id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-9547 Pattillo, Gary Fast Facts 2016-09-01 1 .pdf application/pdf 546 27 57 pattillo@email. G a r y P a t t i l l o K–12 principal demographics “The percentage of female principals increased in (K–12) public schools between 1987 and 2012, from 25 to 52 percent. In private schools, while the percentage of female principals did not change, a greater percentage of private school principals were female compared with their public school counterparts across all school years, except for 2007–08.” Jason Hill, Randolph Ottem, and John DeRoche, “Trends in Public and Private School Principal Demographics and Quali- fications: 1987-88 to 2011-12,” Stats in Brief, NCES 2016-189, April 2016, National Center for Education Statistics. cache/crln-9547.pdf txt/crln-9547.txt