34 88 opportunities opportunity NOUN crln-16704 34 89 and and CCONJ crln-16704 34 90 support support NOUN crln-16704 34 91 from from ADP crln-16704 34 92 faculty faculty NOUN crln-16704 34 93 and and CCONJ crln-16704 34 94 administration administration NOUN crln-16704 34 95 to to PART crln-16704 34 96 implement implement VERB crln-16704 34 97 changes change NOUN crln-16704 34 98 to to ADP crln-16704 34 99 their their PRON crln-16704 34 100 information information NOUN crln-16704 34 101 literacy literacy NOUN crln-16704 34 102 program program NOUN crln-16704 34 103 . . PUNCT crln-16704 35 1 overall overall ADJ crln-16704 35 2 , , PUNCT crln-16704 35 3 i i PRON crln-16704 35 4 have have AUX crln-16704 35 5 made make VERB crln-16704 35 6 the the DET crln-16704 35 7 assumption assumption NOUN crln-16704 35 8 that that SCONJ crln-16704 35 9 all all DET crln-16704 35 10 my my PRON crln-16704 35 11 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 35 12 have have AUX crln-16704 35 13 various various ADJ crln-16704 35 14 resources resource NOUN crln-16704 35 15 , , PUNCT crln-16704 35 16 including include VERB crln-16704 35 17 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-16704 35 18 , , PUNCT crln-16704 35 19 resources resource NOUN crln-16704 35 20 , , PUNCT crln-16704 35 21 and and CCONJ crln-16704 35 22 support support VERB crln-16704 35 23 , , PUNCT crln-16704 35 24 to to PART crln-16704 35 25 implement implement VERB crln-16704 35 26 the the DET crln-16704 35 27 framework framework NOUN crln-16704 35 28 in in ADP crln-16704 35 29 their their PRON crln-16704 35 30 working working NOUN crln-16704 35 31 environment environment NOUN crln-16704 35 32 . . PUNCT crln-16704 36 1 benefit benefit NOUN crln-16704 36 2 and and CCONJ crln-16704 36 3 har har NOUN crln-16704 36 4 m m X crln-16704 36 5 : : PUNCT crln-16704 36 6 those those PRON crln-16704 36 7 who who PRON crln-16704 36 8 may may AUX crln-16704 36 9 be be AUX crln-16704 36 10 most most ADV crln-16704 36 11 comfortable comfortable ADJ crln-16704 36 12 with with ADP crln-16704 36 13 the the DET crln-16704 36 14 framework framework NOUN crln-16704 36 15 may may AUX crln-16704 36 16 be be AUX crln-16704 36 17 librarians librarian NOUN crln-16704 36 18 with with ADP crln-16704 36 19 full full ADJ crln-16704 36 20 support support NOUN crln-16704 36 21 from from ADP crln-16704 36 22 administration administration NOUN crln-16704 36 23 and and CCONJ crln-16704 36 24 their their PRON crln-16704 36 25 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 36 26 , , PUNCT crln-16704 36 27 as as ADV crln-16704 36 28 well well ADV crln-16704 36 29 as as ADP crln-16704 36 30 resources resource NOUN crln-16704 36 31 . . PUNCT crln-16704 37 1 those those PRON crln-16704 37 2 who who PRON crln-16704 37 3 are be AUX crln-16704 37 4 worst worst ADV crln-16704 37 5 served serve VERB crln-16704 37 6 in in ADP crln-16704 37 7 this this DET crln-16704 37 8 scenario scenario NOUN crln-16704 37 9 would would AUX crln-16704 37 10 be be AUX crln-16704 37 11 those those PRON crln-16704 37 12 with with ADP crln-16704 37 13 little little ADJ crln-16704 37 14 understanding understanding NOUN crln-16704 37 15 of of ADP crln-16704 37 16 the the DET crln-16704 37 17 framework framework NOUN crln-16704 37 18 and and CCONJ crln-16704 37 19 may may AUX crln-16704 37 20 not not PART crln-16704 37 21 have have VERB crln-16704 37 22 the the DET crln-16704 37 23 privilege privilege NOUN crln-16704 37 24 of of ADP crln-16704 37 25 access access NOUN crln-16704 37 26 to to ADP crln-16704 37 27 teaching teach VERB crln-16704 