id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crln-8920 American Library Association, ACRL Board of Directors’ actions, January 2013: Highlights of the Board’s Midwinter meetings 2013-03-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1237 26 14 The reso- lution recognized the important work that the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Libraries has undertaken to make the entire archive of College & Research Libraries pub- licly accessible. • Confirmed approval of ACRL’s partner- ship in the University of Tennessee Value of Research Data Services in Libraries (ValData) March 2013 159 C&RL News Memorial resolution honoring Joseph J. Branin Joseph J. Branin’s many significant contributions to the life of the association and to the enrichment of the scholarly literature of academic librarian- ship, now therefore let it be Resolved, that the Association of College & Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, joins his family, friends, colleagues, and associates in remembering and celebrating the life and accomplishments of Joseph J. Branin; and, be it further Resolved, that the ACRL Board of Directors commends the contributions and leadership that Joseph J. Branin provided to the association and to the profession; and, finally, be it Resolved, that the Association of College & Research Libraries, on behalf of its 12,000 members, expresses its sincere sympathy to Joseph J. Branin’s wife, Anita, and to their family. cache/crln-8920.pdf txt/crln-8920.txt