id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-8943 Kinson, Casey ACRL honors the 2013 award winners, part 2: A recognition of professional development 2013-05-01 8 .pdf application/pdf 4052 164 46 Smith and Kohler receive CLS ProQuest Innovation in College Librarianship Award Erin T. Smith and Jamie P. Kohler, both of the Westminster College McGill Library, have been named the recipients of the College Libraries Section (CLS) ProQuest Innovation in College Librarianship Award for their work on the Westminster College library mini golf orientation. News May 2013 236 “The Youth Development 4-H Database provides access to the breadth of Extension and experiment station research for 4-H pro- grams, which are a hallmark of youth educa- tion across the country,” noted Award Cochairs Elizabeth Berman of the University of Vermont and Rachel Borchardt of Ameri- can University. cache/crln-8943.pdf txt/crln-8943.txt