37 28 resources resource NOUN crln-16704 37 29 or or CCONJ crln-16704 37 30 training training NOUN crln-16704 37 31 . . PUNCT crln-16704 38 1 alternative alternative NOUN crln-16704 38 2 : : PUNCT crln-16704 38 3 the the DET crln-16704 38 4 workshops workshop NOUN crln-16704 38 5 should should AUX crln-16704 38 6 have have AUX crln-16704 38 7 had have VERB crln-16704 38 8 a a DET crln-16704 38 9 pre pre NOUN crln-16704 38 10 - - NOUN crln-16704 38 11 assessment assessment NOUN crln-16704 38 12 to to PART crln-16704 38 13 understand understand VERB crln-16704 38 14 the the DET crln-16704 38 15 various various ADJ crln-16704 38 16 contexts context NOUN crln-16704 38 17 and and CCONJ crln-16704 38 18 unique unique ADJ crln-16704 38 19 environments environment NOUN crln-16704 38 20 of of ADP crln-16704 38 21 my my PRON crln-16704 38 22 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 38 23 so so SCONJ crln-16704 38 24 that that SCONJ crln-16704 38 25 we we PRON crln-16704 38 26 can can AUX crln-16704 38 27 offer offer VERB crln-16704 38 28 support support NOUN crln-16704 38 29 or or CCONJ crln-16704 38 30 more more ADJ crln-16704 38 31 discussion discussion NOUN crln-16704 38 32 around around ADP crln-16704 38 33 implementing implement VERB crln-16704 38 34 change change NOUN crln-16704 38 35 in in ADP crln-16704 38 36 their their PRON crln-16704 38 37 own own ADJ crln-16704 38 38 environment environment NOUN crln-16704 38 39 . . PUNCT crln-16704 39 1 moreover moreover ADV crln-16704 39 2 , , PUNCT crln-16704 39 3 discussion discussion NOUN crln-16704 39 4 and and CCONJ crln-16704 39 5 buy buy NOUN crln-16704 39 6 - - PUNCT crln-16704 39 7 in in NOUN crln-16704 39 8 from from ADP crln-16704 39 9 administration administration NOUN crln-16704 39 10 and and CCONJ crln-16704 39 11 faculty faculty NOUN crln-16704 39 12 could could AUX crln-16704 39 13 help help VERB crln-16704 39 14 ease ease VERB crln-16704 39 15 the the DET crln-16704 39 16 change change NOUN crln-16704 39 17 and and CCONJ crln-16704 39 18 transition transition NOUN crln-16704 39 19 . . PUNCT crln-16704 40 1 more more ADV crln-16704 40 2 importantly importantly ADV crln-16704 40 3 , , PUNCT crln-16704 40 4 there there PRON crln-16704 40 5 should should AUX crln-16704 40 6 have have AUX crln-16704 40 7 been be AUX crln-16704 40 8 a a DET crln-16704 40 9 discussion discussion NOUN crln-16704 40 10 around around ADP crln-16704 40 11 resources resource NOUN crln-16704 40 12 and and CCONJ crln-16704 40 13 implementation implementation NOUN crln-16704 40 14 to to PART crln-16704 40 15 support support VERB crln-16704 40 16 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 40 17 with with ADP crln-16704 40 18 little little ADJ crln-16704 40 19 resources resource NOUN crln-16704 40 20 before before ADP crln-16704 40 21 the the DET crln-16704 40 22 workshops workshop NOUN crln-16704 40 23 on on ADP crln-16704 40 24 designing design VERB crln-16704 40 25 lessons lesson NOUN crln-16704 40 26 . . PUNCT crln-16704 41 1 upon upon SCONJ crln-16704 41 2 realizing realize VERB crln-16704 41 3 the the DET crln-16704 41 4 many many ADJ crln-16704 41 5 assumptions assumption NOUN crln-16704 41 6 i i PRON crln-16704 41 7 made make VERB crln-16704 41 8 with with ADP crln-16704 41 9 my my PRON crln-16704 41 10 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 41 11 , , PUNCT crln-16704 41 12 i i PRON crln-16704 41 13 began begin VERB crln-16704 41 14 to to PART crln-16704 41 15 understand understand VERB crln-16704 41 16 and and CCONJ crln-16704 41 17 empathize empathize VERB crln-16704 41 18 with with ADP crln-16704 41 19 their their PRON crln-16704 41 20 frustrations frustration NOUN crln-16704 41 21 . . PUNCT crln-16704 42 1 c&rl c&rl PROPN crln-16704 42 2 news news PROPN crln-16704 42 3 july july PROPN crln-16704 42 4 / / SYM crln-16704 42 5 august august PROPN crln-16704 42 6 2017 2017 NUM crln-16704 42 7 394 394 NUM crln-16704 42 8 i i PRON crln-16704 42 9 began begin VERB crln-16704 42 10 to to PART crln-16704 42 11 think think VERB crln-16704 42 12 and and CCONJ crln-16704 42 13 brainstorm brainstorm VERB crln-16704 42 14 ideas idea NOUN crln-16704 42 15 on on ADP crln-16704 42 16 how how SCONJ crln-16704 42 17 to to PART crln-16704 42 18 transition transition VERB crln-16704 42 19 the the DET crln-16704 42 20 content content NOUN crln-16704 42 21 in in ADP crln-16704 42 22 a a DET crln-16704 42 23 more more ADV crln-16704 42 24 inclusive inclusive ADJ crln-16704 42 25 way way NOUN crln-16704 42 26 beyond beyond ADP crln-16704 42 27 the the DET crln-16704 42 28 basic basic ADJ crln-16704 42 29 introductions introduction NOUN crln-16704 42 30 done do VERB crln-16704 42 31 through through ADP crln-16704 42 32 webinars webinar NOUN crln-16704 42 33 and and CCONJ crln-16704 42 34 conference conference NOUN crln-16704 42 35 presentations presentation NOUN crln-16704 42 36 . . PUNCT crln-16704 43 1 rather rather ADV crln-16704 43 2 than than SCONJ crln-16704 43 3 present present VERB crln-16704 43 4 the the DET crln-16704 43 5 acrl acrl ADJ crln-16704 43 6 framework framework NOUN crln-16704 43 7 immediately immediately ADV crln-16704 43 8 , , PUNCT crln-16704 43 9 i i PRON crln-16704 43 10 needed need VERB crln-16704 43 11 to to PART crln-16704 43 12 understand understand VERB crln-16704 43 13 my my PRON crln-16704 43 14 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 43 15 ’ ' PUNCT crln-16704 43 16 context context NOUN crln-16704 43 17 and and CCONJ crln-16704 43 18 current current ADJ crln-16704 43 19 teaching teaching NOUN crln-16704 43 20 philosophies philosophy NOUN crln-16704 43 21 . . PUNCT crln-16704 44 1 my my PRON crln-16704 44 2 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 44 3 did do AUX crln-16704 44 4 not not PART crln-16704 44 5 need need VERB crln-16704 44 6 a a DET crln-16704 44 7 repeat repeat NOUN crln-16704 44 8 of of ADP crln-16704 44 9 all all DET crln-16704 44 10 the the DET crln-16704 44 11 workshops workshop NOUN crln-16704 44 12 and and CCONJ crln-16704 44 13 sessions session NOUN crln-16704 44 14 they they PRON crln-16704 44 15 had have AUX crln-16704 44 16 attended attend VERB crln-16704 44 17 or or CCONJ crln-16704 44 18 would would AUX crln-16704 44 19 attend attend VERB crln-16704 44 20 . . PUNCT crln-16704 45 1 rather rather ADV crln-16704 45 2 , , PUNCT crln-16704 45 3 they they PRON crln-16704 45 4 needed need VERB crln-16704 45 5 help help NOUN crln-16704 45 6 unpacking unpack VERB crln-16704 45 7 the the DET crln-16704 45 8 document document NOUN crln-16704 45 9 and and CCONJ crln-16704 45 10 more more ADV crln-16704 45 11 importantly importantly ADV crln-16704 45 12 , , PUNCT crln-16704 45 13 contextualizing contextualize VERB crln-16704 45 14 the the DET crln-16704 45 15 document document NOUN crln-16704 45 16 and and CCONJ crln-16704 45 17 identifying identify VERB crln-16704 45 18 where where SCONJ crln-16704 45 19 resources resource NOUN crln-16704 45 20 need need VERB crln-16704 45 21 to to PART crln-16704 45 22 be be AUX crln-16704 45 23 allocated allocate VERB crln-16704 45 24 or or CCONJ crln-16704 45 25 are be AUX crln-16704 45 26 required require VERB crln-16704 45 27 . . PUNCT crln-16704 46 1 conclusion conclusion NOUN crln-16704 46 2 i i PRON crln-16704 46 3 am be AUX crln-16704 46 4 guilty guilty ADJ crln-16704 46 5 of of ADP crln-16704 46 6 frame frame NOUN crln-16704 46 7 - - PUNCT crln-16704 46 8 shaming shaming NOUN crln-16704 46 9 . . PUNCT crln-16704 47 1 however however ADV crln-16704 47 2 , , PUNCT crln-16704 47 3 as as SCONJ crln-16704 47 4 i i PRON crln-16704 47 5 listen listen VERB crln-16704 47 6 and and CCONJ crln-16704 47 7 reflect reflect VERB crln-16704 47 8 on on ADP crln-16704 47 9 my my PRON crln-16704 47 10 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 47 11 ’ ' PUNCT crln-16704 47 12 reactions reaction NOUN crln-16704 47 13 and and CCONJ crln-16704 47 14 experiences experience NOUN crln-16704 47 15 , , PUNCT crln-16704 47 16 i i PRON crln-16704 47 17 can can AUX crln-16704 47 18 empathize empathize VERB crln-16704 47 19 and and CCONJ crln-16704 47 20 hope hope VERB crln-16704 47 21 that that SCONJ crln-16704 47 22 i i PRON crln-16704 47 23 can can AUX crln-16704 47 24 better well ADV crln-16704 47 25 facilitate facilitate VERB crln-16704 47 26 a a DET crln-16704 47 27 discussion discussion NOUN crln-16704 47 28 to to PART crln-16704 47 29 move move VERB crln-16704 47 30 towards towards ADP crln-16704 47 31 more more ADV crln-16704 47 32 positive positive ADJ crln-16704 47 33 action action NOUN crln-16704 47 34 . . PUNCT crln-16704 48 1 brookfield brookfield PROPN crln-16704 48 2 writes write VERB crln-16704 48 3 that that SCONJ crln-16704 48 4 “ " PUNCT crln-16704 48 5 . . PUNCT crln-16704 48 6 . . PUNCT crln-16704 48 7 . . PUNCT crln-16704 49 1 those those PRON crln-16704 49 2 of of ADP crln-16704 49 3 us we PRON crln-16704 49 4 who who PRON crln-16704 49 5 are be AUX crln-16704 49 6 trying try VERB crln-16704 49 7 to to PART crln-16704 49 8 get get VERB crln-16704 49 9 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 49 10 to to PART crln-16704 49 11 identify identify VERB crln-16704 49 12 and and CCONJ crln-16704 49 13 question question VERB crln-16704 49 14 their their PRON crln-16704 49 15 assumptions assumption NOUN crln-16704 49 16 , , PUNCT crln-16704 49 17 or or CCONJ crln-16704 49 18 to to PART crln-16704 49 19 look look VERB crln-16704 49 20 at at ADP crln-16704 49 21 their their PRON crln-16704 49 22 practice practice NOUN crln-16704 49 23 through through ADP crln-16704 49 24 different different ADJ crln-16704 49 25 lenses lense NOUN crln-16704 49 26 , , PUNCT crln-16704 49 27 must must AUX crln-16704 49 28 do do VERB crln-16704 49 29 the the DET crln-16704 49 30 same same ADJ crln-16704 49 31 . . PUNCT crln-16704 49 32 ”6 ”6 SPACE crln-16704 50 1 often often ADV crln-16704 50 2 the the DET crln-16704 50 3 root root NOUN crln-16704 50 4 of of ADP crln-16704 50 5 our our PRON crln-16704 50 6 reactions reaction NOUN crln-16704 50 7 and and CCONJ crln-16704 50 8 actions action NOUN crln-16704 50 9 are be AUX crln-16704 50 10 not not PART crln-16704 50 11 always always ADV crln-16704 50 12 obvious obvious ADJ crln-16704 50 13 . . PUNCT crln-16704 51 1 to to PART crln-16704 51 2 better well ADV crln-16704 51 3 understand understand VERB crln-16704 51 4 my my PRON crln-16704 51 5 colleagues colleague NOUN crln-16704 51 6 , , PUNCT crln-16704 51 7 i i PRON crln-16704 51 8 needed need VERB crln-16704 51 9 to to PART crln-16704 51 10 explore explore VERB crln-16704 51 11 the the DET crln-16704 51 12 assumptions assumption NOUN crln-16704 51 13 i i PRON crln-16704 51 14 made make VERB crln-16704 51 15 with with ADP crln-16704 51 16 the the DET crln-16704 51 17 workshop workshop NOUN crln-16704 51 18 participants participant NOUN crln-16704 51 19 . . PUNCT crln-16704 52 1 notes note NOUN crln-16704 52 2 1 1 NUM crln-16704 52 3 . . PUNCT crln-16704 52 4 jan jan PROPN crln-16704 52 5 fook fook PROPN crln-16704 52 6 and and CCONJ crln-16704 52 7 gurid gurid PROPN crln-16704 52 8 aga aga PROPN crln-16704 52 9 askeland askeland NOUN crln-16704 52 10 , , PUNCT crln-16704 52 11 “ " PUNCT crln-16704 52 12 challenges challenge NOUN crln-16704 52 13 of of ADP crln-16704 52 14 critical critical ADJ crln-16704 52 15 reflection reflection NOUN crln-16704 52 16 : : PUNCT crln-16704 52 17 ‘ ' PUNCT crln-16704 52 18 nothing nothing PRON crln-16704 52 19 ventured venture VERB crln-16704 52 20 , , PUNCT crln-16704 52 21 nothing nothing PRON crln-16704 52 22 gained gain VERB crln-16704 52 23 , , PUNCT crln-16704 52 24 ’ ' PUNCT crln-16704 52 25 social social ADJ crln-16704 52 26 work work NOUN crln-16704 52 27 education education NOUN crln-16704 52 28 , , PUNCT crln-16704 52 29 26 26 NUM crln-16704 52 30 , , PUNCT crln-16704 52 31 no no NOUN crln-16704 52 32 . . NOUN crln-16704 52 33 5 5 NUM crln-16704 52 34 ( ( PUNCT crln-16704 52 35 2007 2007 NUM crln-16704 52 36 ): ): PUNCT crln-16704 52 37 528 528 NUM crln-16704 52 38 . . NUM crln-16704 52 39 2 2 X crln-16704 52 40 . . X crln-16704 52 41 stephen stephen PROPN crln-16704 52 42 d. d. PROPN crln-16704 52 43 brookfield brookfield PROPN crln-16704 52 44 , , PUNCT crln-16704 52 45 becoming become VERB crln-16704 52 46 a a DET crln-16704 52 47 critically critically ADV crln-16704 52 48 reflective reflective ADJ crln-16704 52 49 teacher teacher NOUN crln-16704 52 50 ( ( PUNCT crln-16704 52 51 san san PROPN crln-16704 52 52 francisco francisco PROPN crln-16704 52 53 , , PUNCT crln-16704 52 54 jossey jossey PROPN crln-16704 52 55 - - PUNCT crln-16704 52 56 bass bass PROPN crln-16704 52 57 , , PUNCT crln-16704 52 58 1995 1995 NUM crln-16704 52 59 ) ) PUNCT crln-16704 52 60 , , PUNCT crln-16704 52 61 8 8 NUM crln-16704 52 62 . . NUM crln-16704 52 63 3 3 NUM crln-16704 52 64 . . X crln-16704 52 65 ibid ibid NOUN crln-16704 52 66 . . PUNCT crln-16704 53 1 4 4 X crln-16704 53 2 . . X crln-16704 53 3 david david PROPN crln-16704 53 4 tripp tripp PROPN crln-16704 53 5 , , PUNCT crln-16704 53 6 critical critical ADJ crln-16704 53 7 incidents incident NOUN crln-16704 53 8 in in ADP crln-16704 53 9 teaching teaching NOUN crln-16704 53 10 : : PUNCT crln-16704 53 11 developing develop VERB crln-16704 53 12 professional professional ADJ crln-16704 53 13 judgement judgement NOUN crln-16704 53 14 ( ( PUNCT crln-16704 53 15 new new PROPN crln-16704 53 16 york york PROPN crln-16704 53 17 : : PUNCT crln-16704 53 18 routledge routledge PROPN crln-16704 53 19 , , PUNCT crln-16704 53 20 1993).tripp 1993).tripp NUM crln-16704 53 21 , , PUNCT crln-16704 53 22 critical critical ADJ crln-16704 53 23 incidents incident NOUN crln-16704 53 24 in in ADP crln-16704 53 25 teaching teaching NOUN crln-16704 53 26 , , PUNCT crln-16704 53 27 59 59 NUM crln-16704 53 28 . . NUM crln-16704 53 29 5 5 NUM crln-16704 53 30 . . X crln-16704 53 31 tripp tripp PROPN crln-16704 53 32 , , PUNCT crln-16704 53 33 critical critical ADJ crln-16704 53 34 incidents incident NOUN crln-16704 53 35 in in ADP crln-16704 53 36 teaching teaching NOUN crln-16704 53 37 , , PUNCT crln-16704 53 38 59 59 NUM crln-16704 53 39 . . NUM crln-16704 53 40 6 6 NUM crln-16704 53 41 . . X crln-16704 53 42 brookfield brookfield PROPN crln-16704 53 43 , , PUNCT crln-16704 53 44 becoming become VERB crln-16704 53 45 a a DET crln-16704 53 46 critically critically ADV crln-16704 53 47 reflective reflective ADJ crln-16704 53 48 teacher teacher NOUN crln-16704 53 49 , , PUNCT crln-16704 53 50 205 205 NUM crln-16704 53 51 . . PUNCT crln-16704 54 1 attempt attempt VERB crln-16704 54 2 to to PART crln-16704 54 3 persuade persuade VERB crln-16704 54 4 to to PART crln-16704 54 5 pay pay VERB crln-16704 54 6 open open ADJ crln-16704 54 7 access access NOUN crln-16704 54 8 charges charge NOUN crln-16704 54 9 ) ) PUNCT crln-16704 54 10 authors author NOUN crln-16704 54 11 who who PRON crln-16704 54 12 are be AUX crln-16704 54 13 publishing publish VERB crln-16704 54 14 with with ADP crln-16704 54 15 open open ADJ crln-16704 54 16 access access NOUN crln-16704 54 17 mandates mandate VERB crln-16704 54 18 from from ADP crln-16704 54 19 their their PRON crln-16704 54 20 funder funder NOUN crln-16704 54 21 or or CCONJ crln-16704 54 22 institution institution NOUN crln-16704 54 23 . . PUNCT crln-16704 55 1 there there PRON crln-16704 55 2 should should AUX crln-16704 55 3 not not PART crln-16704 55 4 be be AUX crln-16704 55 5 differences difference NOUN crln-16704 55 6 between between ADP crln-16704 55 7 posting post VERB crln-16704 55 8 in in ADP crln-16704 55 9 an an DET crln-16704 55 10 institutional institutional ADJ crln-16704 55 11 repository repository NOUN crln-16704 55 12 and and CCONJ crln-16704 55 13 a a DET crln-16704 55 14 personal personal ADJ crln-16704 55 15 webpage webpage NOUN crln-16704 55 16 . . PUNCT crln-16704 56 1 current current ADJ crln-16704 56 2 practices practice NOUN crln-16704 56 3 help help VERB crln-16704 56 4 perpetuate perpetuate VERB crln-16704 56 5 an an DET crln-16704 56 6 artificial artificial ADJ crln-16704 56 7 monopoly monopoly NOUN crln-16704 56 8 that that PRON crln-16704 56 9 inhibits inhibit VERB crln-16704 56 10 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-16704 56 11 dissemination dissemination NOUN crln-16704 56 12 and and CCONJ crln-16704 56 13 growth growth NOUN crln-16704 56 14 while while SCONJ crln-16704 56 15 giving give VERB crln-16704 56 16 the the DET crln-16704 56 17 appearance appearance NOUN crln-16704 56 18 of of ADP crln-16704 56 19 openness openness NOUN crln-16704 56 20 . . PUNCT crln-16704 57 1 the the DET crln-16704 57 2 internet internet NOUN crln-16704 57 3 has have AUX crln-16704 57 4 not not PART crln-16704 57 5 merely merely ADV crln-16704 57 6 increased increase VERB crln-16704 57 7 access access NOUN crln-16704 57 8 and and CCONJ crln-16704 57 9 availability availability NOUN crln-16704 57 10 of of ADP crln-16704 57 11 resources resource NOUN crln-16704 57 12 , , PUNCT crln-16704 57 13 it it PRON crln-16704 57 14 has have AUX crln-16704 57 15 opened open VERB crln-16704 57 16 an an DET crln-16704 57 17 avenue avenue NOUN crln-16704 57 18 to to ADP crln-16704 57 19 sharing share VERB crln-16704 57 20 that that PRON crln-16704 57 21 is be AUX crln-16704 57 22 inevitable inevitable ADJ crln-16704 57 23 . . PUNCT crln-16704 58 1 like like ADP crln-16704 58 2 water water NOUN crln-16704 58 3 through through ADP crln-16704 58 4 the the DET crln-16704 58 5 cracks crack NOUN crln-16704 58 6 , , PUNCT crln-16704 58 7 information information NOUN crln-16704 58 8 will will AUX crln-16704 58 9 find find VERB crln-16704 58 10 a a DET crln-16704 58 11 path path NOUN crln-16704 58 12 of of ADP crln-16704 58 13 least least ADJ crln-16704 58 14 resistance resistance NOUN crln-16704 58 15 , , PUNCT crln-16704 58 16 and and CCONJ crln-16704 58 17 it it PRON crln-16704 58 18 is be AUX crln-16704 58 19 in in ADP crln-16704 58 20 publisher publisher NOUN crln-16704 58 21 ’s ’s PART crln-16704 58 22 ’ ' PUNCT crln-16704 58 23 best good ADJ crln-16704 58 24 interest interest NOUN crln-16704 58 25 to to PART crln-16704 58 26 promote promote VERB crln-16704 58 27 a a DET crln-16704 58 28 system system NOUN crln-16704 58 29 that that PRON crln-16704 58 30 enables enable VERB crln-16704 58 31 reasonable reasonable ADJ crln-16704 58 32 compliance compliance NOUN crln-16704 58 33 for for ADP crln-16704 58 34 librarians librarian NOUN crln-16704 58 35 and and CCONJ crln-16704 58 36 authors author NOUN crln-16704 58 37 . . PUNCT crln-16704 59 1 as as SCONJ crln-16704 59 2 publishers publisher NOUN crln-16704 59 3 struggle struggle VERB crln-16704 59 4 with with ADP crln-16704 59 5 illegal illegal ADJ crln-16704 59 6 downloads download NOUN crln-16704 59 7 and and CCONJ crln-16704 59 8 the the DET crln-16704 59 9 potential potential ADJ crln-16704 59 10 security security NOUN crln-16704 59 11 threat threat NOUN crln-16704 59 12 of of ADP crln-16704 59 13 platforms platform NOUN crln-16704 59 14 such such ADJ crln-16704 59 15 as as ADP crln-16704 59 16 sci sci PROPN crln-16704 59 17 - - PUNCT crln-16704 59 18 hub,6 hub,6 NOUN crln-16704 59 19 it it PRON crln-16704 59 20 behooves behoove VERB crln-16704 59 21 them they PRON crln-16704 59 22 to to PART crln-16704 59 23 treat treat VERB crln-16704 59 24 libraries library NOUN crln-16704 59 25 and and CCONJ crln-16704 59 26 repositories repository NOUN crln-16704 59 27 as as ADP crln-16704 59 28 partners partner NOUN crln-16704 59 29 in in ADP crln-16704 59 30 the the DET crln-16704 59 31 dissemination dissemination NOUN crln-16704 59 32 of of ADP crln-16704 59 33 knowledge knowledge NOUN crln-16704 59 34 rather rather ADV crln-16704 59 35 than than ADP crln-16704 59 36 as as ADP crln-16704 59 37 adversaries adversary NOUN crln-16704 59 38 . . PUNCT crln-16704 60 1 ultimately ultimately ADV crln-16704 60 2 , , PUNCT crln-16704 60 3 the the DET crln-16704 60 4 more more ADJ crln-16704 60 5 access access NOUN crln-16704 60 6 researchers researcher NOUN crln-16704 60 7 have have VERB crln-16704 60 8 to to PART crln-16704 60 9 articles article NOUN crln-16704 60 10 , , PUNCT crln-16704 60 11 the the PRON crln-16704 60 12 more more ADJ crln-16704 60 13 those those DET crln-16704 60 14 articles article NOUN crln-16704 60 15 get get VERB crln-16704 60 16 cited,7 cited,7 NOUN crln-16704 60 17 which which PRON crln-16704 60 18 increases increase VERB crln-16704 60 19 impact impact NOUN crln-16704 60 20 factor factor NOUN crln-16704 60 21 and and CCONJ crln-16704 60 22 journal journal NOUN crln-16704 60 23 prestige prestige NOUN crln-16704 60 24 . . PUNCT crln-16704 61 1 since since SCONJ crln-16704 61 2 libraries library NOUN crln-16704 61 3 need need VERB crln-16704 61 4 to to PART crln-16704 61 5 maintain maintain VERB crln-16704 61 6 subscriptions subscription NOUN crln-16704 61 7 for for ADP crln-16704 61 8 intuitional intuitional ADJ crln-16704 61 9 accreditation accreditation NOUN crln-16704 61 10 and and CCONJ crln-16704 61 11 performance performance NOUN crln-16704 61 12 , , PUNCT crln-16704 61 13 and and CCONJ crln-16704 61 14 increased increase VERB crln-16704 61 15 citations citation NOUN crln-16704 61 16 benefit benefit NOUN crln-16704 61 17 journals journal NOUN crln-16704 61 18 , , PUNCT crln-16704 61 19 ease ease NOUN crln-16704 61 20 of of ADP crln-16704 61 21 institutional institutional ADJ crln-16704 61 22 repository repository ADJ crln-16704 61 23 deposit deposit NOUN crln-16704 61 24 should should AUX crln-16704 61 25 be be AUX crln-16704 61 26 seen see VERB crln-16704 61 27 as as ADP crln-16704 61 28 an an DET crln-16704 61 29 easy easy ADJ crln-16704 61 30 win win NOUN crln-16704 61 31 for for ADP crln-16704 61 32 publishers publisher NOUN crln-16704 61 33 . . PUNCT crln-16704 62 1 notes note NOUN crln-16704 62 2 1 1 NUM crln-16704 62 3 . . PUNCT crln-16704 62 4 world world NOUN crln-16704 62 5 intellectual intellectual ADJ crln-16704 62 6 property property NOUN crln-16704 62 7 organization organization NOUN crln-16704 62 8 , , PUNCT crln-16704 62 9 “ " PUNCT crln-16704 62 10 berne berne ADJ crln-16704 62 11 convention convention NOUN crln-16704 62 12 for for ADP crln-16704 62 13 the the DET crln-16704 62 14 protection protection NOUN crln-16704 62 15 of of ADP crln-16704 62 16 literary literary ADJ crln-16704 62 17 and and CCONJ crln-16704 62 18 artistic artistic ADJ crln-16704 62 19 works work NOUN crln-16704 62 20 , , PUNCT crln-16704 62 21 ” " PUNCT crln-16704 62 22 PROPN crln-16704 62 23 /treaties /treaties PROPN crln-16704 62 24 / / SYM crln-16704 62 25 en en PROPN crln-16704 62 26 / / SYM crln-16704 62 27 ip ip NOUN crln-16704 62 28 / / SYM crln-16704 62 29 berne/. berne/. NOUN crln-16704 62 30 2 2 NUM crln-16704 62 31 . . X crln-16704 62 32 nancy nancy NOUN crln-16704 62 33 sims sim NOUN crln-16704 62 34 , , PUNCT crln-16704 62 35 “ " PUNCT crln-16704 62 36 it it PRON crln-16704 62 37 ’s ’ VERB crln-16704 62 38 all all DET crln-16704 62 39 the the DET crln-16704 62 40 same same ADJ crln-16704 62 41 to to ADP crln-16704 62 42 me i PRON crln-16704 62 43 ! ! PUNCT crln-16704 63 1 copyright copyright NOUN crln-16704 63 2 , , PUNCT crln-16704 63 3 contracts contract NOUN crln-16704 63 4 , , PUNCT crln-16704 63 5 and and CCONJ crln-16704 63 6 publisher publisher NOUN crln-16704 63 7 self self NOUN crln-16704 63 8 - - PUNCT crln-16704 63 9 archiving archive VERB crln-16704 63 10 policies policy NOUN crln-16704 63 11 , , PUNCT crln-16704 63 12 ” " PUNCT crln-16704 63 13 college college PROPN crln-16704 63 14 & & CCONJ crln-16704 63 15 research research PROPN crln-16704 63 16 libraries librarie VERB crln-16704 63 17 news news NOUN crln-16704 63 18 76 76 NUM crln-16704 63 19 no no NOUN crln-16704 63 20 . . NOUN crln-16704 63 21 11 11 NUM crln-16704 63 22 ( ( PUNCT crln-16704 63 23 2016 2016 NUM crln-16704 63 24 ) ) PUNCT crln-16704 63 25 578 578 NUM crln-16704 63 26 - - SYM crln-16704 63 27 581 581 NUM crln-16704 63 28 . . NUM crln-16704 64 1 3 3 NUM crln-16704 64 2 . . X crln-16704 64 3 jisc jisc PROPN crln-16704 64 4 , , PUNCT crln-16704 64 5 “ " PUNCT crln-16704 64 6 publisher publisher NOUN crln-16704 64 7 copyright copyright NOUN crln-16704 64 8 policies policy NOUN crln-16704 64 9 and and CCONJ crln-16704 64 10 self self NOUN crln-16704 64 11 - - PUNCT crln-16704 64 12 archiving archiving NOUN crln-16704 64 13 , , PUNCT crln-16704 64 14 ” " PUNCT crln-16704 64 15 NOUN crln-16704 64 16 ( ( PUNCT crln-16704 64 17 “ " PUNCT crln-16704 64 18 the the DET crln-16704 64 19 enemy enemy NOUN crln-16704 64 20 of of ADP crln-16704 64 21 the the DET crln-16704 64 22 good good NOUN crln-16704 64 23 . . PUNCT crln-16704 64 24 . . PUNCT crln-16704 65 1 . . PUNCT crln-16704 65 2 , , PUNCT crln-16704 65 3 ” " PUNCT crln-16704 65 4 continues continue VERB crln-16704 65 5 from from ADP crln-16704 65 6 page page NOUN crln-16704 65 7 374 374 NUM crln-16704 65 8 ) ) PUNCT crln-16704 65 9 ( ( PUNCT crln-16704 65 10 continues continue VERB crln-16704 65 11 on on ADP crln-16704 65 12 page page NOUN crln-16704 65 13 401 401 NUM crln-16704 65 14 ) ) PUNCT crln-16704 66 1 PROPN crln-16704 66 2 X